March 2014 Newsletter
March 2014 Newsletter
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 356 Summit Road, Springfield, Pennsylvania 19064 610-543-5110, …to show and share Christ’s love. Dear Church – I used to like winter. There was a time when I looked forward to snow and ice, even shoveling! I know. I’m from Georgia and Georgia folks March 2014 Volume 49-Number 7 don’t get much cold weather and so we aren’t supposed to be a chillloving people. But I grew up in NORTH Georgia, in the mountains. And I’ve lived in New Jersey, Maine, Michigan, and Pennsylvania for the last fourteen years. I like cold weather. I really do. Or, shall I say, I did. This winter has ruined everything. Are you with me, people? Are you tired of all this slush? School closings, postponements, power outages, trapped inside under grey skies, shoveling sidewalks, scraping windshields, and piles of sloppy boots, socks, coats, and mittens. Merciful Heavens! Somebody, please pray for God to stop smiting us. Somebody, please pray for all the homeless folks, those who can’t afford heat, and those beautiful souls who plow the roads, clean up debris, and make the world safe. Somebody, everybody, pray for relief. Pray for sunshine. Thinking of spring, Jeff BOWLING (AT SPROUL LANES) SUNDAY, MARCH 2 2 P.M. Please join us for fun and fellowship at Sproul Lanes. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Please RSVP ([email protected]) so that we are able to reserve enough lanes ALL ARE WELCOME!!!! NEW MEMBERS’ CLASSES: SUNDAYS, MARCH 2 AND 9 during the Sunday School hour at 9:15 a.m. Please e-mail [email protected] or call the church office if interested. OUR CHURCH STAFF Jeffrey E. Bryan, Teaching Elder Megan Prescott-Ezickson, Music Director Noha T. Khoury, Director of Children and Youth Ministries Janet Fonash, Office Manager Anne Branton, Office Assistant Bruce Esbensen, Custodian Darla McNulty, Director of Rabbit Hill Nursery School Katherine E. Doyle, Clerk of Session Jim Orlando, Financial Secretary Nancy Hartrum, Treasurer FROM THE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE SIGNING IN ON SUNDAY To maintain accurate records regarding your ch urch attendance, please sign the blue pew pad each Sunday that you attend Worship. FROM THE OFFICE OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Mon. & Wed. 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Tues. & Thurs. (closed on Friday) UNDER THE STEEPLE MARCH 2014 . . . to show and share Christ’s love. PAGE 1 THANK YOU Dear Friends of First Presbyterian Church: Thank you so much for the beautiful altar flowers and the wonderful cards and caring notes during my illness. Prayers and telephone visits have been greatly appreciated. I have come a long way and am feeling better and stronger. You are a great church family. Love and prayers, Carole Guttschall Our heartfelt thanks to Mayra Gibson and Angie Giuliani, Nursery Attendants, for their many years of dedicated faithful service to our youngest children on Sunday mornings. OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY IS EXTENDED TO: Dear First Presbyterian Church family, The family of Mary Miller wishes to thank each of you for all you did for mom over the last few years especially. Our mother knew you loved her as you expressed it by your visits, rides, cards, flowers and calls. She was so very grateful for her beloved church family – as are we. Thank you so much, Gary Miller, Nadine Ogden and Sandy Genzel Rich and Mary West on the death of Rich’s mother, Marjorie West, on January 16. Dear Church, I appreciate all your good wishes, prayers and donations for my Haiti trip. The personal hygiene items will be going to an over-crowded prison in Port de Paix, while the other items will mostly go to the orphanage at the campus in St. Louis de Nord, where we are based. (The high temperature in Saint Louis de Nord for Saturday, February 15 was 81 degrees!) Joe LeGrand Date 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 Date 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 The Adams family on the death of Paul Adams on January 25. Paul was a former member, whose parents George and Emma Adams were very active members of FPC. The Califano family on the death of Alva Kent (former member). CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Anna