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2016년 10월 23일 04시 26분
Silver Ocean of Geomundo/Baekdo Island
It is a place of the charm of exquisite views and delicacies!
Silver Ocean o f Geo mundo /Baekdo Is land
F estival/Culture Events > Silver Ocean of Geomundo/Baek do Island
It is a place of the charm of exquisite views and delicacies!
2015. 7. 29.(Wed) ~ 7. 31.(Fri)
Feel the longing and nature's purity, and thankfulness for yourself.
Sea gulls are fluttering and ships are carrying people. The scenery is like a beautiful watercolor painting. Geomundo Island and Baekdo Island
which are the islands two hours away by ships from the Yeosu harbor, are welcoming the visitors with the colorful views.
The visitors of Geomundo Island usually visit Baekdo Island, too.
Geomundo and Baekdo Is land are like twins . The beautiful views are alike, and the blue of the open s eas are jus t like identic al twins . There is a lighthous e that is
almos t 100 years old, and the c emetery of the Englis h in Geomundo Is land. Throughout the is land c amellia trees are everywhere. The two is lands open their arms as
if to roundly embrac e when the s torm c omes in. As the s eas are always c alm, it was a port of the heavens that the powers , s uc h as Rus s ia, England, Americ a, and
Japan, wanted to have. The way to the lighthous e is a c amellia road. The reas on why Geomundo Is land is c alled a Camellia Is land is bec aus e of this road. 70% of the
trees growing in this is land are c amellia trees . The name Geomundo Is land was made in the late Chos un Dynas ty. Geomundo means great in s tudies . When the navy
fleet admiral Jeong Yeo-c hang of Chines e Q ing Dynas ty vis ited to protes t oc c upation of Geomundo Is land by the Englis h, he was as tonis hed by the high ac ademic
level of Geomundo Is land’s people, s o he named it ‘Geomun’. Baekdo Is land is 20 minutes away from Geomundo Is land by s hip. It is National Sc enic Spot number 7.
As the is land is one lac king from 100, it is s aid that it is c alled Baekdo(白島), one s troke (一) away from 100(百). In reality, there are only 39 s tone is lands . There is a
legend that the s on of the Great Jade Emperor fell in love with the daughter of the Dragon King and lived there, and did not return even after s ending 100 vas s als .
Ups et, the Great Jade Emperor made both his s on and the vas s als into s tone.
Baekdo Is land is a ‘Forbidden Is land’ that has prevented human approac h s inc e 1987 for the purpos e of protec ting the environment and the ec ology.
Byeongpungbawi Roc k, whic h looks like a folding s c reen, Hyeongjebawi Roc k, that looks like it’s being s c olded, Nojeoks eom Is land, whic h looks like piled up
grain, and Maebawi Roc k that looks as if a hawk is s natc hing away food… The tall roc ks have the dignity like c as tles floating overs eas . As it is s aid that long time
ago, fis hermen of Geomundo Is land would find their ways bac k in foggy nights by the s c ent of s ic kle neofinetia, it is a plac e of fragranc e jus t by the s tories .
Geomundo Is land, in the middle of open s eas , is an is land full of c onfidenc e enough to c reate their own c ulture and pos s es s it. Thes e c ultural things that the
Geomundo Is land’s people who treas ure their own c ulture have kept s afe s o far are reflec ted in the Silver O c ean of Geomundo/Baekdo Is land Experienc e. The Silver
O c ean of Geomundo/Baekdo Is land Experienc e is hos ted every late Augus t to early September. The main event is the reappearanc e of "Geomundobaennorae" whic h
is a labor s ong by Geomundo Is land fis hermen on s hips .
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