Upcoming Events - Tripoli Shrine


Upcoming Events - Tripoli Shrine
Vol. 23, NO. 1
January 2016
January 13: Stated Meeting
January 16: Open Installation
January 17: Hillbilly Holiday Party
January 20: West Allis SC Fundraiser
Tattler January 2016
Potentate’s Message
Greeting Nobles,
As I write my last message for the Tattler – it seems
like only yesterday that I was struggling to write my first
one. Where has this year gone? I hope everyone has had a
great holiday season and is looking forward to a happy
new year. I would like to start out by congratulating
Potentate-elect Doug Winter and all the other Nobles who
have been elected to their leadership positions for 2016.
The leadership we have will continue to serve Tripoli well
as we move into the future. I encourage all members to
give them the support and cooperation that you have
given to the 2015 officers. If we do, I know Tripoli will
continue to move forward in all areas.
If you have not been to Tripoli lately, you must plan on
attending an upcoming event and seeing the changes
going on to this fantastic building. The Jerome Holz
Masonic Lodge Room is completed and is a great and
important addition to Tripoli. Stay tuned for a formal
dedication in the future. This involves much planning and
coordination of many calendars so keep watching for
future information. The ballroom has been updated and
definitely completes the beauty of our building. Please
reply to the Scimitar fundraising program with your
generous donations for the hall. We would like to
complete the room by renovating the ceiling and making
this building the truly premier
location in the Milwaukee area.
I would like to offer a huge
thank you to our Nobles and all
the volunteers who participated
in the Salvation Army’s Bell
Ringing on December 12. This
is an important community event for Tripoli to show our
involvement and what the Shrine is all about. We also
need to thank the Red Fez for another successful Children
Christmas Party. The logistics of putting this event
together must be tremendous but they did a fantastic job
as usual. We offer a special thank you to Santa and Mrs.
Claus for taking time out of a busy schedule.
It has been my honor and privilege in serving all the
Nobles as Potentate for 2015. I need to thank the Divan
and Trustees for their work this year. We can all thank the
Finance committee for their continual watching over of
where and how our monies are managed. We need to give
a special thank you to Noble Doug Winter for his
countless hours of work involving our legal actions and
securing the funding for the Lodge Room. We all need to
offer a very special thank you PP Jerry Holz and his
family for their generous donation to make the Jerome
Continued on page 5
Tattler Official Publication of TRIPOLI SHRINERS
2016 Elected Divan
Illustrious Potentate
Doug Winter (Melinda)
H: 414-282-1676
C: 414-213-8580
[email protected]
Chief Rabban
Larry Wegner
H: 262-251-5534
C: 262-844-5468
[email protected]
Assistant Rabban
Keith Sargeant (Karen Schmit)
C: 414-881-7060
[email protected]
High Priest & Prophet
Dan Bast (Nancy)
H: 920-474-3438
C: 414-333-1412
[email protected]
Oriental Guide
Bob Capen (Jan)
H: 262-512-1191
C: 414-235-1279
[email protected]
John Bugajski (Nancy)
H: 414-282-7279
C: 414-491-1728
[email protected]
James Christie, PP (Sherry)
H: 262-574-1699
C: 414-305-8274
[email protected]
Elected Board of Trustees
Fritz Jorgenson (Maggie)
H: 414-281-7329
C: 414-313-9329
[email protected]
Joe Schoner (Linda)
H: 414-543-2178
C: 414-416-3847
[email protected]
Ken Wilcox (Lanie)
H: 414-483-3489
C: 414-852-1786
[email protected]
2016 Appointed Divan
Ceremonial Director
Bob Manders (Kathy)
H: 414-228-8344
C: 414-380-3333
[email protected]
1st Ceremonial Master
Brian Graff (Rebecca)
C: 262-617-7157
[email protected]
2nd Ceremonial Master
Rick Kingstad (Bonnie)
H: 414-425-9481
[email protected]
Neil Laack (Shari)
H: 414-761-0998
C: 414-801-4538
[email protected]
Jack Love (Dori)
H: 414-425-5272
[email protected]
Captain of the Guard
Joe Brunk
H: 414-526-8216
[email protected]
Outer Guard
Matthew Wright (Catherine)
H: 262-392-4192
[email protected]
John Bennethum (Rosemarie Tapper)
H: 414-427-5646
[email protected]
Tattler January 2016
Just the Facts...
