GRACE TO YOU - Grace Lutheran Church ​of Glen Ellyn


GRACE TO YOU - Grace Lutheran Church ​of Glen Ellyn
Grace Lutheran Church of Glen Ellyn
493 Forest Avenue at Pennsylvania
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137
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West Conference - Metropolitan Chicago Synod - ELCA
Month of March 2016
Vol. 2014-15 No. 16-03 Grace To You is the monthly newsletter of Grace Lutheran Church of Glen Ellyn.
more than three feet apart, they are less likely to sing
because they hear only themselves. When people sit closer
together, everyone sings more. (Like, you know, in a pub!)
People are more willing to sing when they hear the whole
more than their part—and the combined effect is huge and
Worship is our primary evangelism event.
wonderful. I have never, ever been in a large group of
There’s a reason people come to church,
people singing with their mediocre-to-poor voices and
and there’s a reason worship is the top
thought, “Wow, this singing is bad.” Quite the opposite. But
draw. Worship connects people to God
the singing simply doesn’t work if people aren’t close
and to each other, and provides impetus
enough to each other.
to connect them to the world in a different way.
—Sit up front, or sit in the back? Yes, I know the speakers
What makes worship meaningful for a visitor? Well, the
are twitchy and it’s sometimes easier to hear in the back.
leadership matters, of course. People want to hear good
But visitors don’t know that. So, what do we communicate
sermons, and good music. But an often-overlooked factor is
when the front half of the church is empty?
the other worshippers. (That would be all y’all.) You have a
tremendous impact on how newcomers experience worship. —Greet or give ‘em space? This isn’t hard, actually—greet.
But you don’t have to overwhelm folks, or even try to
Worship isn’t just the way you get your soul fed. It’s also a
engage them in a lot of chit-chat if that isn’t your personaliprimary way you express what you believe and feel about
ty. A simple, “Hi, I don’t think I know you! My name is...” is
God. You are our most important evangelism tool.
perfect. When they give their name, they might also say
But don’t panic, even if you don’t consider “evangelism”
something like, “Oh, it’s my first time.” Then you can follow
one of your top spiritual gifts. There are very simple ways
up with, “Welcome to Grace! Thanks for coming today!” If
to enhance the evangelism of worship, which you may not
you’re a more outgoing type, you can continue with, “Is
have thought of. Here are some choices we all make that
there anything I can help you with this morning?” Then
can broadcast unspoken (and sometimes unintended)
point them to staff, or introduce them to a friend if they
messages, and may be worth paying attention to:
seem like they’d enjoy meeting more people, or show them
—Sit together, or sit spread out? Think about what a group where classes or fellowship are happening. (Please don’t
communicates by the choices its members make when they assume someone else will do this.)
choose seats. Are people glad to be together? Do they look
It isn’t hard to get people to visit the church once. The tricky
like they’re avoiding each other? How much of a community
part is creating the experience that makes them want to
is the community? Too tight together, and we can look
come back. You’re a bigger part of this than you might
intimidating and/or exclusive. Too spread out, and we look
realize. On the other hand, creating worship that welcomes
like we don’t like anyone!
isn’t as hard as you might have thought.
—Sing, or don’t sing? This connects with the point above,
and really impacts the energy of worship. When people are
From the Pastor:
When visitors come to Grace, what’s the
thing they are most likely to attend first?
Proclaim, Build, and Serve
Grace Lutheran Church of Glen Ellyn
Grace to You Page 2
Plan on joining us during the Wednesdays of Lent for
a simple meal followed by Holden Evening Prayer.
Wednesday worship services will be 30-40 minutes .
Month of March 2016
Mid-Week Lenten Meals
Simple Suppers will be served in the fellowship room
each Wednesday during Lent from 6-6:45 pm. Freewill donations will be gratefully accepted. Worship
will begin at 7:00pm. Watch for more information on
the menu for each week.
Confirmation students will meet with Pastor Melody
at 5:30pm every Wednesday in Lent. At 6pm they
will break for dinner and preparation for this year’s
presentation of The Last Days. WOW children will
gather at 6pm for dinner and an “activity table.”
Christ in Our Home
January, February, March 2016
Mid-Week Lenten Schedule
February 24:
6:00pm simple supper; 7:00pm Holden Evening Prayer
March 2:
6:00pm simple supper; 7:00pm Holden Evening Prayer
March 9:
6:00pm simple supper; 7:00pm Holden Evening Prayer
March 16:
6:00pm simple supper; 7:00pm Holden Evening Prayer
Holy Week Schedule
March 20 Palm/Passion Sunday:
8:00am & 10:00am - Worship
March 24 Maundy Thursday:
7:00 pm Worship with The Last Days
March 25 Good Friday:
10:00am The Last Days (for children)
7:00pm Worship with conclusion of The Last Days
March 27 Easter Sunday:
8:00am & 10:00am - Worship
Flexible Seating in Sanctuary
As was mentioned at the congregational meeting in
January, we have removed the first three rows of
pews on each side of the sanctuary and replaced
them with the chairs from the overflow room. These
rows provide additional leg room as well as the
flexibility to be reconfigured as needed for worship
and special services.
