2016년 08월 26일 08시 22분


2016년 08월 26일 08시 22분
2016년 10월 23일 04시 26분
Geomundo Baekdo
Geomundo Island and Baekdo Island are beautiful islands of the southern
The island which is like a big door, Geomundo
The report of natural habitat, Baekdo Island.
Geo mundo Baekdo
Tourist Attraction > Ten views of Yeosu > Geomundo Baek do
Geomundo Island and Baekdo Island are
beautiful islands of the southern seas.
Geomundo Island has lighted the seas for the first time in the southern seas,
and Baekdo Island is called Haegeumgang Island of the southern seas.
Geomundo Baekdo district, together with history of over 100 years, boasts Geomundo Lighthouse,
that has lighted the seas of the southern seas for the first time, passageway to Noksan Lighthouse, Geomundo camellia forest,
and rocks of fantastic shape of Baekdo, called Haegeumgang Island of the southern seas, and the view of the heavens.
Follow the waterway to 300-ri Arc hipelago Marine National P ark Geomundo Is land and Baekdo Is land. Geomundo Is land, with exotic fantas y, repres ents ordeals of
the powers , and Baekdo Is land, with its natural mys terious land, is s till a belonging of the heavens . If Geomundo Is land, where relations hips of world powers , s uc h
as England, Rus s ia, Americ a, and Japan, has been revers ed, is a his tory made by human unders tandings , Baekdo Is land, where it is s aid that the s on of the Heavens
des c ended and didn't return, is a legendary unoffic ial his tory made by fantas tic 39 roc ks .
The island which is like a big door, Geomundo
Commonly, Geomundo Is land was thought to be an is land of geomun, in other words 'an is land that is like a big door'. It is true. Bec aus e of its geographic al
loc ation, Geomundo Is land was the c enter of Eas t As ia s ea route s inc e anc ient times . Als o, for the s ame reas on, it has rec eived ordeals between modern wes tern
powers . Thus , the name 'geomun' s eems more s uitable than any other. Des pite that, it is more pers uas ive to s ay that the name 'Geomundo' has c ome from a group
of people. 'Geomundo', in other words , means 'is land of great s c holars '. This is very exc eptional as mos t of the names for plac es have originated from its
geography or nature. Then why did it earn s uc h a name? It is bec aus e Geomundo Is land was a plac e of ac tive interc hange of c ulture from the s ea route s inc e the
olden days . That too, has bec ome a bas e for the development of many great people des pite being a s mall is land at the edge of Namdo.
In Geomundo Is land of the late 19th c entury, there already were billiard halls , elec tric lights , telephones , and other waves of modernization that was diffic ult to s ee
even in the mainland. Als o, in 1905, early 20th c entury, 'Nagyeong Ac ademy', a modern s c hool, was es tablis hed: Geomundo Is land's c ulture abs orption was fas t and
omnidirec tional to that extent. That was what developed great people, and thus earned the is land the glorious name of 'Geomun'. The reas on why Geomundo was
able to s urvive between wes tern powers and how it was able to purs ue Donghak Movement and fierc e anti-Japanes e movements was probably bec aus e s uc h
c apable people were guarding this is land.
The report of natural habitat, Baekdo Island.
Baekdo Is land was des ignated as Sc enic Spot number 7 in Dec ember, 1979. It is formed of 39 uninhabited arc hipelagos and is des ignated as Sangbaekdo and
Habaekdo Is lands . It takes about 40 minutes to c irc uit the is land when riding the ferry that departs from GeomundoIs land, but you c annot get off at the is land. Thus ,
natural rare birds and plants have been pres erved well. Along with blac k wood pigeons , natural monument number 15, 30 or s o kinds of rare birds s uc h as fairy
pitts , c ormorants , and bus h warblers res ide here. There are 353 s ubtropic al plants , s uc h as s ic kle neofinetia, s eok-gok, dwarf junipers , s ilver magnolias , and
c amellias , and 70 or s o marine plants s uc h as large red c orals , s mall c orals , and s ponges : It is a report of natural habitat.