Regional Education Report Card
Regional Education Report Card
Regional Education Report Card: 2014–2015 School Year Regional Education Report Card: 2014–2015 School Year BRAC’s annual education report card summarizes the performance of public schools in the nine-parish Capital Region, capturing the many different performance metrics used to evaluate them. The report collates a broad array of information for the parish, city and community schools located in the Capital Area to facilitate both decision-making by those using or considering public schools and accountability for those operating them. The report provides information to parents, aiding in understanding the variety of public school choices available in the Baton Rouge Area. Highlights • • • • • • • • The region’s 2014-2015 school year average score fell by 4% and the East Baton Rouge average score fell by 2% from the year before Five Capital Area districts ranked in the top ten in LA Five of the 13 Capital Area districts improved their scores Zachary remained the highest scoring district even with a slight drop in 2015 Baker posted the highest overall gain in the region by improving by a full letter grade, to a “C” district Eight of 13 districts in the region saw a decline in their scores in 2015 Three of the 13 districts improved in their statewide ranking and four of the district rankings remained the same Although still far behind the statewide public school average, students using the Voucher Program continued their steady improvement 1 Recent Assessment Changes The 2014-2015 school year is the first in which Louisiana’s statewide student assessments in grades 3-8 were administered via the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers test. This test, aligned with new and more rigorous Louisiana State Standards, has resulted in scores that will serve as part of a baseline from which the state will raise expectations for K-12 education. As expected, due to the more demanding assessment and correspondingly demanding standards, student scores on the annual tests dropped. This is true throughout both the state and the Capital Region. Across the state, just 31 of 75 districts improved their performance score. Of those 31 improving districts, less than half improved by more than 2 percent. The statewide performance is reflective of the performance in the Capital Region. 2015 District Performance Scores and Letter Grades RSD-EBR 42.7, F Growth from 2012 -10 – (-5)% -5 – 0% 0 – 5% Source: Louisiana Department of Education 5%+ This is not to say that there should exist collective despair over the decreases in scores across the Area. As BRAC wrote in an October 2015 Public Policy Commentary, now is the time to demonstrate both commitment to higher expectations and resolve to give students the opportunity to adjust and achieve. As in prior years, statewide assessments are graded on a five-point scale as follows: 1. unsatisfactory 2. approaching basic 2 3. basic 4. mastery 5. advanced A basic score is required for advancement to the next grade, also known as being “at grade level.” Percentage of Students Who Are at Grade Level Letter Grade 88 – 100% A 76 – 87% B 64 – 75% C 39 – 63% D 0 – 38% F Source: Louisiana Department of Education Starting in 2016, the Louisiana Department of Education will begin raising expectations to a policy in 2025 in which “A”-rated schools will be those at which the average assessment score is that of “mastery” (a four out of five). Currently, “A”-rated schools have an average assessment score of “basic,” a level below the longterm goal. This 10-year transition will bring Louisiana’s performance criteria into alignment with the criteria of the National Assessment for Educational Progress, the only assessment taken by students in every state and therefore the only assessment that allows for comparison across the country. It will also serve as a better indicator to parents that an “A”-rated school is one in which students are, on average, excelling. During the transition, the LDE has put in place a grading curve for school performance scores. This will artificially maintain the percentage of schools earning each grade level “A” through “F.” This policy, which is in place through the 2016 school year, will temporarily prevent most accountability consequences for districts and schools that drop in performance due to higher expectations. 3 Grading Curve for Transition to Higher Expectations F’s8% D’s18% C’s28% B’s29% A’s17% The state is moving toward higher standards to raise expectations so that an “A” school is at mastery rather than basic. To give time for educators to reach and learn these new standards, a curve policy has been put in place through 2016, creating the same percentage of “A” through “F” schools as before. Source: Louisiana Department of Education: CCSS Implementation, Oct. 2013 A variety of student achievement metrics determine school and district performance scores. In the elementary and middle school levels, standardized statewide assessments determine the great majority of the school letter grade. In high school, two standardized tests are considered (the American College Test, or ACT, and End of Course tests in various subjects, also known as EOCs). Also included at the high school level are the cohort graduation rate and the cohort graduation index, which takes into account achievement data including passing scores on college credit exams (i.e. Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate). In addition, all schools can earn bonus points for making progress with students who have struggled academically. SPS Calculations • • • 4 K-6 Schools »» LEAP Assessment Index (100%) Middle Schools (grades 7 – 8) »» Credits earned through the end of the 9th grade (5%) + Assessment Index (95%) 9-12 Schools »» ACT index (25%) + End of Course Test Index (25%) + Graduation Index (25%) + Graduation Cohort Rate (25%) SPS Comparison Chart Grade 2012-2015 Scale (ElementaryandMiddleSchools) 2012-2015Scale (HighSchools) A 100.0 – 150.0 100.0 – 150.0 B 83.9– 99.9 85.0– 99.9 C 66.2– 83.8 70.0– 84.9 D 45.2– 66.1 47.1– 69.9 F 0.0– 45.1 0.0– 47.0 Source: Louisiana Department of Education It should be noted that graduation index data will soon include accountability points awarded under Jump Start, Louisiana’s career and technical education program. This means that in the 2015-2016 school year, high schools and school districts will receive performance points for students earning an advanced statewide career and technical certificate as they would for a student who earns a 3 or higher (out of 5) on an Advanced Placement exam. Students earning a basic statewide career and technical certificate provide the district with the same number of points as do students earning a 1 or 2 on an Advanced Placement exam. Linking career and technical education—or CTE—to school performance scores will increase the value of CTE to schools and districts. This will hopefully motivate teachers and administrators to encourage pursuit of career credentials and diplomas that lead students to high demand jobs upon graduation, completion of a postsecondary certification program, or achievement of a two-year college degree. BRAC is hopeful that robust metrics will be available to measure the implementation of Jump Start, once career and technical credentials are part of the graduation index score. 5 Regional District Performance Results DPS Growth 2013–2015 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.3% 0.00% 2013 2014 -0.50% 2015 -0.6% -1.00% -1.1% -1.50% -2.00% BR Region* EBR Louisiana *BR Region’s score is the average of the SPS scores of all schools in the MSA Source: Louisiana Department of Education; BRAC analysis DPS Scores for the 2013–2015 School Years 81.3 EBR 88.8 79.9 79.8 81.9 BR Region 2013-2014 42.7 89.2 55.8 RSD - BR 2014-2015 Source: Louisiana Department of Education; BRAC analysis 6 State Letter Grades Letter Grade DPS Range A 100 – 150 B 85.0 - 99.9 C 70.0 - 84.9 D 50.0 - 69.9 F Below 50 Source: Louisiana Department of Education; BRAC analysis BRAC has created a Regional District Performance Score for the Capital Area, but it should be noted that the methodology for this score is only to average the performance scores of the 213 Baton Rouge Area schools for which the state issued a score. It is not as complex as the formula used by the LDE to calculate DPS and should be relied on as a broad indicator. That being said, DPS of the Baton Rouge Region fell 4 percent in 2015, putting three-year growth of regional scores at -1.1 percent. This growth is outpaced by the small gains the state has made in three years, totaling a 0.3 percent increase in performance. Regional charter schools fared similarly to regional school districts, with an average performance score that fell 0.6 percent. The region’s highest performing charter school is the Slaughter Community Charter School in East Feliciana Parish, which earned a 2015 school performance score of 96.9 (“B”). The Slaughter Community Charter School was authorized by the East Feliciana School Board. At the bottom of the regional charter school rankings falls Capitol High School, a turnaround charter authorized by the Recovery School District and run by Friendship Louisiana, Inc. Capitol High School earned a performance score of 15.9 (“F”). Average Charter SchoolCharter Performance Score Average School Performance Score, by Charter Authorizer 120 98.9 98.9 100 80 83 65 66.5 65 60 62 57.1 58.2 58.2 64 63.6 40 20 0 BESE EBRPSB 2012-2013 EFPSB 2013-2014 BR Region 2014-2015 Source: Louisiana Department of Education; BRAC analysis 7 One group of students that has fared a bit better across the board this year is that utilizing the Louisiana Scholarship, or Voucher, Program. Voucher Program students use state funding to attend private schools. Use of the Voucher Program is predicated upon several requirements, the two most significant of which are income level and prior attendance at a public school rated “C,” “D,” or “F.” The