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Guide Book & Directory, including our members’ contact
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2015 Guide Book & Directory
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Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Vision Statement
Seeking to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, we reach out in Christian service
to our families, our parish, our community and our world. We value our
Catholic beliefs and nurture our continual growth and faith renewal. We
strive to be a welcoming, vibrant Christ-centered community of believers
that acknowledges and embraces the diversity of our parish family. Our
parish life is centered in the celebration of the Eucharist and sacraments.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to steward our time, talent
and treasure for the sake of building up the Reign of God.
Dear Parishioners of Immaculate Heart of Mary,
“According to the grace of God given to me, like a wise master builder I laid
a foundation, and another is building upon it. But each one must be careful
how he builds upon it, for no one can lay a foundation other than the one
that is there, namely, Jesus Christ.”-1 Cor. 3:10
Those words of St. Paul to the Corinthian community could have just as
easily been spoken by Fr. Charles Killgoar in 1949 to the Immaculate Heart
of Mary community. While he was the first Pastor, Fr. Killgoar knew all-toowell that he would not be the last!
This beautiful place that we call our spiritual home today remains a
vibrant parish because many wonderful people before us put St. Paul’s
words into practice.
It is from a sense of gratitude that we, the current members of Immaculate
Heart of Mary, pick up where the previous generations left off. This booklet
is meant to aid you in this process.
Through the example and the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of
Mary, consider your gifts and talents — how God has blessed you — and
return the blessing to those who shall follow!
In Christ,
Fr. Troy Nevins
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Table of Contents
Vision Statement ........................................................................................ 1
Letter to Parishioners ................................................................................. 1
Parish Mission Statement ........................................................................... 4
Parish Office/Liturgy Schedule................................................................... 4
Staff ........................................................................................................ 4-5
Faith Formation ....................................................................................... 5-6
Youth Ministry............................................................................................ 7
Bible Studies .............................................................................................. 8
Prayer Groups ............................................................................................ 8
Men’s Ministry ........................................................................................... 9
Liturgical Ministries .............................................................................. 9-10
Music Ministry ......................................................................................... 10
Stewardship ........................................................................................ 11-12
Parish Life ........................................................................................... 12-13
Community ......................................................................................... 13-15
Immaculate Heart of Mary School ...................................................... 15-16
Map of Church & School .......................................................................... 17
Parish Directory................................................................................... 18-42
Index of Advertisers
These are our business and professional friends who have made this Guide Book &
Directory possible at no cost to our church. We thank them for their involvement
and encourage you to consider their fine services. In order to view these
advertisements online please visit
*B.C. = Back Cover
I.F.C. = Inside Front Cover
I.B.C. = Inside Back Cover
Business Name
Corey, Murphy & Harber, Thomas M. Murphy, CPA ... 241-2604............... 43
Financial Institutions
Macatawa Bank .................................................................................... 23
Funeral Services
O’Brien-Gerst Funeral Homes ................................ 949-7350............... 39
Zaagman Memorial Chapel .................................... 940-3022............... 31
General Contractors
Rockford Construction ........................................... 285-6933............... 27
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Farm Bureau Insurance, Tony J. Beachler .............. 940-7043............I.F.C.
Heidenreich Insurance Group, Steve Heidenreich.. 901-4928............... 22
Medical Staffing For In-Home Caregivers
Diversified Medical Staffing, LLC ........................... 301-2000............... 25
Office Equipment
Applied Imaging .................................................... 554-5200............... 23
Karl Orthodontics, Paul J. Karl, D.D.S., M.Cl.D. .... 459-7171............... 43
Parish Benefactors.............................................................................. 43
Grand Rapids Ear, Nose & Throat, P.C., Dr. Thomas Pfennig .....................
.............................................................................. 459-4514............... 19
Keller WIlliams Realty, Grand Rapids North, Joanne Heidenreich ............
.............................................................................. 901-9772............... 22
Senior Living/Retirement Communities
Clark Retirement Community ................................ 452-1568............... 35
This Guide Book & Directory was published by:
Guide Book Publishing © 2015
322 Sovereign Ct. • St. Louis, MO 63011
636-391-2121 • 1-800-597-3037 •
This Guide Book and Directory is distributed free of charge to each family of the congregation for their private use only.
The publisher of this directory assumes no liability arising from errors of omissions in these free membership listings.
Its liability to a paid advertiser shall not exceed the charges paid by the advertiser for inclusion into this publication.
All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized copying, duplicating, or reproducing of any portion of this publication constitutes
a violation of U.S. copyright law and is strictly forbidden. This copy of the Guide Book and Directory is and shall remain
the property of this congregation and is intended for the private use of the members of this organization only. Use of this
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injunctive relief as well as damages.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Parish Mission Statement
…Striving to be a Catholic Community alive in our faith, our worship and
our service to others.
Parish Office
The entrance to the parish office is located in the courtyard behind the
main church building. The hours are 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday through
Friday (summer months the office closes at noon on Fridays).
Parish office: 241-4477
PARISH PHONE .................................................................. (616) 241-4477
PARISH FAX ........................................................................ (616) 241-2832
SCHOOL PHONE................................................................. (616) 241-4633
SCHOOL FAX ...................................................................... (616) 241-4418
E-MAIL ................................................................ [email protected]
WEBSITE .....................................................................
Liturgy Schedule
Saturday ....................................................................................... 5:15 p.m.
Sunday ................................................................. 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Tuesday ................................................................ 6:30 p.m. (evening Mass)
Wednesday .................................................................................... 8:30 a.m.
Thursday and Friday ..................................................................... 7:45 a.m.
Confessions ................................................................Saturdays, 4:00-4:45 p.m.
Pastor ................................................................................. Rev. Troy Nevins
Pastoral Associate.................................................................Prisilla Baldwin
School Principal ......................................................................Stacy Slomski
Business Administrator .................................................... Barb Heinbeck-Dauser
Secretary ...............................................................................Janet Potoczny
Parish Accountant .................................................................. Lynn Iacopelli
Minister of Music ................................................................Jane VanHouten
Religious Education Coordinator..........................................Prisilla Baldwin
Youth Director .........................................................................Stefanie Iwan
Stewardship Coordinator ......................................................Jane Eggleston
Maintenance ..........................................................................John Potoczny
Maintenance Supervisor........................................................... Doug Nowak
Housekeeping ...........................................................................Mary LaVoie
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Finance Council
The Finance Council is an advisory board to the pastor concerning all
financial matters pertaining to the parish. Some of its responsibilities are
the preparation of annual parish budgets, periodic review of the financial
status of the parish and assisting the business manager. Terms run three
years. Contact: Brian Pangle, [email protected]
Pastoral Council
This is the visioning and planning body for the pastoral and spiritual
concerns of the parish. Membership is by Pastoral appointment and by a
parish-wide drawing by lot of interested parishioners. Contact: Barb Waier,
[email protected]
Stewardship Coordinator
Helping Parishioners identify their individual gifts of time, talent and
treasure and matching them with a ministry that benefits both parishioner
and church. For more information in how you can assist IHM and
grow spiritually please contact Jane Eggleston, 241-4477 Ex. 107 or
[email protected]
Faith Formation
Religious Education for children: Religious school for elementary
and middle school age (grades 1-8) children meet on Sundays from
9:35-10:45 a.m. during the academic year. These classes support
the parents of children who do not attend Catholic schools. Adults
who love Christ and his Church are encouraged to ask about being a
catechist to the children in the parish. Contact: Prisilla Baldwin,
241-4477 Ex. 105
RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults meets weekly to instruct
adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. Baptized
Christians as well as non-Christians are welcome to attend and inquire
about becoming Catholic. Those baptized adult Catholics who have not
yet received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist may attend
this program preparing them to receive those sacraments. Anyone who
would like to share the gift of faith with others can be a catechist or
sponsor in this program. Contact: Prisilla Baldwin, 241-4477 Ex. 105
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Sacramental Preparation: In general, two years of faith
formation are required for each of the sacraments.
First Reconciliation: Preparation for this sacrament takes place in
the parish school and religious education classes for children in the
second grade. Contact: Prisilla Baldwin, 241-4477 Ex. 105
First Holy Communion: Preparation for the sacrament of Holy
Communion takes place in the parish school and religious education
classes for children in the second grade or older. Celebration of the First
Eucharist is in the spring. Contact: Prisilla Baldwin, 241-4477 Ex. 105
Confirmation: Preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation takes
place in the parish school and religious education classes for children
in the seventh or eighth grade. Program requirements include: School
and/or Religious Education attendance, an all-day candidate retreat,
12 hours of Christian service given for the community and a parent/
candidate Scripture prayer service. Contact: Stefanie Iwan, 241-4477
Ex. 115
Marriage Preparation: All engaged couples are required to
participate in Pre-Cana classes. Pre-Cana is a retreat that takes place
once a year at the end of February. Please contact Michelle David,
974-9924 or [email protected] for details.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: For children ages 3 (by June 1st and
potty trained) through 9 years old. It is a Montessori, hands-on approach
based on the sound teachings of the Church’s tradition. Sacred Scripture,
the Liturgy, and the Magisterium are all used to reveal the Good News to
children. The philosophy of CGS is that even very young children already
have a religious life, and we provide an environment to foster the child’s
personal relationship with our living God. Level One (PK/K) is offered
on Thursdays from 12:00-1:30 and 4:00-5:30 p.m. Level 2 (grades 1-3)
is also offered on Thursdays from 4:00-5:30 p.m. Please contact Michelle
David, [email protected], Megan Tietema,
[email protected] or Katie Tate [email protected]
for details.
Adoration: The Chapel of the Holy Eucharist, located on the west side of
the parish office building, is open from 2:00 a.m. Mondays through
midnight on Fridays throughout the year. Everyone is invited to stop in
for a visit with Our Lord. Pope John Paul II reminds us that “the only
prayer more powerful than Eucharistic Adoration is the Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass.” If you have any questions or would like to commit to an
hour of adoration per week please call. Contact: Nancy Ingram,
975-9969 or Amy Hamilton, 942-6625
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Youth Ministry
Empowering the community of Catholic youth, IHM youth ministry encourages
growth in relationship with God both personally and in community through
building Christ-centered relationships, catechizing, and fostering necessary life
skills in context of the Catholic faith leading teens closer to Christ.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Youth Ministry program offers several
opportunities to grow closer to the Lord, in the Catholic Church; ranging
from social outings, large group gatherings, retreats and small group
ministry. Continue to read the bulletin each week to keep track of our
ongoing schedule of opportunities for our youth.
LIFE NIGHT: Geared toward high school youth, nights include prayer,
talks, discussion, social time, praise and worship, and a variety of
other activities. Youth meet at 7:30-9:00 p.m. Sundays during the
school year in the deMazenod Room.
FREEDOM TEAM: Want to serve your younger peers? 10th-12th
graders and young adults who want to serve middle school youth
as peer ministers by planning and leading weekly Edge Nights and
Junior high retreats can join the Freedom Team. The team shares
testimonies, leads small groups, performs skits and dramas, and builds
relationships with 6th-8th grade youth. As leaders, Freedom Team
members must have an active faith, consistent prayer life, attend
Mass every Sunday, frequent Reconciliation, and live a Catholic life
committed to moral choices guided by faith. Those interested in being
a member of the team, should contact the Youth Ministry Director,
Stefanie Iwan, 241-4477 Ex. 115 or [email protected]
EDGE: Edge is for youth in grades 6th-8th, designed to meet their
educational, spiritual, emotional, and social needs. The program meets
7:15-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Within the context of faith, junior high
youth are moving from a child-like spirituality to an independent
ownership of their Catholic faith and identity. Edge provides an
unparalleled moment in their life for guidance and reassurance in
Jesus’ love for them. Through this ministry, we give our middle school
youth “the Edge” they need in life: Jesus, The Word, The Sacraments,
The Teachings of the Catholic Church and a Catholic Community
where they can experience true peace, hope, joy, and the love of God!
YEA (Youth Eucharistic Adoration): Each Advent through Lent,
7th/8th grade youth commit to one half hour each in the Adoration
chapel during exposition of the Eucharist, 5:00-9:00 p.m. Sundays.
Youth are prepped with an understanding of Adoration and how to
simply be in the Lord’s presence through this celebrated devotion. The
program ends in early May with a celebration, including Benediction
and a social for the entire parish.
Contact: Stefanie Iwan, Youth Ministry Director,
241-4477 Ex. 115
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Bible Studies
Women’s Wednesday Bible Study: All women are welcome to join this
group of moms on Wednesday mornings September through May. This
group meets in the All-Purpose Room from 9:30-11:00 a.m. free childcare
provided in the adjacent nursery. Contact: Kim Willison, 241-9899
Senior Women’s Tuesday: This group meets every Tuesday in the Hands
Gathering Space, September through May from 10:00-11:30 a.m. It is
primarily a Women’s Senior Bible Study, but is open to all interested
parishioners. Contact: Blanche Krenselewski, 243-5175 or Geri VanHerp,
Women’s Thursday: This women’s group meets each Thursday in the
Hearts and Hands Room from 9:30-11:00 a.m. September through
May. We are studying Matthew this year. All are welcome. No nursery
provided. Contact: Karen Weber, 956-1513
Tuesday Evening: Both men and women gather in the Upper Room
after 6:30 p.m. Tuesday evening Mass to study the Bible. Please
contact Linda Eadie, 243-9385.
Prayer Groups
The Divine Mercy Cenacle I: This group meets at 8:30 a.m. on
Tuesday mornings in the All-Purpose Room. This group’s purpose is
prayer, scripture and keeping abreast of the Catholic Church today.
Contact: Mary Dean, 452-6109
The Divine Mercy Cenacle II: This group meets Tuesday evenings
from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Hearts Room. Contact Ann Buck for more
details, 243-8579.
Our Lady of Hope: This prayer group meets every Tuesday in the Hearts
Gathering Space from 8:00-10:00 a.m. This group is dedicated to saying the
Novena of Our Lady of Hope. The mission is Praise, Prayer, Thanksgiving and
Petition. Contact: Bernadette Mack, 245-7382 or Ruth Tierney, 281-7641
Lord, Teach Me to Pray: A three part prayer series approved by
the USCCB. It is rooted in Ignatian spirituality. Part 1, Praying
Christian Virtues is a 12 week series that introduces women to
Ignatian prayer and spirituality in the way that St. Ignatius himself
introduced people, by structuring their initial prayer experience
around the Christian Virtues. Participants meet once per week for
1-2 hours in a small group and commit to pray at least 5 minutes
each day with assigned Scripture passages. Part 1 will be offered
again in the Spring of 2015 and Part 2 will begin in September 2015.
