#79 June 10.pub - Jaguar Car Club of Victoria


#79 June 10.pub - Jaguar Car Club of Victoria
The Award Winning Newsletter of
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Issue #79
June 2010
President: Ian Cameron
250-652-1260 [email protected]
Vice-President: Graham How
250-383-9473 [email protected]
2017 Cadboro Bay Road, Box 112
Victoria BC Canada V8R 5G4
Secretary: Tim Leslie-Spinks
250-217-5899 [email protected]
[email protected]
Director: John Gordon (The Growler)
250-477-4695 [email protected]
Treasurer: Merritt Chisholm
250-656-0030 [email protected]
founded 2003
Director: Istvan Papp (Membership)
250-361-3534 [email protected]
The Island Growler is published monthly, and is distributed by mail and digital file to members of JCCV.
Submissions are encouraged.
Copy deadline is the first of each month.
All back issues are available by digital file.
Director: Digby Clarke (Meeting presentations)
250-386-3242 [email protected]
Past President: Howard Liptrot
250-389-0755 [email protected]
All information and advice is presented in good faith, and
no liability whatsoever will be assumed by JCCV.
Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those
of JCCV, the Directors of JCCV, or of the Editor.
Editor: John Gordon
250-477-4695 [email protected]
Associate Editors:
John Fitzgeorge-Parker
250-598-4626 [email protected]
Lois Smith 250-743-2246 [email protected]
Display advertising of interest to Jaguar enthusiasts is
accepted. For rates and other information, please contact
Tim Leslie-Spinks, 250-217-5899 [email protected]
JCNA Chief Judge: Brian Evers
250-743-6756 [email protected]
JOTI Chair: Terry Sturgeon
250-370-2299 [email protected]
Membership in JCCV is open to anyone interested in and
enthusiastic about Jaguar automobiles. There is no need
to own one of these fine cars to be a member.
For information, email us at [email protected] or
drop us a note in the mail. We’ll send complete details.
If you believe that a Jaguar is more than just a car, you
are one of us!
Classified advertisements can be placed at no cost, and
will run for a minimum of three issues. Please send details to the Editor.
JCCV meetings take place on the fourth Tuesday of each
month, except December, at 7:30 pm in the Chiefs &
Petty Officers Mess, CFB Esquimalt, at 1575 Lyall Street
in Victoria. Our AGM is held with the November meeting.
We are affiliated with
The Jaguar Clubs of North America
Larry Atkins bought this 1969, Series 2, E-Type roadster
in 1981. In a 10 year process, he has done a bare frame
restoration that included body work due to rust, and damage that was revealed only when the body was stripped.
Everything on the car has been either rebuilt or replaced
with new parts, but the object was always to keep it as
original as possible. The engine was rebuilt and so were
all the ancillaries.
He tried to do as much of the work on the car himself as
possible, but recognises the help received from a lot of
people - Al Roberts, Pete Kayll, Ron Bissonnette
(painting), Terry Sturgeon, Simon Scutt, Doug Ingram
and others. He was staggered when he added up the bills
for new parts.
Larry says: “It was a huge learning experience and there
were several disasters. I'm not sure that I would have
started the whole thing if I had known how difficult it
would be, but I did say that I wanted a hobby that would
keep me occupied.”
Photo by Larry Atkins
page 2
Ian Cameron
John Gordon
Last month I mused about the increase in the value of
cars. Being of Scots heritage, I’m always interested in
money, so I thought I’d work that theme a bit more. Here
are some recent Jaguar sales prices. I’ll start at the top.
In 1955 a guy named Nigel Moores paid ₤2,500 ($5,250,
or $75,000 today) for the first D Type to be sold to a private individual. In 2008, it was sold for ₤2,201,500 ($4.4
million), the highest price ever paid for a D Type (or any
other kind of Jaguar, for that matter). The car was said to
be the most original D Type in the world, with original engine, transmission and body. But that’s a lot of money.
Mind you, any D Type is likely to fetch a pretty good price
these days. Last January, a 1956 model sold for $3.74
million. There aren’t any for sale at the moment, but you
can get a nice replica (aluminum body, virtually indistinguishable from the real thing) for $140,000 in California,
and there are lots of replicas around.
