Winter 2011 - Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington
Winter 2011 - Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington
The Mission Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Arlington Winter 2011 Feeding Needy Seniors: Catholic Style A games are a lot of fun, but they are also DZD\WRSURYLGH XVHIXOSUL]HV %LQJRSUL]HVDUH non-perishable items IURPRXUIRRGSDQWU\ Other food donaWLRQVZHUHFHLYH from the community, such as bread gathered by the Knights of Columbus from a FRPPHUFLDOEDNHU\ Seasonal activities at St. Martin de Porres include making homemade caramel apples in the spirit of Oktoberfest and frozen food from local restaurants, are EHVHUYHGE\DFKHI GLVWULEXWHGDVUDIÀHSUL]HV 7KDWVDPHVWLPXOXVIXQGLQJ ³:LQQLQJ´DORDIRIEUHDGLVD DOVRDOORZHGXVWRSURFXUHVHYHQ lot more fun and meaningful than meal, shelf-stable emergency food MXVWEHLQJKDQGHGDORDIRIEUHDG ER[HVWKDWDOOWKHVHQLRUVWRRNWR 7KLVIDOOVSHFLDOVWLPXOXV WKHLUKRPHV7KHER[HVZLOOEH funding gave us the opportunity DNH\VRXUFHRIQXWULWLRQLQWKH tto treat parevent of a hurricane or another WWLFLSDQWVWRWZR ZLQWHURIKHDY\VQRZ VVSHFLDOEUHDNSt. Luke Parish also provided ffasts catered by IXQGLQJIRUEUHDNIDVWDW6W0DU0U2PHOHWWHRI 0 WLQ¶V 0DU\ODQG5HDO 0 Seniors also get to participate FFKHIVFRRNHGXS in meaningful food preparation of made-to-order m WKHLURZQKHUHDW6W0DUWLQ¶V8Voomelettes, just LQJSURGXFHIURPRXURZQJDUGHQ OOLNHLQDIDQF\ YROXQWHHU$PEHU.LP'HZH\ KKRWHOEUHDNIDVW ZRUNHGZLWKWKHVHQLRUVWRPDNH EEXIIHW:KDWD SHVWRWRWDNHKRPHIRUDJRXUPHW SSOHDVXUHLWZDV DGGLWLRQWRWKHLUGLQQHUV:HKDYH ffor each person to DYLVLRQRIJUHDWO\H[SDQGLQJRXU Mr. Omelette of Maryland catered two special breakfasts for St. choose his or her garden project into a large plot Martin de Porres Senior Center this Fall RZQ¿OOLQJVDQG WKDWFDQEHDVLJQL¿FDQWVRXUFH t Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Arlington, the Church’s teaching on the dignity RIKXPDQOLIHGH¿QHVRXUZRUN Put in action, our programs do not simply serve those in need, EXWDOVRDI¿UPDQGHQKDQFHWKH GLJQLW\RIWKRVHZHVHUYH 6W0DUWLQGH3RUUHV6HQLRU Center hosts about 55 seniors each GD\0RVWRIWKHVHQLRUVKDYH LQFRPHVEHORZWKHSRYHUW\OLQH,Q SDUWQHUVKLSZLWKWKH&LW\RI$OH[DQGULDZHVHUYHQXWULWLRXVEUHDNIDVWVDQGOXQFKHVHDFKGD\%XWZH DOVR¿QGPDQ\RWKHUFUHDWLYHZD\V WRIHHGWKHKXQJU\ZKLOHDI¿UPLQJ WKHLQGHSHQGHQFHRISDUWLFLSDQWV We play a lot of games here at the Center, including such favorLWHVDV%LQJRERZOLQJ³7KH3ULFH LV5LJKW´DQGKRUVHUDFLQJ7KHVH continued on page 3 ... President’s Message Focus on the Parishes: The Hands of Christ in the Diocese of Arlington ZDQWV"3ULPDULO\RIFRXUVH ,QRXUODVWQHZVOHWWHUZHGLVWKURXJKJUDFH$V&KULVWLDQVZH cussed Catholic Charities in the VWULYHDOZD\VWRGRWKHZLOORIWKH Diocese of Arlington’s strategic /RUGDQGZHNQRZ+LVZLOOLVWR JRDOV¿QGLQJPRUHUHVRXUFHV KHOSLQJPRUHSHRSOHE\H[SDQGLQJ help the disadvantaged and sufferLQJ0DWWKHZ services throughout the diocese, :HDOVRWU\WRZRUNFORVHO\ improving communication and ZLWKWKHSDVWRUVDQGSDULVKHV better integrating our Catholic 7KH3DULVK/LDLVRQ1HWZRUN )DLWKZLWKWKHVWUHQJWKDQGORYLQJ SUXGHQFHWKDWZLOOPDNHRXUZRUN 3/1KHOSVXVIRFXVRXUUHVRXUFHVRQZKDWWKHSDULVKHVQHHGDQG IUXLWIXO 7RGRWKLV “The