SrPubliba ng filLlYinas SANGGUMAiId PIXT,UTCSOD NG
SrPubliba ng filLlYinas SANGGUMAiId PIXT,UTCSOD NG
SrPubliba ng filLlYinas SANGGUMAiId PIXT,UTCSOD NG MARIKINA - GSO MARIKII{A CITY 8Ftn l) TncKne ilr fl lllilllllllillllllllllllllil 06-0006331 OR.DINANCE No. Series of 2006 15 ORDINAI\CEAMENDINGORDINANCENO.?O,SERIESOF2OO5,ENTITLED- "ORDINA|ICECREATINGANEwBARANGAYToBESEGREGATEDFRoM BARANGAY CONCEPCION UNO AND TO BE NAMED AS "BARANGAY TUMANA". AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE SAME PURPOSE". Introduced by: Councilor FRANKIE C. AYUSON BE IT ORDAINED. AS IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED bY thE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD of MARIKINA, in session duly assembled' that: SECTION 1. Section 6 of Ordinance No' 70, Series of 2005, is hereby amended to read as follows: 6. for the Plebiscite. The amount of Two Million Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Pesos Seven Hundred Seventy (P2,777,970.00) is hereby appropriated for the conduct of the plebiscite by the COMELEC, to be charged against any available funds of the City Govemment of "SECTION Funds Marikina. SECTION 2. Section 9 of the same Ordinance is likewise amended to read as ollows: 9. Beginning of Corporate Existence. The corporate existence of SECTION Barangay Tumana shall commence upon appointment by the City Mayor of an acting punong barangay and members of its sangguniang barangay, and shall operate pursuant to the mandated provided for under the Local Govemment Code of 1991 . SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its approval. APPROVED by the SANGGUNIANG PANLLTNGSOD of MARIKINA, this i5'n day February,2006. of I HEREBY CERTIFY TO THE PASSAGE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE" WHICH WAS DULY APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MARIKINA DURING ITS 7TH REGULAR SESSION HELD ON FEBRUARY 15,2006. ,OLITA E. DE LEON City Council Secretary lil .t4' ORDINANCENO. Series of Page M.D. APPROVED by the HONORABLE CITY MAYOR on 2 B ,n frfiA,nlu k/twfA MA. IIOURDES C. FERNANDO City Mayor 2006 2..................2 ATTESTED & CERTIFIED TO BE DULY APPROVED: S. ANDRES, 15 FEB 20O6 v',1.$ '0b REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ELECTIoNS coerrvri5stoN oN Manila Intramuros, Office of fte El€ction Ofricsr Mariklna 31 January 2006 HOhI. MARTA LOURDES C. FERNANDO City Mayor Marikina CitY Thru : HON. Councilor FRAF'{KlE AYUSOhI Chairman, Comm. on BgY Affairs Marikina Cifl Council to e CffiELEe Re; R€4ue€t for release and to remit the hudget Lifia conceFelon sgy' ln Plehlsclte ln re the'liaicft a'ioog for the creation of BgY' Tumana Dear MaYor Fernando: Greetings. uno. this Relative to ihe f,fiarctr 4, 2006 Flebisciie in Bgy. Concepcion city, relative to city Qrdinance No. 70 serielol20q! I:aliry *-11X^s::illtTl; ;;;t#;r'iy-;"ci,;*iioi tre immeurai" ':l-"-?:*'--.uTl -'::f::'.?.:r,"1'j i:.,?.*, ; t1r[ Ti ; ;i-i.i;; ; isiJ S: #"" iilt1ii : 1 iY,g', Tf .5i, "9 amount of PESOS: ONE rfiLttur't rtu.F,t!u1?!FE ;i;;" truE I iT'I" [email protected]) :' [g: to deftay for the personar services, malntenance and other operating expen$es' of Flebi3crte For your easy reference, a copy of the Summ-4ry of Estlrnaies by ihe city issued Exoenses is well as the certificaiion br tne availabiliry of tund Budget Officer are hereto appended I p0wer' trust for your immediate action hereof' Thank you and more . BAI-ANG{.]IT ,,',: :' :nhr Ftr!'jtr{,ffENsEsif,o,teE:REMi]:rE;'i6ii;#"ii6.fif9!, .1 5u'000 Republic of the PhiliPPines GITY OF MAR'IKINA CITY BUDGET OFFICE CERTIFICATION Two This is to certify that an appropriation of 4li:i-*Xt""YT*"0 Seventy Pesos (r/'/ ltlvtv'vv) L> Hundred Nine Thousand Seven Seventy and other ircidental expenses for the available for thE conduct creation of "f*pi"fl*itt BarangaY Tumana' Issued this 7s daY of October 2005' A M. SANTOS Budget Officer C}5 I'J.F C]IIONS OFEIC:E OF TEE SLECTION OFEICER L4arikina City SUMMARY OF ESTIMATES OF PLEBISCITE EXPENSES FOR THE CREATIOId OF BARAHGAY TUId,AI{A IH MARIKIHA CI-I-Y STATIS'IlCAL PROF{LE 1. No. of Peai{}ds 2. l{0. o{ Registe{ed Voters . 3. i0 !di\' :t{r4 1i5 33.73;j Barangay Concepcion Uno PERSONAL SER"ICES 1. Per diems {188 X 3 ?. A.S C-F = 1 567 at 1000JBE|) Superviscrs {20 X 1000 at 1000 per Supervisori :0,000 Support Personnel (20 X 500 at 500 per Support personnel) 10,000 P 10,000 \4Jages Temporary Penonnel al Main b) Dfiice ,;0.000 oEo 140.000 :J. Overtinre Compensation a) CO \1.tfu Comm. ldeputized personnel b) Field offices REDOT,OpESTMTO c) CTO d| Pieb. City Board of Camassex e) Support Stafi 4. Insurrnce Premiums , MA"{TEHA}ICE . ' ?40,000 190,000 i 70.000 i 0,000 50.000 3 JOTAI PERSONNEL SER!'lcEs S. 0,0 00 P 1.437,96\. OTIIEh OPERATI NG EXPEHSES 1- Traveling Erpenses Main Ofhce U/o*ing Committeesr,ODEDOr,OED P 30.00t 50;000 +0.000 20,000 45,000 450,000 20.000 50,000 350.000 2: REDO/OPES./OEO . 3. Communication Services 4. FreightagesJTransportation ,. . 5- Official ballotslEledion Formsi Supplies S. Reprodudion of Comelec 7. Streamervposters A. Publication of Comelec 8. 567.000 Resolutions Resolutions Barangay Pulong pulongs (LGU), Into. Drive, l0.Contingencies/other services &, fvlobilaation TOTAL PERSOML SERVICES & MOE LESS : Local Expenses 1. Per diems {BEts, OECS Supervisors, Support Staff & Treasurers 2. lVages of Casuals 3. CTO 4. per Diem ofpteb. P 1,285.000 le,z.zzisaz, '\ Office) Board cf canvassers & 150,000 A0.000 p i 597,000 S0.000 .t,t sraff ti3:313 50'000 -i: Silllfioi;orcanvassers''staff '; ;. rreigrrrag#ranlporr j3.333 . ?. Reprodudion ofComelee Resolutions 9- Barangay purono ourong-s (LGU),Jnfo. Drive. &Mobiiizatron -BE , rorALrpLEB. EXpENsE-s io neur irreo i6 t ;M ;;;; ;;.;;; r50,000 P 1,202,00a lTTosa7 r', B,A,LANAUIT
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are hereby tasked to formulate the Implementing Rules and Regulations (lRR) for
effective enforcement and implementation of this ordinance.p