A Commitment to Mercy - MHF Homepage


A Commitment to Mercy - MHF Homepage
A Commitment to Mercy
Summer 2011
Mercy Medical Center
Mercy Celebrates
W e l c o m e
We simply cannot
thank you enough.
It’s rare for hundreds of people to dance inside a hospital lobby.
as you will read in this issue of Spirit, means we can now move
It’s equally rare for a new hospital to open in the heart of a city.
forward in creating “a new birthplace for Baltimore’s babies” on
Yet both of these things happened last December, right here in
two state-of-the-art floors inside the Bunting Center.
Baltimore with the completion of The Mary Catherine Bunting
Center at Mercy and the grand opening celebration.
The support we received during the construction of our
new hospital project was remarkable. So many stepped forward
I invite you to embark with us on another new and exciting
journey. Let us build even more memories together so that we
can continue to provide excellent, compassionate health care to
each patient who comes to our doors.
with generous financial support, provided encouragement, and
volunteered their time. We simply cannot thank you enough.
These efforts, no matter how large or small, have helped take
us on a journey that culminated in some of the most joyous
Thomas R. Mullen
moments our Mercy family has ever experienced.
President and CEO
We had much cause to celebrate last December, not only
because our stunning facility opened months ahead of schedule,
but also that the project was completed under budget. This feat,
pa g e 2
A Commitment to Mercy
Spirit is published by the
Mercy Health Foundation
301 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202
Sister Helen Amos, RSM
Executive Chair
Board of Trustees
Thomas R. Mullen
President and CEO
Sarah Fawcett-Lee, CFRE
Robin Soltis Brach
Brach Design
Bill Denison
Jason Lee
Rick Lippenholz
Patrick Ross
David Trozzo
Cover Photo
Guests at Mercy Magic.
See page 4 for full story.
➤To make a contribution
to Mercy Medical Center
on-line or to find out about
Mercy services, please visit
Opening Celebrations
The Mary Catherine Bunting Center
Labor of Love
Mercy’s New Birthplace for Baltimore’s Babies
Gatherings of Gratitude
Leaving a Legacy
Heat It to Beat It 2011
Care in the County
National Doctors’ Day 2011
printer adds
the logo
Kicking off the festivities
on December 2, Mercy’s most generous
benefactors, closest friends and project
partners gathered for a preview of
Baltimore’s newest landmark building.
Timed to coincide with that evening’s
lighting of the Washington Monument
in nearby Mount Vernon, the event
paid well-deserved recognition to those
who made the construction of our new
hospital possible.
the mary catherine
bunting center
In December 2011, Mercy proudly
The Mary Catherine Bunting Center
opened the doors to its new hospital,
has the capacity for 259 private inpatient
The Mary Catherine Bunting Center.
rooms. Today, 182 of those rooms are
Before patients were moved from the
complete and in use, located on six floors
old tower to the new building, though,
– all with stunning views of Baltimore.
several memorable celebrations took
These include 24 beds for critical and
place inside the new facility. On Decem-
intermediate care. Work is now under-
ber 19, we officially opened the new hos-
way to complete two more floors of the
pital and transferred 63 patients from
new hospital by spring 2012 so that our
the old tower into the new building. This
Labor and Delivery, Mother Baby,
included critically ill patients who each
Neonatal Intensive Care and Pediatric
required a clinical team to safely escort
Units will also have new, state-of-the-art
them to their new, private and spacious
facilities. For more information about
rooms. On the day after the move, the first
this new birthplace for Baltimore’s
surgeries took place in the 15 operating
babies, see page 10.
suites on the new hospital’s sixth floor.
pa g e 5
Mercy Magic
The celebration got into
high gear when 900 people
toasted the new hospital during
Mercy Magic, our signature
fundraising event. Guests were
even able to tour patient floors,
operating rooms, waiting areas
and rooftop gardens. This joyful
event raised over $400,000 toward
the construction project and served
as the ultimate housewarming
party for the Bunting Center.
Mercy Medical Center thanks the
following companies for their outstanding support of Mercy Magic
on December 4, 2010
Diamond Sponsors
Centric Business Systems
Mercy Medical Center Medical Staff
Platinum Sponsors
Bloom & Associates, PA
M&T Bank
Mercy Medical Center Auxiliary
The Warner Companies, Inc.
The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
Gold Sponsors
Bell BCI Company, LLC
Constellation Energy
Gill-Simpson, Inc.
Silver Sponsors
Bolton Partners, Inc.
Cohen, Rutherford & Knight, PC
Heritage Properties
Miller, Long & Arnold Co., Inc.
Navigant Consulting
Select Benefits Communications Group, LLC
TSI/Exterior Walls Systems, Inc.
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Vision Technologies, Inc.
Crystal Sponsors
Archstone Portfolio Solutions
Ashland Equipment, Inc.
Baltimore Sound Engineering, Inc.
Bank of America
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Centerline Construction Company
Chesapeake NetCraftsmen
Cura Hospitality
Ellerbe Becket, An AECOM Company
ePlus Technology, Inc./HP
Excell Concrete Construction, LLC
Gallagher Evelius & Jones LLP
Homewood General Contractors, Inc.
Image Stream Medical, Inc.
Katzen Eye Group
Merrill Lynch
Otis Elevator Company
Park West Health System, Inc.
RadAmerica II, LLC
Towne Park
University of Maryland Emergency Medicine
Associates, P.A.
Veolia Energy
Weber & Associates Consulting, Inc.
Worcester Eisenbrandt Inc.
A walk down memory lane
November 5, 2011
6:30 PM – 11:00 PM
M&T Bank Stadium
Join us as we celebrate the
25th annual Mercy Magic!
Don’t miss the opportunity to
stroll down memory lane and
share some of your favorite
Mercy Magic memories.
Live music performed
by Mood Swings
Live and Silent Auctions
Complimentary Parking
Media Sponsor
Baltimore Sun
(Clockwise from top left):
Members of the 1979 class
of Mercy residents in front
of their class photo;
Victoria Schwatka and and
Bob Lamey; Paul Thuluvath,
M.D., Reeja Thuluvath and
Tom Mullen, President &
CEO; guests enjoyed music
by Mood Swings.
pa g e 7
Prayer Breakfast
Leaders of Baltimore’s faith
community, including Rabbi
Joel Zaiman, Bishop Eugene
Sutton and Bishop Denis J.
Madden, attended the Prayer
Breakfast on December 9.
Trustee Mary Louise Preis,
and Sister Helen Amos, RSM,
welcomed leaders of Baltimore City’s fire and police
departments as guests at
the Holiday Party and Open
House on December 9.
Behind-the-scenes tours
Community Open House
were offered to guests
at opening events. These included a Solemn Blessing by the
Most Reverend Edwin F. O’Brien, Archbishop of Baltimore, a
Prayer Breakfast with Bishop Denis J. Madden and other leaders
of Baltimore’s diverse faith community, and two Open Houses
for benefactors, friends, patients, employees and their families.
pa g e 8
Solemn Blessing
Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien,
and Sister Helen Amos, RSM,
led a procession into The Mary
Catherine Bunting Center.
During the Solemn Blessing,
held on December 7, wooden
Mercy crosses for patient rooms
and clinical areas and framed
mission statements were
blessed before being hung
throughout the new building.
Project Partners
On December 2, project partners and Mercy’s
most generous benefactors gathered for dinner
and to honor Mary Catherine Bunting for her
philanthropic support of Mercy’s new hospital.
Among the guests were Trustee, Paige Davis, and
Governor Martin O’Malley. (see photo far right).
Hundreds of people toured
the new hospital during the
Community Open House on
December 11. Sister Helen
Amos, RSM, led a tour
through the new hospital,
which included the chance
to see an operating room.
Joining her were Sr. Carol
Keehan, D.C., President,
Catholic Health Association;
Anne O’Brien, The Tyanna
Foundation; and former
US Senator Paul Sarbanes
pa g e 9
Mercy’s New Birthplace
for Baltimore’s Babies
Ask a
where they were
, and
there’s a good
chance the
answer will be
In spring 2012, Mercy Medical
Generations of young families have
had their start at Mercy Medical Center,
Center’s new birthplace for Baltimore’s
and today it is no different. Mercy is the
babies will open on two floors of The
most popular birthplace for Baltimore’s
Mary Catherine Bunting Center – our
babies – with 2,845 new lives brought
recently completed, 18-story state-of-
into the world here in 2010 alone.
the-art hospital. This exciting move is
Such a busy place deserves a state-
part of the transformation of inpatient
of-the-art facility. The McAuley Tower,
facilities at Mercy, and will feature:
which is the current location of our
mother and baby units, was once con-
5 private triage rooms, 12 spacious
sidered to be the height of modernity
labor and delivery suites and 2 operat-
when it opened in 1963. However, it
ing rooms (for C-section deliveries).
must be replaced so it matches the
exceptional care provided by Mercy’s
rooms providing ample space for
expert team of physicians, nurses and
mother, baby, visitors and bedside care.
clinical staff.
A Labor and Delivery Unit with
A Mother Baby Unit with 32 private
A Pediatric Unit with 5 private
rooms for family-centered care.
pa g e 10
A Level IIIB Neonatal Intensive
Welcoming waiting spaces for
and support expectant parents whose
Care Unit with 24 all-private rooms.
families and visitors with stunning
pregnancies are at risk of medical
This will be among the first NICUs
views of the Baltimore skyline and
in Greater Baltimore to feature private
convenient access to the 8th floor
rooms for babies receiving intensive
roof garden.
medical care. Its location on the same
Additionally, The Center for
New lives begin at Mercy every
day – not just for babies but for
their families and loved ones. We are
floor as the Labor and Delivery Unit
Advanced Fetal Care at Mercy will
excited to build a new birthplace for
will allow faster response time to care
move into expanded space in The Mary
Baltimore’s babies, and to strengthen
for newborn infants.