Christian quest to come WRZRUNFRZHDW&DWKROLF together and put different gifts operatively Charities need and talents at the service of the in the service of the to commupoor is what unites us.” SRRU:H nicate better XQGHUVWDQGWKDWHYHQWKRXJKZH DERXWZKDWZHGRDQGKRZZHGR are all united in faith, every parish LW:HQHHGWRVKRZDSSUHFLDWLRQ is different, and every pastor has a IRUWKRVHZLWKZKRPZHZRUN XQLTXHZD\RIOHDGLQJDQGVHWWLQJ Catholic Charities is a comSULRULWLHV7KLVLVKRZLWVKRXOGEH munity of over 100 dedicated DQGKRZ6W3DXOVDLGLWPXVWEH employees, more than 1,000 vol– each according to his gifts and unteers and nearly 20,000 donors DQGVXSSRUWHUV7RJHWKHUZHVWULYH WDOHQWV(SKHVLDQV (YHU\SDULVKLVVHUYLQJWKH to act as the hands of Christ to help the estranged and suffering in poor, but it is also true that some parishes have the means to help RXUGLRFHVH WKHSRRULQRWKHUSDULVKHV7KLV %XWKRZGRZHDFFRPSOLVK WKLVPLVVLRQLQWKHZD\&KULVW Christian quest to come together and put different gifts and talents at the service of the poor is ZKDWXQLWHVXV:HRQO\QHHGWR communicate and understand the QHHGVEHWWHU7KH3DULVK/LDLVRQ 1HWZRUNLVDQHIIRUWWRGRMXVW WKDW 7KH3/1ZLOOHQDEOHXVWREH PRUHUHVSRQVLYHLWZLOODOORZXV WRNQRZWKHSDULVKHVQHHGVEHWWHU DQGHQDEOHXVWROHW\RXNQRZKRZ ZHFDQEHRIKHOS7KHZRUNLV H[FLWLQJDQGFKDOOHQJLQJ $UW%HQQHWW 3UHVLGHQWDQG&(2 Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Arlington Winter 2011 At a Glance: Parish Liaison Network (PLN) 2 The PLN brings together the professional staff of Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Arlington and one or two points of contact at every parish to better coordinate efforts to serve the poor. $GRSWLRQDQGSUHJQDQF\VHUYLFHV 7UDQVLWLRQDOKRXVLQJIRUKRPHOHVVPHQDQG IDPLOLHV 6HQLRUGD\FHQWHUDQGVHUYLFHVIRUWKH HOGHUO\ (PHUJHQF\DVVLVWDQFHIRRGDQGFORWKLQJ (6/DQGFLWL]HQVKLSFODVVHV 5HIXJHHVXSSRUWFDUHHUGHYHORSPHQW PHQWDOKHDOWKVHUYLFHV 3ULVRQPLQLVWU\FDUGRQDWLRQVDQGPRUH &DOOIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKH3DULVK/LDLVRQ1HWZRUN Hogar Immigrant Services New Citizen: Update on Juan Centano H RJDU,PPLJUDQW6HUYLFHV is pleased to announce WKDW-XDQ&HQWDQRZKRVHVWRU\UDQ LQWKH)DOOLVVXHRI7KH0LVsion, passed his test and became D86&LWL]HQRQ'HF $FFRUGLQJWR+RJDUWUDGLWLRQ -XDQ¶VVXFFHVVZDVFHOHEUDWHGLQ VW\OHZLWKKLVIHOORZFODVVPDWHV GHGLFDWHGWHDFKHUV+RJDUVWDII DQGSOHQW\RIIRRG6LQFHEHFRP- ing a naturalized citizen, Juan has DOUHDG\DSSOLHGIRUKLV86SDVVport, and even started the process of having his son, a high school VWXGHQWLQ(O6DOYDGRUPRYHWRWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHV (YHUWKHHQWKXVLDVWLFVWXGHQW -XDQZLOOFRQWLQXHKLVUHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK+RJDUDVKHSDUWLFLSDWHVLQ (6/FODVVHVDWSt. Joseph’s Parish LQ+HUQGRQ-XDQKDGDKXPEOLQJ effect on the many staff and volunteers WKDWZRUNHGZLWK KLPDQGZHFRXOG not be more proud and honored by his VXFFHVVHV:HZLVK him all the best in WKHIXWXUH For more information on Hogar, contact John Odenwelder at jodenJuan Centano (center) and staff of Hogar Immigrant Services [email protected]. celebrate Juan’s United States citizenship. Christ House Bishop Serves Christmas Dinner for Homeless RIIRRGDVZHOODVDVWLPXODWLQJ DFWLYLW\IRUWKRVHVHQLRUVZKRDUH LQWHUHVWHGDQGDEOH 7KHVHQLRUVKDYHDOVRSDUWLFLSDWHGZLWKD9LUJLQLD7HFK([WHQVLRQQXWULWLRQWHDFKHUWRPDNH WKHLURZQKHDOWK\\RJXUWSDUIDLWV 7KLVVXPPHUVRPHRIRXUSDUWLFLpants made fruit popsicles and VHUYHGWKHPWRWKHZKROHJURXS WKHQH[WGD\DWDVXPPHUPXVLF DQGGDQFHSDUW\$QGLQ2FWREHU ZHPDGHFDUDPHODSSOHVWKHGD\ EHIRUHRXUELJ2NWREHUIHVW %\LQWHJUDWLQJIXQRZQHUVKLSDQGFRRSHUDWLRQDW6W0DUWLQGH3RUUHV6HQLRU&HQWHUZH are able to ”feed the hungry” in DZD\WKDWDI¿UPVHDFKSHUVRQ¶V LQQDWHKXPDQGLJQLW\DQGPDNHV all our seniors feel they are truly unique, special, and valuable PHPEHUVRIRXUFRPPXQLW\ For more information on St. Martin de Porres Senior Center contact Maryanne McMillan at [email protected]. - Maryanne McMillan St. Martin de Porres Senior Center DONATE Food Drives Needed! Bishop Paul S. Loverde (right) and Christ House volXQWHHUVVHUYHXSWXUNH\GLQQHUZLWKDOOWKH¿[LQJVRQ Christmas Day. Parishes, groups, clubs, and organizations needed to hold non-perishable food drives for the Catholic Charities Christ House Food Pantry. Canned meats are especially requested. We serve all in need throughout the diocese. For more informtion, contact Sally O’Dwyer at [email protected] or call 703-841-3838. Winter 2011 Bishop Paul S. Loverde teamed with Chef Sergio Mueller and over a dozen volunteers to serve an extra special holiday meal for the residents and clients of Christ House in Alexandria. Christ House serves meals for the homeless and hungry 365 days a year. For more information contact Tom Bransfield at [email protected]. continued from page 1... 3 Migration and Refugee Services Welcome Begins with Empathy World Day of Migrants and Refugees Dear brothers and sisters, the world of migrants is vast and diversified. It knows wonderful and promising experiences, as well as, unfortunately, so many others that are tragic and unworthy of the human being and of societies that claim to be civil. For the Church this reality constitutes an eloquent sign of our times which further highlights humanity’s vocation to form one family, and, at the same time, the difficulties which, instead of uniting it, divide it and tear it apart. Let us not lose hope and let us together pray God, the Father of all, to help us – each in the first person – to be men and women capable of brotherly relationships and, at the social, political and institutional levels, so that understanding and reciprocal esteem among peoples and cultures may increase. With these hopes, as I invoke the intercession of Mary Most Holy, Stella Maris, I cordially impart the Apostolic Blessing to all and, especially, to migrants and refugees and to everyone who works in this important field. - Pope Benedict XVI, September 27, 2010 Winter 2011 T 4 his year Pope Benedict XVI has tackled the issue of migration in a more personal way than ever before. His letters are careful, caring and insightful showing the Church’s long tradition of caring for migrants and refugees. It is a history of caring not just for immediate human needs, but also for the whole person. At the heart of this message, is a Catholic study of care for dignity of the human person. The Pope offeres a superb