Holy Cards - Vermont Church Supply
Holy Cards - Vermont Church Supply
Special Annual Publications 5 Place Your Order Now! WORKBOOK FOR LECTORS & GOSPEL READERS MANUAL PARA PROCLAMAORES DE LA PALABRA SOURCEBOOK FOR SUNDAYS AND SEASONS LIVING LITURGY YEAR C ST. JOSEPH HANDBOOK FOR PROCLAIMERS OF THE WORD 2013 Spirituality Celebration and 16-1063 1-4 copies $13.00 ea. Directed toward those who pre- Catechesis for Sundays and 5-49 copies $12.00 ea. pare the parish liturgy, included Solemnities. 16-1055 1-4 copies.. $13.00 ea. 408 Pages, Flexible Cover. 5-49 copies... $12.00 ea. 50 or more copies $11.00 ea. are suggestions for music, 15-0703 1-4.........$16.95 8-1/2” x 10-7/8” 5 or more.............$13.95 prayers introductions to the 86/04.................$10.95 50 or more copies... $11.00 ea. seasons plus more. 16-1056 One copy......$16.00 2 or more copies...$12.00 ea. 5 or more copies...$11.00 ea. ABIDE IN MY WORD 2013 DAILY PRAYER 2013 15-1877 Abide in My Word provides One copy each day’s scripture readings $12.00 ea. in an easy-to-locate format. 2 copies 16-1068 .................$16.50 $10.00 ea. DIARIO DE ORACION 16-1069 Spanish version 10 or more copies ................................$16.50 $9.00 ea. AT HOME WITH THE WORD PALABRA de DIOS These two books will help you prepare to listen to the Sunday scriptures and allow you to reflect on them throughout the week. 13-1204 English Edition 13-1205 Spanish Edition 1 to 4 copies............$8.00 ea 5 or more copies..... $7.00 ea CATHOLIC HANDBOOK FOR VISITING THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Essential for Ministers of Care and Ministers of Holy Communion. 16-1075 1-4.......$8.00 5 or more...........$7.00 PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL 2013 CHILDREN’S DAILY PRAYER 2012/2013 2013 CATHOLIC ALMANAC Large print workbook that contains sample prayers and suggestions for Sundays, feasts and other important days of the liturgical year. 16-1070 ..............$7.25 ORACION DE LOS FIELES 2010 16-1071 Spanish version ............................$7.25 The best selling annual resource for praying in the classroom is now available for the new school year. 15-1875 .............$15.00 ea. 2-9 copies .........$13.00 ea. 10+ copies ........$12.00 ea. The most up-to-date report on virtually every subject of Catholic interest. 14-3308.................$32.95 YEAR OF GRACE LITURGICAL CALENDAR FOR 2013 Designed for home, sacristy or classroom. Beginning with the 1st Sunday of Advent, Sundays are dated and named, forming the outer circle. Seasons are defined by colors with feasts and holidays noted in place. Discussion of feasts on back 26” x 26”. NOTEBOOK CALENDARS (17” X 11”) Single posters..................... $8.00 ea. 06-5000 Paper............................$13.00/pack of 25 2 - 24 posters......................$7.00 ea. 06-5006 Spanish (sorry we cannot break packs) 25 or more posters...............$6.00 ea. 06-5001English / 06-5004 Spanish 06-5002 Laminated....................................$4.00 ea. 06-5007 Spanish Laminated..........................$16.00 ea. 06-5003English / 06-5005 Spanish Poster Calendars (26” x 26”) Each notebook calendar includes information about the artwork on the front and information about the seasons and the liturgical year on the back. A great catechetical tool for students and catechumens! Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 005.indd 1 7/29/12 9:47 AM Calendars 6 The Daily Mass Record Includes more than 14 months, from the first Sunday of Advent through January of the following year, with one 9 1/2” x 13” page per month for 2014, full liturgical information for each day, plus generous space to write appointments or notes: pages for parish statistics and specified /unspecified Masses. 2014 edition available in September 2012. 06-2113........$33.95 06-2114..........$35.65 The Liturgical Desk Calendar Easy-to-read display of complete liturgical information and daily readings on 6 1/2”x 9 1/2” pages. Listings given for Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish, U.S., and Canadian holy days and holidays. Includes two-year calendar summary, through 2014. Available in January. 06-2013.........$16.50 06-2014..........$17.33 Episcopal Liturgical Desk Calendar 2013 available in May 2012, 2014 edition May 2013. 06-3213.........$16.50 06-3214..........$17.33 Spanish Edition Catholic version. 2014 available in March 2013. 06-2213.........$16.50 06-2214..........$17.33 Hard Cover Liturgical Desk Calendar Sturdy edition, beautifully bound in hard cover, black. Upgraded cover, same liturgical information as Catholic Edition. Available in January. 06-2713........$27.50 06-2714..........$27.50 The Liturgical Pocket Secretary Handy, durable pocket calendar, 3 3/4” x 6 1/2” with square-inch space for each day, plus month at a glance. 2013 Episcopal Edition available in May 2014. 06-3013.........$7.25 06-3014..........$7.50 2-Year Custom Portfolio Carry current and following year calendars together for convenient present and future planning. Liturgical Desk Calendars not included in price. 06-3021.................$26.49 Guest Book 8 1/2”x 11” 2 color book, 95 pages 8 entries for guests names, email and address.Beautifully bound in sturdy black leatherette. Inspirational Psalms on each page. 06-3078.................$19.50 9 1/2”x 6” 2 color book, 112 acid free pages for plenty of guests of many different occasions. Bound in sturdy red and cream leatherette. Inspirational Psalms on each page. 06-3076 red 06-3077 cream.................$16.50 Catholic Way Calendar An entire 19 1/2”x 14” of calendar planning space, 2 1/2” x 2 per day. Lists all major prayers, saints, Christian Feastdays of fasting or abstinence, plus ample space for notes. 06-3113.........$5.50 06-3114.........$5.63 The Acolyte Today A revised manual for Mass Servers that’s sturdily bound, with full-color instructions, glossary, calendar, and a wealth of other information. 45-5022.......$7.99 ACG 2013 006.indd 1 7/30/12 3:20 PM Presenting Our Outstanding 2013 Catholic Calendars Madonna Memo Catholic Faith Our Lady - Spanish Calendar Calendar 7 Calendar Spanish Large Imprint Area! One inside cover picture for Year Long viewing 14 Full Color Pictures 14 Full Color Pictures Saddle Stitched Spiral Bound 107/ 8 ” x 185/ 8 ” open 107/ 8 ” x 109/ 16 ” folded Saddle Stitched 103/ 4 ” x 18” open 103/ 4 ” x 10” folded 107/ 8 ” x 185/8 ” open 107/ 8 ” x 109/16 ” folded 06-1003 06-1005 06-1002 Price List – Minimum order for Imprinting - 125 calendars (shipping extra) / Deduct $.05 each if not imprinted 125 1000 2500 5000 300 500 750 1.81 1.65 06-1002 Catholic Faith Calendar 1.76 1.73 1.70 1.63 1.56 06-1005 Madonna Memo Calendar 1.73 1.76 1.70 1.63 1.81 1.65 1.56 06-1003 Our Lady Calendar-Spanish 1.73 1.76 1.70 1.63 1.56 1.81 1.65 Coin Folders and Boxes Lenten Coin Box Holds up to $25.00 1 5/8” H x 2” W x 3 3/8” L. #100 Lenten Design.......$ .27 ea. Advent #1016 Lent #1085 Advent #1095 Lent #1005 Full Color $10 Folders Folded sizes 5 1/2” x 6 3/4” 1-499..........$ .57 ea. 500-999..........$ .54 ea. 1000 and over..........$ .50 ea. Inside view of folder 1070 1087 Holds up to $10.00, 51/2” x 6 3/4” #1070 or 1087 1-499..................................$ .49 ea. 500-999..............................$ .46 ea. 1000 and over...................$ .42 ea. Entire Folder before tri-folding #L00394 Holds up to $15.00 1-499..................................$ .66 ea. 500-999..............................$ .63 ea. 1000 and over...................$ .59 ea. Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 007.indd 1 8/15/12 7:38 PM Christmas Cards 8 (15 CARDS PER BOX WITH 16 ENVELOPES) GREETING CARDS - $9.95/BOX 04-1746 04-1747 GENERAL X GENERAL X -AYTHELIGHTOF#HRISTSBIRTH shine brightly in your heart and INEVERYCORNEROFYOURWORLD Christmas Blessings Luke 2:7 (EARTFELTWISHESFOR a Blessed and Merry Christmas Isaiah 60:1 04-1750 GENERAL X May your Christmas be a joyous celebration &ILLEDWITH'ODSRICHESTBLESSINGS Luke 1:42 04-1752 BOXED ASSORTMENT !SSORTEDCARDS STYLESOFEACH 04-1749 GENERAL X -AY'ODBLESSYOUWITHEVERYHAPPINESSAT#HRISTMASANDTHROUGHOUTTHE.EW9EAR Matthew 2:11 Year 2013 Christian Calendars 2013 Biblical Wall Calendar This lovely calendar for 2008 provides monthly reflections on the Coming of the Lord — the central hope of our Christian faith. Beautiful calligraphy by Roann Mathias is enhanced by the illustrations of artist Tom Fish. svXvSIZE s,ARGEGRIDPROVIDESAMPLEWRITINGAREA s3PIRALBOUNDTOHANGFLATONWALLS 06-1013...........................................$9.95 !#'INDD 2013 201 3 Desk Des Calendar De "RINGSPIRITUALSTRENGTHTOEACHWEEKOFTHENEWYEARWITH Proverbs-to-live-by from the Bible and other sources. Inspiring calligraphy and art by Jean Formo. s%ACHWEEKSTWOPAGESPREADPROVIDESAROOMYGRID ALONGWITHCALLIGRAPHICMESSAGE s3PIRALBOUNDTOOPENEASILYANDLIEFLAT s#LOSEDSIZEISvXv 06-1014........................................$10.95 Deluxe Ecumenical Daily Planner Regular 06-2313 $ELUXE%DITION$23.00 06-2513 2EFILL/NLY$16.00 06-2413 2EGULAR%DITION..... $16.50 06-2613 4AB3ETS...... $ 2.95 06-2314 $ELUXE%DITION$23.00 06-2514 2EFILL/NLY$16.00 06-2414 2EGULAR%DITION..... $16.50 06-2614 4AB3ETS...... $ 2.95 0- Infant Jesus 9 Resin Infant Jesus in Crib. Hand painted. Boxed 69-0701 - 6” .........$30.00 69-0702 - 8” .........$50.00 69-0703 - 12” .......$72.00 69-0704 - 16” .....$111.00 Kneeling Santa Advent Calendars Adoration of the Magi Advent Calendar 16750 $2.95 The Nativity Advent Calendar 16760 $2.95 61895 $10.95 4” Resin Infant Jesus in Crib. Hand painted. Gift boxed. 35860 $7.50 Ornament. 2.75”H The First Christmas Present Advent Calendar 24 Mini Board Books. Hang on the tree after reading. 840/22....................$19.00 10028 $9.95 Book. 9”W x 8”H. Hardbound. 32pp. The gifts that the Wise Men brought Jesus in celebration of his birth: Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh. A 12-page booklet is included with each First Christmas Present explaining these gifts and their connection to the gospel. 75-0140..........................................................$9.95 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 009.indd 1 8/15/12 8:26 PM 10 Holy Families and Infants 69-0235 $5.50 69-0236 $5.95 4” Ornament, Gold finished Resin. Gift boxed with verse: “Christ came from Heaven and did not count the cost, yet behind his humble manger stood a waiting rugged cross.” 5” Nativity Scene, Resin. Boxed. 69-0237 $3.50 3” Nativity Scene, Resin. Boxed. 69-0238 $13.50 set /3 3” Nativity Scene with water ball, Resin. Sold in sets of 3, assorted. 61895 $10.95 69-0239 $5.88 set /3 4” Resin Infant Jesus in Crib. Hand-painted. Gift boxed. 2” Plastic Nativity Snow Globe. Sold in sets of 3. 