InTouch Dec 2013 - INTO - Irish National Teachers` Organisation
InTouch Dec 2013 - INTO - Irish National Teachers` Organisation
Issue No 140 December 2013 ISSN 1393-4813 (Print) ISSN 2009-6887 (Online) Special Education Irish Teachers’ Journal A Primary Christmas Supplementary Panel INTO Education Conference Keeping in Touch Interactive dialogue with members, and key news items GENERAL SECRETARY’S COMMENT Special education provision ver the past two decades Ireland’s primary schools have become the standout part of Irish society in terms of inclusivity. During that time schools have welcomed children with special needs and teachers have done their utmost to ensure that they are educated alongside their family members and peers. It has not been easy. Over that time schools have had to battle for resources. Often this meant tackling bureaucracy which appeared designed to prevent or delay resource allocation. Court action by parents, lobbying by support groups and well-argued policy positions by the INTO helped to overcome many barriers. The professional knowledge base of teachers has been greatly expanded through CPD often at teachers’ own expense. While far from ideal in terms of resource allocation and suffering significant recent cutbacks, today’s primary education system is well ahead of where it was 20 years ago. Current provision for special education is under review. All INTO members must engage professionally with the current review to O ensure that it does not result in a rolling back of twenty years of progress. This does not mean opposing all change or seeking to maintain the status quo. It means examining in detail every aspect of provision, considering alternatives and possibilities and arguing our case. This edition of InTouch contains a focus on special education which I hope members will find helpful in this regard. Schools have only been able to increase inclusivity with resources and external supports. Without these, special education provision in local primary schools will not be maintained. During 2013 the INTO saw off proposed cuts to special education. We will have to be similarly vigilant in the years ahead. In the meantime I wish all members a very happy Christmas season and thank members for their support for the INTO during what was a difficult year. The Organisation will not be sending Christmas cards this year, instead we will donate the costs associated with sending cards to Féileacáin is a not for profit organisation that provides support to anyone affected by the death of a baby during pregnancy or shortly after. Féileacáin works in partnership with health professionals to ensure that bereaved parents and families receive the best possible care. More information can be found on their website InTouch December 2013 3 Contents Keeping InTouch 3 Editorial • Special education provision • Christmas charity donation What you need to know 7 • Supplementary Panel 9 Education Conference pgs 16–18 • Minor Works and Summer Works grants reinstated • Chief Inspector’s Report • Membership survey • Droichead policy endorsed • Deferment of Section 30 • 10 things you should know 10 Connect • Guidelines for motions for Congress 2014 • Upcoming InTouch themes Tell us what you think by letter or text message. €50 for best letter published. Keep upto-date via Twitter, website or RSS feed INTO News In the News 13 • INTO Youth Conference • Irish Teachers’ Journal launched by INTO 14 • INTO/Poetry Ireland competition for members • Eileen Flynn honoured • INTO President visits Aran Island NS 15 • INTO accounts: Oversight, reporting and audit of INTO funds 16 Education Conference Three pages of reports 19 In the Media Media coverage in November. 20 INTO Learning Drawing up your school self evaluation report? 21 Membership Plus Have you registered yet? 22 Solidarity Find out about Global Schoolroom 23 Vere Foster Medals Recent winners INTO/Poetry Ireland competition for members pg 14 The school bird garden pgs 56–57 26 Teaching Religion What do teachers think? Teaching religion pg 26 InTouch General Editor: Sheila Nunan circulated education magazine in Ireland. Editor: Tom O’Sullivan Articles published in InTouch are also available Assistant Editor: Lori Kealy on our website Editorial Assistants: Selina Campbell, Ashling Lynch, Cara Kirwan Advertising: Mary Bird Smyth, Ashling Lynch Design: David Cooke The views expressed in this journal are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the INTO. While every care has been taken to ensure Photography: Moya Nolan, Shutterstock that the information contained in this Correspondence to: The Editor, InTouch, publication is up to date and correct, no INTO Head Office, Vere Foster House, responsibility will be taken by the Irish National 35 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 Teachers’ Organisation for any error which Telephone: 01 804 7700 Fax: 01 872 2462 4 24 Retirements might occur. Except where the Irish National Teachers’ LoCall: 1850 708 708 Organisation has formally negotiated Email: [email protected] Website: agreements as part of its services to members, InTouch is published by the Irish National any form of recommendation. While every Teachers’ Organisation and effort is made to ensure the reliability of distributed to members and educational advertisers, the INTO cannot accept liability for institutions. InTouch is the most widely the quality of goods and services offered. inclusion of an advertisement does not imply InTouch December 2013 1913 commemorations pg41 INTO Advice 27 School Leadership Newsdesk 39 • Lesson plans launched: A Preparing for Summer Works? 29 Financial Tips • Are you due a refund of Health Levy contributions? • Life savings and loan insurance cover provided by Comhar Linn Special Education 31 • Special education today 32 33 34 35 36 • Know your strengths • IATSE: Supporting teachers • ILSA: Peer to peer support • Behaviour management uncovered • Proposed new model of special education support • NCSE: 10 years a’ growing 40 41 42 43 44 History of Ireland in 100 Objects • Paddy Flood – changing role within PDST • Update from Cumann na mBunscol • 1913 Commemorations • Fair Hotels/Fair Shops • Education project Nicaragua • Tallaght teacher’s charity cycle through Africa • Stay safe online this Christmas • South-East Research Conference in March • Education Matters Yearbook launched Teaching Matters 45 Fís film project winners Update from PDST. 46 Show Racism the Red Card An effective anti-racism resource for schools 47 A Primary Christmas Kathryn Crowley prepares pupils for the Christmas play 48 The Ghosts of Christmas Presents Mary Finnegan on cultivating a gratitude habit 50 Lexiles in the Classroom Finishing Touches 61 Noticeboard Upcoming events. 62 Comhar Linn Crossword plus exploring marine resources and an Irish language GAA club 63 Scoilnet Panel plus book an event for Engineers Week • On the cover Supplementary Panel 7 Irish Teachers’ Journal launched 13 Education Conference 16 A scientific approach to measuring text difficulty and reading ability A primary Christmas pg 47 Competitions Waterways Ireland ‘Experiences’ Competition: Lovely prizes to be won. pg 8 Win a Sheraton Athlone Hotel/Athlone Town Shop and Stay Break. Work over €1,000: pg 11 52 A Curious Little Incident A short story from Dan Daly 55 Be Present Mindfullness as a buffer from stress 56 Hands-on the Bird Garden SESE tips from Paddy Madden 58 Irish Resources • Cover pic Tips from COGG. Pictured at the launch of the Irish Teachers’ Journal at the Education Conference were: Brendan O’Sullivan, INTO President (Standing), Professor John Coolahan, Professor Emeritus of Education, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, and Dr Deirbhile Nic Craith, Senior Official, INTO and editor of the Journal. Photographer: Moya Nolan InTouch December 2013 December 2013 59 Book Reviews Special Education Supplement 31 A Primary Christmas 47 Watch out for this symbol in InTouch news sections. It means the news item may be of interest to members both North and South • ELSTA launches anniversary journal • Children’s books reviewed 5 Keeping InTouch Supplementary Panel Rights Closing date is Friday, 13 December The DES issued Circular 0057/2013 – Panel Access for Fixed-Term/ Temporary (this includes substitute) and Part-Time Teachers to the Supplementary Redeployment Panel for the 2014/15 School Year, in November. Given the number of teachers encompassed by the circular, the INTO is running a free online information forum on supplementary panel rights which can be accessed from the INTO website. This forum has all the information needed about the supplementary panel. The forum allows teachers to ask questions of the members of the INTO Conditions of Employment team in relation to this circular. Some quick reminders! • The closing date for application for supplementary panel rights for the 2014/15 school year is Friday, 13 December 2013. The INTO strongly advises that you do not leave the application process to the last minute as late applications will not be accepted. • Full details are outlined in DES Circular 0057/2013. The application form is an Appendix to this circular. • The INTO panel team has prepared detailed notes and guidance on the criteria for qualifying for panel rights. In addition, detailed instructions on how to complete the panel application form are also available. This information is available for all members in the information forum on the INTO website. Members who require assistance in relation to the supplementary panel rights must use the forum to access this information. Please note that the information on this forum is very accessible and approximately only 45 minutes is required to equip yourself with the information required to complete the process. Chief Inspector’s report published The report for the Chief Inspector from 2010-2012 was launched on 4 November by Minister for Education and Skills Ruairí Quinn. Key points in the report include the fact that standards of teaching and learning were satisfactory or better in the majority of lessons. As well as this parental surveys show very high levels of satisfaction with primary schools, totalling 97%. The report also confirms that standards of teaching and learning were satisfactory or better in the majority of the lessons inspected. However, a lack of a comprehensive Irish language programme for English medium primary schools was noted. Students’ learning was found to be less than satisfactory in almost a quarter (24%) of Irish lessons in primary schools. There were also good mathematics results for Irish students in international surveys and the report confirms that standards in teaching and learning in maths are generally good at primary level. The report acknowledges the challenging environment in which schools operated during those years. Statistics in the report confirm that student numbers grew by 5.5% at primary level during this time, while the number of teachers stayed relatively static. The report also notes the retirement of large numbers of experienced teachers. It further notes the loss of middle management posts in primary schools due to the public service moratorium. Speaking at the launch, Minister Quinn said, “the Chief Inspector’s report acknowledges all the good practice that takes place on a daily basis in our schools in terms of quality leadership, management, teaching and learning. Our school system has many strengths, thanks in large measure to the efforts of so many dedicated teachers and school leaders.” The full report can be downloaded from the ‘Publications’ section of the DES website at INTO welcomes reinstatement of school accommodation grants The INTO has welcomed the reinstatement of the Minor Works Grant and the Summer Works Scheme. The Organisation had called for their reinstatement since they were suspended in 2012. In its pre-budget submission in October, the INTO condemned the non-payment of the grants to schools and had called for their immediate reinstatement. The announcement that the minor InTouch December 2013 works grant (€28 million) was to be paid with immediate effect was welcomed in schools. The basic grant is €5,500 plus an additional €18.50 per mainstream pupil and €74 per special needs pupil. Schools should have received this grant by now as it was due to be paid directly into their accounts at the end of November. The announcement that the Summer Works Scheme (€40 million) would run in 2014 and that schools now make application to the DES for funding was also very welcome. The deadline for online applications through the Esinet platform is 10 December and the DES will publish the list of successful applicants at the end February/early March 2014. More details regarding the Summer Works Scheme are available on page 27 of this issue. 7 Keeping InTouch INTO Membership Survey Your views matter Have you received our Membership Survey by email? If you were part of the random sample of members, there is still time to submit your views. We really want to hear from you! The INTO has recently launched a significant online survey about members’ experiences of work, and the role of the INTO in providing support to teachers. This survey will help the INTO better understand your experiences as a teacher, and your priorities for the INTO, as we seek to further enhance our support to you. Your views will help ensure that the INTO continues to meet the needs of members at a time of considerable change and challenge for the teaching profession. The survey has been designed in collaboration with Professor Howard Stevenson, Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Nottingham, who has extensive research expertise in these areas. Return deadline The survey has been distributed to a randomly selected group of INTO members. Teaching Council Act Section 30 Order signed The DES published Circular 52/2013 on 25 October last, which confirmed that the Minister for Education and Skills would sign the commencement order for Section 30 of the Teaching Council Act on 1 November 2013 but it would take effect from 28 January 2014. Under Section 30 of the Teaching Council Act the DES will be prohibited by law from paying any person who is employed as a teacher in a school unless he/she is registered with the Teaching Council. The move to a fully registered teaching force in schools throughout Ireland is a significant day for the teaching profession. It has long been INTO policy that only registered teachers should be allowed practice teaching in this country. The INTO had consistently pressed the Minister to implement Section 30 and had secured a commitment that this would be done. While the issuing of the circular confirms such implementation, the INTO expressed disappointment that it would not take effect until 28 January 2014. A copy of the circular is available under the ‘Circular’ section of the INTO website. If you received the survey, and have completed it we would like to thank you very much. Your time and co-operation is greatly appreciated. If you received the survey and have not yet submitted it, the final date for submission is Wednesday 11 December 2013. The results of the survey will be discussed by the INTO Executive Committee early next year and will help inform the INTO’s future planning. With your support we can continue to effectively reflect your views in the work we do on your behalf. INTO policy on ‘Droichead’ endorsed The INTO policy proposals on the Droichead induction project, published by the Teaching Council, have been endorsed by members following a series of branch meetings throughout the country. The policy proposals, developed by the CEC, include a demand for alternative models to be developed, that an external review element must be retained in the process and that any new proposals cannot be imposed. The INTO will now engage with the Teaching Council and the DES in relation to the policy proposals. A copy of the INTO policy proposal is available in the Members’ Area of the INTO website. 10 THINGS you should know 1 2 3 The closing date for applications for the supplementary panel for the coming school year is Friday 13 December 2013. The closing date for applications for funding under the Summer Works Scheme is Tuesday 10 December. As we go to print the implementation date for revised certified sick leave arrangements for teachers was confirmed as 1 September 2014. Further details on the INTO website. 4 The INTO has lodged a number of claims in relation to maternity leave with the Labour Relations Commission following the abolition InTouch December 2013 of days in lieu for teachers in last year’s budget. receiving the survey is encouraged to return it. 5 8 The INTO policy proposals on the Droichead induction programme developed by the Teaching Council have been endorsed by a majority of INTO members at branch meetings around the country. 6 The Minster for Education and Skills has signed a commencement order for Section 30 of the Teaching Council Act, which will take effect from 28 January 2014. See the item above for further details. 7 A survey of a random sample of INTO members has issued from Head Office and anyone The INTO has made a submission in relation to inclusive schools and enrolment policies, which is available under the ‘In Focus’ section of the INTO website. 9 The CEC has decided to contribute 10,000 from the INTO Solidarity Fund towards relief measures following the recent typhoon in the Philippines. 10 The webcast archive of public sessions from the INTO Education Conference is available from the ‘In Focus’ section of the INTO website. 9 I dteagmháil Guidelines for motions – Congress 2014 INTO Annual Congress 2014 will be held in the Lyrath Hotel, Kilkenny, from Monday 21 to Wednesday 23 April. Congress is the forum for discussing policy issues, debating strategy and reviewing activities of the Organisation. Any member is entitled to submit a motion to their local branch for discussion at the Annual General Meeting, and, if agreed, for placement on the agenda for Congress. A Committee called the Standing Orders Committee (SOC) meets in February to decide if the motions submitted are in accordance with Rule and also to decide the order of debate for the motions at Annual Congress. Drafting of motions • A motion is a proposition submitted for discussion and vote. • It must ask Congress to declare an opinion or call for a course of action – or both. • Motions shall be designed to promote the aims and objects or the Organisation as set out in Rule 3. • All motions must be clear and unambiguous in meaning and intention and must be worded accordingly. • All motions must be capable of implementation. • Each motion should be brief and concise and should not contain argument. • Each motion should deal with one topic only. Stay informed How priority is determined for items on the final agenda The SOC has regard to the following considerations, inter alia, when determining priority for the Final Agenda: • The consensus among the general membership in relation to the priority issues in any particular year. • The consensus among the SOC in relation to the priority issues, and the motions which will result in the greatest degree of favourable and advantageous publicity for the Organisation. • The degree of urgency attending to a particular motion. • The extent to which a particular motion will further the objectives of the Organisation. Note: All motions and details of delegates for Congress are now submitted online via the Members’ Area of the INTO website. A tutorial is available on the Officer Extranet. Rules 2014 Check our website Subscribe to the INTO enewsletter Get news on the move at our mobile website In accordance with Rule 11(E)(v) of the INTO Rules and Constitution 2009, any member is entitled to submit, through their local branch, motions for Congress 2014 outlining amendments and addenda to the INTO Rules and Constitution. Under INTO Rules changes can be made to the Rules and Constitution every five years and 2014 is a Rules Change Congress. Want to write for InTouch? Over the past few issues InTouch has published articles covering class size, school leadership and newly qualified teachers. Articles on the theme of special education are published in this issue. The following are our planned themes for upcoming issues: • January/February: Educational Disadvantage (Deadline 6 January, 2014). • March: Early Childhood Education (deadline 10 February) • April: Assessment and evaluation (deadline 7 March) 10 • May: Annual Congress. • June: Trends in education (deadline 12 May) We also welcome non-theme articles on any subject within the scope of the journal. Word count is 700 words for one page articles and 1400 for double page. Submit articles for consideration to [email protected] Reminder Teachers interested in job sharing can avail of a Free live register provided by INTO Head Office in the Members’ Area of the INTO website until 28 February 2014. Email [email protected] with the details you would like to appear on the register. The register is updated on a daily basis and is FREE to members. Please note the closing date for jobsharing applications to boards of management is 1 March 2014. InTouch December 2013 INTO News The Irish National Teachers Organisation … who’s who, what’s new, and what’s happening INTO organises Youth Conference 2014 Will you be involved? The Central Executive Committee has decided to organise a conference targeted at younger INTO members, to take place in spring 2014. This event recognises the substantial proportion of INTO members who are in the early stages of career and the need to examine and address the particular challenges facing them. It follows the successful Youth Conference of 2008. At present, half of INTO members are aged 35 years or younger. The 2014 Youth Conference will take place in Castlebar on Friday 28 and Saturday 29 March 2014. An organising committee, comprising current and former interns at INTO Head Office together with the Deputy General Secretary’s office, has met on a number of occasions to make preliminary arrangements. A timetable, agenda and social programme are being organised, and it is hoped that the conference will touch on all aspects of the teaching career as it affects younger members. Delegates, attendees Attendance at this conference is open to members aged 35 years or younger. Most delegates will be nominated by branches at the INTO branch meetings in January 2014. In addition, district committees will be invited to nominate delegates, some of whom will participate in preparation for workshops at the conference. A small number of places at the conference will be made available to members who indicate interest directly to INTO by emailing [email protected]. The latest time for expressions of interest is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, 12 February 2014, at which stage places will be allocated to a small number of persons who have not already been nominated through the INTO branch structure. It should be emphasised, however, that the great majority of delegates will be nominated through their branch January meetings. This conference should be an exciting event which will encourage participation among younger members and will engage these members in discussion about conditions of employment and professional issues which relate to them. Such a forum will also help to inform INTO policy into the future. InTouch December 2013 Launch of the Irish Teachers’ Journal The INTO was delighted to have Professor John Coolahan at the Education Conference to officially launch the first edition of the Irish Teachers’ Journal. This publication gives a platform to teachers who have undertaken research to have their work published. There are so many primary teachers undertaking further study, it is hoped that this publication will bring the findings of some of this valuable study to the attention of their colleagues. The first edition of the Journal includes a guest article by Professor Coolahan, together with articles by six INTO members; • Verena Cunningham, St Clare’s NS, Ballyjamesduff, Co Cavan; • Lorraine Duffy, SN Seamus Naofa, Bearna, Galway; • Collette Dunne, Firhouse Educate Together NS, Dublin; • Julie O’Connell, North Presentation Primary School, Cork; • Aoife Butler, Bilboa NS, Cappamore, Limerick, and • Pádraig Egan who is on career break from Birdhill NS, Limerick. It is hoped that the Journal will be published every year, and all members who have undertaken research are encouraged to apply to have their article considered for inclusion. Pictured above are four of the the six contributors to the Irish Teachers’ Journal with Professor Coolahan. Left to right: Lorraine Duffy, Aoife Butler, John Coolahan, Verena Cunningham and Collette Dunne. Two contributors not pictured are Julie O’Connell and Pádraig Egan. 13 Nuacht CMÉ Tributes to Eileen and Margaret INTO and Poetry Ireland poetry competition in memory of Séamus Heaney The INTO is proud of its tradition in supporting the Arts. We were privileged to share the company of one of our most eminent poets Séamus Heaney at the Consultative Conference on Education in Athlone in 2011. In honour of his memory the INTO, in collaboration with Poetry Ireland, is launching a poetry competition for members. All members, North and South, are eligible to submit a poem. Entries are limited to one poem per member, which can be in Irish or in English. Closing date is 31 March 2014. The decision of the judges is final. The winner will be announced at Congress 2014. The INTO will publish the winning poem in InTouch. Please forward your entry accompanied with the entry form (available on INTO website) to Poetry Competition, Áras Vere Foster, 35 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. Adjudication panel The INTO and Poetry Ireland will appoint an adjudicator to judge all applications. There will be a prize of €300 for the best poem in English and the best poem in Irish, in addition to an option of spending some time in the Tyrone Guthrie centre in Annaghmakerrig. At its meeting in November the CEC made a presentation to Eileen Flynn, former General Secretary of CPSMA, and Margaret O’Gorman, former Deputy General Secretary, whose contracts had finished. Speaking on the occasion, INTO President Brendan O’Sullivan paid tribute to the work that both Eileen and Margaret had done with CPSMA in primary school management over the years. He paid particular tribute to Eileen as a former member of the INTO who had also been a principal of a neighbouring school to Brendan for many years. Pictured at the event are INTO Assistant General Secretaries Billy Sheehan and Anne McElduff, INTO President Brendan O’Sullivan, Margaret, Eileen and her husband George, together with INTO General Secretary Sheila Nunan. Turas go Árainn Maureen Kennelly, Director, Poetry Ireland, Jane O’Hanlon, Education Officer, Poetry Ireland, Brendan O’Sullivan, INTO President and Sheila Nunan, INTO General Secretary, at the launch of the poetry competition. INTO President Brendan O’Sullivan, Joe Killeen, CEC, Galway Branch Secretary Michael Gallagher and Galway Cathaoirleach Máire de Báicéir, recently paid a trip to the Aran Islands to meet members and discuss issues of concern to them. This annual trip brings together the teachers from the schools throughout the Aran Islands and has both a business and social element to it. Our picture shows Brendan and Michael with members at the event. Correction: Frances O’Connor Tribute – November InTouch We would like to clarify that the tribute to Frances O’Connor published in the November issue of InTouch was in fact written by Willie John Creedon, a former colleague from St Fiachra’s SNS, Beaumont. Our sincere apologies to the family and friends of Frances for the error. 