Jan/Feb 2013 - Children`s Home


Jan/Feb 2013 - Children`s Home
An Equal Opportunity Employer & Service Provider
January/February 2013
Board of Trustees
Voni Flaherty - Chair
Bryan Boland
Mark Brown
Bruce Budde
William C. Connor
Aaron Diefenthaler
Barb Drake
Jim Dugan
Kim Hauer
Bridgette Heard
Dr. Minna O’Leary
Andy Parmelee
Sean Seckel
Todd Sheridan
Ken Snodgrass
Foundation Board
Bernie Koch - Chair Bruce Budde
Mimi Ball
Scott Bauer
Cheryl Bluth
Tracy Herrmann Coker
Julie Dreesen Cook
Andrew Crouch
Steve Daggs
Lisa Gates
Debra Godke
Susan Heun
Chuck Hollis
Doreen Huber
Beth Jensen
Kathy Leson
Bill Lutz
Molly Miller
Iggy Neubauer
Karin Olmstead
Mike Stratton
Dr. Amanda Wright
State of the Children’s Home
from the desk of Clete Winkelmann
I always enjoy writing this issue of Promises as there are always
numerous situations that brighten our day knowing how much others
care about our children and mission. This newsletter is filled with
those stories, and Children’s Home is blessed by the incredible support
from our community. From the schools who do something special, to
the multiple businesses that hold toy drives and wrap presents, to the
individual donors who contribute by adopting a child or supporting
our Light In Every Window campaign. We could not provide for the
growing needs of our youth without the assistance of so many. Thank
you to all who have made another holiday season one to remember!
Now that the trees are hauled away and the decorations are stored for
another 12 months, life returns to normal for so many of us. But for
most of our children, the short break for the holiday season was not a
break from the reality they face on a daily basis. For some, being away
from their family is difficult. However, they can’t go home because
home may not be safe. For many, the few hot and hardy meals they
received may be the only hot meal for the next month. For many, the
gifts that you so graciously gave to them may be the only toys they
have for the next 12 months. We see these situations every day at
Children’s Home, and our staff do all they can to make the children’s
lives better so that they can have a childhood and future.
The New Year is already filled with exciting plans to expand and grow
our mission. In late December we opened the state’s first transitional
living program for older adolescents who are developmentally
disabled. This program will prepare the young adults for life in a
community group home throughout their adulthood. The program
was developed in partnership with the Department of Children and
Family Services, building a stronger bridge transitioning our children
to adult services. I am proud that Children’s Home was selected to
lead this project and look forward to
the year to come.
Another exciting project, scheduled
to open in June, is our new school
program focused completely on
serving children with autism. Children’s Home is seeing more and
more children with the diagnosis of autism. The latest statistics
indicate that 1 in 88 children are born with autism, which suggests
the Peoria area has 1,713 children with some form of autism. The
number of boys born with autism is even more concerning with
1 in 55 having some form of autism. Children’s Home and Easter
Seals are partnering for this important journey, and we are excited to
open the doors on this critically important program serving a need in
our community. I will be sharing more information as this program
continues to develop.
Children’s Home continues to grow our mission to serve the needs
of this community. We are proud of our service and ability to live
our mission of Giving Children a Childhood and Future. We are
also humbled by the support our community provides us so that we
can stay focused on meeting the dynamic needs of our children and
families. We could not do our work without each of you who do so
much to strengthen our mission. Thank you and I wish each of you a
wonderful year to come.
Clete Winkelmann
President and CEO
Holiday Happenings
There is a wonderful, mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life - happiness, freedom, and peace of mind - are always
attained by giving them to someone else. – Peyton Conway March
Every year we are overwhelmed by the generosity and consideration of our community. This is most evident here during the holiday
season, and this year is certainly no exception. Hundreds of individuals, families and businesses have shared their holiday spirit by
volunteering their time, donating gifts and participating in holiday “adoptions”. This year, because of the kindness displayed by the
community around us, we were able to provide a very special holiday to over 1,300 children and families.
Here at the Children’s Home, we would like to thank everyone who continues to demonstrate that the services and assistance we are able
to provide children and families in Central Illinois is possible only through the continued support of the community that rallies around us.
In this issue:
State of Children’s Home.............................................. 1
Holiday Happenings............................................. 1-2, 11
Special Projects..........................................................3-4
From the Office of Community & Donor Relations....... 5
Donor List..................................................................5-7
Special Events.............................................................8-9
Staff & Program Highlights.....................................9-10
Foundation News & Events....................................10-11
Thank you to Rotary North for providing holiday gifts for
our children!
Impact Peoria volunteers set-up and organized our holiday
room. Thank you for your continued support!
Holiday Happenings
Temple and Ethan Huett, Erin Frick, and Mindy
Webber. FL Smidth provided some wonderful gifts
for our Foster Care and Family Preservation and
Placement Support children and families. Thank you!
Thank you to Krystal Uppole and Three Paths Massage
Therapy for “adopting” children served by our
Kiefer School this holiday season.
The gifts you provided were truly appreciated!
Tammy Cooper and a host of friends from Proctor Hospital
surpassed their goal of making a difference by “adopting” over
100 children this year. Thank you to Tammy and the staff of
Proctor Hospital for showing the children and families we serve
that they live in a community that cares!
A big thank you from Clete Winkelmann, CEO, to
Principal, Greg Faichild, staff and students at Banner
Elementary for continuing to provide a wide variety of
gifts for our children and families!
Staff at The Gap “adopted” participants from our
Good Beginnings program.
Thank you so much for your generosity!
In honor of their Doctors, the team from Midwest Orthodontic
Associates provided an assortment of holiday gifts, food, and
essentials to impact more than 50 children and families we serve.
Thank you Midwest Orthodontic Associates!
Rory Griggs and our friends of Velde GMC Super
Center once again provided the youth served by
Children’s Home with a wide variety of toys, games,
bikes and more. Thank you for your continued support!
Many thanks go out to Jamie and the staff
of Joseph and Hishon Chiropractic for their
continued support! They raised money and
provided gifts to brighten the holidays for
children and families in our community.
Russell’s Cycling and Fitness donated 95 bikes
and helmets to our kids this holiday season.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support!
from the 7th Graders at Washington Gifted Middle School
We are the 7th grade Destination Imagination (DI) team of Washington Gifted Middle School, and our challenge is to help a charitable organization in our community. Destination Imagination
is an extra curricular activity that focuses on creativity, problem solving, and teamwork. For more information go to www.destinationimagination.org.
We have chosen to help the Children’s Home Association of Illinois. How are we helping? Our goal is to break the myth that the Children’s Home Association of Illinois is an orphanage. Really,
the Children’s Home helps disadvantaged children and families in the Tri-county area. Although it is not an orphanage, Children’s Home provides over 30 services to the community, including
providing residential care to 120 children. Giving children a childhood and future by protecting them, teaching them, and healing them is the mission of Children’s Home.
In a few weeks there will be a YouTube video about the Children’s Home. To contact us call, us at (309) 693-3859 or email us at [email protected].
Imagine, if you will, abruptly leaving your current home without a moment’s notice with only the clothes on your back. You have no basic necessities to get you through the night, no
clothes for tomorrow or the days to come. This is the beginning of most stories for children who enter the foster care system. They leave home not knowing if they will see their stuffed
animals, pajamas or bedroom ever again. To help them through the transition into foster care, Children’s Home Family Preservation and Placement Services team needs help from the
community to provide these children with Journey Bags - backpacks filled with essentials from clothes and toothbrushes to comfort items like stuffed animals and books.
How can you support The Journey Bag Project?
Collect new items for Journey Bags and drop them off to Children’s Home c/o The Journey Bags Project at 2130 N. Knoxville Ave. in Peoria.
Personal/Hygiene items
School Supplies
Items for younger children
(for infants to 18 years of age, male and female all sizes) Toothbrushes Notebook paper Small stuffed animal
Shirts/tops Toothpaste Notebooks Coloring books/crayons
Pants Hair brushes/combs Pencils Easy to read books
Pajamas Shampoo Colored pencils Small Toy cars/trucks
School uniforms for District 150 Scissors for children in primary grades
Thanks to many thoughtful donors, our annual back to school fundraising effort was a great success this year. An
impressive $15,078 was raised.
The job of our children is to go to school and learn. We can only expect them to succeed if we provide them with
the proper tools for the job. Students should be allowed to focus on being a student and enjoying their learning
environment, not the physical things they need to succeed. That sort of worrying should be left for the capable
adults in their lives.
Thank you for your generosity and dedication to the children and families in our community. Your gifts have helped
many children we serve get through the first half of the school year off on the right foot and ensured support of their
academic success for the rest of the year.
On Friday, September 7th a record-breaking 1,030 volunteers
from across Central Illinois participated in the 21st annual Day
of Caring for the Heart of Illinois United Way. Volunteers worked
throughout the day, completing more than 70 projects!