62240 $5.95 2” Resin Infant with embroidered gift pouch. Prices subject to change without notice ACG 2013 010.indd 1 8/19/12 6:50 PM Inexpensive Ornaments 11 37171 99¢ ea. pc. 37170 99¢ ea. pc. 2 ½” Luminous Holy Family in Stable Ornaments. Set of 3 Assorted colors: Red, Green, Blue. Sold 12 assorted. Polybagged with header. 2 ½” Holy Family Star Ornaments. Set of 3 Assorted colors: Red, Green, Blue. Sold 12 assorted. Polybagged with header. 37173 99¢ ea. pc. 37174 $1.95 ea. pc. 2 ½” Holy Family in Stable Ornaments. Set of 3 Assorted colors: Red, Green, Blue. Sold 12 assorted. Polybagged with header. 2 ½” Holy Family Snowflake Ornament.Set of 3 Assorted colors: Red, Green, Blue. Sold 12 assorted. *Polybagged with header. 37275 37176 39¢ ea. 37175 $1.95 ea. a. 1 ½” Wood Tone Standing Holy Family.* 2 ½” Clear Holy Familyy Snowflake Ornament.** 37172 99¢ ea. 37169 79¢ ea. 2 ½” Holy Family with Wood Tone Stable Ornament.* 2 ½” Luminous Holy Family Ornament.* 37218 99¢ ea. pc. 89¢ ea. pc. 2 ¾” Set of 4 Dome Shaped Holy Family Ornaments. Sold 4 assorted. Polybagged with header. 2 ¾” Set of 4 Dome-Shaped Ornaments. Sold 4 assorted. Polybagged with header. 37276 37116 $1.49 37117 $1.49 50mm Madona & Child Ornament 50mm Holy Family Ornament 99¢ ea. pc. 2 ¾” Set of 4 Dome-Shaped Madonna & Child Ornaments. Sold 4 assorted. Polybagged with header. Prices subject to change without notice ACG 2013 011.indd 1 7/18/12 1:52 PM Christmas Season Gift Ideas 12 Beautifully 69-0200 69-0201 69-0202 69-0214 detailed embossed ornaments. Bell shape $1.25 Round shape $1.25 Star shape $1.25 69-0213 6 69 Decorating ora ora rating tin tin ng ffor or C or Chr Christmas hrist hr riist istmas mas ma a Book with 6 projects. 69-0203 Christmas Decorating $4.95 69-0210 69-0215 Charming handpainted ornaments, 2¾”. $3.80 each Vinyl folder with pewter Infant Jesus and Christmas blessing. 69-0204 $2.00 Pewter Infant only. 69-0205 $1.40 Stained glass Christmas plaque with prayer card and full color nativity print, gift boxed. 69-0212 Stained Glass $3.99 Handpainted hinged Nativity scene, polyresin, unfolds into three sections, 4” tall. 69-0211 Nativity $4.50 Beautifully rendered Holy Family figurine with rich jewel tone accents, 6”. 69-0231 Holy Family $9.95 Porcelain styled resin Holy Family figurine, 5.5”. 69-0226 Holy Family $10.95 Whimsical ornament with brass star 4”, boxed. 69-0208 Wisemen $2.95 13pc Porcelain Nativity set 5” tall figures , gift boxed. 69-0230 Nativity Set...................$34.95 Delicately finished star shaped Christmas ornaments, resin, 4” boxed 69-0227 Infant $3.90 69-0228 Holy Family $3.90 69-0229 Angel $3.90 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 012.indd 1 8/8/12 6:43 PM Nativity Sets 13 36939 $200.00 5 piece set, 16” Nativity. 62686 $34.95 13-pc 3” Resin Nativity is Hand-painted with Stable. Stable measures 14”W x 8”H x 3³/4”D. Gift Boxed. 62741 Nativity Set $69.95 9-pc. 4” Resin Hand-painted Nativity Set. Stable measures 15”W x 9 ½”H x 5 ½”D. Gift boxed. 62743 Nativity Set $69.95 8-pc. 4” Ornate Hand-painted Resin Nativity with Stable. Stable measures 19 ½”W x 12 ½”H x 7 ½”D. Gift boxed. 62753 $79.95 11-pc 4-1/2” Baroque Nativity with Stable. Stable measures 19 ½”W x 12 ½”H x 7 ½”D. Gift Boxed. Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 013.indd 1 8/16/12 2:37 PM 14 27" & 38" Nativities Also Available in Traditional Colors Holy Family Three Kings 3-pc set. 27" 21750 $247.00 38" 39520 $555.00 3-pc set. 27" 21749 $410.00 38" 38020 $1185.00 Gloria Angel 27" 25043 $140.00 38" 37992 $500.00 Seated Camel 27" 36215 $125.00 Ox 27" 27021 $115.00 Sheep 2-pc se set 27" 39543 $30.0 $30.00 Other 38" Pieces Shepherd & lamb Drummer boy Donkey 2-pc set. 27" 25045 $125.00 27" 39544 $99.00 27" 25044 $115.00 38" 38024 $240.00 39523 Joseph.........................$325.00 39522 Mary............................. $175.00 39521 Baby Jesus....................$55.00 38021 Kneeling Wise Man..... $240.00 38022 Praising Wise Man...... $495.00 38023 African Wise Man........ $450.00 Prices subject to change without notice ACG 2013 014.indd 1 8/19/12 9:20 AM Large Specialty Nativities 15 Ideal for Church, Chapel, and School 69-5006 $2995.00 + Shipping 11pc. 42 ” Beautifully hand painted Resin Nativity. Ideal for Church, Chapel or School use. 69-5100 $49.95 Fun and easy do-it-yourself nativity. Figures are printed on large paper stock. Simply adhere to plywood, cut out and laminate. A less costly alternative to traditional statuary. 14 pieces, 2/3 lifesize. Camel is 60”. Instructions included. Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 015.indd 1 7/18/12 5:01 PM Cast Fiberglass -Indoor-Outdoor 16 FOR CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, HOSPITALS, HOMES, PARKS, SHOPPING CENTERS, STORES, ETC. “DEMETZ” NATIVITY SET Model # 1902. Made from Fiberglass and polyester resin and HAND painted, fullround figures, animals in proportion. Available sizes 24” - 30” - 3’ - 4’ - Holy family, Gloria Angel, Shepherds, Maiden, 3 Wise Men, Sheep, Lamb, Ox and Donkey. Size for 24” figures 48”W x 48”H x 24”D - For 30” figures 56”W x 48”H x 24”D. All subjects can be ordered separately. Please call for more information 1949 Dressed Nativity Parts of figures carved in wood, dressed with tailor made clothing - Size 32” - 40” Please call or email for current prices, or more information. ACG 2012 016.indd 1 9/6/11 11:59 AM Cast Fiberglass -Indoor-Outdoor 17 FOR CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, HOSPITALS, HOMES, PARKS, SHOPPING CENTERS, STORES, ETC. “DEMETZ” NATIVITY SET Model # 1950. Made from Fiberglass and polyester resin and HAND painted, fullround figures, animals in proportion. Available sizes 24” - 30” - 3’ - 4’ - Holy family, Gloria Angel, Shepherds, Maiden, 3 Wise Men, Sheep, Lamb, Ox and Donkey. All subjects can be ordered separately. Large wooden stable, hard painted in traditional colors, with authentic oil painted landscape background. The construction is made COLLAPSIBLE making assembling and storage very easy. Size for 24” figures 95”W x 59”H x 40”D Size for 30” figures 10’W x 6’3”H x 4’3”D. Small wooded stable for central group only, hard painted in traditional colors with no background. Size for 24” figures 48”W x 48”H x 24”D - For 30” figures 56”W x 48”H x 24”D. 1902 Nativity Figures by “Kostner” 1902/3 1902/5 1902/5 1902/7W 1902/9 1902/7 1902/8 1902/4 1902/16 1902/HF 1902/10 1902/14 1902/13 1902/17 1902/15 1902/11 1902/12 1902/18 1902 Nativity by Kostner Available in 24”, 30”, 36”,48” and 60” scale figures carved in lindenwood or cast in fiberglass. Each piece painted in traditional colors. Wise Men are richly decorated in gold and silver. Holy Family, Wise Men, and Ox & Donkey are sold as individual “sets” only; all other figures sold separately. Carved lindenwood stable also available for 24” and 30” figures. Please call or email for current prices, or more information. ACG 2012 017.indd 1 8/25/11 1:09 AM Indoor / Outdoor Nativity Set 18 M 69-5549G Granite Finish B C B E G N Full Set A B D J H F K I I L I L L NATIVITY STATUES Item Product White ID Description Code Price A Hanging Angel 69-5538W 82.00 B Three Kings (Set of Three) 69-5539W 475.00 C Balthazar 69-5540W 159.00 D Gasper (Kneeling King) 69-5541W 159.00 E Melchior (King w/Box) 69-5542W 159.00 F Camel 69-5543W 118.00 G 36” Standing Shepherdess 69-5544W 120.00 H Shepherd 69-5545W 120.00 I Sheep (Set of Three) 69-5546W 107.00 J Ox 69-5547W 83.00 K Donkey 69-5548W 83.00 L 36” Holy Family (Starter Set) 69-5549W 350.00 M 36” Standing Angel (Not incl. in Set) 23-4127W 135.95 N Nativity Scene (Full Set) 69-5550W 1392.00 ACG 2012 018.indd 1 Granite Code Price 69-5538G 94.00 69-5539G 509.00 69-5540G 170.00 69-5541G 170.00 69-5542G 170.00 69-5543G 130.00 69-5544G 130.00 69-5545G 130.00 69-5546G 118.00 69-5547G 95.00 69-5548G 95.00 69-5549G 408.00 23-4129G 149.95 69-5550G 1517.00 Colored Code Price 69-5538C 137.00 69-5539C 650.00 69-5540C 217.00 69-5541C 217.00 69-5542C 217.00 69-5543C 200.00 69-5544C 188.00 69-5545C 188.00 69-5546C 175.00 69-5547C 138.00 69-5548C 138.00 69-5549C 475.00 23-4128C 209.95 69-5550C 2000.00 This Christmas express the wonder, beauty and sentiment of a most joyous event with our Christmas Nativity Statues. A full one-half scale, molded directly from original sculptures and cast in durable poly-resin, these statues are meticulously crafted. Figures are available individually or as sets in white, granite or full-colored finishes. Lightweight and unbreakable, our nativity motifs are designed for indoor/outdoor display use and are ideal for churches, homes, business, municipalities, shopping centers and parks. 8/28/11 3:39 PM 12” 18” 24” Nativity Sets Ideal for Churches and Schools 19 69-5007 18” Vivid Color Nativity Scene includes baby Jesus in crib, Mary, Joseph, Guardian Angel, The Three Kings & Shepherd. - $270.00 69-5008 12” Same set on a smaller scale- $130.00 Vivid Color Nativity Scene includes baby Jesus in crib, Mary, Joseph, Guardian Angel, The Three Kings, Shepherd & village animals 69-5009 24” - $885.00 62528 $3000.00 11-pc. 36” Hand-painted Resin Nativity Set. Ideal for Church, Chapel or School use. Boxed. ACG 2013 019.indd 1 8/15/12 9:15 PM 20 Institutional Nativities Create the true meaning of Christmas with a Fontanini Nativity. Available in sizes from 12” to 50”, with new figures available every year. 12” a. Stable 50909 $195.00 b. Mary 72912 $150.00 c. Infant Jesus with Manger 72913 $110.00 d. Joseph 72911 $150.00 e. King Balthazar 72916 $150.00 f. King Gaspar 72915 $150.00 g. King Melchior 72914 $150.00 Holy Family Set 71911 $390.00 Not shown Seated Ox 52934 $155.00 Seated Donkey 52933 $155.00 Gloria Angel 72917 $110.00 a d e b f g c 50” a. Standing Angel 52329 $7700.00 b. Mordecai 52357 $4600.00 c. Mary 52302 $3400.00 d. Infant Jesus with Manger 52313 $2450.00 e. Joseph 52301 $3800.00 Holy Family Set 51302 $9650.00 b a Additional Figures for 50” size not shown Melchior 52314 $4600.00 Gasper 52315 $4600.00 Balthazar 52316 $4600.00 Standing Sheep 52336 $1250.00 Seated Sheep 52340 $1150.00 Donkey 52333 $3200.00 Ox 52334 $3200.00 ACG 2013 020.indd 1 Prices subject to change without notice. 8/16/12 8:49 AM 21 Institutional Nativities 18” Stable 53700 $600.00 Gloria Angel 53717 $330.00 Mary 53712 $335.00 Infant in Manger 53713 $130.00 Joseph 53711 $335.00 Holy Family 51710 $800.00 Standing Sheep 53437 $145.00 Additional Figures for 18” not shown Melchior 53714 Gaspar 53715 Balthazar 53716 Donkey 53733 Ox 53734 $370.00 $370.00 $370.00 $330.00 $330.00 27” a. Stable Currnetly Unavailable b. Gloria Angel 53117 $1550.00 c. Mary 53112 $1450.00 d. Infant Jesus with Manger 53113 $350.00 e. Joseph 53111 $1550.00 f. Abraham 53199 $1850.00 g. Standing Angel 53119 $2200.00 Additional Figures for 27” not shown Melchior 53114 $1850.00 Gaspar 53115 $1850.00 Balthazar 53116 $1850.00 Standing Sheep 53135 $200.00 Seated Sheep 53141 $200.00 Donkey 53133 $1300.00 Ox 53134 $1300.00 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 021.indd 1 8/16/12 2:27 PM 22 Nativity Sculptures The Beauty and Wonder of Christmas Original full dimensional fiberglass sculptures artistically crafted and hand painted Renaissance decoration Durable, individually cast, suitable for indoor or outdoor use. 2180 2860 965 965 1230 1140 495 495 1075 300 1095 1450 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 022.indd 1 8/30/11 10:49 PM 23 Nativity Sculptures Beautifully detailed in durable Fiberglass 2/3 Lifesize in Full Color or Stone Color B A C D E F G I H J Stone L M K N Color A. F9642 King - Kneeling 28”........................................