the CHATTER Spring 2013. - Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto
the CHATTER Spring 2013. - Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto
CHATTER magazine voices OF TanenbaumCHAT FIRST ANNUAL BUSINESS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE THEPOWEROF WE 6 editor In this edition of the CHATTER Magazine, we reached out to a variety of our audiences to bring you, “The Voices of TanenbaumCHAT.” It has been a pleasure to share this experience with student editor, Becca Moss, Wallenberg Class of 2013. Becca’s insight and vision into this project helped give a fresh, new perspective to the magazine by capturing the thoughts of “student voices.” We look forward to hearing more from the Class of 2013 as they embark on a new phase of their lives and wish them continued success in all their future endeavors. 15 studenteditor 24 The myriad of opportunities provided to students by the TanenbaumCHAT community make the school truly unique. Each student’s experience is tailored to meet their individual needs; they are given a personalized schedule, a great education and most importantly, a voice. As these four amazing years come to a close, I am astounded at how TanenbaumCHAT has enabled me to express myself. Whether through the words of an article in the CHATTER or the lyrics of a song, I am honoured to represent the student voices that have passed through these halls. 29 Is published through the TanenbaumCHAT Advancement Office and is distributed to more than 7,000 TanenbaumCHAT alumni, parents and friends of the school. magazine EDITOR Laurie Wasser H O W STUDENT EDITOR Rebecca Moss ’13 DESIGN / LAYOUT Lynn Stanley, Graphic Directions PRINTING Origo Communications PHOTOGRAPY Matt Feinstein, Feinstein Photography Shauna Kipper Jeremy Cohen T O R E A C H 416-636-5984 x 230 [email protected] FRONT COVER Emily Sanders ’15 BACK COVER Adam Goodman ’16 tanenbaumc ha t .o rg 2 | CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING|SUMMER 2013 U S WALLEN BERG CAMPUS 416-636-5984 KI MEL FAMI LY ED UCAT I O N CEN T RE 905-787-8772 On the Joseph & Wolf Lebovic Campus D I RECT O R O F AD VAN CEMEN T Frances Bigman, CFRE Twitter @TCWallenberg VOICES OF TANENBAUMCHAT As the spouse of a graduate (Patti Zionce ’84), and the parent of four children, two that have graduated, one completing Grade 10 and one a couple years away, I have witnessed firsthand the marvels of this wonderful institution. I have quickly learned that it is through the dedication of countless volunteers, exceptional staff and the success of its graduates that TanenbaumCHAT has achieved a first rate reputation as one of the leaders in both Jewish and General Studies education in North America and upon which we will continue to enrich the lives of so many. As our current school year comes to a close, it is with much delight that I congratulate the Class of 2013. Like previous years, the class is comprised of a talented group of young adults who I am confident will build on their achievements and as well, serve as excellent role models for the success of our school. As one of the newest “Voices of TanenbaumCHAT”, it is my goal to make this great school even greater focusing foremost on the delivery of a first rate education for our students. With your help, let’s do our best to make TanenbaumCHAT the destination for more and more students in our community. voice OF TH E New President LESLIE FLUXGOLD Best wishes to all for an enjoyable and safe summer. | 3 voice RHONA BIRENBAUM Through my work at TanenbaumCHAT, I have often been reminded of the magic that can be made by bringing different voices together to tell a single story. This year, in my dual role as Acting Head of School and Chief Financial Officer/ Executive Director, I’ve heard from many people. Each has a unique voice, but they all convey the same message... THEYCARE ABOUT OUR SCHOOL You can hear this message of caring in every idea expressed by our exemplary Principals – Helen Fox, Sam Kapustin and Jonathan Levy. You can’t miss it when speaking with our Director of Advancement, Frances Bigman. Our five Vice Principals deliver the message every time they weigh in on what is best for our school. It is evidenced by the dedication of our school President, Les Fluxgold; our Chair, Ellen Chaikof; our Immediate Past President, Cecile Zaifman and all of our Board members. Our outstanding faculty and staff clearly convey the message through their commitment to excellence in the classroom 4 | CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING|SUMMER 2013 and beyond. Parents show they care through their volunteerism and the financial commitment they make to send their children to TanenbaumCHAT. Our students repeat the message over and over by enthusiastically participating in everything our school has to offer. I’ve had the privilege of listening to the diverse voices of TanenbaumCHAT and hearing the interesting tale they weave. The plot had twists and turns and occasionally some cliff-hangers, but as school draws to a close, we are ending this chapter on another good note, written collaboratively by the TanenbaumCHAT family. “ WALLENBERG CAMPUS HAS ITS OWN BEIT MIDRASH. THIS ” does not sound like a revolutionary statement, but the fact is until recently, it just wasn’t true. Thanks, however, to the generosity of thirteen Founding Families, we can proudly announce our new, purposeful Beit Midrash, a fully functioning venue for prayer and study. “ BUT CAN’T ONE PRAY ANYWHERE? ” Of course. Yet, if a school seeks to exploit all opportunities for promoting and deepening Jewish identity, the presence of an