college of veterinAry Medicine


college of veterinAry Medicine
T h e
U n i v e r s i t y
o f
G e o r g i a
College of Veterinary Medicine
2010-2011 Annual report to donors
w w w . v e t . u g a . e2 d u
Dear Alumni and Friends of the College,
It is with great pleasure that I present to you our Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2011.
We have so many exciting things to share with you in this edition – and none of it
would be possible without the steadfast generosity shown by all of you who are
such important members of our CVM community.
Here are some of the stories featured, which I hope you will enjoy:
-- Meet Dr. Gary Baxter, an equine surgeon who joined us last fall, from Colorado
State University, as director of our Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Dr. Baxter did his
residency at our College in the late 1980s, which gives him a unique perspective on
our need for a new hospital, our Veterinary Medical Learning Center. I think you’ll
enjoy reading about his goals for our hospital, as well as his desire to strengthen
our relationship with our referring veterinarians.
-- Dr. Ira Roth, who joined our faculty in 2009, also is someone very familiar with
how things have changed here in the last few decades. Dr. Roth graduated from
our CVM in 1986 and entered private practice in Albany, Georgia. Now, with
college-aged daughters and a yearning to contribute to his profession in a different
way, he heads up our Community Practice Clinic. We are pleased to have someone such as Dr. Roth in this role, after having owned and managed a successful
companion animal practice. Read about how he is challenging our fourth-year
students to help them be better veterinarians from the moment they graduate.
-- Are you familiar with Dr. Olive K. Britt? A pioneer for women entering the field of
equine medicine in the 1950s, Dr. Britt touched many lives – both four-legged and
two-legged! She, too, studied at our CVM, where she would find a life-long professional friend and mentor in one of our faculty members, Dr. Paul E. Hoffman. While
they both passed away some years ago, the spirit of their professional partnership
will endure in the form of a professorship honoring both.
Photo by Robert Newcomb
Dean Sheila W. Allen
-- There once was a cat named Oreo who would be the only companion animal
– to date – owned by an Athens couple, Tony and Sylvia Byrd. Oreo is also no
longer with us, but a scholarship in his honor will forever benefit our DVM students.
This is a great story with a “sad middle” and a happy ending for all.
-- Another story in this report describes how our faculty are making discoveries
in the laboratory that will benefit animals and people. Dr. Ralph Tripp and his
colleagues are learning how to employ nanoparticle technology to more rapidly
diagnose influenza infection.
We hope you’ll enjoy these stories, and other updates from our College, including
the latest on our fundraising efforts toward our Veterinary Medical Learning Center.
Please know that despite the ongoing difficulties of meeting our needs in this
challenging economy, I take great pride and pleasure in knowing that each of you
cares so much about our beloved institution. So much of what we do could not be
accomplished without your ongoing support.
On behalf of all of us at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine:
Thank you!
Sheila W. Allen
Cover photo and photo
opposite by Sue Myers Smith.
Financial Report
The total annual
budget for the College
in FY11 was $70.5
million. To meet
our budget, we rely
upon the income
for services, state
Revenue source
State Support
Tuition Received
Federal sponsored
Other sponsored
Other subsidies
FY11 Rev.
% FY11 Rev.
FY10 Rev.
% FY10 Rev.
Personnel benefits
Operating supplies
FY11 Exp.
% FY11 Exp.
FY10 Exp.
% FY10 Exp.
and federal support,
tuition, and gifts and
endowments. Please
see the table below for
a complete breakdown
on income received and
expenditures for FY11.
The overall operating budget for the College of Veterinary Medicine increased by approximately 15% in FY11. This
increase was the result of enhanced research activities (36% increase in federally sponsored research) and our hospital
revenues returning to pre-recession levels. Revenue from other service activities such as diagnostic work also contributed
to the increased income. The increase in state support includes the salaries for faculty positions that were vacant in FY10,
and the state contribution to support personnel and equipment for these new hires.
Hospital Building
Allocation of FY11 Annual Giving
Scholarships (non-endowed)
Hospital Building
Student Activities
Alumni Activities
Research Support
Gifts in Kind
Facilities and Support
Gifts in Kind
Alumni Activities
Facilities and
Student Activities
Alumni and Friends FY11 Giving
Thanks to your generosity, the UGA College of
Veterinary Medicine had another great fundraising
year in FY11, with a total of $4,640,925 in gifts
and pledges from alumni and friends (compared to
the FY10 total of $5,284,317).
The CVM’s alumni donor giving base continues
to be among the strongest of all the University of
Georgia’s 17 schools and colleges. Within FY11,
18% of the CVM’s alumni made gifts to our
College, which is within 1% of the level of giving
we had from our alumni in FY10. Once again, we
were exceeded by only the School of Law, which
had a 25% alumni participation rate. The CVM’s
goal is to have at least 25% of our alumni giving
Gifts restricted to the CVM from all UGA alums
(a total of 762 alums from all UGA schools
and colleges) jumped more than fourfold, to
$1,269,435 (compared to $302,497 in FY10)!
Sources of FY11 Annual Giving
(reflects dollars per entity type)
Photos by Wingate Downs Photography
UGA Alumni
Class Campaign/Reunion Giving
$134,405.75 in class campaign totals.
FY11 was another great reunion giving year for the College, with
Gifts from the Class of 1966 (top photo) totaled $27,530.92 (a 29%
participation rate), more than any other reunion class at the 48th Annual
Veterinary Conference & Alumni Weekend.
The Class of 1981 (middle photo) came in second with gifts totaling
$24,395.00 (a 29% participation rate). The Class of 1986 (bottom photo)
came in third with $20,115.00 and a 28% participation rate. Thank you,
UGA CVM alums!
Serving you for more than 60 years
Help us build our new Veterinary Medical Learning Center
The University of Georgia
College of Veterinary Medicine
Large Animal Naming Opportunities
Large Animal Barn – $1 million (5, 1 SOLD)
Large Animal Treatment Area – $100,000 (3)
Mare and Foal Stall – $50,000 (6)
Large Animal General Stall – $25,000 (85, 1 SOLD)
Food Animal Handling & Treatment Area – $100,000
Bull Stall – $50,000 (3)
Small Ruminant Stall – $10,000 (8)
Large Animal ICU
Equine Colic ICU – $1 million
Large Animal Neonatal ICU – $1 million
Colic Stall – $50,000 (4, 1 SOLD)
Large Animal Receiving
Large Animal Client Reception Area – $1 million
Large Animal Patient Receiving Area – $250,000
Large Animal Patient Exam Area – $50,000 (4)
Large Animal Client Consultation Room – $25,000 (3, 3 SOLD)
Other Large Animal Naming Opportunities
Large Animal Lameness Exam Area – $1 million
Equine Exercise Physiology & Biomechanics Suite – $1 million
Equine Farrier Area – $250,000
Surgery Naming Opportunities
Large Animal Anesthesia & Surgery Suite – $1 million
Anesthesia Induction Area – $250,000 (3)
Large Animal Operating Room – $250,000 (3)
Small Animal Anesthesia/Surgery prep – $250,000
Small Animal Operating Room – $100,000 (8, 1 SOLD)
Minimally-Invasive Surgery Suite – $200,000
Diagnostic Imaging Naming Opportunities
Diagnostic Imaging Center – $5 million
Large Animal Radiology – $250,000
Small Animal Minor Radiology Room – $100,000 (2)
Small Animal Major Radiology Room – $250,000 (2)
Large Animal Ultrasound – $250,000
Small Animal Ultrasound – $100,000 (2)
CT – $750,000
MRI – $1.5 million
Oncology Naming Opportunities
Small Animal Oncology Center – $5 million
Radiation Therapy – $1 million
Client Counseling Room – $50,000
Chemotherapy room – $200,000 (SOLD)
Treatment/Lab Area – $100,000
Oncology Office Area & Rounds Room – $100,000
Oncology Outpatient Ward – $100,000 (2)
Outdoor Public Area Naming Opportunities
Kathy Bangle
Director of Veterinary External Affairs
[email protected]
Dog Park – $2 million
Memorial Garden – $2 million
Roof Garden – $1 million
Small Animal Naming Opportunities
Small Animal Physical Therapy Area –­ $250,000
Dermatology Treatment Area – $50,000
Cardiology Diagnostic Room – $50,000
Exotic Animal Medicine Suite – $500,000
Exotic Animal Treatment Area – $50,000
Exotic Animal Ward – $10,000 (4)
Gait Analysis Lab – $100,000
Neurology Diagnostics Room – $250,000
Neurology Treatment Area – $50,000
Ophthalmology Suite – $500,000
Small Animal Kennel Area – $100,000 (3)
Small Animal ICU
Small Animal Intensive Care Unit – $1 million
Small Animal Intermediate Care Unit – $500,000 (SOLD)
Small Animal Receiving
Small Animal Client Waiting Room – $2 million
Small Animal Exam Room – $25,000 (28, 5 SOLD)
Community Practice Clinic – $2 million
Pharmacy – $750,000
Clinical Pathology Laboratory – $250,000
Departmental Office Suite – $200,000 (3)
Faculty Offices – $25,000 (78, 1 SOLD)
Resident and Intern Offices – $10,000 (20)
Auditorium for 375 people – $500,000 (seats $500 each)
Cafeteria – $250,000
Student Locker Rooms – $100,000 (2)
Student Rounds Rooms – $25,000 (9, 6 SOLD)
Pledge payments can be made over a 5-year period. Naming opportunities
must be approved by the University System Board of Regents.
Fundraising update: The Veterinary Medical Learning Center
Many of you, as alumni and friends of the CVM, have joined
our faculty, staff and students to work diligently to raise funds and
awareness about our need for the Veterinary Medical Learning
Center, a state-of-the-art facility that will provide a larger hospital
for our patients and clients, as well as larger and improved classroom
space for our future students.
FY11 was an exciting and productive year for all of us who have
stewarded this project. At the close of FY11, we had raised $8.8 million
toward our goal of $15 million in private funding for the VMLC. Our
hospital administration, faculty and staff are working closely with the
design firm hired by the University Board of Regents, Perkins & Will,
to complete the architectural drawings for this project.
The $80 million project will provide a facility with 211,000
net square feet. The Board of Regents included the project in its
recommended FY13 budget for capital construction. We are hopeful
that Governor Deal will present this construction plan to the Georgia
General Assembly during its 2012 session. If approved by the
Governor and General Assembly, we should start construction in the
fall of 2012.
Thanks so much to all of you who have helped us get this far toward
achieving our goal. Your generosity will impact potentially hundreds
of thousands of patients, and thousands of future veterinarians.
This is a project that needs support from everyone. If you have
not yet given to our VMLC campaign, please consider making a
contribution. No contribution is too small, and every dollar puts us
closer to making this proposed facility a reality.
If you would like to stay informed of our progress, read more
about our need for this facility, or to donate to the cause, please visit
the VMLC website ( You may also contact our
Development Office at 706.542.1807, or [email protected]
Pet Memorials
Meaningful to clients, veterinarians and
the College
“Pet memorials have been great for our business.
They help us remember clients and their pets,
as well as support the UGA College of Veterinary
Medicine’s goal to build a new teaching hospital.
The feedback we get is priceless.”
— Dr. Roy Brogdon, DVM ’73
Cleveland Veterinary Hospital
Cleveland, Georgia
For more information, please contact us:
Phone: 706.542.1807
E-mail: THE
[email protected]
Web: College of Veterinary Medicine
College of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Roy Brogdon, co-owner of Cleveland Veterinary Hospital,
donates regularly through our pet memorial program.
College of Veterinary Medicine
Donors of $1,500–$2500 or greater to the College
and $1,000 to the President’s Venture Fund.
Doris Marie Miller-Liebl, DVM
Swann Seiler
Donors who have included the College of
Veterinary Medicine in their estate plan.
Anonymous 10
Dr. Samuel R. Adams, Jr.
Lizbeth Luke Andrews
Ms. Sylvia E. Bailey
Jeff Bangle and Kathy Reid Bangle
Dr. and Mrs. Needham B. Bateman III
Dr. Richard B. Best
Dr. and Mrs. Horace G. Blalock, Jr.
Mrs. Laura M. Bray
Carol H. Bugh on behalf of Kodi (canine)
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Byrd
John and Jeanne Capozzi
Jerry L. Case, DVM
Mrs. Kathy Clark
Larry M. Clarkson
Robert K. Cooper and Linda A. Cooper
Mr. Ken Coor
Dr. Wayne Allen Crowell
Dr. Bobby E. Daniell, Jr. and Dina D. Daniell
Drs. David W. and Alice M. Dreesen
Mr. David Frid
Ms. Kathy G. Gestar
James L. Gillis, Jr.
Shelley Griffitts
Dr. E. Ray Griner
Dr. Sara Thomas Hall
Dr. Ralph E. Hitt
Chuck and Brenda Horton
Cynthia Jeness
C. Edwin Jordan
Dr. Clyde W. Jordan
Helen E. Jordan, DVM, PhD
Dr. Bonnie Ballard Kershaw
Mr. James E. King
Ms. Faye R. Kirschner
Robert D. Kline and Miriam S. Kline
Dr. Melissa A. Kling-Newberry
Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Lafferty
Mrs. Patricia H. Lancaster
Dr. and Mrs. James Curtis Lee
Ms. Janet Mauldin
Dr. John N. Maxwell IV
Dr. Don W. McMillian, Jr.
Ms. Barbara B. Miller
Ms. Julia W. Morgan
*Dr. Spencer H. Morrison
Ms. Linda Oakley
Barbara D. and Roger B. Orloff
Mrs. Eleanor L. Parr
Dr. and Mrs. George W. Patton, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Pick Jr.
Drs. Keith W. and Susan W. Prasse
Dr. Jean E. Sander
Ms. Lee Scheinman
Ms. Betty R. Schmidt
David K. Selleck and Betsy M. Selleck
Ms. Ann V. Palmer Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd
Dr. Raymond Eugene Shuffler
Dr. Craig F. Smith
*Emmalen M. Smith
Mrs. June Stoker
Marylee Swanson
Mrs. Susan Stanton Todd
Dr. Michael J. Topper
Mr. Bobby John Underwood and
Ms. Theresa Lorraine Sweat
Mrs. Germaine Whittaker
Ms. Faith Towles Williams
Ms. Paulette Williams
Cumulative Giving $3.5M & Up
Cumulative Giving $2M-$3.5M
Cumulative Giving $2M-$3M
*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Morris Jr.
Cumulative Giving $1.5-$1,999,999
Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.
Cumulative Giving $1M-$1,499,999
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey C. White
Cumulative Giving $500,000-$999,999
Anonymous 2
The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
Intervet, Inc.
Merck Company Foundation
Merial Select, Inc.
Morris Animal Foundation
*Dr. Spencer Horton Morrison
*Mrs. Betty Jean Leary Royal
*Mr. Byron F. Snyder
UGA Research Foundation, Inc.
US Poultry and Egg Association
Cumulative Giving $100,000-$499,999
Anonymous 2
American Cancer Society
American Heart Association
American Quarter Horse Assoc
AVMA Foundation
Amont Foundation, Inc.
Arcadia Wildlife Preserve
The Atlanta Kennel Club, Inc.
Aviagen, Inc.
Dr. Edward S. Batts Trust
Ms. Lisa Bezzeg and Mr. Robert Bezzeg
*Miss Desma Bradberry
*Dr. Olive Kendrick Britt
Callaway Foundation, Inc.
*Ms. Terry Clyne
Daniels Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
*Ms. Pamela de Journo
*Mrs. Judith S. Fellton
Georgia Student Educational Fund Inc.
Georgia Veterinary Medical Association
Kathy G. Gestar
Mrs. Mary R. Grayson
Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation, Inc.
*Ms. Virginia K. Gunst
*Dr. Annie Katherine Prestwood
*Dr. and Mrs. Deward E. Hightower
Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.
Hoffmann-La Roche Incorporated
The Humane Society of the US
International Avian Research Foundation Inc.
*Ms. Bobby L. Johnson
*Ms. Barbara C. Joslin
Dr. and Mrs. Hiram N. Lasher
Lohmann Animal Health International
*Ms. Lois Davies Lowe
*Ms. Florence McFarlane
Merial Limited
Merial Limited
Molecular Targeting Technologies, Inc.
Novartis Animal Health U.S., Inc.
*Ms. Mary K. Ownby
Dr. and Mrs. James Douglas Parker
PETSMart Veterinary Services
Pfizer Inc.
Pfizer Inc. Animal Health
Drs. Keith and Taffi Prasse
Ralston Purina Company
Mr. J. Mack Robinson
*Dr. Isaiah Daniel Russell
Dr J G Salsbury Foundation
*Dr. John G. Salsbury and
*Ms. Doris J. Brunner-Salsbury
Shadwell Farm, Inc.
Grace Shearon Memorial Foundation
Southern Poultry Research, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stewart
*Drs. Joseph M. & Susan Still
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Thrift
Transgenic Products, Inc.
*Miss Lula P. Turner
Dr. and Mrs. James Cowan Waggoner
Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Terrell Wingfield
Cumulative Giving $50,000-$99,999
Alltech Biotechnology Center
Alpharetta Animal Hospital, PC
AMEVEA Board of Directors
Mr. Eugene L. Argo
The Atlanta Steeplechase, Inc.
Avian Health Network, Inc.
Bayer Corporation
Bayer Corporation
* deceased donor
Berner Charitable and Scholarship Foundation
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. Broussard
Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Bullard
Mr. and Mrs. David Burrell
Cobb-Vantress Incorporated
Coca-Cola Company
Dr. and Mrs. Larry R. Corry
Dr. and Mrs. Charles N. Dobbins Jr.
Georgia S. Downing Trust
Elanco Animal Health
Embrex, Inc.
Ethicon Inc.
First Atlanta Corporation
Fort Dodge Animal Health
Fort Dodge Laboratories
Lenora & Alfred Glancy Foundation Inc
Ms. Nona Lou Greene
Harrison Poultry, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Hines
International Life Science Institute of North
The Honorable and Mrs. Tommy Irvin
*Dr. Stephen Foster Lee and Ms. Beth Lee
Loro Parque Foundation
Drs. Michael J. & Mary Lynch
Ms. Rachel Machamer
Martha F. Cannon Trust Johnny W. Warren, Trustee
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Martin III
Maui Animal Rescue & Sanctuary
Dr. Catherine L. McClelland and Mr. Mark Maio
Merck & Co Inc
Merck & Company, Inc.
Miles, Inc.
Drs. James N. Moore and Cynthia M. Trim
Dr. and Mrs. Steven L. Morganstern
National Aviary
*Mrs. Mary M. Osborne
Dr. Miguel Hernan Perales
Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council
Pharmaceutical Mfg Assn Fdtn
Pharmacia Corporation
Pharmacia Foundation
Ralston Purina Company
Riverbanks Zoo & Botanical Garden
*Mr. James K. Shearon
*Dr. Dennis Sikes
Drs. John A. & Emily Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Monir L. Sobh
Ms. Caroline J. Spenser
Stan Fried Private Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stortz
Student Chapter of The AVMA
Sweetbay Foundation
Tall Timbers Research Station
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Topper
LCDR E. Gene Trayer, USN (Ret)
TRS Labs, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tufts
Dr. Thomas Field VanMeter II
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Wilburn
Zoo Atlanta
Cumulative Giving $25,000-$49,999
Anonymous 6
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Alamo Pintado Equine Clinic
Drs. Douglas and Sheila W. Allen
AllTech Ireland
American Live Stock Insurance Company
Dr. and Mrs. Calvin E. Anthony
Dr. and Mrs. Charlton P. Armstrong III
Assoc of Avian Veterinarians
Atlantic Breeders Cooperative
Dr. and Mrs. Needham B. Bateman III
Biomune Company
Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Bohn
Bolshoi Equine Gastrointestine
*Mr. and Mrs. David W. Brooks
Dr. Carl Gerard Brown
Dr. Corrie C. Brown
Dr. Louise Kellam Burpee and Dr. Randy Basinger
Dr. & Mrs. B. J. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Cason J. Callaway Jr.
