An Evening at Tiffany·s
An Evening at Tiffany·s
-------------------------~-- -- - Page 1 of2 www Non Fringe 2008 An Evening at Tiffany·s What do you do if you are a young theatre group with aspirations to be part of the world's largest art festival, the Edinburgh Fringe, but in these tight financial times we live in, need to raise a whole load of money to do so? Well if you happen to be part of the extremely talented and dynamic Why Not? Theatre Company then the answer is clear. Do what they do best and run a series of three fund-raising shows in the Tiffany's lounge within the Carnegie Hall complex in Dunfermline. Nine performers namely Kate Bubb, Andrew Gourlay, Eleanor Gudgin, Joseph Hannan, Hannah Lockwood, Emma McNair, Rebecca McNiff Graeme Sharp, Emma Steadman and Diane Stewart royally entertained for the excess of two hours with a selection of solo and ensemble numbers from a whole variety of genres and sources, swing numbers cheek by jowl with Robbie Williams and Leann Rimes numbers but as one would expect majoring on musical theatre. The choice here was wide and varied, established favourites such as Chicago!, Cabaret, 42nd Street, Rent, Les Mis and Jesus Christ Superstar and current en vogue ones such as Hairspray, Avenue Q, Mamma Mia and We Will Rock You. The performers, more used to performing on a stage, were taken out of their comfort zone playing in this almost cabaret setting but this was not detrimental to the performance, as full use of the different levels and not just 'the stage' was made. Excellent direction by Graeme Melvin together with the inventive choreography by Theresa Puddefoot kept the action flowing from all sides. Each of the nine performers took centre stage at times and each added to the ento ment of the evenin . It ma be unfair to hi hli ht some of these performances, however I was particularly impressed by Andrew's version of 'Let me Entertain You', he certainly did, Graeme Sharpe with 'Fever' and Joe with 'Mr ~~~;;~~ Cellophane' Where the evening :--_~--"'_I really took hold for me, and it was _____ ....• good to see from a 21111/2008 Page 2 of2 www company, were the ensemble numbers. There was not a number that fell short of excellent, some of the harmonies just had to be heard especially 'Seasons of Love' from Rent and the Les Miserables finale. There has always been a fine history of talented performers in Fife and if members of this troupe are the up and corners then the future is certainly in good hands. The musicians, MD Alan Gibson, together with David Wilson on percussion provided a solid backing for this talented troupe and the sound and light designed by Alistair Philips ensured that they could be heard and seen at all times. I am not sure if there are still any tickets available for the two remaining nights but if there are get in fast, 'cause it's not only a value for money show, it is also helping to give these individuals a chance to showcase their talents on a world wide stage that is the Fringe. Top of page http://www.one4review.comINon_fringe-..non_fringe_08-..an_evening_tiffanys_.htm Non Frin~ 21111/2008