Read - Mary Our Queen Catholic Church
Read - Mary Our Queen Catholic Church
Welcome to Mary Our Queen Catholic Church 6260 The Corners Parkway Peachtree Corners, GA 30092Fax: 770-416-1846 Office: 770-416-0002 l School: 770-416-9799 ADMINISTRATOR Rev. David M. Dye EMAiIL: priestincharge@maryour Rev. Miguel Grave de Peralta EMAIL: [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE NURSERY AVAILABLE SUNDAYS Saturday Vigil .............. 5:00pm During the 8:30 and 11:oo Masses Sunday8:30am, 11:00am & 5:00pm Monday 7:00am & 12:00 noon Tuesday ......... 12:00 noon only ASSISTIVE LISTENING AVAILABLE Wednesday .... 7:00am & noon “Sound Mates” available from Thursday ................No Masses ushers. DEACONS Friday .... 7:00am & 12:00 noon Rev. Mr. James Stone Saturday...................... 9:00am Rev. Mr. Joseph Ruberte CATHOLIC INITIATION & INQUIRY RECONCILIATION If interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith through the Order of Saturday following the 9:00am mass & at 4:00pm. WeekChristian Initiation (OCI), please call the parish office. days after each mass by appointment Dec 13, 2015 Third Sunday of Advent Ordinary Times, Cycle C SACRAMENTS JINGLE BELLS, JINGLE BELLS!!! BAPTISM Parents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class & must be registered members of the parish for at least 3 months prior to the Baptism date. Call the office for further information Come join the Women's Guild White Elephant Christmas party Monday, December 14th, at 7:00 pm. Bring a nice wrapped item that you love and know someone else would love. Any questions contact: Nickie Grass: 678 - 427- 6379, or SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples must contact Father Dye at least 6 months before the wedding date to arrange the instructions & spiritual preparation necessary for the sacrament Visitation of the Sick Please keep us informed of anyone admitted to the hospital or who is homebound so that we can be attentive to his or her spiritual needs. Hospitals no longer notify parishes. Priests and deacons visit the sick regularly and Extraordinary Ministers bring Communion to the sick on weekends if requested. Call the parish office at Marla Ganim: 770- 380 -3977 Children's Christmas Pageant Be a part of the Christmas Eve Pageant before the 4:30 pm children's mass on Dec. 24th. Three mandatory practices will be held on the three Sundays preceding Christmas at 2:30 in Kieran Hall. Parents are encouraged to help. Please contact [email protected] to RSVP. Don’t miss your chance to purchase the 2015 Mary Our Queen Christmas ornament! Parishioner Nanette Scrase has created the third painting in a three-part series of the Madonna and Christ Child exclusively for Mary Our Queen. The WEDS group will donate all proceeds to Good Shepherd Services, and you’ll have a wonderful decoration for your tree. Stop at the table after masses on December 12-13 until they’re gone. Limited supply so get yours now! $10.00. Help us Decorate Parishioners are encouraged to participate in helping decorate our church for the Christmas liturgies. The church for Christmas Please call the office at 770-416-0002 to let us know we can count on your help. Dec. 19th at 10 am. What a difference a day makes! The BeLoved Women’s Retreat is an unforgettable day that will engage, connect and rejuvenate women of all ages through a personal experience of God’s love. Dynamic talks, small group discussions, and time for prayer will make Christ relevant in your day-today life and personal circumstances. The retreat will be held January 23, 2016, 10am-5pm. The cost is $30 for treats and lunch. Register Today! For details and registration: BeLovedRetreatMOQ. Questions? June Kener [email protected] or Beverly Stone [email protected] MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF DEC DEC 12 SATURDAY 9 am In Thanksgiving 5 pm Matteo & Giovanna Caracciolo DEC 13 SUNDAY 8:30 an People of the Parish 11:00 am Gloria Vaine 5:00 pm John Beezley DEC 14 MONDAY 7:00 am Alderman Henry R Thibault 12:00 pm Chua Family DEC 15 TUESDAY 12: OO noon Maureen Hines DEC 16 WEDNESDAY 7 am John Beezley 12:00 pm Nell Otis DEC 17 THURSDAY NO MASS DEC 18 FRIDAY 7:00 am Dorothy Osowski 12:00 pm