Since 1991, the dedicated staff at Children’s Home has provided
financial support to the community through our annual United
Way Campaign. The 2012 campaign concluded and we are happy
to announce that we once again demonstrated our commitment
to not only our kids and our mission but to the community as a
whole by pledging over $15,500. This brings the campaign’s 21year total to over $380,000!
Children’s Home is fortunate to have such a wonderful group of
professional staff working with our kids. As we move into this
new year, we would like to thank our staff not only for the work
they do every day, but for going the extra mile to ensure highquality services for many years to come!
Clete Winkelmann, members of our Leadership Team and
AmeriCorps members joined the effort, participating in two of
the projects. One team visited the Tazewell/Woodford HeadStart
program where they helped with the annual Family Fun Day by
serving refreshments, playing games and leading craft activities.
The event encouraged families to get involved in their child’s
education and was a fun way to start the new school year. The other
team was stationed at the Civic Center to help sort and package
non-perishable food being collected through a community wide
food drive. Leading up to the Day of Caring, our AmeriCorps
members hosted a canned food drive. Colorful, catchy posters
encouraged Children’s Home staff and Kiefer students to donate.
The food drive’s themed collection days included Macaroni
Monday and Fruity Friday resulting in 330 items being collected.
In total, the food drive brought in an astonishing 38,000 lbs of
food equivalent to more than 25,300 meals.
We are proud to be able to give back to our community.
Unique Collaboration Helps Scott’s Prairie Expand Orchard
Question: What do an ice cream company, a hospital in San Francisco and our Facebook friends have in common?
Answer: An orchard
Children’s Home was selected by the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation to participate in the Communities Take Root
contest sponsored by the Edy’s Fruit Bars brand. Since 2010, Edy’s has conducted an on-line voting contest to award
orchards to organizations and schools across the country. So far they have planted over 1600 trees.
The voting began in April. Using social media and word of mouth to promote the contest, organizations encouraged their
supporters to cast on-line votes for their favorite project. A total of 17 communities with the most votes would receive
an orchard.
After 2 rounds of voting, Children’s Home was near the top 10, but had not secured enough votes to win an orchard.
With time running out, we received a call from Gary Speer, Volunteer Coordinator from Laguna Honda Hospital in San
Francisco. They won their orchard at the end of round 2 and wanted to “pay it forward” by sharing their voting power
to help us. In a very short time, their votes helped propel us to the top of the list and we won first place in round four.
Throughout the contest hundreds of community members supported our efforts by casting an on line vote - many people
voted daily - helping secure over 35,700 votes! Only one community received more votes than Children’s Home during
the entire contest – THANK YOU to all who voted for us and made our dream of an orchard a reality.
Staff and volunteers planting fruit trees.
Although a cold, rainy fall day, dozens came out to help plant our new orchard. Due to the overwhelming support of our community and the sizeable location (empty pasture) for an orchard we
were awarded 40 trees. The trees will not bear fruit for a few years, but our kids will start learning how to properly prune and care for the trees next spring.
Safety, Security, Hope and Home
The 2012 Keepsacks for Kids project was held on October 20th at East Peoria Community High School. This year’s project
was coordinated by our AmeriCorps members. They worked tirelessly to recruit volunteers and secure donations.
We would like to thank the countless volunteers who made blankets or donated hygiene supplies for the event. We would
also like to thank the 117 volunteers who made blankets and helped sort and package items for delivery to our 16 partner
agencies during the Keepsacks event.
Last but not least, we would like to thank our 2012 Keepsacks sponsors for their generous support: Caterpillar
Remanufacturing Division, Riverview Senior Living Community, Advanced Medical Transport, Universalist Unitarian
Church, Thorntons, Peoria City/County Health Department, and Proctor Hospital.
So far we have distributed 884 blankets and 569 hygiene kits to local children and families in need.
On August 10, the Illinois Branch of Erie Insurance hosted their Annual Charity Golf Outing at Quail Meadows Golf Course in which all proceeds
benefitted The Children’s Home Association of Illinois. The golfers and everyone involved had a good time for a great cause. This year, Erie Insurance
raised $20,000 for the kids and families at The Children’s Home.
It is not happy people
who are thankful.
It is thankful people
who are happy.
Author Unknown
From Left to Right: Heather McKeever, Erie Insurance; Andy
Feldman - Vice President/ General Manager of the Heartland Group;
Dan Roth - Group Fleet Manager Heartland Group; Mark Roberts –
Peoria Community Foundation; Ray Cogan, Erie Insurance;
Andy Lowell - Business Rental Sales Director of the Heartland Group;
Elizabeth Funkhouser - Assistant Manager Peoria Central Branch;
Front Row: Christy Daniels, Area Rental Manager & Clete
Pictured Above: Ray Cogan, Erin Samlock, Clete Winkelmann, and
Heather McKeever.
Thank you to all of the dedicated individuals
who share our passion for children
and who have made a financial commitment
to fulfilling the mission of Children’s Home.
It’s easy and convenient to donate online at www.chail.org or mail: 2130 N. Knoxville Ave., Peoria, IL 61603
Instead of receiving birthday
presents, Maggie Mathes collected
gifts and money from her friends
and family members, then donated
them to the Children’s Home to help
other children in need. Thank you so
much for your thoughtfulness!
From the Office of Community & Donor Relations
Yes, I Will....
As the New Year begins to
unfold, many of us set out
to accomplish self-fulfilling
goals. Happily, we achieve
some of these throughout
the year. But one goal that
nags most of us is the “need
to” of making our wills.
Here at Children’s Home, we are blessed with donors
who have chosen to bequeath a gift that will continue
to provide for children and families in need. In my
daily walks and talks with people who have an interest
in serving or giving to Children’s Home, I am touched
by their desire to help. Many ask, “What if I don’t have
much to leave?” or, “How do I begin?” or say, “I don’t
want anyone to know.”
Drawing up a will is a
daunting task for a variety of reasons, and one that
most of us don’t look forward to. Making a will can
be uncomfortable, create more questions than we have
answers for, and cause us to speculate about the timing
of our own departure from this world. Not an easy task
to do! But, completing this endeavor results in a sense of
relief, a sense of order, and the achievement of a major
Children’s Home aims to make the process of
bequeathing gentler by offering a wonderful brochure
that lays out the questions a potential donor needs to
ask. The brochure also provides ideas for simplifying the
task, and for preparing the donor for a more meaningful
conversation with their attorney.
A quote I heard many years ago, “One cannot fully live
until one is prepared to die,” has made a forcible impact
in my life. While preparing a last will and testament is a
great start to freeing oneself to live fully, this saying also
refers to one’s own physical, emotional, and spiritual
Designating Children’s Home in your will or estate
plan as a dollar amount or a percentage of your estate
 Entering into a life estate arrangement to benefit
Children’s Home.
May a favorite quote from Frederick Douglass aid your
desire to help provide for Children’s Home:
“It is easier to build strong children
than to repair broken men.”
In Spirit,
Lou Tenarvitz
Vice President of Community & Donor Relations
Several ways of remembering the needs of our children
Setting up a trust on our behalf
Naming Children’s Home as a beneficiary of a life
insurance policy or retirement plan
I invite you to share in our vision and invest in the dream of a better community where you can make
a real difference by remembering Children’s Home Association of Illinois in your will.
Thank You!
Gifts are from the period October 16, 2012 - December 31, 2012
In Memory of...
Ms. Betty Block Parker
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Parker
Mrs. Dolores J. Schwenk-Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Onnen
Mr. Irving Miller
Mrs. Gloria Miller
Ms. Janet Goetze
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Rick J. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Arnone
Mr. & Mrs. Todd D. Doremus
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Moskowitz
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Peck
Ms. Jeanne Roper
Ms. Kathleen K. Lullo-Lovrien
Mr. Elwin Rumbold
Mrs. Lorretta M. Rumbold
Mr. Greg Noelken
Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Rippelmeyer
Mr. William Ellis
Mrs. Marjorie B. Ellis
Sandy Hook Elementary School children
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Weber
Mr. John Fritz
Mrs. Suzanne D. Korsgard
Mrs. Betty Dietrich
Mrs. Jackie Dietrich
Mr. Marc Burnett
Caterpillar Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Roberta Ruggeri Proctor
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Dean Shull
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Ruggeri
Ms. Susan Jane Duvendack
The Hammond Family
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Maurer
Mr. Michael G. Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Godke
Mr. Edwin Sommer Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew K. Sommer
Ms. Florence Friling &
Mr. Ralph Matzelle
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Verbeke
Mr. Bob Duley & Mrs. Rosemary Duley
Chuck & Charlene McCollum
Mr. Ronald J. Davis
Ms. Barbara Morse
In Honor of...