But the D isn’t the rarest Jag. That honour goes to the XK
SS, the road version of the D. There were 53 D Types
made for customers, 18 for the factory racing teams, and
only 16 SS cars. (Another 25 were destroyed at a fire at
the factory.) So the SS is rather scarce. Prices? New,
₤2,400 ($72,000). In 2008 one sold for $1.8 million.
If you don’t insist on pure Jaguar lineage, in 1958 two
Brits named Brian Lister and Frank Costin teamed up to
produce a series of race cars based on various makes,
including a Jag-based car yclept the Costin Lister Jaguar
Sports Racer. 16 were made. They won a lot of races.
Last year, one sold for $1.1 million.
In terms of road cars, the largest increase in price would
have to be the XK 150S. You could buy one in Canada
for $4,000 ($49,000 today). There are several for sale
right now, ranging from $150,000 for a good, original
1959 driver to a really nice fully restored 1960 DHC for
$350,000. The latter are rare, as only 80 were made.
At the other end, once again I have to mention the XJ 6.
New in 1991, $43,000 ($69,000 today). There’s one on E
Bay right now: Sovereign, one owner, 111,000 miles, excellent condition. $2,000. (If you buy it and it’s not as advertised, don’t blame me.)
As to newer cars, Gregory Andrachuk, who knows more
about newer Jags than anyone I know, reckons that the
Series IV XJ6, from 94 to 97, is dead reliable. You can
get one for $7,000 on E Bay, certified perfect. Gregory
also likes the X Type, and you can get one for $4 to
$6,000 on EBay. Or, if you want to know you’re getting a
good one, Darlene’s is for sale at a bit more money, and
Gregory says it’s perfect, so you know it is. (And you
don’t have the hassle of bringing it across the border,
which is a pain for a car that’s less than 15 years old.)
Several years ago a number of us, one evening, went to
Larry Atkins’ immaculate basement garage to see his
long-time project. We teased him about the time it was
taking. More recently, in a conversation about finding pictures for the Growler covers, he suggested that I might
use his roadster and I smartly said “Not until you get it ‘on
the road!’”. At the May Coffee Klatch, I was so busy talking to people, I didn’t realise that he had the roadster
there until I saw him drive away in it. I was contrite; I had
to get it on the cover. You did finish your project, Larry,
and it is magnificent! Congratulations!
As you know, I have been encouraging everyone to send
me their photos from car events; and I have been pleased
by the response. But the ABFM at Van Dusen was a record. I had over 200 photos to select from. Nevertheless, I
worked my way through them and managed to include
one, as I did last year, of my grandsons playing in my car
during the show. Proud Grandpa! Editor’s prerogative!
(pages 5 & 6).
On pages 7 & 14, Lois Smith, with the help of the photographers who traveled with her, has produced another account of the trip to Santa Maria, this one about the social
whirl during the Western States 2010.
Another story that was very easy for me to process was
Bryan Bailey’s report, “The Three Anniversaries Prowl”
(page 9). It came to me in the full layout of text and photos, in pdf format. (I sometimes think that he gives me
articles in that format just to stop me from making any
edits.) The visit, after that Prowl, to Cathy and Dennis
Dean’s lovely home, for champagne and cake, was an
unexpected treat which was very much appreciated by all
of us who were on that prowl.
Dennis Brammer’s “Letter to the Editor”, “Black versus
White” (page 11) is a piece that I have been sitting on for
several months; I just couldn’t seem to fit it in until now. I
always enjoy Dennis’ humour. He has sent me another
one, about attending a car show at one of the “Great
Houses” in England; something to look forward to!
I didn’t get a story on the May Coffee Klatch but I got
some interesting photos (page 13), particularly from Bob
Bowen, a new contributor. He seems to be into “wide”
photography, with some very good results.
In “JCCV BITS & BYTES” (page 15), Tim Leslie-Spinks
has given us a copy of his letter to the members who
have already signed up for his “Summer Spectacular”
tour. It sets out the itinerary for “the scenic route” drive to
Munroe, WA and the Concours being hosted there by the
Seattle Jag Club. It looks like a fun trip - and he still has a
couple of spaces available!
