The Panther Advocate - Plainfield Public Schools


The Panther Advocate - Plainfield Public Schools
Plainfield Public
January 2013
The Panther Advocate
Inside this issue:
Mr. Hart
“The Arc of
the Moral
Universe Is
Long But It
the heart can
see what is
invisible to
the eye.”
Sydney Small
“No one is
perfect, that’s
why pencils
have erasers.”
“Do or do not.
There is no
Savannah Theriault
Kara Bangs
“If you are at
war with others, then you
are not at peace
with yourself.”
Matt Sandage
are the
family we
choose on
our own.”
Brianna Greenman
On the Front Cover:
Kylie Hart
went around
the school
and asked
the students
and faculty
what their
quotes are
and here is
what they
had to say!
“Its not the
size of the dog
in the fight,
it’s the size of
the fight in the
Serena Gunter
Mr. Greene
you’re the
you’re the
“Life is for
living, not for
Brooke Morse
Mr. Marr
Page 2
Talented Tyla
Interview and Photographs by: Corrie Cirelli
Tyla Rudd is a senior here at Plainfield High School. She is very involved in the music, art and theater departments. She
has been involved in plays such as “City of Angels,” “Annie” and this years upcoming “Willy Wonka.” She has also
been in chamber choir since her sophomore year and is the president of Tri-M and she is in A.P. Art. Her dad was stationed in Afghanistan for almost a year, but recently surprised her by coming home for Chirstmas. Read on to learn
more about this beautiful lady and see how much she does for our school.
What was your favorite play that our school has put on? Why?
“Annie”, because there were a lot of roles that allowed the girls to get
closer, instead of having super competitive roles.
Who is your character in the play this year?
Mrs. Gloop, and I’m also doing hair and makeup.
What got you into art and music?
As far as music goes, me and Robby (Howeson) got stuck in Mr. Stevenson’s chorus class and we tried to switch out and the wouldn’t let us.
Now we’re in love with it. As for art, I’ve always been an artist.
Who is your favorite teacher?
Mr. Stevenson (dad). His class helped me get involved in school and
I’ve done things and have so many accomplishments that I’d never
thought I’d achieve because of his help and guidance.
If you could have three wishes, what would they be?
Number one, infinite shoes. Number two, to have a stable future. Number three, to be Lana Del Rey.
How did your dad surprise you?
Tyla sitting in front of the panthers music
I came home from my boyfriend’s house and there was a random car in
department symbol painted on the back wall of the
the driveway, so I called my mom to see who it was and she wouldn’t
chorus room.
pick up. So, I went inside and she said someone came down the wrong
driveway and then his or her car wouldn’t start, so he or she had to leave it there. Then, I was getting pretty emotional
because I was wishing it was my dad. My mom was trying to comfort me, and she started getting emotional and went
upstairs. A few minutes later, I heard a door open and I looked up at my balcony and it was my dad. I fell down to my
knees and started crying, like bawling my eyes out. It was surreal because it’s not like my dad to surprise people.
On a scale of one to ten, how happy are you that he’s home? a...three thousand and four. It’s weird not having to tell yourself your life sucks.
How many pets do you have? cats, my two dogs, three snakes, Justin’s (her boyfriend of
almost four years) two dogs and fish tank filled with a few fish and
some crawfish.
How many piercings do you have, and what are they?
I have both sides of my nose pierced, my septum, my belly button and
my ear lobes stretched to one inch.
What do you plan to do after high school?
(makes fake sobbing noise) I’m forever debating between doing art,
makeup or doing tattooing/piercing for a living. I’m procrastinating
my life decisions.
Tyla and Mr. Stevenson.
Continued on next page
Page 3
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
I want to be an invisible, flying mermaid.
Biggest pet peeves?
“Gauges”, loud breathers and people who pierce themselves.
What are your favorite high school memories?
All of my chamber choir endeavors and everything that wasn’t freshman year.
Worst high school memory?
Tripping on the stairs in front of everybody, puking in the hallway and my dad being deployed.
Biggest fears?
STAIRS, the dark and pretty much the entire ocean.
Advice for underclassmen?
Don’t wish your high school years away because they’re gone before you know it. It’s so cliché, but so true.
What happened with A.P. Art this year?
For the first semester, we worked on BREADTH, which is where you refine your skills before working on your concentration, which is twelve different pieces of art, representing one theme in twelve different ways. We’re starting that when
we come back. Right now, we’re in the process of entering a scholastic scholarship competition.
What are your life aspirations?
To stop being a potato
Artsy Anysa
Interview and Photographs by: Harley L’Etoile
While I was walking to my Viscom class listening to music, I was looking at everyone’s artwork when I noticed one
particular piece. I was thinking to myself that I wanted to meet the artist and interview him or her. I looked at the
name and the name looked familiar. So I asked my teacher if he could tell me what class she is in and if I can go ask
her something. I found her in reading lab and asked if I could interview her for the newspaper. She agreed. So here
is what went down.
What’s your name? What grade are you in?
Anysa McMahon. Senior.
What do you do in your spare time?
Play with my daughter Bella Yamilet McMahon. She will be three
on January 30th., and painting.
Are you planning to go to college? If so, what for?
Yes, for nail technician or cosmetology.
What’s the best thing that has happened in your life so far?
Having my daughter and being a senior, while taking care of her on
my own.
If you could describe yourself with one word, what would it be?
Cheerful and rainbow.
Do you regret anything in your life?
Missing 62 days of school.
Do you have a favorite teacher? If so, who?
Yes, Mr. Wilcox and Mrs. Bastien.
Do you have any fears?
Yes, heights.
Do you think this is going to be a good year or not?
What’s your New Year’s resolution?
Passing my senior year of high school and getting A’s.
If you could pick an actress to play your life, who would it be?
Anysa displaying her art
Mariah Carey.
Do you break out dancing in the middle of the hallway when no one is looking?
Most likely yes because I love to dance.
Mr. Wilcox and Anysa
Page 4
Morris, the Male Cheerleader!
Interview and Photographs by: Andrayah Clarke
Senior Morris Csubak is usually the kid you will find running around the
halls having fun with friends. Nobody would have thought of him as one
of the members on the cheerleading squad. So I decided to interview
Morris to find out why he made the choice to be a part of the team!
Hi Morris, how are you?
I’m great!
Are you excited to graduate?
Very excited, but also a little nervous.
What are your plans for after high school?
As of right now, I have no idea. I’d like to go to college or get involved in
What are you going to miss most about being in high school?
I will miss running this place, and the few teachers I actually enjoyed, and
all my boys!
So, I heard you’re a cheerleader now?
Yes, I am!
What made you decide to try out for the team?
I had nothing else to do and I figured it would be a good experience.
Do you enjoy cheerleading?
So far I’m enjoying it a lot!
Is it weird going from being a football player to a cheerleader?
Not really, I just think of it as another sport although it’s a lot different
from every other sport I’ve played.
What do your friends think about you doing cheerleading?
For the most part they think it’s okay, other than the ones with girlfriends!
What is your favorite part of being on the team?
One single guy, plus a bunch of good looking girls… What do you think?
Do you think cheerleading is as easy as everything says it is?
People who have never cheered before don’t actually realize the time,
effort, blood, sweat, and tears that are put into the competition routines.
It’s a lot of agonizing hard work.
Do you feel like one of the girls when you’re at practices and games?
Haha, sometimes.
What is one thing you didn’t expect about cheering?
I didn’t expect learning cheers, dances, jumps, and tumbling would be so
Do you wish you would have joined the team sooner?
Yes, because if I did I would be so much better and could gotten a scholarship for college!
Good luck with the rest of the season Morris!
Thanks Andrayah!
Morris and his buddy Jin Xin Lamb!
Morris and cheerleading teammate Skyla
Young during spirit week!
Page 5
Bangin’ Barile
Interview and Photograph by: Hunter Goulas
While I was looking for Joe Walmsley to interview for last issue, I was approached by a shady character, claiming to be
Ryan Barile. He asked me a few questions about the school paper, “The Panther Advocate,” and asked me if I could get
him an interview. I agreed to his simple demand, and true to my word, I brutally interrogated him for the good of the
When and where were you born?
1995, Norwich, the Backus Hospital.
Are you enjoying your senior year?
Uh, yeah I guess.
Do you think you will miss Plainfield High School? Why or why not?
I’ll probably miss hanging with my friends, but that’s it. I’m anxious to get out.
In retrospect, is there anything you would do differently during high school?
I would work hard from the very beginning, not wait until the last second.
Do you play any sports, other than football?
No sports.
How was your first semester?
It was pretty easy. I had an English class, and the rest were electives.
Do you prefer your toast lightly toasted or darkened?
I’d like it darkened.
If you could stalk anyone, who would it be?
Rob Gronkowski.
What kind of shows do you watch on television?
I watch the NFL Network, ESPN, “Storage Wars”, “Chicago Fire.”
Would you rather embarrass yourself on national television and become famous, or stay an obscure, unnotable
I would do something pretty crazy.
What are your guiding philosophies in life?
Life’s what you make it.
McDonalds or Taco Bell?
(Laughs) McDonalds.
How are you going to celebrate Martin Luther King Day?
I’ll probably hang out with my black friend, Brandon Luberto.
What do you plan to do after high school?
I want to go to college, become a state cop.
Cookie Monster or Elmo?
Cookie Monster, definitely.
What advice would you give to the freshman and sophomores?
Buckle down, get your work done, play sports, take all the advantages given to you.
How was your football season?
Not very good. I got injured. Last year I tore an ACL, this year I tore a quad.
Have you ever played football before this year?
Ryan never just “plays around”
Yes, I played seventh grade year, and all my high school years.
Do you have a New Year’s Resolution?
I’m going to get back to the gym.
If you found a magic genie lamp, what would you wish for?
I would ask for money. Three times.
How many times do you visit the restroom a day?
It depends on how bored I am, and if I just need to walk around. Who actually goes to the bathroom anyways?
What are your hobbies?
Watching all my Boston sports teams. No Boston College though.
“My black
Page 6
The Legend of Taco Mitch
Commentary and Photographs by: Joshua Millette
Have you ever been to Australia? Better yet, have you ever even been to a different country? My pal, Mitch Felker was a
foreign exchange student in Australia for a year. I met Mitch for the first time this year at our first Rotary interact meeting of the year. Mitchell is an extremely friendly person with an interesting story to tell. I decided to interview Mitch because he has a great nickname that deserves some credit and he’s an excellent student/citizen that deserves some publicity. So if you see him in the hallway, say what’s up.
What is your full name?
Mitchell John Felker
What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Hang out with friends.