Please contact Maureen Pereiro [email protected] or Kristin Ferro
[email protected] or 475-0032
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Men’s Ministry
HISmen: This men’s group meets the second and fourth Saturday of each
month in the Hearts Room, from 8:00-9:30 a.m. HISmen study group
will help “turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts
of the children to the fathers.” (Malachi 3:24) Both Catholic and nonCatholic are welcome to attend. Contact: Mike Bush, 677-1033
TMIY! – That Man is YOU! is a dynamic 26 week interactive men’s
program focused on developing men by deepening their relationship
with Jesus and providing tools to explore their faith. TMIY combines
the best, current social science research with teachings from Scripture
and the Catholic Faith developing a vision of authentic men capable
of transforming themselves, their families and their communities.
Friday mornings 6:00-7:30 a.m. Contact TJ Ackert, 247-0736. Regular
attendance is worthwhile but not required.
Men’s Friday: This Men’s Bible Study will be studying the Old and
New Testament. All men are invited to attend. No preparation work
needed! We meet in the Hearts Room every Friday at 6:45-7:30 a.m.
Contact: Gary Smith, 942-1718 or Bill McDonagh, 942-1534
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers: The Altar Servers assist the priest during the Mass and
during other liturgical celebrations. The Altar Server occupies a
privileged place in the liturgical celebration. Jesus is present and
active in every liturgy. Therefore they are servants of Jesus, the
eternal High Priest. Servers should be mature enough to understand
their responsibilities and to carry them out well and with appropriate
reverence. Training is required before you are eligible to serve. Initial
trainings are offered to boys and girls at the end of 4th grade and are
available to students through high school. Refresher trainings are
required in the Spring and Summer of each year. Those who have
mastered the responsibilities for at least two years will be trained
to be lead servers. Once a student reaches high school he or she is
welcomed and encouraged to continue serving at the altar. Contact:
Paul and Debbie Dymowski, 745-3399
Extraordinary Ministers of The Holy Communion: What a
privilege it is, that being the Body of Christ we are enabled to distribute
the Body of Christ to other members of the Body of Christ. This is a
revolving monthly commitment at a Mass of your choosing. Also anyone
interested in bringing the Eucharist to the homebound or nursing homes
are very welcomed. Please contact: Joan Bellamy, 682-1861
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Lectors: Lectors use the gift of speech that God has given us to proclaim
God’s word. Lectors do not simply read stories from the Bible at Mass,
but rather theirs is the voice of God in the proclamation of God’s word.
Two Lectors are assigned to each Mass, one for each of the readings.
Contact: Katie Hudson, 949-4128
Sacristans: Sacristans set up before Mass. They are asked to arrive 15
minutes before Mass to prepare the credence table and to set out the
bread and wine for the Presentation of Gifts. Sacristans serve monthly
by Mass preference. The rotation depends on the number of volunteers.
Training is provided. Contact: Janet Potoczny, 241-4477 Ex. 100
Ushers: Ushers extend the hospitality of the Lord’s house to all who come to
worship. More than just taking the collection, ushers are there to make sure
everyone has a place to sit and to respond to any emergencies that might
come up. Any parishioner, male or female, may serve as an usher. Six ushers
are needed per Mass. Contact: Jane Eggleston, 241-4477 Ex. 107
Music Ministry
Chamber Choir: Both men and women participate in our Choir (singers
and instrumentalists). Practices begin in late August on Thursdays at
7:00 p.m. and continue through June. This group sings every weekend
at either 8:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. Masses as well as Holy Days.
Children’s Choir: St. Gregory Choir consists of children in grades 3-5
and St. Cecelia Choir children grade 6-8. Practices are every week
on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. in the deMazenod Room. This group
is scheduled on varied weekends at either 8:30 or 11:00 a.m. Mass,
as well as the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Mass, Holy Thursday and First
Communion Mass. Joyful Noise Choir consists of children K-2 and
practice is Wednesday from 4:00-4:30 p.m.
Resurrection Choir: This group is composed of seniors and other adults
that provide the music ministry for all funerals. Practices are twice a
month on Thursdays 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Bell Choir: This is a 2-3 octave hand bell choir that plays twice a month
at either the 8:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. Masses. Practices are every week
on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the church.
Cantors: All cantors are auditioned and encouraged to train prior to
leading in music liturgy.
School Choirs/Cantors: These groups are students who lead the music
ministry at the school Masses on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 a.m.
Contact: Jane VanHouten, Music Director, 241-4477 Ex. 116 for
all questions concerning the music programs.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Christian Service
Bereavement: Bereavement ministers accompany a family on their
first year’s journey after the death of a loved one. Each bereavement
minister is assigned one or two families, depending upon the number
of volunteers and the number of deaths. A phone call is made or card
is sent to the next of kin periodically throughout the year as well as
other important dates, i.e., wedding anniversaries, Thanksgiving,
Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and the first year’s anniversary.
Refugee Ministry: IHM sponsors families who are making a new life
for themselves in America. Come get involved in this exciting ministry.
Donating furniture, clothes, services or just a helping hand can make
all the difference.
Sick and Homebound Ministry:
Meals and Helping Hands: Please call if you can prepare a meal
and give assistance to a Parishioner who is recovering from surgery.
Transportation: Volunteers provide transportation for parishioners
who are not able to drive and assistance in getting to Mass and
doctor’s appointments.
Eucharistic Visitors: These members of Immaculate Heart of Mary
carry the Eucharist weekly to those members of Christ’s Body who are
sick and suffering. As our community ages, we are always in need of
volunteers for this very important ministry.
Comfort Cards: Reach out to our senior, sick and homebound
members by sending a greeting, birthday or holiday card.
For all Support Ministries please contact Prisllia Baldwin,
241-4477 Ex. 105
Capitol Lunch: Immaculate Heart of Mary helps to serve a meal at God’s
Kitchen on the second Sunday of each month. Volunteers are assigned
to a team of 12 people and work about once a year. More volunteers
can be added to any team. Contact: Arnette Kraus, 957-4914 or find
team and dates link on our website at
Funeral Buffet: These volunteers prepare and or serve a buffet lunch for
families after the funeral of a loved one. Volunteers are called upon as
needed and serve as their schedule allows. Contact: Sue Kris, 452-0739
or Ruth Popiel, 452-8964
Heavenly Dusters: These volunteers dust the narthex, sacristy and
sanctuary weekly. A more thorough cleaning is done periodically.
Individuals are assigned on a weekly rotation about 2-3 times a year.
The day and time are arranged by the volunteer. Contact: Jayne
Danhof, 243-9885
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Altar Linens:
Purificators: Wash and iron the purificators, corporals and towels
used at Mass weekly, on a monthly rotation.
Albs and Altar Cloths: Wash and iron the altar boys Albs, when
needed on a monthly rotation.
Contact Jane Eggleston for Altar Linen Ministry 241-4477 Ex. 107
Baptismal Garments: If you enjoy sewing, this ministry is for you.
Help make the little white garments newly Baptized babies receive on
the altar during Baptism. Sew at home and deliver as needed. Please
contact Sherry Boonenberg, 676-9520
Altar Arrangements, Art and Environment: Volunteers assist in
decorating and preparing for the seasonal decor in our church. Christmas
and Easter are the highlights of the year. For more information on this
beautiful ministry please Contact: Linda and Kim Eadie, 243-9385
Knit One Pray Too!: This Prayer Shawl ministry is a fellowship of knitters
who, together with His Spirit, provide comfort through the work of our
hands and the prayers in our hearts. We meet once a month for an hour
of prayer, knitting and community. Minimal skill required, just a happy
heart. Contact: Alicia Parini, 243-7255 or Cathi Biggart, 245-3735.
IHM Gardeners: IHM is blessed with a beautiful campus. It certainly takes a
lot of effort to maintain and enhance the environment. We are looking for
parishioners with a gift for tending gardens, green thumbs or landscaping
design experience. Adopt a zone or volunteer for special project days!
Work on your own schedule with guidance from the planning committee.
Please contact Jon Rauch, 957-4289 for more information.
Parish Life
Annual Events
Parish Picnic: This wonderful event is the combined effort of every
major group in the parish. Even if you aren’t part of one of the
organizing groups, laborers and ideas are always welcome. Contact:
Julie Milanowski, 464-4134
Fall Gathering: This annual fundraiser not only gives us a chance to
socialize but also gives a much needed boost to our capitol improvements
fund. If you enjoyed this year’s event, please consider helping us do it
again next year! Contact: Sandy and John Lowery, 942-6756
Blood Drive: Immaculate Heart of Mary sponsors a blood drive twice a year,
once in the fall and once in the spring. Contact: Gina Zanotti, 916-6835
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Winter Social: Sponsored by the Killgoar Foundation, this Parish event
is usually scheduled on the Saturday before Ash Wednesday in the
Parish Center. This annual gathering offers the chance to enjoy great
food, libations and dancing amid the company of long time and newer
parishioners. In addition, the Killgoar Foundation presents its annual Dutch
VanderVeen Service Award to a person or couple for their outstanding service
to the foundation/IHM School. Cost is minimal; fun is guaranteed.
Advent Candle Sale and Giving Tree: Look for our annual Advent
Candle sale in the back of church before Advent and our wonderful
Giving Tree during December that benefits the children of St. Johns
Home. Please contact Marleigh Plachecki, 656-1011 or Nicole May,
[email protected]
Second Best Sale: Every April the IHM School and parish collects second
hand treasures in the gym and holds a giant sale. Donations and
Volunteers gladly welcomed! Proceeds benefit the school and church.
This is a wonderful outreach to our community. Contact: Anne Brown,
949-5939 or MaryKay Fatum, 949-6713
Groups and Organizations
The Women’s Guild: The Women’s Guild provides opportunities to all
women of the parish for spiritual and community growth. We have
socials during the year and we raise funds to help with various parish
needs. All women of the parish are considered members. Please see our
calendar of events online at IHM website for more details. We hope you
will join us this year. Contact: Karen Weber for more details, 956-1513
Boomers and Beyond: We provide many opportunities for our Senior Adults
to gather socially take trips and visit religious shrines. On occasion, guests
are invited to speak on topics of interest. Watch the weekly bulletins for
upcoming events. Contact: Prisilla Baldwin, 241-4477 Ex. 105
Boy Scouts: Preparing young people to make ethical choices over their lifetime
by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Troop 200
is an active, boy led Boy Scout troop focused on teaching leadership skills,
life skills, and responsibility. Troop 200 meets every Monday evening in the
All Purpose room at IHM 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Troop 200 also has a monthly
outing which, in the past, has included activities such as backpacking
Nordhouse Dunes, indoor rock-climbing, shooting sports, Pando ski area
and winter camping to name a few. Please contact Dan Erikson, 516-4151
Knights of Columbus: - IHM Council #13499 is an active part of the
global Catholic fraternal society. Dedicated to the principles of Charity,
Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism, we act in service to our parish,
our priests, our community and our world. Please contact Randy
MacGeorge, [email protected] or 243-5925
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
St. Vincent DePaul Society: Assist in the collection of household goods
and food for the needy. Serves an annual Pancake Breakfast and Pasta
Dinner! Look to bulletin for dates! Please Contact: Joe Tierney,
281-7641 or for pick-up at your home, 452-1408.
The Respect Life Committee: Respect Life assists in the education of
the parish community with activities designed to increase knowledge
and awareness on all life issues. Some of our projects include Life
Chain, 40 Days for Life and praying a weekly rosary for the end to
abortion, euthanasia and stem cell research. We meet on the third
Monday of each month, September through June, from 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Contact: Sandy Lowery, 942-6756 or [email protected]
Natural Family Planning: NFP classes provide instruction,
information, referrals and ongoing support for couples seeking to
achieve or postpone pregnancy. It is completely natural, enhances
communication, increases respect, is morally acceptable, is a marriage
builder and is 99% effective. NFP classes are provided twice a year at
Immaculate Heart of Mary in a three class series. The times are posted
in the bulletin. Other class series are available throughout the diocese
as well. Counseling is available at any time.
Contacts: Paul and Christy Brown,
Certified NFP Teachers, 285-0915
Date Night: The Covenant of Love Date Night based on The Alexander
House is to provide couples a monthly opportunity for:
Fellowship with other couples
Catechesis on the Church’s teaching about marriage
Learning practical skills and tools to improve their marriage
Learning from each other’s experiences in marriage.
Please contact Charlie and Kristin Ferro for
more information, 475-0032.
Parents of Little Ones (P.O.L.O.): This informal social group targets
parents of children ages 0-6. The purpose of this group is threefold: to
provide a forum for activities appropriate for young children; to provide
informal social opportunities for young couples; to encourage community
building among young families. Please contact Lynn Iacopelli, 901-7773
Welcome Host: The Welcoming Committee finds ways to help new
members feel welcome in our parish faith community by contacting
the new family, helping them get oriented to life in our parish and
encouraging them to participate in social or committee activities.
Contact: Barb Waier, 452-0616
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Parish Historian: The parish historian collects and archives parish records,
photographs, and memorabilia of all types in an effort to save and
document the history of IHM. Go to the “History” link on our website to
read the entire History of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, 1949-1999. If
you have items to donate, please contact Deb Moore, 957-4264
The Men’s Golf League: The league plays Thursday afternoons at Saskatoon
Golf Course from mid April to mid September. Members are parishioners
and non-parishioners. There are three flights arranged by tee times to
accommodate individual schedules. Contact: Vince Williams, 243-9353
The Women’s Golf League: The league plays Thursday mornings at
Indian Trails Golf Club May through August. The League consists of
golfers of various abilities from Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Paul the
Apostle and others. This is a great way to get out on the course every
week and improve your game. Contact: Deb Moore, 957-4264
Immaculate Heart of Mary School
The school is located on the northwest corner of
Plymouth Avenue and Burton Street.
Grades Pre-School-8
Child Care Center opens 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Office Hours are 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
7:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. on scheduled half days
If you are visiting the school,
Please check in at the school office when entering.
SCHOOL PHONE........................................................................... 241-4633
SCHOOL FAX ................................................................................ 241-4418
WEBSITE .......................................................
Immaculate Heart of Mary School, immersed in the teachings of the Catholic
Church, is dedicated to providing excellent spiritual and academic formation in
the development of well rounded individuals centered in Christ. As an integral
dimension of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, a Catholic community centered
on Jesus Christ, all members have the opportunity to experience the joy of His
gospel message in the daily learning, living and sharing of faith throughout all
aspects of school life. Immaculate Heart of Mary School seeks to provide a solid
foundation and nurturing environment within a Catholic, Christian framework.
