Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church August 7, 2016
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church August 7, 2016
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church ✚ August 7, 2016 OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 2 OURLADYOFVICTORYCATHOLICCHURCH 133OrchardDrive✚ Northville,Michigan✚48167 Phone:(248)349-2621✚ Fax:(248)349-7329✚ www.olvnorthville.org OFFICEHOURS:Monday-Friday:8:30a.m.-noon,1:00-5:00p.m. MASSSCHEDULE:Saturday-5:00p.m.,Sunday-7:30,9:30&11:30a.m. Monday-7:00p.m.,Wednesday-Friday:8:30a.m. RECONCILIATIONSCHEDULE:Saturday,3:30p.m. MISSIONSTATEMENT “AsDisciplesofJesusChrist,weareagiving,growingCatholicfamily.Throughtheintercessionof Mary,wepray,weworship,weserveandweeducateinFaith.” NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN COLLABORATIONPARTNERPARISHES HolyFamily,24505MeadowbrookRd.,Novi,48375 (248)349-8847,www.holyfamilynovi.org St.James,46325W.10MileRd.,Novi,48374 (248)347-7778,www.sjnovi.net St.Joseph,830S.LafayeUeSt.,SouthLyon,48178 (248)446-8700,www.saintjosephsouthlyon.org PARISH STAFF & MINISTRY CONTACT INFORMATION CLERGY Rev. Denis B. Theroux, [email protected] Ext. 255 Weekend Clergy Associate: Rev. Dennis Kauffman Deacon: Ken Fry Ext. 479 CHRISTIAN SERVICE COORDINATOR Nancy Tolkacz, [email protected] Tina Bak, [email protected] PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Kathryn Ling, [email protected] Ext. 254 MUSIC MINISTRY Kathy Sanderson, [email protected] Activities Committee Cheryl Bauman, [email protected] Cathy McCann, [email protected] (248) 219-2018 (248) 344-9959 Ext. 261 Funeral Lunch Ministry Contact Parish Office (248) 349-2621 Gospel of Life Merri Cullen, [email protected] (248) 790-8068 Knights of Columbus Rick Bennett, [email protected] (248) 348-9214 PARISH OFFICE Secretary Janet Baker, [email protected] Administrative Assistant Colleen Bonadeo, [email protected] Parish Administrator Julie Lupo, [email protected] Ext. 250 Ext. 292 Ext. 259 Communications Coordinator Michelle Gawne, [email protected] Ext. 253 Maintenance Director Bob Larson, [email protected] Maintenance Rocky Tarrow Rick Tarrow Meal Ministry Karen Martin, [email protected] Jennifer Mullan, [email protected] Prison Ministry June Clark Ext. 257 Parish Accountant Ellen McElroy, [email protected] Ext. 258 Ext. 277 Ext. 266 Stitching Busybodies (Sewing Ministry) Beth Ajlouni, [email protected] Andrea Murdock, [email protected] (248) 797-3888 (248) 860-8309 (734) 354-9427 (248) 349-4382 St. Vincent de Paul Conference #437 Ed Isabell Ext. 478 Technology Director Ken Ling, [email protected] Ext. 251 Facilities and Events Coordinator Ellen O’Neil, [email protected] Special Needs Outreach Pat Romzek, [email protected] Karen Schmid, [email protected] (248) 305-8984 (734) 327-4641 Ext. 256 Youth Ministry Coordinator Sean Tehoke, [email protected] St. Leo’s Outreach Tony Albanese, [email protected] (248) 349-4664 Ext. 262 EVANGELIZATION COMMITTEE Laura Droze, [email protected] FAITH FORMATION (248) 349-2559 Fax: (248) 773-5024 Director Mary Ellen Skene, [email protected] Ext. 112 Secretary Kelly Bruno, [email protected] Ext. 116 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL, [email protected] Tim Cencer Tracy DeCrescentis Eric Fox, Vice Chairperson (586) 255-6603 Ann Gage (248) 982-9880 Bob Langan Karen Martin (248) 797-3888 Lisa Militello Kathryn Piotrowski, Chairperson (248) 891-5238 Catherine Rabahy Vince Stempien, Secretary (248) 939-3600 HEALTH & WELLNESS MINISTRY Molly Griffin, [email protected] MOMS IN PRAYER GROUP Carolyn Spencer, [email protected] (248) 921-8876 STEPHEN MINISTRY Confidential Ministry of Support OLV SCHOOL (248) 349-3610 Ext. 482 Fax: (248) 380-7247 Principal Dan Timmis, [email protected] Administrative Assistant Lynn Zelek, [email protected] Ext. 110 Ext. 108 Secretary Mary Lopus, [email protected] Ext. 115 Dean of Students Kate Szuba, [email protected] Ext. 117 NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 3 AUGUST 7, 2016 On the Same Page Rev. Denis