Aberdeen Roncalli
Aberdeen Roncalli
YEAR OF FAITH RONCALLI May , 2013 Aberdeen Catholic School System Home of the Cavaliers 1400 N DAKOTA STREET, ABERDEEN, SD 57401 STAY CONNECTED !!! Please keep us updated when you change phone number, address and email. We use School Reach for many announcements and if we don’t have your correct information you will miss out on important announcements! $ PLEASE $ REMEMBER ALL TUITION, FEES AND LUNCH must be paid by MAY 10. If not paid, seniors will not be able to graduate; grades will be held and infinite campus access will be cut off. Tuition Pay- ment checks and Lunch Money checks MUST BE SEPARATE!! Call 226-2100 with questions Central Office: (605) 226-2100 High School Office: (605) 225-7440 Elementary School: (605) 229-4100 Primary School: (605) 225-3460 WWW.ABERDEENRONCALLI.ORG GREETING FROM ACSS PRESIDENT The weather has been a topic of many discussions the past few weeks. When will the snow stop? Will we ever have spring? Where is the sun? Living in South Dakota April can be an adventure. For many of us, it is easy to complain, but we cannot see ourselves living anywhere else because the positives outweigh the negatives. We adjust to the elements as the seasons change. Even when it appears spring will never come, we see the grass slowly beginning to green; the days growing longer and the birds singing. The cold dead of winter will soon be a distant memory. This unusual spring also reminds us there are things we cannot control. Our faith is tested when we react to that which is out of our control. I am humbled by the faith that has been entrusted to me as the new president of the Aberdeen Catholic Schools. Each day, I am blessed to be surrounded by students, faculty and staff who are on this faith journey together. Is every day perfect? Of course not, as none of us are perfect. As a community of learners, we are here to support each other in the sunshine and the rain/snow. Through the positive and patient support of parents, we can make the Aberdeen Catholic School System the best it can be! Even in the midst of rain and snow there were so many blessings to celebrate. The spring musical “Aida”; Fine Arts Awards, winter sports awards, weekly liturgies, National Volunteer Week, Home and School Carnival, First Communion at St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart parishes and Confirmation with Bishop Swain were all opportunities to bring us together as a community of faith and support. May is the month of transitions. This month, we say farewell and God’s blessings to 46 seniors as they experience the rite of passage from high school. We pray for them and their families as they begin the next chapter of their lives. We are proud of your accomplishments and may Roncalli always hold a fond place in your heart. Congratulations and happy retirement to Mr. Tom Murphy (41 years) and Mrs. Marie Schumacher (26 years). Thank you for your years of service and the sharing of your time and talents with countless of Roncalli students. Well done, and you will be missed! Summer will soon be here. This summer will be a time of strategic planning, preparation, evaluation and prayer. The ACSS School Board will be holding a retreat this summer to discuss future directions in both the short and long term. The last strategic plan for the System was completed in 2004 -2005, focusing on “where we want to be in 2010.” While many of the visions and goals were accomplished, many things have changed and it is time to re-strategize. As this plan is developed, we will be asking parents, alumni and students to be part of the process. JoEllen Lindner ASCC Interim President Instilling Catholic values and promoting academic excellence by nurturing mind, body and soul ABERDEEN CATHOLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM PAGE 2 WELCOMING RECEPTION Now that the dust has settled and our new leader is getting more acclimated to her surroundings it is time for a proper welcome. Please join us for a reception in honor of our new ACSS President, JoEllen Lindner. Tuesday, April 30 & Wednesday, May 1 in the RHS Cafetorium before each Spring Music Concert from 6:00pm-6:45pm and after the concerts end. Refreshments will be served ACSS SPRING CONCERT SERIES All family