attractive, inviting tefilah venue can provide a special impetus. Certainly, this has been our experience in the few months of its existence. All students, daily attendees or not, have clearly benefited. Somehow everyone feels more comfortable and more legitimated, as they pause at the door on the way through the halls of the school, as if to say, ”My school now has a proper tefilah site. Even if I don’t attend too often, I’m happy it’s there.” Rest assured, the Beit Midrash gets plenty of use: every day tefilah and regular Talmud classes are enhanced by the Aron Ha-Kodesh and accompanying furnishings. A hearty thank you and gek xyii to all those who participated. BEIT MIDRASH TanenbaumCHAT JASONBROWN ’13 JORDANAEKSTEIN’13 of student voices Student Editor, Becca Moss ’13, appealed to her peers which resulted in inspiring thoughts…. WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED IN YOUR JEWISH STUDIES CLASSES AT TANENBAUMCHAT? > I have forged an invaluable connection to my Jewish roots. My Tanakh and Rabbinics courses gave me a deep understanding of my religion. My Ivrit studies gave me a strong grasp of the Hebrew language. This base of knowledge has encouraged me to further my Jewish education, as well as travel to the land of Israel. > Our students are brought together regardless of their background, religiosity, traditions or values to study Judaism’s roots starting from the bible to the most recent Arab-Israeli conflict. I have learned that regardless of the many diverse opinions, our students unite by finding meaning in the basis of Judaism’s principles; Gmilut Chasadim and Tikkun Olam. WHAT HAVE YOU GAINED THROUGH YOUR JEWISH STUDIES HERE THAT YOU WOULDN’T HAVE GAINED AT ANOTHER SCHOOL? > Jewish identity. The connection grew and developed throughout my high school years not only from the lessons in the Jewish studies classroom, but also through Jewish programming. I also feel united with the land of Israel, and have a very strong connection to Israeli society and culture. > I have learned about my history and traditions and gained a strong connection to my Jewish roots. I have seen Jewish life through the eyes of holocaust survivors, IDF heroes and TanenbaumCHAT alumni. I have felt the connection the students have for the love and support of Israel, and support for each other. WHAT LESSONS WILL YOU TAKE WITH YOU TO UNIVERSITY? > I will continue to value my Judaism, support Jewish causes on campus and remain a strong supporter of Israel. TanenbaumCHAT teaches students to work hard, to be leaders and individuals, and to be respectful and demonstrate menschlichkeit. > The “Arab Israeli Conflict” course taught me about the constant struggle of the Jewish people while fighting for the State of Israel. This has prepared me for possible future anti-Semitic confrontations on campus and how to react. WHY ARE YOU GLAD YOU CONTINUED YOUR JEWISH STUDIES AT TANENBAUMCHAT? > In addition to the education, I have become part of a community where I can feel comfortable, have fun and excel in my studies. I have made new friends and am surrounded by hardworking and intelligent peers, who inspire me to be the best I can be. > I now realize how important it is to support the Jewish people and learn about our history and strengthen us as a nation. Learning about Judaism has instilled my Jewish values and morals. I know that the Jewish education I have grown up with my entire childhood will stay with me forever. 6 | CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING|SUMMER 2013 CLAIRESTANLEY ’13 JOSHEISEN ’13 RACHELMANSON ’13 > I have learned morals, values and knowledge about Judaism. It has given me a better understanding and appreciation of what it is to be Jewish. > I have learned how to delve into the respective customs and laws of Judaism which allowed me interpret what being a Jew really means. > I have learned a lot about Jewish values and laws. I have been able to extensively research and debate Jewish ethics and modern applications to Jewish ethics. This has been my favourite area of Jewish study because it has taught me about Jewish values, while still allowing me to look at my Judaism critically. > Taking a double curriculum throughout high school has given me a strong work ethic. Also, all of my Jewish studies classes have taught me life lessons that go beyond traditional high school learning. > My Judaic studies teachers not only gave me a deeper understanding of Judaism, but gave me the opportunity to voice my opinion on controversial laws and customs. My teachers encourage a discussion-based environment where students want to participate. > Understanding of my background and heritage. I studied a detailed analysis of modern Jewish applications, such as Jewish medical ethics and modern Arab-Israeli conflict. This gave me a deeper understanding of where I stand as a Jew, and how to approach the conflicts surrounding Judaism outside of school. > I will take the values and morals Iearned in Jewish studies. I have learned about tolerance and respecting cultural diversity. Learning about the Arab-Israeli conflict gave me a better understanding of world affairs. This will prepare me to respond to anti-Israeli sentiments. > Diversity. TanenbaumCHAT has demonstrated the ability to integrate students of very diverse backgrounds. > I will take my extensive knowledge on Jewish history and Jewish politics, and apply that knowledge to my academic and social life beyond TanenbaumCHAT. > The in-depth study of Judaism has brought me closer to Judaism and the significance of my cultural roots. > I have learned that there is more to high school