14 InTouch December 2013 INTO News INTO accounts – information and insights: Article 3 Oversight, reporting and audit of INTO funds Licensed under the Trade Union Acts (1871-1998), the INTO is registered with the Registrar of Friendly Societies (under the Companies Registration Office) and with the Certification Office in Northern Ireland. The INTO is required to lodge reports, including audited accounts, with the appropriate regulator annually. In both jurisdictions the final date for submission of the annual return is 1 June. Before returns are lodged with the Registrar or the Certification Office, however, a rigorous process is conducted under INTO rules and practices (see flowchart). Financial reporting flow chart The flow chart with this article summarises in eight stages the accountability process for INTO spending and accounts. The previous article (November InTouch page 15) set out where responsibility for expenditure lies. Once spending is authorised and carried out through the General Treasurer’s office, the other reporting measures come into place. In summary, these are: • Examiners of accounts: As outlined in the November InTouch, the examiners scrutinise INTO accounts each quarter. The examiners are appointed by the CEC, generally for a three year period, and provide written quarterly reports to the CEC, containing their observations on INTO accounts. • Central Executive Committee: The CEC receives the accounts of the INTO on a quarterly basis, in addition to the reports of the Examiners of Accounts and of the Treasurer. • INTO Accounts Committee: The INTO Accounts Committee comprises representatives elected in each of the 16 districts of INTO. The Accounts Committee meets annually over a number of days and reports formally to INTO Congress. This report is included with the documentation for delegates to Congress. • External audit: The annual accounts as presented to the Accounts Committee and to Annual Congress InTouch December 2013 Financial Reporting Flow Chart have been subject to audit by an external auditor. The current INTO external auditor is Mazars. Part of an international firm, Mazars rank among the leading audit, tax and advisory services in Ireland. The audit report to Congress on the accounts is a key measure of accountability. The auditors also prepare the necessary reports for the Registrar of Friendly Societies and the Northern Ireland Certification Office. • INTO Annual Congress receives a report on INTO finances for the previous year. A written report with the auditor’s certificate, is circulated to delegates prior to Congress and is presented at Congress by the General Treasurer. It is a function of INTO Congress to consider the accounts and to appoint external auditors for the succeeding year. • Registrar of Friendly Societies/ Certification Office: the Registrar and Certification Office receive annual returns from each licensed trade union. These submissions may be accessed through the respective websites of these statutory bodies. Grants and bursaries One aspect of INTO expenditure which directly benefits student members, INTO members and in certain cases members’ families, is the range of grants and bursaries with which the Organisation is associated. Our next article will outline these. 15 Nuacht CMÉ Education Conference News and reports from Education Conference 2013 The INTO annual Consultative Conference on Education took place in the Heritage Hotel, Portlaoise, on Friday 15 and Saturday 16 November. Over 350 delegates gathered to hear presentations and participate in discussions on the theme of ‘Numeracy in the Primary School’. INTO President Brendan O’Sullivan speaking at the conference. INTO President, Brendan O’Sullivan, began proceedings by welcoming the delegates and laying out the programme for the conference. Dympna Mulkerrins, Chairperson of the Education Committee, then took delegates through the work of the Committee and how the discussion document prepared for the conference had been achieved. Deirbhile Nic Craith, Senior Official, outlined the national and international context for the current focus on numeracy in our education system. Presentations Dympna Mulkerrins, Cathaoirleach, Education Committee. Anne English Anne English, who represents District 8 on the Education Committee, reminded delegates that, while the ability to use mathematics to solve problems and meet the demands of day-to-day living has always been a central focus in our primary schools, the key attribute of numeracy has been afforded heightened priority in our educational system of late. She pointed out that the National Strategy to Improve Literacy and Numeracy stresses that without the skills of numeracy, a young person is cut off from contributing to many aspects of the society and culture in which they live. Anne also presented some fascinating examples of work done by pupils when they were encouraged to develop their ‘maths eyes’. Thérèse Dooley Thérèse Dooley, St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, was the keynote speaker on Friday afternoon. Her presentation on Teaching Mathematics: The Power of Uncertainty, was a thought-provoking session, well-received by all delegates. Thérèse emphasised the importance of experimentation and discussion between children and the teacher when developing mathematical strategies. She also outlined the crucial role of the teacher in “guiding the child to construct meaning, to develop mathematical strategies for solving problems and to develop self-motivation in mathematical activities.” She also reminded delegates of the importance of “getting comfortable with being uncomfortable”. Above, left and right: Delegates participating in discussion groups at the conference. Anne English, Education Committee Representative, District 8. 16 InTouch December 2013 INTO News Discussion groups The discussion groups are always lively at the Education Conference. Delegates were split into six discussion groups to tease out issues raised in the discussion document and by the presenters. Set questions were posed to stimulate debate resulting in lively discussions. Members of the Education Committee acted as facilitators and rapporteurs in these groups and feedback from the groups will be included in the final conference proceedings. Workshops On Saturday morning, all delegates were assigned workshops where different aspects of numeracy in the primary school were considered. Every delegate had the opportunity to experience two different workshops. Guest presenters in the workshops included: • John O’Shea: Teaching mathematical problem solving in the primary school: Changing behaviours. • Patsy Stafford: Children’s understanding of place value: Implications for teaching. • Siún Nic Mhuirí: Maths talk. • Tracy Curran: Keeping it Real! A fresh look at problem solving in the primary school classroom. • Liz Dunphy: Children thinking and talking about mathematics in infant classes. • Noreen O’Loughlin: Maths recovery: Moving from intervention to innovation as a way of effecting change in maths teaching and learning. Developing numeracy for all children Dr Seán Delaney is registrar and a mathematics educator in the Marino Institute of Education. He gave a presentation at the final session on Saturday afternoon on Developing Numeracy for all Children: Supporting Teachers Supporting Learning. Seán began by stressing the importance of how maths is taught in primary schools and the centrality of the educator in knowing how children learn. He referred to the ‘instructional triangle’ of teacher, pupil and content and challenged teachers in relation to the role of textbooks in maths and the professional need to contribute to the shaping of resources available. Challenges for teachers • How might we, with the limited time at our disposal, optimally develop the problem-solving skills and aptitudes of our pupils? • How might we ensure that the higher-achievers remain challenged so that they will continue to develop their problem solving skills rather than just engage in completing pages of questions based on the same formula and drill? • How might we ensure that the child who finds maths particularly difficult gets to engage in a level of problem solving that is manageable for them? • How might we ensure that all children will have their interest hooked by the problems presented and will be sufficiently – yet not excessively – challenged? Please note that the background document produced by the Education Committee for the Conference, in addition to all available presentations, resources from the workshops and the answers to the hotly-contested maths quiz, are available to download on A big míle buíochas to the members of the local Portlaoise branch who set up an information desk which provided delegates with local information for restaurants, sightseeing and shopping InTouch December 2013 Seán Delaney, Registrar and Mathematics Educator, Marino Institute of Education. INTO Senior Official and Education Officer, Deirbhile Nic Craith Therese Dooley, Lecturer in Mathematics Education, St Patrick’s College. 17 Education Conference Results of online survey The INTO conducted an online survey before the Education Conference with the particular aim of establishing what practices had changed in the teaching of mathematics since the introduction of the Literacy and Numeracy Strategy. Nearly 300 teachers completed the survey and some of the results are summarised here. • 99% of respondents are familiar with the Literacy and Numeracy Strategy. • Three quarters of respondents said that it impacted on the school plan for maths and increased the time they now spend teaching maths. • This time is taken from discretionary time (60%); by integrating maths with other subjects (38%); by reducing time spent on other subjects ( 39%). • Most of the additional time is spent on number which was prioritised by 90% of respondents. • Two thirds indicated that they spend more time explicitly teaching the language of maths. • Interestingly, teachers felt that pupils’ enjoyment of maths had increased. • The vast majority of teachers (85%) are aware of the School Self Evaluation template for reviewing mathematics, though less than half the respondents have actually used it in their own school. On the other hand more than half the respondents have reviewed maths as part of their self evaluation process. • Two thirds of teachers give more challenging work to high achieving students, and one in six teachers give those pupils extra work. This is a positive finding as national and international surveys suggest that our high achieving pupils are not sufficiently challenged in our system and teachers can find this area difficult to manage. Some other interesting findings: • parents are rarely invited into classrooms to support children’s learning; • four out of five teachers present a maths rich environment; • five in six teachers would like professional development in teaching problem-solving; and • two thirds of teachers have discussed maths teaching during Croke Park hours. See more photos from the Education Conference at irishnationalteachersorganisation/ 18 Delegates in discussion at the Education Conference. INTO Numeracy Survey 2013 Challenges identified • Making maths meaningful – linking it with practical living and the environment and extending it beyond the maths lesson… bringing it alive. • Reducing reliance on textbooks. • Greater focus on problem solving. • Developing the language of maths. InTouch December 2013 INTO News In the media In print With the right programme, teachers can make learning Irish a pleasure Not for the first time schools inspectors recently identified some weaknesses in the teaching of Irish in both primary and post primary schools. Should this finding take us by surprise? At primary level we have had a new curriculum since 1999, so what’s missing? What is really needed to support the teaching of Irish in primary schools is a structured teaching programme to support the curriculum. We have them in other subject areas. Programmes such as Maths Recovery and Literacy Lift Off are having an impact in schools in disadvantaged areas (DEIS schools) in maths and English literacy. A structured teaching programme in Irish should be designed for all class levels that would bring together all aspects of Irish – listening, reading, writing and oral language. Such a programme could spell out clearly the expectations for learning at every stage from junior infants to sixth class. And it should be modern, colourful, attractive and relevant to children’s lives in the 21st century… Deirbhile Nic Craith in the Irish Independent, 13 November 2013 It’s time to bring them to book How much is just enough, when it comes to students and their homework… Is it a bore for the kids, another layer of labour for frazzled mums – or a crucial route to academic success? Children’s homework and the time it takes are problems for parents – homework is described as the “thorniest issue” at primary school, by a representative of the INTO. If you’re worried that your child is not doing his or her homework or is not able for it, says Peter Mullan, of the INTO, contact the school. “Homework is one of the thorniest issues at primary level – it’s added stress and can be time-sapping. It can be resented by children and parents, so it’s very worthwhile for people to understand the value of it,” he says. Research shows that children who get maths homework three or four times a week score higher than children who don’t… Irish Examiner, 7 November 2013 Qualified teachers get three month reprieve to register with body Hundreds of qualified teachers have been given a three month reprieve to register with the profession’s regulatory body, but may have to leave work for up to six months if they do not sign up by the end of January… The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation said the revised date will have little credibility because Mr Quinn has twice previously promised to commence Section 30 within months… Irish Examiner, 31 October 2013 Parents to be balloted on school uniforms …the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation cautioned against abolition of uniforms, noting that they can play a role in protecting children who might otherwise be bullied over their clothes while it also removed pressure on parents to buy clothes in an attempt to keep up with the latest trends... The Irish Times, 12 November 2013 Teachers working for 50 a week on JobBridge Dozens of schools are using the JobBridge scheme to hire qualified teachers to work for only €50 a week on top of social welfare payments… An INTO spokesman disagreed, saying it was impossible for teachers to balance JobBridge with the odd day of more lucrative substitution work… Irish Independent, 29 October 2013 Fast-tracking extra teachers may help tackle class sizes …The INTO called for a maximum class size above which a school would be entitled to another teacher. “The key issue is that children do not enrol in schools in similar numbers each year. Enrolment varies and the Department must design a system that is flexible enough to respond to real needs on the ground in schools,” a spokesperson said. Irish Examiner, 17 October 2013 On the airwaves – Radio/TV Discussion on parents to be balloted on school uniforms … Mention of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisations press release “Families of schoolgoing children under pressure as government racks up taxation and slashes social welfare support”... Drivetime – RTE Radio 1, 11 November 2013 Government restores 70m building grant to schools ... The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) said that while there was significant pressure to provide additional school spaces over the coming years to deal with the increased population, work could not be done at the cost of leaving existing schools to fall into disrepair. INTO General Secretary Sheila Nunan said it did not make economic sense to build schools while at the same time InTouch December 2013 allowing others to deteriorate. She said: “Much recent investment was simply making up for years of failing to upkeep buildings. Cutting out regular upkeep and maintenance is a false economy....”, 7 November 2013 available to schools to enable them to carry out small repairs and infrastructural work. Interview Noreen Flynn, Principal, St James Primary School Dublin… RTE News at One, 7 November 2013 JobBridge Primary school funding Sean McMahon (INTO) discusses the abolition of the minor works grant for schools and the issues surrounding schools in the Clare area. Morning Focus – Clare FM, 8 November 2013 Drivetime – RTE Radio 1 Interview with Brendan O’Sullivan (INTO) and Jim Daly TD (Fine Gael) who discuss JobBridge interns. 31 October 2013 Budget 2014 Government restores 70m building grants to schools The Department of Education has restored two building grants worth nearly €70m to schools that had previously been suspended. The funds are to be made Nuacht a hAon – Barrscealta Raidio na Gaeltachta John Boyle, INTO CEC, comments on Budget 2014. 17 October 2013 19 Nuacht CMÉ Need support drawing up your School Self Evaluation Report and Implementation Plan? Schools are currently required to draw up a School Self Evaluation report and an Implementation Plan in either literacy or numeracy by June 2014. This involves a six step process: 1. Gathering evidence of teaching and learning. 2. Analysing this evidence. 3. Making judgments about strengths and areas for development. 4. Writing a school self evaluation report. 5. Devising a school improvement plan. 6. Implementing and monitoring this plan. INTO Learning has designed a series of three online Croke Park Hour wholeschool training sessions that will support you and your school through this process. The first session, currently available, explores what is meant by school self evaluation and outlines the process including the DES requirements. It explores the School Self Evaluation Guidelines and how they can be used to support your school. Particular emphasis is put on understanding what evidence of teaching and learning is, and on methods to gather such evidence in your school (step one of SSE). Gathering evidence allows for the process of analysing where your school is at (step two of SSE). At the end of the session you will draw up an action plan that will take you from where teaching and learning in your school is at, to being ready to sit down and analyse your evidence. Online training session You can allocate further Croke Park hours to complete the actions in your plan. Sessions two and three Session two in this SSE series will focus on analysing your evidence and drawing up your SSE report while session three will focus on finalising the SSE report and drawing up the implementation plan Presentation The sessions consist of voiced presentations with intermittent group/individual/whole-school activities and feedback sessions. An in-school staff member takes responsibility for managing the presentation and arranging the session. INTO General Secretary Sheila Nunan discussing current issues with branch officers at a recent training seminar in the INTO Learning Centre. 20 Online support An online facilitated SSE discussion will be available to you in between sessions. This will allow you to seek advice and support as you progress through the process. Cost The series of three sessions costs €100 and includes a SSE teacher workbook, all relevant resources, access to the facilitated discussion forum and a Certificate of Whole School Professional Development upon completion. Further details and registration For further details and registration see Want to advertise in InTouch? Contact Mary Bird, Advertising Executive at email: [email protected] or tel: 01 8047724 InTouch December 2013 INTO News Membership Plus – your member benefit programme – Membership Plus is the benefit programme available to INTO members where you can enjoy up to 50% discount at over 650 restaurants, shops, gyms, golf clubs, days out venues and much more. Offers are available across all areas of the country and include names such as Jurys Inn, Stena Line, Luigi Malones, wagamama, Travelodge, McDonald’s, Argos and many more. From pizza to pub grub, go-karting to golf, hairdressers to big high street names, there is something for everyone so with only minimum usage, you should notice significant savings in a short space of time. Register your card today to view all the offers available to you, enter competitions, download the Membership Plus Mobile App and much more. 1 Go to 2 When prompted, enter your Membership Plus card number beginning MTS. 3 Click on the ‘Register’ button to complete the short activation process. You will then be able to view the full range of offers, be kept up to date with the newest offers, enter fantastic competitions and much more. Where would you like to save? Your new 2013/2014 Membership Plus card was enclosed in the September issue of InTouch. If your card was missing, please contact the INTO office on 01 804 7700. What our members say... “It’s got great deals which are nice to use and get a discount with.” “Thank you for offering the service in the first place, it was great to see the full array of offers you have arranged.” “Love the benefits this card offers and love the chance to enter your competitions.” Has the hottest new restaurant opened down the road from you or maybe your favourite place to go shopping isn’t yet in Membership Plus? Log onto the Membership Plus website and click on ‘Suggest a Venue’ to let the Membership Plus team know. By suggesting a venue, you help Membership Plus grow in the way which benefits you the most. Once received, our venue team will contact the suggested company and once we secure an offer we will add it to Membership Plus. “I used it to get a discount on tickets for the knitting and stitching show.” “Am enjoying discount in my local fashion retailer, love it!” “I love having the card. It is very useful.” “It’s part of my routine to check this website daily – so keep up the good work.” “Delighted with the discount I received recently having bought a new TV.” InTouch December 2013 €50 gift card – congratulations to ... Damien Stenson, Co Galway who registered his new Membership Plus Card before 31 October and was picked at random to win a €50 gift card from the range of discounted cards available on Membership Plus. Visit the Membership Plus website regularly for the chance to enter more competitions, including hotel breaks, tickets and much more! 21 Nuacht CMÉ SOLIDARITY Volunteering in incredible India The land that I am about to bring you to, fellow readers, is a fusion of emerging modernity and time old tradition. The vibrancy of colour is truly captivating, the sweet waft of aromatic spices fills the hot humid air while simple living and abject poverty abounds. One can feel at one with the bustling cities and towns, while surrendering as we did, to the simplicity of villages and being touched by the spirituality of the land. My incredible Indian trip took place over the month of July, when I volunteered as one of 30 volunteers with the voluntary organisation Global Schoolroom – a teacher to teacher training initiative, supported by Cornmarket. Global Schoolroom (globalschoolroom. net) is a registered charity that seeks to promote the sharing of educational experience between communities worldwide to help eradicate poverty, promote economic development and to build sustainable communities. Founded in 2006, Global Schoolroom sends Irish volunteer teachers to North East India to facilitate teacher training workshops for local teachers who are studying for their Global Schoolroom diploma – an internationally recognised qualification accredited by UCD. Ten teams, consisting of three teachers in each team were dispatched to poverty stricken regions in North East India to train teachers in western teaching methodologies and to share ideas on policy making, leadership, building school communities and special educational needs. My esteemed teammates were Claire Kilroy and Breege McGowan, two post primary school teachers currently teaching in the west of Ireland. We were hosted by the Don Bosco Catholic organisation in Silchar in the province of Assam and their commitment to improving standards of education in the area was really inspirational. Class sizes are astoundingly high in India, sometimes as high as 70 students. Government schools are almost devoid of resources and absenteeism is an ongoing problematic reality. It was truly enriching and a privilege to work with the Indian teachers. They were most grateful, cooperative, kind and complimentary and their willingness to embrace new ideas and methodologies was amazing. Part of our work involved observing the teachers teach and, with handmade resources, temperatures soaring to 40°C and classes of 50+ students, many were really inspirational educators. 