Aberdeen Roncalli
RONCALLI March 2016 Aberdeen Catholic School System Home of the Cavaliers PAGE 1 LENT 2016 2016-2017 FINANCIAL AID Information on page 3 APPLICATION DEADLINE MARCH 18 Catholic United Financial Catholic Schools Raffle Total Collected: Over $12,800 Top Seller: Jaxon Keller, he won a Kindle Fire HD Top Classroom: Mrs. Scherr K room, they won a Pizza Party These prizes are courtesy of Catholic United Financial. Drawing for the grand prize of a ‘16 Jeep Compass or $20,000 will be March 10 GREETING FROM ACSS PRESIDENT Greetings, Looking into the future causes nervous and anxious excitement. It is that time of the year when we engage in teacher negotiations to develop the calendar and visit about salaries and other pertinent topics. We have taken some calculated risks this year and I am gambling on what our teachers can handle and get done. It’s a good bet and the odds are with us. The 17-18 school year will be an exciting time because it will be the result of a lot of hard work as we plan during the 16-17 school year. Here are some developments: For complete sports schedule go to Central Office: (605) 226-2100 High School Office: (605) 225-7440 Elementary School: (605) 229-4100 Primary School: (605) 225-3460 ABERDEENRONCALLI.ORG We are researching and developing our STREAM curriculum, NSU is developing a STREAM certification in conjunction with Roncalli Teachers will receive the skills to teach and assess the STREAM standards We are researching ways to pay for a smart lab at the elementary We are using one Assessment tool, ACT-Aspire to assess the curriculum We are planning to bring a Mandarin Chinese teacher to the Pre-School and Kindergarten The high school teachers and Mr. Wold created an ACT prep course to help high school students improve their performance on the ACT exam. The high school will have a new Ag/ FFA program next year We have engaged in initiatives at grades 3-6 & 7-12 to encourage respect and kind behavior in our schools Your school board and administration are working hard to provide our teachers with a salary that is and will be competitive with our public school counterparts The ACSS has amazing teachers who are a wealth of untapped potential. People are coming to me with ideas and excitement on a regular basis sharing their thoughts and passion. The image in my mind is of students engaged in academic competitions and winning national events. I see our students in the center of a classroom praying like they do after a sporting event and celebrating academic excellence. I am dreaming of the time when we will have the problem of turning students and families away until we build to make more space. I’m not sure what everybody else sees but I wanted to share with you my happy vision about ten years down the road. I look forward to hearing what’s in your mind’s eye. God Bless Go Cavs! Jeff Simmons Make you smile…… My daughter Gabi was walking around the house singing this morning. Then, I finally paid enough attention to notice what song it was- Misericordes sicut Pater. There is nothing like a 5 year old singing Latin in the morning! -Jodi Martinez “Instilling Catholic values and promoting academic excellence by nurturing mind, body and soul.” ABERDEEN CATHOLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM PAGE 2 CONGRATULATIONS TO… Rose Gutenkauf, Sophia Madsen, Julia Major, and Sadie Raap for being selected to sing with the Elementary Festival Honor Choir in Brookings on February 11th. About 700 students audition for the 140 member choir. TO… the Roncalli Mathcounts Team of Ian Pharris, Capri Hellwig, Erica Carda, and Rose Gutenkauf. They placed 3rd as a team at the Chapter Competition in Brookings, Feb. 6. The first 2 teams go on to state. Riley Weinmeister placed 11th as an individual and Ian Pharris placed 12th. Riley is the 1st runner up to go to State if someone can't go. Way to go Riley, William Goscicki, Madison Wetz, and McKenna Weekly who also represented Roncalli well. 12 schools were there from the NorthEast part of SD and approximately 80 students. We are proud of our Cavs! MUSIC CONTEST Region IV Large Group Music Contest will take place Wednesday, March 23 at Aberdeen Central High School, Thomas Kelly Theater. Bands and Choirs from the area will perform and be scored by three judges. Both the Roncalli High School Band as well as the Roncalli High School Choir will perform. Times will be announced closer to the event. You are welcome to come and support our students. This is a free event. “My day must be one long prayer: Prayer isthebreath of my life”. -St. John XXIII Mrs. Goscicki’s 5th Grade students teaching each other what they learned about different forms of poetry. 