Catherine Bunting Center. Providing
our commitment to family-centered
comprehensive maternal fetal health
care in the very best surroundings.
NICU rooms will provide privacy for
infants and parents. Each room will
services for patients with high-risk
If you would like to make a gift in
feature lighting, temperature and noise
pregnancies, this center offers a full
support of our new birthplace for Balti-
control, refrigerated storage of breast
range of sophisticated diagnostic test-
more’s babies, please contact: Sarah Fawcett-
milk and medications, and overnight
ing and technology to detect physical
Lee, CFRE, Vice President for Development,
sleeping accommodations for parents.
problems in unborn children. The
at 410-332-9871 or [email protected],
Center’s team of medical experts works
or visit www.mdmercy.com/giving
closely with each patient to counsel
pa g e 11
Mark Your Calendars for These Upcoming Events:
Saturday, October 15
Under Armour Global Headquarters
1020 Hull Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
Be a part of Team Tyanna, our fundraising team
Saturday, October 15
Baltimore, MD
For more information visit tyanna.org
All proceeds benefit The Hoffberger Breast Center at Mercy Medical Center. Since its inception in 1998,
The Tyanna Foundation has been working tirelessly to increase awareness and generate money for breast
cancer research, services, education, treatment and patient care.
pa g e 12
Usually, visiting a doctor means a serious talk about symptoms, diagnosis
and treatment. This spring, three of Mercy’s notable physicians gave their patients
and their families a chance to experience things a little differently.
On March 1, a group of grateful and supportive patients enjoyed an opportunity
to interact socially with one another
and their physician, Albert J. Polito, M.D.,
Director of the Lung Center at Mercy.
Joining them were several members of
The Mildred Mindell Cancer Foundation, who announced that Dr. Polito had
been chosen as the recipient of Mindell
Foundation’s 2011 Humanitarian Award.
On May 22, a wonderful event hosted by
the Mildred Mindell Cancer Foundation
raised $40,000 to support care for patients
with cancer at Mercy.
An equally enthusiastic group gathered on March 2 to hear Armando Sardi,
M.D., Director of the Institute for Cancer
Care at Mercy, speak about his groundbreaking research. Dr. Sardi is one of the
few surgical oncologists in the world
who specializes in treating peritoneal
carcinomatosis, a complex cancer found
in the abdomen, using heated chemotherapy. In September 2010, Dr. Sardi’s
patients, their families and friends, held
a fundraising walk, Heat It To Beat It,
and raised nearly $100,000 to support
groundbreaking research efforts. Heat
It to Beat It 2011 will take place on Sunday, September 18 at Rash Field in
Baltimore. Those wishing to register, create a team or make a donation should
visit www.heat-it.org.
A few weeks later, patients spent
an evening with Mark Myerson, M.D.,
Director of The Institute for Foot and
Ankle Reconstruction at Mercy. Many
had received ankle joint replacements
and were eager to share their stories of
recovered mobility and a return to active
lifestyles. Dr. Myerson, who has recently
published his 200th peer reviewed publication, provided a fascinating overview
of his teaching activities at Mercy and
around the world. Joining him at the
event were colleagues Drs. John Campbell, Clifford Jeng and Rebecca Cerrato,
as well as the Foot and Ankle Fellows
who train under their leadership at the
Institute. Combining clinical practice
with academic research and teaching is a
hallmark of The Institute for Foot and
Ankle Reconstruction and one that
helps ensure that procedures such as
complete ankle replacement can be done
with the degree of success these patients
have experienced.
If you would like to make a gift in support
of the work of these remarkable physicians
and their colleagues, please contact:
Beth White, Director of Magor Gifts, at
410-332-9645 or [email protected]
or visit www.mdmercy.com/giving.
PICTURED ABOVE (L to R): Catherine Michela
and Armando Sardi, M.D.; Granville Hibberd and
Mark Myerson, M.D.; Myra Diggs, Beatrice Clark,
Albert J. Polito, M.D., and Jane Goldseker.
pa g e 13
Building a nest egg
– no matter how modest –
can be the work of a lifetime.
Making sure it is passed on to loved ones or favorite charities can be equally
demanding. A hard-earned estate can easily be consumed by taxes, or loved ones may
be left without an inheritance because a thoughtful plan was never made.
To assist our benefactors and friends, Mercy Medical Center partners with a
nationally known estate planning firm that takes a “family first” approach. The firm
provides estate planning education and assistance to Mercy’s closest friends and
supporters at no charge. It also has no products to sell, and all
information shared is kept strictly confidential.
Jim and Connie Kihm are dear friends of Mercy and chose to
participate in this program. As a Mercy volunteer, Connie spends
“Your plan is an expression of your values
and what is important to you”
one day a week assisting visitors to the Critical Care and Intensive
Care Units. She and Jim are also loyal members of The Mercy
Society, which is comprised of those who make annual gifts of $1,000 or more to Mercy.
“When we first met with Ron Smith, Senior Vice President with Thompson &
Associates, we believed we already had a good plan in place and he would not be able
to help us all that much,” admits Connie. “But as we talked more with him about our
hopes and dreams of leaving a legacy to our two children and our grandchildren, it
turned out we could make it even better. Ron patiently educated and guided us, and
with his expert help we revised our plan so more will go to our family and less to estate
taxes. It also means we can be more generous to our favorite charities, of which Mercy
is one. We couldn’t have asked for a better outcome!”
Jim agrees with his wife’s assessment. “We were very pleased with our experience
with this program. There is so much to think of and understand, and so many rules
and laws to navigate. Having this extra assistance put our minds at rest. We thoroughly understand the plan we have put in place and are confident it will do what we
want it to do. There’s nothing better than knowing we can continue to look after the
things we hold precious in life now for years to come.”
Since 2007, Mercy Medical
Center has partnered with
Thompson & Associates, a
national leader in estate
planning, to provide free assistance and education to Mercy’s
closest friends and supporters.
Thompson & Associates has no
products to sell and all
information shared is strictly
confidential. To learn more,
please contact Sarah FawcettLee, CFRE, Vice President for
Development, at 410-332-9871
or [email protected].
pa g e 15
pa g e 16
In March 2011, Mercy opened Lutherville Personal Physicians our newest medical facility to feature some of the area’s leading
primary care physicians as well as specialty care services affiliated
with Mercy’s renowned Centers of Excellence. This beautiful
new facility, located at the corner of York and Ridgely Roads just
one mile north of the Baltimore Beltway, joins Overlea Personal
Physicians, Worthington Personal Physicians in Reisterstown and
the Mercy Specialty Physicians in Columbia in offering the highest
quality care to people throughout the Greater Baltimore region.
Patients can schedule appointments through one convenient phone number:
Lutherville Personal Physicians
will have 15 primary care
physicians and more than
30 Mercy specialists available
to treat patients.
Lutherville Personal Physicians
is the new home for Baltimore
County’s leading primary care
professionals including:
Ayman F. Akkad, M.D.
Lawrence Boas, M.D.
John W. Bowie, M.D.
Daniel H. Collector, M.D.
Albert DiGerolamo, M.D.
Inna Gendelsman, M.D.
Gary J. Kerkvliet, M.D.
Kenneth B. Kochmann, M.D.
Christine J. Bell Lafferman, M.D.
Marc I. Leavey, M.D.
Daniel B. Levy, M.D.
Fredric S. Sirkis, M.D.
Mark R. Stromberg, M.D.
Dawn P. Donohue, CRNP
George E. Lowe, M.D.
Medical Director
410-252-CARE (410-252-2273). Additional information is available at
And their associates at
10155 York Road
PICTURED ABOVE (First and second on left): Thomas R. Mullen, CEO, and Sister Helen Amos,
RSM, Executive Chair of the Board of Trustees of Mercy Health Services, celebrate the ribbon
cutting for Lutherville Personal Physicians on May 18, 2011. Joining them are (from left to right):
Baltimore County Executive, Kevin Kamenetz, and Mercy physicians George E. Lowe, M.D.,
Marc I. Leavey, M.D., Lawrence Boas, M.D., Lisa S. Pichney, M.D., and Neil B. Rosenshein, M.D.
David J. Hartig, M.D.
Robin A. O’Hara, CRNP
Jenepher Piper, CRNP
Susan Porter, CRNP
Mary Rackson, CRNP
pa g e 17
Day 2011
“In the care of the sick
great tenderness above all things.”
On March 30, 2011, Mercy Medical Center celebrated National
Doctors’ Day by inviting patients and friends to make gifts in
honor of the physicians who have touched their lives. By doing
so, we celebrate not only the compassionate care our physicians provide to their patients, but their commitment to the
mission and values of the Sisters of Mercy.
Nearly 300 patients and friends of Mercy accepted this
invitation, collectively honoring over 100 of Mercy’s doctors.
The Sisters of Mercy and Board of Trustees join these generous
donors in recognizing and thanking all of Mercy’s doctors for
carrying forward our tradition of excellence.
Taro J. Adachi, M.D.
James S. Adleberg, DPM
Ayman F. Akkad, M.D.
Kelly L. Alexander, M.D.
Mark M. Applefeld, M.D.
Kevin M. Audlin, M.D.
Elliott M. Badder, M.D.
Fermin F. Barrueto, Sr., M.D.
Gauri C. Bedi, M.D.
James H. Bernheimer, M.D.
Pratima K. Bose, M.D.
Marsha J. Brown, M.D.
John T. Campbell, M.D.
James M. Carlton, M.D.
Rebecca A. Cerrato, M.D.
Bernard W. Chang, M.D.
Chi-Shiang Chen, M.D.
Joseph J. Ciotola, M.D.
Jonathan L. Clemens, M.D.
Brendan J. Collins, M.D.
Michael E. Cox, M.D.