than just learning in classrooms and am appreciative of developing a stronger Jewish identity. I hope to help others find meaning in their Judaism the way TanenbaumCHAT showed me what it means to be a Jew. > It has given me a new perspective of where I come from. I have a deeper understanding of Judaism and can now make informed decisions of how I want my religion to affect my future. | 7 voices Israel F R OM ALEX MAGED’12 SHARES HOW HE AND 55 OTHER TANENBAUMCHAT GRADS FROM THE CLASS OF 2012 ARE SPENDING THEIR GAP YEAR IN ISRAEL All across North America, high school seniors are busy deciding where they want to find themselves next September. While many will head straight to university, the idea of spending a year in Israel first has become an increasingly popular option for today’s Jewish teenagers. What are we doing? We’re exploring Judaism and studying chemistry. We’re volunteering in ambulances and interning with newspapers. We’re hiking up mountains, camping in deserts, touring historical sites and meeting some of the greatest politicians, artists and religious leaders in the Jewish world today. Who are we with? We’re with 10,000 Jews our age who have come from 42 different countries to spend this year in Israel, too. For myself, I decided to spend the year in yeshiva. Like most people who chose this option, I came with a goal: to solidify my commitment to Jewish values and deepen my connection to the Jewish People. I strongly doubt there can be any experience more valuable than spending a year learning about, and then living out, values such 8 | CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING|SUMMER 2013 as these – values that should form the foundation of one’s identity. When you leave high school and gain your independence, the natural tendency is to look inwards and begin the pursuit of your own happiness. Taking a year in Israel has helped those of us here frame our newfound freedom with the correct perspective. Slowly, surely, I think we’re learning that real maturity means learning to expand your focus outside of yourself and consider others. We have immersed ourselves in a society whose members, if ideologically divided at times, care for each other with a sincerity that is truly unique. We are training ourselves in an ethical system proven to instill sensitivity, consideration and an appreciation for the value of giving in its adherents. If you’re a high school student looking to begin the next stage of your life with an unparalleled opportunity to grow and mature, to cultivate an identity rooted in timeless values, and to forge lasting connections with your people and their land, then a Gap year in Israel is something I strongly recommend for you, too. RABBI DR. MOSHE YERES TANENBAUMCHAT IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE... RABBI DR. MOSHE YERES AS PRINCIPAL OF JEWISH STUDIES Effective 2013/14 School Year Rabbi Yeres has been serving as Vice Principal of Jewish Studies since the position was first created in 2004. Prior to taking on this administrative role, he was the Head of Rabbinics and Talmud at our northern branch. A keen supporter of technology as a tool for teaching and learning, Rabbi Yeres co-chairs the school’s Technology Strategic Planning Committee. Earlier in his career, Rabbi Yeres served as spiritual leader at a number of congregations in the United States and Canada. He brings a depth of leadership experience as an educator, administrator and leader in Jewish communal service to the role of Principal of Jewish Studies. JUDITH SHAPERO AS THE VICE PRINCIPAL OF JEWISH STUDIES AT THE KIMEL FAMILY EDUCATION CENTRE Effective 2013/14 School Year A TanenbaumCHAT grad (’90), Judith has extensive experience in mentoring and training new teachers, both as Head of the Department of Jewish Thought at the Kimel Centre, and as a Course Director and Instructor with York University’s Jewish Studies program. Judith demonstrates a true passion for excellence in Jewish education, and a vision of a pluralistic environment where students can explore and intensify their own connection to Judaism and the Jewish community. She will be a valuable addition to the senior administrative team at the Kimel Centre. JUDITH SHAPERO Jewish Studies | 9 Help us Plan TODAY For tanenbaumcHat’s TOMORROW The Presidential Legacy Society at TanenbaumCHAT is a special group of friends who have included TanenbaumCHAT in their estate plans. This society enables the school to recognize and extend their gratitude to donors who provide for the school’s future and inform us of their thoughtful intentions. The Legacy giving program at TanenbaumCHAT provides a unique opportunity to establish your support to the school by designating a future gift through a variety of tax-deductible provisions without imposing an immediate financial obligation to you. “ Occasionally, when being solicited to make a charitable donation, I would reply that it was not high on my list of priorities. My priority has always been Jewish education from the day my children started Associated Hebrew School and then onto TanenbaumCHAT. In both schools I served on many committees and lay management. TANENBAUMCHAT WILL BE the beneficiary of a bequest in my will and it was only natural based on my past involvement.” TanenbaumCHAT encourages planned gifts as a way to provide resources for the future of the school. In many cases, a deferred gift enables a donor to leave more in his/her estate plan for loved ones and make a more significant contribution to the school than would be possible through an outright gift. Confirmed legacy gifts allow TanenbaumCHAT to develop