A dedicated staff is committed to providing an enriched and well-rounded
curriculum, which encourages and prepares children to be caring contributing
members of the Catholic community and the community-at-large. The school
includes Preschool, Young Fives, Kindergarten, grades one through eight, and a
child care center. Along with our strong curriculum, we offer Spanish, art, physical
education, music, band, computers, and some special education services. Extracurricular activities include: sports for grades 5-8, Science Olympiad, Math Counts
and Liturgical Choir. Contact: Stacy Slomski, Principal, 241-4633
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Immaculate Heart of Mary School Board
The Board is a consultative body, which recommends policy to guide the
educational programs at Immaculate Heart of Mary School. The Board
consists of eleven voting members who are either elected or appointed by
the Pastor. The board assists in the development of policies guiding the
activities of Immaculate Heart of Mary School on behalf of Immaculate
Heart of Mary Parish by developing an annual budget, maintaining a
strategic plan for the continued progress of the school, and an annual
assessment of communication, effectiveness and goals of the school.
Contact: Regina Wright, [email protected]
Home and School Association
The Immaculate Heart of Mary Home and School Association (H&SA) is
the parent organization within our school community. The membership is
composed of the parents of all children attending Immaculate Heart of Mary
School. Officers are elected for a two-year commitment. There are also 14
committee co-chairs who volunteer for different positions. The purpose of
H&SA is to provide framework, coordination and accountability for the many
and varied volunteer activities sponsored to enhance our children’s school
experiences. Direct support to teachers and departments, as well as special
programs and school enhancements are planned and budgeted annually.
Fundraising activities sponsored by H&SA occur throughout the year to
guarantee that these supports are continued and are not dependent upon
tuition subsidy. Contact the school office for more information, 241-4633.
Killgoar Foundation
Established in 1987 to assure the future of Catholic education at
Immaculate Heart of Mary School, this endowment fund provides tuition
assistance and support for programming, capital needs and professional
staff development. Since its inception, the foundation has allocated more
than $1 million in tuition assistance, making attendance at IHM School
possible for hundreds of students. Gifts to the foundation always are
welcome! For more information, contact Ann Williams, Development
Director, 862-7911 or [email protected]
Immaculate Heart of Mary School
Athletic Association
The purpose of the Athletic Association is to provide financial support to
Immaculate Heart of Mary athletic activities, promote the highest degree
of sportsmanship between athletic participants and spectators, promote
athletic activities and recognize achievements of all athletic participants.
Parents of students participating in athletics are automatically members of
the Athletic Association and receive a handbook. It is the responsibility of
the Athletic Association Membership to maintain a safe and comfortable
environment for athletes and spectators during games and sporting events.
Contact the school office for more information, 241-4633.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Parish Directory
If the information in this directory is incomplete or incorrect,
please call the parish office so that your record can be updated.
AAGESEN, Joshua & Jennifer ....................217-8354 BARTH, Francis & Violetta .........................245-2384
Jack, Leah, Will
2033 Maumee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BARTHELS, John & Susan .........................241-5266
2619 Kalamazoo Ave. SE Apt. 316, Grand Rapids, 49507
2444 Richards Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BASSINDALE, Joseph & Ceci .....................724-7832
2157 Tecumseh Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BEACHLER, Tony & Meredith ....................956-6104
ABID, Joseph & Janet ................................949-0632
ACKERT, Terence & Mary............................247-0736
ALFLEN, Roger ...........................................949-0612
1866 Onaway Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1624 Hutchinson Ave. SE Apt. A, Grand Rapids, 49506
Brendan, Cameron, Caroline, Natalie
2450 Parkridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
7130 Oakbrook St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
ALLOR, Janet ..................................... 231-629-0471 BEALE, Timothy & Tobi ..............................246-7168
3523 Westminster Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
ANDEL, Joan..............................................949-7344
4463 Winged Foot Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
ANDERSEN, Boyd & Annmarie..................452-4706
1012 Nevada St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
Myles, Oliver, Jameson
1817 Wilnella Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BEAUMONT, Edgar & Joan .......................364-4576
1776 Flowers Mill Ct. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
BEGEROW, Katie .......................................452-7495
3706 Dawes Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
ANDERSON, Michael & Diane...................974-9045 BEGEROW, Thomas & Sharon ..................452-7495
944 Windshire Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
3706 Dawes Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
3635 Stilesgate Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1521 Ridgewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Vanessa, Julian
2733 Maplewood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Maria, Sarah
6646 Cascade Farms Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
3207 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
6646 Cascade Farms Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
ANDERSON, Robert & Donna ...................452-9312 BEGROW, Lee & Karen ...............................Unlisted
ARDERN, James & Greta ................... 248-632-0081 BELLAMY, David & Joan ............................682-1861
ARENDS, Suzan .........................................452-8383 BELLAMY, Martha ........................................Unlisted
ARGUE, Dena ............................................808-2721 BELLAMY, Teresa..........................................Unlisted
1101 Alger St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
6646 Cascade Farms Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
BABYLON, Meribel ....................................460-7282
BELMONTE, Robert & Pamela ..................247-3515
6340 Greenway Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2254 Saginaw Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BENITEZ, Adam & Kathleen.............. 865-382-5444
7940 Bush Dr. NE, Rockford, 49341
BENITEZ-FASSBENDER, Olivia ................949-7519
BALDWIN, Kenneth & Prisilla ...................874-4208
Augustine, Luke, Clara
331 Rosemary St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
3462 Breton Valley Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
BANFIELD, Megan.......................................Unlisted BERA, Roger & Cynthia..............................949-7366
6391 Ada Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
2616 Maplewood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BARKELEY, William & Mary Beth ...............942-2126
BERGDAHL, Betty .....................................245-4069
2045 Wilshire Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2418 Ridgecroft Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
BERIGAN, John & Leslie ...........................554-1115
2649 Bridge Pl. Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
BERLIN, Chris & Jean ................................575-9222
2649 Bridge Pl. Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
BERLIN, John & Rita..................................538-2361
BARNER, Caitlin ..........................................Unlisted
BARNER, Scott & Sandy.............................477-0456
1377 Meadowgreen Ct. SE, Caledonia, 49316
2251 Radcliff Cir. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
4816 Curwood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
BARTH, Anne .............................................452-1739 BERNINGER, Susanne ..............................452-6617
2619 Kalamazoo Ave. SE Apt. 225, Grand Rapids, 49507
1418 Springdale Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
BERRIOS, Miguel & Janet .........................243-1438 BOORN, Barbara.......................................452-9467
2118 Shawnee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
619 Griswold St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
BERRY, Timothy & Sherie.............................Unlisted BORUTA, Regina .......................................245-4429
Jacob, Emily, Kathryne
2165 Onekama Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2414 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BERRYMAN, Thomas .................................452-1708
BOUWHUIS, Philip & Jessica ...................862-4581
3030 Fulton St. E., Grand Rapids, 49506
1914 Linden Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
BIANCHI, Paul Jr. & Amy ..........................285-3931 BOWEN, Daniel & Sharon ........................975-0092
Mia, Max
1517 Edgewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Annalise, Jack
2280 Mission Hills Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
BIEDERBECK, James...................................Unlisted BOWEN, John & Judith .............................847-1794
1643 Philadelphia Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
2214 W. Greenstone Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
1917 Menominee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2233 Edington Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
BIGGART, Thomas & Catherine .................245-3735 BOZEK, Frank............................................452-5645
BILIC, Mira ................................................929-7192 BRADLEY, William & Mary .........................464-4227
4658 Lamplight Ln. SE Apt. H19, Grand Rapids, 49546
BISCHOFF, Kelsea.............................. 989-820-0190
455 Briar Ln. NE, Grand Rapids, 49503
BLAKE-NEAL, Emily ..................................667-7393
5750 Sugarberry Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
BLOEM, Edward Jr. ....................................243-9752
1517 Shangrai La Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
BOCK, James & Melissa.............................456-9145
Henry, Anna
2160 Glen Gary Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
BOGDAN, Connie ......................................240-4907
1701 Hall St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BOICE, Gayla.............................................805-4102
3039 Manhattan Ln. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BRAMBLE, Steven & Donna ......................540-7238
2715 Barfield Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
BRAUN, Fred Jr. & Beverly ........................285-9507
6265 Heathmoor Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
BRAUN, Michael & Stacey .........................975-3987
Stephanie, Megan
2327 Rolling Hills Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
BRNADA, Josip & Dragana .......................956-0815
2818 Bransford Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
BRNADA, Marinko & Vesna ......................957-0145
Florian, Andrej, Andrea
2826 Bransford Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
3038 Kay Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
BOLAND, Joseph & Mary ..........................243-2720 BROUWER, Richard & Marcia ...................241-1474
2112 Chesaning Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1220 Pinecrest Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BOOG, Matthew & Danielle .............. 989-964-9389 BROWN, David & Lynn ..................... 567-274-9878
Hailey, Peter, Sophia
6269 Bechalla Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
1815 Onaway Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BOONENBERG, Brett & Sherry ................676-9520
BROWN, Eric & Maureen .................. 678-634-6258
Leah, Kara, Ethan
3930 Cherry Lane Ave. SE, Ada, 49301
6241 Sweet Clover Ln. SE, Caledonia, 49316
1555 44th St. SW
Wyoming, MI 49509
1425 Michigan, NE Suite A
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
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Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
BROWN, Lee & Anne ................................949-5939 CAIN, Robert ..............................................262-1435
Kevin, Eliza
2165 Glen Echo Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
James, Julia
2145 Onekama Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Grace, Gabriel, Andrew, Ava
1700 Amberley Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Kip, Cailyn
2561 Cascade Springs Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
BROWN, Paul & Christina .........................828-3681 CALLAHAN, Tom & Susan ................. 678-761-1120
BROWN, Ryan ...........................................949-5939 CAMPAU, Gertrude....................................667-1537
2165 Glen Echo Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
172 Brookmeadow N. Ln. SW Apt. 4, Grandville, 49418
BROWN, Wayne & Theresa .......................403-7558 CAMPBELL, Aaron & Heather .....................Unlisted
Addison, Isaac
3366 Breton Valley Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
1841 Keyhill Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
BROWN, William & Margaret ...................977-2092 CAMPBELL, James ....................................956-1366
1055 Forest Hill Ave. SE Apt. 269, Grand Rapids, 49546
2929 Cascade Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2234 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
458 Van Allen St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49548
2429 Raymond Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
3924 Merrimack Way SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
BRUHA, John & Suzette ............................452-7815 CAMPBELL, Joseph & Rosemary ...............452-9390
BUCK, David & Ann...................................243-8579 CAMPBELL, Kathleen ................................241-5882
BUEHLER, David & Elizabeth....................690-0431 CAMPBELL, Margaret ...............................241-5882
Alexis, Hannah
5149 Blazing Star Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
3924 Merrimack Way SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
BUI, Tam & Ginger ....................................248-3960
Noah, Nathan, Grace
1421 Amberly Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
CAMPBELL, Mary ......................................241-5882
3924 Merrimack Way SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
CAMPBELL, Yole ........................................272-3127
1919 Boston St. SE Apt. B219, Grand Rapids, 49506
BUI, Tri & Oanh .........................................656-2404 CARPENTER, Christine ..............................241-4579
5030 Breezefield Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
6640 Gracepoint Dr. SE, Caledonia, 49316
BUNCE, Paul & Jocelyn ...............................Unlisted
CARPENTER, Ellen ....................................475-3949
677 Abbey Mill Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
Alexandra, Matthew
3411 Brookpoint Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
CARPENTER, Eric & Kara .................. 269-876-0725
1657 Bridle Creek St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
CARPENTER, Erin ......................................949-6128
5653 Copper Ct. SE, Caledonia, 49316
BURKALL, Randall & Ruth ........................455-6924
BURL, Charlie & Meredith .........................214-2179
2101 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BURNS, James & Ann................................942-5038
Kiara, Keegan
1966 Burton St. SE Apt. 27, Grand Rapids, 49506
CARR, Jack .................................................942-5235
2750 Barfield Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
6377 Thornhills Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
CASEY, Melvern & Mary..............................977-0624
3784 Ravine Vista Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
CAVANAGH, Michael & Katherine ..............Unlisted
BURNS, James & Lorraine ........................452-0253
BURNS, James Jr. & Melissa ......................942-9693
Eamonn, Eoghan, Ciarra
262 Manhattan Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BUROCCKI, Lynne.....................................363-7803
3136 E. Gatehouse Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
Seamus, Keegan
1810 Wilnella Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
CAVANAUGH, Daniel & Susan .................956-1975
2200 Glen Gary Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2601 Kewadin Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
BURROWS, Marlene .................................245-7549 CAVANAUGH, Matthew & Sarah ..............560-3627
1638 Rosewood SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
BUSH, Michael & Margaret .......................677-1033
Lucy, Thomas
918 Orchard Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
3243 Winans St. NW, Grand Rapids, 49534
CAVANAUGH, Sharon ..............................243-6365
4069 Lake Dr. SE Ste. 310, Grand Rapids, 49546
CHAPIN, Sharon..........................................Unlisted
2319 Rosewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
CHAU, An & Tran .........................................Unlisted
BUZZITTA, Catherine ................................954-0501
CAIN, Margaret..........................................243-9387
1647 Sylvan Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1163 Brookshire Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1106 Merrifield St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
CITRON, Stuart & Rita...............................949-9498 CROSIER, Margie ......................................475-6667
2615 Oakwood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2305 Burton St. SE Apt. 152, Grand Rapids, 49506
CLAY, Michael & Jodi ..................................977-9746 CUDDOHY, Norma ....................................285-1912
Brenna, Eva
2707 Elmwood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1919 Boston St. SE Apt. A102, Grand Rapids, 49506
CLIFFORD, Marilyn....................................245-7724
CUMMINGS, Dennis Jr. & Crystal .............648-3245
Kara, Axel, Mila, Jovie
126 Daniel St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49548
2150 Negaunee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
CLIFFORD, Terrence ....................................Unlisted CUNCANNON, K.C. & Deann ........... 815-505-1652
2150 Negaunee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
CLOHERTY, Thomas & Heather .................364-1865
3053 Crisfield Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
CLULEY, David & Nancy .............................581-9068
2220 Glen Echo Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
COIL, Dianne .............................................570-1985
Mary Claire
1816 Mayfair Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49503
2212 Union Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
CUSACK, Mark & Dianne ..........................682-7807
Carianne, Mariella, LucyClaire
1975 Timber Trail Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