What is the origin of your moniker (Taco Mitch)?
I threw a taco party for the Interact Club youth exchange weekend this year.
Do you have any other notable nicknames?
In Australia I was called the “Feral American.”
Would you say taco’s are a large part of your life?
Just Mitch chillin’ with a panther
Depends on the day.
I know you’ve studied abroad, what was your experience like?
It was the best year of my life. I met a lot of interesting people there.
What advantages do you feel you have gained from living in Australia for a year?
Lots of life experience. I’ve definitely learned how to be more sociable within international
relations. Kids are the same all around the world.
What is your preferred genre of music?
I like a wide variety of music ranging from light jazz all the way to heavy metal. Depends on
what I’m doing.
Do you ever get sudden urges to just jam out and dance?
Not particularly.
What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
“The Rugrats.”
“Kids are
the same
What would you like to do when you grow up?
I wanna be an environmental engineer and possibly start up my
own charitable organization.
What is your favorite breakfast meal?
Waffles and sausage.
Would you like to give any of your friends a shoutout?
I met a lot of great people since I’ve been here, but I guess the
one person I really want to thank
is my amazing girlfriend Emily. Our three month anniversary
was on the fifth.
Mitch straight coolin’ in study hall
Page 7
Timothy Limothy
Interview and Photographs by: Allen Griffin
Every day after school I participate in something bigger than myself. I join a team and we work together towards bettering ourselves and each other. For the past two years I have had the pleasure of playing alongside one of the
strangest young men I have ever met, Tim Lim. So when Mr. Greene asked me
to interview one of the guys from the track team I knew my first choice had to
What is your name?
Tim Lim
Do you have any nicknames?
Uh…Tim Lim? Or Panda.
Where are you or your family from?
I’m from Massachusetts My family is from Cambodia.
What are your favorite subjects in school?
Gym…that’s about it.
What sports do you play?
Football and Track.
What do you do in track?
I sprint this year, last year I threw. (Shot put)
So you were once a thrower, what inspired the change?
To get faster for football.
How do you feel about the upcoming track season?
I’m not sure, I just want to do my best and train for football.
Tim Lim in the flesh
How do you feel about your newest coach, Coach Sabourin?
(Laughs and looks a little nervous) I like that Sabourin works out with us and runs with us…
Do you feel that track is different this year from your past years?
We have new workout machines, but I’m more of a free weight man myself.
Do you have any favorite seniors?
Yeah! Colby Cyrus, Allen Griffin, Mason DeLorge, and of course Timmy Colli are all my
If you could describe yourself in one sentence, what would that sentence be?
One sentence? More like one word: “Asian”.
What type of music do you like?
Anything, as long as I can understand it, like I don’t like screamo and all that.
What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?
Probably freshman year in football when DJ Bledsoe helped me out during Yukons. (A difficult exercise that we do at the end of football practice)
How do you like high school so far?
The only thing I like is sports, some teachers are cool.
What is your favorite:
What would you change about the school if you could?
Food? French Fries.
Bring back half days!
Hobby? Drawing.
What is your dream vacation spot?
I don’t know…just a place I could relax and is peaceful, like an island. Yea, an island paradise Season? Fall because of
would be nice.
Do you sing in the shower? If so what is your favorite song to belt out?
Color? Red.
I do! Sometimes… sometimes I be singing Taylor Swift, other times it’s just random words.
Holiday? My birthday!
If you could have any super power what would it be?
Activity? Football.
Super speed!
Movie? I don’t watch a
lot of movies; maybe I
should start doing that.
“Sometimes I be
Page 8
Magenta Loves Unico
Interview by: Harley L’Etoile
Photographs by: Kandis Guyton
I was sitting in the lunch room during A lunch when a girl sat with my friends and me . Her name is Magenta Navin.
At first I thought she was weird because she was talking about animated characters, but then I got to know her a
little more and found out she isn't as weird as I thought she was. I interviewed her because I think people should
know whom she is and say hi to her once in a while if you see her in the hallway. Here’s what she had to say.
What’s your name?
Magenta Navin.
What grade are you in?
What do you do in your spare time?
I either draw or play video games.
Are you planning to go to college?
No I’m not.
What’s the most depressing thing that happened in your life?
The most depressing thing would be when my mom died three years ago, when I
was 15.
Did you get what you wanted for Christmas?
Kinda, yeah.
Do you think this year is going to be a good year?
Yes, actually I do.
What are you looking forward to in the year 2013?
When I turn 18 this year.
Who’s your favorite animated character?
Unico. It’s from Unico and the Island of Magic.
Have you built a snowman yet this winter?
If you could describe yourself with one word, what would it
Uhm, fun.
Do you prefer a pencil or a pen?
Pencil because when you’re using pen you make mistakes and
can’t erase them.
Do you have a favorite teacher? If so who.
I don’t really have a favorite teacher.
Are you ready for final exams?
Not really.
Magenta being herself
Magenta drawing
Page 9
How May We Help You?
Interview and Photographs By: Darien Sharkey
So, “The Panther Advocate” did not receive noteworthy ratings last month. Students wrote that the articles were boring
and nobody cared about what we had to say. I decided to ask under classmen what they would like to see in the paper. I
asked two freshman: Tyler Boucher and Kendra Roach. I also asked two sophomores: Cody Price and Taylor Nygren.
The school body does have a say on what goes in the paper, just let us know if you have ideas! Most people probably
don’t even know who writes the paper. We just hang out on the third floor, typing our lives away, right? No, but there is
a journalism class with Mr. Greene. If you would like to be a part of this process, just sign up for the class.
How are you all today?
Tyler– I’m good.
Kendra– Good!
Cody– I am pretty good, it’s a sunny day.
Taylor– It’s a sunny day, so I’m okay!
Have you guys even read “The Panther Advocate”?
Tyler– Not at all. I don’t even know what that is.
Kendra– Not yet.
Cody– No… actually yes I have. That’s what I do in chorus. *laughs*
Taylor– Once.
If so, what were your thoughts on it?
Cody– It was pretty good.
Taylor– It was okay.
Hey there Tyler.
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being really good, what would you rate it?
Cody– Nine, solid nine.
Taylor– Six.
What would you enjoy reading about?
Tyler- *laugh* Don’t want to read. I don’t read, I don’t know how.
Kendra- The activities that are going on in school.
Cody– Music. Just music in general.
Taylor- Same as Cody, because I don’t like reading. *laughs* Don’t write that!
What are a few of your hobbies?
Tyler– Riding, being with friends. I like to have fun.
Kendra– Photography, that would be it.
Cody– I play music in a band and I skate, that’s it.
Kendra posing.
Taylor– Drawing and music.
What’s one interesting fact about yourself?
Tyler- *laughs* I have no idea.
Kendra-*laughs* Umm…someone would have to tell me that!
Cody– I’m very awkward.
Taylor– I like cats.
How were your holidays?
Tyler– Same old...
Kendra– Great!
Cody– Okay.
Taylor, Cody and Justin making their “I’m cute”
Taylor– Okay.
faces, while Billy Griffin and Nate
If today was your last day, what would you do?
Thereau creep.
Tyler-*laughs* Raise hell.
Kendra– Talk to every single one of my friends.
Taylor– I don’t even know. I’d probably sleep. No, actually I’d use the internet until I die.
Cody– I’d write my last song the day before.
*To add onto Cody’s*
Troy Maheu– Cody Price would like his last TWO days so he could write a song and perform it on the Empire
State Building.
Justin Moon– With a big microphone too!
Page 10
What Will Happen Next?!
Interviews by: Sammie Longo
Being a person that is graduating early like these fellow student whom I interviewed I thought it would be nice to see
what their plans where for the next eight months before they go off to college or of they are going to college. I had the
opportunity to get to know Danielle Soucie and Monique Whitehead and their future plans.
Why are you graduating early?
Monique-So I can get a full time job, so I can some up for college.
Danielle -I just didn't want to be in high school anymore I’ve taken a couple college courses
already and I like the atmosphere better.
If applying to colleges, which ones?
Monique-Yes of course, I’m applying to colleges three rivers, Bay Path, University of New
Danielle– I applied to UConn because it was my first choice, for engineering starting this
Danielle being Danielle What major are you leaning towards?
Monique-I know I am going for forensic psychology.
Danielle– I would like to stick with bio engineering as a minor and engineering
business as a minor.
Are you excited in starting your life sooner then the average high school student?
Monique– Sure… doesn't feel different.. It’ll probably hit me after I leave.
Danielle-Yes! I can’t wait to just start over, get involved , and meet new people.
I’m completely ready to move on with my life.
Monique and her cat Tigger.
Will you be walking with our class?
Monique-Yes I am walking with my class.
Danielle-Yes I will walk. It’s an experience everyone should have. Also, my mom wants to get all the pictures, so I’m
doing it for her too.
Will you also be attending prom and even per-haps the class trip?
Monique-Yea.. I’ll think about it.. If I don't have work that day.
Danielle-I would like to attend both the prom and the senior class trip, I love to dress up and I would love to see all my
friends again.
What is something you’re going to miss here?
Monique-I am going to miss my favorite teachers.
Danielle– Probably the teachers who have just been so much help with everything from studying skills to college recommendations.
What is something your not going to miss here?
Monique-Waking up so early, its terrible I want to sleep.
Danielle-I won’t miss the busy work, the freezing building, and all the obnoxious and immature people.
Page 11
New Year’s Nepotism
Interview by: Keenan MeBane
The articles that go into the paper take time, and honestly, a lot of annoying work (I know because that’s what I’m doing
right now). However, throughout the semester the class spends days on end taking pictures, writing and revising articles. These articles mainly consist of pivotal occurrences in world news, school news, and student/teacher interviews. If
you look carefully, there is a pattern: we’ve never been in our own paper. Therefore, I decided to ask the students in our
class what their New Year’s resolutions were so we can have the opportunity to make a brief appearance before the end
of our Journalism I saga.
Ashlyn Hart—To think of a resolution
for next year.
Kylie Hart—Grow about four inches
and just be happy.
Harley L’Etoile—To pass school.
Darien Sharkey—Follow through with
last year’s.
Sam Longo—Not to be as sarcastic as I
Hunter Goulas—I don’t really have
Katrina Roys—I don't want to change.
Corrie Cirelli—I’m not making one. I
don't want to lie to myself.
Sam Lee: Saving up for Comic Con.
Michele Pfeifer: To get back in
shape and get ready for college.
Lindsey McKenna: Always put on a
seat belt when I enter a car.
Ibrahim Muhammad: Buy a Mercedes
Hunter Oberdorf—To make myself
a better person.