achievement level of these students, since the inception of the Voucher Program, has been and continues to be lower than that of the statewide average. However, scores have been improving, and the gap between the average statewide student achievement on the LEAP and Voucher Program student achievement on the LEAP has been cut nearly in half since the Voucher Program was created in 2010. Statewide Comparison of All Public School Students to Voucher School Students 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 25% 55% 50% 27% 25% 18% 2013-2014 2014-2015 32% 45% 40% 35% 30% 2010-2011 2011-2012 Statewide Average 2012-2013 Achievement Gap Louisiana Scholarship Program In the Capital Region, the Recovery School District in East Baton Rouge rounds out the lowest performing districts, earning a DPS of 42.7 (“F”). This DPS caused the Recovery School District to slip by three spots in 2015 to the bottom of the statewide rankings. It is the only “F”-rated district in the Baton Rouge Area, having fallen a noteworthy 24 percent from 2014 to 2015. Most of the 13 school districts in the Region, however, fell or grew much less significantly. 8 2014 and 2015 DPS Comparison 2015 DPS 2014 DPS 2015 Growth (pts.) 2015 Growth (%) 2015 Grade 2014 Grade 2015 Rank (of 75) 2014 Rank (of 74) Zachary 114.1 114.4 -0.3 -0.3% A A 1 1 W. Feliciana 108.4 102.4 6 5.9% A A 3 10 Ascension 107.4 106.9 0.5 0.5% A A 4 4 Central 104.4 108.2 -3.8 -3.5% A A 5 3 Livingston 102.5 103.0 -0.5 -0.5% A A 9 9 WBR 86.9 91.1 -4.2 -4.6% B B 38 25 EBR 79.8 81.3 -1.5 -1.8% C C 47 46 Iberville 79.8 83 -3.2 -3.9% C C 48 44 E. Feliciana 78.4 77.5 0.9 1.2% C C 53 53 Baker 72.4 63.4 9.0 14.2% C D 60 67 Pointe Coupee 71.7 78.8 -7.1 -9.0% C C 61 51 St. Helena 54.9 51.4 3.5 6.8% D D 72 73 RSD – EBR 42.7 55.8 -13.1 -23.5% F D 74 71 Baton Rouge Region 79.9 83.3 -3.4 -4% C C 48 44 District As in 2014, Capital Area districts make up five of the state’s top 10 districts, with Zachary taking the top spot. The most dramatic education gains in the Capital Region last year were in the districts of West Feliciana, Baker and St. Helena. West Feliciana rose seven slots in the rankings in 2015, coming in at number three in the state. Baker also improved significantly, rising 14 percent in 2015 due to a particularly tremendous surge in performance at Baker High School. St. Helena, too, improved meaningfully (7 percent), though it still falls at a ranking of 72 out of 75 districts statewide. East Baton Rouge Parish Public School System, which educates 33 percent of Capital Region public school district students and is the largest school district in the Area, kept both its place in the middle of Capital Region rankings and its “C”-rating. The System lost a spot in the rankings, going from 46 to 47 of 75 districts statewide, due to a drop in performance of 1.8 percent. 9 The Region’s Largest School District Of EBRPSS’ 82 schools, 26 percent are above average (“A” or “B”), as compared to 50 percent of all schools in the Baton Rouge Region. Conversely, 43 percent of schools in EBRPSS are below average. This translates to over 16,000 EBRPSS students, or nearly four in 10, attending a “D” or “F” school (of nearly 42,000). Percent of Students by 2015 SPS Letter Grade* Baton Rouge Region 104 of 209 schools** (50%) in the Baton Rouge Region scored an “A” or “B” East Baton Rouge Parish School System 21 of 82 schools** (26%) in the East Baton Rouge Parish School System scored an “A” or “B” *Only students attending schools that received 2015 SPS Letter Grades are included **Excludes RSD – EBR Schools. Source: Louisiana Department of Education; BRAC Analysis Students Attending “D” or “F” Schools Baton Rouge Region (209 schools)* 26,204 out of 123,537*, or just over two out of every 10 BR Region students, attend “D” or “F” schools East Baton Rouge Parish School System (82 schools) 16,507 out of 41,986*, or four out of every 10 EBR students, attend “D” or “F” schools *Excludes RSD – EBR Schools Source: Louisiana Department of Education; BRAC analysis 10 Regionally, EBRPSS has some of both the highest and lowest performing schools of all area school districts. Of the 10 lowest-performing schools in the Region, EBRPSS holds half the slots. The System also claims half of the 10 highest-performing schools in the Region, while Ascension Parish claims the other half. Regional School and Rank School and Capital Region Rank 1. Baton Rouge Magnet High School 2. Sherwood Middle Academic Academy 3. Westdale Heights Academic Magnet School 4. Prairieville Middle School 5. Dutchtown High School 6. Oak Grove Primary School 7. Dutchtown Middle School 8. B. R. Foreign Language Academic Immersion Magnet 9. Dutchtown Primary School 10.Mayfair Laboratory School 2014–2015 Annual SPS 133.7 128.6 East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish 126.4 East Baton Rouge Parish A 122.8 119.6 118.8 118.5 117.9 Ascension Parish Ascension Parish Ascension Parish Ascension Parish East Baton Rouge Parish A A A A A 115.8 114.3 Ascension