Early May 2013 - Milford Public Schools


Early May 2013 - Milford Public Schools
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Volume 4, Issue 1
The Foran Exchange
Volume 4, Issue 12
Baseball Field
Accepted Students
Europe Trip
Shain Gandee
Darelle Revis
MTV Movie
And More...
Early May
Prom Proposals
Valerie Mackin
It‟s that time of year again where everyone is stressing out over what prom dress to wear,
what tux to get, what limos to take, and who‟s asking who to prom. Around this time, there comes
that nerve-wrecking moment when you wonder if you‟ll be asked, by whom, and how. How people
are being asked is a big factor this year for the class of 2014. Both boys and girls are stepping their
game up and asking people in creative and fun ways.
There have countless number of ways that people have been asked to prom this year. But
here are some of the most creative ways:
Zach Hubler asked Morgan Klass by writing it on a pancake.
Drew Perani asked Caroline Stapleton by writing it on a bunch of pieces of paper.
Bradley Orban asked Cheyenne Chaisson by writing it on a box of food and candy.
Zach White asked Jessie Black by writing it on a chalkboard.
Jesse Aldridge asked Brittany Falcigno by writing it on her car.
Janie DiNatalie asked Brian Dirgo by writing in a fortune cookie.
Jess Harkness asked Drew Patrick through piñata.
Tyler Kasuba asked Bryzy Gonski by writing prom on a softball.
Jamie Healey asked Nico DeRosa by coloring Easter eggs.
Ben Lavallee asked Nicole Postinghone through an Easter egg basket.
Will Vitelli asked Claire Marler through Easter eggs.
Tyler Kennedy asked Megan McCaskill through a cupcake.
Andy Kohn asked Courtney Harrington by writing it on a bunch of signs and placing them on
the way to the entrance of school and waited there for her with flowers.
With all these creative ways of asking people to prom, most people are still doing the standard
way to ask over text or just in person. When asked if he is going to ask a girl in a creative way, junior Sam Olsson said, “I am not very creative, so probably not.” Junior Sarah DeLuke says she
would like to be asked through a t-shirt like “The Situation” did on Jersey Shore. Math teacher Mr.
Peters has a different view on the way people have been asked. He says, “It‟s disturbing to see all
these people treat it like a marriage proposal. I
mean most of these relationships won‟t last a
month after prom. When I went I just asked my
With prom less than 3 weeks away, it‟s coming down to the wire. The night will be filled with
dancing, laughter, and many memories that you
will look back on, especially those who were
asked in a creative and fun way!
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Volume 4, Issue 110
In Honor and Memory of Mr. Walker
Paul Deptulski
The school hosted a ceremony for naming the baseball field after the recently passed teacher, Mr. Walker on April 10 th.
The ceremony began with the band marching performing on the field. Then all the teachers that were there were invited on to the
field and after that all the students were invited on to the field as well. Mr. Vitelli began by saying a few words about Mr. Walker
and then invited Mr. Walker‟s family and close friends up to the podium. Then he said, “Let‟s take a moment of silence for Mr.
Walker.” Next, Mr. Cummings came up to the podium and talked about how Mr. Walker never gave up on anybody and always saw
the good in people. Next, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Feser, came up to the podium and said how Mr. Walker was one of the
greatest teachers and coach the Milford community has ever had. “I thought Mr. Walker was a kind man and did a lot for the community” says business teacher Mrs. Brown.
Next, Mr. Walker‟s high school coach came up to the podium and said that Mr. Walker was the greatest three sport athlete
he has ever seen. Then Garret Walker, Mr. Walker‟s son, came up to the podium and said how much he loved coaching with his dad
and how he used to ask his mom when he was younger to take him to Dad‟s field and now it is his field. He also said, “We‟re naming the field after my dad not because he died, but because he
lived.” Next, the Foran Key Club showed Mrs. Walker a giant
check for $1,000 that has been donated to Ken Walker Memorial scholarship. Then Mr. Vitelli announced that it was
time to pull off the cover and unveil the sign. Mr. Vitelli
asked the seniors from the boys baseball team to come up and
pull the cover off the sign; the sign read “Ken Walker Field
Donated by the Class of 2013”. “Having the ceremony was a
great way to remember Mr. Walker and keep the memory of
him alive,” stated Miceal Callahan. The memory of Mr. Walker will always be at his Baseball Field.
Ramsey’s Return
Caroline Stapleton
Beloved Ms. Shannon Ramsey (formerly known as Ms. Worcester) has returned after a 4-month absence. On the 30th of
December, Ms. Ramsey gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Adriana. The new mother said, “It is awesome being a mom. I have realized that it involves a lot of worry, but it also involves an abundance of happiness. There is no feeling in the world like it!” Ramsey
returned to Foran on April 3rd and her students couldn‟t be happier. “She‟s an angel, we all love her,” said senior AP Literature student Jamie Farren.
While Ramsey was on maternity leave, her students were left in great hands. Mr. Scaramella was her long-term substitute
teacher. “Mr. Scaramella is one of the most intelligent men that I have ever met… the students were very lucky to have him, as was
I when I was in high school,” said Ramsey. Jamie Farren agrees with this statement, saying, “We learned so much from him, he‟s an
incredible teacher but the workload was enormous.” A big workload is to be expected as an AP student, however, and Ms. Ramsey
is confident that her AP students will succeed on their exam because Mr. Scaramella has a lot of experience in teaching advanced
“It is bittersweet to be back at Foran. I miss my baby on a daily basis and I envy stay at home moms (although it is a lot of
work!) but I did miss my other „kids‟ here at Foran. I guess I am lucky to go home to a baby that is happy to see me and come to
school where there are students that are happy to see me,” said Ramsey.
If any readers get a chance, congratulate Ms. Ramsey on her new bundle of joy, Adriana!
