2008 - VCU School of Dentistry - Virginia Commonwealth University


2008 - VCU School of Dentistry - Virginia Commonwealth University
Annual Report to Investors
Culture Change
Dear Friends,
For the last three years, the faculty, staff, and administration of VCU
School of Dentistry have strived to create a more student-friendly and
patient-centered environment. Some of the improvements we implemented are obvious and visible, such as the structural changes in our physical
plant. Others require closer examination, such as the way our students
and graduates feel about their experience in dental school.
The continuing evolution of an enhanced curriculum, a more effective clinical structure, and expanded communication with students produced
noticeable improvements in our school’s culture. The results of these changes culminated last May at the School of Dentistry’s graduation, at what I have come to refer to
as “the best day of my work life.” During the ceremony, the classes of 2008 presented
extraordinary gifts to the school, with the DDS class pledging over $125,000 and the
Dental Hygiene class pledging over $16,000. The following day, in his remarks to
guests at university commencement, VCU President Eugene Trani singled out the
School of Dentistry graduates and thanked them publicly for their gifts.
Although the pledge amounts were astonishing and unprecedented, the reason behind
the gifts was even more phenomenal. Why did these students pledge this hefty sum?
Some of them had extraordinary debt. Some had growing families to feed. Some were
entering residencies. Others were launching new practices. Despite these financial
challenges, the graduates claimed they pledged such a generous amount because
they loved the School of Dentistry and were thankful for what the school had done for
them. They presented their gift in honor of the school’s faculty and staff, who provided
the students with an exceptional educational experience. The graduates also wanted
to leave an important legacy and to improve the student experience in the future.
The 2008 DDS class earmarked their gift for digital radiography because they believed
the equipment would improve the clinical experience for patients and the educational
experience for students. We are pleased to introduce digital radiography and an electronic dental record in the coming year. With the addition of this equipment, patients
and students will benefit from more efficient clinic visits, and students will learn to use
the types of technology they will incorporate into their practices.
Digital radiographic images illuminate areas that are not visible to the naked eye. They
show what underlies the outward appearance. Likewise, this year’s Annual Report to
Investors reveals fundamental changes that have enhanced the School of Dentistry’s
overall mission. Specifically, this report shows how changes in the school’s curriculum
and clinics and how improved communication and interaction with students led to a
more student-friendly culture that yielded amazing dividends.
Best Regards
Ronald J. Hunt, Dean
Vital Signs
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
state of being in gear.”
“We recognize how important it is to be
involved an advocacy and action. Experts
tell us over and over that if we don’t act,
we will be acted upon.”
Audrey Gamulo (D2010)
X-amining Student Engagement
VCU School of Dentistry students actively participate in governance and advocacy through formal and informal channels in school-wide, local, state, and even national organizations. Our
proximity to the offices of state and federal lawmakers provides access and advantages that
offer valuable opportunities to influence decisions and policy. As future professionals, our students understand that their voices and opinions can make a difference in the school, in
Richmond, and in Washington, D.C.
At various lunch and dinner forums, student leaders meet informally with faculty, staff, and
administrators to share viewpoints and express concerns about their academic experience, student life, or the challenges of the new curriculum.
Although some mechanisms have existed for nearly a decade, the forums became increasingly popular and necessary this year, due to recent
changes in facilities and curriculum. In 2008, members of both the General Practice and
Prosthodontics departments found the student
forums provided such useful information that
department members wonder how they ever got
along without them.
“I can’t recall exactly where the idea came from to
begin meeting with the students,” said Dr. John
Unger, Department Chair of Prosthodontics. “It
may have been as long as ten years ago with a
group we called ‘The Lab Reps.’” Since then, the
meetings have grown in frequency and the number of students involved. A variety of student
groups from the second-, third-, and fourth-year
classes meet at least twice a semester with
department faculty and with various school administrators and staff.
“Through the years, we have identified and solved
countless problems to the mutual benefit of all,” Dr.
Unger said. “I remain amazed how easily some
problems can be solved if people will simply take
the time to try to understand them from another person’s perspective.” The topics can be difficult
at times, and not everybody agrees on the solutions, but Dr. Unger noted, “These meetings have
certainly brought us closer together.”
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
When the school started changing the clinic structure to the group practice model, the Department of
General Practice also began meeting with students on a regular basis. “We wanted to get their ideas
on how to best organize the groups and how they would visualize the groups’ daily operations,” said
Dr. Fred Certosimo, Department Chair. When the students requested more meetings, the department
agreed because the suggestions were so helpful. Over the years, meeting with the students averted
many miscommunications and rumors.
The meetings are useful and effective
because, according to Dr. Certosimo,
“Our job is to help provide the best educational experience possible. Through listening to our students and working closely with them, we discover ways to maximize their educational experience.”
Student leaders also meet with Dean Ron
Hunt and the assistant deans at lunchtime
once each semester to air their concerns
about everything from bike racks to biomaterials. Three years ago, Dean Hunt initiated additional semi-annual evening
forums where the student leaders meet
for dinner in the Crockett Lounge with
Dean Hunt and all administrative faculty.
These forums provide all four DDS classes, the two dental hygiene classes, and various student
organizations with ongoing, face-to-face conversations with the administration and have led to constructive, helpful change.
“Since the dinner forums started three years ago, I’ve noticed a difference,” Dean Hunt said. “At first,
students had many concerns, but as time went on, and the school became more student-friendly, the
tone changed. It seems like things are getting better for the students. I hope when class leaders
come to these forums they will express their concerns so we can discuss, debate, defer, or decide
what is best.”
At the statewide level, four students have both voice and vote in the Virginia Dental Association’s
House of Delegates. Through regular engagement with the association, they learn how the profession
makes policy and regulatory decisions. At the annual VDA Governance Meeting, students caucus and
network with components, voice their opinions, and make choices about issues relevant to the profession and oral health of Virginia.
Another opportunity for advocacy occurs in January when all students are invited to participate in the
VDA’s Legislative Day. Many get up early to eat breakfast with VDA members and, then, join them on
their rounds on Richmond’s Capitol Hill. Last year, 39 students attended Legislative Day, the highest
New and Expanded Student
Engagement Activities
Dean’s luncheons with class Leaders
and Dean’s dinners between
administration and student leadership
• Senior exit interviews with Director of
• Excellent participation in annual
Legislative Days events and full complement of student participation on
Virginia Dental Association committees
• Strong support of ADPAC through
student membership
• Successful student-led Alumni
Invitational Golf Tournament as part
of Reunion and Alumni Weekend
• Skit Night and Clinic and Research
Day enfolded into Reunion Weekend
• “Live at Larrick” School Talent Show
prior to White Coat Ceremony
number in the event’s history. In addition, VCU students participate on VDA Committees. “Becoming
a part of Legislative Day opened my eyes to the
role elected officials have on an immediate, specific level,” said Josh Nehring (D2011). “They are
deciding my future as a dentist.” Dr. Terry
Dickinson, VDA Executive Director, explained, “We
are trying to prepare a profession for the future,
and students are the future of the profession. So, it
only makes sense that they are part of the conversations that will help craft that preferred future.”
Student participation in the American Dental
Political Action Committee (ADPAC) continues to
grow. Two classes pledged a portion of their dues
to the ADPAC, and five students attended the
national lobby day in Washington, D.C. “Now we
will put a framework in place for future classes to
pledge as well,” said Audrey Gamulo (DDS 2010),
American Student Dental Association PresidentElect. “We recognize how important it is to be
involved with advocacy and action. Experts tell us
over and over that if we don’t act, we will be acted
upon.” Last year, the freshman, sophomore, and
junior classes boasted 100 percent membership in
the organization.
This comprehensive list of student engagement
activities at the school and in the halls of government demonstrates that, with students like the
ones at VCU, the future of the dental profession is
in energetic, capable hands.
“I quickly learned that the teaching environment at VCU was one that few other
schools shared around the country. I realized how rare it is elsewhere to have
faculty members go above and beyond to lend a hand to students, whereas all
professors at VCU demonstrate this collaborative effort. The information I gathered at this conference reinforced the fact that VCU is truly one of the top dental
schools in the nation.”
Christine Farah (D2010)
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
Graduating Classes Earmark Gifts to Enhance Student Learning
Graduation ceremonies always mark a rite of passage, sometimes they establish traditions, and, if we’re
lucky, they leave lasting legacies. In May, our graduates ushered in a new era by symbolically tossing film
x-rays to the winds, flinging motarboards in the air, and presenting the school with some very big checks.
In an historic and unprecedented act of generosity, a majority of both the DDS and DH classes pledged
$125,000 and $16,867, respectively. By making the pledges, the graduates showed support for the school
and the students who will follow in their footsteps. The DDS class also honored the faculty and staff who
encouraged and guided them through their formative student years.
Dental hygiene funds purchased new equipment, including an intraoral
camera, air polishers, and typodonts — enough for students to have
their own models. The Dental Hygiene Class also pooled resources to
make a gift of $2,500 to the school’s chapter of SADHA. The DDS
Class’ pledge of $125,000 jump-started the much needed transition to
digital radiography and electronic patient records for the undergraduate clinics. The MI-PACS software for the electronic patient record will
be in use by late fall and transitioned in through the spring semester.
