

Get on the bus for a family visit in prison
Novitiate: Where the Jesuit journey begins
Restorative justice heals broken lives
Honor roll of benefactors
My Lord and my God
I know that you are here present
and you do now behold me.
I acknowledge myself unworthy
to appear before you, yet, full of confidence
in thy infinite mercy, I dare to ask the grace to
pass this hour for your greater honor and
glory and my spiritual advancement.
Enlighten my mind, touch my heart
and strengthen my will, that I may better
know, love and, hence, serve you
with greater fidelity.
All this grace I ask, through the
intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Holy Father Saint Ignatius and
Holy Guardian Angel and You,
my Most Wonderful Lord. Amen
Petitions Before Prayer, Father John D. McAnulty, S.J. (1921-2009)
the novitiate
Novices begin the Jesuit formation process
at Ignatius House in Culver City, California.
Thomas Flowers, S.J., describes his two-year
novitiate, while Brendan Busse, n.S.J., reflects
on his recent pilgrimage experiment.
Brendan Busse, n.S.J., a second-year novice, meditates in
the garden at Ignatius House. See “The Novitiate: Where
the Jesuit Journey Begins,” page 6.
Gratitude and Generosity
by John P. McGarry, S.J.
Centennial Convocation celebrates
“diverse gifts,” Province Archives
move to new home, 10 novices enter
the Jesuit Novitiate, prayerful gifts
from the California Province
get on the bus for
a joyful ride
Ride along with family members
as they board a bus at Most Holy
Trinity Church in San Jose for a
visit with their incarcerated loved
ones in Valley State Prison for
Women at Chowchilla, California.
benefactor honor roll
The California Province of the Society of Jesus
recognizes its many generous benefactors
during the 2008 calendar year.
Healing Broken Lives and Communities
by Mark Potter
Knocking at Midnight
by Tom J. Flowers, S.J.
ON THE COVER: DaVaughn Hatcher, 19 months old, wins smiles from Michelle Smith (right)
and his grandmother, Kimberly Lang, an inmate at Valley State Prison for Women in Chowchilla,
California. For more about their visit, see “Get on the Bus for a Joyful Ride,” page 12.
Gratitude and generosity
John P. McGarry, S.J., Provincial
John P. Mossi, S.J., Executive Editor
Richards E. Bushnell, Editor
Kathy Cain, Zehno Cross Media Communications
Gail Tyson, Consultant
EDITORIAL contributors
Brendan Busse, n.S.J.
Robert Dolan, S.J.
Thomas Flowers, S.J.
Peter Lemieux
Dan Peterson, S.J.
Mark Potter
Michael Weiler, S.J
Zehno Cross Media Communications
Advancement Office
Joseph B. Naylor
Provincial Assistant for Advancement
and Communications
John P. Mossi, S.J.
Richards E. Bushnell
Associate Director of Communications
William C. Farrington, S.J.
Advancement Associate
Julie Han
Jesuit Mass Cards Administrator
Grace Melendrez
Gifts Steward
Mission is published three times a year
by the Jesuits of the California Province
P.O. Box 68 Los Gatos, CA, 95031-0068
Phone: (408) 884-1630
E-mail: [email protected]
©2009 California Province of the
Society of Jesus. All rights reserved.
The comments and opinions expressed
in Mission magazine are those of the authors
and editors and do not necessarily reflect
official positions of the California Province of
the Society of Jesus.
s the California Province moves
toward the close of its Centennial
year of service to the Church and
we look forward to the next 100 years,
I am reminded of one of my favorite
reflections on gratitude in the prayer
“Blessings At Year’s End” written by
Howard Thurman, a preacher, teacher,
poet and civil rights leader who lived
from 1900 to 1981:
I remember with gratitude the fruits
of the labors of others, which I
have shared as part of the normal
experience of daily living.
I remember the beautiful things that
I have seen and heard, and felt—
some, as a result of definite seeking
on my part, and many that came
unheralded into my path, warming
my heart and rejoicing my spirit.
I remember the moments of distress
that proved to be groundless and
those that taught me profoundly
about the evilness of evil and the
goodness of good.
I remember the new people I have
met, from whom I have caught
glimpses of the meaning of my
own life and the true character of
human dignity.
I remember the dreams that haunted
me during the year, keeping me ever
mindful of goals and hope which
I did not realize but from which I
drew inspiration to sustain my life
and keep steady my purposes.
I remember the awareness of the
spirit of God that sought me out
in my aloneness and gave to me a
sense of assurance that undercut my
despair and confirmed my life with
new courage and abiding hope.
We have so much for which to be
grateful to God, and as we acknowledge
our generous benefactors in our Honor
Roll of Benefactors in this issue (see page
23), those words of Howard Thurman
help to articulate my gratitude for your
faithful support of our mission as we,
Jesuits and apostolic partners together,
seek to respond to the call of Christ
through the many works of the Province.
During these difficult economic times,
I am especially grateful for your generosity to us, and please be assured of our
faithfulness as Jesuits to pray daily for our
benefactors and friends, a practice that
dates back to our founder, St. Ignatius of
Loyola. We are grateful to the many benefactors who have generously responded
to our 2009 Centennial Appeal which
continues until year’s end. Thank you for
your ongoing support.
We recently added a new devotional
card to our selection of Mass cards. The
St. Ignatius of Loyola Mass Offering
card is appropriate to give for general
intentions and remembrances (see page
5). To order the St. Ignatius card and
other cards we offer, please visit our
Let us remain united in prayer and
committed in our resolve, that together
we will be faithful, generous and grateful
stewards and servants of Christ’s mission
in the Church and for the world.
Gratefully in the Lord,
Rev. John P. McGarry, S.J.
Province Archives mark
Centennial with move to
Santa Clara University
Very Rev. John McGarry, S.J., Provincial of the California Province of the Society of Jesus, offers a
prayer to open the Centennial Convocation Eucharist in Mission Santa Clara Church on August 7. Sitting
at left is Very Rev. Patrick Lee, S.J., Provincial of the Oregon Province; at right is Very Rev. Thomas
Smolich, S.J., President of the Jesuit Conference.
Centennial Convocation celebrates the
California Province’s past, present, future
any gifts, one body. We are diverse. We are inclusive. We are faithful. We are
one,” said Father Provincial John P. McGarry, S.J., in his homily for the Centennial Convocation Eucharist. The Mass at Santa Clara Mission Church was part
of Centennial Convocation 2009 held at Santa Clara University on August 7 and 8. Nearly
500 Jesuits and apostolic lay partners gathered for two days of celebration and reflection.
In his homily, Fr. McGarry continued: “Through our many and diverse gifts as a
province—Jesuits and Ignatian partners together—and through our tremendous
apostolic works, we serve the Church today.”
The attendees heard keynote addresses by Barbara Busse and Father John
Fuller, S.J., M.D.
In her address “Beyond This Rich Harvest, We Are Called to Respond,” Ms. Busse
said, “when we ask ourselves, as those early Italian Jesuit fathers did, ‘where should
we go in search of a place to serve others and respond to the needs of the contemporary
world?’ California, here we come! Here in this region, we are positioned by place,
circumstance, natural realities, and the needs of a diverse population to discover good
work to do. We have developed the infrastructure to respond and we represent many
willing people of great faith, hope, and love.”
Fr. Fuller, a physician working in HIV/AIDS care, spoke on “Work, Solidarity & Integral
Human Development.” He concluded: “we need to bring resources for health care in
general to the level that we are beginning to accomplish with AIDS,” adding “that the
lessons we have learned in doing what seemed impossible with AIDS could let us realize
what can also be accomplished in other aspects of integral human development.”
The first day’s itinerary also included the premier showing of the film “Responding
to the Call of Christ: 100 Years & Beyond,” produced for the California Province by
Loyola Productions.
On August 8, there was a Mass and celebration of First Vows pronounced by three young
Jesuits: Roberto Carlos Durán, S.J.; Thomas J. Flowers, S.J.; and John T. Tanner, S.J.
To read and hear more about Centennial Convocation 2009, visit the California Province’s
website: To view the film, go to
MISSION FALL 2009 3 richards e. Bushnell
Robert Dolan, S.J.
uring March, the Province Archives
whose collections record California
Province history since 1850, were
moved from Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in
Los Gatos to the archive vault in Orradre
Library on the campus of Santa Clara University. The new quarters make it possible to
better preserve the Jesuit legacy in California in a state-of-the-art archival environment,
including temperature and humidity controls
as well as electronically controlled movable
shelving which secures rare books, one
of which was printed circa 1496 while
Ignatius of Loyola and Christopher Columbus
were living.
Brother Daniel
Peterson, S.J.,
archivist, and
Mary Kenney,
assistant archivist, oversaw
an experienced
team of movers
who carefully
transferred docuProvince Archivist Brother Daniel
ments over a
three-day period. Peterson, S.J., and Assistant
Archivist Mary Kenney inspect a
In addition to
crucifix belonging to Father José
documents, the
de Anchieta, S.J. (1534-1597).
Archives contain Called the “Apostle of Brazil,” he
spent 44 years as a missionary,
thousands of
teacher, and catechist. He was
photographs, as
declared a Blessed by Pope John
Paul II in 1980.
well as books,
maps, architectural plans, biographical information, diaries,
and artifacts pertaining to the California
Province and its universities, schools, and
parishes from Gold Rush days to recent
times. The Archives contain an exceptionally
rich collection of materials from the China
The new quarters will give historical
researchers and scholars better access to
study materials in a spacious reading room.
For the present, the Archives are open by
appointment only.
Ten novices enter the California
Province of the Society of Jesus
en young men entered the Society of Jesus at Ignatius
House, the Novitiate of the California Province in Culver City,
California, on August 23, it was announced by Brother James
C. Siwicki, S.J., Vocation Director for the California Province. With
their entrance, a total of 17 men have entered the Novitiate in the
last two years. “We are encouraged that young men continue to be
interested in a vocation with the Society,” said Br. Siwicki.
Incoming and second-year novices (wearing Roman collars) assembled at the
Jesuit Novitiate at Ignatius House. Front row from left to right: Marc Ortiz, Justin
Claravall, Anthony Jimenez, Kevin O’Brien, and Martin Ngo. Back row from left
to right: Timothy Breen, David Romero, Andrew Laguna, Justin Mungal, Travis
Russell, Curtis Leighton, Brendan Busse (top), Robert Van Alstyne, Derek Stevens,
Gregory Celio, Alex Llanera, and William Biegler.
Men in the Jesuit formation process, including the novitiate at Ignatius House,
depend on the generosity of benefactors to the California Province. Please
send contributions directly to the Advancement Office, California Province,
P.O. Box 68, Los Gatos, CA 95031 or visit
Father Gregory D. Aherne, S.J., 82
Father David Fitch, S.J., 88
March 2, 2009, at Sacred Heart Jesuit Center,
Los Gatos. He was born in San Francisco
in 1926, entered the Society in 1946, and
was ordained to the priesthood in Taiwan
in 1960. In 1950, he went as a missionary to
Taiwan and the Philippines, where he taught
English and served as the pastor of rural
mission stations in Mindanao. Returning
to the United States in 1980, he served in
parishes in Santa Barbara, Sacramento,
Phoenix, and San Francisco.
January 30, 2009, at Sacred Heart Jesuit
Center, Los Gatos. He was born in San Diego
in 1921, entered the Society in 1941, and
was ordained to the priesthood in 1954. He
taught at Jesuit high schools in Phoenix and
Los Angeles and at the diocesan seminary in
Fresno. For over thirty years he served as the
provincial coordinator of the Christian Life
Communities and was a wise spiritual guide
for its many members.
Father Edward T. Burke, S.J., 87
April 11, 2009, at Laguna Beach, Calif.
He was born in Alhambra, Calif., in 1924,
entered the Society of Jesus in 1942, and
was ordained to the priesthood in 1955. His
ministry was primarily in Jesuit parishes in
San Diego, Santa Clara, Hollywood, Santa
Barbara, Phoenix, and Santa Ana. From 1986
to 2004, he was senior priest at St. Timothy’s
Church, Laguna Niguel, Calif.. He was
appreciated for his warmth, kindness and
the way he immersed himself in the pastoral
needs of the community.
February 27, 2009, at Sacred Heart Jesuit
Center, Los Gatos. He was born in San
Mateo, Calif., in 1921, entered the Society in
1942, and was ordained to the priesthood in
1956. He taught religion and Latin at Jesuit
schools in Phoenix and Los Angeles. He held
the post of librarian at Sacred Heart Jesuit
Center from 1978 until his death.
Father Edward E. Callanan, S.J., 81
June 10, 2009, at Sacred Heart Jesuit Center,
Los Gatos. He was born in Los Angeles
in 1928, entered the Society in 1945, and
ordained to the priesthood in 1958. He
was vice-principal and principal at Brophy
College Preparatory in Phoenix (1961-67) and
long-time administrator at Jesuit High School
in Sacramento, serving as principal (1967-74),
development director (1975-84), and assistant
to the president (from 2003).
Father Donald F. Kolda, S.J., 88
Father John D. McAnulty, S.J., 88
April 4, 2009, at Sacred Heart Jesuit Center,
Los Gatos. He was born in 1921 in St. Paul,
Minn, raised in Los Angeles, and entered
the Society in 1946. After ordination in 1957,
he served as a Jesuit administrator and most
memorably as a spiritual guide and retreat
director to Jesuit novices and from 19762002 to diocesan priests as director of the
Cardinal Manning House of Prayer in
Los Angeles.
Father Vernon J. Ruland, S.J., 77
April 2, 2009, at Sacred Heart Jesuit Center,
Los Gatos. He was born in Erie, Pa., in 1931,
entered the Society in Milford, Ohio, in 1950,
and was ordained to the priesthood in 1963.
After earning his Ph.D. at the University of
Chicago in theology and literature, he taught
at Bellarmine School of Theology, University
of Detroit, and from 1974 at the University of
San Francisco. His published works included
award-winning books on theology as well as
several volumes of poetry and a memoir. He
was a licensed family counselor as well as a
fine theologian and teacher.
Father Ronald J. Sanfilippo, S.J., 61
January 30, 2009, at Silver Springs, Md.
He was born in San Jose in 1947, entered
the Society in 1965, and ordained to the
priesthood in 1976. He taught and served as
campus minister in Jesuit high schools, but
most of his ministry was in Jesuit parishes in
Sacramento, Santa Barbara, and Santa Clara.
He brought sensitivity and compassion to
his work in the confessional and counseling
center and was active in the Charismatic
movement for many years.
Prayerful gifts from the California Province
he Advancement Office of the California Province offers a
number of devotional gifts, including Jesuit Mass cards and
Perpetual Certificates. Here is an update on the newest Mass
Offering card and the process for dedicating Perpetual Certificates.
Saint Ignatius of Loyola Mass Offering card
As the California Province celebrates its Centennial (1909-2009),
the Advancement Office has introduced a new Saint Ignatius of
Loyola Mass Offering card.
Gracing the front cover of the card (shown below) is the painting
“St. Ignatius of Loyola” (circa 1620-1622) by the accomplished
artist and ardent Catholic, Peter Paul Rubens. The original painting
hangs in the Norton Simon Museum of Art in Pasadena.
Printed inside the card is his Prayer for Generosity. A favorite
prayer of Jesuits, it exemplifies the tradition of Ignatian spirituality.
The Saint Ignatius Mass Offering card will be available year
round. Consider giving this card to provide prayerful support for
someone who is in need of healing or suffering from a loss, or
to celebrate a special occasion, such a birthday, marriage, or
All donations received for the Saint Ignatius Mass Offering
card will go toward the education and training of Jesuit priests
and brothers during their formation, and the care of elderly and
infirm Jesuits.
Perpetual Certificates
Since January 2004, nearly 5,000 persons, deceased and
living, have been honored by family members and friends who
dedicated Perpetual Certificates issued in their name by the
California Province of the Society of Jesus.
When you dedicate a Perpetual Certificate to a person, you
ensure that they will be remembered perpetually in the prayers,
Masses, and apostolic labors of the Jesuits of the California
The Perpetual Certificates are available in standard and deluxe
styles (one is shown below). Each certificate is inscribed with
the name of the person being honored and is imprinted with a
portrait of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, and the
seal of the California Province of the Society of Jesus.
Once a donor’s request for a Perpetual Certificate is processed,
the honoree’s name is listed in the Province’s Prayer Intention Book
located on the St. Joseph Altar in Sacred Heart Jesuit Center Chapel
in Los Gatos, California, where a community of more than 50 Jesuit
priests and brothers attend Mass.
For each Perpetual Certificate, a donation to the California
Province is suggested. All donations are applied by the California
Province to educate Jesuit priests and brothers, to care for
aged or infirm Jesuits, to sustain ministries serving poor and
disadvantaged people, or to meet the greatest need at a
particular time.
Mass Card and Certificate Ordering information
• To order the Saint Ignatius Mass Offering card or
Perpetual Certificates by phone, call the California
Province Advancement Office at (408) 884-1633.
• To view or order Mass cards and Perpetual Certificates
online, visit the California Province website at https://
MISSION FALL 2009 5 Meditation before the Blessed Sacrament reserved in the tabernacle.
6 MISSION fall 2009
The Novitiate: Where the Jesuit Journey Begins
A Jesuit describes his two-year experience at Ignatius House
in Culver City, California
by Thomas J. Flowers, S.J. n photos by Robert Dolan, S.J.
“When I decided to apply
to the Society of Jesus, I
thought a lot about what it
would be like to be a Jesuit.
I thought about the work
Jesuits do, the communities
Jesuits share, the prayer
that is at the heart of lives
of all Jesuits. What I didn’t
think about, until after I
had been accepted to the
Society, was what it would
be like to be a novice.”
MISSION fall 2009 7 “Our first months in the novitiate had
From left to right: Thomas Flowers, S.J.,; Brendan Busse, n.S.J.; Roberto Carlos Durán, S.J.;
Curtis Leighton, n.S.J.; Justin Mungal, n.S.J.; Robert Van Alstyne, n.S.J.
Within weeks of entering the novitiate, novices become
accustomed to being called and calling themselves Jesuits, and,
indeed, they are Jesuits. And yet novices, only a few weeks
into their Jesuit life, exemplify few if any of the characteristics
that make Jesuits recognizable. This is understandably the case,
since new novices have not yet had time to be formed by the
Holy Spirit and the Society. Herein lies the paradox at the heart
of the novitiate experience: there is no way to begin the slow
process of becoming a Jesuit if a man is not first a Jesuit. So the
novitiate is full of Jesuits becoming Jesuits.
St. Ignatius of Loyola did not believe in doing things
halfheartedly, so from the moment a man begins to prepare
for his trip to Ignatius House, he is asked to enter into Jesuit
life without reservation. Already by the moment we arrived in
Culver City, things had changed for us: we came without our
cell phones and our computers; we brought only a couple of
suitcases and perhaps a box; if we had brought a personal
calendar, we quickly learned that we wouldn’t need it because
our daily schedules were suddenly no longer our own.
Our busy lives came to a grinding halt and we were asked to
spend our first few days in quiet prayer, in unexpected leisure,
and in conversation with men whom we did not know but with
whom we were now linked as fellow novices. Indeed, one of
the great gifts of the novitiate in those early days was the time
it gave us to think, pray, and talk.
A few months later, in late October, we first-year novices
gathered at dinner in Culver City for the last time before our
trek to Portland for our Long Retreat. The day before had
8 MISSION fall 2009
flowed like so many others before it since we first came to
Ignatius House: we had risen and prayed individually; we
gathered for community prayer then breakfasted; we studied
in the morning and worked in the afternoon; we shared
community Mass and prayed individually before dinner; after
dinner we cleaned the kitchen then had the evening free for
spiritual reading and relaxation. We prayed our Examination of
Consciousness twice daily before lunch and before sleep. We
had become novices and were used to the routine already.
The Long Retreat was the end of the beginning of
the novitiate. Each day during the 30-day experience of
the Spiritual Exercises, we prayed four or five hours a day,
spending our time in silence except for Mass and our daily
meeting with a director. Our first months in the novitiate had
taught us to be quiet with ourselves; to quit running and really
look at things; to seek the presence of God in the likely and
unlikely places. Slowly, we had become more contemplative,
and so by the Long Retreat our hearts were quiet enough to
allow the Lord the silence in which to speak. It was out of that
silence that the rest of our time as novices would take shape.
The Long Retreat taught us something fundamental about
what it means to be a Jesuit, for we experienced how
everything we did ought to come out of our prayer and lead
back to our prayer. If we are to call ourselves Jesuits, then
we must be prayerful companions of Jesus in the day-to-day
practice of our life. So, first the novitiate taught us how to be
Jesuits in the way we prayed. Then it taught us how to act out
of that prayer.
taught us to be quiet with ourselves”
During the second half of our first year, we finished studying
the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus and continued working
two days a week as prison chaplains. Yet as early as February
we began preparing for the second major experience of the first
year: our pilgrimages in April.
