April Newsletter


April Newsletter
Interview: Ultimate
Grudge Matches
The Future...
Breaking News
President‟s Letter
Grudge Matches
A New Year Begins!
April sees us return to the
three part newsletter! As we
try to usher in our 16th different winner in as many months,
we go forward saying goodbye
to some long time supporters
hoping they will return. With
31 entries this month, and only
one bye awarded, competition
will be tougher than ever. The
first half of our night begins
with 15 of the toughest, one
receiving a bye! Of all people,
the bye was randomly awarded
to last months winner
„Midtown Mangler‟ Carlo Moretti. In the first 1/2 we‟ll see
former winners like Gears Of
War, DDD and WidowmakeR.
Tonight will see either a repeat
A Division of ©1332623 Alberta LTD.
Role Play Wrestling…
...For the True Fan!
Create Wrestlers…
We now have the Custom
Belt in our hands! We‟re
giving it away, so come and
get it!
Challenge Friends…
Win Titles…
Become A Champion…
winner, or one who has
never been to the dance prevail! With out further
adieu…..Let‟s get the action
under way.
President’s Letter
Welcome to the world of
In Closing and
The Future
Part I April, 2009
Role Play Wrestling Game!
We‟re in full swing this year
with visitors to the site from
over 67 countries, new products
like BnG Advanced, and all new
products for 2009! We hope
the game owners are enjoying
their games and would like to
encourage you to join us online
in the forum for any advice or
questions, or just to tell us about
your own Federations.
We‟ve also started up a free
email league (FIWL) that was
orchestrated by a couple of our
forum members. If you‟d like to
join, please feel free! All are
The Master Of The Game
Our new BnG Reporter stands
ready to interview the once
great tag team of The Communist Connection Russian
Bear and Russian Destruction.
Before he can continue, Russian Destruction (Lenin) grabs
him and slaps on the Swinging
Full Nelson forcing the little
frail man to scream in pain,
BnG Reporter: “Men, how do
you feel about your chances
tonight? I mean...really...you
have both proved to be a fail-
New BnG Reporter follows Michelle Dakota‟s
ure here in BnG, and never
mind your home fed of the
FIWL...from Tag Team Of The
Year to flop of the decade?”
begging for mercy!
April Tournament Matches:
Will the Bye
help Mangler
Dr. Awkward vs „Pitbull‟ Brody
win in back to
„Midtown Mangler‟ Carlo Moretti vs BYE
back months?
Gears Of War vs „Diamond‟ Dave Demon
Russian Destruction Lenin vs Jean DeNeuville
Time will tell...
WidowmakeR vs „Crippler‟ J. Crane
„Cowboy‟ Rhodes vs Russian Bear
Inoki vs „Leviathan‟ Wes Levey
Tom „Dynamite‟ Briggs vs „5 Arm‟ Anderson
* Please Note: Only 1BYE was drawn and it was drawn randomly.
Only One Bye Awarded
This Month….
Announcer: “Welcome everyone to our 4th tournament of the year. We look forward to some great action
this month, but can‟t help but notice the lack of a great here in BnG Online. „Danger man‟ Doug Del Ray has
not returned this month. Once a strong competitor here in BnG, once a great member of the original gang,
the Tri-Atlantic Terror. Hopefully he finds his way back to the monthly tournaments here at BnG Online.
We‟ve come a long way, and tonight we hold our 16th tournament in the search for yet another entry into our
championship tournament this December. Let‟s see what happens as we deliver tonight's event in two parts.”
Dr. Awkward vs ‘Pitbull’ Brody
Pitbull starts the match off quick, not letting Awkward get an inch. At the 15 minute mark
it appears that Brody might have the pin following a twisting Belly To Back suplex, but
Awkward gets out and manages to mount an offense. Awkward finally gets the upper hand
and delivers a Suture Removal Slam at the 56 minute mark for the 1...2...Brody kicks out.
Much to the surprise of the fans at ring side. Brody some how manages to make one final
push and nails a sit out power bomb, followed by his running powerslam for the 1...2...3!
Brody will advance after this gruelling 66 minute match.
What a
„Pitbull‟ Brody defeats Dr. Awkward in 66 minutes via pin fall.
„Midtown Mangler‟ Carlo Moretti vs BYE
Gears Of War vs ‘Diamond’ Dave Demon
DDD finds himself on the defensive for most of the first 10 minutes of this match. It isn’t until he is able to catch Gears off guard
with his finisher the Death Demon Driver that things turn around for him. DDD delivers three straight short arm clotheslines. DDD
finally manages to finish Gears of War with a Death Demon Driver on the Steel Chair.
‘Diamond’ Dave Demon defeats Gears Of War in 20 minutes via pin fall.