“Students won’t
know your faces but
will recognize you
for the gifts you’ve
left behind.”
Ms. Kim Isringhausen,
Director, Division of
Dental Hygiene
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
“increase or improve
in value, quality, or
“One of the most beneficial aspects of our
curriculum is the opportunity to learn the
procedures in lecture and immediately go
into the lab and perform them. There is no
time in between to forget.”
Kristen Swartz (D2011)
X-amining The New Curriculum
After three years of planning, major curricular restructure and enhancement in the DDS program came
to fruition in 2007–2008. The strategic vision called for moving the students’ first patient care experience from the third to the second year. The plan also moved specialty rotations from the third and
fourth years to the second and third years. These adjustments permitted devoting the entire fourth year
to a general dentistry practice approach. Four general practice groups simulated the private practice
setting, emphasizing clinical and business principles.
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
New Curriculum
Curriculum restructure and simulation facilities
greatly increased the students’ exposure to
direct patient care.
Public Service
Dental and dental hygiene students
each served at least 20 days in public
clinics around the Commonwealth.
Local Anesthesia and Nitrous Oxide
Prior to graduation, students in the
Division of Dental Hygiene were fully
certified in these expanded duties.
The DDS program enrolled 15 new students
from Southside and Southwest Virginia.
“The Clinical Skills course is an
important part of our curriculum. It
provides a smooth transition from
classroom to clinic.”
Preeti Kansal (D2010)
To facilitate these changes, biochemistry
became a prerequisite. Simulation facilities
allowed consolidation and acceleration of preclinical instruction. Didactic courses were
moved from the second year to the first year.
Second-year students now have five half-days
of clinical experience per week.
In response to surveys conducted with School
of Dentistry graduates, a literature review
course was added in the first-year curriculum to
advance evidence-based practice, critical thinking, and the development of lifelong, self-directed learning skills. Also, an implantology lecture
and lab course was added in the second-year
The biggest change in the dental hygiene curriculum was the introduction of coursework in
the administration of local anesthesia and
nitrous oxide. Every graduate of the Class of
2008 left the school fully certified to take advantage of the new legislation and regulations that
allow dental hygienists these expanded duties.
“We were fortunate to have the opportunity to
give our students this important training as part
of their education,” said Ms. Kim Isringhausen,
Director of the Division of Dental Hygiene.
Inter-Campus Collaboration Brings Active Learning
in Communication Skills
Becoming an expert clinician requires more than developing technical prowess—it also involves learning
how to communicate appropriately with patients in a caring, compassionate way. Studies show effective
communication decreases patient anxiety and improves clinical outcomes.
However, limitations in time, faculty, and
finances challenge schools on finding
ways to implement formal instruction in
fundamental communication skills. Over
the past several years, Dr. Sharon
Lanning, an associate professor in the
Department of Periodontics, efficiently
leveraged resources within the school
and across the university to provide
simulated patient interaction and
improve communication skills for dental
students before they begin actual
patient care.
“The idea started when I noticed the
kinds of things that our students would
say to patients,” Dr. Lanning explained.
“The students often struggled with
basic patient interviewing skills.” When
she examined the curriculum, Dr.
Lanning found little formal training on
appropriate ways of communicating
with patients. The coaching provided in
the clinic was informal and episodic in
nature. “I thought if we could find a way
for consistent, formalized instruction
and ongoing evaluation with feedback,”
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
Dr. Lanning continued, “the students would learn these
skills more quickly and with less anxiety.” With that idea
in mind, she shaped her periodontics course to include
role-playing techniques, ongoing assessment, and feedback about behavior and communication skills.
Eventually, the communication skills program merged
into two courses, Periodontics II and Clinical Skills.
The four-part program begins with lectures on effective
clinician-patient communication and continues with
watching communication examples demonstrated by
VCU theatre students. After observing, the students
simulate the experience through peer teaching with
fourth-year medical and dental students. Finally, the students experience and practice the newly learned skills in
their respective clinical settings.
Systematic evaluation of the programs shows promising
results. Students say they have learned how to listen to
patients’ concerns and build rapport with them.
“Sometimes, knowing what not to say is even more
important than knowing what to say. This class has
taught me the difference, and that lesson was huge,”
said Eric Whidden(D2009), a student who took the class
two years ago and is now a peer teacher.
“This collaboration between the
Schools of Dentistry and
Medicine has been very rewarding for me. It nurtured an
exchange of ideas among faculty
and mutual teaching and learning
between medical and dental
students. The energy and
engagement of all students in
the simulated clinic sessions
was fantastic. I hope we can
continue to build opportunities
for interprofessional education
between the two schools.”
Dr. Rita Willett, Associate Professor,
Department of Internal Medicine, VCU
School of Medicine
Dr. Lanning thanks Dr. Rita Willett, VCU School of
Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, for her collaboration in this course.
Literature Review Course Teaches Critical
Thinking and Lifelong Learning
Tools of the 21st century, such as online dental journals, fused seamlessly with age-old pedagogical
techniques in the 2008 spring semester to form a hybridized foundational course unassumingly titled
“DENS 524 Review of Dental Literature.” This new course teaches critical thinking skills by using adult
learning theory to incorporate principles of research design and statistics with the concept of the dental
professional as a consumer of research.
“We want to set the students on a path of self-study so that, after graduation, they can speak authoritatively and comfortably,” explained Dr. Joan Pellegrini, course director. “We want our students to learn
how to learn and make decisions appropriate to their future for the benefit of their patients.”
In the 2008 literature review class, first-year dental students evaluated articles from The Journal of the
American Dental Association, presented their findings to classmates, and facilitated classroom and
BlackBoard Discussion forum threads. In a structure designed to foster an appreciation of lifelong learning in the dental profession, the students worked collaboratively in small groups with faculty serving as
content experts. In reviewing recent dental literature,
the students learned how to
evaluate new research in
dentistry and to think critically about issues as diverse
as global access to care to
standards of care for
sealant use.
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
The use of journal articles allowed students to familiarize themselves with up-to-date information. Publication timelines can
render the information in textbooks as much as five years out
of date, even at the first printing. Journal articles, especially
those published online, have a shorter author-to-reader turnaround time and, consequently, present the most recent evidence.
The new course’s small group discussion format sparked a
number of creative presentations by the students. Presenters
livened the class sessions with games such as “Dental Family
Feud” based on article content and with experiments such as
salivary flow rate stimulation to replicate published studies.
By the end of the course, students demonstrated an insight
into the review of dental literature and its relationship to decision-making in contemporary clinical dental practice. As Sara
Stires (D2011) noted, “Dr. Pellegrini’s course taught us how to
critically assess research and professional issues and encouraged us to think of new ways to present content to each
“We talk about critical
thinking, but this course is
critical thinking. I was
impressed with how quickly
students understood the
concepts. They had great
insight, original thoughts,
and sometimes considered
the literature in ways I
hadn’t ever thought about.”
Dr. James Giglio, Professor,
Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery
With excitement enlivening the classroom, students seem fully
engaged in taking ownership of their learning. The spring 2009
semester will introduce DENS 628 –the next course installment
in which students will use professional refereed journals other
than The Journal of the American Dental Association. As their
knowledge of contemporary general dental practice increases,
students will focus on specialty areas that capture their attention for additional exploration and discovery.
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
“the act of going from
simple to complex;
or smaller to larger,
the process of
becoming mature.”
“Working under the microscope allows me to see
in action what I have learned and memorized for
years. It helps put things in perspective.”
Poonum Bharal (D2010)
X-amining Research Growth
The School of Dentistry’s research enterprise grew in size, scope, and funding this year. External
funding increased from $0.9 million to $2.2 million. The Philips Institute for Oral and Craniofacial
Molecular Biology maintained the largest amount of grant funding, with Drs. Ping Xu and Janina
Lewis receiving significant new funding from the National Institutes of Health for basic research
on gene expressions and inhibitions of pathogens that cause systemic diseases.
