SFOS Oct 08 news - The San Francisco Orchid Society
SFOS Oct 08 news - The San Francisco Orchid Society
S Volume 58 Number 5 The mission of the SFOS is to foster the culture and cultivation of orchids and to promote education of its members and the public about orchids. Our goals include: an exchange of information from exhibitions, publications, and the Internet, maintenance of a reference library, and participation in worldwide activities. y Orchid o c s i c n Soc a r F i Newsletter e n t May 2009 a A California Non Profit 501(c)3 Corporation May Speaker Yin-Tung Wang Ph.D. on Nobile Dendrobium SFOS Meeting: Tuesday, May 5th, 2009 No speaker dinner this month. AOS Judging: 7:00 p.m. Skills Session: 7:05 p.m. Meeting: 7:30 p.m. San Francisco County Fair Building, Golden Gate Park, 9th Avenue and Lincoln Way, San Francisco. Plants submitted for American Orchid Society Judging must be entered between 6:30pm and 7:00pm. Debra Atwood from Napa Valley Orchids (www.napavalleyorchids.com) on the 10 rules of thumb for basic orchid care, with emphasis on proper watering and plant placement. Skill Session Plant Opportunity Table Orchid Design Dr. Yin-Tung Wang, born and raised in Taiwan, earned his bachelor’s degree in horticulture from the National Chung-Hsing University in Taichung,Taiwan, and then his M.S. and Ph.D. degree in plant physiology at Oregon State University in 1984. He was a professor of floriculture and plant physiology in the Dept. of Horticultural Science at Texas A&M University until his early retirement in January 2008, and remains on the graduate faculty, directing a graduate student. During the early years of his professional career, Dr. Wang studied the cultural requirements, physiology, and postharvest handling of floral and tropical foliage plants. His studies included using growth hormones to regulate plant morphology and cell structure. He also did extensive research on roses, nursery crops, and aloe vera. Since 1990, Dr.Wang shifted his research to focus on potted orchids, particularly the Phalaenopsis. He has done numerous studies to learn the nutritional requirements, media, light, growth regulation, and postharvest handling. In the mid-1990s, Dr. Wang developed a technology to defer the flowering process until a desirable market time, with much lower energy input than the standard practice of heating greenhouses to 82° F (28° C) day and night. This technique was tested at unheated commercial greenhouses in 2005 and was found to be extremely effective in inhibiting spiking and saving heating costs, and is being used by several Phalaenopsis growers in Taiwan. Dr.Wang has published over 70 refereed scientific papers, more than 60 articles in practical professional journals, and many abstracts, and he is on the editorial board of several scientific journals. He was a member of the American Orchid Society’s Research Committee for nine years, and is currently on the AOS Publications Committee, as well as on the advisory Board of Orchids magazine, answering the Q&A column, writing articles for Orchids. He has also served on several committees for the American Society for Horticultural Science. Dr. Wang has collaborative orchid research with scientists in several countries, and has been frequently consulted on orchids, nursery crops, and Aloe vera by producers around the world. He was an honorary advisor to Taiwan Sugar Corporation. Dr.Wang was presented the Chairman Yun-Ho Lee Award of Scientific Merit by the International Aloe Science Council in September 2002 for his tremendous contributions to this industry worldwide. He was an invited speaker at the Taiwan International Orchid Show in 2005-2007, and provided great help to the 2007 International Phalaenopsis Alliance Symposium in Taiwan. The IPA presented Dr.Wang with its most prestigious Award of Distinction for his exemplary service to the orchid-growing community worldwide. At the invitation of Andy Matsui, Dr.Wang took an early retirement from Texas A&M University to become the Director of R&D/Production at Matsui Nursery in Salinas. Matsui Nursery produces 50% of all orchids being produced in California (more than the value of all orchid nurseries in Hawaii combined) and about 25% of the overall value of orchids in the United States. 