B. Theroux, Pastor The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time you AreyouMarriedtoaCatholic,butnotoneyourself? AlwayswantedtobeCatholic,butitwasnevertherightVme? AdultswishingtobecomeCatholicenterintoaprocesscalledRCIA,RiteofChris^anIni^a^onofAdults. TheRiteofChrisBan IniBaBonofAdultsisanancientprac^ceofini^a^onintheChurch.Itsfocusisonconversion.AdultsenteringintoRCIAdonotenterinto aprogram,butaprocess;RCIAisajourneythatbeginsinSeptemberandculminatesintherecep^onoftheSacramentsofIni^a^onat theEasterVigil,thisyearonApril15. Thisjourneyoffaithisnottraveledalone,butaccompaniedbyotherswho,tooarewan^ngto learnabouttheCatholicfaith. EachyearwithinRCIA,thegroupusuallyincludesunbap^zedadults,aswellasadultsbap^zedintootherChris^antradi^onsbutare nowdesiringtobeCatholic. Ocen^mes,therearethosewhowerebap^zedCatholicasinfantsorchildren,butwerenotraisedinthe faith,andnowwishtocompletetheirini^a^on. RCIAmeetsonMondayevenings,from7:00un^labout8:30,beginninginSeptember,throughthecelebra^onofEaster. The RCIAalsoinvolvesrituals,calledrites,alongthewaywhichcelebratevariousstagesinthecandidate'sfaithjourney. Theseritualstake placeduringSundayMasses. Formoreinforma^onortoregisterforRCIA,pleasecontactourPastoralAssociateandRCIACoordinator, KathrynLingat(248)349-2621,ext.253,[email protected]. TheFeastoftheAssumpVon PleasenotethatAugust15,TheAssump^onoftheBlessedVirginMary,fallsonaMondaythisyear,andwillNOTbecelebrated asaHolyDayofObligaVon. [AlthoughtheobligaBontoaGendMasswhenaHolyDayfallsonaSaturdayorMondayisabolished,parishesaretoconBnuetoobservethese holydaysbyschedulingMassataconvenientBmesothatpeoplewhowishtoparBcipateareabletodoso.ThiswasdecidedattheNovember 1991meeBngoftheNaBonalConferenceofCatholicBishops.TheacBonwasconfirmedbytheCongregaBonforBishopsonJuly4,1992.] TheFeastoftheAssumpVonistheprincipalfeastofMary.Ithasadoublepurpose:first,thehappydepartureofMaryfromthis lifeandsecond,theassump^onofherbodyintoheaven.Departurefromthisworldandentranceintothenextisthesamemovementin two different expressions. LiUle is known for certain about the day, year and manner of Mary's death. The dates assigned for it vary betweenthreeandficeenyearsacerJesus'Ascension. SinceMarywaspreservedfreefromallstainoforiginalsin,shewassparedbodilydecayandwastakenupbodyandsoulintoheaven onceherearthlylifewasover. Thus,theLordhasexaltedherasQueenoverallthings. Mary'sAssump^ontakesnothingawayfrom Jesus. Onthecontrary,itdemonstratesthepowerofhisResurrec^on. SinceMarywasthemotherofChristandthefirsttobelievein him,shewasraisedbyHimtotheglorifiedlifeofheaven.Itis,astheCatechismoftheCatholicChurchteaches,"asingularpar^cipa^on inherSon'sResurrec^on"(no.966). MaryisnotonlythefirstdiscipleandmotherofJesus;sheisalsoasymboloftheChurchandamodelforallChris^ans.Byreflec^ng onthegracesGodgavetheBlessedVirgin,weunderstandmoreabouthisgicstous. TheAssump^onofMaryistherealiza^onofthe hopethatallbelieversshare. HeracceptanceintothegloryofHeavenisasignofthepromisemadebyJesustoallChris^ansthatone daythey,toowillbereceivedintoparadise. God’sblessings,FatherDenis Greetings from the Youth Ministry Office By Sean Tehoke, OLV Youth Ministry Coordinator Summerisflyingbyandschoolisrightaroundthecorner.Ijustwantedtoinformyouofacoupleofeventscomingup: •Saturday,August20,followingthe5:00p.m.Mass: YouthMinistryKick-offBBQ. Allhighschoolyouthandtheirfamiliesare welcometocomeandhangout. •Saturday,October1:AoDishosVngMercyInAcVon-adayofservice.Theyoutharegoingtohelpoutatthe MiracleLeague.Wearelookingfor10-12youthwhoarewillingtohelponthisdayfrom8a.m.