Benque Viejo Municipal Profile
Benque Viejo Municipal Profile
Benque Viejo Municipal Profile General Benque Viejo is the western-most municipality in the country, located less than 2 miles from the western border with Guatemala. It is the smallest of the three municipalities found in the Cayo district. Population Between 2000 and 2010, Benque Viejo experienced average annual population growth of nearly 1.3%, well below the 3% annual urban population growth for the intercensal period. At the 2010 population census count, the population was estimated to be around 6,100 persons. It is now the second least-populated municipality in Belize, having been outgrown by both San Pedro Town and Belmopan between 2000 and 2010. The average household size also declined from 4.6 persons per household in 2000 to 4.3 persons per household in 2010, the largest household size of all the 9 municipalities in both 2000 and 2010. Demographics Benque Viejo is predominantly a Mestizo community, with cultural and commercial ties to neighboring Guatemala. Mestizos are by far the major ethnic group, comprising around 93% of the population in both 2000 and 2010. Spanish is the most spoken language, with nearly 90% of the population speaking Spanish. However, English is also spoken by nearly 65% of the population, indicating that the majority of the population is bilingual (Spanish, English). The male-to-female ratio actually increased from 96 males per 100 females in 2000 to 99 males per 100 females in 2010. The Age-Dependency ratio declined from 84 dependents per 100 adults in 2000 to 67 dependents per 100 adults in 2010. This is mainly as a result of the higher growth rate among the adult population which outpaced the growth among the children population 5 to 14 years, while the infant population decreased between the intercensal period. Benque Viejo has one of the highest proportion of foreign-born population among the 9 municipalities. The foreign-born population remained fairly steady at 20% to 21% of the population between 2000 and 2010. The foreign-born population in Benque Viejo have traditionally been from Guatemala. Access to Public Utilities (Water, Sanitation, Electricity) The major source of drinking water for households in Benque Viejo has shifted from piped water in 2000 to bottled water in 2010. Piped water was the main source of drinking water for over 77% of households in 2000, but declined to nearly 42% of households by 2010. Bottled water has become the main source of drinking water for over 50% of households in 2010. Pit latrines and Flush toilet piped to septic tank were the 2 main types of toilet facility equally used by over 49% households in Benque Viejo in 2000. The proportion of households using flush toilets increased to 69% in 2010, while households using traditional pit latrines have declined to over 30% in 2010. Benque Viejo is among the six municipalities in the country without an established sewer system for waste water disposal and treatment. The vast majority of households in Benque Viejo use electricity as the main power source for lighting. The proportion of households with electricity has remained steady at around 92% of all households between 2000 and 2010. Education Currently there are 3 Primary schools, and 2 High schools in Benque Viejo. The Net Enrolment rate in primary school increased from 121% in 2004 to 125% in 2010. This increase may be largely due to children from adjacent rural communities, including children from across the Guatemalan border, attending primary schools in Benque Viejo. The ratio of boys to girls enrolled in Primary school increased from 101 boys per 100 girls in 2004 to 108 boys to per 100 girls by 2010, indicating that more boys than girls continued to be enrolled in Primary school. The Gross Enrolment rate in secondary school increased significantly for males from 62% in 2000 to 94% in 2010, and for females from 53% in 2000 to 96% in 2010. The ratio of boys to girls enrolled in secondary school decreased