Dr. Xu’s team studies the bacterium Streptococcus sanguinis, a common pathogen in endocarditis. In the mouth, these bacteria are benign, but when they enter the bloodstream and the heart,
such as during dental treatment, they can cause serious and permanent tissue damage. Dr. Xu’s
study hypothesizes that the global regulator Mgs is a transcription regulator that could be used
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
School of Dentistry Active Research 2007-08
Project Title
Yr. Direct Cost
Carolyn Booker
RWJ Foundation
Pipeline, Professional and Practice: CommunityBased Dental Education
$ 83,510
Tegwyn Brickhouse
Oral Health Disparities in Publicly Insured Children
$ 129,550
John Gunsolley
Microbial and Host Marker for Susceptibility
$ 20,173
Todd Kitten
Genetic Competence in Streptococcus sanguinis
$ 42,000
Todd Kitten
Streptococcal Virulence Factors in Extra-oral Disease
$ 142,227
Todd Kitten
Streptococcal Genomics and Pathogenesis
$ 93,823
Janina Lewis
Virulence Factors of Periodontopathogens
$ 194,000
Janina Lewis
Molecular Basis of Oral Microbial Adhesion
$ 180,154
Hiroshi Miyazaki
A. D. Williams
Role of ELR+CXC Chemokine CXCL5
in Tumor Development
$ 14,999
Sinem Sahingur
A. D. Williams
Immunostimulatory Effects of DNA from
Porphyromonas gingivalis on Human Monocytes
$ 15,000
Harvey Schenkein
Periodontal Infection, Antiphospholipids, and Prematurity 1
$ 218,527
Harvey Schenkein
Antiphospholipids and Vascular Inflammation in
Aggressive Periodontitis
$ 242,500
Eser Tufekci
Johnson &
Prevalence of White Spot Lesions during Orthodontic
Treatment with Fixed Appliances
John Unger
Educational Development Dental Implant Grant
$ 52,000
Ping Xu
Regulation of Fitness and Virulence in Oral Streptococci 1
$ 218,250
Ping Xu
A. D. Williams
Streptoccus sanguinis Vaccine Discovery
$ 75,000
(current yr.)
to inhibit the growth of Streptococcus sanguinis. His study aims to improve understanding of the infection process at the
molecular level and, ultimately, develop
therapeutic strategies to combat streptococcal endocarditis.
Dr. Lewis’ team is studying the iron uptake
of Porphyromonas gingivalis, the primary
bacteria implicated in the onset of periodontal disease. Her study hypothesizes
that if the metals that nourish the bacteria
can be blocked or inhibited, the periodontal disease may be prevented.
While the Philips Institute maintained the
largest amount of grant funding, the greatest unit growth during the year occurred in
the Department of Periodontics. Under the leadership of Dr. Harvey Schenkein, the department
received funding from the National Institutes of Health for two new major projects.
The first grant, a collaboration between the School of Dentistry and the School of Medicine, is a
major component of VCU’s center grant on minority health and health disparities. The project’s goal is
to determine whether periodontitis patients’ immune response to oral bacteria leads to the development of antibodies that can cause fetal growth restriction. Specifically, Dr. Schenkein’s team will
determine if fetal growth restriction associated with periodontal disease is caused by the body’s
immune response to the oral bacteria that cause the disease. For this study, the research team will
evaluate women who have experienced premature labor, determine their blood levels of antiphospho-
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
Fiscal Year 2007
Fiscal Year 2008
Pediatric Dentistry
Philips Institute
Student Services
lipids, confirm if they have periodontal disease, and assess
its severity. “Our project may disclose one biological mechanism linking periodontal disease to adverse pregnancy
outcomes,” Dr. Schenkein said. “If this is the case, a simple blood test for the presence of elevated levels of particular antibodies and dental evaluation could identify women
at highest risk.”
A second periodontal grant, also funded by the National
Institutes of Health, is examining the role of antiphospholipid antibodies in the induction of vascular inflammation in
patients with aggressive periodontitis. For this study, the
research team will evaluate patients with aggressive periodontitis to determine their blood levels of antiphospholipids and vascular inflammation.
Longer range in the new
Perkinson Building, the school
will collaborate with the Massey
Cancer Center to expand its
research focus in head and neck
cancer and the VCU School of
Engineering to build a new area
of research focus in dental tissue bioengineering.
Publications for the year included
44 manuscripts in peer-reviewed
journals and two textbooks in oral
and maxillofacial surgery, edited
by VCU faculty. The textbooks
contain a total of 70 chapters
written by School of Dentistry
faculty members.
Vital Signs
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
“signs concerned with
or necessary to the
maintenance of life.”
Just as the health and wellness of individuals can
be measured by pulse, respiration, body temperature, and blood pressure, signs that measure the
health of organizations include financial strength,
alumni support, and quality of applicants. The
next several pages honor our friends for the contributions they make and provide data regarding
students, endowments, and financial support.
Honor Roll of Investors
July 1, 2007, to June 30, 2008
The totals reflect cash gifts and pledge payments.
Dean’s Circle
Distinguished Partners
$100,000 or greater
Brodie Charitable Lead Trust
Dr. and Mrs. E. Todd Clark
Dr. John L. Corey
Dr. Richard W. Cottrell
Dr. Norborne F. Muir Estate
Dr. George Oley
Dr. and Mrs. W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr.
$50,000 to $99,999
Delta Dental Plan of Virginia
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Irish
Drs. Lefcoe, Weinstein, Sachs and Schiff
Dr. and Mrs. Sanford N. Morrison
$20,000 to $49,999
Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Clary
Dr. C. Robert Helsabeck, Jr.
Dr. Ronald J. Hunt
Johnson and Johnson Services, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Kunihira
Dr. and Mrs. Warren E. Sachs
VCU Dental Faculty Practice Association
Dr. Roger E. Wood
$10,000 to $19,999
Dr. William D. Covington
Dr. Scott Goodove
Dr. Christopher A. Hooper
Dr. Charles D. Kirksey
Dr. and Mrs. Steven D. Lutz
Dr. George S. Tate, Jr.
$5,000 to $9,999
3M Unitek Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Dick S. Ajalat
Dr. Gilbert L. Button
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Hughes
Dr. Claire C. Kaugars
KLS Martin L.P.
Dr. Brian J. McAvoy
The National Christian Charitable
Dr. Edward P. Snyder
Dr. Al J. Stenger
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Taliaferro
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Unger
VCU Periodontal Alumni Association
Dr. Ronald N. Vranas
Dr. Stephen M. Zebarth
Old Dominion Dental Society
Dr. Pamela F. Regimbal
Dr. Scott B. Ross
Southside Dental Society
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Tate
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Viglione
Virginia Dental Association
VDA Services
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Wortham, III
Dean’s Circle
Senior Partners
$2,500 to $4,999
Drs. Atkins, Maestrello and Associates
Dr. Marshall S. Bonnie
Dr. Gerald J. Brown
Dr. James C. Burns
Commonwealth Endodontics
Drs. Martha and Barry Cutright
Deloitte and Touche LLP
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Doswell, II
Dr. Hugh B. Douglas, Jr.
Dr. Robert N. Emory
Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Eshleman
Dr. R. Lee Fletcher, III
Dr. Steven G. Forte
Foundation for Roanoke Valley, Inc.
Dr. Randall I. Furman
Dr. Madelyn G. Gambrel
Drs. Susan and Alfred Griffin
Dr. Richard T. Heath
Dr. Ross I. Heisman
Dr. A. Clayborn Hendricks
Heraeus Kulzer, Inc.
Dr. Ralph L. Howell, Jr.
International College of Dentists-VA
Dr. and Mrs. Fred F. Kennett
Dr. Jean-Claude Kharmouche
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Levin
Dr. and Mrs. Virgil H. Marshall
Dr. Harold J. Martinez
MCV Orthodontic Alumni
Mrs. Evelyn F. Mirmelstein
Dr. Lloyd F. Moss, Jr.
Dr. Edmund E. Mullins, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Shiflet
$1,000 to $2,499
Dr. Michael A. Abbott
Dr. Joe M. Adair
Drs. Adams, Adams and Epperly
Dr. Anne C. Adams and
Dr. Charles L. Cuttino, III
Dr. Randy Adams
Dr. Stephen B. Alouf
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Alvis
American College of Dentists-VA Section
Dr. Clyde H. Andrews
The Asset Protection Group, Inc.
Dr. Carl O. Atkins, Jr.
Dr. Elizabeth M. Attreed
Dr. and Mrs. Gary V. Avakian
Mr. Paul M. Baader
Dr. Elizabeth W. Mei and Mr. Fred Babik
Dr. Connie M. Baker
Dr. Lee H. Baker
Dr. Robert F. Barnes, Jr.
Dr. Linda and Mr. Irving Baughan
Dr. Thomas F. Bays
Dr. Amal H. T. Behbehani
Dr. Jack William Behn
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Betzhold
Dr. C. L. Booker
Dr. Cramer L. Boswell
Alumni Donor Growth
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
New Gifts and Pledges
$500 to $999
Mr. T. Nelson Adams
Dr. Diana M. Almy
Dean’s Circle
Charter Members
Dr. A. Scott Anderson, III
Dr. Ralph L. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Arnaudin
Dr. Anthony D. Bailey
Dr. John M. Bass
Dr. William C. Berbes
Dr. Cheryl B. Billingsley
Dr. Herbert R. Boyd, III
Dr. J. Dwight Bradshaw
Capt. Timothy J. Brady, USN (Ret.)
Dr. Douglas Bramwell
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Burmeister
Dr. and Mrs. Gorman L. D. Burnett
Drs. Donna and David Burns
Dr. Bridget Ellen Byrne
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Cameron
Dr. Jeffrey R. Campbell
Dr. Robert A. Candler
Capricorn Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Cassidy
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. D. Chikes
Dr. Stephen P. Cicinato
Dr. D. Finlay Corbin
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Crabtree
Drs. Catherine and James Crichton
Dr. George E. Davis, III
Dr. James F. Dollar
Dr. Harry A. Dunlevy
Dr. Peter W. Eisenhardt
Dr. R. Benjamin Ellis
Dr. Gisela K. Fashing
Dr. Kitt S. Finley-Parker
Dr. and Mrs. David Kyle Fitzgerald
Fredricksburg Orthodontics
Dr. Robert D. Fuller
General Dentistry of Cape Cod, PC
Dr. Scott E. Gerard
Dr. Paula Bass and Dr. Kenneth R.
