The Foran Exchange - Milford Public Schools


The Foran Exchange - Milford Public Schools
The Foran Exchange
Volume 3, Issue 3
Late Fall 2011
Foran Football Breaks the Law
Mike SaNogueira
Inside this issue:
Football game
Morning traffic
Winter fashion
Indoor track
Boys swimming
Snowflake ball
Ski & snowboard
The day before the
big game, starting quarterback Matt Aspinwall said to
me, ―You ready for the big
one? We‘re about to take
this town over.‖ Boy, was
Aspinwall right because the
next day, November 24,
2011, marked Foran's fourth
straight win against crosstown rivals Jonathan Law.
Last year Foran was victorious winning 56-21, and if
you can believe it, this year‘s
game had even a bigger
point margin: 48-13. The
Lions were fully healthy
coming into the game, which
was not the case all year. It
looked like a potentially
close game when Foran
turned the ball over from a
fumble by wide receiver Jeff
Raucci after a 40-yard catch
and run. However, Law
couldn't take advantage of
the turnover and had a turnover themselves -a bad snap
that was recovered on the 10
-yard line by Zack Hubler.
This was followed by Dave
Yerxa taking the handoff to
the left side of the line to get
a touchdown. It didn‘t take
long for the Lions to strike
again, on second and third
down Foran forced back-toback sacks. Anthony
Georgetti lit up Law‘s
quarterback on second
down, followed with another sack by Adam Holter
good for a loss of eight
yards. Foran then went on
a 50-yard drive led by
quarterback Aspinwall
slinging the ball down the
field, capped off by another
run to the left with Yerxa,
this time from nine yards
out. After the extra point
was blocked, the Lions
were on top of the Lawmen, 13-0. After Law went
3-and-out on their following drive, Apinwall threw a
45 yard bomb to Casey
Theriault, which resulted
in Andrew Sileo pushing
his way into the end zone
from the two yard line.
Foran‘s next drive took
only four plays until Aspinwall threw a bullet to Chris
Silvestri slanting to the
middle of the field where
Chris ran 34-yards after the
reception, taking it to the
house. On the fourth play
of Law‘s next drive, Matt
White stripped the football
from Lawmen fullback
Brody DeEll, which was
recovered by Mike
SaNogueira at the bottom
of a fighting pile of players
(continue on page 2)
Jeff Raucci hauls a reception, top left.
Above, Dave Yerxa runs
in a touchdown.
Below, Foran students
cheer for their tam.
Page 2
The Foran Exchange
Foran Football Breaks the Law (continued from page 1)
Mike SaNogueira
from both sides. The turnover was followed by a 1-yard TD with Holter trucking through a Law defender. Yerxa
broke a 63-yard TD on the next drive. The 1st half of the game ended with the Lions proudly taking a knee to go into
halftime leading 41-0. The Lions kept their foot on the throttle with Holter gashing though the Lawmen defense with a 53yard TD through a huge hole inside the left side of line. The Lawmen scored two touchdowns in the 4th quarter against the
JV defense, finishing the game 48-13 following a Foran JV TD.
After dumping the ice cold water over Head Coach Bevino nearing the closing of the game, Foran won the amazing
Milford Bank Annual Thanksgiving trophy. There was a gathering on middle of the field with the players and coaches along
with their families and some fans. After an award ceremony to the players, Coach Bevino said it best: ―This marks a happy
day and a sad day. I‘m going to be happy today, but tomorrow I know I‘ll be bumming because we say goodbye to 17 seniors.‖
The seniors and the rest of the 2011 Foran Lions played to their full potential on the biggest stage, finishing a season
of ‗what could have been‘.
Lady Lions Powder Puff Goes Down With a Bang
Darci Worroll
Every year the day before
Thanksgiving, Joseph A. Foran and
Jonathan Law compete in the annual
Powder Puff game where junior and
senior girls play flag football.
This year the game took
place at the Foran football field, but
Law took home the win with a 31 to
8 score. Our only touchdown was
scored by Brooke Phelan, the quarterback and captain of the team. She
ran in the touch down while Hannah
Konicki ran in the other 2 points.
