Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan
Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan
Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan 1 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan 2 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan TMA FORM (PT3) Copy 1 STUDENT RECORDS SECTION 1 STUDENT TO SIGN AND COMPLETE I confirm that I have read the University policy on plagiarism (paragraph 9.4 in the Student Handbook) and that the work presented here is my own work. Signature: __Karima Hamadeh_______________ Date: ___29-12-2009________________ SECTION 1 STUDEN TO COMPLETE: COMPLETE Name: Karima Hamadeh Date From Student ID# 8167 Date to Center Course Code T306b Tutor’s name: TMA# 04 Date Tutor Sent to 29-12-2009 SECTION 2 TUTORS TO Saher Alanan Reason for late Submission TMA-TOTAL MARKS TUTOR’S GENERAL SUMMARY: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Tutor’s signature: 3 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan 4 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Putting the project together was the result of serious hard work, research and commitment. Tackling the project was a challenge but also one that was enjoyable. Doing the project has offered great opportunity to bring knowledge and understanding gained from AOU study. What seemed impossible at the beginning is now a reality. However, this success would not have been possible without the tremendous support of my tutors. Special thanks to Mrs.Yara Abdullah for her encouragement and insightful advice every step the way upon doing the first manuscript of this study. Special thanks for Dr. Saher Alanan, who encouraged me in all the steps and helped me in all the difficulties that I faced during my project. Also special thanks for Dr. George Nehme, Stuff tutor and Coordinator of T306 course who gave me the support & advices I need to finish my project successfully. 5 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Table of contents Executive Summary-------------------------------------------------------- 7 Objective of the study----------------------------------------------------- 8 Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Preface ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Chapter 1: Tutor Report------------------------------------------------ 14 1.1 Perspective based on value, beliefs and circumstances. 1.2 System of Inquiry 1.3 Concept of Hierarchy 1.4 Description about Child labor 1.5 Applying BECM 1.6 Ethicality statement 1.7 Applying HSM method 1.8 Applying SSM method 1.9 MBTI Chapter 2: Client Report-------------------------------------------------- 56 • Summary of the situation and finding recommendations to solve it Chapter 3: Project log------------------------------------------------------- 63 3.1 Weekly summary 3.2 Reflection Chapter 4: Major lessons learned from Lebanon’s----------------- 74 experiences on child labor Chapter 5: Appendix ----------------------------------------------------Chapter 6: References ------------------------------------------------- 75 77 6 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Child labor, which is the work of children under the age of 18, is becoming a global problem as it isn’t only a problem in developing countries, but in fact children routinely work in all industrialized countries and hazardous forms of child labor can be found in many countries. So, it is not only just a problem it is more than that; we can define it as a mess situation because it includes a huge number of children who are forced to work by their parents. Our project will highlight on this issue in Lebanon specifically in North Lebanon where working children are found mostly in the districts of Tripoli, Akkar and Minyeh (91-97 percent of working children in this region). Children in North Lebanon are paying a heavy and disproportionate price as a result for the lack of monitoring and control by the government and as a result of poverty, poor services, crowded living conditions, and mainly of the long-running political crisis in the country. This report outlines the economic, health, psychosocial and cultural dimensions of children’s lives in the Tripoli Strip. Also, it includes the main findings of a survey conducted to assess the type of services provided by the target of governmental and nongovernmental institutions. The study revealed that majority of children lack adequate educational, cultural, recreational and health services and therefore are increasingly vulnerable to behavioral, physical and psychosocial harm. This is especially true given the absence of the government comprehensive program that can protect Tripoli children from harm and danger. The study also shows how the institutions such as UNICEF, SOS, AUXILIA concerned with children in the city of Tripoli are powerful of support capacity building programs to improve their effectiveness attention to child protection rights, laws, services and guidelines. 7 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan The study’s main objectives are: 1. Describe health, nutritional, educational, and social status of Tripoli’s urban children, differentiated by gender, age groups (10-13 years), (1417 and selected socio-economic characteristics. 2. Develop a profile of key institutions that are working with children in urban and semi-urban areas of Tripoli including the key actors and stakeholders. The profile includes public, semi-public, non-governmental and private institutions active in child protection and welfare. It also tackles the potential role of municipal offices including those who don't have the mandate for addressing children’s issues. The profile also covers the types of programs offered; reviews successful programs worth replicating (in particular those protecting the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups); describes areas of overlap and duplication between institutions; and outlines the resources available to these institutions and the obstacles they face. 3. Find solutions in order to reduce this dilemma, because it is a big crisis against children. 4. Using the Hard System Method (HSM) and the Soft System Method (SSM), in order to solve the problem and to make the analysis clear easier and well planned. 8 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Introduction All human beings have the right to live free, to have security in their life, to make a family and to marry, to own a property, to learn, work, rest and leisure. All human beings have the right to have an adequate standard of living and security. Unfortunately this is not the case in our life, as we live in a world of poverty, war, discrimination, slavery, and crime. Child labor is a pervasive problem in today's world and it has great and negative effects on various sides of life: the first impact is on the personal level of the child, second on the family level, then on the social level and finally on the development economic level. And I see that we cannot stop it because it is resulted from many reasons .As a mess, child labor is a wide and big phenomenon that is not limited to a defined timescale or place, in which it involves a large number of people everywhere. Child labor is a complex problem that is greatly expanding across the globe. It is something we should not remain silent of, as it attacks our children that will become the future of the world, and of societies. Children ought to grow in healthy and safe environment where they learn and enjoy their childhoods instead of being engaged in exploitative child labor. (Child labor in Lebanon, 1997) Child labor is the work for children under the age of 18. This work could be paid or unpaid. Many of these children are not only being exploited, they are often being denied education, basic health care, adequate nutrition, leisure time ,safety and security of their families and communities. You can find children in almost every work fields. They work in agriculture, many works as domestics; they also work in trade and services, with fewer in manufacturing and construction. Also in some countries they use children as soldiers, and such abuses can be found in Angola, Colombia, Congo, Liberia, Sudan and Uganda. (Child labor in Lebanon, 1997) 9 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Photo: Hamza Haj Hassan/IRIN "I do hope for a better life. But I’m stuck here. Even if I could leave I would be lost." Children are almost used in every work fields. Unacceptable forms of exploitation of children at work exist and persist, but they are particularly difficult to research due to their hidden, sometime illegal or even criminal nature. Slavery, debt bondage, trafficking, sexual exploitation, the use of children in the drug trade and in armed conflict, as well as hazardous work are all defined as worst forms of child labor. Photo: Hugh Macleod/IRIN "Ziad got me selling marijuana, then cocaine and heroin. I started smoking marijuana and when I was stoned Ziad used to sell me to men for sex." Alaa Abdel Karim al-Bouz, 21, is the oldest resident in the Home of Hope orphanage. 10 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan As it’s obvious there’s no universally accepted definition of child labor but at the end they all have the same concept but different ways of illustrating the facts & after all each describes what he sees from his own perspective. It is a serious issue to tackle especially that is greatly expanding across globe, becoming a social problem. Hence the problem of child labor has received extensive attention in the last few years, & on different levels. ؟ This was one of the reasons that made me attractive to discuss this issue since it has a great impact on us & on the society as a whole. In addition to all these I wanted to be unique in choosing the subject & child labor seemed the right choice since wherever you go or travel to different countries rich or poor starting from the suburbs moving to the cities , children are being exploited in a bad & harmful way where in fact they should be ought to grow up in a healthy environment & enjoy their childhood. Not mentioning also the statistics which are really terrifying & if kept in an increasing way, things will be definitely tolerable. 11 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Child labor is reported as one of the social problems in Lebanon, especially in underserved urban neighborhoods of the major cities and in rural areas. For this reason, I choose it as the topic of my project where I will try to study it from different angles in order to find ways to avoid the bad effects of such messy situation. I gather data and information about this mess from a variety of sources and references: the ministry of social affairs, the ministry of labor, Internet, magazines, personal information, books, brochures, non government organizations, meeting with working child... My project will be divided into three parts: the tutor report, the client report and the project log. The Tutor Report: here, I will describe my aim of choosing this topic as well as the aim of my project. Then I will explain the child labor messy situation in details: its causes, the main stakeholders, its bad consequences and its implications and its contributions to many social problems . . . then I will start treating it by introducing a system of inquiry of the main stakeholders, the next step will be using the HSM methodology which is a learning process that allows introducing changes and improvements to get to the final objective which is solving this mess. In this regard I will use the SSM since it is effective. So, why I choose these two methods and not one of them because as a system practitioner I found that each one completes the other one. And the success of this strategy lied in the understanding of the complexity through being aware of it which had lead to decisions and actions. I intended to use the soft systems method (SSM) to analyze and solve the complexities emerged from the situation, through a process of inquiry with a number of distinct stages, passage through which is usually iterative rather than linear. Moreover this method can help us to identify the messy situation because it can define it in a systemic way. Furthermore, I want to apply the (HSM), in order to be more precise in 12 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan my study because this method has a great value in planning and evaluating a formal and quantitative format for the project context and to take into consideration the technical issues. Never missing some important concepts and tools such as: BECM, SWOT analysis, reflection before, in and after practice, & ethicality statement... The Client Report: which will be a briefing document aimed to my client written in an easy language without using any of the technical words that I mentioned in the tutor report. It is done to be sold to my clients by introducing options for changes and recommendations coming out of my study. Project Log: it is the story of my project in weekly bases detailing my progress in achieving the project production period. 13 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan The aim of my project is to highlight on a very big complexity that is threatening our country & to discuss it, from various perspectives, trying to study all its causes, aspects and results, over the Lebanese people, and how it affects the economy due to the lack of awareness on children, that are considered the heart of every dynamic country. Also the other reason why I chose this complexity is because it touches every one of us, where every one in Lebanon is meant by this issue, whether an individual, a group , an agency or even the government , are all considered as stakeholders, who should hold responsibility in order to find a solution for this problem. I am well aware that I am not analyzing certain performance in an organization; I am discussing a severe social problem which threatens the stability of the society, but many messy situations whether in the work place or in personal life have communication problems at their heart. Therefore communication among all parties is needed& required in order to overcome this problem. In the domain of sustainable development, me as a system practitioner I must respect other perspectives, which will help me to understand more the situation and be aware more about what is happening. Therefore, to understand and practice sustainable development, the perspectives must be apparent and clear, so, to make this I have to take into consideration the values, beliefs and circumstances (Christine Blackmore, Ray Ison and Jack Chapmon, 2005, pp: 37) that in turn affect the way I conceptualize the worldour world views. There are many stakeholders with an interest in maintaining an interconnected set of activities (system) and many of these stockholders will have different interests in the same system depending on their value, belief and circumstances. In this term, because I’m a system practitioner I’m going to talk about my own values, beliefs and circumstances. 