from 112 boys per 100 girls in 2000 to 93 boys per 100 girls by 2010, indicating that more girls than boys are now enrolled in secondary school. The Literacy rate for male youths (15 to 24 years) increased from 81% in 2000 to 94% in 2010, from 80% in 2000 to 95% in 2010 for female youths, indicating similar levels of literacy by gender. Technical and Vocational training also experienced some growth as the number of trainees increased by 58% between 2000 and 2010. Employment Due to the sample design of the annual Belize Labour Force survey, no employment data is estimated separately for Benque Viejo. Employment data is released at the Cayo urban level which includes Belmopan, San Ignacio-Santa Elena, and Benque Viejo combined. Municipality Profile, Benque Viejo del Carmen I. Tables and Charts A. POPULATION Population by Age groups Total (All persons) Infants (under 5 yrs) Children (5 - 14 yrs) Adolescents (15 - 24 yrs) Adults (25 - 64 yrs) Seniors (65 yrs+) 2000 5,420 722 1,353 1,004 1,768 249 2010 Change %Change 6,140 720 13.3% 612 (110) -15.2% 1,518 165 12.2% 1,301 297 29.6% 2,391 623 35.2% 326 77 30.9% Population by Age groups 2010 2000 Seniors (65 yrs+) Adults (25 - 64 yrs) Adolescents (15 - 24 yrs) Source: Census data, SIB. Children (5 - 14 yrs) Infants (under 5 yrs) - Other Population data Total Population Males Females Households avg. Persons per household Age Dependency ratio Male to Female ratio Urban density* (persons/acre) 2000 5,420 2,657 2,763 1,174 4.6 0.84 0.96 2010 Change %Change 6,140 720 13.3% 3,053 396 14.9% 3,087 324 11.7% 1,416 242 20.6% 4.3 -0.3 -6.1% 0.67 -0.17 -20.7% 0.99 0.03 2.8% 17.4 600 1,200 Other Population data 1,800 2000 2,400 2010 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 Source: Census data, SIB. *Benque Viejo del Carmen Municipal Development Plan, draft Nov. 2013 Age dependency ratio is the number of persons less than 15 years plus persons over 64 years divided by the number of persons 15 to 64 years. Male of Female ratio is the number of males divided by the number of females. 2,000 1,000 Total Population Males Females Households Municipality Profile, Benque Viejo del Carmen I. Tables and Charts B. DEMOGRAPHICS Population by Ethnic groups Total (All persons) CREOLE EAST INDIAN GARIFUNA MAYA MESTIZO/HISPANIC CAUCASIAN/WHITE ASIAN/CHINESE OTHER NOT STATED 2000 5,096 62 10 17 160 4,729 39 36 33 10 2010 Change %Change 6,147 94 32 51.6% 2 (8) -80.0% 31 14 82.4% 39 (121) -75.6% 5,741 1,012 21.4% 20 (19) -48.7% 40 4 11.1% 176 143 433.3% 4 Population by Ethnic groups 2010 2000 OTHER ASIAN/CHINESE CAUCASIAN/WHITE MESTIZO/HISPANIC MAYA GARIFUNA Source: Census data, SIB. EAST INDIAN CREOLE - Main Language spoken at home* Total (Persons 4 years or older) CHINESE CREOLE ENGLISH GARIFUNA HINDI MAYA SPANISH OTHER NOT STATED 2000 4,503 28 120 117 10 7 4,197 24 2010 Change %Change 6,148 35 7 25.0% 420 300 250.0% 3,970 3,853 3293.2% 31 21 210.0% 39 32 457.1% 5,513 1,316 31.4% 15 (9) -37.5% *-multiple languages reported (Census 2010) Source: Census data, SIB. *ln Census 2010, this question was worded as which language(s) do you speak well enough to conduct a conversation; multiple languages reported in Census 2010. Total for Census 2010 includes all persons (not persons 4 years or older) 2,000 4,000 Main Language spoken 2010 6,000 2000 OTHER SPANISH MAYA HINDI GARIFUNA ENGLISH CREOLE CHINESE - 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 Municipality Profile, Benque Viejo del Carmen I. Tables and Charts Country of Birth Total (All persons) BELIZE ABROAD NOT STATED 2000 5,096 4,081 1,015 2010 Change %Change 6,148 4,828 747 18.3% 1,313 298 29.4% 7 Source: Census data, SIB. Country of Birth ABROAD 2010 2000 BELIZE - 1,200 2,400 3,600 4,800 C. ACCESS TO PUBLIC UTILITIES Main source of Drinking water Total (Households) PIPED INTO DWELLING OR YARD PRIVATE CATCHMENTS, NOT PIPED BOTTLED/PURIFIED WATER OTHER NOT STATED 2000 1,104 855 45 163 38 3 2010 Change %Change 1,415 595 (260) -30.4% 61 16 35.6% 720 557 341.7% 36 (2) -5.3% 3 - Source: Census data, SIB. Piped into dwelling or yard includes water piped from public and private sources. Other includes water from dug well, publi c standpipe, and rivers/streams/creeks. Main source of drinking water 2010 OTHER 2000 BOTTLED/PURIFIED WATER PRIVATE CATCHMENTS, NOT PIPED PIPED INTO DWELLING OR YARD - Type of Toilet facilities Total (Households) W.C. LINKED TO SEPTIC TANK PIT LATRINE OTHER NONE NOT STATED Source: Census data, SIB. 2000 1,104 547 548 2 6 1 2010 Change %Change 1,416 979 432 79.0% 433 (115) -21.0% (2) 3 (3) -50.0% 1 200 400 600 800 Type of Toilet facility 2010 NONE 2000 OTHER PIT LATRINE W.C. LINKED TO SEPTIC TANK - 300 600 900 Municipality Profile, Benque Viejo del Carmen I. Tables and Charts Main Source of Lighting Total (Households) GAS/KEROSENE LAMP ELECTRICITY FROM PUBLIC SOURCE ELECTRICITY FROM A PRIVATE SOURCE OTHER NONE NOT STATED 2000 1,104 60 1,015 5 23 1 2010 Change %Change 1,416 15 (45) -75.0% 1,307 292 28.8% 1 (4) -80.0% 76 53 230.4% 16 16 1 Main source of Lighting 2010 2000 NONE OTHER ELECTRICITY FROM A PRIVATE SOURCE ELECTRICITY FROM PUBLIC SOURCE Source: Census data, SIB. GAS/KEROSENE LAMP - Fuel used most for Cooking Total (Households) WOOD/CHARCOAL BUTANE OR BIOGAS OTHER NOT STATED 2000 1,104 148 924 28 4 2010 Change %Change 1,389 207 59 39.9% 1,163 239 25.9% 18 (10) -35.7% 1 300 600 Fuel used most for Cooking 900 1,200 1,500 2010 2000 OTHER BUTANE OR BIOGAS Source: Census data, SIB. WOOD/CHARCOAL - Disposal of Garbage Total (Households) TAKE TO DUMPSITE BURN MUNICIPAL COLLECTION OTHER NOT STATED Source: Census data, SIB. 2000 1,104 9 47 1,036 10 2 2010 Change %Change 1,416 11 2 22.2% 65 18 38.3% 1,330 294 28.4% 7 (3) -30.0% 3 300 600 900 1,200 Disposal of Garbage 2010 OTHER 2000 MUNICIPAL COLLECTION BURN TAKE TO DUMPSITE - 300 600 900 1,200 1,500 Municipality Profile, Benque Viejo del Carmen I. Tables and Charts D. EDUCATION Gross Enrolment Rate, Primary Male Female Gross Enrolment Rate, Secondary Male Female 2000 114% 110% 62% 53% 2010 Change 114% 0% 115% 5% 94% 96% 32% 43% Source: Census data, SIB. Gross Enrolment Rate (Primary) is the ratio of persons enrolled in primary school to all persons in the official primary shool age (5 to 12 years). Gross Enrolment Rate (Secondary) is the ratio of persons enrolled in secondary school to all persons in the official secondary shool age (13 to 16 years). Gross Enrolmnent rates 2000 4,804 1,573 25 3,203 3 2010 100% 80% Primary 60% Secondary 40% 20% 0% Male Attend Formal School Total (Persons 2 years or older) YES, Full-time YES, Part-time NO NOT STATED 2000 120% 2010 Change %Change 5,906 2,038 465 30% 104 79 316% 3,754 551 17% 10 Female Male Female Attend Formal school NO 2010 2000 YES, Part-time Source: Census data, SIB. Includes all school levels. YES, Full-time - Received any Technical/ Vocational training* Total (Persons 14 years or older) YES NO NOT STATED 2000 3,146 398 2,727 21 2010 Change %Change 4,166 627 229 58% 3,513 786 29% 26 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Technical/Vocational Training NO *- includes any formal job training (Census 2010) 2010 2000 Source: Census data, SIB. YES - 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Municipality Profile, Benque Viejo del Carmen I. Tables and Charts E. EMPLOYMENT Source: Belize Labour Force survey, SIB [April 2013,April 2014] Employment data is not released separately for Benque Viejo, due to the sample design of the labour force survey. F. APPENDIX OF CENSUS TABLES (2000, 2010) HOUSING & PROPERTY Occupancy of Dwelling Total (Households) Own Rent/Lease Other Not Stated 2000 1,104 640 344 118 2 2010 Change %Change 1,415 863 223 34.8% 397 53 15.4% 150 32 27.1% 5 2000 630 275 342 9 4 2010 Change %Change 863 538 263 95.6% 309 -33 -9.6% 11 2 22.2% 5 Main material of Dwelling Total (Households) Wood Concrete/Brick Wood and Concrete Plywood/Palmetto/Stucco Other Not Stated 2000 1,104 266 638 93 88 18 1 2010 Change %Change 1,415 309 43 16.2% 983 345 54.1% 54 -39 -41.9% 