In this issue of Christ in Our Home, our very own
Pr. Melody Eastman is one of the featured writers.
Pr. Melody provided the daily devotions for January
16-30. Christ in Our Home is a quarterly publication
that can be found in the Fellowship Room.
Palm Sunday Eco-Palms
“Hosanna! Blessed is the one who
comes in the name of the Lord!”
-Mark 11:9
This year Grace has ordered our palms from Lutheran
World Relief. These ecologically friendly palms
encourage sustainable harvesting, meaning better
income long into the future for palm harvesters in
Latin America, their families and communities. EcoPalms harvesters often earn five to six times more per
frond than traditional palms, and a portion of the purchase price goes directly back to the community!
Grace Lutheran Church of Glen Ellyn
Grace to You Page 3
Social Committee Corner
Breakfast at Grace continues on most Sundays
between services in the Fellowship Room.
Proceeds will be going to monthly mission
partners. Look for more information on our
partners on the food table.
Lots of fun and good food was served at the 3rd
annual spaghetti supper in January. Thanks to all
who helped out with cooking, eating, cleaning,
movie watching and a special thank you to all the
young people who helped out.
An Easter reception between services is being
planned for Easter Sunday.
Faith & Friendship Lunch
All are welcome to join our monthly
gatherings. We get together the 3rd
Wednesday every month for devotions, fellowship, food and various activities. All Grace
members and friends are invited to attend!!
Our next lunch is Wednesday, March 16 at 11:30am
in the fellowship room. Come join us!!
Grace To You
Article Submission Schedule
Submit articles and photos to Barbara Sudds at
[email protected]:
April Issue
Due March 2
March Issue
Due February 3
Noses and Numbers
8am 10am
Grace’s total income for January 2016 was $33,982
while expenses incurred were $45,420 leaving Grace
with a deficit of $11,438 at the end of January. Two
contributing factors to this deficit was a payment to
the Synod of $5,000 and one to Church Mutual for
$3,600. Our monthly mortgage payment is $8,409.
Month of March 2016
Easter Lilies
In celebration of Easter, we are taking
orders for lily plants to be placed on the
altar for Easter Sunday. Plants can be
purchased “In Honor Of” or “In Memory
Of” someone or something special in your life. The
plants you order can be taken home after the Easter
service. Watch the bulletin as we get closer to Easter
to place your order.
New Worship and
Education Schedule
At the January council meeting,
Grace’s church council voted to
approve a change in the Sunday
worship and education schedule
beginning in September. The new
worship times will be 8:00 and 10:30, with faith
formation for children and adults (Sunday school)
taking place from 9:15-10:15. The change will allow
for more options in adult classes, and provide time to
include offerings like music, drama or free play for
children in addition to the regular lessons. Making the
change in September will allow our current teachers
to continue with their plans this year without needing
to make adjustments mid-stream, and give us an
opportunity to invite any new ministry leaders who
might be interested in joining our teachers and
working with the new options.
The church council is grateful to everyone who
provided input, which was carefully evaluated with
regard to preferences and the need for development
of our ministry. While there was a wide variety of
opinion expressed, Council felt this schedule best
supported the congregation’s long-term goals
(developed in the Holy Cow study) while addressing
concerns expressed in the conversations.
Katie Anderson
Danny Anderson
Mark Hamilton Jr.
Becky Ficarella
Hannah LoGalbo
Maddie Franklin
Grace Lutheran Church of Glen Ellyn
Grace to You Page 4
Food Pantry Continues Its Mission to
Make Hunger History!
The end of the year statistics are in and the Glen Ellyn
Food Pantry continues to grow in its mission to feed the
hungry in DuPage County. A few statistics for 2015:
 $2,534,063 worth of food was distributed
 That total included just under $820,000 of food
donated by local grocery food stores
 The number of individuals served (28,310) and
appointments (8,960) increased 30%
Nearly 60,000 bags of food come through our doors and
left with hungry families!
Walk-in appointments for 2015 increased by 117%, primarily due to the abundance of produce and bakery donated
by grocery stores. This is all the activity that many Grace
members see in our Fellowship Room throughout the
week. Food Pantry clients are allowed to make appointments to "shop" for all available goods once per
month. Walk-in clients may come in once per week to pick
up extra fresh items as available.
