mass schedule - The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption
mass schedule - The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption
Fifth Sunday of Easter April 24, 2016 MOST REVEREND SALVATORE J. CORDILEONE Archbishop of San Francisco REVEREND ARTURO L. ALBANO Pastor MASS SCHEDULE MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:30 am; 12:10 pm SATURDAY 8:00 am; 5:30 pm (Vigil Mass) Cantor & Organ SUNDAY 7:30 am Cantor & Organ Schola Cantorum 9:00 am (Gregorian Chant) 11:00 am Cathedral Choir 1:00 pm (Español) Coro Hispano BAPTISM INFANTS English Preparation: First Saturdays at 10:00 am English Baptisms: Second Sundays at 2:15 pm Contact Michael McKeon or Marie Fernandez (415) 567-2020x0 BAUTIZO EN ESPAÑOL: Informes con Sofia Aguilar Primer Domingo a las 2:15 pm (415) 236-1557 ADULTS OR SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN: Contact Doug Benbow (415) 567-2020x220 FIRST COMMUNION Cathedral Parishioners, contact the Parish Office (415) 567-2020 Primera Comunión en Español: Informes con Rosario Morales (415) 509-7533 CONFIRMATION Cathedral Parishioners contact Doug Benbow (415) 567-2020x220 ESCUELA DE CATEQUESIS Informes con Rosario Morales MARRIAGE Please contact Mimi Ruiz at least 6 months prior to ceremony. (415) 509-7533 (415) 567-2020x254 RECONCILIATION / CONFESSION Monday-Friday, 11:30 am-12:00p.m.; Saturday, 4:00-5:00 pm MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Contact Sr. Elaine Stahl (415) 567-2020x218 ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call Parish Office to speak to one of the priests. FUNERALS Contact Doug Benbow for Funeral/Memorial arrangements (415) 567-2020x220 BEREAVEMENT Contact Sr. Elaine Stahl (415) 567-2020x218 EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Fridays: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm ORGAN RECITAL Sundays at 4:00 pm; exceptions noted in prior bulletin Fifth Sunday of Easter - April 24, 2016 Welcome! If you are a visitor to the Cathedral, we want you to know how welcome you are whether you come from another part of the country, from across the world, or from another parish here in the Archdiocese. Thanks, in part, to the generosity of visitors like you, we are able to celebrate the liturgy in a fitting and beautiful way, and are able to give spiritual and emotional support through a variety of services to the community. Your gift is greatly appreciated; our parish family is small and we rely on the generosity of you, our visitors, to help sustain this magnificent Cathedral church for future generations. CATHEDRAL OF ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION Telephone: (415) 567-2020 Website: The Suggested Stipend/Offering For Mass is $10.00 PASTORAL STAFF AND CLERGY Rev. Arturo L. Albano, Pastor Rev. Patrick Driscoll, Parochial Vicar Rev. Wade Bjerke, In residence Msgr. Michael Padazinski, In residence Rev. Mr. R. Christoph Sandoval, Deacon Sr. Elaine Stahl, Pastoral Minister Saturday April 23- (See readings for Sunday below) x 209 x 208 x 203 x 218 CATHEDRAL LITURGY/SPECIAL EVENTS For Cathedral Special Events, Persons Baptized in another Christian tradition and interested in becoming Catholic please contact: Director of Liturgy: Doug Benbow x 220 Cathedral Sacristans: Antonios Stefanos x 212 Cathedral Welcome Desk: Patricia Hernandez Wedding Coordinator, Wedding Anniversaries and Quinceañeras: Mimi Ruiz x 254 CATHEDRAL MUSIC Director of Music: Christoph Tietze x 213 Music office Assistant: Stephen Walsh x 233 Spanish Choir: Ricardo Fonseca Cathedral Cantors: Stephen Walsh, Mimi Ruiz, Claudia Landivar CATHEDRAL OFFICE Parish Secretary, Bulletin Editor: Janet Carrillo Receptionist: Michael McKeon Cathedral Finances, Controller: Alisa B. Weber Development Department: Jolie Velazquez Weekend Receptionist: Marie Fernandez x 215 x 200 x 202 x 229 x 200 x 207 2 11:00 am 1:00 pm + Alejandro Lukban + Catherine Regacho, Mario Soria and Jaime Ross Lee Intentions of All Parishioners Intentions of Josefina Jimenez Monday April 25-1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 7:30 am 12:10 pm + Ray and Bobbie Watson + Rose and Charles Muscat Tuesday April 26-Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a 7:30 am 12:10 pm + Walter Eipp Intentions (Birthday) of Ivana Kirola Wednesday April 27-Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 7:30 am 12:10 pm + Winfrey Ford + Tamara Moira Reinberg Thursday April 28-Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:911 7:30 am 12:10 pm + Matilde Corea Intentions of the Asuncion Family Friday April 29-Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:1217 7:30 am 12:10 pm + H. Frank Jensen + Aurora Gaitan de Azua Saturday April 30-Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:1821 + Jose Marin Cathedral Office Hours Closed for lunch 12p.m.