14 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Value: child labor is on the top of the problems in Lebanon, which it if solved will lead to valuable country through good future generations. Belief: my belief is that child labor contributes to social, security problems also causing healthy effects on the child, it is causing huge uncontrollable consequences, everyone in Lebanon should try to reduce the amount of children who work by his own way and government should apply rules and regulations strictly to get out of this problem. Circumstance: I am a Lebanese citizen who is suffering from the bad consequences of child labor, and who have wide knowledge about this problem that allow me to treat it in my senior project at my university. Moreover, the notion of “hierarchy” (Christine Blackmore, Ray Ison and Jack Chapmon, 2005, pp: 20) is central in the domain of sustainable development, where individual actions are relevant to a range of levels. That’s why as a system practitioner it is helpful to me to recognize different system levels to work out how to facilitate the interactions. So, I should recognize the importance of the whole system and different sub – systems, by asking myself what should be the system in focus? How I can select the right 15 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan method to manage this complexity? And why this mess is important within the wider system? As we know that child labor is a big problem that Lebanon faced it, of course this is related to the role of government where there is a lack of control and monitoring to punish the parents who beat their children to work in order to gain money because of poverty, here my wider system is Lebanon. As this dilemma has a great effect in North Lebanon and because it has the highest number of statistics, I take it as my system in focus in order to reduce it in size. But to reduce it I used methods which helped me to take the right decisions, these methods are my sub – system. All these levels will help me to achieve what is called: Doing (what) by (how) in order to (why). In addition, as a system practitioner I should be a systemic thinker that can visualize the complexity in a holistic view in order to understand everything about the events to be aware about the complexity by improving the system of interest with the right of the new understanding which will lead to action. That’s why my work should depends on how I can formulate a system of interest, situation of interest, system of inquiry and worldview in a variety and interconnectedness way in order to deal with the world. So I have to be responsible to make changes in a better way where members are involved and co created beginning with what is the systemic intervention that is conceived as a well defined approach to understand a situation, develop a model of the structure responsible for the situation. Moreover, I must have the ability to understand the interrelationship of ideas or elements in relation to the whole. This what allows me to develop knowledge and understand systems thinking and systems practice to better be aware of situations experienced as being complex, and control their enhancement, develop skills for thinking and acting systemically (holistically) to be pleased about and recover information systems, environmental decision making, managing sustainable development and professional practice as well as enhancing my ability to use systems thinking and practice through the use of tools, methods and methodologies that can be used to improve practice and develop my systems to carry out 16 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan the tasks related to projects that use systems thinking and practice. In this project, my purpose is to manage the complexity of child labor in order to put solutions that can be implemented in the near future. Here my purpose was the system of interest which became a complexity that needs to be managed under the title of situation of interest. Because I’m aware that this complexity must be solved in a systemic way starting with investigation where I had started with collecting data as well as being conscious of applying the suitable methods which are the HSM and SSM, here my intervention is not based on an invitation but it was based on a method of inquiry (Rosalind Armson, 2005, pp: 46). Moreover, because my problem is social I take into consideration other perspectives where people are engaged too, to solve this problems, so I didn’t debate the stakeholders but I dialogue them and I decided what should be the solution according to their point of views, this was the worldview that allow me to live the situation as I’m engaged and suffer of. In sequence, to be professional in my work I should linkage between system of interest, situation of interest, system of inquiry and world view which each one of them is affected by the other one. What is the approach I will adopt to my situation Which methodology will I use to help reflect on the methods and techniques I use? The range available of (X) methods that I apply to the situation that fits in with the chosen approach An activity sequence diagram of approaches, methodologies, methods and techniques/ tools for my project. Given my chosen approach and method what tools and techniques will enable me to plan effectively through my case 17 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Description of Child labour: Definitions and statistics: Child labour is defined as paid or unpaid work and includes “activities that are mentally, physically, socially, or morally dangerous and harmful to children”. It is usually limited to boys and girls up to the minimum age for employment, which is 14 years in Lebanon. However, many surveys and studies elect to include children up to 17 or even 18 years of age specifically to address the intolerable and abusive forms of child labor as defined in the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention, 1999 (No. 182). Children ought to grow in healthy and safe environments where they learn and enjoy their limited years of innocence before they join the ranks of adulthood and the labour force. Work, if any, should be limited to light activities that prepare boys and girls to meet the challenges of adulthood rather than to replace adults. Child labour in Lebanon is not a new phenomenon and has long been recognized as undesirable. Protective laws for children date back to 1946. On a legal level, any child that begs for charity on the streets or who has left their family home is classified as a vagrant and subject to criminal law. Most children on the streets spend their days selling trinkets or begging for their parents/other family members before returning home at night. However, there is a small number for whom the street is their permanent residence, and these are usually children who 18 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan have suffered emotional and/or physical abuse within their families due to poverty, overcrowding, or family disintegration. 1. Geographical Distribution In Lebanon, North of Lebanon has the greatest proportion of child labor. So, child labor is observed to be most prominent in more remote and poorer regions of the country. It is officially recorded to be higher in the Bekaa, North and South Lebanon than it is in Beirut. Officials’ statistics indicate that the region of north Lebanon encompasses more than 50 percent of working children aged 10-14 years, followed by Mount Lebanon (17 percent), Bekaa (11 percent), south Lebanon (9 percent) and Beirut (8 percent). In the north, working children are found mostly in the districts of Tripoli, akkar and minyeh (91-97 percent of working children in this region). Whereas Beirut southern suburbs encompass the highest percentage of working in the region of mount Lebanon. In this region, the districts of baabda and metn have the highest proportion of working children, more specifically, bourj barajneh in baabda and Bourj hammoud in metn. In the Bekaa, Baal beck alone has 55 percent of working children. As for the south, Tyre and Sidon have 100 percent of working children. We find in the districts of Tripoli, Akkar and Mnieh only 97% of working children in northern Lebanon. Official records indicate that most working children are male (88% of working children between the ages of 10-14 years and 86% of those between the ages of 15-19 years). The highest proportion of children of female workers, are recorded in Akkar and the outskirts of East Beirut. And also, according to a study conducted by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on child labor in 1995 claimed that 43% of those entering the labor market at an early age (10-13 years), while starting 21 % of them work before the age of ten. (Child labor, 1997) 2. Sectors Distribution The industry and commerce sectors attract the largest proportion of working children. Officials figures indicate that most working children are 19 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan employed in the industrial sector (46 percent) followed by commerce, repairs, and maintenance (31 percent). Eleven percent of working children are reported to be employed in the agriculture sector, and five percent work in construction. The proportion of children working in agriculture is highest in the districts of Hermel and Akkar, while work in the industry sector is most significant in Bab tebbaneh and minyeh. I would like to mention here that not all work is bad for children, a child who delivers newspapers before school might actually benefit from learning how to work, gain responsibility, and earn a bit of money. Regularity of Work With regard to duration of work, it is found that 80% of working children have permanent jobs, while 20% of them have seasonal or irregular work. The proportion of children with irregular or seasonal work is highest in Akkar, Tyre, Baalbeck (rural regions characterized by work in agriculture). 4. Educational Level of Working Children The majority of working children have low school enrolment rates, dropping out of school as result of failure in their studies. Consequently, as a result of dropping out of school children begin working. 37.5 percent of working children are illiterate or not have finished their elementary education. 5. Gender Distribution The results of the survey indicate that the proportion of females among the working children group is lower than the proportion of males in the overall labor force. Indeed, while the latter is about 21%, the former ranges between 10 and 12%. Hence, in Lebanon as a whole, 88% of children aged 10-13 years are boys and the remaining 12% are girls. The proportion of working girls is highest in Akkar (34%). As for the 14-17 years age group, 86% of them are boys and 14% are girls. 20 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan 6. Nationality Distribution About 92.5 percent of working children are Lebanese. The remaining children are of Arab nationalities, mainly Palestinians from the camps in Lebanon or Syrians who cross the border into Lebanon with their families. 7. Salaries Rate The majority of working children are paid very low salaries, all of them earning rates below the minimum wage rate declared by the government. Also, they are not covered by health or medical insurance, nor are they entitled to indemnities. Causes of Child Labor: 1. Poverty The most widely accepted cause of child labor is poverty. The majority of Lebanese children work as a result of economic need (50 percent). So, the children were obliged to work in order to help their families, and bring in additional income to their families. 21 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan 2. Poor Socio-economic Backgrounds Working children come from poor socio-economic backgrounds. Statistics show that 66 percent of parent of working children aged 10-13years are either illiterate or barely know to read and write. This is especially true in Akkar, Tripoli, Zahle, and Hermel. So, the majority of households of working children are poorly literate. 3. Lack of Educational Resources Lack of educational resources has been identified as an important root cause of child labor. Children in most villages have an access to basic schooling since the majority of villages have elementary schools. However, intermediate and secondary schools are not easily accessible within villages, and youth wishing to continue their education need to search for educational opportunities outside their own villages. This usually decreases chances for educational attainment as the related costs are high compared to rural households’ incomes. Also, poor families who intend to give their children an education in the public system cannot always do so for many reasons. In addition to that, as children move up in school, the annual educational costs and the costs of books increase substantially, hence, the financial burden on their parents increases. This leads to conclusion that low-income families with a large number of children who perceive public education as being a financial burden tend to remove their older children from school and sent them to work, keeping only the younger and less costly ones in school. 4. Family Size In general, Lebanese working children come from large, poor families. 91 percent consist of 5 to 10 members. 5. The political aspect The political crisis in Lebanon at the regional level or at the community level, which has many disadvantage at all levels. These were the causes of child labor. These causes are interconnected; we can’t find a cause that isn’t related to another one. All have connections between each other. 