December 2015 - First Lutheran Church


December 2015 - First Lutheran Church
t's early November as I write, but you will be
receiving this article at the beginning of Advent.
I love Advent. It slows me down. Advent re-centers
me on the true joys of Christmas yet to come. The
great danger of Advent is that we skip it altogether.
We rush too quickly to Christmas missing the great
themes of Advent: preparation, repentance, hope and
waiting. Advent even draws me beyond Christmas to
Christ's second coming, that great day when we and
all creation will see Him face to face.
And so, this gentle invitation comes to you:
slow down and listen to the message of Advent.
We'd love to have you join us for a light supper
followed by worship on December 2, 9 and 16. Our
youth will lead the worship and the pastors will
share a little bit of what Christmas means to them.
This will be my last 'in print' communication
with you. It has been such an honor to serve among
you. It has truly been a joy to get to know so many
of you. My sorrow, of course, is that I couldn't get to
know each of you and the story of your lives. Thank
you for allowing me to be a part of your ministry
here. I know that God is at work to lead and guide
you into the future. The words of Psalm 37 speak
truth to us when faced with the tasks of ministry and
outreach: “Take delight in the Lord and He will give
you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to
the Lord; trust in Him and He will act.” (vs 4-5)
Paul reminds us as well that God is at work in us
both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
(Philippians 2:13). I believe great things are in store
for our church as we seek His guidance and
transforming power.
My last time to share a message with you
will be at the 11:00 pm service on Christmas Eve.
The following day, God-willing, Sandy and I will be
caravanning back to Iowa. We certainly seek your
prayers for good roads and a safe return home.
Again, my thanks to Pastor Cudmore for his
friendship, leadership and his heart for ministry.
Thanks to each of you for your love and kindest
words of support. God bless each of you. To Him be
the glory!
Pastor Tom Hunt
Dec. 2, 9, and 16
Potluck soup & bread at 6:30 pm
Worship at 7:15 pm
An opportunity for you to remember
the reason for the season
Volume 114—Issue 12
December 2015
Christmas Eve Candlelight
Holy Communion Services
Thursday, December 24
5:00, 7:30, and 11:00 pm
Volume 114, No. 12
Inside this issue:
Worship & Music
Church Council
Church Council, cont.
Youth & Family
Christian Education
Care & Concern
Worship Asst. Sched.
Thanks & Prayers
Intergenerational Activities
Faith & Fellowship Photos
December 2015
Worship & Music
You are cordially invited to this year’s
Journey to Bethlehem
Dear First Lutheran Family of Faith,
~A Christmas Cantata~
Sunday, December 6 at 8:15 am, 11:00 am, and 6:30 pm
Saturday, December 12 at 11:00 am for those with special needs
(followed by soup and bread luncheon)
Sunday, December 13 at 4:00 pm and 6:30 pm
Offerings collected will be divided between IF Soup Kitchen,
Food Bank, and Rescue Mission.
Visit our website or Facebook to listen to last year’s Cantata,
“Jesus, Our Peace”.
What is “Take Three for 10?”
I look forward to the day when I can discontinue saying at the end of worship
along with the “As you share God’s peace with one another, please remember
our “Take Three for 10 Rule.” Since I find there are still a number of our regular
folks who don’t have any idea what this is about, I need to keep reminding us
until it becomes a holy habit. So if you still don’t know, here it is: I would
strongly invite you to take the first three minutes after worship to do what you
can to connect with those who are within 10 feet of you—3 for 10! 3 minutes
for 10 feet. Three minutes for ten feet. So often we gravitate to our friends
right after worship and our guests leave our fellowship without being welcomed,
greeted, and acknowledged. My guess is that most of your friends who you
really need to talk to will still be around from minute four on, but uncomfortable,
unwelcomed guests will leave in the first three minutes. Will you sacrifice
your first three minutes after worship for those within 10 feet of your “Peace
be with You?” It may even feel right for you to invite that person to join us
for the coffee hour for fellowship. If they are new guests to our faith
community, you may even offer to accompany them. Let’s try it and see what
happens. Consider yourself informed. Consider yourself challenged. Let our
“Peace be with you!” make an impact for the kingdom. You never know, you
might be thanked right away, or…. someone might come up to you in heaven
someday and say, “I’m here because of you.” Wouldn’t that be a sacrifice of
three minutes to celebrate?
Volume 114, No. 12
Pastor Tom Hunt leaves and
Pastor Jason Ginsburg arrives!
December is going to be quite the month
for us here at First Lutheran. Of course there
is the aftermath of Thanksgiving, then the beginning of the Advent Season and our midweek soup and bread gatherings followed by
brief worship, the Christmas Cantata, Christmas Caroling, the parties, the celebrations,
and the Christmas worship. But we also have
come to that point in our life together where
we say farewell, thank you and God speed to
Pastor Tom and Sandy Hunt.
Pastor Tom is preaching at the 11:00 pm
Christmas Eve service. Then Sandy and he
are on their way back to Iowa by year’s
end. What a blessing it has been to have
both of them among us over these months
since last May. I hope you will join with me in
thanking them and praying them on their way
as we honor them at the fellowship hour
following worship on December 20. I will
be forever thankful for Pastor Tom and Sandy
putting their Iowa life on hold while they
helped us during the call process in which we
came to call Pastor Jason and Emily Ginsburg
as our full-time Associate Pastor.
Then on December 1, Pastor Jason
Ginsburg will be arriving to begin his ministry among us. I so look forward to yet another
new chapter beginning for us here at First
Lutheran. We have much to be thankful for,
and I hope the Hunt and Ginsburg families are
on your prayer list as they are on mine.
Please add these additional dates to your already busy December.