38 -50 -56.8% 29 11 61.1% 2 Main material of roofing Total (Households) Sheet metal Concrete Thatch Other Not Stated 2000 1,104 1,012 75 7 9 1 2010 Change %Change 1,414 1,304 292 28.9% 96 21 28.0% 3 -4 -57.1% 9 0 0.0% 2 Main material of flooring Total (Households) WOOD CEMENT/CONCRETE DIRT OTHER Not Stated 2000 1,104 109 910 77 3 5 2010 Change %Change 1,415 121 12 11.0% 1,237 327 35.9% 44 -33 -42.9% 11 8 266.7% 2 Occupancy of Land Total (Households) Freehold Leasehold Other Not Stated Municipality Profile, Benque Viejo del Carmen I. Tables and Charts DEMOGRAPHICS Population by Religious affiliation Total (All persons) ANGLICAN BAPTIST JEHOVAH WITNESS METHODIST NAZARENE PENTECOSTAL ROMAN CATHOLIC SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST OTHER NONE NOT STATED 2000 5,096 3 22 178 2 248 247 3,338 177 309 568 4 2010 Change %Change 6,148 28 25 833.3% 37 15 68.2% 214 36 20.2% 3 1 50.0% 233 (15) -6.0% 715 468 189.5% 3,502 164 4.9% 268 91 51.4% 325 16 5.2% 814 246 43.3% 9 Current Union Status Total (Persons 14 years and older) MARRIED COMMON-LAW-UNION VISITING PARTNER SEPARATED (NOT IN A UNION) WIDOWED (NOT IN A UNION) DIVORCED (NOT IN UNION) OTHER (NOT IN UNION) NOT STATED 2000 3,146 1,219 537 16 97 121 13 1,138 5 2010 Change %Change 4,018 1,335 116 9.5% 826 289 53.8% 43 27 168.8% 271 174 179.4% 173 52 43.0% 66 53 407.7% 1,250 112 9.8% 54 MISCELLANEOUS Have Fixed Telephone Service Total (Households) YES NO NOT STATED 2000 1,104 531 565 8 2010 Change %Change 1,416 250 -281 -52.9% 1,166 601 106.4% Ownership of Private Motor vehicle Total (Households) YES NO NOT STATED 2000 1,104 328 771 5 2010 Change %Change 1,410 435 107 32.6% 975 204 26.5% Municipality Profile, Benque Viejo del Carmen Scorecard of selected MDG Indicators II. MDG Indicator 1.5 Description Employment to Working Age Population ratio Actual 2000 Actual 2010 0.45 0.46 Target 2015 CHARTS NOTES MDG 1.5 0.46 0.45 2000 1.7 Proportion of own-account and contributing Family workers to Total Employment 24% 2010 MDG 1.7 19% 24% 19% 2000 2.1 Net Enrolment Rate in Primary education 121.7% 2.3 MDG 2.1 81% 80% 94% 95% 2004 100% 100% 102% 100% 98% 96% 94% 92% 90% 88% 86% 84% 82% 80% Ratio of boys to girls enrolled in Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary education Primary Secondary Tertiary* 2004 1.01 1.12 - 2010 1.08 0.93 - *- No tertiary enrolment reported for Benque Viejo as there is no tertiary institution in the municipality. 2015 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.12 1.1 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 Females 2004 3.2 Proportion of women in wage employment in the non-Agricultural sectors 27% 2010 Target MDG 3.1 Primary 2010 Secondary Tertiary* MDG 3.2 27% Source: Census data, SIB. Own-account workers are self-employed (without paid help) persons 14 years or older. Contributing Family workers are unpaid family workers 14 years or older. Total Employment includes all persons 14 years or older who worked for at least 1 hour for pay, profit or family gain, or who were temporarily absent from his/her job, during the Census reference Sources: Policy and Planning Unit, MOE; Census data, SIB. Net Primary Enrolment rate is the proportion of all children 5 to 12 years enrolled in Primary School. This rate can be above 100% as the enrolment data may include children from adjacent rural communities enrolled in urban primary schools. 2010 MDG 2.3 2000 Males 3.1 125.4% 121.7% Youth Literacy rate (15-24 years) Males Females 2010 125.4% MOE enrolment data are reported by schools within each municipality, not by the place of residence of the students. As a result, the urban Net Enrolment Rates (NER)based on MOE data may overstate the actual NER as the enrolment reported may include students from rural communities who are enrolled in urban shools. This may be more acute at the Secondary and Tertiary levels as the schools at these levels are concentrated in the urban areas within each district. Source: Census data, SIB. Employment includes all persons 14 years or older who worked for at least 1 hour for pay, profit or family gain, or who were temporarily absent from his/her job, during the Census reference week. Working Age Population includes all persons 14 years or older regardless of their economic activity status. 