22 Teachers awarded certificates for participating in Global Schoolroom project The warmth and friendship that they extended to us was most humbling and we certainly gleaned in equal measure from them as much as we could ever have possibly imparted to them. A sense of delight and enthusiasm was palpable amongst the students, when the ideas explored in the workshop phase were implemented in the classroom. Many mouths were agape and eyes twinkled in anticipation as their teacher revealed and displayed even the simplest of teaching aids. While our planning sessions sometimes ran later than intended when we battled with power cuts, cockroaches, the odd scarpering furry friend and mosquito battling, the smiles on the students’ faces, made it all worthwhile! It is fair to say that we returned to Irish soil much the wiser and humbler as a result of our educational and cultural exchanges! The priests, the brothers and the kitchen staff that we stayed with were incredibly selfless and kind. Aware of our weak western constitutions, they provided us with an abundance of simple yet wholesome and flavoursome foods. We grew accustomed to mustard oil drenched vegetables, rice and dhal, chappati bread, the sweetest mangoes, pineapples and jackfruit and lightly spiced chicken. Potatoes also featured, tossed in turmeric, which makes them a lot more interesting! Outside of our work duties, we were privileged to have many opportunities to engage with the Indian people and to explore their culture even further. We were warmly invited and welcomed into the humble yet happy homes of some of the locals who live with their extended families. They were intrigued with our alabaster complexions, allowed us to sit on their beds as couches, carefully prepared a feast for us, performed dances on our departure and followed us out to wave us off. One Saturday while trekking through the jungle we encountered torrential monsoon rain and a poor couple beckoned us into their home to take shelter. The lady graced us with her presence and apologised that she had no food in the house to offer us as they were poor. Her husband ran out and fetched pineapples in the jungle for us to take home. Such simple gestures of kindness were most humbling. It is no exaggeration to say that my trip to India with Global Schoolroom was an incredibly enriching experience. It taught me to heed the words of Robert Brault: “Enjoy the little things for one day you may look back and realise they were the big things.” It was a mutually beneficial educational experience and I would certainly recommend it. I wish to acknowledge the support and sponsorship that I received from my family, friends, staff, parents and students at Gaelscoil Choráin, my home community in Knocknagoshel and the community of Youghal, the INTO Solidarity Fund and my two fellow volunteers Claire and Breege for making my Global Schoolroom experience a huge success. Catherine Reidy, Gaelscoil Choráin, Youghal, Co Cork. Global Schoolroom is a teacher to teacher training initiative, If you wish to apply to the INTO Solidarity Fund please contact Georgina Glackin, INTO, at (01) 804 7745 or [email protected] InTouch December 2013 INTO News Vere Foster Medal winners At the recent graduation ceremonies held at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick was Sheela O’Regan, Mallow, who was presented with the Bonn Vere Foster by the INTO President Brendan O’Sullivan. The medal was awarded to the B.Ed in Education and Psychology Graduate awarded first place in Teaching Practice and Curriculum Education. Vere Foster was born in Copenhagen of an Irish-born father. He worked in the UK Diplomatic Corps but left to help the victims of the Great Famine on his brother’s estate in Ardee, Co Louth. Concerned by reports of the terrible conditions for those using emigrant ships, Foster campaigned in the USA and Britain for improved conditions for passengers. He helped to found and became the first President of the INTO, travelling throughout the country campaigning for the maintenance and improvement of national schools. Foster is also known for the popular ‘Vere Foster National School Writing Books’. He died in Belfast on 21 December 1900. The INTO Congress of 1956, held in Belfast decided to organise a suitable memorial as a tribute to the memory of Vere Foster. The memorial takes the form of a Vere Foster medal, and is generally awarded by the INTO to the student obtaining the highest mark in Teaching Practice and/or Curriculum areas of Education. InTouch December 2013 Also pictured at the graduation ceremonies held at Mary Immaculate College was Aoife Clancy, Kilrush, who was presented with the Bonn Vere Foster, by the INTO President. This medal was presented to the B.Ed Graduate awarded first place in Teaching Practice and Curriculum Education. INTO President, Brendan O’Sullivan, presenting Ian Whitty, Hibernia College, with the Vere Foster Medal awarded for highest overall mark for teaching practice on the Higher Diploma in Arts in Primary Education Programme. More photos next issue 23 Nuacht CMÉ RETIREMENTS Districts 8 and 9 Members of Districts 8 and 9 are pictured at a recent retirement function with INTO President Brendan O’Sullivan. Droichead Nua Branch Retirees from Droichead Nua Branch celebrate with INTO Vice President Sean McMahon along with branch secretaries Aelish Collins (Curragh Branch), Derry O’Connor (Craobh Darach Branch) and chairpersons Tara Walsh (Craobh Darach) and William Carroll (Curragh). Edenderry Branch At a recent retirement function in Edenderry Branch were back row: Irene Chambers (Branch Organiser), Kevin Duffy (Secretary), Bryan O’Reilly (CEC), Frank O’Meara, Seán Fitzgerald, Josephine Byrne (Chairperson). Sitting: Mary Finnegan, Anne Fay (former INTO President 2012/2013), and Mary Whelan. 24 InTouch December 2013 INTO News RETIREMENTS Millstreet Branch Millstreet INTO organised a superb reception at the Wallis Arms Hotel in June to mark the retirement of Pat Breen following wonderfully dedicated service to primary education. Excellent speeches were delivered by Joan O’Mahony (Principal, Presentation NS, Millstreet) and Brendan O’Sullivan, INTO President. Pat expressed his sincere thanks to the organisers, his wife, Mary and family who were among the large attendance (Picture: Seán Radley) North Clare Branch Members of North Clare Branch at a retirement function. Back row: (l to r) Nicola Sheehan (Branch Secretary), Carmel Thynne (Cathaoirleach), John Hehir, Kevin Glynn, Michael O’Connor, John Reynolds, Sean McMahon (INTO Vice President). Front row: (l to r) Aideen Malone, Maura Clancy, Anne Fay (former INTO President), Sr Rosari and Eilís Blake. Missing from the photo: Patricia Rynne. Mountbellew Branch At a Mountbellew Branch retirement function in January 2013 were. Back row (l to r): Seán O’Ceallaigh (Branch Chairperson), Tom Flahive (Branch Secretary), Tomás Heavey (Winfield NS), Tommy Greally (District Secretary). Front row left to right: Caitriona Meehan (Moylough NS), Evelyn Clarke (Mountbellew NS), Anne Fay (former INTO President), Antoinette Giblin (Winfield NS), Carmel Hoade (representing Maura Finnerty, Garbally NS). Photo: Tomás Coppinger. InTouch December 2013 25 Nuacht CMÉ Teaching religion What do primary teachers think? When the INTO Equality Committee decided that the area of religion and education should be a theme of the 2013 Equality Conference, they looked at previous INTO research in the area, particularly a 2002 survey carried out by the Education Committee. They decided that it would be worthwhile updating that research and carrying out a survey of members’ views. As well as including questions which had been included in the 2002 survey, they also included questions related to changes which had occurred since then. The results of the survey, which was coordinated by David O’Sullivan, INTO Head Office, on teachers’ views on the teaching of religion were presented at the INTO Equality Conference in March 2013. The results reflect the views of the primary teachers who are at the interface of home, school and community in the important and ongoing debate about the place of religion in Irish primary schools. The INTO survey was sent to almost 1,000 INTO members, and there was a 38% return. The returned surveys came from a broadly representative sample of members, both in terms of the profile of the teachers, and the schools in which they worked. When compared to the sample for the 2002 survey, the changes in the patronage of primary schools were reflected, with an increase in respondents working in schools under the patronage of Educate Together and An Foras Patrúnachta. Teachers’ attitudes Teachers’ attitudes to teaching religion were explored by asking them to choose which statement from a range best reflected their attitude to the teaching of religion. The most frequent response was “I teach religion willingly”, with 49% choosing this statement. This statement was chosen more frequently by older teachers. In 2002, 26 61% of respondents chose this statement. 20% of respondents chose “I am not opposed to teaching religion.” 10% of teachers chose the response “I would teach broad religious education programme willingly, but would prefer not to teach religious instruction in a particular faith”. 7% of respondents chose the statement “I would prefer if I didn’t have to teach religion.” 2% stated that they would like to opt out of teaching religion, and less than 1% stated that they had opted out. Religion in schools Sixty percent of respondents agreed that religion should be taught in school hours, compared to 80% who agreed with this statement in 2002. However, only 47% agreed that children should be prepared for the sacraments in primary schools, with 55% stating that the family should have the main responsibility for these preparations. Teachers also pointed to the additional time (apart from allocated religion time) spent in their schools in preparing for the sacraments with 71% saying that additional time was taken up. This was a huge increase on the 18% who stated this in 2002. Seventy one percent of teachers agreed that Education about Religion and Beliefs (ERB) should be part of the curriculum in schools, with 51% stating that it should be part of the religious education programme. The NCCA has recently begun work on developing a curriculum and guidelines for schools on ERB and ethics, as proposed in the Report of the Forum on Pluralism and Patronage. When asked about school ethos, and how this permeates the school, 79% of teachers referred to the presence of religious pictures and icons in their school (up from 69% 10 years ago), 79% referred to visits by clergy (up from 67%) and 75% to mass or religious services in the school. These in- creases seem to point to a more visible religious ethos in schools compared to 2002. School type There has been much debate on the patronage of schools in the past few years, in particular since the establishment by Minister Ruairí Quinn of the Forum on Pluralism and Patronage. In the survey, teachers were asked to indicate what type of school most schools should be. 28% responded that most schools should be denominational, while almost 49% favoured multi-denominational schools. Ten percent favoured non-denominational schools, even though no such primary schools are currently available in Ireland. Teacher education The role of religion in teacher education and qualifications has also been the subject of debate. Currently, all the state funded primary teacher education colleges in Ireland are denominational. Only 15% of teachers agreed that this should be the case, down from 36% in 2002. Almost 60% of respondents said that a qualification for teaching religion should be separate from the general qualification. The results of the survey show that INTO members’ views on the teaching of religion, and the patronage of schools are changing over time, reflecting the changes and demands of society. The results of the survey informed the discussions at the Equality Conference, and have informed INTO policy in this area, which has been the subject of so much debate over the past few years. The Equality Committee will continue to contribute to INTO policy and the wider debate on this matter. The full report of the research by the Equality Committee can be found on the INTO website , in the ‘Conference’ section. InTouch December 2013 INTO Advice INTO advice for members on issues of importance SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Preparing for summer works? he INTO has welcomed the reinstatement of the Summer Works Scheme for schools. Details were published on the INTO website and in our e-newsletter. The DES have invited applications for the 2014 scheme and full details are available on Circular Letter 0059/2013. To streamline the process the DES have developed an online application system via the Esinet platform. Paper applications will no T longer be accepted. The deadline for applications is 10 December 2013. Things you should know about the scheme • Applications must be made through the Esinet platform. Schools may apply for one project only. • An SWS helpline is available at Freephone 1800 200 955 until 10 December. • The list of successful applicants will be published by the DES at end February/ early March 2014. • If the number of applications for funding is greater than the funds available the DES will prioritise applications according to the categories set out in Circular 0059/2013. (It is important to note that special needs projects are no longer funded under SWS. These should be applied for under the Emergency Works Scheme.) • Successful schools will be notified in writing. The letter will set out the amount of grant aid approved, conditions of this approval, the scope of works approved and the timeframe during which the grant aid must be drawn down. It is important to read through all the material in this letter. • The grant aid approved is an all-in amount to cover all costs associated with the project, including professional fees (architect, engineer etc.), planning fees, VAT and any other costs arising. • The school authority must confirm acceptance of the grant offer to the DES Planning and Building Unit within four weeks of receiving the grant approval letter. • Schools should notify the DES immediately if they are not proceeding with their project. This allows the DES to reallocate funds to another school. • Schools should not publicise the amount of the grant approved. To do so would risk compromising the tender process and means that schools would have less chance of achieving value for money. • Technical guidance documents, are available at ( • The DES will retain applications from schools whose applications are unsuccessful under SWS 2014, due to financial constraints, for consideration under future rounds of the scheme. InTouch December 2013 What is the Summer Works Scheme? The SWS has been running since 2004. The scheme makes funds available to schools to carry out small and medium scale works on school buildings primarily during summer holidays. The school authority takes on responsibility for ensur- Tendering procedures • Schools are obliged to tender publicly for all contracts associated with the work. A consultant who provided technical advice for the application process has no claim over the contract. Guidance on the procedures for tendering for the appointment of a consultant to oversee the completion of projects will be issued to schools whose applications are approved. • Schools must tender for the appointment of an appropriate consultant e.g. architect, civil engineer, building services engineer or surveyor to design the works, prepare tender documents and advise the school on engaging an appropriate building contractor. • All eligible contractors have to have an equal chance of bidding for the work. • Schools are reminded that consultants/contractors engaged to work on the school premises, even on a once off basis, must be able to display full compliance with tax return filing and payment obligations. • The DES will issue guidelines to schools to ensure appropriate tendering procedures are implemented. • If the bids for the work exceed the grant available, the school should work with their consult- ing that the consultant and the building contractor carry out the work to an acceptable standard, on time and on budget. Almost €650m in SWS grants has been disbursed to date and many schools have been transformed through the replacement of roofs, heating systems, windows, doors, toilets, etc. These have resulted in a substantial improvement in the learning environment for pupils. ant to try to tailor the scope of works to ensure that it can be delivered within budget. In the current climate, appealing to the DES for an increase in the grant is unlikely to be successful. • • • • • Managing a project on site • Once a project is on site and all specified conditions have been met, the school authority can apply to the DES for the first tranche of funding (70). It is the consultant’s role to certify that the work had been carried out to the necessary standard. The school authority must also be satisfied with the quality of the finished project. A close eye should be kept on timescales to ensure works are finished before the school reopens. A timely completion of the works also means that the second tranche of funding (30) can be drawn down from the DES. Before making any payments, schools should check the new Revenue requirements in relation to the electronic RCT system, details of which are available on Records of all expenditure and receipts should be kept for seven years at the school as they may be audited by the DES at any stage. We hope that this article will be helpful and we would like to thank our fellow public servants in the DES Planning and Building Unit for information supplied on the scheme. 27 INTO Advice Are you due a refund of Health Levy contributions? Some teachers may have overpaid levy during years 2009-2010 From 1 January 2011 the Government abolished the Health Levy and the Income Levy and replaced both with the Universal Social Charge. However, some teachers may have overpaid Health Levy contributions during the years 2009-2010 and are therefore entitled to a refund of their overpayment. These refunds are tax free. Overpayments may have arisen in distinct and separate circumstances: 1. If a teacher earned €26,000 or less (according to their P60 for the relevant year) in any of those calendar (i.e. tax) years but earned over €500 in some of the weeks that they worked. Likely beneficiaries in this category would be substitute teachers, teachers who began teaching in any of the years 2009-2010, teachers returning from career break, jobsharing or other leave that kept them off salary or on reduced salary for part of any of the years 20092010. Some of those teachers will have €26,000 or less in earnings (as per their P60) for the year while they would also have earnings of over €500 for the some or all of the weeks that they worked. Did you work any incomplete calendar year and earn €26,000 or less (see your P60) in any of the years 20092010? Did you begin teaching, return from career break, job share, work as a substitute or otherwise earn €26,000 or less in any of those years? If you paid the Health Levy as part of your PRSI deductions in any pay period then you are likely to be due a refund. According to the Department of Social Protection they had paid out approximately €10,000,000 to around 26,000 claimants by 1 February 2012 – an average of €385 per claimant. Teachers in category 1 should write to PRSI Refunds Section of the Department of Social Protection, Oisin House, 212/213 Pearse Street, Dublin 2, enclosing their PPS number and a copy of their P60 to initiate their refund claim. There is currently a backlog of claims being processed so act soon to expedite any refund due. Refunds of up to €1,040 tax free are available depending on circumstances (e.g. in 2010 a teacher who earned €26,000 and who was charged the Health Levy at 4% would have overpaid the Health Levy by €1,040). Smaller amounts (up to €850) would apply to 2009 as the rates were lower for part of 2009. 2. Widows, widowers, Medical Card holders and lone parents. Teachers who are widowed and were in receipt of the Social Welfare Survivors’ (Widows’ or Widowers’) pension, or teachers who are Medical Card holders or certain lone parents were totally exempt from the Health Levy but may have had the Health Levy deducted in error from their salary. There is no upper limit on the earnings which were exempted for qualifying persons in these categories and up to 4% of P60 earnings may be due in refunds. Teachers in Category 2 should also write to the PRSI Refunds Section of the Department of Social Protection, Oisin House, 212/213 Pearse Street, Dublin 2, enclosing their PPS number, P60 showing the amount of PRSI/Health Levy paid and details of their grounds for exemption i.e. details of their Social Welfare Survivors’ Pension, or Medical Card holder or lone parent status etc. Again, it is important to initiate the process as soon as possible to expedite any refund due. Significant refunds may be due in certain circumstances and can reach figures in excess of €4,000 tax free in certain circumstances; (e.g. if the refund applies to both years). For more information Contact PRSI Refunds Section of the Department of Social Protection, Oisín House, 212/213 Pearse Street, Dublin 2 at 01-6732586 or visit for further information. NB Refund claims for the year 2009 must be submitted by 31/12/2013. Séamus Long, former CEC Representative for District 13. Life savings and loan insurance cover provided by Comhar Linn INTO Credit Union Ltd. Life Savings and Loan Insurance cover is provided by Comhar Linn INTO Credit Union Ltd. at no additional cost to members, subject to terms and conditions. Life savings insurance benefits In the event of your death while a participating member of Comhar Linn INTO Credit Union Ltd an insurance payment related to the balance in your share account will be paid by our insurance company (CUNA Mutual). The amount paid is related to your age when depositing your shares, and can be as much as twice the amount you have saved in your account. Your insurance InTouch December 2013 remains in force as long as you leave your savings in the Credit Union. Withdrawals may affect the amount payable. Loan protection insurance benefits Should a member with an outstanding loan die, the balance is repaid in full, subject to terms and conditions. This means that you can borrow from Comhar Linn INTO Credit Union Ltd in full confidence that your dependents will not be obliged to repay the outstanding loan. You will be informed at the time of the loan application if your loan exceeds the amount covered by the Credit Union’s insurance policy. Under the basic policy death cover ceases on the member’s 70th birthday. Comhar Linn has taken the option of extending this age limit to the member’s 80th birthday. Beneficiary nomination Once you nominate a person or persons to become entitled, on your death, to any property in the credit union, such a nomination shall not be revocable or variable by your will or by any codicil to your will. Further details on both insurance products are available on Comhar Linn October 2013 draw winners Car – Toyota Auris Loretta Dunphy, St Gabriel’s NS, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10. Cash 1,500 John Gleeson, Holy Child BNS, Larkhill, Dublin 9. Weekend for two in Jury’s Inn Zoe Roche, Glantane BNS, Mallow, Co Cork. Cian Duffy, St Michael’s and St Patrick’s NS, Boyle, Co Roscommon. 29 Special education Information and updates on issues relating to special education Special education today The Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004 (EPSEN) defines special educational needs as “both a restriction in the capacity of the person to participate in, and benefit from, education on an account of an enduring physical, sensory, mental health or learning disability, or any other condition which results in a person learning differently from a person without that condition and cognate words shall be construed accordingly”. In 2006, the NCSE estimated that up to 18% of the school going population may have a special educational need, as defined under the EPSEN Act. A more recent ESRI study, using data from the longitudinal study Growing up in Ireland pointed to an overall prevalence rate of 25 per cent. In Ireland, students with special educational needs are served by a continuum of provision ranging from full time enrolment in mainstream classes to full time enrolment in special schools with a variety of options in between. Placement options at present include mainstream class with additional support provided by a resource/learning support teacher, a special class in a mainstream school, or a special school designated for a particular category or categories of disability. The National Council for Special Education has recently published a policy advice paper on Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs in Schools, which contains a range of wide reaching recommendations about the development of a future model for special education. Key issues under discussion by the CEC of the INTO in relation to the policy paper are outlined on page 35 of this issue. The following pages also contain articles from the Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education, the Irish Learning Support Association, and a double page spread celebrating ten years of the National Council for Special Education. Number of special classes for each disability category 2012-13 Designation of special schools under NCSE Type of special class Official Designation Primary classes Hearing impaired 11 Mild GLD 60 Moderate GLD 12 Severe and profound GLD 10 EBD 5 Severe EBD 1 Physical disability 0 Specific speech and language disorders 64 Specific learning disability 13 Autism/ASD 316 Multiple disabilities 3 Total 495 Post-primary Enrolment classes 5 89 11 686 16 136 0 28 1 34 0 5 1 8 0 434 0 123 97 2112 2 23 133 3,678 Physical disability Hearing impairment Visual impairment EBD Mild GLD Moderate GLD Severe and profound GLD Autism Specific learning disability Multiple disabilities Total Number of schools 6 3 1 12** 30 33 10 19 4 1 119 Source: NCSE November 2012 Number of students 288 120 40 373*** 2831 2255 312 507 296 72 7094 Teachers* 47. 