SISTEM LAPORAN RANGKAIAN TRAFIK BERASASKAI\I WEB I SYED MUIIAMAD ZAKRY BIN SYED NORDIN Laporan projek ini dikemukakan sebagai memenuhi sebahagian daripada syarat penganugerahanijazah Sarjana Muda Sains(SainsKomputer) Fakulti SainsKomputer dan SistemMaklumat Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MEI.2009 tv ABSTRACT / Internet traffic monitoring is very important for an organization so as network problem can be detectedand determinedin terms of improvement.The objective of this project is to propose an alternative method for network traffic monitoring with the use of a web basedsystemnarnelyNetwork Traffrc Utilization Report System.This system covers report generation and network utilization statistics. The network traffic utilization analysisthat are performed in the project include the traffrc volume analysis, protocol analysis (TCP, uDP, ICMP and IGMP), applicationsusage(HTTP, DNS and FTP), port analysis as well as traffic aggregation at different time granularity. The output is presentedin terms of graphs, charts and diagramsby using the open source application and developmentas the main technologytool. NetBeansIDE 6.1 is used for developing the overall system, mySQL as the databaseand JSP act as the scripting programming language. The network data for this project are gathered from the computer network of FSKSM community that includes userssuch as sfudents,lecturers and staffs. This project acts as the alternative network traffrc monitoring to ensure the efficiency of the FSKSM network Internet management.The importanceof this system is not only for the benefits of the University, but also it can be appliedto the other small network of any organizations such as schools, hospitals and businessesthat require network monitoring and managementfor determiningnetwork availability. RUJUKAN Fakulti sains Komputer dan sistem Maklumat (2007). About The Faculty http://www. t shinder T.w Shinder T.w dan shinder Debra (2004). Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration server 2000 in EducationDeproyment Kit, chap ter l; 7. dan Shinder Debra (2003). Microsoft Intemet Security and AccelerationServer2000 in EducationDeployment Kit, chapter 2: ll_16. Shinder T.w dan shinder L.D(2003). configuring ISA Server 2000: Buildins Firewallsfor windows 2000, 2 pap/cdr edition : Syngresspubrishing. 35r . Wikipedia (2007). Tcpdump , lOtrAugust2007 Deri, L., Suin,S. and Carbone,R.Ntop _Network Top http://www.ntop.ord,20tr Feb 2009 Deri, L' and Suin, S. Effective Traffic Measurement using ntop. Magazine,3S(5),138-145,May 2000 ChartDirector Version 4. I, 2ln Feb 2009 IEEE communications