Art and Claire Guede
Bruce and Pat Alkire
Carolee and Gene Farris
Dan and Sherry Hoppe
Doug and Diane Oberhelman
Edward and Carrie LaHood
Ellen Shull
Gary and Joan Eggerichs
Gene and Kathy Griffith
James and Diane Nutty
James and Margie Franklin
Jill Potter
Judy and Bill Carr
John and Nell Randisi
June R. Kortemeier
Kay and Paul Berres
Larry and Arlene Larson
Lloyd Carter
Norm and Max Schmitz
Paige Parisi
Ron and Linda Ferguson
Shep and Sally Bosch Osherow
The Alderman Family
The Barhorst Family
The Hutchen Family
The Tom Trau Family
Tom and Marsha Finch
William Bosch
Mr. W.A. Kiefer
Debra Godke
CEFCU- Human Resources Dept.
Joe and Jill Nora
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Nora
Mrs. Susan Heun
Ms. Thomas S. Mehl
CEFCU- Human Resources Dept.
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Godke
Elaine Randisi
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Disney
John and Nell Randisi
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Disney
Connie Disney
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Disney
Great Plains Orthopaedics
Dr. & Mrs. Clark B. Rians
Mr. & Mrs. James Kelly
Ms. Madeline M. Kelly
Paul and Sherrie Espinosa
Carter Leinster & Associates, LLC
Steve and Lila Dudley
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Disney
The Walter & Mary Barker Society and the Light the Way Society recognize those dedicated individuals who share our passion for children
and who have made a financial commitment to fulfilling the mission of Children’s Home.
The following members of the Walter & Mary Barker Society have confirmed will or estate plans that include Children’s Home Association of Illinois:
Mr. & Mrs. David Bartolo
Ms. Lillian Florey
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gilmore
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell and Brigitte Grant
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. Harold* and Susan Heun
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Iber*
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Korgie*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McMillan
Ms. Helen Muellecker*
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Noelken
Mr. & Mrs. George Schaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Andy and Amy Schlicksup
Mr. & Mrs. James Sherman
Mr. EB Smart
Mr. & Mrs. William Steadman
Mr. Dennis Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Paul and Lou Tenarvitz
Mr. Warren Webber
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis and Jacqueline White
Mr. & Mrs. Clete and Jeanie Winkelmann
Light The Way Society
The following charter members of the Light the Way Society have committed to an annual gift of $1,100 for ten years to represent and benefit the 1,100 children on average we care for monthly in our services.
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan E. Boland
Mr. & Mrs. Jason and Kimberly Hauer
Mr. & Mrs. Bernie J. Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Stuber
Mr. Mark P. Brown
Mr. David Wentworth, II
& Mrs. Elizabeth L. Jensen
Mrs. Lois M. Pucelik
Mr. & Mrs. Paul and Lou Tenarvitz
Mrs. Sandra G. Ullman
Mr. & Mrs. Jim and Marlene Wogsland
Mr. & Mrs. Joe and Diann Yelton
* deceased
More of our generous donors...
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Abraham
Ms. Ellen Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Addler
Ms. Haleh Afjeh
Homa Afjeh
John D. Alaksiewicz
Mr. Robert E. Alberti
Ms. Stephanie G. Albritton
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Alcorn
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Alcorn
Dr. Jean C. Aldag
Mrs. Mary Jo Alessi
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Allan
Ms. Caldonia Allen
Mr. Jared Scott Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Ammann
Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ammondson
Amvets Ladies Auxiliary Post 64
Mr. Brad Andersh
Ms. Diane Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk L. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Rick J. Anderson
Ms. Vicki R. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Andrews
Mrs. Sharon K. Antonini
Apostolic Christian Church Sewing Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Araujo
Mr. & Mrs. John R.C. Armstrong
Ms. Thelma M. Arnett
Mr. & Mrs. John Arnholt, Jr.
Mr. Oakley J. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Arnone
Ms. Dana Ashby
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Ashby
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Asher
Associated Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Dale D. Atkinson
Mr. R. Rennie Atterbury, III
Mr. Edmund W. Au
Mrs. Helen Aupperle
Mr. & Mrs. Jay S. Aussieker
Mr. & Mrs. John B Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Bennett W. Avery
B’nai B’rith
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Baietto
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Bailey
Ms. Katrina Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. William N. Ball
Ms. Julie Ballard
Ms. Mary E. Ballowe-Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Balraj
Banner Elementary School Students
Ms. Ann Louise Bannon
Ms. Caroline E. Banwart
Col. & Mrs. Walter E. Barnes, III
Mr. & Mrs. J. Brian Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. James Barrack
Mr. William Barrett
Mr. Gregory Barta
Mr. Wayne E. Baum
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Baumgarten
Ms. Jeanette Baumgarten
Ms. Dori J. Beaupre & Tyler Dringenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Beaupre
Mr. Steven J. Beckett
Mr. & Mrs. Bille G. Beeney
Behm and Hagemann, Inc.
Ms. Cassandra M. Belter
Beltone Audiology and Hearing Care Center
Ms. Gloria E. Benedict
Mr. Gary M. Benisch
Ms. Mary E. Bennyhoff
Ms. Emily Benson
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Benson
Ms. Katrina Berchtold
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Bernard
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Berry
Ms. Natalie Betscher
Better Banks
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Billimack
Ms. Ruth C. Bittner
Dr. Richard G. Bjorklund
Mr. Christopher R. Black
Mr. Rob Black
Dr. & Mrs. Sam P. Black
Ms. Joyce Blank
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Blevins
Blue Lakes Sports Club
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Blum
Mrs. Carolyn Blumenshine
Ms. Jenni Board
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bockhaus
Ms. Jacqueline M. Bockler
Mrs. Anne Bodtke
Ms. Mary Lou Boettger
Ms. Doris L. Bogner
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan E. Boland
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Boland
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Bontz
The Honorable & Mrs. Stuart P. Borden
Ms. Stacy J. Borho
Mr. Nathan Boston
Drs. Stuart & Christine Bowers
Bradley University Athletic Dept.
Mr. John W. Braun
Ms. Elizabeth Bravo
Mr. & Mrs. Terryl Brawner
Ms. Amanda F. Breeden
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Brereton
Mr. Robert C. Breuhaus
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bridgewater
Mr. & Mrs. L. Scott Briney
Mr. & Mrs. Gene W. Broadbear
Mr. & Mrs. Jaron J. Bromm
Mr. Gregory L. Brooks
Ms. Jennifer Brooks
Mr. Michael L. Brooks
Mrs. Beth A. Brosmer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Justin D. Brown
Mrs. Karen Brown
Mr. Mark P. Brown
Rev. & Mrs. Michael W. Brown
Mr. Philip Kent Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Brown
Ms. Haylee Bruce
Ms. Jill Brullson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Brunner
Ms. Martha L. Bryan
Ms. Elizabeth Bucholc
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Budde
Drs. Donald & Christine Buehler
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Buettner
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Bullock
Ms. Gwynetta Y. Bullock
Bunco Group
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Bunger
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Buoscio
Mr. Bob M. Burdin
Ms. Jessica Burrell
Mr. & Mrs. Eric E. Bursott
Ms. Carolyn S. Busby
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin P. Busch, Jr.
Ms. Varinia Bush
Ms. Patricia E. Bushman
Mrs. Sali J. Buss
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Buster
Ms. Emily D. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Butler
Mrs. Katie C. Butler
Mr. Michael P. Butler
Mr. Tim Camacho
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Campen
Ms. Jennifer Cantrell
Susan M. Canty
Mr. Jeffrey R. Caris
Ms. Dalena Carmichael
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Carson
Ms. Miranda L. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Carter
Carter Leinster & Associates, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Casey
Ms. Rebecca Cassidy
Caterpillar Foundation, Inc.
Caterpillar Global Purchasing MPDP
Caterpillar, Inc.- Remanufacturing
CEFCU - Human Resources Dept.
Central Illinois Woodturners
Mrs. Jeanne E. Challacombe
Ms. Amanda L. Chamberlain
Champs Northwoods Mall
Ms. Jaci Chapeck
Ms. Barbara Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Joel L. Chapman
Mrs. Barbara Charlet
Dr. Umesh C. Chatrath
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Cheney
Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas P. Chiras
Christ Orchard
Ms.Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Ms. Mary Patricia Clark
Clark Management, LLC
Mrs. Joyce Cloud
CMFI Group, Inc.