and Marty Greene (parents) and Alex (big brother), Jim and Donna DeRose (grandparents) on the birth of Kaley Valentina Greene on January 14, weighing 9 lb. 3 oz., 20 inches long. THOSE SERVING FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH Ushers Ed Clapper, Jim Orlando, Jr., Frank Santini, Bob Simons Ed Clapper, Jim Orlando, Jr., Frank Santini, Bob Simons Anne Branton, John Gibson, Ted Hidell, Deb Miller Anne Branton, John Gibson, Ted Hidell, Deb Miller Cathy Agan, Jim Harrington, Aletha Sciubba, Mary Louise Smith WOW WORKERS Grades K-3 Grades 4-6 Bonnie McAnally, John Reed Noha Khoury, Violette DeSantis Christa Reynolds, Vince Latchford Noha Khoury, Kathy Doyle Kim Paulina, Jeanne Richards Noha Khoury, John McKee Cindy Reed, Christa Reynolds Noha Khoury, Colleen Sullivan . Liturgist Joe LeGrand Colleen Sullivan Debbie Rhodes Jeanne Richards Jim Doyle UNDER THE STEEPLE MARCH 2014 . . . to show and share Christ’s love. Greeters Bill Winans Margie Hamilton-Bair Bob Simons Aletha Sciubba Gussie Logue PAGE 2 FROM KATHY DOYLE, CLERK OF SESSION At the congregational meeting on January 26th: The Nominating Committee for 2014 was elected including Meg Mayo-Lucas (Chair and Session rep.), Kim West Bryan, Kara Collins, Joanne DeCaria and John Gibson. Jeff Bryan is an ex-officio member. Thanks were given to the House & Grounds Committee for the Narthex renovation. They presented a “wish list” of items to be completed. Stewardship was presented. Annual reports from all the committees were presented and accepted. After adjourning to the corporation meeting, Ed Clapper, Corporation President, agreed to serve for 2014. He reported that the corporation is in good order, the audit was done, and we have a balanced budget. The 2014 budget was presented and approved. The congregational meeting was reconvened. As a church congregation we are doing good work with our children and missions. Special mention was made of Joe LeGrand going to Haiti in February. A question was raised about the search for a new Director of Children and Youth Ministries. There are three applicants and interviews are being conducted. Hopefully a new person will be hired shortly. There being no other questions, the meeting was adjourned. On January 29th a meeting of Session was held. Because there was not a quorum no official business could be conducted. Several members were absent because the meeting had been rescheduled because of the snow storm the previous week. Items that were discussed included the following: A big thank you was given to all who helped with the Presbytery meeting on January 28th. It was very successful and Jeff received many compliments from attendees. Our sexual abuse awareness policy includes the admonition that if anyone is aware of any abuse the police should be the called. Committee assignments were made. Colleen Sullivan will be on the Finance Committee. We will need a new At Large member for the Administrative Committee. Communion serving was examined. A communion commission was proposed, three people would be responsible for all communion preparation and cleanup. The other ordained members of the congregation would be able to serve communion. UNDER THE STEEPLE Are monthly meetings of each committee necessary was another point of discussion. Some committees could function very well meeting only when necessary. The benches in the Narthex seem to have legs of their own and move around. Jeff will mention this at a service. More publicity of church activities is needed. Weekly mention in the Springfield Press would be good. We need some picture takers who would then write a caption and send it off! Tentative special calendar dates were approved; these include holidays, special services and congregational activities. A brief update on the candidates for the position of Director of Children and Youth Ministries was given. Next Session meeting is Wednesday, February 26, at 7:00 p.m. in Lambert Hall. “CONNECT BY NIGHT” First Presbyterian Tower Youth children and adult helpers fed approximately 56 single homeless adults as part of the Connect-By-Night program on Sunday night January 19th at Riverview Presbyterian Church in Drexel Hill. Connect-By-Night is a shelter churchbased, overnight, mobile emergency shelter for single homeless