$380.00 $520.00 B. F9643 King - Frankencence 41”.................................$380.00 $520.00 C. F9641 King - Myrrh 39”............................................$380.00 $520.00 D. F9645 Camel 50”.....................................................$1042.00 $1563.00 E. F9633 Cow 19”.........................................................$320.00 $480.00 F. F9636 Sheep Right 8”.............................................$120.00 $180.00 G. F9630 Mary 30”.........................................................$340.00 $510.00 H. F9632 Baby Jesus 16”.................................................$190.00 $285.00 I. F9631 Joseph 30”.....................................................$340.00 $510.00 J. F9634 Donkey 18”...................................................$320.00 $480.00 K. F9637 Shepherd w/ Dog 41”......................................$370.00 $555.00 L. F9639 Shepherd-Kneeling 30”....................................$350.00 $525.00 M. F9638 Shepherd w/ Sheep 41”...................................$370.00 $555.00 N. F9635 Sheep Left 8”..................................................$120.00 $180.00 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 023.indd 1 8/28/11 9:36 PM Christmas Mass Remembrance Cards PRIEST CHRISTMAS CARDS 24 04-6114 $29.50 Peace on Earth 4 1/2" x 6 1/8", 50 per box (Gold Foil Embossed) Verse: “Wishing you the love Jesus, Mary and Joseph knew on that first Christmas night. May you and your loved ones share the peace and happiness of that love with each other. You and your family will share a special remembrance in my Christmas Mass.” 04-6115 $18.50 A Christmas Remembrance 4 7/8" x 6 3/4", 25 per box (Gold Foil Embossed) Verse: “May all the blessings of the Christ Child be yours this Christmas and may His Divine Presence enrich your life throughout the New Year. You and your loved ones will be remembered in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.” 04-6116 $18.50 Peace on Earth 4 7/8" x 6 3/4", 25 per box (Gold Foil Embossed) Verse: “Wishing you the blessings and joys of Christmas and a New Year filled with happiness. You and your loved ones will be remembered in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Christmas Day.” 04-6117 $27.50 Madonna and Child (Pintoricchio) 4 1/2" x 6 1/8", 50 per box (Gold Ink Embossed) Verse: “May the glory of the first Christmas remain in your heart throughout the New Year. You and your loved ones will be remembered in the celebration of the Mass on Christmas Day.” PRIEST EASTER CARDS 04-5502 $18.50 Paschal Candle 4 7/8" x 6 3/4" 25 per box (Gold Foil) Verse: “May the Spirit of the Risen Christ live within you now and always. You will be remembered in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Easter Sunday.” 04-5503 $18.50 He is Risen 4 7/8" x 6 3/4" 25 per box (Gold Foil) Verse: “In the beauty and hope of Easter, may the joy and love of the Risen Christ live forever in your heart. You will be remembered in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Easter Sunday.” 04-5512 $18.50 Miracle of Easter 4 7/8" x 6 3/4" 25 per box (Gold Foil Embossed) Verse: “May the Risen Christ grant you peace and joy at Easter and always.” MOTHER’S & FATHER’S DAY SETS Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Dear Father: Living Please remember____________________________________ Deceased so that she may share in the Spiritual Benefits offered in this Church in observance of Mother’s Day. Mother Wife Grandmother Mother-in-law Godmother Sister Aunt Daughter Friend Other_____ My Name_____________________________________________________________ My Address___________________________________________________________ Offering $_________________ FREE Offering Envelope Each Set Includes: U the card of your choice U a matching white envelope U an offering envelope 04-6510 $62.50 A Mother’s Day Blessing 4 7/8" x 6 3/4", 100 per box (Gold Ink) Verse: “May our Divine Lord and His Blessed Mother reward you with the love, joy and contentment you so richly deserve. Happy Mother’s Day” (right side) As a Spiritual Gift, you will be remembered in THE MASSES offered in our church in observance of Mother’s Day.” (left side) 04-6513 $64.50 On Mother’s Day 4 7/8" x 6 3/4", 100 per box (Gold Foil Embossing) Verse: “May our Divine Lord and His Blessed Mother reward you with the love, joy and contentment you so richly deserve.” (right side) As a Spiritual Gift, you will be remembered in THE MASSES offered in our church in observance of Mother’s Day.” (left side) 04-7014 $62.50 A Father’s Day Blessing 4 7/8" x 6 3/4", 100 per box (Gold Ink) Verse: “May our Divine Lord and His Heavenly Father fill your life with love, joy and happiness. Happy Father’s Day.” (right side) “As a Spiritual Gift, you will be remembered in THE MASSES offered in our church in observance of Father’s Day.” (left side) 04-7013 $64.50 On Father’s Day 4 7/8" x 6 3/4", 100 per box (Gold Foil Embossing) Verse: “May the blessings and love of our Heavenly Father be yours in abundance this Father’s Day and always.” (right side) “As a Spiritual Gift, you will be remembered in THE MASSES offered in our church in observance of Father’s Day.” (left side) All Occasion 04-4513 $17.00 Birthday Blessings 4 7/8" x 6 3/4", 25 per box (Gold Foil) Verse: “May God fill this happy occasion with blessings and joy.” 04-4007 $17.00 Sympathy 4 7/8" x 6 3/4", 25 per box (Gold Foil Embossing) Verse: “With deepest sympathy and prayers that God will bless and comfort you.” 04-4510 $16.00 Birthday 4 1/2" x 61/8", 25 per box (Gold Foil) Verse: “May joy, love and peace fill your life today and always.” 04-4512 $17.00 In Sympathy 4 7/8" x 6 3/4", 25 per box (Gold Foil front and back) Verse: “In your time of loss, know that your loved ones are behind you, angels are beside you, and that God is always with you.” 04-4514 $17.00 On Your Birthday 4 7/8" x 6 3/4", 25 per box (Gold Foil Embossed) Verse: “May your Birthday be filled with the blessings of God.” 04-3515 $17.00 Welcome to Our Church 4 7/8" x 6 3/4", 25 per box (Gold Foil) Verse: “With joyful hearts we welcome you into our house of prayer to celebrate the gift of life and special faith we share.” 25 06-3519 $17.00 Get Well Blessings 4 7/8" x 6 3/4", 25 per box (Gold Foil) Verse: “May the blessings of God surround you as you recover. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.” 04-3516 $14.50 Get Well Prayer 4 1/2" x 6 1/8", 25 per box Verse: “In the days ahead, may you feel the healing hand of God. Our prayers are with you as you recover.” Note Cards 04-4659 $12.75 May the Lord Bless You 4" x 5 1/2", 25 per box (Gold Foil, Blank inside) 04-4660 $21.00 San Damiano Note Card 4" x 5 1/2" 50 per box (Blank inside) ACG 2013 025.indd 1 04-4663 $12.75 Thank You 4" x 5 1/2" 25 per box (Gold Foil Embossed, Blank inside) 04-4661 $11.75 Deacon Cross 3 1/2" x 4 7/8" (Gold Foil, Blank inside) 04-3520 $17.00 Thinking of You 4 7/8" x 6 3/4", 25 per box (Gold Foil) Verse: “Know that you are surrounded by the abundant love of our Heavenly Father. May God bless you.” 8/17/12 12:23 PM Bereavement Set - # 03-1050 - Only $57.50 per set! 26 Our new bereavement set will help you comfort those who are grieving, not only at the time of loss, but also throughout the difficult first year after the loss. The set includes 25 each of 4 cards plus a holy card - each designed to be sent at a suggested time after the loss. Available with a FREE easy to use excel spreadsheet for tracking. Sympathy Timing: Time of Loss 4 7/8” x 6 3/4”(Gold Foil) Inside Verse: “God shares in your sorrow and carries you close to Him.” Safely Home Timing: Include with Sympathy Card 2 3/4” x 4 1/4” (Gold Ink) Spanish Mass Cards Faith in God Timing: 3 Months 4” x 5 1/2”(Gold Foil) Inside Verse: “God walks with you. His arms are around you. He holds you close to His heart.” for Deceased Our Thoughts are with You Timing: 6 months 4” x 5 1/2”(Gold Foil) Inside Verse: “You are loved. You are not alone. You are in our prayers.” God Gives us Strength Timing: 1 year 4 7/8” x 6 3/4”(Gold Foil) Inside Verse: “God loves you and He will be with you every step of the way.” 100 cards per box Mass Card For The Living (Spanish) 01-2438 $12.00 Holy Card 2 3/4” x 4 1/4” 100 per box 03-4036 $54.50 03-1136 $61.50 La Virgen Rezando 4 7/8” x 6 3/4” (Gold Foil Embossing) 03-1137 $54.50 Nuestra Señora de Ayuda Perpetua 4 7/8” x 6 3/4” (Gold Ink) 03-1138 $56.50 Jesús en el Jardin 4 1/2” x 6 1/8” (Gold Foil Embossing) 03-1139 $29.50 Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 4 1/2” x 6 1/8” (Gold Foil Embossing) 50 Cards per box Note Cards With gratitude, we acknowledge your generous donation. Thank You for your thoughtfulness. May the Lord reward your kindness. 04-4657 Chalice Thank You $20.50 3 1/2” x 4 7/8”, 50 per box (Gold Ink) May the Lord bless you and keep you in His care. As a special Thank You your intentions will be remembered in our prayers. 04-4658 $39.50 Donation Thank You 3 5/8” x 6 3/16”, 100 per box Symbolic Notes 04-4652 (blank inside) ACG 2013 026.indd 1 04-4653 (blank inside) 04-4655 $21.50 Gold Thank You (Gold Foil) 3 1/2” x 4 7/8”, 50 per box Verse: “May the Lord reward your kindness” All cards in this section are 3 1/2” x 4 7/8” $15.50 per box of 50 of 1 design 04-4650 (blank inside) 04-4651 (blank inside) 8/12/12 12:25 PM Mass Cards For The Deceased 03-1145 5x7 50/box $32.00 03-1147 5x7 50/box $32.00 03-1146 5x7 50/box $32.00 03-1149 5x7 50/box $32.00 03-1148 5x7 50/box $32.00 03-1150 3Z\x x 5Z\x 50/box $20.00 27 03-1151 3Z\x x 5Z\x 50/box $20.00 03-1152 3Z\x x 5Z\x 50/box $20.00 03-1153 3Z\x x 5Z\x 50/box $20.00 03-1154 3Z\x x 5Z\x 50/box $20.00 Mass Cards for the Living 03-4033 3Z\x x 5Z\x 50/box $20.00 ACG 2012 027.indd 1 03-4034 3Z\x x 5Z\x 50/box $20.00 03-4035 3Z\x x 5Z\x 50/box $20.00 Prices subject to change without notice. 