Kandis Guyton—Do better in
Jessica D’Auria—figure out what I
want to do in life.
Mine: No more procrastinating.
Andrayah Clarke—I need to stop
swearing. I have the worst mouth.
David Pollard—No.
Kali Trepanier—Finish P90x and lose
Tim Colli—None for me.
Josh Millette—Going balls to the wall.
Noah Fields—No, I don't think I have
Allen Griffin—Take a random act of
kindness everyday
Colby Cyrus—To get jacked, tan, and
get my face tatted.
Page 12
Faculty Fun Facts
Interviews and photographs by: Noah Fields
I became inspired to learn more about the staff here at Plainfield High School after attending one of the boys’ basketball
games and finding out that our assistant principal scored 1000 points in basketball while he attended PHS as a student.
Dr. Culver-Rymsza
~While on Oceanographic cruises in the North Pacific and North Atlantic, I swam in water that was more than four
miles deep! And on the same trip got stung by a swarm of baby Portuguese Man-O-Wars.
~Rode out Hurricane Iniki offshore of Hawaii in the Research Vessel Wecoma.
~Rode out a Tropical Storm (and saw killer whales swim under our ship, Endeavor) south of Iceland.
~Met Bill Nye the Science Guy.
~Was working in an Immunology lab at Yale when scientists were figuring out the cause of HIV-AIDS.
~Went snorkeling in three mile deep blue holes on the Bermuda Rise.
Mr. Melchior
~In 1969 I won the New York State Junior College state wrestling championship at
Mrs. O’Brien
~I was in the pistol club at UConn and once shot a tooth brush in half at 25 yards.
Mrs. Noble
~I have only had two boyfriends and one of them is my husband.
~I have always wanted to be a famous singer.
~I wake up at 4:30 a.m. to go to the gym every day.
~I want to become a Principal.
~I had a 3.95 GPA in college.
Mrs. Norgren
~Last year I ran my first 5k road race.
Mrs. O’Brien
Mr. Blinn
~Born in Liege, Belgium, and literally came over on the boat in 1959 speaking only French.
~I had breakfast with actress Katharine Hepburn on a couple of occasions ( I was a good friend of her nephew).
~My son and I met Michael Jordan in Sarasota years ago while he was trying out for the Chicago White Sox baseball
~A couple of years ago I attended two segments of the 2011 Tour de France while visiting France.
Mrs. Belisle
~I can pull a rabbit out of my hat…just kidding.
~My interesting facts are my eight year old twins. They ran Will’s Way in under 28 minutes.
Mrs. Dobrocki
~Born in Germany.
~Have many relatives in Poland, France, Germany, and Czech Republic.
~At present I am a professional artist selling original watercolors and art cards.
~Oil paintings have been included in on-going exhibits in the New Britain Museum of American Art and The
Art Museum.
Continued on next page
Mrs. Salo
~I TRY to get up at 3:45 every day so that I can sew before I come to school.
Mrs. Wagner
~I hiked a volcano in Santorini and on the boat ride back to the mainland, jumped off the boat into the Aegean Sea and
swam into hot springs. The volcano itself is surrounded by water, this is called a caldera, the heat from the volcano creates the hot springs. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
Mr. DePasquale
~I am 33 years old, born in America, yet I have never eaten Jell-O, Fruit Roll Ups, Kool-Aid, or Macaroni and Cheese!
Mrs. Maher
~I have traveled to 27 different states and two countries.
~I horseback rode for 15 years before going away for college.
Ms. Rossman
~In high school I competed nationally in gymnastics. My claim to fame is: After recovering from two broken vertebrae I
placed first in my state and 16th in the Nation on beam.
Mrs. Kelleher
~As a PHS graduate I was the PIMA queen my senior year.
~I left the high school as a teacher mid September to begin my new career as assistant principal at Plainfield Central
Mr. Stevenson
~When I was in high school I was an extra in the movie “Sleepers” (played a juvenile delinquent in prison) and got to
meet Kevin Bacon.
Mrs. Riley
~Rode bike from Franklin, Connecticut to Montreal, Canada in five days. Averaged 75 miles a day.
~Played softball in high school at St. Bernard
~Married 25 years
Mr. Craig
~I have two different colored eyes.
Mr. Belcher
~Sang before President Regan twice while I was in Navy Glee Club
~Been to test deep in submarine. This is deeper than current subs can
Mrs. Howard
~Been in Rose Bowl Parade, Macy’s parade, and President’s Inaugural
~Broke my neck in high school soccer.
~Can run mile in four minutes.
~Was first chair soprano at All-State.
Mr. Craig
Mr. Adams
~I coached a player who went to compete in the Olympics.
~I am an Eagle Scout and a former scoutmaster.
~In many years as head coach in basketball on all different levels, I never had a losing season.
~I was married in a castle (Belcourt Castle in Newport, Rhode Island).
Page 14
Be Stress Free for Finals
Article by: Kandis Guyton
Guess what? Finals are on their way! Very fun, right? WRONG! No ONE wants to have
to sit down and study for finals, let alone stress about it. I found some ways to help you
study, and be stress free when you sit down to take your finals.
Eliminate distractions:
When you’re studying, you need to go somewhere you will not get distracted.
Put your cell phone, computer, and IPad or tablet away. Nobody can focus on school
work if they’re texting, Tweeting, or Facebooking.
Clear your mind:
Everyone has some kind of drama or stress in his or her life, but when you’re
studying you need to forget all of those things. If you are worrying about what he said
or what she said, you will not study a single thing. The drama will still be there when
you are done studying, so forget about it for a little while.
Get organized:
Gather everything you need. You focus better when you don't have to get up and go searching for something
every 20 minutes.
Develop a note taking method:
Nobody likes writing down every single word the teacher says, and everyone has his or her own note taking
method. There are thousands of different ways to take notes. Find one that works for you and stick to it. The most important part is to keep them neat. If you can’t read your notes, you can’t study them.
Get in groups:
Studying in groups can be very effective, when you stay on track. Grab some friends, your books, and hit the
library. As long as you’re not talking about last Friday’s date or the basketball scores, studying with friends does help.
Take breaks:
Everyone’s brains tend to wander. You should only study in 45 minute sessions. Take a good 10-15 minute
break every 45 minutes. It will help your concentration, and keep you from being completely
Snack time:
Do you eat when you get bored? I know I do. When you study you should snack, but
here’s the hard part: when I open the pantry and see brownies and cookies then apples and
granola bars, I go straight for the brownies and cookies. When you study, you need “brain”
food; fruit and other healthy foods are good. Stay away from cookies, chips, and brownies.
Spread everything out:
Most teenagers think cramming the night before a test is the best thing to do, it’s not.
Take a couple of days, or even weeks, and study a little at a time. If you spread everything out, you learn a little at a time
and come test day you won’t be stressed out.
Even though you are supposed to put everything distracting away, headphones usually keep a person focused.
Putting your headphones in and playing some of your favorite music helps a lot. It blocks out the outside world and lets
you concentrate on the words in front of your face. Even though it works for most people, it doesn't help with everyone.
If you find music doesn't help you study, don't use them.
Talk to your teacher:
You have to talk to your teacher. Ask what is on your final exam. This will help you know what you need to focus on and study the most. If you are failing one class and passing another. Spend a little extra time studying for the class
you are failing, but don't take for granted your abilities in the class you are passing.
Page 15
School Safety and Such
Article and Photograph by: Ashlyn Hart
With the heinous Sandy Hook Shooting on many minds this winter, I felt that it was imperative to ask a few questions
regarding our school’s security. Mass school shootings are horrible situations that do not appear to be decreasing with
time. To figure out what our school had done, is doing, and could do to improve ours and all of our schools’ security
systems, I went to Mrs. Norgen, our school’s attendance office secretary.
What safety precautions did Plainfield High School practice prior to the Sandy Hook shooting?
We had one other lockdown practice and have locked exterior doors that require a buzz to be let in.
What has our school changed safety-wise since the shooting?
We have reviewed our safety policies and have practiced a lockdown drill.
Why was Plainfield High School exempt from the distribution of police officers to
every Connecticut school the Monday after the shooting?
Maybe because they were focused more on the younger grades?
How do the schools in Plainfield differ from other schools such as Sandy Hook security-wise?
Our security systems are about comparable. There is not much you can really do to prepare for a situation like that. Their doors were locked too.
What could Plainfield do to ensure better safety in our education system?
We could have police officers on staff and could have a metal detector.
Why was an on-duty police officer removed from our school?
We lacked the necessary funding to keep one on duty.
Mrs. Norgen smiling behind her
Is there anything you wish to tell the student body and faculty involving the issues
I think that it would be important to have a police officer on duty at all times.
Do you feel like Plainfield is doing all it can do keep its students safe?
Do you feel safe in Plainfield High School?
Which do you think would be a better safety precaution in Plainfield schools?
Do you worry more about school safety since
the shooting?
Page 16
Over The Line
Commentary by: David Pollard
As the surviving students of the horrible shooting at
Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut return to school at a makeshift location in the neighboring town,
things begin to return to normal for them. This is with the exception of one thing of course, the national spotlight is still
fixed on them. With news vans still very evident in the daily
traffic and countless teddy bears being brought there on a daily basis, our society continues to make it even harder for the
citizens of this ravaged community to get back to their normal
routines and try to move on from this tragedy. Some residents
of Newtown have even stressed their negative views on the
media’s insistent coverage of them and have even gone as far
as to tell former representative of Arizona Gabby Giffords to
“get the hell out of our town.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m not
A woman in distress on the day of the shooting
saying we should forget these victims, but by having this constant reminder of this shooting we may be causing more harm
than good for the people who are directly effected by this.
As with any tragedy of this type and magnitude, it is often used as a scapegoat for
anti-gun activists to get their opinions heard, which I find quite irritating. My opinions on
gun laws are my own and I’ll spare you the rant, but I cannot stand the way the media
blasts others’ opinions on the issue for weeks following these shootings. If you get down to
it, it may be the media, not the guns that are fueling the fires for these massacres. The perpetrators of these crimes are often mentally unstable and bent on infamy and the media’s
over exposure to the gunmen only makes these dreams a reality. With the killer’s name and
face plastered all over Cable News Network for weeks on end, it can present more of a motive for these mentally unstable people who are committing these acts. As far as speculating motives of these people, becoming famous may have something to do with why these
tragedies happen and the over-coverage by the media only adds fuel to the fire.
The sheer lack of respect by news stations is sickening, despite their attempts to
give as much respect to these victims as possible. The news stations try to twist the reality
of reporting to make it seem as if they aren't doing any harm, but the fact is, they are, especially using the tragedies of others to light
fires on political debates such as gun control. The media, once again, has truly
gone over the line.