Caren Craig, M.D.
Chintan Desai, M.D.
Richard A. Desi, M.D.
Charles C. Edwards, II, M.D.
Lawrence R. Feldman, M.D.
Marvin Jack Feldman, M.D.
Fernando J. Ferro, M.D.
J. Lawrence Fitzpatrick, M.D.
Neil B. Friedman, M.D.
pa g e 18
Robert C. Greenwell, Jr., M.D.
Vadim V. Gushchin, M.D.
Ira E. Hantman, M.D.
Mary L. Harris, M.D.
Teresa A. Hoffman, M.D.
Scott M. Huber, M.D.
Marc W. Hungerford, M.D.
Dwight D. Im, M.D.
Mohammed Inayatullah, M.D.
Maria C. Jacobs, M.D.
Sanjay B. Jagannath, M.D.
Clifford L. Jeng, M.D.
Brian H. Kahn, M.D.
Brett W. Katzen, M.D.
Katzen Eye Group
Marion C. Kowalewski, M.D.
Peter T. Lapinsky, M.D.
Oanh H. Lauring, M.D.
Sonya J. Lecuona, M.D.
Peter Ledakis, M.D.
Debra S. Lee, M.D.
Daniel B. Levy, M.D.
Kamala H. Littleton, M.D.
Paul R. Lucas, M.D.
Meghan A. Lynch, M.D.
Thomas J. Lynch, M.D.
David N. Maine, M.D.
Gabriel A. Martinez-Geigel, M.D.
Gregory D. McCormack, M.D.
Susan S. McLaughlin, M.D.
Scott J. McPherson, M.D.
Joel D. Meshulam, M.D.
Frank H. Morris, M.D.
Mark S. Myerson, M.D.
Yeong H. Oh, M.D.
Rosemary Olivo, M.D.
Janet M. O'Mahony, M.D.
Marlana S. Ottinger, M.D.
Jay N. Parran, M.D.
Shawn M. Peffall, M.D.
Albert J. Polito, M.D.
Thaw Poon, M.D.
David B. Posner, M.D.
Seema S. Rao, M.D.
David A. Riseberg, M.D.
Marcella L. Roenneburg, M.D.
Neil B. Rosenshein, M.D.
Gary B. Ruppert, M.D.
R. Paul Sabundayo, M.D.
Armando Sardi, M.D., FACS
Simon V. Scalia, M.D.
Michael S. Sellman, M.D.
Scott D. Sherr, M.D.
Sean Sider, DPM
Stanley B. Silber, M.D.
David C. Sill, M.D.
Frederic S. Sirkis, M.D.
Scott A. Spier, M.D.
Francis X. Strain, III, M.D.
Nelson C. Sun, M.D.
Amish C. Sura, M.D.
Thomas J. Swope, M.D.
Arnel M. Tagle, M.D.
Paul J. Thuluvath, M.D.
Debra A. Vachon, M.D.
William A. Valente, M.D.
Thomas V. Whitten, M.D.
Michael D. Zang, M.D.
Michael P. Zimring, M.D.
and all Mercy doctors,
their assistants and staff
List of Donors
Mrs. Marilyn T. Ambush
Ms. Deborah L. Amrhein
Mr. Robert S. Anderson
Ms. Barbara A. Asgari
Ms. Jacquelyn M. Ashby
Ms. Linda L. Atkins
Ms. Esther E. Baldwin
Ms. Carole S. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Barcus, Jr.
Mr. Thomas C. Barranco
Mrs. Mary P. Beard
Ms. Karen N. Becker
Ms. Megan T. Bell
Ms. Irene Berger
Ms. Florence A. Best
Ms. Elizabeth L. Biehl
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Binkley
Ms. Sharon A. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blake
Ms. Evelyn Bleiweiss
Mr. Maynard R. Blomquist
Ms. Susan Blount
Mr. James H. Bollinger
Mr. Richard Bradberry
Ms. Betty R. Brown
Mr. Michael E. Bucci
Mr. Michael O. Buckley
The Budd Family
Mr. Walter Budko
Miss Mary Catherine Bunting
Ms. Leslie E. Burns Loughlin
Ms. Roberta L. Burton
Ms. Nancy Carosi
Dr. Samuel S. Castiglione, Jr.
Mr. Ever B. Castillo-Reyes
Mr. Samuel W. Chairs, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth M. Chamberlin
Ms. Frances L. Coffman
Mr. Robert D. Cole, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Combs
Ms. Rosemarie Connors
Ms. Alice Cook
Mr. David B. Cooke
Ms. Ruth M. Cornish
Mr. Eric T. Costello
Ms. Elaine B. Cutler
Ms. Cathy Danielson
Ms. Elizabeth Dayhoff
Ms. Rose M. D'Elia
Ms. Margaret Lyle C. Demarest
Ms. Clementine A. DeShields
Ms. Margaret T. Dillman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edwards
Ms. Dortha M. Ennis
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Evans
Ms. Patricia F. Fellows
Ms. Joyce E. Finley
Ms. Remonia A. Finney
Ms. Thomasine E. Forte-Betts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Freeman
Ms. Sandra C. Freund
Mr. Bernard A. Galiszewski
Ms. Ann N. Gilbert
Mrs. Joy B. Goldberg
Ms. Violet Goldman
Mr. Abram C. Goldsworthy
Mr. Vladimir Golub
Dr. Enoch Gordis
Mr. Carmine J. Granese
Ms. Dorothy E. Grayson
Ms. Chante Green
Ms. Phyllis L. Green
Ms. Danielle I. Grepps
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Guidera
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Hahn
Mr. Ray Hamby
Mrs. Geraldine K. Hamill
Ms. Jean E. Henderson
Ms. Anne G. Herold
Mr. Alry Hitchcock
Ms. Nancy A. Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Hofman
Ms. Mary Jane Hollenshead
Ms. Deborah D. Holly
Ms. Diane L. Holmes
Ms. Rosalie V. Hood
Ms. Bettie Jean Howard
Ms. Floryne E. Howard
Dr. Nan Hu
Mrs. Mary Rita Hubbel
Ms. Alethea M. Hughes
Mr. Jean Hulce
Ms. Sandra G. Hutzler
Innovative Properties, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Insley, Sr.
Mr. Peter L. Ireton
Ms. Irma V. Jackson
Ms. Eunice M. Jacobs
Mr. Philip Jahnigen
Mr. Seymore W. Jarrells
Ms. Margaret L. Jewell
Mrs. John P. Johns
Ms. Helen Johns
Ms. Dorothy M. Johnson
Ms. Joan M. Johnson
Ms. Ann R. Jones
Ms. Jacquelyn A. D. Jones
Ms. Rebecca D. Jones
Ms. Tanya L. Jones
Ms. Virginia Jones
Ms. Mary Milone Jordan
Mr. Richard E. Kaminski
Sister Edithann C. Kane, SND
Ms. Betty Kang
Ms. Iysha Kanu
Ms. Moira N. Kearney
Mr. E. William Kegg
Ms. Mary Madeline Kern
Ms. Sue E. Kershner
Ms. JoAnn J. Keys
Ms. Harriet J. King
Mr. David W. Kornblatt
Mr. Raymond H. Kosmicky
Ms. Elizabeth A. Krajcovic
Mr. John F. Krause
Ms. Alice M. Lamar
Ms. Claudia M. Lambert
Ms. Patricia A. Landerman
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Larsen
Mr. Charles Lawrence, Sr.
Ms. Florence V. Lawrence
Mrs. Sharon Lawrence
Ms. Yvonne G. Lawrence
Ms. Mary Leatherwood
Mr. Essie Lee
Ms. Fiona K. Lee
Ms. Eileen T. Leikach
Ms. Carol K. Lettrich
Mr. Timothy P. Lewis
Mrs. Ellen T. Lindenbaum
Ms. Mary M. Lively
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Lombardo
Ms. Louise Long
Monsignor Joseph L. Luca
Ms. Melissa F. Mayone
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. McCardell
Mrs. Catherine T. McKay
Dr. and Mrs. James S. McKelvey
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McLennan
Ms. Ellen L. McNeill
Ms. Myrna A. Mellis
Mrs. Rita M. Meyer
Ms. Dina L. Michels
Mrs. Mary Emma Middleton
Ms. Patricia Ann Miley
Sister Doris Jean Miller, RSM
Mrs. Lorraine J. Miller
Ms. Joanne L. Mogel
Ms. Kathleen D. Morreale
Ms. Norene Morton
Ms. Patricia A. Mueller
Mr. Hiawatha Mugar
Sister Mary J. Mulch, SSND
Miss Dolores J. Munafo
Mr. Richard T. Murphy
Ms. Cynthia R. Naill
Mrs. Irid B. Naver
Mrs. Diane F. Neas
Mr. and Mrs. Kent W. Neibaur
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nesbit
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Nesbitt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Netherland
Mrs. Barbara B. Neville
Ms. Patricia W. Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. C. Gregory Nolan
Ms. Aspasia M. Oosterwijk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Osterman, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth G. Paleos
Albert and Stephanie Palewicz
Ms. Theresa L. Parham
Ms. Mary Parker
Ms. Sarah T. Parker
Ms. Geraldine Patterson
Sue Perkinson
Ms. Jeannette B. Phelps
Mrs. Kathleen E. Pieper
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Piluk
Ms. Catherine Pitt
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Plymyer
Mr. Raymond J. Potocki
Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Preston
Ms. Dianne H. Pruitt
Ms. Giannina Rachetta
Ms. Nancy J. Rakaczky
Mr. James Rand
Ms. Katherine Recker and
Mr. Joseph Wagner
Mrs. Loretta A. Reiley
Ms. Margaret A. Reiley
Ms. Tammy L. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic E. Riggle
Mr. Joshua D. Rinker
Ms. Cheryl Roettger
Mr. Robert A. Rombro
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Rosenthal
Ms. Patti Ross
Ms. Mary E. Rostek
Ms. Mary Ann Ryan
Mr. Joseph P. Salinger
Ms. Gail L. Samchuck
Ms. Kay B. Sammons
Ms. Martha J. Schlenger
Ms. Librada A. Schmidt
Ms. Marcie L. Schubert
Ms. Deborah A. Shapiro
Ms. Terrie Ship-Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shriner
Mr. Edgar P. Silver
Mr. Winston F. Simmonds
Ms. G. Elaine Simonetti
Ms. Esther F. Smit
Mr. and Mrs. Michael I. Snyder
St. Louis Roman Catholic
Congregation, Inc.