On these pilgrimages, we would seek to learn to
trust completely in God’s care for us. Our preparation for the
pilgrimage was not about getting ready for a trip, but about
discerning the starting place for three weeks of prayer in action.
We asked the Lord to show us where he wanted us to go and
how he wanted us to travel. Finally, we left the novitiate for
three weeks with no money, no plans, and no prearranged
places to stay. When we set off, with our backpacks and oneway bus tickets, we prayed as we went and somehow the Lord
led us not only where we needed to go, but brought us back
safely to the novitiate at the end of the pilgrimage. (See “The
Pilgrimage Experience,” page 11).
After a summer of language study, we wished our secondyear brothers well after they took their First Vows, then we
welcomed our new first-year brothers and taught them the
ropes. We began our second year in earnest, leaving the
novitiate to learn more about how to live as Jesuits away from
the comfort of Ignatius House.
Jesuit Formation: Five Stages, 10 to 12 Years
n Novitiate. The first stage of a Jesuit’s formation lasts two
years and concludes with the novice pronouncing his First
Vows—perpetual vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
n First Studies. This period, lasting two to three years,
integrates intellectual and spiritual growth of scholastics, as
Jesuit seminarians are known.
n Regency. During this two- to three-year period, Jesuit
scholastics work in ministries, such as high schools,
universities, or parishes, while living in a Jesuit community.
n Theology Studies. Jesuits usually spend four years
studying theology.
n Tertianship. After three to five years in active ministry, a
Jesuit spends a period of time, ranging from nine weeks over
two summers to nine months, in a tertianship program in
preparation for his Final Vows. These vows bring the Jesuit
into full membership in the Society of Jesus.
First Vows pronounced by Thomas Flowers, S.J. (left),
are received by Father Provincial John McGarry, S.J.,
at Santa Clara Mission Church.
MISSION fall 2009 9 “But at some point in my novitiate, I came to feel
at home in this life, such that I knew not that all
hardship was behind me, but that God was inviting
me to remain and serve him in this particular way.”
Clockwise from top left:
Andrew Laguna receives the chalice during Mass.
Alex Llanera makes pizza for lunch.
Justin Mungal tends the novitiate’s vegetable garden.
Robert Van Alstyne (right) and Brendan Busse enjoy ping-pong.
Brendan Busse meditates in the novitiate garden.
Father Michael Weiler, S.J. (right), conducts a class on the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus.
10 MISSION fall 2009
For the first three months, we worked with
marginalized people: the elderly, the disabled, the poor. Then,
after Christmas back in Culver City, we set out for five months
of living and working with our brother Jesuits in typical works
of the Society. It was a year in which we took the spiritual
and practical lessons of the novitiate and learned how to
negotiate them amid work and busy schedules. The lessons
of the first year took on flesh as we realized how effective work
relies on prayer, and we need the support of our superiors and
brother Jesuits.
There is a formal process that each approved novice
goes through before making First Vows in the Society of Jesus,
but how and when a novice recognizes the call to remain in
the Society is entirely personal. I cannot remember a specific
moment when I knew I wanted to remain a Jesuit for the rest
of my life. But at some point in my novitiate, I came to feel at
home in this life, such that I knew not that not all hardship was
behind me, but that God was inviting me to remain and serve
him in this particular way. Having been a Jesuit since I first
arrived at Ignatius House, somewhere amid my experience as a
novice I realized that I had, indeed, become a Jesuit.
Editor’s note: Thomas Flowers pronounced his First Vows on August 8 at
the Santa Clara Mission Church. Thereafter, he was entitled to use the
initials S.J. after his name.
The Pilgrimage Experience
uring novitiate, each man considers his vocation in light
of Jesuit documents and history, but more importantly
through experiences which originate in the time of Ignatius
and his first companions. In the pilgrimage experience, the
novice sets off alone to a previously discerned destination
carrying a one-way bus ticket and $35. Recent destinations
have included Washington, D.C.; Nogales, Arizona;
Gethsemane, Kentucky; and Pine Ridge, South Dakota.
During the three-week pilgrimage, he begs or works for
whatever he needs.
—Father Michael F. Weiler, S.J., Director of Novices,
Ignatius House
One Pilgrim’s Search for Grace
by Brendan P. Busse, n.S.J.
The map was on the table. I knew that I had to go somewhere, but I really had no idea where to begin. When I
stopped worrying and actually paid attention to how the Spirit
had been moving in my life I realized I was enthused and
excited when speaking publicly about Ignatian spirituality
and Jesuit vocation. Building on this dynamic, I remembered
that I had been invited to speak in a class at Xavier College
Preparatory High School in Palm Desert, California, and to
the Ignatian Volunteer Corps in San Diego. I mentioned these
options to my spiritual director and he said, “Both of those
sound good, but more roads lead to and from San Diego.” So
I decided to begin there with an opportunity to speak publicly
about Jesuit life.
In the days before the trip, the grace I was seeking became
a deep desire to know the resurrected Christ. The spirit that
moved me out the front door on that first day of the journey
was one of curiosity and hope; what does the resurrection
look like?
My first nights were to be spent at Our Lady of Guadalupe,
the Jesuit parish in San Diego. I told the pastor that I would walk
from the bus station to the church and he let me know where to
look for keys to the house as he would be out of town.
To find myself so quickly taken in and taken care of set the
tone for much of the journey to come. This is not to say that
there weren’t anxious moments, but I felt assured that I could
trust God to lead. I followed one lead to the next, and in a
strange way I felt like a baton in a complicated relay race being
passed from one kind person to the next.
I was privileged to witness the resurrection again and again on
this trip. Meeting people in the midst of their lives and being the
recipient of their love and hospitality, extended often out of a
place of suffering or despair, was truly an experience of how the
hope of the resurrection breaks into the world and into our lives.
Over my bedroom door in the novitiate hang these words of
T.S. Eliot: “The point of our travels is to arrive back where we
started and to know that place for the first time.” My pilgrimage
was a fulfillment of those words in so far as I went out to
encounter the unknown and came home to discover something
very familiar in a new way. In each of our lives there are
moments when we feel lost and when we feel very much at
home; to trust that God is with us in each of those moments is
to live in grace.
Men in the Jesuit formation process, including the novitiate at Ignatius
House, depend on the generosity of benefactors to the California
Province. Since 2004, when the Jesuit Seminary Association came under
the auspices of the Province, benefactors have been encouraged to send
contributions directly to the Advancement Office, California Province,
P.O. Box 68, Los Gatos, CA 95031 or visit
MISSION fall 2009 11 get on the
for a joyful ride
A visitation program brings children
and incarcerated parents together
for a few precious hours
Text and photos by Peter Lemieux
Angel Vega, 3, and his grandmother, Virginia Chaidez,
arrive for a visit with Angel’s mother at Valley State
Prison for Women in Chowchilla, California.
12 MISSION fall 2009
MISSION fall 2009 13 Angel Vega is reunited with his mother, Leticia
Salcido, for the first time since he was 12 weeks old,
as grandmother Virginia Chaidez looks on.
Most Holy Trinity Church in San Jose
is clearly a house of worship. It serves
over 7,000 parishioners. It holds 10
Masses in four different languages every
weekend. But early on this June morning, it is apparent that this Jesuit parish is
a place of action, too.
Even well before dawn, Most Holy
Trinity is brimming with life. In the
dining hall, volunteers zip back and
forth. Sylvia and Kurt Hogan lay out a
breakfast spread for the guests of honor.
Deacon Vicente Perez welcomes the
arriving visitors. Claribell Torres hands
out commemorative T-shirts. Out in the
parking lot, a motor coach pulls up. After
months of fundraising, family outreach,
and statewide coordination, all the hard
work is about to pay off.
Amid the bustle, Virginia Chaidez
sits cradling her 3-year-old grandson,
Angel Vega, in her arms. Angel is a little
cranky, having stayed up late, waiting
for this day when he will see his mother.
Maybe Angel senses his grandmother’s
anxiety about their first visit to the prison
where her daughter and Angel’s mother,
Leticia Salcido, has served three years of
an 11-year term for, as Virginia puts it,
“getting mixed up with the wrong person.” Leti has not seen Angel since
he was three-months old.
Angel is not alone in feeling the swirl
of emotions. At staging areas all over
California, over 600 youngsters have
assembled this morning to hop aboard
49 buses to visit their incarcerated
mothers. For many of the riders, this
day represents the one and only time in
the whole year that they will see their
moms. This is Get On The Bus day —
and for these children and their mothers
it couldn’t come soon enough.
“It’s their Christmas,” explains Sister
Suzanne Jabro, C.S.J., founder of the Get
On The Bus (GOTB) program. Now in
its tenth year, GOTB has been transporting hundreds of daughters and sons to
The GOTB program brings life to our parish. This is a gift to our
community to be able to reach out to these families.
14 MISSION fall 2009
Family members embrace while
waiting to have their portrait taken.
MISSION fall 2009 15 Remy Curtiss meticulously colors the
face of her mother Frankie Bearden, an
inmate from Modesto.
the California correctional centers where
their mothers and fathers reside. (GOTB
normally schedules the visitation for
incarcerated mothers on the Friday before
Mother’s Day, but this year the threat of
a swine flu outbreak caused a six-week
postponement. GOTB also sponsors a
visitation for incarcerated fathers and their
children before Father’s Day.)
A tireless advocate for restorative
justice, Sr. Jabro didn’t intend to start a
program. But in 1999, when she joined
a delegation to Chowchilla, California,
home to 8,400 female inmates in two of
the nation’s largest women’s prisons, she
decided she had no choice.
“The delegates asked the women what
the faith communities could do for them,”
says Sr. Jabro. “The first woman started to
sob, telling us she could not live without
holding her child. She begged us to bring
the children. By the time she finished,
the entire room was flooded with tears of
sorrow and one mantra: ‘Help us. Bring
16 MISSION fall 2009
our children.’ We went home and a small
group of us in Los Angeles decided we
should sponsor a bus.”
The prison provided her with the
names of nine families and 17 children
who had not seen their mothers in years,
some in almost a decade. Sr. Jabro took
it from there. “We called all the nuns we
knew to fork over the money. Thus the
first bus to Chowchilla,” recalls Sr. Jabro.
“Every year, it was more prisons and more
children. Never underestimate what a
small group of committed people can do!”
For all the success GOTB has enjoyed,
Sr. Jabro is quick to deflect any praise
to her program’s supporters, including
the Jesuits. “As a Sister of St. Joseph (of
Carondelet), whose founding was linked
to a Jesuit,” she explains, “the Jesuit
mission spirit is in my blood.”
Sr. Jabro credits Fathers Thomas
Smolich, S.J., Gregory Boyle, S.J., and
Michael Kennedy, S.J., as “primer
partners” who understand the importance of restorative justice. Father
Provincial John McGarry, S.J., and Father
Ted Gabrielli, S.J., associate pastor of
Most Holy Trinity, were novices “when
they worked with me at Central Juvenile
Hall,” she explains. “I was the chaplain
there and they were doing their mission
experiences. When San Jose needed a
bus, I called them both. I told Father
John: ‘We need the Jesuits to be an event
sponsor.’ When I needed a parish to
be a sponsoring agency, I called Father
Ted; Most Holy Trinity stepped up.” This
is the second year Most Holy Trinity
Church has sponsored a bus.
By 6 a.m., Angel and Virginia along
with other riders—children, caregivers,
volunteers, counselors—have boarded
the bus and Deacon Perez sends them
off with a blessing: “Heavenly Father,
we begin in this new day to go and visit
loved ones that are away from us … May
it be a day of joy for everyone and may
With “I Luv Mom” proudly painted on his
forehead, Joseph Correa, 7, of Bakersfield,
was thrilled to see his mother, Tina Avila.
Children are resilient. They’re strong. They just want to
know that the world’s okay.
the day come where nothing will ever
separate us again.”
With that, the driver revs up the engine
and the bus begins the two-and-half-hour
journey to Chowchilla. Angel burrows
his head into Virginia’s lap and is soon
asleep. Virginia and Therese Green, a
volunteer counselor with a master’s
degree in pastoral ministry from Santa
Clara University, discuss the day ahead.
“I’ve never been to a prison before,”
says Virginia. “I don’t know what to
expect and I don’t know how Angel’s
going to react,” she worries. “I’m just hoping for the best, that he won’t cry a lot.”
“Children are resilient,” Therese reassures. “They’re strong. They just want to
know that the world’s okay.”
–therese green, volunteer counselor
Virginia picks up on Therese’s positive
thinking. “Leti’s going to know we love
her. And it’ll be a good experience for
Angel, too.”
Right on schedule at 8:30 a.m., the
motor coach pulls into Valley State Prison
for Women. Angel and Virginia file off
the bus and make their way into the
maximum-security labyrinth. A corrections officer greets them with a warm
smile that belies the no-nonsense atmosphere of this complex with its fences
and lookout towers. After showing their
identifications at various checkpoints,
Angel and Virginia reach the visitor center where other guests have gathered.
There, they sit, wait, and watch as
one by one, the female inmates push
open the heavy metal doors and scan
the room for their loved ones. Soon the
reunions begin with big bear hugs, joyous shrieks, and tears.
Angel and Virginia bide their time until
finally Leti appears. Tears flow easily, but
Leti is wary at first. “This is the first time
I’ve seen Angel since he was 12 weeks
old. First time I’ve seen my mom too,”
Leti recalls. “I’ve been doing ‘outta sight,
outta mind’—you know, I try to block
everything out so I can do my time.”
Shy at first, Angel gradually warms to his
mom. The next four hours pass quickly:
They take a family portrait, share a meal,
read books, and paint faces. “I don’t think
he knows who I am yet, but he knows I’m
related,” Leti says with a laugh.
MISSION fall 2009 17 At the end of the visit, saying good-bye
is a tearful task for everyone.
18 MISSION fall 2009
Angel Vega gets a lift from his mom Leticia to
the ocean-themed ceiling of the visitor center’s
playroom, as Virginia Chaidez looks on.
The Ignatian spirit calls us to reach out to the margins,
to be with people in their need.
Inevitably, the visiting crowd begins
to thin as buses from San Diego to Santa
Rosa begin the long trek home. It’s time
for Angel and Virginia to say good-bye to
Leti. A tide of tears sweeps back in, but
bringing a sea change of attitude for Leti.
“I’m gonna keep in touch with them,” Leti
says. “I actually thank the program because
you know, honestly, without them, I don’t
think I would’ve seen my family.”
The return trip to Most Holy Trinity is
subdued. The emotional rollercoaster of
this day has sapped the riders’ energy.
But the spirit of the volunteer corps
could not be more buoyant. “For me, it’s
about the precious gift of motherhood,”
explains Claribell Torres, GOTB coordinator for Most Holy Trinity. “There’s no
reason why these kids shouldn’t see their
moms. Whatever the circumstances, it’s
not their fault. We’re just here to make
sure that they get to see their mothers.”
The GOTB program “brings life to our
parish,” says Fr. Gabrielli. “This is a gift to
our community to be able to reach out to
these families.”
“The Ignatian spirit calls us to reach
out to the margins, to be with people
in their need,” he explains. “Ignatius
visited prisoners. Ignatius worked with
people in great despair. It makes perfect
sense that a Jesuit parish should find a
way to work toward restorative healing
for people who are divided by prisons,
violence, and great suffering.”
“And some of the volunteers here
today have family members incarcerated,” notes Fr. Gabrielli, casting a
glance over helpers serving dinner to
the hungry riders before they depart.
When dinner is done, Angel and Virginia
gather their belongings and set out for
home. Angel looks up at his grandmother
inquisitively. “We gonna see mama?” he
asks. “No, honey,” Virginia replies, “but
mama’s always gonna love you.”
For more information or to make a gift in
support of the Get On The Bus program,
MISSION fall 2009 19 Healing broken lives
and communities
The Jesuit Restorative Justice Initiative seeks to transform the criminal justice
system to a restorative process for victims, offenders, and their families
by Mark Potter, Provincial Assistant for Social Ministries
ne of the most generous ways
that Jesuits and lay partners of
the California Province engage
in direct social and pastoral ministry
is through outreach to people in prisons, detention centers, camps for youth
offenders, and persons on parole. As
chaplains, counselors, victims’ advocates,
volunteers, tutors, or simply visitors,
hundreds of Jesuits, lay partners, students
and others are regularly engaged with
people impacted by crime, punishment,
and the consequences of each. As a
result, our Province is uniquely experienced and qualified to speak about the
profound brokenness of the criminal
justice system—particularly as it pertains
to youth.
Over the past two years, the Province
has sponsored the creation of a new, collaborative ministry called the Jesuit Restorative Justice Initiative (JRJI), committed to
transforming the contemporary criminal
justice system, beginning with youth.
Responding to the
call of Christ
When Father Michael Kennedy, S.J., was
elected by his brother Jesuits to represent
the California Province at the 35th General
Congregation (GC35) in Rome in 2008, the
opportunity came at a transitional moment
in his ministry. Having just served many
years as pastor of Dolores Mission Parish
in East Los Angeles, participating in GC35
presented Fr. Kennedy with an opportunity
to reflect on his deep desire to work more
directly with prisoners, particularly with
youth. Amid the global context of GC35,
he became profoundly aware of Ignatius’
vision to work for God’s greater glory in
service to the poor and imprisoned and
for the Society’s mission to build a more
just society.
When GC35 concluded, Fr. Kennedy
returned home with a burning desire to
form a new collaboration between the
California Province, the Archdiocese of
Los Angeles, and Homeboy Industries to
participate in the healing ministry of Jesus
to all of those who suffer the consequences
of crime: victims, offenders, their families,
and their communities.
The result has been the creation of
the JRJI, a ministry that operates in three
dimensions: direct pastoral work through
accompaniment; evangelization of others
through education and awareness outreach; and advocacy for social change.
Changing the criminal
justice model
The prevailing model of criminal justice
at work in the United States is primarily a
punitive one that seeks to punish criminal
offenders for their wrongdoing. In this
model, punishment is seen as the appropriate consequence for an offender who
has transgressed the law, both to rehabilitate the offender from breaking the law
again and to deter others from engaging
in unlawful activities. Typically, criminal
justice in our country follows a tightly prescribed formula that requires a particular
punishment or range of punishments for a
particular crime. A criminal case does not
regard the consequences of an offense in
relation to the victim, the victim’s family (or
the offender’s family), or the community in
which the crime took place.
By contrast, restorative justice is a
process-oriented approach to justice that,
in the words of Howard Zehr, a leading restorative justice practitioner and
advocate, seeks to involve “those who
have a stake in a specific offense and to
collectively identify and address harms,
needs, and obligations, in order to heal
and put things as right as possible.”
The goal of restorative justice is to truly
make amends, to heal the disruption
caused by crime and its consequences
by involving and being attentive to the
full range of harms, needs, obligations,
and values voiced by all those who have
been impacted by the offense, including
victims, offenders, and others.
In an Ignatian context, restorative justice
resembles communal discernment in that
it is a process through which a group
of persons participate in an extended
reflection on values and goods in order to
acknowledge and take responsibility for
the harms that have been experienced,
heal the wounds that have been suffered,
and restore balance to the relationships
that have been damaged.
The cultural transformation which
will be required to replace the current
criminal justice system with restorative justice principles and practices is a long-term
project that may take generations. For
Fr. Kennedy and his partners in the JRJI,
the journey begins with a commitment
to a reform of the juvenile justice system
through accompaniment, evangelization,
and advocacy.
The JRJI engages in direct pastoral work
with victims of violent crime, incarcerated offenders, and their family members,
through chaplaincy, individual and
group counseling, and retreats. One of
Fr. Kennedy’s primary responsibilities is to
serve as the Catholic chaplain at Barry J.
Nidorf Juvenile Hall in Sylmar, California,
just north of Los Angeles, which houses
many of the state’s “high risk” youth
offenders, including those who have been
sentenced to life without the possibility
of parole (see “Nestor’s Story,” below). As
chaplain, Fr. Kennedy trains volunteers
as liturgical ministers, engages in pastoral
counseling, leads meditation groups, and
facilitates parent support groups. Similarly,
through work with Homeboy Industries,
the JRJI offers retreats at many prisons and
juvenile halls around California.
Nestor’s Story
by Father Michael Kennedy, S.J.
Nestor is a 16-year-old
who was sentenced to
life in January 2009. On
the day of his sentencing, I watched tears
drop from Nestor’s face
onto his orange jumpsuit. The judge
turned to Nestor and asked him if he
had any children. Nestor answered,
“Yes, I have one daughter.” The judge
responded by telling Nestor that he
would never walk his daughter down
the aisle on her wedding day. The
judge concluded by calculating Nestor’s
sentence at 90 years in prison. This
kind of harsh sentencing takes place
Members of the JRJI, including Fr.
