Mecachrome brochure
Mecachrome brochure
S t r i v i n g Plaquette Mecachrome_8P-ENG.indd 1 f o r E x c e l l e n c e 22/05/15 12:05 MecacHroMe Striving for ExcEllEncE A VISION oF tHe Future Quality and innovation are our mottos. this philosophy allows us to improve our expertise every day and thus convince the world’s greatest industrial names. given this priority of innovation and operational excellence, expertise develops solutions for tomorrow. further to the skills of the last generation that made up its production facilities, Mecachrome is developing the talents of its greatest asset: it’s people and it is thanks to them and the team spirit that we will guarantee our future skills and development. A JoB for tHE fUtUrE inteGratinG innoVatiVe solutions from 1937 to today Mecachrome didn’t stop developing their expertise in the works of precision engineering. Mecachrome has become a major player in the areas of aerospace, energy, space and medical. Each day Mecachrome instills the work ethics of innovation and operational excellence across all its sites worldwide. A WorlDWiDE KEY PointS Europe, north America and north Africa are the areas where Mecachrome has placed their strategic production sites. With 13 production sites on three continents specifically in france, canada and Morocco with 2400 employees. this global positioning guarantees the spirit and the capacity for innovation. 1937 2400 13 500 Presence on 3 continents Value creatinG YEAr of crEAtion EMPloYEES in 2015 SitES in tHE WorlD MAcHinE SPinDlES in tHE MEcAcHroME groUP Plaquette Mecachrome_8P-ENG.indd 2 22/05/15 12:05 2 oUr inDUStriAl PlAn coMPetitiVe cost Production Mecachrome has a single device in competitive costing. Having set up plants in tunisia for Aluminium sheet mental, in Morocco for sheet metal and surface treatment and Portugal for hard sheet metal fabrication. /3 our strenGtHs Our industrial difference: 3 countries 3 sites. Our listening / Close proximity to customers. Our flexibility and client awareness. Our policy to create mirror image companies. Our transfer cell. PortuGal Machining: mostly engine hard metal Welding: Hard metal Sheet: Hard metal Surface treatment: Planned 2017 Assembly tunisia Industrial sheet metal partner Welding: electrical aluminium ramp Metal fabrication: Sheet small and large dimension aluminium Assembly and fabrication Assembly: electrical cabinet Morocco Machining: aluminium small and medium dimension/ WP fabrication Welding: electrical aluminium ramp PE: large dimension light alloy TS: lelma Plaquette Mecachrome_8P-ENG.indd 3 22/05/15 12:05 MecacHroMe Striving for ExcEllEncE coMMitMEnt for QUAlitY constantlY in searcH oF PerFection the objective of Mecachrome is the total satisfaction of its customers. Mecachrome has undertaken a policy of sustainable quality and development and continuous improvement to be able to respond to the highest requirements. a unique eXPertise 3 major markets thanks to its multi sector skill base Mecachrome has developed 3 principal markets. Aerospace. Production assemblies and sub assemblies. Automotive. Engines and components for motor sport. Energy Space and Medical. Machining and part specific assemblies. Welcome to the future. A StEP AHEAD r&d HiGH Value added the Mecachrome r&D brings together human qualities and technologies. these teams use their expertise and the latest innovations taking into account proven know how. Mecachrome anticipates the changes in preserving natural resources by saving material and the development of advanced technologies thus having a minimal impact on the environment. 2 3 Plaquette Mecachrome_8P-ENG.indd 4 22/05/15 12:05 4 /5 aerosPace Expertise of the highest level Mecachrome has been involved in aerospace for more than 30 years. Structural parts and aircraft engine in both civil and military sectors Mecahrome plays an important role. some current products Fan cases, rings, intermediare casings, combustion chambers, compressor casings, exhaust casings, hubs, front cones, rear support rings, spinners, compressor drums, turbine shafts all for aircraft engines. AERO ENGINE DIVISION High precision machining and high expertise give a complete confidence to the world leading engine builders. from development to final assembly and complex sub assembly, Mecachrome uses the most advanced techniques: welding tig and plasma, surface treatments, high precision machining of many alloys (aluminium, inconel, titanium, tantalum and niobium)… AEROSTRUCTURE DIVISION A leading player in the world aero structure market, Mecachrome