“This is the
worst day
of my
A memorial sign in Newtown with a news van in
the background
President Obama tears up while addressing the nation
on the day of the shooting
Page 17
Good Guns and Bad Guys
Commentary by: Kali Trepanier
After the Newtown incident, many people thought that America should increase gun control. Although many people use
guns for the wrong reason, many people use guns for self-defense. For example, a woman in Georgia was home alone
with her two children when a man was forcibly trying to get into her home. Without a gun, her and her children might
have been dead. Instead of expanding gun control, we need to expand the care given to people with mental health problems and the treatments given to them.
A Georgia mother heard a knocking on her door on a Friday afternoon and thought it was only a solicitor, and
told her nine-year-old daughter not to answer the door. After a few moments, Paul Ali Slater, an ex, after serving six
months for simple battery and three counts of probation violation, released in August, repeatedly knocked on the door
and the woman’s maternal instinct knew it was something more serious. As Slater was forcibly trying to get the door
open, the woman called her husband and he told her to hide with their children. He then called 911 as his wife and kids
were hiding, literally, for their life. As they were hiding in the crawlspace adjoining
her home office, Slater rummaged into the three-story residence on Henderson
Ridge Drive with a crowbar, authorities said. He allegedly rummaged through the
home, eventually working his way up to the attic office where the woman and her
children were hiding.
“He opens the closet door and finds himself staring down the barrel of a .38
revolver.” This was relayed from Walton County Sheriff Joe Chapman from the
woman who asked that her name was not released to the public. She fired six shots
and five of them hit Slater in the neck and face, but Slater was still conscious. She
then took her two children and ran to their neighbors.
As the woman and children were running to their neighbors, Slater attempted to run away when he could. He ran to a car and tried to drive off, although he
didn’t get far. With five gunshot wounds, it’s hard to make a fast getaway. Police
soon after arrived at the scene of the crime and found Slater clinging to his life in a
neighbor’s drive-way. He was brought to Gwinnett Medical Center and is expected
to have a full recovery. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, who’s to know?
When police response is slow enough for a man that has been shot several
times to get away, there needs to be other ways to protect yourself. It is understandPaul Ali Slater
able that guns are scary in the hands of people that are crazy and can
shoot and kill others, but if guns are made to be illegal, then so should
everything that could be potentially dangerous to others.
“My wife is a hero”, the woman’s husband, Donnie Herman,
told the policeman. “She protected her kids. She did what she was
supposed to do.” A true mother’s instincts kicked in to protect herself
and her children. Even though people with guns can do the wrong
thing with them and shoot, and even kill others, I believe that guns
can be very beneficial for keeping yourself and family safe. Guns
don’t need to be banned or have more confining laws. People just
need to know how to handle them with care, because if not for this
gun, this woman and these children might not be here today.
Instead of pointing all the blame for the Newtown school
Place where the ex-convict was gunned down
shooting on gun control, we should take a step back and think. If a
man did all this, he obviously had issues, and instead of blaming just him and his gun, we need to point some of the
blame onto the outrageous cost of mental health treatments. If remedies and treatments were affordable to everyday people, such as the Slater and Adam Lanza, the man who killed 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary, they could have seen psychologists to help them with their problems before going to such drastic proportions.
Information taken from
Page 18
Headline Highlights of 2012
Commentary by: Jessica D’Auria
2012, a year to remember or a year to forget? Ultimately the choice is yours. Nationally this was quite a traumatic year.
Although some positives came out of it, the negative events are mostly what made the headlines. From wildfires to hurricanes, from global violence to the Patriots losing, each one of these national events are top headlines provided by, an
online encyclopedia. Below are my thoughts on each of the topics and thoughts of students throughout the school.
Though none of these events had a direct effect on Plainfield, Connecticut, the indirect effects are evident.
Month and Event
My Commentary
Anonymous Student
Maybe the economy will start to That’s great… makin’
‘Economy Adds look up, or so we thought.
200,000 Jobs;
Unemployment falls
to 8.5% ”
No comment.
“U.S. Soldier Kills
16 Afghan
This soldier went on a, what
seems to be, door to door rampage for no reason. This type of
murder could have been a foreshadowing of what's to come in
2012, unpredictable event after
unpredictable event.
He was obviously
“Romney’s Closer
to GOP
As Romney took three more pri- I’m cool with it.
maries, conservatives gained
hope, for a short while.
“Obama Declares
Support for Gay
This could have been a huge
deciding factor for undecided
“Giants Beat the
Bleh :p
It was reported that the 2012 fire Those awesome hot sumJune
“Wildfires Spread in season was the worst that
mer nights...I feel bad for
New Mexico and Colorado had ever seen.
the animals.
Information taken from:
Continued on next page
“Twelve Killed in
Page 19
Individuals around the country were It’s disturbing...
surprised beyond belief. It is not everyday that we hear about this kind of
tragedy happening in our country.
Normally murder is for purpose
where as this shooting seemed almost
completely random.
As the elections got closer we found I wonder what
“Romney Chooses out that Romney picked Ryan to be
Ryan would look
his vice president. Having such a
like shirtless...
young man in politics could have
helped this country dramatically. I
guess we will never find out how that
would've worked out.
Continues in Syria”
Everything that went on between Syr- The government is
ia and the United States is still jumcrazy and people
bled to this day. What really even
need to calm down.
went on in Syria?
As if our country hadn't seen enough
over the past year, Hurricane Sandy
made landfall on the East Coast. This
left families without power for weeks
and some even lost their homes.
Weather is one of those unpredictable
events and I think the response time
for Sandy in comparison to last years
Hurricane Irene was much better.
It was scary watching something hit
so close to home.
We need to be prepared because it
could happen to us
Once again the Democrats win!
Our hearts remain with those involved
“Gunman Kills 26 in this horrific incident.
at Elementary
Our hearts remain
with those involved
in this horrific incident.
Page 20
Why Gun Control Won’t Work
Commentary by: Ibrahim Muhammad
After the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the topic of guns and gun control has once
again been brought to the forefront of discussion in this country. And the question on everyone’s mind seems to be
whether or not gun control will solve anything? If history offers a clue, that answer is unfortunately no. Drugs, from
a political point of view, have been a fairly similar problem in this country (albeit seldom resulting in murder) that
the government has tried to solve through legislation. The war on drugs as, has been one of the most extensive, expensive and ineffective attempts at solving a civil problem in American history. It has been a very exhausting exercise that proved making something illegal doesn’t necessarily make it disappear.
To say that the war on drugs has done nothing at all isn’t fair; it has quite effectively made the United
States the nation with the highest incarceration rate in the world. We claim to be the most liberated nation but according to the Bureau of Justice statistics, we have an incarceration rate nearly twice that of Israel at 743 per
100,000. But the disconcerting part is that we also have one of the lowest number of violent criminals in the world.
This disconnect is due to legislation that, in the last 30 years has increased our incarceration rate seven fold. If gun
control were to be carried out, it would inevitably be executed the same way, through possession restrictions, and
would undoubtedly have the same effect.
Another similarity between gun control and the war on drugs is that they both have a racially motivated
history. It is a well known fact that one of the first prominent activist groups for gun control was the Ku Klux Klan.
After the Emancipation Proclamation, it became a goal for the KKK, and several southern states to make it difficult
for recently liberated blacks to get guns. For instance, in 1870, Tennessee stopped selling all but the most expensive
models of handguns, which were only accessible to the affluent, as a method to keep blacks from getting them. Arkansas, in 1881, banned the sale of cheap revolvers, which could be bought for as little as 60 cents. The revival of
the gun control discussion in the 60’s was due to the ghetto riots plaguing New York. Black Panther Minister of
Information Eldridge Clever is often quoted for saying “They say that people will no longer be allowed to have
(guns). They don’t pass these rules and these regulations specifically for black people, they have to pass them in a
way that will take in everybody.” The war on drugs also has a similar racial background. As Daniel Burton Rose
noted in his book The Celling of America: An Inside Look at the U.S. Prison Industry: “In 1998 there were wide
racial disparities in arrests, prosecutions, sentencing and deaths. African-Americans, who only comprised 13% of
regular drug users, made up for 35% of drug arrests, 55% of convictions, and 74% of people sent to prison for drug
possession crimes.” I think it would be fair to say that the war on drugs has predominately affected minorities, who
(as stated earlier) aren’t the majority of drug users.
A side effect that the war on drugs has had that will likely occur in gun control legislation is a transfer of
contraband sales to the black market. The war on drugs simply restricts what drugs can be used and legally bought,
it doesn’t however diminish the demand for the drugs; and if
there is demand there will also be supply. The difference is that
before people who needed certain drugs could have them prescribed, now they have to find illegal ways of acquiring them
and in doing so become criminals. The firearm market will face
a similar shift if legislation restricts guns. And the black market
certainly doesn’t check for mental illness or gun permits.
The idea of making guns illegal and bringing an end to
tragedies like Newtown sounds amazing, but unfortunately it’s
nothing but a pipe dream. Other countries may be able to use
gun control legislation to reduce violence, but guns founded this
country and divorcing them from American culture is simply
impossible. I personally love the idea of making guns disappear
by illegalizing them, but that’s nothing more than a fairytale.
Information Taken From:
Page 21
ECC Basketball Roundup
The block is hot right now between many teams. The Eastern Connecticut Conference
is a war zone in the 2012-2013 basketball season. Many goals and milestones are being conquered or ruined by opponents. Recently the Bacon Academy girls team suffered a tough loss.
On Saturday January fifth, their 43 home game home winning streak was ended. After five
years and 44 home games, Cromwell defeated the Bobcats 53-50 to end the streak. The Lady
Bobcats won the state championship recently in 2009 and 2012. However, big milestones are
being chased in the boys basketball scene too.
On January eighth, the Panthers boys team traveled to Stonington to take on the
Bears. Stonington has an outstanding guard, Jackson Donahue. He is in his junior year and
was 25 points shy of 1,000 career points. Coach Bob Arremony decided it’d be best to double
team him right from half court. Senior guard Josh Millette was directed to face guard him the
entire game. Unfortunately, Stonington’s Jackson Donahue did complete his milestone scoring
his 1,000th point, however, it was while in overtime. Will Robinson made two clutch free
throws with exactly one second remaining. Big Will led the Panthers with 20 points and several rebounds. However, Donahue finished with around 30 points as the Panther lost by three in
Another local ECC star scored his 1,000 on Tuesday January eighth. Keith Porter of
New London dropped 56 points breaking the school record of 55. Keith had this amazing performance against the Fitch Falcons. Woodstock Academy is the only team in the ECC that
remains undefeated. The Centaurs have been playing outstanding and are 8-0. They have a
great forward Ian Converse, along with a great point guard Chris Lowry who can dish out anything from passes to baskets. Woodstock easily came away with a win against NFA making
the score 48-31.