-1p.m. x 201 x 221 GIFT SHOP Manager: Chris Weimer 7:30 am 9:00 am Mon.–Fri: 8:30 am- 5 pm CATHEDRAL EVENT CENTER Director: Diane Luporini Event Center Supervisor: Bobby Johnson + Feliciano and Carolina Dizon 8:00 am CATHEDRAL TOURS Director of Docents: Doug Benbow 5:30 pm Sunday April 24-Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 Telephone: (415) 567-4040 Sat: 9:30 am-5:30 pm Closed for lunch 12p.m.-1p.m. Sun: 10:00 am-4:00 pm GIFT SHOP HOURS Tuesday-Friday 9 am-4:30 pm Saturday: 11 am-5:30 pm (Closed for lunch 1:30-2:30 pm) (Closed for lunch 1:30-2:30 pm) Sunday: 8:30 am-3:45 pm Telephone: (415) 567-4040 3 Fifth Sunday of Easter - April 24, 2016 4 Fifth Sunday of Easter - April 24, 2016 5 6 Fifth Sunday of Easter - April 24, 2016 7 Fifth Sunday of Easter - April 24, 2016 Cathedral Upcoming Events April 24 St. Brigid School 1st Communions Sunday, 11:00 a.m. April 26 St. Vincent de Paul Sandwich-Making Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Main Kitchen May 6 May 18 45th Anniversary Gala Friday, 6:00p.m., Patrons’ Hall More information: Free Grief Support Session Wednesday, 10:30 am –Noon, Msgr. Bowe Room FREE GRIEF SUPPORT SESSION A free Grief Support Session is held at St. Mary’s Cathedral on the third Wednesday of each month. The next Session is scheduled for May 18, from 10:30 – 12:00 in the Msgr. Bowe Room, on the west side of the parking lot level of the Cathedral. These sessions provide information on the grief process, and tips on coping with the loss of a loved one. Facilitator: Deacon Christoph Sandoval. For further details, please call Sr. Elaine at(415) 567-2020, ext. 218. Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society The SVdP conference at St. Mary’s Cathedral meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall and we gather to make sandwiches for the homeless shelter on the 4th Tuesday of the month in the Main Kitchen. Both gatherings are from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm. We can help you with Emergency groceries! Call and leave a message for us with your phone number, address and your need SVdP HELPLINE 567-2020 ext. 205 GIFT SHOP HOURS Tuesday-Friday 9 am-4:30 pm Saturday: 11 am-5:30 pm (Closed for lunch 1:30-2:30 pm) (Closed for lunch 1:30-2:30 pm) Sunday: 8:30 am-3:45 pm Telephone: (415) 567-4040 First Communion Gifts now in stock at the Gift Shop Regalos de Primera Comunión Disponibles en la tienda de regalos. BAUTIZOS EN ESPAÑOL Los padres y padrinos deben asistir una plática de preparación bautismal. Los padrinos deben ser bautizados y por lo menos uno de los padrinos tiene que ser bautizado y confirmado. Si los padrinos son de afuera, tendrán que atender la clase en su parroquia 8 local. Informes con Sofía Aguilar al (415) 236-1557. 45th Anniversary Gala “Be a Blessing, Grow the Legacy” The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption invites you to the 45th Anniversary Gala May 6th, 2016 at 6:00p.m. For tickets please call the parish office or purchase online at Alemany Award Celebration April 23, 2016 - 5:30 pm Mass Congratulations to those being honored with this year’s Alemany Award, in memory of Archbishop Joseph Sadoc Alemany, OP. The Alemany Award Mass and Dinner is an annual event hosted by the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology. This year two exemplary leaders in Catholic education are being honored in memory of our First Archbishop. Sr. Diane Aruda, OP, President of Immaculate Conception Academy in San Francisco Alessandro Baccari, a writer and historian from North Beach, the Italian District of San Francisco. One of Archbishop Alemany’s first priorities, upon arrival here in California, was to see to the education of young people. Accordingly, he sought to attract teaching orders to the new archdiocese in San Francisco. Thus in 1852 he invited the Daughters of Charity from In 1857 he first approached the Lasallian Brothers of the Christian Schools. Thanks to his foresight the seeds were planted for the work of this year’s honorees to take root and flourish here in the Bay Area. RCIA AT THE CATHEDRAL You are cordially invited to find out more about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (with adaptations for Children) Especially