2014 – July/August
2014 – July/August
Tattler Vol. 21, NO. 7 Upcoming Events July/August 2014 July 8: West Bend Summer Circus August 21: Tri-County Shrine Club OV July 26: Northwoods Shrine Club OV August 23: Chippewa Falls OV Tattler July/August 2014 I’m So Excited and I Just Can’t Hide It! Having Fun On My Trip! Hello Nobles, Tomorrow I leave on my Potentate’s trip. I’ll report on that when I get back (maybe we’ll see Elvis!). The Northwoods Shrine Club OV is on July 26. If you’re interested in going, please contact the office for details. We always have a great time. The Borchardt’s Father’s Day car show was a success. Over 540 cars were there. The next car show is at Matty’s on September 7. I’m looking forward to the steak fry at our September Stated Meeting. YOU MUST MAKE A RESERVATION with the office. See you in the Fall! Fraternally yours, Rick Loch, Potentate 2014 Elected Divan Illustrious Potentate Rick Loch (Darlene) C: 414-406-8230 [email protected] Chief Rabban Pete Hennig (Carol) H: 262-723-1270 C: 262-689-0837 [email protected] Assistant Rabban John Werner (Amanda) H: 262-354-1541 C: 262-510-5626 [email protected] 2 Tattler Official Publication of TRIPOLI SHRINERS Treasurer John Bugajski (Nancy) H: 414-282-7279 C: 414-491-1728 [email protected] Fritz Jorgenson (Maggie) H: 414-281-7329 C: 414-313-9329 [email protected] Recorder James Christie, PP (Sherry) H: 262-574-1699 C: 414-305-8274 [email protected] Ceremonial Director Bob Manders (Kathy) H: 414-228-8344 C: 414-380-3333 [email protected] Elected Board of Trustees 1st Ceremonial Master Dan Bast (Nancy) H: 920-474-3438 C: 414-333-1412 [email protected] High Priest & Prophet Larry Wegner (Sue) H: 262-251-5534 C: 262-844-5468 [email protected] Don Kuehn H: 414-281-7331 [email protected] Oriental Guide Keith Sargeant (Karen Schmit) C: 414-881-7060 [email protected] Joe Schoner (Linda) H: 414-543-2178 C: 414-416-3847 [email protected] 2014 Appointed Divan 2nd Ceremonial Master Bob Capen (Jan) H: 262-512-1191 C: 414-235-1279 [email protected] Orator Neil Laack (Shari) H: 414-761-0998 C: 414-801-4538 [email protected] Marshal Jack Love (Dori) H: 414-425-5272 [email protected] Captain of the Guard Greg Barg C: 414-241-9827 [email protected] Outer Guard Mark Norville C: 414-460-1290 [email protected] Chaplain John Bennethum (Rosemarie Tapper) H: 414-427-5646 [email protected] Tattler July/August 2014 Just the Facts... The Banquet and Catering report for May is complete. We had 4 Shrine events for the month of May with a net profit of $755.51. We had 13 outside events for the month of May with a net profit of $17,950.89. Our revenue generated from all bookings for the month was $18,706.40. We reported our net profit for March in two separate months this year because we did not have complete figures on other months. The net profits for February 2014-$1,315.56, March 2014-$14,012.01 and April 2014-$28,869.37. Thank you for all the support we received in allowing us to move our stated meeting to the lower level so that we could rent the upper level to an outside event. We are pleased to announce that we made a net profit of $11,130.04 on that event. We must improve our attendance at our Friday fish fry to meet the cost of the operation. Please bring your family and friends. We receive reports that the food is excellent. We continue to operate the year in excess of our budget. Congratulations to Jim Mahaney and our circus committee for raising $236,408.38 which exceeded our budget by $36,408.38. In addition, they exceeded last year’s profits from the 2013 winter circus by $88,913.33. Last year we were $77,504.95 under our budget. Please support our summer circus program. Watch for the dates and locations in the Tattler. Thank you Tom Schlicht and Mark Norvelle the cochairs to our Vidalia onion sales for achieving a net profit of $23,382 25. Last year we did not make our budget on onion sales but this year we exceeded the budget. Nobles help us with advertising in our Tattler. Contact friends and family and suggest Tattler advertising to them. This is a good source of revenue. Remember submit any questions or concerns that you have to our committee in care of the main office. We appreciate any suggestions or recommendations from our members about the operation of the finance committee. Thank you to those nobles that have already done so. -Fraternally Yours, The Finance Committee Tattler (USPS 641-800) ISSN 1075-4024 Chaplain’s Corner Do You Know What the Folds Mean? By Chaplain John Through the years I have participated in many funerals where a gun-salute has been given, taps have been played