5 51 7 62 336.5 377 62 89 33 13 1078 Notes: * This column refers to class teachers only; it does not take into account principal and ex quota posts. ** One of these schools caters for students with mild EBD, the remaining eleven cater for students with severe EBD. *** A substantial number of these students have been assessed as having an autistic spectrum disorder. Know your strengths Strength-based approach has taken the ADHD world by storm. Across the US, schools specialising in educating children with emotional and behavioural problems made strength-based approach part of their daily practice. They teach children the language of strengths by asking them to draw perseverance, wisdom or kindness. They read stories, stop half way through and ask children what strengths the main character displayed. They create weeks during which one strength a week is celebrated by children spotting and discussing strengths in others, such as modesty, creativity or fairness. Parents are involved in strength training when teachers tell them about their children’s InTouch December 2013 strengths, not only their challenges. Finally, children learn how to manage their emotional outbursts using some of their strengths. They are asked what strengths they want to use when completing a task. They are also shown how to manage their attention deficit and other challenges by using strengths such as humour, open-mindedness and honesty. The results of this approach can be easily spotted on the playground. A seven-year-old boy, who has just lost his temper and smacked another child across the head suddenly stops, turns around and says: I’m sorry, I need to practice my strength of self-control. A 12 year-old boy when asked what his signature strength is, he smiles proudly and says: it’s authenticity. “And what does it mean?” – The teacher enquires – it means I’m being true to myself and if I prefer to play with girls, I just do it, without worrying what boys think about me. Strength-based approach builds students’ confidence, enhances their well-being and gives them tools on how to deal with challenging situations. Developing strengths helps students see what’s right, not wrong with them. Jolanta Burke is a Positive Psychologist and a PhD researcher in Trinity College Dublin. For more information, go to 31 Special Education Supporting teachers through the years Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education IATSE (the Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education) has, since its inception in 1969, been at the forefront of special education in Ireland, reflecting the significant changes that have taken place since then. The organisation was established by a group of highly committed teachers who had been participants of the course leading to the Diploma in Special Education at St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra. The needs identified by the founding fathers (and mothers!) of IATSE remain the same today – the need for teachers who work with students with special educational needs (SEN) to be able to access collegial support, to have a forum through which to network, and to have opportunities for continuing professional development. The SEN landscape has changed beyond recognition in so many ways since the birth of IATSE. Students now have an entitlement to an appropriate education, many are attending their local schools and we now often work alongside other teaching colleagues and special needs assistants (SNAs) in the classroom. There is a common curriculum and we have access to technologies that could not have been imagined all those years ago. IATSE is proud to be able to link many of the major developments that have occurred regarding the teaching of students with SEN to its past and current members – many of whom were, and continue to be, involved with the development of curriculum, policy, teacher training and other innovations. Similarly, teachers who are members of the organisation have been at the core of the development of the large body of research in SEN teaching, providing valuable research which has informed practice in classrooms throughout the country. IATSE itself has changed, absorbing the ever-changing vista of special education and the subsequent needs of its members. IATSE Conference 2014 Relationships – Learning Together 32 Our membership now encompasses all teachers across all educational settings, from special school teachers to teachers working in the areas of resource and learning support to special class teachers and class teachers at both primary and postprimary level. IATSE events are organised by its Central Executive Committee (CEC) which is com- IATSE is proud to be able to link many of the major developments … to its past and current members posed of teachers representing the various designations of schools. The CEC works on a voluntary basis, meeting once a month to organise IATSE’s Annual International Conference, regional seminars and to support the publication of the REACH journal. The CEC also has members on various consultative boards and committees including the NCCA, INTO, and the NCSE. The annual IATSE conference brings together a broad range of presentations and workshops over the course of two days in June. The theme of the 2014 conference is ‘Relationships – Working Together’. This is a critical area for teachers working with students with SEN for many reasons – the need for close communication with parents that reflects the stress that having a child with SEN can bring, the need to liaise with clinician colleagues and external This conference will explore the wide range of relationships integral to education for students with special educational needs. It will look at the complex interaction between members of the school community, external agencies and the impact this may have on successful teaching and learning. This conference sees the child at the centre of these relationships and recognises the key role of teachers in organisations (e.g. NEWB, HSE, NCSE, NEPS) working with other adults in the classroom, the impact of students’ complex needs on teachers’ wellbeing, especially regarding behaviours that challenge, and inter-peer relationships. This conference theme affords IATSE an opportunity to engage and support teachers through discussion and learning related to maintaining positive relationships. We hope you will join us next June for this event, and further details will be available on our website at later in the school year. Keep an eye out for our regional seminars which take place around the country in the spring term. These take place on a Saturday morning and consist of two presentations from practicing teachers and clinicians. REACH is the organisation’s highly regarded journal. Anyone who has engaged in research in the area of SEN will be familiar with what many regard as essential ‘home grown’ research and practitioner case studies. It is this dual aspect that combines the voice of the teacher with more academic perspectives that has earned the journal its reputation. IATSE would like to draw attention to their ‘Annual Bursary Award for Classroom Based Practice’. Each year we invite teachers to submit examples of good practice with a particular emphasis on innovation, collaboration and successful learning experiences for students with special educational needs. Four bursaries of up to €500 are available, so why not share your good practice and ideas with others? Check our website for details. Further information is available on If you are interested in becoming a member, download the membership form from the website and post to: IATSE, Drumcondra Education Centre, Drumcondra, Dublin 9. facilitating positive relationships. We would like to invite submissions from teachers, researchers and other practitioners involved in the area of special education. June 2014 Details regarding final arrangements on date and venue will be published on our website in December. Call for papers IATSE invites papers/presentations/workshops for Conference 2014. Please submit a short abstract (maximum 100 words) and presenter’s details to: IATSE Conference Director, Drumcondra Education Centre, Dublin 9. Email: [email protected]. Closing date for submissions: Friday, 17 January 2014. InTouch December 2013 Special Education Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) A self-help peer support group The Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) was founded in 1974. ILSA offers professional training and support to learning support and resource teachers at both primary and second level. ILSA organises at both local and national level. At local level, ILSA is a self-help peer support group. No matter where you live in Ireland, you are not far from a local (regional) group. Regional groups operate usually, though not exclusively, out of education centres. Regional groups are fully autonomous and arrange their own professional development, workshops and presentations. ILSA conferences At national level, ILSA organises two conferences annually. The annual conference takes place in September in St Patrick’s College, Dublin 9. This is a twoday conference and has over 30 presentations over the two days, delivered by leading professional educators from the Irish colleges of education and a number from overseas. Topics and workshops are carefully chosen, taking members’ evaluations and wishes into account. A smaller regional conference is held in March, outside Dublin. This conference, called the Spring Conference, is held on a Friday in March. Benefits of membership Members gain many benefits through joining the Association. The most important benefit is that members can attend conferences for 50% of the cost to nonmembers. Learn is the annual research journal of the Irish Learning Support Association. It is published in the autumn and copies are distributed to each ILSA member, to our national universities, colleges of education and education centres. Learn journal is also available on loan from all education centres. Members also get a quarterly newsletter and access to the ILSA website at Communications with members is very important to the Executive Committee. For that reason the website is currently being updated. Shortly, members will be able to renew membership or apply to attend a conference online. There will also be a members only section that will have resources, hand-outs from conference presentations and special offers by educaInTouch December 2013 tional publishers. Members will also be able to subscribe to a free online newsletter that will keep them updated on current, topical and upcoming events. Spring Conference in Galway The next Spring Conference will take place in the Clayton Hotel, Galway on 21 March. As Galway is a very popular venue, early booking is advisable. Booking forms will shortly be available to download from the ILSA website. Submissions to ILSA’s journal Learn We would welcome expressions of interest from members or non-members in submitting research papers for publication in Learn. Submissions should deal with topics or themes of interest to ILSA members and every effort should be made to avoid jargon. The paper should normally not exceed 3,000 words, be well researched and of a high literary quality. Research papers should be submitted to the editor of Learn as electronic word processing files. The author’s name and address should appear on a covering page and a brief biographical note on the author should be included. The title of the research paper should appear in capitals and in bold font and tables, where included, must be self-explanatory to nonspecialist readers. The bibliography should list all references alphabetically by author’s surname and works by the same author should be arranged chronologically, by date of publication. Presentations/involvment in conferences ILSA also welcomes expressions of interest from experienced Learning Support, Resource teachers and lecturers from the Colleges of Education who would like to present or conduct a workshop at one of our conferences. Please email your topic together with relevant biographical and academic details to [email protected]. Joining ILSA If you are a learning support or resource teacher, do consider joining ILSA. It is good to have a support group that can offer you advice, professional development and support when you need it. We advise members to ask their boards of management to cover the costs of membership and attendance at conferences. Our conferences have recognition by the DES, so members are fully covered for attendance. Contact ILSA c/o Drumcondra Education Centre, Drumcondra, Dublin 9. Telephone: (01) 8576499 or email: [email protected]. Left: Jean Johnston, former ILSA Chairperson, and above, current Chairperson Mairin Barry 33 Special Education Behaviour management uncovered Handling emotions – getting the hate out! At this stage of the year teachers are well aware of the children in their class who will act up when presented with a certain subject. The ‘Friends for Life’ programme created by Paula Barrett reminds educators that all feelings are ok. So, for the child that can’t or won’t engage in a learning task the challenge becomes: How can the child be helped to develop a motto of ‘it's possible’? About 10 years ago I had an 11 year old boy, diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD, in my class. Paul acted up when the maths books appeared. Every day for the first two weeks of September I could predict his response. It usually went something like this: “I’m not doing it!” “You can’t make me!” “I hate maths!” followed by a tantrum for which he would have to weather serious consequences. One day I decided to have a chat with Paul before the maths lesson appeared. “So you hate maths,” I said. His face went red and he said through gritted teeth “I really hate it.” For the next few minutes we talked about how much he hated maths. Then I said in a light-hearted way “So Paul you really really hate maths. That’s normal.” He looked at me in disbelief and I continued “no one can control how they feel about anything. That’s just the way feelings are. So Paul, for you it’s normal to hate maths. You can feel anyway you like about maths but we do still need to do it.” I also talked with him about the effect his dyslexia had on his learning. Namely that we were working on it but reading was “tricky” for Paul. I explained that he didn’t have dyscalculia so if he was helped with any reading in maths he should be able to fly through his number work. From that day on Paul reluctantly engaged in the daily mathematical tasks. For Paul, being allowed to hate maths disarmed his oppositional behaviour around maths. And every day at break time I would get the three minute timer and say to Paul “Do we need to get the hate out of the way before we start maths?” and often he did. But, by the time Paul returned in November, he didn’t need to engage in this ritual any more. It turned out that he was in fact quite good at maths. In December I was correcting Paul’s maths and quite out of the blue he said “I don’t get suspended here.” I asked “Were you suspended a lot in your last school?” He confirmed with “Yeah, a lot.” I continued jokingly with “Oh suspension is free here. Would you like to be suspended? I can organise that for you, no problem.” “No” was his immediate response. I in- quired “So why do you think you’re not suspended in our school?” And, with a smile on his face, he said “Because the adults here listen and it’s OK to hate something.” He never threw a tantrum at maths time again. For Paul, his perspective moved from – “no one understands me” to a motto of “It’s possible for me to do maths”. As educators, we are learning all the time. Teachers need to be open to the process of taking a second look at supporting children with special needs into the learning task After all, we are all limited by our own perspective. This is particularly relevant for students with special needs presenting with either withdrawn or acting out disruptive behaviours during lessons. Sometimes, when you feel the stress, all you can do is to take a breath and do what you can during those challenging times. At the very least, as Winston Churchill said; “If you’re going through hell ... keep going.” Adie Clarke, AMI, Hon. B.Ed. MSc, child and adolescent psychotherapy holds a job sharing position at St Declan's Special School and works privately as a behaviour management consultant. Contact: I asked “Were you suspended a lot in your last school?” He confirmed with “Yeah, a lot.” A full length version of this article is available by using this QR code, or from the INTO website at 34 InTouch December 2013 Special Education Supporting pupils with special educational needs The National Council for Special Education published its policy advice on supporting children with special educational needs in schools in May 2013. At its launch the Minister indicated that he was accepting the NCSE’s policy advice. The report contains 28 recommendations. Its first recommendation is that the EPSEN Act should be fully implemented. Its second recommendation is that a new model should be developed for the allocation of additional teaching resources to mainstream schools which is based on the profiled need of each school, without the need for a diagnosis of disability. Discussions and consultations around the report have focussed very much on this second recommendation. The INTO was invited to a meeting with the NCSE as part of their consultative process. The INTO was also invited to nominate four teachers and two principals to attend consultative meetings with the NCSE. The two questions around which the consultation took place were: 1. Educational profile of a school: • How can the educational profile of a school be built up to ensure that all students with special educational need are included, without need for a diagnosis of disability? • What information is available in the system to contribute to this profile? 2. Recording and measuring outcomes for students with special educational needs: • What outcomes should be recorded? • How should these be measured? • How should they be reported? Additional resources are currently granted to schools under the General Allocation model (GAM) where each school is allocated 0.2 of a teacher for every class teacher, with an additional allocation for DEIS schools. This system is very clear and transparent and offers certainty to schools. However, it may also exacerbate inequalities. Some schools do not receive sufficient support under this model. Additional resource teaching hours are allocated to schools based on the assessed need of pupils. Given the under-resourcing of NEPS, schools do not have equal access to assessments. The current system for allocating additional teaching support to schools has many merits, but is not perfect. Any new model must be an InTouch December 2013 improvement on the current system. The CEC and the Education Committee have had initial discussions around a new model for allocating additional teaching supports to schools to support children with special educational needs. Discussions to date have arrived at the following principles which should be reflected in any new model: • The aim of the primary school curriculum to develop the potential of all children. • The focus on prevention and early intervention at the core of the Learning Support Guidelines. • The need for core additional teaching support for all schools – similar to the current GAM. • Additional support based on need. • An appeal system for schools who are not satisfied with the level of additional support that they have been allocated. The need for a system of transferring information regarding children with special educational needs from pre-school to primary and from primary to postprimary was identified. Though some children start school having been assessed as having a disability, there are many children whose special needs are not identified until they start school. Under the current system children need to be assessed in order for the school to be granted additional hours for resource teaching. All teachers should have access to CPD to facilitate a deepening of knowledge and an enhancement of skills for teaching pupils with special educational needs. However, there is also a need for targeted professional development for learning support and resource teachers and sometimes for class teachers in particular aspects of teaching children with special educational needs. Educational profile of a school Determining the educational profile of a school is complex. The INTO is of the view that the educational profile of a school should take into account the profile of incoming pupils, the social profile of the school community, and the number of children assessed as having a disability – learning, physical, sensory or intellectual – during their years in primary school and the number of children with learning difficulties. The profile of incoming pupils could include attendance patterns, readiness to learn, language and communication skills, social skills, in addition to disabilities. A school’s community profile should include level of employment/unemployment, drugs or substance misuse and socio-economic status of families in the community. Children who require additional support include children with disabilities (intellectual, sensory, physical disabilities, ASD), children requiring speech and language support, behavioural intervention, language support, children with specific disabilities, (dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dyslexia, children with socio-emotional difficulties and children who require learning support in literacy and numeracy. Given the focus on prevention and early intervention, the number of children in infant classes and first class should be taken into account in determining the educational profile of a school. Gender must also be taken into account. How a school’s profile would then be used to determine the allocation of additional teaching resources has not yet been decided. The INTO welcomes suggestions from members in relation to a new model. Should a new model be based on a modified General Allocation Model, where some special needs, currently supported by resource teachers, could be supported through an enhanced general allocation model? Or do we need a more radical alternative? Suggestions or comments should be sent to Deirbhile Nic Craith, Senior Official, at [email protected] by Friday 13 December. 35 Special Education 10 years a’growing… • processed over 2,200 new applications for school transport; and over 1,580 new applications for assistive technology/ special equipment; and • sanctioned 118 new special classes in mainstream schools. 2003 was a very significant year for people with special needs in Ireland. The opening ceremony of the World Special Olympics was held in Croke Park. 7,000 athletes from 150 countries took part and everyone involved in the games – athletes, volunteers, spectators and host families – benefited. 2003 also marked the birth of the National Council for Special Education when, in December, the then Minister for Education, Noel Dempsey, signed the order to create an independent special educational agency. The NCSE was given four key responsibilities; planning and coordinating educational provision for children with special educational needs; carrying out research; advising the Minister for Education on special education policy; and disseminating information to parents, schools and others. During our development we have been intensely active in all four areas. We have also greatly appreciated our good working relationship with school management bodies, principals’ organisations, teacher unions and SNA unions. We particularly valued the input of the INTO through Tom O’Sullivan, who was a member of the NCSE Council from 20062012, a critical time in our development. 