This year we had help from
Mr. Thomas, Mr. Troy, and Ms.
Bourque to coach the girls. The girls
practiced almost every day to improve their skills and try to beat Law
this year. Even though that was not
Ashley LaDore and Brooke
Phelan pose for a picture
before the Powderpuff game,
the outcome, the girls still gave
amazing effort to try and make that
happen. Many girls do Powder Puff
just for the fun of it and being part
of a big event in the community.
Jeannie Holst, senior at Foran said,
―I‘m doing it because it‘s fun.‖ This
event is a great and enjoyable way
to bring Milford together. Coach
Mr. Thomas said, ―It gets students,
parents, and most of the population
of Milford together for entertaining
competitive football.‖
Each year the girls and
teachers from both teams put in
amazing effort to make this night
happen. Maybe next year the Lady
Lions will win.
“It gets students,
parents, and most of
Milford together for
Mr. Thomas
Kelsey Jackson, Claire Torento,
Hadley Whitaker, and Ashley
LaDore below (left to right).
Volume 3, Issue 3
Page 3
Naiara Badiola wears the Kardashian‘s line of clothing, above left. Lindsay Barrett rocks Uggs, above center. Above
right, Ariana Simeone wears a bright neon pink shirt.
Foran’s Winter Fashion
Kathryn Amenta
Kathryn Amenta
showing off her
sense of style.
Mrs. Raccuia, below, flaunting her
black leather boots.
As the weather is getting colder, people are starting to bundle up to keep warm. Although in Joseph A. Foran High School this
season is usually filled with Ugg boots, North Faces, and sweatpants, there is a way to be comfortable, but at the same time look
fashionable. The fashion this season is filled with big sweaters, tight
jeans or leggings, black or brown leather over the knee boots, and
leather jackets. Also, lace up combat boots are coming back in a big
way. They look great when you tuck your skinny jeans and leggings
into them, or pair them with shorts, tights, a braided belt and a cute
When asking Haily Gonski, senior at Foran High School,
how she felt about combat boots coming back into style, she said, ―I
like them; it‘s a nice change of style, and they are comfortable.‖ Because winter colors tend to be somewhat on the darker side, it‘s important to brighten up your wardrobe. Haily said she brightens up
her wardrobe by wearing a brightly colored shirt under a sweater
with skinny jeans and boots.
Above, an underclassman wears a
sweater with a skirt.
Shawn Cariglio,
below, wears his
favorite Express zip
Because being comfortable is the main focus in the outfits
at Foran, here are some tips on how to have a nice adequate look for
the winter. If you still have your crop tops out from the summer,
you can pair those with a tank top underneath, with jeggings, leggings, or skinny jeans, combat or over the knee boots, and a leather
jacket. Another look that is comfortable and acceptable for the winter is a big sweater with a banded skirt, tights, and combat boots.
There is a way to be comfortable, but at the same time look fabulous!
Zach White, pictured left, wears
a North Face jacket.
Page 4
The Foran Exchange
Morning School Traffic
Michelle Paoletta
“There’s always a
long line to get into
the student lot and it
takes a least five
minutes every
Mike Carroll
7:15 AM: the first
warning bell rings for homeroom. People are still starting to arrive at school, but
are having troubles due to
the traffic in the student
parking lot. This angers students because they have to
rush to make it to homeroom on time but can‘t due
to the fact that there are still
parents dropping off their
kids. Also, it‘s a struggle for
people to make it on time
because they‘re having difficulties finding a parking spot
and there‘s even been troubles getting into the parking
lot due to the fact that the
line seems to take forever to
decrease. Mike Carroll, Senior at Foran High School
says ―there‘s always a long
line to get into the student
lot and it takes at least five
minutes or more every morning.‖ It‘s even been a struggle for students who get
dropped off or park at the
bottom of the hill, especially
if their homeroom is all the
way across the school or
even on the 4th floor. Senior
Jenna Holt says ―it‘s always
a struggle for me to get to
homeroom on time when I
have to walk from the student lot all the way to the
4th floor when there is traffic on the way to school.‖
Most students who don‘t
take the bus usually drive
themselves or depend on
their parents for rides. But,
if they have parent who has
a schedule to follow in order
to make it to work on time,
they can‘t force their parents
to be late to work just so
that they can get to school
on time. Most of the students would agree that they
dislike the fact that we now
start school at 7:20am rather
than 7:30am especially when
their often late to school due
to the traffic issues in the
main parking lot as well as
the bottom of the hill. This
is troublesome for most stu-
dents, especially if they live
farther away from the
school, then it would result
in them having to get ready
quicker and having to leave
their house earlier, which
might not always work out
in their parents favor. Not
only is this troublesome for
students, but it is also a
hassle for teachers. Mrs.