Mr. Davis L. Statton, Jr.
Ms. Tempe B. Steen
Ms. Margaret J. Steinhagen
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Stram
Dr. Stephen E. Sussman and
Ms. Kim D. Holmes
Mr. Joseph A. Tepper
Mr. Patrick E. Tormey
Ms. Lorraine Y. Townsend
Ms. Devoark Tucker
Mrs. Helen C. Turowski
Ms. Ute I. von Mehlem
Ms. Stephanie L. Wade
Ms. Dolores J. Wajer
Ms. Cheryl E. Wasmund
Ms. Alice C. Weinreich
Ms. Maryann Wells
Mr. Wilbert E. Wells
Dr. Debra L. Welsh
Mrs. Elizabeth R. White
Dr. Beverly A. Wilcox
Ms. Carla L. Wilson
Ms. Kimberly J. Wines
Ms. Dorothy Witkowski
Ms. Ida M. Yaker
Ms. Eileen T. Zbignewich
Mr. James F. Zimmerman
21 Anonymous Donors
pa g e 19
C o m m i t m e n t
t o
M e r c y
Gifts to Mercy Medical Center enable us to continue the mission
of Catherine McAuley, the first Sister of Mercy, who dedicated her life and her fortune to meeting the needs
of her community. We appreciate every gift, large or small. The support we receive from you, and many
others, helps Mercy maintain high standards of excellence in patient care for all who come to us for help.
Gifts have been received
in Honor of...
July 1, 2010 through May 31, 2011
Kelly L. Alexander, M.D.
Ms. Gene-Marie Alfano
Sister Helen Amos, RSM
Mark Applefeld, M.D.
Robert O. Atlas, M.D.
Mehtap A. Aygun, M.D.
Mrs. Marian Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Batza, Jr.
Mr. William Beard
Mr. William W. Beard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Beiler
Ms. Margie Lee Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Berndt
Marsha J. Brown, M.D.
Mary Catherine Bunting
Jim Carlton, M.D.
Sister Theresa Carter, RSM
Chi-Shiang Chen, M.D.
Joseph J. Ciotola, M.D.
Sister Elizabeth Anne Corcoran, RSM
Mrs. Winifred L. Coughlin
Mr. P. McEvoy Cromwell
Mr. Stephen Duley
Ms. Evelyn B. Dunne
Mr. James P. Dunne, Jr.
Sarah Fawcett-Lee, CFRE
J. Lawrence Fitzpatrick, M.D.
Neil B. Friedman, M.D.
Mrs. Harriet Lambden Gifford
Vadim V. Gushchin, M.D.
Ms. Lois H. Halpert
Mr. Jeffrey J. Hasse
The Holbrook Family
Maria C. Jacobs, M.D.
Ms. Jacquelyn A. D. Jones
Sisters of Mercy Jubilarians
Drs. Amy and Leon Kass
Mses. Maria and Emma Kelly
Mr. Joseph B. Lessman
Mr. Gerald T. Lewandowski
George E. Lowe, M.D.
Mr. John W. Macken, Jr.
Ms. Molly Jo MacMullan
Sister M. Karen McNally, RSM
Mrs. Susan S. Merrill
Mrs. Mary Emma Middleton
Mr. Thomas R. Mullen
Mr. Carlos A. Murillo
Ms. Patricia Murray
pa g e 20
Mark S. Myerson, M.D.
Thomas J. Oglesby, M.D.
Rosemary Olivo, M.D.
Helen Elizabeth O’Neill
Ms. Helen Oresick
Shawn Peffall, M.D.
Sister Paula Marie Phelan, RSM
Ms. Jody Pickens
Albert J. Polito, M.D.
Mrs. Tommie S. Popa
David B. Posner, M.D.
Luis A. Queral, M.D.
Mr. John E. Rawlings, Sr.
Mrs. Ruth Rich
Michael J. Richman, M.D.
David A. Riseberg, M.D.
Neil B. Rosenshein, M.D.
Captain Mark Ross
Mr. Paul J. Sawchuk
Ms. Susan Scarvalone
Mr. Robert S. Schiro
Jonathan B. Schreiber, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Simon
Dana S. Simpler, M.D.
Beckett Tracy
Elaine Vaughn, RN
Ms. Gloria Wilson
Ms. Betty J. Wyman
and the Priests and Sisters
at Mercy Medical Center
Gifts have been received
in Memory of...
July 1, 2010 through May 31, 2011
Mr. Michael Anderson
Mrs. Evelyn R. Auerbach
Mrs. Mary K. Bailey
Ms. Donna J. Barron
Mrs. Ronald Blavatt
Ms. Joan Brannan
Mr. James C. Briscoe
Mr. David Brodie
Mrs. Georgene A. Brodie
Mr. Richard C. Brooks, Jr.
Ellsworth and Hilda Brown
Ms. Eugenia Mila Brown
Samantha and Pegeen Brown
Ms. Priscilla Brown
Mr. Mark D. Calimer
Mr. James Earl Carter, Jr.
Ms. Bertha E. Chaney
Mr. Kim Moses Chase
Mrs. Kai-Yun Chiu
Mr. Francis J. Chmilewski
Ms. Theresa A. Ciulla
Mrs. Alberta Josephine “Libby” Coleianne
Mr. Lamar J. Conrad
Mr. William A. Corcoran
Ms. Teresa Costello
Dr. Robert M. N. Crosby
Mr. James L. Cummings
Mrs. Mary E. Cummings
Ms. Barbara P. D’Arezzo
Mr. Lazaro Diaz
Jessie M. and Alphonso DiGiosio
Ms. Doris E. Dixon
Mrs. Mary E. Donohoe
Deceased Members of the Dorsey Family
Mr. Raymond Dugan
Mrs. Emma H. Eder
John J. Erwin, M.D. and Margaret M. Erwin, RN
Sister Mary Damian Faller, RSM
Mr. Timothy A. Feehley
Mrs. Ina Feldman
Vincent de Paul Fitzpatrick, Jr., M.D.
Ms. Carmela Forte
Mrs. Bernadette J. Frank
Officer Eugene L. Franklin, Sr.
Mr. Kyle Freeman
Maurice B. Furlong, Jr., M.D.
Mr. Billy Grabowski
Dr. Sheldon E. Greisman
Ms. Joan A. Grempler
Reverend Marian C. Grissom
Mr. Domenico Guerra
Mrs. Ann B. Jankowski Hainke
Dr. Leonard G. Hamberry
Mrs. Kristine H. Hare
Ms. Ruth Harper
Ms. Mary T. Hennigan
Ms. Barbara Coughlin Herron
Ms. Maureen Stakem Hershey
Mrs. Virginia L. Hirzel
Ms. Mildred M. Hobbs
Mr. Bernard Hofer
Mrs. Florence B. Hoffberger
Mrs. Patricia A. Howachyn
The Honorable Regina A. Jabbour
Mr. Donald Jachelski
Ms. Anna Jacurak
Mr. William L. Jerousek, Sr.
Mr. Wilson Agape Johnson
Mr. Stephen William Kain
Mrs. Florence M. Klemm
Mrs. Ellen M. Kratz
Ms. Myra Kropkowski
Mrs. Mary C. Lancaster
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lawrence, Sr.
Ms. G. Inez Lewis
Ms. Cheryl A. Lightner
Ms. Lorraine E. Lorden
Mr. Marvin Leroy Lucas, Jr.
Mrs. Mary L. Maccentelli
Mrs. Kathleen M. Malinowski
Mr. David L. Manion
Mrs. Naomi E. Marcantoni
Ms. Dorothy Markline
Mr. Calvin Matthews
Mr. Kevin Joseph McDonnell
Miss Ellen C. McHale
John M. McIntyre, Jr., M.D.
Mercy Nursing Alumnae,
Class of 1961 Deceased Classmates
Colonel Robert J. Michela, USA Ret.
Mrs. Barbara F. Michels
Ms. Genevieve Mlynarczyk
Mr. George A. Moeller
Ms. Esther M. Mourad
Peyton T. Nichols
Mrs. Gertrude A. O’Keefe
Ms. Joan Otradovec
Ms. Ruth C. Parker
Mr. John W. Perkinson
Ms. Melissa L. Posner
Fausto M. Prezioso, M.D.
Mr. Lawrence M. Rackson
Mr. William Reiley
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Rekus
Ms. Malinda Robinson
Ms. Antoinette Rogers
Mrs. A. Patricia Roop
Ms. Brenda Ross
Deacon George A. Ross
Mr. Robert W. Sampson, Sr.
Jack and Carmela Schmitz
Mrs. Margaret V. Schreiber
Mrs. Shelley R. Schunick
Sister Janet M. Seubott, RSM
Mrs. Agnes Singer
Mrs. Sharon A. Skowronski
Mrs. Ricky F. Spencer
Ms. Veronica Spokus
Mrs. Grace B. Stuffle
Mrs. Janine Tolley
Mrs. Ilene D. Vaught
Mr. David E. Webb
Ms. Josephine Weigand
Ms. Kathy Wells-Rodriques
Dr. Thomas G. Williams, Sr.