future programs with confidence. Knowing that there will be a base of support ensures that the next generations of our students will benefit from the school’s exceptional educational experience which focuses on Jewish living, learning and academic achievement. For more information, please contact Laurie Wasser at 416 - 636 -5984 x 291 PRESIDENTIAL LEGACY SOCIETY – ADVISORY COMMITTEE STEPHEN FREEDHOFF Past President, tanenBauMcHat 1989-1991 JON HANSER, President, Hanser Financial insurance agency ltd. MARTIN ROCHWERG, Partner, Miller tHoMson RAY RUBIN, llB PETER SELIGMAN, President, seligMan & associates ltd. 10 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 1 3 (Students left to right): Alex Satok ’13, Jenna Zucker ’13, Josh Chorlton ’13, Jason Brown ’13, Josh Wine ’13, Zachary White ’13, Josh Pope ’14, Dylan Litman ’14, Harry Orbach-Miller ’13, Zoe Sebastien ’13, and Lainie Yallen ’14 (Faculty left to right): Jordan Hoffman, Richard Davis – Keynote Speaker, Kathy Li and Nina Wener WALLENBERG CAMPUS HOSTS TANENBAUMCHAT’S FIRST ANNUAL BUSINESS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE THE ECONOMY IN ONTARIO IS CHANGING. GAINING ENTRANCE TO TRADITIONAL PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS IS BECOMING MORE DIFFICULT AND THOSE WHO ARE ADMITTED ARE OFTEN FACED WITH A DIFFICULT JOB SEARCH. As important as in-class learning is, it is not adequately preparing our youth for the reality that they will be facing as they move into the workforce. To succeed, “soft skills” and flexibility are becoming increasingly important. While TanenbaumCHAT students are currently offered extra-curricular activities that cultivate some of these skills, not all students are able to participate. The TanenbaumCHAT Business Leadership Conference was a one-day event designed to introduce our students to a range of critical skills and plant the seeds for continued growth. Over 50 student attendees participated in this inaugural event, learning about leadership and business from the unique lens of our keynote speaker’s experiences. The Business Leadership Conference is the natural offshoot of our highly popular business courses already offered in school. The conference addressed broader-reaching topics that really got students thinking about how to tackle serious business prep once they enter university. Giving high school students an opportunity to develop business skills early on in their education will go a long way in preparing our students for their future careers in the business world. O S S IP B U S I N E S S B O A R DR O O M – Alon, Roma, Hayley ’08 and Lori ’11 Ossip are funding the creation of a boardroom inspired learning space at TCW. It will provide a technology rich learning environment for business courses and the extra-curricular entrepreneurs of DECA. When students enter into the Business Boardroom, they will hang up their “TanenbaumCHAT student” persona and become part of a business team. Students will approach this learning environment in a more professional manner, much like those attending a business meeting in the real world. The environment will give a sense of importance to the business classes. Learning is best done experientially, and this new addition will result in a more professional experience, one that more closely mirrors the real business world. | 11 Farewell to SAM KAPUSTIN I have known Samuel Kapustin since the day I moved to Toronto in the summer of 1974 and he called the cops on me – a story well-known in two widely differing versions to thirty years’ worth of our students. From there, the relationship could only improve. Everyone who has ever worked with Sam in any capacity knows that he is a man of organization, an intellectual, an academic: a student in the truest sense of the word. His field may be history, but his passion is knowledge. He seeks to understand not from the sound bite or the quick image, but from the source, from the word on the page. It has been said as no small praise that Jewish Studies at TanenbaumCHAT is “text based”. Sam Kapustin has epitomized that search to the source. As much as I respected Sam’s work as a teacher and an administrator, it was when I had the opportunity to serve for several years in the administration of our northern branch that I came to best appreciate the full significance of Sam’s dedication to the highest standards in every course of study. I came to see that he was not dictating a stagnant, arbitrary achievement requirement; rather, he was striving constantly to fine-tune a system which would encourage each student to seek out her / his own unique path to Jewish knowledge, but with an academic integrity that would foster respect for the true depth of historic Jewish study, as well the self-respect that each student might come to feel for the quality of her / his own achievements. It is, I believe, this combination that is the true foundation of a Jewish identity which is deep and binding. The educator who will assume the position of Principal of Jewish Studies next year will find a system in place that is prepared to grow and to develop as the school grows and develops, but never at the expense of the best educational interest of the student or the community. Sam Kapustin has been one of the key architects of that system. As Sam has contributed to TanenbaumCHAT’s North and South campuses, we await him here at CHAT East. Former administrators and teachers, dozens of former sh’lichim and many, many CHAT grads and their families await Sam and Marsha’s aliya in several months. It will be a retirement well deserved and, Lord knows, this country could use