22 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Effects of child labor: Personal Effects When a child leaves school in order to work and helps his family, this will affect him especially when he will see other children going to school, and having a natural life. On the psychological side, he will be distress and has a feeling of misery and denial. Concerning health, working children complained of health problems, such as allergies, backache, headaches or respiratory problems. Also, they are exposed to lasting physical harm. In addition to that, working children are shown to have a higher tendency to smoke Family Effects On the family effect, the cheap salary that a child obtains isn’t going to improve the family income. However, this work will lead to a relation disorder between the parent and the child, especially between the father and his child. As the child has become a partner in providing the family resources, so by time he wants to make decisions in his family, and this might lead to conflict with his parent. Also, this conflict will lead to the child run away from home. Social Effects On the social side, the working children are exposed to meet ‘bad’ people and gangs that will use them in illegal works. This will lead to the worst forms of child labor which is drug trade, prostitution, robbery, etc…. by this, working children will enter a world of aberration and crime. 23 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Economical Effects From an economical point of view, child labor is a waste of youth production capacity which could be beneficial if the right circumstances and the necessary attention were available. The Lebanese Labor Law The concern of the Lebanese government with child labor, securing prevention, protection, and convenient care in the different types of their work, even if it is less sufficient, refers to more than 50 years when the Lebanese labor law was issued in 1946. The Lebanese Labor Law of 1946 prohibited the employment of children less than 18 years old. Children were also prohibited from working in mechanical and other industries deemed dangerous to their health. Working hours were restricted and night work was prohibited. Employers were required to issue a medical certificate ensuring a child’s ability to do the assigned work. Lebanon has also revised regulations concerning child labor. Changes reflected in the Lebanese labor law include: •Raising the minimum age for work from 8 to 13 complete years. •Prohibiting the employment of children without a prior medical examination to ensure the capability of the child to perform the work. •Conducting follow-up medical examinations until age 18. •Prohibiting the use of children below 15 in industries or exhausting occupations that are dangerous to their health. •Requiring employers to give children below 16 years of age an annual paid vacation that is not less than 21 days. •Ensuring the right of working children to have breaks, inter-shift rest hours, and vacations. •Prohibiting the employment of children during holidays. •Prohibiting evening and night work, i.e., work hours that extend from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am. The above regulations limit the access of boys and girls to the world of paid work, especially dangerous occupations, and ensure their rights to paid 24 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan vacations and periodic physical examinations. These regulations also should make it less lucrative for employers to use children. These regulations have many legal mistakes. Some of these mistakes are specifying different low wages by which children could be used or work in industries and exhausting occupations. Also, the law doesn’t restrict the employer to pay the minimum wage rate unless the employee is 20 years old, and children that work in homes (domestic work) can’t benefit from the law of labor. In addition to that, such regulations are not enforced because of the lack of governmental supervision. Many children still work in an illegal work, and in dangerous work environment. Also, a lot of employers don’t register the name of working children in the national social security, and the penalties put by the government are ineffective. The failure of government to apply these regulations could be related to bureaucracy that is found in her structure. This structure limits employee’s ability to react. Unit for the Combat of Child Labor It’s a specialized unit, within the ministry of labor, concerned with the fight against child labor and with its progressive elimination. Its objective is to raise awareness on hazardous child labor and to coordinate efforts between the different government administrations and the regional and international organizations. The reason for the establishment of this unit was the magnitude and the negative impact of the child labor problem on society as a whole. UNICEF UNICEF’s (http://www.unicef.org/lebanon/stop.htm) mission is to advocate for the protection of children rights, to help meet their basic need and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. UNICEF is guided in doing by the provisions and principles of the convention on the rights of the child. Strategies used by UNICEF in order to solve child labor problem have included: 25 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan 1- Advocacy: • -studies on the prevalence of child labor, its characteristics and the effects of child labor on the physical and mental health of working children. • Advocacy for changes in the laws governing child labor. • Advocacy on the implementation of the legislation on free and compulsory education. • Training of media professionals on child labor and intensive mass media campaign. 2- Capacity building: • Capacity building of the national counterparts, both governmental and nongovernmental to deal with child labor, notably in the phases of situation assessment at field level, mobilization of resources and interventions. 3- Service delivery: • Mobilization of the schools belonging to the ministry of vocational and technical education to provide education to working children. • Mobilization of the social workers in social development centers of the ministry of social affairs to work on the issue of child labor. 4- Empowerment: • Provision of school chance education opportunities, notably accelerated vocational training and development of basic skills to working children. • Provision of functional literacy and numeric to illiterate working children. UNICEF’s action for solutions is very important. It covers the problem from the most of its sides. This success could be related to the way of working, and the use of the bottom-up approach where every employee participates and gives his opinion. 26 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Besides, I choose to deal with this complexity through the systemic learning cycle BECM, passing through the four balls and trying to handle the case such as a system practitioner. In the first ball (B), being systematically aware from the various consequences of such an issue (child labor) where it leads to various changes causing severe results on the economy & the society of Lebanon as a whole where such consequences are: • It will contribute to many social problems “drugs, theft, criminal • They will be more exposed to diseases and health problems; also they will lose their home or shelter. • They will be exploited either by their parents or their employers • Reflecting negatively on the country's economy (GDP), by which all the production in our country will decrease at all levels (industrial, agricultural, tourism…) Simultaneously we will lose the productive and creative classes in our society which are the future generation. However I'll provide in the first stage "Being" a spray diagram(Andy Lane, 2004, pp: 59, 62), in order to light over the problem & its direct causes in order to try in the later stages of the Learning cycle to find a solution that may lead to solve it. This is an assembly of information based on research and some interviews and of course from some welfare institution. It provides an overview of facts and aspects in a loosely structured way. So, I draw a spray diagram representing the mess to show the structure of the child labor, and identify the different interrelationships between stakeholders and their effect on the case, as a result sensing the mess will become easier & considers less time. For that reason, Communication & flow of information is crucial to maintain the continuing existence of the subject. Having good communication skills improve our work & can make our job easier, more effective & more rewarding. To develop further techniques that support the first ball, let’s return to the real world situation, there is iteration of my system of thinking and the conceptual model, and this is evidence to the gap after the reflection of the questioner that I have, a SWOT analysis arise because the last one describe in details the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 27 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Strengths: 1.Contribution to child labour response goals through observation of this problem locally and internationally. 2. Helping a large number of working children will strongly relate to improvements in future generations and will surely lead to more progressive country. Weaknesses: 1. Availability of donating institutions: social services are costly, so implementing it needs contributions from a lot of resources. 2. The practical application of existing laws in Lebanon is an important factor that is not well enforced and respected. Opportunities: Public awareness: through media broadcasting and through seminars about this problem which will in turn motivate people to donate and help those labour children on their own ways. Threats: 1.Adequacy of gathering information and statistics. 2. Acceptance of child to talk frankly about their situation. 3. Barriers of the government or international help. Moving forward to the next ball Engaging (E) in the complexity and being involved by applying the hard system method HSM, to see the real causes that lead to child labor, where I need to understand what made the client aware of the problem? My commitment in the problem and why does the client wants me to do this? Initiating a process of inquiry: Who caused this study to happen? In fact, me as a student of T306, being motivated by my-tutor-or the university I choose Child labor complexity as my senior project. Finding solutions for this mess necessity me to have open discussion with all those involved directly or indirectly in the situation, those are called: Stakeholders. In this regard I will start my analysis by initiating a process of inquiry which is problematic in itself however I will use SSM as guiding process for analysis of stakeholders’ perceptions of problems and how collaborative management of a project might be developed. I need time to establish meetings between me and different 28 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan stakeholders but this was, a crucial period to connect with them and to know more about their opinions. The process of logic-driven inquiry of SSM was applied as follows: I. Determine key stakeholders and their responsibilities. 2. Determine stakeholders’ perceptions of problems and opportunities. 3. Derive key transformations from opportunities identified. 4. Develop models of human activity systems for a range of worldviews. 5. Use these models to support planning discussions between stakeholders. 6. Monitor ongoing planning and implementation. So by this I can say that I achieved one of a successful system practitioners tasks which is the reflection before action. Besides, I need time to establish meetings between different stakeholders but this was, a crucial period to connect with them and to know more about their opinions. So, In order to extend my understanding to the child labor problem in Lebanon specifically in North Lebanon (24/4/2009), I made interviews with two working children. Fadi and Huda: Two real cases The first case was Huda. When Huda was 13 her father, a construction worker, became paralyzed. There was no work in her remote poor village in north Lebanon, so she had to leave home and go to Tripoli. There she got a job in a small sewing factory. She was miserable having to leave home and frightened of going to the big city, but she had no alternative. Because she didn’t know anything about sewing, her employer had to provide her training. This training, however, did not come free, Huda had to pay for the training by doing domestic work, washing clothes and cleaning for her employer. Huda’s pay was about LBP300 thousand, out of which she had to send LBP200 thousand for her parent. Huda worked 12 hours per day, and when the factory had big orders, she had to work more than that. Huda is bother from the way the employer treats her, he always shouts at her, 29 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan and verbal abuse is also used, and he doesn’t listen or asks her if she wants or needs anything. So, she always tries to avoid interpersonal confrontations and discussions with her boss. Huda feels that her work has deprived her of leisure time since she has no spare time for playing with friends, and she wishes that someone comes and helps her, and that she lives as other children in her age. While Huda was telling me her story, I related her talks to two concepts group that we worked on in our course. First, when she talked about doing extra work to her employer in order to have training, this remembered me to the invisible power concept. Also, when she mentioned the point about the climate of her work, I related it to the defensive climate concept. The second case was about Fadi. Fadi is 14. He lives with his mother and four brothers in Beirut southern suburb. His mother makes domestic work and his father has left the family. Fadi’s family has moved a lot from one place to another. Because of the many moves, Fadi’s schooling has been erratic, and when he has attended school, he has had many discipline problems. At the age of 10, Fadi began working as a porter and street vendor. He gets up at 5:30 in the morning and goes to the market. There he works unloading produce and meat trucks. The truckers pay him a little, but give him vegetables and fruit, or meat, which he then sells in the market. The child vendors don’t have permits, so they are always on the look out for guards. If they get caught, they get beaten and chased off the market. Fadi’s work is exhausting, but his earning helps buy food and clothes for the family. Fadi is optimistic. And hopes go back to school one day. Fadi is bothered from waking up early in the morning, having to work long hours. Furthermore, he feels very tired after working for long hours. 