and the American Flag has been folded and presented to a member of the family. Have you ever noticed the Honor Guard pays meticulous attention to correctly folding the United States of America Flag 13 times? Here is the explanation of the folds: The 1st fold of the flag is a symbol of LIFE. The 2nd fold is a symbol of the belief in ETERNAL LIFE. The 3rd fold is made in honor of the VETERANS who gave a portion of their lives for the defense of the country. The 4th fold represents the WEAKER NATURE, for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in time of war for His divine guidance. The 5th fold is a tribute to our COUNTRY. The 6th fold is for where people’s HEARTS LIE. It is with their heart that they pledge Allegiance to the flag. The 7th fold is a tribute to its ARMED FORCES, for it is through the Armed Forces that they protect their country and their flag against all her enemies. The 8th fold is a tribute to those who DIED, that we might see the light of day. The 9th fold in a tribute to WOMANHOOD and MOTHERS. For it has been through their faith, their love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great has been molded. The 10th fold is a tribute to the FATHER, for he, too, has given his sons and daughters for the defense of their country. The 11th fold represents the lower portion of the seal of KING DAVID and KING SOLOMON and glorifies in the Hebrews eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The 12th fold represents an emblem of ETERNITY and glorifies, in the Christians eyes, God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. The 13th fold, or when the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost reminding them of their nations motto, ‘In God We Trust’. After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes on the appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers, sailors and marines and all their comrades who serve to keep us free! When you see the flag folding ceremony, may you be reminded that “Freedom isn’t free!” -Chaplain John, [email protected] Official publication of Tripoli Temple, Tripoli Shriners, 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208. Phone (414) 933-4700; Fax (414) 933-1591. Email [email protected]. Published monthly, except combined issue, July/August. Periodicals postage paid at Milwaukee, WI. Subscription rate: $10.00 per year. POSTMASTER: Please send changes of address to Tattler, 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208. Layout and printing of the Tattler provided by: Hometown Publications-Express News, Germantown, WI Email [email protected] 3 Tattler July/August 2014 4 Tattler July/August 2014 5 Tattler July/August 2014 6 Tattler July/August 2014 7 Tattler July/August 2014 8 Tattler July/August 2014 9 Tattler July/August 2014 Units Directors Staff Provost Unit The car show on Father's Day was well attended and we made some money. Mark your calendar for July 19th is the unit picnic. Let Gene our Vice President know that you are attending. We are blowing up balloons for the Packer Shrine game in August, it's Friday the 22nd at 7:00PM. Birthday greetings to the following Nobles: Fritz Jorgenson July 2, Tom Lang 4, Ken Lebal 1,Bruce Nelson 15, Mark Norville 31, Jerry Robison 26, Mark Warner 13. On April 23, Jack Weimer was called to his final resting place. Farewell friend. This was a sad month as Doris, wife of Fred Gebauer, was also called to her final resting place, a place just for her. Our next planned outing will be our picnic August 24. The picnic will be co-hosted with Whitnall Park Shrine Club. For the place, time and cost, watch your monthly newsletter. Myron Tubbs gets out the newsletter each month, he gets no pay and how many say “good job old friend.” When you see him, say thanks. We have a member who was gone and now returned, welcome back Kosta Demopoulos. Remember those in the armed forces and those in their final resting place. Thank you. To those whose birthday it is or was, think of you as not getting older, just wiser. Donald L. Kuehn Tattler writer See you in church, Jerry Stein Support Your Units and Shrine Clubs 10 Tattler July/August 2014 Clubs Lake Shore Shrine Club West Allis Shrine Club Lake Shore has not planned any activities for the summer months, but if you refer to the latest edition of the Tattler, you will find many Shrine activities posted inside the back cover of the issue. There are many summer circuses scheduled. Try to take in at least one of them. Also, there is the Midwest Shrine game featuring the Green Bay Packers vs. the Oakland Raiders on August 22nd. Next thing you know, summer