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The Foran Exchange
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3 4, Issue 1
World Language Week
Michaela Garland
The week of Monday, April 8th is the week where Foran High School celebrates all of the different languages and cultures
of the world. It is important to have this week-long event in our school because kids really need to be exposed to all of the diverse
types of culture in different countries other than just our own. Foran has played music from all around the world during the morning
announcements to show the variety of music from other countries. In addition, as a way to spread this information from other countries, Foran held two assemblies during the week, one assembly on Thursday and another on Friday.
On Thursday, all of the language students gathered in the auditorium for a plethora of performances. First, the Foran Choir
performed the national anthem along with a few other songs, adding a cultural twist. Then, we had a man all the way from Brazil
who visited our school and put on a performance with his two other friends. He played the drums and tambourine and taught a little
bit of Portuguese to the audience. The two men he brought with him were also from Brazil and put on a performance called Capoeira, which is a Brazilian form of martial arts, filled with dancing and flips. They even called several volunteers onto the stage to learn
a Brazilian dance and perform it in front of all their fellow classmates. Everyone seemed to enjoy this show and really got involved.
Senior Shelby Dillman said, “I think that it was beneficial to have students exposed to different cultures and this assembly was a
great way to do it.” Finally, the assembly ended with a dance performance by Foran High School‟s dance team. The dance team
performed a slow, modern dance to the song “Give Me Love”, by Ed Sheeran. Overall, the assembly on Thursday was a success and
students and teachers were really entertained and hopefully absorbed the different cultural performances.
The assembly on Friday consisted of a substitute teacher Miss Navroth who shared her experiences during her travels over
the years. Miss Navroth learned about Spanish in college and got to travel to Spain in her travels. She had been to many countries
including Italy, France, Egypt and Spain. She shared pictures and cultural information that she picked up from these other countries.
The presentation let students get a taste of all of the different countries and show them that traveling will help you discover new
things. Senior Brianna Clinton shared, “My favorite part of the week was when the intern, Miss Navroth told us about her travels
and showed us her pictures from around the world.” Actually going to a different country will really help learn about and experience
them in a hands-on way. Many students enjoyed the presentation and it made traveling seem like it was possible and a great way to
experience culture.
World language week was both successful in attracting the student‟s attention as well as informative. Spanish teacher Mrs.
Morazzini said, “World language week was a lot of fun and I really liked the Brazilian Capoeira and I enjoyed hearing about Miss
Navroth‟s trips.” Students really latched on to the performances during the first assembly and absorbed the performances. Getting
involved and having the students dance themselves was a great and interactive way for students to learn. The second assembly made
traveling the world seem possible due to the substitute who spoke, telling everyone about how traveled to all of the different countries at a young age. Overall, students learned and participated in world language week and got a feel for the different cultures from
various countries which will help them in their later travels.
Accepted Students Days Lead to College Decisions
Hadley Whitaker
May 1 is the day most high school seniors fear. It‟s the day that leads to the next four years of their lives. The official day
for college decisions is May 1st , and all seniors want to make the right decision. “Visiting colleges along with going to your top
schools Student Acceptance Day will have a huge impact on deciding a college,” said Mrs. Unger in Guidance. At this point, many
seniors have attended an Accepted Students Day and some have already chosen a college to attend in the fall of 2013. Senior Crystal
Colon said, “I did an Accepted Student Overnight stay, and decided it would be best to attend Fairfield University in the fall.” However, there are seniors who have chosen colleges based on a sport. “I haven‟t gone to an Accepted Students Day, but I‟m choosing
Franklin Pierce for baseball,” said senior Anthony Alicki. This is an overwhelming time in not only the senior‟s lives, but also their
Overall, the Class of 2013 said that Accepted Students Days and Open Houses have helped when narrowing down college
choices. These days give seniors an idea of college and residence life. It‟s only days away from the May 1 st deadline and many last
minute decisions are being made within these next few days. Making the right decision is key to being successful in your future.
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Volume 4, Issue 110
2013 Europe Trip
Claire Marler
Over April break, 40 Foran students, accompanied by Mrs. Uchaczyk and several chaperones, traveled to Germany after an
exhausting 6 hour flight out of the Newark, New Jersey Airport. The flight landed a little before 8:30 am and was followed by a brief
connecting flight to Paris, France, where our destination was for the next two nights. The flight from Germany to France sparked
excitement and a strong appetite when the flight attendants served gourmet croissants filled with rich European milk chocolate for
breakfast. After landing in France, we met with our tour director, Andy. Everyone immediately loved him, mainly because of his
British accent, which we all tried to mimic throughout the trip. Andy took us sightseeing by foot, bus, train and boat. We visited
many places in France such as The Garden of Versailles and the Eiffel Tower. We had the opportunity to take a tour where the Treaty
of Versailles was signed, and where many previous Kings and Queens of France were conceived. In addition, our group walked up
the steps of the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower lit up the city as the day turned to night. Junior Maura Carroll, explained, “As soon as
we reached the top of the Eiffel Tower, the lights lit up, we honestly couldn‟t have been there at a better time.”
Next, we said Au Revoir to France and Hallo to Switzerland. We checked out of the Kyriad Hotel and road the fastest train in the
world (TGV) reaching 357 mph. Hotel Und Naturhaus Bellevue Seelisbergis, where we stayed in Switzerland and overlooked the
Alps. The geographical view was so unreal sometimes we couldn‟t actually believe we were there.
To reduce to capacity of travel in one day, we stayed a night in Austria on our way to Germany. In Austria, we explored the
European culture and shopped in the main city.
Bright eyed and bushy tailed, we started our road trip to Germany at 8 am where we would end our tour. We explored the
shops in cafes that surrounded the hotel. One of the two days we stayed there, we visited the BMW headquarters and sat in the brand
new 2013 limited editions. Also in Munich, we toured the devastating Dachau concentration camp in Munich, Germany. Seeing the
devastation first hand gave a whole new perspective on the Holocaust to the students who went on this trip.
On the way home from the trip, junior Tatiana Bernal said,” This trip was be far the best thing that‟s ever happened to me, I
can‟t wait to go on the trip next year.”
Mrs. Uchaczyk, on behalf of the students from the Europe trip, we thank you again for making this once in a lifetime journey possible!