30 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Fadi put the responsibility on his father, and he says that if he still with them, they could have a better life. (Interviews in North of Lebanon, 24/4/2009) Otherwise, regarding my Ethicality Statement that I can consider as an introduction to limit this issue could be accomplished through: As a practitioner of project management, I am committed to do what is right & honorable. I set high standards for my self and I aspire to meet these standards in all aspects in service to my profession. In carrying out my project, views and experiences of any stakeholder in the situation through the survey or interviews are admired, acknowledged, respected. None of the information is used for personal interest. All gathered information from websites; books are reference to protect the peavey. Overall, the ethical decision making in this project carry out the following: • Identify the problem • Apply the Code of Ethics • Determine the nature and dimensions of the dilemma • Generate potential Courses of action • Consider the potential consequences of all options • Choose a course action and consult with the client • Evaluate the selected course of action 31 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan • All Views and voices of children are of great value and are taken into consideration, in order to make the government provide support for them • Information can be shared only if it was already published or if the people who give the information allow us to do so. • The researcher will consider the causes and aspects that all others bring to the research taking into consideration in this complexity the necessity to: • Provide good social security systems. • Provide education, shelter, & all what those children need. • This research is expected to help the Lebanese society with all its parts to realize the importance of this problem and how much it is affecting our life. • The whole situation will be presented precisely as everything really happen in the ground, in the real world, without any changes in details that serve part of the society and ignore the other. Besides, an ethicality statement sets out ethical aspirations-the values that someone aspires to in their work. They are the values that are important to the individual as they tackle a task within their multi-membership of several communities of practice. Systems practitioners typically engage with complexity by taking a broad view. They attempt to understand complexity by looking at the situation-of-interest from a number of perspectives. This leads the systems practitioners to address the perspectives of a number of different stakeholders who inhabit diverse of communities of practice. Thus, the systems practitioner will encounter different expectations about appropriate and acceptable ways of behaving. This entire means that the systems practitioner may find themselves had drawn into multi-membership of, or association with, a number if communities of practice. This can lead to ethical dilemmas with the systems practitioner positioned at the nexus of sets of differing assumptions and expectations about how they should behave. Getting out of the dilemma can call on all the reflective resources at the systems practitioner’s disposal. 32 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan A system map represents code of ethics Proceeding to the third ball (C) contextualizing that I will try to maintain it in air beside the others two balls: B & E : the main objective is to see what went wrong and learn how to avoid it in the future, thus the purpose of applying the HSM to the project is to show how systems tools can be used to make complex situations more understandable. Thus HSM consists of eight stages which I'm going to pass through them all in applying approaches to deal with the situation. So, as I have some understandings of the complexity, and having identified my objectives clearly towards handling child labour in Lebanon and try to spot light on it in order to reduce this messy situation. I can apply the HS-method, which requires a definition of the problem/requirement before analysis begins. 33 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Stage 1: system description We have a complexity which is the Child labor. Many causes lead to it, it has many uncontrollable consequences, and it is a big problem where many are involved. It is important here to have a solid foundation or baseline from which to work. A system map summarizes, in a structured way, the various subsystems which make up a system of interest relevant to the analysis. Taking the understanding created by the two diagrams it seems evident that everything is related to the role of government. A system description is therefore conceptualized as a system to describe the situation in better way in order to reduce it effects. This system encapsulates, in a structural way, the various systems (or sub – system depending on what level they are being considered) which make up a system of interest which is relevant to the analysis of the system map (Andy Lane, 2004, pp: 65, 67, 69, and 71) I draw a system map that shows the essential components of the situation and it is considered to be an early stage of analysis to clarify the issue. As this system considers different parts or subsystems that interact forming relationships, which are the causes,effects, laws, statistics, & stakeholders. In addition to that, there are two components that have direct and big connection to child labor, and those are the parent and the government. As for the environment, the components are the Ministry of Labor, economic situation, civil society organizations, UNICEF, globalization, and & NGOs. The notion of hierarchy, level and emergent properties is central to much system thinking, although it takes numerous forms. Hierarchy is considered in this situation, where each part can be treated as a system itself. Besides , It should put the scenario in the context of the Child Labor 34 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan brief better, if the reasons why it sees the need to reduce this dilemma that should be clarified. This question is explored in a multiple cause diagram (Andy Lane, 2004, pp: 65, 67, 69, and 71). From this it can be seen that there are many and varied reasons all culminating in the desire of reducing child labor. Stage 2: identifying of objectives & constraints: Taking the system description and applying the understanding of the scenario with a working knowledge of how this mess could be studied in a better way in order to reduce it. The objective is to find a way, solution or method that if applied will solve the child labor problem in Lebanon, In this regard I find that collaboration between all above stakeholders will be the most appropriate solution and is the best method that could be fruitful here. In fact it is so hard to apply this method because there are many people involved and we can’t control everything, add to that the government which is the main element. Objectives: Elimination of child labour Constraints: The involvement of a high number of stakeholders as (Child Labor Laws, International Organizations, Children’s Defense Fund, ILO, Ministry of internal affair, ministry of social affair, ministry of labor , NGO’s( S.O.S, Caritas, Auxilia), non-government and civil society organizations , media , local government , Kolona Masoul Foundation in North Lebanon & media), each one has his own perspective, worldview, opinion, although they have the same purpose but the way to achieve or implement the solutions are different, here the difficulty is occurring to try to move toward different stakeholders in order to find the suitable solutions. Also there was other difficulty, which is the need to 35 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan synchronize the free time in order to meet them. Also the political situation of Lebanon is considered a constraint to achieve the above objective. Stage 3: Generation of Routes to objectives: Routes to objectives, which represent ideas for how the chosen objective might be achieved, are now generated. This is a process often involving visualization, creativity and ingenuity, particularly when considering a problem to be solved. In this case the routes to objectives are many but the difficult is in implementing them. ¾ Meeting with children and take into consideration their hopes also knowing their parents situation. ¾ Meeting with employers to know more specifically about the kind of work, the working hours, the salaries, and the medical test before working…. ¾ Establish summer camps to transfer street children from urban setting to safer and more relaxing environments ¾ Educate Lebanese society about the phenomenon of street children through sustained awareness-raising programmers ¾ Amend and enforce legal articles concerning children’s issues to conform to international standards ¾ Try to implement the free and mandatory elementary education. ¾ Establish special rehabilitation centers for street girls ¾ Take into consideration the effective participation of media in highlighting the contraventions, negligence, or oppression of children. ¾ Raising family income. ¾ Providing social services that help children and families survive crises such as diseases, or loss of home or shelter. 36 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Stage 4: Formulating measures of performance Before setting routes to objectives there must be criteria or standards that according to it we can weigh the values of these routes. So HSM emphasizes the need to have a measurable means of assessing the effectiveness of the potential solutions. In order to forecast the likely outcome of adopting any particular course of action based on the chosen objective, key quantifiable and practical variable are identified. They must be capable of being used as output variables from any model or models constructed in the next stage and being appropriate for evaluating, in a quantitative way, recommendations for change. HSM emphasize the need to have a measurable means of assessing the effectiveness of any potential solution, Decision, or design in achieving the desired objective. The measures of performance are: Cost, Time Consuming, and Risk Failure. Free and Mandatory Elementary Education Cost The cost of implementing this system is very high (5 billion) also the application of a new system necessitates bringing donations and help from a lot of countries and organizations as the economic situation of the country is not stable. Time Consuming The implementation of a new system by the ministry of education needs collaboration between all ministers and between the parliament to take approval from the people of the parliament to take decision also it needs time to arrange issues between private and public schools so it take around approximately (2 years). We need to ensure that this new system will be acceptable by the all to work on. 37 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Risk of Failure The risk failure for free and mandatory elementary education represents 10%. Once the decision is taken and once the decree enforced by the government, no one can’t applied otherwise he will be punished so the risk failure is not very high but the 10% is put for some unexpected issues we face during implementation. 2. Raising Family Income Cost The cost of raising family incomes is very high (1 billion) because the country through its bad situations is unable to raise the incomes of any employer. The ministry of economy adversely decreases their wages. Time Consuming It takes a lot of time (1 year) to implement such a decision because it needs arrangement with organizations and with all Member of Parliament to implement it. Risk of Failure Here the risk failure is high as employers in many cases exploit the employees if their wages increase by the addition of working hours or letting them do more works (70 %). 3. Producing Social Services Cost The cost of providing social services is not very high comparing with the above routes to objectives as here the implementation is not based on government intervention, while it is based on people’s contributions, it is based on donations (non government organizations) so it’s cost is approximately (1 million) 38 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Time Consuming Providing social services need a lot of time in order to make statistics about the number of working children and the situation of each one of them also the kind of help he need it so it takes approximately 10 months. Risk of Failure The risk failure is not very high except in case of some inaccurate information or statistics, as here after gathering the situation of each child the service is given whether it can be health service or free education or something else so the risk failure is 5% Stage 5: Modeling, how can I tell the outcomes? The modeling stage of HSM concentrates on mathematical aspects of modeling. Models are used to predict the behavior of the system of interest when following particular routes to objectives. Cost Free and mandatory elementary education Raising family income Providing social services Risk failure 5 billion Time consuming 2 years 1 billion 1 year 70 % 1 million 10 months 5% 10% 39 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Stage 6: Evaluation, what are the likely outcomes? According to the above matrix, we realize that providing social services are the best route to objective “best choice” it is compromised. The process of evaluation involves assessment of the likely outcomes of taking the various routes to the objectives in terms of measures of performance. My preference as a system practitioner is the implementation of providing social services because the other routes to objectives are not feasible now because it has some aspects of rigidity. The best route is identified in terms of the higher score that it has but this does not mean that applying it will be the best option because there is always uncertainty in the environment and constraints that prevent us applying it. Stage 7: Choice of routes to objectives As shown in the stage 6, the social services are the best objectives which can achieved in a sustainable manner. Moreover regarding the modeling stage, I can conclude that the best route can be providing social services to child labor which cost less than the other routes also it don’t need a lot of time and where the risk failure is not very high all these marks will lead to fruitful results.. Stage 8: Implementation: ok, go ahead: As a system practitioner I will implement this objective, in order to reduce this complexity, and taking actions is the only way to apply and make all those models come in to reality by contributing the various strategies displayed with the best choices of routes and evaluating them precisely to get best results. Besides it is not an end in itself, but it is a beginning of a new process of planning, controlling and changing the activities to achieve the intended results. 