will be over and it will be time to honor our Illustrious Sir Rick Loch and his Lady Darlene, and the rest of other Divan and their ladies, on September 24, for the Potentate’s Official Visitation to Lake Shore Shrine Club. Have a safe and restful summer, and we will see you all in September. Also, make certain to read your Lake Shore newsletter to keep up with any changes in our meeting place because of changes at Spring Gardens where we are currently meeting. West Allis Shrine Club will NOT meet during the month of July 2014. We WILL be meeting on Wednesday, AUGUST 27th for the purpose of having a MINIATURE GOLF TOURNAMENT and a MEAL together. Our President, Frank Foti, is vacationing in China and will provide details after he returns. Save the date. Have you paid your dues for 2014? Reservations as usual to Frank at 414-940-5632 (or [email protected]) before August 22nd Bert T. Sjostrom, Secretary Whitnall Park Shrine We open on a sad note that Jack Weimer and Doris Gebauer were called to their final resting place. They knocked and the door was opened. Place them in your memories and prayers. In each article we say where we meet and the time and each month we gain another friend to share our meal and entertainment with. We meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month at Alioto’s Restaurant at noon. The price is $15.00 a person with a choice of four entrees. What a deal! We have no meeting in July and our August meeting will be our August 24 picnic which is co-sponsored with the Provost Unit. Watch your newsletter for more information. As we celebrate the 4th of July, remember all those who made the supreme sacrifice, and to those now protecting us we say thank you. See you in church, Jerry Stein John Bennethum, Secretary Chippewa Falls SC David A. Gutknecht, P.P. and Jon "Odie" O'Connell, President of the Chippewa Falls Shrine Club presented to Jerome "Lefty" Lee a 50 year certificate and pin for being a 50 year member and, in appreciation and recognition of his service and loyal support to the Fraternity and Philanthropy, Shriners Hospital For Children. The 50 year certificate top left to right: Jon O’Connell, and letter of David Gutknecht, P.P. appreciation were bottom: Jerome “Lefty” Lee signed by Imperial Potentate, John A. Cinotto. The Chippewa Falls Shrine Club and Tripoli Shrine Center congratulate Jerome on this milestone and thank him for his continuous support of the Shrine. At the August Official Potentate Visitation in Chippewa Falls, Tripoli Potentate Rick Lock will again acknowledge this 50 Year Award. -Submitted by: David A. Gutknecht, P.P. 11 Tattler July/August 2014 Hospital Day at Shriners Hospitals for Children Chicago 12 Tattler July/August 2014 13 Tattler July/August 2014 14 Tattler July/August 2014 15 Tattler July/August 2014 16 Tattler July/August 2014 Stated Meeting Minutes June 11, 2014 - Tripoli Shriners The meeting was opened in due form by Ill. Potentate Richard Loch in due form. All Officers present except Chief Rabban Peter Hennig and Second Ceremonial Master Robert Capen. Their chairs were filled by P.P. Tom Schlicht & P.P. Jim Cleary. The flag of the United States of America was presented by the Legion of Honor and the Potentate led the Pledge of Allegiance. Chaplain John Bennethum offered an opening prayer. Cold Sands: Noble Doug Winter obligated Ken Kealey in a cold sands ceremony. The Ill. Sir then proceeded with the usual introductions. We had 3 visitors from Beja Shriners, P.P. Fred Beyer, P.P. David Oshefsky and Chief Aide Chuck Claridge who petitioned Tripoli for Associate membership. The Potentate then called for the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting. A motion was made and seconded to dispense with the minutes and it passed. Correspondence: Recorder Jim Christie, P.P. read the list of correspondence and commented. Jim then read the petition of Mr. Douglas Brown and the Potentate ordered a ballot. Jim also read a petition for Associate Membership from Noble Chuck Claridge of Beja. This was approved by a voice vote of the membership. The Potentate next called on Treasurer John Bugajski for his report. There were no objections to his report. Ill. Sir Rick then thanked the members for putting-up with meeting in the Egyptian Room last month and reported that the net Income from the event upstairs was over $11,000.00. Very well worth the trouble! John Bugajski continued with the balance sheet. Back to the ballot; the ballot was found to be clear and Rick declared Mr. Brown elected. Black Camel: The HP&P read the list of 8 Nobles summoned by the Black Camel since our last