27% 27% 2000 2010 Source: Census data, SIB. Literacy is the ability of a person to read and write . In absence of a functional literacy test, literacy is estimated by a proxy measure such as the number of completed years of formal schooling. Youth Literacy rate is the propor-tion of all persons 15 to 24 years who can read and write. For MDG 2.3, the proportion of all persons 15 to 24 years who completed at least standard 5 of Primary school is used to estimate youth literacy. Sources: Policy and Planning Unit, MOE; Registrar, University of Belize; Registrar, Galen University; SIB. Tertiary enrolment includes data from all Sixth Forms, Galen, and UB. A ratio equal to 1 indicates an equal number of boys and girls are enroled at that school level. A ratio less than 1 indicates more girls than boys are enroled at that school level. A ratio greater than 1 indicates more boys than girls are enroled at that school level. Source: Census data, SIB. MDG 3.2 represents the number of women 14 years or older, employed as paid workers in all industry, except agriculture, as a proportion of all persons 14 years or older, employed in the nonAgricultural sectors. II. MDG Indicator 7.8 Municipality Profile, Benque Viejo del Carmen Scorecard of selected MDG Indicators Description Proportion of population using an improved drinking water source Actual 2000 Actual 2010 Target 2015 85% 48% 100% CHARTS MDG 7.8 The definition of an improved drinking water source is based on the classification developed by the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water and Sanitation. The data indicates a remarkable decline in the level of this indicator between 2000 and 2010. This is mainly as a result of the huge increase in bottled water as a main source of drinking water for most urban households. 85% 48% 2000 7.9 Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility 65% 77% The definition of an improved sanitation facility is based on the classification developed by the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water and Sanitation. 2010 MDG 7.9 100% Fixed-telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 10.4 77% 65% 2000 8.14 NOTES 4.1 10.4 8.16 Internet users per 100 inhabitants - 29.3 Source: Census data, SIB. MDG 7.9 represents the household population with access to an improved toilet facility as a proportion of the total population. An improved toilet facility includes Flush and Pour-flush toilets piped into sewer, septic tanks, or pit latrines, Ventilated and Improved Pit (VIP) latrines, Pit latrines with Slab, and Composting toilets, not shared with another household. 2010 MDG 8.14 4.1 2000 Source: Census data, SIB. MDG 7.8 represents the household population with access to improved drinking water as a proportion of the total population. Improved drinking water sources include water piped into dwelling or yard, public tap or standpipe, protected dug well/tubewell/borehole, protected spring, and rainwater collection. It excludes water from carts or tanker trucks, bottled water, and unprotected surface water. Source: Census data, SIB. MDG 8.14 represents the total number of fixed telephone lines per 100 persons. Data from the telecom providers is required for this indicator. Household information on fixed telephone service (residential) was used from the census to approximate this measure. The census data represents the proportion of households with fixed telephone service to the total population. It assumes 1 fixed telephone line per household. 2010 Source: Census data, SIB. Internet users are persons 5 years or older who reported using the internet within the past 3 months of the Census reference date. This information is not available from the 2000 Census.