CUSICK, James ..........................................608-5598
2619 Kalamazoo Ave. SE Apt. 356, Grand Rapids, 49507
CUTLER, Maureen .......................................Unlisted
3010 Beechwood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
COLE, Sandra ............................................248-4932 DAKKI, Waleed & Athra ..............................Unlisted
11265 Washington Ave. Apt. 25, Allendale, 49401
COLLINS, Richard & Karla.........................464-1822
Joseph, Grace
2410 Ridgecroft Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
Grace, Lucas, Gavin
3522 N. Meadow Grove Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
DALRYMPLE, David & Mary ......................956-3136
2160 Heath Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
COLPEAN, Brandon & Elizabeth ...............452-4494 DAMUTH, Mary .........................................452-1158
Molly, Macy, Marie
2449 Tall Grass Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
DANHOF, Allison .......................................243-9885
2336 Ridgewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2555 Frederick Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
DANHOF, Russell & Jayne .........................243-9885
Reagan, Grace, Lindsey, Abigail, Elizabeth
1567 Hillsboro Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
DAPOR-STARKS, Linda.............................243-2007
2200 Chesaning Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
DARCANGELO, Mary.................................949-1012
Kyle, Conner, Cole, Carly, Clayton, Courtney
1849 Middleground Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
DAUGAVETIS, Anita..................................329-9490
CONDIT, Donald & Suzanne .....................942-5105
COOL, Jon & Kelly ............................. 517-505-0448
CORCORAN, Patrick & Anne .....................241-3533
COTTRELL, Kenneth & Cynthia ..................975-3400
1533 Plymouth Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1533 Plymouth Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Anastasia, Adam
2065 Union Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
1124 Merritt St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
2676 Northvale Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
COURBIER, Shane & Elizabeth .................443-7264 DAVID, John & Michelle ............................974-9924
2250 Tecumseh Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Ashley, Katelyn, Lauren
2526 Birchcrest Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
COUTURIER, Dominic ...............................970-5347 DAVIS, Jeffrey & Amy ................................634-3142
241 Burgess Lake Rd., Greenville, 48838
CRABBS, Leona .........................................452-3586
Keaton, Caroline
3469 Mason View Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
1827 Millbrook St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
DEAN, Mary ...............................................452-6109
Charles, Genora, Gerard
3443 Birch Knoll Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
DELORE, Clarence & Lyla ..........................458-2776
CRAMPTON, Kevin & Renee’ ............ 810-701-4348
2065 N. Cross Creek Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1410 Matilda St. NE, Grand Rapids, 49503
CRAWFORD, Thomas & Diane ..................245-1687 DELUCA, Salvatore & Antoinette ..............241-2123
2447 Raymond Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
1035 Burnside St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
2101 San Lu Rae Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2745 Cascade Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
CRETE, Michael & Mary .............................340-0195 DENHOF, Patricia ......................................942-7452
CROSIER, Amanda ....................................419-7838 DENNY, Michael & Suzanne.......................243-2424
Aleeyah, Natalie, Breanna, Hailey
2063 Cannon St. SW, Wyoming, 49519
2251 Paris Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Joanne Heidenreich
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DERR, Sherri ..............................................405-8183 DONOVAN, Tom & Jamie .........................459-2091
3737 Hickorygrove Ct., Holland, 49424
DERY, John & Rita ......................................954-7023
2706 Capilano Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
Travis, Jack
1400 Rothbury Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49505
D’ORAZIO, Robert & Teresa ......................243-2499
2024 Omena Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
DESPRES, Maxine ......................................455-1186 DOWNER, Gerald & Norma......................949-1997
5571 Osborne Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49548
2115 Britton Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
DETTWILER, Jason & Cheri .......................248-0543 DOWNER, John & Monica.........................949-6063
Daniel, Anna
1141 Iroquois Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
DOYLE, Gerald.............................................Unlisted
2308 Edgewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2462 Cranden Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
DREW, M. ...................................................247-1140
304 Rosemary St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
DRINAN, Betty...........................................977-2471
DEWARD, Jacquelyn..................................550-2344
DIEGEL, Paul & Cassandra ........................633-6161
1936 Lockmere Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49508
1632 Plymouth Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
4285 Sabal Pointe Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
DILLON, Daniel & Debra...........................452-3937 DUBINSKY, John Jr. & Sara.......................855-8865
2030 Omena Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
335 Bridge St. NW Apt. 1300, Grand Rapids, 49504
Ester Cing Hoih, Joseph Paw Thang, Monica Khep Huai
1140 Myrtle St. NW, Grand Rapids, 49504
Aiden, Aila
5580 Highbury Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
DING, Peter & Maria .................................365-5164 DUFFNER, Kevin & Cortney.......................443-7009
DINH, Khue ...............................................822-4086 DUNLAP, Michael & Laura .........................241-3876
3941 Winewood Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
DINH, Man & Le ........................................245-1736
3941 Winewood Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
DINH, Quyen .............................................245-1736
Mitchell, Dominic, Joel, Miriam
852 Walsh St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
DURUSSEL, James & Sandra ....................942-0519
3941 Winewood Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
3689 Windshire Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
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Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
DYKEMA, Steven & Virginia ......................447-9820 FABIANO, Mark & Sarah...........................656-0660
2103 Lamberton Creek Ln. NE, Grand Rapids, 49505
DYMOWSKI, Paul & Deborah.....................Unlisted
Tommie, Samantha
2461 Thorn Creek St. SE, Kentwood, 49508
Gabriela, Juliana, Leo
2969 Coppergrove Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
FALK, Steve & Toni.....................................245-1213
1848 Plymouth Ter. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
FARAGE, Anthony ......................................949-7283
1133 Noble St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
FARAGE, Mark .............................................Unlisted
Leland, Lucas, Kira
4350 Downing St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
FARHA, Walid & Amal ...............................942-7568
EADIE, Kim & Linda ..................................243-9385
EADIE, Kyle & Amber ................................890-5727
EDELYN, James & Lori ...............................288-5080
EGGIMAN, Jason & Kelly .................. 612-787-8433
Evan, Glen, Anne
3370 Brook Trl. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
2541 Oakwood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Monroe, Madison
2775 Meadowbrook Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
4580 Woodcreek Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
1836 Robinson Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
EGGLESTON, Bobby ....................................Unlisted FARHAM, Christopher ...............................890-7304
1505 River Oaks Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
1908 Woodward Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
EGGLESTON, Eleanor..................................Unlisted FARRELL, Laura .........................................241-1634
Ivan, Maxim
2201 Negaunee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1908 Woodward Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
EGGLESTON, Robert II & Jane ..................475-7771
1908 Woodward Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
EHLICH, John ............................................706-3322
FARRELL, Robert & Robin ............................Unlisted
2244 Woodlawn Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2233 Elliott St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
FATUM, Mark & Mary Kay .........................949-6713
2233 Elliott St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
FEATHER, Daniel & Wilma ........................940-5264
1840 Mayfair Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49503
FELLOWS, Stephan & Stacy .......................452-9409
EHLICH, John III & Julie............................477-7129
ELLIOTT, Frances ........................................235-3025
2300 Mission Hills Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
Maplecreek Terrace 2000 32nd St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
Madeline, Alexander, Grace, Joel, Dylan, William
1815 Hutchinson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
ELLIOTT, Margaret .....................................235-3025
1840 Mayfair Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49503
ENGLAND, Joshua & Catherine ..................Unlisted FERNANDEZ, Mauricio & Marianne.. 210-497-8496
2272 Cascade Lakes Cir. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
Mason, Alexander, Lucas
1466 Royal Oak St. SW, Wyoming, 49509
ENGLISH, Michael & Melissa .....................304-5013 FERRANTE, Earlene.....................................Unlisted
661 Billantau St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
Juniper, Adrian
2544 Brooklyn Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
FERRO, Charlie & Kristin ...........................475-0032
2356 Mission Hills Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
ENGLISH, Richard & Irene ........................245-3644
2040 Tekonsha St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
ENGLISH, Thomas & Susan.......................245-7380 FINGLETON, Patrick..................................241-5587
2928 Rosewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
2324 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
FINGLETON, Timothy................................243-5416
ERICKSON, Daniel & Rosemary ..................Unlisted
Alexander, Samuel
3367 Newcastle Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
2922 Dawes Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
FIRLIK, Donald & Carol .............................243-5565
1609 Seminole Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
ERLANDSON, Dan & Margaret .................813-6704 FITZPATRICK, Thomas & Kathleen ...........285-6454
2159 Heath Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1320 54th St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
ESCONDO, Joel & Realita .........................554-4755 FLAK, Matthew & Kris ................................452-2667
Charisa, Caitlyn
5783 E. Grove Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
1721 Plymouth Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
ESSENMACHER, Renee .............................243-6304
FLINT, Brian & Bridget...............................272-4332
1851 32nd St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
Dalton, Brady
1924 Prairie Pkwy. SW Apt. 96, Wyoming, 49519
EWALD, Timothy & Mary .............................Unlisted FLORES, Luis & Nelly .................................245-3750
2361 Valleywood Dr. SE Apt. N2, Grand Rapids, 49546
2756 Alger St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
FODOR, Barbara .......................................272-4004 GIESWEIN, Robert & Susan ......................464-4496
2517 Abbington Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
FOSTER, Christopher & Tamara.................608-5596
Brittany, Sarah, Dalton, Nathan
PO Box 888275, Grand Rapids, 49588
1252 Farnsworth Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
GIETZEN, Daniel & Alma ..........................942-7546
3311 Breton Valley Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
FOX, Chad & Carolyn ......................... 734-377-7290 GILL, Frederick & Renae ............................698-8831
Claire, Anna
2958 Beechwood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
4576 Brookmeadow Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
FROZLEY, Donald & Retha .........................676-9232
6316 Duxbury Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
FRYE, Thomas & Heidi ...............................241-6907
Madison, Matthew
1104 Gladstone Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
FURLONG, Kevin & Tracey ........................285-3973
Connor, Brooke
8070 Lionel Dr. SW, Byron Center, 49315
GALIC, Ante & Slava..................................698-8099
2370 Brook Hollow Pl. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
GARZA-GRANDE, Lupita .........................248-4122
GILLIS, Stanley & Kathleen .......................455-4879
1400 Gunnink Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
GONZALEZ, Francisco & Beth ...................245-2813
Isabela, Leila, Rocco
3162 Howlett Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
GOULD, Shirley ...........................................Unlisted
3050 Wingate Dr. SE Apt. 2B, Grand Rapids, 49512
GRABOW, Gregory & Janice .....................974-9736
Marcin, Gregory
2270 Mission Hills Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
GRAHAM, Andrew & Bridget ....................260-0005
Finn, Charles
1444 Strathmoor Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1617 Gorham Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
GASE, Mary Ellen .......................................698-0261 GRAHAM, Thomas & Margaret .................243-9389
3598 Mill Point Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
GASPER, Charles .......................................514-5784
859 Reynard St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
GEARY, Marian ...........................................248-1431
1820 Millbrook St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
GRAIF, Matthew & Jamie ...........................329-2214
835 Ardmore St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
1551 Franklin St. SE Apt. 2100, Grand Rapids, 49506
GEARY, Patrick & Patricia ..........................949-7691 GRAVELYN, Lucas & Tara ..........................805-4280
Autumn, Violet
351 Horseshoe Ct., Plainwell, 49080
2542 Indian Trl. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
GEDRITIS, Robert & Agnes........................956-7553
2051 Griggs St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
GRAY, David ...............................................245-9031
2213 Shawnee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
GREENE, Robert & Sherry .........................243-8172
2619 Kalamazoo Ave. SE Apt. 200, Grand Rapids, 49507
GREGORSKI, Robert & Marylynn ..............455-7164
GENGLE, Robert & Barbara ......................243-2267
GENGLE, Virginia ......................................452-5853
GEORGES, Rose .........................................608-6209
Shnayly, Tcheelanshy
1564 Amberly Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
2504 Normandy Dr. SE Apt. 103B, Grand Rapids, 49506
3646 Chamberlain Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1655 Mapleview St. SE, Kentwood, 49508
GREGORY, Mark ........................................855-1187
2242 Rosewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
GERRITSEN, Ann .......................................698-7210 GREY, Joseph & Stephanie ................. 830-626-3914
Gabrielle, Joseph
2212 W. Blaine Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
6527 Wood Dora Dr. SE, Caledonia, 49316
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
GULBIS, Karlis ...........................................452-0493 HENRY, Carlus & Stephanie .......................452-7312
4951 11 Mile Rd. NE #38, Rockford, 49341
GUMIENY, Robert & Linda ........................608-3743
Carlus, Gideon, Nadia, Veronica, Solomon
1845 Hutchinson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
4135 Saxony Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
HENSELL, Jack...........................................452-1683
1941 Lotus Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
HENSELL, Joseph.......................................452-1683
2007 N. Shiawassee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
HERDA, Gregory & Marie ..........................245-1380
5511 Bentbrook St. SE, Kentwood, 49508
HERNANDEZ, Benjamin & Viola ..............243-9738
5511 Bentbrook St. SE, Kentwood, 49508
HERRO, Mark & Amy .................................538-9384
5511 Bentbrook St. SE, Kentwood, 49508
HERZOG, Donald & Mary..........................949-4288
5511 Bentbrook St. SE, Kentwood, 49508
HILE, Earl & Barbara .................................246-6594
1815 Camille Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
HILL, Barbara ..............................................Unlisted
GUZMAN, Diane .........................................Unlisted
HAKEEM, Joseph & Theresa ......................245-6288
HALEY, Bernadette .......................................Unlisted
HALEY, John .................................................Unlisted
HALEY, Michael & Maria ............................455-1672
HALEY, Thomas ............................................Unlisted
HALL, Ann ..................................................805-5279
1738 Clearbrook St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1738 Clearbrook St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1946 Chamberlain Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1940 Forrester St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
Adam, Ashley
5764 Barcroft Dr. SW, Wyoming, 49418
2251 Onekama Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1901 Pokogon Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2824 Bridgeside Dr. SE, Caledonia, 49316
HALVORSON, Annette ..............................459-6582 HILLARY, G. Patrick & Ellen .......................446-2390
2185 S. Eventide Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49505
110 El Centro Blvd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
HAMILTON, Joseph & Amy .......................942-6625 HINKIN, Stephen & Natalie .............. 316-249-1017
Kathryn, Joseph, MaryClare, Patrick
4205 Michigan St. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
3580 Burton Ridge Rd. SE Apt. H, Grand Rapids, 49546
HAMLY, Robert & Kira ...............................307-0672 HNIN, Van & Ni .........................................531-4897
2657 Jefferson Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
HANEY, Catherine ......................................245-3996