Russian Destruction Lenin vs Jean DeNeuville
Lenin starts off by press Slamming his opponent over the top rope. He drags Jean back in only to deliver a knee
drop off the top rope. Lenin waits and finally cinches in the Swinging Full Nelson for the tap and win!
Russian Destruction Lenin defeats Jean DeNeuville via submission at the 15 minute mark.
WidowmakeR vs ‘Crippler’ J. Crane
WidowmakeR wastes no time dispatching Crane. In no time at all Widow gets into position to nail a D.D.T. on the steel chair for the 1...2...3!
„WidowmakeR‟ Kurt bayne defeats „Crippler‟ J. Crane via pin fall.
BnG Announcer: “Man, Widowmaker coming off of another big FIWL PPV looks fresh.
He sure doesn‟t look like someone who just fought to recapture a World Title!”
WidowmakeR dominates Crane!
‘Cowboy’ Rhodes vs Russian Bear
Rhodes holds his own in this one showing the maturity needed to become a winner here in BnG! The two go back and forth before Rhodes levels Bear with the
cowbell. He cinches in the Weaver Lock Sleeper hold and holds on for 2 minutes
until finally finishing Bear with the Bionic Elbow!
„Cowboy‟ Rhodes defeats Russian Bear via pin fall in 14 minutes.
Akira Inoki vs ‘Leviathan’ Wes Levey
er Man did
Inoki looked primed to win this quick starting off with a belly to belly suplex, followed by a Bonzaii Drop Off The second turn buckle. Levey would not be kept
down though as he fought back with a series of moves including a Choke Slam on a
Steel Chair, but Inoki’s weight was too much for him as one final Bonzaii Drop
gets the 1...2...3!
Akira Inoki defeats ‘Leviathan’ Wes Levey via pin fall in 19 minutes.
‘Dynamite’ Briggs vs ‘5 Arm’ Anderson
Anderson has no chance in this one as Briggs shows us the flare he displayed on
his first few tournament matches. Briggs finishes Anderson off after two back to
back Diving headbutt’s off the top rope.
Tom ‘Dynamite’ Briggs defeats ‘5Arm’ Anderson via pin fall in 8 minutes.
Up Next: Round Two of the Tournament!
‘Pitbull’ Brody vs ‘Midtown Mangler’
Mangler proves fresh coming into this one.
Brody, not so much after just wrestling a 66
minute match! At the 7 minute mark Mangler delivers his finisher the Hell‟s Kitchen,
but can‟t get the pin. Moretti finally lands a
back drop driver followed by another Hell‟s
Kitchen for the 1...2...3!
Mangler: “I‟m ready to make BnG history here
tonight! The fans in attendance should thank
me for even showing up, because tonight
they‟ll see something they haven‟t seen before...a true champ winning back to back tournaments!”
Mangler advances to the third round….
„Midtown Mangler‟ defeats „Pitbull‟ in 12!
‘Diamond’ Dave Demon vs Russian Destruction Lenin
DDD starts swinging steel right from the bell nailing Lenin then delivering a Death Demon Driver on the
chair, but Lenin is too fresh and won’t stay down! Lenin grabs the chair and smashes DDD across the
face, twice! The FIWL Hardcore Champ is used to the abuse and doesn’t go down! A third chair shot
turns DDD around allowing Lenin to cinche in his Swinging Full Nelson...DDD taps out!
Russian Destruction Lenin defeats ‘Diamond’ Dave Demon via pin fall in 12 minutes!
WidowmakeR vs ‘Cowboy’ Rhodes
Rhodes means business taking a chair to Widowmaker’s head following it up
with a flying lariat off the ropes! Bayne tries to knock Rhodes out with two back
to back D.D.T.’s but Rhodes won’t go down. Rhodes comes back with the Bionic Elbow for the 1...2...3!
‘Cowboy’ Rhodes defeats ‘WidowmakeR’ Kurt bayne via pin fall in 8 minutes.
Akira Inoki vs ‘Dynamite’ Briggs
Akira levels Briggs with two back to back belly to belly suplex‟ before Briggs is even able to
mount an offense. Briggs finally turns things around with a Diving headbutt off the top rope, but
Akira is too much and ends Briggs night with his finisher the Bonzaii off the second turn buckle!
Akira Inoki defeats Tom „Dynamite‟ Briggs via pinfall in 8 minutes.
ROUND 3: 4 Remain in the First 1/2 Of Tournament!
The action is thick, with „Midtown mangler‟ Carlo Moretti calling it his night. If it is, he‟ll still have to best the Russian Destruction before facing either „Cowboy‟ Rhodes or Akira Inoki! We still have 3 of our remaining 4 that have yet to make a
final match, at this point anything can happen…..