8/9/11 9:41 PM Mass Cards 28 03-1080 $48.00 I am the Resurrection 4 1/2" x 6 1/8" packaged 100 to a box 03-1076 $61.50 A Mass Offering 03-1085 $54.50 No Eye Has Seen 03-1090 $61.50 With Sympathy 4 7/8" x 6 3/4" packaged 100 to a box 4 7/8" x 6 3/4" packaged 100 to a box 4 7/8" x 6 3/4" packaged 100 to a box 03-1089 $57.50 John 11:26 Mass Cards 03-1081 $41.00 With Sympathy IMPRINTING AVAILABLE: Minimum 200 of 1 card. $12.50 for up to 4 lines, 200 or more cards of 1 design. $26.50 for special message printed inside, 200 or more of 1 design. PA C IN KA 50 GE s D 6 3/16" x 3 5/8" packaged 100 to a box 4 7/8" x 6 3/4" packaged 100 to a box 03-1087 $54.50 Pieta inside of 03-1087 4 7/8" x 6 3/4" packaged 100 to a box 03-1088 $54.50 Our Lady of Perpetual Help 03-1079 $33.00 The Gate of Paradise 4 7/8" x 6 3/4" packaged 100 to a box 5 1/8" x 7 1/4" packaged 50 to a box Mass Cards for the Living 03-4022 $48.00 Peace of God 4 1/2" x 6 1/8" packaged 100 to a box The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the intentions of will be offered for the intentions of ________________________ ____________________ Rev. ___________________ Rev._________________ 03-4021 $41.00 Cup of Salvation 3 5/8" x 6 3/16", packaged 100 to a box ACG 2013 028.indd 1 8/17/12 12:27 PM Custom Printed Personalized Prayer Cards 29 for all Occasions ACG 2012 029.indd 1 8/9/11 9:50 PM Laminated Holy Cards 30 #2934!,#,%!2,!-).!4)/.sv8vs#%.43%!#(PER7)4(02!9%23).&5,,#/,/2 01-4854 Magnificat 01-4790 Apostle’s Creed 01-4795 01-4783 Meal Prayers 01-4791 The Ten Commandments 01-4796 Prayer to O.L. of Raccolta 347 Prayer to the Sacred Heart 01-4799 01-4730 Prayer Before a Crucifix Mysteries of the Rosary 01-4802 Prayer to St. Maximilian Kolbe 01-4734 I Asked Jesus ACG 2013 030.indd 1 01-4803 Prayer for Those Who Live Alone 01-4740 St. Christopher Motorist’s Prayer 01-4784 01-4785 Prayer for the Sick Nurse’s Prayer 01-4724 Prayer to St. Michael 01-4719 Merciful Jesus I Consecrate Myself 01-4721 01-4729 God Made Us a Family Prayer to St. Anne 01-4723 Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue 01-4804 The Angelus 01-4741 O.L. of Guadalupe Mystical Rose 01-4800 Learning Christ 01-4805 O.L. of Medjugorje Prayer 01-4786 01-4787 Prayer to O.L. of Fatima Splinters from the Cross 01-4720 Prayer to Our Lady 01-4792 Prayer in Honor of St. Lucy 01-4722 01-4731 Hail, Glorious St. Patrick 01-4725 Hail, Holy Queen 01-4742 St. Anthony Unfailing Prayer 01-4732 01-4726 St. Theresa Pick Me a Rose St. Joseph 50th Year of Our Lord St. Francis Prayer for Peace 01-4801 A Lenten Morning Offering 01-4806 Prayer to the Blessed Virgin 01-4727 Mother of Perpetual Help 01-4788 The Lord’s Prayer 01-4793 23rd Psalm 01-4797 St. Jude Don’t Quit 01-4737 Memorare of St. Bernard 01-4736 Prayer to St. Jude 01-4807 Greatest Gift that God Sends 01-4789 The Hail Mary 01-4794 St. Joseph, Patron of Workers 01-4798 Kateri Tekakwitha Canon. Prayer 01-4735 Nine Hour Novena 01-4733 St. Gerard Motherhood Prayer 01-4808 Ten Commandments For School Children 0- Laminated Holy Cards 31 #2934!,#,%!2,!-).!4)/.sv8vs#%.43%!#(PER7)4(02!9%23).&5,,#/,/2 01-4809 Eastertide 01-4817 An Irish Blessing 01-4825 Good Morning God 01-4832 St. Michael Policeman’s Prayer 01-4840 J.B. de La Salle Teacher’s Prayer 01-4846 A Prayer to St. Theresa ACG 2013 031.indd 1 01-4810 Prayer to Obtain Favors 01-4811 Lord Help Me to Remember 01-4812 Novena to St. Peter 01-4818 01-4819 St. Paul Prayer for Patience 01-4820 St. Rita a Prayer Raccolta 567 St. Nicholas a Prayer for Children 01-4826 Prayer to St. Martin De Porres 01-4833 St. Florian Firefighter’s Prayer 01-4841 Thomas Aquinas Student’s Prayer 01-4847 An Act of Contrition 01-4827 Prayer to Our Lady of Charity 01-4834 St. Raphael the Archangel 01-4739 O.L. of Fatima Novena Prayer 01-4848 Prayer for the Helpless Unborn 01-4828 St. Barbara Prayer and Biography 01-4835 Prayer to St. Raymond 01-4842 The Morning Offering 01-4849 Prayer to the Infant Jesus 01-4813 St. Anne Obtain Some Special Favor 01-4821 St. Jude Thanksgiving Novena 01-4829 I Said a Prayer for You Today 01-4814 01-4815 Safely Home Footprints 01-4822 St. Catherine of Siena Biography 01-4738 Angel of God, My Guardian Dear 01-4836 01-4837 Prayer to St. Martin De Tours Prayer to St. Nino De Atocha 01-4843 Prayer to St. Andrew 01-4850 St. Gerard Prayer Safe Delivery (Before Birth) 01-4728 A Prayer to St.Peregrine 01-4851 Prayer to St. Joseph for Employment 01-4816 Prayer Before a Journey 01-4824 01-4823 St. John Bosco Biography St. Dymphna Nervous Illness 01-4830 01-4831 Serenity Prayer 01-4838 O.L. of Guadalupe Mystical Rose 01-4844 St. Teresa’s Bookmark 01-4852 St. Patrick’s Breastplate The Cross in My Pocket 01-4839 Prayer to O.L. of Czestochowa 01-4845 St. Benedict Prayer 01-4853 The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy 0- Prayer Cards 32 Attractively Priced Quality Prayer Card.... 2 1/2” x 4 1/4” $14.00 per hundred....Available Solid or Assorted....Blank Backs Assorted 01-1003 01-1012 01-1013 01-1014 Solid Pack Numbers are below each card Assorted 01-1069 01-1015 01-1016 01-1017 01-1018 01-1019 01-1020 01-1021 Solid Packk O Only l 01-1061 01-1052 01-1062 01-1054 01-1055 01-1056 01-1057 01-1058 01-1063 01-1064 Assorted 01-1006 01-1031 01-1032 01-1033 01-1034 01-1035 01-1036 01-1037 01-1038 01-1039 01-1040 VERSE CARDS - BOOKMARKS Popular Verse Cards Solid packs only Per hundred...................................$14.00 01-3524 01-3525 01-3526 01-3527 01-3528 01-3534 01-3537 01-3538 01-3542 01-3544 01-3545 01-3547 01-3549 - Learning Christ To Our Lady Dressed in Blue The Power of Prayer The Memorare of St. Bernard Anima Christi Sympathy In Appreciation Prayer Before a Crucifix Mother Friendship The Morning Offering Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi Safely Home 01-3550 01-3551 01-3553 01-3560 01-3561 01-3565 01-3569 01-3570 01-3571 01-3572 01-3573 01-3574 01-3575 - Don’t Quit Take Time An Irish Blessing One Solitary Life Footprints The Cross in My Pocket Prayer For Daily Neglects God Bless You Child’s Night Prayer A House Blessing Comfort For Those Who Mourn The Peace Prayer Right To Life Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 032.indd 1 8/6/12 8:34 PM The Bonella Line Holy Cards 33 01-0071 01-0072 01-0073 01-0074 01-0081 01-0075 01-0076 01-0077 01-0078 01-0668 01-0669 01-0079 01-0080 01-0670 01-0671 01-0082 01-0083 01-0084 01-0085 01-0086 01-0087 01-0672 01-0673 01-0088 SOLD IN SOLID SUBJECTS AND ASSORTED. WHEN ORDERING THE ASSORTMENT, PLEASE ASK FOR 01-0544. ALL CARDS ARE IN FULL COLOR WITH GOLD EDGES WITH BLANK BACK AND PACKED 100 PER BOX. $ 20.00 PER HUNDRED. 2” X 4” APPROXIMATE SIZE 01-0801 01-0802 01-0567 Â01-0568 01-0569 01-0570 01-0806 01-0807 01-0808 01-0571 01-0573 01-0574 01-0813 01-0814 01-0815 01-0816 01-0817 01-0818 01-0819 01-0820 01-0821 01-0822 01-0823 01-0575 SOLD IN SOLID SUBJECTS AND ASSORTED. WHEN ORDERING THE ASSORTMENT, PLEASE ASK FOR 01-0508. ALL CARDS ARE IN FULL COLOR WITH GOLD EDGES WITH BLANK BACK AND PACKED 100 PER BOX. $ 20.00 PER HUNDRED. 2 1/4” X 4” APPROXIMATE SIZE. Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 033.indd 1 8/6/12 8:39 PM 34 The Bonella Line Holy Cards SOLD IN SOLID SUBJECTS AND ASSORTED. WHEN ORDERING THE ASSORTMENT, PLEASE ASK FOR 01-0660. ALL CARDS ARE IN FULL COLOR WITH GOLD EDGES WITH PRAYERS ON BACK AND PACKED 100 PER BOX. $ 20.00 PER HUNDRED. 2 1/4” X 4” APPROXIMATE SIZE. 01-0641 - Annunciation - The Angelus 01-0634 - Assumption - Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue 01-0824 - Birth of Christ - A Christmas Blessing 01-0825 - Birth of Christ - Prayer to Obtain Favors 01-0829 - Child Jesus - Little White Guest 01-2425 - Christ The Comforter - Teen Creed 01-0636 - Christ The King - Jesus Christ The King 01-0831 - Christ with Thorns - Wound in the Shoulder 01-0647 - Crucifixion - Prayer to Jesus Crucified 01-0656 - Divine Mercy - The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy 01-0620 - Firefighters - Firefighters Prayer 01-0631 - Guardian Angel (Boy) - Prayer to Your Guardian Angel 01-0646 - Guardian Angel (Girl) - Prayer to Your Guardian Angel 01-0833 - Head of Christ - Serenity Prayer 01-0629 - Holy Family - Prayer to the Holy Family 01-0619 - Holy Trinity - The Nicene Creed 01-0624 - I.H.M. - Prayer to Our Lady 01-0638 - Infant of Prague - Powerful Novena of Childlike Confidence 01-0832 - J.C. Carrying the Cross - Splinters From the Cross 01-0658 - Jesus in the Garden - I Said A Prayer For You Today 01-0826 - Last Supper - Meal Prayers 01-0639 - Madonna of Good Counsel - Ave Regina Caelorum 01-0627 - Madonna - Stabat Mother 01-0674 - Mother Teresa with Prayer 01-0635 - Our Lady - Hail! Holy Queen 01-0828 - Our Lady of Czestochowa - Prayer to O. L. of Czestochowa 01-0626 - Our Lady of Fatima - Novena Prayer 01-0637 - Our Lady of Grace - The Memorare of St. Bernard 01-0652 - Our Lady of Guadalupe - with Prayer 01-0621 - Our Lady of Lourdes - Magnificat 01-0628 - Our Lady of Lourdes with Bernadette - Prayer to Our Lady 01-0893 - Our Lady of Medjugorje - Mother of Goodness 01-0068 - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel - A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin 01-0655 - Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Prayer to O.M. of Perpetual Help 01-0827 - Our Lady of the Rosary - Mysteries of the Rosary (NEW) 01-0622 - Madonna of the Street - Prayer to St. Aloysius 01-0894 - Pardoning Boy - Act of Contrition 01-0895 - Pardoning Girl - Act of Contrition 01-0840 - S.H.J. - Anima Christi 01-0843 - S.H.J. - I Ask You, Jesus 01-0830 - S.H.J. - Learning Christ 01-0623 - S.H.J. - Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 01-0676 - St. Agatha - Patroness Against Breast Diseases 01-0618 - St. Alphonsus - The Arthritis Saint 01-0630 - St. Anne - Prayer to St. Anne 01-0642 - St. Anthony - Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony 01-0653 - St. Cecilia - Prayer to St. Cecilia 01-0651 - St. Christopher - The Motorist’s Prayer 01-0649 - St. Dominic - Prayer to St. Dominic 01-0617 - St. Juan Diego - Prayer to St. Juan Diego 01-0835 - St. Frances Cabrini - Prayer to St. Frances Xavier Cabrini 01-0633 - St. Francis - A Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi 01-0644 - St. Gerard - Prayer for Motherhood 01-0654 - St. John Berchman - Prayer to An Altar Server 01-0682 - St. John The Apostle and Evangelist - Prayer to St. John 01-0846 - St. Joseph - Prayer Found in the 50th Year of Our Lord 01-0625 - St. Joseph - Prayer to St. Joseph by Pope St. Pius X 01-0632 - St. Joseph The Worker - Prayer to St. Joseph 01-0643 - St. Jude - Prayer to St. Jude 01-0842 - St. Jude - Thanksgiving Novena to St. Jude 01-0834 - St. Lucy - Prayer to St. Lucy 01-0680 - St. Luke - Prayer to St. Luke 01-0678 - St. Mark - Prayer to St. Mark 01-0837 - St. Martha - Novena to St. Martha 01-0838 - St. Martin De Porres - Prayer to St. Martin De Porres 01-0677 - St. Matthew - Prayer to St. Matthew 01-0844 - St. Michael - Prayer to St. Michael The Archangel 01-0803 - St. Michael - Police Officer’s Prayer to St. Michael 01-0648 - St. Patrick - Hail! Glorious St. Patrick 01-0616 - St. Patrick - An Irish Blessing 01-0841 - St. Paul - Prayer For Patience 01-0847 - St. Peregrine - Prayer to St. Peregrine 01-0679 - St. Philip - Prayer to St. Philip 01-0657 - St. Pio of Pietrelcina - Efficacios Novena 01-0645 - St. Pius X - Prayer to Pope St. Pius X 01-0836 - St. Raphael - Prayer to St. Raphael The Archangel 01-0681 - St. Robert - Prayer to St. Robert 01-0839 - St. Rocco - Prayer to St. Rocco 01-0863 - St. Teresa of Avila - St. Teresa’s Bookmark 01-0845 - St. Therese - St. Therese Pick Me a Rose 01-0640 - St. Theresa - Prayer to St. Theresa 01-0650 - Wedding at Cana with Prayer SPANISH PRAYER - SPANISH HOLY CARDS - SPANISH TEXT SOLD IN SOLID SUBJECTS ONLY. ALL CARDS ARE IN FULL COLOR WITH GOLD EDGES WITH SPANISH PRAYERS ON BACK AND PACKED 100 PER BOX. $ 20.00 PER HUNDRED. 