Thirstyfor something NEW?
Thirstyfor something NEW?
Thirsty for something ds NEW? designsmith ds designsmith CREATIVE SOLUTIONS can quench that thirst. designsmith is a full-service graphic design firm flowing with ideas. Offering a full range of print and graphic design services, designsmith blends the best of traditional visual principles, creative design strategy, and current technology to solve your business communication and promotion needs. With more than 25 years in the creative business, designsmith offers visions of originality, quality and distinction, while producing print designs that will impact your marketing and produce successful business results. No project or budget is too much of a challenge. With ongoing knowledge of an ever changing technology industry, designsmith collaborates with each client to ensure successful execution of every detail in every project. Our expertise includes developing: S Logos / Identity Systems S Product Packaging S Periodicals S Posters S Conference Meeting Brochures S Product Catalogs S Direct Mail Pieces S All imaginable Endeavors for Promotions 3 ds designsmith IDENTITY WORK can make your business communications flow... SWEENEY AUGUSTIN ASSOCIATES As a professional speech pathology practice, their business focus is to provide innovative therapy for children of autism. Their clinical Research Development program is designed to provide a pathway for parents to follow for raising their special needs child. The design requirement was to develop an icon which utilized the partnership aspect of their group. Partners with the children, the parents and staff. Providing a lifeline to victims of child abuse and neglect. SAFE HARBOR Childrens Advocacy Center 402 Trowbridge St. l Allegan, Michigan 49010 269-673-3791 l fax 269-686-9481 e-mail: [email protected] This is a nonprofit organization to help children of child abuse. It is not a shelter, but an advocacy group that provides a team of professionals to help abused children with criminal justice, child protective systems, mental health services, healthcare, schools and the community. Designsmith was contacted to help the agency change their image and name. A logo was requested that would easily convey a positive uplifting image. Located along the banks of the Kalamazoo river, a name and logo was presented that tied in both geographical and emotional elements. In addition to designing a new identity system, a new brochure was developed and floor to ceiling wall murals of nature, harbor and ocean scenes were designed and painted throughout the new facility. 4 5 ds designsmith IDENTITY WORK continued... CAREER concepts The employment division of the Allegan County Mental Health Agency offers employment placement for people with disabilities in businesses across Southwest Michigan county. The image of the agency needed to be updated to compete within the career placement industry. The concept of the mark is to show forward action with clean lines to convey a professional attitude. The tagline was developed by focusing on the strength of the agency, which includes job consultants and counselors which work hand in hand with the employers’ to determine the best skill set employee to fulfill the employer needs. Build Right Builders (BRB) As a quality builder, the client wanted to stand out from the crowd with an icon image that would convey quality, unique style and craftsmanship. The use of the traditional plane signifies traditional craftsmanship. The logo will be implemented on the builder’s vehicles and various identity items such as business card, letterhead, product CD and website. STOVETROTTERS This client’s unique cooking collaboration with two partner chefs is designed to reflect the flavorful cuisine that is taught through its exclusive culinary school and international tours. Designsmith focused on the company’s dedication to healthy food for a balanced life, and designed the logo. We used gold bowls representing wealth as hats, while the steam from the bowls honors the OM meditation symbol. 