However, Ledyard is a strong team this season too. They have only suffered one loss
from Capital Prep 80-58. That game wasn’t questioned much considering they have the best
point guard in the state, Kahlil Dukes. Thomas Whipple and Darnay Gray are a great combo
from Ledyard who might have a shot at the state title. Both Ledyard and New London traveled
to Rhode Island on the 5th of January. Ledyard defeated South Kingstown easily 71-52.
Whereas New London suffered a hard fought loss to St. Raphael Academy 42-41. After Kris
Dunn the number two point guard in the country of the class of 2012 graduated, senior Keith
Porter has lead New London.
So like I said, the ECC is very competitive this season. It doesn’t matter how big your
school is or how many kids there are. The games are won by the amount of heart put into it
and little attitude as well.
Article by: Tim Colli
Kahlil Dukes
“The Eastern
Conference is
a war zone in
the 20122013
Stonington’s Guard Jackson Donahue
Woodstock Academy’s Varsity Squad
Bacon’s Taylor McLaughlin
Page 22
Rookie Cookies and Ratchet Returns
Commentary by: Josh Millette and Colby Cyrus
Photographs by: Allen Griffin
In the first issue of this splendid school year, we dove deep into the sea of predictions and captured the hearts of
our fellow students with our NFL preview article. After numerous requests, we decided to craft, yet another piece of
literary beauty called on by the football gods. In our previous article, we made
many bold predictions; some true and some extremely false. In this edition, we
will redeem our faulty predictions and then tackle the hard-hitting questions
head-on. We’ve even asked classmates, as well as faculty for their input. Now
mentally prepare yourself and don’t fumble, because we’re comin’ with an all
out blitz.
Kobe: My pick for Most Valuable Player is Peyton Manning, I whole heartedly
believe that Peyton Manning deserves to be the Most Valuable Player of the National Football League. The reason I believe this is because he came back from a
serious neck injury that could have ended his career and it seems like he hasn’t
missed a beat. He came back stronger than ever and led an average broncos team
Josh Millette reading the defense
to the number one seed in the AFC. In addition to the teams stellar play, Peyton
has put up remarkable numbers that do deserve a MVP trophy which would be his record fifth time winning the
award . More or less he is the greatest quarterback to ever play the game.
Kobe: My Super Bowl prediction this year is the Denver Broncos. The reason they will win the Lombardi trophy is
because they have a stellar defense led by Von Miller. There offense is stacked with a solid running game and a
fierce passing game led by Peyton Manning who is in a league of his own. The Broncos have the youth and experience that a championship team needs they are poised for a title run. So it would be a smart choice to pick the Denver Broncos as the Super Bowl favorite.
Jo$h: Adrian Peterson is clearly the MVP of the National Football League. In addition to the fact that AP is coming
off of ACL surgery, he nearly broke the single-season rushing record, finishing just
eight yards shy of the milestone. This man is simply a freak of nature. Opposing
defenses can key on Adrian Peterson because of the Viking horrific passing game.
The one problem is that NOBODY can stop him. He singlehandedly brought the
Vikings to the postseason.
Jo$h: I am a firm believer that the Green Bay Packers will capture the Lombardi
Trophy in February. No one is picking the Packers to win it all, which surprises me.
The Packers may have performed slightly under par in the regular season, but they
are an excellent postseason team. With their entire receiving core finally healthy,
Aaron Rodgers will pick apart defenses throughout the playoffs. Look for Rodgers
to be the Super Bowl MVP when they win. That’s a guarantee.
Colby Cyrus getting a handoff
looking for a hole.
Continued on next page
Page 23
Now that you’ve heard what we have to say, it’s time
for our peers and teachers to voice their opinions.
There are numerous individuals in this school that
really know what they’re talking about when it comes
to football. Therefore, we just had to get some feedback on our predictions as well as some predictions
from the citizens of Plainfield High School. Here are
some bold predictions from some knowledgeable
Rob Ortiz and Andre Bergeron showcasing their archery skills
MVP Predictions
Andre Bergeron: Adrian Peterson
Mr. Chavarias: Adrian Peterson
Mr. Arremony: Adrain Peterson
Rob “Big Tex” Ortiz: Adrian Peterson
Tyler Bowerman: Robert Griffin III
Mr. Sabourin: Tom Brady
Jarred Beauregard: Peyton Manning
Super Bowl Pick
Andre Bergeron: San Francisco 49ers
Mr. Chavarias: New England Patriots
Mr. Arremony: San Francisco 49ers
Rob Ortiz: Denver Broncos
Tyler Bowerman: Indianapolis Colts
Mr Sabourin: New England Patriots
Jarred Beauregard: San Francisco 49ers
says talk
to the
Adrian Peterson says talk to the hand
On Tuesday, January 22, 2013, we decided to make
our “official” Super Bowl predictions, now that we
know who is in the big game.
This year it is the Baltimore Ravens versus the San
Francisco 49ers. As you can tell, our previous predictions are wrong. Granted, everyone makes mistakes,
but Josh and I don’t make mistakes often.
Our new Super Bowl picks are:
Kobe: Baltimore Ravens, 24-17
Josh: San Francisco 49ers, 24-17
Who will hoist the Lombardi trophy this year?
Page 24
Music Choice of 2012
Article by: Tim Colli
Top 10 songs of 2012:
Good Kid M.a.a.d. City—Kendrick Lamar
Welcome to Our House—Slaughterhouse 2. “M.a.a.d. City”—Kendrick Lamar
Trouble Man—T.I
3. “Sorry”—T.I./Andre 3000
Jesus Piece—The Game
4. “The Morning”—Pusha T/Cyhi
Dreams And Nightmares—Meek Mill
5. “Celebration”—The Game
Cruel Summer—G.o.o.d. Musi
O.N.I.F.C.—Wiz Khalifa
6. “F**kin Problems”—A$ap Rocky/Kendrick
God Forgives I Don’t—Rick Ross
7. “Burn”—Big Sean
Triple F Life—Waka Flocka
8. “Work Hard”—Wiz
10. Based On A Tru Story—2 Chainz
9. “No lie”—2Chainz
2 Chainzzzz
1. “Hammerdance”—Slaughterhouse
The Game & T.I.,_M.A.A.D_City
Top 10 albums of 2012:
Wiz Khalifa & Juicy J
What did you think of the “rap scene” of 2012 and how the was the music? In my eyes, during 2012, the rap music scene exploded the charts. Right from the start, the music that was
produced was absolute fire. Not only were singles the main talk of ‘12, but various great albums and/or mix tapes were released.
There are many artists or rap groups who made a name for themselves last year. Not
many people knew who the group Slaughterhouse was before 2012. Individual rappers Cyhi
the Prynce, A$ap Rocky, and Pusha T. Pusha and Cyhi a part of “G.O.O.D. Music” became
well known as well. Per my perspective, the best rapper in the game today is Kendrick Lamar. Before 2012, he was just a mix tape rapper from Compton on the low. The album he
dropped in 2012 was easily album of the year. He has teamed up with others and had amazing features. Kendrick’s song “M.a.a.d. City” was close to the best song of the year too. Although Slaughterhouse easily had the best song, with a leaked song off their album called
“HammerDance.” I could honestly listen to that song 20 times a day. The group consists of
four rappers: Joell Ortiz, Crooked I, Joe Budden, and Royce Da’ 5’9.
Not all rappers had an amazing album or mix tape though. I guarantee each of these
rappers had an outstanding single. There are ten songs that really caught my attention. I put
the ten songs in order from best to worst. A rapper can become famous by just performing for
a more popular star. A$ap Rocky and Kendrick Lamar opened for Drake in the beginning of
2012. Suddenly the two are living large, well known, and killing the game right now. Lastly,
one performance can change the whole scene in just one day. For another perspective, I interviewed Steve Jankowski, Harold Cedano, and Brett Larochelle to get their opinion on the
order. The same thing was done with the ten best albums of 2012.
10. “Bandz Make Her Dance”—Juicy J
Steve’s top five albums are numbers 2. 5, 6, 8, and 10. His top five songs are 1, 2, 4, 7, and 9.
Roldy’s top five songs: 1, 2, 4, 7, and 9. Whereas the albums are 1, 5, 8, 2, and 3.
Brett picked the albums 1, 2, 6, 9, and 10. Lastly, his song choices were 7, 2, 6, 1, and 10.
Good Kid M.a.a.d. CityCover
Page 25
Burn Baby Burn
Review by: David Pollard
The Plot In You is a metalcore band from Findlay, Ohio that was
formed in 2010 by Landon Tewars and Josh Childress. In that same year they
released their debut extended play “Wife Beater” and in 2011 followed with
the release of their first full-length album “First Born.” Both of their first to
releases were very heavy for a metalcore band and had very angry and passionate lyrics. I first discovered this band after seeing their music video for
the song “Wife Beater” which caught my attention mainly because of shock
value as it was...different to say the least. The video was taken off of Youtube
but then eventually re-uploaded.
Now in the year 2013 they are back with their second studio album
entitled “Could You Watch Your Children Burn.” The album features their
new clean vocalist/guitarist Derrick Sechrist (former A Bullet For Pretty Boy) Could You Watch Your Children Burn album cover
and has11 tracks and takes up 36 minutes. There has been some controversy
surrounding the track “Digging Your Grave” because it is believed that vocalist Landon Tewars wrote the song’s lyrics
about Of Mice & Men vocalist Austin Carlile. Fans of each have gone back and forth on Youtube comments and internet
forums, but I think it’s best to hear the real story from either Landon or Austin before judging either side. Aside from the
apparent beef between the two sides, the song and album as a whole are absolutely fantastic in my opinion. It has the
perfect blend of melodic and hardcore elements and the lyrics are very captivating.
This is the perfect album to listen to if you are trying to get pumped up on the way to a sporting event or trying
to blow off steam on a bad day. This album is great in every aspect; the screams and clean vocals are perfect, the guitars
were recorded and mixed masterfully, and the drums are
Could You Watch Your Children Burn track list:
played with extreme precision. A must listen for anyone who
likes heavy music or even those who don’t.
