Game Changer Scoring Notes


Game Changer Scoring Notes
Version 1.04
CONTENTS:1. Setting up the Game
1.01 – Schedule games; Editing Game Details; Schedule Alerts; and Adding a
1.01.1 Schedule or Create a Game Online
1.01.2 How to Edit Game Details on the Web
1.01.3 How to edit Game Details using the App
1.01.4 Using Schedule Alerts
1.01.5 Adding Players to your Roster Online
1.01.6 Adding Players to your Roster using the App.
1.02 – The Game Menu
1.02.1 - Help
1.02.2 - Manual Overrides
- Change score; Innings; Side; Count; Outs; Balls; Strikes; and
reset the Game.
1.02.3 – Settings (see below)
1.02.4 – End half Inning – End this Half Inning and start the next Inning.
1.02.5 – Swap Home/Away
1.03 – Settings
1.03.1 - Setting Innings Per Game
1.03.2 - Short Fielder/Extra Fielder
1.03.3 – Pitch Count Alerts
1.03.4 – Advanced Fielding
1.03.5 – Enable the Game Clock.
1.03.6 – Track Pitch Types – Fast Ball; Curve Ball; Slider etc
1.03.7 – Track Pitch Velocity – information pending
1.03.8 - Show Playing Time – At Bats and Innings Played.
1.04 Quick Line-ups
1.04.1 To add a quick line-up
1.04.2 Designated Hitter
1.05 Extended Line-ups
2. Starting to Score the Game
The “Cheat” Sheet – A quick guide on the basics of getting started and scoring.
Using the App:Note - Recording the names of the Game Officials
2.01 Batting
2.01.1 Ball in Play
2.01.2 Scoring a Bunt
Version 1.04
a) Bunt Single
b) Sacrifice bunt
c) Bunt Error
2.01.3 Scoring a Sacrifice Fly
2.01.4 Scoring an Infield Fly
2.01.5 Foul Balls
a) Foul ball Strike
b) Foul ball tip Out.
Note:- The Foul Tip Out will not appear until the current atbat has two strikes.
c) Foul Ball + Error
2.01.6 Base running
a) Placing a Runnert on Base
b) Advancing a Base runner
c) Double Play – Examples of how to score.
2.01.7 Scoring a Dropped 3rd Strike.
Note:- This option is only available in situations where it is
possible (e.g. Two strike count).
2.01.8 Pinch and Courtesy Runners
2.02 Fielding
2.02.1 How to make Substitutions from the Field
2.02.2 Player Position Tracking
2.02.3 Pickoffs and Rundowns
2.03 Pitching
2.03.1 Scoring a Balk.
Note:- Runners must be on base to use this option.
2.03.2 Passed Balls and Wild Pitches
Note:- Wild pitch and passed ball options will only show up if
there is a runner on base and the pitcher has thrown a pitch to the
next batter.
2.03.3 Pitch Counts
2.03.4 View Pitch Counts
2.03.5 Custom Pitch Counts
3. Finalising the Game
3.01 Pitching Decisions
3.02 Resuming a Finalised Game
4. Statistics
4.01 List of Statistics collected and available by GameChanger
4.02 Statistics Settings
Version 1.04
4.02.1 How to Edit Statistics Settings
4.03 Batting Statistics
4.04 Pitching Statistics
4.05 Fielding Statistics
4.06 To view in-game spray charts in the scorekeeper app.
4.07 How to manually enter Game stats
4.08 Exporting Statistics
4.08.1 Exporting to a CSV File
4.08.2 Exporting To other Sites
4.08.3 Opponents Statistics
4.08.4 Viewing Opposition Player's Statistics.
5. Supplementary Notes
5.01 Creating a New Team or Season
5.01.1 Getting Started
5.01.2 Creating a New season
5.01.3 PDF Line-up Cards
5.02 Multiple Scorekeepers
5.03 Scoring a Forfeit
5.04 Manually Changing Batters
5.05 Scoring a Mercy Rule
5.06 Deleting Players
5.07 Swapping Home and Away Teams
5.08 Offline Scorekeeping
5.09 Correcting Missed Substitutions
5.10 Correcting an Individual Play
5.11 Viewing Team Stats, Game Logs, and Spray charts
5.11.1 - Accessing previous games on the web
5.12 Post Game Box Score
5.13 Editing the Post Game Box Score and Gamestream
5.13.1 Editing Previous Plays (from the App.)
5.13.2 To Edit Plays within the Game .
5.13.3 Edit Game stats in Box Scores (from the Web).
5.13.4 Edit Game details (from the Web).
5.14 Syncing Team Data
5.14.1 Manually Syncing
5.14.2 Re-Syncing Games
5.14.3 Syncing Troubles
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5.14.4 Syncing Status.
5.15 Printing GameChanger Content
5.15.1 How to Print
Version 1.04
Tips for Printing Spray Charts and the Scorebook.
1. Setting up the Game
1.01 Scheduling Games; Editing Game Details; Schedule Alerts; The
Team administrators can schedule games on the app or on the website. Any
information entered on the website will sync to the device and vice versa.
Teams are encouraged to enter their schedule on a computer because the computer
keyboards are more user-friendly than those found on tablets or phones.
1.01.1 Schedule or create a game online:
Log in to your GameChanger account at
From your "Team News" page, click on the Schedule tab.
Click the Add Game option.
Enter in the Game Details.
Click Save.
When scheduling a game from the website or Scorekeeper app, an administrator
can configure the game’s details (date, time, game type, location). Administrators
may edit a game’s details at any time, even after the game has been completed, by
following the steps outlined below.
1.01.2 How to Edit Game Details on the Web
1) Open the Schedule tab.
2) Click the Edit Event Details link to the right of the game.
3) Make desired edits to the game details.
4) Click Save Changes.
Note: You will only be given the option to input the game results when
you select a date and time prior to the present.
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1.01.3 How to Edit Game Details on the App
Open the team's Schedule page.
2) Tap on the game for which you wish to edit the Game Details.
3) Select Edit Game.
4) Make the desired edits.
5) Tap Done.
1.01.4 Schedule Alerts
Administrators now have the ability to alert their team community of any changes
made to the team's schedule. After adding and/or editing a game to the schedule, a
box will appear that will give Admins the ability to alert certain members of the team's
community. This can be done from both the web and the app.
On the Web:-
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Using the App:-
1.01.5 Adding Players to Your Roster (Web)
Go to the "Roster & Lineup" tab
Select "Add or Edit Players"
Enter Player Information
Click "Save Roster"
Roster Upload (Web)
During the team creation process, you can upload your roster directly from an .xls,
.xlsx or .csv file.