Brown says ―I have to leave
my house early in order to
get to school around 7:10
like most of the teachers
and it makes it difficult
when there is traffic on my
way to Foran.‖ Therefore,
with all these struggles that
students have in order to
make it to school and even
homeroom on time, there
really should be two lanes
added to the school parking
lot that makes it easier for
parents to drop off student
and will help decrease the
morning traffic.
Volume 3, Issue 3
Page 5
Is tanning really worth it?
Brooke Phelan
Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer. It can form in the eye, mouth, or on
the skin. Surgery is needed to treat it, unless it spreads to other organs; if it spreads,
it becomes incurable. Melanoma is not as
common as other types of skin cancer, but
the rate is steadily increasing, especially in
teens. Why? The answer is easy: tanning
beds. Young men and women throughout
the nation have progressively increased
their use of tanning over the past decade.
Why are these people paying money to go
tanning when the risks and dangers are so
high? ―It feels good,‖ says senior Ashley
LaDore. ―Tanning helps relieve my stress.
Going in a tanning bed just drains every bit
of worry I have.‖ Sam Sostilio, senior,
agrees with her: ―I go tanning because it
relaxes me. It also gives me color; I hate
being pale.‖
People go tanning for the obvious reason of
not wanting to become pale. Society helps
play a role in thinking that looking tan is
better. Take Jersey Shore, a reality television show; the actors in the show portray a
message that in order to look good and
have fun, you must be tan.
Crystal Colon, a sophomore, is taking a
smart approach to tanning. ―I went tanning a couple of times for prom, but I
know how bad it is for me. I now use a
bronzing lotion as an alternative. It turns
you a little orange, but I‘d take that over
skin cancer any day.‖
Mr. Troy gives his view on tanning.
―There‘s enough awareness out there
where people know the risk so the choice
is up to you. If smoking cigarettes is
known to cause cancer and tanning excessively is known to increase your
chances of cancer, then you should definitely have to be 18 in order to go tanning.‖
Above, a woman‘s skin has
turned leathery from tanning.
Kim Kardashian shows off
her sunburn below.
Twenty-five Foran High School students
that have been tanning once before in
their lives were asked if they knew how
harmful tanning is on the body. All twenty-five of them replied yes, yet still chose
to go in order to look and feel good. Is
looking good now really worth developing wrinkles, dark spots, and skin cancer
later in life? You be the one to choose.
Foran Gymnastics Jumps Off
Ryan Hayden
Elissa Paulino poses on the beam.
Gymnastics is a very
difficult and demanding sport.
With intense work outs and
long practices, it‘s a surprise
that gymnasts can find any
free time in their schedules.
But all of that hard work isn‘t
for nothing. This year the
gymnastics team is going to
try their best to have a winning season. Their most difficult meet will be against
Hand, who have always been
very strong competitors. But,
Megan Rainey, a senior on the
gymnastics team, said, ―We
are expecting some good, new
talent this year so we will
give them a run for their
Practices can be
very demanding. Coach Tracy says, ―The girls go over
their routines and practice
new skills.‖ In the offseason, most of the gymnasts practice at other gyms.
Some of them even belong to
different, year-round teams
with which they also compete. All of these practices
prepare them for the meets.