The Banquet and Catering report for November is
complete. We had 12 non-Shrine events for the month of
November with a net profit of $11,206.96. Of our total
non-Shrine events, 8 were small income generating
proceedings. In addition, we had 3 Shrine events with a
net profit of $314.12. Our total net profit for the month of
November was $11,521.62.
Last month we pointed out that an unfortunate
situation did occur with our circus event. Agente Inc. and
Bill Cunningham are going out of business and into
bankruptcy. We were very fortunate to be the only Shrine
Center in the country to be paid our guarantee for the year
of $230,000.00. We will not be able to generate that kind
of income with the next circus. We have budgeted
$160,000.00 for next year’s circus. Nobles we need your
help. We must raise additional funds by promoting our
biggest fundraiser. Please participate in the circus daddy
book program, our family circus night’s, advertise in our
circus book (we have very reasonable prices) and
promote our new summer circus program.
We are presently on budget for the year and should
finish the year with a profit. Our budget for next year
forecasts a net operating income of $20,000.00. We will
need the help of our Nobles in all of our fundraising and
social events. We would encourage any financial
donations from our Shrine Clubs and units.
We are pleased to report that we have $30,000.00 in
our transportation fund and $433,064.56 in our
investment fund.
Again, you must see the improvements they have
made on the property. We have a state of the art lodge
room that we are leasing to Masonic Lodges. We have a
new garage and finally the improvements on the exterior
and interior continue. This will lead to an increase in our
banquet and catering operation. We have provided
$50,000.00 toward this work and will give another
$25,000.00 in January. We continue to work with the
Scimitar Foundation to improve our building.
Nobles help us with advertising in our Tattler. Contact
friends and family and suggest Tattler advertising to
them. This is a good source of revenue.
Remember submit any questions or concerns that you
have to our committee at the main office. We appreciate
any suggestions or recommendations from our members
about the operation of the finance committee. Thank you
to those nobles that have already done so.
-Fraternally yours, The Finance Committee
(USPS 641-800)
ISSN 1075-4024
Chaplain’s Corner
Are You Positive?
By Chaplain John
ahead of us. A blank slate. 12 new
months. Newly elected officers in the
Shrine and our Clubs and Units. New opportunities. What
will we do with them? Are we positive that good things
can happen if we apply ourselves? The beginning of the
year is the time we make Resolutions for better things to
happen. Let’s focus on the future ahead of us and not on
the past. With everyone working together we can make
Tripoli a better Shrine. Hope looks very promising at the
start of the year. We need to keep our focus on changing
things for the better. January is represented by the god
Janis who has two faces: one looking forward and the
other looking back. But let us be reminded every time we
get in our car: the windshield is much bigger than the rear
view mirror. Better to look ahead than spending our time
in the past. We just initiated 17 new candidates; our main
hall is being beautifully remodeled as we speak; our new
lodge room is nearly done thanks to the Holz Foundation;
and our old billiard room has new life; our new garage is
becoming a reality; our parking lot and entrance have
undergone a makeover. We have lots of wonderful things
going on! Let’s keep the momentum going! “Be joyful in
hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with
God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”
Romans 12:12 “We have this hope as an anchor for the
soul, firm and secure.” Hebrews 6:19 “There is surely a
future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.”
Proverbs 23:18. As Shrine-Masons let us remain
positive—especially among non-members---and let us
work toward that goal which brings new heights to our
work. May you and your family be Blessed in the new
year ahead. Join us for the Open Installation of Officers
on Saturday, January 16th, 2016. See you at Tripoli.
Chaplain John
[email protected]
Official publication of Tripoli Temple, Tripoli Shriners, 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208.
Phone (414) 933-4700; Fax (414) 933-1591. Email [email protected]. Published monthly, except
combined issue, July/August. Periodicals postage paid at Milwaukee, WI. Subscription rate: $10.00 per year.
POSTMASTER: Please send changes of address to Tattler, 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208.
