08_IT4Innovations_Gong_no_bak (1)
08_IT4Innovations_Gong_no_bak (1)
New infrastructures in the Czech Republic - IT4Innovations national supercomputing center Martin Palkovič Examples how does supercomputing help the industry in Europe Hospitals in Germany use HPC to avoid last-minute decisions during childbirth, while analysis of 3D brain imaging through HPC has allowed much earlier diagnosis of disease. HPC has enabled car makers to develop new vehicle platforms in 2 years rather than 5 years, saving the European car industry up to €40 billion. 97 % of the industrial companies that employ HPC consider it indispensable for their ability to innovate, compete and survive. http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-12-139_en.htm The infrastructure of IT4Innovations national supercomputing center 2013 Prague Ostrava Brno 2014 94 TFLOPs system – most powerful supercomputer in Czech Republic, Republic #6 in Central Europe (June 2013), 2013) operational since June 2013, 1 PFLOPs system planned for 2015 2015 Anselm cluster got into production on 1.6.2013 Dieselgenerator Four chillers Cooling infrastructure Service container MOBULL container What kind of performance (Rpeak) is inside the current cluster? 180 x 307.2 GFLOPS 27 x 294.4 GFLOPS 55296 GFLOPS BULL bullx B510 7948 GFLOPS 23 x 1170 GFLOPS 26910 GFLOPS 4 x 1010 GFLOPS 4040 GFLOPS -------------------94195 GFLOPS BULL bullx B515 43 GFLOPS Anselm got #1 in Czech Republic Power users mid of May 2014 Mid of May: 462 users, 112 projects, 25 mil corehours allocated, avrg. util. 75%, max util. 98%, avrg. daily power consumption >2MWh Výzkumné programy VP 1 – IT pro řešení krizových situací VP 2 – Numerické modelování pro řešení inženýrských problémů VP 3 – HPC knihovny a Superpočítání pro průmysl VP 4 – Modelování pro nanotechnologie VP 5 – IT pro zpracování znalostí VP 6 – Metody soft computing s aplikacemi pro superpočítač VP 7 – Rozpoznávání a prezentace informací z multimediálních dat VP 8 – Bezpečné a spolehlivé architektury, sítě a protokoly Our research helping Moravian-Silesian region (regional grants) Our research helping the Czech Republic (national grants and bilateral coop.) VSB-TUO, CVUT, VUT, CDV, CAMEA, CEDA, CE-Traffic, ELTODO, Kapsch, KVADOS MOLDIMED FN OL, FN Brno, MU, VSB-TUO, UMG AV CR, IntellMed, GENERI BIOTECH, Sofigen, IAB, CGB lab, EXBIO Praha Our research helping Europe (FP7 grants and beyond) POLIMI, IMEC, ICCS, UCY, IT4I, THALES, HENESYS IT4Innovations as NSC offers top training in HPC domain Ben Kirk (NASA) @ IT4I Niki Loppi@IT4I – best visialization award of Summer of HPC Our own training programme with quality lecturers @ www.it4i.cz and prace.it4i.cz IT4Innovations was visible nationally and internationally in 2013 http://www.it4i.cz/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/newsletter-2014-01.pdf