Bombardier Learjet Series
Bombardier Learjet Series Market Briefing Winter 2016 Marketplace Overview INSIDE THIS EDITION ✈ Marketplace Overview ✈ Market Summaries ✈ Lear 31A ✈ Lear 45XR ✈ Lear 35A ✈ Lear 55 ✈ Lear 40 ✈ Lear 60 ✈ Lear 40XR ✈ Lear 60XR ✈ Lear 45 ✈ Learjet Deliveries ✈ JetPak Aircraft Valuation ✈ About Holstein Aviation ► Business aircraft sold on average 49 days (-9.1%) more quickly (488) for calendar year 2015 versus 2014 (537). The time that jets were available for sale dropped 11.3 percent from 486 to 431 days (-55). Turboprops’ average days on the market lowered by 58 to 475 from 533, for a 10.9 percent reduction. ► Business aircraft transactions dropped 6.4 percent (-383) to 5,602 for the full 12 months of 2015 from 5,985 in 2014, which had an increase of 228 transactions (+ 4.1%) over 2013. During the same time period, new jet transactions declined by 15 (-2.4%) from 621 to 606, while used jets lowered 5.3 percent (-174) from 3,301 to 3,127. New turboprop sales during the same time period declined 10 (-2.9%) to 335 from 345. Used turboprop purchases reduced 157 (-9.3%), going from 1,691 to 1,534. ► Aircraft tracked in this Market Briefing that were available for sale ranged from 26 additional units (Piper Meridian) to 11 fewer aircraft (Learjet 35A). Inventory declines were logged by 22 models while 57 saw more units come on to the market. Six models had no change. The Gulfstream G280 recorded the greatest inventory percentage increase (500) while the Gulfstream G150 registered the largest percentage decrease (67). ► Across the business aircraft fleet tracked in the Holstein Aviation Business Aircraft Market Perspective (BAMP) Magazine, from where this data is derived, market values increased on nine models and decreased on the other 76. Individual model Average Asking Prices ranged from an increase of 27.8 percent for the Gulfstream G150 to a 54.3 percent decrease logged by the Bombardier Challenger 601-3R. ► While the market overall continues to experience decreases in Average Asking Prices, conventional supply and demand theory appears to be occurring with more aircraft in the business aviation fleet. For the Winter 2016 report, 54 (up from 45 in the Fall 2015 briefing) of the 85 models tracked by BAMP had market values move in the opposite direction of the number available for sale. Of the remaining aircraft, six (previously 10) saw both aircraft on the market and Average Asking Prices increase while 19 (formerly 24) had both figures decrease. Finally, six (previously also six) aircraft had no change in availability, yet market value decreased on all of them. Scroll down for Market Briefing Summaries 1 (877) 530-JETS (5387) US toll free • +1 (317) 815-9403 telephone • +1 (317) 663-0705 facsimile • [email protected] • H LSTEIN Market Briefing Summaries TM (January 2015 – December 2015) Synopsis Bombardier Lear 31A Learjet Posts Largest Average Asking Price Drop In Overall Bombardier Fleet Decrease. Only the Challenger 300 and Global Express saw Average Asking Prices increase across the entire Bombardier fleet during the past 12 months. Availability increased by a total of 34 aircraft (+19%) for all three product lines. Thirteen models had additional units come on to the market, five saw decreases and two experienced no change. Bombardier once again incurred the largest drop in market value of all OEMs. All Learjet models experienced Average Asking Price declines, including the 35A and 60XR, despite those aircraft having, respectively, 11 and three fewer aircraft for sale. There was a total of 19 additional aircraft on the market, which contributed to a decline in market value for this product line overall. Leading the availability increase was the 45XR with 12 more aircraft up for purchase. ✈Aircraft For Sale: 35 ✈Fleet Availability: 16.6% +6% from 33 Aircraft ✈Avg. Model Year: 1996 ✈United States: 21 to 23 ✈Avg. Total Time: 5,489 Hrs. ✈International: 12 to 12 ✈Avg. Asking Price: $1,185,200 ✈Fleet Size: 205 $182,600 (-13.3%) • Bombardier Learjet Series Market Briefing - Winter 2016 Bombardier Lear 35A ✈Aircraft For Sale: 44 ✈Fleet Availability: 9.5% ✈Avg. Model Year: 1981 -20% from 55 Aircraft ✈United States: 45 to 30 ✈Avg. Total Time: 11,162 Hrs. ✈International: 10 to 14 ✈Avg. Asking Price: $720,000 ✈Fleet Size: 473 $95,200 (-11.7%) Bombardier Lear 40 ✈Aircraft For Sale: 11 +57% from 7 Aircraft ✈United States: 5 to 7 ✈International: 2 to 4 ✈Fleet Availability: 25.0% ✈Avg. Model Year: 2005 ✈Avg. Total Time: 3,608 Hrs. ✈Avg. Asking Price: $2,640,000 ✈Fleet Size: 40 $1,843,333 (-41.1%) 2 1 (877) 530-JETS (5387) US toll free • +1 (317) 815-9403 telephone • +1 (317) 663-0705 facsimile • [email protected] • H LSTEIN (January 2015 – December 2015) Bombardier