model, “Social Integration Accompanied by Social Synthesis” that is a clear response to German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s statement that “multiculturalism is dead.” Of all countries, it seems that the United States has come the closest to realizing the Pope’s model at present (although we certainly have a long way to go). ‘Welcome begins with em- pathy’ is such a critical concept in the Pope’s message because it shows how we can help our brothers and sisters by trying to understand their situation. How as Christians, can we not put ourselves in the shoes of these least fortunate? For Christians, contemplating the situation of migrants through the lens of the Holy Family - themselves fleeing as refugees - might be a useful exercise. This eloquent message is so “catholic” in the universal sense of the word. The Pope’s letter is one of peace, hope, and love rooted in a fundamental respect for the dignity of the individual. For more information on Migration and Refugee Services, contact Rebecca Ruiz at rruiz@ - Rebecca Cormier Ruiz, Migration and Refugee Services Family Services We’ve Moved! The Arlington office of the Family Services Counseling Department of Catholic Charities has relocated to new offices across the street from the old building. Our new address is: 200 N. Glebe Road, Suite 250 Arlington, VA 22203 RSVP Volunteer: Catholic Charities’ Retired, Senior and Volunteer Program (RSVP) is participating in the Venture into Volunteering Fair on March 10 from 11 a.m. to noon. 3245 Glen Carlyn Rd., Falls Church, VA 22041. Come and let us match your skills and experiences with opportunities to meaningfully impact our community! St. Martin de Porres Donate: St. Martin de Porres needs donations of breakfast cereal, canned fruit, instant oatmeal, grits and juice. Email Mary- anne McMillan at [email protected] for more information. Car Ministry Donate: You could make a dramatic change for the better in the life of one of the more than 20 poor, elderly and developmentally-disabled people currently waiting to receive a car. If you have a car in working condition that you wish to donate to Catholic Charities, call Harry Burke at (703) 841-2531, ext.12. St. Martin De Porres Senior Center Behind ‘Christ House on Wheels’ Pastor: Many of Our Families Cannot Feed their Children in the Summer Winter 2011 (The following is a first-hand Father Orlowsky put us in touch Luteran, former executive director account of how Catholic Charities with Ruth Kulick. of CCDA, asked what we should in the Diocese of Arlington (CCDA) That summer, Rosanne and call it. I told him it was an extensupporters connected parishes to I, with the help of other drivers, sion of Christ House, so it should meet the needs of some of the poordelivered food in June, July and be called Christ House on Wheels est families in the farthest reaches of August. Each delivery brought at (CHOW). the diocese. least two or more vans full of food. Slowly but surely CHOW grew Now known as Christ House St. Andrew the Apostle Parish because the needs have grown. In on Wheels (CHOW), the program was the first parish to respond to