650 Deming St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
HANSKNECHT, Richard .............................954-6686
Razaluna, Romenar
4101 Oak Park Dr. SE Apt. 33, Grand Rapids, 49508
HOANG, My & Vy ......................................988-9055
1428 Amberly Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
2315 Glen Echo Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
HAZZARD, Mary ........................................452-5226 HOANG, Yen ..............................................940-3389
2305 Burton St. SE Apt. 225, Grand Rapids, 49506
3851 Whispering Way SE Apt. 202, Grand Rapids, 49546
2021 Ontonagon Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1800 Woodlawn Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
HECKMAN, Sara ............................... 989-292-0013 HOFSTAEDTER, Kyle & Meaghan ..... 215-219-1612
HEIDENREICH, Steve & Joanne ...............248-9993 HOGAN, Thomas & Geraldine ..................245-1571
1919 Boston St. SE Apt. B106, Grand Rapids, 49506
2219 Elmwood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
HEINTZ, Dan & Cheryl ..............................450-6193
HOIEM, David & Michelle ................. 906-360-5889
639 Hoyt St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
3812 Ravinewood Cir. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
HEINTZ, Daniel .........................................450-6193 HOLMAN, Shirlee ......................................949-3919
3812 Ravinewood Cir. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1153 Kenesaw Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
3812 Ravinewood Cir. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
6569 Waybridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
Maplecreek Lodge 2000 32nd St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
130 Robinwood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
HEINTZ, Megan .........................................450-6193 HOLMES, Edward & Ann ...........................942-2791
HEITMEIER, Barbara ................................241-5437 HOOKS, Gregory & Leah...........................776-1229
HEITMEIER, Matthew & Mabel .................608-5749 HOPKINS, Marie .........................................Unlisted
Annie, Michael
1061 Santa Barbara Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1794 Waterbury Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49508
HENDRICKSON, John & Mary ..................957-9424
2350 Onekama Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
HORTON, Philip & Diann..........................241-4530
1508 Pinecrest Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
HOSIER, Richard & Kathryn ......................248-3853
3251 Dawes Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
HOST, Joshua & Lauren ...............................Unlisted IACOPELLI, Matthew & Lynn.....................901-7253
Charles, Caroline
2613 Raymond Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
Hannah, Lauren
2158 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
HOWELL, Mary ..........................................245-1418 INGLE, David & Karen...............................942-9767
1932 Lotus Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
HOYT, Ann.......................................... 646-286-0874
2423 Ridgecroft Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
1966 Burton St. SE Apt. 23, Grand Rapids, 49506
INGRAM, Nancy ..........................................Unlisted
4129 N. Castle Ridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
INMAN, Lawrence Jr..................................364-0283
HPO, Wah & Da ...........................................Unlisted
2420 Candlestick Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
3867 Cook Valley Blvd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
HTWE, Van ................................................808-6486 IVOS, Zdrauko & Mira .................................Unlisted
4031 Pointe O Woods St. SE Apt. 94, Grand Rapids, 49508
5148 S. Trotter Trl. SE, Caledonia, 49316
HUBBARD, James & Susan .......................538-7905 IWAN, Christopher & Stefanie .....................Unlisted
4813 Curwood Ave. SE, Kentwood, 49508
HUDSON, James & Cathryn ......................949-4128
2125 Rolling Hills Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
HUDSON, Thomas.....................................308-6988
932 Innes St. NE, Grand Rapids, 49503
IZWORSKI, Peter & Doraliz ......................550-8313
Katelyn, Brendan, Connor
1805 Forest Lake Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
1440 Fuller Ave. SE Apt. 114, Grand Rapids, 49507
HUFF, Gail & Judith ...................................957-0238 JACOBS, Mark & Colleen...........................485-4103
623 Alger St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
1820 Watermark Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
HUFFMAN, Brett & Sarah .........................724-4837
Nora, John, Mabyn
1721 Ridgemoor Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
JAKSA, John & Julianne ............................285-9928
2750 Mulford Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
HULICK, Robert & Susan...........................974-9511 JAKUBOWSKI, Andrew.............................459-2468
2484 Fletcher Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49506
4639 Oakwright Dr. NE, Ada, 49301
HUNG, Andrew & Mary .............................826-9992 JAKUBOWSKI, Ann Marie ........................459-2468
2484 Fletcher Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49506
4809 Poinsettia Ave. SE, Kentwood, 49508
HURLEY, Sean & Jill...................................635-0257
JAKUBOWSKI, Michael & Susan ..............459-2468
Elizabeth, John
2484 Fletcher Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2137 Chesaning Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
HUYNH, Thanh & Huyen ...........................608-7835 JAKUBOWSKI, Stephen ............................459-2468
2484 Fletcher Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Peter, Cecilia, Paul
1429 Amberly Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
HYATT, Barbara..........................................457-5869
7811 Cottonwood Dr., Jenison, 49428
HYATT, Ronald Jr. & Ruth ...........................363-2735
JANDERNOA, Michael & Susan ..................Unlisted
9 Peartree Ln. NE, Grand Rapids, 49546
JEAKLE, Kevin & Maureen ...........................Unlisted
2103 Foxridge Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49505
Andrew, Audrey, Madelyn
2117 Shawnee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
IACOPELLI, Augustine & Diane ................241-4339 JELENS, Gerald & Carol .............................957-4061
3488 Tricklewood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2222 Tecumseh Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
JENKINS, Lawrence & Elizabeth ...............452-3271 KHAI, Mang ...............................................432-7534
1803 Onaway Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
4105 Oak Park Dr. SE Apt. 3, Grand Rapids, 49508
1936 Plymouth Ter. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
325 Aurora St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
JENNINGS, Michael & Patricia ..................245-1677 KINGREY, Daryl & Dana ............................446-3226
JOHNSON, Antoinette ...............................419-3246 KINGSLEY, William & Colleen ...................443-1335
321 Cross Oaks Dr. Apt. 19, Plainwell, 49080
JOHNSON, Brian & Anita .........................454-7198
1731 Fremont Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, 49504
Nicholas, Andie, Lucas
2433 Danbury Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
KIRBY, Joseph & Loretta ............................241-6830
Nathan, Grace
900 Iroquois Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
KIRK, Lawrence & Elaine...........................245-1709
JOHNSON, Scott ........................................285-9880
Kaleigh-Jo, Joseph
2233 Plymouth Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2121 Omena Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
JONES, Jeffrey & Mary...............................949-3123 KISHMAN, Craig & Eileen .........................949-8599
3091 Fulton St. E., Grand Rapids, 49506
JONES, John & Judith................................241-1738
2335 Mission Hills Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
237 Rosemary St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
KLOSKA, Frank & Margaret ......................245-3516
4213 Eastcastle Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
KLOTH, Lawrence & Anne .........................774-9698
4550 Forest Lake Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
KNAPE, Mary .............................................285-5904
1641 Ridgeview St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
KNOWLES, James & Patricia.....................427-3629
JUNGBLUT, Giselle....................................455-7916
JURESIC, Darko & Zdenka ........................956-3058
KAISER, Andrew & Gena ...........................452-4286
1855 Lenawee Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
730 Plymouth Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1919 Boston St. SE Apt. A317, Grand Rapids, 49506
2223 Radcliff Cir. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
KAKATY, Jay & Niccole ...............................443-7870 KO, Mung & Bi ...........................................551-8512
Broox, Bella
7184 Nantucket Dr. SW, Byron Center, 49315
Rosemary, Rosie
4105 Oak Park Dr. SE Apt. 8, Grand Rapids, 49508
KALMAR, MaryBeth ...................................560-6717 KOHMESCHER, Eileen ..............................241-5437
944 Bellclaire Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Maplecreek Lodge 2000 32nd St. SE #428, Grand Rapids, 49508
KARADSHEH, Samer & Zeina ...................949-3799 KONCKI, David & Kellee ...........................949-8410
Ghazi, Rafaella
2523 Annchester Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1909 Deerfield Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
KARL, Paul & Donna..................................285-2422 KOPROWSKI, Richard & Nella .................942-7985
4446 Hickory Grove Ct. SE, Ada, 49301
7135 Oakbrook St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
KARTES, Thomas & Geri ............................821-7045
KORPI, Kathryn .........................................419-4639
2510 Argus Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
1833 Edgewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
KASKORKIS, Hani & Baghdad ..................656-0933 KORRECK, John & Marian ........................648-9755
Mercy, Faith, Francis
5577 E. Meadow Grove Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
5755 Stoneybrook Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
KEGLEY, Anthony & Amelia .......................304-1099
Seren Aurora
3500 Burton Ridge Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
KELLER, Martin ..........................................452-4554
KORTE, Jeffrey & Virginia ...........................Unlisted
Claire, Ava
2530 Annchester Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
KOSTER, Rosemary ....................................281-1664
3843 Pemberton Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
2204 Tecumseh Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
KOWALKOWSKI, Kaleena ..........................Unlisted
134 Fitzhugh Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
KOZMINSKI, Phyllis..................................452-2958
KELLY, Julie ................................................802-2792
2470 Village Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2619 Kalamazoo Ave. SE Apt. 251, Grand Rapids, 49507
KELLY, Michael & Jill ....................................Unlisted KRAFT, Emily ................................................Unlisted
Colin, Ryan, Catherine, Brady, Emily
3464 Mason View Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
PO Box 9758, Wyoming, 49509
KEMPERMAN, Kathleen..............................Unlisted
KRAJEWSKI, John & Sarah .......................452-8983
2439 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Daniel, John, Kathryn
2204 Delange Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
KRAMER, Patricia ......................................956-7807 LEHMANN, Mark & Kathryn ............. 361-658-3377
4500 Oak Arbor NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
KRAUS, John & Arnette .............................957-4914
Jack, Daniel
1620 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2770 Alger St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
LEIKERT, Chris & Ruth ................................560-4591
333 College Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49503
LEROY, Theodore & Betty ...........................940-4188
KREMER, Ann ............................................459-5909
KRENSELEWSKI, Jerome & Blanche .........243-5175
610 Fairfield Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, 49504
1055 Forest Hill Ave. SE Apt. 111, Grand Rapids, 49546
1443 Derbyshire St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
LETTINGA, Henry ......................................949-6742
2216 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
LIAN, Pau & Cecilia ....................................337-4339
1805 Southampton Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
LIAN, Thawng ............................................281-9032
KRIS, Dale & Suzanne ...............................452-0739
KROLL, Jacob & Melissa ............................406-9176
KUHN, Fritz ...............................................452-6532
3020 Woodcliff Cir. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Emily, David
4105 Oak Park Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
5083 Hillwood Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
321 Spruce St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
LIEBL, Maxine ..............................................Unlisted
Edward, Marley, Lucas, Michael
1041 28th St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
LIMBER, Alice ............................................241-1963
KUZNER, Thomas & Charity ......................889-1958
1732 Millbrook St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1449 Yorkshire St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
KWIATKOWSKI, Joel & Jennifer ..............304-0980 LINCER, Mary ............................................940-9886
Shayne, Henry, Rilynn
2020 Tall Pines Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2937 Alger St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
LAAN, John & Lucy ....................................485-8138 LINCER, William ........................................940-9126
1463 48th St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
2745 Birchcrest Dr. SE Apt. 508, Grand Rapids, 49506
LAHPAWK, Hkawng & Htu ........................261-4142 LINDSEY, Thomas & Carol .........................977-6513
Benedict, Theresa
1014 36th St. SW Apt. D3, Wyoming, 49509
2925 Alger St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
LAKE, Frederick & Amy ..............................949-3687
Samuel, Caroline
2076 Celadon Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
LALLEY, Robert & Linda..............................363-5298
LINTNER, Christopher & Valerie ....... 217-871-5279
Graciella, Patrick, Magdalene, Charles, Mary Therese
4591 Knapp St. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
LISZEWSKI, Jeffrey & Beth .......................940-4570
Jackson, Megan, Erin
2447 Belleglade Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
3455 Trail W. Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
LAMANGE, Lawrence & Elizabeth.............452-3389 LOFTIS, Virginia ........................................805-3667
1723 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2148 Omena Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
LAMIMAN, Cristina ...................................235-5000 LOFTUS, Robert & Faustina .......................452-7641
Raybrook Manor 2121 Raybrook St. SE #436, Grand Rapids,
1816 Millbank St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
LANDAUER, Mark & Roberta ....................975-5591
1864 Sherwood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
LANE, Kenneth & Alicia .............................446-6260
722 Hoyt St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
LANGTON, Richard & Evelyn.....................455-1778
LOHRER, Nathan & Rachelle ............. 734-323-7879
Alexander, Kaitlynn
2005 Union Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
LOMONOCO, Betty ...................................452-8129
2437 Danbury Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
LOMONOCO, Michael & Laura .................241-4809
Lauren, Alexis, Michael
2237 E. Shiawassee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
4560 Whisperwood Ct. SE, Kentwood, 49508
LARAGY, Michael & Kathleen .....................452-7252 LONE, Mung & Elizabeth ...........................589-2448
1941 Chamberlain Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
LARSEN, Lawrence & Mary ........................977-3798
Rosilin, Julie, Joseph
4249 S. Castle Ridge Dr. SE Apt. 152, Grand Rapids, 49508
3101 Hathaway Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
LONG, James & Barbara ...........................956-9997
2005 N. Cross Creek Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
LONGO, John & Ann .................................827-8713
LEACH, John & Janet .................................243-6741
LEETE, Douglas ..........................................259-7496
2030 Rowland Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
3345 Breton Valley Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
Mary, Erin
5290 Stauffer Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
LONGO, Paul .............................................942-2215 MACKENZIE, John & Rosemary ........ 989-640-5134
2096 Dean Lake Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, 49505
LOPEZ, Jesus & Imelda..............................929-9531
2505 Barfield Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
Demi, Kate, Azael
814 Dickinson St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
MACLACHLAN, Mark & Teresa .................485-8517
Dorothy, Giulia, Isabella
3900 68th St. SE, Caledonia, 49316
MACLACHLAN, Sue.....................................Unlisted
LOPIPARO, Francesco & Nyein Nyein........309-5743
Connor, Sarah
4173 Buttrick Ave. SE, Ada, 49301
1361 Kimberly Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
LOTT, Charles & Natalie .............................464-0949 MADIGAN, Carolyn ...................................942-8448
Christian, Ethan, Olivia, Collin, Isabella
2028 Radcliff Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2743 Alger St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
LOWE, James & Colleen ..............................Unlisted
MADIGAN, Michael ...................................942-8448
2743 Alger St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
1735 Whirlaway Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MADISON, Paul ........................................248-9002
1735 Whirlaway Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MADURA, Christopher & Barbara.............247-3689
1735 Whirlaway Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MAGUIRE, Cory & Rebecca ............... 810-869-5181
LOWE, Mitchell ............................................Unlisted
LOWE, Nathan.............................................Unlisted
LOWERY, Casey & Lindsay .........................915-1394
Cora, Jack, Henry
2160 Onekama Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
LOWERY, John & Sandra ...........................942-6756
