Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church August 14, 2016
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church August 14, 2016
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church ✚ August 14, 2016 OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 2 OURLADYOFVICTORYCATHOLICCHURCH 133OrchardDrive✚ Northville,Michigan✚48167 Phone:(248)349-2621✚ Fax:(248)349-7329✚ www.olvnorthville.org OFFICEHOURS:Monday-Friday:8:30a.m.-noon,1:00-5:00p.m. MASSSCHEDULE:Saturday-5:00p.m.,Sunday-7:30,9:30&11:30a.m. Monday-7:00p.m.,Wednesday-Friday:8:30a.m. RECONCILIATIONSCHEDULE:Saturday,3:30p.m. MISSIONSTATEMENT “AsDisciplesofJesusChrist,weareagiving,growingCatholicfamily.Throughtheintercessionof Mary,wepray,weworship,weserveandweeducateinFaith.” NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN COLLABORATIONPARTNERPARISHES HolyFamily,24505MeadowbrookRd.,Novi,48375 (248)349-8847,www.holyfamilynovi.org St.James,46325W.10MileRd.,Novi,48374 (248)347-7778,www.sjnovi.net St.Joseph,830S.LafayeUeSt.,SouthLyon,48178 (248)446-8700,www.saintjosephsouthlyon.org PARISH STAFF & MINISTRY CONTACT INFORMATION CLERGY Rev. Denis B. Theroux, [email protected] Ext. 255 Weekend Clergy Associate: Rev. Dennis Kauffman Deacon: Ken Fry Ext. 479 CHRISTIAN SERVICE COORDINATOR Nancy Tolkacz, [email protected] Tina Bak, [email protected] PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Kathryn Ling, [email protected] Ext. 254 MUSIC MINISTRY Kathy Sanderson, [email protected] Activities Committee Cheryl Bauman, [email protected] Cathy McCann, [email protected] (248) 219-2018 (248) 344-9959 Ext. 261 Funeral Lunch Ministry Contact Parish Office (248) 349-2621 Ext. 250 Gospel of Life Merri Cullen, [email protected] (248) 790-8068 Ext. 292 Knights of Columbus Rick Bennett, [email protected] (248) 348-9214 PARISH OFFICE Secretary Janet Baker, [email protected] Administrative Assistant Colleen Bonadeo, [email protected] Parish Administrator Julie Lupo, [email protected] Ext. 259 Communications Coordinator Michelle Gawne, [email protected] Ext. 253 Maintenance Director Bob Larson, [email protected] Maintenance Rocky Tarrow Rick Tarrow Meal Ministry Karen Martin, [email protected] Jennifer Mullan, [email protected] Prison Ministry June Clark Ext. 257 Parish Accountant Ellen McElroy, [email protected] Ext. 258 Ext. 277 Ext. 266 Stitching Busybodies (Sewing Ministry) Beth Ajlouni, [email protected] Andrea Murdock, [email protected] (248) 797-3888 (248) 860-8309 (734) 354-9427 (248) 349-4382 St. Vincent de Paul Conference #437 Ed Isabell Ext. 478 Technology Director Ken Ling, [email protected] Ext. 251 Facilities and Events Coordinator Ellen O’Neil, [email protected] Special Needs Outreach Pat Romzek, [email protected] Karen Schmid, [email protected] (248) 305-8984 (734) 327-4641 Ext. 256 Youth Ministry Coordinator Sean Tehoke, [email protected] St. Leo’s Outreach Tony Albanese, [email protected] (248) 349-4664 Ext. 262 EVANGELIZATION COMMITTEE Laura Droze, [email protected] FAITH FORMATION (248) 349-2559 Fax: (248) 773-5024 Director Mary Ellen Skene, [email protected] Ext. 112 Secretary Kelly Bruno, [email protected] Ext. 116 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL, [email protected] Tim Cencer Tracy DeCrescentis Eric Fox, Vice Chairperson (586) 255-6603 Ann Gage (248) 982-9880 Bob Langan Lisa Militello Kathryn Piotrowski, Chairperson (248) 891-5238 Catherine Rabahy Jeff Snyder Dan Stedem Vince Stempien, Secretary (248) 939-3600 PARISH CREDIT UNION Catholic Vantage Financial (734) 432-0212 HEALTH & WELLNESS MINISTRY Molly Griffin, [email protected] MOMS IN PRAYER GROUP Carolyn Spencer, [email protected] (248) 921-8876 STEPHEN MINISTRY Confidential Ministry of Support OLV SCHOOL (248) 349-3610 Ext. 482 Fax: (248) 380-7247 Principal Dan Timmis, [email protected] Administrative Assistant Lynn Zelek, [email protected] Ext. 110 Ext. 108 Secretary Mary Lopus, [email protected] Ext. 115 Dean of Students Kate Szuba, [email protected] Ext. 117 TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 