Coastal Hospice News Serving Dorchester, Wicomico, Worcester
Coastal Hospice News Serving Dorchester, Wicomico, Worcester
October, 2009 Coastal Hospice News Serving Dorchester, Wicomico, Worcester, and Somerset Counties Since 1980 One of Betty’s proudest moments was hearing Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, MD, hospice pioneer, speak on death and dying. More than 30 years ago, Betty Powell thought it might be good to bring hospice care to the Eastern Shore. She was part of a small group of determined volunteers who lobbied to make it happen. Today, Betty knows first-hand the lasting benefit of that long-ago hard work. These days, Betty is a patient of Coastal Hospice. “Now I feel really secure,” she says. “Somebody is on hand all the time if I need them, yet I can be at home. If I need somebody to help me take a bath, there is the marvelous Canneka. And, of course I have my nurse Rochelle who comes every week.” When asked how Coastal Hospice has helped she said, “It’s taken any load of fear away because you don’t feel that you are alone in this journey. And yet it may be a long journey or a short one, you can’t tell, Coastal Hospice is there and I feel just really confident. It’s been a delightful thing that I wasn’t expecting to be this delightful.” Coastal Hospice provides support for Betty whenever she needs it. “I know when I call that help is available,” she said. That knowledge makes her and her family feel more comfortable. When asked how hospice has changed since the early days she said, “There’s a lot more happiness than there used to be. There used to be a big dread. ‘Oh, my Lord, not hospice!’ Well, that’s not true anymore. People are more educated and understanding. And if they don’t understand, then we’ll tell them.” Betty is so eager to carry the message of hospice that she recently participated in a public radio round-table discussion on WSDL. She was also interviewed for a promotional video made for Coastal Hospice. Even as a hospice patient, Betty has yet to slow down. She still drives, traveling to visit family and friends, reads constantly with her book club, and even finds time to kayak. She’d be the first to tell you, hospice is about living! To hear Betty, Coastal Hospice President Alane Capen and others discuss end-of life issues with Don Rush of Delmarva Today visit Public Radio Delmarva’s Web-site at Page 2 Coastal Hospice P.O. Box 1733 • Salisbury, MD 21802 Misguided Metaphor by Wendy S. Harpham, MD Wendy S. Harpham, MD Wendy S. Harpham, MD, is an internist, cancer survivor, award-winning author, and mother of three. She lectures to professional and lay audiences on issues centering around “Healthy Survivorship,” including recovery and late effects after cancer, raising children when a parent has cancer, clinical trials, and finding happiness in hard times. Web site: Blog: “How can they say that? Of all people, they should know better!” I excuse elderly people, realizing they remember when cancer was “the Big C” and patients didn’t have much chance. I forgive young adults, too, assuming their naiveté about terminal illness. But when a respected national organization – especially a survivorship group – announces that so-and-so “lost her battle” with cancer, I explode. The battle metaphor doesn’t work well for me as a patient, but that’s not the upsetting part. It’s this notion of losing. To lose means to give up or otherwise fail to win a match of wits, brawn, or nerve. Whether on a sports field, in an artillery zone, or at a tribal meeting of television’s Survivor, to lose your battle means you’ve been defeated. Someone else won, and you lost. In some battles, the outcome depends purely on the combatants’ talents, decisions, and efforts. In other battles, luck plays a crucial role. What about cancer? My doctors beat my original lymphoma into remission with “big guns” chemotherapy and bombarded my first recurrence with radiation. Through it all, I armed myself with good nutrition, exercise, prayer, support group, and a positive attitude. Soon after being diagnosed with my second recurrence, I screamed to the sky, “What am I doing wrong?” Hearing such an absurd question escape from my own mouth shocked me into realizing the only thing wrong was how I was thinking about my disease. As a physician, I had intimate knowledge of illness as intrinsic to the human condition, along with pain, loss, and awareness of our mortality. I knew that my battle – if we must call it that – between me and my malignant cells would likely determine the number of my days. But the important battle ahead was that which would define me as a person: namely, the fight to find courage, fortitude, wisdom, and patience in hard times. The human struggle after cancer lies in creating meaning and joy in whatever time we have. “I knew that my battle – if we must call it that – between me and my malignant cells would likely determine the number of my days. But the important battle ahead was that which would define me as a person.” First, no victor emerges from the battlefield of hospice. Disordered sheets of cells with bizarre nuclei don’t stand on podiums with gold medals around their surface antigens; malignancies – now powerless – are buried. Second, and far more important, is the harm this metaphor does to patients in their final days and to their loved ones left behind. Dying does not mean a patient has lost. The first century Roman writer Marcus Seneca said, “Fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong men.” Before my cancer diagnosis, I saw myself as a doctor, wife, mother of three, mediocre violinist, and terrible humorist. Yet it was only after cancer, when I was sick and bald, or closing my medical practice, or gearing up for yet another round of treatment, that I discovered essential truths about myself. To say that a patient who died has lost the battle is to insult the memories of people that inspire me today. Ellen, Lloyd, and Nancy are only three of my many friends and acquaintances who nobly faced illness and death, each with a unique blend of hope and acceptance, humor, humility, fire, and grace. Cancer failed to rob any of them of their dignity and humanity. When you hear that someone died of cancer, all you know is that he or she died. Metaphors serve a useful function, clarifying