a little organization.” – GARY LEVINE Former TanenbaumCHAT Colleague 12 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 1 3 Sam & Marsha Kapustin As Vice Principal, responsible for Jewish Studies at the Wallenberg Campus, it has been an honour to work directly under Sam’s leadership for the past eight years. To me, Sam is the ultimate protector of Jewish education. Time and again I have observed how Sam strategically and deliberately guided the school through uncharted waters, taking the Jewish Studies program at this school to great heights. He always did this with great determination but with style and good humour. We often hear how TanenbaumCHAT is leaps and bounds ahead of other similar schools, especially in the area of organized Judaic Studies curriculum. This can be single handedly attributed to Sam’s vision, leadership and work. Sam’s departure is going to leave a huge void in my professional life. This spring, I personally will say good bye to a mentor, a teacher, a leader and a wonderful friend. Sam – We’ll miss you.” – RABBI ELI MANDEL Sam – We’ll miss you. VP, Jewish Studies, TCW | 13 voice parent OF A Lilly, Tracy, Noah (TCK ’16) and Jonathan Zepp When Tracy Zepp and her husband Jonathan began the process of deciding which high school their son Noah would attend after grade 8 at Associated Hebrew School, it seemed like a natural transition to send him to TanenbaumCHAT. Although Tracy and Jonathan both had a public school education, their strong belief in Jewish education was something they wanted to give to their children. Their first introduction to the school was at a Grade 8 Open House for parents. When asked what their first impression was, quite simply stated, “We were blown away.” Now, nearly a year and a half later, their initial impressions have definitely been validated. Admittedly, before Noah began, Tracy says she was concerned about the workload. She now regards it as a life skill that kids are taught how to multi-task while managing and coping with their workload. She is pleased that Noah still has time for his own extracurricular activities and has even joined the Science club. For Noah, he knew from the outset that he wanted to go to TanenbaumCHAT. Like any new student in high school, there was an initial adjustment of learning how to advocate for himself and seek out help and guidance when needed. It didn’t take long however to feel comfortable in this new setting, maintaining friendships from his day school years and making new friends with students from a variety of different backgrounds. A highlight for Noah was his Shabbaton experience. The ruach (spirit) was amazing and he thought so highly of his madrichim (counsellors) that he too wants to be a madrich one day. 14 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 1 3 Tracy The TanenbaumCHAT Experience... NOTJUSTFORKIDS! (top) Marilyn Arkin (bottom) Mara Reich on the right Robyn Cooke A S K any TanenbaumCHAT faculty member what they do at school and you may be surprised to find that their first answer isn’t always what they teach. The vibrant extra-curricular life of the school couldn’t exist without the enthusiastic volunteerism of our own faculty. “The school culture just makes you want to do more” says Rabbi Netanel Javasky. In his second year at TCK Rabbi Javasky explains “For me, being involved in extra-curricular changes the classroom experience. Students see you as an individual and develop a different kind of respect.” With a young family at home, Javasky has three year old twins and a one year old; his commitment outside the classroom is noteworthy, from coaching the TCK Senior Basketball and travelling to Baltimore with them to the advanced study of the Talmud Bekiut Club. Javasky explains, “I can pinpoint my most meaningful conversation with a student, it was on a Shabbaton at 1:00 a.m.!!” The enthusiasm of participation isn’t restricted to the newcomers. Veteran TCW teacher Marilyn Arkin has been volunteering for the 10 Rabbi Netanel Javasky years she has been here. “I feel it’s my job to get more kids involved” says Arkin, whose list of activities is highlighted by her involvement in the Model UN, coaching almost 100 kids from grades 9 -12 during the year and travelling with them to three different competitions. At the Kimel Centre Mara Reich doesn’t mind giving up lunch hours and Sundays volunteering. She loves being exposed to the students that she doesn’t teach – and adores contributing her time to the Spring Concert, the Arts Café and the last four years of the Film Festival. Wallenberg Head of Music Robyn Cooke says about her volunteerism, “My high school music teacher got me through school; I hope I can do the same.” Our faculty is truly at the heart of the TanenbaumCHAT Experience. Their voluntary commitment over and above their teaching responsibilities is worth bragging about. Whether they are coaching at 6 a.m. or on an overnight bus filled with kids to West Virginia – they are choosing to dedicate their own personal time to our students – and building relationships that will last a lifetime. | 15 TCK Kimel Family Education Centre 16 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 1 3 | 17 TC Wallenberg Campus 18 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 1 3 | 19 R The 1961 Society was established to honour lead donors to TanenbaumCHAT’s Annual Fund. While every gift we receive is greatly appreciated, 1961 Society membership is extended to those who make an annual gift of $1,200 or more. These gifts underscore the importance of giving to ensure success in our Annual Fund and help provide the valuable enhancements