Janardana dasa - ISKCON Ministry for Sannyasa
Janardana dasa - ISKCON Ministry for Sannyasa
Janardana dasa Janardana Das I first read Srila Prabhupada's books, Easy Journey to Other Planets and the Perfec>on of Yoga and some edi>ons of the Back to Godhead magazines when I was 15 years old in the Philippines. That was way back in November 1977, around the >me of Srila Prabhupada's departure. Then I moved to Canada in 1980. I subscribed immediately to Back to Godhead magazine and bought my first Bhagavad Gita through mail from BBT Los Angeles. ASer finishing college, I joined the Hare Krsna temple in Toronto on September 1984. I received my harinam diksha from HH Gopal Krsna Goswami on January 1984 and the brahminical ini>a>on the following year in 1985. I was a book distributor and on the management (Secretary and Vice President)for the next 13 years while staying at the Toronto temple. I was the temple President of Toronto temple for two years prior to my moving to India in 1997. I became a personal servant and assistant to HH Gopal Krsna Goswami from 1997 up to present. We travel to Russia, other parts of Europe and North America every year during summer. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Janardana Das I was the Vice President and in charge of the brahmacari ashram of the Delhi temple for five years from 1997‐2002. Then I moved to Vrindavan temple in April 2002 and again became involved in the management as the Vice President and General Manager up to this date. My du>es are to arrange and coordinate the temple programs and especially the various fes>vals throughout the year. I am also a part of the brahmacari council who look aSer the brahmacari ashram since I moved in Vrindavana. I give regular classes both in the english Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita classes at our Krsna Balaram Mandir in Vrindavan. I also give classes to many IYF members or youths as well as congrega>on members coming from Delhi and different parts of India who visits Vrindavana. I also regularly go to different colleges around Vrindavana and Mathura area to preach. The devotees in Delhi area invites me from >me to >me to give classes in their temples. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Janardana Das I visit and preaches to the different ci>es in the Philippines for the last three years. I consider that it will be one of my main preaching areas and hopefully I will be spending more >me with them in the near future. Since I spent a lot of >me in the past in North America, and knowing many devotees there, I desire to contribute and preach in that area as well in the future. If I am not travelling, I am in ISKCON Vrindavan and consider it as my main base at present. I also go to at least 10 to 15 Ratha Yatras every year in Delhi and nearby surrounding areas of Udar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab in India. If Lord Krsna willing, I am planning on going again with my Guru Maharaja to North America this summer and the golden ring area in Russia for preaching. ASer Janmashtami, I am also planning on going to the Philippines and will return back to Vrindavana just prior to the start of Kar>ka month by the end of October. I hope that somehow I may be able to contribute to the society by spreading the teachings of Srila Prabhupada and the Guru parampara without adultera>on. By the mercy of the Sri Guru and Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu I pray that I may be qualified to be an instrument to spread the holy name all over the world. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Lilasuka Das Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 I was born in Brussels in Belgium in 1960, and met for the first >me devotees in Ghent in the summer of 1992. From 1992 to 1996 I was ac>ve in Nama Hada preaching in Ghent un>l 1996 when I joined the Radhadesh temple . In 1994 I met His Holiness Bhak> Charu Swami who accepted me as his disciple. I received first ini>a>on on 12 March 1998 and second ini>a>on on 25 August 1999. Right aSer my first ini>a>on I became the first secretary for the newly formed European RGB. At that >me I organized the first European Leaders Mee>ngs (ELM) and went on several missions for the European RGB. In 2001 I became the Secretary for the Global GBC Body and the Secretary for the GBC Execu>ve Commidee. I fulfilled that role un>l September 2009. During that period I adended all GBC mee>ngs and all GBC mid‐year mee>ngs. I also organized the first GBC mid‐year mee>ng held at Prabhupadesh in Italy in October 6‐9, 2006. At present I con>nue to adend the yearly GBC mee>ngs as Recording Secretary. From 1996 to 2007 I have been engaged in management of the Radhadesh projects, mainly taking care of supervising the administra>on, tax defense and legal maders. I also served as legal director, trustee, teacher and student in the Bhak>vedanta College. In March 2006 I received a Global Excellence Aware for “Ac>ng in the Interest of ISKCON”. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Then, I graduated for the MIHE Bhak> Sastri course in June 2001, and followed the Bhak>vaibhava course (2001‐2004) at the VIHE in Vrindavana where I graduated in 2004. From 2005 to 2011 I con>nued with the VIHE Bhak>vedanta study and graduated for Bhak>vedanta in 2011. From 2004 tot 2007 I served as Bhak>vaibhava and Bhak> Sastri teacher at the Bhak>vedanta College in Radhadesh. Since 1998 I am mainly preaching in European countries and have developed a number of Srimad Bhagavatam seminars which I presented in many European countries. The preaching of the Bhagavatam is my life and soul. You can hear and see some of my seminars on my blog: lilasuka.blogspot.co.uk From July 2007 on I have been fully engaged in preaching. My main preaching zones are Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Switserland. Since 2001, every summer, I have been assis>ng His Holiness Prahladananda Maharaja in preaching in the Balkan States. My home base is Leicester in the UK where I am engaged in developing educa>on, and pastoral work I earned also a B.A. in Accountancy and Taxes, B.A. in Theology, M.A. in the Study of Religion, and I am presently engaged in a PhD Research at the University of Wales. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Murali Krishna Das Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Murali Krishna Das I joined ISKCON in 1987 aSer finishing University with a BS in Law and Jus>ce from Suffolk University. As a new bramacari, I very quickly joined the ISKCON Boston; Traveling Sankirtan Party (TSKP), to distribute Srila Prabhupada’sbooks all across North America. That party was started and encouraged by H.H.Niranjana Swami; who I later took Harinama Ini>a>on from in 1989 .I distributed Srila Prabhupada’s books as a full‐>me service for approximatelysix years, working extensively in Airports from Boston. New York, Philadelphia,Miami, to Los Angeles. In the early 90’s, I served in ISKCON Los Angeles and also started my household life at that >me. I was in household life for 15years and I have three children.In 1993, As a family, we moved to Orissa India to serve at ISKCON Bhubaneswar under the leadership and guidance of H.H.Gour Govinda Swami. While in Bhubaneshwar, I studied extensively from Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja our Vaisnava philosophy and Gaudia siddhanta. Also during this >me, I par>cipated regularly and annually in all of the public preaching programs such as Padayatra, Ratha Yatra, University Preaching, Harinama and Food for Lifeprograms.On Lord Nityananda’s Appearance Day In 1993, with the permission and blessings of H.H. Niranjana Swami, I received Brahmana Ini>a>on from H.H. Gour GovindaSwami. ASer a serving a few years in India, We went back to North America and started an ISKCON Preaching Center in the college town of Amherst Ma., where we held regular full‐>me University preaching programs. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Murali Krishna Das Srila Gaura Govinda Swami came there for preaching in the summer of 1995 and stayed with us for a week. In 1996, aSer the holy Disappearance Day of Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swam Maharaja, I was asked by the GBC to return to ISKCON Bhubaneshwar, to become the Temple President. Under very difficult circumstances, I served there in that capacity for about a year. From 1997‐ 2004, I took care of my family and worked in the private sector. I was employed at Harvard University as a Security Account Manager and oversaw security opera>ons on the University’s Science Campus. In 2004, with the permission and encouragement of my former wife, I leS household life to take vanaprastha and to prepare myself for sannyasa. My gurumaharaja, H.H. Gour Govinda Swami wanted that I preach as a sannyasi and instructed me in 1994, that, “Murali Krsna, sannyas is meant for you!..”. I knew then and it was confirmed by my spiritual master, what my future service and responsibility would be in this life. Preaching as a sannyasi in ISKCON, especially in India where I base myself, is very helpful, because even today, the common people s>ll have great regard for the sannyasa posi>on, the dress, and the spiritual guidance offered by a sannyasi in the Daivi Varnashram system. At present, I base myself at ISKCON Bhubaneshwar and preach extensively throughout Orissa, India. I am also preaching regularly in Mumbai and Delhi and other ISKCON Centers and Temples around India. I also spend a few months a year preaching in Russia, the USA and most recently Kenya Africa. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Prabhupada dasa Prabhupada Das This body was born in 1946 and is now 65 years old. I had the good fortune of moving to 645 East 9th Street, NYC in 1965, thus geong posi>oned to receive Srila Prabhupada’s special mercy upon his arrival downtown in 1966. In fact I was situated only ¾ of a block away from the iconic Tompkins Square Park, famous for us as the site of the first public chan>ng of the Maha Mantra in the Western world. Of course this was performed very personally by His Divine Grace. So one day I wandered over to the group, no>ced the oriental rug donated by Robert Nelson, and listened to the sound vibra>on, glancing at the leader, whom I was soon to learn was called Swami Bhak>vedanta. I became a regular visitor to 26 2nd a Avenue which, in those days oSen meant a regular visitor to Prabhupada’s apartment where he was taking on all comers, including “frustrated and confused young men” (as he saw and described us hippies). I entered the storefront frequently, beginning as soon as it was established as “Swami Bhak>vedanta’s storefront temple.” It was, as you all know, designated by its inherited sign – “Matchless GiSs.” July through December, or beginning of January ’67 – that was the period in which I gained the associa>on of Srila Prabhupada, and that despite my usually being strongly under the influence of the powerful, mind‐altering drug called LSD. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Prabhupada Das I cherish my memories of my encounters with Srila Prabhupada during that period as well as the one subsequent personal darshana I was allowed later on (Boston, 38 North Beacon St. ISKCON Temple, circa 1972). (If the reader would like to know the details of these exchanges, he/she can refer to Siddhanta prabhu’s “Memories” series as well as Yadubara prabhu’s “Following Srila Prabhupada” series. Other videos of my Prabhupada memories also exist.) Although, by his causeless mercy, Srila Prabhupada feelingly urged me to join him and the boys in 1966, at that >me I was unable to do so. But I at least con>nued associa>ng with devotees and gradually increased my humble service to the mission. In 1968 I published a hippie “underground” newspaper that featured a full page ar>cle about our founder‐acharya. (The ar>cle is en>tled “The Master Returns,” replete with that classic photo of him passing a set of three Bhagavatams to Prime Minister Sastri.) Finally, in July, 1975, I actually joined (in Boston) as a full‐>me member. Of course it didn’t take too many months before I was out on travelling book distribu>on Sankirtan. ASer about a year and a half of book distribu>on I was given an alterna>ve, namely taking on the responsibility of temple treasurer (s>ll in Boston). In April, 1976 I received first ini>a>on, and in Oct.,1977, 2nd. This was followed by some travelling and preaching with Agrani prabhu, down to Philadelphia and other places, eventually residing on the “skyscraper” temple on West 55th St., NYC. That was 1980. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Prabhupada Das Subsequent service and places including becoming the temple treasurer for the New York temple aSer is had relocated to Brooklyn. Then more traveling and preaching in the Caribbean. At the end of 1990, I was asked to help the struggling Bogota, Colombia (South America) temple. I spend a lot of my >me there coping with the economic aspect (ie, seeing the bills got paid). Finally, in early 2003, I was free to take the Bhak> Sastri course and to begin annual visits to Mayapur and Vrndavana. I soon began teaching Bhak> Sastri, especially Bhagavad‐gita and Isopanisad. At present I travel to different countries (including Colombia) to preach in Spanish and English. As for the future, I hope that the aspired sannyasa role will afford me increased opportunity to deeply contemplate our philosophy through study and preaching the books that Srila Prabhupada has mercifully leS for us as the “basis.” I feel immensely grateful to him and hope to express this by increased preaching work. I pray for your blessings. (For further info, please feel free to contact me via email: [email protected].) Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Udama Sloka Das Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Udama Sloka dasa (UK and CIS) Udama Sloka Das Udama Sloka Das was born in Baku, Azerbaijan,(former Soviet Union) in 1967, in a religious Muslim family. In 1985, being a freedom fighter against the communist rule in his student years, he was first interested in alliance with the devotees of ISKCON against the common enemy. Later he joined the movement in 1989 in Sukhumi, Georgia, dropping a successful business. Right from the start he became a part of a travelling sankirtan group around Georgia and from 1991, due to his knowledge of English, he assisted his guru, HH Indradyumna Swami, as his travelling secretary and interpreter. He received his first ini>a>on from him also in 1991. From 1991 to 1993 he combined his personal services to his spiritual master with his first responcibility in ISKCON as a SKN leader in Sochi, Russia. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Udama Sloka Das In 1993 he received his second ini>a>on and was sent by his GBC to Urals, Russia, where he spent the next ten years serving as a TP of Chelyabinsk and a Regional Secretary of the Urals from 1996 and a GBC Deputy from 1999 to 2003. At the same >me, from the beginning of 2000, he started visi>ng the UK ‐ first as a book distributor, then as an organizer of a SKN party and manager, and later as a teacher and preacher. In 2003 he delegated his managerial responsibili>es and, aSer acquiring a Bhak> Shastri Teacher's degree and a Mediator's degreeengaged in travelling preaching, first in CIS, UK and India. Later, aSer acquiring Bri>sh ci>zenship in 2005 with the blessings of his Gurudeva, Srila Indradyumna Swami, started travelling globally, offering devotees short and prac>cal courses based on the Bhagavad Gita As It Is, which became very popular in many countries. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Udama Sloka Das Since then and un>l the present moment, he is also coordina>ng the Spiritual United Na>ons (S.U.N) project meant for establishing ac>ve partnership between devotees and other spiritualists in working together and providing spiritual solu>ons for material problems to support local and global government ini>a>ves. At the moment the project is registered in a number of countries including USA, Canada, Israel and Russia. The organiza>on is also represented in both main U.N. Headquarters, New York and Geneva. His annual preaching includes the main English speaking countries, such as the UK, USA, Canada and Australia. Singapore,India, Swizerland, Japan, Israel, Russia and Ukraine are also included in the annual tours. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Vaishnava Das Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Vaishnava Das • • • • • • • • • • • Date of Birth: 30th June, 1961 Spiritual Master: HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Coming contact with ISKCON in 1984. Joining in Sri Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir, ISKCON, Vrindavan as a full >me Ashram devotee on Radhastami, 1986. Ist Ini>a>on on Kar>k Purnima, 1989 in Vrindavan. 2nd Ini>a>on on 1992, in Vrindavan. Bachelor in Commerce, University of Orissa. In the beginning in ISKCON, Vrindavan, serving in the Kitchen (washing pots, cuong vegetables, serving Prasad, cleaning Prasadam hall etc. for 1 year. I joined the sankirtan dept and I was serving in book stall infront of temple for 2 years. Joined in Travelling sankirtan with HH Probodhananda Saraswa> Swami (Prabhu at >me) for 5 years doing book bag in various places in India. From 1994 >ll 2004 I lead the Sankirtan Dept in which 5 Sankirtan busses, 2 small vehicles and around with 60 brahmacaris serving in the department under my guidance Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Vaishnava Das • • • • • • • • • Also I was looking aSer the New Bhakta Program at that >me and assis>ng Temple Management at that >me. From 2003 onwards, the VEB appointed me as the Vice‐President of ISKCON, Vrindavan. Till now I have various responsibili>es as a Temple Administra>ve council member and supervising various dept. From 2009 onwards, I started extensive travelling preaching throughout India. In 2010 I have done my Bhak> Shastri course in VIHE, Vrindavan. In 2009 also VEB nominated me as a sannyasa candidate and I applied for it. Now since 3 years, travelling & preaching under the guidance of HH Bhak> Gaurava Narayana Swami. He is my mentor. I am in 1 year wai>ng list for sannyasa. I am trying to preach the teachings of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada where ever I can to school, college students, village programa, congrega>ons, in many places and book distribu>on also. I am trying to dedicate my life in the service of Guru Gauranga, if by their causeless mercy and by their blessings they engage me in the preaching mission of Krishna Consciousness movement following the footsteps of Srila Prabhupada and predecessor Acaryas. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Vedavyasa Das Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012 Vedavyasa Das, born in Germany, in 1951, met devotees in Hamburg in the summer of 1971, while doing mandatory military service. ASer reading "Sri Isopanisad" and receiving guidance from Srila Prabhupada's disciples there, he became a vegetarian, shaved his head, and lived (as far as circumstances allowed) a devo>onal life while s>ll in the army. To help him focus, devotees asked him to translate the Second Canto of Srimad‐Bhagavatam into German. Shortly aSer his discharge, he traveled to Paris in June of 1972 to meet Srila Prabhupada and receive ini>a>on. For the next eight years, he translated books and managed the German BBT. ASer marrying a Spanish devotee and arriving in Spain, in 1981, he oversaw prin>ng for the Spanish BBT and assisted in the administra>on of the Spanish temples. In 1985, he established the European office of the Spanish BBT (previously, he worked through the Spanish BBT office in Los Angeles). During the next ten years, the "Srimad‐Bhagavatam" and several other books were published, and the "Sri Caitanya‐caritamrita" was translated and prepared for publica>on. For the occasion of Srila Prabhupada's centennial celebra>on, Vedavyasa wrote and published a book called "Srila Prabhupada and His Disciples in Germany," which narrates the history from 1969 to 1977 and features the memories of Prabhupada's disciples. Vedavyasa is the president of both the Malaga temple and the New Vrajamandala farm community, and the Euro RGB Commissioner for ISKCON's ac>vi>es in Spain. He is also serving as an ini>a>ng guru in ISKCON. Sannyasa Candidates ‐ Bio Data 2012