Thanks be to God. Pastor Larry
On Wednesday, Nov. 18th the
King’s Men sang for the Wood’s Funeral
Home Christmas Memorial program.
You would have been really proud of the
men and Pastor Larry who represented
First Lutheran so beautifully. The men
were given a $500 gratuity that will be
placed in the music special funds.
December 2015
Church Council
Meet our new Council members:
Your 2015-16 Church Council:
President—Greg Katainen
Vick President—Karen Hayes
Secretary—Shelley Williams
Treasurer—Alecia Martin
Members: Bobbi Hasner, Makaylla Hayes,
Jane Kaestner, Gary McDannel, Justin Shadley,
Eric Swenson, Chris Walsh, Nathan Wentzel,
Mariah Williams
(Other Council members will be highlighted in future newsletters)
Greg Katainen —
Council President
My name is Greg Katainen,
and I am beginning my first full term
as your Council President. I have
served for the past several months
as interim president and in some
ways, it has been one of the
toughest jobs I’ve ever loved.
Being plugged into Council and our
Ministry Teams really opens your
eyes—in a good way—we have
accomplished so much!
I was born and raised in the motherland
(Minnesota), spending my formative years in a profoundly
rural, very Finnish region on a 40-acre spread. I was
exiled to Idaho in 1983 by the company I was working for
at the time. When offered another relocation opportunity a
few years later, I declined. Idaho is my home. I moved
here in December of ’83. In May of ’84 I returned to the
old country to claim my bride, Kathy. We returned to
honeymoon in Idaho Falls and have been honeymooning
ever since. Both Kathy and I became members of FELC in
April of 1990. Our kids, Alina, Kaisa, and Jori were
baptized and confirmed at First. Daughter Alina was
married here and on November 1 of this year, her husband
Andrew and our grandson, Rudy were baptized. Kaisa’s
wedding is scheduled for September of next year.
FELC is my home.
I graduated with a BBA from ISU as a late
bloomer. Following a stint with a potato processor, I’ve
been employed for 17 years at Development Workshop as
VP of Marketing. I have thoroughly enjoyed my many and
varied assignments.
Kathy and I own a few acres east of town and
rarely ride our horses. I must enjoy puttering around the
place—there’s certainly always something to do. Over the
years I’ve had many interests including restoring cars. We
have a 1967 Nova SS that we’ve owned for almost 35
years and a ’70 Nova SS that is under construction.
(Anybody have a ’68 Camaro they want to part with?) I still
enjoy camping and hunting with horses. Another current
interest involves gardening to raise and harvest my own
heirloom seeds to grow in succeeding years—yawn.
Over the years, I’ve served in several capacities
in the congregation including teaching Sunday School for
many years, serving on and chairing the Finance team,
ushering, counting offerings, and more. I look forward to
an exciting year as I humbly serve you as Council
President—may God’s gracious hand guide us all.
Volume 114, No. 12
Shelley Williams —
Council Secretary
Hello, my name is
Shelley Williams. I am currently
the FELC Council Secretary. I
take and report minutes for all of
the Council and congregational
meetings at FELC. I also am the
liaison for the Administration
team. I work with our Church
Administrator to facilitate
communication between the
Council, Ministry Teams and
the Congregation.
I was raised in a different room of God’s
house—a Baptist church in a tiny Southern Idaho
farming community. I am a classic oldest child (my 2
younger brothers will attest to this!) with tendencies
toward perfectionism, bossiness and a love of learning.
I love that I ended up marrying a lifelong Lutheran! I
must tell you I am so thankful for the Amazing Grace
that God continually covers me with as I learn and grow
and follow our Jesus! Serving the people of FELC as
your Council Secretary has been a great opportunity to
get to know people whom I now call friends, but might
never have spent much time with before. It’s also been
difficult and very humbling to see God at work in this
family of believers at FELC.
My husband Richard and I came to FELC in
2009 with our 2 children, Andrew, Mariah and our
granddaughter Lilla. We have been incredibly blessed
by our children and grandchildren, especially with the
addition of Andrew’s wife Chantelle and their son
Charlie. Richard and I have recently started a new
phase of our married life and are now learning how to
be “empty nesters”!
I help team teach the Jr. High Sunday School
class on Sunday mornings mostly because I love God’s
Word, and I love people! Helping others to see who
they are in Christ through reading and studying His
Word is a blessing beyond measure. I have also taken
on a new role this year as the Adult Education
Coordinator. If you would like to see a particular type of
Bible Study at FELC that is not currently offered, feel
free to contact me and we can talk about it!
December 2015
Church Council, continued
Council Vice
My name
is Karen Hayes.
I am your newly
elected Vice
President. In 2002
I began attending
FELC. I was
raised Missouri Synod Lutheran but
found a home at First Lutheran. I was
drawn by the choir, the youth
opportunities available for my daughter,
and a friendly congregation. Since then
I have been active on different ministry
teams such as Missions, Finance, and
Christian Education. I have served on the
Church Council a few times, and also
previously served as vice president and
president. I currently enjoy singing in the
choir, participating in the Christmas
Cantatas, and ringing bells with the bell
choir. I very much enjoy all that First
Lutheran has to offer my family and me
for fellowship and spiritual growth.
I was born in California but grew
up in Northern Virginia. I moved to North
Carolina after graduating high school to
work the summer in the Outer Banks. I
remained there for a number of years
until I moved to Idaho Falls in 2002
where I met my husband, David. I have
been married for nine happy years and
between us we have three children:
Victoria, who lives in North Carolina with
our five-month-old (first) grandbaby,
MaKaylla (16) and Bryson (12). My mom
is Nonda Meyer, who also is a member
at First Lutheran. As a family we enjoy
camping, riding ATVs, hiking and
anything that involves being outside,
even during the winter. I felt like a
life-time student as I worked full time,
attended ISU part-time to earn my
accounting degree and raised a family.