Ms. Mary K. Cochran
Ms. Sarah Cochran
Ms. Esther R. Cohen
Mr. Richard L. Cohenour
Mr. & Mrs. John & Tracy Coker
Ms. Alice A. Cole
Ms. Ashley Cole
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Cole
Ms. Sarah K. Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Colegrove
Mr. Lance P. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Max Coleman, III
Mr. Thomas M. Colligan
Mr. Edwin B. Collins
Ms. Nancy Colvin
Mr. Seth Colvin & Kamdyn Philbee
Ms. Ruby N. Combs
Comcast Spotlight
Mr. Todd N. Condron
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Coney
Ms. Janet Connell
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Connor
Ms. Kim Conover
Mr. & Mrs. James Conyers
Mr. Mark E. Cook
Ms. Rene A. Copple
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Cordts
Mrs. Peggy D. Cornelius
Ms. Carla J. Cortes
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Cote
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Cotta
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Cottingham
Country Club of Peoria
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Couri
Ms. Amy Cowen
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Cranston
Mr. Billy R. Craig
Mr. Charles R. Craps
Mr. & Mrs. Lari L. Crim
Jess Crompton
Mrs. Judy P. Crosby
Ms. Patsy A. Crosier
Mr. Keith A. Crow
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Crowe
Ms. Anne Crumrine
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Cummings
Ms. Eileen R. Cunningham
Mr. Jay M. Curley
Ms. Michelle L. Curtale
Mr. Ean Cuthbert
Mr. Denis Cyr
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Daggs
Ms. Sarah Dahl
Ms. Sarah Dahl
Ms. Linda E. Daley
Mr. Ben Damron
Mr. Ed Daniels
Ms. Vijya Kristina Dara
David Vaughan Investments, Inc.
Davis Agency Insurance
Ms. Ellen R. Davis
Ms. Lynzie Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dawson
Sister Mary Jane Dawson
Mr. Paul L. Dawson
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Day
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Day
Mr. Ryan Dean
Mrs. Betty DeBord
Mr. Steve DeCremer
Dee Ray Insurance Agency
Jacque Defauw
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeFord
Ms. Julie DeFrates
Mr. & Mrs. Emil W. Deissler
Mr. James Delfs
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy E. DellaValle
Ms. Karina DelToro
Ms. Theresa J. Dennis
Ms. Amy S. Dennison
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Deppert
Ms. Jennifer Dettman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Dewey, Jr.
Mrs. Jackie Dietrich
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Dingledine
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Disney
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Dixon, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Doerfler
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy C. Dohm, Jr.
Mr. Joe Dolan
Ms. Jennifer S. Domnick
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Donahue
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Donlan
Mr. & Mrs. Todd D. Doremus
Ms. Cindy Doro
Mr. Michael J. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Drake
Dream Center Peoria
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery A. Dries
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Drosner
Mr. Kevin Joseph Dsa
Mr. Christian A. Duarte & Karin Veiga
Hon. & Mrs David J. Dubicki
Ms. Kym Ducharme
Mr. Michael Dugard
Britain J. Dunaway
Mr. Robert B. Dunbar
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Duncan
Mr. Michael D. Duncan
Dunlap Public Library
Mr. & Mrs. John Dunlop, III
Ms. Monica Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil R. Durgan
Mr. Charles Dutart
Mr. Keith A. Dyar
Hon. & Mrs Richard E. Eagleton
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Eakman
Earlybird Grain & Fertilizer Svc.
Eddie Bauer Employees
Ms. Clara Eddy
Mr. Darrell E. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Edwards
Mr. Kenneth W. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Eggerichs
Mrs. Idalene Ehni
Mr. & Mrs. John Ekhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Elledge
Mrs. Marjorie B. Ellis
Hon. & Mrs. Brian J. Elsasser
Ms. Janet L. Elsasser
Mr. & Mrs. David Eminian
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Erlichman
Mrs. Shirley A. Eschmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Esterling
Mr. & Mrs. Zachary J. Esterling
Dr. Claire A. Etaugh
Eureka High School Honor Society
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Evancik
Mr. & Mrs. W. Lee Evans, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Evelsizer
Ms. Suzanne Everett
Evonik Goldschmidt
Ms. Kristal F. Fager
Mr. & Mrs. Burdette N. Fair
Faith United Presbyterian Church
Mr. Greg Falada
Family Video
Fannie May Candies #436
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Fanning
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Fassino
Ms. Tayo M. Faulkner
Mr. & Mrs. David Fauser
Mr. Bryant Fazer
Federal Companies
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Feeney, Jr.
Mrs. Martha M. Feldman
Mrs. Sybil Feldman
Ms. Bonnie J. Fenton
Dr. & Mrs. Craig Allen Fenton
Fieldhouse Bar & Grill
Ms. Andrea Fietsam
Ms. Dani Filock
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Finson
First Baptist Church of Peoria
First Federated Church
First Mid-Illinois Bank and Trust
Mr. Dave Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Fishman
FL Smidth
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Flaherty
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Flavin
Mr. & Mrs. David Fleming
Ms. Jenell L. Flemming
Ms. Briana L. Fletcher
Mrs. Eleanor Flinn
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Force
Mr. Dennis Forcum
Ms. Aline L. Ford
Mr. Ralph W. Ford
Ms. Renee L. Ford
Forest Park Nature Center
Mr. & Mrs. Ted H. Fragel
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Fraley
Ms. Jennifer Frame
Mr. & Mrs. John Frampton
Mrs. Julie A. Frank
Mr. W. T. Franklin
Ms. Jessica Frechette
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin F. Frederick
Ms. Lorraine Frederick
Ms. Steffany Frederick
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Freeburn
Ms. Opal L. French
Mr. & Mrs. Alex T. Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. Kendall Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. Alan G. Funk
Mr. Darin L. Funk
Ms. Joni J. Funk
Ms. Sharon Funk
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Fyle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gabbert
Mr. Jack Gaetz
Mr. & Mrs. John Gannon
Gap, Inc.
Mr. David E. Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gardiner
Ms. Wendy Gardner
Mrs. Doris Garman
Ms. Jo Garrison
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Gebhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Geier
General Federation Women’s Club IL 16th
Mr. & Mrs. G. Paul Gerdes
Germantown Hills Middle School
Ms. Jan C. Gerrond
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E Gestrine
Ms. Barbara Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Gibson
Mrs. Martha H. Giebelhausen
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gilles
Ms. Lynda Gilles
Mr. John Gilmer
Mr. Michael J. Gilmore
Ms. Valerie J. Gilmore
Kris Girardi
Girl Scouts Troop #4693
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dale Gladden
Mr & Mrs. Bob Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glass, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn S. Gleason
Mrs. Debra L. Gleason
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell L. Glenn
Mr. & Mrs. Merle H. Glick
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Godke
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Goett
Dr. & Mrs. Frank L. Gold
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Goodin
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Goodyear
Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Gordon
Ms. Vickie L. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Gorman
Ms. Kim L. Gouliard
Ms. Norma R. Gourdier
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gove
Grace Presbyterian Church
Grace Presbyterian Church-His Alone Group
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis F. Grant
Ms. Paula Graves
Ms. Jackie Gray
Graybar Electric Company
Greater Peoria Claims Association
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Grebner
Ms. Sarah Grebner
Ms. Beth Green
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Green
Green Chevrolet Hummer
Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Greer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff A. Gress
Ms. Elizabeth G. Griebel
Mr. B. Mitch Griffin & Dr. Jill Attaway
Ms. Melanie D. Grimm
Mr. & Mrs. Milton S. Grimm
Dr. & Mrs. Ollie G. Grimm
Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Grimsley
Ms. Melissa J. Grimson
Ms. Carrie Grimwade
Ms. Lisa Groff
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Gronewold
Ms. Mary G. Gronsdahl
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Gross
Ms. Jessica L. Gross
Group Administrators, Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Grove
Grundy Elementary School
Mr. A.J. Gudat
Ms. Pamela S. Guede
Ms. Susan Gulley
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Guzman
Roger L. Hagel
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Hagemann
Ms. Kellie L. Hainline
Ms. Diana J. Hall
Ms. Kirsten D. Hall
Hallmark-Metamora Fixture Operations
Ms. Donita C. Halsey
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hamann
Hampton Inn
Ms. Trista Hanauer
Hanna City United Methodist Church
Ms. Yvonne D. Hansen
Mrs. Mary Ann Happach
Ms. Echo A. Haptonstall
Mr. & Mrs. David Hardy
Ms. Veronica Harkless
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Harlan
Ms. Magan Harlan
Ms. Cheryl Harms
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley C. Harr
Ms. Erma E. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Hart
Rod & Jennifer A. Hart
Mrs. Elsa S. Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Harvey
Ms. Kay Haslett
Ms. Melanie Hasty
Mr. Michael K. Hatfield
Mr. & Dr. Patrick S. Hatfield
Mrs. Marian J. Hattan
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Hauer
Ms. Diane L. Haungs
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry J. Hauter
Ms. Jacqueline A. Havy
Mrs. Miriam V. Hawk
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Hayden
Mr. Jeffrey L. Heckman
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd H. Hedges
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie C. Hedgespeth
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Heimann
Mr. Robert Heindselman
Ms. Colleen Heinemann
Mr. Aaron Heintz
Ms. Jessica D. Heintz
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Heinz
Ms. Violet J. Heinz
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Heisel
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Heitzman
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver G. Helderle
Ms. Roxann Hendrickson
Mr. Robert C. Henk
Mr. Brian Hennessey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Henry
Ms. Stephanie L. Herink
Mr. Tom Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Ben H. Herrmann
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Herrmann
Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Herrmann
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Herzog
Mr. & Mrs. John Hestrom
Mrs. Susan I. Heun
High Fidelity Engineering
Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Hildebrand
Ms. Brenda Hilfiker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Hillary
Ms. Patricia A. Hilst
Ms. Courtney Hines
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. Hinrichs
Ms. Mary Jean Hisler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Hochstatter
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Hodel
Mr. Martin L. Hoecker
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff J. Hoerdeman
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce P. Hoerr
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas O. Hoerr
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hoerr
Mr. & Mrs. Max P. Hoerr
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan C. Hoerr
Mr. J.J. Hoevelmann
Mr. Jason Scott Hofer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hofmeister
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Hofstetter
Mr. Albert Hohstadt
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hokin
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Holaday
Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Hollingsworth
Mrs. Ann R. Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Holmes
Mr. Robb Homolka
Mrs. Mary Ann E. Honaker
Mr. & Mrs. Antonius D. Honings
Ms. Kate A. Hook
Mr. Joseph R. Horn
Ms. Rebecca J. Hornbrook
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Horstmann
Gerry L. Horton
Ms. Yolanda R. Horton
Mr. Rex G. Howard, Jr.