Layout and printing of the Tattler provided by:
Hometown Publications-Express News, Germantown, WI
Email [email protected]
Tattler January 2016
Stated Meeting - December 9, 2015
The meeting was opened in due form by Ill. Potentate
Peter F. Hennig @7:00 PM.
All Officers present except Brian Graff, Second
Ceremonial Master.
The flag of the United States of America was presented
by the Legion of Honor and the Potentate led the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Chaplain John Bennethum offered an opening prayer.
Introductions: We had one new member present for
his first time, Raymond Radtke, who was warmly
welcomed. The Ill. Sir Pete then proceeded with
introductions as usual including 8 Past Potentates.
Minutes : It was moved and seconded and passed by a
fair margin to dispense with reading of minutes.
Petitions: There were no new petitions, no requests for
demit, no suspensions, etc.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer John Bugajski gave
his report and noted that he had modified the format for
Banquet & Catering to 3 lines showing Gross Income,
Expenses and Net Profit.
It was moved and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s
Report as presented. Motion approved.
Black Camel: HP&P Keith Sargeant read the list of
Nobles summoned by the Black Camel since our last
meeting and there were 6. Chaplain John offered a prayer
for these departed Nobles.
Sick & Visitation: Chaplain John reviewed the sick
The only report for Trustees tonight was a request to
notice that the “Scimitar” over the stage has been replaced
with a very nice new one.
Bell Ringing: Frank Foti reminded all that it is this
coming Saturday, Dec. 12th. All units and clubs should
have found Aprons and Bells in their mailbox. Those
belong to your Unit or Club and are now your
Have fun and please put a note in the kettle with your
unit or club name on it.
Scimitar: Gerry Arnholt spoke of the hall renovation,
the new Scimitar, stage curtains to be installed soon,
The Lodge Room and noted donations coming in. The
next Scimitar Board meeting is December 16 and
Alderman Bauman will be visiting. He also noted
working with Keith Stanley of Avenues West.
Sportsman’s Night is March 11, 2016.
At this time Dick Schmid gave Gerry a donation of
$500.00 from he and Lynn for the Hall.
Circus: Jim Mahaney spoke of the new program for
ad sales. Any member who sells the equivalent of a full
page ad in the circus program will have his 2017 dues
paid. The 2016 Circus runs April 1st thru 4th.
Hospital: Bob Manders and Rob Beyer noted that the
90th Anniversary Gala was excellent. Our Imperial
Potentate and Lady were in attendance and she said it was
the best function she has attended. Rob noted that over
$300,000.00 was raised in a single night. He further noted
that the Chicago Hospital will be reaching-out to new
Nobles and that Hospital Day is June 5th. Rob then played
a video on what our hospitals are doing for the kids in
which several patients spoke on things they are now able
to do thanks to the Shriners Hospitals.
New Business: Jerry Robison talked about his past
month and how brotherly love has affected his life. He
wished all a happy Hanukkah and a Merry Christmas.
There being no further business to come before us, our
Potentate moved to elections at approx. 8:00 PM.
A count-off of members present showed 90 Nobles
voting (46 votes for a majority).
P.P. Pete Salza Nominated Douglas Winter for
Potentate. There being no further nominations, a motion
was made and seconded to cast a unanimous ballot for
Doug and the motion was approved. Doug was declared
elected by the Potentate and accepted.
P.P. James Cleary nominated Larry Wegner for Chief
Rabban and, again, there being no further nominations,
the Potentate declared Larry elected.
Assistant Rabban: Keith Sargeant was elected in the
manner noted above as was true for the next several
High Priest and Prophet: Dan Bast
Oriental Guide: Robert Capen.
Treasurer: John Bugajski
Recorder: James Christie, P.P.
Trustee: Don Kuehn has completed his second term as
trustee, leaving that position open.
P.P. Peter Salza nominated Ken Wilcox.
Robert Manders nominated Art Karos.
A written ballet was ordered and the result was 46
votes for Ken and 42 for Art.
Noble Ken Wilcox was declared elected as Trustee for
3 years.