6 7 ds designsmith IDENTITY WORK continued... EXECUTIVE Development Conference This association announced a new Executive Development Conference to help its membership promote new industry leaders. The purpose of the conference is to partner leaders with employee staff to foster new leadership skills. The logo needed to show the human sponsorship element along with the positive accomplishment of completing the course. $ $ 6WUHQJWK WKURXJK &RRSHUDWLRQ 6DXJDWXFN'RXJODV $UHD%XVLQHVV$VVRFLDWLRQ Saugatuck / Douglas Area Business Association (SABA) This member association for two adjoining towns wanted to promote the bridge that connects their membership. Divided by the Kalamazoo Rriver, each group needed to convey the unity that exists among their goals. Glenn Area Business Association (GABA) This membership association has a rural community focus. The small town incorporates retailers, restaurants and farmers. It was a challenge to convey the rural character and still promote a professional image. The icon of the Glenn School, a landmark in the town, is something that they wanted to proudly promote for their location. MPD Research Alliance MPD Research Alliance The client provides funding for a rare blood disorder that effects more than 1 million people annually. Since the numbers are not large enough to warrant large drug company investment, MPD solicits private funding to do the research needed for a cure. Allegan County Community Policing Services (ALLCOPS) The Allegan County Sheriffs Department wanted to roll out a new community partnership for safety. The logo represents the Sheriffs policing support of the local community. The logo was designed to show how the partnership between community policing and local involvement can bring about a safe community. Variations of the mark are utilized for police uniforms, police vehicle decals, and a variety of community action materials. American Vascular Association (AVA) The AVA is the foundation organization for the Society for Vascular Surgery. It's business focus is providing funding for vascular research. Logo requirements included an icon that would easily translate to its industry. 8 9 ds designsmith BROCHURES streamline your promotions EXECUTIVE Development Conference This is a four-page, two-color brochure for the Executive Development Conference, a conference leadership training. Power Transmission Distributors Association (PTDA) Industry Summit PTDA is a member association for power transmission distributors throughout America and Europe. Its annual meeting of the members is the Industry Summit. Each year the membership selects a new conference theme, which is presented visually on the cover of the brochure. The 2006 Industry Summit was focusing on defining what members face in the competing global market-the pressures of the industry vs the customer. The visual of a man “pressed” on both sides was to represent the pressures the members face. This is a eight-page self cover two-color brochure. Content within the brochure highlights conference schedule and speaker presentations with a registration form for the last page. 10 11 ds designsmith BROCHURES continued MPD Research Alliance This brochure was designed to solicit funding for research on a rare blood disorder. This is a four-color brochure folding to a standard #1 business envelope. The last panel was perforated to be included with donation. CAREER concepts brochure / folder This brochure is a utility piece for the prospective employer as well as a promotional brochure. It is designed to mimic a standard file folder so that multiple pieces of information can be mailedto the prospective client inside the promotional item. The format is size is 11.5” x 19” with a dye cut half inch tab. Two-color PMS printing on 100# white cover uncoated stock. 12 13 ds designsmith BUSINESS COLLATERAL creates powerful waves Power Transmission Distributors Association (PTDA) Membership Recruitment CD This is a two-color high gloss laminated CD package for PTDA. The CD is its main recruitment tool for new members. Client request was to show PTDA as a vibrant, active organization. The incorporation of member photos gave the insiders look at their members. The packaging was researched through a variety of product manufacturing companies. An existing dye was utilized in order to save in print production costs. Moneris Solutions corporate promotions Client request was to develop a six-month marketing campaign to create awareness and interest in Moneris Solutions. The pieces were to present the clients capabilities and benefits to targeted prospects. The campaign developed included a variety of print, and e-mail promotions.The first direct mail piece was a Harmonica, which had the campaign theme “Music to Your Ears” laser etched on the side. The second mailing was a compressed t-shirt in the shape of a grand piano. The t-shirt was silk screened with the campaign slogan, and a large spiral shape of their logo on the back of the shirt. For the last two direct mailings in the campaign, custom designed over sized clear post cards were produced. Utilizing a new print method, clear plastic post cards were created with four color music theme images. All areas outside the printed four color image are clear plastic, giving the card a unique 3 dimensional appeal. Information printed on the back of the card included mailing label and promotional copy that listed the client’s capabilities and benefits. 