Dr. Stephen M. Goldstein
Dr. Barry Lee Green
Dr. Lloyd A. Green
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Griffin
Dr. Susan A. Grimes
Dr. Frank T. Grogan, III
Dr. Steve A. Gwaltney
Dr. Zachary P. Hairston
Dr. Paul K. Hartmann
Dr. Mark Joseph Hauser
Dr. Harold P. Heafner, Jr.
Dr. William C. Henry
Dr. Donald L. Holcomb
Dr. William G. Horbaly
Dr. Alfred D. Hurt, Jr.
Overall Donor Growth
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Reid
Dr. Alexandra Talton and Dr. J. Talton, II
Dr. and Mrs. James H. Revere
The Richmond Dental Study Club
Dr. Richard F. Roadcap
Dr. Loretta K. Rubenstein and
Dr. Mitchell A. Avent
Dr. Michael E. Sagman
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sarrett
Dr. Stanley D. Satterfield
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Savage
Dr. Harvey A. Schenkein
Dr. Eric Todd Scheyer
Dr. and Mrs. Ivan R. Schiff
Dr. David M. Schleider
Dr. J. Robert Scully
Dr. James W. Shearer
Shenandoah Valley Implant Institute
Mr. Gaurav Shrestha
Drs. Skinner, Ossakow and Associates
Dr. and Mrs. James Lester Slagle
Dr. Fred Smith
Dr. Robert N. Sorenson
Dr. Mark S. Sorin and
Mrs. Linda E. Ferro-Sorin
Southern Association of Orthodontists
Dr. Cynthia M. Southern
Southwest Virginia Dental Society
Dr. James L. Stanley
Dr. Robert B. Steadman
Dr. William L. Stiebel
Dr. Matthew T. Storm
Dr. Kit Tucker Sullivan
Dr. John A. Svirsky
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Tankersley
Dr. Marvin E. Thews, Jr.
Dr. Dennis R. Throckmorton
Dr. and Mrs. Donald G. Trawick
Dr. John H. Unkel
Dr. Gus C. Vlahos
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Weisberg
Dr. Robert S. Westbrook
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Wheless
Dr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Wiltshire
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Yarborough
Drs. Lin and Glenn Young
Dr. Samuel S. Yun
Dr. Paul N. Zimmet
Dr. Garrett E. Hurt
Dr. J. W. Isbell
Dr. Charles Janus
Dr. Richard J. Joachim
Dr. H. Philip Johnson, III
Dr. William P. Kennedy
Dr. Connie S. Kitts
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney J. Klima
Dr. Louis J. Korpics, Jr.
Dr. Trisha A. Krause
Dr. and Mrs. Jamie Krochmal
Dr. Lawrence J. Kyle
Dr. Michael E. Lavinder
Dr. Thomas O. Layman
Dr. and Mrs. Donald G. Levitin
Dr. and Mrs. Guy G. Levy
Dr. Carlyn S. Phucas and
Mr. James Lewis
Dr. Steven J. Lindauer
Dr. John P. Luckam
Dr. Richard A. Lynch
Drs. Kathryn and R. Allen MacIlwaine
Dr. Michael A. Marcou
Dr. and Mrs. J. Gary Maynard
Dr. Gwyn G. McCutchen
Dr. Robert F. McNally
Dr. William A. Meares, II
Dr. Edward H. Moody, Jr.
Dr. French H. Moore, Jr.
Dr. French H. Moore, III
Dr. Wendy M. Moore
Dr. Melvin R. Morrison
Dr. Russell N. Mosher
Dr. James K. Muehleck
Dr. Edward L. Mustian, III
Dr. Mark M. Neale, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Neumann
Dr. Raymond R. Niles, Jr.
Nobel Biocare USA, Inc.
Nottoway Study Club
Dr. Bobbi B. Oldham
Oral Pathology Diagnostic Services
Dr. William R. Parks
Dr. James T. Pascia
Dr. Robert N. Penterson
Pierre Fauchard Academy-VA Section
Dr. A. Wright Pond, Sr.
Dr. John R. Ragsdale, III
Dr. Stephen S. Radcliffe
Dr. Holman C. Rawls, III
Dr. George B. Reichgott
Dr. Herbert R. Boyd, Jr.
Mr. Corbett Brasington
Dr. Donald R. Brown
Dr. Bach D. Bui
The Cameron Foundation
Dr. Jerry G. Caravas
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Clark
Coastal Carolina Oral/Maxillofacial
Surgery Assn.
Dr. Jack Cohn
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Collins
Dr. Kathryn A. Cook
Drs. Counts and Kings
Dr. Theresa R. Y. Crawley
Dr. Jason S. Crist
Dr. William E. Crutchfield, II
Dr. and Mrs. Joffre W. Daigle
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Dameron
Dr. William L. Davenport
Drs. Damon and Nancy DeArment
Dr. and Mrs. David M. DeViese
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Deyerle
Dr. Surya Prakash Dhakar
Dr. Lonnie B. Dickens, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael V. Dishman
Dr. Patrick J. Dolan
Dominion Virginia Power
Mr. Jim Doyle
Dr. Wayne D. DuPont
Dr. John S. Ehreth
Dr. Courtenay Elder
Dr. David L. Ellis
Dr. Steven E. Evens
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fortress Insurance Company
Drs. Beverly and Robert Friedberg
Dr. Carroll S. Gallagher, Jr.
Dr. Matthew W. Glasgow
Dr. Marsha A. Gordon
Dr. Mary E. Gregory
Dr. Edward N. Griggs, III
Mr. and Mrs. Ned M. Grossberg
Dr. Betsy A. Hagan
Dr. W. H. Hankins
Dr. Walter H. Hankins, Jr.
Dr. Paul J. Hanzel
Dr. Russell S. Harden
Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Harman
Dr. James A. Harrell, Jr.
Dr. Brian C. Harsha
Dr. David M. Harvey
Dr. Harry H. Heard, III
Dr. Lanny C. Hinson
Dr. R. Leroy Howell, Sr.
Dr. Michael L. Huband
Dr. Maury A. Hubbard, Jr.
Dr. David R. Hughes
Dr. Amy S. Hunter
Dr. Karen McLeod Jeffrey
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Jenkins
Dr. Robert A. Johnson
Dr. David C. Jones
Dr. Frank D. Jones
Dr. Neal B. Jones
Dr. James P. Julian
Dr. Jack T. Kayton, III
Dr. and Mrs. Kanyon R. Keeney
Dr. Lawrence M. Kotler
Dr. Barry Kurzer and Dr. Lisa Syrop
Dr. Trang T. Le
Dr. N. Ray Lee
Dr. Darryl Lynn Lefcoe
Dr. Michael J. Link
Dr. Joseph A. Lombard, Jr.
Dr. Thomas G. Luckam
Dr. Neil D. Lutins
Lynchburg Dental Society
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Mansfield
Dr. Michael G. Mauck
Dr. Jesse W. Mayhew, Jr.
Dr. Stephen J. Mayo
Dr. Michael J. McGowan
Dr. Thomas G. McKenna
Dr. Robert L. Merian
Drs. Benita and Michael Miller
Dr. Preston D. Miller, Jr.
Dr. Heidi A. Herbst and Dr. Howard M.
Mitnick, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Morris
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wayne Morris
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Nelson
Dr. Bich Loc T. Nguyen
Dr. Clinton J. Norris, III
Dr. Vernon E. O’Berry, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Tracy S. Oliver
Dr. William B. Ossakow
Dr. John R. Owen
Dr. and Mrs. Kent G. Palcanis
Dr. Susan Gail Penniston
Dr. John H. Penny, Jr.
Dr. Dominick J. Pisciotta
Dr. Charles K. Polly, Jr.
Drs. Richard Mansell and A. Carole Pratt
Dr. Charles L. Prizzia
Dr. G. Spencer Pugh
Dr. James L. Riley
Dr. James M. Roberson, Jr.
Dr. J. Fuller Robinson, Jr.
Dr. Michael C. Rowland
Dr. Dennis G. Savage
Dr. John D. Semones
Dr. Robert E. Shannon, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Felix Shepard
Dr. Richard L. Sherman
Dr. Kevin M. Skinner
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Smith
Dr. Elaine K. Sours
Dr. John H. Speegle
Dr. Cory M. Stark
Dr. Richard J. Sterne, III
Dr. Kenneth E. Stoner
Dr. Russell K. Street
Dr. Sun Ok Suk
Synthes Spine Co., LP
Drs. Tankersley, Lee Kenney, Davenport,
Tankersley, and Hartmann
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Tepper
Dr. James S. Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Jack F. Thompson
Dr. Vicki L. Tibbs
Dr. Peter S. Trager
Dr. Denis P. Trupkin
Dr. Clinton J. Tull, III
Dr. Paul T. Umstott
Dr. Andrius E. Uzpurvis
Dr. B. Aaron Vaughn
Dr. John Trung D. Vu
Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Wade
Dr. J. Gregory Wall
Dr. Thomas A. Warwick
Dr. Leslie S. Webb, Jr.