And finally, you can build your own replicar SS 100, as
Merritt Chisholm is doing. I won’t mention the price, as
Bennie has been known to read the Growler.
page 3
keeping you informed
We have six new members to report, and some late renewals of 2009 members, since the last report on our
membership in the April issue. The new members are:
Garner Harreson of Victoria who has a 1986 XJS V12;
Linden Holmen of Victoria with a 2002 XJR; John and
Ricki Hogan of Campbell River with a 1990 XJ6; and Martyn and Chris Ward of Victoria who own a 1967 E-Type,
2+2 and a 2001 XK8 Convertible.
We now have 245 members from 142 households owning
209 Jaguars. Last year, at this time, we had 251 members from 142 households with 216 Jaguars.
The arrangements for JOTI are pretty well finalized now;
the brochure and registration form have been sent, as an
attachment to an e-mail, to our members and nonmember participants, in the past two years, for whom we
have e-mail addresses. There has been an old fashioned
mailing to the “Luddites” amongst us. While there have
been some changes, you will have seen that the general
plan is much like previous years.
The push now is to get people registered ASAP - see
page 17. If you haven’t received the material (i.e. a registration form), it can be downloaded if you go to our website and click on “Jaguars on the Island”; if you haven’t
got an “on-line” computer, ask a friend who has; if you
haven’t got a friend, contact any Board member.
page 4
by John Fitzgeorge-Parker, photos by John Bardsley, Simon Scutt, Tim L-S, JF-P & JG
The All British Field Meet, held at the Van Dusen Gardens on the Victoria Day weekend annually, never
fails to amaze. 2010 was no exception. A record 686
registered British car entrants and approximately
7,500 visitors enjoyed a perfect day of mixed sunshine and cloud. The featured vehicles were the Jaguar E-Type, first introduced in 1961, British Fords and
BSA motorcycles.
At 0900 hours on Friday, Merritt, Bennie, Mike H,
Steve K, Simon, Marke & Carol, John Bardsley and
John F-P set off for the Sandman Signature Hotel &
Resort in Richmond. After checking in we took off for
Richmond Jaguar to see Jag's new flagship, the XJ.
Guess what? We had to satisfy ourselves inspecting
various versions of the XF and Land Rover. But the
visit was successful. The courtesy of the Richmond
Jaguar personnel, in answering our questions, more
than compensated for the missing star attraction.
The Silver Anniversary banquet, at the Van Dusen
Shaughnessy Restaurant, was superb. We linked up
with Bill & Kay Beatty (JOCO). Bill reported a problem
with the E-Type enroute but was able to skillfully resolve the issue. The banquet dinner of Scottish Ale
Braised Beef Short Ribs, pan jus, chive, buttermilk
mashed, and herb roasted carrots, followed by Caramelized Apple & Walnut Tort, was a treat.
(Continued on page 6)
page 5
(Continued from page 5)
Saturday, on the Field, cars varied from an incredible
1911 Rolls Royce Town Limousine to a razor edged
1950 Triumph Mayflower. Believe it or not, there were
quite a few Mayflowers gracing the streets of Vancouver in the early Fifties. John B, Simon S & JF-P took a
raft of photos, hoping to do justice to some of the old
marques such as Lagondas, Rileys, Sunbeams, Rolls,
Morgans, Rovers, Jaguars, Jensens and Jowetts.
Sometimes Jupiters are seen but what happened to
the Javelins?
The Entrants' Choice Awards for members of the Jaguar Club of Victoria are: Gregory Andrachuk: 1966
Mark 2, 1st; Dennis Brammer: 1961 Daimler SP250,
1st; John Gordon: 1954 XK-120, 2nd; Jerry & Su Luidahl: 1976 XJC, 3rd, Craig Talbot & James Dow:
1990 Daimler DS420, 3rd. For the featured marque,
Krista Brigg's 1966 XKE, Series 1, took a well deserved 1st for the Vancouver Club.