Finance Committee: Pete Salza and Gerry Arnholt’s
terms are expiring. Chuck Dadaian nominated both to
continue for another term and the Nobility agreed. Pete
Salza and Gerry Arnholt will continue.
Imperial Representatives: We are entitled to four reps
and the potentate explained that we typically elect the
three principal officers. A voice vote declared the
Potentate and Rabbans elected as such.
There were two nominations for the fourth Rep. P.P.
Thomas Schlicht and P.P. Peter Hennig.
A ballot was ordered with the following result; Schlicht
46 votes to Hennig 43 votes making P.P.Tom Schlicht the
fourth Imperial Representative.
Elections having been completed, the Potentate called
Tattler January 2016
for anything for the good of the order.
P.P. Bob Strader invited all to LaFayette Lodge E.A.
degree next Tuesday their Installation of officers on
January 12, 2016.
Potentate elect Doug Winter noted Nathan Hale Lodge
holding an F.C. Degree in the Melham Parlor tomorrow.
50/50 raffle collected $505.00 tonight. $252.00 will
go to Transportation and $253.00 was won by Larry
At this time several of the Animal Unit members came
forward with donations as follows;
$500.00 for our investment account.
$100.00 for Sportsman’s Night.
$1,000.00 for Transportation Fund.
$50.00 to a Circus Ad.
$500.00 to the Shriners Hospital. And presented the
Potentate a Scooby Doo tie. Pete, in turn, cut the
presenter’s “Bears” tie in half and gave him a Packers tie.
Antique Auto Unit donated $300.00 to Tripoli General
Fund, $300.00 to Shriners Hospital,
and $300.00 to
Transportation Fund.
Ill. Sir Pete proceeded to close in due form at 9:15
Respectfully submitted,
James B. Christie, P.P.
Potentate’s Message
Continued from page 2
Holz Masonic Lodge Room a reality. I also need to offer
a special thank you to my faithful Chief Aide Neil Laack
and his Lady Shari for keeping me in line all year. Last
but by far not least, thank you to my Lady Carol. Without
your love, support, and assistance this year would not
have happened. This is a men’s organization but many of
us would not be able to do what we do in Masonry
without the support of our ladies.
The most important thank you goes to each and every
one of the Nobles of Tripoli. You are what make Tripoli
a success. You are who allow us to meet in this fantastic
building, support our hospitals, and most importantly our
kids. Once again thank you for your support and I know
you will continue to support Tripoli, promote new
membership, and make Tripoli a fun place to be.
Yours in the Faith,
Peter F. Hennig
Potentate, Tripoli Shriners
Potentate's Appointments Terminate When
Illustrious Sir's Term Ends!
Potentate's Appointments Terminate When
Illustrious Sir's Term Ends!
When a Potentate's term of office expires, all
appointments made by him during his administration
terminate. Such appointments include Potentate's
Aides, Ambassadors, Unit Heads, Committee Chairmen
and any other appointed officers. No appointments are
Under Imperial Shrine law, each Potentate, when he
is installed as chief executive of the Temple, must make
his own appointments, including six officers of the
Divan-First and Second Ceremonial Masters,
Ceremonial Director, Marshal, Captain of the Guard
and Outer Guard.
The Potentate has the power and authority to replace
every appointee - or he may, if he believes it to be in the
best interest of the Temple, retain all appointees.
Traditionally, for the sake of efficiency, many Nobles
of demonstrated ability are continues in office by reappointment. But this is at the will and pleasure of the
incoming Potentate.
Courtesy requires that a Noble holding an appointive
office, position or assignment tender his resignation to
the incoming Potentate. If the incoming Potentate
desires a Noble to continue in his office by reappointment, he will be notified by the Potentate to that
In addition to appointed Divan Officers, this applies
to Ambassadors, Aides, Committee Chairmen and Unit
Heads. It does not apply to Shrine Club officers. They
are elected and installed by their members before the
incoming Potentate takes office.
If a Noble is not appointed for the ensuing year, he
should deliver any insignia or emblem of office to the
Recorder. Also, he should deliver the official Fez
carrying any title, committee of staff designation to the
Recorder, unless he is allowed by the incoming
Potentate to keep the official Fez for sentimental
If the Fez is to be worn, however; all lettering except
the name of the Temple should be removed. Any Noble
not appointed to a position by the Potentate cannot
wear a Fez carrying a title or other designation; to do so
is in violation of the Imperial Code.