2446 Ridgecroft Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
LOWERY, Kyle & Jessica .............................901-1946
John, Caroline, Michael
2438 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
259 Alger St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
1327 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1451 Laurel Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MAKULSKI, Thomas & Arlene...................452-6159
2047 S. Chesaning Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MALANEY, Michael & Maryann ..................682-4729
PO Box 772 Ada, Ada, 49301
MALANEY, Peter & Mary ............................956-3453
2656 Elmwood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
LUCAS, Bernard & Dana............................813-8142 MALEC, Thomas.........................................940-1865
26 Aspen Ln. NE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2521 Arundel Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
LUCIC, Darko & Andelkoi ..........................855-5414
Marino, Davor, Anna
2844 Bransford Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
LUKE, James & Diane ................................452-5632
1113 Edna St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
MALEWITZ, Joseph & Kimberly ................942-9247
Jourdan, Lindsay
2251 Ridgecroft Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MALY, Michael & Janice................................Unlisted
7351 Fairhaven Ct. NE, Ada, 49301
MANGUS, Nancy .......................................245-1025
1901 Chamberlain Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
LUYK, Steven & Teresa...............................949-8494 MANIRAKIZA, Frederic & Therese ............773-4285
2445 Santigo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
Feston, S’ouvenir
3828 Rowland Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
LYAR, Tal & Maw ..........................................Unlisted
Shae, John
4667 Marshall Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
MANN, Valerie...........................................855-2660
1521 Rosalind Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
LYONS, Gerard & Alison ............................957-3724 MANOR, Robert & Rita .............................949-8977
2466 Bluff Meadows Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2432 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MACALPINE, Audrey.................................247-8045
MAPES, Jeffrey & Katherine ......................889-1505
Isaac, Merryn
2615 Boston St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1626 Woodward Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MACDONALD, Laura ................................284-5464 MARIP, Lum & Cecilia ................................272-2413
2000 32nd St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
956 Pastiche Dr. SE Apt. 2, Kentwood, 49508
MACDONALD, Michael & Pamela.............243-0816
2062 Omena Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MACGEORGE, Randall & Marcia ..............243-5925
1961 N. Shiawassee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MARKLEVITZ, Kenneth & Mary ................241-1174
2614 Jefferson Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
MAROSI, James & Deborah ......................682-4698
MACK, Bernadette .....................................245-7382
1052 Ottillia St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
Nicholas, Hunter, Lauren, Claire
2745 Sturbridge Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
MAROSI, Jonathon ....................................682-4698 MCGOVERN, Katherine ............................243-6433
2745 Sturbridge Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
3693 Portman Ln. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1819 Plymouth Ter. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
5670 Treebrook Ct. NE, Ada, 49301
MAROTTE, Kenneth III & Jessica ...............238-8262 MCGOVERN, Marilyn ................................676-1977
MARTINUS, Andrew & Jayme .....................Unlisted MCGOVERN, Thomas & Jacqueline ..........452-8773
Addison, Sienna
842 Cadillac Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1649 Millbank St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
MASIO, Edward & Krystyna .........................Unlisted
3249 Robinhood Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MAY, Philip & Nicole ....................................Unlisted
Sara, Brendan
328 Quail Ridge Dr. NE, Ada, 49301
MCGUIRE, William & Edith ......................452-8942
1668 Millbank St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
MCKEIVER, Christine ................................243-7870
1718 Griggs St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MCKEIVER, Martha ...................................243-7870
1718 Griggs St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MAYFIELD, Judy ........................................949-2516 MCLAUGHLIN, Marilou ............................532-6646
2323 Saginaw Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
4320 Kimball Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
MCBRIDE, Mary Susan..............................949-6624 MCLEAN, Michelle .......................................Unlisted
2501 Elmwood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MCCAFFREY, Eileen ...................................516-5655
Erin, Bridget, Riley, Aidan
1025 Alger St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
Michael, Maria
3655 Bridgehampton Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MCLEAN, Shawn..........................................Unlisted
3655 Bridgehampton Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MCCALL, Thomas & Julie ..........................575-6006 MCNALLY, Thomas & Debra ......................452-0300
Bonnie, Andrew
293 Saddleback Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
1958 Hall St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MCCARTHY, Sonia .....................................285-5536
MCVICKER, Gregory & Jessica ..................690-3650
3902 Bantam Dr., Hudsonville, 49426
1651 Hiawatha Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MCCOLLUM, Therese..................................Unlisted MEAD, Kevin & Krista ................................246-8099
PO Box 88132, Grand Rapids, 49518
MCCORMACK, Rebecca ............................245-6677
2248 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MCCORRY, David & Julie ..........................977-2901
Emma, Jacob, Connor
2335 Ridgecroft Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MEAD, Matthew & Julianne.......................464-1500
Gavin, Grace
5625 Highbury Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
2355 Capilano Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MCDERMOTT, Kevin & Elizabeth ..............241-8116 MEAD, Patrick & Julia ...............................304-5895
2517 Annchester Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2561 Orange Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MCDONAGH, William & Donna ...............942-1534 MEAD, Terrence & Michelle........................293-6643
1746 Conlon Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MCDONALD, Elaine ..................................942-7598
Collin, Maeve
2205 Burton Pointe Blvd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2360 Glen Echo Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MEADE, William & Marcia.........................245-2433
3351 Giddings Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
MEAGHER, Linda ......................................245-6718
MCGARRY, Michael ....................................452-2801
3146 Maple Villa E. Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1720 Batchawana St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
Memorial Chapel
2800 Burton St. SE ~ Grand Rapids, MI 49546
(616) 940-3022 ~
James E. Koops — Manager
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
MEDINA, Carlos & Christine.............. 404-455-7525 MORALES, Manuel & Carmen ...................246-1505
Jack, Dean, Clark
2103 Osceola Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Manuel, Mark
436 Burton St. SW, Grand Rapids, 49507
MEH, Pha...................................................827-3898 MORAN, Louis & Nancy.............................949-4425
3661 Newcastle Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
4804 Tall Pines Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MEINERT, Jeffrey & Trisha ...........................Unlisted MORGAN, Michael & Mary Beth ...............334-5426
Claire, Hudson
1866 Ridgemoor Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MORIN, Joan .............................................241-3246
3282 Nature View Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
2401 Glen Echo Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MORRISON, Lyle.......................................957-0403
3817 Boone Ave. SW #A, Wyoming, 49519
MORRISSEY, Marilyn .................................245-9528
2775 Meadowbrook Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MORRISSEY, Matthew & Trina ........... 517-315-1003
MELCHER, Thomas & Kimberly ................241-0528
MERRISS, Kenneth ....................................949-1638
MIDDLETON, Irene ...................................443-2780
MIER, Esther ..............................................245-1801
2139 Anderson Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
6047 N. Gatehouse Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2446 Abbington Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Audrea, Erica
4254 Oak Forest Ct. SE Apt. H6, Grand Rapids, 49546
Maplecreek Lodge 2000 32nd St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
MIER, Thomas & Sheila.............................241-3364 MORRISSEY, William & Mary ....................245-0043
2335 Plymouth Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2504 Whispering Meadows Ct. SE, Kentwood, 49512
Maplecreek Lodge 2000 32nd St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1919 Boston St. SE Apt. B104, Grand Rapids, 49506
MIKA, Lucille .............................................949-1655 MORROW, John & Mary ...........................272-4490
MIKA, Steven & Eloise ...............................245-6677 MORROW, Mark & Kathryn ......................954-6597
2248 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2430 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MILANOWSKI, Andrew & Julie ................464-4134
Gabriel, Margo
3417 Breton Valley Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
MULDOON, Jane ........................................Unlisted
8321 Chinaberry Rd., Vero Beach FL 32963
MULE, Richard ...........................................245-3980
1924 Eastbrook St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
MILANOWSKI, Anthony ...........................285-2648 MURPHY, Donald ......................................427-4311
10 Middleboro Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49506
3556 Birchview Ct. SE Ste. 615A, Grand Rapids, 49546
MILES, Todd & Lisa ....................................551-3637 MURPHY, Erin............................................241-1071
Elizabeth, Joseph, Lucy
1924 Woodcliff Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2200 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MILESKI, Mitchell & Virginia .....................243-6357
MURPHY, J. Lee .........................................942-5714
2519 Alger St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2523 Union Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
MURPHY, John & Kathleen .........................Unlisted
2443 Candlestick Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MURPHY, Joseph & Gretchen ....................459-6176
MILITO, Stephen & Edwina .......................957-9073
MIRON, Barry & LeAnne ...........................281-6869
3115 Mahogany Ct. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
MOE, William & Carolyn ...........................453-1740
Christopher, Sydney, Michael
1850 Lake Michigan Dr. NW, Grand Rapids, 49504
1620 Hutchinson Ave. SE Apt. H, Grand Rapids, 49506
Anna, Brendan, Zachary
4910 Meadow Springs Trl. SE, Ada, 49301
MURPHY, Judith ........................................245-3419
1814 Wilnella Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MURPHY, Miles & Cynthia .........................245-6932
Eric, Miles
1904 Newton Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MOLT, John & Joanne ................................957-5036
3100 Campus Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
MURPHY, Thomas & Laura .......................241-1071
Jacqueline, Marisa, Joseph
919 San Lucia Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MUSIAL, James & Analie ..........................245-4204
MOONEY, John & Ann ...............................246-6316
2200 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1747 Woodward Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
MOORE, Ryan & Jennefer .........................706-1418 MYERS, Monica ............................................Unlisted
Bryanne, Landen, Hudson
1512 Sylvan Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
7579 Sierrafield Dr. SW, Byron Center, 49315
MOORE, Terence & Debra .........................957-4264
MYERS, Renee............................................583-0053
2250 Onekama Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
7579 Sierrafield Dr. SW, Byron Center, 49315
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
N HKUM, Naw & Kai.................................324-4825 NORTON, Jene & Mary .............................245-1594
Esther Nu, John
924 Pastiche Dr. SE Apt. 12, Grand Rapids, 49508
2772 Pfeiffer Woods Dr. SE Apt. 2113, Grand Rapids, 49512
NACHTEGALL, Christopher .......................485-6490
NORTON, Mark & Maureen ......................954-0504
2247 Ridgecroft Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
861 Walsh St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
NOVAK, Gary ............................................264-8340
1414 Linwood St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
NOVITSKY, Ronald & Lorraine ..................361-5793
NACHTEGALL, David & Anne ...................245-8638
NACHTEGALL, Robert & Tracy ..................452-6543
Joseph, Monica
1450 Louise St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
2848 Mulford Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2617 Florlen Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
O’CONNELL, Bernice ................................452-1347
1055 Forest Hill Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
NANZIG, Robert & Dianne ........................940-8386 O’FARRELL, Desmond & Jane .....................Unlisted
2500 Argus Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
NAPIERALSKI, William & Kimberly ..........970-9987
Michael, Ethan
2540 Ridgecroft Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
4354 Summerlane Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
OLEJNICZAK, Frederick & Patricia ...........698-1178
1919 Boston St. SE Apt. A202, Grand Rapids, 49506
OLENICZAK, Paul & Mary.........................285-4676
1766 Edgewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
OMWERI, Frederick & Rose ......................447-8941
NAUER, Leo ...............................................245-1379
NAVAN, Gordon ........................................949-9334
NAVARRETE, Maria .....................................Unlisted
Ashley, Alliyah
1160 Hall St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
NEILSON, Matthew & Carey ......................957-2760
Conor, Riley, Finley
302 Sycamore Way Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
NEVINS, Troy .............................................241-4477
1935 Plymouth SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
NGO, Mo & Bu ...........................................666-1413
5934 E. Lyn Haven Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
2201 Heath Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Cyprian, Alex, Cajetano
1912 Lenawee Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
O’ROURKE, Timothy & Susan...................608-7572
Sean, Nolan, Darren, Luke
143 Benjamin Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, 49503
OSIPOFF, Gloria ........................................336-8932
1551 Franklin St. SE Apt. 2100, Grand Rapids, 49506
OSIPOFF, Robert & Roberta.......................454-8142
511 Plymouth Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
OSTERHART, John & Ellen.........................245-1893
4219 S. Castle Ridge Dr. SE Apt. 103, Grand Rapids, 49508
2120 Heather St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
NGUYEN, Hung & Trina ............................249-8198 OWENS, Derrick Jr. & Mary ............... 313-819-9997
3139 Copley Dr. SW, Wyoming, 49509
NGUYEN, Na Van & Ut Thi ........................458-6285
152 Fitzhugh Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
NGUYEN-BUI, Van ...................................340-1762
Antonio, Teresa, Adrian
2240 Peer Point Dr. SE, Caledonia, 49316
2902 Dawes Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
PANGLE, Brian & Elizabeth.......................957-2579
2450 Birchcrest Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
PARINI, Ronald & Alicia ............................243-7255
2240 E. Shiawassee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
NI, Maung & Veronica................................827-8047 PASKIEWICZ, Kay .....................................245-2508
4219 S. Castle Ridge Dr. SE Apt. 103, Grand Rapids, 49508
2332 Rosewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
NICKERSON, Tim & Kathleen ...................243-3950 PASSINAULT, James & Elizabeth...............551-2734
2409 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
NIENHAUS, Lawrence & Kathy .................975-9076
2869 Central Park Way NE Apt. 204, Grand Rapids, 49505
NIXON, Paul & Julie ..................................245-8257
Luke, John, Katherine, Elizabeth
2329 Burning Tree Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
PASSINAULT, Joel & Michelle ....................942-6686
Abigail, Jacob, Benjamin
2440 Parkridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2204 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
NIYIMBESHAHO, Jean & Emmanuelina ..977-4305 PASSINAULT, William & Mary ...................949-0762
Emable, Heremenejeridi, Edisa, Sylvesta
3839 Camelot Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2446 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
NORMAN, William & Martha ....................245-8860
PAUL, Howard & Stacy...............................855-2942
2105 Shawnee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Emma, Anna
2059 Eastgate St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
NORRIS, Sharon ................................ 734-891-7779 PEASLEY, Richard & Carol Ann...................538-8669
477 Briar Ln. NE, Grand Rapids, 49503
1004 Buckingham St. SW, Wyoming, 49509
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
PECENY, Dwight & Margaret .....................245-2403 POE, Wah & Da..........................................656-1696
3036 Juneberry Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
PECK, Amy .................................................498-4747
926 Nevada St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
PELTIER, John & Patricia ...........................940-8370
Ka Plue, Na Cho, Ka Plue, Wah Ku Gay, Htoo Dar
4323 Dawes Ct. SE, Kentwood, 49508
POLAKOVICH, James & Melissa ...............245-5302
Alexandra, Jacob
2225 Ridgewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2463 Breton Valley Ct. SE, Kentwood, 49512
PEREIRO, Felix & Maureen .......................868-6537 POLAKOVICH, Kevin & Kristin..................248-0188
Robert, Ian
