February 28, 2016 - St. Mary Magdalene
February 28, 2016 - St. Mary Magdalene
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Served by the Missionary Society of St. Paul Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 527 South Houston Avenue, Humble, TX 77338 Office: (281) 446-8211 Fax: (281) 446-8213 Office Hours: M-F 8:00 A.M. — 4:30 P.M. Website: www.st-mm.com Weekend Mass English: Saturday Vigil: 5:30 P.M. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 A.M.; 5:00 P.M. (Youth) Español: Sábado (Misa de Víspera): 7:00 P.M. Domingo: 1:00 P.M. Weekday Mass Monday--Friday: 8:30 A.M. (English) Martes: 7:00 P.M. (Misa en Español) 1st Friday Devotion Mass: 8:30 A.M. 1st Saturday Devotion Mass: 8:30 A.M. Reconciliation (Confession) Tuesday: 6:00 P.M.—6:45 P.M. Saturday: 3:30 P.M.—5:00 P.M. Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration 9:00 A.M.—9:00 P.M. (Mon.—Fri.) Sacrament of Baptism: Parents requesting baptism for their child must call the parish office two months prior to the desired month of baptism. There are no baptisms during Lent or Advent. Sacrament of Matrimony: Couples interested in marriage at St. Mary Magdalene must contact the office at least six months prior to their desired wedding date. Please contact the office for more information. Anointing of the Sick Please call the parish office if you or a loved one wish to receive sacramental anointing of the sick. Sacramento del Bautismo: Padres que quieran bautizar a sus hijos deben de llamar a la oficina por lo menos 2 meses antes de la fecha del bautismo. No hay bautizos durante la Cuaresma o el tiempo de Adviento. Sacramento del Matrimonio: Parejas interesadas en casarse en Santa María Magdalena deben contactar a la oficina por lo menos seis meses antes de su fecha preferida de matrimonio. Por favor llamen a la oficina para mayor información. Unción de los Enfermos: Por favor llame la oficina si usted o algún ser querido desea ser ungido. Pastor: Rev. Felix Ilesanmi Osasona, M.S.P. Parochial Vicar: Rev. Anthony Udoh, M.S.P. Deacons: Nick Caruso & James Meshell Weekly Message Dear parishioners and friends, During Lent, our catechumens and candidates prepare intensely for the reception of the sacraments of initiation in the Church. During the next three weekends of Lent, the catechumens (the elect) will undergo what we call the “Scrutinies,” this weekend at the 11AM Sunday Mass, next week at the 5:30PM Saturday Mass and the following week at the 11AM Sunday Mass. The gospel reading for these specific Masses will be taken from the Year A readings for the Scrutinies. The Scrutinies are rites of selfsearching and repentance and have, above all, a spiritual purpose. A proper understanding of the Scrutinies is provided in the Rites of the Catholic Church: “In order to inspire in the elect a desire for purification and redemption by Christ, three scrutinies are celebrated. By this means, first of all, the elect are instructed gradually about the mystery of sin, from which the whole world and every person longs to be delivered and thus saved from its present and future consequences. Second, their spirit is filled with Christ the Redeemer, who is the living water (gospel of the Samaritan woman in the first scrutiny), the light of the world (gospel of the man born blind in the second scrutiny), the resurrection and the life (gospel of Lazarus in the third scrutiny). From the first to the final scrutiny, the elect should progress in their perception of sin and their desire for salvation (#157).” Remember all those preparing for the sacraments of initiation during this season in your prayers. We welcome the Very Rev. Desmond Ohankwere, MSP to our parish this week as he conducts our Lenten Mission from Monday to Wednesday. We will gather in the church at 6:45pm with praise and worship. It is important that we all participate in the retreat, and I hope to see all of you. Our parish penance service is on Thursday, March 3rd at 6:30pm. We will have many priests from our deanery assisting with the sacrament of reconciliation. On Friday, March 4th, we will have a priest in the confessional from 4pm – 9pm to hear confessions. The Stations of the Cross will be held in the church at 6pm in Spanish and at 7pm in English on Friday as we usually do during Lent. I would like to thank all those who supported me and our school for the 2016 Steps for Students race. It was fun! Our school was well represented with 231 participants. It was so beautiful to see parishioners, parents, teachers and students of St. Mary Magdalene join other Catholics to show support for Catholic education. I hope we will make it even bigger next year! In today’s first reading from Exodus 3, Moses marveled at the bush that was on fire but was not being consumed. This led Moses to contemplation, and he ultimately responded to God’s call. The desert land became a holy ground because of the presence of God in the place. The shepherd (Moses) became God’s instrument to save the people of Israel from their Egyptian oppressors. Moses removed his shoes in recognition of this holiness. Religion begins with a sense of reverence and awe. When we take another look at happenings around us, we will always find the finger of God in them and the voice of God asking us to do something and make things better. Let us pray that our Lenten observance will lead us to a greater appreciation of the work of nature and through nature discover more of God’s loving presence around us. There are some people of faith who say or think that natural and man-made disasters such as earthquakes, floods, fires, wars, famine and tornadoes are punishment from God for sins. Jesus in today’s gospel wants us not to jump too quickly to such conclusions. He gave two examples of disasters that took place at his own time, saying that victims of those disasters were not the worst of sinners! Rather than this being just the sin of individual persons, it might be a collective sin of many. To those who asked Jesus about the Galileans who were killed in the temple, Jesus responded by inviting them to selfexamination. He preached the urgent message of repentance. As we consider our own individual sins, we are also to think of the sin of the community which often leads to injustice against the poor and the weak. Maybe each of us can reflect on these questions during this week: In what ways have I contributed to the evils around us? And