10 years on… The NCSE has become an integral part of the delivery of special education. Every state funded school – primary, special and post primary – is assigned a special educational needs organiser or SENO. In our first real year of operation (2005), we reduced the average waiting time for additional resource teaching or SNA support from 12 months to four – six weeks. Since then, the scale of activity has been enormous – from 2005 to 2012, SENOs processed over 140,000 individual applications for additional teaching and care supports; and thousands more applica- 36 tions for assistive technology, home tuition and special school transport arrangements. Investment in special education In 2004, €468m was invested in additional special education. This year, over €1.3bn is being invested. This covers more than 10,000 additional teacher posts, over 10,000 SNA posts, the National Educational Psychological Service, adapted school buildings, assistive technology, specialist furniture, special school transport arrangements and so on. … we take great care to consult widely and listen to what parents, students, teachers and other stakeholders tell us about what is working well and what needs to change SENOs are key to getting many of these supports into schools. SENOs also meet with schools and parents to provide support and information. In 2013 our SENOs: • enabled approximately 45,000 students with special educational needs to receive additional teaching in mainstream schools and around 22,000 children with special educational needs with significant care needs to access special needs assistant (SNA) support; • processed over 14,600 new applications for additional teaching hours in primary and post-primary schools and over 7,000 new applications for access to SNA support; In total, we now have approximately 5,700 resource teaching and 10,500 SNA posts in 3,750 schools; and 740 special classes in mainstream schools catering for over 5,000 children. Our research The NCSE has an innovative research programme and has published 16 research reports on our website to date. Research is vital so that we can understand best practice here and abroad, and how resources can be used to best effect. We are very grateful to the many principals and teachers who have assisted us in our research, especially as we know that there are so many other calls on your time and energy. Our published research covers topics from curriculum to measuring educational progress to hearing parents’ views; as well as international reviews of what works in the education of children with particular types of needs. Our annual research conference disseminates findings and our database of Irish special educational research since 2000 is a valuable and well used resource on the NCSE website. A practical resource for schools that grew from our research programme is the Inclusive Education Framework. Many schools had told us they would appreciate guidance on inclusion. So we worked with teachers and schools to develop and publish the framework which helps schools support students with special educational needs and build on good practice. Our policy advice Our responsibility to provide the Minister with expert, independent, evidenceinformed policy advice on special education is very important. We are particularly conscious of the far reaching consequences this role could have for the provision of education to future generations of Irish children with special educational needs. Our research findings inform our policy advice. But we also take great care to consult widely and listen to what parents, students, teachers and other stakeholders InTouch December 2013 Special Education tell us about what is working well and what needs to change. We are fortunate that we have a built-in consultative mechanism in place through the NCSE Consultative Forum. This comprises 20 individuals nominated by educational and advocacy bodies, and allows us to access a wide range of expertise and viewpoints. The Consultative Forum provides valuable guidance to inform the development of policy advice by the NCSE. To date we have published four policy advice papers on supporting students with special educational needs in schools; managing challenging behaviour; the education of Deaf and hard of hearing children; and the future role of special schools and classes. All our policy advice papers are published on the NCSE website. Our information for parents Our research among parents in 2010 showed high levels of satisfaction with the support their children receive. However, it also identified the need for better information for parents. In response, we published an Information Booklet for Parents of Children with Special Educational Needs in 2011. The booklet answers questions parents ask on a daily basis about the range of supports in schools, how a child’s educational needs are assessed and what a child will learn at school. This year, we published a complementary booklet Choosing a School: A Guide for Parents and Did you know • 2003 marked the birth of the National Council for Special Education. • In 2004, €468m was invested in additional special educational supports in schools. This year, over €1.3bn is being invested (15% of the entire education budget). • Approximately 45,000 students receive additional resource teaching support in schools and around 22,000 students are supported by special needs assistants. • There are now 16 research reports published on our website with more to come. • Research findings inform our policy advice. But we also take great care to consult widely and listen to what parents, students, teachers and other stakeholders tell us about what is working well and what needs to change. • Our Information Booklet for Parents of Children with Special Educational Needs answers questions parents ask on a daily basis. • Over 140,000 applications for resource teacher and SNA support from schools processed since 2005. Guardians of Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs. Both booklets have been widely circulated to schools and parents and warmly welcomed by parent organisations. Our next steps We will continue to process applications from schools for additional teaching and SNA support along with all the other supports provided through us. We are currently working on a proposal to change the way additional teaching supports are allocated to schools. We believe that the current approach does not always ensure that those with the greatest need have access to the greatest levels of support. We have already met with INTO representatives on this process and will continue to consult with stakeholders. Next year, we will be developing policy advice in the area of autism and have commissioned two pieces of independent research to inform this work. We look forward to continuing to work together in developing special education. Teresa Griffin is the CEO of the National Council for Special Education. For further information see InTouch December 2013 37 Newsdesk News from the world of education and trade unionism, at home and abroad History lessons launched On 13 November the Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn and the Minister for the Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan jointly launched new history lesson plans for primary schools. The lesson plans are based on A history of Ireland in 100 objects, the collaborative project involving the National Museum of Ireland, The Irish Times and the Royal Irish Academy (RIA). The lesson plans focus on 14 of the 100 objects from 5,000 BC to 1926. They include the Tara Brooch, King William’s Gauntlets, Daniel O’Connell’s ‘chariot’, an Emigrant’s Teapot and an Eileen Gray chair. The full list is available online at and includes curriculum links, teaching ideas and activities for primary school children. The lesson plans are supported by a wide range of audio and visual material. In the October InTouch we published an article from Pauline McNamara, Project Coordinator, Royal Irish Academy on the lesson plans. You can view this article online at Sixth Class Central Model Senior School students Presley Ogedegbe and Caitlin Whelan, pour some tea for Minister Jimmy Deenihan (left) author Fintan O’Toole (centre), and Minister Ruairí Quinn at the launch. Photo: John T Ohle Photography Best wishes to Paddy Members of the Leadership and Planning Programme of the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) made a presentation to Paddy Flood, former head of the Leadership Development for Schools programme, at a recent function. Paddy is changing roles within the PDST to act as Deputy Director with the Junior Cert reform programme. Tributes were paid to Paddy at the function from members of the primary and post primary strands of the Leadership and Planning Programme for his innovative work leading LDS. Despite the many challenges facing school leaders over the period, Paddy InTouch December 2013 and his team had established support programmes including Misneach for newly appointed principals, and Forbairt for existing principals. As well as this a postgraduate diploma in educational leadership programme titled Tóraíocht was developed in partnership with NUIM. Pictured at the function are members of the Leadership and Planning team Jennifer Dooley, Pat Hanrahan (Director of Clare Education Centre), Elaine O’Connor, Paddy Flood, Catherine Flanagan, John O’Donnell and Fiona Dunne. 39 Ócáidí Nuachta New Allianz Cumann na mBunscol initiative in Garden County A new initiative started in primary schools in Co Wicklow last year in conjunction with Wicklow Coaching and Games Development and Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Cill Mhantáin. The aim of the Garden County flag was to establish firm links between schools and their local clubs and, of course, promote Gaelic games for children. This flag was presented to successful schools who met the Garden County GAA flag criteria. Some of the criteria was to take part in coaching sessions organised by the club/ school link coach, to hold an internal school blitz, to complete the skills test, to attend five Allianz Cumann na mBunscol blitzes, to implement the ABC Nursery programme with junior infants to first class, to appoint a club/school liaison officer, for a teacher to attend a Wicklow Coaching and Games Development workshop, for the Give Respect Get Respect programme to be implemented and a GAA club notice board to be active and regularly updated in schools. This meant that the link between the school and the local club was encouraged to flourish with benefit to both parties. A great evening was had in Lynhams of Laragh where schools from around the county gathered for the presentation of the Garden County flags to 51 schools that met the criteria. Jimmy Dunne, Wicklow County Board, welcomed everyone on the evening. Jim O’Riordán, Cathaoirleach, Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Cill Mhantáin, spoke about the huge input of teachers into the development of gaelic games in our primary schools and encouraged new members to get involved. He also praised the Garden County GAA flag initiative and thanked the coaches and county board for their input in schools. Hugh Kenny then went through the criteria required and named the successful schools while Jim O’Riordán presented each school with their flag and a 125 and Counting GAA book for their school library. Jimmy Dunne finished proceedings with a draw and some lucky schools won a set of school jerseys, a trip to Croke Park museum, the honour of playing at half time in a Wicklow league match, county players to attend their school for a coaching session and GAA equipment for their school. The Garden County GAA flag initiative really is a worthwhile one and hopefully we will see the flags flying outside many schools in the county. Young Whistlers 2013 A number of counties across Ireland have had the chance to have children referee in Croke Park through the Young Whistlers Programme over the past few years. In 2013, Tyrone Cumann na mBunscol decided, for the first time, to get involved with the Young Whistlers Programme. Cathal O’Hagan, a teacher at St Patrick’s PS, Dungannon, and Fabian McGlone who teaches at St Patrick’s PS, Newtownstewart, are both football referees in Tyrone and were the obvious choices to select and train a boy and girl 40 respectively, for the All Ireland semi final to be held in August. Training began in the two schools in March 2013 and Cathal and Fabian carefully guided their pupils through the various aspects of successful refereeing. They officiated firstly at their own school matches and as they gained experience, county board coaches began to make use of them at non-competitive blitzes. They also attended summer camps to carry out more refereeing duties and by the time All Ireland Semi Final Day had arrived they were more than ready to demonstrate their skills. All in all they had a wonderful experience during the mini games and a memory that they will cherish forever. As a result of their involvement in the Young Whistlers, Tyrone Cumann na mBunscol have decided that refereeing will be a focus for development in their primary schools this year. They will be inviting schools to nominate pupils for training. and hope that this proves to be the beginning of a new era in the development of GAA refereeing in Tyrone. InTouch December 2013 Newsdesk Honour 1913 with full union rights for workers ICTU General Secretary David Begg told Seanad Eireann that until working people in Ireland enjoy the right to bargain collectively with their employers, we are failing to “honour the memory” of the 1913 leaders and activists. Mr Begg made the remarks in an address to Seanad Eireann, the first occasion on which any Congress General Secretary was been invited to do so. Speaking on the theme of the 1913 Lockout and its relevance to modern Ireland, Mr Begg said: “The central objective that the women and men of 1913 fought for – the right of workers to choose their representatives and have them bargain collectively with employers on their behalf – has never been secured. “Indeed it is actively opposed by employers’ organisations, by the IDA, by the Supreme Court, and by some legislators who fear that granting a legal right to collective bargaining would inhibit foreign direct investment. Why that should be when this right is enshrined in ILO Conventions 87 and 98, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, and is the norm in virtual- What is a Fair Hotel? ly every European country (even Britain), is a mystery to me. “So, we can erect statues to the 1913 leaders; we can name bridges after them; we can hold national days of commemoration to salute their sacrifice, but so long as their great grandchildren are deprived of the basic human right that they set out to achieve, then we don’t really honour their memory,” Mr Begg told the Seanad. Mr Begg said youth unemployment levels of 50% in some countries, with seven million not in education or training and 26 million in Europe unemployed were “as close to a social catastrophe as you can get”. He said it was the task of unions in Ireland and elsewhere to make the battle for decent work their major focus in the coming years. He also said that the core mission of trade unionism, to organise workers to force a more just distribution of the wealth created by the markets, remains as it has always been. The address can be viewed on the ICTU website at Fair Hotels are hotels that treat their staff fairly. Fair Hotels understand that the hospitality industry is a people industry and that in order to attract and retain a skilled and committed workforce; staff must know that their work is valued. Fair Hotels pay a fair day’s pay for a fair day's work. They accept that hotel workers deserve to be paid a fair wage on which to support themselves and their families. Fair Hotels take their responsibilities as employers seriously. They respect the fundamental human right of workers to a voice at work. They engage in collective bargaining with staff. Fair Hotels realise that hotel workers value quality jobs – jobs that are worth protecting. Both collectively and individually, workers in Fair Hotels strive to protect their livelihoods by securing the viability of their hotel. See 1913 Lockout exhibition at the National Museum To mark the 100th anniversary of the Dublin Lockout of 1913, Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts Heritage and Gaeltacht opened ‘1913 Lockout: Impact and Aftermath’, at the National Museum of Ireland. The exhibition draws on objects from the museum’s own collections to tell the story of the Lockout. It documents life in Dublin in 1913, the key players and events surrounding the Lockout and its aftermath as well as the formation of the Citizen Army, the women’s suffrage movement and the rise of trade unions. Central to the exhibition will be the original Starry Plough flag which made its first appearance with the Irish Citizen Army in April 1914 in Dublin. The flag then flew over the Imperial Hotel on O’Connell Street during the 1916 Rising. It will be displayed here for the first time in 25 years after recent conservation funded by the members of the Labour Party. The exhibition will also include the Larkin Banner, on loan from the Irish Labour History Society. This exhibition will run until the end of June, 2014. Fair Shop campaign A key and primary objective of Fair Shop is to support and promote quality employment in the retail sector by encouraging trade union members, their families and supporting organisations to make an informed choice to use Fair Shop designated retail outlets. Fair Shop will encourage you the consumer to use unionised shops rather than non-unionised shops. Fair Shop will also help reward retailers that recognise and do business with Mandate by increasing their business and market share. What constitutes a Fair Shop? A company or retail outlet that recognises Mandate for collective bargaining purposes. InTouch December 2013 Background to Fair Shop – A Message from John Douglas, Mandate General Secretary The background to the Fair Shop initiative is the ever increasing pressure on the organised retail sector by the actions of some retailers who do not respect their workers or their workers’ right to be collectively represented by a trade union. The impact is the constant attack on agreed wages and conditions resulting in a race to the bottom. The retail sector in general is suffering from the recession and the austerity policies of Government. The domestic economy has shrunk by over 25% in the last few years. As you are only too well aware, workers and consumers have less money to spend in retail and are becoming more conscious of where they spend their money, many seeking out value for money at any cost. In a shrinking market it is important that union members and their families across Ireland support the retail companies who support their workers – Fair Shops. See 41 Ócáidí Nuachta Education project in Nicaragua funded by INTO Mothers and children involved in ADIC’s education programme demand the right to live without violence. From 27 December 2012 to 5 August 2013 a project that benefited 120 children between the ages of six and 13, attending both primary and secondary school, was organised by Asociación para el Desarrollo Integral Comunitario (ADIC). Eighty five of these were in the city of Matagalpa (48 girls and 37 boys) and 35 in the rural area of Tijerina (14 girls and 21 boys). The project was supported through the INTO Solidarity Fund and assisted the remuneration of a psychologist who worked with these children for six months to support their education and promote the habit of reading. The project also encompassed the provision of before and after school clubs for the same children. Two two hour sessions were held (to cater for children attending the morning and afternoon shifts in schools), every Tuesday and Thursday. The project was possible because of the provision of suitable reading material by the Nicaraguan organisation Books for Children. The books provided were designed to promote the values of non-violence, gender equality, environmental sustainability, children’s rights, and cultivation of reading for enjoyment. Many of these children were also given grants to cover the costs of schooling – uniforms, textbooks and stationary. The project also provided workshops for the older children on the following themes: • Personal development. • The environment. • Sexual health. • Child protection. • A programme called Football for Peace that promotes positive attitudes, greater social cohesion, organisational skills and conflict resolution. The ADIC were very happy with the outcomes and recorded many achievements through the project that benefited the children involved, namely: • Higher levels of self-esteem among the children. • Enhanced sense of responsibility among children. • Children are more able to offer opinions and make proposals. • Better academic results by children. One of the interesting ‘by products’ of the project, recorded by ADIC, was the higher involvement of parents and, interestingly, a reduction in ‘adultist’ or authoritarian attitudes on the part of parents and teachers towards children. The INTO Solidarity fund was delighted to be associated with this project. Join Rothar Africa’s journey through Africa! Rothar are offering a unique opportunity for you and your class to join their journey through Africa. They are a team of four cycling for charity from Cairo to Cape Town over six months. Sadhbh McKenna, a primary teacher in Tallaght, and her team departed in September and hope to arrive in Cape Town by April. They have just reached the spectacular Ethiopian highlands. Check out their schools’ specific blog in which they answer questions that classrooms ask about the countries they pass through. Schools can check out photos of the interesting educational things that they find on their journey, such as the pyramids in Egypt, the local trades in Sudan and how children fetch water in Ethiopia. They can also keep an eye out for what Trunky (their mascot) has been up to! As well as all this they are running regular competitions; if children answer a simple question they post on their website they might win FREE ice cream for the whole class! Why are Rothar Africa doing this? Aside from their obvious love of travelling, they wanted to take on a challenge that would be interesting for people to follow in order to help them raise money 42 Sadhbh (left) pictured with her fiancee, Kyle, an avid photographer, Niamh, a doctor and keen sportsperson who has worked all over Africa, more recently with MSF. Also pictured is Isidro, a nurse with MSF and also the group communicator. for causes they are passionate about. They hope to raise €36,000, of which €18,000 will go Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to fund emergency medical relief in the Congo. €18,000 will go to Room to Read to fund the publication and distribution of 9,000 copies of a local language book in Zambia. For more information on both charities and the projects they aim to fund, visit Anything from a book swap to an Africa day at school! They have lots more ideas on the website. They also want to promote literacy at home as well as in the developing world so if your school is in need of funding for literacy, Rothar Africa are encouraging you to split the proceeds. Any money raised can be transferred directly to the charities via their online donation button on the website. What can you do? Rothar Africa would love your class to run a small event to help them raise funds. Contact [email protected] Website: InTouch December 2013 Newsdesk Stay safe online this Christmas McAfee, the dedicated security company recently released its annual 12 Scams of Christmas list to educate the public on the most common scams that criminals use during the holiday season to take advantage of consumers as they shop on their digital devices. Cybercriminals use these scams to steal personal information, earn fast cash, and spread malware. Ensure that you are taking all precautions to protect data saved on your devices. This is especially true if you bank online. “The potential for identity theft increases as consumers share personal information across multiple devices that are often under protected,” said Michelle Dennedy, Vice President and Chief Privacy Officer at McAfee. “Understanding criminals’ mindsets and being aware of how they try to take advantage of consumers can help ensure that we use our devices the way they were intended – to enhance our lives, not jeopardize them.” To help consumers stay safe, McAfee has identified this year’s top 12 Scams of Christmas: 1. Not-so-merry mobile apps To avoid malicious apps that could steal your information, stick to the official app stores for downloads and purchases. 2. Holiday mobile SMS scams Stay away from links in text messages that offer to update or install an app. FakeInstaller tricks Android users into thinking it is a legitimate installer for an application and then quickly takes advantage of the unrestricted access to smartphones, sending SMS messages to premium rate numbers without the user’s consent. 3. Hot holiday gift scams Be wary of deals on popular gadgets that are too good to be true and double-check prices directly with the retailer. Clever crooks will post dangerous links, phony contests on social media sites, and send phishing emails to entice viewers to reveal personal information or download malware onto their devices. hardware, and more. A hotel’s wi-fi may claim that you need to install software before using it and instead infect your computer with malware if you ‘agree’. 5. Dangerous e-seasons greetings Legitimate looking e-cards wishing friends ‘Season’s Greetings’ can cause unsuspecting users to download ‘Merry Malware’ such as a Trojan or other virus after clicking a link or opening an attachment. Before you open an e-card, verify it’s from someone you know and it’s from a trustworthy site. 6. Deceptive online games Avoid unknown websites serving up popular online games. Check reviews and stick to known sites. 7. Shipping notifications scams Phony shipping notifications can appear to be from a mailing service alerting you to an update on your shipment when, in reality, they are scams carrying malware and other harmful software designed to infect your computer or device. Think twice before clicking links in notification emails and always verify the company before giving out your information. 8. Bogus gift cards An easy go-to gift for the holidays, gift cards can be promoted via deceptive ads, especially on Facebook, Twitter, or other social sites, that claim to offer exclusive deals on gift cards or packages of cards. Only buy gift cards from official retailers – not third party websites. 9. Holiday sMiShing Be wary of text messages asking for account verifications and never provide passwords in text messages. Some scammers even include the first few digits of your credit card number in the SMS message to fool you into a false sense of safety. 10. Fake charities Donating to charities is common this time of year for many looking to help the less fortunate. Before donating, check the web address carefully and look for fake logos or text with altered charity names. 