Kennedy, are available for education
and awareness outreach to parishes,
schools, and universities. These efforts
are intended to inform others about
the shortcomings of contemporary
criminal justice policies and practices,
and to introduce them to principles of
restorative justice that resonate with
Ignatian spirituality and the Catholic
social tradition. In recent months, Fr.
Kennedy has visited many Jesuit parishes
and each of the three Jesuit universities
and law schools in the Province to
discuss restorative justice. In San Diego,
for example, over 150 parishioners
signed up to volunteer at local prisons.
Moreover, Professor Scott Wood of Loyola
Law School, Los Angeles, has been
instrumental in establishing an institute
for Restorative Justice at Loyola.
Perhaps the most far-reaching effort of the
JRJI is to engage in advocacy for social
change through active collaboration with
repeatedly in the courtroom despite
scientific research that confirms an
adolescent brain cannot make adult
choices. Yet our justice system continues to lock up our youths and throw
away the keys.
As I drove away from court, I gave
some thought to words like redemption, forgiveness, repentance, transformation. The sentence of 90 years
in prison had no room for mercy for
Nestor and it failed to heal all the
parties involved in the crime. Everyone
in the courtroom lost that day.
I had grown in my relationship
with Nestor since my time with him
at Juvenile Hall in Sylmar. I first met
Nestor in my weekly meditation group.
During his time at Juvenile Hall, Nestor
changed. He was clean. He also has a
citizens, faith communities, nonprofit
organizations and institutions in order to
change state and national laws governing the treatment of victims, offenders,
their families and communities. Through
strategic partnerships with Human Rights
Watch and Loyola Law School, for example, the JRJI developed a questionnaire
for interviewing inmates who as minors
were sentenced as adults to sentences
of 25 years to life. The goal is to collect
narratives and information that will help
to humanize this population of offenders, and to use this data to help change
the laws which treat juvenile offenders as
adults. Similarly, the JRJI has taken public
advocacy positions for or against particular pieces of legislation related to juvenile
justice and the possibility of parole for
youth offenders of serious crimes.
To learn more about the Jesuit Restorative
Justice Initiative or make a gift to support its
work, contact Father Michael Kennedy, S.J.,
at [email protected] or Mark Potter at
[email protected]
genius IQ and reflects and writes about
how wrong he was in choosing the
path of gangbanging. But he was still
denied a second chance.
After the sentencing, Nestor was
placed in Los Angeles County Jail while
he awaited his transition to State Prison.
When I visited Nestor in jail, he was
noticeably pale. He was beginning a
journey. I gave Nestor a blessing and
put oil on his hands, praying for his
healing. He told me that he was lonely
and missed his mother.
Nestor’s life is not over. I told him
that there are people who are working
hard to change this brutal sentencing of
youth to life in prison. He told me that
he would continue to pray to survive in
the darkness of prison.
MISSION Fall 2009 21 Knocking at Midnight
by Thomas J. Flowers, S.J.
nd he said to them, “Suppose one of you has a friend,
and you go to him at midnight and say to him, ‘Friend,
lend me three loaves of bread; for a friend of mine has
arrived, and I have nothing to set before him.’ And he answers
from within, ‘Do not bother me; the door has already been locked,
and my children are with me in bed; I cannot get up and give you
anything.’ I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him
anything because he is his friend, at least because of his persistence
he will get up and give him whatever he needs.” (Luke 11:5-8)
But Secretly
And so it comes
To midnight knocking,
To you asking me to open the door
And me saying that I’m already asleep.
I’m not, of course—
I’ve been nibbling at my fingernails
And sipping soda distractedly,
Watching the clock click on
And waiting,
Wondering when you’d finally come.
But I don’t want to let you in,
I tell myself again,
I don’t want to hear
What you have to say,
I don’t want to hurt
The way I hurt
When I collapse
Into your arms and sob,
22 MISSION Fall 2009
Because it’s so hard
To let go
Of stubbornness,
Of knowing,
It’s so hard
To slide the bolt
And let you change
My “no” to “yes.”
But secretly, letting you in
Is the only reason
I’ve stayed awake so long.
or Reflection: What “no” in your life do
you need to let Jesus change to “yes”?
Copyright 2009 by Thomas Flowers. Used by
permission. Editor’s note: This meditation is drawn
from Walking Humbly: Scripture Medications in
Verse by Thomas Flowers. The title can be ordered
online from the Paulist Press Book Center; visit
Annual Giving 2008 23
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Loyola Council
Membership in the Loyola
Council is conferred on
benefactors who made
gifts of $5,000 or more
during the year.
The Andrew H. Kraus Trust
Sr. Victor S. Armas
Aroma Foundation
The Bernice Corrasa
Revocable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Boler
Mr. Michael Brown
Dr. Christina Y. Chan
Mr. Chiy J. Chen
Mrs. Hai Hsia Chen
Community Foundation of
Great River Bend
Community Foundation
Silicon Valley
Mr. and Mrs. James D’Amico
Diocese of San Jose
East Bay Community
The Elda A. Shalt Revocable
Trust and the Josephine
F. Shalt
The Estate of Catherine Simi
The Estate of Joan E. Sikorski
The Estate of Margaret M.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Franz
Mrs. Louise A. Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Go
Mr. Carlos Gonzalez
Mr. Inocencio Gonzalez, Jr.
The Grace A.
Walsh Living Trust
Mrs. Loretta Holstein
Ms. Mary Ann Irwin
The James D. and Bridget
Angnes (Hurley) Roche
The John D. Rice
Residual Trust
The Julia Stearns
Dockweiler Foundation
Mr. Michael Kehoe
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Ku
Ms. Inez Lanotti † Ɨ
Mr. Weichung A. Li
Ms. Jenny Liu
Ms. Mon Chi Liu
Lucia R. Rausch Trust
Lundquist Construction
Management - LCM
The Mary Patricia Farrell
Revocable Trust
The McDonald Family
Menard 1979 Family Trust
Menard Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F.
Most Holy Trinity Church
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Muller
Mr. Dennis K. Mulvihill
The Pease Survivors Trust
Ms. Louise K. Phelan
Ms. Lynsi C. Rahorst
The Robert D. Freeman
Charitable Sub Trust
Robert T. Rolfs Foundation
Roman Catholic Bishop
of Orange
Roman Catholic Diocese
of Salt Lake City
Sachse, James & Lopardo
Santa Clara University Jesuit Community
The Schneider
Survivor’s Trust
Mrs. Terry Seidler
Ms. Marie A. Skjaret † Ɨ
Society for the Propagation
of the Faith - Diocese
of San Diego
St. Ignatius Parish
Mr. and Mrs. John Su
Sugrue Family Memorial
Tak Cheung Fashion
Factory Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M.
Thrift, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chan-Feng Tsai
Dr. and Mrs. John Van Dyke
The Van Myers Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo J.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wang
Ms. Mariette R. Wilfert † *
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C. Wu
Ms. Rae R. Yang
Mr. Alberto Yepez and
Ms. Teresa Win
About the Honor Roll
An asterisk (*) following a name indicates that donor made
a designated gift to the 2008 Annual Appeal. A cross (†)
following a name indicates that person is deceased.
If your name has been omitted, misspelled, or incorrectly
listed, please accept our sincere apology. We ask that you
bring the error to our attention so that we may correct
our records; please contact Julie Han in the Advancement
Office at (408) 884-1633 or e-mail [email protected]
24 Annual Giving 2008
Saint Francis Xavier
Pedro Arrupe
Xavier Council
Arrupe Council
Membership in the Xavier
Council is conferred on
benefactors who made gifts
of $2,500 to $4,999 during
the year.
Membership in the Arrupe
Council is conferred on
benefactors who made gifts
of $1000 to $2,499 during
the year.
Archdiocese of
San Francisco
Mr. Edward J. Boessenecker
CAMEA - Northern
California, Cantonese
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph B.
Mr. and Mrs. George C.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ching *
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Chu
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clark *
Dr. George S. Craft
Mr. Jose J. Cueto *
The Daniel A. & Edna J.
Sattler Beneficial Trust
Mr. Frank Demay †
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dreyer
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P.
The Estate of Mary Ellen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Flowers *
Rev. Jon D. Fuller, S.J.
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.
Granucci *
The John B. and Nelly Llanos
Kilroy Foundation *
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Latham
Mrs. Marcia A. Lemke
Mr. and Mrs. Kuo-Ting Lin
Ms. Margarita C. Lomeli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Maier
Ms. Apryll Nakamura
Pioneer Lumber Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Mr. Richard H. Scholz
Mr. and Mrs. William Seng
Mr. Lorenzo Servitje Sendra
St. Ignatius Church
Ms. Teresa L. Vu
Winona Diocesan Council of
Catholic Women
All Day Homecare, Inc. *
Mr. and Mrs. Joel P.
Mrs. Cecilia Arnold
Ms. Mary L. Arpaia
Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Auther *
Mr. Rodolfo Belloso
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.
Dr. Robert A.
Bobic, D.D.S.
Mrs. Ruth Bossenmaier
Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Bride
Mr. and Mrs. William Carter
The Carter Family Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Mr. Francis Casey
CCA Cares Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chan
Mrs. Conchita Chao
Mr. Tom K. Chen
Ms. Theresa Cheng
Chinese Catholic Group of
St. Joseph Church
Mr. Ignatius Chu
Dr. Kuo Y. Chynn
Mrs. Eleanore Cremin *
Mr. Philip T. Crotty
Mrs. Joan P. Del Secco
Mr. Robert H. Dewan
Mr. Thomas P. Doehrman
Ms. Elizabeth J. Doyle
Mr. Richard Dunn *
Ean Choo and Mary Ann
Mr. Guy P. Entriken
Mrs. Lorraine E. Ewing *
Ms. Gladys V. Fahrenkopf
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Farrer
Miss Erin Finnegan
Dr. Robert J. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Francis II *
Mr. Anthony Fu
Mrs. June Gaddis
Mrs. Patricia Gandolfo
Mr. Jorge G. Garcia
Mr. Robert F. Gayer
Mrs. Anna Gaz
Mr. Edward Geary
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Guiteras
Miss Chia-Ling Han
Ms. Linda T. Hung
The Jesus Reynoso & Marie
Reynoso Family Trust
Mr. Mark Kadzielski *
Mrs. Shirley Kirchen
Koeplin Family Foundation
Mr. Gregg Kwey
Mr. Stanley Lai
Ms. Sophia Lam
Prof. John M. Landry
Mr. Yiu Wa A. Lau
Mr. King Lau Hu
Law Offices of
Schneck & Schneck
Mr. Dominic Lee
Mr. Tzongyu P. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. John B.
Lounibos *
Ms. Julia C. Lu
Ms. Margaret Ludwig
Dr. and Mrs. Richard
Ms. Anne M. Maitland
Mr. Michael Masterson
Dr. Christopher Mathews
Mr. Thomas Matula †Ɨ
Mrs. Laura M. McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Meekin
Mr. Frantisek Mihalik
Sr. Josefina
Molina de Cuenca
Mr. Dennis Morelos
Ms. Sylvia J. Mulvihill
Mr. James Murphy
Mr. Joseph H. Nguyen
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J.
O’Brien *
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
O’Neill *
Our Lady of China
Pastoral Mission
Mrs. Katherine Oven
Mrs. Dorothy C. Poxon *
Mr. Ralph V. Raulli
Mrs. Helen L. Reedy
Mrs. Barbara A. Reiner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rude *
Ms. Carmen M. Rugnetta *
Ms. Gretchen Schmeeckle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith *
Society for the Propagation
of the Faith-Archdiocese
of Los Angeles
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
Stolteben Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sun
Mrs. Gabrielle H. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Tsim
Ms. Cecelia J. Tutt
Flora Vetari
Ms. Madeleine C.
Ms. Virginia B. Wheeler
Ms. Laura Winterroth
Mr. and Mrs. De Wayne
Edward Wohlleb
Mr. Anthony Wong and Ms.
Juliana M. Cheng
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wood *
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wu
Mrs. Frances Wu
Mr. Dai-Chang Yang
Ms. Agatha T. Zen
Saint Robert Bellarmine
Membership in the
Bellarmine Council is
conferred on benefactors
who made gifts of $500 to
$999 during the year.
A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.
Miss Dorothy L. Anderson
Mrs. Heidi A. Anderson
AON Corporation
Ms. Nancy C. Ayotte
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J.
Mrs. Mary L. Baur
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Charles
Mr. Robert A. Boguski
Boston Chinese Catholic
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bozzo *
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C.
Mr. William E. Britt *
Brophy College Preparatory
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Brunner *
Ms. Mary Bui
Dr. Michael L. Cahoon, M.D.
Mr. Thomas F. Casey III *
Ms. Margarita L. Cerezo
Ms. Christina R. Chan
Mr. C. Chang
Ms. Benita Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Min-Ying
The Chinese National
Parish of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus
Ms. Cathy L. Chinn
Mrs. Janice K. Clifford
Mr. Gerald W. Conlan *
Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Cummings *
Mr. William G. Cusick *
Mr. Richard Daly *
Ms. Grata De Leon
Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirch De
Martini *
Mr. William G. De Mers
Mr. Angelo Deramo *
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A.
Mr. Charles T. Donohue, Jr.
Mr. Peter E. Doyle
Ms. Anne M. Duffy
Mrs. Kathleen M. Dyer *
The Estate of Henrietta
Mrs. Carmen F. Esteva
Mrs. M. Ann A. Freitas
Miss Joan E. Gallagher *
Ms. Jeanne E. Gieselman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. Jesus A. Gonzalez-Pita, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R.
Graham *
Ms. Eloyde Granucci
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Grasser
Mr. Vincent H. Gross *
Mr. Bernard P. Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hanley *
Ms. Kathleen Harrington
Mr. John J. Heinsius
Mrs. Patrick Horgan
Mr. Gerald J. Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Po Choo Hsu *
Mr. Dengshu Hu
Mr. and Mrs. Ming-Jang
Ms. Patricia L. Jacobs
Mr. William I. James *
Mr. Chen-Wen Jiang
Mrs. Jane Jurkovich
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E.
Kann *
Mr. and Mrs. Cor Kester
Ms. Alma Koeplin
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Kramer
Mr. Lee I. Kuan
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kwan
Mrs. Hwai-Tai C. Lam, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Lass
Ms. Elizabeth Y. Lee *
Ms. Maria E. Lee
Ms. Mary Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Wing-Yim Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Guu Lin *
Ms. May Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Shashu Lin
Ms. Maria T. Magante
Mr. and Mrs. Luis
Man-Kun Ching
Mr. and Mrs. David L.
Marano *
Mrs. Rosemary McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Mike
McCullough *
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.
Miss Carolyn J. Meisser *
Rev. Kenneth Mikulcik
Mr. and Mrs. James Milbury
Mr. Russell Miller *
Mr. Leo P. Mullin
Mrs. Edith V. Murphy *
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A.
Ms. Teresa Niou
Mr. and Mrs. Roger M.
Nolan *
Ms. Shelley Oliver
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Mrs. Nydia M. Pereira
Mrs. Virginia W. Perkins
Mr. Mark W. Pettinger
Mr. Danh Phan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mrs. Helen Presti *
R.W. Zant Co.
Mr. and Mrs. David
Ms. Mary K. Ring
Roman Catholic Church of
the Diocese Of Phoenix
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J.
Rosbottom *
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M.
San Jose Chinese Catholic
Ms. Ann Marie Sannebeck
Mrs. Norene Scholz
Mr. Cheng-Lan Shao
Mr. John L. Squeri, Jr. *
St. Charles Borromeo Parish
Mrs. Shawn D. Sylvia
Dr. and Mrs. Paddy Taber *
Ms. Teresa H. W. Tan
Mr. and Mrs. Yen-Chang G.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Y.
Torres *
USF Jesuit Community
(Loyola House)
Mr. Peter Ver Halen *
Ms. Ines Vollmer de Lares
Wachovia Securities
Mrs. Rosa Wang
Mr. Andrew Whelan III
Dr. Paul Yin
Ms. Agnes Yu
Mr. J. L. Zabala
Eusebio Francisco Kino
Kino Council
Membership in the Kino
Council is conferred on
benefactors who made
gifts of $250 to $499
during the year.
Miss Mary E. Ahern
Mr. Mathew Alexander
Mrs. Barbara D. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T.
Mr. Richard Arias
Mrs. Kimberly A. Armendariz
Mr. and Mrs. Russell E.
Asper *
Mrs. Maria T. Asquith
Mrs. Martha M. Barker
Mr. Richard A. Barsotti
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W.
Baus *
Mr. Rafael G. Bedia
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Borba *
The Bottle Shop
Mrs. Dolly Braida *
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brink
Mr. Thomas M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burch
Mr. Jovi Cacnio
Mr. Richard F. Callahan *
Ms. Theresa Hall Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Sarafine
Mrs. Margaret Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. John Casey, Jr.
Miss Rose T. Casserly
Mr. Eugene B. Ceccotti
Sr. Roseanne Cecillon
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Cesario
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M.
Mrs. Sonia Chang
Mr. Lam K. Chau
Mr. Leroy W. Cheda
Mr. Lim K. Cheng *
Ms. Doris Chong
Ms. Sui-Chen Chong *
Mr. Gou-Fuh G. Chou
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. Brian R. Collins
Mr. James Collins
Ms. Elizabeth A. Coman
Company Magazine
Ms. Joan E. Copenhagen
Mrs. Brigid Corcoran
Mr. and Mrs. David Cortese
Mrs. Annette Counts
Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. Peter J. Cowley *
Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Ms. Louise R. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky J.
Curotto *
Dr. Thomas X. Cuyegkeng
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A.
Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Mr. Gregory B. Davis
Mr. Shevlin De La Rosa
Dr. and Mrs. John Debs
Mrs. Linda L. Deighan
Mr. and Ms. Concezio Di
Gregorio *
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dietrich
Mrs. Ester Grace J. Donald
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A.
Dr. and Mrs. John B.
Doyle, Jr. *
Mr. John K. Dresser
Mrs. Kathleen Z. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence
Mr. John Etcheverry *
Mr. and Mrs. George Fague
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fennell *
Mrs. Mary Jane Ferrari
Mr. Charles P. Fischer
Mrs. Deena Flamson
Ms. Dorothy Fountain
Mr. Timothy Foy
Mr. Lee Franey
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Frizzell
Ms. Mary Gahwolf *
Mr. Daniel Gallivan
Miss Alice Gandara
Mr. Eugene N. Garcia
Mrs. Mary T. Giles *
Mr. and Mrs. Larry V. Gill *
Mrs. Olga Gonzales
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Goytisolo
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Green *
Ms. Kristin N. Grose
Mr. Cornelius J. Haggerty, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Hanley
Mr. Ronald T. Hansen
Ms. Jackie Harris
Mr. John J. Heinfius
Mr. David Henschel
Mr. Thomas Hollamby *
Mr. Stephen H. Howell
Dr. Leo Hsueh *
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel
Mr. Jon Jagger *
Mrs. Yu-Lan Jiang
Miss Mary T. Kane
Mr. Henry Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klein *
Mr. Wei Chou Koh *
Mrs. Eva Kuenzli
Ladies of Columbus Our
Lady of Grace Council
Ms. Doris H. Lam
Ms. Anne P. Lamott
Mr. Marcel J. Lassalle *
Mr. Dominic N. Lazzarino *
Miss Patricia G. Leahy *
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio C. Leal
Ms. Grace M. Licata
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Lim
Ms. Teresa Lim
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lin
Ms. Li-Shei Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius Lo
Mr. and Mrs. Jimbay Loh
Mrs. Jane D. Lowe *
Mr. Edward F. Lubamersky *
Mrs. Janet M. Lukes
Ms. Joan S. Lundell
Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacRedie
Mr. Luiz F. Madruga †Ɨ
Mr. and Mrs. John T.
Mrs. Danette Magilligan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Maldonado Medical, LLC
Ms. Ann Manchester
Mrs. Eileen L. Mariani
Dr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. Elbert J. Martin †Ɨ
Ms. Lucille Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. William J.
Mr. Keith J. Marton
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Masterson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Mathews *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R.
Mr. James D. McCavitt
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Mrs. Katie McLeod
Ms. Joan McNamara
Mr. Bo Mi
Mrs. Maureen A.