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The Foran Exchange
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5 4, Issue 1
Opening Day Fishing
Anthony DeTullio
Recently the opening day for fishing occurred in the State of Connecticut. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection said Connecticut's rivers, streams, lakes and ponds were stocked and ready for the start of trout fishing season. Connecticut was a little behind stocking this year, due to the unusually rough winter, which pushed back the times on when the
rivers were supposed to be stocked. About 381,000 trout have been released into 102 lakes and ponds and 200 rivers and streams
throughout the state. The state environmental agency says it expects to stock more than 630,000 trout during spring stocking. It began in early March and is set to continue until the end of May. When asked about opening day fishing, Senior John Haray said “My
family always goes out and fishes for the entire day, we been doing it for years and it has become tradition”. When asked about what
he did for opening day, Mr. Domeracki of the tech department, who is an avid fly fisherman, said “I was able to sneak out of the
house this weekend for a little bit to hit the water and do some fishing. I wasn‟t able to do as much as I wanted to, but it was better
than none”. Also, senior James Monk stated, “I went camping with my friend and spent the weekend with his family and fished for
the majority of the time. It was a fun time and fishing is a good sport”.
Before you grab your fishing pole and tackle box make sure you get a fishing license if you are 16 or older. A salt and fresh
water one will cost you about $32 for the year. After talking to a game warden who checked my license this weekend, I found out
that fishing without a license will get you an $87 ticket and the game warden has the authority to take all your fishing equipment. I
asked what the money for the license pays for and he replied saying it pays for the cost of the fish and also to help preserve the environment.
Underage Tobacco Sting!
David Foster
On March 22, 2013, members of the Milford Police Department underwent an “underage tobacco sting”, carrying out a
compliance check of over 20 Milford businesses who sell tobacco products. The raids lead to five establishments being fined for
selling tobacco products to underage patrons. The penalty was a mere $200 fine. when asked about the subject, substance abuse
teacher, Mrs. Micucki said,“…the $200 fine could potentially already be paid for by big tobacco companies for selling to underage
This certainly nominalizes the small fine. “I don‟t think a $200 fine would teach a store much of a lesson.” Said senior
Nick Holt. This does pose a great question of „how large of a fine will it take to teach these companies to stop selling tobacco products to underage children?‟ In the age of D.A.R.E. programs and drug abuse courses, it is sad that children under 18 still have some
access to such potentially hurtful products. “I think a huge reason kids still smoke is because they have access to buy it themselves.”
Reported senior Ben Hayes.
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Volume 4, Issue 1
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Six Flags New England Opens for the Season
CJ Luth
Six Flags New England (Massachusetts) had its opening day on April 13 , opening from 10AM-9PM. The park was open
from the 13th to the 21st for its opening week. Now, Six Flags New England will be open Friday (10AM- 8PM), Saturday (10AM9PM) and Sunday (10AM- 8PM) until May 24th, when the park opens for the summer. Hurricane Harbor, the waterpark at Six Flags
New England, will be open on May 25th.
Hurricane Harbor will have a new waterslide this year, Bonzai Pipelines. Six Flags describes the new attraction, “Are you
ready to free-fall through a 257-foot enclosed water slide and splash into six inches of water? Six Flags New England and Hurricane
Harbor are pleased to announce the all-new, first of its kind in the world Bonzai Pipelines, a 65-foot tall waterslide complex featuring
not one, not two, but six outrageously fast and intense drop hatch looping body slides.” In a press release about the new Bonzai Pipelines, Six Flags New England park president, John Winkler said, “The addition of Bonzai Pipelines to our incredible portfolio of water
attractions solidifies our commitment to delivering world-class thrills in our water park as well as our theme park.” This new addition
to Hurricane Harbor is meant to attract all thrill seekers. Senior Clay Callahan said, “I love any ride that gives me a thrill and I‟m
looking forward to going down the Bonzai Pipelines this summer.”
For costs, General Admission at the park costs $55 a ticket. If you are under 54” the cost is $45 and 2 years old and under is
free. Season passes only cost $55 if you purchase 4 or more, and that comes with a free parking pass. One-day parking is $20 and
season parking is $60. A season pass includes unlimited admission to Six Flags New England and Six Flags Great Adventure (New
Jersey). It also includes special days where you can bring a friend for free. A coupon book full of in-park discounts and discounts for
friends and family will be included in your purchase of a season pass.
Earth Day
Michele McMellon
In the 1960‟s, people started to become more aware of the effect of pollution on the Earth. Many people were not aware of
the gas-guzzling cars, factory pollutions, and what recycling was. Earth Day was soon to be invented!
Every year, we celebrate the anniversary of what is considered the beginning of the environmental movement in 1970.
Hippies and “flower-child” cultures were at its peak in the U.S. Americans used lead gas, industries were producing heaps of
smoke with little care, and thought about the environment and consequences involved. Students coast-to-coast were protesting
against the Vietnam War. The smoke that companies caused was considered normal, and was a symbol of success to them. Rachel
Carson was a New York Times bestseller, with her Silent Spring book back in 1962. The book helped raise unrestricted awareness
of health, living organisms, and the environment.
The founder of Earth Day was Senator Gaylord Nelson, a Democrat from Wisconsin elected into the U.S. Senate. After
being inspired by the anti-Vietnam War, Nelson thought of Earth Day. They founded this day after the witnessing the effects of a
massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California in 1969. Nelson and the U.S. Senator were motivated by the liveliness of some students that they thought they could emerge and use their energy to make the public conscious about the pollution in the air and water.
On Earth Day of 1970, the Clean Air Act, Federal Occupational Health and Safety Act, Clean Water Act, the Endangered
Species Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act were passed. Also, in late 1970, the Environmental Protection
Agency was established. The Earth Day of 1990 made great achievements! They created the United Nations (UN) Earth Summit
located in Rio de Janeiro which was the leading collection of national political leaders to meet in one place. The Earth Summit addressed climate change and preserving biodiversity. In 1990, a little more than a dozen countries had established eco-labeling programs to help provide consumers with the thoughts to use environmentally preferable goods and services. Some Eastern European
nations also established new environmental protections agencies.