All of my hard work paid off and
eventually led me to Super T Transport
as their Chief Financial Officer where I
hope to enjoy a long and fulfilling career.
I thank you for allowing me the
opportunity to serve you to the best of
my ability as your new Vice President
and Council liaison to the Fellowship
Ministry team.
Volume 114, No. 12
Alecia Martin—Council Treasurer
My name is Alecia Martin and I am beginning
my first term as your Council Treasurer. I have never
served on the Council at FELC; so I am excited for this new
opportunity to work alongside other Council members and
ministry teams. My past activities at FELC have been
primarily involved in music ministry—singing in the Choir,
Christmas Cantata, and attempting to play with the Glory
Ringers Bell Choir. I have also done some volunteer work
for the children’s Christmas Box and Angel Tree programs.
I was born and raised here in Idaho Falls. I’m told
that I made my debut in the middle of one of the worst snow
storms on record. My dad regales the event, which involved leaving his warm
bed at 3:00 am, breaking through snow drift after snow drift, and making several
attempts to get his car up the hospital driveway and arriving at the front door
before I made my entrance. However, none of this fazed him at the time as his
baby girl arrived just in time to celebrate his birthday. I was baptized, educated
(K-6), and confirmed at Hope Lutheran Church in Idaho Falls, ID. I married Craig
Kinghorn in 1989 (later divorced) and together we had two beautiful daughters,
Hailey Christeen Kinghorn-Tew and Devann McKenzie Kinghorn-Jardine.
Hailey completed her dental hygiene degree from ISU in May of this year,
secured employment in a dentist office in Jackson Hole, WY, married Trevor
Carlyle Tew in August, and bought their first home together in Victor, ID.
Devann was married to Joshua Jardine in 2011 by Pastor Johnson of FELC in
Idaho Falls. They have two handsome boys, Easton Joshua (age 3 1/2) and
Houston Joseph (age 2) with their third child due in June of 2016. We are so
blessed. I met and will soon marry my best friend, Dwayne Coburn, whom the
Lord has so blessed me with. Dwayne also has two daughters and two
granddaughters with a grandson due in December—even more blessings to
be thankful for.
I, too, am a “late bloomer” graduating with honors from University of
Phoenix in 2012 with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management with a
concentration in Human Resource Management. Together Dwayne and I have
owned and operated a total of five small companies ranging from Property
Management to Construction to the development and manufacturing of a fully
biodegradable dust suppression product. With these companies we have
provided services and product to an array of clients including exploratory and
well-drilling projects in NM and NV, powerline construction projects in NV and
UT, and solar installation projects in Southern NV. Prior to this, I worked for the
Idaho National Laboratory as an Administrative Assistant for nearly 20 years
which supported my growing family well, but provided minimal professional
growth opportunities. Currently, I am working as the Business Developer for
Express Employment Professionals. I enjoy this position because I am
instrumental in assisting people find work and provide workforce solutions to
our clients. It is very rewarding work indeed.
We enjoy spending time with our parents, children and grandchildren.
Dwayne and I love any activities we can do outdoors, such as running, hiking,
backpacking, camping, snow/water skiing, gardening, and riding the
Honda Valkyrie.
I have served in many capacities at Hope Lutheran Church and School
for many years such as School Board Committee, Parish Ed, Fellowship, and
teaching Sunday School. Since changing my membership to FELC, I have been
slow to engage as our businesses required much travel. Now as business
responsibilities have been delegated, I am able to take on more responsibilities
and I look forward to working with the Council, ministry teams, and to humbly
serve our Lord and His people.
December 2015
Youth & Family
December 5: Christmas Gift Wrapping
Save t
7th—12th graders will gladly help with the stress of your Christmas season by wrapping your gifts for you on
Saturday, December 5 from 9:00 am—1:00 pm. This is a Summer Mission Trip fundraiser. There will be no charge
for the wrapping, but a free-will offering will be greatly appreciated. You can drop your gifts off in the Fellowship Hall
anytime after 9:00 am and pick them up at or before 1:00 pm that day. You may want to just wait while your gifts are being
wrapped. If you have questions, call Mariah at 521-9411. Thanks.
December 11: Villa Coffee House—NEW address at 3102 Hitt Road
Calling all 9th—12th graders!! Please join members of the Youth & Family Ministry Team for fellowship, fun and faith at the
Villa Coffee House, 3102 Hitt Road, on Friday, December 11 from 7:00—8:00 am. It will be a great opportunity to check in
with each other. Please remember this is one of the Team Relationship Building expectations for the Summer 2016
Mission Trip. We encourage all youth to attend even if you are not sure yet if you are going on the summer Mission Trip.
If you have any questions or if you need a ride to school, please contact Jade Anderson at 589-2378 or
Jeff Shadley at 521-4391.
December 18: Christmas Caroling & Gingerbread Houses
Calling all ages!! Please join members of the Youth and Family Ministry team for an evening of Christmas
Caroling, hot chili, and Gingerbread House making on Friday, December 18. We will meet at the church at
5:30 pm and head out in groups to visit and sing to the shut-ins of our church and community. When we
return from caroling, we will enjoy chili, fellowship and gingerbread house making. If you know of any
shut-ins in our community that we can add to our caroling list, call the church office at 522-9301. Watch for
sign-up sheets in the narthex to coordinate carpooling. If you have any questions or if you are willing to help
in the kitchen or with gingerbread house making, contact Lisa Mullinix at 360-620-1949 or 534-6627 or
Sara Wilmot at 208-681-1933. Come join us in making a joyful noise to the Lord!