40 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan The last ball (M) Managing is considered as a result of all stages and a conclusion to what I previously did, thus the recommendations that I mentioned as an objective and the constraints that prevent them from happening, can be managed by applying the models and trying to actuate more the role of the government in protecting child labor, thus providing stability and safety to all the Lebanese citizens by increasing awareness in them, and make every one hold responsibility of the consultants that are happening in the country. Since the HSM was found to fail in some cases, Peter Check land began to develop a method that encompassed the soft perspective. Soft systems thinking don't assume that the problems are out there in the world in a real sense. Working from a soft perspective, there are no objectively given problems, and that different people have different perspectives where some agree on the nature of the given problem while and disagree on what constitutes a solution, that’s why problems are unbound, unclear, and uncertain. As a consequence to the HSM I’ll use the Soft System Method (SSM) that is used as a guiding process for an analysis of stakeholder's perception of the problem, and its purpose is to design and manage a learning system appropriate to the need of clients and the problem situation. 41 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan SSM is a process of inquiry developed during the 1970’s by Peter CheckLand of Lancaster University. It is a qualitative technique that can be used for applying System thinking to non-systemic situations. It is a way of dealing with problem situations in which there is high social, political, and human activity component. SSM can be demonstrated in this case by overviews the use of SSM in a specific case and explores how it could be integrated into the teaching of various subjects, SSM is seen to be holistic than traditional IS analysis & design . Soft complexities could include both messes & difficulties. SSM is a methodology that aims to bring about improvement in areas of social concern by activating in the people involved in the situation. The learning takes place through the iterative process of using systems concepts to reflect upon and debate perceptions of the real world, taking action in it, &again reflecting on the happenings using systems concepts; it is consisted of seven stages. I chose SSM because it makes serious use of system concepts to solve complexities through a process of inquiry with a number of distinct stages, passage through which is usually iterative rather than linear. So, by applying the SSM, first of all I must be aware about the situation not in systematic way but in a systemic way in order to take everything into consideration and in details. The process overall: Here I have a situation in everyday life which is regarded by at least one person as problematical: child labor. So, I have a feeling that the situation should be managed in order to bring improvement. So what to be improved and how to improve it need a lot of attention. Facing up to the problem are 42 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan some? What should be improved? And who are the users of SSM? They are those persons motivated to improve the problem situation; the users of SSM so those who will do the study and those people involved in the process of problem handling. In the domain of application I have to stop and highlight the logic-driven stream of inquiry in which systems of interest are named; comparison with real world is done. These comparisons serve to structure a debate about change. Furthermore, I must show the culture steam analysis that consists of examining the problem situation in three ways; intervention itself, social steam and political steam. Stage1: Problem situation unstructured At the beginning of this project I had identified the process of logic-driven inquiry of SSM for the stakeholders, and after applying the HSM I found that making a meeting in which all stakeholders are involved and their perceptions are discussed is essential to achieve a successful implementation of the 4 methods: 1. Increase family incomes. 2. Education: that helps children learn skills that will help them earn a living 3. Social services: that helps children, and families survive crises, such as disease, or loss of home and shelter. 4. Family control of fertility: so that too many children do not burden families. I am acting here as a facilitator in the process where I decide on what should be done but in the same time I allow stakeholders. So I’m dealing with them by using the deciding with other stakeholders. In this regard, I asked the ministry of education, the ministry of labor, the ministry of social affairs, the ministry of economy in Lebanon and with child labor and non government organizations to stride routes to objectives already discussed in the HSM in order to get out by a collective and unified voice to the best route. I did so because I think that those working in these sectors are those who best know what root is the best to take. 43 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan I made a reflection-in-action to make sure that all stakeholders are presented, no missing stakeholders, I pass to the next step. Stage2: rich picture Rich picture (Andy Lane, 2004, pp: 59, 62) is a tool to deepen our understanding of complex situations and identify problems as well as the interactions which we are aware of, because our intuitive consciousness communicates more easily in impressions and symbols than in words. Drawing can benefit from both the record and raise the idea of brain storming, manipulation and attacks. It is an attempt to summarize the case of the fees during the representation of all the ideas that have already covered the design, links, relationships, influences, reasons and causes, and so on. Besides, it provides a pictorial overview representation of the current situation, indicating the structural elements, flow of communication, and the climate or individual’s interpretation of the situation. The image of the rich picture gives a brief description about the suffering of children in North Lebanon, especially in the city of Tripoli and its environs. It illuminates for us the issue of parents who forced their children to work in order to gain money because of poverty, and how the suffering continue since they cannot found something to eat or place to sleep and good parents to take care of. Moreover this rich picture shows us how the children think in a bad way such as stealing in order to be self- sufficient without thinking about how they should change their life to be good participators in the society. In addition, this crisis against children have a large scale because of the lack of monitoring and control by the government which is not interested about the problem that children are facing , & tries to find solutions in order to protect & help them to get out of it. Besides, the picture represents the role of U.N, IPEC in giving children their rights. After sensing the issue and gathering information, which made us aware about the situation I’m going now to get engaged in the problem situation by the second step in Kolb’s learning cycle. Stage 3: Relevant system and root definition Comparing to what was used by others countries while facing the child labor problem, I choose to help children through securing social services 44 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan “free educating, health care…” as my relevant system which was seen as the most effective and rapid way of minimizing child labor. In this regard, an effort has been made to assess the government contributions and nongovernment organization ability to secure the above social services needs for child labor in Lebanon. Also, a decision analysis tool has been developed to help decision makers and experts understand the influence of the various decisions that affect the amount of child labor. The first contribution that this method has made is in the development of an effective approach to achieve the solution of child labor problem in Lebanon. This approach is based on conducting meetings with the ministry of labor and the ministry of social affairs and the non-government organizations to implement social services. This method is assessed through collaborating with the ministry of economy to know the ability of the government to pay, and it is accomplished through the development of a decision analysis tool that examines with the help of stakeholders the decision criteria, constraints and the appropriate policy options that facilitate the implementation of this new policy. Root definitions: The roots of my relevant system are to study the state of child labor and the sate of ministry of social affairs and finding ways of reducing child labor in Lebanon. These are the same roots identifies in the HSM. The study leads to the above results (refer to HSM method mentioned above as there are the same routes to objectives). (Here, I made a reflection-in-action to see if root definitions are relevant to the system of interest, no problems are detected, and I pass to the next step.) ? To support my analysis I draw an influence diagram to show how the stakeholders can affect each other. So within the influence diagram the main components of my system of interest have an interrelationship with each other, and influence each other. In addition there are the relationships with the environment or the other stakeholders. The sub-system within the system of interest can influence each other such as the work of children can affect their health which may pose them in risk health. And because of poverty the parents don’t have a job which makes them unemployed people which in turn make parents to beat their children to bring them money. The government has a relation with the international labor organization (ILO), UNICEF, and the human right watch. Also it has an influence on the causes of child labor because of the lack of monitoring and control and 45 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan especially the lack of rules. The political instability affects the economic sector which in turn will affect the social status. Finally the international organization of children rights can influence to the crime against children by strictly implementing the right of never working under age. Modeling relevant system: After asking the child labor, the representatives of each ministry involved and the non government organizations, also the international agencies to measure the effectiveness of each root and getting the most fruitful one that if implemented will lead to a high decrease in child labor in Lebanon, I apply the CATWOE checklist on the chosen route, that verifies whether I’m going in the right way or I should iterate, this what I consider it as a reflection during action by raising these questions and answering them to ensure that this is what should be done in order to monitor and control the process, efficacy, efficiency and effectiveness constitute a good criteria. • Efficacy: means whether the system does what it is supposed to do. • Efficiency: measure how well it does it. • Effectiveness: measure whether this is having an improving effect on the situation An analysis of constitution of those individual elements in the system assists in developing a comprehensive root definition. This is achieved or can be checked through a CATWOE analysis: • Customers – who would be hurt/benefit from the system “child” and me • Actors – who will generate the system ‘the government which include the ministry of interior, the ministry of labour, the ministry of social affairs, the ministry of education, and the non government institutions. • Transformation – what are trying to change, from – to “we are trying to change the situation of child from working child in streets or institutions into child who can live his innocence ages as other child enjoy their lives in all issues of living. 46 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Stakeholder’s intervention Social awareness Effective Policies Putting laws & legislations Government’s contribution Process to eliminate child labor in North of Lebanon Educated Children giving them social rights Elimination of working children in North Lebanon Transformation process (Elimination of Child Labour) • Worldview – why do we want to achieve this “to narrow the spread of this danger problem and its implications on other social problems in Lebanon? And to narrow the differences of interest between all stakeholders to achieve to the purpose which is declining the amount of child labour in Lebanon. • Owners – who could stop this ‘the government legislation and the child if he doesn’t want to help us by accurate information” • Environment – what else do we need to take into account” we need to take into account the parents situation, the political stability, the economic situation, the influence of other problems on this issue and viceversa. After being aware and sensing the messy situation then getting engages in it based on intervention and not invitation since nobody asked me to work on this issue, I’m moving now to plan and Act/contextualizing and managing by introducing the conceptual model. 