3 AUGUST 14, 2016 Around the Table Rev. Denis B. Theroux, Pastor The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time DearFriends, you WheneverIhappentobeinamedicalclinicorevenanemergencyroom,IfindmyselfoXenstruckbythepaYence withwhichpeoplesitandwait. SomeYmes,itisveryclear,thatthispersonorthatissuffering,inpainorjustnotfeeling well,yettheyquietlysitwaiYngandwaiYng.Then,whenthephysicianornurseaUendingdoesfinallycometothem,clearly, youcanseeadeepsenseofreliefwashoverthem. IfindmyselfcontrasYngthishumanscenewiththeoXenresponsetotheword,“Clinic.”Theconceptof“Clinic”or even more, “Medical Clinic,” probably suggest to most people, white walls, sterilized instruments and masked figures, all arranged to prevent infecYon or the transfer of disease. The atmosphere is clean, cold, and oXen Ymes can be very depersonalized.ButtheGreekwordfromwhich“clinic”istakenisthesameasourEnglishwordfor“incline.”Iknowthatto “incline”meanstobendorstoopdown.So,initsmoreaccuratemeaning,“clinic”shouldrepresentabendingdowntothe humancondiYon,tothepainandsufferingofhumankind. ThisisthemoodofToday’sPsalm.ThePsalmistisdescribingGod’s“inclining” towardsus…toyouandtome! Itis,wemightsay,Godbendingdowntoourhuman condiYon. Speakingfromhisownexperience,hetellsus,“Ihavewaited,waitedfor the Lord, and He stooped towards me.” God, then, is this clinical, loving person towardsourhumanweakness.Godisthephysicianwhocares,whobendsdownand is deeply concerned for our sorrows and pains. God is not coldly indifferent, and removed from us, as we can someYmes imagine or experience in a medical segng. Godisrather,likethewarm,humanphysicianthatwealllookuptoandadmire.God stoopsdownnotsimplyfromtheheightofmedicalknowledgeandwisdom,butfrom the infinite wisdom of the Godhead! No more loving gesture therefore could be offeredtous. Thewords“clinic”and“clinical,”then,cansuggestsomethingofthisprofoundlove.ThePsalmistisspeakinginthe correctsenseofclinical,therefore,whenhetellsof“waiYngandwaiYng”forGod,whothen“stoopeddown.” We,toomustrememberthatallofuscaneasilybecomecallousandindifferenttothesufferingsandconcernsof others.Knowinghoweasyitistooverlookthesufferingsofothers,weneedtokeepthis“clinical”awarenessalwayspresent beforeus. AsGodstoopstowardsus,wetoo,mustbenddowntoreallyenterintothecaresofoneanother. FromGod’s ownlovingaUenYontous,then,wedrawourmodelforgenuinehumankindness. TrustingintheGodwhomeetsusinoursufferings,FatherDenis WhatistheBestTimeforSaturdayMass? Assumption of the Blessed Mary Monday, August 15 This is not a holy day of obligation. We will celebrate at the weekend’s Masses. We have received several inquiries about changing the Saturday eveningMasstimefrom5:00p.m.toanearliertime. Theconcernis thatduringthewintermonths,thesunsetsby5:30p.m.anditwould benicetoleaveMassduringdaylighthours. If you do not have a computer and wish to participate in the survey,pleasecompletethefollowingformandreturnittotheparishofficeordrop itintheSundaycollection.Onlyonevoteperperson.Weappreciateyourtime. Name: PleasecircleyourpreferredSaturdayMasstime: 4:00p.m. 4:30p.m. 5:00p.m. OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 4 Konnect the Dots Kathryn Ling, Pastoral Associate Today, we celebrate the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Our first reading is from the prophet Jeremiah (38:4-6, 8-10). Jeremiah was called to be a prophet in 627 BC, but most of his preaching took place in the grim period leading to the destruction of the Temple in 586 BC. Jeremiah tells the people that their sinful actions have angered God. Therefore, God will bring judgement and punishment upon them. The people must undergo suffering and loss before they would see restoration. Jeremiah’s message was not popular and it makes the people angry. Despite constant danger, Jeremiah trusted the Lord and faithfully spoke His message. God had warned Jeremiah (1:4-19) that speaking God’s message would lead people to fight against him. However, God also told Jeremiah that He would always be with him. That in the end, God would prevail. Jeremiah