14 15 ds designsmith BUSINESS COLLATERAL continued (flyers, direct mail post cards and ads) Moneris Solutions client flyers A leader in electronic processing this companyworks with many major natl orgs. Samples shown are four-color flyers for the following industries: - American Society for Home Inspectors (ASHI) Conference flyer Design concept was to promote attendance to the ASHI conference with encouragement to stop by the Moneris booth to enter to win a $150 value MasterCard gift card. - Club Data flyer. Client flyer to promote customer use of their financial systems for golf courses and country clubs. This flyer was designed to key into the focual market and promote their software system with screen shots of the actual program. - CFC National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation. CFC specializes in utilities for rural America. This flyer was sent to existing customers promoting credit card payment of their utilites each month. - Dentrix Sweepstakes promotional preshow post card mailer. The client requested designsmith focus the graphics on the ‘cruise vacation’ aspect of the sweepstakes. Multiple materials were designed with the cruise theme. Moneris Solutions corporate ad The client requested an ad series that would focus on a fun approach to solicit targeted businesses to utilize Moneris for credit card processing. The series theme was to present the outlandish visual with a clever headline to draw attention. 16 17 7KH0RQWKO\1HZVOHWWHURI8QORFNLQJ%UDLQ7XPRUVRUJ .H\8SGDWHV 9 'HFHPEHU 5NLOCKING!-YSTERY)NCREASING3URVIVALAND(OPE %XECUTIVE3PONSORS-ESSAGE :HOFRPHWRWKHLQDXJXUDO LVVXHRI.H\8SGDWHVWKH PRQWKO\QHZVOHWWHURI 8QORFNLQJ%UDLQ7XPRUVRUJ ,I\RX·UHUHDGLQJWKLVLW·V EHFDXVH\RX·UHDOUHDG\SDUWRI RXUFRPPXQLW\ZKHWKHUDVDQ LQWHUHVWHGSDUW\DYROXQWHHU DGRQRURUVRPHRQHHOVH WRXFKHGE\DEUDLQWXPRU 2XUJRDOLVVLPSOHWRUDLVH SXEOLFDZDUHQHVVDERXWWKLV WHUULEOHGLVHDVHDQGLQWXUQWR UDLVHIXQGVWKDWZHFDQTXLFNO\ FKDQQHOWRRXUEHQHÀFLDULHV ZKRFDQUDSLGO\SXWLWWRZRUN 7KHJRDORI.H\8SGDWHVZLOO DOVREHVLPSOH²WRSURYLGH \RXZLWKVRPHTXLFNLQIRUPD WLRQDERXWZKDWZH·UHXSWRDW 8%7DVZHOODVRWKHUPHPEHUV RIWKHFRPPXQLW\LQFOXGLQJ FRYHUDJHRIPHGLFDODGYDQFHV RXUSDUWQHURUJDQL]DWLRQVDQG RXUEHQHÀFLDULHV:HOFRPH 5NLOCKING"RAIN4UMORSORG.EWS -EDICAL5PDATES 8QORFNLQJ%UDLQ 7XPRUVRUJ KDV EHHQH[WUHPHO\ EXV\(YHQZLWK RXUIRUPHUEXVLQHVV OHDGHU6WHYH&RIIPDQ 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non-profit organization. Format is a standard 8.5 x 11” PRQH\WRIXQGLWRXUVHOYHVVR,DVNHGRWKHUEUDLQWXPRU RUJDQL]DWLRQV WR MRLQ ZLWK PH WR IXQG WKHP WRJHWKHU :LWK WKHKHOSRI /DXUHQ·V )LUVW DQG*RDO)RXQGDWLRQ DQGWKH D+ YHD&KDQFH)RXQGDWLRQ ZHIXQGHGDIHZH[SHULPHQWV , DP QRZ WU\LQJ WR UDLVH PRQH\ WR IXQG D IHZ PRUH :H QHHGWRUDLVHPRQH\TXLFNO\WRNHHSWKHH[SHULPHQWV JRLQJDQGNHHSWKHUHVHDUFKHUIRFXVHGRQEUDLQWXPRUV 0XVHOODLVQHJRWLDWLQJULJKWQRZWRWHVWDQDOWHUQDWLYH WUHDWPHQW FDOOHG 5XWD 7KLV LV WKH PRVW SRSXODU DQG SHUKDSVWKHPRVWSURPLVLQJ²DOWHUQDWLYHWUHDWPHQWIRU EUDLQ WXPRUV \HW ZH KDYH QR VFLHQWLÀF GDWD RQ LWµ ds .H\8SGDWHVLVSXEOLVKHGPRQWKO\DQGGLVWULEXWHG E\8QORFNLQJ%UDLQ7XPRUVRUJYLDWKHLQWHUQHW 7RYLHZSUHYLRXVLVVXHVYLVLWRXUZHEVLWH 1HZVOHWWHUFRQWHQWVXEPLVVLRQLVGXHWKHVWRI HDFKPRQWK6HQGFRQWHQWWR0LNH7DQFUHGL 0LNH#XQORFNLQJEUDLQWXPRUVRUJ .H\8SGDWHV 9ROXPH'HFHPEHU (GLWRULDO5HYLHZ%RDUG 0LNH7DQFUHGL%RDUG$GYLVRU(GLWRU 6WHYH&RIIPDQ([HFXWLYH6SRQVRU WWWUNLOCKINGBRAINTUMORSORG page size. Readership consists of the broad audience of the internet and current funders for UBT. The design challenge was to design a newsletter template that would work easily for the client for their own monthly production. Template was created in QuarkXpress for first issue with live content. That file was then converted to PDF for posting on the web. Template creation did not include body content but main headers and graphics. Client template was needed in JPEG format for client to produce the newsletter each month in PowerPoint, then converted to PDF for website online posting. Society for Vascular Surgeons The Vascular Surgeon is the quarterly member newsletter for the society. Format is a standard 11 x 17” saddle stitched newsletter with 8.5 x 11” page size. Four color pinting is done offset on a bright white uncoated offset paper. Member readership consists of vascular surgeons throughout the United States. Client request was to design a reader friendly newsletter which gives the layout a clinical white look with only accents for color that tie into their logo. 18 19 ds designsmith CREATES clear refreshing ideas... CALL today From business cards to corporate communications, designsmith offers the full range of graphic design services that capture the power of creativity for your business. designsmith 6247 west122nd fennville, mi 49408 269.561.7267 fax; 269.561.7268 [email protected] 20