adults in Delaware County. Now the adults of the congregation have the opportunity and challenge to support this ministry on Sunday, March 30th. We are looking for about 5-8 adults to help serve a snack and share in fellowship on March 30th from 8:30 11:00 p.m. Sign up in the Narthex or contact the church office or John Reed. MARCH 2014 . . . to show and share Christ’s love. PAGE 3 One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) is the March Mission of the Month. For sixty years, Presbyterians have joined with Christians throughout the nation in supporting One Great Hour of Sharing, responding to Christ's love for all people by joyfully sharing that love with people in need. Our gifts support the work of three programs including: The Presbyterian Committee for the Self-Development of People, the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program, and the Presbyterian Hunger Program. These three programs of OGHS inturn support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development that help people find safe refuge, start new lives, and work together to strengthen their families and communities. In places like Eugene, Oregon, New Orleans, Louisiana, and the many other recovering communities along the Gulf Coast, those most in need are finding hope and help through the work of OGHS programs and their partners in ministry. In this media-driven environment it is easy to become distracted from the reality faced by our brothers and sisters around the world where poverty, disaster, and war cause displacement and suffering. When we give to OGHS, we give in faith—knowing that staff in the three programs will be responding in Christ’s name to the cries of our sisters and brothers throughout the next year. We trust that they will respond as they did in Newtown, Connecticut and in the wake of the devastating spring storms that ravaged both Oklahoma and Texas: immediately, directly, and through our partners wherever the emergency occurs. But equally important, we know that they will remain in areas of devastation long after the news cameras have moved elsewhere as they continue rebuilding both lives and communities. Feeding the hungry, helping people build up their own livelihoods, responding to disasters—these are all ways that your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing are changing lives, changing communities, and changing the world. Please give generously to this worthy Presbyterian mission. FROM HOUSE AND GROUNDS–Bill Winans Now that the ice and snow is behind us (hopefully) we can look forward to spring. I know I do. Now I can weed and feed my lawn so I can mow it more often. Something's wrong with that picture. But I love doing it anyway. As lon g as God gives me the strength and UNDER THE STEEPLE health to do it. It's mostly time for clean-up of branches and twigs all over the place; nature’s way of pruning the trees. To those who lost power in February, I am deeply sorry and hope it was not too much of a burden on you and your family. I also hope that you incurred little or no damage due to the ice. Unfortunately I had some serious damage to the pine trees in my yard. So much that I have to remove them. Although I won't miss the raking of the needles and pine cones, I will miss the shade they provided over the last 30 some years. But for safety reasons I have to take them down. As I mentioned in last month’s article, we will need some help in cleaning up the church area. Some painting needs to be done, and weeding, mulching, and removal of the hedges outside of Fellowship Hall, as well as putting crushed stone in that area to prevent any growth there. I am very glad that we did not do the parking lot last fall because of all the ice and snow removal it took its toll on the whole area, and it would have been a waste of money. We do plan on doing it this spring. So if you’re visiting the church during that time please be aware of the contractors doing the job. I will inform you by Janet's e-mailing, and the Sunday bulletin on the days the work will be done. They will do one lot at a time. The upper lot one day and the lower the next and possibly a third day to do the striping. Let's hope that March comes in like a lamb and leaves like a lamb. But remember it's not our choice, it's God's and