Calvert Animal Hospital
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Carter Jr.
Claiborne Farm
Clairmont Animal Hospital
Classic City Kennel Club, Inc.
Cobb Emergency Veterinary Clinic PC
Dr. and Mrs. Larry M. Cornelius
Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Cottingham
Country Pride Foods Ltd
Cuddy Farms, Inc.
Dacula Animal Hospital
Dr. and Mrs. Edsel D. Davis
DeKalb Animal Hospital
Dr. Karen Louise Duncan
Dutch Fork Animal Hospital
Dr. Carolann Eisenhart
Eli Lilly and Co. Foundation
Fayette Veterinary Medical Center
Fieldale Farms Inc.
Ms. Kindy French
Ms. Cynthia A. Fuller
Ga Poultry Improvememt Assn
Dr. and Mrs. Joe L. Gaston
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Gates Jr.
Dr. Michael Paul Good
Greater Atlanta Veterinary Medical Society, Inc.
Dr. Robert Adair Griffith III
Dr. Robert Winton Hall
Dr. Russell Reid Hanson Jr.
Ms. Katharine Cooper Hardin
*Mrs. R. Harold Harrison
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Haysman
Heritage Technologies, LLC
Hickory Flat Animal Hospital
Mr. Ken Hodgkiss
Hoechst-Roussel Agri-Vet Co.
Hoechst-Roussel Agri-Vet Comp
Honey Creek Veterinary Hospital, Inc.
Mrs. Barbara M. Hutto
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.
International Aviculturists Society
Dr. Kerry Jackson and Mr. Brian S. Jackson
Edna P. Jacobsen Charitable Trust for Animals
Mr. Randall Martin Jaffe
Ms. Gail E. Jordan
Dr. Drew S. Keller
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Kleven
Dr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm Kling
Lafferty Animal Clinic
Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Lafferty
Lake Harbin Animal Hospital
Langford & Veitch
Lasher Associates, Inc.
Lawndale Veterinary Hospital of Greensboro, PLLC
Lawrenceville Kennel Club, Inc.
*Mrs. Gweneth Agee Lazenby
Dr. Brett Levitzke
Mrs. Mary S. Lewis
Dr. Alfred R. Liebl and Dr. Doris M. Miller-Liebl
Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Lorenz
Dr. and Mrs. Phil D. Lukert Jr.
Maine Biological Laboratories
Dr. and Mrs. William G. McCart
*Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. McConnell
Dr. John P. M. McGrath
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. McMillian Jr.
Dr. Bob Menardi
Merck AGVET Technical Services Merck & Co., Inc.
Merck & Co., Inc.
Merck Research Laboratories
Merck Sharp & Dohme
Midwest Avian Research Expo
Mobay Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Montgomery
Drs. Robert F. & Susan Nance
National Kidney Foundation of Georgia Inc
National Onion Labs, Inc.
Nestle Purina PetCare Company
Newnan Kennel Club
Novartis Crop Protection, Inc.
Novus International, Inc.
Peyton Anderson Foundation
Pfizer Inc
Pharr Road Animal Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Phillips
Pine Mountain Benevolent Foundation, Inc.
Powers Ferry Animal Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Prescott
Quigley Corporation
Estate of Ruth Janz Randle
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Rawlings
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Richter
Dr. and Mrs. Arturo G. Rosales
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Patrick Rush
Safari Club International Foundation
Schering-Plough Animal Health
David K. Selleck and Betsy M. Selleck
Dr. and Mrs. John Sexton
Dr. Joanne Leslie Shaw and Mr. David Shaw
Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Sink
Dr. Craig F. Smith
Dr. Michael Franklin Smith
Dr. Thomas Andrew and Mrs. Zan Harvill Smith
SmithKline Beecham Anmal Hlth
* deceased donor
South Athens Animal Clinic
South Carolina Association of Veterinarians
Southeastern Alpaca Association, Inc.
Southern Crescent Animal Emergency Clinic
Spendthrift Farm Inc
Sprayberry Animal Hospital,PC
Dr. Robert Foster Springer Jr
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stembler
The Stewart Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Still
Tara Foods, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Don Theall
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Thomas
Mr. Casey Thompson and Dr. Susan L. White
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Thompson
*Dr. and Mrs. Ben L. Tucker
Dr. and Mrs. David E. Tyler
Mrs. Thomas Field VanMeter II
Dr. Ruth McNeill and Mr. Campbell Vaughn
Veterinary Learning Systems
Whitaker Foundation
Winn Feline Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Woody
Dr. W. Michael and Mrs. Terri King Younker
Alumni and friends of the College who have
made a gift of $1,000 or more from July 1, 2010–
June 30, 2011.
Annual Gifts: $1 million or more
Annual Gifts: $500,000-$999,999
*Dr. S. H. Morrison Estate
Annual Gifts of $150,000-$499,999
Callaway Foundation, Inc.
Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.
Annual Gifts of $50,000-$149,999
*Mary M. Osborne Estate
Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc.
W. Terry and Joy W. Wingfield
Annual Gifts of $25,000-$49,999
Anonymous 2
AllTech Ireland
Charles T. Broussard and Frankie R. Broussard
Intervet, Inc.
Mary S. Lewis
M. Lou Sobh and Georgia Sobh
Southern Poultry Research, Inc.
Annual Gifts of $10,000-$24,999
Dr. James Cowan Waggoner and
Marjorie Schear Waggoner
Arcadia Wildlife Preserve, Inc.
Aviagen, Inc.
Cobb Emergency Veterinary Clinic P.C.
Coca-Cola Company
Carolann Eisenhart, MD
Georgia Veterinary Medical Association
Rob Griffith
Harrison Poultry, Inc.
Dr. J. C. Hines and Hazel Hines
Ken Hodgkiss
Kelley Brim Hollowell
Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Leonard Jr.
Dr. Brett Levitzke
Lohmann Animal Health International
Roy C. Mallady and Mary Jane Mallady
Martha F. Cannon Trust
John Sevier Martin III and Virginia Graves Martin
Pfizer Inc.
Gregorio Rosales
South Carolina Association of Veterinarians
Southeastern Alpaca Association Inc
Caroline J. Spenser
Sweetbay Foundation
Michael J. Topper and Kimberly L. Topper
Venkateshwara Hatcheries Pvt. Ltd.
Donald R. Wilburn
Annual Gifts of $5,000-$9,999
American Association of Bovine Practitioners
The Atlanta Kennel Club, Inc.
Belmont Small Animal Hospital
Lisa Bezzeg
Biomune Company
Veterinary Emergency & Referral Group
Carl Brown
Dr. Gary and Brenda Bullard
Drs. Randy Basinger and Louise Burpee
Calvert Animal Hospital
CEVA Biomune
Dr. Harvey L. Crumm
Dekalb Animal Hospital
Dr. Erin Ford Doiron
Trust Under Will of Georgia S. Downing
Duke Corporate Accounts Payable
Mark E. Epstein and Janet Epstein
Oscar J. Fletcher and Sybil M. Fletcher
Kathy G. Gestar
Dr. Michael Paul Good
Susan H. Gordy
Kenneth M. Greenwood Family
Dr. Kenneth M. Greenwood and
Beth Ann Caldwell
Herrick Richards Hay
The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas T. Irvin
Dr. Kerry Young Jackson and Mr. Brian S. Jackson
Dr. Drew S. Keller
Dr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm Kling
Lafferty Animal Clinic
Dr. and Mrs. Rob R. Lafferty
Dr. Harold McSwain Mauldin Jr.
Dr. Catherine Louise McClelland and
Mr. Mark Maio
Merck Company Foundation
Merial Limited
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact
Funding Trust, Inc.
Novus International, Inc.
Dr. Miguel Hernan Perales
Peterson Farms Inc.
Drs. Keith and Taffi Prasse
Rajar Food Services, Inc.
Rawlings Consulting, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Rawlings
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Riddle
David Lee Ruble and Gaye Rochelle Preis Ruble
Dr. Wayne Patrick Rush and Kathie Rush
Dr. Joanne L. Shaw and David Shaw
Dr. Robert F. Springer Jr.
Stan Fried Private Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Thrift
TotalBond Veterinary Hospitals
Thomas and Ruby Tufts
Ulm Family Foundation
Dr. Thomas Field VanMeter II
Dr. Ruth McNeill Vaughn
Stephen P. and Betty P. Wiseman
Annual Gifts of $2,500-$4,999
Anonymous 3
Kent B. Alexander and Diane Z. Alexander
Diane Z. Alexander MD, PC
Drs. Douglas and Sheila W. Allen
Alpharetta Animal Hospital
Jonathan R. Anderson
Banfield, The Pet Hospital
Lucy Worthington Bartlett
Karen Beardslee
Dr. Felicia Berkowitz
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health
Leon Grayson Brown
Heather Buras
Bill Connolly
Ken Coor
Coor Technical Services, Inc.
Dr. Kenny Crawford
Dutch Fork Animal Hospital
Don Faso
Fayette Veterinary Medical Center
Susan L. Forehand
Georgia Dressage & Combined Training
Association Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. James Bruce Gates Jr.
Michael S. Gelb
Jane E. Hirsch and Jane Lucy Fluet
The IAMS Company
Linda Ayers Knorr
Lawndale Veterinary Hospital
Lawrenceville Kennel Club, Inc.
Martinez Animal Hospital
Meadow Veterinary Hospital
Dr. Danny Migliorisi
Scott David Miller and Keira Libman Miller
Dr. Mark Douglas Mosher
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Muller
Drs. Flynn and Susan Nance
Thomas George Nemetz and
Susan Hopkins Nemetz
Nestle Purina PetCare
Newnan Kennel Club
Dr. Elizabeth Ellen Niciu
Novartis Animal Health U.S., Inc.
Nutramax Laboratories, Inc.
David Forehand Park Foundation
Powers Ferry Animal Hospital
Dr. Scott Richter and Kim Richter
Dr. Alice Runk
Dr. Claude H. Schumpert
Dr. John Newman Sexton and
Jeanne Newman Sexton
Simmons Educational Fund
Drs. John A. and Emily M. Smith
Thomas Andrew and Zan Harvill Smith
South Athens Animal Clinic
Dr. Harriet Elizabeth Sowell
Sprayberry Animal Hospital PC
Sterling Creek Enterprises
Student Chapter of The AVMA
Tara Foods, LLC
Deborah and Don Theall
Dr. Laura Jane Twedt
Dr. Karyn Waterman
West Ashley Veterinary Clinic
James Burpee Wilkes and Cindy Wilkes
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Woods
Dr. Meg Carriere Wright
Dr. W. Michael Younker and Terri King Younker
Annual Gifts: $1,000-$2,499
Georgia English Bulldog Rescue Inc.
Abbott Laboratories
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Adams Jr.
John and Breckyn Alexander
Dr. Rebecca Allen and Mr. Michael R. Allen
Dr. Erin Allgood
Dr. Lara Lee Allison and Dr. Perry H. Jameson
Dr. and Mrs. Ivan R. Alvarado
American Express Foundation
American Veterinary Medical Association
Drs. Aric and Linda Applewhite
Dr. and Mrs. Charlton P. Armstrong III
Aruvek Investments, Inc.
Auxiliary to The Georgia Veterinary Medical
AVMA Group Health and Life Insurance Trust
Mr. Roy L. Ayers
Joseph William Bartges
Dr. Robert H. Batchelor and
Betty Lou Riley Batchelor
Dr. and Mrs. Needham B. Bateman III
Dr. Elizabeth Isabel Bauer
Drs. Gary and Margaret R. Baxter
Dr. Richard B. Best
Drs. Joanne Blum and Michael Hardy
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Boggess III
Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Bohn
Boiling Springs Animal Clinic
Dr. Martha Bosworth
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Bowen
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Bowman
Dr. Tiffany Boyette
Dr. Roy E. Brogdon
Brookwood Animal Hospital
Gary S. Brown, DVM
Dr. and Mrs. George S. Bryant
Dr. Nancy J. Buchinski and Mr. Joe Buchinski
Dr. Angela S. Bushway and Mr. Gregory Bushway
Dr. Michelle Jude DeHaven and Mr. Robert E. Byrd
Canine Club
John Capozzi and Jeanne Capozzi
Dr. Karen Paige Carmichael and Mr. John Ahee
Douglas E. Carnes and Patricia Kay Carnes
David McCrea Carpenter and
Mirta Armas Carpenter
Dr. Jerry L. Case and Mrs. Brenda H. Case
Case Veterinary Hospital, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Francis W. Chandler Jr.
Drs. Kevin L. and Sue W. Chapman
Chattahoochee Weimaraner Club, Inc.
Clairmont Animal Hospital
J. David and Maureen D. Clapperton
Dr. and Mrs. Keith E. Miller
Cleveland Veterinay Hospital Brogdon and
Williams PC
Dr. Steve Cohn
Dr. Mark A. Collins
Conyers Animal Hospital
Conyers Kennel Club
Dr. Charlene B. Cook and Mr. Byron F. Cook
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Randall Corry
Cottingham Veterinary Hospital
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Cottingham
Covidien Animal Health
Phyllis Causey Craft and Ken Craft Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Crawford
Cumberland Animal Clinic
Stephanie Cumming
Dr. Margaret Leigh Dasher
Dr. Briana Rae Davis
Dr. Edsel D. Davis and Mrs. Shannon Davis
Jacinda K. DeRoy
Dr. and Mrs. Dan T. Domingo
Douglasville Kennel Club Inc.
Dunwoody Animal Medical Center P.C.
Duquesne University
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Durham, Jr.
Derek S. Duval and Julie M. Duval
Dr. Christopher Marc Elder and
Ms. Amy Leigh Tobias
Elder Veterinary Services PC dba Shoal Creek
Animal Clinic
John J. Ellington
Billy J. and Shari S. English
Loretta Espadas
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Eubanks
Dr. Thomas G. Fansher and Janet Fansher
Dr. Stephen D. Fisch and Kelley C. Fisch
Five Points Animal Clinic
Foothills Veterinary Associates, PC
Dr. Cynthia J. Fordyce
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Freeman Jr.
Friarsgate Animal Hospital
Dr. D. T. Gamble and Ginny B. Gamble
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Garrett III
Genentech Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Gent II
Georgia Power Foundation
Glacier Animal Hospital, Inc.
Drs. Steven and Susan Taylor Glenn
Leigh E. Glerum DVM, Inc.
Leigh E. Glerum and Kyle A. Glerum
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Glisson
Dr. and Mrs. Blaine P. Godley
Dr. Karen Bernhards Gold
Goldman Sachs & Company
Grace Animal Hospital & Pet Lodge
John Bynum Grant III and Linda-Rae Grant
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Gratzek
Dr. Christopher D. Grice
Griffin Georgia Kennel Club
Dr. Karen Burns Grogan
Dr. Raymond Edward Habermann III
Hamilton County Veterinary Medical Association
Dr. Jason Todd Hammer
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Hamner
Hannahs Mill Animal Hospital, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Harden
Dr. Elizabeth Hardie
Katharine Hardin
Bobbie D. Wagoner and David F. Harris
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Aaron Hart III
Dr. Robert L. Hatch
John Edson Hayes and Barbara Hayes
Dr. Brock Hendrix
Dr. John Wells Henke
Hickory Flat Animal Hospital
Hillcrest Animal Hospital, LLC
Harold Hirsch Scholarship Fund
Gary Holfinger
Dr. Marian Shuler Holladay and
Mr. Brian M. Holladay
Horner & Nash, DVM, P.C.
Samuel W. Horner III DVM PC.
William G. Horton and Jean K. Horton
House to House
Houston Lake Animal Hospital
Drs. Tyler and Kim L. Huhman
Dr. Lois Hunkele
Drs. Joel D. and Donna Elizabeth Hunter
Dr. William S. Hunter and Mrs. Patricia Link Hunter
Ann Victoria Hurst
Drs. David and Shannon Colvin Hurst
Bert Jacobs and Nancy Jacobs
Edna P. Jacobsen Charitable Trust for Animals, Inc.
Edward Jennings Jr. and Karen Jennings
Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Lacy Johnson III
Dr. Emily Johnson
Jerry H. Johnson and Patricia White Johnson
Dr. Stephen L. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Jordan
Gail E. Jordan
Drs. Jeff and Stephanie B. Jordan
Pete Kaperonis and Kymberly Cantrell
Mr. Javier Kassel
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Kaufman
Bil-Jac Foods, Inc.
Mr. Raymond Kelly
Dr. Jennifer Keuten
Mr. Martin E. Kilpatrick Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph D. King
Alexis T. Kirijan and Fred Joel Kirijan
Ms. Stephanie J. Kirijan
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Stanley H. Kleven and Kathleen B. Kleven
Dr. Melissa A. Kling-Newberry
Travis Wesley Knight and
Dr. Miranda Cochran Knight
Timothy F. Koby, DVM
Dr. and Mrs. Marc Kraus
Dr. Dolores J. Kunze
Lake Harbin Animal Hospital
Lake Oconee Animal Hospital Inc.
Lakeside Animal Hospital
Jennings and Suzy Lambeth
Land O’Lakes Farmland Feed LLC
Langford & Veitch, DVM PA
Dr. and Mrs. David Langford
Dr. Mark Brian Lawson and Laura B. Lawson
Dr. and Ms. Charles D. Lee
Lee Highway Animal Hospital
Dr. Jeanne Marie Lejeune
* deceased donor
Doris Marie Miller-Liebl, DVM
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Wood Lindsey
Dr. Timothy Patrick Loonam and
Mrs. Betsy Fidler Loonam
The Lovett School
Phil D. Lukert and Cherie A. Lukert
Drs. Michael J. and Mary Lee Lynch
Dr. Ginger Macaulay
Dr. Brenda H. Manley and Mr. Greg Manley
Dr. Kelly Alan Mann
Mar-Jac Poultry, Inc.
Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. May
Dr. Tiffany McAllister
Dr. John E. McCarty and Mrs. Valerie McCarty
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. McCaskill
Heidi McClain
Dr. and Mrs. James R. McClearen
Dr. Carla Case McCorvey and Mr. David P.
Dr. Katharine Louise McDuffee
Dr. and Mrs. William L. McGee
Dr. John P. M. McGrath
McLean Animal Hospital Inc.
Donald T. McNeill Jr.
D T McNeill Foundation
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Keith E. Miller
Mills Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Zachary Taylor Mills
Dr. Andres F. Montoya
Dr. and Mrs. Mervin Eugene Moon
James N. Moore, DVM, PhD and
Dr. Cynthia Trim Moore
J. Arthur Mozley and Tammy G. Mozley
Dr. Eric Mueller
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duane Mullis
Dr. Jeffrey Mundell
Dr. Jimmy C. Nash
National Hills Animal Hospital
Nature’s Earth Products, Inc.
Dr. Melvin Asher Newell III
Dr. Jodi Nichols
John Wayne Norris
Northside-Wesleyan Animal Hospital, PC
Dr. Nancy Harbach Olano
Dr. Julia Lee Partin
James F. Peddie
Dr. Deborah Perzak
Dr. Nicholas Wiley Petty
Pharr Road Animal Hospital
Dr. Edward H. Phillips and Lanita Phillips
Drs. Edward R. and Debbie A. Pinson
Preston Animal Hospital, PA
Prince Agri Products, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Rabon Jr.
Dr. Megan Reily
Riverside Animal Hospital
Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Roberson
Diane Elizabeth Roberts
Dr. Edith Martin Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Rogers
Dr. R. Gary Roop
Roswell Street Properties
Dr. and Mrs. Ira G. Roth
Dr. Jaime Ruiz
P. Alan Rutter
Dr. Susan McLaren Ryan
Dr. Tracey Sellers Sasher
Satterfield Agency, Inc.
Mr. Scott R. Satterfield
Sawnee Mountain Kennel Club of Georgia, Inc.
Shallowford Animal Hospital
Dr. Joseph W. Sharp and Janice Chandler Sharp
Grace Shearon Memorial Foundation
Dr. Kevin and Laura Shuler
Dr. Beverley Morse Slonina
Smith Animal Hospital
Dr. Ben B. and Susan P. Smith
Dr. Felix Marion Smith Jr.