-1p.m.Contact meformoredetails. • Sunday,August28,7:00p.m.:YouthLeadershipTeamMeeVng.Youthcomewithyourideas. Young adults- we are looking for mentors! If you are interested in helping to walk in faith with the younger church members, pleaseletmeknow. OUR LADY OF VICTORY Kathryn’s Konnection Kathryn Ling, Pastoral Associate Have You Always Wanted to Help Coordinate Weddings? We would like to begin the ministry of Wedding Coordinator here at OLV. To be a wedding coordinator all it takes is a willingness to be helpful and friendly. It is definitely a ministry of hospitality—an opportunity to greet people and welcome them to OLV. The main role of the Wedding Coordinator is to help lead the rehearsal which involves walking through processions and the liturgy as a whole. As a part of this ministry, you will be responsible for setting up the church before a wedding. Setup includes assisting the families as they arrive for this special day and making them feel at ease and welcome. We are looking for a few women who would be willing to be trained so they could coordinate both the wedding rehearsals and then attend the wedding to help ensure that the liturgical ceremony runs smoothly. We will make sure you feel comfortable in your new ministry before you begin. I am hoping to have teams of two so that the teams could rotate through the different weddings. Most often, the wedding dates are set nearly a year in advance so there are no surprise dates. Most rehearsals last around an hour and are held on Friday evenings scheduled between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Saturday weddings are always held at 2:00 p.m.. The coordinators need to be here by 1:15 p.m. and usually finish by 3:30 p.m. If the wedding is on Friday, the couple can select either a 4:00 or a 4:30 p.m., time for the wedding time. The rehearsal would then be held on Thursday within the same time frame. It is a great ministry and a chance to connect with the young couples and their parents who often have been parishioners here at OLV for a number of years. For further information or to volunteer, please contact me in the parish office at (248) 349-2621, ext. 254 or [email protected]. PAGE 4 NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN Protecting God’s Children Workshops All parents who wish to help coach CYO sports or volunteer their time at OLV school (including field trips), must first complete a “Protecting God’s Children” workshop. Each workshop starts at 6 p.m. and lasts around 3 hours. Upcoming workshops scheduled in the area include: Monday, August 29, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Plymouth Thursday, September 8, Sacred Heart Parish, Dearborn Tuesday, September 13, All Saints School, Canton Wednesday, October 5, St. Fabian Parish, Farmington Hills Go to www.virtusonline.org for the full schedule and to register. Capuchin44thAnnualSOCK:SupportOurCapuchinKitchen ParishSignatureDrive August27-28 For many years, individual supporters and parishes throughout the metropolitan area have shown their personal and financial commitment to the CapuchinSoupKitchenbyparticipatingintheSOCKSignatureDrive. Bysending yoursignatureontheformprovidedandcontributingtwentydollars($20),your name, or that of a remembered loved one will be honored by inclusion in the SOCK Signature Drive book distributed at the SOCK dinner and to participating parishes. To help the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, OLV Parish volunteers will collect signaturesanddonationsafterallMassesonAugust27and28.Weareinneedof 3-4 volunteers for each Mass that weekend. To assist, please sign up on the posterintheGatheringSpacethisweekendandnext. July Baptisms Aiden Alexander Gazarek Son of Craig Gazarek and Kara Caudill Shelby Tinney Kurdziel Daughter of Matthew Kurdziel and Shannon Tinney Alexandra Vera Liska Daughter of James Liska and Erika Wilcox Colpon Joseph Santeiu Son of Scott Inman and Brittney Ermatinger Ethan Eliseo Silverest Son of Frederick Silverest and Yussely Callapina Tyler Jeffery Spahr Son of Adam Spahr and Stephanie Rondot Audie Clay Valenti Son of Nick Valenti and Marsha Sundquist Michael David Votruba Son of David Votruba and Kristen Loeher NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 5 Christian Service AUGUST 7, 2016 by Nancy Tolkacz Catholic Social Teachings AugustTheme:CalltoFamilyandCommunityLife AnexcerptfromMichaelHovey’sbrochureMajorThemesofCatholicSocialTeachings “Each person is not only sacred but social. The family is the central social ins8tu8on that must