At these meets the girls will
do a floor routine, beam rou-
tine, uneven bars routine,
and a vaulting pass. The
girls strive to score a 10,
indicating that they do
everything perfectly. The
gymnastics team should be
well prepared for this coming season with all the
work they put into this
Page 6
The Foran Exchange
Swimming Gets Their Feet Wet
Joe Mixie
Winter is beginning to overtake Foran High School and with it, winter sports are starting. The Foran Boys Swimming and Diving team began practice November 29th, and are now in full swing. They begin yet another exciting season,
filled with 12 dual meets versus various other Southern Connecticut powerhouses such as Xavier, Cheshire, and Fairfield
Prep. They are coming off an 8-5 season, placing 3rd in the class S state championships last year, and sending 10 kids to
states. Of those ten kids, just two return. The team is led by Coach Kristen Skuches, who is also the secretary of the Foran
guidance department, as well as the head coach of the girls swim team at foran. This is her 3rd consecutive and 6th overall
season as the boys swim coach. When asked about the upcoming schedule for the team, especially the first meet December
15th against Cheshire High School, Skutches said that ―nothing has really changed, as we have an equally hard schedule from
last year. We face the tough teams first.‖
Skutches, also referred to as ―Skoach‖ by many swimmers, said the main asset of the team this year will be senior cocaptain Rich Enders, who has made the state championship the last three years, and is the current class S 100 backstroke
state champion. ―This year will be tough, mainly because we only have 15 boys on the roster and beause of the class jump‖
Skutches noted. What she is referring to, is the jump the swim team will make this year from class S (small) to class M
(medium). For anyone that does not know, this system is based on the size of the schools, more specifically, the number of
male or female athletes in that sport. This puts the team in a difficult position, as the times are more difficult, and some key
assets of the team have been lost. Overall, however, Skutches was relatively optimistic about the upcoming season, saying she
is excited for the year, and can‘t wait to see the potential of the team. The team is led by Senior Co-Captains Rich Enders and
Max Birenbaum, Both four year members of the team. Like Skutches, Max was excited about the upcoming season. ―As a
captain, I am very excited for the season, and am ready to work‖ he said. When asked about his personal expectations as a
captain for the team, he said that the general expectation is for everyone to work hard, and have a positive attitude. ―The
greatest challenge for the team this year will be depth.‖ He stated. Overall though, he is excited to lead the team, and consented with Skutches that the team‘s move into class M will provide the team with challenges. There may be many challenges
ahead of the team, but they are willing to overcome them. It will certainly be exciting to watch just how the season goes for
the team.
Senior captains Rich
Enders and Max Birenbaum pictured to the left.
Foran‘s Swimming & Diving banner pictured to the
Foran Welcomes Dr. Golesky
Erika Demaio
There were several new additions to Foran this year: a new grading program, a new addition and also, a new assistant principal. Dr. Christianne Golesky has replaced Mr. Young, who resigned over the summer. Dr. Golesky said, ―I always wanted to
be an administrator because I always wanted to be a part of the planning for the school.‖ Dr. Golesky got her Bachelor of
Arts degree from Fairfield University and her Master of Arts degree in computing education from Columbia University. In
2010, she received her doctorate in educational leadership from the University of Bridgeport. Before coming to Foran, she
was a professional educator at Fairfield High School. Also, Dr. Golesky was the coordinator for district grants, district testing and the district‘s English as a Second Language program for the Fairfield Public School District, but because of budget
cuts her position was eliminated. Originally, she taught seventh and eighth grade at Tomlinson Middle School, but now she
is the assistant principal here at Foran High School. She said, ―my favorite part of being an assistant principal at Foran is
being able to observe classrooms and to watch the students learn.‖ Dr. Golesky is a great new addition to our
school because she cares a lot about the students and seems to be quite intrigued by them. ―I love the helpful
atmosphere at Foran, nowhere else would people dye their hair red to show their school spirit.‖
Page 7
Volume 3, Issue 1
High Expectations for Foran Basketball
Nick Elliot
After a well-fought year, the
Foran Basketball team had a successful 2010-2011 season. The Lions
had a typical season, going 14-6
which gave them a spot in the SCC
tournament. Foran also clinched a
spot in the class M state tournament,
but lost in the second round. Foran
lost only three players from last year
Tucker Shumitz, Nick Wiley, and Al
Torrens, but is still optimistic about
the upcoming season.