According to the EDN, Earth Day Network, over 200 million people in 140 nations started to participate in Earth Day
when it went global in 1990. The EDN is a nonprofit organization that organizes Earth Day activities. In 2000, Earth Day involved
hundreds of millions of people in 184 countries and 5,000 environmental groups gathered to make and focus on clean energy for the
Earth. Now, the Earth Day Network joined forces with over 17,000 followers and organizations and more than one billion people
are now involved in Earth Day activities.
So what can Foran do to get involved in this coming up Earth Day? We can recycle, and encourage others to as well! We
can plant a tree, which restores indigenous ecologies and helps lessen the climate crises in environmentally- damaged locations.
You can pledge an Act of Green by pledging to do one million acts of green. We can all teach others about Earth Day and the
benefits, and help people know what they can do to save our Earth. Volunteer! You can do anything you want and
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7 4, Issue 1
The Foran Exchange
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RIP Gandee Candy
Claire Torento
On April 1st 2013 MTV Buckwild star Shain Gandee was found dead in Sissonville, West Virginia,
with his 48 year old uncle David Gandee, and 27 year old friend Donald Robert Myers. Gandee was
reported missing over the weekend after leaving a bar early Sunday morning with his uncle and
friend. On April 1st, after the trio was said to have gone “mudding” or off-roading. All three were
pronounced dead inside a Ford Bronco pick-up truck. Autopsies confirmed all three died from Carbon monoxide poisoning, likely result of the trucks tailpipe being submerged in mud. All three
deaths were ruled tragic and accidental. Authorities say there was no way anyone could have saved
them once they were found. The truck was stuck so far in the mud that a bull dozer was needed to remove the vehicle.
Buckwild is a reality TV series that followed the lives of twenty-one year old Shain Gandee and his friends and
family as they went off-roading, job searching, and lived up their summer vacation. The program airs on MTV and made its premiere
season this past fall. MTV confirmed on April 2nd that it would suspend production of the series. In a statement to ABCnews.com,
MTV said, “We are shocked and saddened by the deaths. Shain had a magnetic personality, with a passion for life that touched everyone he met and we will miss him.” MTV also said, “We love the cast and the show and this was not an easy decision, but given
Shains tragic passing and essential presence on the show, we felt it was not appropriate to continue filming without him.” Junior
Paige Raucci said, “I really loved the show, but MTV is doing the right thing by not continuing it, Shain made the show.”
Shain Gandee, the fun-loving breakout Buckwild star was laid to rest Sunday April 7th at a memorial service full of
camouflage, family and friend tributes, and his favorite country anthem “A country boy can survive.” Hundreds of mourners including Shains family and the rest of the Buckwild cast came to the service wearing neon and camouflage shirts that read “Gandee Candy.” Reading teacher Mrs. Whitaker a said, “The show wasn‟t the smartest thing on TV, but Shain Gandee is definitely someone that
will be remembered.” Shain will be missed tremendously by his family, friends, and Buckwild fans.
Lights… Camera… Relay!
Megan McCaskill
On Wednesday, March 27th, Milford‟s Relay for Life planning committee hosted their annual Kick Off at Stonebridge Restaurant to officially begin “Relay season.”
Relay for life is a charity event that raises money for the American Cancer Society‟s cancer research, as well as helping to
fund programs that provide services for cancer patients, such as rides to their treatment and delivering wigs to those that have lost
their hair.
“Relay season” is the colloquial term for the months of April, May, June, July, and August, as well as the first few weeks in
September, when the event occurs. Traditionally the first weekend after Labor Day, the 2013 Relay for Life will be held on Saturday,
September 7th, ending on Sunday the 8th. This 18 hour event includes a plethora of activities, hosted by the event as a whole and the
specific teams, to entertain participants while they walk the track continuously from the first lap, around 1pm, until the final lap, the
next morning at 6am. English Teacher Mr. Raucci says this year‟s theme of Hollywood will include “a ton of fun stuff, but it‟s still in
the works so I can‟t tell you specifically yet. You‟ll have to come to the event and find out!”
To get involved with this event, go to www.relayforlife.org to donate or to start your own team. Foran has always been involved with this event since it is such a big part of our community. Our football and cheerleading teams are known for their participation in the event, as well as the Foran band, Natural Helpers, and student-based teams. Junior Nikki Cichowski exclaims, “I am so
excited for Relay for Life this year! It raises money for such a good cause and I don‟t even feel like I‟m fundraising because it‟s so
much fun.”
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Volume 4, Issue 110
Lays ‘Do us a Flavor’ Contest
Courtney McManus
The Lay‟s “Do Us a Flavor” contest is now giving consumers the opportunity to decide what the next potato chip flavor will
be for the brand. Fans were encouraged to submit ideas for the new chip flavor with the chance to become the winner of the contest,
winning either one million dollars in grand prize money, or one percent of their flavors 2013 net sales; whichever income is higher.
Consumer turnout “wowed” the Lays potato chip officials with a 3.8 million fan submissions between July 20th and October 6th. Ram
Krishnan, VP of Marketing, FLNA said of the competition: “Millions of Lay‟s fans showed tremendous passion and creativity for
our brand, making it extremely difficult to narrow the submissions down to just three finalist flavors. But now the final decision is in
America‟s hands – and we can‟t wait to see what they will decide to be the next great potato chip flavor.” Lays began with whittling
the suggestions down to twenty potato chip flavors, leaving the panel to pick the final three. The top three finalists of the Lays “Do
Us a Flavor” contest were Tyler Raineri from Lake Zurich, Illinois, who created the “Sriracha” flavor, Karen Weber-Mendham from
Land o‟ Lakes, Wisconsin, who created the “Garlic Cheesy Bread” potato chip flavor, and Christina Abu-Judom from Phoenix, Arizona, who created the funky “Chicken and Waffles” flavor that has consumers roaring with excitement. Each chip flavor has its own
design on the bag and a quote from its creator on the back telling a short story related to their flavor creation. After being interviewed, Junior, Ali Phelan stated, “I find the quotes on the back of the Lays bags to be hilarious, especially the “Cheesy Garlic
Bread” one.” Sophomore, Alex Tobin, explained with excitement that “the “Sriracha” flavor has an amazing kick to it; my mom tries
to keep it in the house whenever it isn‟t already sold out at the local super market”.