Ms. Mary Witherspoon
Ms. Sisley Woods
Ms. Saundra Wright
Ms. Tammy Zaruba
Mrs. Frances P. Zinkand
Sister Mary Thomas Zinkand, RSM
C o m m i t m e n t
t o
M e r c y
Major Gifts
July 1, 2010 through May 31, 2011
The following donors made gifts of
$10,000 or more to support Mercy
Medical Center’s programs and services..
William and Elizabeth Arbaugh
Charitable Fund
Baltimore Community Foundation
The Bank of America Foundation
Louis and Frances B. Booke Memorial
Foundation, Inc.
Mary Catherine Bunting
Estate of Kai-Yun Chiu
The Charles Crane Family Foundation
Ron and Shirley Gutberlet
The Marion I. and Henry J. Knott
Scholarship Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Jung-In Lee
Market Strategies, Inc.
Estate of Elizabeth Rose Murphy
Orthopaedic Research and Education
Ossur Americas, Inc.
Mr. Bruce A. Pfeufer
David and Nancy Posner
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas,
South Central Community
Synthes, Inc.
E. Melville Taylor Revocable Trust
ThermaSolutions, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zadek
Michael Francis Zalla Memorial Foundation
Mercy Society
July 1, 2010 through May 31, 2011
The Mercy Society recognizes individuals
who make gifts of $1,000 or more annually.
Taro and Bonnie Adachi
Dr. and Mrs. Aristides C. Alevizatos
Dr. and Mrs. Edgar L. C. Alonsozana
Mrs. Anne Meyer Alverson
Sister Helen Amos, RSM
Drs. Mark and Celeste Applefeld
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Arbuagh
Dr. and Mrs. Robert O. Atlas
Elliott and Marianne Badder
Mr. and Mrs. A. Michael Baldwin
Dr. and Mrs. Fermin F. Barrueto, Sr.
Ms. Patricia L. Bart
Michael J. Batza, Jr. and Patricia K. Batza
Dr. and Mrs. Leopold J. Bellantoni
Ms. Rita E. Benincasa
Ms. Margaret G. Benzinger
Rick and Rita Berndt
Mrs. Sara L. Bernstein
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boas
Mr. Robert G. Bolton
Dr. George M. Boyer and Ms. Alicia R. Buxton
Mr. Randolph W. Brinton
Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Broadrup
Mr. Walter Budko
Mary Catherine Bunting
Drs. John T. Campbell and Michele DeMusis
Drs. James M. Carlton and Lauren Schnaper
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah E. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Cavanaugh, III
Dr. Rebecca A. Cerrato and Mr. Vincent Cerrato
Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Cestello
Dr. and Mrs. Chi-Shiang Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Chesley
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ciotola
Mrs. Jean B. Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Cockerham
Dr. and Mrs. Brad M. Cogan
Ms. Suzanne F. Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Connors
Joseph J. Costa, M.D. and Mr. David Hart
Mrs. Winifred L. Coughlin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Cox
David and Patrice Cromwell Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. P. McEvoy Cromwell
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin L. W. Crooks
Mr. Thomas J. D'Alesandro, III and
Mrs. Margaret C. D'Alesandro
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. James Daly
Ms. Sharon L. Dameron
Mrs. Ellen S. Dankert
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Deibel
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dinker
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Doyle
Ms. Marilynn K. Duker and
Mr. Dale R. McArdle
Dr. Susan J. Dulkerian and
Mr. George H. Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Edwards, II
Sandy and Lynn Edwards
Mrs. Marianne M. Faulstich
Lynn and Diane Featherstone
Mrs. Lois B. Feinblatt
Mr. Andrew H. Feinman
Dr. Marvin Jack Feldman
Fernando and Cathy Ferro
Mr. Mark R. Fetting and Ms. Georgia D. Smith
Bryan and Kathy Fick
Mr. Edward G. Finlayson and
Dr. Susan D. Finlayson
Dr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Fitzpatrick
James and Carolyn Frenkil
Charitable Foundation
Neil and Stephanie Friedman
Ms. Noreen A. Frost
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Gaber
Mrs. Emily Ann Waring Gage
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Garland
Ms. Lisa Garrett
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Geckler
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Gemignani
Drs. James and Faith Gilroy
Mr. and Mrs. Saul E. Gilstein
Jay and Sarajane Goodman
Dr. and Mrs. Neil A. Green
Ron and Shirley Gutberlet
pa g e 21
C o m m i t m e n t
Dr. and Mrs. Louis S. Halikman
Ms. Lois H. Halpert
Dr. and Mrs. Ira E. Hantman
Dr. Mary L. Harris
Carla Diane Hayden, Ph.D.
Pam and Sam Himmelrich
Florence B. Hoffberger
Drs. Scott M. and Risa W. Huber
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Insley, Sr.
Dr. Maria C. Jacobs and Mr. C. Godfrey Jacobs
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Jeng
Julianne and Paul Johnson
Jacquelyn A. D. Jones
Ken and Linda Jones
Dr. Lavern Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Brian H. Kahn
Peter E. Keith, Esq.
Mrs. Emi Killeri
Dr. and Mrs. A. Daniel King, Jr.
Sister M. Gess Kirby, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. J. Drexel Knight
Nicholas J. Koas
Dr. and Mrs. Marion C. Kowalewski
Drs. Oanh H. and Josh Lauring
Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus J. Lawyer, III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Leek
John and Margaret Lepley
Sara Cosgrove and Daniel Levy
Joyce and Jim Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Lewandowski
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Liddell
Earl and Darielle Linehan
Dr. Kamala H. Littleton
Monsignor Joseph L. Luca
Lois and Philip Macht Family
Philanthropic Fund
Drs. David N. Maine and Rachelle Smith-Maine
Dr. Navara Malayaman
Mangione Family Foundation
Mrs. Mary C. Mangione
Sister M. Annella Martin, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Maskell
Jackie and Jim McDonagh
Mr. Patrick E. McHale
Dr. and Mrs. James S. McKelvey
Ms. Paula Brooks McLellan
Gertrude A. McQuaid, DBA
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mead, Jr.
Mercy Anesthesiology Associates
Joel and Jennifer Meshulam
Lucille S. Meyers, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Michael
Ms. A. Jeannette Mollenkopf
Sam and Jodi Moskowitz
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Moss
Ms. Katherine E. Mueller
Joan and Michael Mullane
Mr. Thomas R. Mullen and
Ms. Rosemary C. Wahler
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Munford
Judith Needham
pa g e 22
t o
M e r c y
Mr. and Mrs. C. Gregory Nolan
Mr. Patrick G. Nolan
David O'Donaghue, PsyD
Dr. Thomas J. Oglesby
Dr. and Mrs. Yeong H. Oh
Drs. Rosemary Olivo and Allan S. Gold
Dr. Marlana S. Ottinger
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Oxx
Mr. Bruce A. Pfeufer
Drs. Albert J. Polito and Redonda G. Miller
David and Nancy Posner
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Preis
Dr. G. Edward Reahl, Jr.
E. Albert Reece, M.D., Ph.D., MBA
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Rever
Mrs. Barbara L. Robinson
Neil and Dee Rosenshein
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Rosenthal
Dr. Wilma A. S. Rowe and Mr. Todd W. Rowe
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Salkeld
Dr. Armando Sardi
Dr. Stephen M. Schenkel and
Mrs. Ing-Jye Cheng
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Schwarzmann
Mrs. Victoria M. Schwatka
Michael and Beth Sellman
Mr. and Mrs. M. Sigmund Shapiro
Mr. John F. Shettle, Jr. and Ms. Abigail E. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Silber
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sill
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Smith
John Sondheim and Emily Greenberg Fund
Scott and Jane-Eyre Spier
Dr. and Mrs. Francis X. Strain, III
The Lebovitz Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Thompson, Jr.
Ms. Betty Beverly Timmons
John and Mary Topper
John and Deborah Treicis
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Turnes
Dr. Debra A. Vachon and Mr. Donald E. Tush
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Valente
Dr. Craig A. Vander Kolk and Ms. Dana R. Foer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Veith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wallace
Ms. Rebecca A. Weaver and Mr. Curtis Croley
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Whitten
Miss Adele A. Wilzack
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Wu
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zadek
Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Zawodny
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Zehler
4 Anonymous Donors
Mercy Partners
July 1, 2010 through May 31, 2011
Gifts of $100-$999
have been gratefully received.
Mr. Jason C. Abell
Academy Mortgage, LLC
Mr. John P. Acca
Accenture Health Management
Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Adkins
Dr. and Mrs. James S. Adleberg
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Adler
Dr. Monica Aggarwal and Mr. Rob Snodgrass
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Albert
Ms. Valerie A. Alexson
Ms. Barbara Allen
Mr. Andrew J. Alley
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Allgyer
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Allgyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Almon
Mr. Peter J. Amato
Miss Patricia A. Amos
Dr. Steven S. An
Ms. Nicole M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Andrion, Jr.
Ms. Jane U. Anifowoshe
Anne Arundel County Health Department
Dr. Tikee C. Aparece and
Mr. Ramon J. Aparece, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Apollony
Ms. Susan E. Appling
Mr. Joseph Apuzzi
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Aquia
Ms. Patricia Armstrong
Reverend Monsignor Robert A. Armstrong
Mrs. Katie Arriaza
Ms. Rebecca Asher
Association Insurers Agency, Inc.
Ms. June B. Auer
Mr. Martin Auerbach
Dr. Laure Aurelian
Ms. Carolyn E. Austin
Mr. J. Richard Awalt
Ms. Serra A. Aygun
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Azzoni
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Bachrach
Mrs. Jennifer Bacon
Mrs. Robin R. Bacon
Mr. John F. Baesch and Mrs. Evelyn A. Herzog
Mrs. Adina Bailey
Ms. Lisa Baker
Ms. Amy P. Baldovin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Bancroft
Mr. Michael A. Bankoski
Mrs. Grace Baraniak
Ms. Rebecca G. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Barcus, Jr.