Parish East Baton Rouge Parish A A 30.2 25.6 RSD-Celerity Schools LA, Inc. RSD-Celerity Schools LA, Inc. T T >95% >95% 23.6 East Baton Rouge Parish F 88% 21.7 16.1 Pointe Coupee Parish East Baton Rouge Parish F F >95% >95% 15.9 15.2 RSD-Friendship LA, Inc. East Baton Rouge Parish F F 91% >95% 5.9 East Baton Rouge Parish F 94% 1.2 East Baton Rouge Parish F >95% 205.Celerity Lanier Charter School 206.Celerity Crestworth Charter School 207.Northdale Superintendent's Academy 208.Rosenwald Elementary School 209.Eden Park Superintendent Academy 210.Capitol High School 211.Greenville Superintendent's Academy 212.EBR Readiness Superintendent Academy 213.AMIkids Baton Rouge District 2015 Letter Selective % Economically Grade Disadvantaged A Yes 38% A Yes 49% Yes 36% Yes 28% 27% 30% 32% 45% Yes 34% 61% Source: Louisiana Department of Education “T” is a Transition Grade The EBRPSS hosts some of the best schools in the state. These schools—including Baton Rouge Magnet High School, which ranked 5th of over 1,300 statewide—are predominantly schools that practice selective admission. Of the nine “A”-rated schools in EBRPSS, only Parkview Elementary is not a magnet. The lowest ranked schools in EBRPSS tend to be district-authorized charter schools and schools that serve over-age or other special populations. 11 EBRPSS School and Rank EBRPSS School and Rank 2014–2015 Annual SPS 2. Sherwood Middle Academic Letter Selective % Economically State Rank Grade Disadvantaged of 1321 A Yes 38% 5 133.7 A Yes 49% 12 128.6 3. Westdale Heights Academic 126.4 1. Baton Rouge Magnet HS A Yes 36% 17 4. BR Foreign Language Academy 117.9 A Yes 45% 34 5. Mayfair Laboratory School 114.3 A Yes 61% 44 6. Parkview Elementary 111.0 A 67% 74 7. Forest Heights Academy 110.6 A Yes 65% 76 8. BR Visual & Performing Arts Center 9. McKinley Middle Magnet 108.7 A Yes 50% 97 A Yes 60% 187 102.4 40.Northeast Elementary School 69.2 C 89% 939 41.Ryan Elementary School 69.2 C 95% 940 F 85% 1225 F >95% 1235 F >95% 1249 F 90% 1251 F 94% 1282 F 88% 1293 F >95% 1304 F >95% 1306 F 94% 1315 F >95% 1317 73.South BR Charter Academy 43.5 74.Park Elementary 41.6 75.Howell Park Elementary 40.6 76.J.K. Haynes Charter Inc. 40.5 77.Arlington Preparatory Academy 78.Northdale Superintendent Academy 79.Eden Park Superintendent Academy 80.Greenville Superintendent Academy 81.EBR Readiness Superintendent Academy 82.AMIKids Baton Rouge 30.5 23.6 16.1 15.2 5.9 1.2 EBRPSS Average = 70 Source: Louisiana Department of Education Unsurprisingly, demand for EBRPSS magnet schools is remarkable. For the 2015-2016 school year, demand for a magnet school seat outpaced availability by 25 percent. During the school years spanning from 2012 to 2016, demand for a seat in a magnet school has increased 12 percent. 12 The group of students who apply to a magnet school but are not assigned to one has decreased from 66 percent of total applicants for the 2012-2013 school year to 25 percent of total applicants for the 2015-2016 school year. This decrease in unassigned students is commendable and demonstrates an effort by the district to meet a critical demand from families for seats in high-performing schools. The percentage of students who apply and are assigned to a magnet school has increased 33 percent over the same time period. Nonetheless, enrollment in the magnet schools has only increased 7 percent over the last four school years, indicating that some students may leave their magnet schools, and/or some families may choose not to accept their magnet school assignment, for one reason or another. Magnet School Application/Placement 1,990 1,832 1,866 1,797 1,325 1,223 1,126 1,092 1,086 845 711 844 1,325 964 956 1,152 1,083 1,104 1,046 1,192 1,218 1,175 1,047 705 Elem. Middle High 2012-2013 Elem.Middle High 2013-2014 Elem.Middle High 2014-2015 Number of Students Assigned Elem.Middle High 2015-2016 Number of Applicants Source: Analysis of magnet school lottery data for school years 2012-2016 by Joseph White Associates, prepared for EBRPSS. Magnet School Enrollment 3,722 4,641 4,537 4,489 4,262 3,970 3,793 3,563 2,640 2,694 2,739 2,867 Elem.Middle High Elem.Middle High 2013-2014 Elem.Middle High 2014-2015 Elem.Middle High 2012-2013 Elem. Source: Louisiana Department of Education Middle 2015-2016 High 13 College and Career Readiness The Capital Region, and the state overall, saw gains in its cohort graduation rate in 2014. In fact, the state reached a record high of 76.5 percent. The EBRPSS saw a modest drop in its cohort graduation rate. The cohort graduation rate is the percentage of students in a given cohort (for instance, a class of students starting 9th grade together) that graduate within four years. Cohort Graduation Rate 2008–2014 80 76.5% 75 74.6% 70 66.2% 65 60 55 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 EBRPSS BRRegion* Louisiana 2013 2014 *Average Cohort Graduation Rate for the school districts in the Baton Rouge MSA Source: Louisiana Department of Education; BRAC analysis The Capital Region and EBRPSS have been improving their dropout rates, if only slightly. The dropout rate is the percentage of students who leave school in a given school year. The region’s dropout rate fell in 2014, to 3.9 percent – the lowest it’s been since 2009. The statewide dropout rate was higher than the region’s— holding steady from 2013, at 4.5 percent—and the EBRPSS dropout rate was higher still at 5.4 percent. 