2509 Whipperwill Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
8410 60th St. SE, Alto, 49302
PEREZ-IBARRA, John & Liz ......................322-6963
Valery, Vannia
2240 Breton Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
POLAKOVICH, Robert & Theresa .............241-5722
2041 Maumee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
PERRIN, Matthew & Judy ..........................949-3726 POMEROY, Paul.........................................805-3446
1645 Millbank St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1751 Ridgemoor Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
PESKIN, Molly............................................450-8924 POPIEL, James & Ruth ..............................452-8964
2149 Shawnee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2242 Estelle Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
PETERS, Patrick & Nancy ...........................247-0703
3305 S. Creek Dr. SE Apt. 302, Grand Rapids, 49512
PETERSEN, Andrew & Desiree ...................304-4175
1635 Hutchinson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
PETERSEN, Raymond & Cynthia ................261-0666
POPMA, Jon ................................................Unlisted
2530 Brooklyn Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
POTOCZNY, John & Janet ...........................Unlisted
Sarah, Matthew
2089 Waterbury Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49508
PRIEST, Terrance & Kathleen .....................243-7800
1830 Chamberlain Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2575 38th St. SW, Wyoming, 49519
PRITCHARD, Gail ......................................243-8859
3186 Wildridge Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49525
PUTKOVICH, Michael & Lisa ....................942-6702
PETRYK, Christine ......................................452-7507
PETRYK, Jennifer .......................................452-7507
2059 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
Michaela, Alexander, Nathaniel
100 Robinhood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2046 Woodlawn Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
PETTIBONE, Douglas & Pamela ...............516-5471 PYKA, Robert & Carol ................................458-8266
2544 Fletcher Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2101 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
PETZOLD, Thomas & Kathleen ..................452-4467 QUAIL, Matthew & Diardre .......................475-6643
Kathleen, Bridget
2253 Rosewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
3854 Wilton Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
PFENNIG, Thomas & Christine..................682-0995 QUIGLEY, Dianne ......................................243-7415
2474 Cranden Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
6444 Tammarron Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
PHAM, Guynh & Ha...................................656-0748 QUILLAN, Suzanne ...................................243-4197
1900 Onaway Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Jammie, John, Joseph
4583 Brookmeadow Ct. SE, Kentwood, 49512
QUINLAN, James & Janet .........................891-2752
1951 Lafayette Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
QUIRK, Lawrence ......................................868-7342
PHILBIN, Thomas & Elisa .........................245-0215
PIROCHTA, Scott & Elizabeth ...................554-5220
Jamieson, Cameron
7065 Summit Hill Ct. SE, Caledonia, 49316
5677 Duncan Cove Ct. SE, Caledonia, 49316
8191 McCords Ave. SE, Alto, 49302
QUIROZ, Mary ..........................................975-1757
6628 Avonlea Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
PITT, John ..................................................881-2750 RADECKI, Leonard & Ashley .....................459-8537
1720 Steam Engine SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
PITT, Michael & Linda ................................724-4233
Leo, Everett, Audrey
59 Union Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, 49503
3581 Windshire Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
RADGENS, James & Susan ..........................Unlisted
Brady, Bryce, Avery
3628 Long Grove Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
RAHA, Frank & Luma ..................................Unlisted
PLACHECKI, Daniel & Marleigh ...............656-1011
PLACHECKI, Roger & Barbara ..................243-7611
335 Spruce St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
Benjamin, Ruthie
5100 Clear Springs Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
Elias, Claire, Elizabeth
5264 Stone Briar Ct. SE, Kentwood, 49512
RASMUSSEN, Charles & Shirley ................942-2004
2680 Robinson Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
RAU, Betty ..................................................656-2396 REUL, Chad & Charissa ................................Unlisted
3877 Old Elm Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
RAU, Louis .................................................656-2396
Ian, Lucas
2000 Madison Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
3877 Old Elm Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
REXROAT, Joseph & Elizabeth ........... 231-620-1675
2435 Danbury Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
RHEIN, David & Lynn ........................ 540-292-7562
RAUCH, Jon & Michele ..............................957-4289
REAMES, Michael & Deanna .....................241-1060
500 Fulton St. E., Grand Rapids, 49503
Jared, Kendra
2727 Copper Hill Dr., Grand Rapids, 49525
1900 Lenawee Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
REED, Mary ................................................245-4661 RHOADES, Nancy ......................................245-7329
3853 E. Norwalk Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
651 Billantau St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
REEDER, Bryan & Monica ..........................443-8372 RICHARD, Christopher & Margaret .............Unlisted
3127 Bonnell Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
920 Reynard St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
REH, Bo & Deh...........................................827-8898
Oo, Mareya, Tu
4071 Pointe O Woods St. SE Apt. 43, Kentwood, 49508
REH, Ei .......................................................323-7854
1510 42nd St. SE Apt. 3, Grand Rapids, 49508
REH, Hseh & Klaw......................................710-7314
RICHARDS, Robert & Shannon .................550-4980
Kimberly, Jacob
5867 W. Grove Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
RILEY, Kevin ...............................................452-5029
2416 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Pray, Law, Suzanne
4876 Breton Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
RILEY, Neal .................................................481-0791
Ree, Joseph, Felix, Gloria
1505 Pickett St. SE, Kentwood, 49508
RILEY, Robert & Patricia .............................452-5029
REH, Htoo & Plen.......................................284-9384
2416 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2416 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
REH, Kay & Lee ..........................................827-3898 RINGENBERG, Evelyn ...............................724-4021
3121 Lake Michigan Dr. NW Apt. 119, Grand Rapids, 49504
Oo, Daniel
3661 Newcastle Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
REH, Mee & Phrae Moh .............................323-7854
1510 42nd St. SE Apt. 3, Grand Rapids, 49508
REH, Pray & Law........................................827-9047
Klaw, Meh, Thu, Seh, Maw
1725 Langley St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
RINKE, Carl & Joyce ..................................452-9871
1833 Millbrook St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
RIZIK, Jacob ..............................................975-9070
2400 Ridgecroft Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
RIZIK, Mark & Diane .................................975-9070
2400 Ridgecroft Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
REH, Prey & Oo ..........................................554-8393 ROCCO, Al & Maria ........................... 917-913-5158
Hsor, Lee, Heh
2165 43rd St. SE Apt. D3, Grand Rapids, 49508
Maria, John
2144 S. Shore Dr. SE Apt. 101, Kentwood, 49508
REH, Say & Toe ............................................Unlisted ROCKENBACH, Cheryl ...................... 904-945-6462
Poe, Boe, Oo
1112 Meadowlane Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
3841 Whispering Way SE Apt. 201, Grand Rapids, 49546
REICHARDT, Gregory & Jill .......................452-5846
Anna, Elizabeth
2120 Negaunee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
REIDT, Jessica...............................................Unlisted
ROFAIEL, Wi Jood an Rawa.......................929-3168
Gabriel, Rawan, Reanna
3685 Maple Hurst Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
ROGERS, John & Barbara .........................248-9386
1910 Lotus Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Samantha, Christine, Katherine
1442 Griggs St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
REIDT, Joseph & Lori ...................................Unlisted ROGERS, Timothy & Mary ...........................Unlisted
Kayla, Joseph
1910 Lotus Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Erin, Katelyn
1057 Orchard Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
REILLY, Austin ..............................................Unlisted ROHEN, Aaron.............................................Unlisted
10 Commerce Ave. SW Apt. 1007, Grand Rapids, 49503
2316 Elliott St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
REILLY, Brian & Giovanna..........................350-2890 ROHEN, Ethan & Julie ...............................318-4647
1867 Woodward Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Harrison, Cooper
1661 Rose Pkwy. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
REILLY, Nora...............................................246-7914 ROHEN, James & Kathryn .........................452-8062
1214 Griswold St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
1162 Ottillia St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
ROHEN, Jerry & Patricia............................245-8262 SAWYER, Brent & Lisa ...............................245-6587
2115 Onekama Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Colin, Madeline
2110 Burchard St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2115 Onekama Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1946 Giddings Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
ROHEN, Katie ............................................245-8262 SAY, Saw & Naw ...........................................Unlisted
ROHEN, Megan .........................................245-8262
2115 Onekama Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
ROMAN, Joe ...................................... 269-388-6030
SCHAUTZ, Robert & Annette .....................855-5022
Noah, Luke, Isabelle
7946 Anders Trail Dr. SE, Alto, 49302
3517 Giddings Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
ROSARIO, Jose & Jennifer.........................805-3909 SCHELLING, Barbara ................................247-8991
3033 Chamberlain Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
Gabriella, Victoria
4543 Canterwood Dr. NE, Ada, 49301
SCHEMMEL, Jay & Patricia .........................Unlisted
2126 Shawnee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
SCHEMPER, Paul & Allison .......................458-6288
ROSENBACH, Thomas & Tracy ..................245-2409
ROSENBACH, Robert Jr. & Leslie ..............245-8558
1447 Margaret Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
3945 41st St. SW, Grandville, 49418
1853 Onaway Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
ROSSER, Samuel Jr. & Dawn ............. 269-945-2513 SCHENSUL, David .....................................245-0007
3506 Whispering Brook Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
Eric, Cassidy, Jude
2060 Dakota Trl., Hastings, 49058
ROSSI, Frank & Caryn ...............................682-4897
3100 Torian Ct. SE, Ada, 49301
SCHMIEDER, Mary ....................................455-2757
2103 Osceola Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
SCHMIEDER, Matthew & Ann ...................452-8118
2103 Osceola Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
ROSSI, Nicholas .........................................682-4897 SCHNEIDER, James ....................................Unlisted
3100 Torian Ct. SE, Ada, 49301
3086 Thorncrest Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
RUSCHMANN, PJ......................................243-5507 SCHNEIDER, Jeff & Maurine.....................301-7755
813 Otillia SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
RUSSO, Mary .............................................301-2279
5062 N. Quail Crest Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
RYAN, Bobbie.............................................247-7677
Meara, Maurine
1525 Shadyview Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
SCHNEIDER, William & Julie ....................554-6117
6997 Sienna Dr. SE, Caledonia, 49316
3948 Whispering Way SE #203, Grand Rapids, 49546
RYAN, Patricia ............................................243-7431 SCHOLTEN, Joseph....................................245-7661
263 Hobart St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
1436 Johnston St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
5668 Bentbrook St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
830 Griggs St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
RYNBRAND, Scott & Mary .........................455-3392 SCHORLE, Jessica ......................................617-8586
SAGANSKI, Daniel & Susan ......................285-2648 SCHULTE, Brian & Kathleen.............. 989-780-2196
7098 Windcrest St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
10 Middleboro Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49506
SAGANSKI, Matthew ...................................Unlisted
2155 Elliott St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
SCHUMAR, James & Mary ........................942-7835
Benjamin, Lucas, Noah
2171 Boston St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
SCOBELL, Mark & Susan ...........................957-3749
SAGRITALO, Ronald & Aracelis ......... 217-714-0112
SANDERS, Steven ......................................437-1246
PO Box 6095, Grand Rapids, 49516
Grace, Elizabeth, Mary
322 Manhattan Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
115 Alta Vista Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
SARRIA, Borromeo & Marie Fe .................656-0881 SCOTT, Tony ...............................................706-9864
5831 E. Grove Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
3744 Ravine Vista Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1842 Boston St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2406 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1775 Chateauridge Dr. SW, Wyoming, 49519
2311 Wealthy St. SE Apt. 1, Grand Rapids, 49506
SAUNDERS, Mary ......................................243-6897 SEAMON, David & Cheryl..........................245-3096
SAVILLO, Jennifer......................................530-2512 SEIBOLD, Amna ........................................241-6187
SAVILLO, Josephine...................................530-2512 SENNEKER, Carrie.....................................551-3436
Gavin, Reegan
4517 Curwood Ave. SE, Kentwood, 49508
1775 Chateauridge Dr. SW, Wyoming, 49519
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
SEREKE, Tefade & Freweini .......................774-7876 SMOLENSKI, Kathleen ................................Unlisted
3425 Brook Trl. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
2473 Abbington Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
SHANGHAI, Robert ...................................340-9976
SMYKA, Elizabeth ......................................949-5984
2540 Inverness Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
PO Box 264, Lowell, 49331
SMYKA, Joseph & Dawn ............................949-5984
4308 Walnut Hills Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
SNOW, Amber ...........................................803-5256
SHEA, Joan ................................................634-1607
SHEA, Sue ..................................................366-6719
Aiden, Shayla
1018 Blanchard St. SW, Wyoming, 49509
SHEAHAN, Raymond & Cynthia ................455-6471
2540 Inverness Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
4722 Torrington Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
SNOW, Paul & Leisa ..................................464-1126
2643 Lake Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2078 Stanford Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
SHEPHERD, Robert & Irene ......................452-9445 SNYDER, Blake & Lauren ..........................889-3918
1822 Evergreen St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
SHERWOOD, Virginia ...............................827-9020
2016 Wilshire Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2069 Woodshire Pl. SE, Kentwood, 49508
SNYDER, David & Kathy ............................957-1219
1747 Ridgewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
SOE, Khua .......................................... 865-776-6262
SHIELDS, Margaret....................................942-7128
SHWE, Mung & Pasquelina .........................Unlisted
4139 N. Castle Ridge Dr. SE Apt. 283, Kentwood, 49508
2265 Onekama Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
3501 Newcastle Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
SOLTYSIAK, Paul & Carrie.........................245-2637
1901 Hutchinson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
SIBILLA, Warren & Joan............................241-1066 SOMMERDYKE, Thomas & Patricia ..........247-7724
1511 Lenox Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
3788 Ravine Vista Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
SILLIVEN, Christopher & Kaitlin ........ 773-332-3334 SONEFELD, Philip & Amanda ...................813-8735
Keegan, Bella
1520 Sherwood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Kayden, Landon, Olivia
4141 Kentridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
SIMPSON, Grace .......................................949-4919 SOUTHERINGTON, Steven & Katherine...803-0745
1919 Boston St. SE Apt. A219, Grand Rapids, 49506
SINK, Marc & Barbara ...............................245-4959
2023 Coronado Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
SISCO-NGUYEN, Dennis & Ha .................261-5634
4145 Norman Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
SIUDA, Marian & Jolanta ............................Unlisted
Nathan, Daniel, Annie, Nicholas
3560 Long Grove Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
SOVA, Lynwood & Carrie .............................Unlisted
Gabriel, Nathan, Gillian, Natalie
3162 Colchester Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
STAMPER, Stephen & Christine .................452-7348
2165 Shawnee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1177 La Paloma Dr. SW, Wyoming, 49509
SKIBA, Lloyd & Carmen ..............................Unlisted STANLEY, Ronald........................................452-4213
2616 Raymond Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
821 Spring Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, 49503
SKUKALEK, John & Barbara .......................Unlisted
STAPLETON, Peter & Shawna ...................920-7922
Nicholas, Jonathan, Emma
7844 Autumn Woods Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
1900 Pokogon Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
SKUKALEK, Michael & Annie ....................334-9902 STENGER, Phillip & Suzanne ....................956-3368
