page 6 - Birmingham Botanical Gardens


page 6 - Birmingham Botanical Gardens
enhancing life with plants
b bgarde ns .or g
J uly /A ugust 2013
Good Things Growing |
page 6
Meet the 2013 Tastemakers |
page 3
Central South Native Plant
Conference | Page 9
There is always
something blooming
at Birmingham
Botanical Gardens.
Plan your next visit
and check out what’s
new at The Gardens.
Crape Myrtles
Daylilies (peak)
Southern Magnolias
Summer Annuals
Crape Myrtles
On The Cover
Demián and LeNell Camacho Santa Ana
took our favorite Mint Mixology class to
a new level. Held on June 14, the evening
was filled with the history of bartending
and many great tips for making the perfect
cocktail, lots of humor and laughter.
Students learned the many different
techniques for using herbs in their drinks
while enjoying each other’s company.
To learn more about the Junior Board’s
many classes or to get involved visit
Friends of
Birmingham Botanical Gardens
2013 B oard
D irectors
Tricia Noble ��������������������������������������������� President
Hanson Slaughter�������������������������� President-Elect
Scott Walton���������������������������������������������Treasurer
Barbara Burton ���������������������������������������� Secretary
Jeanie Sherlock����������������������������� VP Development
Brian Barr������������������������ VP Gardens & Buildings
Carl Jones����������������������������������Governance Chair
Lou Willie��������������������������������������������������� Officer
Elizabeth Broughton������������������������������������ Officer
At Large:
Cathy Adams
Laurie Allen
Mary Boehm
Chris Boles
Emily Bowron
Maggie Brooke
Gary Burley
Clarke Gillespy
Houston Gillespy
Charles Goodrich
Tricia Holbrook
Robert Holmes
Beverly Hoyt
Margi Ingram
Kathryn Porter
Lucy Tutwiler
Mary Williamson
Katy Eldridge, Junior Board President
O ur M ission
Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens promotes
public knowledge of plants, gardens & the environment; &
receives, raises & administers resources for these purposes.
O ur V ision
The vision of Birmingham Botanical Gardens is to be one of
the nation’s preeminent botanical gardens.
S taff
M ain������������������������������������������������������� 205.414.3950
Fred Spicer����������������������������������������������������� Executive Director
Olivia Alison��������������������������������������� Director of Development
Stephanie Banks��������������������������������������������Director of Finance
Elizabeth Drewry�������������������������������������������������������������Librarian
Ellen Hardy��������������������������� Education Program Coordinator
Blake Ells����������������������������������� Public Relations Coordinator
Henry Hughes ����������������������������������������� Director of Education
Jason Kirby ������������������������������������Library Assistant & Archivist
Andrew Krebbs�������������� Director of Marketing & Membership
Hope Long��������������������������������������Director of Library Services
John Manion���������������������������Kaul Wildflower Garden Curator
Shelly McCarty��������������������������������Special Events Coordinator
Pam McLeod���������������������������������������������������������� Gift Processor
Drew Rickel�����������������������������������������Donor Relations Officer
Jennifer Sanders������������������������ Plant Adventures Coordinator
Taylor Steele��������������������������������������������Volunteer Coordinator
Rona Walters�����������������������������������������������Membership Assistant
Summer Annuals
The Garden Dirt is the newsletter of Friends of Birmingham Botanical
Gardens. The Garden Dirt is published six times a year
to foster awareness & support events, services, & significant programs
of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We welcome
your comments & address corrections. Please contact:
Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Editor, Andrew Krebbs
2612 Lane Park Road
Birmingham, AL 35223
205.414.3959 or [email protected]
Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens practices a policy of equal
opportunity & equal access to services for all persons regardless of race,
creed, color, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, orientation or
sex. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a facility of Birmingham Park &
Recreation Board. The deadline for the Sept/Oct issue is July 15.