Tattler January 2016
Tattler January 2016
Tattler January 2016
Doug Winter Bio
Our 2016 Potentate, Ill. Douglas N. Winter, 33°, is a
Mason who exemplifies a spirit of dedication to the Craft,
and a man who is active in educational, charitable, religious
and community organizations.
Brother Doug was born in 1947 to Norwood and Marion
Winter. He attended Pulaski High School in Milwaukee
and graduated valedictorian from Spencerian College in
1969 with a degree in Business Administration-Accounting.
Upon graduation, he enlisted in the United States Army,
serving as Chaplain's Assistant in Vietnam with the rank of
Specialist 5th Class. Doug is the recipient of the Bronze
In 1973, he married Melinda. They have two daughters
Amy and Leah, two special son-in-laws Greg and Dean,
and four extraordinary grandchildren, Samantha (16),
Alexis (12), Hannah (8), and Madelynn (6). Brother Winter
noted that he is extremely proud of his entire family.
Melinda has been the recipient of the Milwaukee Area
Technical College- Dental Hygiene Community Service
Award. Her interests include travel, crafts, and decorating
(Just ask Bruce Nelson). Both daughters were active
members of Job's Daughters, each serving as Honored
Queen of Bethel 69 and assisting at numerous Scottish Rite
and Tripoli Shrine activities.
A Past Most Wise Master of the Wisconsin Chapter of
Rose Croix, Brother Winter has been an active member of
Nathan Hale Lodge #350 since he was raised to the sublime
degree of Master Mason in 1973. He served three terms as
Trustee of the Lodge and is the 1990 recipient of the
Distinguished Service Award. Doug is also a charter
member of Freemasons Lodge #363.
Brother Doug became a member of the Wisconsin
Scottish Rite, Valley of Milwaukee, in 1980 as a member of
the Ill. Stanley F. Maxwell, 33°, Class. Under the direction
of the Ill. Carl R. Garny, 33°, Past Potentate, he
immediately became involved in the degree work of the
Valley, first as a guard and later taking major roles within
the twenty-nine lessons of the Scottish Rite Ritual. He
received his first "Carl Award" in 1987 and has served
numerous years as a member of the Degree Committee. He
continues to serve as Ritual Director of the Tripoli Shrine
Ritualistic Divan, a role he has enjoyed since the passing of
Ill. Richard A. Huegel, 33°, a dear friend and mentor.
The leadership provided by the Ill. Robert B. Nienow,
33°, encouraged Doug's early involvement in the Family
Life Program of the Valley of Milwaukee. As Co-Chairman
of the annual event for ten years, and with the assistance of
more than sixty brethren, Doug has helped bring the Valley
of Milwaukee top honors from the Supreme Council. He
also takes great pride in the 1988 changes made in the
presentation of the Feast of the Paschal Lamb, the memorial
service honoring our departed brethren, in which Ill. R.
Arthur Wagner, 33°, assisted to make the observance more
meaningful to our Jewish brethren. To this day, Doug
continues to enjoy the counsel and advice of Ill. Jerome J.
Holz, 33°, Past Potentate, Ill. Allan E. Iding, 33°, Past
Grand Master, and Ill. William E. Day, 33°, Past Grand
Master, who have been "True Builders of the Craft" and an
inspiration to us all.
Brother Doug further promotes the principles of
Freemasonry through his other Masonic affiliations as a
member of West Allis Chapter #84 and Ivanhoe
Commandery #24 of the York Rite Bodies. Brother Doug
has served the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin as a member of
the Wisconsin Masonic Benevolent Activities Board and as
a chairman of the Registration Committee for the Annual
Communication. He has served as Treasurer of the Valley
of Milwaukee, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the
Valley and President of the Wisconsin Scottish Rite
Foundation as well as serving as Chairman of the
Scholarship Committee of the Valley of Milwaukee from
1986 until 2005 and as Treasurer of the Council of
Deliberation for 19 years. Doug continues to serve as
Treasurer of the Wisconsin Demolay Foundation, a position
he has enjoyed for almost 20 years. He has served as
Director of the Royal Order of Jesters, Big Hump of the
Milwaukee Caravanseri No. 2 of El Hajj and is currently a
member of the Royal Order of Scotland, Milwaukee
Chapter No. 27 of National Sojourners and the Masonic
Societas Rosicrusiana in Civitatibus Foederatis.