that make TanenbaumCHAT stand out as one of North America’s premier Jewish high schools. As a member of the 1961 Society you can enjoy these B E N E F I T S : R R R R C U R R E N T PA R E N T S Front-of-the-line access to the TanenbaumCHAT August 2013 Book Sale Personalized end-of-year teacher thank you tribute cards (June 2013) Reserved seats at TanenbaumCHAT Graduation (after 4 consecutive years of membership) An exclusive 1961 Society event T O M A K E Y O U R G I F T: OR 416-636-5984 x 291 20 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 1 3 FRIENDS OF TANENBAUMCHAT R R R 10 Tribute Cards personalized for any occasion (condolences, mazel tov, get well, holiday wishes etc.) Beit Midrash Siddur dedicated in your honour An exclusive 1961 Society event HATSOFF totheClassof 2013 Celebrate | Appreciate | Participate WISHING YOU CONTINUED SUCCESS IN ALL YOUR FUTURE ENDEAVOURS Honour a Graduate with a Special Gift The TanenbaumCHAT Graduation Thank You Fund A special initiative of the TanenbaumCHAT Annual Fund 416-636-5984 ext. 333 | 21 WE 1 2 4 ONE OF US GIVING $36 PUTS A SIDDUR IN THE HANDS OF A STUDENT FOR MORNING MINYAN 22 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 1 3 22 TWO OF US GIVING $54 PUTS ART SUPPLIES IN THE HANDS OF A STUDENT ARTIST FOUR OF US GIVING $180 PROVIDES ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY FOR STUDENTS WITH VARIED LEARNING PROFILES WE make the TanenbaumCHAT Experience! No One Can Do Everything... Everyone Can Do Something 12 20 40 TWELVE OF US GIVING $360 TWENTY OF US GIVING $500 SUPPORTS ONE SHABBATON ALLOWS OUR STUDENTS TO PERFORM IN A PROFESSIONAL VENUE FORTY OF US GIVING $1200 PUTS OUR ATHLETES ON A NEW ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD | 23 Experience... Everlasting Memories YOUR GRANDCHILD AND TANENBAUMCHAT INVITE YOU TO JOIN US FOR our Y k r a M lendars ! Ca GrandparentDay 2013 WA L L E N B E R G C A M P U S Wednesday, October 23, 2013 KIMEL CENTRE Wednesday, October 9, 2013 B R E A K FA S T | A C L A S S R O O M E X P E R I E N C E | L U N C H W I T H Y O U R G R A N D C H I L D R E N | S T U D E N T E N T E RTA I N M E N T For Further Information, CALL (416) 636-5984 ext. 333 OR EMAIL [email protected] 24 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 1 3 voice OF A “ IT’S IMPORTANT FOR GRANDPARENTS TO SPEAK TO THEIR GRANDCHILDREN AND SHARE THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCES WITH THEM. THERE’S A LOT TO BE LEARNED. ” Connie Monson Kussner with her grandchildren, current TanenbaumCHAT students, Noah Alter ’16 and Lainie Yallen ’14 (2013 -14 TCW Student Council President) CONNIE MONSON KUSSNER Connie Monson Kussner was born in Ottawa and is the youngest of four children. Her parents raised her to have a strong love of Israel. In fact, Connie’s grandfather had been at the second Zionist conference in Basel, Switzerland with Theodor Herzl. Her father believed strongly in Jewish education and since there was no Jewish day school while she was growing up, she went to Talmud Torah after school and ended up as the only girl in her class. Moving to Toronto as a young bride in 1954, Connie later had five children and sent them all to United Synagogue Day School. Now as a grandmother of seven, she is thrilled to have the opportunity to see first-hand how her grandchildren, who are attending TanenbaumCHAT, are learning the values that resonate so strongly within her family. This past year, Connie attended TanenbaumCHAT’s inaugural Grandparent Day at the Wallenberg Campus. She was very impressed by the staff, the programming, the student involvement and the school dynamics. “There was really something for everyone,” she explains. “It was easy to see why students thrive at the school. They develop their own strengths and can involve themselves in many areas of interest.” Sitting down as a family every Friday night to share a Shabbat dinner, Connie is certain that their discussions have been enhanced through the knowledge her grandchildren have gained at the school. When asked about the importance of the role of a grandparent in their grandchild’s life, without hesitation, Connie says, “It’s important for grandparents to speak to their grandchildren and share their knowledge and experiences with them. There’s a lot to be learned.” | 25 DAVID MATLOW PRODUCER TA N E N B A U M C H AT WA S P R O U D T O P R E S E N T T H E W O R L D PRE M I E RE OF T H E DOCUMENTA RY FILM BY ELI TAL-EL AND D AV I D M AT L O W, M Y H E R Z L . T H I S U N C O N V E N T I O N A L D O C U M E N TA RY, TA K E S A P E R S O N A L L O O K AT T H E O D O R HERZL, THE MAN WHO INSPIRED SO MANY – AND HIS L EG A CY W H ICH IS S T IL L UNDER DEBATE. Four hundred people were in attendance for the soldout show at Cineplex SilverCity at Yonge & Eglinton. With much thanks to our presenting sponsor, Goodmans LLP, 50 movie sponsors and 400 eager moviegoers, over $44,000 was raised in support of TanenbaumCHAT’s Together Campaign. Thank you to the incredible support of our movie sponsors who helped make this event a wonderful success. Marcy & Leonard Abramsky and Family Davit & Becky Akman Alan & Rona Applebaum Herb & Fran Binder Stephen Bloom & Bonnie Goodman-Bloom Pearl & Jerry Bloom Michael & Rena Buckstein David, Ellen & Noah Chaikof Lawrence & Trudy Chernin Laurie & Jeff Cohen Effort Trust – Eric Weisz Joan & Hy Eiley Eli, Rebecca & Nate Feldman Firm Capital Fluxgold Izsak Jaeger LLP Brenlee & Allen Gales and Family Alby & Ruth Garbe and Family Brad & Nathalie Goldhar and Family Marya & Herman Grad The Greenberg Samuels Family Andrea & Steve Halperin and Family Stephen & Carol Handelman Lianne & Bruce Leboff Levine, Sherkin, Boussidan 26 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 1 3 Michele & Russell Masters and Family Anne Matlow & John Bohnen David & Leanne Matlow Irving Matlow Melanie Potts & Neill May Ephry & Barbara Merkur Paul & Marcy Muchnik Maggie & Elie Newman Mark & Heather Noskiewicz Stephen & Michelle Pincus Gale Rubenstein & Joseph Blankier Ray Rubin & Lloyd Hoffman Fred Rubinoff & Shoshana Weiman Barry Simon & Susan Eiley Alan & Rebecca Simpson Shaun Singer & Sue Weinstein The Singer Family Beth & Lorne Sokol Sari & Hal Springer State Building Group Mark & Kim Surchin Vision Capital Corporation Fred & Linda Waks Mona Taylor & Ari Zaretsky David Zitzerman & Karen Friedman voices TanenbaumCHAT WHY WE GAVE TO THE TOGETHER CAMPAIGN... Cons t r uct ion of f ut ur e s cience l abs at s even week s f r om completion. “ DOV ZEVY RACHEL (DAYAN) WALD, MD FRAN GRUNDMAN Kimel Family Education Centre PA R E N T Class of 1991 ALUMNA Past P A R E N T & Past M E M B E R of the Board of Directors When Caroline and I were approached to make a gift for the Wallenberg Campus Together Campaign, we didn’t look at it in terms of North vs. South. We were inspired by leaders in the community who had made significant gifts to places they did not necessarily have a connection with. Our children benefitted from the generosity of donors across the city who helped make the Kimel Centre what it is today. It seemed right to help TanenbaumCHAT wherever it was. The other nice tie in was the science wing and periodic table. My father was a chemical engineer and buying an element in his honour seemed fitting. I think he always liked Polonium!” “ When I first heard about the campaign to rebuild the science wing at TanenbaumCHAT, I immediately thought about the modest biology lab where I first started on my scientific path 25 years ago. I was amazed to learn that little had been done to update these facilities until the Together Campaign. This fundraising initiative gave me a unique opportunity to give back to the school that had equipped me, and so many others, with the skills necessary to pursue a career in academic medicine. I am excited to see how this state-of-the-art learning environment will inspire a new generation of TanenbaumCHAT students to continue to pursue achievement in science and medicine.” “ As a proud parent of two TanenbaumCHAT graduates, and a past member of the Board of Directors, giving back to the school with a gift to the Together Campaign was a way of saying “ thank you” to the institution that gave so much to our family. TanenbaumCHAT is part of the fabric of our family; whether it was early mornings at school for athletics practices or late in the evening for Board meetings, everything that happened throughout the day provided the foundation for our daughters on which to build and explore their unique worlds, while maintaining their strong commitment to their Judaism and to Israel.” To make a gift to the Together Campaign: OR 416-636-5984 x 291 | 27 F R O M O U R FA M I LY T O Y O U R S “MAZEL TOV” TO THE 51 ALUMNI PARENTS WHOSE CHILDREN ARE GRADUATING FROM TANENBAUMCHAT IN THE CLASS OF 2013. MAY YOU CELEBRATE THEIR WONDERFUL ACCOMPLISHMENTS ALWAYS. CLASS OF ’69 ALAN GREENSPAN CLASS OF ’74 NORMAN JESIN CLASS OF ’75 PEARL GREENSPAN MICHAEL GOLDRICH LEORA MARCOVITZ EDIE NEUBERGER STEVEN SKURKA CLASS OF ’76 ALLAN HERMAN JOHN WENUS CLASS OF ’77 ALLEN FRANKEL ROSANNE ZUCK TEBBI CLASS OF ’78 GILAD ABRAHAMI JOEL EISEN STANLEY FENWICK FERN KUTNOWSKI CLASS OF ’79 MARSHA FENWICK HARVEY MINCER ALAN NOYEK CHARLES RADZINSKI DAVID ZINS NANCY ZINS 28 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 1 3 CLASS OF ’80 ALAN DRYER MARLON HERSHKOP IAN SHORE CLASS OF ’81 KAREN KAHANSKY EVA ROSENTHAL CLASS OF ’82 MARVIN GELKOPF D. TODD MORGANSTEIN CLASS OF ’83 RANDI APPLEBY HANDLER ALLAN FRIEDMAN NAOMI NOYEK SATOK CARRIE ORFUS GELKOPF MARK SATOK ROBERT SINGER MELECH TANEN CLASS OF ’84 ELVY COHEN STEVEN EKSTEIN PATTI FLUXGOLD YAEL KAROL ISAAC SZPINDEL CLASS OF ’85 MARCIE NOYEK JONATHAN NOYEK JACK POLLAK NINA WINE CLASS OF ’86 ANNIE BENLEZRAH MICHELLE FREEDMAN CLASS OF ’87 ADRIENNE FLETCHER CLASS OF ’88 PATRICK AMAR DINA LEBOWITZ SHARON MAYER PAMELA TOBE The Class of 2002 gave back to TanenbaumCHAT when they attended their 10 year class reunion. Thanks to the leadership, dedication and energy of event co-chairs and classmates Noah Zatzman and Rachel Albert, the class raised funds to purchase a cover for the shulchan (prayer table) for the new interim Beit Midrash at the Wallenberg Campus, dedicating it to the memory of fellow classmate Darryl Odes z”l. CHATTING – An excerpt from the Class of 2002 Yearbook “ & NOAH ZATZMAN’02 My four years at CHAT were a truly definitive time in my life.” said Noah. “The lessons learned over four years, both in and out of class, are still applicable to my life 10 years later. Organizing the reunion was a way to thank and support the school that taught me so much. The fact that we have lost a classmate puts a lot into perspective for all of us.” Rachel concurs… ”I always wanted to find a way to give back to CHAT for all it had done for me, and the reunion felt like a perfect match. Although many of my classmates and I have lost touch, I have always had a special place in my heart for the people who made me feel loved during my four years at CHAT. Darryl’s passing was something that Noah and I felt needed to be recognized in a way that would keep his memory alive at CHAT forever.” RACHEL ALBERT’02 | 29 E V E R Y O N E H E L P E D T O M A K E A G O O D E V E N T G R E AT CAREERDAY