Both students agreed on the great quality of all three flavor suggestions and
added that they both have already casted their vote for the one million dollar cash prize
winner. Voting on this contest has been made extremely easy for fans; the “Do Us a
Flavor” promotion has created a strong social media component to give those busy
body voters an equal chance to cast their vote. Customers can vote on the Lay‟s Facebook page at the click of a button, by Twitter using the hash tags
#SaveChickenWaffles, #SaveGarlicBread or #SaveSriracha, or simply via text message by texting “VOTE” to 24477 (CHIPS). Make sure to send in your vote by the
May 4th deadline and stay tuned to watch the winner be revealed!
NCAA Championship
Luke Cullen
If you drew up a March Madness bracket, chances are your predictions came true. Throughout the entire 2013 season and
March Madness tournament, the Louisville Cardinals remained on top, ranked number one. The Cardinals battled through the worst
of injuries and used teammate Kevin Ware‟s horrific accident as inspiration to “Beat Duke”. Senior Christopher Yee, said with a
grimacing look, “I wish I didn‟t turn on the game. Better yet, I wish he blocked the shot instead of breaking his leg.”
Ware‟s injury brought nausea to everyone watching the game, on and off the court. Most players began crying as they could
feel the excruciating pain running through Kevin‟s leg. However, Ware‟s determination to win helped bring his team together as,
screaming in pain; he called over his teammates and pep-talked Louisville to victory over big blue in an exciting 85-63 blowout.
The Cards continued their success for the rest of the season, topping Wichita State to a dramatic 72-68 win, ensuring a spot
against Michigan in the National Championship game. Ware, sidelined, cheered his team on the best he could with one hand in the
air and the other on his right leg that broke only a week before. Early game drama, the Michigan Wolverine‟s Spike Albrecht
knocked down his first five shots from beyond the arc, leading his team to a twelve point lead in the first half. He hadn‟t played
much his freshman year, but he showed up to play when Michigan needed him most, scoring 17 first half points. Unfortunately for
the Wolverines, Louisville had their own superstars show up to play. Junior, Luke Hancock, seemed to respond after every threepoint field-goal Michigan made with a three-pointer himself. Co-captains, Hancock and Peyton Siva, put their team on their backs in
hopes to receive Louisville‟s third National Championship and hand teammate Kevin Ware a reward for his sacrifice.
The Cardinal‟s rise to victory ended appropriately with an 86-72 win over the Michigan Wolverines; their first since 1986.
Kevin Ware‟s injury brought inspiration for his team and coach, Rick Pitino. Pitino is now the first coach in NCAA history to win
two National Championship games as head coach for two separate teams. Pitino even made a deal with the team, at the beginning of
the season, to get a tattoo if they won the Championship. Junior Luke Hancock said, “I don‟t think he knew what he was getting into
when he signed up for that one.”
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Frozen Four Finale
Brendan Hallett
As this year‟s NCAA hockey season comes to an end, Connecticut has shown a dominating presence, as 2 CT teams enter
the final rounds of the playoffs. After an intense series of games, the final four teams in the bracket were Quinnipiac, St. Cloud State,
Mass.-Lowell, and Yale. With a swift victory, Quinnipiac moved on to the final round after defeating St. Cloud State 4-1. At the
same time, Yale managed to pull out a win in overtime against the University of Massachusetts-Lowell. This 2-3 triumph allowed the
Yale Bulldogs to move on to face the Quinnipiac Bobcats in the finals.
Labeled the “War for Whitney Ave,” because of the 8 mile distance between the campuses, this rivalry began when Quinnipiac joined the ECAC Hockey‟s 2005-2006 season. At their first game against Yale, Quinnipiac Bobcats‟ All-American defenseman Reid Cashman was hit into the boards and started bleeding. This would turn out to be the first of many heated games between the two teams that fueled the flames of rivalry.
With the final game set to take place on 4/13/13, the anticipations were high. “This game is going to be poppin!” exclaimed
senior Mirza Musovic. This was the first time in the team‟s history that Quinnipiac had made it to the frozen four. For Yale, it was
their second appearance to the Frozen Four, the first taking place 61 years ago in 1952. Despite Yale‟s previous appearance, neither
team had produced a championship win yet. Yale also had a 0-3 record against the bobcats at this point and held the 15th rank, compared to the Bobcats‟ number one seat. With the date set, both teams were squared away to fight to bring the trophy back for their
The game began with both teams unable to produce a goal after 20 minutes in the first period. Both teams seemed determined to win as neither gave up a goal. With only 4 seconds left in the game, Yale‟s Clint Bourbonais redirected a shot that went
through the goalie‟s legs. This started a downward spiral for the bobcats that would inevitably lose in the end. With other goals made
by Captain Andrew Miller, Center Jesse Root, and Charles Orzetti, the Bulldogs would eventually win 4-0. It was certainly a disappointing loss for the Quinnipiac Bobcats, who had scored 13 goals and only allowed 3 goals to be made during the last three encounters between Yale and Quinnipiac. Science Teacher Mr. Lawrence is a former Quinnipiac student and an alumnus of the bobcats. “It
was awesome getting there, but it sucked losing,” Lawrence said, when asked his opinion of the game, “and what made it worse was
that it was Yale.” Lawrence is a proud bobcat who hopes to see his team go back to
Revis Island Relocates
Joe Mixie
As it is the springtime, the NFL season had ended, and it is now the free agency period. This is when players with expired
contracts may sign new contracts with any team they agree to, or where trades may take place. Perhaps the biggest of these trades to
take place so far this offseason was that of the New York Jets‟ star cornerback Darelle Revis being traded to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. This came after a very highly publicized and controversial season for the Jets, who finished 6-10, missing the playoffs. The
team had multiple issues, including Revis being injured during the third week of the season, causing him to be out for the rest of the
season. This proved to be tragic for the Jets, who considered Revis to be one of the best players on the team. When the season ended,
and the offseason began, General Manager Mike Tannenbaum paid the price for the team‟s mediocre season by being fired almost
immediately. The news GM, John Idzik, chose to put Revis on the trade block, citing the injury, as well as also having pro- bowl
corner Antonio Cromartie on the roster as the main reasons. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers proved the be the most interested team,
trading away a potential of six draft picks for Revis, including this year‟s first round pick. Upon acquiring him, they chose to sign
him to a six year, 96 million dollar contract, making him the highest paid defensive back in NFL history. The Jets were in absolutely
no position to give Revis this kind of money, as they came out of the season with a 19.5 million dollar salary cap deficit, meaning
they would have to either release or trade multiple players. The Revis trade may prove to be a massive blow to their secondary, but it
could save them money over the next couple of years. Gang Green has already tried to cover the hole Revis has left by drafting cornerback Dee Milliner from Alabama in this year‟s NFL Draft.