In addition to his Masonic activities, Brother Doug is a
strong supporter of his Church and the Community. As a
past member of Jackson Park Evangelical Lutheran Church
and current member of St. Stephen the Martyr Lutheran
Church he has served in multiple capacities with the most
rewarding being his love of planting trees and shrubs in
"God's Landscape." Melinda and Doug were recognized as
"Stewards of the Month" in 2012. Doug is also Past
President of the Milwaukee Federation of Lutheran
Laymen, serving 19 churches for more than 20 years and he
is also Past President of the Milwaukee Area Technical
College Foundation Board, serving more than 20 years,
eleven of which were as Chairman of the Finance
Committee. He has served on five scholarship committees
at MATC including the American Indian Scholarship and as
Director of the Miller Brewing Company "TOOLS FOR
SUCCESS" Scholarship Program.
Professionally, Doug was employed as Senior Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer of Badger Bank.
Prior to its merger with North Shore Bank, Badger was a
$285 million bank serving the Milwaukee Area through
seven local branches.
Doug was elected to receive the Honorary 33° in 1990
and has served the Supreme Council for the Northern
Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America since
1992 with responsibility for planning and directing the
Supreme Council Annual Meeting. It is all about the
Brethren and their Ladies. Doug is the recipient of the
Supreme Council Medal of Honor.
As his license plate will attest, his primary focus
continues to be "Family."
Tattler January 2016
Tattler January 2016
Animal Unit
Hillbilly Unit
Howdy Cuzzins
We just had a Election of officers at our last stated
Meeting In November. We elected Hillbilly Joe Scites as
Raban, Tom Schlicht as Keeper of the Still, and Lincoln
Smith as Keeper of the Cobb. We also brought in 3 new
flatland shriners Into the clan. Getting down to the good
stuff our first Event is our Christmas Party on January 17
2016. I believe Tom has turned in a flyer for the event. I am
hoping that we have a good turn out for the party. I will
have all the Stated meeting dates and projected parade dates
and remaining events for 2016 ready and hand them out at
the Christmas Party. If you want to know what we will be
doing in 2016 come to the Party and find out. We’ll be glad
to see you.
All this being said I Hope that all of you have a Happy
Holiday and a Very Merry Christmas
Your Elected Raban
Hillbilly Joe
Installation of Officers
Dinner Menu
The Animal’s Installation of Officers will take place at
Klemme’s Wagon Wheel, 120 S. Wisconsin Dr., Howards
Grove. Cocktail hour is from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. with
dinner at 7:00 p.m. and the program at 8:00 p.m. Dinner
includes chicken, ham, stuffed pork chops, stuffing,
mashed potatoes w/gravy, corn, green beans w/carrots,
chocolate cherry cake, milk and coffee. The cost is
$25.00 per person. Please RSVP to Ron Gustafson by
January 14th at 920-627-4107
[email protected].
The officers being
installed are: Ron Gustafson, Director; Steve Belongie,
Assistant Director; Robert Ferguson, Treasurer; Aaron
Ferguson, Secretary.
Animal Director
Ron Gustafson
Provost Unit
Doug Jaskolski, Provost Chief – 414-380-3684
Our election for officers was completed and the
following unit members were elected: Neil Laack, Chief;
Peter Hennig, Treasurer; and Jerry Stein, Secretary. The
members wish to thank Doug for all his work and
guidance during his term as Provost Chief. The balance
of officers for 2016 will be appointed and installed at our
January meeting which is our installation with Whitnall
Park Shrine Club. The unit extends an invitation to the
new candidates or any Noble looking for a unit to join. A
happy birthday whose day was this month, if it wasn’t
your birthday reach out to someone whose birthday it
was. As we grow older may we find peace and happiness
in his word.