1.01.6 Adding Players to Your Roster (App)
1) From the "Team News" page, navigate to the "Roster" screen
2) Select "Create New Player"
3) Enter Player Information
4) Choose "Save & Close" or "Save & Add Another Player"
1.02 The Game Menu
Tap on the Game Menu button at the top of the screen to open the following
sub-menus:1.02.1 Help
1.02.2 Manual Overides
Change Score, Inning, Side, Count, Outs, Balls, Strikes, or Reset the game.
Example:- In a game where a side fields less than nine players, an “auto out”
can be given for say the ninth (absent) batter under local competition rules. Select
“Menu”, then the “Manual Overide” sub menu to adjust the number of outs at this
Version 1.04
point in the game and then click “Done” and then “Save” at top right of the drop down
NOTE:- It is also worth noting under “Plays” if the auto out rule is to be used in
a game (Tap “Plays”, then the “Edit” pencil and make a note.)
1.02.3 Settings
Number of Innings
Short fielder/extra fielder (Disabled/Rover/L/R
Centre)Disabled/Rover/L/R Centre)
Pitch Count Alerts
Do not show first alert – default
Do not show second alert – default
NOTE – The maximum number of pitches that can be set for each
alert is 200.
Advanced fielding ON/OFF
Enable Game Clock ON/OFF
Track assists and putouts
Shows running game clock
Track Pitch Types
Fastball, curve, slider ...
Track Pitch Velocity
Show playing Time
At bats and innings played
Once selections are made, tap “menu” to close.
1.02.4 End Half Inning
Example:- This feature can be used in competions where the local
competition rules state that an innings may end if there are three outs,
or “X” numer of runs are scored (typically 5 or 7)
1.02.5 Swap Home/Away
1.03 Settings
1.03.1 Setting Innings Per Game
The setting for how many innings per game a team will play can be set from both the
Scorekeeper app and the GameChanger website. However, the configuration for this
setting will not sync between the two locations. Therefore, you must set this number
from both the Team Settings page on the team website as well as from within the
“Settings” while scoring a game on the Scorekeeper app.
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Innings-per-game are defaulted to:
Youth: 6
Middle/High School: 7
College: 9
Adult: 9
When an administrator sets the innings per game from within the app, the app will
notify the Scorekeeper once the game has ended given this setting. However, the app
does not account for “walk-off” plays or Mercy Rules.
To set your team’s innings per game on the app:
Open the Game Menu from within a game;
Open the Settings option;
Tap the Innings/Game number;
Choose the number of innings/game your team plays;
Click Done.
1.03.2 Short Fielder/Extra Fielder
1) Open the Game Menu.
2) Select the option labeled, Settings.
3) At the bottom select Rover or L/R Center under Short Fielder/Extra
This will create an extra player to appear as SF on the scoring screen. Rover will
create a player right behind second base, while L/R Center will create another player
in the outfield.
1.03.3 Pitch Count Alerts.
a) From the game scoring screen, tap "Menu" in the top left corner.
b) From the dropdown menu, tap "Settings".
c) Here you can set first and second alerts for all pitchers
Note:- The maximum number of pitches that can be set for each alert is 200.
1.03.4 Advanced Fielding
Advanced Fielding feature allows a scorekeeper to score the throws made on a ball put
in play. This will also allow the scorekeeper to assign throwing errors on a play.
To Turn on Advanced Fielding
1) In the scoring screen, tap the Menu at the top of the screen.
2) Tap Settings.
3) Turn Advanced Fielding On.
4) To Score with Advanced Fielding
Version 1.04
1) Once the ball is in play, tap and drag the fielder where he/she played the
2) Tap every fielder that was involved in the play in the correct order.
3) Tap Done, when finished.
1.03.5 Enable the Game Clock
Within the game Settings scorekeepers may activate or deactivate a Game Clock. The
clock will display on the scoring screen, just to the left of home plate (see image
Note: The clock will display in a format of hh:mm:ss, but will appear as mm:ss until
an hour has passed.
By tapping on the Game Clock from the scoring screen you may:
- Start/Stop the clock
- Adjust the clock
- Reset the clock
1.03.6 – Track PitchTypes
Fast Ball; curve ball; slider, etc
To turn this setting on, follow the steps listed below:
1) While scoring a game, press the Game Menu in the top right corner of the
Scoring page;
2) Press the Settings option;
3) Within the Settings, find Track Pitch Types;
4) This option will be defaulted to off. Tap the Off label and the Setting should
slide to the On position.
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Every time you initiate a pitch by selecting the Pitch menu you will be asked to
identify the Pitch Type before you choose the pitch result (Strike, Ball, Ball-InPlay...etc).
1.03.7 Track Pitch Velocity
Details pending
1.03.8 – Show Playing Time
Shows At Bats; and Innings Played
1.04 Quick Lineups
Scorekeepers often receive an opposing team's Roster/Lineup only seconds
before the first pitch. The GameChanger mobile app provides scorekeepers with a tool
to quickly configure a generic lineup, which may then be edited as player information
is gathered.
1.04.1 To Add a Quick Lineup
Setup the new game.
Attempt to throw a pitch before adding a batter to the opposing team's
You will then be notified that there is no assigned batter.
Select the option to add Placeholders.
Identify the number of placeholders you would like to put into the lineup.
Note: If the opposing team is in the field, you can add placeholders from their Lineup
card within the game.
1.04.2 Designated Hitter,
Adminstrators may add a DH to the Lineup from both the Lineup editor on the team
website as well as from within the Scorekeeper app.
From the Scorekeeper app:
To Set a DH
1) Add the player to be DH'd to your lineup and assign that player to a position
in the field (typically this will be the Pitcher);
2) Tap on the player who is going to be replaced in the batting order (e.g the
3) Beneath the list of positions is an option labeled, select Set DH;
4) From the list of players currently on your bench, select the player who you
wish to make the DH.
GameChanger automatically inserts the DH in the line up in place of the Pitcher and
shows the Pitcher outside the line up with the name of the designated hitter.
Version 1.04
To Sit a DH
1) Tap on the player currently serving as the DH;
2) Tap the option below the DH's batting order information labeled, Sub Out of
Lineup and click "Leave Empty".
To Place a DH into the field
1) Remove the player as the DH;
2) The player will now be back on your team bench;
3) Sub that player in for another player currently in the game.
1.05 Extended Lineups
You can add any number of players to the batting lineup. Either from your team's
GameChanger site or on the Scorekeeper app, just keep adding players. Each
additional player you add, after you have occupied all fielding positions, will be added
as an EH.
Open the Roster & Lineup tab.
Click Lineup.
Click Adjust Lineup.
Drag players from the Bench (on the right) to the Lineup (on the left);
Save your lineup.