Lear 40XR ✈Aircraft For Sale: 13 +160% from 5 Aircraft ✈United States: 5 to 10 ✈International: 0 to 3 ✈Fleet Availability: 15.4% ✈Avg. Model Year: 2007 ✈Avg. Total Time: 3,628 Hrs. ✈Avg. Asking Price: $2,958,333 ✈Fleet Size: 91 $1,075,000 (-26.7%) Bombardier Lear 45 ✈Aircraft For Sale: 31 ✈Fleet Availability: 12.4% ✈Avg. Model Year: 2001 ✈Avg. Total Time: 4,499 Hrs. ✈International: 14 to 12 ✈Avg. Asking Price: $2,850,769 ✈Fleet Size: 241 $291,231 (-9.3%) +15% from 27 Aircraft ✈United States: 13 to 19 Bombardier Lear 45XR ✈Aircraft For Sale: 27 +80% from 15 Aircraft ✈United States: 12 to 20 ✈ International: 3 to 7 ✈Fleet Availability: 13.9% ✈Avg. Model Year: 2007 ✈Avg. Total Time: 2,763 Hrs. ✈Avg. Asking Price: $4,482,636 ✈Fleet Size: 208 $1,148,197 (-20.4%) Bombardier Lear 55 ✈Aircraft For Sale: 20 ✈Fleet Availability: 17.1% +5% from 19 Aircraft ✈Avg. Model Year: 1982 ✈United States: 16 to 18 ✈Avg. Total Time: 11,868 Hrs. ✈ International: 3 to 2 ✈Avg. Asking Price: $940,750 ✈Fleet Size: 111 $243,000 (-20.5%) • Bombardier Learjet Series Market Briefing - Winter 2016 Market Briefing Summaries TM 3 1 (877) 530-JETS (5387) US toll free • +1 (317) 815-9403 telephone • +1 (317) 663-0705 facsimile • [email protected] • H LSTEIN Market Briefing Summaries (January 2015 – December 2015) Bombardier Lear 60 ✈Fleet Availability: 12.0% ✈Avg. Model Year: 1999 ✈Avg. Total Time: 5,710 Hrs. ✈International: 12 to 12 ✈Avg. Asking Price: $2,062,500 ✈Fleet Size: 309 $695,625 (-25.2%) Bombardier Lear 60XR ✈Aircraft For Sale: 38 ✈Aircraft For Sale: 14 +6% from 36 Aircraft ✈United States: 24 to 26 TM ✈Fleet Availability: 12.3% ✈Avg. Model Year: 2009 -18% from 17 Aircraft ✈United States: 6 to 7 ✈Avg. Total Time: 1,901 Hrs. ✈ International: 11 to 7 ✈Avg. Asking Price: $4,128,750 ✈Fleet Size: 114 $1,309,583 (-24.1%) New Learjet Deliveries and Forecast • Bombardier Learjet Series Market Briefing - Winter 2016 Source: J.P. Morgan Bombardier 20102011201220132014 2015201620172018 Learjet 40/70 6 1413 4 7 14161718 Learjet 45/751010141526 21222324 Learjet 60 12191210 1 –––– Learjet 85 – – – – –Program Cancelled 10/29/2015 TOTAL Bombardier 2843392534 35384042 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009 Learjet 40/70 – – – – 172126232113 Learjet 45/75 71633317222830342720 Learjet 60 35291812 9 18152326 13 Learjet 85 – – – – – – TOTAL 106925129486771807446 4 1 (877) 530-JETS (5387) US toll free • +1 (317) 815-9403 telephone • +1 (317) 663-0705 facsimile • [email protected] • Put Knowledge and Experience To Work For You JetPak Market Valuation MAKE AND MODEL SPECIFIC Market information is a critical component of any aircraft transaction. Therefore, it only makes sense to begin the process ─ as either buyer or seller ─ with accurate and up-to-date knowledge regarding your current make and model aircraft, or the business jet or turboprop you wish to acquire. The Holstein Aviation JetPak Aircraft Valuation provides you with a marketplace overview accompanied by data on specified aircraft, all at no cost or obligation to you! JetPak Features ► Price range ► Number available ► Average days on market ► Sales and pricing trends ► Market Activity FRE E Corporate, private and governmental clients worldwide rely on the Holstein Aviation team to bring the utmost in capability and expertise to bear on their behalf. If you are selling a business jet or turboprop, look to us to obtain the highest reasonable price. When you need to acquire a business aircraft, we know how to ensure that you receive the most value for your money. By partnering with Holstein Aviation, whose team member backgrounds and experience span the entrepreneurial to the Fortune 500, you instantly accrue the product and market knowledge, positive performance and enviable industry reputation capability that has been gained through: ► 250 years of total experience ► 56,000 combined flight hours ► 3,500 transactions ► $8 billion in revenue Call on Holstein Aviation to: Contact Holstein Aviation To Request Your Free JetPak +1 (317) 815-9403 [email protected] Buy a Business Aircraft Sell Your Aircraft or Fleet Lease a Jet or Turboprop Obtain Supplemental Lift Recruit / Outplace Consult / Analyze / Plan Global Brokerage Perfor mance TTTTTTW W W W W WIIIIC IC IC C C CE E E E E EA A A A A AS S S S S S FFFFFFA A A A A AS S S S S STTTTTT Holstein Aviation continues to sell business jets and turboprops 60% quicker than the market average! Ranked in Top 10 Brokerage Firms Worldwide for Transaction Volume. Holstein Aviation, Inc. 4000 West 106th Street, Suite 160 Carmel, IN 46032 USA Call +1 (317) 815-9403 1 (877) 530-JETS (5387) US toll free or e-mail [email protected] for answers, assistance and assurance.
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