Gritocobs catalog - Blast cleaning version
Gritocobs catalog - Blast cleaning version
® The Clean, Safe, Versatile Alternative to Sandblasting Soft grit abrasive that blast-cleans metal, wood, fiberglass, plastic, masonry, electrical insulators, and other materials AFTER BEFORE ® Grit-O'Cobs®: Resilient, durable corncob granules that blast-clean complicated jobs. The photos below show a blast cleaning container being filled with Grit-O'Cobs®, then before and after images of a hydraulic pump. Grit-O'Cobs® granules are increasingly the choice when the job calls for a softer, less dusty and environmentally safe abrasive. While sand remains the most widely used abrasive, successful abrasive cleaning still depends heavily upon the selection of the proper abrasive for each job. The acceptance of Grit-O'Cobs® granules stems from many beneficial characteristics. They are hard, yet soft. They are cleaner and less dusty than many other abrasives. They are also biodegradable. In addition, Grit-O'Cobs® can also be used in most standard sandblasting equipment. They are non-sparking and will not damage the gears of operating equipment as sand often can. Log Home Blast Cleaning with Grit-O'Cobs® (photos on cover) The soft grit abrasive cleaning power of Grit-O'Cobs® can be used to blast-clean a log home that has a residue buildup from many years of weather’s wear and tear. The natural benefits are: it’s biodegradable, is less abrasive and harmful than sand blasting, and because of its low bulk density, you need fewer pounds of Grit-O'Cobs® to complete most jobs. The natural cell structure makes the Grit-O'Cobs® granules highly absorbent. The granules can therefore absorb the substance to be removed, thereby helping speed up and intensify the cleaning process. ® Grit-O’Cobs® Granular Grades to Meet a Variety of Industrial Needs: 1014 1420 2040 Grit-O'Cobs® can clean fiberglass, wooden and aluminum boat bottoms without damage to the surface*. As shown below, it’s also ideal for the cleaning of heavy equipment parts. * Please comply with all local state and federal regulations regarding blast cleaning and disposal of removed material. AFTER BEFORE Breakdown Rates This table gives the percent breakdown of media to a -30 mesh size after blasting at 90 psi against a steel plate six inches from a 3/16” blasting orifice. Media % Breakdown #4 Steel Grit Grit-O’Cobs 1014 Grade Walnut Shells Aluminum Oxide #4 Glass Beads #7 Dry Steel Sand 0% 12% 14% 24% 35% 79% While this data pertains to recycling media for continuous use, it also shows the amount of dust, or -30 mesh media, generated in its use. Volumetric and Consumption Comparison of Selected Blasting Media Lbs. of Blasting Media Consumed / Minute Blasting Media Cu. Ft. / 50 Lb. Bag Through a 1/2” Nozzle at 45 PSI* Through a 1/4” Nozzle at 90 PSI* Grit-O’Cobs 1014 Grade Walnut Shells #4 Glass Beads #7 Dry Steel Sand Aluminum Oxide #4 Steel Grit 1.79 cu. ft. 1.27 cu. ft. .56 cu. ft. .53 cu. ft. .83 cu. ft. .23 cu. ft. 13.16 18.07 39.74 33.52 43.17 50.00 5.17 5.66 13.64 9.23 Not Tested Not Tested *Pounds per square inch. Both consumption tests used a Clemco blasting pot model SCW 1648. Production Capacity and Distribution A wide variety of corncob-based products are produced by The Andersons cob grit production plant in Delphi, Indiana in the mid-west corn belt. Since 1957, The Andersons has processed corncobs for industrial applications, animal litter (bedding) products, and for many other uses. Today, we sell The Andersons Grit-O'Cobs® throughout the world. Call 419-891-6611 or Fax 419-891-6539. Email to: [email protected] The information and statements herein are believed to be reliable, but not to be construed as a warranty or representation for which The Andersons assume legal responsibility. ® ® ® Grit-O'Cobs is a registered trademark of The Andersons, Inc., Maumee, OH © 2011 The Andersons, Inc.