See you in Church, Jerry Stein, Secretary
Support Your Units and Shrine Clubs
Tattler January 2016
Whitnall Park SC
Norwaukee SC
Dave Schaber, President – 414-422-1367
We start the new year with a birthday wish to those
whose birthday it is or was. The club and the Provost
Unit will be sharing their installation on January 27,
2016, at the shrine center. The social hour is from 5:30
p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and dinner is at 6:30 p.m. with the
installation to follow. Our February meeting will be
back at Alioto’s Restaurant with lunch at noon.
Remember your dues are your obligation and that is
what keeps this unit going. Watch your newsletter for
what is happening this year. Your officers thank you for
your past help and look forward to your help this coming
year. A Shriner is one who reaches out his hand to
someone in need. Be thankful you could be there to
Greetings from Norwaukee Shrine Club. We certainly
hope you all had a great Holiday Season and a fun and safe
New Year. Our next meeting will be the second Thursday,
January 14, 2016, at Aliota’s on Hwy. 100 and Burleigh. It
starts at 11:30 a.m. and lunch is at noon. We always try to
have a speaker and enjoy a great lunch. Please remember
to call Ron Hurst, P.P. at 262-786-8683 by the Monday
before the meeting, January 11, for a reservation. See you
Fraternally, Tom Schlicht P.P.
Waukesha County SC
See you in church, Jerry Stein, Treasurer
West Allis SC
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27th, 2016, will be the next
meeting of the West Allis Shrine Club. We will meet at
DICKENS GRILLE, 9646 West Greenfield Avenue, West
Allis, in the lower level. 5:30pm Social Hour; 6:30pm
Dinner Buffet, meeting to follow. RESERVATIONS
PLEASE by January 20th to Glen Jones at 1-317-452-2455
or [email protected].
FUND RAISER: Please join us Wednesday, January
20th from 4:00-9:00pm at Big Deals Burgers and Custard,
1440 South 84th Street, for a fund-raiser. Call Glen Jones
for details.
John Bennethum, Secretary
WOW! Our December meeting at the Machine Shed
was a huge success and it was all your fault! We must have
set some kind of a WCSC record thanks to the Great turnout by our members and all of you from the Tripoli Divan.
Thank You!! I want to give special thanks to our 2015
Illustrious Potentate Peter Hennig and our 2016 Illustrious
Potentate Doug Winter and of course their much better
halves for being there. Peter filled us in on all the
upcoming events at the Shrine, and Doug installed each of
our new (old) WCSC officers for 2016. I think everyone
truly enjoyed our get-together and thanks to you members
for all being on your best behavior – even Gene!
Next month we will meet at the Hickory Sticks on
January 6th, and there may be a surprise or two - more
details to come in our next Noble Quotes!
Between now and then, behave or have fun, but be sure
to have a very safe and joyous holiday season!
Steve Winters, President
Support Your Units and Shrine Clubs
Tattler January 2016
Red Fez Children’s
Christmas Party
Bell Ringing
Tattler January 2016
Tattler January 2016
Support Your Units
and Shrine Clubs
(262) 238-6397
Fax: (262) 242-9450
Printing & Mailing Services
• Graphic Design
• Business Cards
• Letterheads & Envelopes
• Flyers
• Brochures
• Newsletters
[email protected]
• Promotional Items
• Logoed Apparel
• Signs & Banners
• Print & Insert in Express News
• Direct Mail
• Newspaper Advertising
W130 N10437 Washington Drive • Germantown, WI 53022
Tattler January 2016
Tattler January 2016
Tattler January 2016
Grebe’s Bakeries
Wisconsin’s Largest
51st and Lincoln, Milw.
(414) 543-7000
All Sentry Food Stores
All Speedway Convenience Stores
And other fine Convenience Stores
and Supermarkets
Support Your Units and Shrine Clubs
Tattler January 2016
Tattler January 2016
Tattler January 2016
Tattler January 2016
Ladies Activities
Women’s Auxiliary
May the New Year be happy, bringing joy and peace into
your life and all others you touch.
Welcome, welcome ladies of all the new nobles.