be supported and strengthened, not undermined. Howweorganizeoursociety-ineconomicsandpoli8cs,inlawandpolicy-directlyaffectshumandignity,thefamily,andthe capacityofindividualstogrowandsupportoneanotherincommunity. Werealizeourdignityandrightsinrela8onshipwitheachother,in community.Humanbeingsgrowandachievefulfillmentincommunity.” Mercy in Action Volunteer Kick Off Meeting: Wednesday, August 10, 7:00 p.m., Martha Mary Room WearelookingforteamcaptainsandvolunteersforourupcomingMercyinAc^onDayonOctober1.Thismee^ngwillprovideyou withinforma^onontheeventandgiveyouanopportunitytopickupallnecessaryvolunteerformstofillout.Allvolunteersmustsign upbyAugust10toreceiveat-shirtbutnolaterthanSeptember1topar^cipate. Youarethechurchandweneedyoutomakethis eventasuccess. Volunteers and Team Captains Needed for AoD Mercy In Action Day: Saturday, October 1 Wearelookingforteamcaptainsandvolunteerstosignuptopar^cipateintheAoDMercyinAcVonDayonSaturday,October1. Signupboardsareinthechurch’sGatheringSpace. Eachvolunteerwillreceiveat-shirt,con^nentalbreakfastandlunchonthatday. TheArchdioceseofDetroitwouldlikethiseventtobecomeanannualone.ItissimilartotheMakeaDifferencecampaigntheonlydifferenceisthatwe providethetypesofvolunteeropportuni^eswithinourcommunity.PleasehelpusbeChristLiketoothers.Makeanefforttoshowothersthatweare onefamilyandwecareforeachotherinourcommunity.Wehaveavarietyofac^vi^esinwhichfamiliesorindividualscansignuptopar^cipate.Any ques^ons,pleasecalltheparishofficeandasktospeaktosomeoneinChris^anService. AllvolunteersmustsignupbeforeWednesday,August10. Childrenunder16yearsofagemustbeaccompaniedbyaparentoradultleader. School Supplies Collection Ends Next Sunday! We will be collec^ng school supplies for several organiza^ons within the Detroit metropolitan area. Items needed include: markers(8or10pack),coloredpencils(12or24pack),crayons(24pack),pens(blue,blackandred),composiVonnotebooks(college and wide ruled), regular notebooks (college and wide ruled), pencils, pencil boxes/cases, scissors, folders and most importantly backpacks. WatchforstoresalesespeciallyacertheFourthofJuly. Allitemscanbeplacedinthedesignatedbinnearthestairway. Thankyouforyoursupport! Need Volunteers to Cut Paper Angel Ornaments for our Advent Giving Tree Eachyear.wehaveanAdventGivingTreeondisplayatChristmasTime.Wehavedifferentcoloredangelsonthetreethatrepresent theitemsneededfromthedifferentorganiza^onsthatweassist.IaminneedofChristmasangelstohelpcutouttheangelornaments.I willhavetheornamentsinamanillaenvelopeinabasketinthechurchatrium.Ifyoucanhelpcutthemout,pleasetakeanenvelopehome. Whenyoufinish,simplyreturntheenvelopeinthebasketthatismarkedReturnedangelornaments.Eachyear,wecutover1,000angels forthetree.Thankyouforlesseningtheload. OLV St. Vincent de Paul Society | Conference #437 In this Gospel, Jesus says “Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy.” “With your ongoing support of OLV’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul, which enables us to provide assistance and hope to those in our Northville community who are not able to find relief from the summer heat, you will indeed find “an inexhaustible treasure in heaven!” Join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, August 9, at 7:00 p.m., in the Martha Mary Room WhyBecomeaVincentian?PleasereadthefollowingactualtranscriptoftextsbetweentwoVincentians: V1:“Didyouletourclientknowwhatwewereabletodoforher?” V2:“Ididandshewasthrilled,surprisedandgrateful;speechless.” V1:“Doesn'tthatfeelgreat?” V2:“ItistrulyablessingfromabovetowalkinthepathofourLord.IparticularlyfeellikeIfollowedtheGospelfromlast Sunday,"Goanddolikewise."Itmakesmeawareofmyblessingsandjusthowminusculethedifferencebetweenallofus”. Iftheaboveexchangeappealstoyou,piquesyourinterest,thenmaybeyouarebeingcalledtobeaVincentian. ComejoinusanysecondorfourthTuesdayofthemonth,at7:00p.m.,intheMarthaMaryroom. OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 6 WWW.OLVNORTHVILLE.ORG We Need You! September will be here before you know it and our Faith Formation sessions will begin once again. At this time of the year, I always reflect upon Luke’s scripture passage "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (10:2) It takes the faith, gifts and talents of many to help form the children of our parish. For the upcoming year, we are in need of Aides and Catechists during the Monday 4:45-6 p.m. session for students in grades 3 and 7, and others to assist the Christ the Good Shepherd Preschool program which is for 4 and 5 year olds; for the Monday 6:30-7:45 p.m. session for grade 4; and for Tuesday 4:45-6:00 p.m. for students in grades 1, 4 and 8. 