Dr. Kyle W. Wheeler
Whip Mix Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Odie A. Whitlow
Dr. Paul M. Wiley
Dr. Richard S. Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Wood
Dr. David V. Young
$250 to $499
Dr. Michael P. Adams
Dr. Shaman M. Al-Anezi
Dr. John M. Alexander
Dr. Elizabeth Merz Alligood
Alpha Omega Foundation
Dr. W. Clark Andersen
Dr. Lewis A. Arthur
Drs. Baum and Moore
Dr. Sidney Becker
Dr. and Mrs. Duane J. Bickers
Dr. William Bigelow
Dr. Frederick T. Birsch
Dr. Scott Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blechman
Dr. Richard B. Bradley, Jr.
Dr. M. Stephen Brandon
Who Gives
1,493 Gifts and Pledges
Corporations/Foundations/ 7%
Dr. Charles A. Brown
Dr. Stephen J. Brown
Dr. Dwight V. Buelow
Dr. Carol P. Burke
Dr. Matthew Caspersen
Dr. Dana H. Chamberlain
Chevy Chase Endodontics, LLC
Dr. Joseph Chicurel
Dr. Albert A. Citron
Dr. and Mrs. Russell A. Cleveland
Dr. James P. Coffey
Mr. Al Coleman
Dr. Bruce C. Cook
Dr. Phillip M. Cook
Dr. Brooks R. Crumpton
Dr. Melvin E. Cruser, III
Dr. Samuel Daniels
Dr. David J. Dattilo
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy David
Dr. David R. Deitrick
Dr. John J. Denison
Dr. Howard S. Dorfman
Dr. Ronald G. Downey
Dr. Robert M. Edmonds
Dr. Earle E. Edwards, III
Dr. Wallace S. Edwards
Dr. Eda Elbirlik
Dr. Daniel M. Etheridge
Dr. Robert G. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Fader
Dr. Robert Faine
Dr. Steven D. Fallon
Dr. Melvin L. Ford, III
Dr. Eric A. Foretich
Dr. Francis M. Foster, Sr.
Dr. Ronald C. Fuhrmann
Dr. Catherine Oden Fulton
Dr. Jeffrey M. Gallisdorfer
Dr. Edward D. Gardner, Jr.
Dr. Rodney T. Gardner
Mr. Tim Glass
Dr. Lance F. Grenevicki
Dr. Michael Healy
Dr. Michael J. Hechtkopf
Dr. Lamont E. Hesselgesser
Dr. William Michael Hudgins
Dr. Thomas R. Hudson
Dr. Lewis W. Irby, Jr.
Dr. Allyn G. Janney, Jr.
Dr. Heidi S. Jay
Dr. Stephen P. Johansen
Dr. David G. Johnson
Dr. David C. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Kardos
Dr. David T. Kiger
Dr. E. Davey King
Dr. Kirk H. Kinney
Dr. George A. Kirchner
Dr. Noel P. Kornett
Dr. Ronald S. Langdon
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Laskin
Dr. Lanny R. Levenson
Dr. Tin W. Li
Dr. Thomas W. Littrell
Dr. and Mrs. Antony C. Livingstone
Dr. Maureen Locke
Dr. James F. Londrey
Dr. J. Ian Lowdon, Jr.
Dr. Christopher L. Maestrello
Dr. Douglas R. Malone
Dr. Frederick E. Martin, III
Dr. Jack Mavromatis, Jr.
Dr. John P. McCasland
Dr. L. Edward McGaha
Dr. Robert A. McKearney
Dr. Thomas J. McVay
Ms. Jennifer C. Midulla
Dr. and Mrs. Marshall V. Miller
Dr. Cyril R. Mirmelstein
Dr. Alfred P. Moore
Dr. Arthur Mourino
Dr. Kathleen M. Mullaney
Dr. and Mrs. Walter K. Murphy
Dr. Charles H. Nelson, Jr.
Dr. William N. Nelson, Jr.
Dr. Paul A. Neumann
Dr. Michael D. Nickerson
Dr. Randy J. Norbo
Dr. Edward Michael O’Keefe
Dr. Kenneth W. Parks
Dr. Christopher A. Payne
Dr. Robert N. Petrtyl
Dr. Robert L. Plapp
Dr. Christine L. Plascik
Dr. T. Carroll Player, Jr.
Dr. Ralph M. Powers, Jr.
Dr. Harry A. Raddin, Jr.
Dr. Stephen P. Raffensperger
Dr. Shivaprasanna K. Rai
Rappahannock Orthodontics
Drs. Theresa and Stephen Recupero
Dr. Gavin E. Reynolds
Dr. David S. Roberts
Dr. Edward F. Ross, Jr.
Dr. Scott A. Ruffner
Dr. James L. Rutledge, III
Dr. and Mrs. Victor G. Saunders
Dr. Walter E. Saxon, Jr.
Dr. Kevin G. Scanlan
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Schechter
Dr. Michael C. Schuck
Dr. Craig M. Scimeca
Dr. Walter D. Shields, Jr.
Dr. Robert A. Simmons
Ms. Carrie H. Simpson
Dr. Alan L. Sizemore
75% Alumni
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
Dr. Mark P. Smith
Dr. Grant M. Sprinkle, III
Dr. Joseph K. St. Clair
Dr. Mary F. Stavropoulos
Dr. Nathan C. Stephens
Dr. George A. Stermer, Jr.
Dr. Frank D. Straus
Dr. James Y. Su
Ms. Tammy K. Swecker
Dr. David M. Swisher
Dr. Damon B. Thompson
Memoriam Gifts
The following individuals have
been remembered in FY 200708 with memorium gifts given in
their honor to the VCU School
of Dentistry.
Dr. Hugh B. Douglas
Dr. Francis M. Foster
Dr. Sandford L. Lefcoe
Dr. Cyril R. Mirmelstein
Dr. Linda H. Moore
Dr. Hubert S. Rawlings
Ms. Elvira Webb
Dr. Eric L. Townsend
Dr. Raymond E. Traver, Jr.
Treloar and Heisel, Inc.
Dr. Gerald W. Upton
Dr. Charles R. Utley
Dr. Donald M. Wallace
Dr. Benjamin T. Watson, III
Dr. Lee T. Weinstein
Dr. S. Lee Wheeler
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wheless
Dr. Rashondia E. Williams-Gaines
Wolf Run Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Lawrence A. Wolff
Mrs. Virginia H. Wolff
Drs. Jennifer and Jason Woodside
Ms. Roberta Zobel
$100 to $249
Dr. J. Wayne Adams, Jr.
Dr. J. David Alachnowicz
Dr. Brian S. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Altschuler
Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Angus
Dr. Susan Ash
Atlas Resources, Inc.
Dr. Eric D. Ballou
Dr. Steven J. Barbieri
Dr. Henry P. Barham
Dr. Samuel G. Baroody, Jr.
Dr. Charles H. Barrett
Dr. Harold J. Barrett, Jr.
Dr. Frank J. Beale
Dr. Dewey H. Bell, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James I. Bernhardt
Dr. Zane W. Berry
Dr. Brian S. Bienstock
Dr. Daniel M. Birkmire
Dr. Esmond E. Blanton, Jr.
Dr. Tracy Austin Bowden
Dr. Thomas P. Bowe, Jr.
Dr. Greggory Bowles
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Boyle
Mrs. Janell R. Bradley
Drs. Brady and Crist
Dr. Eugene D. Brinkley, Jr.
Dr. J. Wayne Browder
Dr. Donald S. Brown
Dr. Fred A. Bubernak
Dr. Raymond F. Buglione
Dr. James A. Burden
Mr. Thomas C. Burke, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James H. Butler
Mrs. Patricia W. Button
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Calamos
Dr. Joseph V. Califano
Dr. Duane D. Callahan
Mrs. Angela K. Campitell
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Certosimo
Dr. and Mrs. Henry M. Cherrick
Dr. Don W. Cherry
Dr. Russell E. Christensen, Jr.
Capt. Steven R. Clarke, USN
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Cochran
Dr. Anthony L. Colasanto
Ms. Cara Collison
Dr. Patrick B. Colvard
Dr. John C. Conte
Dr. Milton Cook
Mr. Marcel Cornis-Pop
Drs. Linda and Richard Costanzo
Ms. Ashly K. Cowardin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cowley
Dr. Joseph R. Craig
Dr. Harold M. Cruse
Dr. C. William Dabney
Dr. Colleen C. Daley
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Daly
Dr. Brett A. Dameron
Dr. Ronald W. Davis
Dr. Floyd R. Dickey
Dr. Robert A. Dreelin
Dr. and Mrs. William S. Driscoll
Mr. Erwin B. Drucker
Dr. Karen M. Dunegan
Dr. Barbara H. Dunn
Dr. Jennifer K. Stewart and
Mr. John S. Ellett, III
Mr. and Ms. William R. Elliott, Jr.
Dr. Marshall C. England, Jr.