Mr. Steve Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Terry S. Howell
Mr. Jeff Hoyes
Mr. & Mrs. Keith W. Hubble
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Huber
Mr. & Mrs. Kert A. Huber
Mr. Randall Wayne Huber
Mr. & Mrs. Larry N. Hughes
Ms. Mary Hughes
Ms. Melinda A. Huisenga
Mr. Richard J. Huizinga
Ms. Stacey L. Hulsizer
Ms. Holly S. Hummel
Ms. Deborah L. Huston
Mr. Max Hutchison
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Iacullo
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Ihnow
Illinois Central College Human Service Club
Illinois Mutual Life & Casualty Co
Illinois Piping Corporation
Illinois Valley Yacht and Canoe Club
Mr. Mike Ioerger
Ms. Paula Ivie
J.J.B.-Peoria, Inc.; R & J’s Northside Pawn Shop
Ms. Ruthanne Jackson
Mr. Steven R. Jackson
Mr. Michael A. Jacob
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. Bill James
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Jaszarowski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Jenkins
Ms. Ruth Ann Jennings
Mr. Mansil I. Jett & Carol L. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Jewell
Jimmy John’s
JMP Radio Group
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley S. Johanson
Ms. Britta A. Johnson
Ms. Gina Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Johnson
Ms. Frances J. Johnston
Jonah’s Seafood House
Ms. Diana Jones
Mr. Jacob Jones
Mr. Kevin Jones
Mrs. Linda Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Steve D. Jones
Ms. Linda Joos
Ms. Edwina Jordan & Ms. Evelyn Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Jorgensen
Joseph & Hishon Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Junker
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Joseph Juricic
Mr. & Mrs. Tsuneo Kaneshiro
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Katzke
Mr. Raymond A. Keithley
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Kelch
Mr. & Mrs. H. Michael Keller
Mr. Philip M. Kellstedt
Ms. Betty Kelly
Ms. Madeline M. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kemper
Ms. Hannah Kennedy
Ms. Myrtle N. Kent
Mr. Alan Kenworthy
Ms. Linda L. Keown
Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Kesselmayer
Keystone Friendly Neighbor Club
Kids’ Directory
Mrs. R. A. Kiefer
Mr. W. A. Kiefer
Mr. & Mrs. Perry L. Kieser
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kilduski
Mr. & Mrs. Allen C. Kilgore
Ms. Julie Kindinger
Kingston Mines Methodist Church
Mr. Joseph R. Kinsey
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Kirwan
Ms. Pamela K. Kissner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Klaus
Tory L. Kleinhans
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Kleszynski
Ms. Rob Klobnak
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Klockenga
Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Klokkenga
Ms. Laurie Klopfenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Garth E. Knobeloch
Mr. A. Terry Knueppel
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Koch
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Koenig, Jr.
Keith W. Kohler
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Koonce
Ms. Samantha Koop
Ms. Carol M. Kornmeyer
Mrs. Suzanne D. Korsgard
Dr. & Mrs. George J. Kottemann
Mrs. Emeta Kraemer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Kraft
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Krakowiecki
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Krakowiecki
Ms. Elizabeth C. Krikke
Mr. Thomas R. Kromphardt
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Krumholz
Mr. & Mrs. Len A. Kuchan
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kummer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Kutter, Sr.
Allison I. Labraaten
Ms. Carol L. Ladwig
Ms. Susan Lafollette
Ms. Sue A. Lakin
Ms. Kathy Lamb
Ms. Mary P. Lambert
Ms. Autumn LandiVittori
Mrs. Alice Landry
Ms. Claudia Lane
Ms. Heather L. Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Rowan Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Langenstein
Mr. Zach Langloss
Mr. Phil Lanxon
Mr. Carl W. Larosche
Ms. Rita K. Larson
Ms. Carol L. Latham
Ms. Anna Laude
Mr. Alex Lavin
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Lavish
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Lawless
Mr. Gregory P. Lawson & Dr. Norma J. Just
Mr. Cody Leach
Ms. Sally A. Leavy
Mr. & Mrs. David V. Lee
Mrs. Margaret R. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lehman
Ms. Cora M. Leman
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Lennington
Ms. Mike Lenzie
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Leson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lewis
Mr. Nathan L. Lewtz
Janice Gruber Limestone American Legion Aux 979
Ms. Crystal D. Lindgren
Ms. Nicole Lipe
Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Lister
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Little, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Marc L. Litwiller
Mr. & Mrs. Don E. Locke
Mr. Brian K. Loeffler
Ms. Monique Loffredo
Lowe’s Home Improvement #167
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Ludolph
Mr. & Mrs. Fred I. Lueders
Ms. Kathleen K. Lullo-Lovrien
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick K. Lutgens
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. MacDonald
Ms. Julie MacFarlane
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Machala
Madison Ave United Methodist Church
Mrs. Patricia Maggi
Ms. Mary Jo Maher
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Mann
Marquette Group
Ms. Arlene Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Martin
Ms. Bonnie B. Martin
Ms. Carol Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Martin
Mrs. Esther Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua R. Martin
Ms. Patricia R. Martin
Ms. Diana Martino
Ms. Eileen W. Martyn
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Masimore
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin M. Mather
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Mathes
Ms. Kathy A. Mathis
Maui Jim, Inc.
Mr. Eugene V. Maurer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Maurer
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome P. Maushard
Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. May
Mr. Michael J. Mayo
Ms. Elaine McCarthy
Mr. John McCavitt
Chuck & Charlene McCollum
Ms. Lois McCombs
Ms. Jennifer M. McConnell
Ms. Margaret M. McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A McCord
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley M. McCully
Mr. & Mrs. James W. McCumber
Mr. & Mrs. Jim McCumber
Mr. Kevin McCumber
Mr. & Mrs. Tim McCumber
Mr. Tom McCumber
Mr. & Mrs. Joe McDaniel
Mr. Avery McDonald
Ms. Wendy Ellen McDonna
Ms. Jo Ann McFarlin
Mr. Kenneth F. McGann
Mr. & Mrs. Norm McGill
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. McIntire
Mrs. Betty Ann McKay
Mr. & Mrs. John D. McKee
Ms. Erin McKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Randy McKinley
Mr. & Mrs. Steve McKown
Mr. & Mrs. Steven McMeen
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. McNally
Mr. & Mrs. F. Lynn McPheeters
Med Data, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Meeker
Ms. Thoma S. Mehl
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Meints
Mr. John E. Meister
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Meister
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Mejzak
Mr. Bruce R. Melz
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Mendenhall
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mendenhall
Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Menold
Mr. & Mrs. Ron J. Menold
Dr. & Mrs. Terry Meriden
Ms. Michele L. Messersmith
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Messmore
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Messmore
Metamora Grade School
Methodist Medical Center
Ms. Margaret A. Metz
Dr. & Mrs. Norman P. Meyn
Michael’s Arts & Crafts
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Michel
Midwest Orthodontic Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Miers
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Miller
Mr. Donald F. Miller
More of our generous donors...
Mrs. Gloria Miller
Ms. Kathleen Miller
Mr. Michael R. Miller
Ms. Eileen Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Milton
Mr. Craig M. Mitchell
Ms. Melissa Mitchell
Mr & Mrs Mark S. Mittelberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Duane Moll
Mr. Kevin Michael Moloney
Mommy Moments
Ms. Ellen Monteith
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Montgomery
Mr. James A. Mooberry
Jan, Todd & Mackenzie Mooberry
Mr. Corey Moore & Megan Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Morgan
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Ms. Barbara Morse
Morton Community UCC Men’s Fellowship
Morton Dental Center
Morton United Methodist Women
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Moskowitz
MPay, Inc.