14 Annual Dropout Percentages 2008–2014 10 9 8 7 6 5.4% 5 4.5% 4 3.9% 3 2 1 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 BR Region* 2012 Louisiana 2013 2014 EBRPSS *Average Annual Dropout Percentage for the school districts in the Baton Rouge MSA Source: Louisiana Department of Education; BRAC analysis ACT scores, which indicate readiness for college in a way that can be nationally benchmarked, went up slightly for the state of Louisiana, but were stagnant for the region on average and for the EBRPSS. The average ACT score for the Recovery Schools in East Baton Rouge fell from 15.4 in 2014 to 14.2 in 2015. An 18 is the lowest score indicating readiness for four-year university, while TOPS awards (with the exception of TOPS Tech) are only available to students scoring 20 and above. Putting Louisiana and Capital Region scores into perspective, the national average in 2015 was a 21. Average ACT Scores 2009–2015 ACT Scores 22 21 21 20 19.2 18.7 19 18 2009 2010 2011 2012 BR Region Average* *Includes only public school students **Includes both public and non-public school students Source: Louisiana Department of Education; BRAC Analysis 2013 Louisiana** 2014 2015 Nation** 15 ACT Score Comparison 2015 ACT Composite Scores 2014 2015 Louisiana 19.2 19.4 EBRPSS 18.8 18.8 RSD-EBR 15.4 14.2 Capital Region 18.7 18.7 Source: Louisiana Department of Education; BRAC Analysis Digging further into the ACT data to look at scores for science and math suggests that students are also lacking college readiness in these subjects. Louisiana’s average math score was 18.9 in 2015, while its average science score was 19.4, as compared with national benchmarks of 22 and 23, respectively. National benchmarks indicate that students have a 75 percent chance of achieving at least a “C” grade in the corresponding freshman college class. In math, neither the Capital Region’s average of 18.6 nor EBRPSS’ average of 17.8 met the college-ready national benchmark. The results are similar for the region’s science average of 19 and the EBRPSS’ science average of 17.8. ACT STEM Subject Scores 2014–2015 Math (benchmark: 22) Science (benchmark: 23) State 18.9 19.4 East Baton Rouge 17.8 17.8 RSD – EBR 15.1 14.3 Capital Region 18.6 19.0 District Source: Louisiana Department of Education; BRAC analysis Given that the Capital Area’s current and growth sectors are in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) fields (including petrochemicals, healthcare, computer science, and more) this level of achievement is of particular concern when considering students’ lives after high school. To read a detailed report on the state of STEM education in the Capital Region, please see BRAC’s 2014 STEM Strategic Plan entitled Taking Advantage of the Boom: A Strategic Plan for Cultivating a STEM Workforce in the Capital Region at 16 Conclusion The 2015 public school accountability data indicates an expected dip in student achievement scores, not necessarily indicating that students are faring worse than last year, but rather demonstrating that the measures by which student performance is judged have become more difficult. Nonetheless, taken in context the data shows that many Capital Region schools have much room for improvement in preparing students for college and career. BRAC applauds those districts and schools working diligently to improve outcomes for students and looks forward to seeing that progress reflected in next year’s achievement data. This report is produced by BRAC’s Economic Competitiveness team, which serves as the organization’s policy, research and advocacy arm. The Economic Competitiveness team acts as a change agent for the region’s business community, working to identify and improve policies, laws, regulations and institutions that impact the area’s ability to attract and retain a high-quality workforce. Liz Smith is BRAC’s policy and research director and staff lead for regional and state-level public policy research and reform efforts in the areas of workforce development and public education. 