Dr. Michael Franklin Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sosebee
South Dakota Veterinary Medical Assoc.
South Forsyth Animal Hospital
South Georgia Veterinary Medical Assoc.
Dr. David Hagood Spearman
St. Andrews Animal Clinic
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Still
Synbiotics Corporation
The Poultry Federation Lab
Dr. Sidney Smith Tison IV and Carol Benton Tison
Dr. Regina Toner
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Troutman
Dr. and Mrs. David E. Tyler
Julie Velchoff Feibelman Vargas and
Oscar L. Vargas
Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. Veitch
Dr. Kurt R. Venator
Veterinary Business Management Association
Veterinary Specialty Care
The Vets Animal Hospital PC
Ms. Terri Ann Votava
Dr. Julie Watkins
Wells Fargo Foundation
Westover Animal Hospital, LLC
Dr. Gaines White
Hoke and Margaret Wilder
Dr. Frank M. Williams
Dr. Orlando C. Williams and Dr. Susan Williams
Dr. Arve Lee Willingham III
Dr. and Mrs. Michael David Wills
Dr. Steven Craig Winokur and
Dr. Sherri Teresa Almand
Dr. Allison Witherow
Woodruff Road Animal Hospital
Dr. Craig S. and Allison J. Yeomans
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Justin Zager
Dr. and Mrs. Noam D. Zelman
Class of 1951
10% participation
Dr. Wiley J. Greenway Jr. (8)
Class of 1952
Class of 1953
38.46% participation
*Dr. Hugh Watson Armstrong
Dr. Albert C. Benson Jr.
Dr. Edward Garner
Dr. Norfleet Ward Midyette (8)
Dr. Harold Eugene Stinson (9)
Class of 1954
20.83% participation
Dr. Horace Guy Blalock Jr. (9)
Dr. J. Curtis Branch Jr. (8)
*Dr. Spencer Horton Morrison
Dr. Stonewall Jackson Shirley
Dr. Donald Townsend Walbert
Class of 1955
18.51% participation
Dr. Tony M. Allen
Dr. Ralph Edward Ayers (2)
Dr. Donald Taylor Barnes
Dr. Roger Gary Roop (2)
Dr. Walker Sneed Thompson (7)
Class of 1956
13.04% participation
Dr. Robert Dwight Peterson (2)
Dr. David Hagood Spearman (11)
Dr. Henry Alan Virts (2)
Class of 1957
16.66% participation
Dr. John Metcalf Bowen (29)
Dr. Claude William Carraway Jr. (2)
Dr. Roland Tollison Rogers (3)
Dr. Walter Thomas Stinson (9)
Dr. Henry David Stone (2)
Class of 1958
28.57% participation
DVM Alumni Consecutive
Dr. John Edgar Awalt
Dr. Robert Henry Batchelor (5)
Giving by Classes
Dr. Alice Mewborn Dreesen (10)
Alumni of the College who have made gifts
Dr. Thomas Henry Eleazer (11)
from July 1, 2010—June 30, 2011. No number
Dr. Sidney Alton Ewing (2)
beside a name indicates a first-year gift or a
break in sequential giving. Dr. Matthew Page Mackay-Smith
Dr. Patrick Monroe Morgan
Dr. John Morgan Springs Jr. (14)
Class of 1950
Dr. Billye Redmon Vickers (6)
Dr. Harry E. Walburg Jr.
8.33% participation
Dr. Theodore G. Westmoreland (11)
Dr. Calvin Marion Davis
Dr. Billy Hillman Wingfield
Class of 1959
24.32% participation
Dr. John Plunket Bohanan (4)
Dr. James Robert Duncan (8)
Dr. James Malcolm Kling (11)
Dr. William P. Knox III
Dr. Donald Woody McMillian Sr. (4)
Dr. Sara Jane Uhrich Moore
Dr. William H. Pryor Jr. (27)
Dr. Edwin Tanner Still (32)
Dr. Garrett W. Thornton Jr. (8)
Class of 1960
24.44% participation
Dr. Henry Morris Anderson (3)
Dr. William H. H. Clark
Dr. David Walter Dreesen (10)
Dr. David Robert Fulton (8)
Dr. Jay Willard Gilpin (2)
Dr. Gerald Bentley Guest
Dr. Charles E. Hamner Jr. (2)
Dr. John Martin Herrmann (7)
Dr. Daryl Clyde Johnson
Dr. Berry Whitworth Moore
Dr. Jack Riley Whittaker (17)
Class of 1961
27.50% participation
Dr. James Derrell Clark (4)
Dr. Walter Carlisle Cottingham (11)
Dr. Robert Harris Durham (2)
Dr. James Warren Eubanks (2)
Dr. W. David Fletcher (2)
Dr. Glynn Henry Frank (14)
Dr. Ralph Donald King
Dr. James David Peeples (2)
Dr. James R. Pick (2)
Dr. Edward L. Roberson (9)
Dr. James Ernest Strickland (3)
Class of 1962
20.51% participation
Dr. Henry Edmond Bohn (5)
Dr. Robert James Eckroade (5)
Dr. Howard Guy Fader (2)
Dr. Dagmar E. Frank (14)
Dr. James Wiley Palmer Jr. (7)
Dr. Annie K. Prestwood (4)
Dr. Richard Donald Tally (4)
Dr. Donald Warren Waldrip (2)
Class of 1963
19.23% participation
Dr. John Edson Hayes
Dr. Jerry Holmes Johnson (2)
Dr. William O. May Jr.
Dr. Edward Hickman Phillips
Dr. James Walter Ramsay (7)
Dr. Henry Allen Brubaker
Dr. Marvin Randall Clayton (4)
Dr. Horace Ray Dunahoo
Dr. John Travis Ervin
Dr. Dan Harold Fincher
Dr. Oscar Jasper Fletcher (5)
Dr. George Thomas Holder
Dr. Joseph William Sharp (23)
Dr. Richard Carroll Simmonds
Dr. David Cosby Tribby
Class of 1965
6.25% participation
Dr. William John Johnston (17)
Dr. Richard Harold Long
Dr. William N. Reeves (15)
29.41% participation
Class of 1970
18.18% participation
Dr. Lucy Clark Bruckner (8)
Dr. Steve Conboy (9)
Dr. Edsel Dennis Davis (18)
Dr. John Philip Donahoe (3)
Dr. John Bynum Grant III
Dr. Jerry Alvin Hinn (4)
Dr. Roy Wood Lindsey (4)
*Dr. Leonard Eugene Morton (2)
Dr. Arthur Serwitz (4)
Dr. Jesse Albert Webster
Class of 1966
34.14% participation
Dr. Carl Gerard Brown (3)
Dr. Grayson Brown (20)
Dr. Billy Dean Connolly (6)
Dr. Larry Randall Corry (14)
Dr. James Bruce Gates Jr. (13)
Dr. J. C. Hines (32)
Dr. Joseph Thomas Horman (8)
Dr. William Hunter (13)
Dr. William G. McCart (22)
Dr. William Lee McGee (2)
Dr. Charles G. McLeod Jr. (2)
Dr. John Girardeau Murray III (8)
Dr. Harry Windell Taylor
Dr. George Edward Washington
Class of 1967
25.64% participation
Dr. Daniel L. Bowman
Dr. Richard H. Bruner (5)
Dr. Francis W. Chandler Jr. (3)
Dr. Stanley Lewis Cohen (2)
Dr. Ralph Buford Garrett III (5)
Dr. Samuel Watson Horner III (24)
Dr. Ronald Joseph Komich (13)
Dr. John Cecil Sundstrom (23)
Dr. William David Thompson (32)
Dr. James Burpee Wilkes (20)
Class of 1968
21.42% participation
Dr. Danny Thomas Allen (8)
Dr. Calvin Elwood Anthony (5)
Dr. Thomas S. Boggess III
Dr. Ralph Leo Buckel Jr. (16)
Dr. Charles William Graham (26)
Dr. Earl Hinton Janney Jr. (26)
Dr. Michael James Lynch (14)
Dr. Mary E. Mainster (12)
Dr. William John Price Jr.
Class of 1969
Class of 1964
Dr. Mary Ellrich Lynch (14)
Dr. Edward Gans Senker (2)
Dr. James Cowan Waggoner (12)
Dr. Wilbur Leroy Wise (2)
10.41% participation
Dr. Charles Gary Bullard (18)
Class of 1971
12.72% participation
Dr. Needham B. Bateman III (14)
Dr. Joyce Rudisill Donahoe (3)
Dr. Glenn Wayne Jones (7)
Dr. Charles Dewitt Lee (4)
Dr. Harvey Arnold Phillips
Dr. James S. Walker (2)
Dr. James Robert Woods (9)
Class of 1972
16.36% participation
Dr. David I. Byers (8)
Dr. Graham Odell Dalton Jr. (5)
Dr. Robert Bruce Hollett (16)
Dr. Robert E. McCaskill (3)
Dr. James Roy Rabon Jr.
Dr. Ray Jordan Randall (6)
Dr. Charles Davies Richards (17)
Dr. Michael Edward Wiggers
Dr. Robert Duane Zenoble
Class of 1973
19.64% participation
Dr. Samuel R. Adams Jr.
Dr. Cleve Reynolds Bridges (2)
Dr. Roy Edsel Brogdon Jr. (21)
Dr. Donald Ford Campbell
Dr. Jeffrey Thomas Davis (12)
Dr. Joseph Eugene Hill (17)
Dr. Patrick Lloyd Hitchcock (6)
Dr. Ralph Edward Hitt (9)
Dr. Merrill P. Irvin (11)
Dr. Rhodnick Booker Lowe (5)
Dr. William Rowland Maslin III (4)
Class of 1974
17.74% participation
Dr. Edward B. Breitschwerdt (2)
Dr. Raymond Harold Craft (3)
Dr. Wilmer Robert Davis
Dr. Clyde Warner Jordan (8)
Dr. Kenneth Stuart Latimer
Dr. Jasper William Martin III
Dr. James Russell McClearen (2)
Dr. Carolyn Carlson McLarty
Dr. Reed Thomas Rollo Jr. (2)
Dr. William C. Slocumb III (15)
Dr. James Milford Thurber (11)
Dr. Earl Thomas Sheppard (7)
Dr. James Ivey Smith
Dr. Phyllis H. Sparling (17)
Dr. Dale Howard Sprenkel (21)
Dr. James Edward Thomas (14)
Dr. Michael Morton Veitch (24)
Class of 1975
21.31% participation
Dr. Jerry Lynn Case (17)
Dr. Robert Tayloe Dennis (4)
Dr. Henry Aaron Hart III (7)
Dr. David William Highsmith
Dr. James Maynard Holcombe (10)
Dr. Pamela B. Luther
Dr. Samuel Joseph Lyle
Dr. Richard Lynn Price
Dr. George William Rauton III (9)
Dr. George Arthur Rilling III
Dr. John Andrew Smith (22)
Dr. Robert John Smith Jr.
Dr. Steven Carl Wells
Class of 1976
24.59% participation
Dr. Richard Lawrence Cotton (2)
Dr. Thomas Dale Edmonds (8)
Dr. Thomas Byrne Huddleston
Dr. Nancy Hughston
Dr. Dolores J. Kunze (12)
Dr. Joseph Arthur May (4)
Dr. Henry Earle McDaniel Jr. (5)
Doris Marie Miller-Liebl, DVM, PHD (29)
Dr. Kenneth Duane Mullis
Dr. Nancy Lee Newman (2)
Dr. Thomas Richard Nickerson (6)
Dr. Susan Winston Prasse (29)
Dr. William Doyle Watson (3)
Dr. Frank M. Williams (21)
Dr. David Arthur Wilson (7)
Class of 1977
15.49% participation
Dr. John William Bembry
Dr. Richard Beverly Best
Dr. Karen Bernhards Gold
Dr. James Knox Hilliard Jr. (7)
Dr. Ann Victoria Hurst
Dr. David George Langford (24)
Dr. Alfred Robert Liebl (29)
Dr. Scott Richter (21)
Dr. Robert Brian Sindler
Dr. Justin Harvey Straus (5)
Dr. Roger Jay Troutman (11)
Class of 1978
16.45% participation
Dr. James Daniel Brogdon
Dr. Charles Alan Burdette
Dr. Karl Kay Dockery Jr. (7)
Dr. Michael Paul Good (5)
Dr. Henry Bradford Inglesby
Dr. William Thomas Riddle (9)
Dr. John Newman Sexton (12)
Class of 1979
23.45% participation
Dr. Andrew Paul Berman
Dr. Joanne R. Blum (4)
Dr. Fred Bailey Gent II (13)
Dr. Robert Adair Griffith III (2)
Dr. Roderick Joel Hardee (4)
Dr. Glen Barksdale Haynes
Dr. Susan Rae Giles Haynes
Dr. George William Hofmann Jr.
Dr. Ross Douglas McKinlay (2)
Dr. Janis Ruth Messenheimer-Hatch (2)
Dr. Billy Charles Myers (9)
Dr. Victoria Elaine Newell (2)
Dr. Katherine Spears Paul
Dr. Amanda Stewart Reeve (31)
Dr. Robert M. Sheegog Jr.
Dr. Michael Elliott Sink (8)
Dr. Craig S. Yeomans (4)
Dr. Patricia Nell Young-Herrington (19)
Dr. Michael Justin Zager (8)
Class of 1980
16.04% participation
Dr. Kenneth Lamar Angel (2)
Dr. Beth Ann Caldwell (15)
Dr. Shelley Virginia Ching (3)
Dr. Kenneth L. Currie (7)
Dr. John Robert Glisson (9)
Dr. Janice Sosnowski Nichol (10)
Dr. Patricia Lane Petelle (17)
Dr. Douglas Stewart Piper
Dr. Felix Marion Smith Jr. (2)
Dr. Michael Joseph Topper (8)
Dr. Barbara Kott Vogler
Dr. Duane Arthur Woodburn (12)
Dr. Norma Smith Woodburn (12)
Class of 1981
31.64% participation
Dr. Wayne Ian Anderson
Dr. William Herman Avra
Dr. Gayle Susan Donner (3)
Dr. Margaret Marie Douglass
Dr. Thomas G. Fansher (21)
Dr. Cynthia Josephine Fordyce (12)
Dr. Earl Michael Gaughan (2)
Dr. Richard Edmund Henshaw (12)
Dr. Mark Wayne Honaker
Dr. Robert Roland Lafferty (12)
Dr. Luke Blair Lipham
Dr. Kathleen Nixon McAnally (3)
Dr. Kevin Michael McGinn
Dr. William Greg McLeod
Dr. Mark Douglas Mosher (25)
Dr. Thomas George Nemetz (10)
Dr. Grant Patrick Nisson
Dr. Tony Alan Puglisi (24)
Dr. Mark Daniel Sease (5)
Dr. R. Mark Simpson
Dr. Cynthia P. Smith (21)
Dr. Emily Meriwether Smith (22)
Dr. Nelwyn Louise Stone
Dr. Pamela George Stone
Dr. Charles Hansel Wood Jr.
Class of 1982
25% participation
Dr. Patrick Andrew Bremer (3)
Dr. Thomas Michael Burke (2)
Dr. Robert David Cohen (3)
Dr. Harry Lee Cunningham III
Dr. Steven William Dow
Dr. Stephen D. Fisch (14)
Dr. Anne Gavin (5)
Dr. Randall H. Hinshaw
Dr. Harold McSwain Mauldin Jr. (6)
Dr. Vivian Dellinger McWilliams
Dr. Mervin Eugene Moon
Dr. Kathy Gene O’Neal (4)
Dr. Mel Richardson (4)
Dr. Cherlyn Sherwood Roberts (8)
Dr. Linda Ryder
Dr. Katherine Anne Shaughnessy (5)
Dr. Walter Cecil Smith (4)
Dr. Janet Lynn Turner (6)
Dr. K. Derek Wessinger (7)
Dr. William Michael Younker (8)
Class of 1983
30.23% participation
Dr. Lucy Worthington Bartlett
Dr. Fredrick Lyman Blackmar (2)
Dr. Stuart Edwin Burnett Jr.
Dr. Debra Anne Geoghegan Call
Dr. Doris Cook Cato
Dr. Kenneth Lee Cato
Dr. Randy Sardonia Custer (5)
Dr. Alita Makowski Daniell
Dr. John Bennett Dunlap (2)
Dr. Kathleen Marie Harper
Dr. Lynn Jarrett Hawkins
Dr. Eric Lee Jensen
Dr. Cecil Lacy Johnson III (24)
Dr. Robert Ray Kennedy Jr.
Dr. David Bird Kicklighter (20)
Dr. Melissa Anne Kling-Newberry (15)
Dr. Leslie Reynaud Lynch (2)
Dr. David Mann (24)
Dr. Thomas Reid McArthur
Dr. Catherine Louise McClelland (8)
Dr. R. Flynn Nance (22)
Dr. Roxanne Levinson Pettit (9)
Dr. Debbie Ann Pinson (14)
Dr. Patricia A. Brunton Scharko
Dr. Thomas Andrew Smith (24)
Dr. Stephen Paul Wiseman (2)
Class of 1984
32.18% participation
Dr. Mitchell Kyle Barnes (2)
Dr. David Rex Bowen (8)
Dr. E. Y. Braught (8)
Dr. Charles Timothy Broussard (4)
Dr. Gary Steven Brown (4)
Dr. Marcia Ann Carothers-Rukavina (4)
Dr. Karen Sela Clark
Dr. Reuben Thompson Flanders
Dr. Deborah Ann Frank
Dr. Donald Thomas Gamble
Dr. Steven Eugene Glenn (4)
Dr. Susan Taylor Glenn (4)
Dr. Amanda Lee Smith Hodges
Dr. Charles Elliot London
Dr. Ginger Durham Macaulay (14)
Dr. Nina Nahamies Marano (8)
Dr. Keith Emerson Miller (5)
Dr. Zachary Taylor Mills
Dr. Peter Julius Muller III (2)
Dr. Lee Minish Myers (9)
Dr. Susan Aldridge Nance (22)
Dr. Karen Kay Bowen Padgett
Dr. Steven Mardis Pifer (8)
Dr. Reginald Allen Ridenhour (13)
Dr. Beverley Morse Slonina (9)
Dr. Nell Dopson Tillis (8)
Dr. Sharon White (10)
Class of 1985
23.8% participation
Dr. Donna Gale Adams (8)
Dr. Amy Borenstein Ayers (17)
Dr. Matthew Grant Callahan (9)
Dr. Charlene Marie Brown Cook (2)
Dr. Carla Griswell Courtney (7)
Dr. Michelle Jude DeHaven (17)
Dr. Mark Edwin Epstein (2)
Dr. Harvey Adam Goho (2)
Dr. Lydia Paul Goho (2)
Dr. Elizabeth Anne Hanie
Dr. Herrick Richards Hay
Dr. Thomas Asbury Hutto Jr. (11)
Dr. Stephen Lewis Jones
Dr. Jeffrey Lamont Mundell (4)
Dr. Linda Hamilton Schilkowsky (5)
Dr. Benjamin Baldwin Smith (4)
Dr. John Mark Tarabula
Dr. Sidney Smith Tison IV (10)
Dr. Mary Ann Vande Linde (2)
Dr. Thomas Field VanMeter II (14)
Class of 1986
28.20% participation
Dr. Valerie Huggins Alexander
Dr. Margaret Baxter
Dr. Angela Shurling Bushway
Dr. Gerard Roland Clarke
Dr. Curtis Lamar Crawford (21)
Dr. Glenda Russell Galland
Dr. Tyler Holton Huhman (7)
Dr. Lois Hunkele (7)
Dr. Robert Shannon Jennings
Dr. Brenda Holsenbeck Manley (3)
Dr. Margaret E. Newman-Biggs (2)
Dr. Julia Lee Partin (18)
Dr. Samuel Jonathan Reichman (4)
Dr. Ira Gregg Roth
Dr. David Lee Ruble (3)
Dr. Gaye Rochelle Preis Ruble (3)
Dr. Wayne Patrick Rush (14)
Dr. Robert Todd Sanders (5)
Dr. Carolyn Bitter Silk
Dr. Sandra Jones Stewart (2)
Dr. Arve Lee Willingham III
Dr. Michael Frederick Zink
Class of 1987
23.07% participation
Dr. Joseph William Bartges (2)
Dr. Gregory Franklin Bowers (2)
Dr. Louise Kellam Burpee (15)
Dr. Shari Kuppersmith Cobb (5)
Dr. Kathy Ann Earnest-Koons
Dr. Ann Therese Gratzek (3)
Dr. Cynthia Montgomery Greene (3)
Dr. Donna Elizabeth Hunter
Dr. Joel Dean Hunter
Dr. Diana Jean Lucree (9)
Dr. Elizabeth Dunlop Mangia
Dr. John Edward McCarty (24)
Dr. Jimmy Charles Nash (15)
Dr. Pamela Gaye Parnell
Dr. Amy Jean Plankenhorn (11)
Dr. David Scott Roberts (6)
Dr. Allison Berkeley Wansky
Dr. Holly Hayden Woltz (3)
Class of 1988
27.84% participation
Dr. Sherri Teresa Almand (21)
Dr. Ralph Marcy Askren (21)
Dr. Eve M. Badger (11)
Dr. Roswell S. Bowersett Jr.