The goal of TanenbaumCHAT’s annual Career Day for grade 10 students is to open their minds to the varied career opportunities available to them in today’s workplace. We are so fortunate to have dedicated alumni who make time to return to school to expose our students to a multitude of career options and share the personal journeys that took them there. Rabbi Adam Cutler ’00 Meira Elituv ’04 Tracey Hendler ’02 Matt Himel ’03 Kayla Lean ’06 Ben Mogil ’91 Sandra Singer ’00 Tanya Wyman ’90 Noah Zatzman ’02 Kimel Family Education Centre Jonathan Ain Lisa Ain Dack Meira Elituv Debbie Elman Wallenberg Campus ‘92 ‘99 ‘04 ‘87 Michael Orfus Allan Ungar David Walt Ari Zaionz Noah Zatzman Rabbi Adam Cutler ’00, Dr. Tracey Hendler ’02, and Dr. Tanya Wyman ’90 Make sure to visit: eMail: [email protected] F O L L O W U S O N FA C E B O O K SAVE CLASS OF 2003 10 YEAR REUNION Thursday, November 7th 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm 30 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 1 3 LinkedIn Group: TanenbaumCHAT Alumni Association DATES CLASS OF 1988 25 YEAR REUNION Thursday, November 14th 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm If you would like to help plan your reunion and join an organizing committee, contact Heather Gutmann 416-636-5984 x 333 or [email protected] ‘03 ‘06 ‘03 ‘91 ‘02 Dr. Lisa Ain Dack ’99, Jonathan Ain ’92, Meira Elituv ’04 Thank you to our incredible 2013 Career Day panelists for your time, insights and wisdom. A special thank you to our keynote speaker, the always charismatic Sol Birenbaum ’92, who addressed both campuses. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty.... YOU can shape someone’s future. TanenbaumCHAT’s Mentorship Network Helping career goals take shape. The Mentorship Network is an alum-to-alum mentorship program established for TanenbaumCHAT alumni of all ages. We are always looking to enhance our resource bank of mentors in a variety of industries including medicine, finance, law, media and the arts. Mentors aim to provide career advice and foster an exchange of career-related ideas and expertise. This program has seen great success as a result of our personalized mentee-mentor matching process. * Funding for The Mentorship Network has been assisted by the Adam Buck z’l Family Business Fund to open new opportunities for TanenbaumCHAT alumni. For more information, please contact: Ben Mogil | Chair, Mentorship Network [email protected] OR Heather Gutmann 416.636.5984 ext: 333 [email protected] | 31 NACHES Lisa Ain Dack ’99 and Jeff Dack welcome Rachel Nora Linda Avadiev-Mishayev ’99 and and Dani Mishayev welcome Yonatan Arieh Singer ’01 and Blair Wexler Singer ’01 welcome Sharon (Singal) Orgel ’90 and David Orgel welcome Daniel Avi Aaron Simon ’02 and Tali Simon welcome AvrahamYair Do you have a special occasion or some good news to share? Please keep sending us your announcements and photos! 32 | Gretta Hindy Alumni Association Alisha (Kurlandski) Farber ’99 and Yaakov Farber welcome Jonah Max Rabbi Matisyahu Friedman ’05 and Chana Rivkah Friedman welcome Chaya Moushka Ben Mogil ’91 and Marni Banack welcome Rory Fara Shauna Waltman ’98 and Jeremy Bornstein welcome Judah Ryan Contact Heather Gutmann 416.636.5984 ext: 333 or [email protected] Tamara Winegust ’05 and Moshe Lasker ’03 welcome Na’amah Yosefa | 33 NACHES Rena Friedman ’07 married Leibel Berktin Michael Koral ’01 married Rachel Wrock Paula Garshowitz ’04 married Seth Harlan Alumni Association Liane Porepa ’99 married David Machlis ’01 Matt Reingold ’03 married Chani Greenwald ’04 Heather Socken ’03 married Gersh Hurwitz Alumni Association Sheri Herblum ’06 on her successful completion of chartered accountant exams. Michelle Kahn ’07 for an honorable mention in the Adult Division of a film competition sponsored by the Sephardic Education Centre Eric Kaplovitch ’06 received a scholarship for academic excellence for 3rd year at U of T medical school. Send us your Naches Notes !!!!! 34 | Tamara Winegust ’05 on graduating with a Dual Juris Doctor (J.D.) from American University Washington College of Law and the University of Ottawa. Gilian Horenfeldt ’04 engaged to Brian Pomer Kayla Goldrich ’07 engaged to Josh Bernick ’06 Esther Direnfeld ’03 engaged to Daniel Katzin Sarah Praver ’05 engaged to Matthew Laski ’04 Jessica Friedlich ’05 engaged to Adam Armeland Alumni Association Daniel Rende ’06 engaged to Atara Tanen ’10 Adira Winegust ’07 engaged to Daniel Glatt CALLING ALL ALUMNI... Are your parents still getting your CHATTER? Are you missing updates on our exciting new programs, initiatives and upcoming events? Staying connected toYOU is important to US! Please e m a i l or c a l l u s with any changes to your contact information. S TAY I N T O U C H ! Contact Heather Gutmann 416.636.5984 ext: 333 or [email protected] | 35 Live the TanenbaumCHAT Experience! OPENHOUSE JOIN US! FOR GRADE 8 PARENTS MORNING & EVENING OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE Wallenberg Campus (for families living SOUTH of Steeles Avenue) Wednesday, October 16, 2013 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM OR Thursday, October 17, 2013 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM Kimel Family Education Centre (for families living NORTH of Steeles Avenue) Monday, October 21, 2013 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM OR Tuesday, October 22, 2013 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM FOR admission enquiries and/or a personal tour please contact: Rosemary Tile Recruitment Admissions Manager [email protected] 416.636.5984 ext. 377 We’ll answer all your questions!