8th – 12th graders, please remember this is one of the Relationship Building with Others expectations for the 2016 Summer Mission
Trip. If you are unable to participate, please let Jade Anderson (589-2378) or Kami Shadley (520-1153) know prior to this event.
January 16 & 17, 2016: Youth Group Lock-in and Youth-Led Worship Service
All 7th—12th graders: If you haven’t already, please contact the Shadleys (Jeff at 521-4391 or Kami at 520-1153) if you are available
to participate this weekend. We will have some fun relationship building activities Saturday night; and on Sunday morning the youth
will lead Worship. It will be a great opportunity to highlight and share faith lessons that were experienced during the 2015 Summer
Mission Trip. Please remember this is one of the Team Relationship Building and Faith Building expectations for the Summer 2016
Mission Trip. You do not want to miss the planning and organizing meetings, so watch for email updates.
If you are a 7th—12th grader or parent and are NOT receiving email messages from Jade Anderson ([email protected]),
please drop him an email. We want all FELC 7th—12th graders aware of the awesome and fun opportunity in store for us in
January. You do not need to have attended the 2015 Mission Trip to participate in this fun weekend. Although 8th —12thgraders will
be preparing for the 2016 Summer Mission Trip, ALL 7th graders are encouraged and very welcome to attend this fun weekend
ALL 8th—12th graders (& their parents) 2016 MISSION TRIP EXPECTATIONS
If you missed the November 8 Mission Trip Meeting, please make sure Jade Anderson ([email protected]) has your
email address. He will be notifying you of the opportunities in the 5 key areas (Service, Faith, Relationship with Others,
Relationship with Team & Fundraising) where you are expected to participate. Some opportunities have already taken place.
Service: Cantata help at the Homebound Service (December 12), Property Clean-up Day (March 19), Luther
Heights Car Wash (May 7)
Faith: Attendance at Sunday School, Youth Group (typically monthly unless another event supersedes it),
Youth Led Worship Service (January 17)
Relationship with Others: Christmas Caroling (December 18), Electronics Training (April 10)
Relationship with Team: Coffee House (typically the 2nd Friday of each month), Lock in Night (January 16),
LCMC District Gathering @ Sandy UT / service projects with their youth (March 11—12), Summer Campfires
Fundraising: (dependent upon council approval) Christmas present gift wrapping (December 5), Spaghetti
Dinner (February 12), Easter Breakfast (March 26—27)
The Youth & Family Ministry Team recognizes you may have school, work, home or other conflicts with these scheduled
events. Please notify Jade Anderson at 589-2378 or Kami Shadley at 520-1153 prior to the event if you CANNOT be present.
Volume 114, No. 12
December 2015
Christian Education
A 1st Century Church in the 21st Century
As a Lutheran Congregation in Mission for Christ, we make the claim that we are a
1st Century Church in the 21st Century. It is part of our DNA. Exactly what does that mean?
Well, in some respects in our relationship to the culture, life is very similar to how
the church was received in the 1st Century. We are not the majority in our world, our
country, our community, maybe even in our family. We are resident aliens. We get
bashed pretty good in the media and in the communities in which we live. We are not taken
seriously. We operate by a different handbook—a different set of principles. We march to
the beat of a drummer we call Savior, Lord, Teacher and Friend. The most that many in
the community know is to use our Lord’s name superstitiously or to curse, swear, lie or
deceive. So how do we respond? How do we react? How will we be?
Thinking about this, I have decided to make the Book of the Acts of the Apostles
our point of focus in 2016. It includes 28 chapters written by the author of the Gospel of
Luke which share faith stories from those first years after Easter. Maybe as we follow the
journeys of these earliest brothers and sisters in Christ, we will pick up some hints as to
how we live out our life in Christ in the same kind of culture. So as you come to the
beginning of a new year, how about making this your point of focus as well? Doing this
together will help make it be a much more doable New Year’s resolution as we encourage
each other and hold one another accountable.
I invite you along for the journey. Pastor Larry
Study the
Gospel of John
6:00 pm
Lounge at FELC
Chaplain John Piirto
All are Welcome!
What Do We Believe—Table Talk
In 2016 I am going to continue offering a 12:00 noon—1:00 pm time each Sunday for Table Talk. It is your opportunity to join
your pastor in the lounge/library for conversation about what we believe as Christians that have the adjective Lutheran in front of
Christian—”What Lutheran Christians Believe.” It will be a time when we talk about where the Lutheran church came from
(history of Reformation), foundational teaching of the Lutheran church (small Catechism), and an orientation to our congregation’s
life, ministry and mission. It is for the curious seeker, the member who wants to review, and those who have already decided to join
our fellowship in a more formal way. Come every Sunday or once in a while. Come ask the hard questions or come and just listen
to the conversation. Come ask questions about the sermon you just heard or concerns you have about our life together that are not
addressed or don’t seem to be clear. Come and join with your pastor for Table Talk each Sunday from 12:00 noon—1:00 pm.
Outreach to our
Mormon Community
In preparation for our Bridges
Training February 19 & 20, 2016,
we’ve preordered some of the
seminar materials—namely the
Bridges Workbook and the
companion book, “I Love
Mormons: A New Way to Share
Christ with Latter-day
Saints.” These are available in
the church office. Please
register for the seminar with
Heide at the church office, and
she’ll provide you a copy of the
workbook/book (while
quantities last). Preparing for
this class in advance will allow
you to get more out of the
Volume 114, No. 12
Transition Class rescheduled for 2016
On the weekend of February 19 and 20, 2016, we will have a Bridges Training event
at First Lutheran. It is a better fit to have the Transitions Class, “From Religion to
Relationship” after the Bridges Training weekend. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, also called the LDS or Mormon Church, is one of the fastest growing religions in
America. Some people call it a cult; others call it the restored Church. There is no lack of
documentation on the differences between Mormonism and historic Christianity, but such
material fails to address the human element and the needs and struggles of individual people.