2” X 4” APPROXIMATE SIZE. 01-0010 01-0011 01-0012 01-0013 01-0014 01-0015 01-0016 01-0017 01-0018 01-0019 01-0020 01-0021 01-0006 01-0007 01-0095 01-0008 01-0022 01-0023 01-0024 01-0025 01-0026 01-0027 - Gran Poder Crucifixión N.S. Perp. Socorro Sag. Corazón de Jesús Sag. Corazón de Maria San José La Milagrosa N.S. de Fátima N.S. del Carmen Niño Jesús de Praga Santa Teresa San Antonio Oración a la Sagrada Familia Misterios del Santo Rosario Dr. Hernandez La Inmaculada Concepcion S. Francísco de Assisi S. Martín de Porres La Santa Trinidad San Pedro San Cristóbal San Juan Bautista 01-0090 01-0028 01-0029 01-0030 01-0031 01-0032 01-0033 01-0034 01-0035 01-0036 01-0037 01-0038 01-0039 01-0040 01-0041 01-0042 01-0043 01-0044 01-0045 01-0046 01-0047 01-0048 - Espiritu Santo Santa Marta Santa Rosa San Miguel Santa Clara Santa Bárbara Virgen de S. Juan N.S. de A. Gracia Santa Lucía Santa Rita San Rafael S. Ramón Nonato S. Martín Caballero San Lázaro N.S. Car. del Cobre Angel de la Guardia N.S. de la Providencia S. Niño de Atocha N.S. de la Regla N.S. Guadalupe c/Visiones La Diosa del Mar V. Carmen c/Purgat. 01-0049 01-0050 01-0051 01-0052 01-0053 01-0054 01-0055 01-0056 01-0057 01-0058 01-0059 01-0060 01-2422 01-2423 01-0091 01-0005 01-0092 01-0096 01-0061 01-0009 - Pasión de Cristo - J. Juez Mano Poderosa Las Siete Potencias Omnipresencia de Dios S. Franc. c/Crucifixión N.S. de Loreto Stos. Cosmo y Damian San Expedito Anima Sola Crucifix. c/Purgat. San Judas N.S. de la Merced San Pancracio San Elias Santa Elena San Juan Diego N.S. de Lourdes N.S. de la Misericordia N.S. de Guadalupe Divino Nino Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 034.indd 1 8/6/12 8:41 PM The Bonella Line Holy Cards 35 SOLD IN SOLID SUBJECTS AND ASSORTED. WHEN ORDERING THE ASSORTMENT, PLEASE ASK FOR 01-5359. ALL CARDS ARE IN FULL COLOR WITH GOLD EDGES WITH BLANK BACK AND PACKED 100 PER BOX. $ 20.00 PER HUNDRED. 2” X 4” APPROXIMATE SIZE. 01-0901 01-5360 01-0900 01-5396 01-0849 01-5361 01-5362 01-5363 01-5364 01-0093 01-5365 01-5366 01-5367 01-5368 01-0941 01-5369 01-2426 01-5370 01-0069 01-2400 01-5371 01-5372 01-0158 01-2401 01-5358 01-0848 01-5373 St. Agatha St. Agnes St. Alphonsus St. Aloysius Gonzaga St. Andrew St. Anthony Abbot St. Anthony Mary Claret St. Anthony of Padua St. Barbara St. Benedict St. Catherine St. Catherine Labouré St. Catherine of Siena St. Cecilia St. Charbel St. Christopher Christ the Comforter St. Clara Sts. Cosmo & Damian Crucifixion with St. Francis St. Dominic St. Dominic Savio St. Dymphna Diosa del Mar Divine Mercy St. Elizabeth of Hungary St. Elizabeth Seton 01-2402 01-5374 01-5375 01-5376 01-5377 01-2403 01-5378 01-5379 01-0896 01-5380 01-2434 01-5381 01-5382 01-5384 01-5385 01-5389 01-0933 01-5386 01-5387 01-5388 01-5390 01-2404 01-5391 01-2405 01-2406 01-5392 01-5393 St. Expedito St. Florian St. Frances Cabrini St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis Xavier St. Gennaro St. George St. Gerard Maiella Guardian Angel Guardian Angel St. Helen Holy Trinity St. Ignatius of Loyola St. Joan of Arc St. John B. de la Salle St. John the Baptist St. John the Evangelist St. John Bosco St. John Mary Vianney St. John Neumann St. Joseph du Mont-Royal St. Joseph The Worker St. Jude Thaddeus St. Jude With Flame Kateri Tekakwitha Last Supper St. Laurence 01-5394 01-5395 01-5397 01-0931 01-2407 01-5398 01-0929 01-5399 01-5400 01-5401 01-0928 01-0851 01-5402 01-5403 01-0898 01-5406 01-2408 01-5407 01-5408 01-5409 01-5404 01-5405 01-2409 01-2410 01-0897 01-2411 01-0899 St. Lazarus St. Louis de Montfort St. Lucy St. Luke Mano Poderosa St. Margaret Mary Alocoque St. Mark St. Martha St. Martin Caballero St. Martin de Porres St. Matthew St. Maximillian Kolbe St. Michael the Archangel St. Monica BL. Mother Teresa N. Señora de Alta Gracia N. Señora del Carmen N. Señora Caridad del Cobre N. Señora de la Merced N. Señora de la Providencia St. Nicholas St. Niño de Atocha O.L. of Czestochowa O.L. of Guadalupe O.L. of Guadalupe with Angels O.L. of Guadalupe with 4 Visions O.L. of Guadalupe - Bust 01-2412 01-0892 01-2413 01-5357 01-2414 01-5411 01-5412 01-0850 01-5413 01-5415 01-0930 01-5416 01-5417 01-5418 01-5419 01-0932 01-5420 01-0094 01-5421 01-2415 01-5422 01-5423 01-2435 01-5425 01-5426 01-2417 01-5424 O.L. of Iviron (Orthodox Christian) O.L. of Medjugorie Omnipresencia de Dios St.Pio of Pietrelcina Pasion de Cristo St. Patrick St. Paul St. Peregrine St. Peter Apostle Sts. Peter and Paul St. Philip St. Pius X St. Ramon Nonato St. Raphael the Archangel St. Rita St. Robert St. Roque St. Rosalia St. Rose of Lima The Savior (Orthodox Christian) St. Sebastian St. Stephen St. Teresa of Avila St. Thomas Aquinas St. Vincent de Paul Virgin of Loreto Virgin S. Juan de los Lagos 01-0401 01-0402 01-0403 01-0404 01-0405 01-0406 01-0407 01-0408 01-0409 01-0410 01-0411 01-0412 01-0413 01-0414 01-0415 01-0416 01-0417 01-0418 01-0419 01-0420 01-0421 01-0422 01-0423 01-0424 SOLD IN SOLID SUBJECTS AND ASSORTED. WHEN ORDERING THE ASSORTMENT, PLEASE ASK FOR 01-0400. ALL CARDS ARE IN FULL COLOR WITH BLANK BACK AND PACKED 100 PER BOX. $ 20.00 PER HUNDRED. 2” X 4” APPROXIMATE SIZE. Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 035.indd 1 8/6/12 8:45 PM 36 Very Popular Single Subjects 01-5376 St. Francis of Assisi $ 20.00 01-5369 St. Christopher $ 20.00 01-0900 St. Alphonsus $ 20.00 01-5402 St. Michael $ 20.00 01-0930 St. Philip $ 20.00 01- 5411 St. Patrick $ 20.00 01-5404 St. Nicholas $ 20.00 01-0931 St. Luke $ 20.00 01-0932 St. Robert $ 20.00 01-5380 Guardian Angel $ 20.00 01-2411 O.L. of Guadalupe $ 20.00 01-2410 O.L. of Guadalupe $ 20.00 01-2409 O.L. of Czestochowa $ 20.00 01-5358 The Divine Mercy $ 20.00 01-0941 St. Charbel $ 20.00 01-0898 BL. Mother Teresa $ 20.00 01-0860 Message to the Sick $ 20.00 01-0858 Pope John Paul II $ 20.00 01-0867 Baptismal $ 22.00 01-0862 Pieta N.2 $ 20.00 01-0944 San Juan Diego $ 20.00 01-0945 Wedding at Cana $ 21.00 01-0871 Sacred Heart of Jesus $ 22.00 01-0872 Cross on the Ocean $ 20.00 01-0873 Head of Christ $ 20.00 01-0874 Weeping Willow $ 20.00 01-0657 St. Pio of Pietrelcina $ 22.00 01-0947 Jubilee $ 20.00 01-0948 Ordination $ 21.00 01-0953 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary $ 24.00 01-5443 St. Anthony $ 22.00 01-5442 St. Joseph $ 22.00 01-5446 St. Anne $ 22.00 01-0870 O.L. of Grace $ 22.00 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary JOYFUL MYSTERIES (Monday, Saturday) Annunciation Visitation Birth of Jesus Presentation in the Temple Finding the Child Jesus GLORIOUS MYSTERIES (Wednesday, Sunday) Resurrection Ascension into Heaven Descent of the Holy Spirit Assumption Crowning of Our Blessed Lady MYSTERIES OF LIGHT SORROWFUL MYSTERIES (Tuesday, Friday) (Thursday) Agony in the Garden Christ’s Baptism in the Jordan Scourging at the Pillar Wedding at Cana Crowning with Thorns Proclamation of the Kingdom Carrying of the Cross Crucifixion 01-5427 Sacred Heart of Jesus $ 22.00 01-5429 O.L. of Grace $ 22.00 Transfiguration Institution of the Eucharist 01-0951 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary $ 24.00 Misterios Del Santo Rosario MISTERIOS GOZOSOS (Lunes, Sábado) Anunciación Visitación El Nacimiento Presentación Perdido y hallado en el Templo MISTERIOS GLORIOSOS (Miércoles, Domingo) La Resurrección La Ascensión La Venida del Espíritu Santo La Asunción Coronación de Maria como Reina - Y Señora del Cielo y la Tierra MISTERIOS DOLOROSOS (Martes, Viernes) La Oración de Jesus en el Huerto La Flagelación del Señor La Coronación de Espinas La Cruz a Cuestas La Crucifixión y Muerte MISTERIOS LUMINOSOS (Jueves) Bautismo en el Jordan Auto revelación en las bodas de Caná Anuncio del reino de Dios invitando a la conversión Transfiguración Institución de la Eucaristía 01-0952 Misterios Del Santo Rosario $ 24.00 Spanish Text The Above Cards are Gold Foil Embossed with Prayers on Back ALL CARDS PACKED 100 PER BOX ACG 2013 036.indd 1 Prices subject to change without notice. 8/6/12 8:59 PM 37 Inspirational Prayer Cards 2-1/2” x 4-1/4”. Paper 01-1301 01-1302 01-1303 01-1304 01-1305 01-1306 01-1307 01-1308 Apostles Creed Cross in My Pocket Divine Mercy Footprints St. Francis Good Shepherd- Act of Contrition Good Shepherd- Psalm 23 Guadalupe $14.00 per Hundred 01-1309 01-1310 01-1311 01-1312 01-1313 01-1314 01-1315 01-1316 Guardian Angel Head of Christ- I Am the Way Head of Christ- Our Father Holy Family- Family Prayer Immaculate Conception- Memorare Jesus w/ Child- Psalm 103 Jesus w/ Children- Luke 18:16-17 Jesus w/ Teens- Teen Creed 01-1317 01-1318 01-1319 01-1320 01-1321 01-1322 01-1323 01-1324 01-1325 St. Joseph Knocking- Revelations 320 Madonna- Hail Mary Madonna & Child- Mysteries St. Michael Sacred Heart of Jesus San Damiano- St. Francis Prayer Smiling Christ- Lord Help Me Ten Commandments Holy Cards - Spanish Laminated Prayer Cards with Gold Foil Embossed Medal Design! Wallet size - Each card is 2-3/8” x 3-1/2” with appropriate Spanish prayers on the Reverse Side -75¢ Each 01-1201 01-1202 01-1203 01-1204 01-1205 01-1206 01-1207 01-1208 01-1209 01-1210 01-1211 01-1212 01-1213 St. Anthony St. Christopher Divine Mercy St. Francis Guardian Angel Good Shepherd Holy Family Holy Spirit Holy Trinity Immaculate Conception Immaculate Heart of Mary Infant of Prague St. Joseph 01-1214 01-1215 01-1216 01-1217 01-1218 01-1219 01-1220 01-1222 01-1223 01-1224 01-1225 01-1226 01-1227 St. Jude Last Supper St. Lazarus Mano Poderosa St. Martha St. Martin Caballero St. Martin De Porres St. Michael Archangel Nino de Atocha Our Lady of Charity Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Grace Our Lady of Guadalupe 01-1228 01-1229 01-1230 01-1231 01-1232 01-1234 01-1235 01-1236 01-1237 01-1238 01-1239 01-1240 01-1241 Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of Madonna Our Lady of Mount Carmel Our Lady of Perp Help Our Lady of Regla Our Lady of San Juan Paradise St. Peregrine St. Peter St. Raphael St. Raymond Sacred Heart of Jesus SHJ-IHM Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 037.indd 1 8/10/11 12:46 AM 38 The Bonella Line Holy Cards 01-0876 01-0877 01-0878 01-0879 01-0880 01-0881 01-0882 01-0883 01-0884 01-0885 01-0886 01-0887 01-0888 01-0889 01-0890 01-0891 SOLD IN SOLID SUBJECTS AND ASSORTED. WHEN ORDERING THE ASSORTMENT, PLEASE ASK FOR 01-0865. ALL CARDS ARE IN FULL COLOR WITH GOLD EDGES WITH BLANK BACK AND PACKED 100 PER BOX. $ 20.00 PER HUNDRED. 