Mr. Paul H. Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Muir
Mr. Stefan Muller
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip D. Munoz
Ms. Regina Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Myers
Mr. Dennis E. Nash
Jaime L. Nash
Ms. Sylvia Nath
Natural Balance Wellness Center
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Neal
Mrs. Marjorie A. Neff
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Nena
Ms. Carol S. Nepolello
Mr. & Mrs. Ross B. Nettell
Ms. Tina Neuhalfen
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell L. Neuhauser
Ms. Cathy Neumann
Ms. Sandra Neumann
New Capital Bank
Mr. LaFrank Newell & Mrs. Toni Belcher
Ms. Amy E. Nguyen
Ms. Shelley A. Nguyen
Nixon Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mrs. Shirley A. Noe
Mr. & Mrs. Dale H. Noel
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Nora
Ms. Jill Norton
Dr. & Mrs. Albert J. Novotny
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne W. Nowlan
Mr. Derek Nunamaker
Ms. Janice M. O’Bleness
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. O’Brien
Ms. Robin M. O’Brien
O’Brien Steel Service
Mrs. Evelyn O’Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. William P. O’Malley
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. O’Neil, Jr.
Mr. Michael G. O’Neil
Ms. Betty Obergfel
Ms. Lori Oberlander
Ms. Sharon Obery
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Oelkers
Mr. & Mrs. M. David Olivera
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Olmstead
Mr. & Mrs. Alexius B. Olson
Ms. Cindy Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Onnen
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Orth
Ms. Leona M. Osborne
Dr. & Mrs. Rodney C. Osborn
OSF Saint Francis Medical Center
Ms. Jennifer Owdom
P.A. Atherton Construction, Inc.
Mrs. Dorothy Anne Paesani
Mrs. Valerie Paine
Pajama Project
Mr. George Pakalpti
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Pape
Par-A-Dice Hotel Casino
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Parker
Ms. Bessie L. Parks
Mr. Andrew J. Parmelee
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Parn, II
Ms. Ashley L. Parrish
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan J. Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Passie
Mrs. Ann G. Pastucha
Ms. Diane V. Patterson
Ms. Judy Patterson
Mr. John P. Pearl
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Peck
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Pedersen
Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Pelz
Peoria Academy Girl Scout Brownie Troop 4658
Peoria Charter Coach
Peoria Motorcycle Club
Peoria Network Associates, Inc.
Peoria Sunrise Rotary Club
Performance Pattern & Machine, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Pericak
Ms. Danni Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Peterson, Jr.
Ms. Emily C. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Petrone
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Pflederer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M Pfohl
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Phelan
Philippi-Hagenbach & Welarco Fabrications
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Pieper
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph John Pieper
Mr. Benjamin F. Piercy
Ms. Camilla S. Pietreniak
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Pink
Ms. Kimberly S. Plack
Ms. Edith M. Pohland
Ms. Hannah Polley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Ponder
Mrs. Charlotte Poor
Mr. Charles J. Poparad
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Postlewait
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Prebil
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathon W. Pressler
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Prina
Mr. Roger C. Proctor
Proctor Hospital
Proctor Hospital Business Development
Ms. Emily M. Prouty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Prouty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pryor
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Purfield
Vali A. Quast
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Quinn
Ms. Patricia A. Quitschau
R. H. Green Construction Company
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Raabe
Ms. Holly Rademaker
Dr. & Mrs. Donald E. Rager
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rainson
Ms. Karen Raithel
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Ramer
Mr. Carlos Ramirez-Ortiz
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Philip Ramos
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Ramsay
Ms. Aritha Rao
Mr Jason C. Raw
Ray Dennison Chevrolet
Redding Industries, Inc.
Mr. Craig W. Reeser
Regency Beauty Institute
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Reinhardt
Mr. & Mrs. William Martin Reno, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Warren G. Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rezac
Dr. & Mrs. Clark B. Rians
Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Ricca
Mr. & Mrs. Forest D. Richardson, III
Ms. Rebecca Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Rickert, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Riddle
Mr. Chris Rieker
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Rieker
Ms. Donya Riggert
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Rinehart
Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Rippelmeyer
The Honorable & Mrs Dale E. Risinger
Ms. Doreen A. Ritt
RLI Surety
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Robards
Mr. & Mrs. Jayme L. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Roberts
Col. & Mrs. William P. Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Robins
Ms. Glorier L. Robinson
Ms. Phyllis Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Robinson
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
Ms. Molly Rodden
Mr. Joseph R. Roderick
Ms. Alyssa J. Roehrig
Mr. & Mrs. G. Dean Rohweder
Ms. Amy Roman
Ms. Mary Kaye Rooney
Jeanne Roper
Ms. Heather Rose
Mr. Kyle Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rose
Ms. Joyce M. Rosenberger
Rotary Club of Peoria- North
Mr. & Mrs. J. Phillip Rous
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Rouzer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Rowley
Ruby Tuesday
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Ruddell
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Ruggeri
Mrs. Loretta M. Rumbold
James L. Runyon & Mary E. Peifer
Mr. Anthony T. Rush
Mr. & Mrs. Jack F. Russell
Ms. Jackie Russell
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Russell
Mr. Jonathan Russell
Russell’s Cycling & Fitness
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Russo
Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Rutledge
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ryba
Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Rzeszutko
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Saal
Mr. Jason Sage
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Sahn
Mr. & Mrs. Marcos A. Sallowicz
Ms. Abbey Sandberg
Mr. & Mrs. Charles O. Sanders, III
Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Sandoz
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Santen
Kanthikiran Sastry
Mr. Alan P. Sauder
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Sauder
Savant Capital, LLC
Mr. Fato Saverio
Ms. Carol A. Saville
Rev. Dr. & Rev. Randall L. Saxon
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Schacherbauer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schaub
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Scheffler
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Scheirer
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Scherer
Ms. Rebecca Schermann
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Schertz
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Schertz
Aida Schilling
Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Schmidgall
Mr. & Mrs. G. Edward Schmidt
Mr. Steven P. Schmidt
Ms. Jane A. Schmitt
Ms. Deborah Schoedel
Mr. Robert Scholl
Ms. Ruth A. Schoolmann
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Schuerman
Schupbach & Streitmatter Gas Co
Ms. Lauren Schwanke
Mr. David Schwartz
Mrs. Ida E. Schwenk
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Schwindenhammer
Mr. Jason Scott
Ms. Andrea L. Sea
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Seckel
Mr. David M. Seghetti
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Seghetti
Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Selburg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sepulveda
Servants Heart Fellowship
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sexton
Ms. Melody Seybold
Ms. Millie Shaddock
Mana Shahgoli
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Shanahan
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Millard G. Shaw
Ms. Linda Shea
Mrs. Rachel E. Shepherdson
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Sheridan
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Dean Shull
Ms. Peg Shull
Ms. Michelle Shurtz
Mr. & Mrs. Bryon Siebert
Mr. & Mrs. Randall S. Simmons
Ms. Terri Simmons
Ms. Janette Sims
Ms. Lauren A. Skewis
Dr. David C. Slagle & Mr. Harry R. Gunn
Ms. Mary Slankard
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Sleiman
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis M. Slusher
Mr. E.B. Smart
Ms. Paula Smart
Ms. Amber Smith
Forest D. Smith
Ms. Kendra Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd E. Smith
Mrs. Loretta R. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Smith
Mr. & Mrs Matthew Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Smith
Ms. Melinda Smith
Mrs. Patricia A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon R. Smith
Mrs. Jody L. Smith-Brown
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Smittkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew K. Sommer
South Side Bank
Mr. & Mrs. James Clay Southey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Spadin
Ms. Lanore Spahn
Ms. Kala Spellmeyer
Ms. Jennett D. Spicer-Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Spiker
Spoon Full Frozen Yogurt
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Springer
Springfield Road Baptist Church
Dr. & Mrs. Marc D. Squillante
St. Patrick’s Society of Peoria
St. Philomena Pack 18
Ms. Renee N. Staffeldt
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle E. Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. Nyle W. Staley
Ms. Danielle Stanley
Daniel Stanton
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Starr
State Farm Insurance
State Farm Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly J. Steele
Mr. Brad Stegall
Mr. Edward Stein, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Dayton E. Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan P. Stephens
Ms. Lee Ann Stevens
Ms. Melissa R. Stevenson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Stewart
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Stine
Dr. & Mrs. Harry C. Stone, II
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Stone
Ms. Jennifer M. Stouffer
Mr & Mrs James W. Stowell
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Streitmatter
Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Streitmatter
Ms. Linda Stricklin
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Stuber
Ms. Linda R. Stuebe
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn S. Sullivan
Sun Loan Company
Mr & Mrs. Maurice L. Super
Mr. Kirit D. Suthar
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Sutter
Mrs. Mary L. Sutton
Ms. Barbara J. Svymbersky
Drs. Rajagopala & Revathi Swaminathan
Mr. Jake Sweet
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Sweet
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Tabb
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar E. Tamez
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Mac Tavares
Mrs. Andrea D. Taylor
Ms. Dianna K. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Tenarvitz
The Hammond Family
The Main Statement
The State Farm Team
Ms. Kara R. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Thompson
Mr. Scott A. Thompson
Ms. Victoria A. Thompson
Thorntons #351
Three Paths Massage Therapy
Thrivent Financial
Ms. Laura Tobben
Ms. Jillian Tockes
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Tornatore
Mrs. Joan Tower
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan H. Triebel
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Tripp
Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Trowbridge
Ms. Katherine I. Troxell
Dr. & Hon. Richard Trumpe
Mr. & Mrs. Adam G. Turner
Ms. Amy Jo Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Ullenius
Mrs. Richard N. Ullman
Mr. Michael P. Unes
United Brotherhood of Carpenters
United Facilities, Inc.