The heat of July and August can be simply brutal
on many plants – not to mention its effects on
gardeners. But some plants just seem to relish it. On
a walk through The Gardens now you’ll notice that
tropical plants love spending the summer outdoors
in Birmingham. Many of our top-performing
“annuals” are tropical, too; some, like coleus, are
tall shrubs in their homeland. Throughout The
Gardens, the displays of colorful annuals and lush
tropicals created by Director James Horton and his
staff are stunning, and the highlight for visitors this
time of year. Please don’t miss them!
I had a delightful conversation yesterday (in May, as I
write this). I was showing the new Sara Askew Jones
Arbor in the Hess Camellia Garden to a consultant
and a donor. A visitor came up the path with her
two grandchildren, and a look of surprise appeared
on all their faces. As I greeted her, she remarked on
how stately the arbor looked and that it wasn’t there
the last time she was. As the kids admired it, and the
last of the camellias hanging on in our cool spring,
she told us that she had been bringing the kids to
The Gardens since they could walk. She went on,
saying how wonderful it was to have a free public
garden here and how exciting it was to see so many
on-going improvements and projects.
This free garden – Birmingham’s urban oasis – and
these projects don’t happen without the publicprivate partnership between The Friends and the
City of Birmingham. We rely on the city and on
all of our supporters to make it happen. I told her
this and then inquired if she was a member. Clearly
embarrassed, she said she was not. So I encouraged
her to become one at whatever level she was able to
sustain, mentioning that it might be a good example
for her grandchildren. She said she would do it and
made a comment about her getting some skin in the
Thanks to all of you for your “skin.”
W e l com e
Dear Friends:
Member Day
July 20
Alabama Orchid
Society Show
September 21-22
Antiques at
The Gardens
Art, Jewelry
& Antiques
October 3-6
Fall Plant Sale
October 19-20
Central South
Native Plant
November 1-2
Dirt Dash
Fun Run/Walk
November 16
Arbor Dedication
On Tuesday, June
4, the recently
Askew Jones Arbor
was dedicated at
the entrance of
the Hess Camellia
Garden. Named
for the longtime
Sarah Askew Jones
Editor at Southern
Living, the arbor was installed by
Robinson Iron Inc. and volunteer John
Jones. It was made possible through
a generous donation by the Jones
family, friends and former co-workers
at Southern Living, the Lucille S. Beeson
Charitable Trust, Rebar Express and
Ready Mix USA The arbor was also
made possible with in-kind service from
the City of Birmingham. It was designed
by former Southern Living Architecture
Editor Robert Martin.
See you in The Gardens,
Fred Spicer
Executive Director
L to R: John Jones, Fred Spicer, Robert Martin, John Floyd
D evelopment
happy hour
retires after six
After much consideration, The Gardens has decided to
retire its annual Cocktails in The Gardens series. For six
years, the event has welcomed thousands of visitors to the
Hill Garden for live music and cocktails and successfully
helped The Gardens achieve its educational mission. Now,
The Gardens prepares to team with its Junior Board to
introduce an exciting new programmatic series in 2014.
More information will be released soon.
In lieu of free admission to Cocktails in The Gardens,
members will receive free admission to Antiques at The
Gardens. Members Free Admission Policy: Student,
Young Professional - Single and Trillium levels receive free
general admission for one named adult. Young Professional
- Couple, Hydrangea and Magnolia receive free general
admission for two named adults. Oak, Ambassador and
President’s Circle receive free general admission for two
named adults and a guest.
Thank you for your support over the years. We look
forward to new opportunities in 2014. If you are interested
in getting involved in our next phase, please contact
Andrew Krebbs, director of marketing & membership, at
[email protected] or 205.414.3959.
Antiques at The Gardens
A rt, J e w e l ry
& A n t iqu e s
E vents
October 3-6, 2013
Public Show Hours
2013 Tastemakers and Themes
This year regionally and nationally-known architects,
interior designers and landscape designers will serve as
“Tastemakers” and will curate themed areas.
Welcome Home
Bobby McAlpine
with Cindy Smith.