particular, St. Andrew’s not only works with the parishes and the the need. St. Timothy Parish and shares food, but gifts as well. This community to bring food and cloth- St. Veronica Parish also helped past Christmas, when the lists ing to the poorest of our neighbors. that year. All three have been supof needs came in from the Front With the help of dozens of dedicatporting that area since 2006. Royal area, the needs were so ed parishes and individual pastors, Year after year the program has great, that Donna McDowell from donors, volunteers and supportgrown. First serving just Madison St. Andrew’s, decided to not only ers, CHOW made 42 deliveries in County through Our Lady of the request gifts in December, but also 2010 for a total of 38,000 pounds of Blue Ridge and then expanding held a food drive in November. food.) to Culpeper, From the start, the ladies on the In 2006 Catholic Charities Ball Committee “Once again the Holy Spirit Fauquier, while serving Orange, Page, have made CHOW their Christwas hard at work ...” on the Parish Rappahanmas charity by donating money Liaison Committee of the Cathonock, Shenandoah, Warren and and needed gifts. lic Charities Ball, I [Joayn Bahr] Winchester Counties. Ruth Kulick - Joayn Bahr contacted Fr. Michael Orlowsky was instrumental in making the at Our Lady of the Blue Ridge needs known. Parish. I asked if he would put a During this time of growth, I For more information on notice for the Ball in his bulletin. attended a military function at the CHOW and how your parish can I could tell something was on his National Shrine of the Immaculate get involved, contact Sally O’Dwyer mind, so I stayed on the phone Conception. Once again the Holy at [email protected]. with him for nearly an hour. DurSpirit was hard at ing that time, he told me that the work. I randomly Ball was just not on the radar for sat by the secretary his folks. Many could not even for St. Bernadette feed their children during the Parish. Once she summer when schools were closed heard what we were and free and reduced meals were doing, she volununavailable. teered St. BernaAs I hung up, I started to see dette’s to supply one that the Holy Spirit was at work month of food each here. summer. They have I immediately contacted been most faithful Rosanne Arnold who agreed we to this commitment must do something. Together we for the last several Ruth Kulick (right) and volunteers load a van stocked full of food bound for Front Royal, Virginia. CHOW delivered nearly came up with a plan to deliver years. 38,000 pounds of food last year. food during the summer months. Early on Steve 5 St. Margaret of Cortona Transitional Housing Breaking Employment Barriers Program Connects, Trains and Equips Families Winter 2011 S 6 W0DUJDUHWRI&RUWRQD7UDQVLWLRQDO+RXVLQJLVFXUUHQWO\ serving 11 homeless families ZLWKWKHWLPHDQGVXSSRUWWKH\ QHHGWRUHHVWDEOLVKLQGHSHQGHQFH 'XULQJWKHLUXSWRWZR\HDUVDW 6W0DUJDUHWSDUWLFLSDQWVJR through a rigorous program of OLIHVNLOOVFODVVHVLQDGGLWLRQWR WDNLQJFROOHJHFRXUVHVRUDWWDLQLQJFHUWL¿FDWLRQVLQDVSHFL¿F ¿HOG 7KHJRDOLVWRPRYHFOLHQWV WREHWWHUSD\LQJMREVWKDWZLOO DOORZWKHPWROLYHLQGHSHQGHQWO\ &DVHPDQDJHUVDW6W0DUJDUHW help clients get better jobs, but there are many barriers preventing residents from being able to DFKLHYHWKDWJRDO:KLOHLWLVLPpossible to list all of the barriers, the single largest is that residents DUHVLQJOHSDUHQWVZLWK\RXQJ FKLOGUHQ2IWHQRXUUHVLGHQWV are the sole providers for their FKLOGUHQ0RVWFDQQRWFRXQWRQD support system that could assist ZLWKWKLQJVOLNHFKLOGFDUHIRUVLFN children, doctor’s appointments RUSDUHQWWHDFKHUFRQIHUHQFHV 0DQ\UHVLGHQWVKDYHEHHQOHWJR from positions due to their attenGDQFHUHFRUG 6W0DUJDUHWZRUNVZLWKORFDOEXVLQHVVRZQHUVWRHPSOR\ UHVLGHQWVDWDOLYLQJZDJH7KH JRDOLVWRHTXLSUHVLGHQWVZLWK WKHZRUNSODFHFRQ¿GHQFHVNLOOV DQGH[SHULHQFHVWKH\QHHGWR VXFFHHG$FFRUGLQJWR1LFROHWWH 'RPNRZVNLDFDVHPDQDJHU DW6W0DUJDUHW³DSDLGLQWHUQVKLSPD\DOORZWKHPWRZRUN in a position that they normally ZRXOGQ¶WTXDOLI\IRUGXHWRWKHLU ODFNRIH[SHULHQFH&OLHQWVFRXOG H[SHULHQFHDQLQFUHDVHLQVHOI HVWHHP¿QGRSSRUWXQLWLHVWR H[SDQGVRFLDOFLUFOHVEXLOGVNLOOV DQGJDLQDGGLWLRQDOZRUNH[SHULHQFH´ 2QHEXVLQHVVRZQHU0DUN :RUULORZRI&RQ¿GHQFH5HDOW\ LQ:RRGEULGJH9$ZDVDVNHG ZK\KHZDQWHGWRHPSOR\D UHVLGHQWDW6W0DUJDUHW0DUN UHSOLHG³WKHUHDUHSHRSOHZKR have been hurt by this economy or have just had some personal, SURIHVVLRQDORU¿QDQFLDOOHW GRZQVDQG,ZDQWWRJLYHWKHP DQRSSRUWXQLW\7KHFRPPXQLW\ DW6W0DUJDUHWLVNH\LQJRQVHOI reliance, motivation and compasVLRQDQG,ZDQWWREHDSDUWRI any organization that has those DWWULEXWHVDVWKHEDVH´ For more information on St. Margaret of Cortona call 703910-4845. - Amy White St. Margaret of Cortona Transitional Housing Looking for work? CCDA’s Christians are Networking (CAN) ministry can help you find a job! CAN assists people who are unemployed or underemployed and provides professional career counseling and more. Thursday evenings from 7- 9 p.m. at the St. Martin de Porres Senior Center, 4650 Taney Ave. in Alexandria. Contact Elizabeth Lucas at (703) 683-7704 or elizabeth22305@ BUSINESSES TO THANK: - Accenture - AH & T Insurance - Arent Fox - Arlington Roofing, Co. - BB&T - Bill Page Honda - Booz Allen Hamilton - Builders, Blinds & Designs - Capital One Bank - Clarke Construction Group - Comcast Cable Consultants - Cyron and Miller Cyron and Miller - Digital Office Products Products - Digital EnriqueOffice Zalvidar EnriqueMemorial Zalvidar Funeral - Fairfax - Fairfax HomesMemorial Funeral HomesMemorial Park - Fairfax Fairfax Memorial Park - Guardian Self Storage Guardian Self - Kentucky FriedStorage Chicken Kentucky Fried Chicken - Lorton Stone LortonLeaf Stone - Maple Rain Gutter - Maple Leaf Rain Gutter Service Service - M.E. Flow M.E. Flow - Mercer Trigiani - Mercer MichaelTrigiani Nash Custom - Michael Nash Custom Kitchens Kitchens - Olive Garden Garden - Olive O’Shaughnessy – Hurst - O’Shaughnessy – Hurst Memorial Memorial - Red Lobster Red Lobster - Passport Auto Group Passport - PNC BankAuto Group PNC Bank Maintenance - Professional - Professional Maintenance Management Management - Robert J. Murphy Funeral - Robert HomesJ. Murphy Funeral Homes and Associates - Samaha - Samaha ServPro and Associates ServProAuto Stores - Sheehy Sheehy Auto Stores - Starbucks Coffee Coffee - Starbucks Steele Foundation Steele