United Presbyterian Church
Universalist Unitarian Church of Peoria
Mrs. Carolee L. Unsicker
Unsicker Farms
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Urbaniak
Mr. Walter J. Urbaniak
Ms. Donna Utzinger
Mrs. Cindy L. Vandak
Mrs. Anne Miles Vaughan
Mr. Kevin D. Vaughn
Mr. Juan Velandia
Ms. Sheryl Velasquez
Velde Cadillac Buick GMC
T.K. Venkatesh
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Verbeke
VFW Post 2602
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Vidic
Ms. Linda Jane Vietor
Mrs. Beverly Vilberg
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Vinton
Ms. Mary E. Voelker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Vorrath
Mr. Ronald L. Vorrath
Chris Wach
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin D. Wagner
Ms. Dawn Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Wagner
Mrs. Patricia M. Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Sedric Waguespack
Mr. Matt Wahvenburg
Ms. Kim Waldon
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Waldschmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd E. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Perry W. Walker
Ms. Sue Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Terry W. Walker
Ms. Donna Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrance E. Wallden
Ms. Charlene Walters
Mrs. Wilma E.Ward
Ms. Deborah L. Wargo
Ms. Brittany Warren
Washington Middle School
Water Street Solutions, Inc
Ms. Linda Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Brice A. Watson
Mary A. Weakley
Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Webber
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Weede
Mrs. Beth S. Weinberg-Gordon
Mr. Mark Welch
Wells Fargo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Wendle
Mr. Richard J. Wennmacher
Ms. Linda L. Wenzel
Ms. April D. Werneburg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Wessels
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest B. West
Mr. & Mrs. H. Richard West
West Central IL Bldg &Construction Trades Council
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby J. Westhafer
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Wettstein
Mr. Melvin H. White
Ms. Stephanie L. White
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Whitton
Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Widmer
Wilder-Waite Elementary School
Wildlife Prairie State Park
Ms. Alesia L. Wilkinson
Ms. Heather M. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Williams
Mr. Roark J. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Williamson
Ms. Jill L. Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. William N. Williamson
Mr & Mrs Reginald A. Willis
Ms. Christi Wilson
Mr. Robert E. Witherell
Mrs. Nancy J. Wing
Mr. & Mrs. Clete Winkelmann
Mr. & Mrs. Larry N. Winkler
Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Wiseman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Withrow
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Woerner
Ms. Elizabeth D. Woertz
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen O. Wolpers
Mr. & Mrs. Merle Woodrow
Mr. John Wosik
Mr. & Dr. Cameron Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua D. Wright
Mr. Michal E. Wright
Wright-Way Interior Systems
Ms. Mary Wuethrich
Ms. Jo Wulf
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wurst
Ms. Janet Wylie
Mr. Donald Wyzlic, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Nick G. Yates
Ms. Karen Yemm
Yeomans Distributing Company
Mr. & Mrs. Bill B. Yezek
Mrs. Joyce Yontz
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Yordy
Mr. & Mrs. Abraham L. Zadoks
Hadia Zahid
Mr. & Mrs. Lance Q. Zedric
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Zehr
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Zichterman
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Zimmer
Ms. Melissa Zimmermann
Ms. Angela M. Zumbek
“When Daddy’s Th
15th annual
kreative kids art contest
When daddy’s ther
e we laugh
When daddy’s ther
e we talk
When daddy’s ther
e we play
Thanks in large part to our friends at Kuhl and Company; the Children’s Home was able to hold the 15th Annual
Kreative Kids Art Contest awards ceremony on Wednesday, October 17th at our Academy Campus in Peoria.
Kuhl and Company has sponsored this event since its inception. This year, over 150 pieces were submitted for
judging. Congratulations to our winners and thank you to all of the participants for their wonderful entries.
When daddy’s not th
ere I cry
When daddy’s not th
We would like to extend our thanks and
appreciation to the following individuals
who agreed to the difficult task of
judging all of the entries: Helen Davis
(Children’s Home Volunteer),Gary Bray
(Children’s Home Volunteer Guitar
Instructor) and David Zern (Kuhl &
Company). Again, special thanks to Kuhl
& Company for their continued support
of this event.
When daddy’s not th
ere I’m silent
ere I’m sad
When daddy’s ther
When daddy’s ther
e he helps me
When daddy’s ther
e things are better
e it’s right
When daddy’s not th
When daddy’s not th
ere it’s hard
When daddy’s not th
First Place, Jessica, 13 and
older poetry
ere things are worse
ere it’s wrong
First Place Artwork, Sonya, 13 and older watercolor
At a reception on November 29th at the Country Club of Peoria hosted by Children’s Home Foundation Board Chair, Bernie Koch, we were delighted to express our thanks and
appreciation to donors who have been supporting our work with children and families for ten years or more. We also honored those who have joined our Light the Way Society and those
who have included the Children’s Home in their will or estate plan, making them members of the Barker Society.
While this event focused on our long term donors, we consider all of our donors invaluable, regardless of the size of the gift or how long they have been helping us further our mission.
This confidence in our work is a critical factor in our ability to give children a childhood and future.
If you would like information on the Light the Way Society or Barker Society, please contact Lou Tenarvitz, Vice President, by phone at 687-7210 or via email at [email protected].
Recognizing our special friends at
Children’s Home; OUR VOLUNTEERS!
Children’s Home held our annual Volunteer Recognition Reception on Thursday,
November 8th, 2012 at the North Knoxville Campus. Refreshments were served and
conversations flowed as volunteers shared with one another on how they became connected
to serving. Many were involved through their employers, many had a long-term history
with the organization, and others just love giving to children. We could not do our jobs
without you. Thank you!
the children’s home spring gala
The 16th Annual Children’s Home Spring Gala will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2013
at the Country Club of Peoria. Please mark your calendars for a fun-filled evening that
includes a silent auction, live auction and cash raffle. To date, the Gala has raised nearly
$1,000,000 for the children and families in our community!
For more information about the event or to make reservations, please contact Jody SmithBrown, Special Events Coordinator, at 309.687.7423 or [email protected].
St. Patrick’s Society of Peoria
Jack Kenny 5K Run/Walk
The St. Patrick Society of Peoria is hosting the 22nd Annual Jack Kenny 5K Run/Walk on
Saturday, March 2, 2013 at the Franciscan Center in West Peoria. The race will begin at
9am with race day registration beginning at 7:15am. The entry fee is $20. St. Patrick Society
Board Member, Theresa Hoadley, will direct the race this year. A presentation of awards will
be held immediately following the race, and a post-race party will be held at Jimmy’s on
Farmington Road. A portion of the proceeds from the race benefit the kids and families at
Children’s Home, so please mark your calendars now and plan to join us there!
Volunteers painting at Youth Farm Campus
For more information, contact Theresa Hoadley at 309.253.4509.
THE children’s home youth farm CATTLE AUCTION
In 1964, Youth Farm hosted its 1st Annual Cattle Auction which raised $4,000 to support its endeavors. Over the years the Annual Cattle Auction has grown and so have the facilities on the
beautiful 22 acre Youth Farm campus. Contributions to the Annual Cattle Auction continue to support the development of Youth Farm Campus and enable the provision of a therapeutic
environment for the special children who live there.
On September 6, 2012, the 48th Annual Cattle Auction was held at Tonti Park on Peoria’s beautiful riverfront and the site of the first French Farms in Peoria. With more than 350 friends in
attendance, music by Andy Hatfield and friends, and food prepared by Kelleher’s Pub and Eatery, Raber’s, and Sysco, nearly $135,000 was raised for the Youth Farm Campus. We would like to
thank all of the staff, donors, sponsors and volunteers who gave of their time, talent and treasure to make this important event possible!
For information regarding ways you can support the upcoming Annual Cattle Auction and/or other Children’s Home Special Events contact Jody Smith-Brown, Special Events Coordinator, at
[email protected] or 309.687.7423.
“That’s a Whole Lot of Bull”- Artist Donald Kettleborough
purchased at the Cattle Auction
by Darren and Becky Frye
Co-Chairs of the 2012 Cattle Auction
Bryan and Merry Boland
Lisa and Bob Gates
Cowgirls at the Cattle Auction “left,”
Barb Duncan and “right,” Jan Wright
Giving youth the opportunity to succeed... Now and in the future!