Mignacco-Dutil *
Ms. Charlyne Miller †Ɨ
Mr. John Molitor †
Mr. Charles L. Montoya
Ms. Yvonne T. Mora
Mrs. Martha Jo Morehouse
Mr. Mark Murphy
Annual Giving 2008 25
Mr. and Mrs. Norwood
Mr. Liem T. Nguyen
Mr. Nu Thi Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Noonan
Ms. Marcia V. Norris
Mrs. Antoinette Nothacker
Dr. Thomas Nuckton, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O’Brien
Mr. John O’Brien *
Mrs. Margaret L. O’Connell *
Miss Elizabeth O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. John F. O’Keefe
Mrs. Margaret J. O’Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Mrs. Barbara F. O’Shea
Ms. Bertha Paris
Mr. and Mrs. John Pastizzo *
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Peters
Mr. Thomas J. Phalen *
Mr. J.B. Phelan
Mr. Robert F. Phipps *
Ms. Frances R. Putkey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Quinn
Ms. Marcella Raikes
Ms. Gloria Ramos
Mr. Alex J. Ravnik *
Mrs. Rosemary C. Rea
Mr. Anthony Rebarchik
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Reilly *
Ms. Gloria Rizzo
Mr. James M. Roach
Mr. Ray E. Robinson
Ms. Helena Ru Chang
Ms. Celia Ruelas
Mrs. Adelaide H. Rusanowski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Ryan
Mrs. Madeleine M. Salak
Dr. and Mrs. David J.
Sanchez, Jr.
Msgr. John Sandersfeld
Mr. and Mrs. John Saunders
Mr. Mike Schall *
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J.
Mrs. Stephanie Schwing
Mr. and Mrs. J. Seabury
Mr. and Mrs. George Seivert
Mrs. Maryann Semancik
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J.
Shea, Jr.
Ms. Colette E. Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Barney J.
Mr. George C. Shu
Dr. Moyra Siu
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. C.
Society of The Sacred Heart
Cape May Community
St. James Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stewart
Mr. Arthur J. Sullivan *
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F.
Sullivan *
Mr. Robert E. Sullivan
Mr. Thomas W. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic A.
Mr. Michael G. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman V.
Mrs. Jean C. Tollini *
26 Annual Giving 2008
Ms. Carolyn R. Tune *
Ms. Charlotte Tyler
Mr. Thomas Urban, Sr.
V & R General Contractors
Ms. Barbara Van Alstyne
Mr. and Mrs. Dave T.
Van Etten
Ms. Louise Ward
Mrs. Rosemary E. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Art J. Wehr *
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. John J.
Whitehead *
Mr. Joseph F. Wiest *
Judge and Mrs. Raymond D.
Williamson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wiser
Mr. Afonso Wong
Young Adult Group of the
Chinese Community
Ms. Mona L. Yuchengco
Mr. William Zant
Blessed Peter Faber
Faber Council
Membership in the Faber
Council is conferred on
benefactors who made
gifts of $100 to $249
during the year.
Mr. Fred L. Abel
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ackerman
Ms. Lisa Adam
Mrs. Norma M. Ahern
AIB - Ireland Branch
Dr. and Mrs. Victor J.
Ms. Altagracia D. Alcoz
Mrs. Mary P. Aldrich
Mr. Eduardo Aleman
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Alimenti
Ms. Marion Allen *
Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Alves
Mrs. Lillian P. Amato
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W.
Mr. David West and Mrs.
Jeanne Anderson-West
Mr. Elsworth Andrieu
Dr. George Andros
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Archer
Ms. Maricela Arellano
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto
Mr. and Mrs. George M.
Ascension Chinese Mission
Mr. Thomas C. Aspell
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Mr. Charles Ayala *
Ms. Julieta Azevedo
Baeskens Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bafico
Ms. Elisa D. Bagdasar *
Ms. Almetta L. Bain
Fr. John Bain
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Baizan
Ms. Charlotte S. Baker
Mr. Tom Bannan
Mr. Steve Bansbach
Mr. and Mrs. Nestor V.
Barber *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barcello
Mr. Enos Barera
Mr. David Barnard
Mrs. Madison K. Barrow
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bateman
Mr. Louis Batmale
Mr. and Mrs. Delfino Battista
Mr. Bill Baucher
Mr. Louise Bauer
Mrs. Mary Baumann
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bechelli
Ms. Charlotte K. Becker
Mrs. Lucille Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Becker
Mr. William R. Becker
Mr. Jorge I. Bedia
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Belardi
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Bell *
Ms. Mary C. Bellefontaine
Mr. William Belloni
Mr. Donald Belluomini
Ms. Meghan Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bendix
Mr. Thomas R. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. John Bentley
Mr. Peter W. Berger *
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Betsch
Mr. and Mrs. Jon E.
Dr. Mary Beth V.
Bewersdorf, M.D.
Dr. William D. Bezdek
Mr. Thomas J. Biagini
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W.
Mrs. Cynthia Bishop
Ms. Sheila Blake
Mr. Irving Blandford
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Blay
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Bleck
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R.
Boitano *
Ms. Nancy P. Boland
Mrs. Alfred Bonato
Mrs. Dianne D. Bonino
Mr. Raymond L. Borame
Miss Barbara C. Bottarini
Ms. Jeanne Bovill
Mr. William F. Bowermaster
Mr. James F. Boyle
Mr. Thomas P. Brady
Mr. Raymond M. Braghetta *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brandlin
Mrs. Roberta Brannon *
Ms. Patricia E. Brauer
Ms. Barbara Brennan *
Ms. Hazel Brennan
Fr. Maurice J. Brill *
Mr. Joseph F. Brinley, Jr.
Mr. Leon Broguiere
Ms. Nancy Brookman
Mr. Robert J. Brophy *
Dr. Thomas R. Brown, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A.
Brown *
Ms. Carol Browning
Miss Lelia C. Bruno *
Mrs. Leanna Bruschini
Mrs. Gloria Bryant
Ms. Gail Buccieri
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ms. Alice Buckley
Ms. Cindy Bui
Mrs. Frances Buratovich *
Ms. Deborah M. Burke
Dr. Edward L. Burke *
Ms. Joyce Burke-Estel
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Burris
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Byrne
Ms. Patricia A. Byrne
Mr. Charles Byrns
Mr. and Mrs. Romualdo M.
Ms. Geraldine Cafaro
Ms. Ann Calabretta *
Ms. Leslie Callan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Caloiaro
Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Calvet
Mrs. Dominga Cammarata
Mrs. Patricia C. Campbell *
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ms. Anna E. Candee
Mr. Philip Cannon
Ms. Pamela Cantine
Mr. Luis R. Capllonch
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Carew, Jr.
Ms. Patricia Carlson
Ms. Patricia M. Carneiro
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.
Carnes *
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Carolan
Mr. and Mrs. Pablo A.
Carreno *
Mr. Perry Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B.
Mr. Charles J. Casazza
Mr. and Mrs. Louis M.
Mr. Russel Casey
Ms. Rose Marie Cataldo
Mr. Raymond J. Cedeno *
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cerrito
Mr. Joseph Chan
Mr. Everett Chandler
Mr. Chyong Haw Chang
Mrs. Hsiang Mei Wu Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Simon J. J.
Mr. Yung-Ching Chang
Dr. and Mrs. James E.
Mr. Mario Chaves, P.C.
Ms. Esther M. Chavez
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M.
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Chen
Mr. Joseph C. Chen
Ms. Rita Chen
Ms. Maria Cheng
Ms. Michelle Cheng
Ms. Sheau J. Cheng
Mr. Lawrence Cheung
Miss Rosa Cheung *
Ms. Lucia Chiang
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Chiappe
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Chiou
Ms. Isabel Chiu
Mr. Sukhum Chivabunditt
Mr. Joseph Chou
Mr. and Mrs. Carlin P.
Christensen *
Ms. Terry Christy
Mr. and Mrs. Ching Chu *
Ms. Yun Ling Chung
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ciccarelli
Ms. Donna L. Cimino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S.
Mrs. Ruth H. Cisek
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Cleary
Mr. William A. Cleary
Mrs. Clemencia Clifford
CNL Bank
Mr. Terrell A. Cole
Mr. Keith Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Dean F. Collins
Ms. Patricia J. Collins *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Ms. Margaret Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S.
Connolly *
Mr. Patrick Connolly
Mrs. Juanita Cordero
Mr. and Mrs. James Coriston
Mr. Kevin Corvin *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Corvino
Mr. Anthony Cosentino
Mrs. Sharon R. Costales
Mr. Arthur J. Costamagna
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Costello
Miss Ann K. Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F.
Mr. Kevin Crilly
Ms. Mary Cristantiello
Dr. Paul Crudo
Dr. Jeffrey Csiszar, M.D.
Mr. Oswald J. Da Ros
Mr. Dean E.
Dagermangy, M.D.
Mr. Thomas B. Dakan
Mr. James Dalessandro *
Mrs. Mary S. Darlow
Mr. Neal Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davilla, Jr.
Ms. Marjorie Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Daze, Jr.
Mr. Douglas M. De Barry *
Mr. James W. De Lorimier *
Mr. and Mrs. James
De Martini, Jr.
Ms. Anne P. De Mieri
Mr. Dennis Deehan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Degnan
Mr. and Mrs. Vic DeGuzman
Mr. Carl J. Deimeke
Mr. E. J. Deiss
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P.
Del Monte
Ms. Mary Del Santo
Mr. Anthony Del Zompo
Miss Nelia Dela Cruz *
Ms. Alicia R. Delgado
Mrs. Ardell Delsol
Ms. Genevieve Denault
Mr. John S. Deregt
Mr. Francis L. Detert
Ms. Marian Devincenzi *
Ms. Pam Devine
Mrs. Veronica L. Devlin
Ms. Mary E. Diage
Ms. Mary Dibb
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Diener
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.
Ms. Susan Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. DiNapoli
Mrs. Laura Dino
Mr. Peter J. Dlubac
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Mrs. Angela M. Donovan
Daniel P. Donovan †
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Mr. and Mrs. James Doran
Mr. David A. Dore
Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Dorsa *
Ms. Shandre Dovale
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dreyfuss
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K.
Mrs. Helen Du Bose *
Mr. Christopher Duenas *
Mr. and Mrs. Roden R.
Duff III
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Duke *
Mr. Patrick Dundon
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P.
Mrs. Nancy P. Durrell
Mrs. Lois Dusenbery
Ms. Corinne C. Dyer *
Mr. and Mrs. Noel J. Dyer
Mr. William T. Dymond
Mr. James D. Ebner
Ms. Mary Eden
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eiskamp
Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Ekstrom
Dr. and Mrs. Mazhar Elamir
Ms. Bette Elkins
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ellsworth
Ms. Sheila M. Emigh *
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Engh
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Engh
Mr. Michael A. Enright
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Erlinger *
Mrs. Lorraine Ewing
Mrs. Mary Faber *
Mr. Raleigh Fagan
Judge and Mrs. Robert
Mr. Thomas J. Fallon *
Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Fama
Mr. Donald Farbstein
Mr. James C. Farrell
Mrs. Jeanne J. Feck
Mrs. Robert Feerick
Mrs. Kuo Lim Feng *
Mr. Robert H. Ferrari
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ferreira
Mr. Carl D. Feske *
Mr. and Mrs. George Filice *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Filice
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Findrick *
Mrs. Beverly Finigan
Mr. William Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Mr. Joseph R. Fitzpatrick
Mr. Peter L. Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Flynn
Mrs. Nelda S. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Harold T.
Ms. Betty H. Ford
Mr. Frank W. Fraass
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Franco
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R.
Mr. William C. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C.
Freitas *
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B.
Mr. Vincent Frick
Mrs. Patricia Frize
Mrs. Marilyn Fuetsch
Mrs. Jerry Fullerton
Ms. Aida Furtado
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gadino
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gagliasso
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel P.
Mr. Li Gao
Ms. Lilia L. Garcia *
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Garstka
Ms. Anne M. Garvey *
Ms. Deborah Gaume
Mr. Vincent P. Genco
Mr. Gary George
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Prof. George Giacomini, Jr. *
Dr. Avraham Giannini
Mrs. Ellen Giannini
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gigliotti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Gillcrist
Ms. Mary Girard
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon L.
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Giuliani
Mr. Michael E. Gleason
Mr. Richard Glogau
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glynn
Mrs. William B. Glynn *
Mrs. Florence P. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Gomez *
Mrs. Olga Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Gotuaco
Mrs. Barbara Graham
Ms. Annette M. Gray
Mrs. Mary M. Greene
Mr. Ned Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L.
Ms. Monica D. Grycz
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Gryp
Mr. Robert Guglielmi *
Mr. Mark J. Guho
Ms. Eleanor Guilford
Ms. Julie Guse
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Guss
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gutt *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guyette
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guzman
Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Hagen
Ms. Elana Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hall, Jr.
Mr. Wing Hang Ngai
Ms. Ann Hanlon *
Mr. John I. Hannon *
Mrs. Jacklyn D. Hanratty
Ms. Donna L. Hansen *
Ms. Eileen Harbertson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Harder
Mr. Bob Harks *
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Harrington
Ms. Margaret Harrington
Mr. William Harrington
Mrs. Anna M. Hart
Ms. Mary Ann Hartman
Ms. Joan Haskell
Mr. Timothy Hayes
Ms. Helen Healy *
Mr. and Mrs. William Heinen
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Heinlen
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hendricks
Mrs. Ann Hennessy *
Mr. Eusebio Hernandez
Mr. Jose M. Hernandez
Ms. Jean Herold
Ms. Mary C. Hickey
Mr. James R. Higgins
Ms. Helen Higgins-Weingart
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hilje
Mr. Stanley D. Hillyard
Mr. John R. Hindes
Miss Florence A. Hnatko
Mr. John Ho
Mr. Jung-Jung Ho
Mr. James D. Hobbs
Mr. Charles E. Hobrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Hodsdon
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F.
Hoedt, D.D.S.
Ms. Carol Hoffer *
Mrs. Harriet F. Hofmann
Mrs. Mary T. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond V.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Holtel
Ms. Lucia Honniball
Ms. Gretchen Hooper
Ms. Kathleen Horton
Mr. Richard A. Hotaling
Mr. Charles A. Hovey
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Howard
Dr. Alex K. Hsu, M.D.
Mr. Patrick Hsu
Ms. Adriana Hu
Mr. Tien-Chia Huang
Ms. Marianne Huesman
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. George H.
Mr. and Mrs. Emilian Hwang
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hynes
Mr. and Mrs. John Iavarone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Iino
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Ivins
Mrs. Carol Jackson
Ms. Ann Janek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Janes
Ms. Patricia M. Jefferis
Mrs. Frances Jennings
Mrs. Maria F. Jimenez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mrs. Lucy John
Mrs. Dorynda Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Joy
Mrs. Loretta Juhas
Mr. and Mrs. Randy A.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kalcic
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Kapranos
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kassis
Ms. Madeleine H. Ke
Ms. Anne Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. John Kehoe
Mrs. Alice E. Kellett
Ms. Anne M. Kelley
Mr. Edward J. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F.
Ms. Barbara P. Kennedy
Mrs. Marilyn J. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Ajaz Khan
Mr. R. Brian Kidney
Ms. Sally A. Kiely
Miss Jean Kientz
Ms. Hope Kihune
Mr. Gregory C. Kimm
Ms. Jacqueline Kirwin
Mr. Hui Y. Ko
Mr. Paul M. Ko
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kollasch *
Mr. and Mrs. John Komo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E.
Miss Mary E. Kopetzke *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Korn
Mr. and Mrs. John Kornylo *
Mrs. Cecile A. Krause
Mr. and Mrs. George E.
Ms. Catherina Y. Ku
Mrs. Anne Kunkel
Dr. Victor Kwok
Mr. Joseph D. Kwong
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A.
Ms. Rose C. Lan
Mrs. Maria Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Ms. Marylou Lanni
Mrs. Virginia Larens *
Mr. Lawrance Larkin *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Larsen
Mr. Yu-Ching Lau
Miss Patricia A. Laubacher
Miss Patricia Lauriston
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S.
Sr. Margaret Lederer, S.N.D.
Ms. Helen Lee
Mrs. Kenyon Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lee *
Mrs. Shunten J. Lee
Mr. Tsai-Ming M. Lee
Ms. Karen Leene
Ms. Rolande Legay
Mrs. Maria Alpena B.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lieb
Ms. Christina Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lin
Mr. Andrew L. Lin
Ms. Rita L. Lin
Mr. Gerald A. Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. James Linehan
Ms. Fai-Lun Ling
Mr. Bill Littlejohn
Mr. and Mrs. John Liu
Mr. John Liu
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Liu
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Liu
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Liu
Mr. Randall Lo
Mrs. Herta Lobisser
Ms. Virginia M. Lococo
Mr. Bernard Long
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Loucks
Ms. Catherine M. Low *
Mr. and Mrs. Mario A. Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J.
Lower, Jr.
Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster,
Kantor & Reed
Ms. Beatrice C. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Ms. and Mr. Valerie J. Lucio
Mrs. Lenore N. Luedemann
Mrs. Florence E. Lum
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lund
Ms. Linda Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lutz
Mr. Joseph Lynch
Mr. Edward W. Ma
Mrs. Melanie A. MacGregor *
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O.
Ms. Patricia J. Madrid
Mrs. Maria A. Madruga
Mrs. Kathy Magee
Mr. Richard N. Mahan *
Mr. Timothy E. Maher
Ms. Patricia Mahnke
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L.
Mr. and Mrs. James S.
Mandala *
Mrs. Edna Mangini
Manresa Jesuit Community
Mrs. Adrienne Mansi
Ms. Audrey N. Maretzki
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C.
Mariani *
Mrs. Mila Marlow
Mr. Robert Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl B. Martin
Ms. Eloise J. Martin
Mrs. Patricia Martin
Ms. Francisca Martinez
Mrs. Rose M. Martino
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Marty, Jr.
Dr. Robert J. Masi and Dr.
Marie B. Britz
Mrs. Jean R. Masterson
Mr. William F. Masterson, Sr.
Ms. Eleanor Matheu
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony G.
Ms. Mary Mc Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J.
McCarthy *
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J.
Mr. Walter E. McCarthy
Mr. James R. McCaughey
Mr. Charles McChesney *
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Mr. Thomas E. McCormick III
Mr. Thomas E. McCormick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
McElroy *
Mrs. Patricia M. McGarry
Mr. James McGill *
Mr. and Mrs. Noel McGinn
Annual Giving 2008 27
Mr. James C. McGinty *
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D.
McGovern *
Ms. Colleen McGuire
Ms. Mary McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A.
Miss M. Patricia McInerny *
Mr. Benjamin McIntosh
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
McKenna *
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
McKenna *
Mr. James E. McKeon *
Ms. Margaret McMackin
Mr. Edmund McMahon
Rev. Edwin M.
McMahon, Ph.D.
Mrs. M. Alice McNamara
Ms. Patricia McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. John D.
McShane *
Mr. and Mrs. Donald V.
Ms. Beverly Mecklenburg
Mr. Michael Meczka
Mrs. Magdalene Medeiros
Mrs. Susan Medina
Mrs. Mary V. Meissner *
Ms. Margaret M. Melchiore *
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F.
Meloni *
Mrs. Marie Mencarelli *
Ms. Dominica Mendoza
Mr. Josesh Meng
Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Mensing
Mr. and Mrs. George Merritt
Mr. John G. Metzger
Mr. and Mrs. Lon H. Metzger
Miss Sharon M. Meyerkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D.
Ms. Olive Michaelson *
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Micheletti
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Mrs. Mary L. Milks
Miss Mary Milla
Ms. Mary Anne Miller
Mr. and Mrs. George O. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Minshall
Mr. Mark F. Mispagel
Mrs. Eileen L. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mitchell
Mrs. Phyllis Mlinarich
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R.
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Seamon J.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mona
Mr. Donald Monaghan
Ms. HaeHyun Moon
Dr. and Mrs. David D. Moore
Mr. Ray M. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. David R.
Morelos *
Mrs. Marianne Morrisey
Mrs. Jane M. Mozolak
Ms. Suzanne Murchison
Ms. Diana Y. Murdy
Mrs. Louise Murdy
Ms. Virginia Murillo
Ms. Anne T. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W.
Murphy *
Mrs. Imogene Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah T.
Murphy, Jr.
Mrs. Marion Murphy
28 Annual Giving 2008
Mr. Paul C. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Murphy
Ms. Philomena Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B.
Mrs. Margaret Nader
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur
Najera, D.D.S. *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nalick
Mr. Tran Q. Nam and
Mrs. Yen Thi Vu *
Ms. Anne Nannery *
Mr. Eugene Neal
Mrs. Carmen Negrete *
Mr. Adam Nelson
Dr. Otto W. Neubuerger
Ms. Hoa Q. Nguyen *
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie T. Nieves *
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Nobriga
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Nores
Mrs. Audrey O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. George K.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Ms. Rose Ann O’Connor
Mr. William J. O’Connor
Ms. Marilyn L. O’Driscoll
Mrs. Marie L. O’Dwyer
Mrs. Jacqueline O’Hara
Mr. Robert Ohlman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D.
