Call them Piccaninnies, Fussy Wussy Angels or just Gods dear little


Call them Piccaninnies, Fussy Wussy Angels or just Gods dear little
Piccaninny Heaven
Page 5
Call them Piccaninnies, Fussy Wussy Angels or just Gods dear little children.
When you are surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of excited children it can
be a bit overwhelming, but by Gods grace brother Graeme Curnuck, Candice
& Jennie Berghan with John & Dianne Wolff and myself told story after story
and cared for the many little souls who were so excited to have “white” people
to minister to their needs. We all had such a great blessing in working with the
children of Papua New Guinea. We will never be the same again, these children have very little in the way of possessions, but what they lack in the things
of this world they make up for with their love for Jesus and their love of the
truth. These children will be the ones who will finish the work, praise God.
Street Preaching In Port Moresby PNG
Graeme Curnuck & Pastor Graham Berghan.
Hundreds listened to the preaching of
the three angels messages on the
street, and many were saying amen to
the things they heard, thank God, He
has the ordering of His work today.