2008-2009 SFOS Officers/Contacts President vacant Acting Vice President Eric Hunt 415-225-6561 [email protected] Secretary Kay Klumb 415-648-8271 [email protected] Treasurer Dan Peter 650-563-9259 [email protected] Past President Jean Lee 415-665-6079 [email protected] Directors Maureen Clarke 415-333-4033 [email protected] Ellen Edelson 415-731-5924 [email protected] Eric Hunt 415-225-6561 [email protected] Ricki Kohn [email protected] Membership Judy Bley 415-826-8372 [email protected] Newsletter Angelic Nguyen 408-476-7153 [email protected] & Dave Robison 408-947-0486 [email protected] AOS Representative Carol Zoltowski 415-657-3222 [email protected] Orchid Digest Representative Jean Lee 415-665-6079 [email protected] Plant Sales Masaki Asuka 650-588-6753 Sofia Valenzuela 415-469-9332 [email protected] Property Managers Ellen Edelson 415-731-5924 Maureen Clarke 415-333-4033 [email protected] Raffle Tickets Ellen Edelson 415-731-5924 Maureen Clarke 415-333-4033 Librarians Cindy Reid 650-355-8621 Chuck Chan & Moon Chan 415-387-1179 [email protected] Show Chair Dennis Westler 415-336-2752 [email protected] Webmaster George Su 510-727-1262 [email protected] [email protected] A California Non Profit 501(c)3 Corporation 2 SFOS NEWSLETTER MAY 2009 SFOS Board Election Election of officers for the SFOS Board of Directors will be held at the May 2009 meeting.The Nominating Committee is presenting a slate and nominations will also be accepted from the membership. The Nominating Committee, Chair Kay Klumb and Judy Bley, present the following slate: President: Jean Lee Past President: vacant Vice President: Eric Hunt Treasurer: Dan Peter Secretary: Kay Klumb Directors: Maureen Clarke Ellen Edelson Ricki Kohn Allison Lehman Refreshments Sm–V SFOS members are encouraged to help out with refreshments, setup and cleanup at Monthly Meetings. If your last name falls within the letter range Sm–V please bring snacks such as fresh fruit, ice cream, crackers & cheese for the next meeting. About three dozen cookies, one cake, one to two pounds of fruit or cheeses, or one box of crackers is an appropriate amount. Remember to pick up your raffle ticket as one of the rewards of sharing — and good luck in the drawing! WELCOME NEW MEMBERS SFOS welcomes the following new members who have joined in the last month: Michael R. Sweeney Eric Wells Future Speakers May 09: Yin-Tung Wang Ph.D. on Nobile Dendrobium June 09: Samantha Kha, the Orchid Zone, TBA July 09: Jeff Tyler on Bulbophyllums AOS Awards Pacific Central - San Francisco 4/7/2009 • Lycaste Chita Sunset ‘Winston’, AM 81 (Lyc. Shoalhaven x Lyc.Wyld Sunset) Exhibited by Amy and Ken Jacobsen • Masdevallia ignea ‘Tetra Carmine’, HCC 79 species, exhibited by Golden Gate Orchids • Masdevallia lucernula ‘Elle Ronis’, CCM 88 species, exhibited by Ron Parsons • Paph. Fumi’s Delight ‘Maplethorpe’, AM 83 (Paph. micranthum x Paph. armeniacum) Exhibited by George Stagi • Paphiopedilum liemianum ‘Kate’s Surprise’, AM 80 species, exhibited by Mr & Mrs TW Culbertson California Sierra Nevada - 4/1/2009 • Cattleya intermedia ‘San Carlos’, AM 86 species, exhibited by Amy and Ken Jacobsen • Cattleya intermedia var. orlata ‘Exeter’, HCC 79 species, exhibited by Amy and Ken Jacobsen • Cattleya intermedia var. orlata ‘Winston’, AM 82 species, exhibited by Amy and Ken Jacobsen • Leptotes bicolor ‘Big Ben’, CCM 87 and HCC 78 species, exhibited by Gold Country Orchids • Paph. Fumi’s Delight ‘Nova’, AM 83 (Paph. micranthum x Paph. armeniacum) Exhibited by Richard F. Buchter • Vascocenda Roll on Red ‘Red Hots’, AM 81 (Vasco. Crownfox Red Gem x Ascda. Peggy Foo) Exhibited by Dennis Wade Tropical Plant Society of Modesto Show 4/4/2009 • Paphiopedilum Lady Isabel ‘Sierra Vista’, AM 82 (Paph. rothschildianum x Paph. stonei) Exhibited by Curtis Gean Sacramento Orchid Society Show - 4/18/2009 • Epidendrum Pacific Sizzle ‘Delicious’, AM 80 (Epi. Pacific Girl x Epi. Hokulea) Exhibited by Cal-Orchids • Paph. Zellwood Station ‘Cabernet’, HCC 77 (Paph. Macabre x Paph. Red Shift) Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky • Sarcochilus hartmanii ‘Moon Shadow’, HCC 77 species, exhibited by Dennis Olivas Photos and descriptions can be seen at Pacific Central: http://www.aospacificcentral.org California Sierra Nevada: http://www.csnjc.org Minutes of SFOS Board Meeting 4-15-09 Present were: Past President: Jean Lee, Acting Vice President: Eric Hunt, Show Chair: Dennis Westler,Treasurer: Dan Peter, Membership: Judy Bley, Secretary: Kay Klumb, Directors: Maureen Clarke, Ellen Edelson, and Ricki Kohn, Guests: Ken Giebel, Frances Larose, and Allison Lehman I. Past President’s Report A. Jean announced that OrchidFest will change its name to Orchids in the Park, to be held on September 12 & 13, 2009. County Fair Building fees are going up again so SFOS will have an increase of about $700.00 more for this event. B. Jean showed the letters that SFOS has received from the scholarship student and the Conservatory of Flowers in appreciation of our grants. C. Jean stated that the Board would discuss making other grants at the May meeting. II. Acting Vice President’s Report Eric gave an update of future programs which will appear