1. From the scoring screen, tap My Lineup or Opp Lineup
2. Tap and hold down the three horizontal bars to the right of the players name
and drag the batter to a different position.
3. From here, you can also "Add From Bench" or "Create New Players"
Activate players from your bench into the lineup by scrolling to the bottom of
your lineup and selecting Add from Bench
• Tap a player's name to edit the Player Details.
• Tap a player and select Set DH to remove that player from the Batting Order
and select a player to serve as the DH.
2. Starting to Score the Game
A) The Cheat Sheat.
A quick and easy way to get started with the basics.
Version 1.04
B) Using the App.
Once you have created a Team (roster) and scheduled a game or games, (See 5.01
Supplementary Notes),; from the “Team News” tab, select the game to be scored and
you are then presented with the following options:–
Score Game
Edit Game
E-mail link to game
Post to Facebook
Post to Twitter
Copy link to Game.
Selecting “Score game” takes you to the Scoring page. A Sub-menu appears and asks
if (Team name) is :–
Away (batting)
Home (Fielding)
Leave as is
Make your selection and proceed to score the game.
NOTE 1 :- If a player line up for a team doeas not appear for one of the teams, check
the “Add from Bench” tab. Players are usually found here. Select each player in the
Version 1.04
lineup by tapping the players name. They will then be shown in the lineup.
NOTE 2 :- GameChanger currently does not have a way to record the names of the
game officials. A sugested work around is to:a) Tap “Plays” (bottom left of screen)
b) Tap the “edit Pencil”
c) Record the names of the officials , and
d) Tap”Done”
This method can be used to record other things such as the reason for game
stoppages; injuries; protests; ejections; mercy rule; etc
It is also strongly recommended that pitching changes also be recorded here
(as well as on the “Field” screen); as it is not obvious that a pitching change has
occurred when reading the list of plays after a game.
2.01 Batting
Tap the big “Pitch” button to bring up a menu with:Ball
Called Strike
Swinging Strike
Foul Ball
Ball in Play (Has a sub-menu – see below)
Hit By Pitch
Intentional Ball
Intentional Walk
Catcher's interference
Batter Out: Other ( Skip; or Enter description)
Droped 3rd Strike – Swinging – Safe on First (WP)
- Safe on First (PB)
- Batter out at first
Dropped 3rd strike – Looking - Safe on First (WP)
- Safe on First (PB)
- Batter out at first
Put on Base (Has a sub-menu – see below).
Ball in Play sub-menus (Hit Type) required for more complex plays:Ground Ball
Out at 1st
Version 1.04
Foul Ball
Batter Interference – Tap Fielder for Assist or Put-out.
Hard Ground Ball
Out at 1st
Foul Ball
Batter Interference – Tap Fielder for Assist or Put-out.
Fly Ball
Batter Out – Fly Out; Infield Fly; Fly Out Foul; Sac Fly; Double Play
or Triple Play.
Note: The option to score an Infield Fly or Triple Play will only appear when the
situation (i.e. less than two out; Runners on 1st and 2nd or 1st, 2nd, and 3rd base; batter
hits a fair ball which can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort) allows the play
to be scored as such.
Foul Ball
Foul Ball + Error
Batter Interference – Tap Fielder for Assist or Put-out.
Line Drive
Batter Out – line Out; or Line Out Foul
Foul Ball
Foul Ball + Error
Batter Interference – Tap Fielder for Assist or Put-out.
Version 1.04
Batter Out – Out at first (No Sac); or Pop Out.
Foul Ball
Batter Interference – Tap Fielder for Assist or Put-out.
Pop Foul + Error
Home Run
Pop Fly
Batter Out – Pop Out or Pop Out Foul.
Foul Ball
Foul Ball + Error
Batter Interference – Tap Fielder for Assist or Put-out.
Put on Base sub-menu:Advance to 1st
Advance to 2nd
Advance to 3rd
Note:- If you make an error and you notice this immediately, just tap the “Undo”
button, and select “Pitch” again.
2.01.1 Ball in Play
Once a ball is in play, drag a fielder to where the ball is hit. This will be recorded in the
“Spray Charts” section of the statistics.
To show a “throw” tap the fielder with the ball, then tap the fielder who is the receiver
of the throw.
2.01.2 Scoring a Bunt
To score a sacrifice bunt, a bunt error, and a bunt for a base hit;
a) Bunt Single 1) Press the Pitch button over the mound.
2) Select the Ball in Play option
3) Elect Bunt
4) Single
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b) Sac Bunt 1) Ball In Play
2) Bunt
3) Batter Out > Sac Bunt
c) Bunt Error 1) Ball in Play
2) Bunt
3) Error
2.01.3 Scoring a Sac Fly
The GameChanger Scorekeeping application allows for the scoring of a Sacrifice Fly.
To score a Sac Fly:
Select Ball in Play;
Choose Fly Ball;
Tap Batter Out;
Select Sac Fly.
Note: The option to credit a batter with a Sac Fly will only appear when the situation
allows the play to be scored as such.
2.01.4 Scoring an Infield Fly
To score an Infield Fly:
Select Ball in Play;
Choose Fly Ball;
Tap Batter Out;
Select Infield Fly.
Note: The option to credit a batter with a Infield Fly will only appear when the
situation (i.e. less than two out; Runners on 1st and 2nd or 1st, 2nd, and 3rd base;
batter hits a fair ball which can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort) allows
the play to be scored as such.
2.01.5 Foul Balls
There are various sorts of Foul Ball plays that can be scored on the GameChanger
app. Outlined below are these various plays and how you can locate them.
a) Foul Ball Strike
This option can be found directly from within the pitch menu, or by selecting Ball in
Play > Hit Type > Foul Ball. This will record a strike for the current at-bat, but does
not generate a spray chart for the foul ball.
b) Foul Tip Out
This option can also be found within the pitch menu. However, the Foul Tip Out will
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not appear until the current at-bat has two strikes.
c) Foul Ball + Error.
This option can be found within the hit type results by scoring any of the following hit
Fly Ball
Line Drive
Pop fly
2.01.6 Base Running.
a) Placing a Runner on Base
To accommodate for situations such as tie-breakers, the GameChanger Scorekeeping
app allows for scorekeepers to place players on a specific base.
1) Tap the base where you would like to place a BaseRunner.
2) Tap the red, Place button.
3) Choose the player you would like to insert.
b) Advancing a Base runner
Although the Scorekeeper app will automatically advance baserunners, the
scorekeeper may manually advance a base runner to take an extra base as well as
return a baserunner to a previous base:1)
Press, hold, and drag the baserunner to the desired base;
Release the baserunner over the Safe or Out half of the base;
You will now be prompted to select the reason why the runner advanced or
to this base.