we should accept whatever He sends us and be thankful. So hang in there; it soon will be shorts and tee shirt weather. Let's try not to complain about the heat and remember the past winter. Until next month, God Bless. ALTAR FLOWERS There is a sign up sheet in the Narthex of the church for anyone who would like to provide Altar flowers on a given Sunday. They can be given in honor of or in loving memory of someone. The cost is $45 for two bouquets or $22.50 for one. You can leave them to be delivered to one of our shut-ins or take home. You can also call the church office or contact Jeanne Richards at [email protected]. MARCH 2014 . . . to show and share Christ’s love. PAGE 4 Sun Mon Nursery Care Provided on Sunday Mornings. 2 9:15 am SS for All- 3 7 pm Membership New Members Class Committee (LO) 10:30 am Communion Worship 2 p.m. Bowling @ Sproul Lanes 6:30 pm Tower Youth 9 (Daylight Savings Time 10 Begins) First Sunday of Lent 9:15 am SS for AllNew Members Class 10:30 am Worship 6:30 pm Tower Youth 16 Second Sunday of 17 St. Patrick’s Day Lent 9:15 am SS for All 10:30 am Worship 6:30 pm Tower Youth 23 Third Sunday of 24 Lent 9:15 am SS for All 10:30 am Worship (Turning Point) 6:30 pm Tower Youth Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 4 9:30 am Circle #1 @ the Harrington’s 12 pm Circle #3 (LH) 5 9:30 – 10:30 am RH 6 6:30 pm AA (LH) (FH) 6:30 pm Handbells 6 pm Circle #2 (LO) 7:30 pm Chancel 7 pm Ash Wednesday Choir Service 7 pm Del. Valley Show Chorus (FH) 11 7 pm 12 7 pm Finance 13 5 pm Girl Scouts Administrative Committee (CR) (FH) Committee (CR) 7 pm Del. Valley Show 6:30 pm AA (LH) Chorus (FH) 6:30 pm Handbells 7 pm Mission Committee (LO) 7:30 pm Chancel Choir 18 6:30 pm 19 7 pm Board of 20 1 pm Newsletter Christian Ed (CR) Deacons (LH) Volunteers (CR) 6:30 pm Del. 7 pm Del. Valley Show 6:30 pm AA (LH) County Educators Chorus (FH) 6:30 pm Handbells (LH) 7:30 pm Chancel 7 pm House and Choir Grounds(LO) (Spring Begins) 7 6:30 pm Al 8 4 pm City Team Anon (LH) Ministries Newsletter deadline, 25 28 9:15 am Mom 2 29 Mom 6:30 pm Al Anon (LH) 26 7 pm Session 27 5 pm Girl Scouts (LH) (FH) 7 pm Del. Valley Show 6:30 pm AA (LH) Chorus (FH) 6:30 pm Handbells 7:30 pm Chancel Choir 14 9:15 am Mom 2 15 9 am – noon, SW Mom Region Meeting, 6:30 pm Al Anon Thomas M. Thomas (LH) Presbyterian Church, Chester 21 6:30 pm Al Anon (LH) 22 30 Fourth Sunday of 31 Lent 9:15 am SS for All 10:30 am Worship 6:30 pm Tower Youth 8:30 – 11 pm Connect By Night @ Riverview Presbyterian Church CO – Church Office, 2nd – Fassitt Hall CR – Conference Room, 2nd –Fassitt Hall CS – Church Sanctuary, 2nd FH – Fellowship Hall, 1st Lower Rear LH – Lambert Hall, 1st LI – Library, 2nd UNDER THE STEEPLE Room Assignment Key, Floor LO – Lounge, 2nd MR – Music Room, 2nd Rear PO – Pastor’s Office, 2nd – Fassitt Hall RN – Rabbit Hill/Nursery, 1st RW – Rabbit Hill West Room, 2nd SM – Sunday School Moses Room – 3rd SN – Sunday School Noah Room, 3rd SS – Sunday School Office, 2nd – Fassitt Hall ST – Sunday School Tent Room, 3rd YD – Youth Director’s Office, 2nd – Fassitt Hall YT – Youth Tower Room, 3rd MARCH 2014 . . . to show and share Christ’s love. PAGE 5 First Presbyterian Church 356 Summit Road Springfield, PA 19064-1499 USPS-198—180 Periodicals POSTAGE PAID Media, PA 19063 Officers of First Presbyterian Church Kathy Doyle, Clerk of Session Session Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Jim DeRose (1 Violette Vince yr. term) DeSantis Latchford Meg MayoLori Hendrzak Colleen Lucas Sullivan Susan Naylor Kim Paulina John Reed Board of Deacons Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Anne Branton Kara Collins Matt Paulina (Secretary) Donna Nanci Petroski Jeanne DeRose (Treasurer) Richards Tracy Doyle Debbie Mary Louise (Moderator) Rhodes Smith Helen Neff Mary West UNDER THE STEEPLE SUNDAY 9:15 a.m. Sunday School for All 10:30 a.m. Worship Service (Nursery care is provided throughout the morning) WOW (Worship Our Way) Kindergarten through Third Grades TWEEN WOW (led by Noha Khoury) Fourth through Sixth Grades (Children leave the worship service) 6:30 p.m. Tower Youth NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: March 7 [email protected] MARCH 2014 . . . to show and share Christ’s love. 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