and friends invited to attend Tuesday, April 30, 7pm Wednesday, May 1, 7pm K-6th grade Concert Roncalli Pop’s Concert featuring K-6th grade Vocal and 5th/6th grade Bands featuring the JH & HS Choirs, JH & HS Concert Bands and the Jazz Band Pop and popcorn will be sold. The photos to the right are of the Art students that recently took part in the Granary High School Exhibit and Workshops at the Aberdeen Recreation and Cultural Center. Like us on facebook @ Aberdeen Catholic PAGE 3 1400 N DAKOTA STREET, ABERDEEN, SD —CONGRATULATIONS— Congratulations to the band students who have competed this spring in their respective contests. The ratings that they earned were: HS Band – Superior Rating JH Band – Superior Rating 6th Grade Band – Excellent Rating 5th Grade Band – Superior Rating Special congratulations to the students who received Superior Plus ratings on their solos: 8th grader Danielle Hintz, bass clarinet 8th grader McKayla Carda, tenor saxophone th 8 grader Emily Geffre, trumpet 8th grader Isabel Litzen, French horn 8th grader Ryan Marnette, timpani 6th grader Mary Gutenkauf, baritone 5th grader Erica Carda, flute 5th grader Noah Barnett, snare drum U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack (center-left) meets with the National 4-H Youth Leadership Team including RHS Junior Michael Sperry Michael Sperry recently returned from his national leadership experience in Washington, DC. April 4th through April 11th. Michael is currently serving on the National 4-H Youth Leadership Team. Michael was chosen as 1 of 5 youth from across the United States to serve on the National 4-H Youth Leadership Team to be paired with an adult from his state and a member of the 4-H National Headquarters staff to create National 4-H Conference 2013. Michael is a ten year Brown County 4-H member He is the current Vice President of the SD State 4-H Youth Council. Congratulations to Mr. Tom Murphy for being selected as the Region 1 Athletic Director of the Year!!! Benefit for the Moran Family SAVE THE DATE - SAVE THE DATE To help them recover from a fire in their home on Easter weekend 2013-2014 Wednesday, May 15 from 5:00 – 8:00 PM in the Storybook Land Convention/Visitor Area. Storybook Land will be open for guests to enjoy. If you are unable to attend, there is TUITION/FEE PAYMENT DAYS an account set up for Bernie at Great Plains Bank. Donations can be mailed to Mike Duch at 2501 Evergreen Lane, Aberdeen, SD 57401 with checks made payable to “Bernie Moran Benefit Fund”. All information will be kept confidential. Tue. July 23 & Wed. July 24 at Roncalli High School At this time families will turn in tuition contracts, pay for lunch tickets and much more. PAGE 4 ABERDEEN CATHOLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM Inviting All Former Junior Docents HOME AND SCHOOL Everyone is invited to attend the Roncalli Elem/Primary Carnival May 4 @ RHS from 4-8pm Fun for the whole family with food, games, prizes and much, much more. RES SPECIAL MAY EVENTS May 10- 5th grade Wax Museum @ RES 10-11am and 2-3pm May 13- 6th grade Taco Supper Res @ 5:30pm May 14- No Uniform Day @ RES May 14- Awards Day @ RES 10-11am May 14- Fun Day 12-3PM @ RES May 15- 2nd grade tour RES @1:15pm May 15- 6th grade vs. Res Faculty BB game 3:30pm May 17- Talent Show RES 1pm “The family is the first essential cell of human society.” Pope John XXIII The Junior Docent program involving Roncalli’s sixth grade students is reaching a milestone in 2013—its 20th anniversary—and the Dacotah Prairie Museum plans to celebrate this successful program in a special way. Dacotah Prairie Museum will host an informal open-house for all former Junior Docents on Saturday, July 6, from 1-4 pm. You are invited to stop in to visit with Sherri Rawstern, program leader for Dacotah Prairie Museum, fellow docents, as well as view the many changes that have occurred in DPM exhibits since the program began. Roncalli has been involved in the program since 1993, and more than 800 students have been involved in the Junior Docent program, which has won the Chamber of Commerce STAR Award and a state service award. We know this early volunteering experience sparked a continued interest in serving the community. Please share this with former Junior Docents who