2 1/2” X 4 1/4”APPROXIMATE SIZE. 01-0957 01-0958 01-0959 01-0960 01-0961 01-0962 01-0963 01-0964 SOLD IN SOLID SUBJECTS AND ASSORTED. WHEN ORDERING THE ASSORTMENT, PLEASE ASKFOR 01-2419. ALL CARDS ARE IN FULL COLOR WITH GOLD EDGES WITH BLANK BACK AND PACKED 100 PER BOX. $ 21.00 PER HUNDRED. 2 1/2” X 4 1/4” APPROXIMATE SIZE. 01-0965 01-0966 01-0967 01-0968 SOLD IN SOLID OR 25 ASSORTED SUBJECTS.WHEN ORDERING THE ASSORTMENT, PLEASE ASK FOR 01-0153. ALL CARDS ARE IN FULL COLOR WITH GOLD EDGES WITH BLANK BACK AND PACKED 100 PER BOX. $ 22.00 PER HUNDRED. 2” X 4” APPROXIMATE SIZE. SOLD IN 9 ASSORTED SUBJECTS. ALL CARDS ARE IN FULL COLOR WITH BLANK BACK AND PACKED 100 PER PACK. $ 14.00 PER HUNDRED. 2 1/2” X 4” APPROXIMATE SIZE. 01-1102 SOLD IN 12 ASSORTED SUBJECTS.. ALL CARDS ARE IN FULL COLOR WITH GOLD EDGES WITH BLANK BACK AND PACKED 100 PER BOX. $ 20.00 PER HUNDRED. 2 1/2” X 4 1/4” APPROXIMATE SIZE. 01-0856 SOLD IN 20 ASSORTED SUBJECTS. ALL CARDS ARE IN FULL COLOR WITH BLANK BACK AND PACKED 100 PER PACK. $ 11.00 PER HUNDRED. 2 1/8” X 4” APPROXIMATE SIZE. 01-0852 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 038.indd 1 8/6/12 9:04 PM Christmas Holy Cards 39 $20.00 Per Pack 01-2035 01-0716 01-0717 01-0718 01-0719 01-0720 01-0721 01-0722 01-0723 01-0724 01-0725 01-0726 01-0727 01-2029 $20.00 Per Pack 01-2313 01-2314 01-2315 01-2311 01-2312 01-2306 01-2316 01-2304 01-2307 01-2317 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 039.indd 1 8/6/12 9:06 PM 40 General & All Occasion Bulletins & Offering Envelopes 05-2007 General Offering New 84-9320 First Communion 84-2336 First Communion 84-2342 First Communion 84-2366 First Communion 84-2341 First Communion 05-3003 Votive Light Offering New 05-3004 General Offering 05-3005 Special Offering 84-2388 Reconciliation 84-2352 Reconciliation 84-2402 Communion 84-2403 Communion 84-2404 St. Francis 1 Corinthians 11:26 New 05-3006 General Offering 05-2004 Building Fund 84-2385&RQÀUPDWLRQ 84-2344&RQÀUPDWLRQ New 84-2347&RQÀUPDWLRQ 84-2347L Legal 84-2345&RQÀUPDWLRQ 84-2346 Legal 84-2405&RQÀUPDWLRQ Acts 2:4 New 05-3007 General Offering 05-2006 General Offering 84-2406 Wedding 1Ruth 1:16-17 84-2407 Wedding 84-2408 Graduation 1 John 4:7 84-2370 Our Lady of Grace 84-2409 Our Lady of Guadalupe 05-2005 Flower Offering New New 05-2000&RQÀUPDWLRQ Offering 84-2410 Funeral 84-2411 Funeral John 14:2 84-2391 Funeral 84-2412 Funeral Matt 25:26 PRICES (Per 100) 100-450 500-950 1000+ Full-Color Church Bulletins (8 1⁄ 2 x 11”) $8.95 $7.95 $6.95 8.40 7.50 Legal Bulletins (indicated with L – 8 1⁄ 2 x 14”) 9.95 84-2413 Funeral Psalm 23:6 05-3002 Mass Intention OFFERING ENVELOPE PRICES(Per 100) 100-450 500-950 1000+ Standard Offering Envelopes (31⁄8 x 61 ⁄4” )$ 8.95 $7.95 $6.95 All Souls Day Wallet Envelopes 10.95 8.95 7.50 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 040.indd 1 8/1/12 8:15 PM 41 $ISJTUNBTt&BTUFSt4FBTPOBM Christ the Savior is born Ha Nacido Cristoel Salvador Christmas Offering Ofrenda de Navidad No. 3252S C HERMITAGE GROUP, INC. MADE IN USA NAME / NOMBRE .......................................................................................... ADDRESS / DIRECCION .................................................................................. AMOUNT $ / MONTO .............................. NEW CHRISTMAS SET 3250 Standard Bulletin 3250L Legal Bulletin * 3253 Mailing Envelope 3251 Announcement Folder 3252 Letterhead 3252S Bilingual Letterhead 3254 Offering Envelope 3254S Bilingual Offering Envelope NEW N E ICON SET 9965 Standard Bulletin 99 9965L Legal Bulletin* 99 9967 Letterhead* 99 9969 Offering Envelope* 99 NEW CHRISTMAS SET 9975 Standard Bulletin 9975L Legal Bulletin* 9975T Tabloid Bulletin* 9976 Announcement Folder 9977 Letterhead 9978 Mailing Envelope* 9979 Offering Envelope 05-2010 Easter Offering Envelope 05-1006 All Souls Day Wallet Flap Offering Envelope 05-2013 Christmas Flower 05-2015 Bilingual Flower 05-1007 BILINGUAL All Souls Wallet Flap Offering Envelope 05-1005 All Souls Day Wallet Flap Offering Envelope 05-2017 Bilingual Easter Offering Envelope 005-2014 Easter Flower Offering Envelope Easter NE NEW EW ICON ICON EASTER EASTER SET SET Palm Sunday 2640 Standard Bulletin 9890 Standard Bulletin 2640L Legal Bulletin* 9890L Legal Bulletin* 2642 Letterhead* 2644 Offering Envelope* NEW EASTER SET 2775 Standard Bulletin 2775L Legal Bulletin * 2776 Announcement Folder 2777 Letterhead 2777S Bilingual Letterhead 2779 Offering Envelope 2779S Bilingual Offering Envelope 2778 Mailing Envelope Mother’s Day 9871 Standard Bulletin 9871L Legal Bulletin* *Indicates product that is not shown on this page HERMITAGE ART PRICES (PER 100) 100-400 500-900 1,000+ 00+ Standard Bulletins (8½[µÁDW Legal Bulletins (8½[µÁDW 7DEORLG%XOOHWLQV[µÁDW Announcement Folders (5 ¾[¾µÁDW Letterheads (8½[µÁDW /LWKRJUDSKHG0DLOLQJ(QYHORSHV Offering Envelopes (31/8[¼µ $OO6RXOV:DOOHW2IIHULQJ(QYHORSHV :KLWH:LQGRZ0DLOLQJ(QYHORSHV EASTER E EA A AST AS SET 8750 Standard Bulletin 875 8750L Legal Bulletin* 875 8751 Announcement Folder 8752 Letterhead 8754 Offering Envelope 9339 Mailing Envelope WINDOW #9 (Use with any letterhead) NEW Easter t SET 2750 Standard Bulletin 2750L Legal Bulletin * 2752 Letterhead 2754 Offering Envelope PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE ACG 2013 041.indd 1 8/1/12 8:17 PM Certificates 42 “Create Your Own Series” $34.50, 8” x 10”, 50 per box (Gold Foil) 07-0127 Baptism 07-1544 Marriage 07-0555 Confirmation 07-1229 Reconciliation 07-1070 First Communion 07-3015 RCIA $33.50, 8” x 10”, 50 per box (Gold Ink) 07-0128 Baptism 07-1545 Marriage 07-0556 Confirmation 07-1230 Reconciliation 07-1071 First Communion E CERTIFICATE OF BAPTISM IFICAT RT ION CE ATE IFIC CONFIRMAT CERTIF ERT ICATE OF NC MARRIAG IO T E ILIA ONC REC O REC ION IAT L NCI RMED CONFI UNITED BAPTIZED IN MARRIA GE THE l; There is one Lord, one one baptism, hfufaith, irit. your fait y Sp e, One God and Father of all. Hearts of e Hol all forgiv r love. rit, fill the … ve th Holy Spi sh fire of you Ephesians 4:5-6 Recei sins you en Them Come,20:19 dle in them the iv se Johnand kin ...and the Who are Forg two shall y become one The Ephesians 5:31 CER TIFIC FIRS ATE TC OF OM MU NIO N HO LY E UCH ARI ST I am th who e bread ever eats of life… this will br live foreve ead r. John 6:35 -58 $34.50, 8” x 10”, 50 per box, (Gold Foil) 07-1067 First Communion 07-0552 Confirmation 07-1543 Marriage 07-1225 Reconciliation 07-0122 Baptism $34.50, 8” x 10”, 50 per box 07-0123 Baptism 07-1542 Marriage 07-0553 Confirmation 07-1226 Reconciliation 07-1068 First Communion SPIRITUAL COLLECTION Features gold foil accents; Baptism and Marriage certificates also available 07-1069 Communion $34.50 8” x 10”, 50 per box with envelopes 07-1068 Create Your Own! (for laser printers) 84-2380 Bulletin $8.95 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”, 100 per box 01-0319 Holy Card $12.00 4 1/4” x 2 3/4”, 100 per box ACG 2013 042.indd 1 07-0554 Confirmation $34.50 8” x 10”, 50 per box with envelopes 07-0553 Create Your Own! (for laser printers) 84-2381 Bulletin $8.95 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”, 100 per box 01-0320 Holy Card $12.00 4 1/4” x 2 3/4”, 100 per box Coordinates with all of our Communion Sets! 15-0700 $57.50 First Communion Booklet 4” x 6”, 44 pages 50 per box 07-1227 Reconciliation $34.50 8” x 10”, 50 per box with envelopes 8/12/12 12:29 PM Certificates 43 Certificates for all Church occasions, Fine printing on fine paper. 50 per package with envelope 8” x 10” $ .75 ea. 8” x 10” $ .75 ea. 07-0540 Confirmation 07-1042 Communion 07-4024 Graduation Certificates 8” x 10” - $34.00 per 100 07-1058 Envelopes - $18.00 per 100 07-1232 Reconciliation Certificate 01-9435 Matching Bookmark 84-9317 Matching Bulletin 07-1043 Communion-English 07-1044 Communion-Spanish 8” x 10” $ .75 ea. 8” x 10” $ .75 ea. 07-1206 Penance 8” x 10” $ .75 ea. 07-2012 Kindergarten 07-4033 Altar Server 7” x 10-1/2” $ .50 ea. 07-4015 All Purpose 07-4009 Merit 07-4018 Religious Education Certificates 8” x 10” - $32.00 per 100 07-1058 Envelopes - $18.00 per 100 07-1072 First Communion Certificate 01-9426 Matching Bookmark 84-9320 Matching Bulletin 07-0557 Confirmation Certificate 01-9436 Matching Bookmark 84-9315 Matching Bulletin Certificates & Bulletins 8-1/2” x 11” - Bookmarks 2” x 6-1/2” Certificates $42.00 per 100 - Bookmarks $19.95 per 100 - Bulletins $8.95 per 100 - 07-1058 Envelopes for Certificates $18.00 per 100 ACG 2013 043.indd 1 8/15/12 7:40 PM Certificates 44 with Matching Holy Cards, Bookmarks, and Bulletins Certificates are packaged 50 to a box with high quality white vellum envelopes. 8” x 10” CONFIRMATION CERTIFICATE RECONCILIATION CERTIFICATE _________________________________ _____________________________________________ CELEBRATED FOR THE FIRST TIME THE SACRAMENT OF was sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit and was CONFIRMED at__________________________________________________ Church received THE HOLY EUCHARIST 01-3037 $.99 ea Bookmark for the first time in_____________________________________________ Church on the_____________day of________________ , _________ _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________ RECONCILIATION 01-3417 $.99 ea Bookmark in faith in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit CERTIFICATE OF FIRST COMMUNION City at__________________________________________________ State State Church Peace I leave with you my peace I give to you _____________________________ Come Holy Spirit, on the_________day of_________________ , ____________ fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fires of your love. Date ____________________________________________________ City State I am the Bread of Life... whoever eats this bread will live forever. ___________________________________ _____________________________ Signature _________________________________ Signature Signature Come, Holy Spirit, fill the Hearts of your faithful; and kindle in them the fire of your love. Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you shall forgive, They are Forgiven Them… 01-3416 $12.00 Holy Card 100 to a box 07-1221 $34.50 Reconciliation Children, hear me Blessed are those who keep my ways Proverbs 8:32 07-0548 $34.50 Confirmation John 20:19 01-3039 $12.00 true bread of life, fill the hearts stay always in my heart Church John 6:35-58 City, State _____________________________________ Signature I am the bread of life… whoever eats this bread will live forever. 