1400 N. DAKOTA ST. PAGE 3 FINANCIAL AID 2016-17 The goal of the Aberdeen Catholic Schools is to make a Catholic education available to any family who chooses it. Annually, Roncalli offers $100,000 in tuition assistance for students in grades K-12 in the form of scholarships and work-study grants. As a private Catholic school system, the Aberdeen Catholic Schools must charge tuition. Every effort is made to keep tuition as affordable as possible so that all parents who want a Catholic education for their children can have one. The Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s Parish Communities provide substantial financial and spiritual support to the Aberdeen Catholic Schools; in addition, many donors have established scholarships. Currently, our tuition rate is approximately one-half of the actual cost to educate a child at the Aberdeen Catholic Schools. We are thankful for the support of our parishes and our donors in keeping the tuition cost down. Scholarship and financial aid applications are now being taken for the 2016-2017 academic school year. To apply for scholarships and financial aid, all applicants must first complete an online application at https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/413ND. If you have previously applied for financial aid, you should use the same User ID and Password and click on the appropriate year. In addition to the online application, all applicants must also complete the K-12 General Scholarship/Financial Aid Application which is found on our website under the Admissions/Financial Aid tab. For students entering grades 4 and above, the Work Grant Application must also be completed. Please review the other scholarship forms on our website and if applicable, please submit the scholarship application by the deadline indicated. Financial Aid and Scholarship applications require a letter of recommendation. Please be mindful of the deadline when asking for a letter of recommendation. DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, MARCH 18. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact Vickie Haiar at 226-2100 or [email protected]. Please support the Cavalier Campaign Annual Fund, which helps fund key operational needs at Roncalli: teacher salaries, tuition assistance, and educational technology. We need the Cavalier Campaign as well as our other fundraising resources— including PTO, Booster Club, the Roncalli Ball, the Roncalli Foundation, Nearly New, Cavalier Gift Cards, and others—to supplement revenue. Tuition and fees account for less than 50% of revenue, Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s Parishes provide approximately one third of revenue, and the remainder of is from fundraising. Our fundraising support keeps tuition at Roncalli lower than tuition at other private schools in South Dakota. Please make a gift to the Cavalier Campaign. Your support helps us make up the funding gap, and it is a tax-deductible way to keep tuition more affordable. We are grateful for the generosity of many who have contributed already, raising $64,000 thus far. PAGE 4 1400 N. DAKOTA ST. SPIRIT STORE March HOURS: Thursday, 3/10 March meeting is the 16th at 7:00 p.m. REMEMBER: your collection of aluminum cans will help the Roncalli Booster Club fund school supplies, teacher salaries and extracurricular activities. Drop off your cans in the collection trailer located at the back of Roncalli High School. PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION The $100 March PTO Calendar Winner is Bernie Moran courtesy of Woehl Construction. THE PRINCE AND I special event will be April 9. For mothers of sons in grades preK-6th. Details to follow. SAVE THE DATE– Family Spring Carnival, Sunday, April 24, 1-4pm at RHS Monday, 3/21 4-5 PM 4:30-6:30 PM CASH or CHECKS accepted. Now accepting CREDIT CARDS w/$100.00 minimum purchase ! LENTEN QUOTE: “Each year, Lent offers us a providential opportunity to deepen the meaning and value of our Christian lives, and it stimulates us to rediscover the mercy of God so that we, in turn, become more merciful toward our brothers and sisters. In the Lenten period, the Church makes it her duty to propose some specific tasks that accompany the faithful concretely in this process of interior renewal: these are prayer, fasting and almsgiving.” -Pope Benedict XVI March is Music in Our Schools Month! Celebrate with us at the 12th Annual Music In Our Schools Concert/Supper Fundraiser on Monday, March 21, 2016 at the RHS Gymnasium Serving delicious Soups (featuring Max and Erma’s Chicken Tortilla Soup) Sandwiches and Beverage beginning at 5:00 pm. Baked goods will also be available for purchase. Concert begins at 5:30 pm featuring the HS & JH Bands and Choirs Free Will Offering will help purchase Marching/Pep Band Equipment and a stereo system for the Choir ABERDEEN CATHOLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM PAGE 5 ACT PREP CLASS/Scholarship SCRIP “SUPER BOWL” There will be another ACT prep class beginning on March 29th. The classes meet from 7 until 8 a.m. at RHS. The cost for the course is $50 and it is designed to help students do their best on this important exam. Please contact me at the following email, [email protected] to register your student. The schedule for the class is listed below. Roncalli is the winner because of the efforts shown by St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart parishioners and priests to win the Second Annual Super Bowl Parish Gift Card Challenge! And the winner is…...SACRED HEART PARISH. Sacred Heart parishioners bought more gift cards between January 30 and February 7. Thank you, Father Mark Lichter, for your contagious enthusiasm in promoting the gift card program. 3/29—General Tips and Info.