Interested in the care and treatment of children? Inspired to
play an active role to help children lead a happier life? The
Auxiliary may be just the right outlet for you. We meet on
the 3rd Wednesday monthly, except July & August. There
is such a variety of ways that you can be a part of something
big. Membership is open to anyone interested in the care
and treatment of children. No Masonic affiliation is
required. Dues are $5.00 annually of which $2.00 goes
directly to the Wheel Chair Fund.
The Holly Luncheon held Wednesday December 2nd at
the Wisconsin Club was a great success. Your generosity to
a good cause, premium prize donations which were
bountiful and all the helping hands pulled off a great event.
Special thanks to Diane for all your special touches making
the tables beautiful and sweet.
Hats off to Evonne for organizing such a sweet success.
Stollen sales have set a new record – 300 were sold. It is a
big job, and we so appreciate everything that Evonne does
to continue this each and every year.
Officers for 2016 were installed by Potentate elect Doug
Winters at our December meeting. Jody Hale – Chairman,
Diana Kifer – Vice Chairman, Geri Lorberter – Gifts,
Memorials and Honoraria Chairman, June Herman –
Financial Secretary, Vicki Kuharske – Recording Secretary
Evonne Hurst – Treasurer , Donna Winters – Trustee, to join
Diane Spasoff ,and Nancy Cole – Trustees.
Congratulations to all of the officers and our new trustee,
Donna Winters.
The January meeting will be Wednesday the 20st.
Meeting lunch reservations call into Mary Ann before
Monday the 18th at (414) 352-2527). Come join us in the
Melham parlor to socialize and shop for delicious nuts and
candies. Lunch is served at 12:00 noon, followed by our
For toy donations the need is for remote control cars and
trucks, barbie dolls, coloring books and crayons, footballs,
craft sets, Manga books (comics), ear buds, button batteries,
Frisbees and magic sets. Clothing need is elastic waist
shorts in all sizes.
Gifts, honorariums and memorials send to Memorial
Chairman Gerri Lorberter, 7979 W Glenbrook Rd, #6020,
Milwaukee, 53223.
-For the Love of a Child
Jody B. Hale,Chairman (262) 490-1336
Support Your Units and
Shrine Clubs
Tattler January 2016
Tripoli Contact Information
Phone: 414-933-4700
Fax: 414-933-1591
[email protected]
3000 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53208
Rentals/Special Events:
Terry Lea Phelps
[email protected]
Phone: 414-933-4700
[email protected]
Open to the public:
Mon. - Fri.
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Jim Mahaney
H: 262-367-6929
C: 414-651-2777
[email protected]
Onion Sales:
Tom Schlicht
C: 414-852-3214
[email protected]
Larry Wegner
H: 262-251-5534
C: 262-844-5468
[email protected]
Mark Norville
C: 414-460-1290
[email protected]
Building closes at
10:00 p.m. for Unit
meeting nights.
Administrative Hours:
Mon. - Fri.
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
(920) 627-4107
(414) 422-9452
(414) 852-7411
(262) 257-0474
ARNIE GARBER (414) 352-2527
(262) 617-7157
(715) 382-4998
(414) 467-3669
(262) 960-2535
SCOTT KELLOG (715) 545-2004
(414) 294-0238
(414) 422-9452
JOE SCHONER 414-416-3847
(262) 343-5335
DON ADAMS (414) 378-9131.
(414) 588-0855
(414) 761-0998
RICK GEISS (262) 554-6229
ROBERT ADAMS (414) 462-0800
(414) 416-0700
(920) 921-0122
(414) 467-3669
JIM GENAME (262) 909-7034
SCOTT KELLOGG 715-545-2004
TOM SCHLICHT (414) 852-3214
RON GUSTAFSON 920-627-4107
BILL HAHNFELDT 262-812-6570
STEVE WINTERS (262) 968-2734
GLEN JONES 317-452-2455
DAVE SCHABER 414-422-1367
BILL HESSER (920) 235-5356
CARL WUSSOW (863) 420-1839
JENNA GAPINSKI 262-896-0520
JODY HALE 262-490-1336
Tattler January 2016
Periodicals Postage
Paid at USPS
USPS 641-800
ISSN 1075-4024
[email protected]

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