11. Romance scams With so many niche dating sites now available to Internet users, it can be difficult to know exactly who the person is behind the screen. Many messages sent from an online friend can include phishing scams, where the person accesses your personal information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details. 12. Phony e-tailers The convenience of online shopping does not go unnoticed by cyber scrooges. With so many people planning to shop online, scammers set up phony e-commerce sites to steal your money and personal data. Additional resources For more information on McAfee’s 12 Scams of Christmas list and tips on how to stay safe while using digital devices, check out: 4. Seasonal travel scams Websites offering great airfare or hotel deals could be luring you into a trap, double-check before you click. Phony travel deal links and notifications are common, as are hackers waiting to steal your identity upon arrival. When logging into an infected PC with an email username and password, scammers can install keylogging spyware, keycatching InTouch December 2013 43 Ócáidí Nuachta South-East Educational Research Conference Co Wexford Education Centre will host an Education Research Conference on 22 March 2014 in the Education Centre, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford. Researchers are invited to present papers from their chosen field of study in education. The keynote address will be given by Enniscorthy native, Dr Eamonn Wall, Professor of Irish Studies and Professor of English at the University of Missouri – St Louis, USA, also an author of six collections of poetry. This one-day conference is designed to give researchers and teachers an opportunity to present and discuss their research in an informal and collegial setting. It is also a unique opportunity for researchers to share their research findings with colleagues and have their work published in the Annual Conference Journal. Applications Application forms, available from the Centre, must be accompanied by an abstract of 150-200 words (maximum) including a title, field of study and your contact details. Papers should be no more than 25 minutes long. A further 10 minutes (max) will be allowed for discussion. Applications will be accepted on a first come basis. The closing date for submission of the fully completed research paper for the conference journal is Friday, 7 March 2014, and Powerpoint presentations to be used by presenters must be submitted not later than Friday, 21 March 2014. Expressions of interest and queries should be sent to conference co-ordinator, Celia Walsh ([email protected]) or Centre Secretary, Helen Kirwan, ([email protected]). Dr Eamonn Wall, Professor of Irish Studies and Professor of English at the University of Missouri – St Louis, USA, Education Matters Yearbook launched Minister for Research and Innovation Seán Sherlock officially launched the Education Matters Yearbook 2013 on Thursday, 14 November, 2013 at the National University of Ireland in Dublin. In his address, the minister outlined how the Education Matters Yearbook is now established as a key publication in Irish education, that provides its readers with a critical and informative insight into the whole of the Irish educational system in a given year. Acknowledging the representativeness of the Yearbook for all sectors of the Irish educational system, Minister Sherlock stated: “one does not have to agree with every opinion or point-of-view outlined in the Yearbook but it is exactly this critical, dialogic perspective which makes Education Matters an important and highly valuable contribution to the debate, discussion and reflection that are so central to education”. In his address at the launch, Chancellor of the NUI, Professor Maurice Manning, especially noted the Yearbook’s comprehensiveness in its engagement with, and synthesis of, current key issues in Irish education: “For many of us involved in education, there is a natural tendency to become very focused on our own area of the educational system and the issues immediately relevant to our own role. However, the constituent parts of the education system have a high degree of interdependence and it is important that we have an awareness of the issues affecting other areas within education and 44 At the launch of this year’s Education Matters Yearbook were (l-r): Dr Tony Hall, Yearbook Editor and Lecturer, School of Education, NUI Galway; Seán Sherlock, Minister for Research and Innovation; Professor Nollaig MacCongáil, Registrar and Deputy President, NUI Galway; and Professor Maurice Manning, Chancellor of the National University of Ireland. indeed the operation of the system as a whole.” Education Matters began as a newsprint publication in 1987. Over the years it was carried as a supplement by various national newspapers. Contributors included Dr Anthony Clare, Gemma Hussey, Cynthia Ní Mhurchú, Vivian Cassells, Louis O’Flaherty, Dr Eileen Doyle and other well-known and respected writers. The first Education Matters Yearbook was published in 2006. Also at the launch, NUI Galway’s School of Education announced the development of its new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): Talking about Teaching. Though designed principally for teachers in Ireland, this new online course will also be freely and openly available to all with an interest in Irish education. Talking about Teaching will focus on key contemporary issues in Irish education, with input from key stakeholders. The course can be undertaken online for free, or the whole course and a small assessment can be completed for certification. InTouch December 2013 Teaching matters Articles and opinions on primary teaching, with tips and ideas for the classroom Congratulations to FÍS film project winners The ninth FÍS Film Festival took place at the Helix in DCU in November. Pupils, teachers and parents attended from each of the 24 shortlisted schools and a wonderful time was had by all. Our congratulations to all of the winners for a wonderful celebration of creativity and for all of the hard work that goes into making these wonderful films. A special word of congratulations to the winners of this year’s Aileen McKeogh award, St Colman’s NS, Derrinabroc, Ballaghaderreen, Co Mayo, with the film Schooldays Over, a vivid and moving portrayal of school life in bygone days, as experienced by local man, Tom Finn (94), who also stars in the film. We were delighted to welcome Tom and his family to the Helix for the awards ceremony, and of course the pupils of St Colman’s NS, along with their principal, Dermot Dillon. A special mention also to Little Angels Special School, who came all the way from Donegal, to accept their award for their film The Little Lamb. Details of all the winners, including their films, are available on the FÍS Film Project website. So, what is FÍS? FÍS is a film project for primary schools that explores film as a medium of expression and introduces children to aspects of the film-making process, while also supporting the aims and objectives of the primary school curriculum. FÍS and learning FÍS enables children to learn about the techniques involved in telling a story through film, including: planning, scripting, storyboarding, cameras, lighting, audio, music, set design, post production editing, costume and of course acting. Throughout the process, children also develop skills in communicating, working in a team, taking responsibility, collaborating with others, making decisions and problem solving. From a curricular perspective, FÍS is a fantastic way to mediate a particular curricular strand/strand unit, while integrating a InTouch December 2013 previous years. If you are in any doubt about entering, why not try it out with your class and, when you and your pupils become more confident, consider entering. The deadline for entry is the end of June in any school year, so there’s no need to commit before then! Children from St Colman’s NS, Ballaghaderreen, Co Mayo, accept their award for the film Schooldays Over. variety of subject areas. Whether it is through a re-enactment of an historical event (integrating SESE, drama, literacy, music, visual arts to name but a few) or through the conveying of a social message on the theme of bullying (integrating SPHE as well as many of the above areas), the FÍS methodology provides a rich, engaging (and fun!) learning experience for pupils. FÍS film format Films must be five minutes or less in duration. Some of the popular formats from previous entrants include: • Historical re-enactments. • Local history documentaries. • Animation (using clay, lego and other materials). • Mysteries and thrillers. • SPHE themed productions. • Irish legends. • Documentaries (current affairs, travel, sport). • Reality TV. • Comedies. • Cuirfear fáilte ar leith roimh scannáin as Gaeilge. Participating without entering The Film Festival is a great celebration for the lucky finalists. However, FÍS is rooted in the process rather than the product, with the objective of promoting the use of film to support teaching and learning in the primary classroom. It is possible to participate without ever entering the competition and some schools have done this in Support for teachers There are a number of supports available to teachers wishing to engage in the process. To find out more about the actual process, read Anne Moriarty’s A Teacher’s Diary on the FÍs Film Project website which outlines her path to producing a FÍs film with her pupils. Consider doing the FÍS Interactive Online Course. This is a self-paced course that outlines all the skills and activities involved in making a film with the emphasis being on the children being the creators. Approach your local education centre and ask if any support groups are taking place in your locality. Support groups can be arranged (funded by PDST Technology in Education) if sufficient numbers apply. If you know of other teachers in your school who are interested in getting involved, a whole school training session can be organised. A minimum of 10 teachers is required. More information The FÍS Film Project is run by the National Film School at the Institute of Art, Design and Technology and PDST Technology in Education (formerly NCTE). Log on to for more information on all of the above. PDST Technology in Education website Go n-éirí libh! Compiled by Madeleine Murray, PDST Technology in Education 45 Cúrsaí Teagaisc An effective anti-racism resource I am a primary school teacher in Scoil Choilm Community National School in Dublin 15. Our school prides itself on its ethos of acceptance of all faiths and none. Our school is committed to a spirit of inclusion, equality and partnership in education. We encourage the children to respect diversity and we take every opportunity to celebrate individuality. In Scoil Choilm, we hosted an antibullying and anti-racism week where we tried to raise awareness of bullying and racism in our school community and to create positive attitudes towards diversity. We used the Show Racism the Red Card education pack to organise activities and to teach lessons. We found it a very useful tool and the children really got involved. The awareness raised about racism has had a huge impact on the children and the parents and, as a result, there has been a significant decline in racist behaviour and bullying incidents. A fifth class pupil states; “Show Racism the Red Card made me realise how someone feels when they are called nasty names”. Show Racism the Red Card’s creative competition gave us the idea to hold a mini-concert where each year group chose a song with an anti-racism theme for example fourth class sang Michael Jackson’s Man in the Mirror. We recorded the performance and went on to win the video category in the Show Racism the Red Card’s creative competition, receiving a school laptop as our prize. Show Racism the Red Card’s relevance to the curriculum Schools are now drawing up anti-bullying policies at the request of the DES (Department of Education and Skills) and there are many forms of bullying to consider; verbal, physical, exclusion, racism and homophobic bullying. Not only do policies have to outline procedures for resolving conflict but, more importantly, they have to include preventative measures to tackle bullying. The DES has published an action plan on bullying which recommends that “schools promote a culture and climate that is welcoming of diversity” (p.108). Schools need to find ways to value and respect each child, Show Racism the Red Card endeavours to do this. Rather than focusing on punitive measures to deal with the perpetrator, this resource gives many fresh and innovative ideas that help schools to combat racism. Show Racism the Card is an educational resource pack which aims to inform youths about racism. It gives children the 46 In the Aviva Stadium at the Show Racism the Red Card Creative Competition Awards Exhibition 2013 were, from left, Philip McMahon, Dublin footballer, Indira Kaljo, Meteor Women’s Super League basketball, RTÉ children’s TV presenter Diana Bunici, Cliodhna O’Connor, Dublin Ladies Football, Kevin Kilbane, former Republic of Ireland international, Eoin Reddan, Leinster and Ireland Rugby, and Jason Sherlock, former Dublin footballer, with pupils from Scoil Choilm, Clonsilla, Dublin. Photographer: Matt Browne, Sportsfile opportunity to recognise that we are all different and that this is something to be respected and celebrated rather than discriminated against. This anti-racism resource is designed to be taught as part of the SPHE curriculum in the senior classes, under the strand units of Developing Citizenship, Media Studies and Myself and the Wider World. The teacher and pupils are provided with a variety of lessons which explain racism, outline the consequences of racism and encourage the children to challenge racism. In addition to the lessons, themes such as belonging and stereotyping are explored through hands on, fun activities like walking debates and real life scenarios and improvisations. There is also a vocabulary section which defines key terms in relation to racism, which is very useful for teachers. This is clearly outlined in the action plan on bullying from the DES; schools need to “consistently tackle the use of discriminatory and derogatory language in the school – this includes homophobic and racist language” (Appendix 2). The pack also contains a DVD. Each section of the DVD targets an area of racism. There are questions to accompany each section of the DVD which allow for class discussion, thus making the resource very teacher friendly. The DES published guidelines in 2005 on enabling children to respect and celebrate diversity and challenge unfair discrimination in Intercultural education in primary schools. It suggests that children are given opportunities to become respectful individuals, “the development of positive emotional responses to diversity and an empathy with those discriminated against plays a vital role in intercultural education”, (p.21). The DVD includes sports stars speaking of their experience of racism. This gives the children the opportunity to understand how it feels to be subject to racism and to empathise with the victim. Practical school events are also suggested, for example, an Equality Audit and an Anti-Racism World Cup. The DES’s action plan on bullying suggests that schools “display key respect messages in the classroom, in assembly areas and around the school”. This can be completed by organising your class to take part in the creative competition run by Show Racism the Red Card, where children create posters and anti-racism slogans. In Scoil Choilm, the children came up with slogans like ‘It’s not big to make others feel small’ and ‘Be a Buddy, not a Bully’. The DES’s Action Plan 2013 on Bullying also states “CPD should include awareness raising around all forms of bullying” (p.109). The Show Racism the Red Card initiative provides training for teachers who wish to learn more about racism and how to prevent it in schools. Show Racism the Red Card is an excellent resource for schools as it enables young people to develop positive attitudes towards diversity. Also it gives the children the opportunity to create good respectful relationships with others regardless of ethnicity. The resource is easily integrated into the SPHE plan and is an excellent tool for use in schools’ anti-bullying and anti-racism policies. Laura Maher, Scoil Choilm, Clonsilla, Dublin 15. Find out more about Show Racism the Red Card at www. or email [email protected] InTouch December 2013 Teaching Matters A primary Christmas Unless you've been a primary teacher in an infant classroom at some stage in your career, you probably won’t really understand the true madness and mayhem of mid-December. Preparing for Christmas at home is easy in comparison to the challenges of working with 30 four and five year olds at this time of the year. While their excitement mounts with each passing day, the increasingly fraught teacher tries to teach the children some sense of the true meaning of Christmas, while ensuring that everyone has a home-made decoration for their Christmas tree at home, that everyone has a letter written to Santa and, of course, that everyone has a part in the Nativity Play. And there’s the challenge! With up to 30 in a class, how do you assemble a cast for the play in a fair and equitable way? How can you possibly have a part for every child that showcases their many talents, that caters for the reticent and the profoundly shy, that takes account of the child who stammers, that makes allowances for the hyperactive and for the child with the weak bladder? And how do you satisfy the pushy parent who is convinced that their darling should have one of the lead roles? There can only be one Mary and one Joseph and the three wise men is, unfortunately, a given. I have learned the hard way that it’s difficult to have more than one child carrying the star. There was lots of unseemly pushing and shoving when it was shared. There is some leeway, thankfully, with shepherds. I’ve had Christmas plays with up to seven shepherds waving madly to the angels. They subsequently had to squeeze their way into a very crowded stable to get even a glimpse of the Baby Jesus. Similarly, the innkeepers can vary in number and gender, depending on how many children are capable of learning the line, “Sorry, we’ve no room tonight. Try next door, they just might.” However, as our school generally recycles the props of the doors from the three little pigs’ houses of straw, wood and bricks, as the front doors of the inns, teachers generally tried to limit it to three innkeepers if at all possible. As a rule, the boys usually object to dressing up as angels, but this role does help to use up at least six of the angelic looking little girls. However, my experience has been that, strangely, the more angelic they look, the less InTouch December 2013 angelic they actually behave on stage! One of the major dilemmas for infant teachers is to decide whether or not to dress some children up as animals: there is indeed scope for a donkey, a cow, several sheep and even three camels. But, if there is to be any semblance of adherence to the script, the donkey and the camels have to be ridden. This poses severe logistical problems as Mary and the Wise Men would have to be limited to light, agile children who could easily dismount in the event of a malfunctioning animal. The sheep would have to be carried or, at worst, led along on a lead. I recall a year when this lead appeared to tighten on one child as the play progressed and her vigilant mother leapt to her rescue just as the shepherd was about to hand her over as a gift to Joseph and just before she choked. The last time I had an infant class, I opted for sheep of the cuddly variety and a donkey that had miraculously transformed into a toy horse that could be pulled along by a strong and robust Joseph. I knew that Mary was an accomplished Irish dancer who could jump on and off the horse/donkey at will without a major risk of falling. The narrator’s part can, thankfully, be sub-divided into a number of different parts for each scene of the Nativity story and, with each narrator dressed in a dressing gown and a teatowel on his/her head, they are immensely versatile. They can substitute at short notice for either a shepherd or an innkeeper at any given time. As, invariably, there is either an outbreak of flu or chicken pox or scabies or impetigo or the dreaded head-lice during the week leading up to the Nativity play, it is always wise to have at least some ‘sensible’ children who know the lines of a few characters and who are dressed on the day of the play so that they are interchangeable with any of the spoken parts. You probably have all heard the story of the little boy who cried because he wanted to be Round John Virgin. But have you heard of the wise teacher who set her Nativity Play in a cave instead of a stable? She needed at least two icicles to illustrate just how freezing cold the cave really was on that first Christmas. The children learned all about the water cycle and how real icicles cannot move or speak. The two children lucky enough to be given the parts of icicles had to stay absolutely still to show that the weather really was cold when the Baby Jesus was born! Kathryn Crowley, Principal, St Louise de Marillac JNS, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10. I have learned the hard way that it’s difficult to have more than one child carrying the star 47 Cúrsaí Teagaisc The ghosts of Christmas Ho ho ho and tiz the season. Sleigh bells ring and cash registers jingle all the way through the shopping days’ countdown. Frazzled shoppers are checking their lists and trying to keep within budgets restricted by the bailouts, job losses and spending cuts. For many people, the seasonal muzak creates stress and anxiety as they yearn for the Christmases – and incomes – they used to know. For this reason many schools have put in place a No Gifts For Teachers policy. Quite rightly, no one wants to overburden families under pressure, nor cause any discomfort to a child who has 48 no gift to bring. Furthermore, there is a belief that teachers are paid (indeed, overpaid according to some voices in the media) for the work they do and therefore Christmas presents are superfluous and unnecessary. Then there is the bah-humbug-Scrooge philosophy and the DownWith-That-Sort-Of-Commercial-Materialistic-Thing viewpoint wafting on the pine-needles-mulled-wine-mince-piescented air. This is all valid, true and has merit, and yet … and yet. I see the custom of bringing gifts to the teacher as part of the tradition of ‘Christmas InTouch December 2013 Teaching Matters presents Boxes’ which reaches back through generations.The Christmas Box was an expression of gratitude and appreciation of service given, an acknowledgement of a mutual relationship. In some short stories and memoirs from rural Ireland fadó, fadó, one reads of people going to town “to bring the Christmas home”. This often included a box presented by a shop regularly frequented containing food, cakes, candles and even whiskey, as Michael J. Murphy recalled in At Slieve Gullion’s Foot in 1975. My own family experience can be added to that. My parents had a small newsagents and every year my father organised a Christmas ‘gift’ for regular and loyal customers. I remember calendars, pens and lighters (not just for the smokers but also the candle-lovers!) bearing the shop’s name and logo. Yes, it was advertising, but it was also letting customers know that they were valued and that we appreciated their business. It was not all one way either. My parents received many kind tokens from some of the regulars; bottles of wine, homemade cakes, even a voucher for a meal in a local, rather nice hotel. Quite a treat. Had these customers paid for everything they had got in the shop? Of course! These Christmas boxes were not so much about rewarding the job my parents did, but more acknowledging the way they did it; the cheery banter, the customer service, the personal touch. For me, such gestures and tokens are a tangible sign of internal feelings and a way we give thanks and express appreciation. It is a way to put into practice ‘an attitude of gratitude’ as our American cousins might say. Gratitude, as with the quality of mercy, blesses those who give and those who take. In the US, Professor Robert Emmons conducted a study into the effects of the practice of gratitude and has found many positive benefits, including feeling more alert, having increased energy and generally feeling better about oneself. Some years ago the Irish Hospice Foundation brought out The Thank You Book and, in it, clinical psychologist Dr Marie Murray notes the positive effects of being thankful. In the introduction she states that our physical wellbeing, our emotional stability and our mental health are all enhanced by the practice of gratitude. Hence, the book encourages awareness of all that is worthy of thanks in our lives and suggests a daily practice of writing with gratitude in order to connect with, and avail of, all the positive, life-enhancing benefits. As someone who has been teaching for some time (say no more!), since the days before policies go leor, I have been the lucky and happy recipient of many gifts from many a pupil and I have to say that I value and treasure them. For me, they are symbols of the connections, the relationships, the little actions, the many ordinary and sometimes remarkable moments that make our learning communities. Every time I wrap my cosy, festive red scarf around my neck each December I gratefully think of warm smiled Keith and remember his ability for posing thought provoking questions. When I am hanging decorations on my Christmas tree there are so many that make me pause to think of the brighteyed, excited, young children who gave me the small, knobbly, tissue wrapped, sticky-tape-choked packages. As the plastic Santas and ornaments dance and sway each year, they remind me that I am lucky to do a job I love. When I use the gold trimmed poinsettia splashed mug I feel honoured and grateful to be trusted by parents