1. "Premeditated"
2. "Fiction Religion"
3. "Digging Your
4. "Population Control"
5. "Troll"
8. "Sober and Soulless"
9. "Bible Butcher"
10. "Glad You're Gone"
The band members of The Plot In You
Information taken from
6. "The Devil's Contract"
7. "Shyann Weeps"
Total length:
Page 26
Not The Same Old Song And Dance
Commentary by: Hunter Oberdorf
When you turn on the radio today, what do you hear? You most likely hear one thing– mainstream music. Some
of the music has a great beat and catchy riffs. So don’t get me wrong, not all of the music on the radio today is awful, but
artists of today seem to have forgotten the components that make up a truly talented artist. Take a step back from the
mainstream music and really look at how much music has changed over the years. Unfortunately, it’s not always for the
Transport yourself back to the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Many bands from these eras are now internationally famous
and their music has become classic. Artists such as The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Journey, and Simon and Garfunkel, along with several other bands of the time. These bands have become extremely successful because they have
something that is becoming hard to find in today’s music: real talent.
Bands of the past wrote music that had depth to it, their lyrics were meaningful, they wrote their own music, and
they actually played multiple instruments. They didn’t use auto tune or synthesizers. In fact, auto tune was considered an
insult in past eras. Today, it’s almost a crutch and almost everyone uses it to a point where it’s rarely considered an indignity anymore. It has become the regular thing to do, which makes it obvious that, while not all mainstream artists lack
talent, many do.
Lyrics of today’s music rarely have depth to them anymore. Many mainstream artists don’t even write their own
music. The songs are often repetitive and follow the thought that every song typically has to be about partying, drinking,
or something having to do with love. This music is great for dancing at a party, but when you want to listen to real music, this isn’t exactly what everyone is searching for. It would be great for artists to expand their lyrical content and to
pick up an actual instrument.
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Simon and Garfunkel
When you're weary, feeling small,
When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all;
I'm on your side. When times get rough
And friends just can't be found,
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
I Whip My Hair Back and Forth
Willow Smith
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth
To finish this, I’ll start by saying that not all music of today is bad. There are lots of underground bands of today
– and even some mainstream– that still have actual depth and talent in their music. It’s disappointing though, when underground bands, with real musical talent, are getting less attention than a popular artist that constantly uses a synthesizer, auto tune, or has someone write their songs for them. It is an opinionated topic, but it’s something for everyone to
debate, whatever genre or era you’re a fan of.
Information taken from:
Page 27
There’s No Such Thing as Nobody Being Perfect
Commentary by: Katrina Roys
If you are ever flipping through the channels on the television on Wednesdays at 9 PM
and can’t find something to watch, go to the Columbia Broadcasting System and Warner
Brothers, which is known as The CW, and checkout the rapidly growing television show that
started airing in 2005 called “Supernatural.” One of the main possibilities why the television
show has probably become so popular could be because of all the fangirls that are interested in
the beautiful main character Jensen Ackles.
Mostly everyone who hasn’t watched the show “Supernatural” is probably
wondering whom the heck this guy is. Jensen is currently in a television show which is about
two brothers whose mother was killed when they were younger and now travel around the
United States to follow their father’s footsteps fighting demons,
ghosts, and other supernatural beings. Dean Winchester, the oldest
brother, is portrayed by Jensen, and Dean’s younger brother, Sam, is
portrayed by Jared Padalecki. There is a lot more to the show, which
progresses over the seasons, but that is the jest of what they do. Another main character that is very popular to the fans is Castiel.
Castiel is an angel who came into the show at the beginning of season four and has been there ever since. The character Castiel is portrayed by actor Misha Collins. “Supernatural is now on its eighth
season and the actors have already signed a contract up to season 10.
You may recognize Jensen Ackles as the main character from the movie “My Bloody
Valentine in 3-D.” He has played roles in the TV shows “Smallville”, “Dark Angel”, and
“Days of Our Lives” which he earned several nominations for each of them. He has directed a couple episodes of “Supernatural,” which came out very well as well. He has
said that he wants to be a director in the future for a movie. He is a consideration to be
the main character, Christian Grey, of the award winning book, “50 Shades of Grey”,
which will be a movie soon enough. Not only is he a great actor and very attractive man,
he can actually sing beautifully and has featured in some songs and albums by his friend
Jensen with co-star Jared Pa- Jason Manns. He could easily pursue a career in singing, but his heart is truly with actdalecki
Jensen Ackles was born on March 1, 1978, which makes him 34
years old. He was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, with his parents, his sister, and
his brother. He was considered to be very athletic in high school playing varsity
baseball and lacrosse. It wasn’t until after he graduated high school that he decided
to move to Los Angeles, California. His original plan was to go to college to study
sports medicine and live in Texas his whole life, but he soon had other plans on his
mind to pursue acting and move to L.A. It wasn’t long after that, that he landed a
big role on “Days of Our Lives,” which was considered his big break. On May 15,
2010, he got married to Danneel Harris-Ackles and they have recently announced
that they are now expecting a baby.
Well, now you know the basics of this beautiful man and maybe I sparked
an interest to watch a great show that he stars in. He is an excellent actor and is getting better as the years go on. Don’t think that he is getting older and that he might
not be as attractive anymore, in all reality he is getting even more beautiful with
age. With contracts signed already for two more season of “Supernatural” and probably even more seasons than that, why not check the show out if it’ll be around for
Jensen and his wife Danneel
awhile longer?
Information and pictures from:,,,
Page 28
Norman Reedus the A** Kicker
Most of you know Norman Reedus as the zombie slayer on AMC’s television
show “The Walking Dead”, but do you really know him? His boom of fame hadn’t
really broke its shell until after October 31 of 2010, the airing date of the first episode
of “The Walking Dead.” A television show based on fictional, graphic comic books of
the same name created by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard; brought
to the world of television by Frank Darabont. A contagion of death and chaos has
struck the entire world, people are getting sick and dying by the tens, even hundreds of
thousands. The twist of the story is that the dead are awakening as human-fleshhungry zombies.
A group of strangers unite while traveling, hiding and killing trying to find safe
civilization. Norman portrays one of the main characters Daryl Dixon; a crossbow carrying hottie who is
heartless when it comes to the “walkers”, the zombies
that roam looking for the living to feast upon. Whose
brother has gone missing from a roof on the top of a
building in Atlanta in season one. Nevertheless being
found in the mid-season-finale of season three, after
multiples of deaths of main characters, meeting new group members, and even a
birth. But has his brother turned on him? They’re being held captive in a so called
“safe” and guarded little town by the name of Woodbury. Although a man who
runs the town, who calls himself the “governor” thinks Merle Dixon (Michael
Rooker), a member of the town, had turned on him and was in on the attack Daryl
and his group did in an act of saving their two other group members that were
stolen and being held hostage by Merle. The mid-season-finale will finally come
to an end in February of 2013 and all of us Reedus fans, and “Walking Dead”
fanatics will be able to find the fate of the Dixon brothers.
Commentary by: Samantha Lee
Before he was Daryl Dixon, Norman played in the 1999 film “The Boondock Saints” as a fraternal twin
Murphy, to brother Connor MacManus (Sean Partick Flanery). The Irish twins become vigilantes after killing two men from the Russian Mafia out of self defense.
They both come to the conclusion that both of them, accompanied with best friend
Rocco (David Della Rocco) are going to rid their home city, Boston, Massachusetts, of all evil and crime. All the while, they were also being pursued by FBI
(Federal Bureau of Investigation) Special Agent Paul Smecker (Willem Dafoe).
The MacManus brothers end up being reunited with their imprisoned
father who was set on parole by “Papa Joe” of the Yakavetta family to go after
and kill the brothers. After Rocco was shot and killed by Papa Joe, together father Noah MacManus, and the boys devise a plan with Agent Smecker and
local detectives to kill Papa Joe while
Murphy and Connor MacManus.
he’s on trial in court; which they did. As
family tradition that was created and passed
down in the MacManus family, a prayer was said as Papa Joe was on his
knees with three guns pointed to the back of his head: “And shepherds we
shall be, for thee my lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy
hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy commands. So we shall flow a
river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine patris
et filii, et spiritus sancti.”
Continued on next page...
Page 29
The last line is a Latin phrase, which translates to “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
There was a sequel of the movie that was released on October 30, of 2009. “The Boondock Saints II: All
Saints Day” continues the brothers adventures and killings as they flee their hut hideout in Ireland where they lived
for eight years with their father. Returning to Boston on a hunt for a member of the Russian Mafia that used their
ritual and framed them for killing an innocent priest. This time the
brothers are accompanied by a friend they met on their travel back to
the Unites States, a Mexican underground fighter named Romeo
(Clifton Collins Jr.). Although this time around Agent Smecker is
thought to be dead, and the brothers are now being pursued by
Eunice Bloom (Julie Benz), FBI agent and former protégé of the first
film's Agent Paul Smecker. They follow through with their plans,
find the Russian who framed them, and kill him. Due to past murders and past friends that are now enemies, father Noah MacManus
(Billy Connolly) is shot and killed in an enormous gun fight.
The MacManus brothers end up being caught and imprisoned. Special Agent
Eunice Bloom is seConnor, Noah, and Murphy MacManus with
cretly transferred to an
friend Romeo attending church.
island to go into hiding
so she is not caught for
pursuing the brothers, being reunited with very alive Agent Smecker,
who has also been in hiding. The movie ends with the Agents devising a plan in secret to get them out of jail. Troy Duffy, producer and
writer of the movies, has talked about “The Boondock Saints III:
Saints Preserve Us” but states that it’s just an idea.
Norman modeling for Calvin Klein.
Norman and son Mingus Reedus.
Today millions of fans of the movies “Boondock Saints” and “Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day” they
call themselves “Flandus Family.” “Flandus” referring to a mix of the MacManus brother’s real last names
Reedus, and Flanery. There are also fan clubs for “The Walking Dead” brother’s Daryl, and Merle Dixon; they
call themselves the “Dixon Vixens.”
Today, Norman Reedus and his son Mingus Reedus live in Manhattan, New York. To this day he has
either filmed, or acted in more than 65 movies and television shows, including old but popular 1998 film “Dark
Harbor”, and the 1997 film “Floating.” He runs a New York-based film production company named Bigbaldhead,
which he’s also the founder of. He is continually attending Comic Cons, Wizard World’s and other special events.
He has also modeled for several agencies, including Prada, and even Calvin Klein. All in all, he’s a really attractive, talented person.