17 Appendix Acronym Index ACT: American College Test AP: Advanced Placement CTE: Career and Technical Education DPS: District Performance Score EBRPSS: East Baton Rouge Parish School System EOC: End of Course LDE: Louisiana Department of Education LSP: Louisiana Scholarship Program (“Voucher” program) NAEP: National Assessment for Educational Progress PARCC: Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career SPS: School Performance Score STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math TOPS: Taylor Opportunity Program for Students 18 Regional Schools Regional School Rank 2014–2015 District Annual SPS 2015 Letter Selective Grade % Economically Disadvantaged 1. Baton Rouge Magnet High School 133.7 East Baton Rouge Parish A Yes 38% 2. Sherwood Middle Academic Academy 128.6 East Baton Rouge Parish A Yes 49% 3. Westdale Heights Academic Magnet School 126.4 East Baton Rouge Parish A Yes 36% 4. Prairieville Middle School 122.8 Ascension Parish A 28% 5. Dutchtown High School 119.6 Ascension Parish A 27% 6. Oak Grove Primary School 118.8 Ascension Parish A 30% 7. Dutchtown Middle School 118.5 Ascension Parish A 32% 8. B. R. Foreign Language Academy Immersion Magnet 117.9 East Baton Rouge Parish A 9. Dutchtown Primary School 115.8 Ascension Parish A 10. Mayfair Laboratory School 114.3 East Baton Rouge Parish A 12. Northwestern Elementary School 114 Zachary Community School District A 45% 13. Zachary Elementary School 114 Zachary Community School District A 44% 14. Rollins Place Elementary 114 Zachary Community School District A 46% 11. Live Oak High School 114 Livingston Parish A 35% 15. Eastside Elementary School 113.9 Livingston Parish A 46% 16. Zachary High School 113.5 Zachary Community School District A 37% 17. Galvez Primary School 112.9 Ascension Parish A 46% 18. Lake Elementary School 112.4 Ascension Parish A 41% 19. Spanish Lake Primary School 111.9 Ascension Parish A 30% 20. Prairieville Primary School 111.1 Ascension Parish A 32% 21. Parkview Elementary School East Baton Rouge Parish A 67% 22. Copper Mill Elementary/Middle School 110.7 Zachary Community School District A 42% 23. Forest Heights Academy of Excellence 110.6 East Baton Rouge Parish A 24. Albany Lower Elementary School 109.8 Livingston Parish A 77% 25. Albany Upper Elementary School 109.8 Livingston Parish A 64% 26. West Feliciana High School 109.7 West Feliciana Parish A 46% 27. St. Amant High School 109.5 Ascension Parish A 38% 28. Lakeside Primary School 108.8 Ascension Parish A 54% 29. Baton Rouge Visual and Performing Arts Center 108.7 East Baton Rouge Parish A 30. South Live Oak Elementary School 108.1 Livingston Parish A 49% 31. Albany Middle School 107.3 Livingston Parish A 67% 32. Walker Elementary School 106.8 Livingston Parish A 71% 33. Northwestern Middle School 106.7 Zachary Community School District A 44% 111 Yes 45% 34% Yes Yes Yes 61% 65% 50% 19 Regional Schools Regional School Rank Juban Parc Elementary School Central High School 106.3 106.1 36. 37. Brusly High School Central Middle School 106 105.6 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 105.1 105.1 104.7 104.7 104.4 103.4 103.3 102.4 101 100.9 100.2 100.1 99.8 51. Holden High School Walker High School Denham Springs High School French Settlement High School Juban Parc Junior High School Seventh Ward Elementary School St. Amant Middle School McKinley Middle Magnet School Gray's Creek Elementary School West Feliciana Middle School Dorseyville Elementary School Maurepas School Bellingrath Hills Elementary School Tanglewood Elementary School 52. Central Intermediate School 99.8 53. Denham Springs Freshman High School North Corbin Elementary School Freshwater Elementary School Bains Elementary School Bains Lower Elementary School Shenandoah Elementary School Denham Springs Elementary School East Ascension High School Westside Junior High School Springfield High School Central Middle School Slaughter Community Charter School Levi Milton Elementary School Slaughter Elementary School 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. District Annual SPS 34. 35. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 20 2014–2015 2015 Letter Selective % Economically Grade Disadvantaged A A 44% 39% A A 45% 52% A A A A A A A A A A A A B 58% 47% 44% 44% 46% 47% 49% 60% 59% 48% 88% 59% 59% 99.7 Livingston Parish Central Community School District West Baton Rouge Parish Central Community School District Livingston Parish Livingston Parish Livingston Parish Livingston Parish Livingston Parish Livingston Parish Ascension Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Livingston Parish West Feliciana Parish Iberville Parish Livingston Parish Central Community School District Central Community School District Central Community School District Livingston Parish 99.6 99.1 98.8 98.8 98.7 98.6 99.8 Yes B 53% B 54% B 51% Livingston Parish Livingston Parish West Feliciana Parish West Feliciana Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Livingston Parish B B B B B B 62% 62% 54% 61% 58% 64% 97.9 97.6 97.3 97 96.9 Ascension Parish Livingston Parish Livingston Parish Ascension Parish East Feliciana Parish B B B B B 54% 58% 61% 48% 62% 96.8 96.6 Livingston Parish East Feliciana Parish B B 50% 68% Regional Schools Regional School Rank 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 2014–2015 District Annual SPS 2015 Letter Selective % Economically Grade Disadvantaged 56% 57% 49% 52% 73% 45% 56% 69% 42% 64% 55% 48% Duplessis Primary School Robert E. Lee High School St. Amant Primary School Lewis Vincent Elementary School Belfair