The Bridges Training program takes an entirely different approach.
Bridges: Helping Mormons Discover God's Grace has helped over 60,000 Christians
all over the country and around the world gain a new appreciation for effective, relational
evangelism to Mormons. It combines video interviews with extensive workbook material and
classroom instruction. Through colorful commentary, current data, and insightful interviews
with people who live day by day with members of the LDS community, this program provides
an honest and sensitive look at LDS culture, social structure, religious terminology, and values.
Bridges equips Biblical Christians to better understand the culture of the Latter-day Saints, to
build real connections with them, and to share with gentleness and respect our own heartfelt
testimony concerning the Good News of Jesus Christ. This training program can change your
life; but more importantly, it may change the lives of your Mormon friends and neighbors. So
circle February 19 and 20, 2016, on your calendar for the start of an interesting journey.
Transitions Class will follow.
December 2015
Volunteers needed to work on activities
preparing for the Christmas season
The “Power” of “Penny Power”. . . .
How a Heifer International Goat Changed Her Life
Dear Heifer Friends,
I want to thank you because my mother is
now doing business and has some money to
spare. We have received goats (which I love to
kiss) and chickens, which are my “titirs” (sweet things).
Coordinators are needed to recruit teams
Sign-up sheets on the shelf near the office
Activities include:
Setting up and decorating the Christmas trees
Evening Cantata Fellowship time with punch/cold drinks,
coffee Cheese, crackers, fruit veggies and cookies. Need to
set up, serve, and clean up after the event. The 3 separate
evening performances will each need a coordinator so that
one person is not working at all three. The dates and times
are: Sunday, December 6 at 6:30 pm, Sunday, December 13
at 4:00 pm and at 6:30 pm.
My mother is my role model. She has shown me that
when a person works hard, wonderful things can happen.
The women work together in our village now, and I am proud
that my mother is so friendly and helpful with everyone.
Of course I am happy that I now get to eat eggs and
milk and fruit and yogurt. But the thing I cherish most is
that I am now going to school. My mother even has
money to send me to supplemental school if I need extra
help, which I do often. I now have books
and pencils, and sometimes I get new
clothes which my mother can now buy
from the market.
Cantata Brunch on Sunday, December 6 at 9:30 am.
A coordinator for each of the following tasks would be
extremely helpful. These coordinators should recruit helpers
so one person doesn’t have to work on all of these tasks:
—Someone to set up and help decorate on Saturday,
December 5 (time to be set later)
—Someone in charge of receiving food and arriving at the
church early enough to check on coffee, put breads and fruit
on serving trays/bowls. This person will also help set out
food just prior to the brunch.
—Waiters (youth included and appreciated) to serve coffee
and cold drinks during brunch, check on condiments that are
on the table, help older individuals by taking their plates
when finished, cleaning the tables so that the next group of
diners can sit at a clean table.
—Clean up by washing dishes and checking the garbage cans
so they’re not overflowing. Stay until the end of cleaning, wash
tables after brunch and clean the kitchen and Fellowship Hall.
When I grow up I want to be a
teacher so that I can educate the people in my village
about all the wonderful things I am learning now.
Thank you Heifer friends, Pooja
Regional Council News
 Community Food Basket - Idaho Falls is asking for
More activities may be determined and will be listed on the
sign-up sheets.
Thank you from the Fellowship team
Kathy Katainen & Michelle Hanson
able bodied people to help unload food items from a
truck on Wednesday mornings from 7:00 - 11:00 am
The Soup Kitchen is in need of cream soups.
FISH is asking for items for the homeless! Warm
gloves, hats, soft nutritional bars, individual cups of
jello or pudding and white tube socks.
The youth group spent the afternoon of November 15th visiting and enjoying pie with the
residents of Good Sam. After pie was served they participated in chapel that was led by Pastor
John, the youth also led a song fest! It was a great afternoon! We have a wonderful fun youth
group!!! Thanks to missions for purchasing the pies and the youth and sponsors for making it
a fun afternoon!!
Church Marquee Sayings
Stop, drop, and roll doesn’t work in Hell!
A half truth is a whole lie.
Give Satan an inch and he will be your ruler.
ASAP—Always Say a Prayer
A narrow mind is usually accompanied by a wide mouth.
If your life stinks, we have a PEW for you.
Choose the bread of life or you are toast!
Prevent TRUTH decay—brush up on your Bible.
You can’t enter Heaven unless Jesus enters you.
God answers KNEE-mail.
Volume 114, No. 12
Cars are not the only thing recalled by their Maker.
Faith makes things possible—not Easy.
We don’t need more to be thankful for. We need to be
more thankful.
Whoever stole our AC units, keep them. It’s hot where
you’re headed.
Prayer: Wireless access to God with no roaming fees.
Wrinkled with burdens? Come to church for a FAITH lift.
Church shopping? We’re open on Sundays.
He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.
December 2015
Care & Concern
It’s not too late! Get your flu vaccine. December 6-12 is National Influenza Vaccination Week.
It’s safe and your best protection against the flu. A yearly flu
vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months and older.
Vaccination is especially important for protecting those at high
risk for serious flu complications including:
 Young children
 Pregnant women
 Adults 65 years and older
 Anyone with chronic health conditions like asthma, diabetes,
and heart disease
Parish Nurse’s Notes
The Zoll AED defibrillator has arrived and will be installed
in a central location soon. I am working on having hands-on
simulated training in the near future. This unit is user friendly. I
hope many of you will participate in the training. I will put out a
notice when we firm up a training date.