Mrs. Shirley S. Barger
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Barish
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Barker
Mrs. Maria Barnes
Dr. Brigid C. Baroody
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Barranco
Mrs. Jennifer M. Bass
Ms. Evelyn Baumann
Mr. and Mrs. David I. Bavar
Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Bayne
Mr. and Mrs. F. Russell Beard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Beasley
Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Beatson
Ms. Kathleen G. L. Beck
Ms. Lynda Levin Behnke
Mr. David Beitter
Ms. Cheryl A. Bell
Ms. Heloise F. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Bell
Ms. Linda Bender
Mrs. Mary Ann Bender
Mr. Michael Bender
Mrs. Amanda Benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. Arlin Benner
Mr. and Mrs. Loren H. Benner
Ms. Melanie Bennet
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Benzinger
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bernardi
Beryl Companies, LLC
Mr. Anthony V. Betti
Ms. Janet C. Betz
Ms. M. Abigail Betz
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Betz
Mrs. Dorothy Biemer
Mr. Harvey Bleicher
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Block
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart I. Bloom
Mr. Ronald F. Bloom
Mrs. Elizabeth D. Blumer
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blumer
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Blumer
Mrs. Theresa L. Boissonneault
Mrs. Kimberly Bonds
Mr. Robert A. Bonett
Mrs. Lisa L. Borden
Ms. Joy Boudreaux
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Boulay
Mrs. Nancy K. Boulden
Ms. Joan Bowery
Ms. Jessica Boyle
Mr. Thomas Brackin
Ms. Laura S. Bradford
Ms. Mary-Margaret Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brady
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Brager
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Brazius
Ms. Mary Lynn Breiner
Mr. Robert B. Brenegan
Mr. Graham J. Brent
Mr. Dan Brewer
Ms. Sherry Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Brittingham
Mrs. Aretha Brockett
Mr. M. Jay Brodie
Mr. Gordon F. Brooks
Mr. Frederick W. Brown
Mrs. Colleen Browne
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon R. Browning
Mrs. Rita M. Broyles
Ms. Christine M. Bruck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bucher
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Budd
C o m m i t m e n t
t o
M e r c y
Mr. John Burczek Dreier
Mr. Michael J. Burke
Ms. Leslie E. Burns Loughlin
Mr. Kevin Burns
Mr. Kieran Burns
Mrs. Mary Jane Miller Buttrill
Ms. L. Marianne Cabraal
Mrs. Teresa R. Cadogan
Calico Cat
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Calvert
Mr. Allan W. Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Campbell
Mr. Val W. Caniparoli
Ms. Theresa M. Caragol
Dr. Marcelo G. Cardarelli
Mr. Louis M. Cardillo
Mr. Robert A. Cardinal
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Carlyle
Mrs. Mary Rita Carrillo
Mr. James P. Carroll
Dr. Alicia M. Cartagena
Ms. Frances E. Cascio
Ms. Susan Castleberry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cavey
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cawley
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Celozzi
Ms. Jennifer M. Cerven
Ms. Eileen P. Chaffee-Schultz
Ms. Angela Chaney
Mrs. Agnes B. Cheung
Mr. Charles Cheung
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Chiusano
Ms. May Chmilewski
Choice Real Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Chubb
Ms. Linda Ciotola
Mr. Frederic T. Clarke
Class of 1951 - Nurses Alumnae Association
Class of 1956 - Nurses Alumnae Association
Class of 1966 - Nurses Alumnae Association
Mrs. Izumi I. Clifford
Ms. Nicoletta Clifford
Ms. Penny R. Cline
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Clymer
Ms. Joann M. Coates
Ms. Charlotte A. Coffen
Mr. Harold A. Cohen
Mr. Phillip L. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Colaianni, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Colburn
Mr. Frederick W. Coleman, IV
Ms. Jane T. Collier
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Collins
Mrs. Erica L. Colon
Ms. Peggy A. Comerford
Mr. Roy D. Comp, III
Mr. Max R. Conner
Mr. Timothy M. Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Connolly
Mr. Hugh J. Connolly, Sr.
Mrs. Dorothy D. Connors
Mrs. Faye Conrad
Mr. Frederick W. Conrad
Mrs. Joan Conrad
Ms. Roberta Conway
Reverend Monsignor Paul G. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Cooke
Ms. Diane Cookson
Ms. Elana Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Warren M. Cooper
Mr. Louis W. Copley
Mr. Frank Corbi
Ms. Susanne S. Cormier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Coski
Mr. Thomas Couteau
Mrs. Barbara J. Cowie
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Coyle
Ms. Mary Jo Coyner
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Crist
Mrs. Lynne A. Crohn
Mrs. Kristen Ann Cronin
Ms. Jaye F. Crooks
Mrs. Sarah R. Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Culman
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Culpepper
Ms. Catherine M. Cunningham
Mr. David D. Cunningham
Ms. Marita J. Cush
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas T. Cutler
Mrs. Candy Cynkar
Mr. John H. Cynkar
Mr. Mark K. Cynkar
Mr. Stephen A. Cywin
Mr. Todd B. Daggett
Mrs. Kimberly K. Dailey
Mr. Michael Dailey
Mr. Yusef Dale
Mrs. Maribel Dameg
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Dandorf
Mr. Joseph Danenza
Mrs. Lorma Daray
Mrs. Cynthia L. Darlington
Mr. Christian Daubert
Ms. Cathy L. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison
Ms. Denise de la Rosa
Ms. Gina C. DeGovanni
Dr. David Deiboldt
Mr. Robert Deichert, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Morrell C. Delcher
Ms. Brenda M. DeLuca
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. DeLuca
Sister Frances M. Demarco, RSM
Ms. Christine DeNardo
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. X. Denney
Development Dialogues
Mrs. Laurel DeWolf
Mrs. Janet Dicarlantonio
Mr. Joseph G. Dicarlantonio
Dick Metzler, Potato Distributor
Mr. Joseph A. Dietrich
Dr. and Mrs. Albert DiGerolamo
Mrs. Jessica V. Dinunzio
pa g e 23
C o m m i t m e n t
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Dodson
Ms. Dale Donaldson
Mr. Michael C. Donohoe
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dooley
Mrs. Emily Doyon
Dr. Cornelius J. Feehley, Clinical Psychologist
Mr. Ronald L. Drisko
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Drzewiecki
Mrs. Jean S. Dulkerian
Ms. Evelyn B. Dunne
Mr. James P. Dunne, Jr.
Durex Coverings, Inc.
Mr. James J. Dwyer
E. H. Silverstein, M.D., PA
Ms. Melissa East
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ebersole
Mr. J. Christopher Eckhart
Mr. Alan S. Edelman
Ms. Betty G. Edelson
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Edgell
Ms. Patricia M. Edwards
Ms. Lauren Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eichler
Mr. Michael J. Ekdahl
Ms. June P. Elderkin
Dr. Hatem M. El-Halabi
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ellis, Jr.
Ms. Nancy S. Elson
Ms. Lauren Emery
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Englert
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Ennis
Mr. Dennis Erhardt and Mr. Julius J. Nagy
Ms. Kim Ermel
Mrs. Kristin H. Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Erwin, Jr.
Mr. Reynaldo A. Espinola
Dana M. Evans
Mr. J. Wayne Fanzone
Farm Women Society, Number 26
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew V. Fass
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fawcett
Dr. and Mrs. Cornelius J. Feehley
Ms. Barbara C. Fein
Ms. Brenda P. Feldman
Mrs. Eleanor R. Feliu
Mr. and Mrs. Marco A. Ferrante
Ms. Gabriella Filisko
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Fimowicz, Jr.
Ms. Michelle Y. Findura
Fine, Kaplan and Black, RPC
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Fine
Ms. Kathleen M. Finerty
Mr. Jack Finkelstein
Mr. Robert Fireman
Ms. Barbara P. Fish
Ms. Ann E. Fisher
Mr. Kirk Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Fisher
Ms. Miriam L. Fisher
Mr. Richard E. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fitzgerald
pa g e 24
t o
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flaherty
Mr. William L. Flaherty
Ms. Diane K. Fletcher
Ms. Tracy L. Forehand
Mr. Paul C. Foreman
Ms. Patricia A. France-Kelly
Mrs. Kimberly Francisco
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Franczak
Ms. Miriam J. Frank
Mr. James A. Franzoni
Mr. Robert S. Freed
Mrs. Susan G. Freed
Mrs. Dorothy Freeman
Dr. Bernard D. French
Dr. John L. French
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Freyer
Mrs. Heather L. Fricke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Frieden
Friends and Neighbors of Bay Crossing
Mrs. M. Patricia Friese
Mr. and Mrs. Franco Frisone
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Froehlinger, Jr.
Ms. Deborah J. Fuhrer
Mrs. Patricia A. Fulkoski
Mr. George J. Funaro
Mrs. Conchita H. Furlong
G. M. Salaried Retirees Club
Mr. Robert V. Gahan
Mr. John Gaino
Mrs. Eileen B. Gallagher
Mrs. Susan L. Gallagher
Mr. Thomas E. Gallagher
Ms. Robin C. Gamby
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gansler
Gap, Inc.
Ms. Barbara H. Garber
Mr. Carlos Garcia
Mrs. Patricia A. Garland
Ms. Susan E. Gaston
Mrs. Alma Margaret Gatley
Gene E. Herchelroth
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Genther
Mrs. Doreen George
Georgetown University Hospital
Ms. Susan M. Gerber
Mr. Rocco Gibaldi
Dr. Lillian K. Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Gibson
Ms. Ann K. Gill
Mr. Andrew Gilmartin
Ms. Cheryl Glaeser
Miss Sharon K. Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Glatfelter, II
Glen Arm Garden Club
Baroness G. D. Godenne, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Goetz
Mrs. Christy R. Gokeler
Mrs. Kelly T. Goldsborough
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Goldstock
Mrs. Erlinda B. Gonzalez
M e r c y
Ms. Joan Goodman
Ms. Louise Kovens Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gorsky
Mr. Kingdon Gould, Jr.