2016 Catholic serviceS appeal We are so grateful for all those who remembered to return their CSA pledge card—we are now within $50,000 of our quota! Please take a minute to complete your card and return it to the parish office or make your pledge online at www.aod.org. Thank you for your support! 2016 Quota: $245,846 CSA Pledges to date: 491 CSA Pledged Amount: $196,434 MINUTE Sacred Heart Major Seminary-Institute for Ministry Many students are registering for classes at Sacred Heart Major Seminary this month, thanks to Parish Empowerment Fund scholarships funded by gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal. Our major seminary not only prepares men for ordination to the priesthood and the permanent diaconate, it offers degree and certificate programs for lay women and men seeking to be “new evangelists for the new millennium” at the Institute for Ministry. Through discernment and theological reflection, the institute guides and challenges commuter students to deepen their commitment to spiritual growth, attend to their call, and identify their gifts for service in the Church. For more information about Sacred Heart Major Seminary or the Institute for Ministry, please go to www.shms.edu. For more information about CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services, please go to www.AOD.org. We are also in need of assistants during the Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Sundays, during the 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Masses. We provide all of the materials and just ask that you come ready and willing to share your faith and the Faith of our Church with these children. If the Holy Spirit is calling you to work in the Lord’s vineyard, please contact Mary Ellen Skene, in the Faith Formation Office! Calling all Preschoolers for the Christ the Good Shepherd Program The atrium will open once again in the fall for children ages 4 and 5 years on Mondays, 4:45-6:00 p.m. and Sundays for 3 ½-5 year olds, during the 9:30 a.m. Mass. The program which was developed fifty years ago by Sofia Cavaletti and Gianna Gobbi allows children to discover the love of Christ as imaged in the parable of the Good Shepherd through the use of short presentations where the essential message is proclaimed and “works” that allow the child to contemplate and assimilate that message and how it leads them into a closer relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. New material is covered every year so that the children can grow in their knowledge and appreciation of the many symbols and articles of our faith. Registration forms can be found on www.olvnorthville.org. If you have any questions, please call the Faith Formation Office. Scripture Reflection for the family This weekend’s gospel asks a very important question. What is your treasure? The answer is not an easy one if we look to our society for help. We live in a time where how much we do and what we are involved in says something about our status, or worth. But the commandment given to us by Jesus to love God and one another does not speak of things or stuff to do but of the importance of relationships. Jesus teaches that the most important relationship we can ever have is one we develop with our God. From that relationship comes the rich ground from which all others grow. As a family this week, talk about what you treasure. Where is the family heart? How can you arrange schedules and wants so that they show