47 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Stage 4: conceptual model: The conceptual model is derived exclusively from the root definition, back to the real situation which is still in my domain of application. As I have developed it here, the conceptual model represents a more detailed expansion of the root definition. 2. Implement 1. Meeting with children who work 4. Meeting with employers to know more about the kind of work. free elementary schools 3. Raising family income 5. Amend and enforce legal articles& government contribution 6. Provide social services for children 7. Establish rehabilitation centers. 8. Participation of media A conceptual model represents a more detailed expansion of the root definition. 48 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Another conceptual model that represents my approaches for the project. 1. Review my experience of case 4. Develop my thinking about SSM 6. Review the materials supplied 2. Consider the project 3. Consider the term of preference 5. Review different ways of doing & applying SSM 7. Provide an initial SSM of the context. 8. Develop an explanation of the case in t t A conceptual model for my approaches for the project 49 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan These information are provided by us to the possibility of reestablishing ties after the recurrence of the complexity of doing so, and going to the comparison between the real worlds with the conceptual model Stage 5: Comparison between Rich picture & conceptual model: The rich picture illustrates what is really happening. The child labor problem will be presented pictorially: causes of child labor, bad consequences, implications, regulations taken by government, some proposed solutions. The conceptual model is what the ideal image: no child labor. The comparison of these two pictures stresses the problem more and increases the need to make improvements and changes to achieve to the solutions. The real picture of the conceptual model Stream of cultural inquiry: It is important as the logic-based driven. It characterizes the SSM mode 2.it is about finding out about the culture in which the work is being done. It contains: -Analysis of the intervention: it is about questioning the client who made this study to happen. So they include me as a student who is analyzing a messy situation that takes place in my country? Lebanon? And which need to be solved. Clients are also those identified in the table of CATWOE summary. All these clients intervene in the situation in order to solve it. Social system analysis The model in question assumes a social system to be continually changing interaction between three elements: circumstances, beliefs, values. Circumstances, beliefs & value Circumstance: I am a Lebanese citizen who is suffering from the bad consequences of child labor, and who have wide knowledge about this problem that allow me to treat it in my senior project at my university. Belief: my belief is that child labor contributes to social, security problems also causing healthy effects on child, it is causing huge uncontrollable consequences, everyone in Lebanon should try to reduce the amount of child who works by his way & government should apply rules & regulations 50 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan strictly to get out of this problem. Value: child labor is on the top of the problems in Lebanon, which it if solved will lead to valuable country through good future generations. Political system analysis: Politics is taken to be a process by which differing interests reach accommodations. In this regard I gave that step a great importance because I belief that working with a group or people who have different interests necessities interviews, discussions, respectful atmosphere, exchange of ideas, giving authority for experts. And this I had done throughout my project especially when I asked those experts at government to find suitable ways to get to reduce child labour. Stage 6: Debate with other stakeholders involved in the situation In this stage my purpose is to conduct a structured discussion with the stakeholders such as the problem-owners, the problem-solvers and probably other stakeholders, about the ideas that are now starting to emerge from the analysis, so, after a dialogue done rather than debate that will reach us to find a solution. I discuss with them all the factors that lead to child labor, and how these factors can lead to effect in which children suffer from. And after displaying the main points that I had chosen for the relevant system, were many different opinions and perspectives by which some of the stakeholders liked most of the ideas, and others had some comments and asked for changes... Through the discussion, each one of us was listening to the other one in order to know from where all these problems occur and what should be the solution. Furthermore within the discussion, me as a system practitioner I respect all the points of view, and I take into consideration the perspectives of the stakeholders. I learned from them much of things which drives me to feel that I’m very engaged in the situation and I suffer too from this dilemma, this what makes me feel that I should put the right solution in order to make each one of the stakeholders satisfied about the result. 51 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Stage 7: implementation of agreed changes All these steps that are arising from the discussion that happened between me and the stakeholders will helped me to achieve the purpose that I choose in the relevant system (securing social services “free educating, health care…) the decision was to implement them without any exceptional. In this stage I draw a control model loop to describe how I can eliminate the child labor (Andy Lane, 2004, pp: 74). Control model diagrams will summarize the inputs leading to output. (Handled as hard copy) It can be used to illustrate the case and provide the information & feedback needed in order to avoid these mistakes. This controlled model indicates the application of different processes to ensure the eliminating objective toward, eliminating child labor in North Lebanon. It is achieved through: Inputs: Stakeholder’s contribution, effective policies, ILO conventions , government intervention which must prevent child labor through strict laws & legislations, social awareness, free schools, Medical monitoring for children & the role of parents within the family, and how they are responsible to take care of their children by never letting them work under the age 18, and make them go to schools . Transformation Process of this model: Process to eliminate child labor in North Lebanon. Output: elimination of child labor in North Lebanon Goal applied to the process: eliminate child labor in North Lebanon. Actuator: Government Feedback path: all the circumstances occur in a dynamic environment where there are a lot of changes, that’s why I should follow up these changes and concentrate on monitoring and control. Sensor in this control model: is the UNICEF institution welfare. Comparator: control office within the ministry of Labor that can effectively participate in solving this problem. Furthermore in the closed-loop control there is a continuous monitoring for the process as it is taking places and there is no real ability and 52 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan standardization in order to resolve this problem or to achieve our goal to eliminate child labor because there are many factors that can intervene in resolving this issue. Finally the closed-loop control has a cost and will take a lot of time (because sometime the goal is inefficient), not only because the process of exclusion of child labor is more complex, but also because wastefulness is built in by allowing errors and making corrections. After applying the two methods, I can say that I used the HS-method in the Child labour project; because this method helps me to identify and define the problems occur. Also this method helps me to manipulate and model the information easier than before and because it provide a good understanding in the area of analysis. Moreover this method concentrates on quantifiable information and ignores the social aspects. Stages are linear; one might lose considering the situation systemically, and the outcome is known before applying the method, one might fall in a trap of not considering hidden choices. 53 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan After applying the HS-Method I figured out that using SS-Method would be more appropriate in studying this situation systemically. Since SS-Method take into consideration the social aspect and requires a debate with the stakeholders. Moreover, making use of the rich picture as a tool to obtain unnoticed new patterns and issues would enrich the study and evoke competing outcomes. As a system practitioner, I have used one method that offers me ways of understanding how I work with others so how to deal with different perspective is to know my MBTI type. This increased my awareness, which can trigger my capacities to see situations, systems approaches, systems of interest, and other people in a way and offers the potential for wider sets of options for action. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) helped me to recognize my characteristics, my personality, my behaviour, my preferred style, my capacities and their Limitations and how those limits can be extended into new capacities. Here, I made reflection-in-action to make sure that the cultural stream of analysis is well described, everything is going well. Finally after sharing all skills and knowledge about the situation, the deciding with other stakeholders’ raises 5 steps to prepare, implement actions and plans which are: Step 1: Secure Resources Securing resources requires working with donor organizations and domestic agencies, and leveraging new resources with existing country, donor and stakeholder programs. For this specific purpose, short meeting sessions will been planned with local social agencies, and relevant international donor/lending agencies such as UNICEF, IPEC, CRC, U.N. Step 2: Develop Implementation Strategies the finalization of such a strategy requires interaction with stakeholders first individually in the form of interviews and second in the form of a brain storming sessions to be organized at a later stage. Step 3: Integrate With children, donating institutions and government Step 4: Prepare social services Plans. Effectively integrate implementation regarding this policy needs 54 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan collaboration with schools, hospitals and donations from other international agencies and non-government organizations. Step 5: Implement social services methods Step 6: Ongoing Review of Actions. It is in this step where the reflection-on-action took place to make sure that everything is going as it should be and according to the plan. Having achieved the use of different methodologies and finishing by attending an overall agreed decision which if applied will lead to reduction of child labour thus solving this problem and realizing the bad consequences which is my main concern and aim from this project. By this I can say that I succeed to maintain the four balls BECM of a successful juggler by maintaining them in the air and this allowed me to be a successful system practitioner. 55 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Dear client, I will introduce you for a big problem that we are facing nowadays which if we didn’t solve it as soon as possible, we will be facing very risky consequences in our near future for that reason I will start my report by introducing a clear description about this problem in which I will try to solve it by using two different methods? The first one needs government intervention (money, laws, cooperation between ministries and Non Government organizations…), while the other is flexible in which the solution is attained by helping child labour through all members of the society (general community), donating them to educate freely, secure accommodation…. First what is child labor? Child labor is defined as paid or unpaid work and includes “activities that are mentally, physically, socially, or morally dangerous and harmful to children”. Children ought to grow in healthy and safe environment where they learn and enjoy their limited years of innocence before they join the ranks of adulthood and the labor force. Child labor is work for children under the age of 18 that in some way harms or exploits them (physically, mentally, morally, or by excluding children from education). Child labor has been around for centuries, however, it was during the second industrial period that the western world has identified child labor as being unacceptable. Not all work is bad for children, a child who delivers newspapers before school might actually benefit from learning how to work, gain responsibility, and learn a bit of money .So child labor in Lebanon is reported as one of the social problems, especially in undeserved urban neighborhood of the major cities and in rural areas. 56 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan To understand child labor more: Causes of child labor: As to illustrate the causes of this mess, Poverty is widely considered the top reason why children work at inappropriate jobs for their ages. But also there are different causes such as abuse of children, discrimination, and lack of legislations provided by countries to control child labor , uncaring attitude of the employer , family expectations & traditions, adding to 57 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan these, lack of services from education , medical care, protection & social services. Besides, the parents of child labour are often unemployed or underemployed, desperate for secure employment and income. Yet it is their children who are powerless and paid less who are offered the jobs. In other words, UNICEFF stated that ‘’Children are employed because they are easier to exploit.’’ Consequences of child labor: The work of children leads to bad consequences such as: it will contribute too many social problems “drugs, theft, criminal…” They will be more exposed to diseases and health problems; also they will lose their home or shelter. Besides, they will be exploited either by their parents or their employers (working longer hours to not much money). In summary they will be victims and never live the innocence age. My way of analyzing this problem: My first way of treating this problem is to see what other countries that had faced the same problem have done. My researches led me to a result that the best way to get out of this problem is government intervention by enforcing laws and regulations in all domains and sectors and oblige people to apply it. The method I used relies on taking into consideration the points of views of all members involved in order to reduce the amount of working children. First of all I gather all information and I know the purpose of each stakeholder involved &I conclude that this messy will be reduced but the means to achieve the goal is different, here my role is occurred as I try with a high effort to approach their way of thinking and convince each one that they have to find solutions to this dangerous problem otherwise this problem will never be narrower but it will enlarge to embody social and security problems. The solution was an agreed by everyone and this make it easy to be applied and will absolutely lead to the desired results. You? As an individual how can u: Consider some of the things you could do day after day to reduce child labor: 9 If you are an employer to child try to make medical examination to ensure the capability of the child to perform the work. 58 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan 9 If you are able to educate or teach children don’t be late! 9 Read and ask around how you can help and contribute. Get your friends and family involved. Remember, the more we care about child, the better the future generations will be and the better our countries will be seen by others. 9 Also you can read my analysis in which you will find all about child labor from A to Z with detailed methods of treating this huge problem. This analysis is clear, could be easily understood, with chronological procedures to get out of this problem. Adding to that in order to move toward deciding, avoiding conflicts should be taken into consideration. Though, characteristically opinions will differ on the importance of the different goals and what is appropriate or fair basis to the proceeding in the child labor field. Such disagreements may be more or less significant, far reaching and conducted in a way ranging from good consequences to openly threatening once. There’s the role of NGO’s selected program; they should implement a number of preventive programs aimed at preventing child labor. 59 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Actions to be taken in the short term can include: • Specify job descriptions for qualified individuals no matter in what party they belong; every individual has his responsibility for one or two tasks to work at efficiently and never fail to complete till the point of execution . • Giving trust to this individual and let them feel the belonging; loyalty will be one of the results. • Set a daily schedule for every step they are planning on doing, prepare the documents and products required not mentioning be ready for any unexpected outcome. For the long term, some actions can be taken , these include: • Communication program such as internal network or e-program where every party and individual knows what is the daily schedule & what she/he is supposed to do. • Human resource & personal departments responsible for handling the problems & conflicts inside the organization & parties which are working on solving the problem , make sure that every one is doing his job properly and walking on the same track • Set a system for each organization or party that lists its legislation, where they may be punished if they ignore the rules identified by the administration. Laws of child labor are regularly revised, to do some improvement for example: • Rising the minimum age for work from 8 to 13 years 60 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan • Prohibiting the employment of children with out a prior medical examination to ensure the capability of the child to perform the work. • Prohibiting the use of children below 15 in industries that are dangerous to their health. • Ensuring mandatory & free elementary education. (UNICEF, Wednesday, 13 May 2009, 10:13 GMT) The child labor’s approach reflects the importance of protection & empowerment of working children as well as on the link between education child labor. International program for the elimination of child labor aim to eliminate the child labor through promoting policy reform & putting in place concrete measure to end child labor, and also through international & national campaigning intended to change social attitudes. There are many reasons that led to increase of child labor, first poverty which was the main reason why children work at inappropriate jobs of their age, also lack of good schools and day care & also lack of other services such as health care. Many solutions can be taken to reduce child labor as: • Increasing family incomes. • Spreading education that helps children learn skills that allows them to earn a living • Family control of fertility so that families are not burdened by too many children. We as students are the future generation; we are involved in declining the impact of the messy child labor situation that is increasing day after day in the Arab world & in the world as a whole. All this is a result of economic & financial problems that families are now facing. 61 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan We can provide some help through support & volunteer for the units & associations that are responsible for the elimination of child labor , and also through people that can provide & give new ideas and opinions to solve this very dangerous problem that affects our children , those children which don’t receive their needs & rights in education & in getting better health care. As a result child labor case will generate a conflict that will lead to a Win-Lose outcome (destructive approach) when the conflict is expressed in terms of choosing who wins. This can be attained that nay elimination of child labor will surely create a win situation for children & more likely a loose situation on the stakeholders who abuse those children in the factories, agriculture, stores... Child labor is a serious problem that threats children, hence an action should be considered in this acting phase; however this case is a result of various negotiations among nations & stakeholders in order to eliminate it through laws, regulations, and legislations. Thus, encouraging action wouldn’t be my own choice since it’s a global concern. However , different types of actions can be taken starting from self, moving on to social , community, government’s action, national and international actions such as: CRC, IPEC, IREWOC… and to stimulate action motivation that can be used. 62 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan The T306 project is a summary that illustrates applying many concepts, methods, diagrams, system approaches, tools that we have been introduced to throughout the year. It is about dealing with a real world complexity by analyzing it in order to attend the overall object which is transforming the complexity into a problem so it will be easier for us to reach solutions... I start preparing for my project from the beginning of the semester, so the first step was to find a real mess to talk about. In fact, it was a hard task to do although messes are surrounding us everywhere, however finding a real life complexity to be treated in my senior project by applying the T306 concepts was a mess in itself. It needs distinguished system thinking practical skills and high degree of knowledge about the course. In fact, the way all TMAs were designed was so helpful to me since the TMA02 asks me about approaches, methodologies, methods, tools or techniques that I should apply in order to be more aware about them. Also within the TMA 02 they asked me to develop an initial Log Frame in order to know how I can put the goals and achieve my purpose by identify my outputs through the activities. TMA03 ask me to present an outline proposal of my project TMA04 asks me to develop the formal proposal of my project 63 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan First Part: The first week: I was confused about choosing the right subject that fit the issue of sustainable development. Another concern was about choosing frequent subject that may student adapt to analysis. A free choice of a topic produce problems, when there is no set roles of a project. Being an independent investigator without having an outline of base to select lead me to panic fell overwhelmed and thus contribute to less understanding. However, this complexity drives me to challenge myself by start searching for solutions. One of the most vital activities that contribute to give me a better picture of the concepts of sustainable development is activity number one .The activity is concerned with engaging with the issue of SD by collecting articles that cover either environment or development issue or both. The activity is concerned with expressing my feeling toward the subject, define SD & discuss which one is related to development or environment. The second week: In this week, I made interviews with working children in North Lebanon & with the Ministry of Labor & some non-governmental organizations. I start gathering information from different sources as internet, newspaper, asking my friends about their opinion on child labor. . The third & fourth week: Usually after having analyzed an essay topic, I go straight & read extensively on the subject. It is only after doing this research that I felt confident enough to start thinking & planning out my answer. I discover that such an approach can be a mistake, however, sometimes when I produce a myriad of notes and then loss about how these notes can be transformed into coherent piece of writing . This problem affects me especially when I start my TMA. I searched for solutions in the net & I found some advices. Before reading too much, it is a good idea to do as much thinking & planning around the topic as we can. The benefit of this approach is that 64 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan right from the start I can begin to get a sense of the shape the essay will take. It also means I can be more strategic in my reading, allowing searching for specific reading materials rather than collecting a mass of material that may ultimately have limited relevance to my work .Some of these strategies are identifying relevant information such as where to start looking for information. So, I have to ensure that I understand the terms & concepts relating to the assignment topic. Following this I should make sure that I have a good overview or understanding of the topic area, then look for more specialized & focused discussion of my topic , so that I can further my own understanding of it, develop my own arguments , and show the lecturer that I have a good grasp of the subject. To do this, I found background information to understand relevant terms, concepts & theories. The fifth week: I began the process of searching and selecting information for the project choice issue, using internet, newspaper, & other information sources. It was a difficult phase because it required too much time & effort to research & investigate of such information. The searching process itself was a problematic issue because I often read extensively & search a lot which affected another qualities of self-discipline that I had to be aware about it. Thus I had adopted some strategies to simplify the process to deal with huge amount of results, which occur due to using too broad search terms. As a result, I used narrowing skills; identify required language & where the place of the statement should appear. These strategies reduce the number of result for the search. I opened sites, read some of them, and then I choose some sites from them.. The sixth & seventh week: I start taking notes & recording references by developing ways of sorting, organizing, & recording the ideas and information as I go from the previous week. For example, the keywords I have used for the search helped me systematically come up with a list of headings under the collected material. 