Saturday evening saw us in Chops' Bar for a spot of
refreshment, and then dinner, in a small area set
aside for about 15 of us. The events of the day were
thoroughly rehashed and we all agreed that Patrick &
Joan had produced another winner for the 25th anniversary.
page 6
page 7
page 7
page 8
page 9
page 9
page 10
Dear Editor,
Tip of the Month
I thought that you would like to know that, by default, I
have apparently come up with a working formula for impressing judges at car shows. Since the method can possibly be utilized by others, and we are entering the show
months, I feel compelled to share it with the Club. No,
John, I did not buy another car, or change the gear lever
knob for my XK120
Dennis’ Daimler in 2005
As you know, my
Daimler SP250 has
been my “daily driver”
in and around Victoria
and the Gulf Islands for
a long time but, as I
have recently reduced
my work-load and
spent more time overseas, I decided that I could spare
the car for a few weeks and had it put back to its original
Old English White colour, instead of the glossy black
dust-attracting paint that it had sported ever since I
bought it, many years ago.
As the paint dried came the Van Dusen 2009
miracles. Within a few
days, it gained First in
Class at the All British
Show, in the “Post War
Sports and Touring” class
at Van Dusen Gardens in
Vancouver, and an invitation to the Gas Town Concours. A few weeks later it
garnered another First, in a
similar class, at the All British Show in Bellevue, Washington State. By September it
had also picked up the Bill Vance Award at our own English Cars in the Park at Fort Rodd, to be followed in the
Spring with a First Place finish at the Washington State
Tulip Rally – and those were the only shows/competitions
to which I had taken the car.
Except for the colour change, the car is identical to the
way it has looked for years, during which time it had won
nothing, not even a “placing”, and several times, in an
attempt to woo the judges, I had actually washed it, whilst
twice I had even tried going topless. The conclusion was
obvious, or so I thought. Interestingly, I have recently
been given to understand, after reading some of the
sports car writers’ views from England, that a few years
ago one could not give away a white car. However, over
the last two or three years it has become one of the colours of choice among many owners of new sports cars.
Here I must stress that such a choice is probably not supported by “Top Gear’s” Jeremy Clarkson who is likely to
see “black” as evil, and thus his choice, and white as
“effete” or “girlie,” hence the choice of his two colleagues.
Actually, it seems that a white Maybach was recently exhibited at the Paris Motor Show, whilst Audi and Porsche
have received an increased number of requests for white.
In fact, initially the Porsche GT3 was ONLY available in
white. There is a word of warning though from the German Automobile Manufacturers Association. It is that,
even if white is making a strong come back, particularly
among the expensive models, dealers of “exotics” still
prefer to have silver and black in stock. According to Audi,
the overall development of car colours is complex, and
even things like politics and the economy play a role; they
thus do very little advance colour allocations. We are also
reminded that white, over the last two decades, has had
to face the fact that many European taxis are white, plus
the horrors of the European “white van” syndrome, associated with “hire” vans, crime, shoddy dealings, lane hogging, accidents, and probably flooding and poor harvests
or Chelsea’s lack of real success in European football.
Nevertheless, it looks as if the secret upon which I stumbled has worked so far, at least in the Pacific Northwest.
So, fellow club members, if you need a few trophies to
clog up your shelves, perhaps you might want to get out
the aerosol, and some masking tape, put some newspapers on the garage floor, pour yourself a glass of Courage
Ale, and go for Old English White, whilst it is the colour in
favour. There is also one more thing, which I almost forgot, and may have some bearing on the way things have
gone; I also put my Jaguar Driving Club badge on the car!
So there you have it, the
tip of the month; I hope
that I am not too late.
Heaven help me if this
year’s colour is yellow,
which, over the last few
weeks, has become my
five year old granddaughter’s favourite; it will look
awful with my ox blood
upholstery and my pink and black college scarf.