Paul Bates & Jeremy
Corkern with Betsy Brown
Return to Mecca
Paige Albright
Fireside Chat
Dana Wolter & Jeff Dungan
of Dungan-Nequette
Weeks to the Ivory Coast
Iris Thorpe
A Well-Traveled Life
Andrew Brown
The Gallery
curated by Laura Vogtle
& Amanda Morrissette
featuring art from across
the South
The Jewel Box
curated by Mallie Ireland
Includes selections from
Defining Home
Tish Fuller
A Year in Provence
Ruth Gay
of Chateau Domingue
Thursday, October 3, 1 – 5 p.m.
Friday, October 4, 10 – 5 p.m.
Saturday, October 5, 10 – 5 p.m.
Sunday, October 6, 11 – 3 p.m.
Tickets: $10 Non-Members, Free to Members+
Special Events
Sterne Agee Gala in The Gardens
Friday, October 4, 7 – 11 p.m.
Black-tie Preview of the Show, Cocktails, Hors d’oeuvres,
Music and Show Readmission
Music provided by the Tip Tops.
Tickets: $150* per person
Red Diamond Lecture Series
Southern Comfort
Mark Kennamer
Texture in Time
Alex & Jeannie Krumdiek
Erin Graves
The Winery
Curated by Lydia Pursell
and Kitty White
Bobby McAlpine
Thursday, October 3, 1:30 p.m.
Tickets: $30* per person
The Artisan Garden
David & Holley Camp
Helen Harmon
Learn more about this year’s show and purchase tickets at or 205.414.3950.
*Price includes show admission, +some restrictions apply.
V o lu n t e e r s
Party in the Park
for Tree Volunteers
Henry Hughes, Director of Education
The rain of Sunday afternoon, April 28, didn’t dampen the celebratory
mood of a new community partnership drawn from the ranks of
Friends of George Ward Park, Glen Iris Neighborhood Association,
Little and Red Mountain Gardens Clubs, City of Birmingham and
Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The two garden clubs
hosted a party for some thirty volunteers, who had collected seed
from the oak and hickory trees in the park, had helped to plant the
seed and to grow the seedlings at The Gardens for a year, and had
planted one thousand seedlings in the park beneath the parent trees
and nurtured them into saplings. They gathered to celebrate the
completion of the five-year project. The rain stopped, two guitarists
played and a cake-as-big-as-all-outdoors, picturing the park trees and
stream, was cut. Speakers rose to the occasion, including Hope Cooper
of Friends of George Ward Park, Trudy Evans of Little Garden
Club, Stanley Robinson of Birmingham Parks and Recreation, Fred
Spicer and Henry Hughes of Birmingham Botanical Gardens and
City of Birmingham Councilwoman, Valerie Abbott, who represents
District 3 that includes George Ward Park. Following discussions
with Mayor William Bell, the tree planting project will continue this
fall in new areas of the city as part of the celebration of fifty years
of civil rights progress in Birmingham.
Brenda Harbison & Mary Williams
Hope Cooper (center) and Stanley
Robinson (far right) with volunteers
Members of the Little and Red Mountain
Garden Clubs with an oak sapling.
Volunteer Spotlight:
Administrative Angels
Taylor Steele, Volunteer Coordinator
Brenda Harbison and Mary Williams have spent countless hours supporting
numerous administrative tasks: monthly membership renewals, development
solicitations for upcoming fundraising events and even helping create beautiful
table arrangements for special events at The Gardens. It’s the generosity of each
that help sustain a non-profit organization like Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Both feel their strength comes
from a sense of ownership and passion for The Gardens’ mission.
Brenda has always had a personal interest in gardening and has been visiting The Gardens for years to enjoy the beauty
each garden offers. She volunteers because she enjoys the other volunteers she works with and she’s developed a friendship
with each. Spring Plant Sale is the event she looks most forward to each year, because she loves the energy and excitement
of the four-day event. When she is not at The Gardens, she loves photography and spending time with family.
Mary Williams loves to donate her time and talent to help other people and organizations like The Gardens. Mary also
enjoys volunteering at The Gardens because she enjoys the pleasantry and kindness of the staff and other volunteers.
Mary doesn’t stay at home. Before retiring, Mary worked for the Veteran’s Administration VA Hospital for 27 years as a
dental assistant.