Dr. Dana W. Ericksen
Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Estes
Dr. Peter S. Evans
Dr. Beth L. Faber
Dr. Michael E. Fernandez
Dr. David R. Ferry
Ms. Jessica R. Fitzgerald
Dr. Thomas J. Fitzgerald
Dr. Marshall E. Flax
Dr. Robert C. Flikeid
Dr. Wanda Flinn
Dr. Glenn W. Fortner
Dr. Lawrence T. Fox
Dr. Frank J. Francica
Dr. Mitchel L. Friedman
Dr. William N. Friedman
Dr. Rawley H. Fuller, IV
Dr. William A. Gardner
Dr. Charles L. Gary, Jr.
Dr. Charles E. Gaskins, III
Dr. Gregory T. Gendron
Dr. David L. George
Dr. James D. Geren
Dr. Avi B. Gibberman
Dr. J. Charles Gills
Dr. Claire M. Giordano
Ms. Marina L. Gitlin
Dr. Michele Gladstone
Dr. Alvin S. Goodman
Dr. Ira Gould
Dr. Henderson P. Graham
Ms. Lauren D. Gray
Dr. Raymond A. Green
Dr. Carlyle Gregory
Dr. Barry I. Griffin
Dr. Jane L. Grosser and Dr. David J.
Dr. Eric G. Grossmann
Dr. Robert L. Grossmann
Dr. Timothy A. Grubb
Dr. William A. Grupp, II
Dr. Joseph A. Gwiazdowski
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Hadley
Dr. B. Keith Haley, Jr.
Dr. Arthur L. Halstead, III
Dr. Mark A. Hammock
Ms. Marcy L. Harper
Dr. William S. Harrison
Dr. William R. Hatcher
Dr. S. K. Heard, III
Ms. Laura E. Heck
Dr. and Mrs. Larry F. Hellman
Dr. Edward P. Henry, Jr.
Dr. William Higinbotham
Dr. John E. Hilton, Jr.
Dr. R. M. Hilton
Dr. W. Ray Hilton
Dr. David S. Hirschler, II
Mr. Tan N. Ho
Dr. Brian C. Hoard
Dr. Gregory C. Hohl
Dr. Eric A. Hosek
Ms. Lindsey E. Hosek
Dr. Robert M. Howell
Dr. Robert W. Howell
Dr. Terence A. Imbery
Dr. Leonard Jackson
Ms. Golbahar Jalali
Dr. Allyn G. Janney, Jr.
Dr. G. Alex Jenkins, Jr.
Dr. Charles P. Jewett
Dr. Ellen S. Johns
Dr. Joseph B. Johnson
Dr. Perry E. Jones
Dr. Edwin D. Joy, Jr.
Ms. Katherine E. Joyner
Dr. Stanley M. Kaufman
Dr. J. Daulton Keith, Jr.
Dr. Thomas W. Kelly, Jr.
Dr. Malcolm H. Kerstein
Dr. Melvin L. Kessler
Dr. George Kevorkian, Jr.
Dr. James E. Kilbourne, Jr.
Dr. Andrew Y. Kim
Dr. Jerry Kim
Dr. Timothy M. King
Drs. Christine and David Kirk
Dr. and Mrs. J. Barclay Kirkland
Dr. Hubert E. Kiser, Jr.
Dr. Richard A. Kline
Mrs. Paula W. Knight
Ms. Erin G. Knouse
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Koertge
Dr. Gregory Konstanin Kontopanos
Dr. John Kupcha
Dr. Penny L. Lampros
Dr. James R. Lance
Dr. Glenn C. Landau
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Lanier
Dr. John B. Lapetina, Jr.
Dr. Luan T. Le
Dr. Bruce A. Leary
Mr. Jimmy Lee
Dr. Thomas F. Leftwich, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. LeHew
Dr. Timothy A. Leigh
Dr. John D. Lentz
Leroy Houser Seminars, Inc.
Dr. Robert A. Levine
Dr. Richard J. Lieb
Alumni Giving unrestrictive
Dr. Brockton A. Livick
Dr. Bruce I. Longman
Mrs. Remedios D. Lotuaco
Dr. David W. Major
Dr. Herbert C. Manry, III
Mr. James A. Marable
Dr. Samuel J. Marsh
Dr. William W. Martin
Ms. Emily B. Mauck
Dr. Karen S. McAndrew
Col. Robert L. McClanahan, Jr. USA(Ret.)
Dr. and Mrs. Alex R. McDonald
Dr. Robert A. McDonald, Sr.
Mr. Gordon A. McDougall
Dr. Robert F. McGrail
Mr. John R. McKetta
Dr. David L. Miller
Dr. Larry C. Miller
Dr. Niloofar Mofakhami
Dr. Sujit K. Mohanty
Dr. John F. Monacell
Dr. Sue K. Moon
Dr. Anne E. Morgan-Marshall
Dr. Glenwood E. Morris
Ms. Amanda L. Mothershead
Ms. Lori A. Muss
Ms. Melany A. Nell
Dr. Bradley S. Nester
Dr. Julia Williams Neuls
Dr. Vanlinh T. Nguyen
Ms. Jennifer M. Odom
Dr. Edward S. O’Keefe
Dr. George Orlove
Ormco Corporation
Dr. Robert E. Osbon
Dr. Bruce W. Overton
Dr. Clyde T. Padgett, Jr.
Ms. Genevieve D. Papcun
Dr. Stephen M. Parel
Dr. Scott Parr
Dr. Albert L. Payne
Ms. Linda E. Pearson
Periodontology Associates
Dr. S. Tyler Perkinson
Dr. Thomas M. Peterson
Dr. Christine L. Piascik
Drs. Kurt A. and Maria B. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Pistolesi
Dr. and Mrs. Ramon G. Plowden
Mr. Andrew Price
Dr. James H. Priest
Dr. Renita W. Randolph
Dr. Richard R. Ranney
Ms. Carrie M. Rash
Dr. Sassan Rastegar
Dr. Charles H. Rawls, Jr.
Dr. Harold P. Remines
Dr. Donald F. Reynolds
Dr. James T. Rhodes
Dr. Emmett V. Richardson, III
Richmond Oral and Cosmetic Surgeons
Dr. Jeffrey O. Riley
Dr. William N. Riley
Dr. William S. Robinson
Dr. Erik C. Roper
Dr. Robert K. Rosenberg
Dr. Stephen F. Rosenblum
Ms. Amanda B. Ross
Dr. Claire Myers and Dr. Michael A.
Dr. Trang N. Salzberg
Mrs. Judith L. Sampson-Chimon and
Dr. Eric Chimon
Dr. William G. Sandifer, Jr.
Dr. Oscar W. Self, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Shamaskin
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Sheintoch
Drs. Shiflet, Cox and Morgan
Dr. Perry L. Showalter
Dr. Harvey Silverman
Dr. Jack Silverman
Dr. Robert L. Simons, Jr.
Mrs. JoAnne S. Skibinski
Dr. Brion C. Smith
Dr. James H. Smith
Dr. James R. Snodgrass
Ms. Tonia Socha-Mower
Ms. Martha S. Sodergren
Ms. Wijati Soemantoro
Dr. Ricardo Solis
Dr. David B. Solomon
Dr. Jane A. Soxman
Dr. H. Merritt Sparger, Jr.
Dr. S. N. Gagliano-Springmann and
Mr. D. M. Springmann
Dr. Kanaka Sriram
Dr. Timothy F. Stacey
Dr. Roy E. Stanford
Dr. Jimmy R. Stanley
Ms. Rachel Stanley
Dr. James C. Steere
Mr. James F. Stephens
Dr. S. W. Stockton, Jr.
Dr. Richard T. Stone
Ms. Audrey M. Sunga
Dr. Stephen T. Swallow
Dr. Kevin C. Sweeney
Dr. David D. Swett
Dr. Scott A. Synnott
Dr. Mildred K. Tannen
What Donors Give To
Capital Uses 3%
Endowment 23%
Col. Robert B. Teweles
Dr. Cephas V. Thomason, III
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Thompson
Dr. Justin D. Thornton
Dr. William N. Thornton, III
Ms. Judy A. Tremellen
Ms. Pamela J. Walker
Dr. William H. Walls, Jr.
In Honor Gifts
The following individuals have
been recognized in FY 2007-08
with gifts given in their honor to
the VCU School of Dentistry.
Dr. Cotesworth P. Fishburne, Jr.
Mrs Nancy H. Hale
Ms. Inez Herlong
Dr. Albert B. Konikoff
Dr. Joseph M. Lewis
Mr. Marshall Quinn Miller
Dr. W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr.
Dr. Watson O. Powell, Jr.