Kind regards,
Dennis Brammer
Editor’s note: In 1961, as a young colonial recently arrived
from the wilds of British Columbia, I was strolling along
the street in Hampton Hill, on the outskirts of London,
when, around a corner, came a fancy, two-seater sports
car, unlike any model I had seen before, occupied by two
policemen, top down, in full uniform including their traditional “Bobby” helmets. I later learned that the car was a
SP 250 Daimler (Daimler makes sports cars??) with a V8
motor, and the police were using them for routine patrols.
I was impressed! The car that I saw then was black. JG
Final note: Last month, at the All British Field Meet at Van
Dusen, this car, still white, again won “First in Class”.
page 11
page 12
photos by Carol Bird & Bob Bowen
page 13
Gooding & Company
Amelia Island, FL - March 12, 2010
“All Go” at Santa Maria, continued from page 7
salsa and pinquito beans – a pinkish bean native to the
area. Sadly, the only two Canadians who turned up in
costume were Art “Lone Ranger” Dickinson and his son
Chase “The Good” from Vancouver. But as one person
observed, “travelling in an Etype, there’s hardly room for
a change of underwear,
never mind a costume.”
Unwilling to see the festivities
come to an end, many
adjourned to various hotel
rooms to continue the party!
Friday morning saw the
conclusion of Western States
2010 with a generous buffet
breakfast and the passing of
the baton to Las Vegas for
2012. It was acknowledged
by all that the organizers had
done a fabulous job. The
atmosphere throughout was
one of good will, friendship
and celebration and it was
with no little regret that people
began making their separate
ways home.
Sandy Lewis and Tom
McGrath, President of the
Jaguar Drivers Club of
North Texas, party with the
Canucks (Terry, Phil, Barb)
the real “star”of the show
There are only two
XK180 concept
cars in existence:
one is at Jaguar
Heritage, Castle
Bromwich and the
other “lives and
works” in the US.
photos: Dick Auchinleck, Lois Smith
page 14
Technical Training
Instructor Sean
Gorman takes it to
shows like Western
States 2010 (tough
job, eh!). He says it
is not terribly
comfortable to ride
in, and a real
problem in the rain
as it has no roof or
windshield wipers.
Nevertheless, its
ultra-sleek lines
and gleaming finish
certainly made it
the “star” attraction
on the field.
AUGUST 9th – 14th, 2010
A letter to participants - I have made arrangements for the
accommodation for our August tour. The itinerary will see
us leaving from Victoria on Monday, August 9th and taking
the “Cascade Loop”, starting in Burlington and travelling
through Winthrop and Leavenworth before arriving at
Monroe for “Jaguars on the Green” on August 13th. Our
aim is to drive some very scenic mountain country, but to
keep our daily distances reasonable so as to see the
sights and enjoy each other’s company along the way.
Except as indicated below, I have set aside 10 rooms for
each night of the tour. Please note that your rooms are
only set aside for now and that it is the responsibility of
each party to call the hotels and confirm your reservation
for each night of the tour. My hold on all these rooms is
only valid until July 1, 2010, after which all the rooms I
have reserved will be released. Please call each hotel as
soon as possible to confirm your reservations and get
the best pick of the available rooms.
Merritt and Bennie Chisholm thank everyone who attended the Three Anniversaries Prowl. An extra thank you
goes to Cathy and Dennis Dean for hosting the wonderful
champagne party that made their 57th truly special.
We are sorry to announce that JCCV lost a relatively new
member to cancer at the end of May. Gary Dilks of Duncan purchased his red 2005 XK8 Convertible and joined
us just last fall. Some of you will remember Gary from the
Christmas party. A native of Nottingham, Gary and his
wife Linda have owned and operated Great Fermentations in Duncan for a number of years. Our sincere condolences go to Linda and daughter Charlene on their loss.