has and will continue to suffer because he was faithful to the preaching of God’s prophetic word. The people believe that if they get rid of the messenger, God’s message will go away. In today’s reading, the princes of the court convince the king that Jeremiah should be put to death by being thrown into a cistern to starve. Jeremiah is constantly challenged in his ministry and often comes close to death but he continues to trust in the Lord. We see in today’s passage that God once again saves Jeremiah. Jeremiah begins his ministry again believing that God is always with him even in the most difficult situations. How do you handle difficult and challenging events in your life? Do you truly believe that God is right there with you? Have you ever had to deal with opposition or rejection for believing and trusting in God? In today’s Gospel, Luke 12:49-53, do not fit the image that most of us have of Jesus. This is not the Jesus who: heals the sick, forgives the sins of all those who have faith, or the person who blesses the children. The words of Jesus today are strong words that express his mission to oppose what is false and destroy what is evil. The kingdom that Jesus proclaims is a kingdom of justice, one that burns up everything that scars creation. When Jesus talks about division within families we need to remember that he does not desire that families will be set against each other. However, Jesus knows that his message will not always be received graciously by everyone. This was certainly the experience of the earliest Christians whose families often opposed their decision to accept Christ. Following this “new radical religion” over the objections of their parents or children often led to division. The message of the gospel and the reading from Jeremiah is the same. We must always keep our eyes on God and not lose sight of him. Like Jeremiah and the early Christians, we have to be willing to answer God’s call. We are not able to control the response of others but we must be willing to proclaim the Gospel as best as we can. Then let the other person choose their own response while always trusting that God is right there with us and with them. NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN Protecting God’s Children Workshops All parents who wish to help coach CYO sports or volunteer their time at OLV school (including field trips), must first complete a “Protecting God’s Children” workshop. Each workshop starts at 6 p.m. and lasts around 3 hours. Upcoming workshops scheduled in the area include: Monday, August 29 Our Lady of Good Counsel, Plymouth Thursday, September 8 Sacred Heart Parish, Dearborn Tuesday, September 13 All Saints School, Canton Wednesday, October 5 St. Fabian Parish, Farmington Hills Go to www.virtusonline.org for the full schedule and to register. Greetings from the Youth Ministry Office Sean Tehoke, OLV Youth Ministry Coordinator I want to remind you of the gathering next Saturday, August20,followingthe5:00p.m.Massoffoodandgames.The KnightsofColumbuswillbecookingandgameswillbeplayedon thelawnbytheyouthentranceinthenorthparkinglot.Thisisan awesomechancetomeetmeandIyou,pluspickupacalendarfor thenextseveralmonthsofacYviYes.YouthMinistryisbackatOLV andwearepreparingforanawesomeyear! YoumighthavenoYcedanewyouthministrylogoonthe website and social media for the youth group it uses the same conceptastheparishandschoollogoexceptthekeywordshave beenchanged. ThisisthemissionofyouthministryhereatOLV. The words are Know, Pray, Love, Worship, Serve and Disciple. This will emphasis where as a ministry we are headed. If you noYcetheseareacYonwordswhichmeanswedonotjustobtain. Come to youth group and other Youth Ministry events to dive deeperintothesewordsmore.YouthGroupmeetsWednesdaysat 7p.m. Hey,YOUNGADULTSintheparish:If you want to be acYve in the parish and get involved, we are looking for mentors to walk withtheyoungchurch. Ifyouareinterested, p l e a s e c o n t a c t m e b y e m a i l a t [email protected] or call the parish office. Peace,Sean TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 5 Christian Service AUGUST 14, 2016 by Nancy Tolkacz Catholic Social Teachings AugustTheme:CalltoFamilyandCommunityLife AnexcerptfromMichaelHovey’sbrochureMajorThemesofCatholicSocialTeachings “Each person is not only sacred but social. The family is the central social ins8tu8on that must be supported and strengthened, not undermined. Howweorganizeoursociety-ineconomicsandpoli8cs,inlawandpolicy-directlyaffectshumandignity,thefamily,andthe capacityofindividualstogrowandsupportoneanotherincommunity. Werealizeourdignityandrightsinrela8onshipwitheachother,in community.Humanbeingsgrowandachievefulfillmentincommunity.” Thank You Knights of Columbus and Dominic’s Disciples Thank you to the members of both the Knights of Columbus and Dominic’s Disciples for segng up, cooking hot dogs, servingandcleaningupfortheSt.Dominic’sFamilyFunDayonJuly23. SeventykidsparYcipatedandhadawonderfulYme despitethe95degreeheat!ThanksformakingtheirdayspecialandforgivingofyourYmeandtalents. Emergency Food Collection for St. Dominic’s Outreach Center August 14-September 4 IreceivedacallrecentlyfromSt.Dominic’sOutreachCenteraskingifwecouldhelpthemrestocktheirfoodpantry.They areverylowofcannedgoodsduetoadecreaseinsummerdonaYonsandanincreaseinregisteredfamiliesneedingassistance.I knowwecollectforsomanyorganizaYonsalreadybutoneofourCorporalWorksofMercyistofeedthehungry.Pleaseconsider bringingincansoftuna,salmonorchickenforSt.Dominic’s. Donateditemscanbeplacedinthedesignatedcontainernearthe stairwayleadingtotheFatherErnieCenter.Justonecanperfamilycanmakeadifference. Need Volunteers to Cut Paper Angel Ornaments for our Advent Giving Tree Eachyear.wehaveanAdventGivingTreeondisplayatChristmasTime.Wehavedifferentcoloredangelsonthetreethatrepresent theitemsneededfromthedifferentorganizaYonsthatweassist.IaminneedofChristmasangelstohelpcutouttheangelornaments.I willhavetheornamentsinamanillaenvelopeinabasketinthechurchatrium.Ifyoucanhelpcutthemout,pleasetakeanenvelopehome. Whenyoufinish,simplyreturntheenvelopeinthebasketthatismarkedReturnedangelornaments.Eachyear,wecutover1,000angels forthetree.Thankyouforlesseningtheload. Last Weekend for Our School Supplies Collection ThisisthelastweekendtodropoffschoolsupplydonaYons.Atthisweekend’sMasses,FatherDeniswillblessall the backpacks that we collected prior to being delivered to the various organizaYons. Thank you for helping those in need.Manystudentswillbeabletostarttheyearoffontherightfootthankstoyourgenerosity.Wepraythatallthose receivingthebackpackswillfindtheloveofChristsurroundingthemeachandeveryYmetheyputthemon. OLV St. Vincent de Paul Society | Conference #437 In today’s Gospel Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing! There is a baptism with which I must be baptized, and how great is my anguish until it be accomplished! Your gifts to OLV’s St. Vincent de Paul to assist those suffering in destitution will help set the earth on fire with God’s love. Please note that ALL MONIES donated to OLV St. Vincent de Paul remain in our area and are used to assist local families in need. We invite you to join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, August 23, at 7:00 p.m., in the Martha Mary Room. OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 6 WWW.OLVNORTHVILLE.ORG It will take many hands 2016 Catholic serviceS appeal We are so grateful for all those who remembered to return their CSA pledge card—we are now within $45,000 of our quota! Please take a minute to complete your card and return it to the parish office or make your pledge online at www.aod.org. Thank you for your support! 