Ms. Karen O’Leary
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Olson
Ms. Geraldine D. O’Malley
Ms. Frances E. O’Neil
Mr. Michael O’Neil
Mrs. Susan O’Neill
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
O’Neill *
Ms. Alice O’Neill Avery
Ms. Mary Onetti
Ms. Margaret T. O’Reilly
Ms. Aileen C. Orlando
Mrs. Clorinda Orlovich
Mr. Ernest A. Ornellas
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ostarello
Mr. and Mrs. John Ottoboni
Ms. Marie L. Owen *
Mr. and Mrs. Burton J.
Mr. John Page
Mr. Francis J. Paiva *
Ms. Mary Pallares
Ms. Madelon L. Palma
Mr. Paul P. Pang
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pardella
Mr. Steven Pardella
Mr. John Parenti
Mrs. Dorothea A. Paris
Mr. Rick Parker
Mr. William R. Parks
Mrs. Susan E. Parodi
Ms. Mary J. Parrine
Mr. Harold Partelow *
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pavlovich
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J.
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando
Mrs. Frank Perconti
Mr. and Mrs. David Perillo
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Perino
Mr. and Mrs. Wade J. Perritt
Ms. Norma S. Pert
Mr. J.A. Pett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tupper F. Pettit
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Pfaff
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W.
Mr. and Mrs. Quang Pham
Mrs. Anna B. Phipps
Mr. Albert Pickett
Mrs. Mary H. Pidgeon *
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pierotti
Ms. Mary A. Pinkerton
Mrs. Margaret Pinto *
Miss Genevieve Plusa
Mr. John Plut
Ms. Ginger Poczatek
Ms. Julie Poimiroo
Mrs. Peggy Poindexter
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Posedel
Mr. Mark Potter
Mr. and Mrs. John Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Geza Pozsar *
Mr. Ryan I. Pratt *
Ms. Anna Preciado
Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Prieto
Mr. Albert J. Prinster
Mr. Edward Profumo
Mrs. Beverly M. Prola *
Mr. and Mrs. Dante Puccinelli
Mr. Emmet J. Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Purpura
Mr. and Mrs. William M. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rademann
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Radtke
Mr. Mitchell J. Radycki
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M.
Mr. Travis E. Rankin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rapport
Mr. Jose Rasco
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rausch
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A.
Mr. H. J. Ravizza
Fr. Patrick Rearden, O.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rebosky
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Redden *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R.
Mrs. Yvonne J. Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Louis L.
Mrs. Mary Reid
Mr. Carrison A. Reynaud, Jr. *
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J.
Ms. Clare Richels
Sr. Josephine Riordan
Mr. Edwin Rivas
Ms. Phyllis Rizzi
Ms. Pamela Robbart
Mrs. Mary Jane Roddy
Mr. Michael Roddy
Ms. Angela R. Rodriguez *
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Rodriguez
Ms. Cecile E. Rohde
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Roman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D.
Romero *
Ms. Colleen Roohan
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rosendahl
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Rossi
Ms. Marion Rosswog
Mrs. Edna M. Roth
Mr. Thomas A. Rowland
Mr. Joseph F. Roxstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Rudey *
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J.
Dr. Oscar Ruiz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Ruo *
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Ruoff
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Ryan
Ms. Joan M. Ryan
Ms. Katherine Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ryan
Mr. Dennis Saake
Mrs. Betty L. Sabyan
Lewis Sabyan †
Ms. Joanne Salak
Mr. Tony Salcido
Ms. Alice Salvado *
Ms. Liza V. San Agustin
San Buenaventura
Institute Y.L.I. #160
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Sanchez
Ms. Bertha H. Sanchez *
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Santina
Mrs. Milagros G. Santos *
Mr. Paul J. Sarbaugh III
Mr. Michael T. Sauer *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scarpelli
Miss Tosca Scatena
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R.
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Scheid
Mr. Victor E. Schelling
Ms. Linda Schiefelbein
Mr. and Mrs. James Schilling
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A.
Ms. Janet A. Schneider
Ms. Susan F. Schnieders
Mrs. Sue Schoenthaler
Mr. William Schrader *
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Schreiber
Mrs. Jean Schroeder
Ms. Pat Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L.
Schwei *
Ms. Elyse Sciutti
Mrs. Ann F. Scott
Ms. Terry Sechrist
Mr. and Mrs. John Seidel
Mr. James V. Selna
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Serenity Knolls
Ms. Dorina M. Serrao
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shambaugh
Mr. Martin Shan
Mr. Cyril P. Shaughnessy III *
Mr. Edward D. Sheetz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R.
Shewfelt *
Mr. Joseph Shiao
Mrs. Shi-Chen Shu
Mrs. Joan Siboni
Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Sicotte, Jr.
Sikand Foundation
Mrs. Virginia Silcox
Mr. Daniel Silva *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Singer
Sisters of St. Joseph - Eureka
Sisters Of The Holy Family
Ms. Karen Skidmore
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Slebir
Mr. Donald Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. Robert Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Smith III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGinn
Mr. Wendell J. Smith
Mrs. Genevieve Smolarski
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smrekar
Miss Maxine Smrekar *
Ms. Mona Snider
Mr. and Mrs. Al Sodini
Mr. Michael P. Soloby
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sorich
Mr. Juan A. Soto
Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. South
Southwest Traffic
Engineering, LLC
Mr. Karl E. Springer
St. James Convent Sisters
of I.H.M.
St. Josephs Church - Chinese
Catholic Group
Miss Patricia Staats
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Stack
Mrs. Dolores Stanford
Mrs. Ruth Stark *
Mr. James F. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. John Storm
Rev. James E. Straukamp *
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Strohn
Mr. John Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Neill J. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Mr. I. Sun
Rev. and Mrs. Paul L.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sweeney
Ms. Shirley Szeto
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Szydelko *
Ms. Bee C. Tan
Ms. Lourdes A. Tan
Mr. Solomon Tang
Ms. Barbara Temple
Ms. Catherine Teng
Mr. and Mrs. Jim L. Terry
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F.
Terry *
Ms. Florentina Teyu
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E.
Ms. Caroline M. Thomas *
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Thum, Jr.
Bill Tierney †
Mrs. Catherine Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. Edilberto
Mr. Lawrence Toller
Mrs. Teresa T. C. Tom *
Ms. Aurora Tomas
Mrs. Alvera B. Tomasello
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo A.
Torres *
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Toso
Ms. Valerie Y. Toy
Mr. Joseph Trinh
Mr. and Mrs. David R.
Tripaldi, Sr.
Mr. Robert P. Tronolone
Sr. Luis Z. Trujillo
Ms. Helen Y. Tsao
Mr. Luke Tseng
Mrs. Mary S. Tully *
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Turner
Mr. Richard Turner
Mr. and Mrs. James Tyrrell
Mr. Byron Van Alstyne *
Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Varesco
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vatuone
Ms. Donna Vaughan
Mrs. Lucy Vierra
Mr. J. M. Visbal
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S.
Visitacion *
Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Visser
Mrs. Diana L. Vriend
Ms. Mylinh Vu
Mr. Peter T. Vu
Ms. Christine R. Wagner
Dr. and Mrs. Edward B.
Waldmann *
Mrs. Daisy Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Walsh
Mrs. Victoria E. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. M. Walton
Ms. Frances M. Wan
Ms. Alern Wang
Mr. Jingling Wang
Mr. Justin C. Wang
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Wang
Ms. Lisa Wangsness
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J.
Ward, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Ms. Marian Weaver *
Mr. Robert Weber
Mr. and Mrs. James Wehan
Mrs. Gloria M. Welsh
Ms. Melinda A. Welsh
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen
Wen, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Werts
Mrs. Nita A. Westphal
Ms. Frances Whitney *
Mr. and Mrs. Chase
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Mr. Robert N. Wilber
Mrs. Sue B. Wilber
Mr. Michael Wilson
Mr. Richard Wise
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Wolf III
Mr. and Mrs. Danny C. Wong
Mr. George L. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Y. Wong
Dr. Yep H. Wong, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Terence P.
Mrs. Sharon Wright
Ms. Rosa B. Wu
Ms. Melinda Wulff *
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wurm *
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Xavier
Mr. Paul A. Xavier
Mr. Robert B. Xavier
Mr. Michael Yambra *
Mr. Peter C. Yang
Mr. Loreto G. Ybanez
Mrs. Gloria G. Ybarra and Mr.
Perry W. Morris *
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yee
Mrs. Pei Ling Yee
Mr. Peter Yee
Ms. Teresa T. Yeh
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yeung
Ms. Elisabeth Yost *
Mr. John Young
Mr. and Mrs. Hsiu K. Yu
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Yu
Mrs. Josephine Yu
Ms. Anna W. Yung
Mr. Mark M. Zangrando
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Zelko
Ms. Tara Zodrow
Mr. John Zrofsky
Membership in the Provincial
Council is conferred on
benefactors who made
gifts of $25 to $99 during
the year.
Ms. Helen K. Abbett
Mrs. Barbara Abbott
Ms. Odette Abcarius
Ms. Rosa Abdelmannan
Mrs. Jane Abela
Mr. and Mrs. John L. P. Abello
Mrs. Maryagnes Aboud
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Mrs. Isabel G. Aclan
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Acosta
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Adami
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Addiego
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Ms. Anita Agatep
Ms. Terry Aggeler
Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Agnew *
Mr. William Aguiar, Jr.
Ms. Mary Aguilando
Mr. James Akata
Mr. John T. Aldrian
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Aldrich
Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Alessini
Mr. Ronald Alexander
Mrs. Mary Allds
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Allen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Allred
Mr. Richard M. Alpiser
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Altieri
Ms. Sylvia Alvarez
Ms. Theresa Amato
Mr. Rafael M. Amezaga
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anctil
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Anctil
Mr. Arne Andersen
Ms. Dolly Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon F.
Andersen *
Ms. Jacqueline Andersen
Mrs. A. Laverne Anderson
Ms. Alice J. Anderson
Ms. June A. Anderson
Mr. Louise Anderson
Ms. Patricia M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Ms. Petra Andres
Mr. Richard Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Anstey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Antonelli, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Apple
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Arata
Mr. Manuel C. Araujo
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Arbios
Ms. Zenaida Arcos
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Arellano
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A.
Mr. Fred Arnesen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arzino
Ms. Katharyne Aschbrenner
Mr. David M. Asmuth
Mr. Harry Aubright III
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar F. Aurelio
Ms. Barbara Autry
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Miss Theresa E. Avansino
Mr. Robert B. Aveson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Babin
Ms. Claudette Babyak
Mr. Vincent Bachanas
Mr. Frank Bacon *
Mrs. Faye S. Baden
Miss Anita N. Bader
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S.
Mr. and Mrs. Guido Baffico
Mrs. June Baggiani
Ms. Ina Bahner
Mr. and Mrs. Enzo Baiocchi
Mrs. Eva M. Bair
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel
Bairos, Jr.
Mrs. Lorraine Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Baldi
Mr. William Balestra
Ms. Marta L. Ballesteros
Mrs. Shirley Ballister
Mrs. Adele U. Balmy
Mr. and Mrs. Anatole Balmy †
Ms. Patricia A. Balzano
Ms. Beverly Banks
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Baptista *
Mr. John Barandon
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Barangan
Mrs. Cecilia J. Barber
Mrs. Nancy E. Barber
Ms. Karen Barbera
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Barbieri *
Mr. David Barcklay
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A.
Mr. Philip D. Barone
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique A.
Mrs. Laverne M. BarrettMarzalek
Mr. Edward Barrier *
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W.
Mrs. Alberta Barrows
Mrs. Juana Barry
Mr. Robert Barry
Mrs. Mary E. Barstad
Mrs. Jean Barthelemy
Mrs. Isabella W. Bartholow
Ms. Paula M. Bartunek
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Basile
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Basin
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Mrs. Anita Bassetti
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J.
Bates, Jr.
Mrs. Lucia Batts
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baur
Ms. Margarita Baxter
Ms. Eileen Baylor
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Beadle
Ms. Georgette Beainy
Ms. B. L. Beall
Mr. and Mrs. William
Ms. Barbara Becker
Ms. Diane Becker
Ms. Mary G. Beer
Miss Grace D. Beezer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Behrens, Jr.
Ms. Helen Beirne
Mrs. Marie J. Belardi
Mr. and Mrs. David Bell
Mrs. Theresa B. Bell
Ms. Barbara Bell Gould
Mrs. Myrtle Belli
Mr. Larry Bellusa
Ms. Miriam Beltran *
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Beneke
Ms. Joan O. Benitez
Mrs. Barbara E. Bennett
Dr. and Mrs. John Bennett
Mrs. A. Benoist
Mrs. Kathleen Benson
Mr. Stan Benson
Mrs. Robert Bentley *
Mrs. John Benz
Mr. Richard G. Berberich *
Mrs. Margaret Bercaw
Ms. Jeanne Berger
Ms. Katherine E. Bergers
Mr. Louis Berlot
Mrs. Josephine Bernard
Dr. Andrew J. Berner, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bertolani
Mr. Gary Bertuccelli *
Mrs. Emma Bertuccio
Mrs. Adeline Bettencourt
Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro
Dr. Eugene C. Bianchi
Mrs. Shirley Bianchi
Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bilbrey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Billner
Ms. Sue Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. James T.
Birch, Jr.
Mr. Jack L. Birkholz
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin
Mr. Richard L. Bisetti
Ms. Rachel Bishar
Mr. Douglas S. Bishop
Mrs. William F. Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Ed L. Bispo
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bissen
Mr. James A. Bistirlich
Mrs. Eleanor Bizzo
Ms. Johnna Bjonerud
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Blaine
Ms. Pauline Blair
Ms. Maria C. Blandino
Mr. Christopher Bliss
Mrs. Mary Block
Mr. James A. Bloom
Mrs. Judy Blue
Mr. and Mrs. Edker W. Blythe
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Bocciardi
Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Bodkin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Bogan *
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Ms. Cathy Bogdan
Ms. Marica Bogdanich
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bogema
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bohlin
Mr. and Mrs. John Boitano
Mr. Steve Bojack
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Boland
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy A. Bolliger
Mr. Clifton L. Bollong
Ms. Christine Bologna
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. Robert Bonato
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bonavia
Ms. Elaine Bond
Mr. Richard Bone *
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bonetti
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
Mrs. Alma Bonino
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonino
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bonnel
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bononi
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E.
Mr. David Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Cosmo
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Borello
Ms. Carmen Borges *
Mrs. Elsie Borgonovo
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J.
Ms. Ann Bost
Mrs. Katherine Botelho
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bourdet
Mrs. Ana Bourke
Mrs. Helen Bove
Mrs. George Bovone
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bowen
Dr. and Mrs. Warren L.
Ms. Betty Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Ms. Rita Boyd
Mr. William S. Boyd
Mrs. Dorothy Boyer
Ms. Kathleen M. Boyle *
Mr. Thomas Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bozzo, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Braccia
Mr. and Mrs. Bob L. Bradley
Mr. Harrison J. Bradley
Mrs. Agnes Brady
Mr. and Mrs. C. Quinn
Brady, Jr.
Mr. James P. Brady
Ms. Mary Anne R. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Brady
Mr. Michael Brady
Ms. Mary J. Bragagnolo
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador M.
Braganza, Jr.
Mr. Steven Brandlin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K.
Mr. E. T. Brandon
Ms. Elaine Branston
Mrs. Angie Brawley *
Ms. Kathy Bray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brazelton
Mrs. Judy Brecheisen
Mrs. Dorothy Breen
Mrs. Barbara J. Brennan
Mr. Jack Brennan
Annual Giving 2008 29
Mr. Larry Brewster
Mr. Donald Brignolo
Mr. William E. Brincko
Mrs. Kathleen Brink
Ms. Mary E. Brink
Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Brodie
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Broms *
Mr. William Bronte
Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks
Ms. Joan Brosovic
Ms. Floma Brown *
Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown
Mrs. Virginia Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Ms. Carole Brum
Mr. John Brun
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bruni
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brunjes
Mr. Bronwyn Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bruno
Ms. Marie Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Brunson
Mr. Thomas J. Bucher
Ms. Dolores A. Buckholz
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Ms. Virginia E. Budesa
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mr. Jim Buehler
Mrs. Josie Buenaventura
Mrs. Maria Bueno
Mrs. Bernice E. Buessing *
Mrs. Dolores T. Buggy *
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Bui
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Buller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Mr. John L. Burchill
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.
Mr. Rudy Burgos
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. David W.
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Burnett
Mr. Frank C. Burriesci
Mr. Robert Buschelman
Mr. and Mrs. Richards E.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman A.
Ms. Kathy Butala
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Byrne
Ms. Katherine Byrne
Mr. Michael Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Ms. Margaret Byron
Ms. Estelita Cabrera
Mr. Richard M. Cabrera *
Mr. Joseph Cadwell
Mr. and Mrs. James Cahalan
Mr. and Ms. John P. Cahill
Ms. Lois Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo Cainto
Ms. Rosie Calabrese
Mrs. Joan L. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G.
Ms. Arlene L. Calibo
Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Callanan *
Ms. Minerva Calpotura
Mr. Jeff Calvello
Mr. and Mrs. Armand
30 Annual Giving 2008
Mr. and Mrs. John Camarena
Cameron Thornton Associates
Darlene Camilleri
Ms. Theresa M. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M.
Mr. Amador A. Campos
Mr. and Mrs. George Camps
Ms. Bernice Canavese
Ms. Mary E. Candee
Ms. Jona Canido
Ms. Catherine Cannata
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Ms. Aurora R. Canon
Ms. Lillian A. Canton
Ms. Anne Capra
Ms. Mary A. Capurro *
Ms. Judith A. Caputo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P.
Mr. and Mrs. David Caracciolo
Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Caralli
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mrs. Celina Caravantes
Mr. and Mrs. George P.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carcione
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W.
Carcione, Jr.
Ms. Madeline Carcione †
Ms. Violeta R. Carig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carini
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Carl
Mr. Richard Carlo
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Carlucci
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Carneiro
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Don Carpenter *
Mr. Robert C. Carpenter
Mrs. Carolyn Carr
Mr. Chris W. Carr
Mrs. Gloria Carrick
Mr. Martin Carrick
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carrillo
Ms. Catherine E. Carroll
Ms. Maria Carson
Ms. Alice C. Carter
Mr. Gary A. Carter, D.D.S.
Ms. Helene Cartwright
Casa Teresa
Ms. Pamela Casaudoumecq
Mrs. Donna Casci
Ms. Betty J. Casentini
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Caserza
Ms. Helen Cashen
Mrs. Mary L. Cashin
Mrs. Cheryl A. Cashman
Mr. John G. Cashman *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Casper
Ms. Angie Cassavant-Lawless
Mr. and Mrs. Francois A.
Ms. Rosemarie Castagnola
Mr. and Mrs. Gaspar Castell
Mrs. Val Castillon
Ms. Marian Catedral-King
Mrs. Barbara H. Cavers
Ms. Gloria L. Celaya
Mr. Eugene Celillo
Mr. Frank Cepollina
Ms. Tina B. Cerini
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V.
Mr. and Mrs. Diego Certa
Mr. Michael F. Cetinich
Mr. Vincent Cetta
Mr. and Mrs. Phi Chaboya
Mrs. Helen Chaix
Mrs. Elene R. Chamberlain
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Ms. Veronica D. Chambers
Ms. Clara Chan
Ms. Martha K. Chan
Ms. Celeste F. Chann
Mr. Andre Chapdelaine
Ms. Mary Chapparo
Ms. Margaret B. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Cheda
Mrs. Annie M. Chen
Ms. Betty Chen
Mr. Cris C. Chen
Mr. Paul Cheng
Ms. Margaret Chew
Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Ms. Christiana Yen Yen Ching
Ms. Frances H. Chisholm
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Chiu
Mr. Joe Choen-Lian
Mr. and Mrs. Chien-Wei Chou
Mr. and Mrs. Li-peng Chou
Ms. Loyola M. Choyce *
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy N.
Mr. Richard Christen *
Ms. Maria B. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Chrusciel *
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chu
Ms. Wen H. Chueh
Ms. Rowena Chun
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cilia
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cioth
Mr. Anthony J. Cirone
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Ms. Mary Clancy
Ms. Dolores Clark
Mrs. Monica J. Clark
Ms. Rita C. Clark
Ms. Donna Clarke
Ms. Kay Clarke
Mr. Melvin Clarke
Mr. Thomas E. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Clay
Mr. William Cleaver, Sr.
Ms. Beverly J. Clemo
Mr. Richard Clever
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Clifton
Mr. W.B. Clinch
Ms. Nina Clinton
Mr. Richard T. Clinton
Ms. Patricia Cloonan
Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Closter, Jr.