I have placed a survey on the Narthex table. Please pick
one up, complete it and return it to me or place it in my mailbox in
the office. This survey will help to plan a Parish Nurse program
that will serve the needs of our congregation. The survey is a
3-page checklist that should take only a few minutes to complete,
but please take enough time to think about what needs are
important to you and your families. Please contact me if you have
any questions while completing the survey.
I have recently completed a 4-day training session at
Hospice of Eastern Idaho and will act as a liaison between our
congregation and Hospice of Eastern Idaho. While there I
learned that Hospice has a large supply of durable medical
equipment such as walkers, commodes, crutches, toilet risers,
wheel chairs, bedpans, etc. that they will loan out to anyone in
need (not just hospice patients!) of these items in our community.
These items are clean and ready to use. You can contact
Hospice of Eastern Idaho at 208-529-0342 or me if you or anyone
you know has a short-term or long-term need for this type of
equipment. These loans are not based on financial need. They
have a surplus of many items and would like to share.
I’d like to invite each of you on a Journey from Idaho
Falls to Jerusalem beginning the first day of the New Year. Our
virtual journey will depart from Idaho Falls on January 1,
2016, and we should arrive in Jerusalem on March 27, 2016,
which is Easter Sunday. Prepare for a fun adventure as we
learn a little, move a little, and maybe get a little competitive as we
travel 5,964.4 miles!! Watch for more information in the
December Crosswalk.
Cathy Abreu
“First Lutheran Church became a Stephen Ministry Congregation in 2004 and our first class
of 28 (!) graduated in Spring of 2005. Several of that first class are still serving their assigned
care receivers weekly! Today we have 30 trained Stephen Ministers and Leaders carrying on
this beautiful ministry for those members and non-members needing someone to share their
difficult times until healing occurs. We also welcome Sheila DaBell as an administrative
associate. We are very blessed to have so many continuing dedicated persons and a caring pastor who actively supports
them. May God continue to bless all who are receiving His love by caring trained ministers. Please continue to offer
your prayers and support to all those serving us through Stephen Ministry!"
Stephen Ministry is Celebrating 40 Years of Equipping the Saints for Ministry! 1975-2015
In 1974, founder Ken Haugk realized there were more hurting people in his congregation than he could care for alone. So,
drawing on his background as a pastor and clinical psychologist, he trained nine members of his St. Louis congregation to assist
with pastoral care. Soon after, two of those first Stephen Ministers approached Dr. Haugk saying, “This ministry is too good to keep
to ourselves. Let’s share it with other congregations!” So in November, 1975, Stephen Ministries was born.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer shawls are for anyone who needs a hug due to sickness, sadness, troubles, frustrations or any
problem of any sort. They are a symbolic way to show someone that he or she is being prayed for. You may
help yourself to the blessed supply in the back supply room cabinet or call Judy Statham at 538-0454 to help you
pick out or have one delivered for you to your loved one in or outside of your church community.
If you are crafty and would like to donate a shawl, we will be happy to accept. You can deliver it to the
office, or you can put it in the back supply room cabinet. There are donated yarn and patterns available as well.
If you have questions, call Judy. Thank you to all our wonderful crafters that make this ministry possible.
Volume 114, No. 12
December 2015
For the most
up-to-date events
please refer to our
webpage @
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers/
presentation of quilts to
preschoolers/Fellowship Hall
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
10:30 AM FELC @ IF Soup
1:00 PM Preschool
3:45 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM Bell Practice
Pastor Jason’s 1st Day
9:00 AM Preschool
1:00 PM Preschool
6:00 PM Bible Study led by
Chaplain Piirto/Lounge
6:00 PM Confirmation
6:30 PM Advent Soup &
7:15 PM Advent Worship
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in
3:45 PM Kindermusik
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
10:00 AM Kindermusik
1:00 PM Friends in
Stitches/Fellowship Hall
till 4:00
9:00 AM Christmas
Gift wrapping/
Fellowship Hall
Pick-up by 1:00
9:00 AM Bells
10:00 AM Cantata
Dress rehearsal/
Bring snack
7:00 AM Bells Practice
7:30 AM Choir warm-up
8:15 AM Cantata Presentation
9:00 AM No Christian
Education Hour
9:30 AM Brunch
11:00 AM Cantata Presentation
6:30 PM Cantata Presentation
12:00 PM
TOPS Weight Loss
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
12:00 PM Happy Stitchers
Bible Study
1:00 PM Preschool
3:45 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM Bell Practice
7:00 PM No Ministry Teams
Meeting (December only)
9:00 AM Preschool
1:00 PM Preschool
6:00 PM Bible Study led by
Chaplain Piirto/Lounge
6:00 PM Confirmation
6:30 PM Advent Soup &
7:15 PM Advent Worship
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Kaffeeklatsch
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in
3:45 PM Kindermusik
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
7:00 PM Stephen