Montessori School Galvez Middle School South Walker Elementary School Woodlawn Elementary Live Oak Middle School Springfield Middle School Walker Freshman High School North Live Oak Elementary School North Corbin Junior High School Magnolia Woods Elementary School Woodlawn Middle School French Settlement Elementary School South Fork Elementary School Denham Springs Junior High School Southside Junior High School Madison Preparatory Academy 96.5 96.5 95.9 95.8 95.5 94.5 94 93.9 93.4 93.3 93 92.9 Ascension Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Ascension Parish Livingston Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Ascension Parish Livingston Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Livingston Parish Livingston Parish Livingston Parish Livingston Parish B B B B B B B B B B B B 92.5 92.3 Livingston Parish East Baton Rouge Parish B B 52% 88% 92.3 91.7 East Baton Rouge Parish Livingston Parish B B 72% 52% 91.7 91.2 Livingston Parish Livingston Parish B B 63% 52% 90.3 89.7 B B 55% 81% Live Oak Elementary School Doyle Elementary School Brusly Middle School Crescent Elementary/Junior High School Frost School Devall Middle School Sorrento Primary School Doyle High School Central Primary School Polk Elementary School Community School for Apprenticeship Learning Buchanan Elementary School Southdowns School 89.5 89.4 89.4 89.3 Livingston Parish Community School for Apprenticeship Learning, Inc. Livingston Parish Livingston Parish West Baton Rouge Parish Iberville Parish B B B B 50% 63% 50% 76% 89 88.2 88 87.2 87.1 86.5 86.2 Livingston Parish West Baton Rouge Parish Ascension Parish Livingston Parish Ascension Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish B B B B B B B 67% 73% 64% 53% 56% 81% 86% 86 86 East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish B B 64% 69% Yes Yes 21 Regional Schools Regional School Rank B B B C C B B C C 89% 74% 78% 72% 62% 71% 81% 79% 84% C C C 59% 79% 63% C C 84% 85% 81.1 80.4 80.3 80.2 East Baton Rouge Parish West Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Livingston Parish Ascension Parish Iberville Parish City of Baker School District Livingston Parish Pointe Coupee Parish Louisiana Connections Academy Ascension Parish City of Baker School District East Baton Rouge Parish Ascension Parish Livingston Parish East Baton Rouge Parish 80.1 East Baton Rouge Parish C 79.4 79.1 79 78.8 78.6 77.7 East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish C C C C C C 87% >95% >95% 94% 85% 85% 77.5 77.5 77.3 76.4 76.3 76.3 74.4 73.8 73.7 West Baton Rouge Parish West Baton Rouge Parish Iberville Parish East Feliciana Parish Ascension Parish Iberville Parish Iberville Parish Ascension Parish Iberville Parish C C C C C C C C C 56% 61% 85% 82% 88% 74% 85% 77% 75% 109. 110. 111. Albany High School Valverda Elementary School Louisiana Connections Academy 82.5 82 82 112. 113. G. W. Carver Primary School Park Ridge Academic Magnet School LaSalle Elementary School Gonzales Primary School Northside Elementary School Mentorship Academy of Digital Arts Scotlandville Middle PreEngineering Academy Northeast High School Thrive Baton Rouge Crestworth Elementary School White Hills Elementary School Brownfields Elementary School Cedarcrest-Southmoor Elementary School Lukeville Upper Elementary Brusly Elementary School North Iberville Elementary East Feliciana High School Donaldsonville High School Plaquemine Senior High School Iberville Elementary School Gonzales Middle School East Iberville Elementary/High School 81.8 81.5 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. % Economically Disadvantaged 85.8 85.5 85.1 84.8 84.3 84.2 84.1 83.9 83 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 2015 Letter Selective Grade Audubon Elementary School Chamberlin Elementary School The Dufrocq School McKinley Senior High School Woodlawn High School Springfield Elementary School Pecan Grove Primary School White Castle High School Baker High School 118. District Annual SPS 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 114. 115. 116. 117. 22 2014–2015 Yes C C C C 81% 82% 67% 86% Yes 87% Regional Schools Regional School Rank 2014–2015 District Annual SPS 2015 Letter Selective % Economically Grade Disadvantaged C C C 79% 77% 94% C C C C 71% 79% 88% 83% 135. 136. 137. Southside Elementary School Livonia High School Baker Heights Elementary School 73.4 73.1 72.4 138. 139. 140. 