2016 Quota: $245,846 CSA Pledges to date: 506 CSA Pledged Amount: $202,459 MINUTE Youth Ministry New youth ministers, as well as current ones interested in receiving more information about youth ministry resources and programming, will gather for a Youth Ministry Orientation at Sacred Heart Major Seminary on Saturday, August 27. The Youth Ministry Office will provide an overview of its suggested materials and resources, tips for starting a youth ministry program, and a summary of essential youth ministry documents. Your CSA gifts fund the work of the Youth Ministry Office, allowing it to offer events like these at a very low cost to parishes. The Youth Ministry Orientation is $20, and includes breakfast and lunch for attendees. Registration is required by August 20. For more information about CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services, please go to www.AOD.org. Summer vacation is quickly coming to an end and the After School Faith Formation Program will begin once again. It takes many to run the program. Please consider being a Catechist or Aide for young people in preschool through the eighth grade, or a Session Supervisor during our Monday Early (4:45-6:00p.m.), Monday Late (6:30-7:45 p.m.), or Tuesday (4:45-6:00 p.m.) sessions. We are also looking for those who love proclaiming the Word of God and would like to be a leader during the Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Contact Mary Ellen at (248) 349-2559 or through email if you have questions or are offering to volunteer! Once again, all volunteers are required to agree to a Criminal Background Check and attend a “Protecting God’s Children” workshop. We provide the materials you present the resources as well as you can! We are counting on the Holy Spirit working through our parish community to help the next generation know of God’s deep love for all of his children. Calling all Preschool and First Graders!! Many families do not realize that their children who are ready to be in preschool, kindergarten or first grade are also ready to begin Faith Formation in a more formal way than ever before. Our Christ the Good Shepherd Preschool program is uniquely designed to teach the essentials of the faith and allows the child to develop a deeper relationship with our God. The first grade curriculum helps children to begin to understand some of the more basic beliefs of our faith and is the foundation to entering second grade and preparation for First Holy Communion and Reconciliation. If you have not already done so, we invite you to register your young child in this year’s program. Registration for all grades is ongoing. Please register early so that we will be prepared to offer the best for your child/children! If you have any questions, please give us a call. We will be happy to speak with you! Those Final Weeks of Summer! Many families are getting ready for one more vacation before school begins for another year. Perhaps this prayer can be used by the family before leaving. “Dear Lord, how we’ve waited for this vacation and now it’s finally here. Thank You, Lord, for the opportunity to take a break from our daily routines and to replenish our minds, bodies and souls so they we may better serve You. Sometimes our expectations for vacations are unrealistic, and we find ourselves disappointed when things don’t go our way. Help us not to worry about having the ‘perfect’ vacation but to relax and enjoy every moment, whatever it may bring. We are grateful for the joys that await us-whether they be the beauty of your creation, recreation with family or friends, or peace and solitude. Watch over us and protect us as we travel, and bring us safely home again-refreshed and renewed.” Amen. A Vacation Prayer in the My Daily Orthodox Prayer Book (page 180) Wherever you may go or whatever the plans for these last precious days of break, please know that God is with you always offering his love and peace! Mary Ellen Skene, Director Priestly Vocations: Discernment Events for Men Throughout the year, the Office of Priestly Vocations provides opportunities for men from freshmen in High School through 55 to learn more about the priesthood and discernment. The events hosted by the Office of Priestly Vocations aim to increase awareness and help the men who attend gain a better understanding of the priesthood, seminary life, and discernment. We encourage anyone interested in learning more to attend one of our many programs. To view our