-Dan Wold 3/31—English Content—Jill McGarry 4/1—Reading Content—Jill McGarry 4/4—Math Content—Lisa Peterson 4/5—Science Content—James Johnson 4/6—Practice Exam—Dan Wold ****Students applying for a Hatterscheidt Scholarship should turn in their applications to Mr. Wold by March 24th. Like us on facebook @ Aberdeen Roncalli FREE! RONCALLI PHONE APP You can download the newly updated Roncalli App to your smart phone by going to the app store and typing in Aberdeen Roncalli Schools. Father Mark Lichter will choose a $50 gift card of his choice and does receive the beautiful trophy for Sacred Heart Church. Congratulations, Father Mark! Duane Fahrni's name was chosen as the winner of the $50 drawing for buying cards. Thank you to the volunteers who sold gift cards, to the parishioners for buying, to the priests for their encouraging words and to the businesses, who provide rebates! Many of you bought a card for the first time. You can purchase the cards each day in the ACSS Central Office and most every weekend after Mass. Some of you recognize how easy it is to order cards ahead of time by calling 226-2100 and picking them up after weekend Masses or at Roncalli High School. It really is that easy to buy a gift card for places that you frequent during the week or to use for a gift. BE A LIFE SAVER!! Tuesday, March 29 The Annual Roncalli Blood Drive will run from 1:30-6:30 pm at RHS. High School is a great time to start a habit of donating. Donating is also a wonderful way for parents to model service to their children. A powerful way to carry on the beautiful Lenten call to service. Make your appointment by contacting Cherie Heinz at 225-7440 or go to the website below and register online anytime. They will also take walk-in donors. Go to the link below to get your spot reserved. The sponsor code is “roncalli” http://www.bloodhero.com/index.cfm?group=op&step=2&opid=543885 PAGE 6 1400 N. DAKOTA ST. PARISH NEWS HOLY WEEK SCHEDULES Roncalli is so grateful to our parishes for their support, both financially and prayerfully!! Please take time to tell your fellow parishioners and pastors thank you for all they do for us. St. Mary’s Holy Week Schedule: Sacred Heart News http://www.sacredheartaberdeen.net/ -Please check the Sacred Heart MinisTREE in the east entry for Works of Mercy everyone can work on. These are great for Christian service hours at school, and parish involvement as individuals, families, or groups -Adult Faith Formation with Fr. Mark meets Wednesday evenings 7-8:30 in the Parish Hall. Please join us. We are currently starting a book study, The Prodigal You Love: Inviting Catholics back to the Church. -Church Cleaning is this Sunday, March 5 immediately following 8:15 a.m. Mass -Living Stations of the Cross will be performed at Mother Joseph Manor March 20 at 2:00 p.m. and at the parish on March 23 at 6:00 p.m. -Regular Stations of the Cross during Lent each Friday at 7:00 p.m. - Catechesis of the Good Shepherd information night is Monday, March 14 from 7-8:30 p.m. Details on flyer attached to the newsletter St. Mary’s News March 24, Holy Thursday Mass at 7:00 p.m. March 25, Good Friday Services at 12:15 and 7 p.m. March 26, Easter Vigil at 8 p.m. March 27, Easter Sunday at 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Confession times: Sunday, March 20….noon Monday, March 21….noon and 7 pm Tuesday, March 22….noon and 5 pm Wednesday, March 23….noon and 7 pm (Communal Penance) Sacred Heart Holy Week Schedule: March 24, Holy Thursday Mass at 7:00 p.m. March 25, Good Friday Services at 3:00 p.m. March 26, Easter Vigil at 8:30 p.m. March 27, Easter Sunday at - 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. Confession times: Mon. & Tue– 7:30 a.m. Wed.– 12:10 p.m. Thur. & Fri- 7:00 a.m. & 4:45 p.m. Sat.– 7:45 a.m. & 3:30 p.m. DIOCESAN EVENTS stmarysabr.tumblr.com Regular Stations of the Cross during Lent each Friday at 7:00 p.m. Brown Bag Bible Lunch will be every Wednesday during Lent from 12:1512:50 p.m. For students, young adults and adults Note the date change of the First Communion Retreat. It will be Saturday, April 16 at 9:30 a.m. YOUTH GROUP Remember to collect items for the St. Mary’s Youth Group rummage sale this spring!!!! D-CAMP 2016 for grades 7-12 SAVE THE DATES: Vacation Bible School June 7-10 For information on these events and so much more go to sfcatholic.org/youth Call Sarah to get involved 229-4422 PAGE 7 ABERDEEN CATHOLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM This Beautiful Rosary has found a home in the RHS Chapel. Donated in memory of a former Roncalli mom. The inscription reads: In Memory of Jody Glover (1942-2013) Roncalli Alumni– Rodney, Jason, Jeffrey, James Rosary Beads from Kenya, Africa James T. Glover Family LENTEN ACTIVITIES There are two events coming up at Roncalli Elementary definitely worth highlighting. On Wednesday, March 16 RES students and staff will have a Lenten retreat. High school students and parents will help. The retreat will help students experience more about Lent and RES teachers are leading. Wednesday, March 23 at 2:00 p.m. 5th grade students are presenting Living Stations of the Cross in the RES gym. Parents and guests are welcome to come. Students from RPS will be joining us. Phone system failure: We again apologize for the phone difficulties we had on Tuesday, March 1. Our IT department has been working feverishly with our provider to fix the problem. We can report that there is a part ordered and we hope to have the phones up and