This season seems better for
Foran basketball. The team has most
of its key players‘ back, including
their star player, James Richetelli,
leading them into battle this season.
Foran looks to be a hopeful contender in the SCC tournament and the
class M state tournament. It also
hopes to keep the winning streak
alive by beating Jonathan Law High
School for the third consecutive time
in the upcoming season. Expectations are high for Foran basketball
and team members hope to receive
much fan support.
Senior Mac Young stated, ―I
will be attending all the games this
year because all my friends play. With
James Richetelli leading the Foran
Lions we should have a great chance.‖
Mac continued by saying, ―Foran
should have a 13-7 regular season record and I will be showing school spirit
by going crazy in the student section!
The team is going to beat Law by 20
points this season.‖ Derek Calcano,
also a senior, said that he will be attending the games, as well. He exclaimed, ―J. Rich is our best player on
the team and with him back we are
looking at a 14-6 season.‖ It seems like
the students are really revved up
about this upcoming season and feel
that expectations are very high.
Foran‘s head coach also had some enthusiastic words to say about his team
in the upcoming season. Head Coach
Swaler explained, ―This team is very
competitive and has a lot of potential;
we have a lot of talent on our squad
and if there‘s one thing we need to
work on it is toughness.‖ Coach
Swaler stated if our team gains mental toughness, then the sky is the limit.
Foran has a lot to look forward during the winter season. Basketball is
anticipated with high hopes in the
minds of the students and faculty.
Only our season record will show
whether the Foran Lions can live up
to the expectations. It should be a
fun year for the Lions, and we all
hope that just
maybe we can
bring home a
banner during the
2011-2012 season.
In Time Move Review
Amy Hardt
The movie In Time seemed as though it had an interesting premise: essentially, a
comment on the current dismantling of the American meritocracy – the ―occupy‖ movements and the rallying cry of ―we are the ninety-nine percent‖. However, In Time is not the
poignant statement piece that advertisements would lead one to believe. Rather, the movie
is a stale rehashing of older films and themes, played out in a manner that leaves much to be
In the future people stop aging at twenty-five and from that point on the clocks on
their arm begin to tick down to an impending death. Enter Will Salas: an average poor man
simply trying to lead a decent life despite his waning time/life; that is, until he saves a rather
rich man. The man has over a thousand years on him and explains to Will why more time
can actually be a bad thing. During the night the man gifts his time to Will, who claims that
if he had all the time he wouldn‘t waste it. With all this time on his hands (literally), Will
goes to see how the rich spend their time. Infuriated by all the luxuries they can afford, Will
absconds with Sylvia Weis in an effort to shake things up and get more time for everyone.
She is the daughter of the man who owns the largest time conglomerate and is
also the person he formed a deep connection to. After Sylvia sees how the other
half lives, she agrees to aid Will in procuring Time for the masses.
Given that Andrew Niccol, the director of one of my favorite movies
The Truman Show, directed this film, I was
(continued on page 9)
Volume 3, Issue 3
The Foran Exchange
Foran Wrestling
Rebecca Amann
The Foran wrestling team is starting off their new season this November.
They ended last year with a record of 7-13.
Chris Kyek, [year?] states, ―[during] last
year‘s season I feel we could have done a
lot better, but we will take what we learned
then and try to use it to make us better
this year.‖ Last year‘s staring player, CJ
Luth, at 103 pounds, ended his season with
17 wins and 3 losses. Hopefully Luth will
start this year off right in their first meet
on December 16th against Guilford.
Foran‘s rival, Jonathan Law,
beat the Lions last year 65-15. Mark Steves, Senior Varsity wrestler says, ―I think
this year we will improve and Law might
not know what they‘re up against.‖ The
Lions this year will play Law on December
29th. The team seems positive this year;
this is a team you definitely want to watch.