calendar of events, please visit www.detroitpriest.com. TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 7 AUGUST 14, 2016 DAVID WIDZINSKI COMMUNITY GOLF CLASSIC OLV Consignment Used “Uniform”Shop FALL SALE Clothing Drop Off until August 21 At 45392 Dunbarton Drive, Novi, (248) 344-4817 Clean out your closets! We need EVERYTHING: School/Club uniforms/Sports uniforms, Victorian Festival/Renaissance/Saints Costumes! Shoes, socks, accessories! Spirit wear! TO DO: • Start organizing and identifying items for sale. • Wash, clean and hanger items (if possible). • Bag items and submit them with Name or Return Address labels or tags. • Drop off at the above address This program is a primary revenue-generating activity for the school’s PTO & a substitute for fundraising efforts. Please help us in any way that you can. CONSIGNMENT SHOP PROCESS: • Pricing and condition are determined by the Consignment Shop team • Items that are not school policy appropriate will be automatically donated to the Detroit Public Schools and Northville Civic Concern • 50:50 split between seller and the PTO, unless donated • Revenues sent to you within two weeks post-sale • Unsold items are kept in the shop for future sales opportunities. Thank you in advance for your contributions and donations towards our 2016-2017 school programs! Contact Joanne Gutowsky at (248) 207-9837 or [email protected], if you have any questions. Sunday, September 4, 2016 Mass @ 9:00 a.m. at Catholic Central High School Golfer registration @ 11 a.m., Shot gun start at noon Dinner @ 6:30 p.m. followed by dancing until midnight Tanglewood Golf Course 53503 W. Ten Mile Rd., South Lyon Golf, dinner & dancing - $100 per golfer Dinner & dancing only - $33 per person GOLF CONTESTS, RAFFLES, AUCTIONS, DINNER, CASH BAR, LIVE BAND & MORE! Please send checks made payable to “David Lives On”to: 45418 Halston Court, Novi, MI 48374 Attention: DWCGC Visit www.davidliveson.com to make a tax-deductible donation. KNIGHTLY NEWS New to the Parish? Joining the Knights of Columbus is a great way to get to know some of your fellow parishioners. Please contact Rick Bennett at (248) 348-9214, if you would like more information about our OLV Council. Stitching Busybodies Meet Monthly on the First and Third Thursdays The SYtching Busybodies meet the first and third Thursday of eachmonthfrom9:15a.m.-Noon,intheSt.AnneRoomwhichisinthe lowerlevelofthechurch.OurnextmeeTngdateisAugust18.Wewill beworkingonmen’shatsandscarvesforSt.Leo’sinthefallanditems fortheupcomingcharityaucYons.Wealwayscollectbabyitemsfor0-6 months for CSS in Detroit. We recently completed 50 sets of kitchen pot holders, towels , dishcloths , trivets and drying mats which went to HUGS. HUGS finds housing for the homelessinrefurbishedmotelsinDetroit. Thanks to all who donated towards this project! We have a drop off bin for donaYonsinthechurchGatheringSpacenearthestairwell,aswellasapickupbincontaining kitstomakeaone-Ymeprojecttoknit,crochetorsew..Pickuponebeforeyouheadupnorth ortothepool! Capuchin44thAnnualSOCK:SupportOurCapuchinKitchen ParishSignatureDrive August27-28 Formanyyears,individualsupportersandparishesthroughoutthemetropolitan areahaveshowntheirpersonalandfinancialcommitmenttotheCapuchinSoupKitchenby participatingintheSOCKSignatureDrive.Bysendingyoursignatureontheformprovided andcontributingtwentydollars($20),yourname,orthatofarememberedlovedonewill behonoredbyinclusionintheSOCKSignatureDrivebookdistributedattheSOCKdinner andtoparticipatingparishes. TohelptheCapuchinSoupKitchen,OLVParishvolunteerswillcollectsignatures anddonationsafterallMassesonAugust27and28.Weareinneedof3-4volunteersfor eachMassthatweekend. Toassist,pleasesignupontheposterintheGatheringSpace thisweekend. OUR LADY OF VICTORY Week at a Glance Monday, August 15 Mass, 7 p.m., Church AA Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Fr. Ernie Tuesday, August 16 Card Group, 1 p.m., Martha Mary Wednesday, August 17 Rosary, 8:05 a.m. Mass, 8:30 a.m., Church Youth Group Meeting, 7 p.m., Youth Thursday, August 18 PAGE 8 NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN Readings of the Week: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday TheAssumpTonoftheBlessedVirginMary Rv11:19a,12:1-6a,10ab;Ps45:10,11,12,16;1Cor15:20-27;Lk1:39-56 SaintStephenofHungary Ez28:1-10;Dt32:26-27ab,27cd-28,30,35cd-36ab;Mt19:23-30 Ez34:1-11;Ps23:1-3a,3b-4,5,6;Mt20:1-16 Ez36:23-28;Ps51:12-13,14-15,18-19;Mt22:1-14 SaintJohnEudes,Priest Ez37:1-14;Ps107:2-3,4-5,6-7,8-9;Mt22:34-40 SaintBernard,AbbotandDoctoroftheChurch Ez43:1-7a;Ps85:9ab,and10,11-12,13-14;Mt23:1-12 Twenty-FirstSundayinOrdinaryTime Is66:18-21;Ps117:1,2;Heb12:5-7,11-13;Lk13:22-30 Rosary, 8:05 a.m. Mass, 8:30 a.m., Church Stitching Group, 9:15 a.m., St. Anne NA Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Fr. Ernie Parish Council Mtg, 7 p.m., Solanus Casey Lonely?Sad?Discouraged? Goingthroughatoughtime—emotionallyorspiritually? Strugglingwithacrisisinlife?Orsimplyfeelingdown? Consider letting a STEPHEN MINISTER help. A Stephen Minister is a memberofourcongregationwhoistrainedtolisten,care,encourage,pray andwalkalongsideyouduringdifficulttimes.Itisconfidential,freeandveryhelpful.A Stephen Minister is not a “holy joe” who will only offer prayer. This is a person who knows that sometimes the best gift a person can receive is another person who is presentandlistens! Leaveamessageonourconfidentialphoneline.AStephenLeaderwillcallyou backtoprovideyoumoreinformationabouttheprogramandthenmakeyourdecision! (248)349-2621,ext.482. Friday, August 19 Rosary, 8:05 a.m. Mass, 8:30 a.m., Church Eucharistic Adoration, 9:30 a.m., CH Adoration Closing, 11:30 a.m., CH Saturday, August 20 Reconciliation, 3:30 p.m. p.m., Church Mass, 5:00 Youth Group Bar-b-que, 6 p.m., Church OLVFallBloodDrive-SavetheDate! Sunday, August 21 Mass, 7:30 a.m., Church Mass, 9:30 a.m., Church Mass, 11:30 a.m., Church Baptisms, 12:30 p.m., Church Sunday, September 25, from 8:00 a.m. until 1:45 p.m. Father Ernie Center Look for more information on how to register in upcoming bulletins. Help our Hands Help Others UPCOMING EVENTS School Supply Collection Ends Sunday, August 14 St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen Saturday, August 27 Capuchin Sock Drive August 27-28 OLV Blood Drive Sunday, September 25 Mercy in Action Day Saturday, October 1 Dinner & Auction October 8, 2016, 6:00–10:00 p.m., $40 per person Fr. Ernie Center 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Auction Preview, appetizers, beer & wine, 50/50 raffle Buffet Dinner Silent Auction winners selected and announced Tickets can be purchased at the Parish Office and after all Masses from September 3-October 2. Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference #437 Our Lady of Victory Parish TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 9 Those who need our prayers... Pray For Those Who Serve in Our Military Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health once more. Please remember to keep in prayer… Steve Allen Fr. Joseph Begay Donald Boyd Lisa Brandt Gina Buchan Barbara Burbo Claudette Buria Pat Bynum Judy Chiodo Sue Coseo Paul Coleman Bob Crawford Cindy Dicosola Elaine DiFazio Flora DiPardo Jeff Dueweke Eugene Ferrari Ed Fleming Jane Folino Pat Forcier Carolyn Freebury Patrick Fries Candy Gardner Keith Geisler Betty Hardy Michelle Hirsh Mary Hoffman Jack Homer Howard John Jerome Jeff Jorissen Michael Karpac Margo Kramar Robert Kramar Jennifer Kuphal Toni Lachowicz Eileen Longsworth Mildred Madigan James Maisano Sue McCann Maggie McQuillan-Key Nora Miller Richard Mitera Mary Nameth Tom Nieto Tom O’Meara Jr. Daniel Cutwater Patricia Outwater Marilyn Patton Wallene Poteau Betty Rayburn Bob Rayburn Ken Rogale Joseph Scott Sam Seratti Connie Sheldon Dennis Sinks Patricia Thomas Shelley Trainor John Vanderwouw Christina Wheeler Lillian Wiktor Namesarekeptonthelistforfourweeks.If you wish to add or remove a name, please call the ParishOfficeat(248)349-2621.Thankyou! In Memoriam We remember and pray for the loved ones from our parish family who have entered eternal life. Jeff