Dr. Kevin Lee Chapman (7)
Dr. Mark Jamison Cobb (5)
Dr. Robert Ernest Compton
Dr. Richard Wylie Conger (6)
Dr. Bryan Keith Cribb (4)
Dr. Richard Leigh Duffey Jr.
Dr. Angela Renee Hansard
Dr. Russell Ray Henley
Dr. Norma Kinser Hough (4)
Dr. Randall Jay Itkin (9)
Dr. Kerry Young Jackson (5)
Dr. India Frances Lane (2)
Dr. DeAnne Livingston (4)
Dr. John G. McDevitt
Dr. Constantino V. Nicopoulos
Dr. Sarah Jeanne Owen
Dr. John Walter Warner (2)
Dr. Michael David Wills
Class of 1989
9.09% participation
Dr. Kenneth Tyler Blount (3)
Dr. Nancy J. Cottingham Buchinski (8)
Dr. Forrest Mark Guilloud
Dr. Sally Ann Brown Lanford
Dr. Katharine Louise McDuffee (3)
Dr. Michael Lee Smith (10)
Dr. Steven Craig Winokur (21)
Class of 1990
22.36% participation
Dr. Jeffrey Lee Brantley
Dr. Leslie Michele Brown (5)
Dr. Guy Avery Cheek
Dr. Ryland Branch Edwards III
Dr. Kristine Golder Evans (11)
Dr. Samuel Clark Evans V (11)
Dr. Raymond Edward Habermann III (2)
Dr. Donald West Hamryka
Dr. Kelly Alan Mann
Dr. Roy Anders Mathis
Dr. Rosemarie A. Niznik (3)
Dr. Nancy Harbach Olano
Dr. William John Ricken
Dr. Robert Edward Rowan (2)
Dr. Claude Hutchinson Schumpert (15)
Dr. Robert Foster Springer Jr (5)
Dr. Laura Burrow Youngblood (6)
Class of 1991
23.52% participation
Dr. Raymond Sox Caughman Jr. (8)
Dr. Edward Dennis Crittendon Jr.
Dr. Christopher Raymond Gregory (2)
Dr. Lisa Roach Hillier
Dr. Ann Davis Holshouser
Dr. Gail Jones Kearney
Dr. Franci Mathis Kenney
Dr. Adam Arthur Leff
Dr. Stephen Marion McCarter
Dr. Meredith Ann Oakley (7)
Dr. Diana Dallara Olsen
Dr. Cheryl Schultz O’Neal
Dr. Miguel Hernan Perales (14)
Dr. Michelle Joy Waschak
Dr. Kerry Altera Webster
Dr. Gregory Stuart Winter (13)
Class of 1992
22.38% participation
Dr. Mark James Abdy (10)
Dr. Michael Harvey Andress
Dr. Valerie Diane Benham (2)
Dr. Mary-Elizabeth Turner Ellard (3)
Dr. Catherine Faulconer-Mouat (2)
Dr. Denise Smith Funk (9)
Dr. James Richard Harden (4)
Dr. Jeffrey Eric Jordan
Dr. Stephanie Burns Jordan
Dr. James Douglas Macy Jr.
Dr. Veronica Maldonado (3)
Dr. Ann C. Mayberry-Welch (2)
Dr. Christopher Francis McAteer
Dr. Taffy Shields Rhyne
Dr. Leslie Ann Wilson
Class of 1993
17.39% participation
Dr. Lisa Renee Bennett (2)
Dr. Julian Jefferson Creamer III (12)
Dr. Andrea Roberts Dunnings (3)
Dr. Pedro Jaime Frontera (2)
Dr. John Wells Henke
Dr. Tracy Ann Jagocki (11)
Dr. Michael Larson Knight (7)
Dr. Marc Stephen Kraus
Dr. Mark Brian Lawson (5)
Dr. Christina Leone
Dr. Edward Reid Pinson (14)
Dr. Thomas James Sheridan IV
Class of 1994
18.75% participation
Dr. Bridgitte DeVaughn Araba
Dr. George Scott Bryant
Dr. Brett Warren Burton
Dr. Erin Sydow Burton
Dr. Edward Lawson Holton Jr. (2)
Dr. Elizabeth Harris Johnson
Dr. Melanie Elaine Johnson
Dr. Pamela Jean Kelly
Dr. Harriet Elizabeth Sowell (7)
Dr. Christy Wells Stoffle
Dr. Shannon J. Stoffle
Dr. Melissa Reif Webster
Class of 1995
21.33% participation
Dr. Elizabeth Isabel Bauer (2)
Dr. Bernard Austin Bean Jr.
Dr. David McCrea Carpenter
Dr. Anne Swagler Dagner
Dr. Donovan Charles Dagner
Dr. Gina Davis (10)
Dr. Thomas John Dempsey
Dr. Christopher Warren Griffin (8)
Dr. Lenus Dewayne Hall
Dr. Jason Todd Hammer (2)
Dr. Robert Miller Johnson Jr.
Dr. Tiffany Robertson Lester
Dr. Jane Calhoon Lyttle
Dr. Iris Annette Pinsky
Dr. Debra Lynn Weisman (2)
Dr. Sharon Kay Wong
Class of 1996
13.51% participation
Dr. Stephen Mark Arbitter (2)
Dr. James Francis Bangle (18)
Dr. Leigh Ertel Glerum
Dr. Kimberly Collier Hamer
Dr. Wendy Bird King
Dr. Pam Fornwalt Poe (6)
Dr. Richard Wayne Poe (6)
Dr. Lauren Jean Richey (2)
Dr. Diane Elizabeth Roberts
Dr. Cynthia Awbrey Williams (2)
Class of 1997
14.86% participation
Dr. Jarvis Todd Baker (9)
Dr. Matt Booth
Dr. Deborah S. Dombrowski (3)
Dr. Willis Fuller III
Dr. Scott Gibson (5)
Dr. John Slocum Howland (12)
Dr. Ann Carmichael Meadows
Dr. Walker Aaron Meadows
Dr. Chad Taylor Reynolds (7)
Dr. Joseph Edward Trimmier (6)
Dr. Gregory Michael Novelli (2)
Dr. Deborah Perzak (5)
Dr. Heather Leigh Stevenson Shuler (8)
Dr. Kenneth Cleveland Shuler Jr. (8)
Dr. Laura Jeanine Steadman
Dr. Lauren Crymes Tierney
Dr. Ruth McNeill Vaughn (10)
Dr. Lisa Ann Warren
Dr. Amy Renea Wyatt (6)
Class of 1998
Class of 2002
12.16% participation
Dr. Vanessa Bennison Brooks (2)
Dr. Margaret Leigh Dasher (5)
Dr. Kevin Edward Elliott (2)
Dr. Gina Marlene Krabbendam (3)
Dr. Gordon Lindsay Luke III
Dr. Christopher Fenton Potter (6)
Dr. Joanne Belian Shaw (11)
Dr. Todd Matthew Skeen (2)
Dr. Tracy Lynn Wales
10.25% participation
Dr. Brandy Chantell Bragg
Dr. Rebecca Elizabeth Dixon Stinson (5)
Dr. Ivy Empel Frank
Dr. Laura Smallwood Kelley (2)
Dr. Wesley C. McRae
Dr. Tracey Sellers Sasher
Dr. Maria Theresa Simon (2)
Dr. Donna Marie Thompson (6)
Class of 2003
Class of 1999
21.73% participation
Dr. Alan Lee Barker
Dr. Corrie Wood Barker
Dr. Ernest Todd Benton
Dr. Katherine Benton
Dr. Joseph Ray Blair (3)
Dr. Inna Makovoz Donelan
Dr. Carla Case McCorvey (6)
Dr. Heather A. Morrill (7)
Dr. Michelle Kaplan Myers (2)
Dr. Erica J. Ortiz (5)
Dr. Annie Price (7)
Dr. Erin Becker Trimmier (6)
Dr. Laura Jane Twedt (2)
Dr. Jennifer Susan Wernsing
Dr. Lynn Cook Wilkie (2)
17.85% participation
Dr. Jonathan Read Anderson
Dr. Allison McCarthy Aragon (2)
Dr. Hunter E. Bates (8)
Dr. Lawren Louise Durocher
Dr. Gabriella L. Flacke (2)
Dr. Heidi Sara Gordon (3)
Dr. David Hardy
Dr. David Wayne Hurst Jr. (4)
Dr. Jason Robert Phillips
Dr. Hollie Rachels (6)
Dr. D. Lynne Gallitz Randolph
Dr. Erin Baker Ringstrom (4)
Dr. Edith Martin Rogers (8)
Dr. Chaffin C. Roseberry (2)
Dr. Tricia Starnes (8)
Class of 2004
Class of 2000
9.87% participation
Dr. Cameron Brewer Barkley (7)
Dr. Amy Van Hoff Gillian
Dr. Julie Ann Hayes
Dr. Brett Levitzke (5)
Dr. Timothy Patrick Loonam (5)
Dr. Jay Murphy
Dr. Elizabeth Ellen Niciu (2)
Dr. Chad Weber Schmiedt
Class of 2001
25.33% participation
Dr. Rebecca Colleen Allen (4)
Dr. Dean Dailey (3)
Dr. Bob Ebert (8)
Dr. Erin Suzanne Groover (2)
Dr. Lori Dukes Horne
Dr. Jeanne Marie Lejeune
Dr. Whitney Heinsma Lyman
Dr. Michael S. Marshall (10)
Dr. Scott David Miller (6)
Dr. Rebecca Dahm Nostrand
18.39 %participation
Dr. William Edwin Baldwin (5)
Dr. Janette Lynn Blackwood (5)
Dr. Kathryn Groover Bohman (2)
Dr. Jill Renee Lancaster (7)
Dr. Amy Mccanless Lawson
Dr. Shannon Cook Miller (6)
Dr. William Lynan Otis (6)
Dr. Brad Clinton Phillips (6)
Dr. Kibbie Richardson Ringer (6)
Dr. Robert David Sanfilippo
Dr. Jeffrey Shelton Stortz (8)
Dr. Robin Ellen Sturtz (3)
Dr. Mary Ashley Tharp
Dr. Emily Lauren Watry (5)
Dr. Kevin Joseph Weis (3)
Dr. Lauren Lynn Zaleski
Class of 2005
15.85% participation
Dr. Elizabeth Busch (4)
Dr. Christopher Stewart Cousins (2)
Dr. Briana Rae Davis (2)
Dr. Amanda Marie Hall (6)
Dr. Toni Nicole Hardie (3)
Dr. Melissa C. Harford (2)
Dr. Marian Shuler Holladay (6)
Dr. Deborah Diane Joiner (6)
Dr. James Michael Kelly (7)
Dr. Daniel Rutland Pike
Dr. Bradley Jordan Turner
Dr. Joshua Hans Von Szalatnay (4)
Dr. Julia Kay Williamson (3)
Class of 2006
14.77% participation
Dr. Dean Allen Campbell
Dr. Thomas Howard Edwards
Dr. Alison Katherine Forrest
Dr. Clayton Monroe Leathers
Dr. Valerie Bishop Leathers
Dr. Stephanie Halminski Ledden
Dr. Deborah Suzanne Ludlow
Dr. Elizabeth Ballard Mackey
Dr. Rocky Milton Mason
Dr. Kristen Remlinger McFarland
Dr. Shawn Louis Williamson (3)
Dr. Meg Carriere Wright (5)
Dr. Laura Ann Yetzina
Class of 2007
3.19% participation
Dr. Jonathan David Dear (2)
Dr. Catherine Veal Lane
Dr. Matthew Robert Arnstein Roper (2)
Class of 2008
11.45% participation
Dr. Stanley Bill Baker
Dr. Grace Ho Yen Chan
Dr. Christopher Marc Elder (2)
Dr. Owen Thompson Fink (2)
Dr. John Oakes Houghton (3)
Dr. Lisa Steadman Kelly
Dr. Elizabeth Adine Laminack
Dr. Lindsay Boozer Moffitt
Dr. Shelly Jane Olin
Dr. Julie Lynn Scaccia
Dr. Virginia L. Walters
Class of 2009
6.25% participation
Dr. Julia Mary Brugliera
Dr. Dessie Dewitt Carter Jr.
Dr. Patricia Moyer Haskins (2)
Dr. Caitriona Erlandson Matthews
Dr. Jennifer Cadieu Pirie
Dr. Julie Velchoff Feibelman Vargas
Class of 2010
3.19% participation
Dr. Phillip Eugene Carey (2)
Dr. Erin Ford Doiron
Dr. Timothy Allan Jackson
Class of 2011
3.22% participation
Dr. William Houston Gholston
Dr. Abbie Lynn Speas
Dr. Tiffany Nicole Umlauf
Class of 2014
1.86% participation
Ms. Savannah Joann Landrum
Ms. Christina Marie Parr
Alumni with graduate degrees from the College
who have made gifts from July 1, 2010–June 30,
Dr. Douglas Allen Jr. (9)
Dr. Sheila Wilson Allen (9)
Dr. Aric Applewhite (5)
Dr. Linda Applewhite (5)
Dr. Randy Basinger (15)
Dr. Cathy Ann Brown
Dr. Scott Alan Brown
Mr. Jose Juan Bruzual (2)
Dr. Karen Paige Carmichael (4)
Dr. John Rufus Cole Jr.
Dr. Charles Michael Corsiglia (3)
Mr. Jeffery J. Courtney (2)
Dr. Sean Leigh Coy (2)
Dr. James Michael Crum
Dr. Margaret Leigh Dasher (4)
Dr. Kurt Neeley Dobson (2)
Dr. Deborah S. Dombrowski (3)
Dr. Dan Torres Domingo
Dr. Patricia Ann Dunn (3)
Dr. Derek S. Duval
Dr. Julie M. Duval
Dr. Kenneth Martin Greenwood
Dr. Robinette Walthall Gilbert
Dr. Karen Burns Grogan (2)
Dr. Walter Scott Hafner
Dr. Elizabeth Lee Mills Hardie (4)
Dr. William Walton Hewat (2)
Dr. Donna Hill (2)
Dr. Perry Jameson
Dr. Spencer A. Johnston (2)
Dr. Elleen Katigbak (2)
Dr. James Carl Keith Jr. (3)
Dr. Joel Ross Leininger (8)
Dr. Robert Kianbie Liauw
Dr. Gaye Lynne Luna
Dr. Wendy Medders Macke (3)
Dr. Patrick Charles McCaskey
Dr. Heidi McClain
Dr. John Patrick M. McGrath (5)
Dr. Darko Mitevski (2)
Dr. Andres F. Montoya (2)
Dr. Phillip A. Moore (2)
Dr. Per Olaf Eric Mueller (4)
Dr. Melvin Asher Newell III (6)
Dr. Robert Joseph O’Connor
Dr. Patrick Martin Pilkington
Dr. Charles Stephen Roney (4)
Dr. Arturo Gregorio Rosales (2)
Dr. Jaime Ruiz (8)
Dr. Alice Runk (4)
Dr. Jean Elizabeth Sander
Dr. Paul David Sander (3)
Dr. Todd M. Skeen (2)
Dr. Harriet Elizabeth Sowell (7)
Mr. William Alan Stanley (2)
Dr. Sara Throne Steinlage (2)
Dr. Xinzhuan Su
Dr. Stephan Graham Thayer (10)
Dr. Francene Sophia Van Sambeek (2)
Dr. Elizabeth Watson
Dr. Charles Scott Westall (2)
Dr. Susan L. White (2)
Ms. Suzanne Young
Dr. Andrea Sinclair Zedek (4)
Supporters of the College who have
made contributions from July 1, 2010–
June 30, 2011.
Anonymous 8
Ms. Heather Abdy (10)
Ms. Carrie H. Adams
Mrs. Dorothea F. Adams (2)
Mrs. Margaret Adams
Mr. John Ahee (4)
Ms. Karen Alford Aiken (4)
Michael T. Aksamit
Mr. Andrew Alexander and Ms. Lauren Beard
Mr. Billy G. Alexander
John and Breckyn Alexander
Kent B. Alexander and Diane Z. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Alford
Mrs. Anna J. Allen
Ms. Cynthia Allen (8)
Ms. Victoria L. Allen
Mr. W. E. Allen
Dr. Erin Allgood
Ivan R. Alvarado
Ms. Sarah B. Amanek
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Amato (4)
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. David P. Anderson (4)
Mrs. Henry Morris Anderson (3)
Peter J. Anderson and Deborah Dietzler (2)
Ms. Lillian M. Andress
Mr. and Mrs. Wade M. Andrews
Mrs. Bobbi R. Angel (2)
Mrs. Judith L. Anthony (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Anthony
Ms. Anna Maria Apostolopoulos
Dr. Miloud Araba
Jennifer Cathey Arbitter (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Charlton P. Armstrong III (12)
Dr. Lori A. Arrison (2)
Ms. Mary Joy Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Aviles (5)
Mrs. Leslie Avra
Dr. Carla J. Awalt (7)
Mrs. Constance P. Awalt
Roy L. Ayers (2)
Mrs. Theda M. Ayers (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Babson Jr.
Ms. Ann Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Bailey
Ms. Laura Bailey
Mr. Carlton Bain (7)
Ms. Kathy Bakane
Mrs. Kimberly F. Baker
Mrs. Tammy Peters Baker
CAPT and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Baldwin
Jay F. Bangle Jr.
Mrs. Kathleen Reid Bangle (18)
Reid Bangle
Mrs. Sylvia Stovall Bangle (6)
Dr. Kristie Bard
Ms. Lynn Barker
Rupert M. and Susan J. Barkoff
Mr. Benjamin Barks and Ms. Jessica Benjamin
Mrs. Mary C. Barnes
Dr. Randy Basinger (15)
Mrs. Betty Lou Riley Batchelor (5)
Mrs. Joyce Payne Bateman (14)
Mrs. Ellison Lennington Bates (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Baudo
Gary Michael Baxter
Ms. Katherine A. Beacham
Ms. Patricia A. Beal
Ms. Graceann M. Beamish
Karen Beardslee
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Becker Jr.