Following are some examples of sub menus that you may see:SAFE:- Stole Base
Defensive Indifference
Throwing error
Fielding Error
Enter Discription
Stole base
Fielding Error
Enter Discription
Stole base
Version 1.04
Defensive Indifference
Passed Ball
Wild Pitch
Fielding Error
Enter Discription
On the throw
On same Pitch
Fielding Error
Enter Discription
OUT :–
Caught Stealing
Offensive Interference
Out on Appeal
Enter discription
Out on the last Play
Offensive Interference
Out on Appeal
Enter Discription
For the situation of a runner on second scoring on a single, you can tap and drag the
runner (now on 3rd) to home and mark him safe with a reason of "On Last Play." The
batter will automatically be credited with the RBI.
c) Double Play – Examples
1. With a runner on base, select
Ball in Play
Fly Ball
Batter Out
Fly Out – Select Fielder – then Done
Move base runner to the “OUT” Field
Select the reason for the “OUT”
Didn't tag up – tap players involved and then Done, or
Picked off
Doubled Off
Offensive Interference
Out on Appeal
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Enter description.
2. With a runner on base, select say
Ball in Play
Ground Ball (aas an example)
Batter OUT
Double Play
Tap the fielders involved
Tap Done
GameChanger automatically shows the two “Outs”
2.01.7 Scoring a Dropped 3rd Strike
When a batter reaches 2 strikes, and if first base is open or there are 2 outs, a
dropped 3rd strike option is added to the bottom of the pitch menu within the
Scorekeeper app.
To score a uncaught (dropped) third strike follow these steps:
1) Scroll down, tap Drop 3rd Strike
2) Select Swinging or Looking
3) Select Safe on First (WP), Safe on First (PB); or Batter out at First.
Note:- This option is only available in situations where it is possible (e.g. Two strike
2.01.8 Pinch and Courtesy Runners
When scoring a game on the GameChanger Scorekeeper application you will have the
option to insert a Pinch or Courtesy Runner any time a player is on base.
Pinch Runner: replaces a player on base as well as in the Lineup.
Courtesy Runner:
Does NOT replace the player initially on base in the Lineup.
May leave the game and re-enter later.
May also be a player already in the game playing a different position. The base
runner who leaves the game is free to return to play.
To Insert a Pinch or Courtesy Runner simply tap on the base runner you wish to
substitute a Pinch of Courtesy Runner for.
2.02 Fielding
2.02.1 How to Make Substitutions from the Field
1. Tap which player in the field you would like to make a substitution for.
2. You may then select which player is replacing that fielder.
3. You can choose either a player from the bench or a player from the field (or
leave that position empty).
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If a player from the field is chosen, you can then tap the position that has been left
open and replace with another player.
2.02.2 Player Position Tracking.
Scorekeepers will be able to track the various positions that a player occupies during a
game along with the number of innings that player logged at each position.
This content is not displayed on the GameChanger website at this time, so you will
only be able to access this information from within the app.
To review this data, select a player from anywhere within the Batting Line up to
view the player's Player Details. It is at the bottom of this profile page where the
various innings played, and the time at each position, will be listed.
2.02.3 Pickoffs and Rundowns.
While the GameChanger scorekeeping app for Baseball has a formal scoring option for
Pickoffs; Rundowns must be recorded manually. Below are instructions for how to
score both basepath events.
a) To Score a Pickoff
1. With a runner on base, drag that player to the Safe or Out portion of the
base at which a pickoff, or pickoff attempt, was made.
2. Release the player into the Safe or Out box.
3. You will then be presented with an opportunity to elect Attempted Pickoff
or Picked Off.
b)To Score a Rundown
Prerequisite: The Advanced Fielding setting must be set to "ON" and the rundown
must result in an out.
1. Drag the baserunner involved in the rundown to the Out portion of the
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base at which the rundown ended.
2. Release the player into the Out box for that base.
3. Identify the fielders involved in the rundown by taping their gloves on the
field. For statistical sake, you only need to record the last throw by tapping the player
who made the throw and the player who made the putout.
2.03 Pitching
Note 1 :- The pitch count is prominently displayed near the upper right corner, for
the Pitcher who is currently on the mound.
Note 2 :- If you are asked abount the pitch count for a pitcher who is no longer on
the screen,. You will have to:Select Stats, (Bottom Left hand corner of scoring screen)
Then select Pitching,
Then Efficiency – where you will find pitch counts for all the Pitchers in the
2.03.1 Scoring a Balk.
To score a Balk on the GameChanger app, simply follow the sequence of steps
outlined below.
1. Tap the Pitch menu with runners on base.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the Pitch menu.
3. Select Balk.
A ball will be accessed on the play and any baserunner will advance one base.
2.03.2 Passed Balls and Wild Pitches
Note: Wild pitch and passed ball options will only show up if there is a runner on base
and the pitcher has thrown a pitch to the next batter.
Once the pitch has been thrown:
1) After a pitch is thrown, tap and drag the baserunner to the next base;
2) Drop him in the green box above the base (marking him/her safe);
3) A drop down menu will appear, select passed ball, wild pitch, etc.
(Scorekeepers decides whether the pitcher or catcher is at fault).
2.03.3 Pitch Counts
You can track the pitches in the app by tapping the pitchers name at the top of the
scoring screen or you can set pitch count alerts.
2.03.4 View Pitch Counts
1. Tap the pitcher's name at the top of the scoring screen;
2. A Menu will pop up presenting you with various options, viz:a) View Pitch Counts
b) Sub Out/Relief Pitcher
c) Rename Player
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3. Tap View Pitch Counts.
4. Tap a pitcher's name to view a inning by inning break down of pitches
and strike percentage.
2.03.5 Custom Pitch Counts
If you are scoring an At-Bat starting with a Pitch Count other than 0 Strikes and 0
Balls, you will either need to override the game to reformat the count for the At-Bat or
record the extra pitches through the pitch menu.
To Override the game:
From the Scoring view within the application press the Menu button;
Select the option, Override;
The bottom two categories within Override will be Balls and Strikes;
Press each category and enter in the desired value.
NOTE: By Overriding the game, the pitches added for the custom count will not be
added to the current pitcher's total.
There is no setting which will reformat every At-Bat for an entire game. The custom
count will need to be re-applied for each new batter.
3. Finalising Your Game
Once you have reached the end of your game you will be notified (triggered by your
innings/game setting which can be changed in the Settings option under the Game
You will be instructed to go into the Game Menu and tap the "Game Over" option if
this is in fact the end of the game.
NOTE :- If the game was scored offline be sure to re-open the application and sign in
to your account once you have re-entered a location with an internet connection
3.01 Pitching Decisions
Upon selecting "Game Over" you will be given the option to assign pitching decisions
for the game. However, pitching decisions may also be assigned through the post
game box score.