ideas and motivating people with graphic visuals. The declaration The person who dies of incurable disease of a “War on Cancer” in 1971 helped or some complication of treatment, but funnel government funds toward needed who obtained good medical care and research. And every day, personalized connected lovingly with friends and family “battle plans” have encouraged many to the end, has triumphed. The person newly diagnosed patients to get second who is cured, but who lives with bitterness opinions, consider clinical trials as about aftereffects or in constant fear of treatment options, eat healthful diets, and recurrence, has succumbed. ask for emotional support. Clearly, battle “Dying does not mean a patient has lost.” imagery can nourish hope and prompt For me, triumph over cancer is measured effective action. by how you live, not how long. Put another way, what matters is what you live for, not So why do I get worked up about “lost what you die of. her battle?” Because in the context of endstage illness, this metaphor is seriously And take this warning: If anyone writes in my obituary that I lost my battle with flawed in two ways. cancer, I am coming back! Reprinted with permission of author, Wendy S. Harpham, MD, and Oncology Times. Coastal Hospice 410.742.8732 ASK DR. DAVE David E. Cowall, M.D. Medical Director Q. How does hospice figure into the current health care debate? A. There are three pieces to the health care puzzle: quality, access, and cost. Quality: The World Health Organization rates United States health care 37th in the world (just above Slovenia!). Access: Approximately 47 million Americans have no health insurance and many more are under-insured. Cost: Americans spend 2.4 times the average of other industrialized nations per capita on health. These costs are estimated to double within ten years and this growth cannot be sustained by our economy. Clearly this is a horrible report card and reform is desperately needed. The major contributor to this crisis is the overutilization of health resources. However, powerful groups stand to benefit financially and/or politically by maintaining the status quo and are willing to distort the facts in support of their agendas. The truth is obvious: Patients should be treated based upon science rather than profit. A return to evidence-based medicine is overdue, and increased government regulation will be required to facilitate the change. Medical treatment provided to patients in the last few months of their lives is a good model of over-utilization. Sound data demonstrates that the hospice alternative to aggressive conventional care for the terminally ill provides much more comfort, a modest prolongation of life, and at reduced cost. These patients should be allowed to die peacefully at home surrounded by their families rather than in intensive care units. It is time to put aside the rhetoric and do the right thing. Interns Receive Valuable Experience Through Coastal Hospice’s internship program students have the opportunity to develop new skills and expand their knowledge of hospice and palliative care. From left, Bonnie Stanley and Amy Brown, both students at Salisbury University are completing internship requirements at Coastal Hospice. Bonnie is working with Lenora Berger in bereavement support and will graduate with her Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. Amy is working at Coastal Hospice at the Lake with Social Worker Christie Beaver to complete her Master’s Degree in Social Work. Page 3 Horticultural Therapist Speaks at Volunteer Support Meeting New and experienced volunteers are invited to attend our fall volunteer support meetings. These meetings are partly social, partly educational and always enjoyable. Henrietta Den Duden will discuss the benefits of Horticultural Therapy. Participants will have the chance to feel, smell, touch and taste fresh and dried herbs, and essential oils. Oct. 21 / 10:00 am – 11:30 am Coastal Hospice at the Ocean, 10442 Racetrack Rd, Berlin Oct. 21 / 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Coastal Hospice Office, Salisbury Oct. 26 / 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Grace United Methodist Church, 501 Race St, Cambridge To reserve a spot at the meeting, please call Volunteer Services at (410) 543-2590. Coastal Hospice Staff Present at End-of Life Conference In partnership with the Hospice and Palliative Care Network of Maryland, Coastal Hospice hosted the End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) Train-the-Trainer seminar in September. This conference was presented at the Clarion Resort in Ocean City. Participants had the opportunity to hear from professionals in end-of-life and palliative care. Coastal Hospice staff members Patty Ohrum, MD, Marguerite Russo, MS, FNP-BC, CHPN, Judith Dorsey, RN, CHPN and Elizabeth Geeslin Smith, RN, BSN were among faculty for this course. The two-day conference was designed to provide nurses, nurse educators and other professionals with essential training in end-of-life and palliative care. Participants were provided with curriculum and resources to share with other nursing colleagues. “The mission of Coastal Hospice includes education in the care of the terminally ill,” said faculty p r e s e n t e r Marguerite Russo. “The ELNEC conference is one way to reach out to the professional community with a resource we know will be helpful.” Coastal Hospice employees Chris Underkoffler, RN (left) and Ann Lovely, RN received scholarships to attend the conference and train their colleagues. Page 4 Coastal Hospice P.O. Box 1733 • Salisbury, MD 21802 How to Help a Grieving Loved One Media News during the Holidays New Web site! Practical Tips for Saying, Doing the Right Things The holidays are quickly approaching, and while many people look forward to yearly traditions, gatherings with family and friends and the general good feelings associated with the season, some people dread the holidays. For those who have lost a loved one during the past year, the holidays may emphasize their grief. The holidays, especially the first ones after losing a loved one, are especially difficult for the grieving person. Often, friends and family members of those affected by a loss are unsure how to act or what to say to support their grieving loved one during the