elsewhere in the newsletter. He wants to schedule regular, perhaps quarterly, beginners’ skill sessions to help novice growers feel welcome at meetings. The Board reconfirmed that SFOS will pay $200.00 plus expenses for the speaker and $400.00 for the opportunity table plants. III. Secretary’s Report Kay asked for volunteers to cover for her in May & June. Ricki agreed to take the minutes and Allison will host the Speaker’s dinner. IV. Membership Report Judy said that 13 people had joined SFOS at Pacific Orchid Exposition (POE) and 1 joined since then, bringing total membership to 288, but 55 people had not yet paid their dues. They have been reminded. V. Treasurer’s Report Dan distributed a profit and loss statement for POE and said that figures are not final, but, in a very general way, income from admissions and sponsors was down, but efforts to reduce expenses had resulted in an overall positive net income of about $20,000.00. Ken explained some of the cost cutting measures. Frances and Ken want to engage younger people to attend the show. Attendance was poorest on Thursday and Sunday. It may be more effective to have the Gala on Friday night. Fort Mason seemed pleased with the Saturday evening event and Dennis reported that it was problem free for vendors so that is a new source of revenue. VI. Old Business Maureen moved to grant $400.00 to Orchid Conservation Alliance as our commitment to the 1% for Orchid Conservation Coalition, Ricki seconded, and the motion carried unanimously as all agreed to make the grant higher than 1% of our net profit for the year. Eric moved to adjourn the meeting, Ellen seconded and the motion was passed. Respectfully submitted, Kay Klumb SFOS NEWSLETTER MAY 2009 3 P a ci f ic O r ch id Ex pos it ion ’09 Photos by Eric Hunt Cym. goeringii ‘Tenshin’ Neofinetia falcata Sophronitis coccinea Ascocentrum garayi Cym. Mini Sarah ‘Pearl Falls’ Chytroglossa aurata Dendrobium sanderae v. major ‘Vistamont’ Dendrochilum uncatum Gastrorchis tuberculosa Maxillaria sanderiana Cal-Orchids display 4 SFOS NEWSLETTER MAY 2009 Calanthe striata ‘Good Fortune’ Dendrobium sanderae v. major ‘Vistamont’ Pleurothallis cyanea Odontioda (Shelley x Wally Curry) ‘Vistamont’ Cyclopogon lindleyanus ‘Silver Screen’ Paphiopedilum delenatii ‘Golden Gate’ Dendrobium chrysopterum ‘Hanging Gardens’ Dendrobium fairfaxii Andy’s Orchids Wardian Case Cym. Lamplighter ‘Aladdin’ Masdevallia caudivolvula Paphiopedilum villosum Dendrobium nobile Masdevallia caesia Paphiopedilum appletonianum Epidendrum fimbriatum Rhynchostylis gigantea Masdevallia schroederiana Dendrobium wardianum Four Orchid Friends display SFOS NEWSLETTER MAY 2009 5 SFOS Newsletter P.O. Box 27145 San Francisco, CA 94127 First Class SFOS Bulletin Board The Bulletin Board is a free service for SFOS members’ orchidrelated items. Send items by the 15th of the month to: 1361 Plum St, San Jose, CA 95110, or e-mail: [email protected]. Include your name, phone number, and how long you want the item to run. We will also run items of interest from other orchid societies. All submissions will be reviewed and may be edited. Upcoming Events • May 2 & 3: D & D Flowers Spring Sale, 9am–4pm, Half Moon Bay. Just east of Spanish town, Hwy 92. Turn between house and firewood business, go over bridge into the greenhouse complex. D & D is on the right. Cymbidiums, cattleyas, oncidiums, paphs, phrags, more. • May 5, 2009, 7:30pm – SFOS General Meeting Ying-Tung Wang Ph.D. on Nobile Dendrobium • May 8, 9, 10: The Orchid Society of California Mother’s Day Weekend Show and Sale at Lake Merritt Garden Center is expanding to include CSA judging. Information: www.orchidsocietyofcalifornia.com • May 9: OrchidMania Mother’s Day Open Greenhouse Sale, 11-3pm, 717 Paris (x Italy), www.orchids.org for more info • May 17, 9-5 pm Carmel Orchid Society Annual MayFaire Show & Sale at Hidden Valley Music Seminars, 88 W. Carmel Valley Rd, Carmel Valley Village. Info: www.carmelorchidsociety.org, or contact Carolyn Salmon, 375-3748 or [email protected] • May 30 & 31: Express Orchid Exposition Show & Sale, 9am–5pm, Holiday Inn Express Hotel,1350 N. Fourth St, San Jose. Skill sessions, silent auction to benefit the Orchid Conservation Alliance. • June 2, 2009 , 7:30pm – SFOS General Meeting Samantha Kha, the Orchid Zone The SFOS has a Bulletin Board System (BBS) set up for the society. It’s at: http://groups.google.com/group/orchid-doctor We welcome everyone to visit this new section to either post their questions about orchids or to share their knowledge with the general public. It can also be accessed from our website by clicking on “Ask the Orchid Doctor.” We are going to be posting all of the questions sent to the orchid doctor there as well.