what am I doing to end the evils around us? —Fr. Felix Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis wants “Twenty-four Hours for the Lord,” around-the-clock availability of the sacrament of reconciliation, implemented worldwide this Friday and Saturday. Celebrated with his oft-recommended “tenderness,” the sacrament is “a source of true interior peace,” says Francis, enabling people “to touch the grandeur of God’s mercy with their own hands” (Misericordiae Vultus, 17). In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus warns us against judging others. Focus instead, Jesus says, on deepening—or restoring—our own relationship with God, for during this Lenten springtime, that Master Gardener can use even life’s manure (the parable’s “fertilizer”) to coax fresh fruit from a tree that seems hopelessly barren—us! Parishes preparing catechumens may choose John’s Gospel, which likewise cautions against judging. Imagine what the Samaritan woman’s lifelong neighbors thought of her multiple relationships. But by discovering Jesus, then sharing her good news—and Jesus—with those very neighbors, she whom they had probably judged quite sinful became instead their evangelist and “missionary of mercy.” —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.; Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. P. 2 Time & Talent Ministries Are you new to our parish or have been coming for a while but are not yet registered? We offer you a warm welcome to St. Mary Magdalene parish. Becoming an active parishioner begins when you are counted as a parishioner. Please stop by the Welcome Ministry table in the narthex to register. You can also come by the church office during the week to register. MASS / LITURGY ART & ENVIRONMENT Jean Johnson - (281) 358-3416 June Domengeaux - (281) 852-2555 ORGANIZATIONS KEENAGERS (60+) Barbara Walker - (281) 852-4103 ALTAR GUILD Shirley Jones - (281) 852-0670 YOUNG AT HEART (50+) SENIOR TRAVEL GROUP Jan Crawford - (281) 852-3508 ALTAR SERVERS Vickie VanGordon - (832) 496-9876 Jimena Farfán (Esp.) - (832) 513-0812 RED HAT SOCIETY Loretta Schermock - (832) 640-9357 Jo Smith - (281) 381-9892 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Freda Monk - (281) 852-7257 Horacio Garcia (Esp.) - (281) 808-1647 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 6878 Greg Forestieri - (281) 441-2711 INSTITUTED ACOLYTE Ron Cecil - (281) 590-7528 MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY Bert Guempel - (281) 852-1549 Nelly Fernandez (Esp.) - (832) 405-2735 LECTORS Denise Ruffino - (281) 300-8534 Francisco Saldaña (Esp.) - (832) 875-3116 CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF WORD Ben Bates - (281) 454-7575 Ericka Gonzalez (Esp.) - (281) 731-6050 MUSIC MINISTRY Perci Cacanindin - (281) 446-8211 Yvette Rodriguez - (281) 548-1674 DEVOTIONS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Gilbert & Linda Alfaro (281) 852-4573 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - 4TH Phil Ardoin - (281) 852-8773 COLUMBIAN SQUIRES Chief Counselor Alejandro Aramburu - (713) 966-0547 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Virginia R. Eckert - (713) 823-8951 MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO Julio & Cristina Romero - (832) 488-3367 FAITH FORMATION ADULT FAITH FORMATION, BECOMING CATHOLIC (RCIA), INFANT BAPTISM, ADULT CONFIRMATION, RETREATS Ivana Meshell - (281) 446-8211 SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Geneva Green - (832) 758-6475 Kay Huggins - (409) 656-6587 YOUTH MINISTRIES Mike Smith - (281) 446-8211 DIVINE MERCY Terry Mares - (832) 790-0837 JÓVENES EN ACCIÓN POR CRISTO Ana Maria Ortega - (713) 405-0652 LEGION OF MARY Barbara Rivera (Eng.) - (281) 913-9631 Violeta Amador (Esp.) - (832) 571-6391 SCHOOL MINISTRIES SCHOOL BOARD Joshua Raab - (281) 446-8535 GRUPO DE ORACIÓN Eduardo Farfán - (708) 945-2579 Sub-Coord.: German Pereira - (281) 703-2418 HEARTS AFIRE Cynthia Meneses - (832) 492-1742 STEWARDSHIP Tom Kleypas - (281) 852-7937 MINISTERIO HISPANO FORMACIÓN DE FE PARA ADULTOS, SACRAMENTOS DE CONFIRMACIÓN Y COMUNIÓN, EL PROCESO DE RICA, PATROCINADORES DE MATRIMONIO, BAUTISMO DE NIÑOS DE 0-6 AÑOS, QUINCEAÑERAS Vickie Cortez - (281) 446-2933 OUTREACH MINISTRIES SOCIAL SERVICES Wanda Conley - (281) 540-1907 PRISON MINISTRY Mary Hernandez - (713) 299-8493 HOSPITAL MINISTRY Margarita Rodriguez - (832) 445-6318 HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Marvin Corbitt - (281) 852-3111 RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Teresa O’Brien - (919) 623-5343 ([email protected]) BLOOD DRIVE VACANT BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Madeline Graham - (281) 446-8044 NURSING HOME MINISTRY Humble Health Center, Oakmont & Park Manor, Deerbrook Nursing Home Monica Fontenot - (281) 913-5221 ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE Darril B. - (281) 852-4230 Wayne B. - (281) 777-9217 Florentino V. - (832) 605-1881 Susan G. - (281) 813-0575 PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY Ron & Ann McCuen - (281) 852-4743 ([email protected]) PRAYER QUILT MINISTRY Jean Chebret - (281) 441-7365 HELPING HANDS MINISTRY Jan Crawford - (281) 852-3508 HOME AGAIN MINISTRY (FURNITURE BANK/HOUSEHOLD ITEMS) Carolyn Wise - (713) 898-6611 Lori Scherr - (281) 360-9112 Tammy Broussard - (832) 777-1878 OTHERS NURSERY Wanda Conley - (281) 446-8211 FALL FESTIVAL COMMITTEE Tony Butera - (832) 279-7072 Neha Delphin - (713) 927-8239 PASTORAL COUNCIL Tony Butera - (832) 279-7072 FINANCE COUNCIL Bert Guempel - (281) 852-1549 SECURITY TEAM P.3 John Garza - (832) 875-1377 CHURCH STAFF Stewardship Offering Wanda Conley, Business Manager Rick Swanson, Facilities Manager Jose Garcia, Maintenance Technician Jorge Acosta, Maintenance Technician Susie Zamarrón, Parish Secretary Vacant, Bookkeeper Perci Cacanindin, Director of Music and Liturgy Vickie Cortez, Director of Hispanic Ministry Ivana Meshell, Director of Adult Faith Formation Ginger Herrington, Adult Faith Formation Assistant Michael Smith, Director of Faith Formation-Children/Youth Carissa Bull, Coordinator of Youth Ministry Madelyn Cañas, Bulletin Editor Estela Treviño, Receptionist Ryan Rivera, Receptionist Lupe Gonzales, Receptionist Offertory for February 20 & 21, 2016 — $32,228.38 Online Giving — $1,946.03 Total — $34,174.41 Second Collection (Social Services) — $8,983.00 Online Giving — $1,858.00 Total — $10,841.00 DSF Update (As of 02/22/2016) 2016 DSF Goal — $165,000.00 Contribution to Date — $26,908.50 Amount Pledged to Date — $50,136.00 Number of Participants — 124 NURSERY STAFF Wanda Conley, Nursery Coordinator Patricia De Los Santos, Nursery Attendant Isabel Gonzalez, Nursery Attendant Alexis Mendoza, Nursery Attendant Emily Mendoza, Nursery Attendant Jenna Meza, Nursery Attendant Rachel Meza, Nursery Attendant Samantha Meza, Nursery Attendant ST. MARY MAGDALENE CATHOLIC SCHOOL 530 Ferguson St. Humble, Texas 77338 Phone: (281) 446-8535 Fax: (281) 446-8527 www.smmcs.org Accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department Joshua Raab, Principal Trish Duhon, Director of Admissions Tom Walsh, Athletic Director Cathy Brown, Director of Before & After School Program Carol Poston, Director of Development April Dandridge, Director of Marketing and Alumni Laura Valladares, Counselor Christy Keeling, Academic Coach Laura Rocha, Administrative Assistant Kelli Pitt, Bookkeeper Donna Mohrman, Nurse Sam McKinney, Secretary BULLETIN DEADLINES ISSUE March 6th, 2016 March 13th, 2016 DUE BY February 29th, 2016 March 4th, 2016 E-mail bulletin articles or announcements to [email protected]. Thank you for using Online Giving! Parishioners who use the service are pleased with how easy it is to set up and manage. If you have not yet signed up for Online Giving, please consider this option. This is a perfect tool for anyone who shops online! By using Online Giving, you are helping the parish improve our operational efficiency. Visit our parish website at www.st-mm.com and select “Online Giving.” Second Collection for March 6th, 2016 Next week, our parish will take up the Catholic Relief Services Collection. This collection supports six Catholic agencies that touch more than 100 million lives around the world. The funds from this collection help provide food to the hungry, support to displaced refugees, and Christ’s love and respect to all people. Next week, please give generously to the Catholic Relief Services Collection and help Jesus in disguise. Community Food Fair—Saturday, March 5th, 2016 Hunger is not only an affliction of the poor, but also the victims of natural disasters, those unable to work, the oppressed, and the displaced. To feed the hungry is the first corporal work of mercy. It was given by Jesus when he spoke to his disciples about the Judgment of the Nations (Mt 25:31-46), and it stands at the top of his list. On March 5th, 2016, St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church has partnered with the Houston Food Bank to host a Community Food Fair. We will distribute food to needy families within our community starting after 10:00 A.M. and lasting until 1:00 P.M. in the north parking lot. Parishioners interested in volunteering their time should e-mail Wanda Conley at [email protected]. P.4 This Week in the Parish Sunday February 28 Monday February 29 Tuesday March 1 Wednesday March 2 Thursday March 3 Friday March 4 Saturday March 5 Sunday March 6 6:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. FLC - KC Breakfast SPC - CCE Elementary & Youth CP - Divine Mercy Chaplet YR - HS Youth Night 9:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 216 - Hearts Afire Session SJH - Quince Años Prep. Lib - Legión de María (Esp.) CH - Parish Lenten Mission 6:30 p.m. SMH - Helping Hands 6:45 p.m. CH - Parish Lenten Mission 7:00 p.m. FLC - Grupo de Oración 10:00 a.m. SJH - Talleres Oración y Vida 6:30 p.m. MGH - KC Officers Mtg. 6:45 p.m. CH - Parish Lenten Mission 7:00 p.m. CH - Confirmation 2016 9:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 215, 216 - Bible Study CH - Children’s Choir Rehearsal CH - Lenten Penance Service 215, 216 - Bible Study 207 - RICA (Esp.) MGH - Columbian Squires Mtg. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. CH - Confessions FLC - KC Fish Fry CH - Via Crucis (Esp.) CH - Stations of the Cross (Eng.) MGH - F.P.M.C. Semestre I 8:30 a.m. CH - First Saturday Mass 9:00 a.m. Prkg. Lot - Community Food Fair 1:30 p.m. MGH - Children’s Catechumenate Spring Retreat 3:30 p.m. CH - Confessions 6:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. FLC - KC Breakfast SPC - CCE Elementary & Youth CP - Divine Mercy Chaplet YR - HS Youth Night Adoration News Eucharistic Adoration will cease at 6:45 P.M. during the days of the Lenten Mission. This will begin on February 29th and last until March 2nd, when the Mission ends. On Thursday night, the Monstrance will be reposed at 6:00 P.M. for the parish Penance service at 6:30 P.M. For Fridays during Lent, the Eucharist will remain exposed in the chapel, even during the Stations of the Cross, until 9:00 P.M. To sign up for Adoration, please fill out a form in the chapel or go to Adoration in FlockNotes on our parish website: www.st-mm.com. Eucharistic Adoration is a useful time for our salvation with 60 hours available in our chapel. Come and take advantage of this unique opportunity. Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday Feb 27 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Edna Barta † Reyes & Maria Gonzales Sunday Feb 28 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Lucy † & Dominic Monistere † Monday Tuesday Feb 29 8:30 am Richard Gaffney † Mar. 1 8:30 am 7:00 pm Hasting Rachal † Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Mar. 2 8:30 am Todd Robert Scully Mar. 3 8:30 am Javier Canales † Mar. 4 8:30 am Edward Krohn † Mar. 5 8:30 am 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Mario Trevino (SPI) Edna Barta † People of STMM Sunday Mar. 6 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Kevin Michael Magsipok Sidney † & Effie Thibodeaux † Lionel † & Catherine Hammock † Efrain Farfan † Felix Mojado † Ruben Garza †; Armando Mares (SPI) Antonio Aramburu † Javier Torres † Jacob Muñoz To reserve a Mass, please stop by the Parish office and reserve your date and time for the intention. READINGS AND SAINTS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30 Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc, 8-9; Mt 18:21-35 Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19 (St. Katharine Drexel) Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23 (St. Casimir; World Day of Prayer) Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34 Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14 Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34:2-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Alternate