Ms. Sherri Bell
Mrs. Latrelle H. Bembry
Mr. William D. Bennison and
Mrs. Leslie P. Bennison (13)
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Benton (5)
Ms. Marianne C. Bereza (18)
Dr. Felicia Berkowitz (6)
Mr. Seth Bernstein (2)
Ms. Nancy H. Berry
Ms. Sarah K. Best
Dr. Melanie Bevere (6)
Mrs. Paige R. Beziat
Ms. Lisa Bezzeg (13)
Ms. Cecilia E. Billingsley (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Bird
Dr. Sarah Bird
Ms. Karly R. Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Blackmon (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Blackmon (3)
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Blakeney (5)
Mrs. Doris Blalock (9)
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bloom
Mrs. Cristi Blount (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Blount (3)
Lindley Cheatham Boggess
Mr. Jason Bohman (2)
Mrs. Cindy W. Bohn (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Bonner
Ms. Sharelle Booher
Mrs. Jennifer Booth
Lindsay Ross Boring and L. Katherine Kirkman
Dr. Martha Bosworth (7)
Mrs. Jean Schmidt Bowen (29)
Ms. Joan Bowen
Mrs. Mary W. Bowers (2)
Rev. and Mrs. Samuel B. Bowers III
Mrs. Daniel L. Bowman
Ms. Joanne J. Boyd
Dr. Heyward Boyette (6)
Dr. Tiffany Boyette (6)
Col Dixon R. Boyles, Ret. (2)
Mr. Bill Bradley
Scott Bradley
Ms. Debbie Brady
Dr. Benjamin M. Brainard
Mrs. Frances Devane Branch (8)
Dr. Michael E. Brannon (7)
Ms. Aileen D. Brantley
Ms. Frances Brantley
Mr. Ollan Brantley Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brawner
Mr. Edward Butler Bray
Ms. Laura M. Bray (4)
Ms. Ann Brewer
Ms. Betsy Brewer
Ms. Marti R. Brick
Mrs. Pamela McCormick Bridges (2)
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bridges
Mr. Britt Brinson (2)
Mrs. Frankie R. Broussard (4)
Dr. Cindy Brown (3)
Ms. Linda H. Bruce
Mr. Joe Bruckner (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Bruner
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bruner (5)
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Brunson
Mrs. Brenda D. Bryant (2)
Mrs. Jules Bryant
Ms. Linda L. Bryant
Mr. Joe Buchinski (8)
Mrs. Sara G. Buckel (16)
Dr. Steven C. Budsberg (2)
Mrs. Brenda Landers Bullard (18)
Ms. Heather Buras
Ms. Tracey Burden
Mrs. Judith Bernat Burdette
Miss Katie Burdick
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Burdick
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Burke Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Burnett
Tina Burnett
Ms. Edith W. Burpee
Mrs. Jackie B. Burson
Mr. William S. Busch III (4)
Gregory Bushway
Ms. Betty L. Butler
Ms. Marsha Anne Byrd
Melissa Cady
Dr. Jack Edward Call
Ms. Janet P. Calpin
Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Camillo
Mrs. Amy P. Campbell
Mrs. Belinda Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Campbell Jr.
Ms. Sandra Campbell
Ms. Stephanie Anne Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Campbell
Ms. Donna Cannon
Mr. Brian Canty
John Capozzi and Jeanne Capozzi (10)
Mrs. Meg Fuller Carey (2)
Douglas E. Carnes
Mirta Armas Carpenter
Mrs. Jeanette Richards Carraway (2)
John W. Carroll Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Relmon R. Cartee Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O. Carter Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Casement
Ms. Tarzey Ann Castles-Szoke
Jon Paul Caulfield
Ms. Caren L. Caverly (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Caverly
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cawley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Chambers
Ms. Diane Dix Chandler
Mr. Fred C. Chandler (3)
Mrs. Gloria Barnes Chandler (3)
Mr. Dan Chao
Dr. Sue Watkins Chapman (7)
Ms. Betsy Chaput
Ms. Chelsea Eryn Charapich
Mrs. Mala Charapich
Mrs. Robyn Ickler Cheek
Ms. Emily Rose Chen
Ms. Summer Chun
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Claiborne III
J. David and Maureen D. Clapperton (4)
Mrs. Eleanor Kaye Lilly Clark
Ms. Harriett A. Clark
Mr. James B. Clark
COL Ret and Mrs. James L. Clark Jr.
Mrs. Martha D. Clark (4)
Ms. Sarah K. Clark
Mr. William W. Clark
Mrs. Joan R. Clayton (4)
Ms. Leah Clelland
Ms. Lynn C. Clemmons
Kevin D. and Carol K. Cleveland (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cleveland
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Clutter
Ms. Jeanne Gay Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Coffey
Mrs. Benay C. Coffman (4)
Mr. John K. Coggins
Mr. Seth Michael Cohn
Steve Cohn (3)
Mrs. John Rufus Cole Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Colen
Mr. Alex Coletti
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Collins
Dr. Jessie Collins (2)
Ms. Lori J. Collins
Dr. Mark A. Collins
Mr. Michael J Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Tony J. Combs
Mrs. Andreina Gonzalez Comenares (2)
Ms. Georgia B. Compton
Karen Cone and William L. Cone
Ms. Lynn S. Cone
Ms. Patricia Brunjes Conger (6)
Mrs. Huellen Briscoe Connolly (6)
Siobhan Kathleen Connolly
Byron F. Cook (2)
Ms. Janice A. Cook (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cooney Jr.
Morris Davidson Cooper and
Mrs. Virginia H. Cooper
Robert K. Cooper and Linda Cooper (2)
Mr. Ken Coor
Ms. Candace Corley
Dr. Karen K. Cornell (9)
Mrs. Carleen Kirby Corry (14)
Mr. Seamus Costello
Mrs. Elizabeth D. Cottingham (11)
Dr. and Mrs. Dwight B. Coulter (9)
Ms. Laura Ridge Cousins (2)
Betty Barge Coy (2)
Mrs. Deborah Craft (3)
* deceased donor
Phyllis Causey Craft and Ken Craft Jr. (3)
Ms. Virginia Lee Cranford
Dr. Kenny Crawford (3)
Mrs. Becky Crawford (21)
Ms. Julie A. Creevy
Mrs. Kari C. Cribb (4)
Ms. Kathleen N. Crighton (5)
Mrs. Mary Wofford Crittendon
Dr. Harvey L. Crumm
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Crymes
Ms. Gidget Cubitt (2)
Stephanie Cumming
Mrs. Dawn Cunningham
Mrs. Carmen R. Currie (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Curtis Jr. (3)
Mr. Ray Daniell
Mr. Julian Daniels
Mr. Joshua Edward Darden
Mr. and Mrs. William B. David (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis
Ms. Deborah H. Davis
Mrs. Donna Norton Davis
Mrs. Harriette Peavy Davis
Mrs. Shannon Davis (18)
Mr. Mike Dawkins
Dr. Alan S. Day (7)
Mr. Michael A. de Arellano and Ms. Cora E. Ezzell
Ms. Ann Boyd Deal
Ms. Daphne Deketeleare
Ms. Maria R. DeLanghe
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Dennett (5)
Mrs. Brenda F. Dennis (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Dennis
Ms. Carol Denny
Julie Denton-Schmiedt
Dr. Jacinda K. DeRoy (2)
Ms. Renee de Sibour
Ms. Jennifer M. Dill
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Dingus
Mr. Michael DiOrio and
Ms. Janice L. Mahlberg (11)
Mr. Mark W. Dixon (5)
Mrs. Theresa Purvis Dockery (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Deland Docsol
Mr. Chris Doll and Mrs. Rita Secreast-Doll
Dr. Stefan C. Dombrowski (3)
Ms. Ashley Doolittle
Ms. Charlotte A. Dorsey
Mr. and Mrs. Randy G. Dotson
Bill and Eloise M. Doty
Ms. Lori M. Dressel
Dr. Kathy Drew-Grotheer and
Mr. John H. Grotheer Jr. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrald K. Dreyer
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Duesenberg Jr.
Mrs. Crystal R. Dunahoo
Mrs. Rita Duncan (8)
Mrs. Victoria Nester Dunlap (2)
Mrs. C. W. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dupre
Mrs. Nancie J. Durham (2)
Dr. Michael Jack Dykstra (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John Eckenstein
Mrs. Carlene B. Eckroade (5)
Mrs. Eliane May Edens
Mrs. Bernadette Edmonds (8)
Mr. Bryan Wade Edwards
Carolann Eisenhart, MD (14)
Mrs. Ruth J. Eleazer (11)
Ms. Beth Ellenburg
John J. Ellington
Mrs. Allyson C. Elliott (2)
Ms. Diane Elliston
Ms. Rachel A. Elovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. England
Billy J. and Shari S. English (2)
Dr. Kira Epstein
Ms. Loretta Espadas
Ms. Susan V. Espinoza
Cecil and Betty Ethridge
Mrs. Patricia S. Eubanks (2)
Ms. Carolann Pitts Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff M. Evans Jr.
Ms. Mary E. Evans
Ms. Meredith M. Evans
Mrs. Margaret Ewing (2)
Mrs. Ruth H. Fader (2)
Mrs. Janet Fansher (21)
Ms. Kathryn Farlowe (3)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Farmer Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Farrow
Mr. Don Faso
Mr. Richard Cloud Ferguson and Edwina Ferguson
Dr. Julia Fickling (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fincannon
Mrs. Kimberly M. Fink (2)
Charles H. Finkelstein
Mrs. Kelley C. Fisch (14)
Ms. Deborah A. Fischel
Mr. Barry M. Fitterman
Ms. Sandra Fitterman (4)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fitzpatrick (2)
Mrs. Betsy Tyson Flanders
Mrs. Sybil M. Fletcher (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Floyd
Ms. Linda Martin Flynn
Ms. Janet Lorraine Fong
Ms. Janet W. Ford
Susan L. Forehand (3)
Ms. Dawn M. Forman-Lisenby
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Forrest
Mr. Ryan M. Forrest
Dr. and Mrs. John I. Foster III
Ms. Megan France
Dr. Steven J. Frank
Ms. Kay L. Freeland
Ms. Adele Freeman
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Freeman Jr. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frischmann
Mrs. Yania Frontera (2)
Mr. Duane Fulk and Ms. Sue Thore
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Fuller
Mrs. Helene H. Fulton (8)
Ms. Stephanie Bach Gabriel
Mr. Joseph Thomas Galland
Antonio Galvan
Ginny B. Gamble
Ms. Tami Gardner
Mr. Bruce K. Garlick
Mrs. Adrienne Garner
Ms. Linda C. Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gassett (6)
Mrs. Dianne Gates (13)
Mrs. Kathy Gaughan (2)
Mr. Carmine Gegnose
Mr. Michael S. Gelb (2)
Mrs. Angie Gent (13)
Kathy G. Gestar (13)
Dr and Mrs. William G. Gholston
Dr. Steeve Giguere (2)
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gilbert
Mr. Jason M. Gillian
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gilmore (2)
Mrs. Irene C. Gilpin (2)
Ms. Dawn M. Ginnaty and Ms. Diane S. Whitman
*Mr. and Mrs. Preston B. Gladin Jr.
Ms. Dolores D. Glassford
Kyle A. Glerum
Mr. William Glinka
Mrs. Kathy Glisson (9)
Mrs. S. Gnanamuttu
Mr. M. B. Godbold Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Blaine P. Godley (3)
Dr. Mary Ellen Sweeney Gogol
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Goldman
Dr. Jay M. Goldsmith
Ms. Susan Antonini Golshani (3)
Ms. Donna Lee Goodsole (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gordon (4)
Ms. Susan H. Gordy (4)
Ms. Gigi Gould
Mrs. Brenda K. Graham (26)
Ms. Linda-Rae Grant
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Gratzek (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Green
Dr. and Mrs. Erik B. Greene (2)
Mr. Robert Benjamen Greene (3)
Mrs. Virginia Osborne Greenway (8)
Dr. Kenneth M. Greenwood (15)
Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Greer (2)
Mrs. Susan F Gregory (2)
Dr. Christopher D. Grice (7)
Ms. Nancy Griffin Welch
Ms. Rebecca Grohall
Mrs. Cynthia R. Groom (2)
Ms. Sarah Groover
Mr. Geoffrey Matthew Grund
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Guerry
Mrs. Anne F. Guest
Mrs. Alison Bailey Guilloud
Ms. Kelli Elizabeth Guinn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Gunderson
Mr. Ian Patrick Gunn
Ms. Krystal Haggins
Ms. Teresa L. Hallman
Mr. Carlton D. Hamer
Mrs. Sharon Boone Hamner (2)
Ms. Melinda Hamrick
Ms. Helen Horner Hamryka
Kim Hankamer, DVM (2)
Ms. Barbara S. Harbin
Mr. Alan Pike Harbuck
Mrs. Susan Jean Beaty Hardee (4)
Rebecca Louise Harden (4)
Mr. Joel E. Hardie (3)
Ms. Katharine Hardin (13)
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hardy
Dr. Michael Paul Hardy (4)
Mr. Eric M. Harford (2)
Ms. Sharon L. Hargrove (7)
Mr. Harry H. Harkins Jr. (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Sewell C. Harlin
Mr. and Mrs. John Harof
Ms. Deborah Harrell
Bobbie D. Wagoner and David F. Harris (5)
Ms. Harriette Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Harris (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Haskell
Mr. Christopher Kent Haskins (2)
Ms. Mary W. Hassold
Mr. Christopher LP Hatch (2)
Dr. Robert L. Hatch (2)
Mr. Allan Ward Hatcher
Mr. Arthur Hattel (3)
Dr. Paul D. Haver
Mrs. Barbara Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Haynes
Ms. Amy Heesacker
Ms. Jo Ann Oldham Hein
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Heine
Dr. Brock Hendrix (3)
Dr. Nancy Celeste Hendrix
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Henry
Mrs. Ruth Henshaw (12)
Thomas J. Henske and Stacey B. Henske (2)
Mrs. Judy Norman Hentz
Mr. Terry W. Herrington (19)
Mrs. Patricia D. Herrmann (7)
Ms. Sara Jackson Hertwig
Ms. Victoria Hertwig
Ms. Kay W. Hester
Ms. Marcella T. Hickey
Ms. Nancy T. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hilburn
Ms. Janette R. Hill
Mrs. Miriam O. Hill (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hill
Mrs. Barbara Goss Hilliard (7)
Nicholas G. Hillier
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Himes
Mrs. Hazel Hines (32)
Mrs. Georgia Hinn (4)
Jane E. Hirsch and Jane Lucy Fluet (9)
Mrs. Mordenai R. Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Ken W. Hix (3)
Mr. Carlin O. Hodges
Ken Hodgkiss (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hoelscher
Ms. Dalisa Dent Hoffman
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Hoffman Jr.
Mrs. Linda S. Hofmann
Dr. Erik Hofmeister
Nancy G. Hogg (2)
Mrs. Ann Q. Holder
Ms. Nancy R. Holdren
Gary Holfinger
Brian M. Holladay (6)
Mrs. M. Elizabeth Hollett (16)
Kelley Brim Hollowell
Jesse R. Holman
Mrs. Patricia M. Holton (2)
Dr. Mary K. Hondalus
Dr. and Mrs. Vendie H. Hooks III
Mrs. Judy R. Horman (8)
Mr. Eric C. Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd S. Horton III
William G. Horton and Jean K. Horton (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Houchard (9)
Mr. Robert A. Howard (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Hower
Ms. Donna Jones Howland (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Howle (2)
Mrs. Sarah Huddleston
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Hudec
Ms. Deborah Hudson (5)
Mr. Bill Huey
Dr. Kim L. Huhman (7)
Ms. Laura Elizabeth Huie
Mrs. Patricia Link Hunter (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hurley
Ms. Tracy L. Iffland
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard G. Imlay
Kathleen R. Inglesby
The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas T. Irvin (4)
Dr. Billie L. Jackson (2)
Mr. Brian S. Jackson (5)
Ms. Maria Leiden Jackson
Bert Jacobs and Nancy Jacobs (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Jakielski (4)
Mr. Rick James
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Jarrett
Mrs. Charlene C. Jennings
Edward Jennings Jr. and Karen Jennings (2)
Joan Axtell Joesting
Mr. Jack Johns (2)
Mrs. Elaine Losey Johnson
Dr. Emily Johnson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Johnson
Patricia White Johnson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jess V. Johnston III
Mrs. Betty P. Jones (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Jones (3)
Jimmy D. Jones and Sharon R. Jones
Ms. Michelle A. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones
Mr. C. Edwin Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Jordan
Ms. Gail E. Jordan (7)
Teri Avery Justice and Kenneth Justice
Pete Kaperonis and Kymberly Cantrell (2)
Javier Kassel
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Kaufman
Mr. Christopher Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Keene
Wade P. Keisler and Mary Woods Keisler
Mrs. Katherine E. Keith (3)
Wally and Richard Kelleman (2)
Dr. Drew S. Keller (9)
Mr. Chris Kelly
Mr. Edward Peter Kelly
Mrs. Linda G. Kelly (7)
Raymond Kelly (4)
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy
Mrs. Terry McMillan Kennedy
Ms. Bonnie Kent
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Kent (2)
Amanda Garrison Kero (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ketchin III
Dr. Jennifer Keuten
Mr. Martin E. Kilpatrick Jr. (2)
Ms. Carol Leguin Kirby
Alexis T. Kirijan and Fred Joel Kirijan (5)
Stephanie J. Kirijan (4)
Ms. Faye Ruth Kirschner and Mr. Chris Addy (2)
Stanley H. Kleven and Kathleen B. Kleven
Mrs. James Malcolm Kling (11)
Dr. Miranda Cochran Knight (3)
Mrs. Linda Ayers Knorr (2)
Mrs. Earl L. Knox
Mrs. Joyce P. Knox
Timothy F. Koby, DVM (24)
Dr. Amie Koenig (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Koenig
Dr. Kerri A. Kolehma
Mrs. Stephanie N. Komich (13)
Mr. Philip A. Koons
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Koprowski
Lt Col John L. Krill
Ms. Catherine Berta Krusberg (4)
Ms. Cecilia H. Kurland (6)
Ms. Donna Labau
Ms. E. Gail LaBerge (14)
Ms. Diane LaBounty
Mrs. Brenda W. Lafferty (12)
Jennings and Suzy Lambeth (3)
Mr. Philip Laminack
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Land
Mr. and Mrs. Scott N. Landa
Dr. Steve Landreth (11)
Mr. Joe Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Lane Jr. (4)
Ms. Sherri L. Lanham
Mr. Henry Lanzilotta
D. Lasco
Ms. Michelle Lavender
Ms. Courtnay Stallings Leach
Mr. James H. Ledbetter
Mr. Ryan G. Ledden
Mrs. Betty C. Lee (4)
Dr. Laura Leff
Dr. Carolyn Lehr (5)
Mr. Kendall A. Lemieux (6)
Ms. Linda Lemmer
Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Leonard Jr.
Dr. Joe Preston Lester III
Mrs. Erin Thomas Lewis
Mary S. Lewis
Ms. Natalie Shea Lewis
Mrs. Ann Liu Liauw
Mr. Rick Lichtenberg
Mr. Ronald M. Lieberman (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Light
Mr. and Mrs. Jon P. Liles (2)
Ms. Katherine Lilley
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lindsey
Mrs. Karen Adair Lindsey (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Little III
Mr. Igor Liventsev and Mrs. Alla Liventseva
Mr. Reid B. Locklin
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Logan
Mrs. Betsy Fidler Loonam (5)
Mr. Riley Joseph Ludlow
Dr. Bridget Luke
Dr. and Mrs. Phil D. Lukert
Ms. Sarah Lunsford
Ms. Betsy Lurey
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Luther
Mr. Sean J. Lyman
Mr. A. David Lynch (2)
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Lyons
Mr. Christopher James Lyttle
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Maag
Mr. and Mrs. John W. MacDonald Jr.
Mrs. Wingate Eddy Mackay-Smith
Mr. James Andrew Macke (3)
Mr. Brian C. Mackey (2)
Mr. Kelly Middleton Mackey
Ms. Elizabeth Macnamara (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mai
Mr. Mark Maio (8)
Roy C. Mallady and Mary Jane Mallady
Ms. Cathryn Mandrycky
Mr. Gian Carlo Mangia
Mr. Greg Manley (3)
Ms. Betty L. Mansell
Mr. Alfred Marano (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Billy W. Marchman Jr.