if you are interested in . . . • Having your school-aged child up to 17 years old baptized, • Being baptized yourself, (as an adult 18 and over), • Becoming a Catholic, and you have been baptized in another Christian tradition, e.g., Lutheran, Episcopalian, Baptist, etc., • Being confirmed and making your first communion and have not attended any catechism/Sunday school and are a baptized Catholic. Please give Doug Benbow a call at 567-2020 ext. 220 to find out how you can begin preparing for the celebration of these wonderful sacraments of Christian Initiation. Fifth Sunday of Easter - April 24, 2016 Special Second Collection April 23 and 24 Catholic Home Missions Segunda Colecta Especial: Misiones Católicas 23 y 24 de Abril The Catholic Home Missions Appeal will take place this weekend. One way that this Appeal works to support mission dioceses here at home is by supporting seminarian formation in poor dioceses. The blessing of seminarians places a financial burden on these dioceses, which educate each seminarian at a cost of $35,000–$40,000 per year. Your support is needed for these young men, so that they can return to serve their parishes. Please strengthen the Church at home by making a generous gift to this week’s Appeal. Este fin de semana se realizará el Llamado para las Misiones Católicas. Una de las maneras en las que obra el Llamado para apoyar a las diócesis misioneras aquí en casa es financiando la formación de seminaristas en las diócesis pobres. La bendición que son los seminaristas coloca una carga financiera en estas diócesis, las cuales educan a cada seminarista a un costo anual entre $35,000 y $40,000. Necesitamos que apoye a estos jóvenes para que ellos puedan regresar a servir a sus parroquias. Por favor, fortalezca la Iglesia en casa contribuyendo generosamente en el Llamado de este fin de semana. Music Collection Next Weekend Next weekend, April 30th and May 1st, we will take up the Cathedral music department collection. We rely on parishioners and visitors to reflect on the importance of music in worship, the quality of music offered here at the Cathedral, and your responsibility as stewards to support this excellent program. The second collection for music helps support our renowned music program by helping to cover the costs of salaries, organ and piano maintenance, sheet music, choir robes, supplies, and so much more. By participating in this important collection, you become an integral part of our music program and help us continue the high quality of musical leadership at the cathedral. Thank you very much for your support! Archdiocesan Annual Appeal UPDATE Our parish assessment this year is $ 58,068 which means if all 1,217 of our registered parishioners and friends to the parish contributed just $48.00 each we would meet our goal. Please make your checks to the “AAA 2016”. Thank you to all our parishioners who have already contributed and please remember that all dollars donated in excess of our goal will be returned to the parish to meet our needs. Here are the current numbers: AAA 2016 Goal: Total Cash Received to date : Total Cash Pledged (not yet paid): El próximo fin de semana, 30 de abril y 1 de mayo, será la segunda colecta para el departamento de música de la Catedral. Pedimos a feligreses y visitantes que reflexionen sobre la importancia de la música en la adoración, la calidad de la música que se ofrece aquí en la Catedral, y su responsabilidad como administradores para apoyar este excelente programa. La segunda colecta para la música ayuda apoyar nuestro programa de música de renombre al ayudar a cubrir los costos de los salarios, el órgano y el mantenimiento de piano, partituras, trajes del coro, suministros y mucho más. Al participar en esta importante colecta, usted se convierte en una parte integral de nuestro programa de música y ayuda a continuar la alta calidad de la dirección musical de la Catedral. Muchas gracias por su apoyo! La Apelación Arquidiócesana 2016 Nuestra meta este año es de $ 58,068 que significa que si los 1,217 de nuestros feligreses registrados y amigos de la parroquia contribuyeran solamente $48.00 cada uno cumpliríamos con la meta de $ 58,068. Por favor haga sus cheques a la ʺAAA 2016ʺ. Gracias a todos los que ya han contribuido este año. Gracias por su generosidad y recuerden que todo el dinero donado en exceso de la meta será devuelto a la parroquia para nuestros ministerios. Aquí estan los números actuales: $58,068 $20,664 $7,900 Grand Total as of today: $28,564 Amount still needed: Colecta para el Programa de Música próximo fin de Semana $29,504 Meta AAA 2016: $58,068 Cantidad en efectivo recibido : Compromisos no cumplidos todavía: $20,664 $7,900 Total en compromiso y recibido : $28,564 Cantidad todavía necesitamos: $29,504 9 Fifth Sunday of Easter - April 24, 2016 ♫♫ CONCERTS ♫♫ PRAYER REQUESTS All concerts are free and open to the public A free-will donation will be requested at the door Prayers for the parishes of the Archdiocese Every day, we try to pray for the world beyond our immediate vicinity. As the Mother Church of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, we would also like to pray for each local church within the Archdiocese. The parish congregation, pastor and staff are remembered that week in a very special way. Please make it a point to include them in your personal prayer intentions for the week ahead. This week we remember . . . . St. Patrick Church, San Francisco Mission San Rafael Arcangel, San Rafael St. Veronica Church, South San Francisco For comfort, healing, strength… We remember those who are ill, pained in body, mind and heart. We commend to our Loving God all of our aged and those residing in nursing homes and care facilities. Please pray for . . . . Virgilio and Dina Talao, Dana Swayngam, Alexa Ehlen, Raymond McKeon, Marta Segovia-Ashley, Patrick Joseph Serving in the armed forces: We pray for the men and women of our military who offer their lives in service in the hope that all may one day feast at the banquet of peace. P.F.C. Joshua Yavorsky, USMC SR. Christopher Diggins, US Navy Capt. Thomas Dudro, USMC Col. Maria Paquita Reyes Eoff, US Army LTC. Robert Wayne Eoff, US Army Captain Stewart Hawkins, US Air Force Captain Kasey Wilson Hawkins, US Air Force Commander John Owen, US Navy Chaplain U.S.S Enterprise Stephen J. Woodworth PO 2 US Navy, USS George W. Bush CV79 For all who have died… Sr. Felice (Helene Marie) Sauers RSM Eileen Colligan Morrissey, Jorge Viray, Sr., Patita Tumampo, Sr. Alberta Marie Karp SND, Ursula M. Edwards If you or someone in your family is sick or homebound, call Sr. Elaine, 567-2020 Ext. 218 to arrange a visit. Sun 4/24/16 4:00 pm Tom Lohmuller, Organist. Please refer all questions regarding our Music Program to: Dr. Christoph Tietze (415) 567-2020, ext 213 UPCOMING CONCERTS: May 1, 4:00 pm: Las Vegas Academy of the Arts: Bella Voz advanced women’s choir, Konzert Chorale advanced concert choir; Rosanna Cota and Megan Franke, Directors May 8, 4:00 pm: Cathedral 45th Anniversary Concert, Cathedral Choir and Orchestra. Vivali ʺGloriaʺ; Gounod ʺLes Sept Parolesʺ May 15, 4:00 pm: Spring Concert by the Cathedral Choir School: Archdiocesan Children’s Choir, St. Brigid School Honor Choir May 22, 4:00 pm: Jin Kyung Lim, Organist May 29, 4:00 pm: Christoph Tietze, Organist BAPTISMS IN ENGLISH The next Baptisms Preparation class will be on Saturday, Saturday, May 7 at 10:00 am and the next Baptisms will be on Sunday, May 8th at 2:15pm. You may register for baptisms at the Cathedral Office. For information, please contact Michael or Marie at (415) 567-2020. WEEKLY COLLECTION Easter Collection April 16 & 17: Actual $5,284 Goal $6,171 Second Collection: AAA 2016 - $746 Archdiocesan Confirmations 5:30pm: $3,959 FY ’16 Annual Collection to date Actual $312,316 Other Donations and Special Gifts $84,311 Goal % of Goal $308,550 101% $108,443 Upcoming Second Collections: April 23/24: Catholic Home Missions April 31/May 1: Music Department May 7/8: Catholic Charitioes In Order to Prepare for Next Sunday’s Liturgy: Sixth Sunday of Easter– May 1st, 2016 10 % of Goal 86% 1st Reading: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29, Psalm 67 2nd Reading: Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23 Gospel: John 14:23-29 78% Fifth Sunday of Easter - April 24, 2016 CATHEDRAL OF SAINT MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISHIONER REGISTRATION FORM FORMA DE REGISTRACIÓN Welcome to St. Mary’s Cathedral Please use this form to register as a parishioner. You may drop this form in the mail, the Sunday collection basket or bring it to our office located in the Cathedral’s lower level. Bienvenido a La Catedral de Santa María Es importante llenar este formulario para tener acceso a los sacramentos como: Matrimonio, Bautismo, Primera Comunion etc..., a demas servicios legales, como cartas de 11 11 Bulletin No. 913134 St. Mary’s Cathedral 1111 Gough Street San Francisco, California 94109 Telephone: (415) 567-2020, Ext. 215 Contact: Janet Carrillo Bulletin for: April 24, 2016