Ministry Meeting
DEADLINE (12 Noon)
7:00 AM
FELC Youth
Coffee Hour/
Villa Coffee
House (new location)
10:00 AM Kindermusik
1:00 PM Out to Lunch
11:00 AM Cantata
Presentation to
12:00 PM Lunch for
Fellowship Hall
9:00 AM Choir
9:00 AM Christian Education Hr
10:15 AM Worship with Holy
4:00 PM Cantata Presentation
6:30 PM Cantata Presentation
10:00 AM
Hall till 3:30
12:00 PM
TOPS Weight Loss
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
10:30 AM FELC @ IF Soup
1:00 PM Preschool
1:15 PM Preschool Program
Practice/Sanctuary till 2:30
7:00 PM Christian Education
Team Meeting
9:00 AM Preschool
9:30 AM Preschool Kitchen
Fellowship Hall till 11:00am
1:00 PM Preschool
1:15 PM Preschool Program
Practice/Sanctuary till 2:30
6:00 PM Bible Study led by
Chaplain Piirto/Lounge
6:00 PM Confirmation
6:30 PM Advent Soup &
7:15 PM Advent Worship
9:00 AM Preschool
9:00 AM Preschool
Christmas parties/
Fellowship Hall till 3:00
10:00 AM Kaffeeklatsch
12:30 PM Preschool
Christmas Program/
Sanctuary till 1:30
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
10:00 AM Kindermusik
1:00 PM Friends in
Stitches/Fellowship Hall
9:00 AM Baptismal
quilt tying/
Fellowship Hall till
9:00 AM No Choir
9:00 AM No Christian
Education Hour
10:15 AM Worship with Holy
11:30 AM Farewell for Pastor
Tom/During Fellowship
Office open
till noon
8:00 AM
12:00 PM
TOPS Weight Loss
No Preschool/Christmas
Office open till noon
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
7:00 PM Council Meeting/
No Preschool/Christmas
Office open till noon
6:00 PM Bible Study led by
Chaplain Piirto/Lounge
7:00 PM No Confirmation
No Preschool/
Christmas Break
Office open till noon
5:00 PM Candlelight
Worship with Holy
7:30 PM Candlelight
Worship with Holy
11:00 PM Candlelight
Worship with Holy
Christmas Day/Office
9:00 AM No Choir
9:00 AM No Christian
Education Hour
10:15 AM Worship with Holy
Office open
till noon
12:00 PM
TOPS Weight Loss
No Preschool/Christmas
Office open till noon
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
10:00 AM No Staff Meeting
No Preschool
No Preschool
Office open till noon
Office open till noon
6:00 PM Bible Study led by
Chaplain Piirto/Lounge
7:00 PM No Confirmation
Volume 114, No. 12
5:30 PM Christmas
caroling to shut-ins/
Gingerbread house
For the most
up-to-date events
please refer to our
webpage @
December 2015
Preschool needs Dress-up Clothes
The preschool is looking for gently used dress-up play
clothes. If you have any you'd be willing to part with,
please contact one of the preschool teachers: Anne
McDannel, Wendy Cudmore, Barbara Carlson or
Patti Chapin. Thank you!
Hello from
new Pastor,
Jason Ginsburg
First communion
classes are being offered for 3rd graders
and up on February 7, 14, and 21 after
worship (approx. noon—1:30 pm);
also Saturday February 27 from 10:00 am-1:00 pm.
First Communion Sunday is February 28.
Please call the office at 522-9301 to RSVP.
Hello First Evangelical Lutheran Church! On
behalf of my wife, Emily, and I, we would like to
say thank you for extending a call for me to
serve our Lord and you as your Associate
Pastor. I have been very antsy to get started
and will start the beginning of December.
Pastor Larry and I continue to stay in touch (in
the meantime), and I greatly look forward to
working with and alongside him. Emily and I
would like to say thank you also for our visit in
September and the hospitality and kindness
you showed us. I’m excited about us as a
church community working together and helping
each other learn what it means to do real life with
Jesus and help others to do the same. Please
know that I am very excited to be your pastor and
look forward to seeing you soon.
Peace, Pastor Jason Ginsburg
At the October potluck, did your
casserole come home with a lid that
was too small? Mine came home with a lid that
was too large. If you are interested in swapping,
give me a call at 524-0728. Nonda Meyer
Bikes for Christmas:
Bill’s Bike Shop has
fixed up old, discarded bikes for many years. Then they
give them away through the Christmas program with St.
Vincent dePaul. Last year they did not have enough. If
you have an old bike and want to donate it, just take it to
Bill’s at Snake River Landing.
The next Red Cross blood drawing at
First Lutheran will be February 5.
Worship Assistant Schedule
Dec. 13
10:15 am
Dec. 20
10:15 am
+=Cross Bearers
Caleb Hanson+
Betty Neal
Chloe Hasner,
Damien Hasner
Damian Kruckeberg+ Steve Galbraith Cheryl Swenson Joy Brown
Katelyn Shadley,
Justin Shadley
# = Coordinator
Greg Katainen#
Jim & Peggy
Dave Sheldon#
Jerry & Anita Litteer
Greg & Kathy
Cathi Bean,
Anita Litteer
Jerry & Anita
Cathi Bean,
Anita Litteer
Dec. 24
5:00 pm
3 needed
Michelle & Marie Jim Sahr#
Shawn Cleverly
Jim Dixon
Dave Frederick
Cathi Bean,
Anita Litteer
Dec. 24
7:30 pm
3 needed
Diane Hackman Jim Dixon#
Herm Hackman
Jim Dixon
Dave Frederick
Cathi Bean,
Anita Litteer
Dec. 24
3 needed
11:00 pm
Geri Magnuson
Jim Dixon#
Dave Frederick
Jim Dixon
Dave Frederick
Cathi Bean,
Anita Litteer
Dec. 27
10:15 am
Dick & Anne
Greg Dornfeld#
Cal Miller,
Paul Worth
Richard & Shelley Williams
Cathi Bean,
Anita Litteer
William Lerum+
Paul Lerum,
Abigail Lerum
Volume 114, No. 12
December 2015
Thanks and Prayers
Thanks you so much, Eric Swenson, for leading
the Picnic Shelter project and for your special
addition of a cross at the top. Getting a building
permit in Idaho Falls is not an easy task. Thanks
for sticking with it. We all look forward to using it
in the spring.