Foundation - Technology Planning Technology Planning - The Ballyshaner’s Inc. Ballyshaner’s Inc. and Co. - The Thompson, Greenspon Thompson,Bank Greenspon and Co. - Wachovia Wachovia Bank - Woodbridge Play Care - Woodbridge Play Care Prison Ministry “I Have Come to See Jesus” I QDSUHYLRXVOLIHWKH$OH[DQGULD'HWHQWLRQ&HQWHUZDV VLPSO\WKHROG$OH[DQGULD&LW\ -DLO7KHQHZIDFLOLW\KDVKRXVHG UHSXWHG³WKWHUURULVW´=DFDULDV0RXVVDRXLDOOHJHG³$PHULFDQ 7DOLEDQ´-RKQ:DONHU/LQGKDQG -XGLWK0LOOHUWKH1HZ<RUN7LPHV UHSRUWHUZKRFKRVHWRJRWRMDLO UDWKHUWKDQUHYHDOKHUVRXUFHV From the days of the old $OH[DQGULD&LW\-DLOXQWLOWRGD\ Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Arlington has provided spiritual VRODFHWRWKHSULVRQHUVWKHUH As a recently ordained deacon LQWKHIDOORI,ZDVLQYLWHGWR DVVLVWDW0DVVDWWKHIDFLOLW\ZLWK WKHQKHDGRI&&'$)DWKHU-DFN 2¶+DUD)DWKHU-DFNLVQRORQJHU ZLWK&&'$EXW,KDYHVWD\HGLQ PLQLVWU\DWWKH&HQWHU ,KDYHKDGPDQ\EOHVVHG memories providing prison ministry at the jail: many prisoners and prison personnel have shared their stories and their SUD\HUV,¶OODOZD\VUHPHPEHUWKHPDQZHEDSWL]HGDQG brought into the Church and WKRVHZKRKDYHUHFHLYHG+RO\ &RPPXQLRQZLWKXV3HUKDSV P\IDYRULWHPRPHQWZDVWKH WLPH%LVKRS/RYHUGHFDPHWR Bishop Loverde (left), Fr. Paul A. Berghout (middle) and Deacon Tom Bello (right) celebrate FHOHEUDWH&KULVWPDV0DVVZLWK 0DVVDWWKH$OH[DQGULD'HWHQWLRQ&HQWHU WKHSULVRQHUVDQGLWZDVP\ DONOR SPOTLIGHT “ KRQRUWRDVVLVWKLP :KHQWKH%LVKRSVWDUWHGKLV KRPLO\KHVDLG³,KDYHFRPHWR VHH-HVXV6KRZPH-HVXV´7KH SULVRQHUVORRNHGVKRFNHG:KR LVKHWDONLQJDERXW"7KH%LVKRS H[SODLQHGWKDWLQWKH*RVSHORI 0DWWKHZ&KDSWHU-HVXVVDLG³, ZDVLQSULVRQDQG\RXFDPHWR0H´ 0DWWKHZ+HPDGHWKHP IHHOWKDWWKH\ZHUHOLNH-HVXVDQG that they should be Jesus to one DQRWKHU +LVZRUGVKDYHDOZD\VVWD\HG ZLWKPH:HGHDFRQVKDYHEHHQ FDOOHGWREHVHUYDQWVRIWKH/RUG :KHQZHJRWRWKHSULVRQVZH VKRXOGDOOSURFODLP³,KDYHFRPH WRVHH-HVXV´ For more information on CCDA Prison Ministry contact Sr. Connie Parcasio, SNDS at [email protected]. - Deacon Tom Bello Ron Riggins Family ” A major supporter of St. Margaret of Cortona since its founding in 2009, Ron and his family volunteer their time in support of the families living there, offering loving guidance and instruction to the resident parents. Ron is also a member of the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington Board of Directors. He is president and managing director of RP Financial LC., and has been an advisor, strategist and financial analyst to the banking and financial services industries since 1980. Winter 2011 We have come to understand Jesus’ Gospel message of loving others, so clearly portrayed in Mother Teresa’s words “Money is not enough … they need your hearts to love them.” The residents of St. Margaret of Cortona Transitional Family Housing are struggling to not only make ends meet, but to rise above their impoverished conditions and stabilize their families, thereby ensuring a more secure future for their children. As a family, we experience an indescribable peace and joy in assisting the families at St. Margaret overcome many obstacles as they transition to independence, seeing Jesus Christ in their eyes. - Ron Riggins 7 Emergency Assistance