Following are the accommodations that I have reserved. I
would encourage you to look them up on line to check out
the options as you may be able to select the exact room
that you want. When you call, mention that you are with
the Jag group under Tim Leslie-Spinks so that they know
that you are part of our block booking:
1976 XJ6, S1 for sale (see page 18)
Monday night – Fairfield Inn and Suites, Burlington, WA
Tuesday night – Chewuch Inn, Winthrop, WA (509) 9963107
Wednesday and Thursday night – Icicle Inn, Leavenworth
WA (509) 548-7000
Friday and Saturday nights – Guesthouse Inn, Monroe
WA (360) 863-1900 (only 5 rooms left at the special
“Jags on the Green” rate)
Dogs: At the April club meeting, I mentioned that I would
be trying to arrange a “dog-friendly hotel” for each
night. Unfortunately, that has not been as easy to arrange
as I had anticipated. If you are planning to take dogs, you
may want to check to see if an alternative hotel arrangement would suit you better. The above hotels at Burlington and Winthrop are not willing to take dogs but mentioned that they can connect you with doggy day-care. I
apologize for any inconvenience.
We are also planning some memorable meals, a winery
stop and other attractions for our trip. Details will follow
soon. Please call me if you have questions or need further details. If you know of anyone else who may be interested in joining us, please pass this on to them and have
them call me for further information.
Regards, Tim Leslie-Spinks (250) 217-5899
The next meeting
of the
is on
Tuesday, June 22nd
at 7:30 pm
at the Chiefs & Petty Officers Mess
CFB Esquimalt,
1575 Lyall Street, Victoria
Don Moss of Jaguar Victoria
will be our guest speaker
Come and enjoy the evening with fellow members. As
usual, the cash bar service will be available along with
complimentary coffee.
page 15
page 16
Meet at Tillicum Mall at 1.45pm for departure
at 2.00pm. We will drive to the Koi Farm of
Carol and Wayne Etherington, 340 Gower Road,
at the intersection of Interurban and West Saanich
Roads. We’ll be there from about 2.30pm to 3.30pm.
Please bring something to go on the barbeque
and something to share (salad or desert or ????)
BYOB and if possible some sunshine
We will then head over the Malahat for our annual
barbeque at the home of John and Mary Braybrooks,
2658 Cameron-Taggart Road, off the Shawnigan Mill Bay Road, arriving there about 4pm.
Anyone wishing to meet us there will be welcome.
For more information, call Brian Evers
at 250-743-6756 or [email protected]
Socialize - Show - Slalom - Sightsee
July 23, 24, 25, 2010
Ladies and Gentlemen, START YOUR POLISHING!
Your JOTI organizing committee is very happy to report that we are ready
to receive your registrations for this year’s meet at Windsor Park.
We are expecting another outstanding response both from within our club
and from Jaguar enthusiasts from all over North America.
Our lineup of events is similar to previous years with a few changes
please see the registration form for all the details.
Volunteers Welcome!
Our brochure & registration form can be downloaded
from our website, www.jaguarcarclub.ca
page 17
here’s what's ahead
Advertisements run for three issues at no charge. Place your ad
with the editor at 250-477-4695 or [email protected]
JCCV Events are in bold print
2002 X-Type, manual shift, in excellent condition. 82,000 kms. A beautiful, trouble-free car, well-maintained, a delight to drive and to own –
very economical as well. Looks new and runs as new. Reason for saletoo many Jaguars! $12,500 to a good home. Gregory Andrachuk at
250-595-7453. (6-10)
Tue, Jun 22nd. JCCV Regular Meeting. Details on
page 15.
Thu, Jul 1st. Canada Day Picnic sponsored by the Gorge
Tillicum Community Association with a collector car show
on Gorge Road along the Gorge Waterway.
Sun, Jul 4th. JCCV Sunday Prowl, organized by Brian
Evers, Barbara Driver & John Braybrooks. Details on
page 17.
Sun, Jul 11th. Turkey Head (Oak Bay Marina parking
lot) Coffee Klatch. We rendezvous again, anytime between 9 and noon for coffee and socialising. See the
May photos on page 13. Bring your Stories to tell and
Stuff to sell and “LADIES” Books to swap. Please join
us if you can. Info 250-656-3099.
Sun, Jul 18th. OECC Brits on the Beach, Transfer Beach,
Fri, Jul 23rd. JCCV Regular Meeting, JOTI Barbeque &
reception at CFB Esquimalt Gunroom.