readings (Year A): 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38] Word of Life “Chastity also includes much more than just waiting until marriage to have sex. …It means loving the way we're created to love—respecting our sexuality and living it out as we're meant to.” — “10 Surprising Tips For Love The Culture Won’t Tell You” USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities P. 5 Weekly Announcements There will be no confessions or 7 P.M. Mass on Tuesday, March 1st due to the Parish Lenten Mission. The Knights of Columbus will be serving delicious fish each Friday during Lent from 5-7 P.M. in the Family Life Center. Price will be $8.00 for adults and $4.00 for children under 10. Meals are available to take home, or you can enjoy a delicious meal before attending the Stations of the Cross. Natural Family Planning Class MARRIED COUPLES. ENGAGED COUPLES. Learn a method of family planning which is safe, effective, and consistent with good moral practice according to Church teachings. Natural Family Planning (NFP) is also low-cost, healthy, and good for communication in marriage. Our next sessions will be held on March 30th and April 27th at 7 P.M. in St. Mary’s Hall. Each class lasts about two hours. To register or inquire, contact NFP teachers Wes & Katie Barta at (281) 780-1047 or [email protected]. Employment Opportunity St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church is seeking a Parish Bookkeeper with experience. Duties include, but are not limited to, recording weekly collections and other cash receipts, preparing payroll and financial reports, and maintaining donor records. Candidate must have a working knowledge of and strong commitment to the mission of the Archdiocese and the Catholic Church, be able to maintain confidentiality, and be proficient in computer technology, which includes word processing and spreadsheets. If interested, please e-mail your résumé to Wanda Conley at [email protected]. Rest in Peace: Glendon L. Williams, Jr.; Judy Ward; Maria Y. Velasquez; Elsa Maria Saenz; Mark T. Vannetter; Danny Ortego; David Cing; Martha Conejo; Reynaldo de la Peña Cariño; Lou Ann Guy; Donald M. Lockey; Raymond S. Mendiola; Julian Amadeo Rodriguez; Christopher Coschigano; Charnick Leroy Selph; Punnee Soonthornpoct; Fernando Miranda Aguirre; Paul M. Rosilez; Kathleen Linnes Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. May they rest in peace. NORTHEAST CATHOLIC SINGLES, A MINISTRY FOR SINGLES AGES 40+, gathers on Wednesday, March 2, at 7:00 P.M. at Tin Roof BBQ, 18918 Town Center Blvd. in the Atascocita area. On Saturday, March 5, join us for 5:30 pm Mass at St. Martha’s in Kingwood, 4301 Woodridge Pkwy.; meal afterwards at Taqueria Alma Latina at 24660 Hwy. 59 in Kingwood (on southbound side of freeway about 1 ½ miles north of Northpark). Meet in the narthex at 5:15 pm. For more info, contact Elizabeth Schields (281-441-2552 or [email protected]) or subscribe to us on Flocknote at St. Mary Magdalene’s website. P. 6 Weekly Announcements P. 7 Weekly Announcements Forming the complete child through Faith, Reason & Virtue • • • • • • • • Accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department and a member of the National Catholic Education Association Formal Academic Enrichment Programs beginning in PK-3 Middle School Electives include: Yearbook, Music, MultiMedia, Art, and many others Middle School Pre-AP Classes Pre-K3 through 5th grade specials: Spanish, Music, Art, PE, Technology, & Library Daily Religion Classes including weekly Mass Before & After School Program Extracurriculars: Chess Club, Spirit Club, Cheerleading, Soccer (Intramural/GHCAA), Football, and many others OPEN ENROLLMENT BEGINS ST MARCH 1 , 2016 530 Ferguson St. Humble, TX 77338 * 281-446-8535 * www.smmcs.org ST. MARY MAGDALENE CATHOLIC SCHOOL PRESENTS St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Family Life Center 7 p.m. – Midnight Live Latin Music performed by Heavy hors d’oeuvres * Live & Silent Auction * raffle * dancing * wine pull * cash bar Casual Cuban wear & fedoras suggested For Sponsorship Information and Donations, please visit www.smmcs.org. St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School Proudly Presents Bingo Game Night Please join us for a night of Fun, Fellowship and Food. We’ll be playing several games of Bingo and giving away prizes! Come join the fun! Friday, April 1st 2016 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Family Life Center (FLC) Method of Payment: Cash Only One Card for $1.00 Five Cards for $3.00 P. 8 Youth Ministry News CCE / Faith Formation Classes: Week #18 of our spring semester continues this week, for the most part! We will meet on Sunday, February 28th at 3:00pm… Our Tuesday, March 1st and Wednesday, March 2nd classes will NOT meet this week, due to the Parish Mission; all parents, students, and families are encouraged to attend this dynamic event in the church from 6:45pm - 8:30pm. All classes will be back in session next week – as usual – on Sunday (3/6), Tuesday (3/8), and Wednesday (3/9). Parents are reminded to be on time to pick up your child(ren) at the end of their CCE session! “Youth Nights”: There will be only one youth ministry event this week! Our high school youth will have an “Open Youth Room” on Sunday, February 28th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm… Be sure to invite a friend; you decide what we do tonight! Due to the Lenten Penance Service in the Church, we will not hold a middle school event this week; we’ll be back next week – bigger and better than ever. Please join our new “Remind” text message groups for more information and updates about our high school youth and middle school youth events (see below!). 2016 Confirmation CLASS: Our seventh weekly Confirmation session is scheduled for Wednesday, March 2nd from 7:00pm – 9:00pm… Due to the Parish Mission, we will check-in and gather in the church to attend the mission with Fr. Desmond. Please note this is still a Confirmation session; attendance will be taken, and your Saint reports are still due that evening! As a reminder, candidates are allowed two absences from the weekly preparation sessions! The Confirmation Mass is coming up on Saturday, April 9th at 1:00pm with Bishop Sheltz… Save the date; more details to follow! Eucharist Preparation Classes: Our second Eucharist preparation class is coming up next Monday, March 7th from 6:00pm – 7:30pm. Parents should take their child(ren) to the student classes in the 2-story Education Building and then check-in at the church (English parent meeting) or the Family Life Center (Spanish parent meeting). Please complete chapters 7 – 10 at home, and bring the blue sacrament book to class! 