Ms. Cathleen M. Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Codiga
Mrs. Delphine Coelho
Mrs. Desiree Coelho
Mr. and Mrs. Tony E. Coelho
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Coggiola *
Mrs. Carmel Coghlan
Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E.
Mr. Donald Coleman
Ms. Marilyn M. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Collins
Miss Christine E. Collins
Mr. James E. Collins
Ms. Joanne Collins
Ms. Julia J. Collins
Ms. Rita J. Collins
Mr. Terence M. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Colton
Ms. Kathleen Commons
Ms. Sheila Conant
Mrs. Marie Condencia
Ms. Nancy A. Condon
Ms. Suzanne J. Condren
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Congregation of the Humility
of Mary
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Conklin
Mr. James Conley †
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Connell
Ms. Dorothy Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Connolly
Dr. and Mrs. John Connolly
Mr. Kevin Connolly
Ms. Judith Connors
Mr. James W. Conrad
Ms. Catherine S. Contreras
Ms. Cheryl Conway
Mr. Joseph E. Conway
Ms. Meli Cook
Mr. and Mrs. John Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. David Cooney
Mrs. Priscilla Coonis
Mr. Joseph A. Cooper
Mr. Lary Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. James Corbett
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Corbett
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney V. Corder
Mr. Greg Cordes
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cordoni
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cornellier
Mr. Greg Corning
Miss Cristi Corpus
Ms. Phyllis Corrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cosce
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Cosio
Ms. Betty J. Cosmos
Mr. Frank Costa
Mr. John Costa
Ms. Janice Costella
Ms. Claire Costello
Mrs. Donna Costello
Ms. Katherine A. Costello
Mr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Costin
Miss Marie Cote
Sr. Teresa Cotter *
Mr. Victor D. Coupez
Mr. and Mrs. John Courtney
Ms. Maxine Coutts
Mrs. Marilyn C. Covey
Mrs. Rita Cownie
Mrs. Gloria Cox
Mr. and Mrs. James Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Michael I. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. William Cox
Mr. Theodore Crane
Mr. William Cranham
Mrs. Roseanne Crawford
Mr. Joseph A. Crede
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Crespi
Mr. Kevin P. Crily
Sr. Mary Crimmins, O.P.
Ms. Lilianne Croaro
Mr. Brian Crompton
Mrs. Dorothy M. Cronin
Mr. Joe Cronin
Ms. Mary Cronover
Mr. Thomas C. Crosby *
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P.
Mr. Francisco T. Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cryan
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Csiszar
Mr. and Ms. Francisco Cuadra
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cuddihy
Mrs. Marlene Cukar
Ms. Susan Culazzo
Ms. Beverly Culbertson
Ms. Bianca M. Culbertson
Mr. Edward R. Cull
Mrs. Vivian Cullen
Ms. Eileen Culleton
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Culligan
Mrs. Fatima B. Cullinane
Ms. Lois P. Cullum
Mrs. Ethel Cummings
Ms. Patricia A. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Daher
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dalby
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dallara
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Mrs. Rita Dalton
Mrs. Thomas Daly
Mr. Harry J. Damkar
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Damonte
Ms. Seana Daniel
Ms. Dee Danna
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D’Anna
Mrs. Frank D’Antonio
Ms. Saramae Davaz
Mrs. Mary Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Davey
Ms. Joan Davey
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis
Mr. Robert J. Davis
Mrs. Eda Daze
Mr. Edward De Antoni
Mrs. Pat De Bruyn
Mr. Ernest De Ferrari
Ms. Donna M. De Gravina
Ms. Rosemary De Gregorio
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J.
De La Mora
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin
De La Mora
Ms. Patty De Leon
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
De Louise
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M.
De Luna
Ms. Pamela De Mahy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
De Maria
Mrs. Catherine De Martini
Mr. Richard De Martini
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
De Mattei
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. De Mito
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De Silva
Mr. Douglas De Volder
Mrs. Louise C. Deasy
Mrs. Patricia C. Deatherage
Ms. Sharon M. DeBriere
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Mr. and Mrs. John Deetz
Mrs. Lori Degliantoni
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J.
Del Barba
Ms. Kathy Del Grande
Ms. Elia R. Del Llano
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M.
Del Papa
Mrs. Grace H. Delagnes
Miss Georgette A. Delclaux
Mrs. Montserrat S.
DelGallego *
Ms. Lorraine T. D’Elia
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard V.
Mr. Robert F. Delpippo
Mrs. Pauline Delsol
Mr. and Mrs. Cesare
Demartini *
Ms. Verna M. DeMartis
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Demito
Ms. Laura Demmler
Ms. Peggy Dempsey
Mrs. Margaret M. Denison
Ms. S. Gloria Dennis
Ms. Mary L. Deos
Mrs. Jeanne Depons
Ms. Julanne Desmond
Ms. Miriam A. Detert
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo R.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Devine
Mrs. Rosemary R. Dewhirst
Mrs. Alice C. Dews
Mr. and Mrs. Marco Di Gino
Mrs. Mary Di Marco
Dial M, Inc.
Ms. Mollie Dietsch
Mr. Giuseppe Digrande
Mr. and Mrs. Murray C. Dill
Mr. Donald Diluzio
Mrs. Loretta Dinardo
Mr. Thanh Mai Thi Dinh
Mr. Van T. T. Dinh
Mr. Gary Dito
Ms. Patricia L. Dito
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Ditto
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Doherty
Ms. Mary F. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dolan
Ms. Veronica Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Dolcini
Mrs. Virginia Dold
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Dolen
Mr. Eduardo Dominguez
Mrs. Agnes D. Donahue
Ms. Dolores Donahue *
Mr. and Mrs. John Donahue
Mr. Louis Donato
Mrs. Mary Donatoni
Mr. Larry Donohue
Ms. Pearl D. Donohue *
Mr. Jon Donovan
Ms. Mary T. Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dooling
Ms. Cindy Dorovi
Mr. John Doty
Mr. H. Dougherty
Mrs. Thomas Dowd
Mrs. Celeste Dowling
Mrs. Jean Doyle
Ms. Jean Drahmann
Mrs. Mary Ann Draye
Mrs. Rose Drewek
Mr. and Mrs. Jere J. Driscoll
Ms. Marge Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Druding
Dr. Bernard J. Drury
Mr. Roy A. Drury
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Duarte
Ms. Lorenza Duarte
Ms. Gigi Dubois
Ms. Mary Ducote
Mr. John F. Dudley
Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Duenas
Mr. Donal Duffy
Ms. Patricia Dugan
Sr. Catherine Duignan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V.
Ms. Marie A. Dulcich
Mrs. Marcelina Dumlao
Ms. Yolanda Duncan
Mr. Dermot Dundon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Dunn
Mr. Frank Dunnigan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DuPont
Ms. Barbara Durand
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Durand
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Dutra
Ms. Lauraine T. Dwyer
Mr. Lawrence L. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Early
Ms. Anne M. Eaton
Ms. Sarah Ebel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Eccles
Ms. Mary E. Eckerle
Ms. Mary L. Edano
Mrs. Douglas Edwards
Mr. Robert Egisti
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Eifert
Mrs. Eva Eldridge
Mr. Larry Elfelt
Mrs. Dorothy M. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Elliot
Mrs. Rosemary Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. Armine Ellwein
Mr. Francis R. Emmett
Ms. Sally Emmett Anderson
Ms. Tracey Enfantino
Mr. Wade Engelson
Mrs. Lauretta Engh *
Ms. Helen Englert
Mrs. Marilyn English
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Enright
Mr. Alfred Enriquez *
Mr. Renald B. Eon *
Ms. Beverly Eriksson
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Escallier
Ms. Joanne Escobar
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Thorleif E. Evjen
Mrs. William H. Eyler *
Mr. Albert Fabilli
Ms. Audrey K. Faeth
Mrs. Teresa Fagundes
Ms. Stella Fallo
Mrs. Ann Fallon
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Fallon †
Mr. William Fallon
Mr. Edward J. Faltersack
Families of Italian Lineage
Ms. Mary F. Faupel
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Favale
Mrs. Maria Fedele
Ms. Barbara Feduska
Mr. Edward Fehrenbacher
Sr. Grace Feldhaus, P.B.V.M.
Mr. Lee Felice
Mrs. Sue Felton
Mrs. Eleanor Fenton
Mrs. Doris Fernandes
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fernandes
Mr. and Mrs. Julio A.
Ms. Zenaida R. Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ferrari
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferrari
Ms. Clara Ferrari
Mrs. Letitia D. Ferrari
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Ferrari
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A.
Mrs. Donna Ferrari Hamilton
Mrs. Mae Ferraro
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ferraro †
Mr. J.A. Ferrasci
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ferrasci
Mrs. Eva Ferrero
Mrs. Rita Ferretti *
Mr. Chuck Ferrier
Mr. Walter Ferriowyz
Mrs. Joan Ferroggiaro
Mrs. Elsie Fery
Mrs. Virginia Fetter
Ms. Stella S. Fiala
Mr. and Mrs. Augustus C.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip K. Fife
Mr. Bob Figone
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Figoni, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Figueira, Jr.
Mr. John Finnegan
Dr. Barbara S. Fiori
First Way Of Maricopa County
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Fischer
Mrs. Jean M. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Fischer *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Fish
Ms. Ashley Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fisher
Mr. Michael J. Fisher
Mr. Frederick B. Fisk
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitzpatrick
Mr. James L. Fitzpatrick
Mr. John Fitzpatrick
Ms. Maria Fitzpatrick
Mr. James E. Fitzsimmons
Mrs. Lucia R. Flaherty
Mrs. Karen Flansburg
Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming
Mr. E. N. Fletcher
Rev. Don D. Flickinger
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Flohr
Ms. Laverne Flonteny
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Flynn †
Ms. Margaret M. Flynn
Dr. Robert E. Flynn
Ms. Cheri Foley
Ms. Kathleen Foley
Mr. Armand Fontaine †
Mrs. S. K. Fontaine
Mr. Eugene Foo
Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Forbes
Ms. Janet L. Forbes
Ms. Mary Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Connor T. Ford
Ms. Maria T. Formoso
Ms. Julie Fornasero
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Forrest
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fosse
Mr. John W. Foster
Mrs. Maureen C. Foster
Mr. Paul Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Foster
Mrs. Betty Fotis
Ms. Jilma Fournier
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P.
Mrs. Aurelia Fraguglia
Ms. Rita Fraguglia
Mr. Blaine J. Fraker
Mr. Sidney Francies
Mrs. Carmen D. Francois
Mr. Robert E. Francois
Mr. and Mrs. John Franklin
Mr. E. F. Frantz *
Mrs. Alice H. Fray
Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Fredrick
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fregulia
Mrs. Helen Freitas
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J.
Ms. Violet Frevert
Ms. Susan Frey
Ms. Elaine Fries
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Frietzsche
Ms. Alice J. Frisch
Ms. Mary Ann C. Fugiel
Mrs. Ronald Fulmer
Mr. and Mrs. Danny L.
Mrs. Madeline H. Furr
Mrs. William F. Gabrielli
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Gador
Ms. Esther M. Gaffney
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gaggero
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Sr. M. Michaeline Gahwolf
Mr. and Mrs. Louis M.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Galea
Mrs. Gloria Galeotti
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gallagher
Mrs. Nancy Gallagher
Ms. Olga Gallegos
Mr. Frank E. Galli
Ms. Nancy Galli
Mrs. Barbara A. Gallmann
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Gallon
Ms. Patricia Galloway
Ms. Dorothy Gallup
Ms. Helene M. Gann
Mrs. Rita Gannon
Mrs. Mary D. Ganson
Mr. Guadalupe Garcia
Ms. Nora R. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Garcia
Mrs. Marie Gardiner
Mrs. Doris A. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gareis
Mrs. Mary V. Garrett
Ms. Mary C. Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Garzoli
Mrs. Martha J. Gaspich
Ms. Glodean Gates
Mrs. Barbara A. Gay
Ms. Dorothy Gazarian
Ms. Frances Geddo
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gee
Ms. Winifred M. Gegg
Ms. Linda M. Gemello
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Genco
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gennaro
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary George
Mr. and Mrs. Marcel George
Ms. Josephine Geraci
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Geraci
Sr. Mechtilde Gerber
Dr. Don German
Ms. Maxine Gersh-Kaltman
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Gettman
Ms. Berta Gharrity
Mrs. Lorraine Giacchi
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Gianni
Ms. Diana Gianni
Mrs. Mary A. Giannini
Mr. Peter Giannini †
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
Ms. Dorothy M. Gibney
Mr. Brent D. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Gibson
Mrs. Johanna Gibson
Mr. Richard Gierke
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F.
Mrs. Sharon Gilbert
Mr. Richard W. Gilchrist
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilham
Mr. John Gill
Mrs. Phyllis A. Gillespie
Ms. Emma Gilmetti
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilmore
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Giluso
Ms. Genevieve Giordano
Mr. Bruno Giorgi
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Giovacchini
Dr. Louise C. Giovannoni *
Mrs. Louise R. Giovannoni
Mrs. Dixieanna F. Girard
Ms. Helen Girardi
Girardi Bearing Company
Mrs. Lois C. Girardot
Mr. Jack Girot
Ms. Jane M. Gisevius
Miss Dina Giusti
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Glaza
Mrs. Kathleen Gless
Mrs. Mary J. Gloistein
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W.
Gloistein, Jr.
Ms. Barbara A. Glynn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H.
Mr. Marty Godfrey
Miss Joanne V. Goheen
Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson
Going, Jr. *
Mrs. Marylou Golden
Ms. Janet E. Golla
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R.
Ms. Lucille Gomes
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gonsalves
Mr. Paul K. Gonzalez-Rugg
Mr. and Mrs. James Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Ms. Wilma Goodwin *
Sr. Maria Goretti
Mr. and Mrs. Laclede Gorfain
Mr. Angelo P. Gori
Mr. Robert A. Gorini
Ms. Mary C. Gorman
Ms. Corinne M. Gosik
Dr. Larry Gossack
Mrs. Marjorie Goswitz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis W.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson W.
Gould IV
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T.
Gowanlock *
Dr. Ronald Gowey
Mrs. W.M.P. Gowring
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Ms. Arlene Graca
Mr. Larry Graham
Mr. Loran Graham
Mr. Robert Grammig
Mrs. Maxine Gransbury
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Grant
Annual Giving 2008 31
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R.
Ms. Judith Grassilli
Mrs. Maureen B. Graybeal
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Grech
Mr. and Mrs. Enes Greco
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grego
Ms. Mary Gregory
Ms. Josephine H. Gremett
Sr. M. Grenham
Mr. Preston Gresham
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gretz
Ms. Carol K. Griffin
Mr. Robert Griley
Mrs. Hannah Grilli
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gross
Mr. and Mrs. David Grubbs
Miss Georga A. Grupe
Mr. and Mrs. Sal J. Guardino
Ms. Gloria Guerrero
Ms. Margaret Guiffrida
Mr. Henry Gularte
Ms. Karen Guldan
Mr. Charles P. Gullo, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy E.
Gunderson *
Mrs. Ann Gurrola
Mr. Ernesto Gutierrez
Mrs. T. Gutt
Mr. and Mrs. James Gwinner
Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Mr. James N. Hackett
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Haden
Ms. Katherine Haderlein
Ms. Patricia M. Hadfield
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Haggerty
Mrs. Ednamarie Haggerty
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Haines
Ms. Patricia Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar F. Hainley
Mrs. Betty Ann Hake
Mr. Douglas Hale
Ms. Marie Haley
Ms. Eleanor K. Hall
Mr. Gregory Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hall
Mr. Howard C. Halla
Mrs. Josephine Hallinan
Mr. and Mrs. Gunilla
Mrs. Shirley Hamil
Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton
Ms. Patricia Hamilton
Mrs. Dorothy Hampton
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hampton
Mr. Jack L. Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Handy
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Hanel
Ms. Maria E. Hank
Law Offices of Daniel E.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hanley
Mr. Jerome B. Hannigan
Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hansel
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harais
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hardie
Ms. Colleen Hardy
Dr. Thomas Hargrove
Mrs. Susan L. Harless
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Harp
Mr. Oliver Harper
32 Annual Giving 2008
Mrs. Lorraine Harrell
Ms. Diane Harrington
Mr. Michael Harrington
The Honorable and Mrs.
Richard G. Harris
Mr. Wayne L. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B.
Mrs. Mary Helen Hart
Mr. Walter Hartinger
Mrs. William Hartz
Mr. and Mrs. Averill O.
Mrs. Gigi Harvey
Ms. Jeanne P. Harvey
Ms. Kathleen Harvey
Mr. Thomas D. Harvey, Jr.
Ms. Kimberly Hasenberg
Mrs. Thomas Hastings
Mrs. Maureen Hauck
Ms. Janice Haus
Mr. Gerard Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. James Healy
Mrs. Jane Healy
Mrs. Julia C. Healy *
Mrs. Betty Heaton
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Heckler
Ms. Barbara Hee *
Ms. Kimberly S. Hee
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Heebner
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Heggli
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Heinen
Mr. and Mrs. Victor E.
Mr. John J. Helmick *
Ms. Elizabeth Helms
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Helms
Mr. Louis J. Helmuth
Mr. and Mrs. Emil F. Helweg
Ms. Beverly J. Hendon
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Heney
Mrs. Mary Heney
Mr. Joseph L. Henneman †
Ms. Lenore Hennessy *
Ms. Annita Henzie *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Herber
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R.
Ms. Alou Hernandez
Mrs. Christine Hernandez
Ms. Pamela Herold
Ms. Barbara Herrera
Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Herrera
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E.
Ms. Maria Hess
Mrs. Doria Hessler
Mr. Raymond E. Heytens
HGC Imports, Inc.
Mrs. Patricia Hickey
Dr. Paul Hiemenz
Mr. and Mrs. F. Higgins
Ms. Georgianna M. Higson
Mr. David Hill *
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hill, Jr.
Ms. Keith, Kris Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Bill D. Hinkle
Ms. Elodie T. Ho
Mr. Bill Hoang
Mr. Tiep T. Hoang
Ms. Tiffany T. Hoang
Mr. James Hockin
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A. Hodges
Mr. Tim Hodson
Ms. Andrea Hoeffner
Mr. and Mrs. Franz
Mr. Terry Hoeschler
Ms. Carolyn A. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Ms. Sylvia Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C.
Mr. and Mrs. James Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Ms. Barbara J. Holleran
Mrs. Mary E. Holleran
Ms. Marie T. Holleron
Mrs. Margaret E. Hollywood
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W.
Mrs. Elmo Holsten
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D.
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Ms. Irene Homer
Mrs. Annie Hong
Mrs. Florence Honore
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Hopkins
Ms. Marjorie S. Hopper
Sr. Kathleen Horgan
Mrs. Vernon T. Hornback, Jr.
Mrs. Louise Hotchkiss
Mr. Richard A. Hovey *
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Howell
Mrs. Josephine Hoyer
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hsu
Mrs. Der-Li Hsu
Ms. Liliana Hsueh-Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Y.
Mrs. Nancy Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L.
Mr. Dan Hughes
Mrs. John Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hughes
Mrs. Rose R. Hughes
Ms. Eva L. Hui-Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hulett
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hulsebosch
Mrs. Evelyn Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Hurley *
Mr. Mike Hurley
Ms. Diane Huttinger
Mrs. Gail Hyde
Mr. Leo B. Hyde †
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Iliff
Sr. Mary Imelda
Ms. Lee Imperiale (Luckett)
Mr. Peter A. Imsand
Ms. Naomi M. Ineas
Mr. and Mrs. Ugo Innocenti
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Isaeff
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Isola
Mrs. Borgia Izard
Ms. Mary A. Jacks
Ms. Mary R. Janezic
Ms. Cheri Jasinski
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A.
Ms. Precious L. Javier
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Jay
Miss Lori Jedda
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Jepson
Mrs. C A. Jogoleff †
Ms. Bette Johnson
Mrs. Betty J. Johnson
Ms. Constance Johnson
Mr. George Johnson †
Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwin E.
Johnson *
Mrs. Irma Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson
Ms. Joan D. Johnson
Mrs. Mary Jean Johnson
Mrs. Monica R. Johnson
Mr. Richard Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Johnson
Ms. Rosemarie F. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Johnson
Ms. Susan Johnson
Mrs. Verna Johnson
Ms. Carol E. Jones
Ms. Ethel Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jonsen
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jonsson
Mr. Michael J. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jovick
Sr. Maura Judge, C.S.J.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Kachiu
Mr. Gerald Kaffer, Jr.
Ms. Helen Kagan
Dr. and Mrs. Hideo P.
Kageyama, M.D.