Version 1.04
3.02 Resuming a Finalised Game
If you finalise a game and wish to either resume scoring, or correct a scoring play
through the app, you may always re-enter a previously finalized game.
Please follow the steps outlined below to do so:
1) Open the app from the same device and same admin account on which the
game was originally scored.
2) Find the game under your team schedule.
3) Select the game.
4) You will be taken to the point in the game where it was previously finalized.
IMPORTANT: Once you finalize a game, a Recap Story is produced. This Recap Story
will not update any additional plays you score after the initial finalize. If you are
finalizing a game, which you know you will likely resume scoring at a later point in
time, we advise you choose the option "Exit Game" rather than "End Game". You may
create and score additional games before you resume scoring again.
4. Statistics
4.01 List of Statistics collected and made available by GameChanger
GP: Games played
PA: Plate appearances
AB: At bats
H: Hits
Version 1.04
2B: Doubles
3B: Triples
HR: Home runs
RBI: Runs batted in
R: Runs scored
BB: Base on balls
SO: Strikeouts
SB: Stolen bases
CS: Caught stealing
PIK: Picked off
SB%: Stolen base percentage
AVG: Batting average (season)
OBP: On-base percentage (season)
SLG: Slugging percentage (season)
OPS: On-base percentage plus slugging percentage (season)
XBH: Extra-base hits
TB: Total bases
AB/HR: At bats per home run
PS: Pitches seen
PS/PA: Pitches seen per plate appearance
6+: Plate appearances with 6+ pitches
6+%: % of PA of 6+ pitches
PA/BB: Plate appearances per walk
BB/K: Walks per strikeout
BA/RSP: Batting average with runners in scoring position
SAC: Sacrifice hits & bunts
SF: Sacrifice flies
HBP: Hit by pitch
CI: Reached on Catcher's interference
FC: Hit into fielders choice
ROE: Reached on error
GIDP: Hit into double plays
GITP: Hit into triple plays
2S+3: 3+ pitches after 2 strikes
2S+3%: % of PA in which batter sees 3+ pitches after 2 strikes
HHB: Hard hit balls: Total line drives and hard ground balls
QAB: Quality at bats (any one of: 3 pitches after 2 strikes, 6+ pitch ABs, XBH,
HHB, BB, SAC Bunt, SAC Fly)
QAB%: Quality at bat per at bat
...and more on the way
IP: Innings pitched
H: Hits allowed
R: Runs allowed
ER: Earned runs allowed
BB: Base on balls (walks)
SO: Strikeouts
HR: Home runs allowed
ERA: Earned run average per regulation game
W: Wins
L: Losses
Version 1.04
SV: Saves
BS: Blown saves
SVO: Save Oppotunities
SV%: Save Percentage
BF: Total batters faced
#P: Total pitches
TB: Total balls
TS: Total strikes
S%: Strike percentage
K/G: Strikeouts per regulation game
K/BB: Strikeouts per walk
P/IP: Pitches per inning
P/BF: Pitchers per batter faced
HBP: Hit batters
WP: Wild pitches
GO: Ground outs
AO: 'Air' outs (Fly outs)
GO/AO: Ground out/Fly out ratio
FPS: First pitch strikes
FPS%: First pitch strike percentage
FPSO%: % of FPS at-bats that result in an out
FPSW%: % of FPS at-bats that result in a walk
FPSH%: % of FPS at-bats that result in a hit
<3: At bat with 3-or-fewer pitches
<3%: 3-for-fewer pitch at bats per batter faced
LOO: Leadoff out (1st batter of inning)
1ST2OUT: Innings with 1st 2 batters out
123INN: 1-2-3 Innings
<13: Innings of 13 pitches or fewer
BB/INN: Walks per inning
0BBINN: Zero-walk innings
BBS: Walk that scored
LOBB: Leadoff walk (1st batter of inning)
LOBBS: Leadoff walk that scored (1st batter of inning)
SM: Opposing batter swings-and-misses
SM%: % of total pitches that are swings and misses
K/BF: Strikeouts per batter faced
WEAK%: % of batted balls weakly hit (fly balls and ground balls)
HHB%: % of batted balls that are line drives or hard ground balls
GB%: % of all batted balls hit on the ground
FLY%: % of batted balls hit in the air
BAA: Opponent batting average
LOB: Runners left on base
PIK: Runners picked off
SB: Stolen bases allowed
CS: Runners caught stealing
SB%: Opponent stolen base percentage
FB: Number of Fastballs
FBS: Number of Fastballs thrown for strikes
FBS%: Percentage of Fastballs thrown for strikes
CT: Number of Cutters
CTS: Number of Cutters thrown for strikes
CTS%: Percentage of Cutters thrown for strikes
Version 1.04
CB: Number of Curveballs
CBS: Number of Curveballs thrown for strikes
CBS%: Percentage of Curveballs thrown for strikes
SL: Number of Sliders
SLS: Number of Sliders thrown for strikes
SLS%: Percentage of Sliders thrown for strikes
CH: Number of Changeups
CHS: Number of Changeups thrown for strikes
CHS%: Percentage of Changeups thrown for strikes
OS: Number of Offspeed pitches
OSS: Number of Offspeed pitches thrown for strikes
OSS%: Percentage of Offspeed pitches thrown for strikes
...and more on the way
E: Errors
A: Assists
PO: Putouts
TC: Total chances
DP: Double plays
TP: Triple plays
FPCT: Fielding percentage
4.02 Stat Settings
Team Adminstrators control what members of their team community can see
regarding season stats, and spray / shot charts for teams on GameChanger.
Administrators can set their team's Stat Settings to “Public” or “Confirmed
Members only.”
Administrators also specify whether confirmed players and family can see full team
stats, individual player stats, or no stats at all.
4.02.1 How to edit Stat Settings
1. Log into your account and go to your GameChanger team page.
2. Click on "Team Settings" in your "Team News" tab.
3. Scroll down to "Stat Settings" and click "Who can see stats"
Version 1.04
4. View your current settings or click "Edit" to update.
5. Edit your Stat Settings and click "Save"
GameChanger generates over 150 stats for every Baseball game scored on the
GameChanger Scorekeeper app.
GameChanger Baseball stats are broken down into 3 categories: Batting, Pitching &
Fielding Stats
4.03 Batting Stats
Batting stats can be viewed by clicking on the "Stats" tab on any team site, or from
within a game's box score. Batting stats are organized into three categories:
Patience, Speed & Power
Quality At-Bats & Team Impact
Version 1.04
4.04 Pitching Stats
Batter Results
Runs & The Running Game
Pitch Type Breakdown
4.05 Fielding Stats
Below are the fielding stats Gamechanger currently keeps. You will need to turn on the
'Advanced Fielding" setting on the app to record these stats.