The general reaction to this trade was that of confusion and displeasure.
Many sports writers, such as ESPN‟s Rich Cimini, felt that this was a very big loss
for the Jets. Many Jets fans felt the same. Here at Foran High school, athletic director Mr. Vitelli wondered what the Jets were thinking. “This was a poor decision by
the Jets, and will hurt them very much this season,” he boldly proclaimed. Senior
and Jet fan Brendan Carey stated, “This is not a good move by the Jets.”
Time will certainly tell as to whether this was a good move by the Jets.
Tune in this coming NFL season to find out what kind of impact Revis‟
departure has on the team.
Continued on next page
Pop Culture
Page 10
Volume 4, Issue 110
42 Review
Ben Bonessi
Recently, 42: The True Story of an American Legend was released in theaters everywhere. For me, this movie was an
absolute masterpiece. The meaning was made clear through indirect and direct messages. The actors chosen to play the roles in the
film were spot on in delivering clear and moving reenactment. This movie most definitely gave justice to the plight of Jackie Robinson and the push to abolish segregation.
The film‟s director and screenplay writer, Brian Helgeland, was able to show the audience, in a most touching way, the struggles
of being an African-American man during the mid-20th century. His portrayal of Robinson‟s hardships was absolutely phenomenal. From being held off of an airplane, to receiving death-threatening letters, to getting direct verbal abuse on the field, this film
was truly an eye-opener to such deeply-rooted racism abuse in the 1940‟s. For someone like Robinson to take the field in an allwhites league at the time was simply unheard of.
The correct assortment of actors is another vitally important aspect as to what made the movie so incredible. Chadwick
Boseman as Jackie Robinson was one of the director‟s best choices. Boseman was adept in portraying Robinson‟s composure on
the outside and screaming on the inside. He created an aura of unshaken confidence with keeping his cool while surrounded by
such a harsh and critical America. I find his acting skills absolutely outstanding in this film. Harrison Ford as Branch Rickey was
another good choice. The way he was able to reenact Rickey‟s outside-the-box thinking as a pioneer in implementing AfricanAmerican ball players into the game was enchanting. He showed Rickey‟s kind and composed manner in a light that literally put a
smile on my face. Ford, who normally plays a tough guy in action packed adventures, would not have been most people‟s first
choice. The director must have had some marvelous foresight because after seeing the film, I doubt anyone else could have played
Rickey‟s character in such an outstanding way.
Over all I truly believe this has earned a place in one of the top influential films I have seen in the past few years. Junior
Stephen Furda said he could not believe how spectacular the writing for this movie was. He believes that this movie, were it to be
re-made 100 times, could not have been better. I would recommend this movie to any of my peers or readers. The film is rated PG13 and is playing now in theaters everywhere.
Review of MTV’s ‘Awkward’
Allie Raucci
MTV‟s teen comedy show „Awkward.‟ is about the life of a high school girl named Jenna Hamilton, played by Ashley
Rickards. Her life encompasses the many struggles faced by every-day high school students. Similar to almost every fifteen-yearold, Jenna is just trying to find her place and fit in. The situations that she is put in seem to define who she is, sometimes for the
better and sometimes for the worse. When her life seems to be going well, something bad always comes to ruin it. Her life was
drastically changed when she experienced a freak accident in her bathroom that made it look like she was attempting to commit
suicide. After this, she was known in school as “the girl who tried to kill herself.” Aside from this, she faces conflicts amongst
her parents, friends, and especially boys. During the summer before sophomore year, Jenna had a fling with a boy named Matty
McKibben (Beau Mirchoff). He seemed to have genuine feelings for her, but being the school‟s „most popular boy‟, he did not
want to make their relationship public because of Jenna‟s social awkwardness. When school began, Jenna started to have feelings
for Matty‟s best friend, Jake Rosati (Brett Davern). Soon after, she and Jake became a public couple. This caused Matty to become jealous and work to get her back. At the end of season 2, Jenna was faced with the sweeping question of whether to pick
Jake, the intellectual attraction; or Matty, the physical attraction. She made the decision that leads us into season 3, which premiered on MTV on April 19, 2013.
This show involves all of the battles faced by high school students. It addresses real life issues in the life of not only one
person, but also the issues in the lives of her parents and peers as well. It comes with a great message and shows how these people
react to the situations as shown. Many people enjoy this show because it is so relatable to the targeted audience. In addition to
this, the show features great actors that understand their role as high school students and they bring great humor and balance to the
story line. Throughout the seasons, viewers can see how the characters mature and grow. The end of every show leaves the audience wanting to know more and waiting for the next week‟s episode, which airs every Tuesday night at 10:00 PM.