meeting and our Chaplain offered prayer. Sick & Visitation: Chaplain John Bennethum was pleased to report that the list was down to 12 members. We pray that it may become shorter still! Finance Committee: Noble Doug Winter expressed pleasure with our current financial position and thanked volunteers, particularly the bartenders for their help in achieving this success. Old Business: Bob Manders reported that the hospital day went very well. He thanked the Escorts and Scarabs for their participation in the World’s Shortest Parade. The “Support Hospital Day Campaign” raised over $20,000.00 for June 1st. Bob then presented a check for Transportation in the amount of $305.98 from collecting aluminum can tabs. He next asked for more golfers for the golf outing. Jan Talaga Sr. came forward and spoke on the Lobster Fest by Freemasons Lodge at Dousman. Bob and Aaron Ferguson next presented a check, in memory of Monroe Gierke, from the Animals. $100.00 Andy Anderson presented a check, from the bartenders, for $574.00 from their tips. Jerry Robison noted that his Father is gone but wished all fathers a Happy Father’s day. Recorder Jim Christie then reported on the “call” for Imperial Session. The Potentate reported that our September Stated Meeting will be casual dress as usual and gave the Nobility a choice of a Steak dinner for $15.00 or Brats at the usual $9.00. We were not surprised that STEAK won! Rick next read the request for Emeritus for Myron Tubbs and it was approved. He then announced our winning the Salvation Army’s trophy for fraternal fund raising of over $5,000.00 and presented it to Frank Foti for heading-up our Bell Ringing drive. Our Potentate made a plea for Nobles to ride the Long Bike at Imperial Session. He further announced that Michael Geiger has been expelled from Freemasonry by a Grand Lodge Trial. Fish Fries: Here again, there had been a motion made on Monday to stop holding Fish Fries because they have not been profitable. It was held-over for a report from Terry today. She is making a concerted effort to cut costs and increase attendance. She also reported booking a rehearsal dinner of a fish fry from people who had tried ours (100 people) as well as a wedding for 150 people because they came to a fish fry. She asked for more time and the Board agreed to run it till February and keep watch over progress. P.P. Tom Schlicht reported on the Midwest Shrine Game and asked for help on the field. August 22. P.P. David Oshefsky reported that Beja will be holding a tailgate party at the game. 50/50 Raffle: $400.00 was collected and the lucky winner of $200.00 was Myron Tubbs. There being no further business, the Potentate proceeded to close at 8:18 PM Chaplain John gave the closing prayer and the Nobles were dismissed. Respectfully submitted, James B. Christie, P.P., Recorder 17 Tattler July/August 2014 ** TRIPOLI SUMMER ** CIRCUS SCHEDULE Tripoli Shrine will once again be presenting our Summer Circuses: Wausau - MARATHON COUNTY ICE ARENA SATURDAY JUNE 14, 1:00 4:15 7:30 SUNDAY JUNE 15, 2:00 6:00 Rhinelander - YOUTH SPORTS CENTER FRIDAY JUNE 27, 5:00, 7:30 SATURDAY JUNE 28, 1:00, 4:15, 7:30 Sheboygan (Tentative): Location to be determined THURSDAY, AUGUST 28 3:00, 6:00 West Bend: Location to be determined FRIDAY AUGUST 29, 3:00, 6:00 Elkhorn: Location to be determined SATURDAY AUGUST 30, 2:00, 5:00 Union Grove: Location to be determined SUNDAY AUGUST 31, 2:00, 5:00 This is a chance for you to “Spread the Word” to your family and friends who either live in the area or might be vacationing near a Circus location. We need good attendance at the shows. The summer Circuses are an important part of Tripoli’s largest fundraiser; THE TRIPOLI SHRINE CIRCUS! An Eight-Year-Old Fundraiser Sets His Sights on Gifts for Cleft We’d like to thank eight-yearold Kai Marten, of Chesterton, IN, for his donation to SHCChicago. He raised $120 for cleft palate speech therapy as a thankyou for the great care he’s received. Kai wrote the letter he holds, calling upon friends and family to donate to our hospital. When Kai’s mom took the letter to make copies, a worker at the copy store returned the copies with $20 attached. She said she read the note and wanted to help. Thanks to Kai; to Amy Morgan, our speech language pathologist (photo right), who has provided therapy for Kai, and to our entire plastic surgery team, which has handled Kai’s surgeries and cleft care so well. There is something very beautiful about this story: The beauty encompasses the face of this child, his fine giving spirit, and the kindness of our staff, which makes the ordinary extraordinary in the lives of our patients. 