E: Errors
A: Assists *
PO: Putouts *
TC: Total chances *
DP: Double plays *
TP: Triple plays *
FPCT: Fielding percentage
NOTE :- Advanced Fielding feature allows a scorekeeper to score the throws made on
a ball put in play. This will also allow the scorekeeper to assign throwing errors on a
The Season Stats may be downloaded as a .csv file compatible with excel
Administrators can edit individual game stats. Season stat totals may NOT be
edited, but will update when individual game stats are updated.
We are always adding more stats, so feel free to contact us with feedback or
Downloading statistics is possible and useful. Simply click the export button from
online and you can get all of the hitting; fielding and pitching statistics exported in
comma delimited format.
4.06 To view in-game spray charts in the Scorekeeper app:
1) Tap the batter's name at the bottom of the scoring screen
2) Tap Plays & Spray Charts
3) Shuffle through the lineup by tapping the up or down arrows in the Play
History box.
Tap My Lineup/Opp Lineup
Tap a player
Tap Plays and Spray Charts
View the Batting Plays.
Version 1.04
Cumulative season Spray Charts are available within individual Player Profiles
on the GameChanger website.
4.07 How to Manually Enter Game Stats
1) Login into GameChanger and access your team's home page.
2) Click the Schedule tab.
3) Click Add Game.
4) Enter the Game Details such as Time, Location, Opponent, and Result.
5) Click Edit (under the box score column).
6) Then select Edit for both the batting and pitching sections to Add/Remove
Players and input stats.
When editing your post-game box score, just about all of stats may be updated.
However, there are a few categories that cannot be edited because the formulas used
to calculate them depend on the values of other stats. The stats below cannot be
edited, but will be updated based on changes made to other stats.
PA or Plate Appearances = AB + BB + BBI + SF + HBP + SAC hits and bunts
AVG or Batting Average = H / AB
OBP or On Base Percentage = (H + BB + HBP) / PA
ERA or Earned Run Average = (ER / IP) x (# of Innings in the Game)
You may NOT edit your opponents' box scores unless the game was scored head-tohead and you are an Administrator of the two teams which played.
4.08 Exporting Stats
4.08.1 Exporting to a CSV File
All cumulative Season Stats may be exported by team Administrators to a .csv file,
which you may open in most spreadsheet applications (i.e. Microsoft Excel).
Batting and Pitching stats are broken down into various sub categories (i.e Pitching
Standard, Command, Batter Results). Each sub category must be exported separately.
Note:- The button to export the stats is located at the bottom of the "Stats" page on
the team website.
4.08.2 Exporting to Other Sites
GameChanger does not allow for the exporting of game or season data to other thirdparty sites, but many teams will post a GameChanger scoreboard, provided by us for
free, to serve as a direct portal to the live GameStreams, Box Scores, and Season
Stats on GameChanger. For help with generating the HTML code for this scoreboard,
go to the Gamechanger website.
Version 1.04
4.08.3 Opponents' Stats
Every opponents' team name, roster, and schedule are saved on GameChanger.
Once you enter an opponent's roster, the roster will be linked to that opponent within
a list of your saved opponents, and all stats recorded will be assigned to the players
on that roster. You must score future games versus the saved opponent to produce
cumulative stats for the opposing players.
4.08.4 Viewing Opposing Player Stats
Opposing player stats are accessible through the individual game stats by clicking on
the name of an opposing player in the box score. This will bring you to the players’
profile page where you will find the players’ game log and spray charts, compiled
from each game played against your team.
The batting average column represents the batter's cumulative season batting
average, not a single game average.
• You can review stats for previously played opponents online, but you can not do
so on the app.
5. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES:5.01 Creating a Team or New Season
5.01.1 Get Started
1) Create a Team. Team setup is fast and free.
2) Add an additional administrator to help score games and manage your team.
3) Enter roster and schedule. Information entered online will sync to your
device (and vice versa).
4) Create a game and start scoring.
5) View GameStream of plays and stats online.
5.01.2 Creating a New Season
Log into your team page.
Open the Team Settings sub-header found below the Home tab.
Click Create New Season.
Enter in the details of your new season.
Select which players to carry over to the new season.
Note: Fan subscriptions will cover all seasons for all team as long as they are active,
so they will not need a separate subscription to follow the new season. However, if
you create a new season for a team you have Prepaid for, you will need to purchase a
second team upgrade for the new season. Each season is treated as a separate team
on GameChanger.
Once you have created your team, add Team Administrators.
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5.01.3 PDF Lineup Cards
Administrators have the ability to view, email, and print a .PDF version of the game's
lineup cards.
Producing a Lineup Card .PDF
the app.
Open one of the team lineup tabs along the bottom of the scoring screen.
Scroll to the bottom of the team lineup.
Select the option labeled Lineup Card PDF
Tap the icon in the top-right corner to email or print the .PDF directly from
Note: The .PDF has information fields not yet completed (i.e. location, head coach,
assistant coach). These are not fields that are to be completed within the app, but
rather by hand when printed.
5.02 Multiple Scorekeepers
Sometimes scorekeepers will miss a game, forget their device, or the device is low on
battery. Whether your team uses a different scorekeeper every game or the usual
scorekeeper is having technical difficulties, there are a few options to make sure your
team captures the game stats.
1) A fan can download the app, login with an Administrator's account
and score the game on their iOS device.
2) An existing Administrator can promote a team fan to Administrator
status, granting the ability to score the game.
3) Manually add the game stats online after the game.
4) If available, use the pen and paper scorebook that was kept during the
game to re-score the game on the app. This will allow you track all the pitch count
based statistics, which manually entering the stats does not.
Version 1.04
However, it is possible for a single scorekeeper to score for both teams. Normally
when a game is scheduled versus an opponent the created opponent is not that
opponent's official team. However, if the two teams play in the same Team Group on
GameChanger you may use both official teams as participants when scheduling the
CAUTION: Two people cannot score a single game for the same team simultaneously.
Two separate streams of data could result in conflicting data. In the case that two
streams are produced for a single game, the streams are prioritized as follows:
1. Streams with events are preferred to streams without any events.
2. Complete streams are preferred to incomplete Streams.
3. Given 2 complete streams, the one that is further into the game (by inning)
is preferred.
4. Otherwise, the most recently saved stream will be the default.
In order to separate two streams, one must be rescored under its own game within
the schedule.
5.03 Scoring a Forfeit
GameChanger does not yet offer a tool that will specify that a game has been decided
by a forfeit. However, the easiest workaround to communicate such a result would be
to Edit the Game Details of the game in which one team forfeited.