Dr. Thomas H. Tatum
Dr. John H. Walrod
Dr. John E. Ward
Dr. Jimmie P. Watkins
Dr. David B. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Weidlein
Dr. A. J. Weisberg
Dr. Barry Weiss
Dr. David L. Wheeler
White Smiles Family Dentistry
Dr. Allen H. White, III
Dr. Jeremy J. White
Dr. Paul R. White, II
Dr. Gregory L. Whitmer
Mrs. Karen K. Wiles
Dr. Tonya Parris-Wilkins and
Mr. Joseph D. Wilkins
Dr. Jeffrey S. Williams
Dr. Amy M. Williams-Trujillo
Dr. Elizabeth M. Wilson
Dr. Robert Wood
Dr. Ernest E. Wooden, III
Dr. Henry P. Worrell
Dr. David S. Wozniak
Dr. Ronald L. Wray
Dr. Sol Yecalsik
Dr. Tara Lowe Zier
$50 to $99
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Armfield
Mrs. Becky D. Austin
Dr. Richard H. Baier
Dr. Howard J. Baranker
Ms. Linda J. Bartlett
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Bennett
Mrs. Lauri S. Berry
Dr. Wilsie and Mr. Paul Bishop
Ms. Mary C. Blanchard
Dr. Donald T. Bond
Mrs. Patricia Brown Bonwell
Ms. Susan S. Bowling
Dr. Frank J. Brown, III
Ms. JoAnne P. Brown
Dr. Frank D. Bruni
Dr. Bobby D. Burnette
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Cauble, Jr.
Dr. Jerry C. Clarke
Dr. Walter Cox
Mrs. Marilyn V. Davis
Mrs. Paula W. Derbyshire
Mrs. Frances C. Edwards
Drs. Bita and D. Michael Ellis
Dr. Neil H. Epstein
Dr. William F. Falls, III
Drs. Farnham and Farnham
Dr. Sutton B. Farnham
Dr. and Mrs. Elmer O. Fisher
Dr. Stephen T. French
Dr. Tara Frey
Dr. Samuel W. Galstan
Dr. Glenn E. Garland
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gerritz
Dr. George D. Gilliam
Ms. Janice Gray
Dr. Wanda L. Hall
Dr. Mimi M. Halleck
Dr. Benjamin S. Hanson, III
Dr. Faryl K. Hart
Dr. Kenneth R. Heise
Ms. Shirin Hejazi
Dr. James M. Hicks
Dr. Suzanne J. Horne
Dr. John F. Hunt, III
Dr. John D. Hurt
Dr. W. Glenn Hurt
Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Hurwitz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jennings
Dr. Bradley G. Johnson
Mrs. Patricia D. Kennedy
Dr. Bruce A. Ketner
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Kruger
Dr. Margarita Kutsikovich
Dr. Leo N. Lampros
Dr. James Ray Lewis, Sr.
Dr. Christopher Libbey and
Dr. Anne Libbey
Ms. Carol L. Liles
74% Current Uses
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Mabe
Mrs. Jane L. Mendez-Picon
Dr. Brian P. Midgette
Dr. Amy Frey Miller
Dr. Joy S. Moretti
Dr. John Ashby Morgan
Ms. Angela Nadeau
Dr. Martin R. Nagel
Dr. Elizabeth T. Nance
Dr. T. Ritchie Peery
Dr. Mark N. Perlin
Dr. John M. Peroutka
Dr. Eugene A. Petrasy
Mr. Donald Pohl
Dr. Cleveland H. Porter, Jr.
Dr. Douglas S. Price, Jr.
Dr. Thomas W. Ranson, Jr.
Mrs. Susan L. Reid-Carr
Mrs. Sheryl G. Roemer
Dr. Samuel F. Rowe
Dr. E. James Rubis
Dr. Kathleen A. Salius
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Salken
Dr. Frank L. Sherman, Jr.
Ms. Cheryl G. Simms
Dr. K. Martin Simon
Dr. Harry D. Simpson, Jr.
Dr. Joseph F. Snyder, Jr.
Dr. Henry I. Stewart
Dr. William N. Stokes
Ms. Carolyn B. Stowers
Ms. Melanie Swain
Mrs. Mary Bailey Tewell
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Triner
Dr. J. Neil Turnage
Ms. Margaret B. Vaughan
Dr. Tuan A. Vu
Dr. John H. Walrod
Dr. Mark J. Warner
Dr. Robert L. Weber
Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign
Whitaker Woods Homeowners
Dr. Gordon T. Witcher
Mr. Hiram Wolf
$20 to $49
Dr. Narjes Abtahi
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Adamee, Jr.
Dr. Aiman A. Al-Ammar
Dr. Hadi A. Al-Bahrani
Dr. Ibrahim A. Al-Munif
Dr. Anita Aminoshariae
Dr. Frank L. Angus, Jr.
Dr. Matthew T. Ankrum
Dr. Joseph E. Anwah
Dr. Marielena Arroyo-Pratt
Dr. Nabeel M. Assudmi
Mrs. Rhonda P. Austin
Dr. Anthony J. Baird
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Bangel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Barnhart
Mrs. Hilda Alvarez Bass
Ms. Brenda A. Bazemore
Dr. Ricardo S. Belinchon
Dr. Jennifer D. Berry
Dr. Satyajeet S. Bhide
Dr. Joshua A. Binder
Dr. Stephen R. Boone
Dr. John I. Bowman, Jr.
Dr. Julie C. Bray
Dr. Rowland L. Browder
Mrs. Dena P. Browning
Dr. Mark A. Brunner
Dr. Thomas E. Burke, Sr.
Dr. Shawn Cabbell
Dr. Jason C. Campbell
Dr. Jared W. Cardon
Dr. Russel K. Catterlin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Charlton
Dr. Shane R. Claiborne
Dr. Grant G. Coleman
Dr. Wayne T. Coleman
Ms. Gloria J. Cooper
Mr. William R. Crafton
Mrs. Jeanne P. Crigger
Dr. Edwin L. W. Crooks
Dr. Griffin A. Cross
Dr. Dan W. Culbertson
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Czufin
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Dageforde
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Della Ratta
Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dickey
Dr. Mark Diefenderfer
Dr. Jennifer M. Dixon
Mr. and Ms. Stanley Drucker
Mrs. Alice F. Eldridge
Dr. Sherif N. Elhady
Dr. Maha M. El-Sayed
Dr. Forest L. Evans
Maj. David B. Ferguson
First United Methodist Council
Ms. Karen W. Fisher
Dr. Charles W. Ford
Dr. Christian W. Freidank
Dr. Sarah R. Friend
Dr. Joel B. Gardner
Dr. Christin J. Gauquie
Dr. Walter S. Gibbons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Gordon
Ms. Gertrude S. Gordon
Dr. Caitlin E. Gracey
Where Gifts and Pledges Come From
Endowment 23%
Corporations 13%
13% Individuals
Dr. Jeffrey S. Graham
Dr. Charles R. Green
Dr. Michael E. Grosso
Dr. Christie L. Hagert
Dr. Thomas M. Haley
Mrs. Katherine C. Hancock
Dr. Joe T. Hopkin
Dr. Edward V. Horton, Jr.
Dr. John E. Howard
Dr. Syed K. Hussaini
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Jenkins
Mrs. Katherine Burts Jennell
Dr. Kip J. Jones
Dr. Ryan S. Jones
Dr. Yun M. Kang
Mrs. Betsy E. Kastenbaum
Dr. Ali K. Khalil
Dr. Bryan M. Konikoff
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Krinick
Ms. Dawn Lourenzo Lamb
Dr. Adrian M. Laxa
Dr. Wood N. Lay
Dr. Richard H. Lee
The Legum Bangel Foundation, Inc.
Ms. JoAnne Lester-Botkin
Dr. Charles Liu
Mrs. Elaine Loftin
Mrs. Diane Michele Lundgard
Mrs. Hazel W. Luton
Dr. Aramesh Mahoozi
Dr. Richard M. Marcus
Mrs. Margaret J. Martin
Dr. Gregory C. Mayo
Mrs. Whitney Ann McDaniel
Mrs. Irene A. McGovern
Mrs. Christine P. McMahon
Ms. Amy A. Melvin-Ward
Dr. Golnaz N. Miamee
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Mirci
Dr. Andrew L. Moore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Morris
Dr. Janice R. Morris
Dr. Tamesha D. Morris
Mrs. Frances C. Motley
Dr. Byron Murphy
Mrs. Stephanie D. Murphy
Dr. Monica A. Neshat
Dr. Phuong Nguyen
Dr. Douglas C. Niemi
Mrs. Diane O’Connor
Dr. Mary Alice O’Donnell
Dr. Udo P. Ogueri
Dr. Robert J. O’Neill
Mrs. Doreen S. Owens
Dr. Emily Smith Payne
Dr. Sheldon L. Peck
Mrs. Susan C. Perkins
Dr. Barry E. Peterson
Dr. Frank C. Pettinato
Dr. Duyman L. Phan
Dr. Donald M. Phillips
Dr. Faline K. Phucas
Ms. Freda A. Pickle
Dr. Bradley J. Pierson
Dr. Charles P. Procini
Dr. Arjang Raoufinia
Dr. Bridget A. Reilly-Sheahan
Dr. Hashem M. Ridha
Dr. David C. Ritchie
Dr. Emily Y. Ro
Dr. Jennifer N. Robertson
Dr. Morris Robinson
Dr. Lupita M. Roca
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Roos
Mr. Neal Rosenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Phil R. Salasky
Dr. Adam Salzberg
Dr. Richard L. Sapperstein
Dr. Scott D. Schlensker
Ms. Carol A. Schuyler
Ms. Beverly K. Sellers
Dr. Purnima J. Shahani
Dr. Shady Shareghi
Mrs. Claude S. Sharpe
Dr. John M. Shepherd, Jr.
