Your Labrador retriever`s Personalised Genetic Information Book


Your Labrador retriever`s Personalised Genetic Information Book
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Your Labrador retriever’s Personalised Genetic Information Book
Personalised Genetic Vet Care is a program using the latest genetic information to personalise your pet’s
health care.
Your Labrador retriever’s personalised genetic information book forms the basis of your pet’s health care
and general wellness program. A summary of the book contents is provided below:
Chapter 1: Ancestral genetics (3 pages)
General Breed Description:
The Labrador retriever is one of several types of retriever, a type of gun dog. It is a relatively large breed
with quite a lot of individual variation amongst Labradors. Labradors have webbed feet to aid in swimming and to act as snowshoes in colder regions…
Labradors were originally bred for retrieving fishing nets in the Newfoundland area of Canada. It originated from the St John’s Water Dog which was bred by the early settlers of Newfoundland in the 16th
Breed Temperament and Behaviour:
Labradors are extremely intelligent, are generally very even tempered and have a very good work ethic.
They are also generally fun loving and can be boisterous and enthusiastic when it comes to play time…
Labradors need lots of activity and learning opportunities to keep from getting bored. They are people
dogs who need to be around the family, generally need a big yard and require plenty of out of yard exercise and activity…
Best Suited for:
A family environment or single with plenty of energy and time to spare. Labradors generally do well when
able to roam on a rural property or a large suburban block…
Chapter 2: Genetic Disease (7 pages)
This section contains a detailed description of the 10 most significant diseases particularly common to the
Labrador retriever. Information includes screening for, diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.
Hip Dysplaysia
Hip dysplaysia is a developmental problem causing ‘loose’ hip joints, leading to degenerative joint disease
(arthritis). It is common in the Labrador retriever. Hip dysplasia can be painful at 5-10 months of age, and
affected dogs may have trouble with walking up stairs…
Retinal Dysplasia This is a group of similar conditions where the retina does not develop normally. The disease may be so mild
as to be clinically inapparent, or if the disorder is severe, blindness can result. Because it is a disorder of
development, it is apparent when the retina matures at around 12-16 weeks of age…
Chapter 3: Caring for your puppy (3 pages)
This chapter provides you with a lifetime personalised wellness program for your Labrador retriever with
a recommended vet visit schedule by age. Your vet can work through this schedule with you to create the
most appropriate preventative and protective approach specifically for your Labrador retriever…
Chapter 4: Behaviour and training (4 pages)
Dogs are very social animals, and your Labrador retriever puppy needs to be indoors with the family from
the start. There is no such thing as a “good outdoor dog”. Labrador retriever puppies need to learn how to
behave around different animals and people from a young age. This is called socialisation, and it is essential
to prevent your puppy growing up to have problems with nervousness and aggression…
Chapter 5: Games (8 pages)
Just like us, puppies and dogs will get bored doing the same thing every day. You will soon learn that there
are certain types of games that your dog enjoys more than others – for example, terriers often love to dig,
while collies and working dogs will run all day…
Chapter 6: Nutrition (11 pages)
Good nutrition is essential for your dog to have a healthy, happy life. It is critical that your Labrador retriever
receives the correct amounts of energy, protein, fatty acids, carbohydrates and trace minerals and nutrients for growth as well as maintenance of a healthy body and brain. Nutrition is also vital to a dog’s ability
to think clearly, as thinking requires mental energy and the correct amino acid balance for the maintenance
of normal brain chemistry...
Chapter 7: Dental health (1 page)
You may have heard some advice about keeping your dog’s teeth clean. Many people have many different
opinions on this topic. The best way to care for your Labrador retriever’s teeth and oral health is to manually
clean his teeth. This is not as weird as it sounds, and if you start when your puppy is young, is generally not
hard to do...
Get your Labrador retriever’s genetic information book for only $ 00.00
(link to Genetic e-book section in Store)