has contributed to the development of major parts for civil and military applications. Engineering, high precision machining, structural assemblies from prototype to certification, r&D high innovation: Mecachrome helps their customers in all areas of a project thanks to their expertise and professional passion. Products of the highest integrity Landing gear, leading edge structures, wing structures, engine box structures and nacelles, fuselages structures, equipment. Plaquette Mecachrome_8P-ENG.indd 5 22/05/15 12:05 MecacHroMe Striving for ExcEllEncE autoMotiVe in the race with the best Mecachrome for more than four decades has been working with the largest players in the automotive world. An exceptional co pilot. Helping to achieve sporting records. AN ACHIEVING SUPPLIER current parts Cylinder heads, blocks, crank shafts, cam shafts, pneumatic distribution, water / oil / pressure pumps, pistons, gear trains and complete gear boxes, turbos, hubs and anti roll bars. co development, expertise in engineering and innovation. Supply chain expertise, quality management and machining and assembly of mechanical parts and components: Mecachrome is a supplier for industrial automobiles and heavy goods. A CHAMPION IN MOTOR SPORT Present in the motor sport market for forty years Mecachrome has acquired its own “savoir-faire” at the heart of the industry supplying engines and engine parts and high technology chassis parts. Programme management, engine assembly, test beds, race track assistance: Mecachrome is involved in the race. results: 12 world f1 titles with renault Sport. core Products Automotive: Engine block line, lower crank case, engine block, arbour, distributor. Industrial and Agricultural: engine block 4 and 6 cylinder, cylinder head 4, 6, 11 litres brake compressor. Plaquette Mecachrome_8P-ENG.indd 6 22/05/15 12:06 6 enerGY sPace and Medical High precision fabrications Engineering partner to the industrial giants in the energy, space and medical sectors. Mecachrome is an intermediary for R&D providing solutions of the highest precision. /7 3 ENERGY - Mecachrome has developed large scientific sub assemblies (laser Mega Joule particle accelerators) and some emblematic projects such as itEr and is expert in aero engine proposing dedicated products for land based turbines. SPACE - Mecachrome has a unique knowledge of how to machine and assembly of high precision parts, such as satellite fuel tanks and satellite mirrors and has helped the giants of the space industry over decades as Mt Aerospace and Airbus Space and Defence. MEDICAL - Mecachrome responds to the latest technical requirements proposing innovative solutions. thus helping the assembly of portable x-ray booths in magnesium for customers like trixell. Plaquette Mecachrome_8P-ENG.indd 7 22/05/15 12:06 Tel: +33 (0)2 47 30 67 40 Sites in France Mecachrome / Amboise Rue de Saint-Règle ZI de la Boitardière 37400 Amboise Tel : +33 (0)2 47 23 36 36 Mecachrome / Aubigny-sur-Nère 27 – 49 Avenue Eugène Casella 18700 Aubigny-sur-Nère Tel: +33 (0)2 48 81 22 00 Mecachrome / Vibraye Rue de l’Artisanat 72320 Vibraye Tel: +33 (0)2 43 93 61 74 MK Automotive / Sablé-sur-Sarthe Avenue Jean Monnet ZI Des Vignes 72300 Solesmes Tel: +33 (0)2 43 62 03 03 Mecachrome Atlantique 102 rue du Moulin des Landes 44980 Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire Tel: +33 (0)2 40 95 72 00 - RCS client 429 853 351 - May 2015 Rue de Saint-Règle ZI de la Boitardière 37400 Amboise - France Mecachrome Atlantique Rue Nungesser et Coli 44860 Saint Aignan de Grand Lieu Tel: +33 (0)2 40 75 43 42 Mecahers Group 2 rue Saint-Exupéry ZI de la Saudrune 31140 Launaguet Tel: +33 (0)5 62 79 87 87 MK Services 20 Rue des Marchais 45140 Saint-Jean-de-la-Ruelle Tel: +33 (0)2 38 72 19 56 Normatec 5 rue Voltaire - BP 27 62160 Bully-les-Mines Tel: +33 (0)3 21 45 63 63 International Production sites Canada / Mecachrome Canada 11 100, Rue Julien-Audette Mirabel (Québec) - CANADA J7N 3L3 Tel: + 1 4500 476-3939 Maroc / MK AERO Zone Franche de Tanger – lot 25B Route de Rabat 90100 Tanger – MAROC Tel: + 212 5 39 39 38 13 Tunisie / Mecahers Aerospace ZI EL M’GHUIRA III 2082 Fouchana – TUNISIE Tel: + 216 71 409 898 Portugal / Mecachrome Aeronautica Unipessoal LDA AICEP Global Parques, BlueBiz Parque Empresarial da Península de Setúbal Estrada do Vale da Rosa, 2910 845 Setúbal – PORTUGAL Crédits photos : Fotolia, Getty Image, Shutterstock, Thinkstock - Création visuel dernière de couverture : Agence Paul Fréa - Création : Headquaters Plaquette Mecachrome_8P-ENG.indd 8 22/05/15 12:06