Chua Family page 3 ADVENT December 15th at 7 pm If you’ve had an abortion, or know someone who has, you probably understand that contrary to what Planned Parenthood tells us, abortion hurts women. It is not uncommon for post-abortive women to suffer from: grief, guilt, depression, sleep disorders, alcohol or drug abuse, anger, abortion related nightmares or flashbacks. The good news is that there is hope after abortion. Project Rachel is a network of professional counselors and priests trained to provide oneon-one spiritual and psychological care for those who are suffering because of an abortion. It’s a phone call away (404) 888-7827, or Email [email protected] MAJOR WOMEN OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT NEW BIBLE STUDY BEGINS JAN. 6TH AT 7:15PM. Major women to be discussed will be Sarah (wife of Abraham), Rebekah (wife of Issac), Rachel and Leah (wives of Jacob), Deborah and Jael, Ruth and Orpah, Hannah, Bathsheba, Tamar, Jezebel, Judith, Queen Ester, Elizabeth, The Samaritan woman, A woman judged forgiven, Herodias and Salome, Prisca (Priscilla), Mary Magdalene, Martha and Mary, and, of course, the greatest woman of all, Mary, the Mother of Jesus. The course is ten to eleven weeks. There is no cost, and no registration is needed; just bring your Bible. If you cannot attend all the sessions, please attend as often as possible. For more information, contact Richard at [email protected] The family of Mary Our Queen welcomes those newly baptized. Please pray for them as they continue to grow in Christ: JOSEPH—We do not know much about Joseph, but we know enough to make him an important person in the popular devotion of many. Joseph was so privileged, but the difficulties he had to face were many: the unexpected pregnancy of his fiancée that had to be explained, first to Joseph himself, and then to family and friends; an untimely trip to Bethlehem; the difficulty in finding a place for Mary to give birth; the flight to Egypt; the return from there to Nazareth; and the loss of the child in the temple. Joseph must have learned to let things go God’s way, as painful as that sometimes can be! DEED FOR THE WEEK—Make a list of the people, even animals and plants, that are entrusted to your care. Provide special care for those you have neglected most. Please remember to pray for all those who are hospitalized and for all those who are shut-ins, ill or recuperating at home and those who suffer from depression during the holidays. It’s that time of year to think about donating a poinsettia in honor of a loved one. These flowers will adorn our sanctuary and narthex during the Christmas Season. Forms will be on the Welcome Desk. Waverly Keppen daughter of Dusty & Theresa Helena Wambo Yamdjeu daughter of Augustin and Marianne Blasio Sizimwe son of Andrew and Shadell Frank Konen son of son of Russell and Kira Adrian Blaj son of Lucian and Laura Maya Rondez daughter of Jerry and Christine This weeks Altar Flowers are in Memory Emanuel LaBella By Vinci Imhoff and Ralph LaBella A donation to the flower fund is a beautiful way to remember, honor or give thanks for loved ones. Please check the “Altar Flower Sign-up Book” in the Narthex for available dates. Christmas Breakfast with Santa The Mary Our Queen Knights of Columbus Council 14944 will host its annual morning with Santa the 20th of December after the 8:30am Mass. A special pancake breakfast and gifts for the kids from dear old Santa. page 4 CELEBRATING THE CHRISTMAS sharing Oplatki A Polish Tradition— SEASON r to the host rec. (a thin wafer simila ared on at communion) is sh e Stumpo family Christmas Eve at th th singing The Christmas Season is from celebration along wi mily Fred fa e th of ad he As carols. a symbol to sundown Dec. 24th thru Jan 6th says “the Oplatki is of e nc porta remind us of the im What does your family do during this season? family. It is a d Christmas, God an ill y an ness for time to ask forgive Share your traditions, customs', activities blessing for feelings and give a and happiness, health, good fortune or party plans. over the years. which do not tarnish a crown in Pictures accepted And may you receive a es ut ib str di en th paradise.” He ki to each person Email: [email protected] small piece of oplat e it to another and they in turn giv We keep our tree and outside decorations g. along with a blessin up until Jan. 6th for Little Christmas. We resist the urge to eat all of the baked cookies and sweets until after we attend Christmas mass. Advent is a season of looking forward to the return of Christ, not back to his birth. Several things in the liturgy change. The Gloria is not sung again until Christmas Eve when we celebrate his birth. The Gospels preach that we should live in expectation of his return to gather his people and take them to the throne of all life and love in heaven. Our culture pushes this message aside for the "sale" of Christmas. Our church calls us to prepare our lives for his return as "King of Kings and Lord of Lords." submitted by Alan Brown. FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION DECEMBER 8, 2015 page 5 “Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the Most Pure Virgin Mary, at midnight in Bethlehem in piercing cold.” Our Newborn King was born for us. Visit Him during Come visit Jesus Christ Our King in the Most Blessed Sacrament and give God thanks for His great gift to us. Twenty-four Hour Adoration is held every week beginning Fri. at 9 am and concluding on Sat. at 9 am. Co-guardian is needed for 1 am on Sat. mornings. Contact Larry Pelkowski at 770-772-7214 or [email protected] Eucharistic Adoration Around the Archdiocese The Archdiocesan Youth Choir Festival will be held at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church on February 6th, 2016. All singers grades 4-8 are invited to participate. Sign in begins at 10:30 and rehearsals will begin at 11:00 noon. Lunch and snacks will be provided throughout the day. Children from across the Archdiocese will then sing at 4pm mass at IHM. Family and friends are encouraged to join us for mass and fellowship afterwards. There is a small fee to participate, to cover the snacks, t-shirt and cost for the clinician. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet singers from many different churches and to challenge the musicianship of all of the children. The forms and payment (checks made payable to St. Benedict) will be due no later than December 20th. No child will be allowed to participate unless all of the paperwork is in. Forms can be found at :aycf_individual_registration_form_2016.docx GRACE Scholars’ deadline is December 15th Attention Donors! Please submit your 2016 tax credit pre-registrations by December 15th. You can either pre-register online at the GRACE Scholars’ home page or use the paper form. Your contribution will help deserving children and youth enjoy the blessings of a Christ-centered Catholic education. For more information, contact: This week in our parish Sunday, Dec 13 9:30 am Welcome Coffee 4:00 pm Teen Music 6:00 pm Youth Grp (KH) 7:00 pm Polish Mass Monday, Dec 14 Altar Care Patricia Stephenson 7:00 pm Folk Grp Tuesday, Dec 15 7:00 pm Advent Penance Service Wednesday, Dec 16 1:00 pm Regnum Christi (rm 202) 6:45 pm Rosary 7:00 pm Scouts 7:30 pm Choir Thursday, Dec. 17 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus 7:00 pm Scouts (rm 202/TB) Friday, Dec 18 6:30 am Men’s Ministry 9:00 am Open24 Hour Adoration Saturday, Dec 19 9:00 am Close Adoration GRACE Scholars 404.920.7900 [email protected] A WARM WELCOME TO VISTORS WHO WORSHIP TODAY WITH OUR COMMUNITY Please sign our Visitor’s Guest Book in the narthex and know that you are always welcome. New parishioners are encouraged to join the parish by completing a Family Registration Form found on our web site or on the Welcome Desk in the Narthex and returning it to the Parish Office or dropping it in the Sunday Offertory basket. I believe life is a priceless gift. We have to respect and honor it always. I have never stopped loving life. I love being fully alive. Andrea Bocelli MARY OUR QUEEN COUNSELING CENTER Jane Dausner, MS, LSCW, a licensed therapist, staffs the parish Counseling Center and can be contacted at 770713-5156. Patti Di Rito, MA, LPC, a therapist for Holy Family Counseling Center, provides counseling for individuals, couples and families from a Catholic perspective. Call 770-845-1646 or go online to