holidays. Here are some helpful tips: Be supportive of the way the person chooses to handle the holidays. Some may wish to follow traditions; others may choose to change their rituals. Remember, there is no right way or wrong way to handle the holidays. Offer to help the person with baking and/or cleaning. Both tasks can be overwhelming for one trying to deal with raw emotions. Offer to help him or her decorate for the holidays. Offer to help with holiday shopping or give your loved one catalogs or on-line shopping sites that may be helpful. Invite the person to attend a religious service with you and your family. Invite your loved one to your home for the holidays. Help your loved one prepare and mail holiday cards. Ask the person if he or she is interested in volunteering with you during the holiday season. Doing something for someone else, such as helping at soup kitchens or working with children, may help your loved one feel better about the holidays. Donate a gift or money in memory of the person’s loved one. Never tell someone that he or she should be “over it.” Instead, give the person hope that, eventually, he or she will enjoy the holidays again. If he or she wants to talk about the deceased loved one or feelings associated with the loss, LISTEN. Active listening from friends is an important step to helping him or her heal. Don’t worry about being conversational…. just listen. In general, the best way to help those who are grieving during the holidays is to let them know you care. They need to be remembered, and they need to know their loved ones are remembered, too. (For more information on coping with the holidays, please see page 8.) from Coastal Hospice Coming soon to Coastal Hospice is a new Web site! In the next month or so, check out the new look, with helpful information and resources for people dealing with end-of-life issues. You’ll also be able to make donations on-line at www.coastalhospice. org. Many thanks to D3 Corp in Ocean City for underwriting a portion of the cost of this project. Newsletter Published Quarterly Starting in December Coastal Hospice News will be published quarterly. This will help us be better to the environment and greater stewards of our resources. Even though it is not being published as frequently, you can expect that the newletter will stay the same. We will continue to make this is a valuable resource for our patients and families, our volunteers, the bereaved and the community. We would love to hear your feedback about these changes. Please send your responses to [email protected]. Coastal Hospice Celebrates National Hospice Month with Faith Outreach Program November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month and hospices across the country are reaching out to raise awareness about important care issues for people coping with life-limiting illness. “Every year, more than 1.4 million people living with a lifelimiting illness receive care from hospice and palliative care providers in this country,” said J. Donald Schumacher, president and CEO of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. “These highly-trained professionals don’t only provide quality medical care. They work to make sure patients and families find dignity, respect, and love during life’s most difficult journey.” Coastal Hospice will host a community forum with congregational leaders November 4 and 5 to discuss end-of-life issues. This forum introduces a new Faith Outreach program that Coastal Hospice is beginning with members of the faith community. As Reverend Sharon Hutchison, a Coastal Hospice pastoral counselor noted, “Faith communities and hospices share a deep concern for spiritual care. Serious illness, caregiving, the endof-life and grief raise many spiritual issues, including questions of meaning, purpose, guilt, forgiveness, suffering, healing and hope. This shared concern creates a natural connection among hospice and faith communities and a common ground for education, dialogue and partnership.” Additional inforamtion about the community forum, hospice, palliative care, and advance care planning is available from Coastal Hospice. Coastal Hospice 410.742.8732 Page 5 Salisbury City Mayor Jim Ireton delivers the opening serve of the tournament. Professional Tennis Returns to Salisbury From left, presenting sponsor Tom Monahan, tournament director Ed Thomas, and tournament referee Dave Ryan take in the quality tennis. Professional-level tennis returned to Salisbury this August with the sixth annual Jack Purnell-Chris Thomas Memorial Tennis Tournament for the benefit of Coastal Hospice. Some of the nation’s top Division I tennis players as well as many professional players took to the court. M a n y of the professional players take advantage of the proximity of this tournament to the U.S. Open Tennis Championships in New York City as a warmup and practice for the Open. The court surface and weather conditions, including heat and humidity are similar to those the players experience in New York City in late August. At the 2009 U.S. Open, Jesse Witten, No. 276 in the world and the 2008 Purnell-Thomas champion made it to the third round in the U.S. Open. He lost to Novak Djokovic, the fourth-ranked player in the world. 2009 Purnell-Thomas Tennis Committee has raised over $100,000 for Coastal Hospice. Coastal Hospice employees, from left, Angie Ness, Meg Russo, and Dr. Patty Ohrum enjoy a relaxing lunch courtside. Tournament organizer Susan Purnell celebrates with some of the players. Mike & Karen Dunn supported the tournament by hosting a player. Originally held from 19821993, the tournament is named in honor of two late local tennis greats, Jack Purnell and Chris Thomas. Born in 1929, Purnell worked for many years at his family’s business, Kuhn’s Jewelers. He was a community advocate and a founding board member of Coastal Hospice prior to his death in 2002. Thomas grew up in southern New Jersey and Salisbury. A natural athlete, he was a graduate of Salisbury University, where he was a member of the men’s tennis team. He left the East Coast in 1980 to work as a tennis pro in Hawaii and Guam. Thomas died in 1982 at age 27 from cancer. Visit us on Facebook (Friends of Coastal Hospice) to see more photos from the tournament. Bryan & Whitnie LeCompte (center) graciously hosted the closing night party at their home. The committee, from left, Hickory Hall, Ginny Malone, Susan Purnell, Alan Merritt & William Hyle. Page 6 Coastal Hospice Remembering Loved Ones These gifts were received between July 16 - September 15, 2009 Paul D. Acker Mr. and Mrs. Manford L. Hudson K & L Microwave Employees Melson’s Mustangs - Wicomico County Clyde W. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Jeff McNeill Mavis A. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McAndrew Nancy L Albertini Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Bennert Dream Machines of Carroll County Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Fox GMAC Dallas Regional Business Center Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Leslie F. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. James J. Nagy Mrs. Velma A. Neal Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Timmerman Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wright Kenneth V. Bara Mr. and Mrs. Myron H. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Long Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller Myrtle K. Bebee Dr. Richard F. Bebee Richard Blackwell Mr. Paul O. Tillman Morris W. Bloodsworth Mr. and Mrs. James H. Fitzhugh Mr. Kenneth L. Hayward George W. Bogikes Mrs. Renate C. Bogikes Bertha W. Bradshaw Hurlock H.S. Class of 1940 Joseph H. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cines Charles L. Brown Avery Hall Insurance Agency Nicki D. Somers-Bashor & Family Mr. and Mrs. William F. Brohawn, Jr. Mr. Walter F. Carlsten Mrs. Charlotte T. Causey Mrs. Signe A. Causey Dr. and Mrs. James L. Clifford Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Dypsky East Wicomico Little League Mrs. Charlotte A. Ellis Mrs. Laura P. Elzey Evans Builders, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Fifer & Family Mr. and Mrs. G. Donald Fisher Mr. and Mrs. H. Douglas Fox Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Freeman Mrs. Shirley C. Frye Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Fuoss Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gebhart Gillis Gilkerson, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Halpert Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Hanna Mr. Bill R. Hensley Ms. Emily G. Holland Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Hoprich Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Insley, III John L. Briggs Co., Inc. Mrs. Annabel R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Johnson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Francis I. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Denver H. Knapp Mr. Ben LaSalle Mr. Adam R. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Clifton G. Malone Marvil Glass Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. McIlvaine Mrs. Dorothy P. Moon, Judy & Doug Moon Mrs. Susanne S. Morris Jim and Joan Norman Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Owen, Jr. Ms. Gina M. Palmer Arthur and Barbara Parker Mr. and Mrs. Larry O. Pedrick Mr. and Mrs. Dennard F. Quillen R.D. Meredith General Contractors, LLC Salisbury University Dept. of Nursing Shore Sheet Metal, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Simpson, Jr. Todd & Associates, Inc. Tomey Electric, Inc. Mrs. Anne B. Turner Mr. and Mrs. George A. Vickers Mr. Paul D. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. White Mr. and Mrs. George H. White Mrs. Nora S. Williams Willow Construction, Inc. Edward A. Burke Avery Hall Insurance Agency Mrs. Rose M. Brous The Hon. & Mrs. Theodore R. Eschenburg, Sr. Ms. Amy N. Figgs Mr. and Mrs. C. Terry Hough McCabe & Bowden LLC The Hon. and Mrs. Daniel R. Mumford Shady Grove Radiological Consultants, P.A. Shady Grove Radiology (MV) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Shockley Mr. and Mrs. Sherdell A. Snyder Sysco Eastern Maryland, LLC Taylor Bank Ms. Marie W. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Thomas Jane E. Burns Lifestar Ambulance, Inc. Jack W. Burton Mrs. Diane C. Burton Mr. Herbert C. Gladding Patricia I. Burton Mac and Dawn Bellamy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Boccia, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Bonwit Mr. Edward B. Burton Mrs. Dee Cipolla & Family Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Colligan Col. and Mrs. Robert W. Cook Mr. and Mrs. James V. Fineran Ms. Nancy A. Giannella Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lober Ms. Carol A. McKittrick Ms. Debra N. Neuschwander Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Nock Ms. Barbara H. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Merritt B. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. David P. Scarborough Mr. David Tawes & Ms. Jennifer Diamantis Mrs. Clytie W. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Townshend Mr. and Mrs. William “Stoney” H. Whitelock Sarah Caplan Mrs. Terry Hope & Mr. Al Van Wormer Graham K. Carmean Mr. and Mrs. B. Randall Coates, Esq. Mrs. Janet H. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Foxwell Mrs. Jacqueline A. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Taylor, Sr. Laura S. Cater Ms. Susan S. Dodson Paul Caudill Mr. and Mrs. John P. Corcoran Mary R. Cavey Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Beard Mr. and Mrs. J. Kurt Buckler Ms. Laverne L. Forseth Mr. and Mrs. Alex P. Gross Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Lippert Eva and Alan Lustig Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Reich Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wallace Eleanor A. Celia Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Faller Edward J. Chmielewski Ms. Donna M. Chmielewski Ms. Karen Hamilton & Ms. Lynne Shifren Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Husk Mr. and Mrs. Charnie L. Kinion, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Lovecchio George R. Clark Mrs. Connie Clark Ronald J. Clark Ms. Teresa A. Clark Mrs. Teresa L. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Curran Mr. and Mrs. James T. Webster Georgia L. Collins Ms. Reba E. Goslee Helen Colton Mr. and Mrs. David H. Carroll Lemmert M. Cousins Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. France Lillie B. Coward Elks Queen City Lodge No. 1051 Phillip D. Crafton Mr. and Mrs. Lowell E. Finch Mrs. Esther P. Gallacher Martha H. Crain Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Ruark & Family Ada H. Creamer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lenox Mr. Irving N. Perry Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Trout Janet B. Creath Grant and Betsy Cheney Royce L. Culver Ms. Lisa Ardis & Mr. David Bundick Judith and Wayne Holland Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. William D. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Taylor Ellen E. Curry Mr. and Mrs. James M. Mister Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Ward Charles D. Dickerson Mrs. Mary G. Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Foxwell Mr. Norman J. Godfrey Mrs. Susan G. McGarry Mildred B. Dix Mr. Charles D. Tull James L. Dooling, III Mr. and Mrs. Scott Beauchamp Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh N. Cathell, Jr. Mrs. Margaret T. Connelly Mrs. Marietta B. Darby Mr. William F. Farlow Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Johnson Mrs. Doris J. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray Stanley N. Lester Troast and Doris McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Vaughn Mr. Mark A. Welsh Isobel Elliker Mr. Ivor H. Elliker Jean F. Ellis Mr. Emory A. Leonard Mabel Evans Mr. and Mrs. James W. Evans, Jr. Gloria S. Farlow Mr. and Mrs. David C. Aydelotte Mr. and Mrs. Linwood F. Barnes, Jr. Mrs. Linda S. Boltz Mrs. Diane C. Burton Mrs. Janet H. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. James C. Corbin Mr. and Mrs. William A. Demar Mrs. Gloria J. Disharoon Mrs. Sandra B. Dryden Rev. and Mrs. William C. Green Mr. and Mrs. Marion L. Holland Mrs. Shirley C. Justice Mr. and Mrs. George S. Lang Mrs. Elizabeh A. Lecates Mrs. Alma G. Maddox Ms. Helen L. Maddox Ms. Patricia S. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Outten Burl and Becky Pierce Pocomoke River State Forest and Park Mrs. Phyllis B. Roxburgh Sysco Eastern Maryland, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Westcott Mr. Paul A. Williams James E. Farlow Ms. Mary E. Lewis Setsuko S. Favre Mr. Rolland M. Favre Margaret B. Fennell Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Mockler Mr. and Mrs. David W. Scott Richard M. Finaldi Mrs. Lydia A. Finaldi Norwood Fisher Mrs. Margurite V. Fisher Anna Forstrom VFW Ladies Auxiliary #8296 Alice Forsythe Ms. Louise I. DiSantis & Family June M. Garland Mr. Eugene Koster & Ms. Gabriela Nosari Mr. and Mrs. John M. Maschmeier Currin R. Gass Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Connor Mr. and Mrs. John A. Payne P.O. Box 1733 • Salisbury, MD 21802 Samuel Gershenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elrick Ms. Ann R. Hancock Mark and Asako Hancock Mario Longo & Employees of Italian Bistro, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Johnson Mrs. Debbie Karten & Family Ms. Lydia D. Kitchens Pete and Rozette Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Sinclair Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wennersten Helen M. Gibson Ms. Ann R. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Stapleton, Jr. Sylvia Jean Good Mr. and Mrs. John H. Clampitt Ms. Evelyn Giordano & Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Mulford, Jr. George Graham Samuel Gershenfeld Ann Granados Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Atkins Mr. and Mrs. William G. Dillon Mrs. M. Diane Fulghum Mr. and Mrs. Antonio R. Granados Mr. Luis L. Granados, Jr. Mrs. Louise L. Gulyas Mr. Steven L. Kreseski Ms. Barbara P. Loffler Maryland Federation of Republican Women Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Murrill Mrs. Mitzi P. Perdue Ms. Audrey M. Prichard Wil and Ellen Sauerbrey Sea Watch Condo.Council of Unit Owners Mrs. Ruth D. Sullivan Bobby J. Green Mrs. Jeanette Green George A. Groth Ms. Sue V. DeSimon Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Hanes Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K. Hausker Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. LeFaive Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Madara Mr. and Mrs. Selby A. McGee Ms. Peggy K. Mumford Ocean City Today Ms. Liliana Pulvirenti Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stetter Dorothy Ann Hall Mr. and Mrs. Willis C. Littleton Mr. Milton Hall Elizabeth “Beth” A. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. O’Connell, II Grover Hastings Mrs. Dorothy L. Hastings Malcolm Heggie Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Shockley Ruby S. Hensley Mr. Bill R. Hensley Charles E. Hess Mrs. Margery N. Hess Harry S. Hodgins Mrs. Marlena A. Hodgins Milton Hollyday Mr. and Mrs. James F. Mutscheller John T. Holt Harkins Concrete Construction, Inc. Daniel G. Homner Mr. and Mrs. James M. Anno Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Dashiell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy A. Hall, Jr. Ms. Elma L. Harrison Valerie & Sam Penland Paul and Anita Stephens Bertha D. Hooper Ms. Virginia L. Donaldson Mr. Paul L. Hooper Dr. Samuel A. Leishear Archie Leonard Humphreys Mrs. Beatrice C. Humphreys Alice Jackson Mr. William P. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Vilkas Nancy Johnson Mrs. Mabel L. Caudill J. Morris Jones Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Jones Jacklyn W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Marion C. Dryden Mr. William R. Jones, Jr. Josephine R. Jones Ms. Drucilla Wells W. Wilson Justice Peggy and Butch Belote Anne Keeling Mrs. Irmgard S. Heinecke Mary M. Kelley-Hall Mr. Herbert C. Gladding Mrs. Valerie R. Liddle Eugene L. Kilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kilpatrick Marian L. Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. G. Ray Nordstrom Betty A. Kremer Mr. and Mrs. A. Bennett Boulden, Jr. Mrs. Jacqueline A. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Tilghman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tubbs, Sr. Mrs. Margaret Webb Bernard E. Kroeger Mrs. Jean D. Kroeger Atley A. Lankford Mrs. Hazel A. Willing Robert Layfield Mrs. Mary Ann Layfield Robert M. Lebling Mr. Robert M. Shannon Anthony P. LeCompte Larry and Jane Henry George M. LeCompte Ms. Judith A. Ashley Ms. Lisa M. Betsworth Mr. and Mrs. W. Randall R. Bradshaw, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hall Ms. Cecilia LaViolette Mrs. Sandra H. LeCompte Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Lyons Ms. Catherine T. Pasquino Mr. and Mrs. Nathan C. Perkins Norma R. Leverenz Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Todd Betty Lou Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Horace Campbell Evelyn Liechty Mr. and Mrs. Lester U. Wootten Maryrose E. Liechty Barr International, Inc. Mr. Richard S. Barr, Sr. Mr. Dennis K. Bounds, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Bounds Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Bounds Mr. and Mrs. Alfred T. Bowden Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Bradford, Jr. Mrs. Doris G. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Brittingham Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Calloway Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M. Cooper Ms. Anne J. Cuomo Mr. and Mrs. David V. Downes Ms. Frances J. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Getzey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Wayne O. Holloway Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Horner Dr. and Mrs. W. Benjamin Horner, IV Mrs. Annie L. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jones Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Liechty Mrs. Mabel H. Long Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Lowe, III Mrs. Rosalie K. Mapes Mr. and Mrs. Al Mason Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Nichols Elaine and Vernon Perdue Dr. Elizabeth Pernal Ms. Margaret E. Philipps Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Plaskon Mr. and Mrs. D. Allan Richardson Mr. Lewis Quinton Riley Mr. and Mrs. David P. Scarborough Ms. Anna Lee Shockley Danny and Terry Sparrow Mr. and Mrs. Clyde B. Stevenson, Jr. The Farmers Bank of Willards Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Timmons Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Townshend Mr. and Mrs. Calvin A. Turner Ms. Teresa J. Vitelli Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. West Mrs. Nadine C. Whitmore Mr. and Mrs. Lester U. Wootten Ocie Lilly Burlington Christian Church Barbara R. Lindenkohl Ms. Mildred D. Alford Mr. and Mrs. K. Wayne Crissman Mr. and Mrs. Merrill G. Culver Mr. and Mrs. Davison B. Hawthorne Ms. Jean Henning Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Krapf Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Livingston, Jr. Coastal Hospice Sam and Eva Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Marvel McNiel & Reed Ms. Gwen Meinster Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Mercer Mrs. Carrnetta D. Phillips Mr. Robert Shoemaker & Ms. Anne Hevner George A. Lindenkohl, III Ms. Florence L. Avis Mr. Paul E. Brown Robert and Evelyn Brown Mr. and Mrs. K. Wayne Crissman Mr. and Mrs. Davison B. Hawthorne Mr. and Mrs. John E. Jacob Mr. and Mrs. H. Orland Langrall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Livingston, Jr. Ms. Roslyn S. McFaul McNiel & Reed Mr. Wallace D. Stein Mr. and Mrs. Joe Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Tiso Mr. and Mrs. Lou Ward Ms. Lida W. Wells Ms. Aileen C. Wilkins Arthur K. Liston Ms. Mary Gizzi Ms. Barbara Webster Kenneth M. Liston Ms. Mary Gizzi Ms. Barbara Webster Elizabeth Litz Dr. Ron Vande Loo and Dr. Darlene M. Atkins Beach Club Condominium Assoc. Ms. Agnes C. Conway Ms. Margaret M. Finamore Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fiocco Connie & Jim Howard Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jameson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Thomas Ms. Amanda Wilson Irene V. Lokey H. J. Vincent Ethel Catherine Long Charles and Rebecca Paparella Mary A. Lowman Mr. and Mrs. David O. Benson Mr. and Mrs. William W. Cottman Gerald K. Mackey Ms. Toni A. Reese Robert E. Maddox Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kraus Ms. Anna M. Lewis Ms. Barbara L. Outten Donald Mahler Mr. Bill R. Hensley Shirley H. Martinez Ms. Virginia M. Bowden Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Burbage Mr. and Mrs. George R. Hannaway Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. O’Neill Mrs. Charlotte H. Parker Rodeway Inn Staff Mrs. Ann L. Showell Waller & Associates, Inc. Dr. Bill and Toots Willis Worcester Co. Dept. of Development Review & Permitting Donna McGill Becton-Dickinson Corp. Ronald S. Meredith Mr. and Mrs. David E. Drake Mrs. Betty H. Marshall Ms. Carolyn D. Wright Arthur R. Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Will Gaud Frances G. Mick Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Jones Mr. and Mrs. John E. LaVeck, II Mr. and Mrs. William E. LaVeck Mr. Harold W. Littleton Ms. Diana L. London Mr. and Mrs. William T. Mellema, Sr. Mr. John Mick Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parker Randy and Rosemary Slacum Mr. Hank Staley & Ms. Ruth Bartlett Town & Country Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Walker Allen Mitchell American Legion Auxiliary, Wicomico Unit No. 64 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Mitchell Wesley T. “Ted” Moger Mr. and Mrs. John C. Euler Bob Muller Ms. Sigrid H. Muller 410.742.8732 Theresa H. Mundy Ms. Susan J. Barton Ms. Dorothy A. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Kent Mr. and Mrs. Steve McGarril IBM Corp. c/o Mr. Roy Moebus Mrs. Etta F. Nottingham Provident Realty Partners Ms. Barbara A. Rozell & Family Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Savago Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Tull Ms. Barbara L. Ward Clara Neary Mr. William G. Neary, Jr. Barbara J. Nielsen Mr. Walter K. Nielsen & Family Larraine Nornes Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nornes & Ray-Ray Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nornes Nancy O’Brien Richard M. Laws Glenda R. Olinde Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Adams, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Alex H. Azar Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Ball Bay National Bank Dr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Beattie Ms. Ruth P. Beauchamp Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Bedell Mr. J. Ernest Bolling Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brittingham Mr. and Mrs. David Brown Mr. and Mrs. A. Dean Burroughs Mr. and Mrs. James F. Busche Mrs. Mary C. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Catlin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Cauley Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Cinderella Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Cooley Mr. and Mrs. William M. Cullin Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Dashiell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dickey, Jr. Mr. J. P. Dubuque Mr. and Mrs. W. Simpson Dunahoo Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dupuy Dupuy Land Co: Marc, Richard, Robert S. & Charles Dupuy Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Ellison Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Ennis Ms. Thelma Faulk & Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Freeman Fruitland Chamber of Commerce Mrs. Margaret F. Genvert Mr. O. Palmer Gillis Mrs. Martha K. Graham Mrs. Peggy Gremillion Mr. Elton W. Groton Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Hanna, III Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Neil Henderson Dr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Holder Mr. and Mrs. Bowman Hood, III Mr. Dale R. Hood Mr. and Mrs. John Horvath The Hon. and Mrs. Donald F. Johnson Ms. Joy M. Johnson Ms. Jennifer Kidwell Mr. John L. Killmer Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. LaChance Dr. Constantine G. Lambrou Mrs. Joan L. LaVorgna Dr. and Mrs. Mark W. LaVorgna Mr. and Mrs. Roland R. Leimann Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Lewis, Jr. Ralph and Ellen Lieux Mr. and Mrs. John B. Malone Ginny and Bob Malone Mr. and Mrs. Gary Maring Mr. and Mrs. William G. Massey Mr. and Mrs. William F. McKnight Mr. and Mrs. James L. McNaughton Brent and Amy Miller Ms. Becky Moe Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Mohler Mrs. Lucy A. Mohler Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moore & Family Ms. Barbara T. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moultrie Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Mulford, Jr. H. Earl and Donna Murray Mr. Daniel T. Murtaugh Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Olinde Mr. and Mrs. Garnet W. O’Marrow Ms. Audrey E. Orr Mr. William B. Otis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Patey Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. Peverley Mr. William H. Powell, III Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Precht, Jr. Dwight Precht, Sr. Siblings Mr. and Mrs. Seth H. Precht Ms. Susan K. Purnell Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Pusey Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reno Richard A. Henson Foundation, Inc. Don and Donna Richardson Mick & Angela Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Tony Schexnayder Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Schwalb Mr. and Mrs. William M. Sears Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Seiler Randy and Rosemary Slacum Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Smith Mr. and Mrs. William H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Louis Soulier Mr. and Mrs. G. Marvin Steen Mr. and Mrs. R. Ken Sterling Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Summers Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tassin Dr. and Mrs. Paul V. Twining, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Usilton Mr. and Mrs. Jim Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wales Wicomico Yacht Club, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic E. Wierman Mr. Brian A. Wildstein Mr. and Mrs. David Young Ms. Jolie F. Zimmerman Frederick C. Osing Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rhoads Claude B. Outten Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Bounds Floyd Thomas Outten Mr. and Mrs. Winston O. Henderson Teresa Paparella Charles and Rebecca Paparella Robert Pericone Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Benson Leroy Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. Phillips Anne E. Phipps Woodland and Faith Willing Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Wootten A. Jaye Price Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Price Santa Puglisi Mr. and Mrs. B. Randall Coates, Esq. J. R. Rains Mrs. Margurite V. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Tull Charlotte & George L. Ralph The Hon. and Mrs. Alfred T. Truitt, Jr. Culver Rausch Mr. and Mrs. Howerton D. Alvey Cecil Reeder Mrs. Marjorie T. Booth Anne S. Reims Mr. Gordon A. Reims Lois Ann Rhodes Ms. Patricia J. Fariello Ms. Mary Grace Novak Luke Owen Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Heath Jean A. Rivenburgh (Bryant) Ms. Alice D. Rivenburgh Norma F. Robbins Ms. Mary Lee Kincaid Ms. Anita Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sample Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Sample Mrs. Helen R. Senkbeil Mrs. Anna H. Williams Elizabeth Sabo Mr. Joseph Sabo, Sr. Delma J. Schaar Ms. Reda M. Passano Esther H. Schedl Ms. Rosemary Morgan Kaye W. Schuyler Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wilson Mary V. Sharp Mrs. Sara S. Battin Mr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Duggan Mrs. Dianne Humphreys Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. H. Orland Langrall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Mercer Mr. W. J. Morrow Allen and Kimberly Plusch The Tax Complex LC The Trust Company of Virginia Mrs. Patricia A. Van Dussen Page 7 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Yonker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zuger Charles W. Shock Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Halterman Indian River High School Winnie Shock Ms. Eileen Doordan A. Preston Silvia Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Levin T. Bennett Mrs. Carlye C. Carey Mr. and Mrs. William W. Cottman Mr. and Mrs. Elisha W. Davis, Jr. Ms. Catherine P. Doyle Mrs. Dianne W. Dykes Ms. Diane B. Graue Ms. Brenda J. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Earnie C. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mowbray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Franklin I. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Nelson Charles and Rebecca Paparella Mrs. Wanda B. Rayne Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Rose, Sr. Ms. Helen Schmidt Kathy and David Schmidt Mr. George Sendall Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Silvia Mrs. Janis T. Silvia The Hon. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Simpkins Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Tease Mr. and Mrs. William W. Thomas, Jr. Mrs. Dorothea P. Tuohy Washington HS Class of 1952 Ms. Lesley T. Weihs Mrs. Gail L. Whealton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Wiles Bonnie and Charles Willey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams, Jr. Mrs. Reba G. Wood Betty L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Todd, Sr. David W. Smith Mrs. Helen H. Smith Harry W. Smith Mrs. Laura Culver Jean Truss Smith Ms. Diane Abernathy Mrs. Joyce W. Hamstead Mr. and Mrs. Harlon K. Holly Mr. Kenneth L. Hutchinson Ms. Mianna S. Jopp & Ms. Kathleen Daywalt Mr. and Mrs. James R. Loomis Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Gene D. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. G. Sherwood Smith Mr. James T. Smith Mr. Thomas S. Teetor Raymond J. Smith Mrs. Marguerite G. Smith S. Lee Smith Value Carpet One Marcinia B. Stephenson Bring Your Own Thing (BYOT) Dr. and Mrs. Horace Campbell Mrs. Gladys Ketterman TOPS MD 325 Ms. Dorothy A. Warren Melissa A. “Missy” Swift Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Wright Banks H. Talley Ms. Margaret Swade & Mr. David Acton W. Randolph Talley Ms. Margaret Swade & Mr. David Acton Betty I. Taylor Mrs. Michele McGlaughlin Robert J. Taylor VFW Ladies Auxiliary Meuse #194 Robin S. Thomsen Mr. Charles A. Thomsen Jackie Thornes Betty and Howard Sterling Norris C. Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Jackson P. White Dorothy P. Trader Mr. and Mrs. John P. Corcoran Alfred T. Truitt The Hon. and Mrs. Alfred T. Truitt, Jr. James G. Truitt Dr. Mary T. Gillespie-Miles Kristin M. Underkoffler Mr. Christopher Underkoffler Phyllis Vallario Garth and Sandi Bogar Mr. and Mrs. Burton S. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Hink Ms. Jana C. McQuaid Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vallario, Jr. Frank Voss Mr. and Mrs. James M. Mister Naomi T. Waite Burbage Funeral Home John L. Walker Mrs. Margery L. Walker Ronnie Walker Mrs. Kay M. Hoffman Linda Walston Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Heath Ms. Elestine R. Pope Cecil E. Watson Mrs. Catherine E. Watson Agnes P. White Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Bounds Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. White Ruth L. Willey Mr. and Mrs. John H. Willey Edward L. Wisniewski Mrs. Alice Wisniewski Katherine A. Wood Mrs. Lynn S. Chodnicki Mary E. Yocca Ms. Margie Yocca Thank you for your special gifts... BUSINESS Honeywell Hometown Solutions Pohanka Automotive Group of Salisbury Verizon Foundation CHURCH E.C.W. of Christ Church of Cambridge Speddens United Methodist Church CLUB C & J Car Show Carlos L. Portuondo S. H. Car Events Schauber-Van Schaik Insurance Group, Inc. VFW Post #7460 PURNELL-THOMAS MEMORIAL TENNIS TOURNAMENT SPONSOR H. Neal Barker Builders Marketing Services, Inc. C. Bruce Anderson, Attorney at Law Comcast Delaware Elevator, Inc. Delmarva Title Company E. S. Adkins & Company Hometown Builders of Delmarva, Inc. Cameron S. Jackson Michael R. Jahnigen Laws & Sarbanes, PA Peninsula Plastic Surgery, PC Howard M. Phoebus David M. Roe Ira F. Shockley Charles D. Stegman Studio C Design & Photography, Inc. The Delmarva Dempseys, Inc. Thomas P. Monahan, LLC Linda Torbert Tunnell & Raysor, P.A. Vernon Powell Shoe Company Widdowson & Dashiell, P.A. GIFT-IN-KIND Ace & Father’s Lock & Safe Donna Chapman Culver Enterprises, Inc. Amanda Epps Grape & Vine Flowers & Wine Maria Grover Liz Lind Editions Paul Williams Inc. Cindy Robinson Randy Romanello Brenda Sample David Saunders Value Carpet One Drucilla Wells INDIVIDUAL Anonymous Franklin W. Applegate George N. Clayman John N. Reiter LEGACY Estate of Margaret A. Martin Honoring special people... Norma L. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Floyd F. Bassett 50th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dorman Mr. and Mrs. Larry V. Widgeon Coastal Hospice, Inc. P.O. Box 1733 Salisbury, Maryland 21802-1733 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Salisbury, MD Permit No. 143 Board of Directors Chairman: Peter S. Abbott, M.D. VICE CHAIRMAN: Malcolm W. Peverely Secretary: Christopher T. Woodley, Esq. Treasurer: Deborah S. Abbott Immediate Past Chairman: Donna I. Richardson President: Alane K. Capen Directors Diana L. Barber Allen C. Brown Patricia A. Dempsey Roger L. Harrell Glenna J. Heckathorn W. Richard Holloway Barbara W. Jackson John K. Phoebus, Esq. Susan K. Purnell Ira F. Shockley Thomas J. Spain, Esq. Walter “Macky” Stansell Nevins W. Todd, M.D. Dirk W. Widdowson, Esq. Coastal Hospice News Editor Sonya M. Spery Reach Coastal Hospice at 410-742-8732 or November & December B e r e a ve m e n t Ev e n t s D o r c h e s t e r C o u nt y Memorial Service & Buffet Dinner* Elks Lodge, Cambridge Nov 1 5:00 pm Coping With The Holidays Workshop & Dinner Social* Kay’s Restaurant, Cambridge Dec 7 6:00 pm * Please R.S.V.P. to (410) 726-6405 S o m e r s e t C o u nt y Coping with the Holidays Workshop & Support Group Hotel Inn, 11782 Somerset Ave, Princess Anne Nov 3 10:45 am - 11:45 am Lunch Social Hotel Inn Nov 3 12:00 pm Support Group Hotel Inn Dec 1 10:45 am - 11:45 am Lunch Social Hotel Inn Dec 1 12:00 pm W i c o m i c o C o u nt y These special groups offer a safe place to express feelings as they relate to the grieving process. These are offered at no cost and open to any adult who has experienced the death of a loved one. Please call (410) 742-8732 to register or request more information. Lunch Social Sages Diner, Salisbury Nov 11 1:00 pm Coping with the Holidays Workshop & Support Group PRMC Avery Hall Building, Salisbury Nov 16 4:00 pm Coping with the Holidays Workshop & Support Group Coastal Hospice at the Lake, Salisbury Nov 19 1:00 pm Lunch Social Sages Diner Dec 9 1:00 pm Support Group Coastal Hospice at the Lake Dec 17 1:00 pm Support Group PRMC Avery Hall Building Dec 21 4:00 pm W o r c e s t e r C o u nt y Coping with the Holidays Workshop & Support Group Coastal Hospice at the Ocean, Rt 589, Berlin Nov 12 11:00 am Lunch Social Marina Deck Restaurant, Rt 589, Berlin Nov 19 1:00 pm Support Group Coastal Hospice at the Ocean Dec 10 11:00 am Lunch Social Whiskers Pub, Rt. 589, Berlin Dec 17 1:00 pm