Warm Christmas for Woodbridge Family M RVWRIXVWDNHWKDWFRQVWDQW\HDUURXQG degrees on the thermostat for JUDQWHG:KHQLVWKHODVWWLPH ZHUHPHPEHUHGWRWKDQN*RGIRU RXUKHDWHU"%XWIRURQHGLVDEOHG Woodbridge family, the simple gift of heat at Christmas time made all WKHGLIIHUHQFH ,Q-LPZDVRXWVLGHKLV DSDUWPHQWZDVKLQJKLVFDUZKHQ KHZDVKLWE\VRPHRQHGULYLQJWKURXJKWKHSDUNLQJORW7KH impact shattered his body and Jim sustained serious injuries, eventuDOO\ORVLQJPRVWRIKLVULJKWDUP +HHQGXUHGDQXPEHURIRSHUDWLRQVZKLFKOHIWKLPZLWKURGV SODWHVDQGVFUHZVLQERWKRIKLV OHJV+HQRZZDONVZLWKWKHDLGRI FUXWFKHV -LPDQG&DUROQRZOLYHZLWK WKHLUWZRWHHQDJHVRQVLQDQDSDUWPHQWLQ:RRGEULGJH8QDEOHWR ZRUN-LPUHFHLYHVVRFLDOVHFXULW\ GLVDELOLW\&DURODQRI¿FHDGPLQLVtrator, is desperately searching for employment, but jobs are scarce in WKLVHFRQRP\7KHIDPLO\LVVWUXJJOLQJIRUVXUYLYDO(DFKPRQWK WKHLUELOOVH[FHHGWKHLULQFRPH -LP¶VJDVZDVFXWRIIODVW-XO\ 'XULQJWKHZDUPZHDWKHUWKH IDPLO\FRXOGGRZLWKRXW+RZHYHU the apartment has gas heating, and WKHFROGZDVEHFRPLQJDVHULRXV SUREOHP-LPDQG&DUROFDPHWR Catholic Charities in the Diocese RI$UOLQJWRQDVNLQJIRUKHOSWRJHW WKHJDVWXUQHGEDFNRQ&DWKROLF &KDULWLHV(PHUJHQF\$VVLVWDQFH ZRUNHGZLWKWKHIDPLO\DQGWKH other agencies to restore the gas VHUYLFH&DWKROLF&KDULWLHVDOVR SURYLGHGWKHPZLWKIRRGDQGRIfered job mentoring and resume ZULWLQJVHUYLFHVWR&DURO7KH IDPLO\ZDVDEOHWRKDYHDZDUP &KULVWPDVDQGVWDUWRIIWKHQHZ \HDUZLWKRXWWKHZHLJKWRIDODUJH ELOORQWKHLUPLQGV For more information on Emergency Assistance contact Sally O’Dwyer at 703-548-4227. - Sally O’Dwyer Vice President for Community Services Winter 2011 The Mission, Winter 2011 © Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington 8 President and CEO ..........................................................................Art Bennett Development Director .....................................................................Jim Michels Communications Director .............................................................Katie Walker Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington 200 N. Glebe Road, Suite 506, Arlington, VA, 22203 tXXXDDEBOFU FOLLOW US! Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Arlington is now on Facebook and Twitter! Follow us for real-time updates, volunteer opportunities and information! Client Praise for the Center for Adoption and Pregnancy Services “ I can’t say enough about the service and treatment we have received at Catholic Charities. Their sole mission is to find the best plan for the unborn child, who is, in effect, their number one client. We have found their team fully invested in each person with whom they interacted. Throughout the whole process the adoption pool is there only for the birth moms who decide, after counseling, that this is the best plan. They are ... completely dedicated to working for the unborn child. ” Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Arlington’s Center for Adoption and Pregnancy Services is one of only 14 Hague Accredited Catholic Charities nationwide. For more information call 703425-0100. CAPS DONATE The Center for Adoption Services is in need of new car seats and diapers. For more information call 703-425-0100.