running by 9:00 a.m. on March 2. All calls have been forwarded to an outside phone so you can reach someone in the Central Office. You can also email your child’s school secretary or teacher. All email addresses are available on the school website at aberdeenroncalli.org Thank you for your patience. Help Take a Child to School Day! On Friday, March 11 Roncalli Students are invited to participate in a “no uniform” day. The money received is put into the school's Take a Child to School fund, which is one of the ways Roncalli provides tuition assistance to families with financial need. Not only does this special day help raise important funds, we hope that it helps develop a sense of stewardship among our students to know that their small contributions can help friends who may have need. RPS/RES contribute $.50 RHS/RJHS contribute $1.00 Please Pray for: All the students in our school, parishes and congregations preparing for Confirmation “Come Holy Spirit” We have so many exciting things happening as we prepare for our 37th Annual Roncalli Ball! Make plans to join us, and participate in the fun now! Guess the Number of Balls Contest Visit our booth during home basketball games and enter your best guess for the number of balls in our container! Have you always wanted to be a Video Rock Star? Will you have . . . The Golden Ticket A brand-new edition to this year’s Ball! Purchase a Golden Ticket for $50. If you are the winner during the Ball, you have your choice of any raffle, silent auction or live auction prize PRIOR to bidding. (Not valid for the $10,000 Cash Raffle) Must be present to win. Only 250 Golden Tickets Available! -VIDEO ROCK STAR CONTEST DETAILSWinner receives $1,000. Need not be present to win! Must be a song from the 70’s or 80’s . One member of the group must be a Roncalli student, teacher, alumni, parent or grandparent. Upload video to You Tube and email the link to [email protected], along with phone number and names of participants. Six videos will be selected and voted on the night of the Ball. Judged on creativity, showmanship and lip synching. All decisions final and determined by judging panel. 10,000 Cash Raffle Sell your raffle tickets and turn in to be entered for additional prizes. You or someone you know may be a big winner on April 1st! No foolin’! BALL TICKETS ARE SELLING FAST. GET YOUR TODAY!!! If you are interested in donating an item to our raffle or auction, becoming a sponsor, or if you would like to volunteer, please contact the Development Office at 226-2100. 2016 Ball Chairs Layton Holmstrom & Todd Zens PAGE 9 ABERDEEN CATHOLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM JR. ACHIEVEMENT Junior Achievement (JA) is ensuring students have the knowledge and skills to succeed. Thanks to more than 2,100 JA classroom volunteers who committed to teaching JA programs, over 50,000 South Dakota students are being empowered to achieve their dreams. JA volunteers play a key role in bringing JA to life. By sharing their personal and professional experiences, JA volunteers guide students to make the connection between what they are learning in school and what they will need to succeed in work and life. ACSS extends a heartfelt THANK YOU to the JA Volunteers who have been working with our students during the 2015-2016 school year! Because of this teacher/JA volunteer partnership, students are well on their way to preparing themselves to become our future leaders. If you would be interested in sharing your knowledge and experiences with students in elementary, middle, or high school, please contact the JA office at (605)336-7318 or [email protected]. A Junior Achievement experience will leave you feeling proud, energized, and hopeful about a better future for our young people. JA Teacher/Volunteer Teams for RES: 3rd Grade, JA Our City: Cheryl Kolb/Alex Grieben, Dacotah Bank Aberdeen Michyl Miller/Amber Binder, Great Western Bank Pam White/Chad Bent, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 4th Grade, JA Our Region: Brady Lesnar/Steve Streier, Aberdeen Federal Credit Union 5th Grade, JA Our Nation: Derek Larson/Larry Vogel Mark Stone/Carla Burns, Small Business Development Center The Finding of Jesus on display at Roncalli High School Luke 46-47: After three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions, and all who heard him were astounded at his understanding and his answers. Tryptch by Dean Dwyer, President of Studio Productions, Arizona. Giving thanks to God for the generosity and friendship of the Anthony and Barbara Schwan Family for donating the tryptch to Roncalli in 2015. Find the Perfect Gifts in the Next Few Months with Scrip Who doesn’t love picking out their own gifts? By giving a scrip gift card to someone you love, they can do just that while Roncalli earns rebates. Of course, if you have the perfect gift in mind, just purchase gifts with scrip! With over 350 choices available, there is a gift card for your everyday, usual purchases, also. Call 226-2100 to put in an order or buy after all weekend Masses at Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s. Gift card sellers are needed for weekend Masses, we invite you to join the team of volunteers, it is one of the easiest ways to serve. PAGE 10 1400 N. DAKOTA ST.
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