Ms. Bonny Marshall (3)
Mrs. Pamela Marshall (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Marshall (9)
Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Martin
Ms. Elizabeth D. Martin
John Sevier Martin III and Virginia Martin (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Martin
Mrs. Zan R. Martin
Mrs. Nebbie Terry Maslin (4)
Ms. Laura A. Matz
Mrs. Anne Smith May
Ms. Dianne C. May
Mrs. Juanita Nunley May (4)
Mrs. Rosemary S. May
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny S. Mayfield
Dr. Tiffany McAllister
Ms. Deborah K. McAnallen (2)
Lettie W. McArthur
Ms. Nancy McCann
Mrs. Judy Guidotti McCart (22)
Mr. and Mrs. John E. McCarty
Mrs. Valerie McCarty (24)
Mrs. Rebecca Matthees McCaskey
Mrs. Catherine M. McCaskill (3)
Mrs. Laurie D. McClearen (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David M. McClellan
Ms. Sara K. McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Tim McCollum
Mr. and Mrs. Lawton McCurdy
Mrs. Karen A. McDaniel (5)
Dr. Melissa McDearmon (6)
Dr. Barbara Louise McDonald and
Mr. H. Ken Cordell
Mr. Charles Lloyd McDonald
Ms. Mary McDonald (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Joel S. McElhannon
Mr. Michael Thomas McFarland
Mrs. Virginia Howard McGee (2)
Ms. Karen McLeavy
Mrs. Joan G. McLeod (2)
Ms. Nancy L. McMahon
Dr. Rita McManamon (5)
Ms. Alice O. McMichael (13)
Mrs. Donald Woody McMillian Sr. (4)
Donald T. McNeill Jr.
Patricia F. McPheeters
Ms. Rebecca Gail Medina
Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Meltzer (20)
Ms. Angie Mercer
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Merrill
Ms. Betsey E. Mezzanotte
Mr. Andree Miceli
Ms. Diana Midyett
Dr. Tracy Mieras (6)
Dr. Danny Migliorisi (2)
Ms. April Miller (2)
Ms. Christine M. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Miller
Mrs. Kelly S. Miller (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Miller
Mr. Todd Miller (6)
H. Milton and Helen H. Mills (3)
Mrs. Susan Jennifer Mills
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Mineo
Margaret K. Moon
James N. Moore, DVM, PhD and
Dr. Cynthia Trim Moore (28)
Dr. Mark L. Moore
Drs. Andrew Moorhead and Kaori Sakamoto (2)
Mrs. Barbara Hunnius Morgan
Mr. John W. Morrell
Mr. William C. Morrill IV (7)
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Morrison
Mrs. Elaine Morton
Ms. Lane Alexander Moseley
Dr. Thomas H. Moseley III (6)
Mr. Michael F. Mouat (2)
J. Arthur Mozley and Tammy G. Mozley (4)
Dr. Monica K. Mueller (4)
Mrs. Peter Julius Muller (2)
Ms. Kathy Mulling
Mrs. Margaret Espinosa Mullis
Dr. Egbert S. Mundt and Alice Mundt (3)
Dr. John F. Munnell and Mrs. Mary B. Munnell
Mrs. Marietta Steck Murphy
Ms. Mirja Murray
Mrs. OraDell H. Murray (8)
Mr. Bruce Myers (2)
Mrs. Diane F. Nathan (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Neiss (6)
Ms. Melissa Anne Nelson (2)
Susan Hopkins Nemetz (10)
Ms. Leandra Madden Nessel
Mr. Benjamin H. Newberry (15)
Dr. Denise M. Newsome
Mr. Scott G. Nichol (10)
Dr. Jodi Nichols (2)
Mrs. Julia Nicopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Nigro
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrik L. Nilsson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Nixon
John Wayne Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Norwood
Ms. Donna Obrecht (10)
Ms. Amy Oguni
Dr. Jory Olsen
Mr. George O’Neal
Barbara D. Orloff and Roger B. Orloff (5)
Mr. Michael D. O’Rouke
Mrs. Nancy C. Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Orrell
*Mary M. Osborne Estate
Ms. Beverly A. Oswald
Mrs. Kindall C. Otis (6)
Ms. Maria Ove
Mr. Charles F. Owens
Ms. Dawn B. Owens
Mr. Steven Robert Oxford
Ms. Linda M. Padgett
Mr. William F. Padgett
Mrs. Judy Appleton Palmer (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney W. Pape
Mr. William Holt Parham
Ms. Anna Park
Mr. David B. Park
Ms. Katelyn Ashley Parks
Ms. Vicki Parson
Miss Janice Lynn Pasek
Ms. Betcy Patton
Mr. David J. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Pearce Jr.
Ms. Kim Pearce
Mr. Walter S. Pearman
Dr. James F. Peddie (2)
Mrs. Ann Bonnell Peeples (2)
Ms. Lynn Peter
Dr. Nicholas Wiley Petty (21)
Mrs. June Carol Phelps (4)
Mrs. Betty Jean D. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Phillips (3)
Ms. Keisha Phillips
Mrs. Lanita Phillips
Ms. Natalie Hinton Phillips (6)
Mrs. Judy Allen Pick (2)
Ms. Lynne R. Pickens
Dr. Donald Joseph Piela Jr. and
Ms. Cynthia Renee O’Steen-Piela
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Pierce
Mrs. Adrianne O. Pifer (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Piha
Ms. Angela Piniella
Ms. Christine Piper
Mr. Charles D. Popper
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Pozek
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Prather
Mr. and Mrs. Lan Price
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Prickett
Mrs. Peggy W. Pryor (27)
Mrs. William C. Puckett
Mrs. LaRue Frazier Puglisi (24)
Dr. Paul T. Purinton (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Pyfrom
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D. Pyron (8)
Ms. Karen Z. Quinn (7)
Mrs. Marjorie M. Rabon
Ms. Rachel M. Raisin (2)
Pauline Margaret Rakich
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Ramsay (3)
Mrs. Roberta Stevens Ramsay (7)
Mrs. Richarda Ramsey Randall (6)
Mr. Robert Wesley Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rapelye
Ms. Jacquelyn Sue Ratledge
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Rawlings (21)
Kennard L. and Claudia R. Rawlinson
Ms. Susan L. Rawlston
Ms. Tiffany Ray
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Reed Jr.
Dr. Norm Reese
Mr. Brooke Reeve III (31)
Ms. Rachel Reeves
Ms. Ruth Penny Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Regan
Mrs. Beverley L. Reichman (4)
Ms. Martha Reichold
Dr. Megan Reily (2)
Dr. Greg A. Rennier (5)
Ms. Earlene Reveglia (3)
Mrs. Amy Webb Reynolds (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. Edmund Rhett Jr.
Ms. Kimberly Jo Richardson
Dr. Phyllis Richardson (7)
Mrs. Julie A. Ricken
Ms. Catherine D. Riddle
Mrs. Margaret A. Riddle (9)
Mr. William D. Riley Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Rinker (5)
Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Ritchie III
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rithmire
Mr. Martin Rivassuarez
Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Rivenbark
Mrs. Nancy C. Roberson (9)
Ms. Melissa G. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Robinson (3)
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Robinson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Roddy
* deceased donor
Mr. John A. Rodzik
Ms. Joan Roeber-Jones (3)
Ronald W. Rogers (3)
Mrs. Patricia Osborne Rollo (2)
Ms. Charleen A. Romine
Mrs. Melissa P. Roney (4)
Dr. Yvette Roshto (7)
Ms. Julie McCormack Roth
Ms. Sharon E. Roth (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Rouland
Ms. Diane Rozier
Mr. Nick Rukavina (4)
Dr. P. Alan Rutter (8)
Mr. Joseph M. Ryan Jr.
Dr. Susan McLaren Ryan (22)
Dr. and Mrs. Yehia M. Saif
Ms. Karen C. Salamone
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Salloum
Ms. Katherine B. Salmons
Mr. and Mrs. Jason H. Salzman
Mrs. Sylvia S. Sander (3)
Mr. Gary Sanderlin
Ms. Paula G. Sanders (5)
Dr. Amelia R. Woolums and
Mr. Philip J. Santangelo (2)
Mr. Scott R. Satterfield (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Saufley (15)
Ms. Melissa Ann Saul
Ms. Lucille Scafide (13)
Mr. Thomas Scharko
Ms. Mary R. Scheible
Mr. Scott Schifilliti (2)
Mr. Carl F. Schilkowsky Jr. (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Schneider
Mr. Tom Schultz and Ms. Kathi A. Smith (3)
Mr. Douglas V. Schumann and
Mrs. I. Roberta Cowell (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle E. Scott
Mr. Joe Benton Scott (2)
Mr. Mark Scott
Ms. Donna B. Scowden
Ms. Brittany E. Sdao
Mr. Michael C. Seeds
Ms. Swann Seiler (7)
Dr. Scott G. Senf
Mrs. Rochelle Barouh Senker (2)
Ms. Gail F. Sermersheim
Mrs. Joyce R. Serwitz (4)
Ms. Kelsey A. Severinski
Mrs. Jeanne Newman Sexton (12)
Ms. Janice Chandler Sharp (23)
Ms. Ann Shaw (3)
Dr. Larry James Shaw
Mrs. Elizabeth N. Sheppard (7)
Ms. Blake Elizabeth Shessel
Mrs. Genevieve Aspinwall Shirley
Mr. Howard M. Shore (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Shubert
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Shuford
Drs. Kevin and Laura Shuler (7)
Ms. Marian Alice Shultz (2)
Dr. Andrea Sieg
Scott H. and Valerie McCormick Sikes
Mr. John P. Silk
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Silverman
Mrs. Elizabeth McLeod Sindler
Mrs. Anne Howard Slocumb (15)
Ms. Denise Smart
Ms. Georgia L. Smelser
Mr. David F. Smith
Mr. Geary R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Smith (2)
Dr. Michael Franklin Smith (15)
Ms. Phyllis M. Smith
Mrs. Susan P. Smith (4)
Ms. Debbie Snyir
M. Lou Sobh and Georgia Sobh
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sommerville (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sonka
Mrs. Mary Soriano
Mr. and Mrs. Perry C. Sosebee (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Don Sparks Sr.
Dr. Phillip Belton Sparling (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Tom W. Speer
Ms. Broxann B. Spencer
Ms. Caroline J. Spenser (3)
Mrs. Connie L. Springs (14)
Dr. Lee Spyridakis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stallings
Ms. Kate Stalter
Ms. Tammy M. Stanley
Mr. Gene H. Stanton
Mr. Kenneth Steve Starnes Jr. (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence A. Steinfeld
Mrs. Mary Jo H. Stephens
Ms. Jayne H. Stephenson (2)
Ms. Gaye Stevens (2)
Mr. Lawrence Stewart (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Stewart
Mrs. Eleanor McDonald Still (32)
Mr. James E. Still
Mrs. Gwyn W. Stinson (9)
Mrs. Sue K. Stone (2)
Mrs. Brooke Bolton Stortz (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Story (3)
Norma D. Strickland (3)
Ms. Jane Ellen Struck
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Stubbs
Ms. Patricia H. Stueck
Ms. Ashley Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Summers
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Swan
Ms. Charlotte Sweetland
Drs. James P. & Donna Sylvan
Ms. Rose Lane Tahash
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Talbert
Mrs. Barbara N. Tally (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Tanner (5)
Mrs. Cynthia M. Tarabula
Mrs. Ann Singletary Taylor
Ms. Courtney Sayward Taylor
Ms. Katherine Yeske Taylor
Ms. Pamela Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Benny R. Tedder
Dr. Brett Tennent-Brown (2)
Ms. Sudie Teszler
Lamar Thaxton
Mrs. Rita Lea Thayer (10)
Deborah and Don Theall (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Thiebaut (4)
Mrs. Kendra Thomas (14)
Mrs. Margaret Muschamp Thomas (2)
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Thomason
Mr. Mark Thomason
Ms. Patricia Annette Thomason (2)
Mr. Casey Thompson (2)
Mrs. Cindy J. Thompson
Mrs. Dorothy A. Thompson (7)
Dr. Karen N. Thompson
Mr. Kenneth Thompson
Ms. Mildred Thompson
Dr. Nancy Patrice Thompson
Mrs. Paula Reeder Thompson (32)
Mrs. Fran P. Thornton (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Thrift (8)
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tillapaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Tillery (2)
Mr. David Roger Tillis (8)
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Tilton
Ms. Elizabeth Tivol
Dr. Daniel Todd (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Tolbert (7)
Ms. Carrie Tomberlin
Dr. Regina Toner (2)
Ms. Julie E. Toole (3)
Mrs. Kimberly L. Topper (8)
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Trainer
Ms. Jacquelyn B. Treadway (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Trier (3)
Dr. Alicia C. Trotter
Mrs. Kathy Cheek Troutman (11)
Mr. John Phillip Tucker
Mr. Larry Eugene Tucker Jr. and
Ms. Holly Marie Musgrove
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tufts (6)
Dr. Anastasia D. Wright Turner
Ms. Evelyn A. Turner (5)
Dr. and Mrs. David E. Tyler (4)
Ms. Heidi Urbanski
Ms. Barb Uskup (2)
Dr. Christy Valentine (2)
Mrs. Marian L. VanEseltine (2)
Jon S. VanNevel
Oscar L. Vargas
Mr. Campbell Vaughn (10)
Dr. Kurt R. Venator (5)
Ms. Stacey Loren Venker and
Ms. Toni Graven Pomerene
Mrs. Nancy L. Virts (2)
Mr. George P. Vogler
Ms. Terri Ann Votava (3)
Marjorie Schear Waggoner (12)
Ms. Margaret A. Walbert
Mrs. Mary M. Walburg
Mrs. Gladys T. Waldrip (2)
Mr. Joseph E. Wales
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie E. Walker
Ms. Jennifer Walling
Mr. Kevin M. Walters
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ward (3)
Ms. Pamela A. Ward (12)
Dr. Karyn Waterman (3)
Dr. Julie Watkins (3)
Ms. Angie Watson
Dr. Dera Goodner Weaver
Ms. Beverly Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Murray M. Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Weglewski
Dr. John Michael Weh
Ms. Karen Weidert
Miss Rachelle Weininger
Ms. Arva C. Weinstein (13)
Ms. Therese Welch
Ms. Belinda C. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wells
Mrs. Vickie Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. Olli P. Wendelin
Dr. Randal J. Werkhoven (4)
Mrs. Jean Wessinger (7)
Mrs. Margaret Colbert Westmoreland (11)
Dr. Gaines White (11)
Ms. Georgia M. White
Mr. Mark Whitley
Ms. Pam Whitmire
Doris J. Whittaker (17)
Mr. Donald Raymond Wilburn (11)
Hoke and Margaret Wilder
Mr. Cecil T. Wilhoit III
Mrs. Cindy Wilkes (20)
Mr. Jeffrey S. Wilkie (2)
Mrs. O’Hara B. Wilkiemeyer
Ms. E. Elaine Williams
Ms. Jemille Reid Williams
Mrs. Patricia Baxter Williams (2)
Dr. Susan Williams (4)
Mr. Chad Daniel Williford
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Willingham
Ms. Jennifer S. Wills
Ms. Catherine E. Wilson
Mrs. Mary N. Wilson (7)
Meredith Wilson
Ms. Emma Jean A. Winburn
Mrs. Susan Wingate
Mrs. Erma Wray Wingfield
Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Wingfield (9)
Drs. Patricia and Roger B. Winston Jr.
Mrs. Sue Wise (2)
Mrs. Betty Phillips Wiseman (2)
Dr. Allison Witherow (6)
Mr. Edward Kibbey Woltz (3)
Dr. Gwen Wood and Mr. Barry Wood (16)
Mrs. Virginia Dillard Wood
Mrs. Carol Spencer Woods (9)
Ms Martha E. Woods
Ms. Jenna Wu
Ms. Dotti A. Yee
Mrs. Allison Jones Yeomans (4)
Ms. Valerie Yonkofski
Ms. Gail Young
Mr. Hillyer M. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Young
Mrs. Terri King Younker (8)
Mrs. Cynthia Trollinger Zager (8)
Mr. John M. Zedek (4)
Dr. and Mrs. Noam D. Zelman (6)
Dr. Oleane Carden Zenoble
Gifts from Corporations, Foundations
and Organizations
Contributions to the College made from
July1, 2010–June 30, 2011
Anonymous 2
Abbott Laboratories
Diane Z. Alexander, MD, PC
AllTech Ireland
Alpharetta Animal Hospital, PC
American Association of Bovine Practitioners
American Express Foundation
American Veterinary Medical Association
Arcadia Wildlife Preserve
Aruvek Investments, Inc.
The Atlanta Kennel Club, Inc.
Auxiliary to The Georgia Veterinary Medical
Aviagen, Inc.
AVMA Group Health and Life Insurance Trust
Banfield, The Pet Hospital
Belmont Small Animal Hospital
Biomune Company
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc.
Boiling Springs Animal Clinic, P.A.
Brooklyn Veterinary Emergency Services
Brookwood Animal Hospital
Callaway Foundation, Inc.
Calvert Animal Hospital
Canine Club
Case Veterinary Hospital
CEVA Biomune
Chattahoochee Weimaraner Club, Inc.
Clairmont Animal Hospital
Claxton Veterinary Clinic
Cleveland Veterinary Hospital Brogdon and
Williams PC
Cobb Emergency Veterinary Clinic PC
Coca-Cola Company
Conyers Animal Hospital PC
Conyers Kennel Club
Coor Technical Services, Inc.
Cottingham Veterinary Hospital
Covidien Animal Health
Cumberland Animal Clinic
DeKalb Animal Hospital
Douglasville Kennel Club Inc.
Georgia S. Downing Trust
Duke Corporate Accounts Payable
Dunwoody Animal Medical Center P.C.
Duquesne University
Dutch Fork Animal Hospital
Elder Veterinary Services PC dba Shoal Creek
Animal Clinic
Fayette Veterinary Medical Center
Five Points Animal Clinic
Foothills Veterinary Associates, PC
Friarsgate Animal Hospital
GA Dressage & Combined Trng Assoc. Inc.
Genentech Inc.
Georgia English Bulldog Rescue Inc.
Georgia Power Foundation, Inc.
Georgia Veterinary Medical Association
Glacier Animal Hospital, Inc.
Leigh E. Glerum DVM, Inc.
Goldman Sachs & Company
Grace Animal Hospital & Pet Lodge
Kenneth M. Greenwood Family
Griffin Georgia Kennel Club
Hamilton County Veterinary Medical Association
Hannahs Mill Animal Hospital, Inc.
Harrison Poultry, Inc.
Hickory Flat Animal Hospital
Hillcrest Animal Hospital, LLC
Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.
Harold Hirsch Scholarship Fund
Horner & Nash, DVM, P.C.
House to House
Houston Lake Animal Hospital
The IAMS Company
Intervet, Inc.
Edna P. Jacobsen Charitable Trust for Animals
Kelly Foods Corporation
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Lafferty Animal Clinic
Lake Harbin Animal Hospital
Lake Oconee Animal Hospital Inc.
Lakeside Animal Hospital
Land O’Lakes Farmland Feed LLC
Langford & Veitch
Lawndale Veterinary Hospital of Greensboro, PLLC
Lawrenceville Kennel Club, Inc.
Lee Highway Animal Hospital
Lohmann Animal Health International
The Lovett School
Mar-Jac Processing Inc.
Martha F. Cannon Trust Johnny W. Warren, Trustee
Martinez Animal Hospital
Mass Mutual Life Insurance Co
McLean Animal Hospital, Inc.
D T McNeill Foundation
Meadow Veterinary Hospital
Merck Company Foundation
Merial Limited
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mills Foundation, Inc.
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact
Funding Trust, Inc.
National Hills Animal Hospital
Nature’s Earth Products, Inc.
Nestle Purina PetCare
Newnan Kennel Club
Northside-Wesleyan Animal Hospital, PC
Novartis Animal Health U.S., Inc.
Novus International, Inc.
Nutramax Laboratories, Inc.
David Forehand Park Foundation
Peterson Farms, Inc.
Pfizer Inc.
Pharr Road Animal Hospital
Powers Ferry Animal Hospital
Preston Animal Hospital, PA
Prince Agri. Products, Inc.