141. Glasgow Middle School Westdale Middle School Wedgewood Elementary School Bernard Terrace Elementary School Scotlandville Magnet High School Riveroaks Elementary School LaBelle Aire Elementary School Northeast Elementary School Ryan Elementary School University Terrace Elementary School Villa del Rey Elementary School Port Allen High School Jefferson Terrace Elementary School Wildwood Elementary School Highland Elementary School Sharon Hills Elementary School Cohn Elementary School Port Allen Elementary School Inspire Charter Academy (National Heritage Academy) Brookstown Middle Magnet Academy Broadmoor Senior High School Westminster Elementary School Louisiana Virtual Charter Academy Broadmoor Middle School St. Helena College and Career Academy Capitol Middle School Greenbrier Elementary School Twin Oaks Elementary School Glen Oaks Park Elementary School 72.2 71.8 71.3 71.2 Livingston Parish Pointe Coupee Parish City of Baker School District East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish 70.2 69.7 69.6 69.2 69.2 69.1 East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish C C C C C C 69.1 68.8 68.5 East Baton Rouge Parish West Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish C D C 91% 77% 88% 67.5 67.4 67.2 66 66 65.6 East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish West Baton Rouge Parish West Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish C C C D D D 74% 94% >95% 93% 95% 93% 63.9 East Baton Rouge Parish D 63.8 63.8 63.1 D D D 77% 89% 68% 62.8 62.2 East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Community School for Apprenticeship Learning, Inc. East Baton Rouge Parish St. Helena Parish D D 90% 91% 61.7 61.2 60.1 59.3 East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish D D D D >95% 87% 87% 92% 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. Yes Yes 85% 80% 90% 89% 95% 84% 93% 23 Regional Schools Regional School Rank District Annual SPS D D D D D D D D D D D D 91% 88% 90% 87% >95% 92% 88% >95% 91% 87% >95% 88% D D D D D D 92% 92% >95% 82% 94% 89% 49.7 49.1 48.6 48.4 47.4 East Baton Rouge Parish East Feliciana Parish Ascension Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Ascension Parish Ascension Parish West Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Pointe Coupee Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Louisiana Achievement Charter Academies, Inc. East Feliciana Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Feliciana Parish RSD-Pelican Educational Foundation East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Pointe Coupee Parish D D D D D 89% 93% >95% 84% >95% 47.2 47.1 East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish D D >95% >95% 45.9 East Baton Rouge Parish D >95% 45.9 43.8 D F >95% 94% F 85% F F F F F 94% >95% >95% 90% >95% 58 57.2 57.1 56.6 56.1 56.1 56 55.6 55.1 55 54.8 54.8 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. Jackson Elementary School Children's Charter School Merrydale Elementary School Tara High School Clinton Elementary School Kenilworth Science and Technology Charter School Park Forest Elementary School Glen Oaks Senior High School Melrose Elementary School Belaire High School Upper Pointe Coupee Elementary School Claiborne Elementary School North Banks Middle School of Excellence Delmont Pre-K and Kindergarten Center Winbourne Elementary School Bakerfield Elementary School 54.6 54 53.8 51.1 51 50.8 South Baton Rouge Charter Academy Impact Charter Elementary Park Elementary School Howell Park Elementary School J. K. Haynes Charter Inc. St. Helena Arts and Technology Academy 43.5 East Baton Rouge Parish City of Baker School District East Baton Rouge Parish 43.5 41.6 40.6 40.5 39.9 Education Explosion, Inc. East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish St. Helena Parish 193. 192. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. % Economically Disadvantaged Broadmoor Elementary School East Feliciana Middle School Lowery Middle School Southeast Middle School Donaldsonville Primary School Lowery Elementary School Port Allen Middle School Capitol Elementary School Park Forest Middle School Rougon Elementary School Progress Elementary School Advantage Charter Academy 190. 191. 2015 Letter Selective Grade 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 24 2014–2015 Regional Schools Regional School Rank 2014–2015 District Annual SPS 2015 Letter Selective % Economically Grade Disadvantaged F 95% F 94% F >95% F 94% F T 94% >95% T >95% 23.6 City of Baker School District South Louisiana Charter Foundation, Inc. RSD-Celerity Schools Louisiana, Inc. South Louisiana Charter Foundation, Inc. East Baton Rouge Parish RSD-Celerity Schools Louisiana, Inc. RSD-Celerity Schools Louisiana, Inc. East Baton Rouge Parish F 88% 21.7 16.1 Pointe Coupee Parish East Baton Rouge Parish F F >95% >95% 15.9 F 91% F >95% 201. Baker Middle School 38.1 202. Iberville Charter Academy 35.6 203. Celerity Dalton Charter School 35.5 204. Baton Rouge Charter Academy at Mid-City Arlington Preparatory Academy Celerity Lanier Charter School 33.4 Celerity Crestworth Charter School Northdale Superintendent's Academy Rosenwald Elementary School Eden Park Superintendent Academy Capitol High School 25.6 Greenville Superintendent's Academy EBR Readiness Superintendent Academy AMIkids Baton Rouge Louisiana Key Academy 15.2 RSD-Friendship Louisiana, Inc. East Baton Rouge Parish 5.9 East Baton Rouge Parish F 94% 1.2 East Baton Rouge Parish Louisiana Key Academy F U >95% 71% 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 30.5 30.2 25 564 Laurel Street • Baton Rouge • LA • 70801 • 225.381.7125