2016- 2017 CCE / Formation Registration: It’s already time to start planning for next year’s CCE and sacrament preparation classes! Our first “early registration” event is scheduled for Saturday, April 2nd from 2:00pm – 5:00pm in the Family Life Center. The remaining “early registration” dates are Saturday, May 7th and Saturday, June 4th (2:00pm – 5:00pm, Family Life Center). There will also be a “late registration event” in August. Please note these will be the only opportunities to register for classes. Summer Study CCE: Our two-week summer intensive program is scheduled for the last two weeks of June: Monday, June 20th – Friday, June 24th (6:30pm – 9:00pm) and Monday, June 27th – Friday, July 1st (6:30pm – 9:00pm). “Summer Study” is open to all incoming students, Kindergarten through High School. If you are interested in helping teach one of the elementary, middle school, and high school classes, please contact Mike Smith or Carissa Bull for additional information about serving as a catechist. We are required to have at least two adults in each class, and free training is provided! You do not have to be a professional teacher to be a catechist. All that is needed is a heart for young people and a desire to share the faith that God has already put in your heart. Text Message Reminders: We are pleased to offer text message reminders which can be sent straight to your cell-phone / mobile device. Simply enter 81010 in the “To:” field, and send the following message to register for specific messages for our programs… 2015 – 2016 Reconciliation / Eucharist preparation: @sacprep 2016 Confirmation candidates / parents: @conf2016 2016 Confirmation TEAM (plans and runs the program): @smmconteam 2017 Confirmation candidates / parents: @conf2017 High School Youth Ministry: @stmmHS Middle School Youth Ministry: @stmmJR Mike Smith, Director of Faith Formation for Children and Youth [email protected] Carissa Bull, Coordinator of Youth Ministry [email protected] Youth Office: (281) 446-1241 CCE Office: (281) 446-2933 WANTED: Faith Formation Secretary Summary: Working under the direct supervision of the Director of Faith Formation for Children and Youth, and in collaboration with the other Formation department directors and staff, the Faith Formation secretary is a full-time staff member responsible for providing administrative and ministerial support to the Formation staff and its programming. Education / Experience: Qualified applicant must be an active and practicing Catholic in full communion with the Church; must possess strong organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills; must be fluently bilingual in English and Spanish, and have the ability to both speak and write / translate; must be able to deal effectively and efficiently with fluctuating demands and workload; have the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment; must have experience using Windows-based computers with Microsoft Office software. Applicants are required to also complete and maintain personal VIRTUS / Safe Environment compliance. If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit a résumé and references, with a cover letter and salary requirements, to Mike Smith, Director of Faith Formation for Children and Youth. Email: [email protected]; no telephone calls, please. P.9 Children’s News CCE / Faith Formation Classes: We have a special schedule for CCE this week, due to our Parish Mission with Fr. Desmond! We will have class on Sunday, February 28th at 3:00pm… However, we will not have classes on Tuesday, March 1st and Wednesday, March 2nd. All families are encouraged to attend the Parish Mission, as it will be a powerful and prayerful event in the life of each family member… and we are cancelling CCE classes so you can go! All Formation classes will resume next week as usual: Sunday (3/6), Tuesday (3/8) , and Wednesday (3/9). Questions? Please contact the Formation Office. Eucharist Preparation: Our second Eucharist preparation session is coming up next Monday, March 7th at 6pm. Parents should take their child to class first, then check-in at either the church (English) or FLC (Spanish) for the parent session. Be sure to complete chapters 7 - 10 at home, and bring your blue sacrament book to class! Children’s Live Stations of the Cross: We are looking for students -- grades 1 through 5 -- who would like to participate in the “Live Stations of the Cross” during the Lenten season. Parents should bring their child(ren) to the first Stations rehearsal (note corrected date) on Tuesday, March 8th from 6:00pm - 7:00pm in the Church. The remaining rehearsals are Wednesday, March 9th at 6:30pm and Thursday, March 10th at 6:45pm. The children will present the live stations on Friday, March 11th. Please contact our Special Children’s Coordinator, Vickie VanGordon, at (832) 496-9876 to R.S.V.P. Student costumes are provided! CCE Registration / “Summer Study” Dates: Please refer to the ‘Youth Ministry’ section of the bulletin for information and dates for these upcoming Formation events! Thanks, and God bless. Adult Faith Formation CATECHESIS AND EVANGELIZATION OF ADULTS Ivana T. Meshell, M.A., Director, [email protected] Assisted by Ginger Herrington, [email protected] The Year of Mercy “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36) PARISH MISSION THIS WEEK! A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH. DON’T MISS IT! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings this week. Gather at 6:45 pm; talk is from 7:00-8:30. Our Parish Penance Service is on Thursday beginning at 6:30 pm. Get your confession on! COME BACK TO GOD…LET SORROW FOR OUR SINS BRING CHANGE IN OUR LIVES! FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT featuring the inspiring film: The War Room on Saturday, March 19 after the 5:30 pm Mass in the Family Life Center. Snacks will be served, or bring your own favorites! Sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas and the Knights of Columbus, in partnership with our Faith Formation Department. HOW TO PRAY FOR YOUR HUSBAND monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00 pm in room 215. All married and engaged women are invited to talk and pray with us. Contact Ivana for details and handouts. NO ADULT FAITH FORMATION MEETINGS of any kind during Spring Break Week, March 14-18. SPRING BREAK IS NOT A BREAK FROM MASS! Go to www.masstimes.org for Mass times in your area. P.10 A Visit with Fr. Jude Uche, M.S.P. Ivana T. Meshell, Director of Adult Faith Formation A few weeks ago, Deacon James and I made plans to visit our beloved Fr. Jude Uche, M.S.P., formerly assigned to St. Mary Magdalene for a little over a year and who was appointed last Fall to serve as pastor of St. Stephen Catholic Church in Salado, Texas. Two other couples of our parish also made the three-hour trip to the edge of the Texas Hill Country to visit with Fr. Jude: Terry & Beadie Liles and Dan & Carol Bayer. Together, we brought our warmest greetings from all of us here at St. Mary Magdalene to Fr. Jude, who was overjoyed to see us! He happily received his old friends and introduced us to new ones. St. Stephen is nestled in a beautiful part of Texas about 50 miles north of Austin in the Diocese of Austin. The brand-new church was dedicated in September 2015 and is very traditionally styled in architecture and adornment. The strikingly beautiful structure seats about 400 persons with three Masses each weekend. Deacon James preached the 5:30 pm Mass on Saturday and the 9:00 am Mass on Sunday; there is also a Mass in Spanish at 10:30 am. It was both odd and enjoyable to be in a parish so much smaller than our own! We loved the way the parishioners prayed the rosary together before each Mass and how everyone respectfully stayed until the closing song was over. Fr. Jude is one of many Missionaries of St. Paul who are stationed around the world to serve the needs of God’s people in towns and cities like Salado. It is important that we support our priests in the work they do. They are far from home, and they make sacrifices for us so that we will have priests to serve our communities. We should be careful never to take them for granted because they don’t have to be here. They are here for us. May we realize how blessed we are to have them! Appropriately, on the website of St. Stephen, there are listed Five Ways to Support My Parish Priest. Here are my thoughts on those five points: • • • • • Pray For Your Priests—It’s not automatic that they can do God’s work without our love and support. They benefit from our prayers that we should offer for them regularly. Tell them that you are praying for them. Notice them and care about them as individuals, as persons who have hopes and dreams, too. Participate and Be Active—Ministry can be a daunting task; there is never a shortage of people in need. If your family has been touched by something these good men have done for your family—tell them so and support your parish with your, time, effort, money & resources. Let him know that what he is doing matters. Watch Your Expectations—Accept priests for who they are. They are normal human beings like ourselves with strengths and weaknesses. Celebrate what they do well and forgive them when they fail. Remember: we worship God, not the priest. Be Prepared to Believe the Best— If you hear about negative things, always give the priests (and your fellow parishioners) the benefit of the doubt. Chances are, it’s not all what you think. The good being done far outweighs the bad. Even when it’s not the best it could be, or the priest is not the best he can be, remember that priests come and go, but this will always be our parish. Show Your Appreciation—Everybody needs encouragement, even our priests (maybe especially our priests). Our priests devote their lives to serving us. Those of us in pastoral ministry face the formidable task of ministering to God’s people in a secular world that increasingly leaves God out of everyday life. Be sure to say “Thank you” often with your words and actions. We hope many other parishioners will make the road trip to visit Fr. Jude. We can certainly attest that it was a wonderful visit and that he would greatly love to see any of us from St. Mary Magdalene worshipping in his new parish of St. Stephen! Call or write: 601 FM 2268, P.O. Box 662, Salado, Texas 76571. Parish: 254-947-8037 P.11 Especialmente para nuestra Comunidad Hispana Queridos amigos y parroquianos, Durante la Cuaresma, nuestros catecúmenos y candidatos se preparan intensamente para la recepción de los sacramentos de iniciación en la Iglesia. Durante los próximos tres fines de semana de la Cuaresma (este domingo en la misa de las 11 A.M., el próximo sábado en la misa de las 5:30 P.M. y el siguiente domingo en la misa de las 11 A.M.), los catecúmenos (los elegidos) se someterán a lo que llamamos los “Escrutinios”. El evangelio para estas misas especificas se tomará de las lecturas del Año A para los Escrutinios. Los Escrutinios son ritos de búsqueda de sí mismo y arrepentimiento y, sobretodo, tienen un propósito espiritual. Una comprensión apropiada de los Escrutinios es proveída en los Ritos de la Iglesia Católica: “Para poder inspirar en los elegidos un deseo de purificación y redención por Cristo, tres escrutinios son celebrados. Por este medio, primeramente, los elegidos son instruidos gradualmente acerca del misterio del pecado, del cual el mundo entero y cada persona anhelan ser entregados y de tal manera ser salvados de sus consecuencias presentes y futuras. En segundo lugar, sus espíritus son llenados con Cristo Redentor, quien es agua viva (el evangelio de la mujer Samaritana en el primer escrutinio), la luz del mundo (el evangelio del hombre quien nació ciego en el segundo escrutinio), y la resurrección y la vida (el evangelio de Lázaro en el tercer escrutinio). Desde el primer hasta el último escrutinio, los elegidos deben progresar en su percepción del pecado y en su deseo por la salvación” (#157). Recuerden a todos los quienes se preparan para recibir los sacramentos de iniciación durante esta época en sus oraciones. Le damos la bienvenido al Rev. Desmond Ohankwere, MSP a nuestra parroquia esta semana, ya que conducirá nuestra Misión Cuaresmal desde el lunes hasta el miércoles. Nos reuniremos en la iglesia a las 6:45 P.M. con cantos y alabanzas. Es muy importante que todos participemos en el retiro, y de tal manera espero verlos a todos ustedes. Nuestro servicio penitencial será el jueves, 3 de marzo a las 6:30 