have graduated. We would like to have you share your favorite “Docent Memory” for inclusion in a small exhibit about the program that will be on display throughout the summer of 2013. Things you might include: “My Room/ Exhibit,” special Docent experience, why the Docent program was meaningful to you, etc. We would also enjoy catching up with you through photos of you and your family, and a few words about what you’re doing now. SPIRIT STORE HOURS No scheduled days for May Please contact the Central Office staff and we can assist you in the store from 8am-4:3pm. Michele Titus (Manager) Melissa Barnett (Co-Manager) Lisa Berbos (Assistant Manager) Helen Torrence (Assistant) CASH or CHECKS accepted Now accepting credit cards w/$100.00 purchase minimum! Mark your calendar for the Cavalier As of April 22, 2013 CAMPAIGN $82,152 $65,000 GOAL 2012 - 2013 Your gift to the Cavalier Campaign will touch the lives of Monday, Sept. 9, 2013 Moccasin Creek Country Club Great Golfing, Lunch Silent Auction & more! Get your team together! our students today and tomorrow. Gifts to the Cavalier Campaign will be distributed to our current priorities: Financial Aid, Staff Compensation and Educational Technology. Call 226-2100 for more information Remember Your Loved Ones ...with a donation to the Roncalli Mary Garden Remember your loved ones for Memorial Day or recognize a favorite teacher, graduate, mom or dad with a donation to the Mary Garden. In exchange for your donation, your loved one’s name will be listed on the Mary Garden sign located inside the Roncalli High School entrance and a card will be sent directly to the honoree or their family. Those names are also remembered in prayer during the mass the first Friday of each month that school is in session. Any donation is accepted. Funds help to plant and maintain the Mary Garden grounds located in front of the high school campus at 1400 N Dakota St. Amount (please enclose) Donated in Memory of: By: Send card to: Or Donated in Honor of: By: Please mail donations to: Roncalli Mary Garden, 1400 N Dakota Street, Aberdeen, SD 57401 Our thanks to everyone who made the 34th annual Roncalli Ball such a great success! Our school’s biggest fundraising event of the year takes a great deal of time, talent and treasure and all of you play an important part in its success. Whether it’s selling raffle tickets or serving on committees— donating raffle and auction items or volunteering the night of the ball— purchasing a sponsorship for the event or just buying a ticket to enjoy it all. We couldn’t do it without you! Special thanks to Annie Falk, Janet Hedges and Kristi Wherry for all their efforts as Ball chairs! Also a big thanks to Shannon Imbery for lending her expertise on the design of the invitations, Susie Ewinger and the Roncalli art students for their art murals, the play cast for providing entertainment, Congratulations! Edie Mattern, winner of the $10,000 CASH RAFFLE Randy Bierle was the winner of the Roncalli Ball Heads and Tails game that included a trip to the Rose Bowl parade in Pasadena, Calif., courtesy of Dacotah Bank. John Carrels was the winner of the iPad Mini donated by Great Western Bank. Congratulations to VanLaecken Orthodontics, winners of the ‘Ultimate Table’ sponsored by the Ramkota Best Western! Thanks again to all of the following Ball sponsors! Founders Aberdeen American News Avera Aberdeen Family Physicians Avera St. Luke's Hospital Dakota Broadcasting Dr. Jeff and Mary Bock Dental Center - David & Bonny Merxbauer Hub City, Inc. Hub City Radio Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Kessler’s Marco Northern State University Orthopedic Surgery Specialists Benefactors Aberdeen Federal Credit Union Bantz, Gosch & Cremer Dr. John Bormes Helms & Associates Ken's SuperFair Foods Benefactors Dr. Joseph and Kristin Rigg Ronayne Law Office, P.C. Sponsors Aberdeen Wendy's Restaurant Barton Heating & Air Conditioning Bledsoe Chiropractic Thomas and Anne Buttolph Carrels Family Dental Care C-Express Convenience Stores Campbell's Town & Country Sponsors Rich and Linda Kezar Siegel, Barnett & Schutz Friends Cole Paper, Inc. Chad and Anne Falken Family Dental Care Floor to Ceiling Steven and Dixie Ford Pat and Roberta Gallagher Erin and David Giovannini