At Children’s Home, we treat our children as what they are: the most precious resource in our community.
They are ultimately those for whom our community exists and to whom our community passes our cultural
and social values. Our staff understand the challenges that youth face today. As a leader in our field, we
have developed a portfolio of cutting edge, specialized services to meet the complex needs of children. Our
goal continues to be raising the bar of childhood so that all children born and raised here will grow up to
be all they can be. Our hope is they will thrive here and will stay or return to Central Illinois to ensure our
community is one of the healthiest in the nation.
“Leaders of Tomorrow” is a key component of our agency’s prevention services and is a collaborative effort
with District #150. The focus areas are: 1) Academic Enhancement (peer tutoring, a computer-assisted
learning center and individual basic academic advocacy, 2) Life Development (cultural enrichment, life skill
training and planning for post high school) and 3) Community Service (volunteering with local agencies
and assisting with public events).
To take part in “Leaders of Tomorrow”, students have to be involved in every aspect of school, plan for their
future after high school, give back to the community by volunteering where their services are needed, and
have parents who also commit to the program.
Through “Leaders of Tomorrow,” each student has the opportunity to earn incentives for their level of
participation in the focus areas. The students may earn $1 per hour of participation in all three focus areas.
The funds are deposited into a trust accrual account for his/her post-secondary education such as college or
to pursue the career training of his/her choice. (There is a $100 bonus given to each student for the first 100
hours completed in each focus area.) The students also have the opportunity to earn other cash incentives for accomplishing short-term goals such as attendance, improving grades and maintaining
employment. While building self-sufficiency, strong self-esteem and a sense of community, each student may also earn up to $1,050 annually (for a maximum of $4,200 in four years). Leaders of
Tomorrow is privately funded through donor contributions within our community… giving youth the opportunity to succeed!
25 WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP - Vikki Thompson
Vikki Thompson, Director of The Children’s Home Good Beginnings program, was named
one of the WEEK’s 25 Women in Leadership.
Vikki’s dedication to our mission is remarkable. The work she and her staff do to support atrisk and first-time parents continues to empower those in need in our community. Children’s
Home is proud to call her one of our own.
Thank you Vikki, for leading the way to a brighter future for so many new, young families.
Vikki and her husband Bill Thompson
Sit, Stay, HEAL
Meet Jake!
The Children’s Home has recently partnered with a local nonprofit called Paws Giving
Independence (PGI). PGI rescues dogs (mostly from shelters) and uses volunteer foster
homes to train them to become service dogs. Dogs are used for wheelchair assistance, seizure
alert, partial sight dogs, low blood sugar alert, or for assisting a person with balance. Once
trained, the dogs are placed with a recipient at no cost – saving them the $10,000-$20,000
a service dog usually costs.
Beginning in November, some PGI volunteers and dogs came to Youth Farm and our kids
work side by side with the volunteers to help train the dogs. The benefit for the dogs is to
receive extra training while working with a different population. The children are learning how
to train a dog using positive reinforcement techniques; while building positive relationships
with PGI volunteers and dogs working toward a common goal. They are taught what service
dogs are used for, who receives them, and why service dogs can be so helpful for someone
with a disability. We call the program “Sit-Stay-HEAL”.
Melody Seybold (QI Department) has been a PGI Volunteer for more than a year and is
training Jake, a black Lab mix. Melody is working with Residential Staff members Mark
Alcorn, Emily Benson, and Amanda Wilson to get the program up and running. The
Department of Children & Family Services is very interested in the program and asks to
keep them updated on how it goes. We are all incredibly excited for this partnership!
Jake is a 1 year old black Lab mix from the Quincy
Humane Society. He began training with Melody at
10 weeks old, and will probably be matched with an
individual in a wheelchair this summer. He is working
on retrieving dropped items, turning on and off lights,
opening doors, and carrying objects. His specialty is
sock and glove removal. He is now coming to work with
Melody a few times each week as part of his training.
Please stop and say hello – he loves to visit!
40 Under 40 - Melissa Riddle
For 19 consecutive years, InterBusiness Issues (iBi) has devoted
an entire issue to celebrating young leaders in central Illinois.
This year, our very own Melissa Riddle was named one of the
2012 class of 40 Leaders Under Forty. Her dedication to our
mission and commitment to our agency represent just two of
the many reasons Melissa was honored with this award. Melissa
has worked at Children’s Home just under 8 years as Chief
Financial Officer, and because of her efforts and expertise, she
has positioned the agency to be a leader in the field throughout
Illinois. Children’s Home has a long list of staff that has been
honored with this distinguished award, and we are all proud of
this accomplishment. Congratulations Melissa!
To learn more about service dogs or PGI,
visit www.givingindependence.org
or contact Melody at 687-7241.
2012 Employee of the Year Winners!
Alex Fuller
Arlene Raymer
Clay SouthEy
Lynzie Davis
Ron Vorrath
We would like to congratulate Bernie and Teresa Koch on receiving the Lewis J. Burger Outstanding Volunteer
Fundraiser Award at the 29th Annual National Philanthropy Day Awards Luncheon on November 14, 2012.
Bernie is currently serving as the President of the Children’s Home Foundation Board. Bernie and Teresa Koch
have lived in Central Illinois most of their lives and are firm believers in giving back to the community. They both
graduated from Bradley University and they have three daughters who also graduated from Bradley University.
Their family continues to support the university both financially and through volunteerism. Bernie is the President
of River City Construction. Teresa has used her talents as a stay-at-home mom and is an active volunteer at their
church, community and for Children’s Home.
Bernie and Teresa devote their time and resources to many organizations whose programs positively impact
the lives of the people they serve. Bernie and Teresa are proud supporters of the Heart of Illinois United Way
with Bernie serving on their board, and both as Pillar Society Chairs in 2010. In addition, they both are strong
supporters of the Boy Scouts of America and serve in leadership roles.
We are proud to have their service at Children’s Home, Bernie and Teresa served as Co-Chairs of the 2011 Cattle
Auction. Bernie was Co-chairman of the Children’s Home Scott’s Prairie campaign which raised over 1 million
dollars for capital to upgrade the facility and fund an endowment. Teresa participates in our Keepsacks for Kids
and Holiday Adoption programs. Bernie and Teresa are both members of the Light the Way Society here at
Children’s Home and most definitely “Light the Way” for many children in this community. We applaud you!
Bernie & Teresa Koch
Dr. Amanda Wright, a physician at Methodist Medical Group’s North Knoxville Family Medicine
and a current member of The Children’s Home Foundation Board of Directors, was named one
of WEEK’s 25 Women in Leadership for her work both at home and abroad.
We are privileged to benefit from Dr. Wright’s involvement with our Agency. She is constantly
present and involved in regular meetings, special events, and she is also one of our dedicated
Weaver Women volunteers. Thank you Dr. Wright for all you do!
Dr. Amanda Wright with patients she met
during one of her mission trips to Haiti.
Welcome to Aaron P. Diefenthaler, Chief Investment Officer, RLI as he begins his new role of service to
The Children’s Home Board of Trustee’s in supporting our mission of giving children a childhood and a future.
... more Holiday Happenings
Mary Jo Schettler of Paradice presents check for
Youth Farm Program to Lou Tenarvitz, VP and
Clete Winkelmann, CEO of Children’s Home.
Trinity Presbyterian Church in Bartonville
Caterpillar RCD Building H, Mossville
Caterpillar Remanufacturing with Ann McGrew
Caterpillar Global Mining Group with Mary Jo Maher
Susan Heun & Global Purchasing Caterpillar Group
Girl Scout Troop #4693
2130 N. Knoxville Ave. | Peoria, IL 61603
309.685.1046 | www.chail.org
Please assist us in keeping our mailing list current. If your name or
address has changed, or if you receive duplicate copies, please
contact Linda Keown, Executive Assistant at 309.687.7289 or [email protected].
children’s home mission, vision and values
Our Mission:
Giving children a childhood and future by protecting them, teaching them and healing them,
and by building strong communities and loving families.
Our Vision:
A healthy community where families and children come first.
Our Values:
Integrity | Collaboration | Knowledge | Diversity | Commitment | Quality
Thank you for helping us fulfill our mission.
Visit us online and become a fan of Children’s Home on Facebook!
Children’s Home Association of Illinois
309.685.1047 • www.chail.org • www.facebook.com/ChildrensHomeAssociation
KNOXVILLE NORTH CAMPUS 2130 N. Knoxville Ave., Peoria, IL 61603 • ACADEMY CAMPUS 404 NE Madison, Peoria, IL 61603
KNOXVILLE SOUTH CAMPUS, Behavioral Health Center, 2011 N. Knoxville, Peoria, IL 61603 • SCOTT’S PRAIRIE, Hanna City, IL 61536
YOUTH FARM CAMPUS, 7225 W Plank Rd, Peoria, IL 61604 • GOOD BEGINNINGS, Head Start Family Center, 233 Leadly Ave., East Peoria, IL 61611