P.M. Tendremos a muchos sacerdotes de nuestra área ayudando con el sacramento de la reconciliación. El viernes, 4 de marzo tendremos un sacerdote en el confesionario de 4 a 9 P.M. escuchando confesiones. El Via Crucis se llevará a cabo el viernes en la iglesia a las 6 P.M. en español y a las 7 P.M. en ingles tal como lo hacemos cada viernes durante la Cuaresma. Quisiera agradecer a todos quienes apoyaran a mí y a la escuela para la caminata Pasos para los Estudiantes 2016. ¡Fue muy divertido! Nuestra escuela fue muy bien representada con 231 participantes. Fue muy bonito ver a parroquianos, padres, maestros y estudiantes de Santa María Magdalena unirse con otros católicos para demostrar su apoyo por la educación católica. ¡Espero hacerlo más en grade el próximo año! En nuestra primera lectura de hoy de Éxodo 3, Moisés se asombró del arbusto que ardía en llamas pero no se consumía. Esto llevó a Moisés a la contemplación, y a la larga respondió al llamado de Dios. El desierto se convirtió en tierra santa por causa de la presencia de Dios en ese lugar. El cordero (Moisés) se convirtió en instrumento de Dios para salvar al pueblo de Israel de sus opresores egipcios. Moisés se quitó los zapatos en reconocimiento de esta santidad. La religión comienza con un sentido de reverencia y admiración. Cuando nuevamente examinamos lo que ocurre a nuestro alrededor, siempre encontraremos al dedo de Dios en esas ocurrencias, al igual que la voz de Dios pidiéndonos hacer algo y mejorar las cosas. Oremos para que nuestras observaciones Cuaresmales nos lleven a una mayor apreciación del trabajo de la naturaleza y a través de la naturaleza descubrir más de la presencia amorosa de Dios a nuestro alrededor. Hay algunas personas de fe que piensan o dicen que los desastres naturales o hechos por los hombres como los terremotos, las inundaciones, los fuegos, las guerras, el hambre y los tornados son castigo de Dios por nuestros pecados. En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús no quiere que lleguemos a esas conclusiones tan rápidamente. Él dio dos ejemplos de desastres que ocurrieron durante su propio tiempo y dijo que las victimas de esos desastres no eran los peores de los pecadores. En vez de que esto sea el pecado de personas individuales, puede ser el pecado en común de muchos. A los quienes le preguntaron a Jesús acerca de los Galileos que se murieron en el templo, Jesús respondió con invitarlos a una examinación de conciencia. Él predicó el mensaje urgente del arrepentimiento. Mientras consideramos nuestros propios pecados, también debemos pensar del pecado comunitario, el cual muchas veces lleva a la injusticia en contra del pobre y débil. Tratemos de reflexionar en las siguientes preguntas durante esta semana: ¿De cuáles formas he contribuido yo al mal alrededor de nosotros? ¿Qué voy a hacer para acabar con el mal alrededor de nosotros? —Padre Felix P.12 Ofrenda Semanal Ofrenda del 20 y 21 de febrero del 2016 — $32,228.38 Ofrenda enviada por Internet — $1,946.03 Total — $34,174.41 Segunda Colecta (Servicios Sociales) — $8,983.00 Ofrenda enviada por Internet — $1,858.00 Total — $10,841.00 Informe del DSF (A partir del 02/22/2016) Meta del DSF 2016 — $165,000.00 Contribución a la fecha — $26,908.50 Monto comprometido a la fecha — $50,136.00 Numero de participantes — 124 Segunda Colecta para el 6 de marzo del 2016 La próxima semana, nuestra parroquia realizará la colecta para Catholic Relief Services. Esta colecta da fondos a seis agencias católicas que tocan la vida de mas de 100 millones de personas en el mundo. Los fondos de esta colecta ayudan a proporcionar alimentos a los que pasan hambre, apoyo a los refugiados desplazados y el respeto y el amor de Cristo a todas las personas. Por favor contribuyan generosamente a la colecta de la próxima semana a beneficio de Catholic Relief Services y ayuden a Jesús con otro rostro. Los Caballeros de Colón estarán sirviendo pescado frito cada viernes durante la Cuaresma. El menú incluirá pescado frito o empanizado, papas fritas, bolas de pan de maíz fritas, y dos tipos de ensalada de col y postre. También habrá sopa y bebidas. La comida será servida de 5 a 7 P.M. en el Centro Familiar. El precio será $8.00 para adultos y $4.00 para niños menores de 10 años. Los platos estarán disponibles para llevar a casa, o pueden disfrutar de una comida deliciosa antes de asistir al Via Crucis. El dinero recaudado ayudará a los Caballeros a seguir apoyando nuestra iglesia y escuela. Palabra de Vida “La castidad también supone mucho más que solo esperar hasta el matrimonio para tener relaciones sexuales. … Supone amar de la forma para la que hemos sido creados, respetando nuestra sexualidad y viviéndola según el propósito de Dios." — “10 Sorprendentes consejos para amar que la cultura no te dará”, Secretariado de Actividades Pro-Vida, USCCB No habrán confesiones ni misa a las 7 P.M. el martes, 1 de marzo por causa de la Misión Parroquial. Año Jubilar de la Misericordia El Papa Francisco quiere que 24 horas para el Señor, una iniciativa para ofrecer todo el día el Sacramento de la Reconciliación, se lleve a cabo en todo el mundo este viernes y sábado. Celebrado con su frecuentemente recomendada “ternura”, la Reconciliación es “un recurso de verdadera paz interior,” dice el Papa Francisco, “porque nos permite experimentar en carne propia la grandeza de la misericordia” (Misericordiae Vultus, 17). En el Evangelio de Lucas, Jesús nos advierte de no juzgar a nuestros prójimos. Al contrario, dice Jesús, en profundizar o restaurar nuestra propia relación con Dios, para que durante esta Cuaresma primaveral, el jardinero pueda usar el abono de la vida (la palabra que está en la parábola es “fertilizar”) para inducir un fruto fresco de un árbol que parece irremediablemente estéril —¡nosotros! Las parroquias preparando a catecúmenos pueden elegir el Evangelio de Juan, el cual de la misma manera advierte de no juzgar. Imaginen lo que los vecinos de toda la vida de la mujer samaritana pensaron de sus varias relaciones. Pero al descubrir a Jesús, también compartieron su Buena Nueva —y también a Jesús— con esos mismos vecinos; ella, quien muy probablemente fue juzgada muy pecadora, en su lugar se convirtió en su evangelizadora y “misionera de la misericordia”. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Citas del Papa Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Usadas con permiso Inscripciones para las Clases de Catecismo del año escolar 2016-2017 ¡Ya es tiempo una vez más para empezar a planear para las clases de catecismo y preparación sacramental del próximo año! Nuestro primer evento de inscripción adelantada está programado para el sábado, 2 de abril de 2 a 5 P.M. en el Centro Familiar. Las otras fechas de inscripción adelantada serán el sábado, 7 de mayo y el sábado, 4 de junio (2 a 5 P.M. en el Centro Familiar). También habrá un evento de inscripción de ultimo minuto en agosto. Estas serán las únicas oportunidades para inscribirse para las clases para este nuevo año escolar. ¡Bienvenidos, Nuevos Parroquianos! El Ministerio de Bienvenida tiene una mesa en el atrio de la iglesia para asistir a los visitantes y los nuevos miembros de nuestra parroquia con información acerca de la Iglesia Santa María Magdalena. La mesa se encuentra cerca de la puerta del cuarto de los niños. Vengan y pregunten cualquier pregunta que tengan; los ministros que están presentes tratarán de asistirlos lo mejor que puedan. Estamos aquí para hacerlos sentir en casa. P.13 THRIVE BY LE-VEL New Location!! WEIGHT MANAGEMENT • COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE • JOINT SUPPORT DIGESTIVE & IMMUNE SUPPORT • LEAN MUSCLE SUPPORT ANTI-AGING & ANTIOXIDANT • MENTAL CLARITY • APPETITE CONTROL SSCHIELE.LE-VEL.COM Shannon Schiele Internal Medicine Pediatrics Family Practice NOYOLA’S MEXICAN RESTAURANT Home Made Tortillas Thong M. Do, M.D. 832-512-9038 242 1st St. Humble 281-319-4912 WestLake Medical 19020 West Lake Houston Parkway 1/3 mile south of 1960 (281) 812-DrDo (3736) Accepting New Patients www.HumbleDoc.com Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-7:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM-2:00 PM Parishioner $3 OFF $15 or More Expiration Date 11/24/13 Order W/Ad Open 7 Days Open for B’Fast F-Sun 8AM… Michael S. Bogenschutz TAKING CARE OF EACH OTHER Attorney at Law is what community is all about. Board Certified - Family Law Texas Board of Legal Specialization 540-2200 Journey For Home KINGWOOD FUNERAL HOME KINGWOOD 281-358-9005 KingwoodFuneralHome.com www.prepaidfunerals.texas.gov Ave Maria Gregorian Chants conducted by Lucien Deiss, CSSp Available on CD ($17) 800-566-6150 World Library Publications by Deanna Light & Paul Tate Spoken and musical reflections to accompany your faith journey. Ideal for times of grief, struggle or longing. CD with mini journal $14.95. 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. www.wlpmusic.com “Thank You Ad” and Present It ✂ThePleaseNextCutTimeOutYouThisPatronize One of Our Advertisers the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. www.wlpmusic.com MGZ ASSOCIATES Schmidt Counseling Associates William Schmidt PhD Licensed Professional Counselor Consultation to Medicine, Law, Religion, Education Bookkeeping and Tax Services Mark Zylker – Owner 281-235-5436 514 East First Street 6565 W. Loop S. Humble, TX 77338 Suite 600 281-359-8998 Houston, TX 77401 Fax 281 446 7774 [email protected] Associates Northeast II Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 2019 FM 1960 East DOLORES AGUIRRE Humble, TX 77338 Est. 1985 Realtor Hablo Español Bus. 832-445-3234 Cell. 713-501-6878 281-446-3000 CALVARY HILL FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 21723 Aldine Westfield Rd. Humble, TX 77338 515133 St Mary Magdalene Church (C) 800.393.9954 281-443-3340 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Humble Carpet & Tile, Inc. Dale Guidry, Jr., Agent Carpet • Vinyl • Wood Ceramic Tile Abbey Carpet & Floor 281-446-0783 1390 E. FM 1960 Bypass 9142 Will Clayton Parkway Bus 281-852-7967 Fax 281-446-2420 [email protected] WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress Member SIPC Retirement Plans IRA’s Rollovers Mutual Funds Stocks • Bonds PREGNANCY HELP 1502 FIRST STREET SUITE F HUMBLE, TX 77338 281-540-1123 MATT PRUCHA CFP®, AAMS® Financial Advisor 1710 W. Lake Houston Pkwy. #190 of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. 281-812-7593 Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Laminate • Luxury Vinyl • Natural Stone A colorful Catholic ABC 713-256-9787 Chris D. Csengery, D.D.S. puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup Jesus A to Z Carpet • Tile • Wood • Granite Counter Tops 4451 FM 1960 E Ste G bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap DIANA VANHORN CFP® Finincial Advisor 20121 W. Lake Houston 281-312-1345 Walls, Floors & More and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas WHY IS IT? book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 19211 W. Lake Houston Pkwy. 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I TA L I A N O ’ S $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Danny Sullivan 24 Hrs 281.359.3598 I-Car Certified Techician Fax 281.359.1985 Owner 22500 Loop 494 Kingwood, Texas 77339 515133 St Mary Magdalene Church (B) ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months www.jspaluch.com Pizza-Pasta-Vino Al & Susie 832-971-8400 Catering Rehearsal Dinners Anniversary Parties Private Parties All Occasions 217 FM 1960 East Bypass For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Everything Plumbing $30 Discount w/Ad 281-360-4114 407 E. Main St.• Humble, TX 77338 Free Estimates 19011 Hwy. 59 North Humble, TX 77338 GAVIN CUNNINGHAM Custom Cabinet Maker General Handyman (281) 446-0271 Fullness of Truth 281.358.1065 Catholic Books and Gifts Master Plumber #37024 Parishioner SAL ORTIZ Sal Ortiz Agency, LLC 1434 FM 1960 W., Ste. D In the Food Town Shopping Center, FM 1960 and Ella Blvd. [email protected] (281) 824-3206 Deductible Rewards • Accident Forgiveness (MINIMUM ORDER $20.00) 43% Off for Good Drivers Sound good? It’s time you gave me a call. (281) 358-9195 www.fullnessoftruth.org Quick Online Quote at www.OrtizInsurance.com Se Habla Español BRING AD & GET 10% OFF 1110 KINGWOOD DR STE 106 We purchase houses, in any condition, for any reason including avoiding foreclosure, bankruptcy, probate or problem tenants. Mary De La Rosa Realtor 281-389-4822 Coldwell Banker United Realtors GIGTU Properties, LLC “God Is Good To Us” Julian & Shannon Guilford, Parishioners 832-378-8033 MARIA DE LOS ANGELES DE TORRES ASESORES LEGALES EL SALVADOR Quienes somos: Abogados salvadoreños con oficina permanente en Houston, Texas, que brindamos asesoria para actuaciones en El Salvador. 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