the importance of being together in relationship? Remember when we allow God to be first in our lives he will show us the way to that which we thought was hidden! The treasure of his love becomes the key to finding his love in others. Mary Ellen Skene, Director Priestly Vocations: Discernment Events for Men Throughout the year, the Office of Priestly Vocations provides opportunities for men from freshmen in High School through 55 to learn more about the priesthood and discernment. The events hosted by the Office of Priestly Vocations aim to increase awareness and help the men who attend gain a better understanding of the priesthood, seminary life, and discernment. We encourage anyone interested in learning more to attend one of our many programs. To view our calendar of events, please visit www.detroitpriest.com. NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 7 AUGUST 7, 2016 DAVID WIDZINSKI COMMUNITY GOLF CLASSIC OLV Consignment Used “Uniform”Shop FALL SALE Clothing Drop Off until August 21 At 45392 Dunbarton Drive, Novi, (248) 344-4817 Clean out your closets! We need EVERYTHING: School/Club uniforms/Sports uniforms, Victorian Festival/Renaissance/Saints Costumes! Shoes, socks, accessories! Spirit wear! TO DO: • Start organizing and identifying items for sale. • Wash, clean and hanger items (if possible). • Bag items and submit them with Name or Return Address labels or tags. • Drop off at the above address This program is a primary revenuegenerating activity for the school’s PTO & a substitute for fund-raising efforts. Please help us in any way that you can. CONSIGNMENT SHOP PROCESS: • Pricing and condition are determined by the Consignment Shop team • Items that are not school policy appropriate will be automatically donated to the Detroit Public Schools and Northville Civic Concern • 50:50 split between seller and the PTO, unless donated • Revenues sent to you within two weeks post-sale • Unsold items are kept in the shop for future sales opportunities. Thank you in advance for your contributions and donations towards our 2016-2017 school programs! Contact Joanne Gutowsky at (248) 207-9837 or [email protected], if you have any questions. Sunday, September 4, 2016 Mass @ 9:00 a.m. at Catholic Central High School Golfer registration @ 11 a.m., Shot gun start at noon Dinner @ 6:30 p.m. followed by dancing until midnight Tanglewood Golf Course 53503 W. Ten Mile Rd., South Lyon Golf, dinner & dancing - $100 per golfer Dinner & dancing only - $33 per person GOLF CONTESTS, RAFFLES, AUCTIONS, DINNER, CASH BAR, LIVE BAND & MORE! Please send checks made payable to “David Lives On”to: 45418 Halston Court, Novi, MI 48374 Attention: DWCGC Visit www.davidliveson.com. All donations are tax-deductible. KNIGHTLY NEWS New to the Parish? Joining the Knights of Columbus is a great way to get to know some of your fellow parishioners. Please contact Rick Bennett at (248) 348-9214, if you would like more information about our OLV Council. Stitching Busybodies Meet Monthly on the First and Third Thursdays The S^tching Busybodies meet the first and third Thursday ofeachmonthfrom9:15a.m.-Noon,intheSt.AnneRoomwhichis inthelowerlevelofthechurch.OurnextmeeVngdatesAugust11 and18.Wewillbeworkingonmen’shatsandscarvesforSt.Leo’s inthefallanditemsfortheupcomingcharityauc^ons.Wealwayscollectbabyitemsfor 0-6 months for CSS in Detroit. We recently completed 50 sets of kitchen pot holders, towels,dishcloths,trivetsanddryingmatswhichwenttoHUGS.HUGSfindshousingfor thehomelessinrefurbishedmotelsinDetroit. Thanks to all who donated towards this project! We have a drop off bin for dona^ons in the church Gathering Space near the stairwell, as well as a pickup bin containingkitstomakeaone-^meprojecttoknit,crochetorsew.. Pickuponebefore youheadupnorthortothepool! 2ndAnnualSeniorLiving&LearningSeminar August24,10a.m.