65 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Then grouping information by heading will pay off for when start collating & interpreting the information as part of the initial drafting process. I have used skimming and scanning reading tools to identify only the main idea or ideals vital for the summarizing process. For example before reading a chapter I look to see whether it has been set out using sub-headings , or whether it contains section summaries, or whether key concepts are being put in bold type. Then once I have located useful material, I make an efficient note-taking system. Because it is too much consuming to record material verbatim, so I make notes by summarizing, using a good system of abbreviations. I have shortening a text by reducing it to its main points. I used a variety of techniques to take notes when I am reading. Probably the least useful of these is the type done with a highlighting pen, where most of us succeed mainly in altering the color of certain sections of the text. The better techniques are those where I attempt to record key ideas & information in my own words. The main benefit of this approach is that it helps me to impose my own understanding on the texts I have read. Besides I put a list of what approaches to use as well as for the concepts to be applied& to Ask my tutor what to add, what should be more elaborated, what to cancel... System methods which are applied in my project, as HSM & SSM Researching in T306 blocks for the main concepts that my project should contain: SWOT analysis, diagrams, reflection, ethicality statement, MBTI, and applying all these concepts in my project & drawing all the diagrams. Eight & Ninth week: Before I began writing, I examine the material collected from the information sources. Does the information that I have collected match the requirements of the assignment? Do my notes contain a range of the sorts of general statements that will need for effective expository or argumentative writing? Do my notes contain adequate documentary evidence to expand upon & support the general statements I wish to make? Evaluate my material critically, select what I think can make a useful contribution to my assignment & discard the rest is very important process 66 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan to avoid getting lost around unstructured project. So, I have consulted my tutor for advice. Once I have an adequate understanding of the issue & theories relevant to my assignment I start writing or outlining my first proposal. I made a plan to help me to structure the writing of the first draft. Then I start wring the proposal by using my previous notes. After finishing the first outlining of my first proposal (TMA03), I send it to my tutor to have feedback. I received the tutor feedback & I have found some gaps that I have to work on to improve the project... So as I come back to look at the work, new ideas may come & problems often be solved? Using a more systematic approach helped me feel more in control and as a result being more able to deal constructively with anxieties about my work. Systematic approach helped me to identify my strengths & to identify where improvements can be made. Week ten: I have achieved the client report, make reviews to the tutor report to make sure that nothing is missing. I visited my tutor to show him both reports and to listen to his recommendation & suggestions to improve my project & completing my project log. Making some changes how the project will look like, so tables of contexts, of figures, abbreviation list, all these are achieved in this week. Week Eleven: Before submission my final version on Tuesday 29, I think about formatting, references & appropriate style. For example, checking the factual content of the assignment such as Cover sheet to ensure that the title page provides the following information: • The name & ID number • The number & the name of the course for which the assignment is submitted • The number & the title of the assignment. If a definite title was given , it should be reproduced in full & with complete accuracy ; select an appropriate title 67 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan • The date on which the assignment is due • The name of the tutor The final step of the process is to review the project by checking the following points before printing out the final version: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Does the assignment have definite & adequate introductory & concluding sections? In the case of a report , are all required sections present? Is the arrangement of paragraphs within the main body of the text suitable & logic? Have any format requirements specified for the assignment been followed correctly? Is there any unnecessary repetition of material? Does the discussion fulfill the aims & objectives stated in the introduction and/or laid down in the assignment instructions? Are the main points under discussion adequately supported by references to the theoretical / research literature, or by other reliable & valid evidence? I am satisfied with the comprehensiveness of the discussion? Can I now identify any important areas which my earlier drafts overlooked? Have major conclusions and/or recommendations been persuasively argued? Have I allocated space appropriately to each issue with regard to its relative importance to the paper as a whole? Is citations/ quotations/ cross-references? Complete & accurate? Are my references complete & consistently arranged? Are tables / figures / pictures/diagrams/appendix correctly & accurately presented? 68 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Week 8&9: Week 10: achieved the client report, make reviews to the tutor report to make sure that nothing is missing Evaluate material critically, select useful contribution to my assignment &discard the rest , write first proposal (TMA03) Week 6&7: System methods are applied in my project, as HSM & SSM, Researching in T306 blocks for the main concepts that my project should contain: SWOT analysis, diagrams, reflection, ethicality statement, & MBTI. Week 3&4: Develop strategies, identifying relevant information such as where to start looking for the information – concepts relating, understanding & search Week 11: Checking the factual content of the assignment, cover sheet, check if assignment generates such as Week 1: Engaging with the issue of Sustainable development, solve activities, collect information, and seek advice Week 2: identify what the assignment is asking me to do, gathering information from different sources, making interviews. Week 5: searching & selecting information for the project choice issue A system map showing the project log through eleven weeks 69 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Second Part: Honestly, I never thought as deeply about practitioner role until I engaged with the course of T306. Since I am not an employee, I came into the course with a relatively less degree of understanding than my classmates may have had. I always thought positive change in education needed a lot more structure than a simple course alteration. Now, I know the course is where change takes place the most effectively. I have learned so much from the interactions and readings presented in this course. I have a new found respect of the monumental tasks administrators have, but with more courses such as this one, education will move towards the right direction. We must continually criticize our past mistakes, reflect on our current knowledge & inspire our future. The reflection process (Lane Andy, 2004, pp: 5, 6) during this course is the key element to help me assess the best way to structure & write my project. Many of the units in the book include self-assessment questions and activities designed to require stopping & thinking, sometimes to take actions. These benefit me to question what I read & try out ideas by my self. Every time I pause to think in this way, I reflect on what I have learnt. The process of reflection is an important activity that empowers my ability to develop a fuller picture in how to make use of complex ideas & concepts. It was an important point that I took into consideration in all stages of my project period to make sure that everything is going according to plan for that I had refer back always to my tutor either by calling him on the phone or by visiting him in the office. I had never hesitate to ask him about everything related to my project which I am not sure about how to do it, what to add, why? My tutor’s help was very effective to me that facilitate a lot my work in the project. Second, it is also essential for raising awareness about how I learn & might improve my learning. Indeed, both reflectiveness & critical analysis require being active, not only paying attention to the content of the course materials, but also working independently with the concepts introduced. During studying this mess I found that I should stop at each step in sequence to reflect on it. At each step I found that I need to learn more about all the problems that concern this situation, and I felt that I have to work and work more than the first 70 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan time, this led me to motivation to regularly turn away from the course materials in order to formulate a personal response, & to use my own words & constructions. In the process learning a new topic , I need to spend time putting new materials into my own words , trying out new ideas , using what I already know & see where the new materials fits in . This process builds bridges, in ideas, between what I know already & what I am trying to understand & remember. All the activities I have solved in T306 course strengthened me to keep track of it & follow the development of my own ideas as I build my project. It helps to keep my notes in one place, together with other material which catches my interest for its relevance to the subject. Moreover, the completion & return of each of my assignments (1&3) used an opportunity for self-review, planning, recorded in my learning file help complete my project. While studying this course, I found that it differs from other courses because it has a close relation to our life and work. The difficulty of this course lies in its diverse and wide concepts, and how we could benefit from it in our life. This course has widen my way of thinking, and helped me in appreciating a range of view points to a situation, and gives me the ability to analyze and understand more any complex situation. The difficulties that I have faced throughout the project is meeting the minister of labour since each time I would like to meet him they will say that the political situation in Lebanon doesn’t allow him to make meetings, so I make all my efforts to gather valuable information from them. Moreover the information gathered in the Internet and magazines was not as accurate as they are not based all the time on accurate numbers and studies. What motivates me each time to study this messy situation and try to implement potential solutions is the collaboration and cooperation with Non Government Organization also through meeting with children who work as each time I meet them my emotional side is strongly affected while they 71 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan explain to me about their bad situations and what they hope to be in the future while they are not able to achieve it ; this is why we should all take care of the importance of that complexity. Everyone could help reduce child labour in their own way, by learning more about the issue. There are support organizations that are raising awareness, and providing direct help to individual children. Me as a student I consider myself as a member in the future generations involved in reducing the impact of the messy child labor situation that is increasing day after day in Lebanon, because of economic and financial problems that families are now facing, also by the political and security problems that we are facing these days. Helping, could be by supporting and volunteer for the units and associations that are responsible for the elimination of child labor; or people can also help by giving new ideas and opinions to solve this very dangerous problem that affects children in Lebanon; or through media or organizing seminars through which this conflict can be accessed to all people around the whole world; children who don’t receive their needs and rights whilst living. I conclude that now after covering this messy situation I can say that I’m now able to see this problem in a broad and aware eye without being biased. Double loop learning: it was helpful to me since it addresses the aim of choosing this project & it is represented in the following diagram: 72 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan Besides, double –loop learning questioned the goal of our project which is elimination of child labor which can be achieved through out the processes that I mentioned above. 73 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan After finishing to studying this problem I learned a lot of lessons from Lebanon’s experience on Child labor which are: 1. Do not target at the elimination of child labor; rather, find alternative strategies for reducing its negative impact. 2. Do not work very forcefully on law enforcement; children removed from work are not necessarily better off than other children. 3. Adopt second chance educational opportunities as a strategy to empower working children and as an entry point to child labor. 4. Always look at regional specifies and gender balance in interventions. 5. Adopt several strategies to produce sustainable results. 6. Involve the employers in all strategies. 7. Research, action and social mobilization should go hand in hand. 8. Do not count on perfect interventions; rather adopt the add-on strategy. 74 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan http://www.alarabiya.net/articles/2008/02/05/45187.html 75 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan http://www.alarabiya.net/articles/2008/02/05/45187.html 76 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan 1. Prepared by Simon Bell, (2005), Managing Complexity: a system’s approach, the Arab Open University, Managing and learning with information systems, Using the hard systems method for managing, pp: 49, 66. 2. Prepared by Simon Bell, (2005), Managing Complexity: a system’s approach, the Arab Open University, Managing and learning with information systems, Using the Soft systems method for managing, pp: 91,113. 3. Prepared by Christine Blackmore, Ray Ison and Jake Chapman, (2005), Managing Complexity: a system’s approach, the Arab Open University, Managing sustainable development: learning with other stakeholders, pp: 37, 41, 83, and 87. 4. Prepared by Rosalind Armson and Ray I son,(2005),Managing Complexity: the Arab Open University, Juggling with complexity :searching for a system 5. Prepared by Rosalind Armson,(2005),Managing Complexity: a system’s approach, the Arab Open University, The systemic practioner: being reflective, becoming aware, pp:18, 46, 65,79,88,109) 6. Prepared by Andy Lane (2004), systems thinking and practice, Diagramming, copyright the Open University, pp: 59-74. 7. Prepared by Andy Lane (2004), systems thinking and practice, A primer, copyright the Open University, pp: 11-67. 77 Karima Hamadeh_8167_TMA04_T306b_sec.212_Dr.Saher Alanan 8. Prepared by Andy Lane (2004), systems thinking: principles and practice, concept file 1, learning, thinking and doing, copyright the Open University, pp: 5-9- 41. 9. Child Labor in Lebanon, 1997. US Dept. of State, Country Reports on Human. Rights Practices - 1999, 25 February 2000. Lebanese Union for Child Welfare. 10. Interviews in North Lebanon,24/4/2009 11. United States Department of Labor, 2005 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor - Lebanon, 29 August 2006. Online. UNHCR, UNICEF Refworld, available at: http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/48d748f73e.html [accessed 13 May 2009] 78