18 Tattler July/August 2014 Scimitar Foundation Hello Nobles! The Scimitar Foundation is back in business, and we have many new and exciting updates to share! If you’re here visiting the Tripoli Shrine Center this summer, please stop by and introduce yourself to the Scimitar Foundation’s summer intern, Elizabeth Konieczny! Elizabeth just completed her sophomore year as a Business Management and History double major at Ripon College, and has been a Dean’s List student there for all four semesters. She will be in the Scimitar office on the second floor Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during normal building hours. During the time that she will be working for us, she will be setting up a Scimitar Foundation quarterly newsletter, donor database and year-end donation letter, helping our web designer in the completion of our website, assisting the Banquet and Catering Manager on the Historic Milwaukee Doors Open event, as well as working to create various fundraisers that could be established in the future. The Scimitar Foundation is also happy to announce the election of a new treasurer, Kevin Brightsman, at our most recent meeting this past June. He is a past master at McKinley Lodge, a member of the Scottish Rite and Vale Milwaukee, and is very active in both the state and national levels of the DeMolay youth group. As we welcome our new treasurer, we would also like to take the time to give a heartfelt thank you to Rick Stiener, for serving the Scimitar Foundation for over fourteen years as treasurer. We wish him well in his future endeavors, and we are grateful for his many years of expertise and service to the Foundation. We hope to see all of you at the welcome back steak dinner Stated Meeting on September 10th. Doors open at 4 PM for hors d’oeuvres, raffles and music (sponsored by Scimitar Foundation), as well as tours to see all of the projects that have been completed over the summer, and a glimpse of the projects that we would like to complete in the future. One of the most important promotional events for the Tripoli Shrine Center is the Doors Open event, being held September 20th and 21st. We need volunteers to make this event a success; it is a fun volunteer opportunity! If you are able to help, please respond to Terry at the Tripoli office. The Scimitar Foundation also needs volunteers for its’ annual Sportsman’s Night Committee. This is the Scimitar’s largest fundraiser of the year, and we need many hands to assist in its’ planning and execution. If you are able to donate any time, a lot or a little, please contact Richard Borys at 414-704-7424. Our new and improved webpage is now able to take online donations! Our current project for the Tripoli Shrine Center is the replacement of the stage curtains in Humphrey Hall. They are past their useful life, and will cost $17,000 to replace. If you are able to help us meet this goal, please send in your donation online or through the mail, to the Scimitar Foundation Curtain Fund. Don’t forget to like the Scimitar Foundation on Facebook for more updates on all of the great things happening here this summer! 19 Tattler July/August 2014 (262) 238-6397 Fax: (262) 242-9450 [email protected] Printing & Mailing Services • Graphic Design • Business Cards • Letterheads & Envelopes • Flyers • Brochures • Newsletters • Promotional Items • Logoed Apparel • Signs & Banners • Print & Insert in Express News • Direct Mail • Newspaper Advertising W130 N10437 Washington Drive • Germantown, WI 53022 Grebe’s Bakeries Wisconsin’s Largest 51st and Lincoln, Milw. (414) 543-7000 All Sentry Food Stores All Speedway Convenience Stores And other fine Convenience Stores and Supermarkets 20 Tattler July/August 2014 Ladies Activities Women’s Auxiliary The Annual Spring luncheon 2014 “Garden Party“ at Klemmer’s is on file as a success. The event came together so well with the help of many hands and hearts. It was a marvelous time the entire day from start to finish. So many new faces and beautiful smiles, heck we even sang together! If you attended the Spring Luncheon, but missed our June 18th meeting, let me say thank you. First Lady Darlene, it was a pleasure to have you as our guest. Thanks to all for coming together, bringing your friends and pitching in to help make it a really good time. Tripoli Women’s Auxillary Reps at the Twin cities annual meeting. Summer break is here, mark your calendar - NO monthly meetings take place in July or August. The next monthly meeting will be on September the 17th. Lunch is at noon, followed by our meeting. Call Mary Ann at (414) 352-2527 