Dr. Ted Sherwin
Dr. Arshia A. Shingler
Dr. Carlton A. Shiraki
Dr. Alexander Simon
Dr. Marci S. Smith
Mrs. Edith K. Spritzer
Mrs. Mary Frances Stennette
Dr. Charles E. Strickler
Dr. Theodore W. Struhs
Dr. David G. Terrill
Dr. Kenneth J. Thomas
Dr. Leonard D. Toyer, Jr.
Dr. Annah P. Tran
Dr. John E. Truitt
Dr. Mark E. Vagnetti
Dr. Kelly F. Viau
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Wagner
Dr. Annie B. Watson
Dr. Clayton B. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Witcofski
Dr. and Mrs. Julius Wolfram
Dr. Howard A. Woolwine
We thank all our many investors to the
school. This report reflects activity from
July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008,
only. We make every effort possible to
present accurate information. Please
accept our apologies if we made an error
and notify us so we may correct our
records. Thank you.
Edward G. Kardos,
Director of Development
61% Alumni
Named Gifts to the School
The naming of classroom, laboratory, clinical, or office spaces in the buildings of the VCU School of
Dentistry provides an opportunity for donors to honor faculty members, classmates, friends, and family
members through gifts to the school. We are proud to list the following naming opportunities approved by
the VCU Board of Visitors during the 2007-08 academic year.
Name of Space
Woolwine Clinical Simulation Laboratory
Dr. Robert Woolwine
Delta Dental Plan of Virginia Conference Facility
Delta Dental Plan of Virginia
Hugh Douglas Clinic
Friends of Dr. Hugh Douglas
Brodie Oral Cancer Research Lab
Brodie Charitable Lead Trust
Class of ’77 Lecture Hall
Class of 1977 Reunion Gift
Class of ’83 Lecture Hall
Class of 1983 Reunion Gift
Sachs Lecture Hall
The Family of Dr. Warren and Karen Sachs
Lefcoe Multi-media Instructor Station
Estate and Friends of Dr. Sanford (Sonny) Lefcoe
Class of ’57 Conference Room
Class of 1957 Reunion Gift
Class of ’78 Clinic Support Lab
Class of 1978 Reunion Gift *
Class of ’78 Simulation Support Lab
Class of 1978 Reunion Gift *
* Gifts made in honor of deceased classmates Lewis Armstrong, Arn Gatrell, Roger Troyer, and Jack Patterson
Covington Advancement Suite
Dr. William Covington
Irish Conference Room
Dr. Edwin Irish
Moore Conference and Evaluation Room
Classmates of Linda Moore
Hunt Student Study Room
Dr. Ronald Hunt
Goodove Student Clinic Dispensary
Dr. Steven Goodove
Endowed Scholarships
The creation of endowed scholarships for students help the school attract and retain the best and
brightest students. As the cost of dental education continues to climb, scholarships help exceptional, talented students with financial need realize their potential.
Robert and Ruth Helsabeck Scholarship Fund for students with demonstrated financial need.
J. Marvin Reynolds Prosthodontic Scholarship Fund for a rising senior dental student who
shows outstanding promise in all areas of fixed and removable prosthodontics.
Edwin F. and Marjorie B. Irish Scholarship Fund for students with demonstrated financial need.
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
Statistical Profile
Faculty & Staff
Full-Time Faculty
Assistant Professors
Associate Professors
Administrative Faculty
Part-Time Faculty
Profile of Entering
Class of 2012
Total Applications
Virginia Applications
Grade Point Average
Cum. GPA
DAT Average
Total Revenue
States and Countries Represented
(18 states and 3 countries)
California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia,
Idaho, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, North
Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington,
West Virginia, Virginia, Korea, Kuwait,
35 (35%)
65 (65%)
State support
Tuition and fees
Student clinic revenue
Faculty practice revenue 1,784,138
Grants and contracts
Indirect funds from grants
Endowment payout
Private gifts in cash
Academic Average
Reading Comp.
Perceptual Ability
Total Science
Virginia Resident
Rural Virginians
Dental Relation
July 1, 2007, to June 30, 2008
$ 35,801,275
July 2008
Advanced General Dentistry
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Age Range 20-32
Average Age 24
Pediatric Dentistry
Golf Tournament Connects Stu
3rd Annual VCU School of Dentistry
Alumni/Student Invitational Golf Sponsors
Now in its third year, the Annual School of
Dentistry Alumni/Student Invitational Golf
Tournament yielded contributions of
$31,000 to benefit student activities and
student participation in Virginia Dental
Association Mission of Mercy (M.O.M.)
Preparations for the tournament begin in the
fall semester as students recruit volunteers,
sponsors, and teams. The process provides
students valuable networking and interaction
with alumni as they take leadership roles
and responsibilities. At last year’s American Student Dental Association national conference, VCU
representatives were swamped with questions from students at other dental schools who were
curious about how to organize and conduct a successful tournament.
Many thanks to the 2008 School of Dentistry Alumni/Student
Invitational Golf Sponsors:
Lead Sponsors $2,000 and greater
Medical College of Virginia Foundation
R. K. Tongue Company, Inc.
Virginia Asset Management, LLC
W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr., DDS and Associates
Eagle Sponsors $1,000 – $1,999
Commonwealth Oral and Facial Surgery
Covington International Travel
Dr. W. Graham Gardner
Dr. Michael O. McMunn and Associates, PC
Drs. Kaugars and Miller, PC
Drs. Niamtu, Alexander, Keeney, Harris, Metzger, and Dymon
Drs. Schroeder, Stenger, Cole, and Gupta
Guardian Disability Insurance Brokerage
Hourigan Construction
Worth Higgins and Associates
VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • www.dentistry.vcu.edu
dents, Alumni,and Friends
Birdie Sponsors $500
Astra Tech AB
Commonwealth Endodontics
Drs. Atkins, Maestrello, and
Drs. Brown, Reynolds, and Snow
Dr. W. Anthony Meares, MS
Drs. Wood, Dunlevy, Lombardozzi,
and Eddleton
Drake Precision Dental
Laboratory, Inc.
Konikoff Dental Associates, Inc.
Proctor & Gamble
Rees Jewelers, Inc.
Virginia Academy of General
Zest Anchors, Inc.
Specialty Sponsors $300
VCU Department of Orthodontics
Dr. John C. Doswell, II
Student Player Sponsors $150
Asset Protection Group, Inc.
Delta Dental of Virginia
Dental Care Partners
Dr. B. Ellen Byrne
Dr. Stan Dameron
Dr. Ed Griggs
Drs. Hechtkopf and Cox, PC
Drs. Kowal and McIlwaine
Gems Publishing USA, Inc.
Wright Dental Associates, PC
Gifts of Support
Mr. Rodney and Mrs. Sandra
Mr. James and Mrs. Melinda Horne
Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Lisa Maguire
Mr. Jimmy and Mrs. Rita Marable
Mr. Danny and Mrs. Patisue Perkins
Dr. Jim Shearer
Dr. David Terrill
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Tia Young
Published annually
by the School of Dentistry
Virginia Commonwealth University
Ronald J. Hunt, DDS, Dean
Martha Bushong, MS
Director of Communications
and Public Relations
Nancy Perry
Copy Editor
Cover photo:
Allen Jones
VCU Creative Services
Visit the School of Dentistry
on the web at
Please send suggestions,
evaluations, and alumni news to:
Martha Bushong
P.O. Box 980566
Richmond, VA 23298-0566
Or email: [email protected]
School of Dentistry
Board of Advisors 2007-08
Mr. Robert Anderson
Dr. B. Ellen Byrne
Mrs. Kay Clary
Dr. William Covington
Ms. Stephany Covington
Dr. Terry Dickinson
Dr. Barry Griffin
Dr. Betsy Hagan
Mr. Franklin P. Hall
Dr. Claire Kaugars
Dr. Rodney J. Klima
Sen. Benjamin J. Lambert, III
Dr. Jeff Levin
Dr. Michael O. McMunn
Dr. W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr.
Dr. John F. Philips
Dr. A. Carole Pratt
Dr. Pamela Regimbal
Dr. James Riley
Dr. Warren Sachs
Ms. Melanie Swain
Dr. Peter Trager
Dr. Roger Wood
Moving Forward
As we reflect on the changes of the last year, we also look
ahead. In the next year, some of our highest priorities and
biggest challenges include:
Implementing changes in systems and processes that
promote patient-centeredness.
Finishing the implementation of the general dentistry
curriculum with its vertically integrated practice groups.
Finishing the development and implementation of an
electronic patient record.
Completing plans and beginning renovation of the digital oral
radiology clinic.
Finishing construction of the Perkinson Building.
Beginning development of the dental tissue bioengineering
research program.
Securing funding to operate the satellite dental clinic in Wise.
Virginia Commonwealth University
School of Dentistry
520 North 12th Street
P.O. Box 980566
Richmond, Virginia 23298-0566
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