to work with their children. When I use the gifts they bring the vision of the child as I knew her/him to my mind. (To borrow from Bob Dylan, they are forever young). I also think of their parents and families. I once heard a Methodist minister preach: “Where we give a thought, God can make a blessing” so I hope that all those remembering thoughts from me result in many positive things and blessings for all those good people. It really IS the thought that counts. If gratitude is a two way process then we teachers can also do things to express our gratitude to the pupils in our care, and their families, and most of us do. The stickers, pencils, fancy erasers, decorations etc. we give to our classes can be seen as a ‘thanks’ from us to them (and aren’t we all grateful for the budget shops that help our euro go further when shopping for our class sizes!). An important part of the learning process are the atmosphere, and the relationships of trust, we create and maintain. We all have our own customs, habits and ways of showing appreciation. The important thing is to feel it and do it. So being grateful, and showing it, is good for your health – yours, mine and everyone’s. Therefore it is important for children’s health and mental wellbeing to develop their gracious, thankful attributes through good manners and kindnesses. So while we are telling families No Gifts, for all the good reasons mentioned, the children can still cultivate a gratitude habit by word, smile, or writing on a card. Or making one. Nothing says ‘thank you’ quite like a card abrasive with a ton of cascading, teeth-grating glitter and soggy with glue! Happy Christmas to one and all ... and thanks! Mary Finnegan, B.Ed., M.Rel. Ed (Primary) Hons is a teacher in St Vincent de Paul Infant School, Griffith Ave, Dublin 9. … it is important for children’s health and mental wellbeing to develop their gracious, thankful attributes through good manners and kindnesses InTouch December 2013 49 Cúrsaí Teagaisc Lexiles in the Lexiles defined The Lexile Framework for Reading is a scientific approach to measuring text difficulty and reading ability, putting both texts and readers on the same scale to accurately match readers to texts. A lexile measure for either texts or readers is a simple number followed by an ‘L’ (e.g. ‘850L’). The lexile scale ranges from 200L for a beginning reader to 1700L for advanced texts. Both the lexile measure and lexile scale are integral parts of The Lexile Framework. The lexile measure can be used both to promote reading progress and to assign the right level of reading materials in other curriculum areas. Lexiles are flexible enough to be used as part of any type of reading program. Manage your students’ reading comprehension Lexile measures allow you to manage comprehension. Matching a reader’s lexile measure to a text with the same lexile measure leads to an expected 75% comprehension rate — not too difficult to be frustrating, but difficult enough to be challenging and to encourage reading progress. You Using Lexiles in your classroom • Develop individualised reading lists that are tailored to provide appropriately challenging reading. • Enhance thematic teaching by building a bank of titles at varying levels that not only support the theme, but provide a way for all students to successfully participate in the theme. • Use as an additional organising tool when sequencing materials. For example, you might be choosing one book a month for use as a read-aloud throughout the school year. In addition to considering the topic, you could increase the difficulty of the books throughout the year. This approach is also useful if you are utilising a core program or textbook that is set up in anthology format. (You may find that you need to rearrange the order of the anthologies to best meet your students’ needs.) • Develop a reading folder that goes home with students and comes back for weekly review. 50 The folder can contain a reading list of books within the student’s Lexile range, reports of recent assessments and a parent form to record reading that occurs at home. • Choose texts lower in the student’s lexile range when factors make the reading situation more challenging, threatening or unfamiliar. Select texts at or above the student’s range to stimulate growth when a topic is of extreme interest to a student, or when you will be adding additional support such as background teaching or discussion. • Use the free Lexile book database (at to support book selection and create booklists within a student’s lexile range to help the student make informed choices when selecting texts. • Use the freeLexile calculator (at to gauge expected reading comprehension at different lexile measures for readers and texts. InTouch December 2013 Teaching Matters classroom information for homework. When standards and scores are reported in lexiles, families can be provided with examples of student goals or achievements by converting the lexile measure into a range of familiar texts for outside reading. Lexiles: matching a reader to a text. can further adjust anticipated comprehension simply by choosing more or less difficult texts within a student’s lexile range, which spans 50L above and 100L below his/her lexile measure. Track progress on a day-to-day basis Lexiles provide an authentic measure of reading growth – because they relate to text readability levels. ‘True’ growth takes time – from six months to two years before significant changes can be seen. Easily communicated to families The Lexile Framework provides a clear, non-judgmental way of communicating a student’s reading abilities to parents. It helps you generate reading lists that help parents guide their children to appropriately challenging reading materials. Lexiles can also be used to promote summer reading, and to select books that will provide more easily understood background The Lexile Framework for reading The Lexile Framework is an indispensable part of any reading program. Lexile measures give teachers the confidence to choose materials that will improve student reading skills and take the guesswork out of matching readers with appropriate texts. If you know a student’s lexile measure, you can tell with a great deal of accuracy which books are appropriate for their reading ability. This text is measured at 1340L Edmond Scannell teaches at Catherine McAuley School, Limerick and has trained with MetaMetrics in North Carolina in the Lexile Framework. Lexile measures give teachers the confidence to choose materials that will improve student reading skills and take the guesswork out of matching readers with appropriate texts InTouch December 2013 51 Cúrsaí Teagaisc A curious little incident There is at least one school in Ireland which appears to have escaped the ravages of recession. The evidence for this assertion came to light recently when Jim, the principal, saw what he took to be a salesman walking from across the yard in his direction. It was a brute of a Tuesday morning. A grey rag of a sky was being slowly squeezed on top of them. Jim had been standing at the door of his prefab office with Patrick, the hurling coach. The prefab was called Tara, having been christened by a member of staff with more than a hint of irony. All the prefabs had been given names that reflected aspects of the locality’s history and traditions. The principal turned to Patrick and said, “I thought you were coming tomorrow.” “No, we said today,” replied Patrick. It would appear that principal Jim had boobed again. The rugby coach was booked for the afternoon. His September mental haze hadn’t yet fully lifted and another fine mess had been begotten. Now he’d have complaints about too much PE. As the rain drizzled the pitch, they both watched the youngish, well dressed man with sleeked back fair hair heading for them. All roads lead to Tara, Jim thought to himself. Last thing he wanted this morning was a salesman! Then he thought that he looked like the teacher from St Joseph’s, the school they were due to play in football that week. For one awful moment he feared that he had booked a football match for that day as well. They all exchanged pleasantries. The visitor seemed agreeable and they continued to chat. “The going will be soft,” said the visitor. “No, I don’t think we’ll have too much hurling this morning,” replied Patrick. However, the conversation took a curious turn when “I’m here to do an incidental inspection,” was dropped into the discourse. The visitor was an inspector. Patrick made his excuses, pulled up his hood and headed off. “Well, you’re very welcome.” said Jim, “What’s the name again?” “Philip.” They chatted for a while. He related that his boyhood dream was always to be an inspector. However the twinkle in the eye and the smile betrayed the rogue. Jim told him that he could never understand why anybody wanted to be an inspector, even of trains. At least this fellow wasn’t too stiff 52 and had some semblance of humour. The inspector informed Jim that he would visit three classrooms, junior middle and senior. A few ticks in a questionnaire later and he was on his way to senior infants. The principal walked nonchalantly across the yard to the photocopying room but veered right with a Basil Fawlty-type manoeuvre into sixth class to let teacher know that there was an inspector in the school. “Tá tú ag magadh.” “Fan go bhfeicfidh tú,” he told the teacher. Another seemingly relaxed trot across the yard brought him to the second class room and he imparted the forewarning regarding the forthcoming visit. It’s amazing how the news spreads. They knew already. Jim recalled the principal of his acquaintance who used to send a sixth class child around the classes to inform the teachers that there was an inspector in the school. He walked into one classroom and relayed his message to the teacher: “Tá an cigire sa scoil.” “Go raibh maith agat,” replied the inspector who had arrived just seconds earlier. In his autobiography The Master, Bryan McMahon recounted how the hotel porter and the hackney driver formed a vital part of the inspector alert system in many towns including his native Listowel. The inspector would stop off at the hotel for rest and refreshments, the communication policy would be invoked and news of the arrival would be promptly delivered to the school. The replenished and soon to be impressed inspector would then arrive in a school without a note or an anseo out of place. In many parishes the bush telegraph would swing into action when an inspector was sighted. But not so much anymore. They are now regarded as slightly detached (used to be estranged) colleagues in the business of promoting and improving education. The children have, in a sense, set the tone for this change for while in many cases they don’t take a blind bit of notice, on other occasions they resent the change this visit makes to their schedule. The senior infants teacher turned on the lights and proceeded to set up the projector for class. “Now Peter, múch na soilse,” said teacher to her lights’ man. Peter, all five years of age walked to the switch mumbling, “One minute you turn them off and then you want them on, will you ever make up your mind.” “Peter, do you want to keep your good job,” inquired teacher. The inspector smiled. Peter had set the tone for another normal, wonderful day in senior infants. At the 11 o’clock break Jim noticed that they had no biscuits or cake, nothing but tea and coffee. “If you told us you were coming we’d have made a cake or got a few biscuits,” he said. “Apologies for my lack of courtesy,” he joked. Philip finished at 2 o’clock. He was impressed with what he saw and had a few helpful suggestions. It was a change from the time when the inspector would inform the principal of his findings in Irish within earshot of the class. It was like a secret code, the presumption being that although the children had spent up to eight years learning the language, they possibly couldn’t understand a word of what was being said. He bid Jim farewell while in the background the raindrops went drip-dripdrip down the back of the Chinese torture prefab office. The inspector buttoned up his coat and headed off across the yard. Jim sat back in his chair and did a bit of inspector inspection. He concluded that he was good humoured, understanding, well informed, positive, and constructive with a few useful suggestions and would be more than welcome whenever he chose to return. Jim’s experiences with inspectors, thus far, had in the main been positive and constructive. He had met some thoroughly sound ladies and gentlemen of the profession. However, there was one occasion when the taxman conspired to deduct more than three quarters of his salary from his pay cheque. The eleven o’clock break dragged on a bit. One of his colleagues suggested they ring the bell in case an inspector appeared. “In view of what they paid me, if an inspector shows up, I’ll catch him by the seat of the pants and deposit him on the road.” And wouldn’t you know what happened. His fighting talk was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Cé tá I bhfeighil an clós?” inquired an inspector glancing at his watch. “Ó mise,” said Jim with a not very royal sheepishness. That set the tone for what was a testy encounter. He learned some time later that ‘round about that time the inspector had received bad news about a close family member. In later encounters he proved himself to be a gentleman. The sewing inspector as she was rightly or wrongly known was one woman Jim InTouch December 2013 Teaching Matters hoped he would never meet. She was a legendary figure and her reputation had embroidered many decades. Though of indeterminate age and clad in black, she was a picture of good health when she appeared like a post Halloween spectre at Jim’s classroom door one November morning back in the late 70s. The classroom art was deemed satisfactory though her main interest was the crafts. She wanted to see some weaving. For the first time in his life Jim was introduced to weaving as he unravelled the wool and proceeded to criss-cross the darn on a piece of cardboard while the inspector, glasses perched on the tip of her nose and plumed hat angled on her stylishly coiffured head, took him through the process and taught him the wonderful craft of weaving. The class didn’t know what to make of this new pupil-teacher relationship. Inspectors come in all shapes and forms and manifest every human trait: pomposity, humility, generosity, power, wisdom, humour and empathy. Verbosity was another attribute Jim associated with one or two of them. He had heard about the fellow who went on at length ventilating his ideas, with his free flowing nouns and adjectives being chased by the occasional verb but rarely troubled by a subject. Though now a rarity an occasional model with this patent is still being produced. Along with doctors, dentists, priests, consultants and sergeants, inspectors were always afforded a certain deference. The changes are welcome. Some of the old time inspectors were a law unto themselves. Certain cigirí had reputations that would have got them positions in Attila the Hun’s inner circle. One inspector arrived at a school back in the 50s to find the path to the school entrance under water. The teachers and children had negotiated the ‘torrents’ but the inspector insisted that the principal carry him to save his good leather shoes. If on this occasion you can locate a little bit of Christian charity, you’ll be glad to hear that he arrived in the classroom dry and high. Many years ago, Jim walked into a classroom at lunchtime to find an inspector, previously unknown to him and a teacher, in deep conversation or should I say deep lecture for he, the inspector was pontificating and she, the teacher was very much a captive audience of one with a look that betrayed her utter bewilderment with the proceedings. “I have the ear of the InTouch December 2013 highest, the great and the good in Brussels where new policies and robust ones at that are being formulated for implementation. We will launch a ship of change and renewal on the world of education.” On and on he went as the teacher gazed up at him, open-mouthed while he gazed into her eyes with passionate policy intensity. The laughter welled up inside and Jim had to flee outside and let it all out. Now I told you earlier that there was no recession in that school. Well next morning as Jim stood at the top of the wheelchair access ramp into Tara and gazed out over the expanse of tarmacadam and the row of prefabs, all seemed well in his kingdom. He settled into the office for what he hoped would be an uneventful day. There was a welcome silence for the rain had stopped. But the other torture device rang. It was the secretary and I must add she was not the torturer. “There’s another inspector here to see you,” she informed him. “You’re joking!” She wasn’t. Within minutes Jim was in conversation with another dapper, impressive young man who was outlining his plans for the day. “This is a double pleasure, we haven’t seen an inspector for a few years and then we have two in two days. Who do we thank for having these generous resources lavished upon us?” he told him. That put paid to his planning. “Well there’s no recession in this school,” replied the inspector, “I’ll have to find someone else for the day. Any suggestions?” “Oh there are so many crying out for you, if I recommended one I’d only make enemies of the others. I’m sure you’ll find someone.” He laughed and headed off. Bryan McMahon wouldn’t have approved of the inactivity that governed the following ten minutes of Jim’s career. He never rang the neighbouring schools to tip them off. Or maybe it was a form of Freudian slip. Perhaps we really shouldn’t be too bothered if they come or go! Dan Daly, Principal, Robinstown NS, Navan, Co Meath. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. As the rain drizzled the pitch, they watched the youngish, well dressed man with sleeked back fair hair heading for them. All roads lead to Tara, the principal thought to himself. Last thing he wanted this morning was a salesman! 53 Teaching Matters I have just finished teaching an eight week mindfulness course to a group of 16 year olds and am struck by the richness of learning, communicating and bonding that has taken place. The teacher pupil relationship has been strengthened. We have shared much, in mindful ways, over the past number of weeks. The class teacher and SNA have truly encouraged and inspired me as they have added their own wisdom and creativity to the programme. They have also given credence to this new initiative as they too immersed themselves in the mindfulness lessons. Mindfulness is often described as ‘being present’ and as I reflect I realise that being present is the greatest gift I can offer as a teacher. On any given session of the mindfulness course I offered in school I had to be present to individuals and at times to the class as a whole. I am reminded of one of the earlier sessions when the class teacher came to my resource room indicating that the planned mindfulness lesson for that afternoon could prove difficult as a number of incidents had occurred earlier that day, leaving a heavy mood of agitation. On that occasion I veered from my lesson plan opting to offer students a full relaxation meditation. The class embraced this suggestion and many of them took mats and blankets while others stayed seated at their desks. This lying down meditation is a version of the ‘body scan’ for those of you familiar with the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme or the aptly named ‘beditation’ from the .b Programme (pronounced dot b). Lessons My actual mindfulness lessons, like many other lessons, often take a different path despite my planning. Outlined is today’s example, a lesson I had planned well as I wanted to bring closure to our mindfulness sessions. Perhaps you are familiar with the unwilling pupil, the one who opts out and tries to take the others with him/her. I met this pupil on the way into class today and so the battle began; the teacher versus the pupil. He didn’t want to be there and he wanted us to disappear. However, instead of being swept away by the pupil and his non compliance I was able to acknowledge his difficulties yet be present to the whole class. This is what I call my informal mindful practice. I took the decision to drop into stillness and quietness at the beginning; allowing more time for the mindful activity. During the shortened meditation, the class were able to choose to look after themselves or to be distracted by the low level noise of the aforementioned pupil. I was surprised as the pupils assumed their postures and reminded one another to place both feet on the floor. One of the girls who had been a reluctant participant in session one and two reminded her peers to place their hands on their laps as she shut her eyes to embrace this time for herself. Being aware of transformation as it happens is truly spectacular. This is the only feedback I need and gathering comments is unnecessary. Wellbeing As a teacher I have actively sought to nourish my pupils and their needs through my reading, attendance at courses and the application of the SPHE curriculum. However I have been lazy when it comes to looking after me. The question of my own wellbeing was slowly rising to the surface. I finally had to ask myself what was I doing to sustain myself, how could I reduce my own levels of stress and prevent the well documented burnout that exists within my profession. While acknowledging I had accumulated a number of resources and strategies over the years I decided to try mindfulness, a concept I knew little about. Initially I dipped into mindful- ness without realising that I would return to it again and again and again. I was a bit annoyed when I realised mindfulness was not a quick fix but involved home practice, code for homework. It eventually dawned on me that mindfulness is not a once off course or just a good idea; it is a way of living that helps me be a better teacher. Armed with this knowledge I continue to struggle with my homework and have trained as a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher. On ‘Mindful Mondays’ I practice with my colleagues before the pupils arrive. Those of us who come together give ourselves this gift of time – a time to transition from our weekend to our working week. In turn I am more aware and better able to deal with stressful events as they are happening. I now acknowledge the emotional intensity of the job, an admission I could not have previously made due to my continued passion for teaching and learning. I pay more attention to my pupils and colleagues and am less likely to judge. I use mindfulness techniques with pupils in an effort to deliberately cultivate positive qualities such as empathy and compassion. Finally a level of self-compassion is creeping in as I consciously try not to give emotionally charged school situations too much space in my head. Daily challenges will always exist but how I relate to the bumps in the road has changed. I realise that all teachers face challenges and that everyone, including myself, is doing the best we can in a system which offers little support in addressing teacher stress and promoting wellbeing. “Be the educator who brings the experiences of kindness, care, joy, happiness and calm to the fore by your presence”. Kay Murphy, B.A., H.D.E, MA in Leadership and Pastoral Care. Kay teaches in Scoil Chiaráin, Glasnevin, and has a strong background in education having worked abroad and within the Irish education system for over 25 years. If you would like to try mindfulness as a buffer from stressful experiences Kay will be offering an eight week MBSR course geared for educators in the Friary on Merchants Quay, beginning January 2014. For further course information email: [email protected]. InTouch December 2013 55 Cúrsaí Teagaisc Mí na Nollag – Gairdín éan na scoile Hands-on: the school bird garden What is it? An area or areas in the school grounds devoted to trees, shrubs, climbers, grasses and other herbaceous plants, feeders and nesting sites for the welfare of birds. Did you know? In the survey, Birds of Conservation Concern in Ireland 20082013 conducted by BirdWatch Ireland and the RSPB (Northern Ireland), alarming declines in a number of bird populations across the island were identiBackground information fied. Those that had declined by Some bird species are in serious over 70% were placed on a ‘Red decline mainly because of loss List’. Some of these included of habitat. Schools can remedy the barn owl, corncrake, yelthis by making the school lowhammer (90% decline), and grounds bird-friendly. yellow wagtail. 