Mrs. Janice I. Kahl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kahle
Mr. Alan E. Kahn
Mr. Robert Kaifer
Ms. Barbara Kain
Ms. Beverly Kalmbach
Mrs. Sonoko V. Kamidoi
Mrs. Aileen Kandel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kane
Mr. and Mrs. William Karr
Mrs. Trudy Kaun
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Kavale *
Ms. Ida Kaye
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond J.
Patricia Marie Kearin †
Mrs. Ann P. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keating
Mrs. Carol Keefe
Mr. James W. Keefer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keenan
Miss Mary Keenan
Miss Patricia Keenan
Ms. Judith Kehoe
Ms. Rose A. Kehoe
Mr. Jerome R. Kelley *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kelly
Mrs. James F. Kelly †
Mr. James Kelly, Jr.
Mr. Thomas Kelly
Ms. Velma Kelly
Ms. Judith A. Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.
Ms. Maureen Kennelly
Ms. Mary E. Kenney *
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kenney
Ms. Almarinda G. Kersh
Mr. Michael Khouri
Mrs. Helen Kiang
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kiernan
Ms. Barbara Kilkelly
Miss Anne Kimble
Ms. Donna L. Kincannon
Ms. Cheryl L. King
Mr. James King
Ms. Janna King
Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. King
Mr. Thomas King
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Kinnaird
Mrs. Laura Kinnard
Mr. Robert C. Kinne
Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Kinnerup, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kirby
Ms. Andrea L. Kirsch
Mrs. Jacquelyn Kivley
Mr. Dennis Klain
Ms. Patricia Kleinschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E.
Mrs. Josephine R. Klingler *
Sr. Francis Rose Klos
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P.
Mr. Laurence J. Knight
Mr. Paoshu Ko *
Ms. Judy L. Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. William Koenig
Ms. Kathleen Koeplin
Ms. Ann Kofron
Mr. Gene Koll
Mr. Frank Koncel
Mr. and Mrs. George Kopchik
Mrs. Martha Kopp
Mr. and Mrs. Girish Koppikar
Mrs. Thomas Koppy
Mrs. Jean Korn
Mrs. Sarah Korte
Mrs. Marcia Kostielney
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Kotey
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kotval
Ms. Dolores R. Kouba
Mr. John Koval *
Ms. Cecilia T. Kovalcik
Sr. Maxine Kraemer, R.S.C.J.
Mr. Peter J. Kraljev
Mr. John L. Kramer
Ms. Lois J. Krause
Ms. Nancy Kresek
Ms. Norma Kristovich
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Kroger
Mr. and Mrs. John Krolo
Mr. and Mrs. George
Ms. Rita Kronenberg
Mrs. Helen Kruger
Ms. Mary Kundich
Dr. Walter Kushnir, Ph.D.
Mr. W. E. Kutz
Ms. Maria Kwan
Mr. Frank Kwok
Mrs. Cecilia S. Kwolek
Miss M. Margaret La Chica *
Ms. Gertrude La Fia
Mrs. Lucina La Grange
Mr. James L. La Zansky
Mr. Patrick Lacey
Miss Ida Lagrutta
Ms. Lourdes Lagua *
Ms. Elaine Lahey
Mrs. Roberta C. Lai
Mrs. Teresa Lai
Ms. Maggie Lais
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Ms. Helen Lamm
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R.
Ms. Carol Lancaster
Ms. Ann Landels
Mrs. Lora Landeros
Ms. Elisa P. Langman
Mr. and Mrs. Tharan J. Lanier
Mrs. Kathleen A. Lanzarotta
Mr. Nickolas Lapenna
Mr. and Mrs. John Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Larrea
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Larson
Ms. Mary Larwood
Sr. Mary LaSalette, O.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Latham
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lathrop
Mrs. Corrine Laureno
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lauriente
Mrs. Marie S. Lauro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lavette
Ms. Rose M. Lavezzo
Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Laviano
Mr. Yu-Pak Law
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Ms. Rosemary A. Lawrence
Mr. Samir Lawrence
Mrs. George H. Lawton
Ms. Carol Lazzarino
Ms. Sally Le Corvec
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leach
Mr. Tony E. Leanos
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lee
Mr. Hector Lee
Mrs. Joseph A. Lee
Mrs. Rose Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J.
Ms. Rena Legge
Mrs. Geraldine Lehan
Ms. Farelyn Lehane
Mrs. Jack Lehberg
Ms. Norma C. Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leipsic
Mr. Robert Lemire
Mrs. Carolyn R. Lemon *
Mr. and Mrs. William Lenihan
Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Leonard *
Mr. John Leonard
Ms. Margaret C. Leonard
Mrs. Fern Leonardini
Ms. Janet Lettang
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Leutza
Mr. Dario Levaggi
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lew
Mr. Alwyn Lewis
Ms. Lavina E. Lewis
Ms. Leona Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador A.
Mrs. Barbara Liggins
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C.
Mr. Albert F. Lille
Mr. Reynaldo Limjoco
Mr. Joseph Linchey
Mrs. Josephine C. Linde
Mrs. Kristin M. Linden
Mr. Kenneth Linhares
Mrs. Marylou A. LinsteadtGolden
Col. and Mrs. Carl Little
Ms. Rita Little
Mr. William Litzinger
Mrs. Lourdes Llaneza
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Llewellyn
Mr. Anthony Lloyd
Mr. Kuokkhian Lo
Mr. Frank Locicero III
Mrs. Katherine Lococo
Ms. Claudia Locsin
Ms. Helen N. Lodgek
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Loftus
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lohr
Mrs. Irene Lomas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mrs. Barbara J. Longinotti
Mrs. Elyse Longo
Ms. Constance Lonich
Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn
Lopes, Sr.
Ms. Constanza G. Lopez
Mr. Lupe Lopez
Mr. Richard Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J.
Mrs. Patricia Lorne
Mrs. Gail A. LoSchiavo
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Louchis
Ms. Elizabeth F. Lourdeaux
Ms. Cynthia C. Love
Mrs. Honora Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lowry III
Mrs. Beverly Loyd
Mr. Joseph Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lucey *
Mr. Patrick D. Lucey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lucia
Ms. Lydia Luciano
Mrs. Norma Luciano
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lucido
Mr. Jose Lugo
Mrs. Rosemarie Luis
Mrs. Marie Lukes
Ms. Arleen P. Lum Lee
Mrs. Guy Lumsden
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lussier
Ms. Joyce Lux
Mrs. Beatrice A. Lynch
Mrs. Carol Lynch
Mrs. Daniel Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lynch
Mrs. Mary Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Lynch, Jr.
Ms. Jo-anne Lyndon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Lynn
Mr. James H. Lynn
Mrs. and Mr. Catherine Lyons
Dr. and Mrs. Placido V. J.
Macaraeg, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron MacDonald
Ms. Sandra Macedo
Mrs. Lydia Macias
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Macis
Ms. Vivian M. Mackey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent
Ms. Mary T. Madden
Mr. Robert J. Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B.
Mr. Alberto Madrid
Dr. Antonio D. Madrid, Ph.D.
Mrs. Marie Madruga
Ms. Jessica Magaldi
Mr. Alfred F. Maggini
Mrs. Celia Maglione
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Maguire
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F.
Mr. Timothy P. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward V.
Mahoney, Jr.
Mrs. William Mahoney † *
Mr. William D. Mahoney
Ms. Kathy A. Malik
Judge and Mrs. Robert M.
Ms. Maureen Malley
Ms. Katharyne A. Malloy
Mrs. Elaine E. Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Malone
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Maloney
Ms. Judith A. Malsbury
Mrs. Georgette Mammini
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mandt
Mr. Ross Manelli
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Manini
Ms. Laura Mann
Mr. Joseph A. Mannina
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mannina
Mrs. Joseph Manning
Mrs. Susan Manzo
Ms. Monique H. Mao
Ms. Kimberly Marcelo
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marchetti
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Marchi
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Maricle
Mrs. Mary Marion
Sr. Regina Marion, I.H.M.
Mrs. Elaine Marnell
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. Ponciano Marquez
Ms. Barbara Marre
Mr. Phillip Marsala
Mrs. Martha Marshel
Mrs. Rose-Marie Marsullo
Ms. Virginia M. Martens
Mr. Giuseppe Martignetti
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Martin
Ms. Joan Martin
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Martin
Ms. M. Christine Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin
Mr. Ron Martin
Mr. Shane P. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Tevis P. Martin
Sr. Therese Martin, D.M.J.
Ms. Rosemary Martinet
Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Martinez *
Mr. and Mrs. John Martinez *
Ms. Barbara Martini
Mr. Robert F. Martini
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Marty
Mr. Laurence A. Marzari *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Masek
Ms. Linda Masini
Mrs. Pierina A. Maso
Ms. Jacqueline Mason
Mr. Patrick Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Mrs. Lisa Ann Mathews-Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mathias
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mattioli
Mr. Paul Mattli
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B.
Ms. Susan E. Mattos
Ms. Darlene Mattson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Maxwell
Ms. Marie A. Mayeski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayol
Mrs. Olga Mazgai
Ms. Melanie J. Mazur
Mrs. Grace Mazzaferri
Mr. Joseph Mazzaferri †
Ms. Catherine J. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
McAleese *
Ms. Doris McBride
Ms. Cathy McCabe
Ms. Gerri McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCabe *
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence
Ms. Lynn McCaffrey-Powell
Mrs. Clare M. McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCann
Miss Eleanor McCarthy
Ms. Mary McCarthy *
Ms. Marylin McCarthy
Mrs. Teresa M. McClean
Ms. Roberta McConahey
Mr. Mark McConville
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McCormick
Mr. Robert McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett V.
Mrs. Hope E. McCracken
Mr. and Mrs. John McCreary †
Ms. Patricia McCuen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P.
Mrs. Kathleen McDermott
Mr. Tom McDermott
Ms. Alice M. McDevitt *
Mrs. Florence C. McDonald
Mrs. George McDonald
Mr. George E. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Ms. Carmel A. McDonnell
Miss Donna M. McDonnell
Ms. Mary Jo McDonnell
Mrs. Phyllis McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDowell
Mrs. Rosemary McFadden
Ms. Susan McFadden
Mr. Rich McGough
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mrs. Jack McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Margaret L. McGregor
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
McInerney, Jr.
Mrs. Barbara McKay
Ms. Barbara McKay
Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Mr. Arthur McKeon III
Mr. and Mrs. John F. McKeon
Ms. Anne B. McKinley
Ms. Carol A. McKnight
Mr. and Mrs. John R. McLane
Mrs. Dorothy McLaughlin
Mr. John F. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R.
McMorrow, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe McMyler
Dr. Barry McNamara
Mrs. Mary McNamara
Ms. Maryanne McNamara
Ms. Margaret M. McNeil
Ms. Kathleen McRoskey
Mrs. Joanne McShane
Ms. Mary P. McSweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Meagher †
Mrs. Virginia M. Meagher
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Meany
Dr. Mary A. Meck
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Ms. Mary E. Meissner
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde B.
Melander *
Melanson Family Foundation
Mr. Michael Melle
Mr. and Mrs. James Mellenger
Mrs. Isabelle Mellerup
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Mellon
Dr. Steven J. Mellon, Jr.
Mr. William J. Melvin
Ms. Janet Mendelsohn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V.
Mrs. Kathryn Mendesh
Ms. Ellen Mendez
Ms. Juliana Mendez *
Ms. Eva Mendonca
Ms. Sara Mendoza
Miss Vilma Mendoza
Ms. Isabella Menesini
Mr. and Mrs. Henri D.
Mrs. Marian M. Merandi
Ms. Betty C. Merfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Merlino
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Ms. Irma Mesterhazy
Ms. Mary L. Meusel
Mrs. Jacqueline J. Meyer
Ms. Mary Ann Meyers
Mr. Michael P. Micanko
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J.
Mr. Robert H. Michaud
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Michel
Ms. Diane Micheli
Miss Rena Micossi
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Migler
Mr. and Mrs. David Mignano
Ms. Donna Miguelgorry
Ms. Marianne M. Mika
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Milcovich
Mr. Robert Mildbrandt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Milla *
Ms. Bernadette Miller
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Miller
Mrs. Nancy Miller
Mrs. Rose Marie Miller
Mrs. Louise Millican
Ms. Catherine Millnamow
Mrs. Rose Milon
Mr. Rob R. Minister
Ms. Elaine Miram
Ms. Evelyn Mironack
Ms. Maureen Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Warren J.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mobeck
Mrs. Mary Ann Mohr
Mrs. Barbara Moir
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Mrs. Diana Mongini
Mrs. Matthew Monise
Ms. Agnes Moniz
Mr. Stephen C. Monka, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia Moody
Mrs. Lorraine Moore
Annual Giving 2008 33
Ms. Arleen Moors
Mrs. Socorro Morales
Dr. E. Terrance Moran
Ms. Irene E. Moran
Mr. John Moran
Mrs. Ada L. Morando
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Morea
Miss Carmen D. Morello
Miss Mary A. Morello
Ms. Geraldine Morena
Mr. and Mrs. Juan A.
Moreno *
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Moret *
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mrs. Edmond Morris
Mr. James P. Morris II *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J.
Morris *
Mr. John Morrisroe †
Mrs. Henrietta Moseley
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Moulis
Ms. Nell Mucha
Mr. Jack Mudd
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. James P.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mullaney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E.
Ms. Rosy Mullen
Mrs. Melba Mullenhour
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mulligan
Mr. Harold Mullin
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mullin III
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Mulvihill
Mrs. Patricia Mulville
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Mungai
Ms. Marie A. Mungai
Mr. Stefan Munnemann
Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey
Munter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Murdy *
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F.
Murphy, Jr.
Mrs. Carol J. Murphy
Ms. Catherine A. Murphy
Mrs. Ellen Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy
Mr. Joseph Murphy, Jr.
Mrs. Marie Murphy
Ms. Maura Murphy
Ms. Maureen C. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mrs. Virginia G. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Murray
Mrs. Dorothy Musso
Mr. William Muster
Mrs. Mary M. Muth
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Mutter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J.
Mr. Jim Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. Charles Nader, Jr.
Mrs. Sarah S. Nardacci
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Nardi
Ms. Margaret Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Marston
Mr. Elmo J. Navaroli
34 Annual Giving 2008
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Navarra
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Nave
Mrs. Terrance Neal
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Neenan
Ms. Maureen Neglia
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nejasmich
Mrs. Barbara Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nelson
Mr. Steven Nemec
Mr. Gene Neri
Mr. William Neuman
Mrs. Rose Neves
Mr. and Mrs. Ray G. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Ms. Gloria S. W. Ng
Mr. Anhthu Nguyen
Mrs. Carol Nguyen
Mr. Ly T. C. Nguyen
Ms. Phuong K. Nguyen
Ms. Theresa Nguyen
Ms. Margaret A. Nicholson
Ms. Pat Nicholson
Ms. Shirlee A. Nickell
Mr. Joseph Nicoletta
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L.
Mrs. Katherine Nie *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F.
Mr. Nguyen D. Niem
Ms. Loretta Nikkola
Mr. and Mrs. Everett E. Niles
Ms. Linda Nolan
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Nolta
Mr. Patrick Noonan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Mr. Brian Nores
Ms. Joan A. Nortz
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques E.
Mrs. Edith E. Novak
Ms. Mary Noyes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Nugent
Mr. Donald W. Nunan
Mrs. Mary A. Nunnery
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Nuti
Ms. Moira Obermeyer
Mrs. Anne O’Brien
Mrs. Bernice A. O’Brien *
Mr. and Mrs. James D.
Ms. Joanne O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Ms. Patricia O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Mr. Donal F. O’Byrne
Mr. Brian J. O’Connell
Mr. James O’Connell
Ms. Kathleen M. O’Connell
Ms. Margo O’Connell
Mrs. Maureen H. O’Connell
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore X.
Mrs. Gertrude O’Connor
Ms. Viola O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan
O’Donnell *
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J.
O’Donnell, Jr.
Ms. Katherine O’Halloran
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Ohlfs
Ms. Laura Okamoto
Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Keeffe
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F.
O’Leary *
Mr. Denis O’Leary
Mr. Frank Oleykowski
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Oliva *
Ms. Yvonne M. Oliveira
Mr. Anthony Oliver, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Drexel Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Olivier
Mr. Carl M. Olsen
Mrs. Dorothy Olsen
Mr. Paul L. Olsen
Ms. Dee O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N.
Mr. Edward O’Neill III
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. O’Neill
Mr. Jerome O’Neill
Mrs. Margaret Onzo
Mr. Tomas Oppus
Mrs. Joan O’Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
O’Reilly, Jr.
Mrs. Vera O’Reilly
Mrs. Frank O’Rourke
Ms. Molly O’Rourke Wall
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Orsley
Ms. Susanne M. Orthuber
Mrs. Eva D. Orton
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill O’Sullivan
Mrs. Claire O’Sullivan
Mr. Patrick L. O’Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Walter O’Toole
Ms. Claudette Ouimet
Dr. Paul Ovens *
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Owings
Mr. and Mrs. Bento Pacheco
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pacheco
Mr. Darrell Packard
Ms. Christino Padilla
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Padin
Ms. Veronica Padlow
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Padreddii †
Mrs. Florence M. Pagliassotti
Ms. Teresa Paglieroni
Mrs. Lucille Pakar
Mr. Edward G. Palacio *
Mr. Ron Palma, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Mr. Edward Palmer
Ms. Rose S. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mrs. Shelly H. Pan
Sr. Trinie Pangelinan, R.S.M.
Mrs. Peggy Panighetti
Mrs. Rosalie Panzica
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Pao
Mrs. Norma Paolini
Mr. and Mrs. James Parashis
Ms. Bernadette Pardorla *
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pareno
Mr. Robert Parenti *
Mr. Dante P. Paris †
Sr. Eileen Parker, C.S.J.
Mr. Albert Parnis, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Parodi
Mr. Peter Parrinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Passas
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Passman
Mrs. Jesusa B. Patterson
Dr. Gene F. Pawlick
Ms. Helen M. Payne
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Payne
Ms. Emily Paztch
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peck
Mr. Robert Peischel
Ms. Marilynn L. Pence
Mrs. Dorothy I. Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Pereira
Mr. Miguel Perez, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Pablo T. Perez
Miss Soledad Perez *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pernecky
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Perotti
Ms. Eileen Perra
Ms. Carmella Perry
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Perry
Mr. Manuel A. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry
Mr. John Perta †
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pesta
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peters
Ms. Mary Peters
Mrs. Flo Peterson
Mr. Anthony Petoia
Mrs. Irene Petrini
Mr. Larry A. Petrone
Ms. Laura Petterson
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Peyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pfarr
Mrs. Ruth C. Phalen
Mr. and Mrs. Mac V. Pham
Mrs. Loraine Phelan
Mrs. George Philipson †
Mrs. Eileen B. Phillips
Ms. K. L. Phillips
Mrs. Kathleen F. Phillips
Ms. Patty A. Phillips
Mr. Raymond M. Phillips
Ms. Rosalinda P. Piamonte *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I.
Mr. and Mrs. Frances E.
Mr. John Pibbs
Ms. Martina Pichoni
Ms. Catherine Pickett
Ms. Gwendolin L. Pico
Mr. David J. Piersen
Miss Mary Pighini
Mrs. Patricia Pilster
Mrs. Mary Pimentel
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Pini
Mrs. Audrey M. Pintar
Ms. Josie Piranio
Mr. Jerry Piro
Ms. Mary A. Pirrone
Mr. Peter Pitalo
Mr. Jose Pitta
Ms. Gloria A. Pizzinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Mrs. Connie Plata
Mr. Thomas Plate
Mr. Clarence J. Platt *
Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Ploshay
Sr. Agueda D. Poblete, CHS
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pochini
Mrs. Pamela Podzimek
Ms. Mary J. Pohlers
Ms. Lisa A. Pomraning
Mr. Dan Pondella
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pontillo
Mrs. Ida Pope
Mr. Joseph Popp
Mrs. Marianne Poppas
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney
Porter *
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Porter
Ms. Molly Posedel
Mr. James H. Potts
Ms. Dorothy Poudrier
Mrs. Genevieve Powell
Ms. Sandra L. Powell
Ms. Ruth Power
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger T.
Mrs. Caterina Pratali
Ms. Heather Preimesberger
Presentation Convent
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Presti
Mr. and Mrs. Ted I. Pretti
Mrs. Mary Jo Price
Mr. Edward Prieto
Dr. and Mrs. Pablo P. Prietto
Mrs. Rosalva Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Prior
Miss Leona T. Proche
Mr. and Mrs. Eduard Propst
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J.