Rajar Food Services, Inc.
Rawlings Consulting, Inc.
Riverside Animal Hospital
Roswell Street Properties, LLC
Satterfield Agency, Inc.
Sawnee Mountain Kennel Club of Georgia, Inc.
Shallowford Animal Hospital
Grace Shearon Memorial Foundation
Simmons Educational Fund
Smith Animal Hospital
South Athens Animal Clinic
South Carolina Association of Veterinarians
South Dakota Veterinary Medical Assoc.
South Forsyth Animal Hospital
South Georgia Veterinary Medical Association
Southeastern Alpaca Association, Inc.
Southern Poultry Research, Inc.
Sprayberry Animal Hospital,PC
St. Andrews Animal Clinic
Stan Fried Private Foundation
Sterling Creek Enterprises
Student Chapter of The AVMA
Sweetbay Foundation
Synbiotics Corporation
Tara Foods, LLC
The Poultry Federation Lab
TotalBond Veterinary Hospitals
Ulm Family Foundation
Venkateshwara Hatcheries Pvt. Ltd.
Veterinary Business Management Association
Veterinary Specialty Care
The Vets Animal Hosp PC
Wells Fargo Foundation
West Ashley Veterinary Clinic
Westover Animal Hospital, LLC
Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc.
Woodruff Road Animal Hospital
New VTH director shares views on
customer service and hospital’s future
Dr. Gary Baxter joined the CVM in August 2010 as director of
The University of Georgia Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Dr. Baxter
is an equine surgeon who did his residency at UGA CVM in the late
1980s and has been at Colorado State University since that time.
In this interview, Dr. Baxter discusses his interest in the position,
his plans for the hospital, and his thoughts on the VTH’s relationship
with its referral DVMs (RDVMs) and our shared clientele.
Why did you apply for the UGA CVM hospital director
I was not really looking for an administrative position, but Dr.
Andrew Parks called and asked me if I would consider applying.
He and Dean Sheila Allen sent me some information, and after
reviewing the specifics of the position, and the possibility of being
involved with building a new facility, I became more interested.
I liked the idea of being able to help mold a future hospital that
would affect future generations of veterinarians while at the
same time overseeing a veterinary hospital that appeared to be
dedicated to clinical service and teaching.
What changes do you foresee making as the new hospital
The hospital appears to be running reasonably well right now,
but I think there is always a need to improve communication
between the hospital administration and the people who work in
the hospital. I would like to keep all personnel more informed of
what is going on throughout the hospital so that they can become
engaged in the process. If times are tough, they need to know
about it, and if times are good, they need to be thanked for a job
well done.
I also feel that the hospital has to reach out to the referring
veterinarians and clients to find out if we are meeting their
needs. Although we are a veterinary hospital, our clients are a
combination of animal owners and referring veterinarians. If we
are only concentrating on the patient and not our clients, then
we are only partially fulfilling our mission. We have to provide
good service as well as exceptional patient care. This may require
meeting with referring veterinarians and phoning animal owners
after they have visited our hospital to find out what improvements
we may need to consider making in the future. Public relations
and outreach with clients and RDVMs will be become even more
important in the future.
Keeping up with technology, such as diagnostic imaging and
new treatment methods, is also a crucial component that the
hospital must do to adequately train veterinary students, interns
and residents, and to provide top-notch service to our clients.
Animal owners are becoming more knowledgeable about these
things and the hospital as a whole needs to be able to provide
these newer imaging and treatment services. We do not have
enough space to provide all of these imaging options in the
current facility which as why a new hospital is critical to the future
progress of this hospital and College.
What are you most excited about for the CVM’s future?
The new hospital. The small animal hospital is very cramped
and needs room to expand as the services expand. New specialties
will continue to be developed as they have over the last 10 years,
and we will need space for these new services to operate. As stated
above, newer imaging and treatment techniques that the hospital
will need to provide will require footprints in a new facility for
them to become successful.
What goals are on the horizon for improving the quality
of the clinical training (during a student’s fourth year of
education) that students receive here at UGA CVM?
My main goal is for the hospital administration to do
everything it can to maintain and hopefully improve the caseload
in the hospital. I really think students learn best during their
senior year by being actively involved with as many clinical cases
as possible. I always found it difficult to teach with only a few
cases, and hopefully this can be avoided in as many service areas in
the hospital as possible. However, the hospital is and will continue
to face competition from private specialty practices that may chip
away at the caseload. My hope is to avoid this consequence as
much as possible and to balance excellent patient care with quality
customer service.
How do you plan to promote a better, or stronger
relationship between the VTH and referral veterinarians?
I think it is all about customer service and a lot of that
is communication. The RDVMs are our customers just like
the clients they refer, and we need to provide each of them
with good service. We need to do our best to be available as a
resource on cases and to provide excellent follow-up on those
cases that have been referred. The majority of problems that
RDVMs have with any referral hospital usually revolve around
communication issues and we need to determine ways to avoid
this whenever possible.
I think one of the biggest things that we can do as a hospital
is to reach out to the RDVMs and find out what they need and
expect from us as a referral hospital. This may obviously differ
from one veterinarian to another, but we at least need to ask the
questions so that we can better partner with them in the future.
As with many things, veterinary medicine is changing and we as
a hospital need to be able to deliver a product/service that the
RDVMs will value.
Why do you think it’s mutually beneficial for UGA to work
closely with referral veterinarians?
I would like to think that the UGA Veterinary Teaching
Hospital is an extension of our RDVMs’ practices and they feel
comfortable sending cases to specialists who can go the next step in
providing the best patient care available to their clients. If we do a
great job with their clients, then those clients will not only consider
coming back to UGA if necessary, but will continue to use the
RDVM because of the good experience they had at our hospital. It
is a win-win relationship that is built on trust and respect from all
parties. The RDVM is an integral part of the treatment team along
with faculty, residents, interns, students and staff.
I understand you did your residency here in the late
1980s. Tell us what the hospital was like then vs. now, and
explain how this ties into our need to build a new VTH (the
Veterinary Medical Learning Center).
I know for certain that the Small Animal Hospital did not seem
nearly as cramped and crowded then as it does now. It has also
been extensively remodeled to accommodate new services and to
expand existing services in an attempt to maximize the useable
square footage. However, there is currently nowhere else to go,
which illustrates why a new facility is necessary for the hospital to
move forward. The SA caseload has definitely expanded since I
was here, and there was no Community Practice Clinic.
The Large Animal Hospital has also been remodeled to expand
the equine aspect of the practice, including the addition of the
lameness center. This was a great addition, as it was difficult and
sometimes dangerous to perform lameness exams in the parking
lot when I was here in the late 1980s.
What is your proudest accomplishment/contribution to
the veterinary field to date?
I just completed the 6th edition of Adams’ Lameness in Horses,
which is the most comprehensive book available on lameness in
horses. It was an almost two-year project that I spent more time
doing than I care to think about. I think it is much improved from
the last edition, and hopefully it will benefit equine veterinarians
and students for many years to come.
PHOTO BY Sue myers Smith
UGA CVM launches ‘extensive effort’ to determine
cause of BRD
Researchers at the CVM are working with the USDA to survey 2,500 cow-calf
producers in six states to gain better insight into the management practices of these
producers, with the goal of identifying interventions that might reduce the rate of
bovine respiratory disease (BRD) in nursing beef calves.
Previous USDA surveys have shown BRD to be the leading cause of death of
feedlot cattle, weaned dairy heifers, and nursing beef calves three weeks of age and
older. Calves with BRD (also called pneumonia) may cough, breathe hard, have nasal
discharge, and have a fever. Affected calves may get better, they may die, or they may
survive but lose weight and look sick for weeks.
“BRD has a significant negative impact on the health of U.S. cattle,” said Dr.
Amelia Woolums, a professor of large animal internal medicine and principal
investigator on the study. “It also impacts the profitability of cattle operations through
financial losses associated with decreased animal growth and survival, and the costs of
Through the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), the CVM
investigators sent questionnaires to cow-calf producers in three southeastern states
(Georgia, Florida, and West Virginia) and three western states (Iowa, Nebraska, and
Kansas). The questionnaire asked each operation to submit information about the rate
of occurrence of calf BRD, as well as management practices for that operation.
“Information from operations where calf BRD has occurred will be compared
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Amelia Woolums, DVM, MVSc, PhD,
Professor of Large Animal Internal Medicine,
Department of Large Animal Medicine
Dr. Roy Berghaus, DVM, MS, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Population
Dr. Roger Ellis, DVM, MS
Assistant Professor of Beef Production
Medicine, Food Animal Health and
Management Program
Dr. Lee Jones, DVM, MS
Assistant Professor of Beef Herd Health, Food
Animal Health and Management Program
Photo courtesy of Lynn Reece
Giving is a family tradition
Photo courtesy of Lynn Reece
with information from operations where it has not
occurred in order to identify factors associated with
calf BRD,” explained Woolums.
The researchers will also survey veterinarians
who work with cow-calf producers in the same
six states to gather information regarding how
veterinarians identify, treat, and attempt to prevent
nursing calf BRD.
“This research represents the most extensive
effort to date to determine causes of nursing calf
BRD in U.S. cow-calf herds,” said Woolums. “The
results will improve the knowledge of producers and
veterinarians regarding this problem. The research
will also provide the basis for future studies to test
treatments and preventative strategies to decrease
the occurrence of nursing calf BRD.”
To date, research has shown that BRD in feedlot
cattle and dairy calves is due to a combination
of factors including exposure to certain bacteria
and viruses, inadequate protective immunity, and
management practices such as shipping calves
immediately after weaning, or mixing calves of
different ages and sources, said Woolums. The
importance of management in BRD has been
demonstrated by the fact that BRD can be decreased
significantly when calf management is modified, she
“While management modifications have been
proven to decrease BRD in feedlot and dairy calf
populations, almost nothing is known about how
management practices are related to BRD in nursing
beef calves,” said Woolums. “Therefore, it is not
possible for veterinarians to make science-based
recommendations to cow-calf producers to prevent
calf BRD. Ongoing research at the UGA College of
Veterinary Medicine aims to address this issue.”
The study results are expected by June 2012 and
will be published in veterinary medical journals and
lay publications.
Funding for this survey was provided by a
USDA-NIFA Animal Health Formula Funds Grant
and Pfizer Animal Health.
There is a culture of
giving that runs through Dr.
Amanda Reeve’s (DVM ’79)
family. It is something that is
so ingrained in her that she
rarely realizes it is there.
Since her graduation
from the CVM, Dr. Reeve
has made a contribution to
the College every year. Such
a commitment is rather rare,
as many recent graduates
assume they have to be older
or have to give a lot to make
a difference,” said Kathy
Bangle, the CVM’s director of
veterinary external affairs.
For Dr. Reeve, who
practices at Briarcliff Animal
Clinic in Atlanta, it was
simply the right thing to do.
Dr. Amanda S. Reeve with her dog, Paisley.
“The teachers and
Photo courtesy of Dr. Reeve.
professors at our colleges
make it their life’s mission to
share their knowledge with us,” she said. “And, I think it’s important that we
honor them by giving to the colleges they represent.”
Dr. Reeve, who also gives to her church and other non-profit organizations,
cannot point to any one event that taught her to be charitable, but said that it
was due to a variety of experiences in her life. One of the primary influences on
her giving habits came from her father, Dr. Roy Stewart, who graduated from
the CVM in 1958.
Dr. Stewart was raised by sharecroppers and grew up poor, but Dr. Reeve
said he was the most compassionate and considerate person she ever knew.
“If you came up to him and said ‘I like your tie,’ he’d take it off and put it
around your neck,” she said. “He just had a tremendous joy in giving, and he
was very active in fundraising.”
Dr. Stewart was originally a teacher after graduating from Abraham
Baldwin Agricultural College. He met and married Earla Poulnot while
they both were teaching at McEachern. She encouraged him to pursue his
real dream of becoming a veterinarian. He went back to school and became
a veterinarian. Reeve said his passion for the work inspired her to join the
She has also followed his footsteps when it comes to giving.
“You give what you can, and you do what you can,” Dr. Reeve said. “You
know that, between you and the powers that be, you did what you could. You
just go do your little part – and I have to say that my part has been really little
compared to some – but you do it because it’s the right thing to do.”
It’s a philosophy that she has passed down to her children.
Her youngest daughter, Julia, is a 2010 graduate from the Atlanta Girls’
School. For their senior gift to the school, Julia along with her classmates
pledged to contribute to their alma mater on a yearly basis.
“I don’t remember ever talking with any of my children about giving like
that, but I suppose they’ve seen me do it,” Dr. Reeve said. “My daughter’s
graduating class’s promise of annual giving is pretty amazing and quite special.”
—Story by Johnathan McGinty
Researchers use gold nanoparticles to diagnose
flu in minutes
Arriving at a rapid and accurate diagnosis is critical during flu
outbreaks, but until now, physicians and public health officials have
had to choose between a highly accurate yet time-consuming test or
a rapid but error-prone test.
A new detection method developed at the University of Georgia
and detailed in the August edition of the journal Analyst, offers the
best of both worlds. By coating gold nanoparticles with antibodies
that bind to specific strains of the flu virus and then measuring how
the particles scatter laser light, the technology can detect influenza in
minutes at a cost of only a fraction of a penny per exam.
“We’ve known for a long time that you can use antibodies to
capture viruses and that nanoparticles have different traits based on
their size,” said study co-author Ralph Tripp, Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Vaccine Development in the UGA College
of Veterinary Medicine. “What we’ve done is combine the two to
create a diagnostic test that is rapid and highly sensitive.”
Working in the UGA Nanoscale Science and Engineering
Center, Tripp and co-author Jeremy Driskell linked immune system
proteins known as antibodies with gold nanoparticles. The gold
nanoparticle-antibody complex aggregates with any virus present in
a sample, and a commercially available device measures the intensity
with which the solution scatters light.
Driskell explained that gold nanoparticles, which are roughly a
tenth of the width of a human hair, are extremely efficient at scattering light. Biological molecules such as viruses, on the other hand,
are intrinsically weak light scatterers. The clustering of the virus
with the gold nanoparticles causes the scattered light to fluctuate in a
predictable and measurable pattern.
“The test is something that can be done literally at the point-ofcare,” said Driskell, who worked on the technology as an assistant
research scientist in Tripp’s lab. “You take your sample, put it in the
instrument, hit a button and get your results.”
Gold is often thought of as a costly metal, but the new diagnostic
test uses such a small amount-less than what would fit on the head of
the pin-that the cost is one-hundredth of a cent per test.
The researchers noted that the current standard for definitively
diagnosing flu is a test known as PCR, for polymerase chain reaction. A PCR test can only be done in highly specialized labs and
requires that specially trained personnel incubate the sample for
three days, extract the DNA, and then amplify it many times. The
entire process, from sample collection to result, takes about a week
and is too costly for routine testing.
The alternative is a rapid test known as a lateral flow assay. The
test is cost effective and can be used at the point-of-care, but it can’t
identify the specific viral strain. It also misses up to 50 percent of infections and is especially error-prone when small quantities of virus
are present, Driskell added.
By overcoming the weaknesses of existing diagnostic tests, the
researchers hope to enable more timely diagnoses that can help halt
the spread of flu by accurately identifying infections and allowing
physicians to begin treatment early, when antiviral drugs, such as
Tamiflu, are most effective.
Tripp and Driskell are planning to compare the new diagnos-
Ralph Tripp
Photo by Christopher B. Herron
To learn more about the UGA Nanoscale Science
and Engineering Center, visit
tic test with another that Tripp and his colleagues developed that
measures the change in frequency of a laser as it scatters off viral
DNA or RNA. Tripp also is working to adapt the new technique so
that poultry producers can rapidly detect levels of salmonella in bath
water during processing. Poultry is the largest agricultural industry
in Georgia, he pointed out, so the technology could have a significant impact on the state’s economy.
“This test offers tremendous advantages for influenza, but we really don’t want to stop there,” Tripp said. “Theoretically, all we have
to do is exchange our anti-influenza antibody out with an antibody
for another pathogen that may be of interest, and we can do the
same test for any number of infectious agents.”
Funding for this project was provided by Emory University,
through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human
—Story by Sam Fahmy
New challenges bring fulfillment for CPC director
Sometimes, you just need a change.
For Dr. Ira Roth (DVM ’86), after his children
had graduated from high school and made their way
to college, he decided he needed more than just a
change—he needed a challenge. So in 2009, after
building and running a successful veterinary practice
in Albany, Georgia, for 20 years, Dr. Roth headed
to Northeast Georgia to become the director of the
CVM’s Community Practice Clinic.
“It was something that, with my two children
having gone off to college, I thought would be an
excellent opportunity,” he said. “I wanted to see what
else I could do in this field. Having the chance to
be around young people and help shape their minds
while still getting to do the work I love was something
I couldn’t pass up.”
“We are grateful to Merial for providing the seedfunding that allowed us to create this position,” said
Dean Sheila Allen. “We wanted to hire someone who
had experience owning and running a practice, and
who wanted to share his or her time-management and
client communication skills with students. We found
that balance of experience with passion for teaching in
Dr. Roth.” Indeed, the students themselves confirmed the perfect fit when they recognized Dr. Roth
with their Faculty Recognition Award, given in April
2011, and asked that he participate in the hooding
ceremony at commencement.
Dr. Roth said he was eager to work with students
and better prepare them for their professional careers.
He remembers working as an associate veterinarian
fresh out of school, before starting his own practice,
and being greeted with a whole host of challenges associated with running a business for which he was not
fully prepared. He said he was surprised by not only
the pace of the work, but also the numerous – and
seemingly unrelated – tasks that are essential to the
day-to-day operations of a private practice. When he
opened his own practice, Dr. Roth found his need for
this knowledge was even greater.
Dr. Roth wants the Community Practice Clinic to
offer the types of real-world experiences that will aid
students as they prepare for their careers.
For a period of three weeks during their senior
years, students are immersed in the challenges that
come with daily veterinary work in a typical clinical
setting. Primarily, they offer wellness care to incoming animals – vaccinations, dentistry and preventive
treatment – but a key component, in Dr. Roth’s eyes,
is the practical experience students gain by interacting
with clients.
“They have to handle all of the front-line communication that really happens in a private practice,”
said Dr. Roth. “We really harp on teaching them that
one of the areas of success in a practice is going to
be the ability to communicate effectively with their
Cameras are installed in each exam room so
Dr. Roth and his staff can review the client-student
interaction. This enables the students to get quick and
accurate feedback, and it assists them in developing
the types of communication skills that Dr. Roth feels
are so vital to maintaining a vibrant practice.
Dr. Roth also plans to increase the clinic’s caseload, thus giving each student more responsibility and
more opportunities to interact with clients.
“My ultimate goal is to make the clinic as modeled
after real life as possible,” he said. “So when they
graduate, they’re not shocked about the pace of work
or the multiple things they’re going to have to balance. And the folks who hire them will be even more
satisfied with our graduates.”
—Story by Johnathan McGinty
Dr. Ira Roth
Photo by Christopher B. Herron
The UGA Community Practice Clinic serves
small animals in the greater Athens area. For
appointments call 706.542.1984.
The Josiah Meigs Distinguished
Dr. Karen Cornell
Consistent accolades for an innovative, demanding professor
From the year she joined the CVM faculty in 1998, and EVERY year
since, Dr. Karen Cornell has been recognized by her students or her peers
– and often both – with at least one teaching award, and at times two or
Dr. Cornell, a surgeon who was in private practice before joining the
College’s Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, is known as
an innovative and demanding professor who believes her students should
be instilled with the knowledge to master their medical skills, as well as
pragmatic knowledge to aid them in business and life in general.
Twice she has received the Carl J. Norden Distinguished Teaching
Award, the highest teaching honor bestowed upon a veterinary educator.
Six times she has been selected as the one faculty member who contributed
most to the education of fourth-year veterinary students. Four times she
has been selected to hood the graduating class; five times chosen to give
the college’s commencement speech. In 2004, the faculty awarded her the
David Tyler Award for Innovative Advances in Teaching. She received
a Lilly Teaching Fellowship in 2001, and has since served as a mentor to
other Lilly fellows, as well as to her colleagues at CVM.