Jorissen AUGUST 14, 2016 Mass Intentions Do you know someone who is serving in the military? Please call the Parish Office to add your loved one’s name. Continue to pray for peace and for a lasting and peaceful solution to the world’s conflicts. USN Patrick Antio CPT Barton Blackorby SSG Joshua Bullock Sgt Jamie Bushman 2LT Daniel Courtney LT Michael Cullen SPC Tyler DeBozy MAJ David Faulk Daniel Giraud Sr. Airman Brian Hada LT John J Hamann CPT Jay Heide LTC Barbara Krause LT Daniel Kuriluk CPT Matthew Kuriluk USMC LCPL William Litzinger PFC Ben Maday MAJ Shawn Magowan Sgt Mark McGlynn Sgt Alexandra McGlynn Cpl James McGlynn PFC Shawn M McHale Chap. Tim Meier, SJ Sgt. Steven Miller SPC Lauren Moloney WO1 Lincoln Moloney CPT Michael Morrissey DC3 SW Jeremy Nemeth 2LT Garrett Quick Capt. Mark Saurer Cpl USMC Gabriel Smith SFC William Smith PFC Nathan Swiger LTC Christopher Wagner MAJ Phillip Wiktor LCpl Dittrick Williams Monday, August 15 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin 7:00 p.m. Lucy LaRosa req. by M/M Michael LaRosa Spec. Int. of Joanne Ratkewicz req. by Glenn Ratkewicz Wednesday, August 17 8:30 a.m. Spec. Int. of Carolyn and Tom Freebury req. by The Gerber’s Daniel Stedem req. by M/M Michael LaRosa Thursday, August 18 8:30 a.m. Spec. Int. of Marie McCormick req. by Jeff & Terry Snyder Mary Macek req. by Family Friday, August 19 8:30 a.m. Jane Sternberg req. by Tom O’Connell Cathy Zielinski req. by the Rogale Family Saturday, August 20 5:00 p.m. Spec. Int. of Mary LaReau req. by Monica & Paul Bogdan Bereznicki req. by Vera McQuillan Spec. Int. of Esther Newberry req. by Ed & Mary Kay LeFevre Sunday, August 21 7:30 a.m. Fr. Robert Wurm req. by Fr. Denis and OLV Staff 9:30 a.m. William Darish req. by Family Spec. Int. of William Stockhausen req. by Family Willie and Frances DeLuca req. by Ted & Denis Makuch 11:30 a.m. Jack Crampton req. by Rebecca Peplinski Lucy LaRosa req by Zita & Gary Flohr Sonia Phillips req. by Sam Phillips & Family Ministry Schedule Saturday, August 20 Sunday, August 21 5:00 p.m. 7: 30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Clergy: Fr. Denis Theroux Fr. Denis Theroux Fr. Denis Theroux Fr. Dennis Kauffman Lectors: Frank O’Connell Greg Agoston Altar Servers Mary Comstock Ann Gage Terry Whitfield Margaret Zonca There is no schedule for the summer months. Please stop by the sacristy, if you are available to serve. Thank you! Derek Fiebig John O’Reilly OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 10 WWW.OLVNORTHVILLE.ORG SACRAMENTS, MINISTERIAL OUTREACH & FAITH SHARING at OLV BapTsms: Celebrated the third and fourth Sundays of the month following the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Call the Parish Office to register for the BapYsm PreparaYonandFormaYonclassheldthefirstSundayofthemonth.NoBapYsmsduringLent. First Eucharist: Parents of children who need to be prepared to receive First Eucharist should contact the Director of Faith FormaYon, Mary Ellen Skene.AdultswhowishtobepreparedforFirstEucharistshouldcontacttheRCIACoordinator,KathrynLing. ReconciliaTon:CelebratedeverySaturdayfrom3:30-4:30p.m. HolyOrders/ReligiousVocaTons:AnyoneinterestedinlearningmoreaboutvocaYonstothePriesthoodortoconsecratedreligiouslifeshouldcontact theArchdiocesanOfficeforVocaYonsat(313)237-5875. ConfirmaTon:AdultswhohavenotbeenconfirmedareinvitedtocalltheParishOfficetoarrangeforclasses.Adultsmaybeconfirmedalongwithour studentsoronPentecostSundayattheCathedraloftheMostBlessedSacrament. MarriageCouplesareinvitedtocalltheParishOffice,minimallysixmonthsinadvance,toprepareforandscheduletheirmarriage. SacramentofAnoinTngiscelebratedaXerthe9:30a.m.MassonthefirstSundayofeverymonth. Funerals:PleasecontacttheParishOfficesothatwemaywalkthisjourneywithyou. RCIA:TheRiteofChrisYanIniYaYonofAdultsisforanyoneinquiringabouttheCatholicFaithorwhowishestodeepentheirownunderstandingofthe CatholicFaith.YouareinvitedtocalltheRCIACoordinator,KathrynLing,formoreinformaYononmeeYngdatesandYmes.
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