‘Midtown Mangler’ vs Russian Destruction Lenin
Lenin barely waits for the bell before slapping on the Swinging Full Nelson, but mangler won‟t tap! This
one becomes a true battle with a run in by the Russian Bear. Unfortunately it doesn‟t help Lenin and
the match continues. Mangler resorts to using the ring stairs but only gets a 1 count after nailing Lenin
in the head with them. Mangler picks Lenin up and delivers a Hell‟s Kitchen but gets only a 2 count. He
picks him up again, but Lenin turns him around and cinches in the Swinging Full Nelson for the submission victory...Mangler taps….
“Bear’s trying
to interfere...
Russian Destruction Lenin defeats „Midtown Mangler‟ Carlo Moretti via submission in 43 minutes!
Akira Inoki vs ‘Cowboy Rhodes
Rhodes shocks everyone in attendance by opening this one with a
clothesline over the top rope. He
drags Inoki back in and barely is able
to suplex the giant, finishing him off
with his finisher the Bionic Elbow Off
The Ropes for the 1...2...3!!!!! Rhodes gets up and can‟t believe he has
done it!
BnG Announcer: “Rhodes, how does
it feel to know you are in the finals
of the first half of tonights tourney
and have a shot to make the over all
Rhodes: “This is an absolute dream
come true...I have
struggle to get even
this far...Let‟s hope
it continues...Lenin,
I‟m ready for you!”
And Then There Were Two! Finals Next!
BnG Announcer: “Fans it is my pleasure to have with us tonight quite possible the best tag team in the
world today, certainly the best in the FIWL. Tonight we talk to the FIWL World Tag Champs the Ultimate Pair, Shooter and Flair. Guys, how do you feel about your loss last month at the BnG Tournaments to a duo that has just this week entered the tag team fray...Executioner and Gamelover?”
Shooter: “It‟s no secret both Flair and I have history with both of these guys...this might just be what
the tag division needs right now...let‟s face it...to date nobody has been able to stop us...NOBODY!”
‘Cowboy’ Rhodes vs Russian Destruction Lenin 2of 3 Falls Match
Tonights finals for the first half of the tournament will see a two of three falls match inside the steel cage!
Lenin started off the night taking out a BnG reporter and plans on finishing the night with a victory over
Rhodes to advance to the finals to meet the winner of the second half of tonight‟s tournament!
1st Fall: Steel Cage!
Lenin wastes no time
in this one catching
Rhodes off guard nailing him with the ring
stairs then dropping
them on Rhodes‟ ankle
forcing Rhodes to tap.
The pain to much,
Rhodes gives the
first fall to Lenin!
Lenin earns first fall
in 2 minutes!
1 Fall A Piece!
2nd Fall: Lenin up 1-0
Rhodes just isn’t the same and isn’t able to mount an offense as Lenin cinches in the Swinging Full Nelson...Rhodes won’t tap though. He keeps reaching for his ankle, obviously still in great pain. Lenin focused
delivers a Power Bomb on the ring stairs that are still in the ring! Lenin goes for the cover...1...2...3!
Russian Destruction Lenin defeats ‘Cowboy’ Cody Rhodes via pin fall in 5 minutes earning entry into the finals to face the winner of the second half of tonight’s tournament..
Russian Destruction Wins 1st 1/2 Of April Tournament!
Russian Destruction Lenin stands in the ring now
joined by tag team partner in the FIWL the Russian
Bear. The two celebrate as they let
it sink in. Now a break before Lenin
will have to face the winner of the
second half of tonight‟s tournament
action to decide the winner of the April BnG Online
Monthly Tournament!
Both men exhausted.
Lenin defeats Rhodes via pin fall in 7 min.
In Closing...
With 31 participants in the BnG
Online Tournament, things just
keep getting more exciting. We
look forward to the second half
of tonight‟s action as Russian
Destruction awaits his opponent.
Time will tell as we eagerly await
Don‟t miss
your chance
to win, Enter
the Tournaments Soon!
Role Play Wrestling…
...For the True Fan!
Create Wrestlers…
Challenge Friends...
Win Titles…
Take a Look
at Dave
Millican‟s site
for more pictures of his
Become A Champion!
Role Play Wrestling Game!
Were continuously expanding the world of the BLOOD‟N‟GUTZ™ Role Play Wrestling
Game, so keep an eye out for our new Expansions and future Products, as well as our FIWL
free wrestling league in the forums where you the fan get to be weekly promoter! Watch the
site and keep checking our Ad in PWI for upcoming events, discounts and rewards to our loyal
Thank You to our Fans for their continuous support of our Game.
We hope you‟re enjoying it as much as we are!
A Division of ©1332623 Alberta LTD.