Mr.and Mrs. Pedro P. Pujals
Mr. Ralph Pujolar
Ms. Annina P. Punaro
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Pursley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Mr. Robert Quarrick
Mr. Frank Quattrocchi
Mr. Peter Querciagrossa
Mr. Robert Quigley
Mrs. Bruna Quilici
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Quilici
Ms. Kathy Quilici
Mrs. Mary K. Quilliam
Mrs. Olive Quilter
Ms. Andrea M. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Quinn †
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Quinn
Mrs. Jessica Quinn
Ms. Shelly Quinn
Mr. Thomas Quinn
Miss Francisca Quinones
Mr. Rodolfo Rabonza
Mr. Philip Racchi
Ms. Gisela Raczek
Mrs. Christine Rafferty
Ms. Susan Raffo
Mr. Thomas D. Ragan
Mr. and Mrs. Nick A.
Mr. Warren Rairden
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramelli
Ms. Mary F. Ramirez
Ms. Nancy C. Ramirez
Mr. Richard F. Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Ramos
Ms. Katherine Ramsey
Mr. Reynado Rances
Mr. John Randau
Mrs. Carolyn M. Ranken
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Ms. Margherit Ratto
Ms. Elizabeth Raynes
Mrs. Edward Reap, Sr.
Ms. Tara Reap
Ms. Patricia E. Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin W.
Mr. Patrick Reding
Mrs. Elaine C. Regalia *
Mr. and Mrs. D. Paul Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Bourke F. Reger
Mrs. Mary Anne Regilio
Ms. Maria Reichmuth
Mrs. Theresa A. Reilly
Ms. Shirley Reinoehl
Mr. Frederick Reisert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Rench
Mrs. Mary E. Repetti
Mr. and Mrs. Alex L. Resultan
Mrs. Veneranda Reyes
Mrs. Beverly Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds
Ms. Yvonne Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Rhoades
Ms. Edna Ribero
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ricca
Mrs. Mary J. Rickenbacher
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rideau
Mr. Bill Rideout
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ridge, Jr.
Miss Caroline D. Riebeling
Ms. Margaret Riegert
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Riehl
Mr. Frank Ries *
Mr. and Mrs. John Ries
Mr. Steve A. Riffero
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Riley, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. John Riley
Mr. Lee Riley
Ms. Maureen Riley
Ms. Roberta J. Riley
Ms. Therese Riley
Miss Bernadette Riordan
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rios
Mrs. Marian H. Ritchie *
Ms. Catherine Rivera
Miss Luz Rivera
Ms. Virginia R. A. Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. John Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rizzo
Ms. Carol Roadenbaugh
Ms. Connie L. Robbins
Miss Colleen Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D.
Sr. Cristine Robertson, C.S.J.
Mr. Robert Robinson
Ms. Esperanza Rocha
Mr. H.D. Roche
Dr. and Mrs. William Rodden
Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Rodi
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F.
Mrs. Carmen Rodrigues
Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso C.
Rodriguez *
Mr. Carlos Rodriguez
Mrs. Helen Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo
Ms. Teresa Rodriguez
Mrs. Vicki-Lynn Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. John Rohe *
Ms. Marjorie Rolandelli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roll †
Mrs. Janis Roman
Mr. and Mrs. August Romer
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Romo
Mrs. Florence S. Rooney *
Ms. Alice J. Ropoulos
Ms. Eleanor M. Rork
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rosa *
Mrs. Guadalupe Rosales
Mrs. Ada P. Roscoe
Mr. Ernest Rose
Mr. Lawrence Rose
Mr. Robert Roser
Mr. Lawrence Rositani
Mrs. Marlene Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Ross
Ms. Patricia A. Rossbottom
Ms. Lina T. Rossetto
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rossi
Mr. Michael Rossini, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rowder
Mrs. Mary Rowe
Ms. Frances J. Rowland
Ms. Bernardine Roy
Sr. Judith Royer, C.S.J.
Ms. Michelle Rozbicki
Ms. Margarita Rubio
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Mr. and Mrs. William Rueter
Mr. Patrick Ruff *
Mr. Lorenzo Ruiz
Mrs. Lupe M. Ruiz
Mrs. Margaret R. Ruiz
Mr. and Mrs. Tony V. Ruiz
Mrs. Elizabeth Rupp
Mrs. Josephine Ruscigno
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Russell
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Russell
Dr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Russo *
Ms. Rita Russo
Mrs. Catherine L. Ryan
Dr. and Mrs. Keith J. Ryan
Ms. Sandra Ryan
Ms. Rita Ryan-Dunn
Ms. Mary Anne Ryle *
Mr. Albert J. Sa
Mrs. Mary Jo Saavedra
Mr. and Mrs. Fawzi G. Saba
Ms. Elizabeth Sabo
Ms. Gertrude A. Sacksteder
Ms. Anna Sadotti
Ms. Dorothy L. Saechee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sakata
Ms. Filomena Salapare
Ms. Nellie Salazar
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Salazar
Ms. Kathy Saldana
Mr. John Salerno
Ms. Zina M. Sales
Mr. Oligare H. Salinas
Mr. Michael Saluzzi
Mr. Benedicto T. Samia
Ms. Ann M. Sanchez
Mr. Roberto Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sandals
Ms. Constance E. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
Ms. Joyce Sandweiss
Mr. and Mrs. Al Sanelli
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Sanfilippo *
Ms. Lillian A. Sanguinetti
Ms. Elaine Sanovich
Mrs. Kathleen Santana
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M.
Mrs. Angelita A. Santiago
Mr. Tomas Santiago
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy
Ms. Dorotea D. Santos
Ms. Nini Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Saska
Mrs. Virginia Saso
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E.
Sattui *
Ms. Annemarie Sauer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sayle
Ms. Mary Scalo
Mr. Terry A. Scambray *
Mr. Ernest F. Scarcelli
Dr. and Mrs. Sabino Scarpelli
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Scattini
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Schaeffer
Ms. Gwen Schamel
Mr. Bob Scheid
Mrs. Jean Schenk
Miss Evelyn Scherber
Miss Patricia Schewe *
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A.
Schieck *
Ms. Linda Schiess
Mrs. Mary Jo Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P.
Mr. Frank J. Schmitt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schock
Miss Elsie Schoendorf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scholten
Mrs. Joanne Schott
Mr. Joseph F. Schram
Mrs. Janet Schroder
Ms. Teri Schulist
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mr. David J. Schwartz *
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schweitzer
Mrs. Alberta Schwengber
Mr. and Mrs. Victor J.
Mrs. Diva Sciamanna
Ms. Kristin Sciuto
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C.
Mr. John Scouler
Mrs. Kathleen Scuitto
Mr. A. Scully
Ms. Jeannette Seidel
Ms. Anna M. Seidler
Ms. Jo-Ann Seiquist
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Selig
Mr. John Sellai
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Selner
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Semler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Senn
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond
Mr. Allen Servis
Miss Victoria Seto
Ms. Barbara Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seydoux
Mrs. Kathleen Seymour
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Seymour
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shanahan
Mrs. Kevin Shanahan
Mr. William Shanahan
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Shannon
Ms. Marion R. Shannon †
Mrs. Linda D. Sharpe
Mr. John Shea
Mr. Joseph Shea
Mr. John Shean
Ms. Jacquelyn Shearer
Mrs. Ann M. Shedd
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mrs. Adeline M. Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sheehan
Ms. Catherine S. Shen *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shen
Mr. M. Shepard
Ms. M. C. Sheridan
Mrs. Marie Sherwood
Ms. Jeanette Short
Mrs. Gloria Shreve
Mrs. Kathleen Shurter
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic M. Sica
Mr. and Mrs. V. Sidlauskas *
Ms. Donna M. Sieben
Ms. Maureen Siegel
Ms. Annette C. Sikand
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Silva, Jr.
Mr. Floyd Silva
Ms. Jeanette D. Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Silva
Ms. Lena Silva *
Ms. Marie M. Silva
Mrs. Michele Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Silveria
Mr. and Mrs. Adriano Simi
Ms. Denise Simmons
Mr. Teodoro Simon
Ms. Virginia Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Sisneros
Sisters Of Notre Dame
Sisters Of St. Joseph Of
Sisters of St. Joseph of
Orange - Napa
Sisters of the Holy Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sitchler
Mrs. Adele Skinner
Ms. Alida V. Skornik
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Slevin
Ms. Cecille Slish
Mr. and Mrs. William V.
Mr. David Smearden
Mrs. Jeanne M. Smelker *
Ms. Carol Smith
Sr. Catherine A. Smith, I.H.M.
Mr. Craig Smith
Ms. Elizabeth B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gene W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith
Ms. Judy Smith
Mrs. LaVonne Smith
Ms. Mary Smith
Mr. Patrick Smith
Mrs. Phyllis D. Smith
Mr. Thomas Smith
Ms. Verdie Smith
Col. and Mrs. William R.
Mrs. Joanne M. Smolich
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Snider
Ms. Kate Snider
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E.
Ms. Virginia B. Snyder
Mr. Kenneth Solak
Ms. Lucia Solares
Mrs. Rachelle L. Soldani
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Soli
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Solimine, Jr.
Mr. Armando Solorzano *
Mrs. Josephine Sorini
Mrs. Olga C. Sorondo
Mr. Thomas Souders
Ms. Amelia Sousa
Mr. Eduardo M. Souza
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Souza
Ms. Catherine Spalinger
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Spears
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Ms. Kathleen C. Spreen
Mrs. Gloria Spring
Mrs. Dorothy Sprouls
St. Ignatius Parish Altar
Mrs. Jean Staats
Mr. Brian E. Stack
Mr. Chester J. Stagnaro
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Mrs. Robert Stammerjohan
Mrs. Karen Stanfill
Ms. Claire C. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D.
Ms. Kathleen M. Stanton
Mrs. Josephine M. Stark
Ms. Patricia Starkey
Ms. Judy Stash
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Stefanini
Ms. Ruth G. Steinkopf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephan
Mrs. Barbara Stephens
Mrs. Odile Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. John Sterling
Mr. Russell Stetler
Miss Candice J. Stevenson
Ms. Diane Stewart
Ms. Rita Stewart
Ms. Kate Stinson
Mr. John Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Stone
Ms. Donna J. Storer
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde R. Stout
Miss Irene Stout
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Stoutt
Mrs. Marie Strain
Mr. James B. Strait II
Mr. Harold Stricker
Mr. and Mrs. David L.
Ms. Antoinette Stroppiana
Mr. John J. Stuart
Ms. Catherine Stula
Mr. M. Stumhofer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stupka
Ms. Barbara Sturtevant
Ms. Kathleen Sugarman
Mr. Donal Sugrue
Ms. Fanny Suifan Chan *
Mr. and Mrs. David Sukiennik
Ms. Alice Sullivan
Mrs. Bea Sullivan
Ms. Geraldine Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Mrs. John D. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. William Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweeney
Ms. Eileen Sweeney
Ms. Gale Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Mrs. Marian Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. P. Patrick
Sweeney *
Mr. Carl P. Swendsen
Mrs. Joan M. Swendsen
Mrs. Norma Swinkels
Mr. Donald Sylva
Mr. William Syme
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Szabo
Annual Giving 2008 35
Mrs. I. Szentgyorgyi
Ms. Mary Szwerluga
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J.
Tabak, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus A. Tabari
Mr. Dave Tacchino
Ms. Barbara Tacke
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Taggart
Mrs. Rita Tagmyer
Mrs. Elizabeth Talerico
Mrs. Katherine F. Talia
Mrs. Amy H. Tang
Ms. Angela Tarantino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V.
Mrs. Martha A. Taroli
Ms. Helen Taron
Mrs. Josephine Tassi
Miss Mary G. Tassone
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Taylor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Tedesco
Ms. Patricia Tedesco
Ms. Barbara Teijeiro
Ms. Paulina Teller
Sr. M. Teresina
Ms. Judith A. Terracina
Ms. Gliceria N. Terrado
Mr. and Mrs. Donn S. Terry
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Thanos
Ms. Mary Thom
Mrs. Cathrine Thomas
Ms. Eileen Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thomas
Ms. Charlene A. Thompson
Ms. Joan Thompson
Ms. Mary X. Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan
Ms. Flora Thong
Mr. and Mrs. Jim M. Thorne
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron
Ms. Mary P. Thornton
Mr. Michael Thuesen
Mrs. Georgette Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. Don
Ms. Claire Tinney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tinsley
Mrs. Linda Tipton
Miss Gwendolyn Tise †
Ms. Cezanne Tocchini
Mrs. Gloria Todd
Ms. Margaret Todd *
Ms. Ruth Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R.
Mr. Ken Toledo
Mr. and Mrs. Joaquin R.
Mrs. Don Tolley
Mr. Phil Tomasello
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ms. Pauline Tomasini
Ms. Adeline Tomberg
Mrs. Marie E. Tomita
Ms. Pamela Tomkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F.
Ms. Gloria Tornay
Mrs. Beverly Torpey
Ms. Ana Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P.
Ms. Barbara Toschi
Mrs. Mary Toso
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Tracy
36 Annual Giving 2008
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Trahan *
Mr. Anh B. Tran
Mr. and Mrs. Binh Van Tran
Ms. Elsie Traylor
Ms. Marie Treacy
Ms. Celeste Trepte
Triangle J
Ms. Lucy Trichine
Mr. Dominic Tringale
Mrs. Frances A. Triolo
Mr. John A. Trites
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Troccoe
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Trojak
Mr. and Mrs. John Trotter, Jr.
Mrs. Josephine Truchetta
Mr. and Mrs. James L.
Ms. Ernestine Trujillo
Ms. Nancy K. Trump
Mr. and Mrs. Cheng H. Tsai
Mr. Danny Tu
Mrs. Maureen Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Ms. Mary S. Tully
Mrs. Gloria H. Tung
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Turner
Ms. Sharon A. Turturici *
Mr. and Ms. Alfred Twyford
Mr. Tsae Jhy Tzeng
Ms. Christina Tzuying Ko
Mrs. Mary Uberti
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Uelmen
Ms. Louise Ugliano
Mrs. Carol Uhlan
Ms. Jacquelyn M. Unitt
Ms. Patricia Urata
Mr. and Mrs. R. Urban
Ms. Victoria Ureta-Duran
Mrs. Joanne Utley
Mrs. Maxine Vaillancourt
Ms. Maria Valadao
Mrs. Louis Valbusa
Mrs. Margaret Valentine
Mr. Emelio J. Valentino
Ms. Josephine M. Valentino
Mr. Joseph A. Valicenti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Valli
Ms. Mary Van Alstyne
Mrs. Mary A. Van Dalsem
Ms. Eleanor Van DeelenReichert
Mr. Charles Vanasse
Mr. Richard Vance
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Vannelli
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vari
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Varni, Jr.
Mrs. Sylvia Varni
Mr. Bernard Vas
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Vattuone
Ms. Mary A. Vaz
Ms. Rita Veatch
Mr. Enrico Velasco
Mrs. Dinka Velcich
Ms. Maria T. Venegas
Mrs. Manriqueta M. Ver
Ms. Marilu Vergel De Dios
Mr. Scott Vermeer
Mrs. Vera Vermillion
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Mrs. Christine Vertrees
Mr. Thomas Vidulich
Mr. Donald R. Viegas
Mr. Marcel Viens *
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Vierra
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Emilio
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel J.
Mr. and Mrs. David Villongco
Mr. and Mrs. John Viola
Mrs. Eva R. Viotti
Visitation School
Col. James Vivian
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vlahutin
Mr. Roy Voeller
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vogl
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Von
Lehr, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Von
Mrs. Catherine Von Wiegandt
Ms. Magdeline E. Vose
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Voydat
W/G Investments Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyn Wachhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Neale D.
Wade, Jr. *
Ms. Kathryn Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wahl
Mrs. Alice Walch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Waldvogel *
Rev. Earl Walker
Mrs. Linda Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wallace †
Mrs. Jean Wallace
Ms. Victoria Wallace
Ms. Carol Wallin
Ms. Betty Walsh
Mrs. Florence Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D.
Walsh *
Mrs. Mary M. Walters *
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Walton
Mrs. Jo Anne M. Waltz
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wang
Mrs. Dolores Ward
Mr. Hubert Ward *
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ward
Ms. Elizabeth F. Warne
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Watkins
Ms. Jane S. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Watson
Ms. Kathleen M. Watson
Ms. Gretchen A. Wayne
Mr. William Wearsch *
Mrs. Ann M. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J.
Ms. Virginia M. Wegener
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Wehr
Ms. Mary Wei
Ms. Eugenia Wei Kuen Lai
Ms. Chia Wei-Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Welch
Mrs. Colleen Welch
Ms. Rita M. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Wenker
Mr. and Mrs. Ward R. Wenner
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wenzler
Ms. Domie G. Werdel
Ms. Joan Wesockes
Mrs. Mary West
Mrs. Barbara Westigard
Mr. Patrick Wetteland
Mr. and Mrs. John B.
Wever, Jr.
Ms. Susan Whalen
Dr. and Mrs. Thaddeus J.
Whalen, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles White
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. White
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H.
Whittle *
Ms. Donna Whitworth
Mr. John Wholihan
Ms. Joan Wiederholt
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wiese
Mr. John F. Wildermuth † *
Mrs. Barbara A. Wilkinson
Ms. Georgia R. Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R.
Williams *
Mrs. Joanne Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P.
Williams *
Ms. Rose A. Williams
Mrs. Theodore P. Williams
Mr. Jean F. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson
Mrs. Susan A. Wilson
Mr. W. W. Wilson
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Winer
Mrs. Mary Jo Wing
Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Winger
Mrs. Jeanette Winkelblack
Mr. and Mrs. David Winn, Sr.
Ms. Geraldine C. Wirth
Mr. and Mrs. G. James
Mrs. Arlene Wirtz
Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Witmer
Mr. Dennis G. Witschel
Mrs. L. Rita Wnuk
Mrs. Evelyn Wnukowski
Mrs. Marie Woelflen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Woidneck
Ms. Suzanne D. Wolfe
Mrs. M. Wolocatiuk
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C.
Ms. Elsie Y. M. Wong
Mr. Ernest J. Wong
Mrs. Frances G. Wong
Ms. Olga A. Wong *
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Wong
Ms. Rose Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Wong
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Wood
Mrs. Dorothy H. Woodard
Donna Woodcock
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Ms. Lucia Woodruff
Ms. Carol M. Worker
Mrs. Henrietta J. Wraa
Ms. Janet Wright
Ms. Stephanie Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wu
Mr. Hong-Ye Wu
Mr. Julian H. Wu
Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Wyszynski †
Mr. Javier Ybanez
Ms. Linda Yeaman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yhap
Mr. Wilbur E. Yonan
Sr. Teresa Yoon, C.S.J.
Ms. Mary Ann Yorba
Mrs. Bernice Young
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W.
Ms. Magi Young
Mr. Gene Yparrea
Ms. Maria J. Yu
Ms. Luzviminda M. Zabala
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zakskorn
Mr. Victor Zamparelli
Mr. Paul Zandee
Ms. Barbara C. Zanette
Mr. Richard P. Zantis
Mr. Alan J. Zapala
Ms. Carol Zarek
Mr. Richard Zaslove
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C.
Zelanis III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zeni
Sr. Therese Zickgraf
Mrs. Pauline Ziniti
Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. Morgan Zo
Mrs. Mary C. Zovich
Mrs. Pierina Zucconi
Mrs. Andreas Zuger
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Zurbach
Paul Zandee
Barbara C. Zanette
Richard P. Zantis
Alan J. Zapala
Carol Zarek
Richard Zaslove
Joseph C. Zelanis
Robert Zeni
Therese Zickgraf
Pauline Ziniti
George Zivelonghi
Morgan Zo
Mary C. Zovich
Pierina Zucconi
Andreas Zuger
Randall Zurbach
About the ICONS
Iconic portraits of the six Jesuits who represent six of the
giving councils listed in the Honor Roll were created by
icon artist Ustinian Tilov of Sophia, Bulgaria.
Sacred Heart Mission, Cataldo, Idaho, 1909
A century ago in August 1909, within a month of the establishment of the California Province,
a group of Jesuits gathered in front of Sacred Heart Mission, Cataldo, Idaho. Father Herman
Goller, S.J. (front center), wearing an open overcoat, had recently been named the first
California Provincial. To his right, the priest wearing a derby hat is Father Paul Arthuis, S.J.,
treasurer of the nascent province. The others are Jesuit scholastics in philosophy studies
and teachers from Gonzaga College, Spokane.
The mission was designed by Father Antonio Ravalli, S.J., to imitate the main Jesuit
church in Rome, and built by the Coeur d’Alene tribe, 1848-1853, of wood and adobe
without the use of nails. The oldest standing building in Idaho, it was designated a
National Historic Landmark in 1961.
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California Province of
the Society of Jesus
R e spo nd i n g
to the call of Christ
100 Years & Beyond
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