Former Foran High Wrestler
Ryan Tobin says, ―I know how hard it is to
wrestle, I just wish the best for the
team this year and hope they give it all
they got!‖ Their varsity coach, Frank
Peters, will be leading the Lions this
year. Mr. Peters says, ―Wrestling is a
tough sport, and being a winter sport,
it‘s all that more difficult.‖
December 22nd the boys will
be facing their most difficult opponent
Xavier. Kyek says, ―Xavier is a really
good team they are our hardest team
every year, this year we will just go in
positive and do the best we can.‖
Wrestling captains Mark
Steeves, Peter Bassine, and
Clay Callahan (left to right).
The positive attitude the
team has this year shows that they are
determined and dedicated. Mark Steves says, ―winnings a great feeling and
we want to try and get as many as possible this year.‖ The Foran High wrestling team of 2011-2012 is a team everyone should keep an eye on.
Foran’s First Indoor Track Team
Amy Hardt
The expeditious arrival of cold weather brings with it the reminder that fall sports are ending and the winter sports
will soon begin. Student athletes and fans alike are psyched for the change and anticipate solid seasons for each respective
sport. This year there is a new sport for the students to enjoy: Indoor Track. With a new sport introduced, one would figure
that someone would be talking about it. However, this was not the case. In all actuality, hardly anyone, including myself,
knew what that sport entailed and even less knew of its conception.
Deciding that this sport needed some publicity, I sought to uncover the facts behind it. In an effort to understand
the sport itself I questioned the head coach, Ms. Doheny who was more than happy to cooperate. She explained that though
the differences are few, there are still differences. Indoor track is 200 meters as compared to the outdoor track which runs
400 meters, the events involve more running than throwing, and, obviously, this type of track is indoors. She then described
the training methods, saying that it will focus on CORE Strength training. CORE Strength training, is circuit and pylometric workouts as well as running technique. When asked whether or not she felt the addition of this new track would increase the number of track members, she replied ―Coach Vitelli and I will not know about the increase of Track members
until the spring. The Track members who choose to do both will be ready to compete with less injury in the spring.‖ I then
questioned her about whether this would be a more male of female dominated sport. She said, ―No, I don't believe indoor
track is dominated by either girls or boys. I hope to have an equal amount of both, so each team will achieve much success
while competing.‖
Indoor Track is an exciting new program this year. Whether you want to become a member or an avid fan, Indoor
Track is not something to be missed. Indoor Track and Field Meets are held indoors either at F.L. Athletic Center at Hillhouse H.S. or Coxe Cage at Yale.
Page 9
Volume 3, Issue 3
Ski and Snowboard Club
Megan Polizzo
Ski and snowboard club welcomes all
students no matter what their experience
level. During the months of winter, December through March, the club travels all over
the northeast to find the freshest powder.
Most trips are day trips, but this year they
are going on a three day two night overnight
trip that many people have been looking forward to all year. It was so anticipated that
when sign-ups started the entire trip was full
the first day. In past years many students,
like Mac Young, thought that the overnight
trip was ―the best one‖. There are two moderators, Mr. Williams and Mr. Troy whom
you can find out any information about the
There are lots of people who really
enjoyed the day trips as well. Mike Dana‘s
favorite trip was to Stratton. Stratton is located in Stratton Vermont and has 92 trails.
Day trips are only 70-75 dollars and are a
great deal for a fun day in the snow.
When asked, ‗do you ski or snowboard?‘ most people answered ski. Andrew
Sileo chose to ski because ―it was less challenging,‖ and he learned when he was young.
Every year it seems that there are more and
more snowboarders on the mountain, like
Liam Callahan who just started. This must
be because it is more challenging and they
are more trick friendly. On the mountain
you will find Mr. Williams skiing and Mr.
Troy snowboarding. Good luck keeping up
with the both of them!
When students were asked, why are
you not in ski club? the answers varied.