84-2326 $8.95/100 Bulletin John 6:35-58 in faith in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of your faithful; at ___________________________________________________________ Church and kindle in them on the ________ day of __________________ , ____________ at _________________________________________________ CONFIRMED Spirit, for the first time forever. was sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit and was Come, Holy Body of Christ, received will live 07-1063 $34.50 First Communion __________________________________________________________ THE HOLY EUCHARIST this bread stay always CONFIRMATION CERTIFICATE ______________________________________________ whoever eats ___________________________________________________ the fire of your love 01-0302 $12.00 Holy Card 100 to a box your Heavenly Father that one of these little ones Matthew 18:14 Come, Holy Spirit, fill the Hearts of your faithful; and kindle in them the fire of your love. 84-2325 $8.95/100 Bulletin 07-0535 $33.50 Confirmation This Certificate of Merit is presented to celebrated for the first time Receive the Holy Spirit; whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them John 20:22-23 01-0303 $12.00 Holy Card 100 to a box Bulletins Fold to 5 1/2” x 8 1/2” ________________________________________________ for outstanding accomplishment in Church ________________________________________________ City should be lost Signature CERTIFICATE OF MERIT in It is not the will of ______________________________ CERTIFICATE of RECONCILIATION RECONCILIATION State City on the _______ day of __________________ , __________ 07-1041 $33.50 First Communion The Sacrament of 01-3036 $12.00 Holy Card 100 to a box Body of Christ, true Bread of Life, in my heart. Holy Card 100 to a box CERTIFICATE of FIRST COMMUNION I am the bread of life… I am the bread of life… whoever eats this bread will live forever. John 6:35-58 Prices per Design 50 — 450 per design $8.95 per 100 State on , _______________________ ______________________ Awarded by Date 500 — 950 per design $7.95 per 100 Signature Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you shall forgive, They are Forgiven Them . . . . John 20:22-23 Whatever you do, do from the heart. Colossians 3:23 07-1211 $33.50 Reconciliation 01-0304 $12.00 Holy Card 100 to a box Holy Cards 1000 and up per design $6.95 per 100 (order in multiples of 50) 07-0558 $34.50 Confirmation 01-0305 $12.00 Holy Card 100 to a box 07-4021 $34.50 Merit Holy Cards are $12.00 per box of 100, 2 3/4” x 4 1/4” CHILDREN Learn What They Live If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight. If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy. If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty. If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient. If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence. If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate. If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice. If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith. If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world. Angel of God Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God’s love commits me here; Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen 01-0313 P 01-0307 ACG 2013 044.indd 1 01-0300 HP-335 LITHO IN U.S.A. HP-335 F O NE COLOR F FI NE COLOR WO RK ® BALTI MORE, MARYLAND 21227 01-0311 back HP-335 P 01-0315 L I S H E R S U B Barton-Cotton, Inc. O LITHO IN U.S.A. F FI NE COLOR WO RK BALTI MORE, MARYLAND 21227 L I S H E R S U B FI Body of Christ true Bread of Life, stay always in my heart. L I S H E R S U B Barton-Cotton, Inc. LITHO IN U.S.A. front Barton-Cotton, Inc. O P WO RK ® front BALTI MORE, MARYLAND 21227 01-0312 back ® I am the Bread of Life 01-0316 8/12/12 12:54 PM Certificates 45 with Matching Holy Cards, Bulletins, and Folders Certificates are packaged 50 to a box with high quality white vellum envelopes. 8” x 10” I am the bread of life… whoever eats this bread I am the bread of life… whoever eats this bread will live forever. John 6:35-58 will live forever. John 6:35-58 01-3035 $12.00 Holy Card 100 to a box 07-1062 $34.50 First Communion 07-1220 $34.50 Reconciliation 84-2323 $8.95/100 Bulletin The Role of a Sponsor This is to Certify that ______________________________ Come, Holy Spirit, The Role of a Sponsor fill the hearts of your faithful; and kindle in them Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful; and kindle in them the fire of your love the fire of your love is a Sponsor of Some ways in which you can nurture this spiritual relationship all through life are: ______________________________ who was sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit on the ____day of ___________, _____ 01-3415 $12.00 Holy Card 100 to a box 84-2324 $8.95/100 Bulletin By_____________________________ Come, Holy Spirit, fill the Hearts of your faithful; and kindle in them the fire of your love You have the honor of being chosen as witness to the confirmand’s initiation into full Christian life. Through this sacrament, the confirmand is strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit, made a true witness of Christ in word and deed, and invited more deeply into the life of the Church. Your most significant role in relation to him/her is to be a role model of such witness and unifying love. ______________________________ Church ______________________________ City State t$FMFCSBUFUIFBOOJWFSTBSZPGUIJTIPMZEBZPG Confirmation with a visit, call or card. t-JTUFOUPBOETIBSFJOUIFDPOGJSNBOETNBUVSJOH struggles and triumphs in living a Christian life, and keep yourself informed on Christian doctrine and values to be able to answer questions when they arise. t&ODPVSBHFBNBUVSJOHMJGFPGGBJUIUISPVHITQFDJBMDBSET letters, or gifts which celebrate holy events...Christmas, &BTUFSBOEQFSTPOBMHSPXUIFWFOUTHSBEVBUJPOTGJSTU KPCFOHBHFNFOU(JGUTVHHFTUJPOTB#JCMFSPTBSZ spiritual book, religious jewelry, retreat opportunity.) (over) inside 07-0516 $65.00 Sponsor Folder (for Confirmation Certificate), 100 to a box 07-0534 $34.50 Confirmation The Role of Godparents This is to certify that To be chosen as a godparent is a special honor. You have been entrusted with the responsibility to participate in this child’s Christian life and education. ______________________________ and __________________________ This privilege offers you the opportunity to develop a mutually enriching spiritual relationship -- one that will last throughout this life and beyond. are the Godparents of There are many ways you can nurture this spiritual relationship and become a special friend to your godchild. Among them are: ______________________________ born on the ____day of _____________, ____ t$FMFCSBUFUIFBOOJWFSTBSZPGUIJTIPMZEBZPG#BQUJTN each year with a visit, call or card. and Baptized t"TZPVSHPEDIJMEHSPXTMJTUFOUPBOETIBSFJOUIF struggles and triumphs of living a Christian life, and keep yourself informed on Christian doctrine and values, to be able to answer questions when they arise. on the _______day of ____________, _____ 05-1800 $6.50 Offering Envelope 33/4” x 63/8” 100 per box t&ODPVSBHFBDPOTJTUFOUMJGFPGGBJUIUISPVHITQFDJBM cards, letters, or gifts which celebrate holy events... $ISJTUNBT&BTUFSBOEQFSTPOBMHSPXUIFWFOUT graduations, first job, engagement. (Gift suggestions: B#JCMFTQJSJUVBMCPPLSPTBSZSFMJHJPVTKFXFMSZHJGU certificate for religious goods/books, retreat opportunity.) By______________________________ ________________________________ Church ________________________________ City, State (over) inside 07-0110 $65.00 Godparents Folder English, 100 to a box 07-0104 $65.00 Godparents Folder Spanish, 100 to a box 07-0109 $34.50 Baptism English 07-0103 $34.50 Baptism Spanish Bulletins Fold to 5 1/2” x 8 1/2” Prices per Design 50 — 450 per design - $8.95 per 100 500 — 950 per design - $7.95 per 100 1000 and up per design - $6.95 per 100 (order in multiples of 50) I am the #SFBEPG-JGF 84-4545 Baptism ACG 2013 045.indd 1 84-2327 Communion 84-2329 General 84-2330 Wedding 8/13/12 10:22 AM Certificates - Blank and Printed - Bulletins 46 100 Certificates $45.00 - All Certificates are 8” x 10” - 100 Bulletins $12.99 07-1058 Certificate Envelopes available at $18.00 per 100. 07-1218 Blank 07-1217 Reconciliation Certificate 84-2320 Matching Bulletin 07-1019 Blank 07-1018 Communion Certificate 84-2321 Matching Bulletin 07-0517 Blank 07-0515 Confirmation Certificate 84-2322 Matching Bulletin 07-0133 Blank 07-0120 Baptism Certificate 07-1548 Blank 07-1540 Marriage Certificate 07-4040 Blank 07-4038 Appreciation Certificate 07-3019 Blank 07-3013 Full Communion Certificate 07-3020 Blank 07-3014 Christian Initiation Certificate 07-4011 Blank 07-4010 Enrollment Certificate Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 046.indd 1 9/1/11 1:01 AM Certificates Reconciliation 07-1201 47 First Communion Confirmation 07-1003 07-0510 Certificates - 6³⁄4” x 10¹⁄2”........................................$50.00 per 100 07-1058 Envelopes.................................................. $18.00 per 100 Certificates with envelopes 8” x 10” - $61.00 per 100 07-0132 Baptism 07-1028 First Communion 07-0541 Confirmation 07-1547 Marriage Spanish Certificates Imported from Italy To commemorate this event, we have beautifully designed Certificates with very distinctive qualities. All are originals by Cromo NB. Each is die-cut for an added artful touch. And, each full size is an impressive 7 x 10 1/2” presentation. Four color part processing is used to present a certificate of unmatched beauty. the colors are radiant, and the gold appears as if it is gold-leaf. 07-0121 Baptism Certificate Certificates - 7” x 10 1/2”......................................$54.00 per hundred 07-1058 Envelopes................................................$18.00 per hundred 07-1066 First Communion Certificate ACG 2013 047.indd 1 07-1224 Penance Certificate 07-0551 Confirmation Certificate 07-1541 Marriage Certificate 8/16/12 5:57 PM 48 R.C.I.A. — Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults This is to certify that __________ Born on the _______ day of _______, _______ in __________ [City] __________ [State] Baptized __________ at __________ [Church] in __________ [City] __________ [State] was received into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church after making a solemn Profession of Faith, celebrating the sacrament of Confirmation, and sharing in the Holy Eucharist on the _________day of __________, ________ at_________ Minister: _____________________ Sponsor: __________ __________ [Signature] __________ [Date] I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. John 14:6 NICENE CREED 15-3925.....9” x 12” APOSTLES CREED 15-3926.....9” x 12” Profession of Faith certificate. Gray heavy parchament with gold foil accents. 8” x 10”. Comes with envelopes. 15-3936.....