Continued on next page
Pop Culture
The Foran Exchange
Page 11
11 4, Issue 1
MTV 2013 Movie Awards
Alex Libandi
The MTV Movie Awards have always been a show of honor and shock. Host Rebel Wilson decided
to add more comedy into the ceremony than previous years. She was wearing an all-black leather suit that
resembled a black angel. Throughout the show, several jokes were made that some did not find very amusing. Some celebrities pulled down their pants and had a “wig” on for their groin area. Most of the crowd did
not laugh at the joke, nor did the host. Rebel stole the show when she would make jokes about herself,
causing everyone in the room laugh. Along the night, many sneak peeks of soon to be movies were shown
which kept the crowd excited to watch. Rebel also earned herself a few awards of the night along with several friends. The winners of the 2013 MTV Movie Awards are:
Movie of the Year: The Avengers
Best Female Performance: Jennifer Lawrence in Silver Linings Playbook
Best Male Performance: Bradley Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook
Breakthrough Performance: Rebel Wilson in Pitch Perfect
Best Shirtless Performance: Taylor Lautner in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2
Best Fight: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner vs. Tom Hiddleston in The Avengers
Best Kiss: Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook
Best WTF Moment: Jamie Foxx and Samuel L. Jackson, “Candieland Gets Smoked” in Django Unchained
Best Musical Moment: Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson, Anna Camp, Brittany Snow, Alexis Knapp, Ester
Dean and Hana Mae Lee in Pitch Perfect
Best Villain: Tom Hiddleston in The Avengers
Best Hero: Martin Freeman in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Trailblazer Award: Emma Watson
The Generation Award: Jamie Foxx
The Comedic Genius Award: Will Ferrell
Continued on next page
Pop Culture/Editorial
Page 12
Volume 4, Issue 110
The Voice Hits a High Note
Morgan Preiss
The voice has returned with season four and it‟s better than ever. The voice is a singing competition with a twist, because
when a contestant preforms the judges are faced away from them. The judges have to choose the contestant by only their talent, excluding other factors, such as how they look. When a judge decides they like the contestant, they press the button on their chair, and
the chair turns around so that the judge can see the contestant. This season of the voice comes with two new judges, Grammy winning Colombian singer-songwriter Shakira, and Grammy winning R&B influenced singer Usher. These two artists are joining lead
singer of Maroon 5 Adam Levine and country super star Blake Shelton. “The dynamic of these four judges is electrifying they all get
along extremely well and are hilarious to watch, it‟s one of my favorite shows on T.V.” said marine biology teacher Mrs. Farotti.
The talent this season is the strongest that the voice has had so far, with contestants from across the country and from all
different types of life it makes the show excellent to watch. “I am obsessed with this show, not only are the judge hysterical but the
talent is amazing this season. I‟m hooked on it and can‟t wait to find out who wins!” said senior Kim Panettieri.
Is America Really the Land of Equality?
Brianna Gray
Same sex marriage is something that has been strongly opposed in America for hundreds of years. Many people are against
same sex marriage because they feel it isn‟t right for numerous reasons. In fact, according to TFP Student Action, there are 10 valid
reasons why gay marriage in harmful and must be opposed. These 10 reasons are: it is not marriage, it violates natural law, it always denies a child either a father or mother, it validates and promotes the homosexual lifestyle, it turns a moral wrong into
a civil right, it does not create a family but a naturally sterile union, it defeats the state’s purpose of benefitting marriage, it
imposes its acceptance on all society, it is the cutting edge of the sexual revolution, and it offends God.
Recently, France has become the latest nation to legalize same-sex marriage. However, America has still refused to recognize and accept same sex marriage in all 50 states; although, it is legal in nine. This concerns me because America is supposed to be
the “land of equality” and the “land of the free”. Sadly, this is simply not the case. Senior Taylor Morgan stated, “A person should
not be judged by their sexuality. It doesn‟t make them any different or less of a good person.” If America is the land of equality, then
why can‟t two people of the same sex wed? According to ABC News, 58 percent of Americans are in support of Gay marriage. If
this is the case then why won‟t the state/ federal government repeal these laws forbidding same sex marriage? Clearly America is not
the land of the free, and the government is continuing to abuse its power. However, guidance counselor Ms. Cook disagrees, and
stated that, “Americans do have a significant amount of freedom.”
In conclusion, I hope this article acts as an eye-opener. So, next time you say live in the land of the free and equality remember in America today that, people of the same sex cannot wed because the law forbids them from doing so.
Continued on next page
Best of the Rest
The Foran Exchange
Page 13
13 4, Issue 1
Having a Healthy Lifestyle
Crystal Colon
It is finally Spring. The weather is warm and this is the time when people start their healthy eating and vigorous work out
schedules. Rebekah Derosa, a senior, says, “I started insanity to get in shape for softball and to work on a fit summer body.” Insanity
has become very popular for students and it allows one to work out in the comfort of their own home. This DVD comes with a
workout schedule and a healthy eating plan as well. Not only is insanity a good workout, so is Zumba. Zumba is Latin dancing incorporated into a fat burning workout. One can have fun dancing, not even realizing the great exercise they are getting. Tiffany Diaz, a
senior, says, “I love working out, but it can be challenging at times. When I‟m doing Zumba, I get to dance and have fun, while getting the daily exercise I need.” Although Insanity and Zumba are good workout methods, so is going to the gym. Paige Raucci, a
junior, says “I prefer the gym atmosphere rather than working at home, because there is a wide variety of machines and weights to
use, rather than a particular workout on a video.” Zac Howell, a senior agrees. He says, “I go to the gym after school every day, because I feel like a get a better workout with the different amount of weight machines available.” These are all great options for working out, but if one is not able to purchase workout videos or a gym membership, a run outside is an effective alternative as well. A
run outside is a form of cardio and burns calories as well. Tatiana Bernal, a junior, says, “A run outside is my favorite way of getting
exercise. I get to enjoy the warm spring weather while getting a nice workout.” Working out is not for just getting in shape. English
teacher Mrs. Branco says, “Working out helps relieve my stress and gives me more energy throughout the day.”