-2p.m.,TroyCommunityCenter Learnhowtoembracehumorforyourmind,body,andspiritatthe 2ndannualSeniorLivingandLearningSeminarhostedbyCatholicCharitiesof Southeast Michigan. Everything is free—onsite parking, admission, giveaways, and lunch. The expo will feature a “Laughter Works” talk. Researchshowshavingfunisgoodmedicine. Freshenyourbrain,tickleyour spirit,andlearntokeepsmiling.Spaceislimited,pleaseRSVPbycallingTrista Johnsonat(248)559-1147,[email protected]. OUR LADY OF VICTORY Week at a Glance Monday, August 8 Mass, 7 p.m., Church AA Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Fr. Ernie Tuesday, August 9 Card Group, 1 p.m., Martha Mary St. Vincent de Paul Mtg, 7 p.m, Mary Wednesday, August 10 Rosary, 8:05 a.m. Mass, 8:30 a.m., Church Youth Group Meeting, 7 p.m., Youth Thursday, August 11 PAGE 8 Readings of the Week: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Rosary, 8:05 a.m. Mass, 8:30 a.m., Church Stitching Group, 9:15 a.m., St. Anne NA Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Fr. Ernie Friday, August 12 Rosary, 8:05 a.m. Mass, 8:30 a.m., Church Eucharistic Adoration, 9:30 a.m., CH Adoration Closing, 11:30 a.m., CH Saturday, August 13 Alzheimer Support, 10 a.m., McAuley Reconciliation, 3:30 p.m. p.m., Church Mass, 5:00 NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN SaintDominic,Priest Ez1:2-5,24-28c;Ps148:1-2,11-12,13,14;Mt17:22-27 SaintTeresaBenedictaoftheCross,VirginandMartyr Ez2:8—3:4;Ps119:14,24,72,103,111,131;Mt18:1-5,10,12-14 SaintLawrence,DeaconandMartyr 2Cor9:6-10;Ps112:1-2,5-6,7-8,9;Jn12:24-26 SaintClare,Virgin Ez12:1-12;Ps78:56-57,58-59,61-62;Mt18:21—19:1 SaintJaneFrancesdeChantal,Religious Ez16:1-15,60,63or16:59-63;Is12:2-3,4bcd,5-6;Mt19:3-12 SaintsPonVan,Pope,andHippolytus,Priest,Martyrs Ez18:1-10,13b,30-32;Ps51:12-13,14-15,18-19;Mt19:13-15 TwenVethSundayinOrdinaryTime Jer38:4-6,8-10;Ps40:2,3,4,18;Heb12:1-4;Lk12:49-53 Lonely?Sad?Discouraged? Goingthroughatoughtime—emotionallyorspiritually? Strugglingwithacrisisinlife?Orsimplyfeelingdown? Consider letting a STEPHEN MINISTER help. A Stephen Minister is a memberofourcongregationwhoistrainedtolisten,care,encourage,pray andwalkalongsideyouduringdifficulttimes.Itisconfidential,freeandveryhelpful.A Stephen Minister is not a “holy joe” who will only offer prayer. This is a person who knows that sometimes the best gift a person can receive is another person who is presentandlistens! Leaveamessageonourconfidentialphoneline.AStephenLeaderwillcallyou backtoprovideyoumoreinformationabouttheprogramandthenmakeyourdecision! (248)349-2621,ext.482. Sunday, August 14 Mass, 7:30 a.m., Church Mass, 9:30 a.m., Church Mass, 11:30 a.m., Church Baptisms, 12:30 p.m., Church After all Masses -New Parishioner Registration -SOCK DRIVE Sign Up NextMeeVngisSaturday,August13 Help our Hands Help Others Dinner & Auction UPCOMING EVENTS School Supply Collection Ends Sunday, August 14 St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen Saturday, August 27 Capuchin Sock Drive August 27-28 OLV Blood Drive Sunday, September 25 Mercy in Action Day Saturday, October 1 October 8, 2016, 6:00–10:00 p.m., $40 per person Fr. Ernie Center 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Auction Preview, appetizers, beer & wine, 50/50 raffle Buffet Dinner Silent Auction winners selected and announced Tickets can be purchased at the Parish Office and after all Masses from September 3-October 2. Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference #437 Our Lady of Victory Parish NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 9 Those who need our prayers... Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health once more. Please remember to keep in prayer… Steve Allen Fr. Joseph Begay Donald Boyd Lisa Brandt Gina Buchan Barbara Burbo Claudette Buria Pat Bynum Judy Chiodo Sue Coseo Paul Coleman Bob Crawford Cindy Dicosola Elaine DiFazio Flora DiPardo Jeff Dueweke Eugene Ferrari Ed Fleming Jane Folino Pat Forcier Carolyn Freebury Patrick Fries Candy Gardner Keith Geisler Betty Hardy Michelle Hirsh Mary Hoffman Jack Homer Howard John Jerome Jeff Jorissen Michael Karpac Margo Kramar Robert Kramar Jennifer Kuphal Toni Lachowicz Eileen Longsworth Mildred Madigan James Maisano Sue McCann Maggie McQuillan-Key