You may then edit the game score to reflect a 9-0 win for one of the teams (if the
forfeit is notified on game day).
You may also go one step further and open the game on your scoring device and use
the Message Fans tool to insert a "Forfeit" line of text in the game's play-by-play.
5.04 Manually Changing Batters
To skip a batter or jump to a different spot in your lineup while scoring a game, follow
the steps outlined below:
1) Tap on the grey batter box just below the field view in the Scoring tab;
2) A menu will pop up presenting you with various options; viz:a) Play and Spray charts
b) Skip to Different Batter,
c) Sub Out/Pinch Hitter.
d) Rename Player
3) Select the option labeled, “Skip to Different Batter”;
4) Select the batter who you wish to jump to.
5.05 Scoring a Mercy Rule
Here are instructions on how to score Mercy Rules such as the ones listed below:
10-Run-Rule: Game is over if one team is up by 10 runs or more after any inning past
the 4th inning 1) Score the run which puts the team up by 10 or more;
2) Select the Game Menu;
3) Press on the option, End Game;
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4) Verify that you want the game to be over by pressing the red, Game Over
5.06 Deleting Players
Players may be removed from the team roster by a team administrator through both
the GameChanger website and mobile app.
To delete a player through the Website
Sign into your account and go to your team site.
Open on 'Roster & Lineups" tab.
Select "Add or Edit Players" at the bottom of the Roster.
Click the red "Remove'' button to the right of the player you wish to delete.
To delete a player through the App
Sign into the app and go to your teams 'Overview' tab.
Click on "Roster".
Select "Edit" next to the desired player.
Scroll down and hit the red "Delete Player'' button.
A player that is deleted from your roster will still appear in past game box
scores and team stats. The player will not show in your roster or lineup,
however all historical statistics will remain in your game and season totals.To
remove the player from the season totals and previous games you will need to
edit each individual box score and remove the player from the game’s
participating players.
5.07 Swapping Home and Away Teams
When scoring a game on the GameChanger Scorekeeper app you have the option to
swap the Home/Away team up until the first pitch of the game. There are three places
this may be done:
Using the Scorekeeper App
1) When viewing your team schedule, press the "Edit Game" option;
Version 1.04
2) Tap the option labeled "Home/Away"
3) Choose whether you are the home or away team for this game;
4) Press the Done button in the top right corner after you make the change.
1) From within a game, open the Game Menu;
2) Select the option labeled, Swap Home/Away. This will only be available
until you execute the first pitch of the game.
3) Option Menu pops up:–
Swap Home and away
Really swap Home and Away?
“Team Name” will be come Home Team
On the Website
1) At any point before you have started scoring a scheduled game you may edit
the Game Details through the Schedule and Results tab on your team website.
2) Click the "Edit Game" option next to the game you wish edit.
3) Just to the left of the Save option will be a column where you select whether
your team is the Home or Away team for that game.
4) Make your desired swap then click Save.
NOTE :- If the entire game is scored with the wrong Home/Away team, please send
an email to [email protected] with a link to the game which needs to be edited
and we can make the swap. Do NOT delete that game and re-score.
5.08 Offline Scorekeeping
Be it a lost internet connection from bad signal, device error, or GameChanger server
problems, we understand that scorekeepers need a way to keep score no matter the
circumstances. The GameChanger scorekeeping app allows for users to sign in to their
GameChanger account even without a connection to neither the internet nor a
GameChanger server.
WARNING: You will need to have logged into your account, on the app, at least once
with an internet connection before you may login without one. The online connection
will establish a user history on the device that will be referenced when your device
signs you in offline.
To login offline, follow the steps below:
Open the GameChanger app on your scoring device;
Select the Login or Join option;
Enter in your Login username and password;
Select Go Offline. (Your wifi access must be disabled first)
After you have completed scoring a game offline, that game data will sync with your
team website once you re-enter a WiFi or network zone.
Note: If the game is completed offline because your administratoraccount was
accessed from a second device mid-game, you must sign back into your account once
Version 1.04
you finalize the game in order to sync that game data to the servers (iOS 3.9.0 and
If you enter a WiFi zone without closing and reopening the app, any data entered
while disconnected from WiFi will automatically sync to the website. However, if data
was inputted to the website, such as a newly scheduled game, while the device was
offline you will need to re-sync the application from the device to see those changes.
Every screen on the application will have an option to Re-Sync that page ( ). This
option will be in the top left below the "back" button (Or bottom right for iOS
5.09 Correcting Missed Substitutions
If a scorekeeper has missed a substitution or made an incorrect lineup adjustment,
you may always add and remove players through the post game box score.
Open the Stats within the finalized GameStream on the team site
Select Edit
Add or Remove Players from the list of game participants
Save the participant changes
Make the necessary stat adjustments and Save.
Refinalize the game so that the edits can sync.
By editing the play participants of individual plays in the GameStream view:
1) Locate the play you wish to edit via the Plays tab
2) Tap on that play
3) Tap Edit Play
4) Tap on one of the play participants and make the desired change
5) Identify what the count of the At-Bat was when the pitcher entered the game
(select 0-0 if the pitcher started the At-Bat)
6) Choose whether the edit will affect only this play or all following defensive
7) Save your edit and resume scoring or finalize your game
Administrators may only edit the individual GameStream plays from within the
Scorekeeper App
GameChanger will account for the necessary stat adjustments (such as pitch
counts and ERA) as a result of your edit.
The pitcher's pitch count may not appear updated on the scoring screen.
However, by tapping on the pitcher information box along the bottom of the
field screen and viewing the game's total pitch counts you will see that the pitch
count is updated here.
You are strongly advised to wait until the end of an inning or game to make
the individual GameStream edits so that you do not fall further behind in the
Version 1.04
5.10 Correcting an Individual Play.
Once a game is ended; you will have to:Resume scoring the Game
Select “Plays”
Select the specific Play,
Then select “Edit Play”
Select the list of fielders and you will be able to substitue players.
Typically, you will make edits that impact this specifc play only.
5.11 Viewing Team Stats, Game Logs, and Spray Charts
5.11.1Accessing Previous Games on Web
Once a game has been scored and finalized, the fans may access the GameStream
from various locations, while the administrators may also reopen the game and
resume scoring or make edits to the GameStream plays.
Every pitch scored is saved (and backed up) on three different servers. The result,
you'll have access to every pitch, every hit, and every recap story forever.
Note: Premium Access is required in order for fans to view Game Plays, Game Stats,
Season Stats, and Game Recap Stories.
Login and go to a GameChanger team page.
Click the "Schedule" tab.
Click on the score or game in question.
View Game Summary, Stats, Plays, Recap Story & More.