Sat-Sun, Jul 24th-25th Jaguars on the Island. Our Sat
show at Windsor Park, Awards banquet at the Comfort Hotel on Blanshard. Sunday Slalom and Prowl,
with luncheon at the Royal Colwood Golf & Country
Club. See notice on page 17.
1982 Jaguar XJS 62,000 original miles, silver, my deceased father’s car (He was the original owner). Needs a bit of TLC, but runs
well, collector’s plates, new head liner (not installed), $2,900 firm. Love
to see it get done. Kenny Cunningham [email protected] (6-10)
1972 Jaguar XJ6 Series 1 for sale. Sable Brown with Biscuit interior.
Won “Best in Class” at 2006 Jaguars on the Island Concours. Excellent
condition and runs strong. (Photo on page 15) Mike 250-818-6931 (6-10)
Front grill for a 1976 Jaguar XJ6, in perfect shape but for the broken
plastic Jaguar badge. $50 Richard Muller 250-642-2350 (6-10)
1968 Jaguar E-Type OTS, rare Series 1½, rust free California car with
Heritage Certificate confirming it to be a numbers matching vehicle.
(see photo below) Imported three years ago by present owner and
tastefully upgraded during that time – red with black interior; 4.2 litre
with 4-speed; 71,500 original miles – new triple SU carburetors, tuned
and balanced – new stainless steel exhaust system – new and rebuilt
leather seats – new “Stayfast” convertible top – new “CoolCat” radiator
and fan motors. Price includes original jack, bronze knockoff tool, hammer, fitted car cover and manuals. Excellent mechanical and cosmetic
condition. A mechanical report is available from Owen Automotive.
$52,000 – Sporting trades considered (i.e. E-Type Coupe or Triumph).
Jeremy Why, Victoria, BC – 250-590-5414 or [email protected] (5-10)
We have decided to sell our 1959 MK I Jaguar, which has sat in the
garage for 350 days each year for 15 years. I will send photos to those
who follow up on this ad. The car runs fine but we are moving on and
downsizing. [email protected] (5-10)
I'm searching for a replacement differential for my series III XJ6; mine's
worn and quite loud, I don't know when it's going to be toast but I'd
rather not drive it up to that point. I’d also be interested if someone happens to have a limited slip or different ratio unit or a spare Borg Warner
66 transmission hanging around that they'd sell or trade for something
else. Daniel Daigle [email protected] (5-10)
Sun, Aug 1st. Slalom, Scott Rd Sky Train Stn. Art Dickinson, Chair
Sun, Aug 8th. JCCV Sunday Prowl to the Cowichan
Valley Car Picnic at Brentwood College, Mill Bay.
Details TBA.
A pair of resonators for a 3.8, L Series 1, E-type Jaguar (long type)
New. $60 Larry Atkins 250-595-0162. (3-10)
Sat, Aug 14th. Jaguar Drivers & Restorers Club of NWA
Jaguars on the Green Show (Concours) in Munroe, WA.
1968 E-Type OTS for sale
Sat, Aug 14th. Formation Fun Day. Car Show 12 - 4pm at
CFB Esquimalt, Naden off Admirals Road
Sun, Aug 15th. Blethering Place Car Show, Oak Bay Ave.
Sun, Aug 15th. Navy 10K Race, Car Show 8 - 11 am at
CFB Esquimalt, Naden off Admirals Road.
Sat, Aug 21,CXKJR (Vancouver Jag Club) Show
(Concours) at Waterfront Park, North Vancouver.
Sun, Aug 22nd. Queen Alexandra European & Classic
Car Picnic.
Tue, Aug 24th. JCCV Regular Meeting. Details TBA.
Sun, Aug 29th. Turkey Head Coffee Klatch.
Sun, Aug 29th. CXKJR Slalom in Surrey.
Sat, Sep 4th. Jaguar Owners Club of Oregon Concours,
in concert with an ABFM, at International Raceway, Portland, OR. (Entry forms available).
Sun & Mon, Sep 5th & 6th. JOCO Slalom at International
Raceway, Portland, OR. (Entry forms available).
328-1095 McKenzie Avenue
V8P 2L5
Sun, Sep 12th. The OECC English Car Affair in the Park
at Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site.
page 18

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