Mrs. Nancy P. Gover
Ms. Christy P. Gow
Ms. Connie C. Grabill
Mr. Branden Grable
Mr. Jeffrey Grade
Mrs. Margaret Graef
Dr. Charles R. Graham, Jr.
Mr. Robert Graham
Mrs. Kelli Grant
Ms. Dorothy E. Grayson
Dr. Sheila A. Greaney
Ms. Patricia S. Greatorex
Green Acres Farm Bed & Breakfast
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Greene
Mr. Marion Eamon Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Greenwald
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Greenwell, Jr.
Ms. Hazel V. Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Greif, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Grey
Mrs. Kymberly Griffin
Ms. Leigh Ann Grill
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Groch
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Grochal
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Grollman
Ms. Liz C. Groman
Mr. Richard Gross
Mrs. Marjorie R. Grossberg
Mr. James Guanti
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Guercio
Mr. Nicholas Guerra
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Guidera
Frank and Mary Ellen Gunther
Ms. Patricia H. Guthrie
Mr. Christopher Guyer
Ms. Lisa C. Guzzardo
Drs. Felix and Mary Gyi
Ms. Lise Hafner
Mr. Douglas L. Hageman
Mr. and Mrs. Christian G. Hagen, III
Ms. Angela C. Hamlin
Mr. John F. Hanlon
Ms. Lee Hanna
Mrs. Hilary Hardaway
Mr. and Mrs. Waddell C. Harding, II
Ms. Marjory W. Hardwick
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Harmon
Ms. Marcia Harms
Ms. Patti S. Harner
Ms. Susan Harris
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Harris
Ms. Kathleen Hart
Mrs. Janet Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard P. Harvilla
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hasse
Mrs. Karen S. Hathaway
Miss Janice R. Hatheway
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold W. Haugh
Mrs. Michelle Hauptman
Miss Nancy C. Haviland
Mr. Jeffrey A. Hayward
Ms. M. Cecilia Hazel
Mr. Anatole K. Heacock
Mrs. Kris Hearst
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Heath
Dr. Albert F. Heck
Ms. Marypat Heily
Mr. Daniel Helmick
Dr. Kathy J. Helzlsouer and
Mr. Jean-Luc M. Renaux
Mr. and Mrs. Randy A. Hempel
Ms. Charlotte P. Henderson
Mrs. Patricia M. Henley
Mr. George L. Henschel
Mrs. Lois L. Herbine
Mrs. Anna M. Hergenroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Herr
Mrs. Claire S. Herrell
Dr. Hector H. Herrera
Ms. Nancy L. Herring
Ms. Colleen M. Herron
Mr. and Mrs. Donald St. C. Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Hettleman
Ms. Kendra P. Heyde
Ms. Catherine Hibberd
Mr. Ed Hickle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Higdon
Mrs. Susan E. Hille
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Hillengras
Mrs. Rose M. Hinman
Mr. and Mrs. Pete M. Hippleheuser
Mr. Robert K. Hirzel
Ms. Nancy Hladky
Mrs. Kelly C. Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Hoffberger
Mr. and Mrs. C. Peter Hoffberger
Mrs. Jennifer Hogue
Ms. Tarisa Holbrook
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Holechek
Mrs. Pamela J. Holmes
Mr. Dustin Holt
Ms. Susan Holtzman
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Hooper
Ms. Robbin Mina Hooper
Ms. Doreen M. Horan
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin David Hoskins
Mr. Michael J. Hotsay
Miss Mary Ann Hubbard
Ms. Mary Jane Hucik
Ms. Mary Angela Hull
Hunt Valley Family Health
Dr. Thomas E. Hunt, Jr.
Ms. Joyce Hurwitz
Mr. William J. Huseman
Mr. Rosario J. Ideo
Dr. and Mrs. Dwight D. Im
Mr. Charles G. Irvine
Mrs. Cindy Isenhour
ISP Program
C o m m i t m e n t
t o
Ms. Catherine E. Jackson
Ms. Traci Jackson
Mrs. Jennifer M. Jacob
Mrs. Kimberly M. Jacob
Ms. Allison Jacobs
Mr. C. Godfrey Jacobs
James S. and Hillary Aidus Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford G. Jacobson
Mr. Joseph Jarboe
Ms. Charlotte M. Jarrett
Mrs. Mary Regina Jendrek
Ms. Linda J. Jessen
Mrs. Adrienne C. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Johnson
Mrs. Naomi Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Johnson
Mrs. Rebecca A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Jones
Mrs. Kimberly M. Jones
Ms. Lucinda A. Jones
Ms. Rebecca D. Jones
Mr. Richard Jones
Mr. William G. Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Judd
Dr. and Mrs. Emerson R. Julian, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Ellis Justis, Jr.
Ms. Janet Houlihan Kain
Ms. Lillian T. Kalb
Dr. Sergey V. Kantsevoy and
Mrs. Alla U. Khazan
Mr. James L. Kapplin
Mr. Joseph N. Karey
Drs. Amy and Leon Kass
Katzen Eye Group
Mr. and Mrs. G. Arnold Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Kaufman
Ms. Sylvia Kaufman
His Eminence Cardinal William H. Keeler
Mr. E. William Kegg
Dr. and Mrs. David F. Kibler
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kihm
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Killinger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kimbel
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kinback
Mr. Johnnie Kinder, Jr.
Mrs. Carole W. King
Ms. Kathy S. King
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell R. King
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond King
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kinnear
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Kinney
Kirby Insurance Agency
Mrs. Janice Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Knott
Mr. Lloyd Knowles and Ms. Liz Bobo
Dr. Kenneth B. Kochmann
Mr. and Mrs. Y. C. Eric Koh
Mrs. Lydia Komenda
Mr. George Koolhof
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Korman
Ms. Joan B. Kornblit
M e r c y
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kuczkowski
Mr. Sanjay Kulgod
Dr. Alan O. Kusakabe
Ms. Carmen A. Laboy
Ms. Claudia M. Lambert
Mrs. Linda R. Lambrecht
Mrs. Jennifer M. Lamoreux
Mrs. Jacqueline M. Lampell
Ms. Marcia L. Landis
Mr. Michael T. Langley
Dr. Mary-Lynn Lanham
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Lanzi
Mr. and Mrs. William Larkey
Mrs. Mary C. Lauterbach
Mrs. Linda Lautsbaugh
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Lavy
Mr. George Lawrence
Miss Sally A. Lawrence
Mr. Earl H. Leach
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Leahy
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Leber
Mrs. Martha Lebovitz
Ms. Helen D. Lebowitz
Drs. Panayotis Ledakis and Carol Anne Phillips
Ms. Suzanne J. Lees
Legum Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Legum
Ms. Jayne Leighty
Mrs. Sheila S. Leiss
Ms. Kristina J. LeMaster
Ms. Jennifer Leong
Mr. and Mrs. Wah Fong Leong
Ms. Melanie Leppo
Mrs. Amy J. Lessman
Ms. Alice S. Levin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Levin
Mrs. Karolyn B. Lewandowski
Mr. Thomas Lewandowski
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lex
Dr. Eleni Liapi
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Lightner
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lightner
Ms. Charlotte Lilly
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lockhart
Ms. Paula M. Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Lohr
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Lord
Mr. Jon Loyd
Mr. E. David Luria
Mrs. Kelly M. Lynch
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lynden
M & R Drywall & Metal Stud, Inc.
Ms. Amy Macht and Mr. George Grose
Mr. and Mrs. John F. MacMullan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Madonna
Mrs. Louise B. Madsen
Colonel and Mrs. Robert B. Magruder
Mahan Rykiel Associates Inc.
Ms. Sherri A. Mahan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mahaney
Ms. Fareeba Mahmood
pa g e 25
C o m m i t m e n t
Mr. Hugh R. Malcolm
Ms. Lorraine Malinowski
Sister M. Rosalie Mallard, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Malstrom
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Mancini
Manekin, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Manger
Ms. Karen Mannion
Mr. Frank L. Marcantoni
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Marcin
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Margolies
Marilyn and Robert Levin Philanthropic Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Marinelli
Mr. and Mrs. John Marino
Mr. Curtis Martello
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Martinez
Mr. Bill Masi
Ms. Christa M. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Masterman
Ms. Beatrice K. Matsui
Ms. Christina G. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. F. Lynn May
Ms. Valerie H. Mayone
Mr. Stephen McAvoy
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McAvoy
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl C. McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. McCardell
Mrs. Mary Frances McCardell
Mrs. Wendy M. McCarthy
Dr. Jeanne M. McCauley and Mr. Frank C. Paul
Sister M. Helen McCreary, RSM
Ms. Amanda E. McDaniel
Ms. Rosanna McGarrahan
Mrs. Catherine Y. McGinnis
Mr. and Mrs. James J. McGinty, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McKinley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McLaughlin
McLean, Koehler, Sparks & Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. William D. McMinn
Mr. and Mrs. F. David McNamara, Jr.
Mrs. Theresa K. McNeir
Dr. Regina McPhillips
Medco Health Solutions, Inc.
Ms. Anna Meiners
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Meiser
Ms. Margaret Mello
Ms. Fay Menacker
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mentzer
Mr. Clement R. Mercaldo
Mercy Medical Center Medical Staff
Mercy Medical Center Nurses Alumnae
Mercy Medical Center Security Department
Mr. and Mrs. Abel J. Merrill
Ms. Dorothy F. Metzler
Mr. Harold Michels
Dr. Joseph T. Michels, Sr.
Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Middleton, Sr.