“It is particularly noteworthy that Dr. Cornell was recognized by the
College as a whole as its most outstanding instructor twice,” said CVM’s
dean, Dr. Sheila W. Allen. “The numerous recognitions Dr. Cornell has
received for her dedication to teaching document the high regard to which
she is held by the faculty and the students.”
Throughout the country, and particularly within veterinary academia,
Dr. Cornell is highly regarded as a revolutionary professor. She has been
involved with the Bayer Animal Health Communication Project of the
Institute for Healthcare Communications (IHC) since its inception in 2004.
She took the lead in introducing veterinary communication skills training
into UGA CVM’s curriculum, as she believes students should be taught to
effectively communicate with their clients, their peers and the media. The
accrediting body for veterinary education in the U.S. now requires communications to be one of the nine clinical competencies that all students must
achieve in order to graduate.
“Recognition of the value of communications training has been a major
cultural change for our profession. It is a testimony to Karen’s leadership and credibility as an educator that she was among the first veterinary
educators in the country to offer such training to students,” noted Dr.
Nicole Northrup, an associate professor on the Small Animal Medicine and
Surgery faculty.
She also believes in fostering personal and professional growth, having spent three years developing and teaching a seminar series for clinical
interns and residents.
“She taught this seminar series at night, frequently at her own home or
the home of other department faculty members, in order to provide a venue
for open discussions,” said her former department head, Dr. Scott Brown.
The series was so highly valued that it is now a regular part of training of
the department’s graduate students and is entitled “SAMS 7660: Personal
and Professional Development for the Graduate Student.”
“With all the rigors of academic veterinary medicine, she continually
makes time for her students and peers, listening to and attempting to meet
needs as best she can,” said a 2008 graduate. “I valued her advice about
career and life decisions above that of many others, and I always knew I
would get an honest evaluation of myself in the midst of any situation I
was presented. That generosity and care for others from Dr. Cornell was
ubiquitous throughout the entire college and community.”
—Story by Kat Yancey Gilmore
Photo by Andrew davis tucker
Dr. Karen K. Cornell, Professor
Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery
View the video:
Editor’s note: The Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching
Professorship is the highest teaching award bestowed upon a professor
by the University of Georgia. A maximum of five professors are
chosen each year for this honor. In 2011, two professors from the
CVM were selected for Meigs Professorships. We are extremely
proud of both Drs. Cornell and Li. We hope you enjoy their stories.
Teaching Professorship Award
Dr. Wan-I Oliver Li
A sought-after educator who connects with his students
His continuous honing of his own teaching skills, combined with
his ability to keep his students intellectually engaged, challenged and
encouraged, have made Dr. Wan-I Oliver Li one of the most sought-after
professors on campus.
Dr. Li joined the CVM faculty more than 20 years ago, in the
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology. Recognized early as a gifted
educator, Dr. Li was named a Lilly Teaching Fellow in 1992; he received
the Carl J. Norden-Pfizer Distinguished Teaching Award, the highest
teaching award bestowed to a veterinary professor, in 2007.
“He excels in teaching at all three levels: undergraduate, graduate and
professional,” said Dr. Sheila W. Allen, dean of the College of Veterinary
Medicine. “His teaching evaluations are exceptional. His ability to
connect with students, despite the size of the class, is reflected by the
number of reference letters students ask him to write on their behalf each
year (70+).”
As an instructor of human and animal physiology, veterinary
endocrinology, and veterinary physiological chemistry, Dr. Li teaches
hundreds of undergraduate students each year. He is credited with taking
what students used to consider rather dull educational fare – VPHY 3100,
Elements of Physiology – and turning it into a class that is so in demand it
is now offered fall and spring semesters.
“The course has grown from an enrollment of only 10 students in the
year 2000 to a course now offered both fall and spring semesters that is fully
subscribed at 250 students per semester,” said Dr. Gaylen Edwards, who
heads Dr. Li’s department.
Dr. Li says his own educational experience helped him develop a hybrid
style that incorporates the lecture-listen approach of the Asian system with
the more interactive approach of American classrooms, where, he says,
“… the questions and comments our students raise are treated with more
attention and respect.”
Despite numerous accolades from his colleagues throughout the
University, it is the praise from the students themselves that brings home
the realization that a memorable and often life-changing experience is
taking place in Li’s classroom:
“Instead of presenting the exact same material year after year, Dr. Li
actively pursues new research related to his lecture topics and integrates this
material into his teaching,” wrote a former student.
“He is extremely respectful of students and is actually willing and
enthused about helping us succeed in school and further endeavors,” wrote
another, who added: “I hope to become a teacher just like him.”
“He masterfully accomplishes what very few educators have done in
my experience: Dr. Li motivated me to reach beyond the assigned duties
by creating a positive learning environment; individually challenging
me to demonstrate a superior conceptual knowledge of the material;
and providing personal support and guidance at every step,” wrote a
former student who, with the aid of Dr. Li’s guidance and letters of
recommendation, became a Rhodes Scholar and is now a second-year
medical student at Harvard.
“Dr. Li puts himself on the same intellectual plane as his students, never
making them feel inferior in any way,” wrote a third-year DVM student.
One alum wrote that one of his most memorable classroom moments
at UGA came on the last day of class in VPHY 3100: “As Dr. Li closed
by saying, ‘And that’s Human Physiology,’ without intermission, applause
erupted from the fully attended class thanking the professor who not only
taught but also entertained them with a study in Human Physiology.”
—Story by Kat Yancey Gilmore
PHOTO by peter frey
Dr. Wan-I Oliver Li, Associate Professor
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
View the video:
Loyalty, friendship inspired professorship
While snow in Northeast Georgia typically means
shuttered schools and a day off from work, for Dr. Paul
E. Hoffman it just meant additional responsibilities.
“If it was a snow day, and the university was closed
and the staff couldn’t get to it, he would be out here
cleaning the stalls,” said Dr. Andrew Parks, head of the
College’s Department of Large Animal Medicine, who
worked with Dr. Hoffman. “That’s just who he was, and
it was just one example of how dedicated he was to this
It was that type of commitment that endeared
Hoffman to his peers and students, and left a lasting
impression on generations of students who attended the
University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Hoffman retired from the college in 1995 as a
professor of large animal internal medicine, but his legacy
still inspires that same type of loyalty.
Thanks to a generous gift from the estate of Dr. Olive
Britt (DVM ’59), a former student of Dr. Hoffman’s,
the CVM established the Britt-Hoffman Professorship
of Large Animal Medicine. The gift honors the faculty
mentor and the student mentee who became professional
“They had a really close professional friendship,”
said Dr. Hoffman’s wife, Joan. “I got to know Britt
because I would go to the functions that the veterinary
school hosted, and we became long-distance friends. I
just thought the world of her. And I know Paul did, too.”
Dr. Britt, who passed away in 2006, wanted to honor
what the CVM and Hoffman had done for her.
“When she decided to give money to the College
of Veterinary Medicine, this idea of honoring him came
up for a variety of reasons,” said Jennifer Newton, the
executor of Britt’s estate. “The main factor, though, was a
recognition of his life and her feeling that this was a good
man who did a lot for her.”
Newton said Dr. Britt was indebted to the
opportunity afforded to her by UGA. After initially
pursuing a career in poultry science, largely because it
was considered inappropriate for a woman to work as a
veterinarian in the 1950s, she decided to return to college
and make her childhood dream come true.
Entering school in her 40s, Dr. Britt found a mentor
– and advocate – in Dr. Hoffman, who worked to counsel
her once her professional career began.
Dr. Parks, the first recipient of the professorship,
said he intends to use the funding provided by the honor
in that same spirit of mentorship: to help support the
research and work of various graduate students and
residents during their time under his tutelage.
It’s a gesture that both Drs. Hoffman and Britt would
“To have this recognition, that should last for quite
a while even though there are some students there who
do not know who Paul was. It’s just quite nice,” Joan
Hoffman said. “The only thing I wish is that both Olive
and Paul could be here to see it.”
—Story by Johnathan McGinty
Dr. Olive Helene Kendrick Britt
Born in London during an air raid blackout in World War I, Dr. Olive K. Britt
(DVM ’59) was a woman of many firsts. Dr. Britt was the first woman intern in the
Large Animal Clinic at the University of Pennsylvania in 1959. Two years later, she
became the first veterinarian to practice equine medicine in the Richmond, Virginia,
area – and the first female equine practitioner in the state. In 1978, she became the
first woman named to the (Virginia) State Board of Veterinary Medicine.
She would work, and mentor younger veterinarians, well into her eighties. In the
early 1970s, she was veterinarian for the Meadow Farm in Doswell, Virginia, during
the time that future Triple Crown winner Secretariat was born on the farm. (Secretariat was foaled in 1970 and won the Triple Crown in 1973.)
While horses were her life, Dr. Olive Britt loved all animals. She was known for
keeping dog biscuits behind the front seat of her car, and when she pulled up on a farm
she first greeted the dogs before moving on to her patients.
“Age should not be a deterrent from the things you want to do,” she said to
friends and colleagues. “Don’t focus on the past, but use it to build on the future.”
—Information compiled from Dr. Britt’s obituaries, provided by Jennifer Newton
Photo courtesy of Jennifer Newton
Photo courtesy of Leslie brent hoffman Hix
(Above) Dr. Andrew Parks, the Olive K.
Britt & Paul E. Hoffman Professor of
Large Animal Medicine; Dr. Parks is also
the department head for Large Animal
Medicine. (Left) Dr. Paul E. Hoffman, right,
talks to a client, center, while Dr. James
Moore, left, stands with the patient. The
photo is circa 1982; Dr. Moore, now a
professor of large animal medicine, was
new to the UGA CVM faculty at that time.
Photo by sue myers smith
Steadfast love for feline friend yields scholarship for
future veterinarians
Sylvia Byrd’s love for her favorite feline,
Oreo, led her to leave a scholarship in his
memory that will benefit CVM students in
perpetuity. While he only lived with Mrs.
Byrd and her husband, Tony, for almost a
decade, Oreo left a lasting impression on the
couple and forever bonded them to the CVM.
“I loved Oreo, he was like my child. And
they were so good to him. Every time I
took him to the clinic, the faculty, staff and
students showed such compassion for my
animal and for me,” Mrs. Byrd recalled about
her trips to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital
with her cat, Oreo, during the 1980s. “And,
Tony felt the same way.”
Oreo was a very young cat – between
1 and 2 years of age, estimated Mr. Byrd –
when he came to live with the Byrds in the
early 1980s. He belonged to a friend and
co-worker of Mrs. Byrd, who worked in
healthcare. But Oreo’s owner was leaving
Athens for a job at Vanderbilt University and
was unable to take him with her. Mrs. Byrd
agreed to help her friend by keeping Oreo for
a weekend.
“So Oreo came home with Sylvia one
weekend and never left,” recalled Mr. Byrd.
Oreo was the first companion animal that
the Byrds owned together – and, thus far, the
“It took me two to three years to get
over Oreo’s death,” Mrs. Byrd said. “I loved
him too much. He ran our house. He was a
human being. He was not a cat.”
Not too long after they adopted him,
Oreo needed a veterinarian. “I talked to a
lot of friends at Merrill Lynch (his previous
employer at that time) and in Comer (where
he worked for Merchants & Farmers Bank),
and they highly recommended the clinic run
by the UGA veterinary school,” Mr. Byrd
Unlike some cats that dread visits to the
veterinarian, Oreo was different: “He’d walk
all over the counters and stuff,” recalled Mrs.
Byrd. “People just loved him; they didn’t
mind that he walked all over everything at
the clinic. And, I just fell in love with the
veterinary school.”
By the mid-1980s, Oreo developed kidney
disease, and later, cancer, the Byrds said. On
March 31, 1987, Oreo went into shock and
died following a surgical procedure at the
PHoto by Christopher b. herron
PHoto courtesy of sylvia byrd
CVM. And despite the traumatic and sad event, what Sylvia Byrd
remembers about that day was the way faculty, staff and students
rallied to support her and Tony Byrd as the couple absorbed their
great loss.
“They let me say goodbye to him,” recalled Mrs. Byrd, “and I
could not have asked for anyone to be any more caring to me and to
my husband, and to show compassion and sympathy.”
Mrs. Byrd said that her overall experience as a hospital client,
combined with the treatment she and her husband received in those
immediate hours following Oreo’s death, created for her a lasting
bond with the CVM.
She said she told her husband: “If I ever have any extra money,
I certainly want to give it to the veterinary school. I don’t care
what happens, the University of Georgia College of Veterinary
Medicine will always be in my heart.”
The Byrds had wills done many years ago, but recently decided
it was time to update them. As they reviewed their estate plan, the
couple sought ways to leave money to causes that are important to
them, said Mr. Byrd.
“Figure out who and what is important in your life and what
you want to do to support it,” he advised. Mr. Byrd chose to leave
a gift to Terry College of Business, where he earned an M.B.A. in
1976; he also earned a B.B.A. in Finance from UGA in 1966.
Mrs. Byrd chose to leave her gift to the CVM, in the form of
a scholarship: the Oreo and Sylvia Byrd Endowment Fund. The
fund will provide annual scholarships for second- or third-year
veterinary students in good academic standing with demonstrated
financial need. The recipients must have an interest in small animal
medicine with preference given to student(s) who are interested in
feline health.
“Both of us were very oriented to education,” said Mrs. Byrd. “I
had to work to help pay my way through school with scholarships,
and we felt this was one way to leave a legacy to something that
we really aspire to. My gift was to the veterinary school, for Oreo,
because he was one of the most important things in my life.”
—Story by Kat Yancey Gilmore
College of Veterinary Medicine
Why I Give…
Experience, compassion drive giving
Visitors to Brigadoon Lodge, nestled in the mountains of North
Georgia in the small town of Clarkesville, are likely to find a lot to write
home about.
Known by many as the “Augusta National of Fly-Fishing,” Brigadoon
is home to exquisite lodging, delicious food and, of course, world-class fly
fishing. Visitors also are likely to find two energetic and adorable beagles,
the constant companions of the lodge’s proprietor, Rebekah Stewart.
One of those beagles, Buster, proved to be catalyst for a recent gift
Stewart made to the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine’s Veterinary Medical Learning Center. The dog had lost his sight,
and the donation to the Ophthalmology department was done as a way to
honor the work done by its staff.
As Stewart noted, living in the mountains of North Georgia can
mean a long ride for animal owners looking for emergency veterinary
care, or for veterinarians who specialize in certain areas of animal health,
like ophthalmology. For her, the main goal is to provide the resources
that will further enhance the high quality of rural veterinary medical care.
“I want the best care possible should I darken [my veterinarian’s] door
with an ailing or injured beagle in my arms,” Stewart said.
Many gifts are inspired by the animals that touch donors’ hearts. It’s
a personal experience similar to Stewart’s that prompted Shannon Sewell
and her daughter Rachel Machamer to give back to the college.
Sewell’s farm became the retirement home of Blackberry Delight,
one of the most successful show horses in history.
During 12 years on the show circuit, Blackberry Delight, or Jim as he
is known to Sewell and Machamer, racked up 17 World Championship
titles, more than any American Saddlebred in history, and an incredible
undefeated record during the last four years he showed.
At age 16, Jim rode off to a well-deserved retirement, but it got off to
a rather rocky start.
“Just two weeks after being retired at our family farm he had to be
admitted to UGA for surgery (for colic),” Sewell said.
After 10 days of recovery, however, he was back in his pasture, enjoying his retirement. Machamer, who has ridden and shown horses since
she was 6 years old, was so impressed with the CVM that she and Sewell
were inspired to name a stall at the new Veterinary Medical Learning
Center in Jim’s honor.
“The doctors and staff at the veterinary clinic were absolutely wonderful and we could not have asked for better care,” Sewell said. “We
feel strongly about helping the veterinary clinic, and we wanted to give
something back to the hospital for the excellent care they gave Jim during his stay.”
As both Sewell and Stewart noted, the motivation for giving often
stems from the compassion and care provided by CVM. And, in the case
of Stewart, her desire to support the college will not end with her recent
She has also popped the cork on a new entrepreneurial venture – a
line of fly-fishing-inspired wines – and she’s hoping the proceeds will enable her to help the College even more.
“If every UGA alum bought a bottle, we’d be home free,” she joked.
—Story by Johnathan McGinty
(Above) Rebekah Stewart with her beagles, Buster (left)
and Little Bit. Photo courtesy of Rebekah Stewart.
(Below) Blackberry Delight and Rachel Machamer.
Photo Courtesy of Sara Pieper.
Best Buy’s store in Bogart, Georgia, donated three flat-screen monitors and
playback equipment to the CVM in FY11. Dean Sheila W. Allen announced
the donation during the 2010 Dean’s Tailgate party, where the monitors
were on display and used to show the game to our tailgate guests. Best Buy
also provided a tent with video games for the tailgate party. After the event,
the monitors were hung on the walls of the lobbies in the Small Animal
VTH, the Large Animal VTH and in our Community Practice Clinic. The
monitors are being used to entertain our clients who wait for their pets, and
to communicate information to our clients about the College, including our
need to build a new teaching hospital. Thank you, Best Buy!
Photos by Sue Myers Smith
The University of Georgia
College of Veterinary Medicine
2010 -11 Annual Report to Donors
Michael F. Adams, President
Jere Morehead, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
and Provost
Sheila W. Allen, Dean
Harry W. Dickerson, Associate Dean for Research and
Graduate Affairs
K. Paige Carmichael, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Paula C. Tolbert, Director of Business and Finance
Gary M. Baxter, Director, Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Kathy Bangle, Director of Veterinary External Affairs
Carlton Bain, Assistant Director of Development
Molly Muschamp Thomas, Major Gifts Officer
Karen Alford Aiken, Client Advocate
Sarah Freeman, Communications Director, Veterinary
Teaching Hospital
Kat Yancey Gilmore, Director of Public Relations
Sue Myers Smith, Web Manager and Photographer
Marti Brick, Director of Alumni Relations
Teressa King, Administrative Associate
Brenda Horton, Alumni Reunion Assistant
Kat Yancey Gilmore, [email protected]
Contributing Writers
Sam Fahmy, Jonathan McGinty
Peter Frey, Christopher B. Herron,
Sue Myers Smith, Andrew Davis Tucker
Lindsay Robinson
This publication is paid for by advertising income and
private donations, and is available online at www. For future mailings, if you would prefer to
receive our Aesculapian or Annual Report electronically,
please email us at [email protected] and tell us what
email address you would like us to notify when the
publication goes online. Thank you for your support of
the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine.
Alumni Association Executive Board
Michael Topper, President
Tim Montgomery, Immediate Past President
Flynn Nance, President-Elect
Doris Miller, Secretary-Treasurer
Stephen Arbitter
Charlie Broussard
Scott Bryant
Marian Shuler Holladay
Stephanie Jordan
Dolores Kunze
Jan Sosnowski Nichol
Chad Schmiedt
Ruth McNeill Vaughn
Scott Westmoreland
Dr. Sheila Allen, ex officio
Is your name missing?
This report contains the names of donors who
made gifts to the University of Georgia College of
Veterinary Medicine that were processed through
the Office of Development between July 1, 2010, and
June 30, 2011. There are several reasons for your
name not appearing in what you believe to be the
appropriate giving level – or not appearing at all:
1. You made your gift either before July 1, 2010, or
after June 30, 2011.
2. You made a pledge instead of an outright gift. If
you made a pledge between July 1, 2010, and
June 30, 2011, but chose to begin fulfilling it after
June 30, 2011, your name will not appear in this
honor roll, which reflects only gifts received.
3. We omitted your name in error. If so, we would
like to hear from you. If you have questions or
corrections, contact the Office of Development,
501 D.W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA 30602-7371.
You may also call 706.542.1807 or email us at
[email protected]
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of the editor.
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Photo by christopher b. herron
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Photos by christopher b. herron