Although working out is very important, so is eating healthy. One needs to incorporate all basic food groups in their diet. It
is important to get your grains, meat, vegetables, fruits, and healthy oils. It is also very important to eat breakfast in the morning.
Eating a healthy breakfast in the morning allows your metabolism to start off in the morning. Boiled eggs, a banana, or a bowl of
oatmeal are delicious, yet healthy breakfast choices. Austin Woods, a senior, says “A granola bar and yogurt is my favorite breakfast.
I get my serving of dairy, carbohydrates, and grains.” A healthy lunch is also important. Jessica Black, a junior, says, “For lunch I eat
a wheat wrap with meat and a cup of fruit. I get my serving of wheat, meat, and fruit. It is also a tasty meal that I enjoy.” If one does
not enjoy a big lunch, small lunch choices are also available. There are strawberry granola yogurt parfaits available in our cafeteria.
Samantha O‟Connor, a senior, says, “A yogurt parfait is my favorite lunch option. I get my serving of fruit, dairy, and grains.” For
dinner, one wants to make sure it is a smaller meal, because it is later in the day, and one‟s metabolism is slower around this time.
Luke Stojanowski, a senior, says, “For dinner my favorite meal is grilled chicken with a side of vegetables. I allow my body to have
the nutrients of the vegetables and meat instead of having greasy food with a sodium overload or empty calories.” Throughout the
day one should have two small snacks or a fruit or vegetable. Also, drink as much water as possible to stay hydrated. Sugary juices
are not healthy and contain so much sugar. To add flavor to water, try putting a lemon or lime. The citrus from the lemon and lime
allows one to burn calories and shed off excess belly fat.
Grab your sneakers and workout clothes! Make sure to head straight to the grocery store and purchase your healthy food
items. It will be summer soon, and one wants to feel comfortable with their appearance. A healthy lifestyle is important, so if one
starts now it prepares them for a healthy living throughout their life!
Continued on next page
Best of the Rest
The Foran Exchange
Page 14
14 4, Issue 1
Gun Control in Connecticut
Cheyanne Chaisson
Due to the harsh and life changing events that America has faced recently, gun control has become the talk of our world.
The United States as a whole seems to have faced tragedy after tragedy within a series of a few months. From the devastation of the
“Dark Knight” shooting in Colorado to the Sandy Hook massacre, and the many upsets in between, it is time for our country as a
whole to stand up and make a change for the better.
Connecticut became the third state, after New York and Colorado, to pass gun control legislation since the terrifying mass
killing that was so close to home in Newtown on December 14th. Previous to this law, the police in the investigation found more than
1,600 rounds of ammunition inside the Newtown killer‟s home. The governor made statements saying Adam Lanza, the killer, left
lower-capacity magazines behind; which lead Governor Malloy to believe there is a need to significantly restrict the number of bullets that can be in each magazine and that assault weapons should also be banned. After making these statements, Daniel Malloy
signed what some people are calling the strongest gun law in the nation; even with dwindling support from the public.
The new Connecticut bill puts in place numerous rules to implement a safer state and hopes to set a standard for the nation. It
adds more than 100 guns to the state's list of banned assault weapons, limits the capacity of ammunition magazines to ten rounds,
and bans armor-piercing bullets. An eligibility certificate and background check is necessary to purchase any rifle, shotgun or ammunition. Penalties for trafficking of guns and illegal possession have increased greatly. In addition to that, the bill creates safety
standards for school buildings.
"I think it's commendable that Connecticut is stepping up and making changes after the tragedy took place here. I do not think that
will stop tragedies from happening, though; it may slow them down, but not stop it." Junior Nick Weissauer continued, "Sadly, if
someone wants to do something that disgusting, they're going to do it no matter what. We can't control the black market of gun sales,
but I sincerely hope these new laws can slow it down."
Because of his selfish ways, Adam Lanza, who took his own life along with innocent children and heroic educators, is not
able to be punished. James Holmes, on the other hand, the killer in the Colorado movie theater shooting, is alive for all of these new
laws and to face his upcoming punishment. Prosecutors are pushing for death row and have already rejected a plea from Holmes
which included life in prison with no parole; but his next trial is not until February of 2014. “I would rather see him sit in a three by
three room and watch him squirm until his trial,” said Mrs. Hart. “Death is just an easy way out for someone like him.”
This country has seen sad tragedy one after another. Connecticut hopes that passing these laws will set a bar for the nation.
Only time will tell if these laws can create impact and a safer world, along with what punishments will come for those who endangered and hurt so many.
Continued on next page
Page 15
4, Issue
Issue 10
15 4,
Upcoming May Events
and Home Varsity
Sports Games:
May 2013
The Foran Exchange
Joe Mixie
Design Editor:
James Givens
Samaar Batool
Ben Bonessi
Cheyanne Chaisson
Crystal Colon
Luke Cullen
Paul Deptulski
Anthony DeTullio
David Foster
Michaela Garland
Gina Georgetti
Brianna Gray
Kevin Green
Victoria Haba
Brendan Hallett
Kelsey Jackson
Andrew Jones
Caitlin Kaczynski
Delanie Kliff
Nick LaPenna
Alex Librandi
Emily Lucca
CJ Luth
Valerie Mackin
Clarie Marler
Megan McCaskill
Courtney McManus
Megan Mestres
Kaitlin Morlando
Paul Nicholas
5/21- High School Art Show @ Parsons Complex 6:30-8:30
5/21– Spring Band Concert 7:00
5/23- Spring Chorus Concert
5/27– No School (Memorial Day)
5/29– Early Dismissal
5/30– All School Awards
Emily O’Leary
Christine Pala
Emily Palm
Dom Persichilli
Kassidy Philpott
AJ Piselli
Morgan Priess
Allie Raucci
Marissa Rosado
Caroline Stapleton
Emily Stiffler
Claire Torento
Hadley Whitaker
Softball– SB
Lacrosse– LAX
Boys Track– BTR
Girls Track– GTR
Baseball– BB
Golf– GO
Boys Tennis– BTE
Grils Tennis– GTE
Continued on next page