Nora Miller Richard Mitera Mary Namath Tom Nieto Tom O’Meara Jr. Daniel Cutwater Patricia Outwater Marilyn Patton Wallene Poteau Betty Rayburn Bob Rayburn Ken Rogale Joseph Scott Sam Seratti Connie Sheldon Dennis Sinks Patricia Thomas Shelley Trainor John Vanderwouw Christina Wheeler Lillian Wiktor Namesarekeptonthelistforfourweeks.If you wish to add or remove a name, please call the ParishOfficeat(248)349-2621.Thankyou! In Memoriam We remember and pray for the loved ones from our parish family who have entered eternal life. Willie (Guerino) DeLuca AUGUST 7, 2016 Pray For Those Who Serve in Our Military Mass Intentions Do you know someone who is serving in the military? Please call the Parish Office to add your loved one’s name. Continue to pray for peace and for a lasting and peaceful solution to the world’s conflicts. USN Patrick Antio CPT Barton Blackorby Sgt Jamie Bushman 2LT Daniel Courtney LT Michael Cullen SPC Tyler DeBozy MAJ David Faulk Daniel Giraud Sr. Airman Brian Hada LT John J Hamann CPT Jay Heide LTC Barbara Krause LT Daniel Kuriluk CPT Matthew Kuriluk USMC LCPL William Litzinger PFC Ben Maday MAJ Shawn Magowan Sgt Mark McGlynn Sgt Alexandra McGlynn Cpl James McGlynn PFC Shawn M McHale Chap. Tim Meier, SJ Sgt. Steven Miller SPC Lauren Moloney WO1 Lincoln Moloney CPT Michael Morrissey DC3 SW Jeremy Nemeth 2LT Garrett Quick Capt. Mark Saurer Cpl USMC Gabriel Smith SFC William Smith PFC Nathan Swiger LTC Christopher Wagner MAJ Phillip Wiktor LCpl Dittrick Williams LTJG Adam Williams Monday, August 8 7:00 p.m. John Clifford req. by Family Lucy LaRosa req. by M/M Daniel Stedem Wednesday, August 10 8:30 a.m. Kelly Bahl req. by Cristina Smejkal Thursday, August 11 8:30 a.m. Josephine Cremin req. by Fr. Denis & OLV Staff Kevin Gage and Spec. Int. of his Family req. by Terry Snyder & Family Spec. Int. of Louise Benvie req. by Jeff & Terry Snyder Friday, August 12 8:30 a.m. Tony Lamerato req. by Ralph & Mary DiFazio Raymond Fischer req. by Family Saturday, August 13 5:00 p.m. Marvin St. Pierre req. by Family Sally Bialik req. by the Nies Family Spec. Int. of Ryan Stonier req. by Joanne Brinkman Sunday, August 14 7:30 a.m. Geri Wright req. by Mary Comstock & Kathleen Pillon 9:30 a.m. Tino Bosio req. by Mary Bosio Maurice Galysz req. by Tina & John Bak Spec. Int. of Warren and Nancy Palmer req. by the Maslak Family 11:30 a.m. Spec. Int. of Heather and Owen Lee on their 20th anniversary req. by Family Ministry Schedule Saturday, August 13 Sunday, August 14 5:00 p.m. 7: 30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Clergy: Fr. Denis Theroux Fr. Denis Theroux Fr. Dennis Kauffman Fr. Denis Theroux Lectors: Peggy Bozyk Terry O’Dea Altar Servers Pat Kolowich Paula Jones Patrick Romzek Bob Dorigo-Jones There is no schedule for the summer months. Please stop by the sacristy, if you are available to serve. Thank you! Karen Marcum Jaqueline Beazley OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 10 Archdioceses of Detroit Phone Numbers of Interest Catholic Charities of SE Michigan: (855) 882-2736 Project Rachel Post Abortion Ministry: (888) 722-4355 National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233 Detroit Retrouvaille: (800) 470-2230 Catholic Bookstore: (313) 962-4490 Report sexual abuse of a minor contact: Wayne County Child Protective Services: (800) 716-2234 Prosecutor: (313) 224-5777 Oakland County Child Protective Services: (800) 975-5010 Prosecutor: (248) 858-0656 Report Sexual Abuse of a minor involving clergy or church personnel: Ms. Margaret Hubbard, (866) 343-8055, Victim Assistance Coordinator WWW.OLVNORTHVILLE.ORG Monthly Offering GIVING BACK TO THE LORD July 2016 Actual Budget Sunday Offering: $102,796 eGiving: $ 18,670 Variance: $121,531 $115,000 $ 6,531 Special Collections YTD (starts July 1) St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen $ 2,854 Christian Service $ 54 St. Vincent de Paul $ 126 Peter’s Pence $ 710 Catholic Relief Services $ 10 Holy Days $ 65 Missions $ 5,772
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