Page 30
Beards and Dirt: The Duck Dynasty
Commentary and Photograph by: Allen Griffin
What are you missing from your life? In all likelihood,
you are the typical Plainfield High School student, bright
-eyed, clean, looking toward you’re promising career as
a world famous rapper. I’ll tell you what your’re missing the dirt, grime, and balls-to-the-wall
fun that is duck hunting in the swamps of Louisiana with
the best, funniest, down-home group of good-ole boys in
In today’s day and age, television is saturated
with every kind of content imaginable. Everywhere you
look, there is a new television show sprouting up, covering every topic imaginable. Reality TV seemingly domiThe Robertson’s from left to right: Phil, Jase, Si, and Willie
nates television, and one of the most popular reality TV
subjects is of course: rednecks. While most of the programming offered on this subject ranges from terrible to worse, one show shines through. “Duck Dynasty”, a show airing on Arts
and Entertainment Network, A&E, (the same channel that brings us the lovely “Storage
Wars” and “Barter Kings”) is in its second season. If you haven’t already caught this show,
you should.
It stars the Robertson family, a southern-fried family that made millions selling the
world’s best duck and deer calls. The show details how they run their business, and the comedic miss-adventures the family gets into. Each show
usually is filled with plenty of redneck down-home advice, comedy, and a plethora of entertainment. The usual
cast of characters include the wise, old father, who was
once a great football star for Louisiana, and was even
started over the legendary Terry Bradshaw. He turned
down an offer from the Washington Redskins to follow
his passion for duck hunting. Thus, a legend among duck
hunters was born: Phil Robertson. Other characters include: the crazy uncle, Uncle Si, who served in Vietnam.
The main character and narrator who tries to control his
crazy family, Willie Robertson, who also happens to be
the CEO of Duck Commander. Then there is his brother,
Jase, who lives the more rock and roll, do whatever he
wants lifestyle. And of course there is the loving mother,
Noah Fields has caught the
Kay Robertson, that keeps the family together and hapduck fever.
py. If you like your beards long, men dirty, and hearts
warmed, then “Duck Dynasty” is for you.
“The Robertson family
and bad ideas
go together
like biscuits
and jam.”
— Willie
Check out new episodes of Duck Dynasty
Wednesdays at 7:00 on A&E
Page 31
Buck Up or Shut Up
Commentary by: Keenan MeBane
Sighs of relief could be heard from sea to sea as the “Jersey Shore” cast met the end of an era in late December.
Now, “Shore” fans are stranded with a drunk, careless, and overtly inappropriate void in their lives that the musical television network, MTV, is more than happy to fill. MTV moves from the shore to the wild West Virginian mountains in its
new series, “Buckwild,” which sounds almost identical to “Jersey Shore” when you’re given the bare bones of the sitcom. Barely legal kids drinking with each other every night, fighting over nothing, and “characters” that are, or appear to
be, hollow-headed by performing stupid acts and saying ridiculous things. However, if you dig a little deeper you will
find that “Buck” could be seen as a true comedy. I mean, think about it. MTV has been spitting up different variations of
the same show for years (“The Real World,” “Road Rules,” “The Challenge,” the UK’s “Geordie Shore,” etc.), so MTV
can pick whether or not the reality show will have more of a comedic feel, or a matic one. The comedic element of the show is reminiscent of the old “...You Must Be
a Red Neck” jokes and the laughter does not stop throughout the thirty minute time
The show holds and eclectic amount of personalities from West Virginia,
though some close-minded individuals would think that they’re all uneducated hicks
with a lot of time on their hands. However, that’s only the case with half of the cast.
The opening credits show a Jersey Shore-esque introduction to the casts personality.
The word “redneck” takes a human form in Shain. Shain is a careless country boy with
a thick southern accent that prevents him from effectively communicating with anyone
who hasn’t known him for a while. Then, Anna is essentially the queen bee of the
crew. Not the prettiest, smartest, or neatest of the bunch by a long shot, but demands to
be respected by everyone. Ashley, Anna’s best friend is a normal girl who tags along with Ashley and has no real significance in the first two episodes, other than wearing a mini-skirt without underwear. Shae is the show’s Southern belle.
She’s blonde, smart, and quiet, and if it wasn’t for her accent, she would look like she’s out of place in the West Virginian gang. Speaking of out of place, Cara is an attractive girl from the city who wants
to spend the summer with Anna and Ashley who grow to push her away as the guys
of the group throw themselves at her. Joey is hard to explain. He isn’t as overtly
redneck as Shain, but isn’t as polished as Tyler. However, Tyler is not a cleaned up
gentleman by any means. He sleeps around and is excessively arrogant which, surprisingly, is a bigger problem with girls than the guys. There is always that one
girls’ girl who insists she’s one of the guys and Katie is that young lady on the
show. She is not as loud as the rest of the bunch, but admits that she isn’t afraid to
get and trouble, and takes law enforce very lightly. Last but not least, Salwa is a
rowdy girl with Bangladesh roots, but it’s apparent that she is more accustomed to
the ways of her country brethren.
The third of January saw the one hour premiere of the first two episodes of
The “Buckwild” cast going muddin’
the anticipated cultural deterioration. The first episode proved that the show will be
filled with careless fun from the start as Shain explains that up in the Appalachian
Mountains, there aren’t many policemen, and the ones they do have are extremely lenient. The first episode erupts into a
brawl at least 15 minutes in the show. Anna has a problem with her neighbors, and while at a party, her neighbor comes
over and promptly starts swinging. Then, the expected partying and irresponsibility ensue with the flamboyant country
activities of dumpster truck diving, and power plant plunging. With the backing of the West Virginian Senator begging
the network to pull the show, and the constant conversation the show provoked after its premiere, MTV has subliminally
spawned another smash reality show that will be watched and bashed by the same people.
Page 32
Money Matters
Article by: Michelle Pfeifer
Whether it is saving up for a new car or having enough money to watch the newest movie, or go bowling with friends, it
never seems like you have enough money to do all the things that you want to do. The saying, “money doesn’t grow on
trees” is finally making sense to you and you’re soon stuck sitting on the coach watching reruns all weekend. The solution to all your money problems is getting a job.
The Benefits of Having a Job
1.) Having the money means you can pay for those boots, new Iphone, or treat that someone special to a dinner and a
2.) You will be more independent because you will not have to rely on others for money.
3.) You will learn how to manage money, which will help you prevent being in debt later in life.
4.) You will learn how to manage your time which can help break that habit of procrastination.
5.) You will learn how to talk to people of all different backgrounds and ages, which will improve your communication,
which is needed for your set career later in life.
6.)You will learn how to respect people and property, which will improve relationships with others.
7.)You will have to dress nice and be sanitary, which will help you make friends and stay healthy.
8.) The experience will not only help you grow, but improve your resume, which will help you beat out competitors for a
9.) You will become active instead of lazy because many times you will be working early, late or long hours.
10.) You will gain self confidence.
Looking For a Job
Finding a job can seem pretty impossible, but all it takes is some effort. Go around to as many places in town or
nearby towns, as long as it is close enough that you can get there if you do get hired. Talk to the manager if possible and pick up an application.
Fill out the application
Be honest when filling it out because if they find out you are lying, there is a good chance you will not be hired.
Think of all the activities and other responsibilities that you have, to make sure you put down the hours you can work or
are aware of what you will have to sacrifice.
Hand in the application as soon as possible to beat other competitors to it.
Make sure the companies can get a hold of you. They are not going to search for you.
The Interview
Once you are called in for an interview make sure you write down the time and date so you do not forget to go.
Dress nicely and be on time to make sure you give them a good first impression.
Think about possible questions they could ask and come up with answers, so that you will be able to respond to them
sounding intelligent and prepared.
Make sure you know about the company and what they do.
Make sure your phone is off or on silent and you don’t have anything to distract you such as food and drinks because
you want to be focused on the interview.
Say thank you and shake his or her hand. Do not just run out of the room.
Sometimes it takes a few days or couple weeks to call you back. If you get the job, make sure you keep it by showing up
on time and working hard. If you do not get the job, do not give up. There are plenty of other places and you never know
when companies are going to need replacements or extra help.
Continued on next page
Page 33
Here are a few places around Plainfield to start applying to:
Ninety Nine
77 Lathrop Road,
Plainfield, CT
83 Lathrop Road
Plainfield, Ct
New York Pizza
Lifeguard at the Town Hall
162 River Road
Lisbon, CT
Putnam Road
Plainfield, CT
Big Y
50 East Main Street
Plainfield, CT
Digiplex Theaters
Dunkin Donuts
730 Hartford Pike,
Dayville, CT
Cozy Corner
2 Pratt Road
Plainfield, CT
Dollar Tree
578 Providence Road,
Brooklyn, CT
1068 Killingly Commons Drive,
Dayville CT
796 Norwich Rd,
Plainfield, CT
123 Norwich Road
Plainfield, CT
8 Community Avenue
Plainfield, CT
Quick Ways to Make Money
Garage Sale
Shoveling Snow
Online Surveys or
Run errands (if you have a car)
House cleaning
Washing cars
Weeding Gardens
Mowing Lawns
You have probably heard of all these ways before, but give them a try. They are a quick and easy way to make cash.
Page 34
I Had An Affair
Commentary by: Hunter Goulas
Martin Luther King Jr., born Michael King Jr., will forever be
known as the leader of the Civil Rights Movement, the man with the
dream, and to a small group of people, a communist and a womanizer.
MLKJ, along with Rosa Parks and Thurgood Marshall, is a hero from
the era of Civil Rights. He led marches, protested from prison, and gave
the nations supporters of rights an icon to rally behind. He changed the
history of the entire country, and everyone currently living in this country has been affected by his actions. Everyone knows the words “I have
a dream,” and we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day every January.
His assassination sparked riots, and his legacy lives on.
King’s supposed relations with communists had the Federal
Bureau of Investigation quaking in its boots, causing former director, J.
Edgar Hoover, to assign a team to track his every move. The FBI didn't
have any basis for this belief until 1962, when it learned that one of
King’s advisors, Stanley Levison, and one of his “lieutenants,” Hunter
Pitts O’Dell, had former communist connections. King was warned of
their backgrounds, and took action to distance himself from the claims
that he was influenced by communists, but is said to have continued to
communicate secretly with them. King constantly denied having any connection to communists, saying that “there are as
many Communists in this freedom movement as there are Eskimos in Florida.” The team assigned to monitoring King
didn't find much information on his supposed dealings with the Communist Party, they found a great deal of information
on other affairs concerning King.