25 in total have been allocated to this list. In 1999 there were 18 on the list. The Countryside Bird Survey 1998-2010 identified an increase in Goldfinches and Stonechats but a decline in skylarks, kestrels, greenfinches, swifts and grey wagtails. The most notable decline was in the goldcrest species. Very few children recognise the chaffinch, one of our commonest birds! A sample of some feeders: • Tits love caterpillars, spiders and greenflies which they • • • • find on trees, bushes, annuals and herbaceous plants. Finches love the seeds found in a wildflower meadow and a sunflower forest. Starlings and blackbirds love a lawn area where they find leatherjackets and worms. Dunnocks and robins love leaf litter where they find a great variety of invertebrates such as slugs and worms. Thrushes love snails, worms and berries. Blackberries. Pic: Mary Twomey. A bird survey Are the school grounds bird friendly? Food Cotoneaster � Shrubs with berries? Pyracantha � Honeysuckle � Ivy � Native shrubs with berries? Holly � Wild privet � Hawthorn � Elder � Trees with fruit and seed? Alder � Rowan � Holly � Privet � Honeysuckle � Bird cherry � Crab apple � Bramble � Viburnum opulus � Hawthorn-149* � Blackthorn-109* � Oak-284* � Willow-266* � Alder-90* � Elm-82* � Dog-rose-100* � Birch-229* � Ash-41* � Hazel-73* � Crab-93* � Lime-31* � Holly-7* � Scots Pine-91* � Sycamore-15* � Flowers with seed? Sunflowers � Snapdragon � Asters � Wild grasses � Other food sources Rotting logs � Heap of leaf mould � Leaf litter � Nuts in a feeder � Suet or lard balls � Water in container � Apples strewn on grass � Health Bird bath � Hollow place with sand � Muddy place � Shelter Thick hedge � Evergreen shrubs � Wooded area � Nesting Honeysuckle � Hole in tree trunk � Trees of different heights � Evergreen shrubs & trees � Wide eaves for swifts, starlings & sparrows � * The figure refers to the number of insect species found on the tree. Dunnock. Pic: Mary Twomey. Shrubs with insects? Trees with insects? Teasel � Mistle thrush on a Yew tree. Pic: Mary Twomey. Bird table with food � Native hedgerow � Stone wall with crevices � Nesting boxes (facing north east, east or south east) � String bags with feathers, wool, hair & moss for nest � Paddy Madden & Marian Rollins Literacy/Litearthacht •Bird habitat/Gnáthóg Éan: A place that has food and shelter for birds. Áit a bhfuil bia agus dídean ann d’éin. •Bird-feeder/Beathadán Éan: A hanging container which has food such as nuts and seeds for birds. Soitheach ar crochadh a bhfuil bia (cnónna agus síolta, mar shampla) ann d’éin. • Bird-table/Bord Éan: A moveable table 56 on which food is placed daily for birds to eat. Bord inaistrithe ar a gcuirtear, go laethúil, bia d’éin. • Bird-box/Bosca Éan: Wooden box with suitable openings to attract different species of birds to nest. Bosca déanta as adhmad le hoscailtí oiriúnacha ann chun speicis dhifriúla d’éin a mhealladh chuige chun nead a thógáil ann. • Bird-hide/Folachán Éanbhreathnóireachta: A camouflaged viewing shelter to spot birds. Dídean a bhfuil duaithníocht curtha air ionas gur féidir breathnú ar éin uaidh. • Leaf-litter/Easair Dhuillí: Rotting leaves under trees which attract many species of vertebrates and invertebrates for feeding and shelter. Duilleoga lofa faoi chrainn a mheallann chun beathaithe agus chun dídine go leor speiceas de veirteabraigh agus d’inveirteabraigh. Buíochas do Marie Whelton (MIE) don aistriúchán. InTouch December 2013 Stonechat. Pic: Mary Twomey. Paddy Madden continues his series of SESE tips Suitable plants to attract birds to the garden Trees Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris), Birch (Betula pendula), Oak (Quercus petraea and robur) and Willow (Salix spp) Shrubs Native Hazel (Corylus avellana), Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), Holly (Ilex aquifolium), Bird Cherry (Prunus padus) Non-native Herring-bone plant (Cotoneaster horizontalis), Firethorn (Pyracantha ‘Orange Glow’), June Berry (Amelanchier canadensis), Butterfly Bush (Buddleia spp),Quince (Chaenomeles japonica). Climbers Native Ivy (Hedera helix), Dogrose (Rosa canina), Sweet Briar (Rosa rubiginosa), Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum), Bramble (Rubus fruticosus) Herbaceous Native Teazel (Dipsacus sylvestris), Common Knapweed (Centaurea nigra), plants Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaris), Lesser Burdock (Arctium minus), Holly Common Bird’s-Foot-Trefoil (Lotuscorniculatus). Non native Sunflower (Helianthus anuus), Snapdragon (Antirrhum spp), Michaelmas Daisies (Aster spp), Honesty (Lunaria biennis), Common Evening Primrose (Oenoethera biennis) Planting • Plant bare-rooted trees and shrubs to make a mini-wood or hedgerow in any month with an 'r' except September and April. Include a log-habitat in the wood. • Sow a wildflower meadow in April or September. Strategies 1. Place bird-boxes with different sizes of entrance holes and gaps in place in mid-winter. 2. From November to March (earlier if weather is very cold) Resources Websites mentioned plus: • Good source for native trees and shrubs. They will send these to schools bare rooted. • Good site relating to birds in Ireland. • Good site for identifying birds and listening to their calls. • Good site for activities on studying birds in school. • birddiagram.pdf Parts of a bird. • Submission of bird sightings. • provide birds with food on a bird table or hanging feeder. Clean bird-table regularly with boiling water and move regularly as well. 3. Supply fresh water daily. 4. Ensure that feeding continues over the school breaks. General information on birds. • Website of bird expert, Eric Dempsey. • html Interesting facts on birds in different counties. • The complete field-guide to Ireland’s birds, by Eric Dempsey and Michael O’Clery (Gill & Macmillan, 2010) • Pocket guide to the common birds of Ireland, by Eric Dempsey and Michael O’Clery (Gill & Macmillan, 1995) • Birdwatching in Ireland with Eric Dempsey (Gill & Macmillan, 1995) • Go Wild at School, Chapter 5 A Bird Sanctuary. Haws Linking to the curriculum • Make a bird hide. Find a huge cardboard box. Paint it with colours that match its surroundings. Cut out holes shaped like a letterbox for viewing. Site it in an area frequented by birds. To prevent it being blown away tie the four corners with string to stakes hammered into the ground. Cover with polythene in wet weather. • Make a string nesting bundle in the spring. Gather materials such as straw, dry grass, dry moss, feathers, wool, hair and cotton. Use a forked branch c. 30 cm long as an anchor. Place the material in the fork and then wind the string around it. Hang it from the stump end onto a branch. Gardeners’ World Jan. 2008. • See for 18 school projects on birds which include design and make activities and surveys on birds around the school grounds. • See content/current-projects for information on (a) How to make a bird-feeder (November); How to make a bird-table (December); How to make a bird-box (December); How to make a bird-bath (December); Birdfeeding during winter (January). • Drawing birds using Gordon Darcy’s book Narture: See Cotoneaster Robin on bird table. Pic: Cormac Madden. Starling. Pic: Mary Twomey. Bullfinch. Pic: Mary Twomey. Paddy Madden lectures on SESE in the Marino Institute of Education. He also gives short courses to whole staffs on school gardening. His book Go Wild At School, has recently been reprinted. Available for €18 from [email protected] (Includes p&p). Mor info on school gardens on InTouch December 2013 57 Tits on a home made brid feeder. Pic: Cormac Madden. Teaching Matters Cúrsaí Teagaisc Acmhainní Nollaig – Is fiú go mór leas a bhaint as an teicneolaíocht chun tacú le múineadh na Gaeilge, chun éagsúlacht a bheith sa cheacht agus chomh maith leis sin, chun suim na bpáistí a spreagadh. Tá lear mór áiseanna úsáideacha a bhaineann leis an Nollaig ar an suíomh pictiúir, postaeir, gearrthóga físe agus luaschártaí ina measc. Molann Curaclam na Gaeilge go leor prionta sa timpeallacht agus ábhar chlóbhuailte a bheith ar chrochadh ar bhallaí na scoile agus sa seomra ranga chun tacú leis an léitheoireacht agus litearthacht i gcoitinne. Cabhróidh na háiseanna atá ar an suíomh le stór focal na bpáistí a mhéadú ar bhealach taitneamhach agus suimiúil. • • • • I measc na n-áiseanna tá • Cur i láthair Powerpoint ag insint an scéil faoi Mhuire agus Iosaef agus breith an linbh Íosa i mBeithil fadó. • Cur i láthair Powerpoint le foclóir a bhaineann le bia Nollag. • Dánta simplí Coinneal na Nollag, An Nollaig agus Daidí na Nollag. • Focail don amhrán Nollag traidisiúnta Jingle Bells. • Cártaí lúibe (loop cards) bunaithe ar théarmaíocht a bhaineann le bia Nollag agus le séasúr na Nollag. • Ballaí Focal bunaithe ar fhoclóir a bhaineann leis an gCéad Nollaig agus le bia Nollag ar bhileog A4 amháin. • Luaschártaí le foclóir a bhaineann le séasúr na Nollag. • Na hamhráin Nollaig Shona 2012 agus Cuireadh do Mhuire tógtha ó EP na Nollag 2012 ó TG Lurgan. Is féidir an ceol agus na focail a íoslódáil saor in aisce. • Leagan Gaeilge de Fairy Tale of New York. • Gearrthóg ó Youtube den charúl Nollag Oíche Chiúin á chanadh ag Enya. Áiseanna do scoileanna T2 Ceann des na háiseanna is fearr liom féin ar an suíomh ná na Wordles Gaeilge. Uirlis ilmheánach is ea Wordle is féidir a úsáid saor in aisce agus ar go leor slite. Tá sé fíoréasca wordle a chruthú. Ní gá ach píosa téacs nó liosta focal a chur isteach, agus cruthaítear scamall focal leis na focail is minice sa téacs léirithe níos soiléire ná na focail eile sa téacs. Is féidir an téacs a athrú ar go leor bealaí trí chlónna éagsúla, leagan amach agus scéim dathanna éagsúla a roghnú. Úsáid sa rang • Taispeáin an Wordle a a bhaineann leis an gCéad Nollaig i mBeithil do na páistí agus ansin inis an scéal nó meall an scéal ó na páistí ag déanamh tagartha do na focail léirithe. Déan ransú smaointe mar gheall ar Dhaidí na Nollag leis an rang, cláraigh na focail ar an gclár bán agus iarr ar pháistí a Wordle féin a chruthú mar gheall air. Iarr ar pháistí na focail a bhaineann le hamhrán Nollag ar nós Oíche Chiúin a scríobh i Wordle agus ansin na focail is coitianta a phlé. Déan liosta de na bronntanais atá á lorg ag na páistí ó Dhaidí na Nollag. Tabhair deis do gach páiste cur leis an liosta ar ríomhaire an ranga agus ansin cruthaigh Wordle a mbeidh úinéireacht ag an rang ar fad air. Leigh scéal a bhaineann leis an Nollaig don rang agus cruthaigh Wordle le hionchur teanga a dhéanamh ar fhoclóir nua agus léirigh ar an gclár idirghníomhach é roimh ré. Áiseanna do scoileanna T1 Tá an dán Oíche Nollag de chuid Máire Mhac an tSaoi tráthúil don am seo den bhliain. Bheadh an dán seo oiriúnach do na hardranganna i scoileanna T1 go háirithe mar go bhfuil ardchaighdeán Gaeilge sa dán. Tá dánta agus amhráin eile ann oiriúnach do ranganna éagsúla. Úsáid sa rang • Múin na focail nó na frásaí deacra do na páistí roimh ré chun go mbeidh tuiscint mhaith acu ar ábhar an dáin. • Tabhair deis do na páistí tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoi Mháire Mhac an tSaoi ar an idirlíon. • Pléigh mothúcháin an fhile agus an dáin, grá, ómós. • Faigh eolas maidir le seantraidisiúin na Nollag, chun an Nollaig inniu a chur i gcomparáid le haimsir na Nollag fadó. • Léirigh scéal an dáin i bhfoirm dhráma. • Déan cleachtadh ar léamh an dáin ina n-aonar, i bpéirí agus i ngrúpaí. Ansin is féidir leis na páistí an dán a chur i láthair an ranga. Spreagann sé seo líofacht léitheoireachta. • Tarraing agus péinteáil na híomhánna atá sa dán sa rang ealaíne. Ar fáil Tá gach áis ar fáil saor in aisce ag Curtha le chéile ag Bríd Ní Dhonnchadha agus Máire Nic an Rí faoi choimirce COGG. 58 InTouch December 2013 Teaching Matters Book reviews ELSTA – Five-year Anniversary Journal E LSTA (English Language Support Teachers’ Association) conferences are well-known for their thought-provoking keynotes; a richness captured eloquently in this important publication, which features Irish and international contributors at the forefront of the field of language education. In 2007 ELSTA stated that “if teachers were to answer adequately the needs of immigrant students, they would have to understand the educational, linguistic and cultural backgrounds of those students”. This understanding of language as more than linguistics, but as an integral part of students’ cultural and ethnic identities, is reflected in the journal. Thus, papers such as ‘nurturing identities of competence’ (Jim Cummins, 2009), and ‘immigration and schooling – making a difference?’ (Dympna Devine, 2010), are among the contributions. Practical ideas for the classroom also feature. In 2008 Virginia Rojas spoke about “frontier teachers”, capturing the ground-breaking work happening then as EAL teachers built specialist knowledge and expertise in their field. This was a rich national resource, painstakingly developed; the reduction in language support is a severe blow to children in this country. This timely publication reminds us that EAL needs to remain a priority in Irish education. Available from Lorraine Downey: [email protected] Ejournal also available for €10. • Reviewed by Dr Barbara O’Toole, Director of the Master’s in Intercultural Education at Marino Institute of Education. This programme contains a module on EAL. Further details available on masters Encounters in mythology T he Secret of the Sleeveen by Brenda Ennis, with illustrations by Thomas Ryan, tells the story of eleven year old Aisling who enters the world of the Sídhe as Samhain is being celebrated. She encounters many lios people and characters from mythology, both from Celtic backgrounds and further afield as she travels on her quest to rescue her grandmother who disappeared many years before. At times Aisling’s adventures read like a pantomime script as she speeds from one adventure to another. The glossary, along with a transcription in the International Phonetic Alphabet, is necessary in order to understand and appreciate this book. At times the language is quite complex and would be more suited to very able senior pupils, especially those with good Gaeilge. However, some of chapters could be used, with middle classes, perhaps as part of cross-curricular theme during the lead up to Halloween. You can also interact via the blog at Published by Evertype, The Secret of the Sleeveen costs €11.95 and is available on, ISBN 978-1-78201-041-8. • Reviewed by Ciaran Byrne, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow Corrections to November’s Reviews The November review of Step Into Writing described the book as as a “handbook for teachers”. We are happy to clarify that the handbook is in fact intended for use by children in the classroom.The author of Sounds Good Phonics, not credited in the November magazine, was Marie Campion, of St Nessan’s NS, Co Limerick. InTouch December 2013 A time travelling barge on the Grand Canal G ráinne O’Shea from Co Offaly and teaching in Rath NS, Ballybrittas, Co Laois, has just launched a children’s book and educational pack regarding the Grand Canal. As a primary teacher with an environmental background she felt the potential of the inland waterway network as a teaching resource needed to be explored. Grainne decided to write a story and design an accompanying environmental educational resource pack to assist teachers in inspiring senior primary school pupils to appreciate the potential of the Grand Canal. The Barmey Barge tells the story of Conor, Ciara and Captain Twitter who take a trip on a time travelling barge. During their journey they learn the geographical location, historical significance, leisure potential and biodiversity value of our Grand Canal. The pack includes: 30 copies of the storybook; a teacher’s manual which contains a series of lesson plans covering all subjects – with the theme of the Grand Canal central to each plan. a photocopiable nature trail and a CD-ROM containing all of the above in digital format plus additional photos. The Pack costs €150. For further information please call 087 6527690 or email:[email protected] • 59 Finishing Touches Resources for teachers, Noticeboard of Upcoming Events and the Comhar Linn Crossword Flu Survey Copy Date Copy you wish to have considered for publication in the January/February issue of InTouch should arrive in Head Office by 6 January 2014. The deadline for the March issue is 10 February 2014. Call for Papers IATSE invites papers/ presentations/workshops for Conference 2014. Please submit a short abstract (maximum 100 words) and presenter’s details to: (post) IATSE Conference Director, Drumcondra Education Centre, Dublin 9, or email: [email protected] Closing date for submissions: Friday, 17 January 2014., Hosted at NUI Galway, Aims to Track the Spread of Seasonal Flu in Ireland. is a new website that will map the spread of seasonal influenza and allow health authorities and members of the public fight against flu. The site is the result of a joint research collaboration between NUI Galway, the HSE, the Health Protection Surveillance Centre and international partners from the EU-wide Influenzanet project, and enlists members of the public to help in the fight against seasonal flu. Flusurvey will provide valuable public health information on the demographics and geographic location of influenza sufferers Volunteers register online and self-report by answering short questions relating to demographic, medical, socio-economic and lifestyle issues. The information received is anonymous. The system can also be used to support teaching and class projects at primary level. For example, teachers can register groups of students, and they can track their symptoms throughout the year, and use the data to support the teaching of maths and science. For further information, please logon to or contact the Project Leader, Jim Duggan, at [email protected] Seasonal influenza Seasonal influenza is a highly contagious viral disease that is characterised by a sudden onset of fever, accompanied by muscle pain or headache, and a cough or sore throat. In Ireland, influenza epidemics usually last 6-14 weeks, usually occurring between October and May each season. Appeal for Laptops Make-a-Wish Are you tired of getting presents you don’t need? Make-A-Wish can help. You can ask your students to rekindle the real spirit of Christmas with a Wish Kindle. These little gifts can make a big difference to MakeA-Wish. With 179 wishes on their waiting list you will be helping to grant wishes to children living with a life-threatening medical condition. So this year instead of a Kris Kindle gift, do a Wish Kindle by visiting Camara Ireland has issued an appeal for donations of laptops for use in Irish schools. There has been a surge in demand for Camara’s educational technology packages and the charity has not yet sourced enough used laptops to meet this demand. Camara is appealing to you to consider donating end of life laptops for reuse in the education of Irish students. The social enterprise, founded in 2010, provides reused laptops and teacher training to disadvantaged Irish schools at 25% of the price of a new laptop. Camara Ireland has supplied over 900 computers to schools this year, training nearly 400 educators in the process. To donate visit or call 01 6522673. Christmas Closure INTO Head Office will close for business at 5 p.m. on Monday, 23 December 2013 and re-open at 9 a.m. on Thursday, 2 January, 2014. School Gardens We hope you are finding InTouch articles on school gardens useful. For more information and resources regarding setting up a school garden visit InTouch December 2013 Small Ad Primary & Post-Primary Teachers Improve your qualifications through part-time modular courses leading to MEd degree. Starting September, 2013. Module 12961: Pastoral Care in Education. Inquiries to: The Director Christian Leadership in Education Office (CLEO), Mardyke House, Cork Credits allowed for PriorCertificated Learning Tel/fax: 021-4271729 E-mail: [email protected] 61 Nótaí Deiridh Two pages of resources for the classroom, from training courses to helpful hints and useful links Exploring marine resources Irish language GAA club The Explorers Education Programme aims to integrate marine themes as closely as possible with lessons already taught in national schools through the Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE) curriculum and other cross curricular subjects. The Explorers programme was initiated through the Marine Institute and educators including the Galway Education Centre, Galway Atlantaquaria, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, National University of Ireland, Galway, and the Connemara Environmental, Educational and Cultural Centre (CEECC) at Letterfrack to name a few. Details of the Explorers programme and other resources can be found at: community/education/ Na Gaeil Óga is an Irish-language GAA club based in Dublin’s Phoenix Park. Founded in 2010 to provide a sporting and social outlet for the capital’s Irish language community the club has gone from strength to strength and now boasts two male football teams, a ladies football team, a hurling team, with plans for a camogie team and handball for next year underway. The club has performed well on and off the pitch, winning a Dublin South league and the Ó Broin cup last year as well as a Dublin Bus community spirit award. The club now has over 100 members from all over the country and a varied social calendar with trips to Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta and elsewhere, events and nights out throughout the year. All standards of sporting ability and linguistic ability in Irish are catered for. Many teachers are already playing members and more are involved in training and support. More info: email: [email protected]. Facebook: Na Gaeil Óga CLG Twitter: @nagaeiloga Youtube: • Comhar Linn Crossword NO 152 A draw for 2 x 100 will be made from all correct entries. Simply complete the crossword and send it to InTouch, 35 Parnell Square, Dublin 1, Friday 24th January 2014 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 12 14 16 15 17 19 18 21 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 35 32 34 36 Across Down 1. She comes from a midair debs to feature in the wedding. (10) 6. Party animal! (4) 10. Account to Edward for how one performed. (5) 11 & 12. Twin grills failed to recreate this work of art. (5,4,7) 15. Coin-like object given to Mr. Doherty. (5) 17. What's gold, to a teacher, is relative. (4) 18. It's shouted as a warning, of course. (4) 19. The G.I. was confused by this number. (5) 21. After a great deed, her plume appears. (7) 23. Praise what the ox let loose. (5) 24. A grouping of powers within a superb location. (4) 25. Finished with a headless paramour. (4) 26. Dither, making the cardinal attest. (5) 28. Gave a dirty look at a beastly female in winter transport. (7) 33. A return journey makes the spherical stumble. (5,4) 34. A person is no longer in bed, being a goal ahead. (3,2) 35. To provide one's fill, one took a seat next to the cardinal. (4) 36. Flowering plant involved in a mega-prison breakout. (10) 1. Stoker has written a note to a sheepish male. (4) 2. Print 'tree' in a way to make things more understandable. (9) 3. Make a gift as the cow and sow both do. (5) 4. Mother's willing to become a stoneworker. (5) 5. Part of the eye essential to a satirist. (4) 7. This muse has spare potassium. (5) 8. Type of fracture found on an inexperienced twig? (10) 9. Falsely praise that one is less rotund? (7) 13. How lazy that is, to include just Donegal. (4) 14. A tiger's footy apparel. (7) 16. Subsequently, following parts of the hospital. (10) 20. Duck the way Midas saw things? (9) 21. Ms Roche and Mr Harris turned up in the Sunshine State. (7) 22. Find a robe in disarray in a Spanish river. (4) 27. Five get 17 across to boast. (5) 29. If there was corn behind this Italian island it would give you the goat! (5) 30. Golf clubs used by a Tiger? (5) 31. Husks found right in the middle of Prohibition. (4) 32. The odds are, by morning you will see unwanted email. (4) NAME: ADDRESS: Gordius - In Touch November No. 151 Bumper X Word winners and solutions will be announced in Jan/Feb InTouch issue. 62 Winners of crossword no. 150 are Joan Corry, Ballina, Co. Mayo and Anne Marie Kingston, Rochestown, Co. Cork InTouch December 2013 Finishing Touches … and your Comhar Linn Crossword! No 39 The theme for this year’s national celebration of engineering is ‘At the heart of our community’, to reflect the vital role played by engineers in sustaining our towns and cities. Engineers Week takes place from 9 to 15 February 2014. It is an opportunity for primary and post primary schools to learn more about engineering. There are several ways to get involved. These are ever popular Christmas related links on Scoilnet: Book an event See what organisations are hosting events in your area on Host an event in your own school There are plenty of activities you can run yourself in the classroom. Activity sheets regarding events you can run yourself can be downloaded from Check out fun quizzes or download posters, stickers and other resources. Learn about the different types of engineering by visiting Invite an engineer in for a visit – If you have a connection with a local engineering company, why not invite them to visit you during the week? The STEPS team at Engineers Ireland can provide volunteer engineers with a presentation and help to arrange and support the visit. All schools who register an event will be entered into a prize draw. Competition winners Congratulations to Paddy O’Dea, Scoil Mhuire, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, who was the lucky winner of a family midterm break in either the Galway Bay or Hodson Bay Hotels. (Competition in the October issue of InTouch.) We hope you enjoyed the break. Our congratulations also to Orlagh Connor, Tullamore, Co Offaly, who won a €50 iTunes voucher from PixelSoup in the Symmetry School competition (also in the October issue). InTouch December 2013 Our Lady Queen of Peace, Janesboro, Limerick This site is packed full of school information and uses a lot of images in its content to give a great feel for how teachers interact with students and activities. My favourite sites Ciara Brennan, teacher in St Peter’s Primary, Bray Story Bird Storybirds are short, art-inspired stories you can make and share on any device. Net Smartz Videos Fantastic age relevant cartoon-style videos on online safety. Sound Cloud An audio platform that enables sound creators to upload, record, promote and share their originally-created sounds. Great for podcasting and recording reading. 1 Scoilnet Christmas Themepage Great starting point for class learning and activities. 2 Why Christmas Contains information on most Christmas topics. 3 The Nativity Story nativity/index.htm Simple story with clear text. 4 An Nollaig – Cártaí Taispeántais display_cards_an_nollaig Display cards with Irish vocabulary. 5 Britannica Spotlight on Christmas Links to articles from the encyclopaedia and includes class activities. 6 Build a Snowman build-snowman Interactive tool suitable for junior classes. 7 Christmas at Seomra Ranga Lots of links, activities and videos picked by teachers. 8 An Nollaig Great vocabulary builder. Perfect for IWB. 9 Tell your own Nativity Story Provides four background scenes for pupils to re-tell the Christmas Story. 10 North Pole Still popular though it has dated. Lots of activities, though. 63