Thank you all for the prayers,
concern, and hospital visits this
past week. As many of you know,
I had an “episode” at church last
Sunday that necessitated an
ambulance ride to EIRMC. The symptoms were
not consistent with a stroke this time, so it was
decided that I must have had a TIA or mini-stroke.
During a 2-day battery of tests it was discovered
that I had a PFO, or a hole in my heart which has
now been repaired. After five days I am home
resting for a couple of weeks. Again, thank you
and a special thank you to Kami and Jeff for
taking Atticus home with you Sunday afternoon
and all your offers of help that week. I am truly
blessed to have all of you as my church “family”!
Cathy Abreu
The quilts that frame our church quilt
(the Beatitudes and Psalms) were a creation of
Kaye Peoples. We thank you, Kaye for sharing
your God-given gift with FELC.
We remember members of First Lutheran who
have died during the past year:
Sylvia Holley Bellairs
Ryan Clements
Brian Daniels
Carol James
Hal Johanson
Bob Kaestner
Cassie Kologi
Mark Lincoln
Nina Paulson
Shirley Townsend
A HUGE thank you to all the helpers for the
10,000 Village Event! We had unpackers,
packers, shoppers, food suppliers, and worker
bees. Thrivent Lutheran provided funds for
advertising and free T-shirts and name tags.
Two people asked about Operation Christmas
Child and wanted to know if they could take
boxes. Many inquired about the Cantata and
every shopper was given a handout regarding
times and dates. $2437 will be given to Hospice
of Eastern Idaho as a result of all your
efforts. A success in so many ways.
Volume 114, No. 12
Those who mourn the loss of loved ones:
 Family & friends of Steve Gilbert, Sharon Gilbert’s brother-in-law
 Family & friends of Teresa Miller, Cal Miller’s niece
 Family & friends of Alan Fjeld
 Family & friends of Richard Gilbert, Sharon Gilbert’s brother-in-law
Those who are ill:
 Jerry & Wes DaBell, Brad DaBell’s uncle and cousin
 Cathleen Smith, Brad & Sheila DaBell’s daughter
 Dean Mortenson, Richard & Geri Magnuson’s brother-in-law
 Don Johnson, Jean Robinson’s brother-in-law
 Cynthia Stuart, Michelle Cleverly’s mother
 Claudia Wallingford, Michelle Cleverly’s aunt
 Stacie Miller, George & Elaine Harris’s daughter
 Joan Moore, Cathy Abreu’s aunt
 Shirley Roberts, Shawn Cleverly’s mother
 Jean Bruno, Jo Glissendorf & Sue Cox’s friend
 Chaplain David Hunsicker, Chaplain John Piirto’s friend
 Gary Bean, Cathi Bean’s father-in-law
 Amy Schmutz, Carole Mason’s friend
Barbara Steele
Jan Gonzalez
Karen Hayes
Joyce Laney
Ann Hurley
Norma Eames
Jerry Townsend
Pat Matthews
Dennis Kunerth
Reba Lockman
Debbie Holden
Diane Sheldon
Donna Amundson
Makaylla Hayes
Friends and family serving in the military: Marc Schoonmaker, Kali Rice,
Jack Hogan, Michael Smith, Craig Bukowski, Jody Townsend, Mike
Monroe, Rob Slanger, Eric Gratzke, Alton Helm, Thomas Butler, Jeff
Knudson, Kyle Skeen, Garrett Marchington, TJ Litteer, Skylar Hudman,
Mike Stultz
Pastoral Acts
(all officiated by Pastor Larry Cudmore)
9/25/2015 Natalie Jessmore, Jacob Johnson, Tayler Murray,
Jenna Tenerowicz
9/27/2015 Laurie Alexis Skaar
11/1/2015 Andrew Justin Meng
11/1/2015 Andrew “Rudy” Rudolph Meng
11/8/2015 Connor James Douglas Clifton
11/15/2015 Briana Marie Lindberg
Where is He who is born
King of the Jews?
For we have seen His Star
in the east and have come
to worship Him.
—Matthew 2:2
December 2015
Crosswalk is a publication of
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Idaho Falls ID
First Evangelical Lutheran Church
455 West Sunnyside Road
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
Tel: (208) 522-9301
Fax: (208) 522-1898
E-mail: [email protected]
Address service requested
Sunday Worship Schedule
8:45 am: Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am: Christian Education Hour
10:15 am: Worship Service
11:30 am: Fellowship and Coffee
Staffed Nursery Care is available
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am to 4pm
The Reverend Larry Cudmore
Associate Pastor
The Reverend Tom Hunt
Associate Pastor
The Reverend Jason Ginsburg
Pastor Emeritus
The Reverend John Piirto
Director of Music Ministries
Penny Dixon
Church Administrator
Heide Weatherby
Directors of Christian Preschool
Wendy Cudmore and Patti Chapin
Salvador Bolainez (Sal)
Financial Secretary
Barbara Carlson
Crosswalk Editors
DiAnn Brown and Karen Guilford
Put news items for the Crosswalk in the “Newsletter” box at the church office
OR e-mail items to: [email protected] and [email protected]
First Reading
Second Reading
December 6
Malachi 3:1-7b
Psalm 66:1-12
Philip 1:2-11
Luke 3:1-20
2nd Sunday Advent
December 13
Zephaniah 3:14-20
Psalm 85
Philip 4:4-7
Luke 7:18-35
3rd Sunday Advent
December 20
Micah 5:2-5a
Psalm 80:1-7
Hebrew 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-56
4th Sunday Advent
December 24
Isaiah 7:10-14
Psalm 110:1-4
1 John 4:7-16
Matt 1:18-25
Nativity of our Lord
December 27
Exodus 13:1-15
Psalm 111
Colossians 3:12-17 Luke 2:22-40
Volume 114, No. 12
1st Sunday Christmas
December 2015