for your luncheon reservation. Save the date Wednesday December 3rd for the Annual Holly Luncheon. Be sure to share with your friends. When you visit over the summer, ask them to pull out there calendar and save that date. Summer is a great time to talk about saving tabs from pop cans at gatherings. At the Spring Luncheon it was a tight race for 1st place. Lorraine had the lead, it was looking good. Then in walks Mary Ann. Two bags over 13 pounds, and the winner, for most tabs brought to the event. It was a very close race. You all are winners, whether it is a small bag, or a large one, they all add up to something really big. Keep up the good work you do. Don’t forget memorials and honorariums should be sent to our Memorial Chairman Gerri Lorberter, 7979 W Glenbrook Rd, #6020, Milwaukee, 53223. Have a relaxing summer. See you in the fall. For the love of a child! - Jody B. Hale (262) 490-1336 Daughter’s of the Nile Ladies of the Household, After the last session it was voted on that we will be moving to the Tripoli Shrine Center. I know this was not a easy decision, but we are looking forward to working with the Shrine. There will be more information on this in the coming months. Our anticipated starting date will be at our September session. Our fall fund raiser will be a Bunco party held on September 14 we will gather at 12:30 eat at 1:00 and it will end around 4:00 the price is $8.00 which will include a lunch and prizes. WE are having this party at the Wildwood apartment Building #4 the address is N78W17445 Wildwood Dr. Menomonee Falls WI tickets will be sent out soon but please start asking your friends to join us for the afternoon. Please call Pr. Royal Jenna at 262-896-0520 for your reservations. Please don't forget to attend the hospital day and the style show , I am sorry that I will miss both but we are going to be at Supreme Session. I hope that summer is coming soon as you all travel around please be safe, we will see you in September. Cheryl Grover, Queen Support Your Units and Shrine Clubs 21 Tattler July/August 2014 Tripoli Contact Information Office: Phone: 414-933-4700 Fax: 414-933-1591 [email protected] TRIPOLI SHRINE CENTER CONTACT INFORMATION 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Rentals/Special Events: Terry Lea Phelps 414-659-7368 [email protected] www.tripolishrinecenter.com Advertising/Tattler: Phone: 414-933-4700 [email protected] Open to the public: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Circus: Jim Mahaney H: 262-367-6929 C: 414-651-2777 [email protected] Onion Sales: Tom Schlicht C: 414-852-3214 [email protected] Larry Wegner H: 262-251-5534 C: 262-844-5468 [email protected] Mark Norville C: 414-460-1290 [email protected] Building closes at 10:00 p.m. for Unit meeting nights. Administrative Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. TO KEEP IN TOUCH UNITS ANIMALS: RON E. GUSTAFSON (920) 627-4107 ANTIQUE AUTO: ANDY PACHEFSKY 414-687-7646 LEGION OF HONOR: RICHARD VANDE SANDE (262) 763-6797 LONG RIDERS: JAMES J. BURTON (414) 462-4493 MARSHALS: LEIGHTON R. TIMM (262) 257-0474 BAND: ARNIE GARBER (414) 352-2527 MOTOR CORPS: LYLE "LEE" LANCE (414) 588-4083 CHIPPEWA MINI Ts: ROBERT E. HUDSON (715) 382-4998 NEXGEN: URAL (PATRICK) JACKSON (414) 467-3669 CLOWNS: RON DANIELSON (262) 470-1004 NORTHWOODS JACKS: SCOTT KELLOG (715) 545-2004 CRUSADERS: WILLIAM VANZILE (262) 786-2289 DEMOLAY: ROBERT E. LIJEWSKI (414) 422-9452 DIRECTOR’S STAFF: GREG BARG 414-241-9827 HIGHLANDERS: JACK A. LOVE (414) 425-5272 HILLBILIES: DON ADAMS (414) 378-9131. 22 PHOTO CORPS: DENNIS WILSON (414) 588-0855 PROVOST: DOUG JASKOLSKI 414-380-3684 RITUALISTIC DIVAN: RICK GEISS (262) 554-6229 TILERS: ROBERT ADAMS (414) 462-0800 TRANSPORTATION: RON JOHNSTON (414) 416-0700 CLUBS CHIPPEWA FALLS: JON O’CONNELL 715-726-1345 FOND DU LAC: GEORGE WEIGEL (920) 921-0122 HARBORVIEW: PATRICK JACKSON (414) 467-3669 KENOSHA: JIM GENAME (262) 909-7034 LAKE SHORE: WARREN KRAMER 414-248-3346 NORTHWOODS: SCOTT KELLOGG 715-545-2004 NORWAUKEE: TOM SCHLICHT (414) 852-3214 SHEBOYGAN: CHRIS EWALD 920-458-5651 TRI-COUNTY: JOHN NOBLE 262-210-8454 WAUKESHA: JOHN MAROTTA (262) 549-5841 WEST ALLIS: FRANK FOTI 414-940-5632 WHITNALL PARK: DAVE SCHABER 414-422-1367 WINNEBAGOLAND: BILL HESSER (920) 379-9886 ALLIANCES SOUTHWEST FLORIDA: CARL WUSSOW (863) 420-1839 DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE SUE UDHART 414-412-0582 WOMEN’S AUXILARY: JODY HALE 262-490-1336 Tattler July/August 2014 23 Periodicals Postage Paid at USPS Milwaukee USPS 641-800 ISSN 1075-4024 [email protected]
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