Food Pantry Upcoming Fundraisers!
Besides relying on food donations, the GE Food Pantry participates in many community fundraisers. Here are a few
coming up!
Saturday, March 12
Glen Ellyn Newcomers
"Celebration of Tables"
Cost: $15 advance, $20 door
Tickets available at Food Pantry office or Blackberry
This is an annual "feast for the eyes" of tablescapes put
together by Newcomer volunteers. Get lots of ideas for
entertaining or just enjoy the many themes. Tickets
include a light buffet catered by Blackberry Market. For
more information write to [email protected].
Saturday, April 30
Human Race
5K - 2 mile run/walk benefitting 50 local charities located
at Esplanade at Locust Point in Downers Grove
Cost: $35 5K, $30 2-mile; kids 13 and under free
Sign up to participate or donate at
Friday, May 6
Glen Ellyn Infant Welfare Housewalk
Cost: $35
Tickets available at some Glen Ellyn businesses or by
This is the 32nd annual Housewalk, held from 10am - 2pm
and 5-9pm.
Month of March 2016
Weekly Building Usage
8:00 & 10:00am
Grace Lutheran Worship
Faith Formation Hour, Choir,
Breakfast at Grace
Support Group (WOW Rm)
Senior Service Center
3rd Monday 9:00-11:00pm
Food Pantry Brd of Directors
Support Group (WOW Rm)
Food Pantry for Clients
1:00 & 7:15pm
Yoga Class (Narthex)
Highland Dancers (Gym)
2nd Monday 6:00pm
Finance Ministry
Adult Ed Bible Study
1st Monday 7:00pm
Property Ministry
3rd Monday 7:00pm
Church Council
9-11&1-3&5-7pm Food Pantry for Clients
1st Tuesday 9:30am
Social Ministry
3rd Tuesday 10:00-Noon
Sr. Ctr. Book Club
Parish Counselor
Spotlight Theater
Wednesday 7:30-8:30am
Bible Study
2nd Wed.
Sr. Ctr. Bingo
2nd Wed.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
3rd Wed.
Faith & Friendship Lunch
Wednesday 1:00-3:00pm
Food Pantry for Clients
2nd Wed.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Wednesday 3:00-7:00pm
Parish Counselor
1st Wed.
3rd Wed.
Wednesday 8:00-10:00pm
Support Group (WOW Rm)
Food Pantry for Clients
Parish Counselor
Choir Rehearsal
9-11am & 1-3pm Food Pantry for Clients
Support Group (WOW Rm)
First three Saturdays of each month:
Slanchogledi (WOW Room)
Sunflower Dancers (Gym)
Prayer Requests
Kirk Odiet, Jan Hutzler, Cindy Carlson,
Lynn Lisner, and Esperanza Garcia for
healing and strength.
Beth & Howard Bruning on their 56th anniversary (2/6).
Prayers for our Homebound Members:
Ardena Klenk – at home in Glen Ellyn
Florence Kracke – living in Minnesota
Julie Trout—at home in Wheaton
Prayers for our member in the Armed Forces:
Rodger Plant, Air Force
Grace Lutheran Church of Glen Ellyn
Grace to You Page 5
Singing in Worship
“You don’t want to hear me sing!” People often say
this, but singing together is a very important way of
creating community—and it doesn’t matter how good
you think your voice is. The most important thing is
adding your voice to the mix—more voices means
more energy, and any rough edges get smoothed out
in the totality of the music. Singing welcomes visitors,
helps them experience a worship service that has energy, and makes it more likely that they’ll want to
come back. Singing has been part of worship ever
since there was worship—so even if you’re a little unsure of your voice or the music, don’t hold back the
gift of your song in worship!
Let Your Light Shine!
We have named our Faith Formation programs at
Little Lights:
Newborn through Age 3
High School
Prism: Adult
Check out the bulletin board in the Fellowship Room
to see what activities are taking place for you.
Month of March 2016
Grace Lutheran Church of Glen Ellyn
West Conference - Metropolitan Chicago Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
493 Forest Avenue at Pennsylvania Avenue
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137
Office: 630.469.1555
Fax: 630.469.1561
Email: [email protected]
Every Member; Minister & Missionary!
Melody Eastman, Pastor
Bradford Thompson, Minister of Music
Barbara Sudds, Office Manager
Becky Ficarella, Children & Youth Coordinator
Carole LoGalbo, M.S., LCPC Parish Counselor
Church Office Hours
Monday-Friday 9:30am - 3:00pm
Spaghetti Supper Fun!!