Acting FBI director, L. Patrick Grey, told Joel Skousen, former Executive Editor of Conservative Digest, that 15
file cabinets where filed with information on King, and only one contained his communist dealings. The other fourteen
contained evidence of his abuse of illicit women. The FBI attempted to use his personal life to discredit his work, and to
threaten him into compliance. An anonymous letter written to King just before he was to receive his Noble Prize read, in
part, "The American public, the church organizations that have been helping-Protestants, Catholics and Jews will know
you for what you are-an evil beast. So will others who have backed you. You are done. King, there is only one thing left
for you to do. You know what it is. You have just 34 days in which to do (this
exact number has been selected for a specific reason, it has definite practical
significant). You are done. There is but one way out for you. You better take it
before your filthy fraudulent self is bared to the nation." the FBI leaked information to various people, including friendly reporters, the executive branch of
the government, and King’s family.
A heavily disputed issue surrounding King is
his death. Evidence shows that James Earl Ray, the man
“There are as
convicted for the murder, couldn't have possibly commany
mitted the crime, but that it was actually a government
conspiracy to eliminate King. Witnesses stated that the
Communists in
man that they believed killed King looked nothing like
Ray, and that the witness for the prosecution was drunk this freedom
at the time of the murder. Further evidence shows that
movement as
Ray’s rifle would have to stick six inches into the wall
there are
for him to be able to shoot through foliage at King, an
incredible feat that seemed out of his skill set. Much of
Eskimos in
King’s life has been called into question over the years,
so it wouldn't be surprising if more aspects of this legendary man’s legacy were marred.
Information taken from:
Page 35
Miracle Dog
Commentary by: Noah Fields
Missy being rescued
“I just don't
think that his
actions have
shown that he
is a responsible
dog owner”
After leaving behind his German Shepherd Missy on
a mountain top called Mount Bierstadt in Clear Creek County, Colorado for days, Anthony Ortolani wanted custody of
his dog back. It all began on August 5, 2012 when Anthony
was hiking with a friend and his dog when a storm suddenly
came in forcing him to hike down the mountain. He stated
that he was forced to leave the dog behind for the safety of
himself and his friend. Once they left the dog and made it
down the mountain Anthony never made any attempt to go
back and rescue her.
It wasn’t until August 11, when two hikers, Scott and
Amanda Washburn, were hiking in the area and spotted the
dying dog curled up and tucked in between a pile of bloody rocks. The dog was too weak, injured and heavy to be carried down the mountain. The couple used first aid to bandage her
wounds, and then hiked back down the mountain for help. Once off the mountain they started
an online campaign to rescue Missy creating a Facebook page and pleading for help on a hikers' online forum called 14ers (a group of hikers for have hiked mountains taller than 14,000
feet). It didn’t take long before volunteers began to pour in, as well as an overwhelming
amount of posts from the online community infuriated by the apparent abandonment of the
dog being left for dead on the cold cliffs by its owner.
The couple got a group of eight volunteers to go back to the mountain a few days later
and the group traveled through a severe snowstorm to reach Missy. Nine hours later, they successfully brought the dog down in an oversized hiking
backpack. Scott Washburn stated: "I just don't think
that his actions have shown that he is a responsible
dog owner. We understand that he had to leave her
there. My wife and I did the same thing. But we ended
up going back for her, and we went to some pretty
extreme lengths to do so. In my opinion, that is not a
responsible dog owner, who doesn't really care about
Missy being hiked down the mountain her."After a long battle the owner of Missy that was
criticized for abandoning her on a mountain has agreed
to give up custody of the dog to one of its rescuers. Missy now has a new home with the
Missy and her rescue crew
Info taken from
Missy’s new family
Page 36
Just to Make Your Day
Article by: Ashlyn Hart
With all of the distractions in the modern American lifestyle, it can be hard to count your blessings. With the idea of appreciation in mind, I have compiled a list of little things in life that are just awesome. “The Book of Awesome,” is truly a
book written about anything awesome that you may encounter during your day. Some awesome moments were taken
from the book.
Finding spare change in your pocket. Whether it be a quarter or a Hamilton, any extra dough can lift your spirits.
Cleaning your ears. We all know we shouldn’t do it, but very few things top the power of the swab.
Clean sheets. Something about clean sheets just makes slumber seem a little more tranquil.
Fries at the bottom. When you finish the container of French fries, and find some in the bottom of the bag.
Knowing “Jeopardy” questions. Even if you know the answer to a really stupid question, something about it just makes
you feel intelligent. Bring on rocket science.
Having people return borrowed writing utensils. Thank you.
Finding the remote. Now the couch potato that lives within us all can resurface.
Seeing a cop, freaking out, looking down, and realizing you were going the speed limit. Insert exhale here.
Putting on clothes that are fresh from the dryer. Like wearing an electric blanket without the electricity...or blanket.
Cars flashing their lights to warn you of a cop. There is justice in the world...actually...
All green lights. Need I elaborate?
Waking up then realizing that you still have time to sleep. Whether it is two hours or two minutes, it’s appreciated.
Realizing that the homework you were procrastinating over isn’t due till the day after you originally thought. Procrastination rewarded.
Snow days. They are the only good part of the cold.
Waking up, thinking you are late, then realizing it is Saturday. We should make a holiday to celebrate whoever invented
the weekend, and of course, have no school that day.
The feeling after running. You can fill in the blank.
Buying something and then realizing it has a hidden discount. The definition of Forever21.
Fuzzy socks. They give the sensation of stepping on a cloud, repeatedly.
Wild cards or free cards. They just make you feel special and like you have your own little, hidden
secret. Right?
The first day with your license. Independence is finally touched...until the insurance bill comes.
Continued on next page
Page 37
Passing our school heat vents. Defrost time.
Winning Monopoly. I have yet to witness this, but I can imagine the satisfaction.
Post sneeze feeling. Sweet, sweet relief.
Changing from a wet bathing suit into warm clothes. How many weeks until
The feeling right after final exams. Relief beyond belief.
A baby. It really is.
Perfectly popped popcorn. Hence the invention of the Popcorn button. Even brilliant inventors understand our dilemmas.
No lines at the gas station. It is like a fossil fuel drive through, only more expensive...much more…Realizing those pantnow require a belt. It may just be due to wear, but a belt is a belt.
Bubble wrap. How is it that package protection can cause more joy than what was actually shipped to you?
Your pet’s birthday. Even though the pet has no idea what is going on, it just warms your heart to celebrate it.
Scissors gliding through paper. Efficiency.
Remembering what you walked into the room for after forgetting. Youth regained.
Opening up to the right page. It is like a quiet little pat on the back, unless you announce it, then everybody hates you.
Walking through a shopping center and getting that blast of air conditioning in the summer. It is like the store is telling
you it loves you.
Jessica D’Auria. Her recommendation.
Seeing the light at the end of a tunnel. Literary and figuratively.
Riding a Segway. Something about the ride just makes you feel authoritative.
Playing with new gadgets. The virtual world is so welcoming to the explorer.
Warm printer paper. It is like getting a spa treatment, only less enjoyable and can cause paper cuts.
That one waffle square with the most butter and syrup. No wonder why you save it for last.
Having an acquaintance remember you. This automatically boosts your self esteem.
Guessing the right name for someone and getting it right. If your memory fails you guess Joe or Kate (bro or mate).
Yard sales. The cheap little treasures never cease!
Hearing funny narratives. The reaction of the person telling the story can be the funniest of all.
Eating with miniature silverware. Everything just tastes so much better with a mini-spoon. Try it, no joke.
Watching a baby laugh. Icing on the cake
Icing on a cake. Cake without icing is not a cake at all, it is bread with sugar.
Page 38
Willy Wonka Character List!
Article and Photographs by: Sammie Longo
Many of you may already know that the play for this year is “Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory.” This year to raise money, Mr.
Stevenson teamed up with Mrs. Salo and decided to make chocolate bars. They are selling them for a dollar, so get them while they last.
Plus they are hiding golden tickets in five random chocolate bars, finding one of these golden tickets result in a prize. Here is the characters list for who is in the play.
Tom Linevitch - Charlie Bucket
“ The
Wonka bars
are good…..
Jordan Beauregard.—Augustus Gloop
Adain Laliberte– Willy Wonka
Frank Gilleese– Grandpa Joe
Continued on next page
Page 39
Grandpa George, Avery Palmer, hanging out with Mike Teevee (Dylan
Beadudion) who is also the head design for Willy Wonka, and Robby
Howeson who is the head tech guy for the play.
Thurs. May 3- 7:00pm
Friday May 4- 7:00 pm
Sat. May 5– 1:00 pm & 7:00
Starting April 1st
$8 for students $10 adults
Miranda Nickerson– Violet Alex Thomas– Grandma
Mrs. Bucket– Kara Bangs
Mr. Salt– Chris Sebastian
"A little
now and
then, is
relished by
the wisest
- Willy
Mrs. Teevee– Olivia Marandola
Mrs. Beareguard– Skyla Young
Phineous Trout– Jackson Carleson
Mrs. Gloop– Tyla Rudd
Mr. Bucket– Noah Fields
Inspiration Invasion
Created by: Kylie Hart
Inspiration is one of the few things that help people get through their long and stressful days. I find that one of the few
things that give me inspiration are quotes. Quotes can lift people up when they feel down because most of the time they
are relatable. So I found some of my favorites, and I hope you enjoy!
Pictures From:,,,,
“Today, give a stranger
one of your smiles, it
might be the only sunshine he sees all day.”
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
“Shoot for the moon,
even if you miss you’ll
land among the stars.”
- Les Brown
“Don’t be afraid to go
out on a limb, that’s
where the fruit is.”
“Be the change you
wish to see in the
- Mahatma Gandhi
“You only live once,
but if you do it right,
once is enough.”
- Mae West
“A day without laughter
is a day that’s wasted.”
- Charlie Chaplin
“Coincidence is God’s
way of remaining anonymous.”
- Albert Einstein
“It’s better to be hated
for what you are than to
be loved for what you
are not.”
“Accept no one’s definition of your life; define
- Harvey Ferstein
-H. Jackson Browne Jr.
“Failure is not final,
neither is any success.”
- Anonymous
“A friend is someone
who knows about
you , but likes you
- Elbert Hubbard
“That which does not kill
us, makes us stronger.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
“Faith is taking the first
step even when you can't
see the whole staircase.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
“I have not failed, I have
just found 10,000 ways
that wont work.”
- Thomas Edison
“What ever you are, be a
good one.”
- Abraham Lincoln
“Life always gives
you a second chance.
It’s called tomorrow.”
- Anonymous
“Today is a gift,
that’s why they call
it the present.”
- Anonymous
“Count your age by
friends, not years.
Count your life by
smiles, not tears.”
- John Lennon
“I am free of all prejudice. I hate you all
- W.C. Fields
“First they ignore you,
then they ridicule you,
then they fight you,
and then you win.”
- Mahatma Gandhi