$33.00 box of 50 THE LORD’S PRAYER 15-3924.....9” x 12” Ideal for presentation during the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Ready to frame or mount.....$2.50 ea. The Christian Community of __________ in the Diocese of __________ joyfully welcomes into the Roman Catholic Church __________ born on the __________ day of __________, __________ in __________ baptized this __________ day of __________, __________ in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and nourished with the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Minister: __________ Sponsor: __________ __________ [Signature] __________ [Date] There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all. Ephesians 4:5-6 The Lord’s Prayer 8 x 10 Prayer Print . 15-3938......$4.50 per pkg. of 10 Single prints The Apostle’s Creed 8 x 10 Prayer Print . 15-3939......$4.50 per pkg. of 10 Single prints Nicene Creed 8 x 10 Prayer Print . 15-3940......$4.50 per pkg. of 10 Single prints RCIA certificate. Gray heavy parchament with gold foil accents. 8” x 10”.Comes with envelopes. 15-3937.....$33.00 box of 50 THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS PICTURES Vicentini’s immortal works of art vividly depict Christ’s Passion. Lithography in 7 colors, 14 pictures to a set. Available in the following sizes: 02-0539 Size 4” x 6”...............................$9.00 per set 02-0540 Size 6” x 8”...............................$16.50 per set 02-0532 02-0543 02-0533 02-0534 02-0535 02-0536 02-0537 02-0538 ACG 2013 048.indd 1 THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE 02-0541 Size 8” x 10”............................$21.00 per set 02-0542 Size 12” x 16”..........................$82.00 per set 20 MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY...................................................................Size 4” x 6” 20 MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY.................................................................Size 8” x 10” HAIL MARY PICTURES..................................................................................Size 8” x 10” LORD’S PRAYER PICTURES.........................................................................Size 8” x 10” APOSTLES CREED PICTURES.....................................................................Size 8” x 10” TEN COMMANDMENTS PICTURES..............................................................Size 8” x 10” SEVEN GIFTS OF THE HOLY GHOST PICTURES...................................... Size 8” x 10” SEVEN SACRAMENTS PICTURES...............................................................Size 8” x 10” $11.00 per set $30.00 per set $12.50 per set $13.50 per set $12.50 per set $13.50 per set $10.00 per set $10.00 per set 8/13/12 8:09 PM Special Occasion Religious Certificate Folders 49 For All-important Religious Occasions: First Communion, First Penance & Appreciation. A most worthy gift recipient. Baptism Certificate 07-0113...................................$ 6.95 ea. $66.00 dz. Marriage Certificate 07-1536...................................$ 6.95 ea. $66.00 dz. Certificates First Communion Certificate 07-1055...................................$ 6.95 ea. $66.00 dz. Well Done with certificate of Appreciation 07-4020..................................... $ 6.95 ea. $66.00 dz. All Certificates Size 6” x 8” 07-1222 Reconciliation 07-0549 Confirmation ENGLISH 07-1222 SPANISH 07-1223 01-3015 01-3012 First Communion Holy Card $18.00 Per Hundred 01-3024 W/PRAYER $19.00 Penance Holy Card $18.00 Per Hundred Confirmation Certificate 07-0543.....................................$ 6.95 ea. $66.00 dz. Deluxe Sympathy “Mass Certificate” with corner ribbons 07-0118-R...............................$ 6.95 ea. $66.00 dz. 07-1064 Communion................................ $28.00 Per Hundred 07-1059 Envelopes for 6” x 8” Certificates......$15.00 Per Hundred ENGLISH 07-1064 SPANISH 07-1065 07-4007 Merit Award Certificate 8 x 10 inches $34.00 Per Hundred ENGLISH 07-0549 SPANISH 07-0550 01-3407 $18.00 Per Hundred 01-3413 W/PRAYER $19.00 01-3408 Confirmation Holy Card $18.00 Per Hundred Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 049.indd 1 8/11/12 9:18 AM Lithographed Certificates 50 Gold, red and black on heavy parchment type paper. Size 10 by 7 inches. Bound 50 per pad with chipboard back 07-0508 CONFIRMATION 07-0105 BAPTISM 07-1506 MARRIAGE PER PAD OF 50 . . . $10.00 07-1011 FIRST COMMUNION Prices Subject to Change Without Notice Register Blanks BAPTISMAL 07-3002 Pad of 50..$5.25 Notice of Confirmation Marriage Notifications 5¹⁄ 2” x 7” 07-3006 Pad of 50..$5.25 3 Part Set. 3³⁄8” x 7”. No carbon. Write it once-get 3 copies. 07-3007 100 sets..$14.99 Simple Form without stub or duplicate 5 ”x 7”. Padded. 07-3009 Pad of 50 $5.25 Confirmation Name Card 07-3601 3” x 4” 100 - $5.35 Confirmation Card - 2”x4” with Confirmation Name Only. 07-3602 100 - $5.25 Census Card 07-3503 5¹⁄ 2”x 8” 100 - $12.00 1000 - $81.50 Notification of Banns 3¹⁄2” x 5¹⁄2” Requests announcing of the Marriage Banns. 07-3004 Pad of 50..$5.25 ACG 2013 050.indd 1 Baptismal Forms Brief Certificate, 5¹⁄2” x 7” for foundlings. Omits parents. 07-1520 Pad of 50....$5.25 CERTIFICATES without Church Name 6” x 9¹⁄ 2” Heavy Ledger Paper Pad of 50 BAPTISM 07-0101 with notations on back MARRIAGE 07-1501 CONFIRMATION 07-0502 FIRST COMMUNION 07-1010 DEATH 07-1101 Pad of 50...$5.25 BILINGUAL ENGLISH & SPANISH BAPTISM 07-0106 with notations on back MARRIAGE 07-1503 CONFIRMATION 07-0506 FIRST COMMUNION 07-1014 DEATH 07-1102 Pad of 50 $5.25 Certificates may be printed with your own church and address and padded in 50’s. Allow three weeks for delivery. 07-1507 Baptism Certificate 07-1508 Marriage Certificate 07-1509 Confirmation Certificate 07-1510 First Communion Certificate Printed on quality stock in varying shades of gold with black lettering in a modern style. Pad of 50 ...........................................................Printed on quality stock in varying shades of red with black lettering in a modern style. Pad of 50 ...........................................................Printed on quality stock in varying shades of blue with black lettering in a modern style. Pad of 50 ...........................................................Printed on quality stock in varying shades of gold with black lettering in a modern style. Pad of 50 ........................................................... Minimum Quantity Imprinted 1000 Certificates........$120.00 8/13/12 8:01 PM Wedding and Anniversary Gifts Traditional Wedding Rosary Set Wedding Unity Candles Sets CDW920-209S – - Silver - Cross and Holy Spirit Wedding Candle Set with Silver Base....$ 58.00 CDW920-213G - Gold - Cross Wedding Candle Set with Gold Base......$ 58.00 Candles Only CDW-209S Silver - Cross and Holy Spirit Wedding Candle Set.....$ 36.00 CDW-213G Gold - Cross and Holy Spirit Wedding Candle Set.....$ 36.00 Cana Crosses 56-0711 8” Brass/Oak $22.95 56-0709 8” Brass $13.95 51 This matched set of Rosaries - Crystal Aurora Borealis for the Bride and Black masculine beads for the Groom. Sterling Silver Crucifixes and Center Pieces are used on each rosary. Deluxe gift box included. 31-1903..................$134.95 Wedding Anniversary Crosses 56-0710 8” Silver Brass $13.95 40-5141 8” Silver Brass 25th $14.95 40-5142 8” Brass 40th $14.95 40-5143 8” Brass 50th $14.95 Faux Pearl Lasso Rosary Wedding Frame Maple wood frame holds a 4” x 6” photo. SP20-103..................$21.95 Wedding “Lasso” Rosary Imitation Pearl beads in two separate 5-decade loops are attached by a single gold-plated centerpiece and crucifix. Includes presentation box. 31-1909..................$42.50 Plain or o Per Person Personalized sonali son alized ali zed - 10”” High H gh Gift Hi G Boxed. Please specify the first and last names along with the date. 56-0770 Plain......................$29.95 Personalized.........$39.95 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2013 051.indd 1 8/15/12 3:45 PM Deluxe Communion Sets For Girls 52 All girl books are available separately or will come with a pretty white satin damask purse. Also in the set an imitation white pearl rosary wth rosary case, laminated scapular, gold plated red and white enamel communion lapel pin and prayer card. All missals contain the “Order of the Mass”, beautiful full color illustrations and a selection of common Catholic Prayers. Clear vinyl sets come with an economy rosary set. Marian Children’s Mass Book Little Child of God Children’s Mass Book 70-0185 Traditions T di i collections ll i off the h Marian M i Children Chi h ld Mass Book. Padded cover, rounded spine, gold stamping and gold edges. Size: 3-1/4” x 4-3/4” 72-0134 Book — only...... $11.95 70-0185 Satin Purse Set... $31.95 70-0187 Clear Vinyl Set... $17.95 Marian Children’s Mass Book 70-0173 70-1055 Little L Li ttll C tt Child hiilld d off G God dC Cathedral th h d l Ed Edit Edition. ii it Heirloom Edition 144 pages, over 90 full color-illustrations, 5-1/4” x 4” Padded cover. 72-1049 Book — only...... $10.95 70-1055 Satin Purse Set... $30.95 70-0156 Clear Vinyl Set... $16.95 Remembrance R b off M My Fi First H Holy l C Communion. i Marian Children’s Mass Book. Gold stamped hard cover, 125 pages. Size: 4” x 5-5/8” 72-0132 Book — only..... $ 6.95 70-0173 Satin Purse Set... $27.95 70-0128 Clear Vinyl Set... $12.95 Deluxe Communion Sets For Boys All boy books are available separately or will come with an elegant black leatherette folder cover. Also in the set a black wooden rosary with rosary case, laminated scapular, gold plated red and white enamel communion lapel pin and prayer card. All missals contain the “Order of the Mass” beautiful full color illustrations and a selection of common Catholic Prayers. Clear vinyl sets come with an economy rosary set. Marian Children’s Mass Book Little Child of God Children’s Mass Book Marian Children’s Mass Book 70-0196 70-1057 70-0197 Traditions T dit iti collection ll ti off Marian M i Children’s Ch C hil hil ild d ’ Mass M Book. Padded cover, rounded spine, gold stamping and edges. 72-0135 Book — only......................... $11.95 70-0196 Black Leatherette Folder Set....$30.95 70-0186 Clear Vinyl Set....................... $17.95 Little Child of God Cathedral Edition. Heirloom Edition 144 pages, over 90 full color-illustrations, 5-1/4” x 4”, padded cover. 72-1050 Book — only............................... $10.95 70-1057 Black Leatherette Folder Set....... $29.95 70-1058 Clear Vinyl Set............................ $16.95 Remembrance of My First Holy Communion Marian Children’s Mass Book. Gold Stamped Hard Cover, 125 pages. Size: 4” x 5-5/8” 72-0133 Book — only.............................. $ 6.95 70-0197 Black Leatherette Folder Set...... $26.95 70-0199 Clear Vinyl Set........................... $12.95 Prices subject to change without notice. ACG 2012 052.indd 1 7/28/11 9:57 PM