Mr. Daniel J. Mikorski
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Milheizler
Mr. Joseph G. Miller
Skip and Fran Minakowski
pa g e 26
t o
M e r c y
Mister, Burton, Palmisano & French, LLC
Mrs. Thomas W. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Moffitt
Ms. Joanne L. Mogel
Mr. and Mrs. H. William Molner
Mr. and Mrs. Carey A. Moore
Ms. Andrea H. More
Mr. Clyde Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Moxley
Dr. Janna V. Mudd and Mr. Christopher Mudd
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Muligrew
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Mullen
Miss Dolores J. Munafo
Mrs. Carol E. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Z. Musser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Muzoleski
Mr. Arvin D. Myers
Mr. J. Robert Myers
Ms. Sheila Myers-Barrante
Mr. and Mrs. Laszlo Nagy
Nationwide Credit Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Naver
NB Retail Management, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Nesbitt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Neubig
Ms. Phyllis Neuman
Ms. M. Jean Newcomer
Mr. Roger Newman
Mrs. Ilisa Nigrin
Mr. Alfred F. Noll
Ms. Carol J. Noll
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Novak
Dr. Neil Novin
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Nunnally
Ms. Joyce Hoffman Obear
Ms. Anne M. O'Brien and Mr. David J. Fleck
Mr. William R. O’Brien
Ms. Cynthia A. O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. J. Francis O’Connor
Ms. Carolyn O’Keefe
Mr. Kevin M. O’Keefe
Ms. Ottolee P. O’Keefe
Ms. Mary Paula C. Olert
Mr. James C. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Onek
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Orlando
Mr. R. David Ottignon
Ms. Patricia Ourand
Mrs. Doris H. Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Padnuk
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Palaia
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Palmer, IV
Mr. Robert C. Palmer
Mr. Dominick Palombella
Ms. Benita G. Parker
Mr. Albert G. Parrott
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Passarello
Mrs. Barbara L. Peach
Ms. Elaine E. Pearre
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Pelczar
Mrs. John W. Perkinson
Mrs. Margaret E. Perrone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Perry
Mr. Michael J. Peters
Ms. Mary K. Petr-Miles
Ms. Stephanie Johnson Pettaway
Ms. Jeannette B. Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Phipps
Mrs. Kathleen E. Pieper
Dr. John W. Pignetti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Plotkin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Plott
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Poe
Ms. Patricia Poffenbarger
Mr. and Mrs. Wright B. Poffenberger
Ms. Michele L. Pompa
Ms. Ann Popilok
Mr. Michael Potts
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Powell
Ms. Sue C. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Power
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Powers
Ms. Catherine W. Preovolos
Mrs. Helen R. Prezioso
Ms. Kathleen A. Puerner
Dr. and Mrs. Marcos J. Pupkin
Mr. William D. Quarles
Queensgate Dental Family Practice
Quest Diagnostics, Inc.
Mr. Robert C. Raglin
Mr. and Mrs. Gene F. Rahll
Joe and Cookie Rahll
Mr. Robert J. Rahll
Ms. Deborah H. Railey
Mr. and Mrs. William Raviel
RCM&D Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Paul Rector
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Reed
Dr. Lin Reicher
Ms. Deidre Reidy
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Reinhardt, Jr.
Mr. Thomas R. Rekus
Ms. Regine Renaux
Ms. Luisa Renzi
Restorative Health and Wellness, PLLC
Mr. Keenan Rice
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Rich
Ms. Jamie J. Ridgeway
Ms. Rebecca M. Riehl
Riggs, Counselman, Michaels & Downes, Inc.
Ms. Cory M. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Riley
Mrs. Marjorie C. Ritter-Hopkins
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Roberts
Ms. Sandra K. Roberts
Ms. Judith A. Robinson
Mrs. Mary Ann Roden
Ms. Marie E. Ros
Dr. and Mrs. Justin T. Roscoe
Mr. Daniel Rosen
C o m m i t m e n t
Mr. and Mrs. Chase Rosner
Ms. Nancy P. Roth
Ms. Rebecca L. Royal and Mr. Guy M. Quallich
Ms. Elizabeth A. Royer
Ms. Lynn S. Rubin
Dr. Susan E. Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Ruzicka
Mrs. Joan M. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Saba
Ms. Diana G. Sable
Mrs. Bernice V. Samet
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Sandler
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Santoni
Mr. Greg E. Sauers
Mr. Michael K. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Schafer
Dr. and Mrs. David S. Scharff
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schiffer
Mrs. Mary M. Schirmer
Mr. and Mrs. E. John Schmitz, III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmitz
Ms. Candace Schneider
Mrs. Karen Schneidermeyer
Ms. Darla K. Schorr
Ms. Donna Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Schwartz
Mr. W. Girard Schwessinger, Jr.
Ms. M. Elizabeth Scott
Sears Retirees at White Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seaton
Dr. and Mrs. Eric J. Seifter
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Serpick
Mrs. Kathleen Severs
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford M. Shapiro
Ms. Cora L. Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shaw
Ms. Margaret J. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. George Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sheer
Mr. Bryan R. Shelby
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Shiels
Mr. Mark H. Shimonkevitz
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Shipley, Jr.
Ms. Patricia J. Shipman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Shivick
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Shugar
Ms. Patricia Shuriman
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sierakowski
Dr. and Mrs. Emmanuel H. Silverstein
Ms. Betty R. Simpler
Mr. John Singer
Dr. and Mrs. Frederic S. Sirkis
Sisters of St. Dominic
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Slivey
Monsignor Alfred E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Smith
Sister Mary Anne Smith, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben K. Smucker
Mrs. Joan W. Sobkov
Mr. Anthony J. Sochurek
Mr. Samuel A. Sodano
t o
Mrs. Nicole R. Sokol
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sovitsky
Ms. Mary C. Spurrier
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Stakem
Standard Textile Co., Inc.
Ms. Melissa Starinsky
Ms. Joan M. Stephenson
Mrs. Mary Ellen Stepowany
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stetser
Mrs. Linda L. Stevens
Ms. Sara Stevens
Mr. Calvin C. Stewart, III
Mrs. Helen M. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Damie Stillman
Ms. Denise G. Stockton
Ms. Adrienne B. Stoltz
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Stoltzfus
Ms. Elaine Stone
Dr. and Mrs. Ira M. Stone
Stonebridge Life Insurance Company
Ms. Jane H. Stottlemyer
Nancy V. Strahan, M.D.
David Strobel, M.D.
Ms. Beth A. Stroul
Mr. Robert L. Subock, Jr.
Ms. Lala Ann Sudbrink
Ms. Rebecka A. Sullens
Dr. Stephen E. Sussman and
Ms. Kim D. Holmes
Sylvan Avenue Elementary School Staff
Ms. Alexandra Szablya
Mr. Dennis G. Szechy
Mr. Richard Talarigo
Mr. Tai Chuen Tam
Mr. and Mrs. Tai Lap Tam
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Tanyhill, Jr.
Ann M. Taubenheim, Ph.D.
Mr. J. Richard N. Taylor
Mrs. Robin Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Byron S. Tepper
Ms. Rose Terracina
Mr. Richard J. Thomas
Mr. Brian K. Thome
Mr. William Thome
Ms. Jocelyn J. Thompson
Ms. Marie H. Thompson
Mr. William J. Tilghman
Mr. Christopher A. Tomas
Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Topping
Ms. Terry M. Toto
Mr. David Towert
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Towery
Ms. Lorraine P. Tripp
Ms. Adelaide K. Turk
Mrs. Anne B. Turner
Mrs. Helen C. Turowski
Mr. Wiley Tyson
Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Urgo
Mr. and Mrs. Luis H. Urrea, II
Mr. Frederick J. Vaeth, Jr.
Ms. Mary Vail
Mrs. Keirney A. Vandiver
Ms. Joan M. Vardy
M e r c y
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Velder
Mr. John W. von Briesen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wahlborg
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Wall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. Waller
Ms. Marjorie Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ward
Mr. David Warn
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Warren
Ms. Jacqueline H. Wasilewski
Mrs. Allison T. Watkins
Ms. Kathryn A. Webb
Sister Susanne B. Weetenkamp, RSM
Ms. Laurie Wegryn
Mr. Louis A. Wehage
Ms. Emma M. Weigand
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Weinberg
Mrs. Suzanne Weissmann
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Wells, III
Mr. Peter C. Werwath
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Whelan, III
Mrs. Marie C. Whiddon
Ms. Heidi V. Whisner
Mr. Bruce M. White
Mrs. Elizabeth R. White
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Wiener
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Wilhelm
Ms. Pamela T. Willard
Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. Williams
Ms. Mary E. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Willingham, Sr.
Ms. Elizabeth L. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wirtanen
Ms. Virginia C. Wirtz
Ms. Jane W. Witherspoon
Mrs. Ida B. Wolk
Ms. Barbara P. Wood
Mrs. Robin Williams Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Wood
Mrs. Angela F. Woodland
Mrs. Carol A. Woodworth
Mr. Hal T. Woolford
Ms. Hannah K. Wulczyn
Ms. Sun Cha Yang
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Yankovich
Mrs. Sally W. Yelland
Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Yenoli
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Yentzer
Mr. and Mrs. Chi Sing Yip
Ms. Alice E. Young and Dr. David Shumway
Ms. Dorothee A. Young
Mr. Carl A. Yowell
Mrs. Diane Zebro
Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas Zellers
Mr. Chuck Zellhofer
Ms. Linda I. Zilio
Lee Zink
Mrs. Lori A. Zinter
9 Anonymous Donors
pa g e 27
u.s. postage
permit no. 7842
baltimore, md
301 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
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website www.mdmercy.com/giving, or call
410-332-9165 or email [email protected].
We all play a vital role in Mercy’s mission
to heal and serve. Won’t you join us in this
effort year-round?