Accessing Previous Game on the App
Log into your GameChanger account.
Access the team for which you wish to view the game.
Open the Schedule page for that team.
Tap the game you wish to reenter.
5) See Below...
On an iOS (Apple) device all users will have the option to "View" the game, while
administrators may both “View” and “Resume Scoring” a completed game. By
resuming, administrators will be taken back to the point where they previously
finalized the game.
Filtering By Game Types
When viewing your team Stats, you can sort games by Game Type. Each time you
schedule a game you will be able to identify the game type. These labels will allow you
to view stats according to game type (instructions outlined below first screenshot):
Version 1.04
Note: Exhibition games do not count toward team win/loss totals.
How to Sort Stats by Game Type:
1) Click on the Stats tab.
2) Click Filter stats by.
3) Select the game type you would like to isolate in the Stats.
5.12 Post Game Box Score
After a game has been finalized the post game box score will be available for review
from both the app and the GameChanger website.
To view the game from within the app, select the game from your Schedule & Results
page, then select "View Game". A Game must be scored online in order to produce the
box score view.
To view the game from the team website, select the game from your team schedule,
then open the "Stats" tab from within the GameStream.
Version 1.04
5.13 Editing the Box Score and GameStream Plays.
There are two options for team administrators to edit team's stats. Administrators can
either edit an individual play in the app from the GameStream (eg. change a reached
on error to a hit) or edit the stats through the box score on the team website.
5.13.1 Editing Previous Plays (from the App)
The GameStream Play updates can be edited during the game by editing the
individual plays in the GameStream view within the Scorekeeper app.
By using the undo button located on the bottom left corner of the screen. The video
tutorial embedded below will walk you through the process of making the in-app edits.
WARNING: If you use the UNDO button to return to a previous play, if you rescore
the play, you will NOT be able to restore the following plays by utilizing the REDO
button. The UNDO button should only be used for correcting the most recently scored
Version 1.04
5.13.2 To Edit Plays within the Game:
1) Locate the play you wish to edit via the Plays tab
2) Tap on that play
3) Tap Edit Play
4) Tap on one of the play participants and make the desired change
5) Identify what the count of the At-Bat was when the pitcher entered the game
(select 0-0 if the pitcher started the At-Bat)
6) Choose whether the edit will affect only this play or all remaining plays
7) Save your edit and resume scoring or finalize your game
Not every aspect of a play may be edited. Possible edits include: play
participants or simple play edits such as a single to an error. All other edits
must be made through the post game stats from the GameChanger website.
The individual GameStream Plays may only be edited from within the
Scorekeeper app.
We strongly advise that you wait until the end of an inning or game to make the
individual GameStream edits so that you do not fall further behind in the game.
5.13.3 Edit Game Stats in Box Scores (from the web)
1) From the team website, Open the game you wish to edit.
2) Click "Edit" above the hitting or pitching stat sections for your team.
3) Begin editing the stats, or use the up and down arrows to add or remove
players to the lineup.
4) Save.
Note: As of version 5.8, there is an "Edit Stats on" option available to Team
Administrators within the app when they click a game from the Team News page or
Schedule page within the app. This will send you directly to the edit box score page
for that game from a web browser on your mobile device.
5.13.4 Edit Game Details (from the web)
Go to Schedule & Results.
Click Edit next to the game you would like to edit.
Make the desired changes.
Click "Save".
Note: You cannot edit season totals, only individual game stats. Once you edit the
game stats, your season totals will be re-calculated to reflect the changes.
5.14 Syncing Team Data
The GameChanger app will automatically sync your team and game data to the
GameChanger website as long as the app holds a connection to the GameChanger
Version 1.04
5.14.1 Manually Syncing
Users may manually resync their app at any time by selecting the icon below. This
icon will be accessible from locations in the app such as the team Overview, Schedule,
Roster and Opponents screens. To Re-Sync your app, follow the steps below:
With a WiFi or 3G/4G connection, open the app and sign in.
Tap the menu icon (three horizontal bars) in the top left corner
Tap the Re-Sync arrow in the top right corner
Wait for the status bar to finish loading
Manual Sync Icon -
5.14.2 Re-Syncing Games
To Re-Sync a previously ended or finalized game please follow the sequence outlined
Sign into your account on the device used to score the game.
Select the team for which you will Re-Sync the game.
Under Scheduled Games, select the finalized game you are searching for.
Press the Game Menu button.
At the Bottom of the Menu will be an option labeled, Re-Sync.
Press this option, then press Game Over.
If this does not work, please email GameChanger support. Include the information
below so we can further investigate the issue:
1) Device Status Screen - This can found on the app’s home screen.
2) The version of the app you are running.
3) The opponent’s name for the game that is not syncing.
4) The score of the game that is not syncing.
For faster resolution. please provide a link to your team page.
5.14.3 Sync Troubles
Any device with an internet connection should be able to sync with the servers, but it
is possible for corrupt data to disrupt an established connection. Also, Many School
networks possess firewalls and content filters which restrict our app from syncing
when a device is on a school WiFi. Be sure to attempt your sync from a personal
network if you have not done so already.
You can review your device's sync status to determine if your app has data in the
sync queue, or is having trouble connecting with the GameChanger servers.
5.14.4 Sync Status
You can check your device's sync status through the Status screen from within the
iOS Only: As of version 3.9.0, any time the app is sending/receiving data outside of a
game, there will be a sync status banner along the top of the app to indicate how
much data remains to be sent/received.
Version 1.04
5.15 Printing GameChanger Content
Anything on the web can be printed, and the GameChanger site is no different.
5.15.1 How to Print:
Mac users - Under "File" along the top of your screen the bottom option will be Print
PC users - "File" will appear just below your browser URL with the Print option about
halfway down the menu
Mac - Command + "P"
PC - Ctrl + "P"
5.15.2 Tips for Printing Spray Charts and Scorebook
Internet Explorer users may have trouble with printing the Scorebook. Try going into
your "Page Setup" and select the "Print Background Images & Colors" option on
the left side before printing again.
If you're still having difficulty, it is most likely due to various settings on your web
browser, computer, and printer. Users use such a great variety of products. You may
need to do some research over the internet on how to adjust your printer to achieve
the proper settings.
People using either Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, or Safari web browsers seem to
have a much easier time printing the scorebook. If it is not too much of a hassle
perhaps you should download one of these free browsers to use for printing the online
scorebook view.
If none of these help, you can always try taking a screenshot of the content and
printing those images (which should be much easier to print). For assistance with
capturing a screenshot, please review the site linked below.
Also, you may want to try printing the web page itself rather than using the "Printer
Version 1.04
Friendly Scorebook" button. You can print the entire page by:
Mac - Command + "P"
PC - Ctrl + "P"
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