AD07-123 Music Résumé Form.indd
AD07-123 Music Résumé Form.indd
CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC APPLICANTS MUSIC RÉSUMÉ FORM This form must be completed by any applicant planning to pursue any of Lawrence University’s degree options with a major in music. (Candidates for any of these options must also register for an audition.) Name: (PLEASE PRINT) Address last street Area code Telephone first middle city state zip code state zip code state zip code E-mail Primary applied instrument/voice you intend to study at Lawrence. How many years have you studied this instrument/voice privately? List your private teacher(s) for this instrument/voice and dates of study. Name Address Dates of Study street city Name Address Dates of Study street city List solo literature you have studied. List any secondary instruments you play. instrument/voice performance or study experience instrument/voice performance or study experience If piano is not your primary interest, please rate your piano proficiency: no piano background beginner Describe any study of music theory you have had. intermediate advanced Describe any experience you have had with music composition, arranging, and improvisation. Describe any choral experiences you have had within the past four years. Include school, community, church, regional (such as all-state), and summer music camp organizations. conductor conductor conductor conductor Describe any instrumental ensemble experiences you have had within the past four years. Include school, community, church, youth orchestra, regional (such as all-state), and summer music camp organizations. conductor conductor conductor conductor List your appearances as a recital and/or ensemble soloist. Enclose programs, if available. (Copies are acceptable.) List any prizes, honors, awards, contest ratings, and other special recognition you have received in music. Describe any paid employment in music performance and/or music teaching you have had. Please provide any additional information that would be helpful in evaluating your application for music study at Lawrence.You may attach an additional sheet. Please return the completed form to: Office of Admissions, Lawrence University 711 E. Boldt Way SPC 29 Appleton, Wisconsin 54911-5699 Printed on recycled paper