CorTrust Bank Tom and Marg Guhin Dave and Rita Pettigrew Mark and Jeanette Hahler Dr. & Mrs. Gregg Carlson Pat and Monica Hale CWD Cashwa Distributing Center Inman and McDowell, Inc. Tom and Marcia Dosch Heath and Stacy Johnson Mike and Rosemary Duch Joan Kelly and Owen Jones Mark and Holly Engelhart Frank and Sharon Gould Harm’s Oil Company Harr Motors John and Stacy Kokales JoEllen Lindner Presentation College Scott and Terrill Meier ` Thanks to all of our Auction and Raffle Donors 3M Aberdeen Dental Associates Aberdeen Dermatology Associates Aberdeen Flying Service Aberdeen Parks, Recreation and Forestry Dept. Anchors Away Lodge and Resort Anchors of Faith Anthony Jewelers Arbor Pro Barnett Vision Center Beadle Floral & Nursery Becky Mattern Becky & Dana Randall Lisa Berbos Ben Victor Bishop Swain Bonn Express Boho's Closet Bonn's Eats and Treats Brandei Schaefbauer Bremer Photography Brown County Fair Buffy King Butler Machinery Campbell's Town and Country Carpets Plus Carrels Family Dental Care Carrie & Jason Welk Carrow's Formal Wear Cask and Cork; A & B Business, Inc. Catholic Foundation for Eastern SD Cate Knapp C-Express Stores Charlene Devilliers Cory Backous/Dakota River Walleyes Culver's Dacotah Bank Dakota Outdoors Deb Dix Dominic King Domino's Donald's Uniforms Dorothy O'Keefe Dr. Gregg & Nancy Carlson Edie Mattern Eleanor Nall Floor to Ceiling Fr. Joe Holzhauser Fr. Shane Stevens Gail & Bob Gunderson Golf lessons with Brad Andera Great Western Bank Hardin's Photography Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Healthcare Plus Federal CU Heiser's Jewelry Hitch N Post : to s k n a h t l Specia H.I.P. Salon Holiday Inn Express/Lamont Companies Hub City Radio Interior Design Concepts Jen Thares Jurgens Jim and Laurie Campbell John & Laurie Schwan Karl's Karen Kellen Kathleen's Kessler's Jason's Truck and Auto Body Repair Jim Hamburge John Kersten Kelly Miller Kent & Trish Arment Kim Harriman Lakewood Mall Lang's Audio-TV & Appliance Laura Dreis, Professional Hair Design Layton and Paula Holmstrom Lily's Floral Design & Gifts Little Caesar's Main Street Photo Works Malchow's Home Furnishing Marcia Dosch Marco Marie Schumacher Margaret Artz Mark & Shelly Garvin Mattern's Sporting Goods and Bait Max & Erma's Melissa & Julia Barnett Michala Heller Millstone Restaurant Mike & Luanne Anderson Pam Moberg Moment to Moment Photography Moccasin Creek Pro Shop Mugs the Coffeehouse Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lonning Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Krueger Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thares Mr. and Mrs. Mel Imbery Mr. and Mrs. Mike Duch Mr. and Mrs. Eloy Heier Mr. and Mrs. Rod Titus Mr. and Mrs. Todd Heintzman Mr. Jerry Trefz Nathan & Jacqueline Reede Northern State University Orthopedic Physical Therapy Center Pam Smid Pat and Monica Hale Pete and Paddy Mehlhaff Patty Schwan Pam Moberg Pantorium Cleaners Pepsi-Cola Perry & Elaine Horner Presentation College Profiling Beauty Q-doba Mexican Grill Ramkota Best Western Revive Day Spa Riddle's Jewelry Roberta Gallagher Brent & Linda Rohlfs Roncalli Booster Club Roncalli Spirit Store Roncalli Supporter Nancy Muehlberg Runnings Sandra Beyers Photography Scott and Rhonda Dell Shenanigan's Shoe Science Skateaway Sodak Sport & Bait Sound Decisions Susie Ewinger St. Luke's Physical Therapy Department Stacey Aberle Stephanie Litzen Steve and Gerianne Pfeiffer Roma Ristaurante Subway/Charlie Mehlhaff Super 8 Motels, Inc. Tapz Bar/Bully's Chophouse Target Tim & Amy Kessler Thatzza Pizza The Finishing Touch The Pet Place Tractor Supply Company Lord and Ladies/ Amy McFadden Teresa Sonnenberg-Gauer TKO Tom & Toni Gisi Pro Build VanLaecken Orthodontic Vicki Stuchl Videoland Walmart Ward Plaza Wild Oats Sports Bar Wheatgrowers (SD) Wylie Thunder Road YMCA Amy & Todd Zens C-Express Convenience Stores, Mike Carrels, Laurie Campbell, Carrow’s Formal Wear, Susie Ewinger, Michala Heller, Roncalli students, Rick Kline, Herberger’s, Malchow’s, Margaret Mitzel, Edie Mattern, Parkview Nursery, Ramkota Best Western, Roncalli Custodian Staff Shannon Imbery/Westberry Designs and Western Printing SAVE THE DATE, Roncalli Ball 2014: Saturday, April 5
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