2188 Glenn Canyon Dr. SE, Caledonia, 49316
SLOMSKI, Michael & Stacy ........................784-1255
1 Lamoreaux Dr. NE, Comstock Park, 49321
Shannon, Stephanie, Kathryn
2945 Woodcliff Cir. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
STIVER, Jerry & Berta................................554-0281
SMITH, Gary ..............................................942-1718
4005 Woodland Creek Dr. SE Apt. 102, Kentwood, 49512
Kaley, Mia, Nina
6717 60th St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
SMITH, Herman & Connie .........................656-9019 STOCKMEYER, Jeanne ................................Unlisted
5236 Stone Briar Ct. SE, Kentwood, 49512
7520 Derbyboro Dr. SE, Caledonia, 49316
2321 Brighton Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2879 Valley Spring Ln. SE, Caledonia, 49316
1626 Hutchinson Ave. SE Apt. F, Grand Rapids, 49506
1839 Millbank St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
SMITH, Jack & Patricia ..............................241-5771 STONE, Lois ...............................................698-6879
SMITH, Teresa ...........................................350-9800 STRELING, Penny ........................................Unlisted
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
STUART, Scott & Pamela ..............................Unlisted TATE, Matthew & Kathleen ........................682-5724
Amanda, Jessica, Nathan, Elizabeth
2217 Boston St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Liam, Linus, Mary
1533 Lookout Farm Dr. NE, Ada, 49301
SUAN, Michael Do & Ester Dim .................329-8165 TAUNT, J. Lawrence & Judy .......................957-1593
4021 Pointe O Woods St. SE Apt. 79, Grand Rapids, 49508
2561 Maplewood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1504 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
2981 Chapshire Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
3467 Queenston Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
6758 Gracepoint Dr. SE, Caledonia, 49316
2062 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
350 Hillcrest Ave. Apt. 2, Decatur GA 30030
2062 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Kailey, Abigail, Catherine, Christopher
1646 Saginaw Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
SUI, Tuah ...................................................554-7765 TAVIC, Andrej ............................................706-4245
SUTALO, Dragan & Nada ..........................285-9105 TAYLOR, Mary ............................................803-5096
SWAILES, Andrew ......................................243-1166 TELFER, John & Theresa .................... 989-859-5734
SWAILES, Jacob .........................................243-1166 TEPPER, Christopher & Stephanie .............243-9856
SWAILES, Olivia.........................................243-1166
2062 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
TERLISNER, Eugene & Carol .....................452-6119
Sophia, Emma, Liza, Isaiah
2062 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
THANG, Biak & Sui ...................................295-3845
8318 Hawkshead SE, Byron Center, 49315
THANG, Ngul & Niang ..............................589-8107
SWAILES, Stephen & Xan ..........................243-1166
SWEET, Marcia ...........................................554-1214
SWOVELAND, Orley & Judith ...................247-1972
310 Ken O Sha Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
Andrew, Thomas, Helen, Henry
5083 Hillwood Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
2115 43rd St. SE Apt. I11, Grand Rapids, 49508
2819 Royal Vista Ct. NW, Grand Rapids, 49534
TAGGART, Jeffrey & Julie ..........................389-5038 THANG, Paul ...............................................Unlisted
2115 43rd St. SE Apt. I11, Grand Rapids, 49508
Mackenzie, Andrew
3555 Cobblestone Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
TAGGART, Kari .................................. 734-320-9070
THANG, Sian & Cing ...................................Unlisted
Nicholas, John
4001 Pointe O Woods St. SE Apt. 63, Grand Rapids, 49508
3929 S. Rosebud Dr. SE #3, Kentwood, 49512
TAKUS, Brent & Cindy................................635-6185 THEISEN, John & Tammy ..........................581-6441
852 Edsel St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1464 Ardmore St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
TALAGA, Edward & Rebecca ......................647-5548 THOMAS, Josephine ..................................241-4861
2305 Burton St. SE Apt. 153, Grand Rapids, 49506
Michael, Elise, Abigail
2261 Rolling Hills Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
THOMAS, Michael & Ann ..........................956-1992
1834 Greenleaf Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
THOMAS, Sandra ......................................942-2991
TALAGA, Steve & Jean ................................Unlisted
TALBOT, Michael & Karen ............................Unlisted
6150 N. Cove Ct., Hudsonville, 49426
Funerals • Burials
Cremations • Monuments
Jessie, Kayla
1652 Morningside Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2249 Edgewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
THORNDILL, Christine ..............................745-2105
2620 Highland View Cir. W., Grand Rapids, 49508
“Family Owned & Operated Since 1885”
Grand Rapids’ First Funeral Home
Our 130th Year
David Gerst, Sr., David Gerst, Jr.,
Mark Gerst, Steve Vredeveld
3980 Cascade & E. Paris S.E. At I-96
Advanced Funeral Planning Center
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
THORNE, Thomas & Anne.........................954-9453 VANDERPOEL, John & Mary.....................243-1310
Mary, Evelyn, Ella
2725 Maplewood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2227 E. Shiawassee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
TIERNEY, H. Joseph & Ruth........................281-7641
VANDERPOEL, Michael & Jennifer ...........540-5375
2331 Onekama Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2316 Brook Hollow Pl. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
TIETEMA, Michael & Megan ......................443-6089 VANOVERLOOP, Jack & Amy ....................455-1724
Owen, Matthew, Ellie, Peter
2345 Glen Echo Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
1853 Weymouth Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
TOBIN, Barbara.........................................827-1480
VANOVERLOOP, Jacqueline ........................Unlisted
2165 Edington Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1050 Four Mile Rd. Rm. 209, Grand Rapids, 49544
VELDHOUSE, Brian & Janet .....................245-6062
3565 Vinewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
VENEKLASE, Ardis .....................................452-7554
1931 Keyhill Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
VERNUM, Steven & Mary ..........................452-6896
TODDY, John & Clarita...............................575-9167
TOKARSKI, Steven & Doris........................954-6642
TRAN, Ryan & Kimberly...............................Unlisted
3520 Raven Ave. SW, Wyoming, 49509
TRUDGEON, David & Vicki .......................560-1543
Sophie, Benjamin
2029 Osceola Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
TUANG, Deng ............................................821-6467
2050 Maumee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1849 Millbrook St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
Zachary, Andrew
2145 Chesaning Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
VICARI, Matthew & Paula .........................949-3442
John, Maxwell, Dominic, Grace
2541 Annchester Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
VICINI, Paul & Mary ......................... 517-449-0949
7064 Maplecrest Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
4105 Oak Park Dr. SE Apt. 3, Grand Rapids, 49508
TUANG, John & Catherine.........................498-7046 VIDRO, Kenn & Barbara ...........................245-1050
Cecilia, Albert, Luka
1963 Kamp Ave. SW, Wyoming, 49509
2115 Plymouth Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
TUKARIC, Josip & Ankica ............................Unlisted
VINCENT, John & Sarah ............................403-5267
Chance, Payton
1633 Sylvan Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
3876 Rowland Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
TUMA, Norbert & Karen ............................455-3419 VIS, Eugene Jr. & Monique ........................247-7640
2062 Wolfboro Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
TWE, Sui ....................................................350-5966
4556 Marshall Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
UGLIETTA, John & Sue .............................245-0116
2046 Wilshire Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
URSUL, Daniel & Mary ..............................949-7082
Wesley, William, Caleb, Christian
1108 Fisk St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
VU, Hong-anh & Lang ...............................656-1017
Phillip, Mary, Davis, Peter
4600 Country Hill Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
VU, Kim-anh ..............................................245-5923
1811 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1991 Talamore Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
VACHON, Craig .........................................281-0433 VU, Rue ........................................................Unlisted
1951 Madison Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
2151 Fawnwood Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49508
VACHON, Gary ..........................................490-0111 WAGA, Zaw & Aye Mya ...............................Unlisted
JaSeng, Myo
4263 Clyde Park Ave. SW Apt. 34, Wyoming, 49509
1004 Alger St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
VAN HERP, Geraldine ................................243-5117 WAIER, Barbara ........................................452-0616
1537 Forrester St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1848 Woodward Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WAIER, Jeffrey...........................................822-8092
3274 Westminster Dr. SE, Kentwood, 49512
WALDRON, Jack & Patricia .......................243-8792
VAN HERP, Julie ........................................957-7718
VAN HOUTEN, John & Jane .....................974-9099
3109 Colchester Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
8676 Ridgebluff Dr. SW, Byron Center, 49315
1430 Van Auken St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
WALIGORA, David & Jennifer .......... 734-649-3681
2115 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
VANDERMOLEN, James & Julie ...............538-9602 WALLACE, Timothy & Janine ....................940-6033
Grace, Brayton
1936 Kingston Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
2716 Berwyck Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
WALSH, Andrew & Danielle ......................648-6910 WEBSTER, Ronald & Michelle ...................452-2098
Lucy, Ava
1914 Newton Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1441 Cornell Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WANDZEL, Jeffrey & Catherine ................956-5382
5483 Highbury Dr. SE, Ada, 49301
WEDDELL, Virginia ...................................949-8957
1424 Edgewood Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WEIGHNER, Kevin ....................................942-6428
2451 Ridgecroft Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
WARD, C. ........................................... 231-578-8598 WEIGHNER, Philip & Catherine ...............942-6428
2156 Griggs St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2451 Ridgecroft Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
WARD, Joseph & Suzanne .........................719-0027 WEIKS, John & Mary .................................954-7899
Elizabeth, John, Megan
2052 Tall Pines Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
3499 Windshire Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
WARD, Nancy.............................................949-4306
2449 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WARE, Scott & Jennifer .............................610-0421
Courtney, Clayton
2438 Oakwood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WASINSKI, Robert & Alexandra ...............452-2659
Thomas, Peter, Gregory
1931 Eastbrook St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
WATERS, Brian & Jessica ................... 630-294-4002
WELSH, Lisa ..............................................243-2179
6948 Ringtail Ct., Hudsonville, 49426
WELSH, Terrance .......................................243-2179
Megan, Brett
1345 Giddings Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WENDLING, Eric & Leah...........................633-0275
1934 Sherman St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WEST, Brian & Amy............................ 231-409-4733
3110 Railway Dr. SW, Byron Center, 49315
3479 Yukon Dr. SW, Grandville, 49418
WEBER, Amanda .........................................Unlisted WEST, Charles & Ann .................................723-4407
2301 Shawnee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WEBER, Brian............................................375-2191
1444 Ardmore St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
2301 Shawnee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WESTDORP, Audrey ...................................245-2754
2050 Dellbrook Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
WHALEN, Gerald & Rosemarie .................243-3851
WEBER, Joan .............................................827-2230
WEBER, Karen ...........................................956-1513
2309 Plymouth Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2230 Tecumseh Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
2776 Meadowbrook Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
WEBER, Marc & Elizabeth ................. 517-526-0164 WHITE, David & Michele ...........................334-3504
7233 Equine Ln. SE, Caledonia, 49316
3435 Poinsettia Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
WEBER, Steven & Maria............................378-0223
2301 Shawnee Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WHITE, Joseph & Elaine ...........................773-1114
2616 W. Highland View Cir. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WIEST, Betty...............................................243-4630
3271 Dawes Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
WEBSTER, Austin ........................................Unlisted WIEST, Cynthia.............................................Unlisted
1441 Cornell Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WEBSTER, Parker........................................Unlisted
3271 Dawes Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
1441 Cornell Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
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Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
WIETOR, George & Beth ...........................452-1021 ZAW, Yu & Margaret ..................................466-6703
1512 Cambridge Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WILBER, Andrew & My-Trang ...................328-9007
Simon, Hudson, Lucas
2003 Orville St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
Hubert Brang, Josephine Seng
1450 42nd St. SE Apt. 5, Grand Rapids, 49508
ZEGUNIS, Monica ......................................281-2377
3425 McKee Ave. SW, Wyoming, 49509
WILLIAMS, Brian & Anne Marie ...............949-9003 ZIENTEK, Judith ........................................245-8394
2104 Woodlawn Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
2504 Godwin Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
2259 Okemos Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
1650 Chamberlain Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WILLIAMS, Richard & Patricia ..................243-4691 ZIMLICH, Cheryl ........................................272-3788
WILLIAMS, Vincent & Ann ........................243-9353 ZING, Van .......................................... 253-951-2435
3819 Ravinewood Cir. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
4556 Marshall Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
WILLISON, Stephen & Kimberly ...............241-9899
Elexa, Brianna, Benjamin, Daniel, Megan, Teresa, Elizabeth,
John Paul
2222 Heather St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
ZOELLNER, Ann.........................................464-2631
852 Pinnacle Run Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
ZOELLNER, Anthony & Sheila ...................956-5074
2316 Ridgecroft Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
WILSON, Barth & Theresa ........................915-3341
ZOELLNER, Dorothy ..................................940-3583
1919 Boston St. SE Apt. A305, Grand Rapids, 49506
2731 Capilano Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
ZOLLER, William & Carole.........................452-6297
Evelyn, Ethan
1920 Newark Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
ZOMBERG, Ellen .......................................452-3543
WINBERG, Christopher & Jennifer ... 989-948-4622
WINN, Dennis & Carolyn...........................452-4739
1755 Derbyshire St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
WINN, Dennis II & Ann .............................464-1125
2655 Maplewood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WINN, Paul ...............................................446-3231
15126 Wildfield Dr., Spring Lake, 49456
WINN, Scott & Deborah ............................956-0035
2053 Engleside Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49546
WISE, Adele ...............................................285-1667
3121 Lake Michigan Dr. NW Apt. 124, Grand Rapids, 49504
WITHEY, Maryann......................................245-2356
1449 Johnston St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
WOLF, Paul & Elizabeth ..................... 517-927-1273
1754 Boston St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WOOD, James & Jennifer .........................617-6111
3649 W. Grove Ct. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512
WOONS, George & Beverly.........................Unlisted
2241 Elmwood Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49506
WRIGHT, Christopher & Regina ..................Unlisted
1206 Edna St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
YAR, Mar & Soe.................................. 717-397-4520
Khoun, Augustin
5476 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Kentwood, 49508
YOST, James & Carol ..................................975-1541
3772 Bridgehampton Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, 49546
YOUNG, Janet ...........................................455-7543
669 Fresno Cir. SE, Grand Rapids, 49548
ZANOTTI, Gina ..........................................916-6835
512 Alger St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49507
3451 Bromley Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
2295 Edington Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, 49508
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
Parish Benefactors
Corey, Murphy & Harber
Thomas M. Murphy CPA
700 36th Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49548-2332
(616) 241-2604 • [email protected]
Karl Orthodontics
Paul J. Karl, D.D.S., M.Cl.D.
A Specialist In Advanced
Orthodontics & Beautiful Smiles
459-7171 • Parishioner
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book & Directory
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1331 · Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish · Guide Book Publishing · 322 Sovereign Ct., St. Louis, MO 63011 · 636/391-2121 • 800/597-3037 · Fax: 636/391-3172 · • February 2015
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