Most said that the sport was too expensive,
while others said it was because their other
sports interfere with the trips. Surprisingly,
no one‘s answer was because they do not like
to ski or snowboard.
“[Skiing] is less
Andrew Sileo
This year‘s overnight trip is from
March 2, 2012 to March 4, 2012. They will
be traveling to Jay Peak in Jay Vermont
and Smugglers‘ Notch in Smugglers‘ Notch
Vermont. Jay Peak has 76 trails, while
Smugglers‘ Notch has 78. The trip package
also includes transportation by a coach bus,
a two night stay at the Hampton Inn, one
dinner, and continental breakfast at the hotel. An interesting addition to this trip is a
ticket to Jay Indoor Water Park located at
the mountain. This entire trip is only going
to cost $265, which is well worth it.
In Time Review (continued from page 7)
Amy Hardt
expecting something innovative and exciting. Unfortunately, In Time was not a revolutionary story. It was simply a melding
of a number of other films/works of literature that have come before, all of which told the story in a more successful manner.
The focus of the film is, obviously, time – and how characters are able/choose to spend this ―precious gift‖. However, the math
simply does not add up in the universe of the movie. What should take a few minutes takes an hour; what should take an hour
takes only a few seconds. This is troubling and annoying for those attempting to enjoy the movie, unless you‘ve given up on
the film and are too frustrated to care. The movie takes no time to explain how the world truly functions, back-stories, and the
like. There are too many gaping plot holes to mention, all of which prove to be a nuisance for any audience member pining for
explanation of the most basic elements of the story, or any sense of cohesion. In my opinion there was no character development or sense of humanity in the picture. Each person in the story was one-dimensional as well as a ―stock‖ character, completely devoid of depth and any interest. Consequently, it was difficult for me to care about any of the characters – regardless
of what happened to them. And though the film was marketed as an action film the action scenes provide no action just a lot of
silly handholding.
―Cillian Murphy's Time Keeper was compelling and unpredictable, but every other character bored me. For an action
movie, there's almost no violence - when time runs out people just collapses, and the car chases were so fake that they weren't
exciting,‖ said Kate Perry, a senior.
In Time, while not a completely abhorrent picture, is a simple ―popcorn‖ movie. The flat characters, coupled
with bad acting, as well as the dry plot and troubling schematics of time, make it nearly impossible to enjoy the
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The Foran Exchange
RIP: Steve Jobs
Jaime Kader
Steve Jobs was considered a genius for his major contributions to modern
technology. He recently
died, leaving the world without the groundbreaking
technology he could have
Jobs was an essential part of the Apple Corporation and created countless
innovations, the iPhone,
iPod, and iPad to name a
few. This October, Jobs lost
his battle to pancreatic cancer. Reportedly, he left a
five year plan with other
Apple Executives. This is
supposed to contain new
ideas and inventions for the
next five years.
Some question what
Apple will do once this five
year plan expires. ―I think
Apple will crash after the five
years and will no longer be as
influential,‖ says Jenny
Taing, senior. However, Mr.
Woodbridge, Latin teacher,
disagrees. He feels, ―Apple
will stay and dominate the
technological world.‖
The five year plan
should carry Apple into the
future. Apple now carries the
burden of replacing Steve
Jobs. ―Apple‘s already such a
large corporation. They can
easily find a replacement,‖
says Zach Sabo, senior. On
the other hand, Erin O‘Shea,
senior, feels that ―they won‘t
be able to find someone with
his creativity and knowledge
to replace him.‖
Squares Legacy Review
James Givens
If you play video games, chances are you have heard of Square Enix; if you haven‘t, prepare to be educated. Square Enix is famous for many franchises; the two main
franchises are Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. Final Fantasy games have one thing
in common, they are completely different from each other, their game play is different, as
well as their combat, characters, and setting; nothing keeps consistent from game to
game. However, one thing does stay consistent; you continue to be blown away by stunning graphics, beautiful settings, and dynamic storylines. Kingdom Hearts keeps the
stunning graphics and sense of awe and adds more a linear storyline to it. So far, there are
5 Kingdom Hearts games, the first two being for the Playstation 2 (PS2), and the latter 3
for the Playstation Portable (PSP). Kingdom Hearts is also notorious for its Disney characters, which the player quickly encounters along the way. These characters are placed
into the game as a kickback to Disney, who published the game and helped it gain the
popularity it has today. Kingdom Hearts follows the adventures of Sora, who acquires the
Keyblade, a legendary weapon feared by many of the evil characters pursuing Sora. Both
games are a great showing of skill and determination by this company. Today, the company aims their sights towards both the PSP and PS2. Recently, in the Kingdom Hearts
franchise, they‘ve come out with Birth by Sleep, a prequel for the PS2. The company is
currently working on multiple titles; the names have been changed several times but trailers and teasers have both been released. Overall, the combat and scenery are
wonderful; the only real fault to be found with the franchises is Kingdom Hearts
I, where the voice acting seems not up to par in some occasions. Otherwise, both
are wonderful to play and continue to strengthen Square‘s Legacy.
Steve Jobs was a
legendary legacy because of
his advanced creations. In
Mr. Woodbridge‘s opinion he
admires ―his ability to make
a lot of money for himself
using other people‘s ideas.‖
When hearing of his death,
many people were more concerned with the technology
Apple won‘t create than the
loss his family experienced.
―I did feel bad because of his
cancer-caused death, but he
does have a five year plan,‖
said Daynelle Holness, senior.
We‘ll have to see
what the future holds for
Apple and see if the five year
plan holds up and carries
Apple into the future.
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Volume 3, Issue 3
Seminar Review
Erin Reilly
As Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows marked the end of the
Harry Potter series in July, cast members were asked, ―What will you do
now?‖ This question was not an issue
for Alan Rickman, made legendary by
his role as Severus Snape. True to form,
Rickman‘s latest role portrays him as a
teacher, albeit a teacher of a completely different kind. In Seminar, the new
Broadway play written by Pulitzer
Prize winning playwright Theresa Rebeck, Rickman plays an aging writer
who agrees to conduct a private writing class for an elite group of novice
journalists. Instead of lecturing them
on the value of good writing, Leonard
(Rickman) plays the writers against
each other, while harshly criticizing
their works. Conflicts ensue and sanity
is lost, as these writers painstakingly
work to impress their tutor. While the
drama and tension intensify the play,
the dialogue had the audience in hysterical laughter. Rickman, along with
award-winning actors Jerry O‘Connell,
Lily Rabe, Hamish Linklater, and
Hettienne Park, produce a hysterical
play that focuses on the value of writing and the ability to take criticism
without bombastic confrontation.
Many are already talking about a possible Tony nod for Rickman, which
would be well-deserved, as his performance depicts him as both the sinister
educator he has come to be known as,
and a comedian, which is a great surprise to many fans. ―After seeing the
play, I had an even greater respect for
him,‖ says Kate Perry, senior. ―It was
exciting to see him in such a role, espe-
cially beside actors like Jerry O‘Connell. I definitely believe he deserves a
Tony nomination.‖ Rickman is not
the only Harry Potter star to be on
the stage. Daniel Radcliffe is currently starring in the remaking of How to
Succeed in Business without Really
Trying. When discussing this in a
recent interview with the ‗New York
Times,‖ Rickman commented,
―There‘s a certain kind of glorious
happenstance that just across the
road Daniel‘s singing and dancing.‖
Previews for Seminar began October
27, and the show premiered on November 20. While the show is new,
everyone is already buzzing about it,
making it potentially the most popular show of the holiday season.
“My New Years resolution is….”
Louis Mark
Mallory Marin
Hanna Birenbaum
― keep my grades up
so I can get into a good
―…to work hard at swimming, so I can make a
time of 29 in my 50 free.‖
Mrs. Semple
Jeannie Holst
― get a job!‖
―…to get to bed earlier
and get more sleep.‖
Page 12
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The Foran Exchange
Erin Reilly
Design Editor:
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