To learn more about our volunteer program visit or contact Taylor Steele, volunteer
coordinator, at [email protected] or 205.414.3962.
from the
Archives and Rare Book Room:
A rt i s t D i s p l ay
Artist Barry Graham
The Nature of Life
Opening Reception
Friday, July 12, 5:30-7:30 pm
Happy 5th Birthday!
The Gardens is pleased to announce the
Archives and Rare Book Room will be
turning five years old on August 22, 2013.
Archivist Jason Kirby never guessed that
The Gardens would select him to be its
first archivist, nor that the position would
eventually become permanent. “I cannot
believe it has been five years already. I have
watched the archives go from just a mere
idea, to a functional-working model. In such
a short amount of time, the word Archives
has become a common word amongst the
staff, volunteers and the public here at The
Gardens. I love watching the archives evolve
and grow, adding items to its collections for
future gardeners and historians to come.”
On August 22, the Archives and Rare Book
Room at The Gardens will celebrate its fifth
anniversary. The public is invited to join us
for cake, and the room will be open for
To learn more about the Archives and
Rare Book Room contact Jason Kirby,
library assistant and archivist, at jkirby@ or 205.414.3956.
Visit the
Gerlach Plant Information
Center (GPIC)
inside the Garden Center during
August & September for the exhibit:
L i b r a r y S e rv i c e s
N ews
Thyme to Read
July 2: An Unthymely Death
by Susan Wittig Albert
August 6: Breaking Through Concrete
by David Hanson and Edwin Marty
September 10: My Berlin
Kitchen: A love story,
with recipes by Luisa Weiss
Join us in The Library at 6 p.m.
on the first Tuesday of each
month to discuss a fun book
pertaining to gardening, plants
or the environment. Contact
Director of Library Services
Hope Long at 205.414.3931 or
[email protected] for more
information or to get involved.
Good Things Growing…
In The Gardens
Fred Spicer, Executive Director
Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) is beloved
for its care-free performance, large lemon-scented
flowers and dense, stately beauty. But it is disliked
for its immense size, often-imposing form
and “self-mulching” character. At first glance,
the dwarf cultivar ‘Little Gem’, introduced by
Monrovia Nursery in Azusa, CA, seemingly has
all the pros and none of the cons of the species.
Over time, however, ‘Little Gem’ shows it’s not
just the same thing in a smaller package. As such,
it’s a model for how plants should be evaluated:
on their own merits, not on their kin’s perceived
‘Little Gem’ reminds us that “dwarf ” is a term
that’s relative only to the normal size of typical
trees, not humans. Southern magnolia can easily
grow over 80’ tall, and much more than half as
wide. To my mind, any size less than or equal to
half of that qualifies as dwarf. At nearly 40’ tall and 20’ wide, the ‘Little Gem’ in the
Ireland Iris Garden (above left) is the tallest I’ve seen (and supposedly the first one
planted in Birmingham). In 25 years, it has surpassed the 20-25’ mature size listed in
almost all of the web and print references I checked. (But it is a dwarf.)
Key parts of ‘Little Gem’ are smaller, too, than
those of the species. Leaves, flowers (left) and fruit
are nicely proportional to each other, though, and
less messy, if tidiness beneath your specimen is
important. Widely touted for screening, ‘Little
Gem’ fails in this regard if by “screen” one means
“barrier.” It is rather see-through, even in full sun
(more in shade), which shouldn’t be a surprise
really: there’s just less of it. On the plus side, it
takes repeated pruning, and that will increase its
density somewhat.
Perhaps more so than any other cultivar, ‘Little
Gem’ flowers when very young and is strongly
remontant (re-blooming). Heaviest flowering
occurs in May-June and again in the fall,
but sporadically through the summer as
well (right). The spring flowers are borne
on old wood (mostly nascent flower
buds embedded in the overwintering
terminal buds) and later flowers on new
‘Little Gem’ is a tough, beautiful and
useful tree, and very aptly named. It
pays to view this tree in the light of
what it offers, not what it doesn’t.
Garde ning Tips
for July and August
Protect figs and other ripening fruit from
Continue to root shrub cuttings until
late in the month and mulch to keep soil
Remove faded blooms promptly from
crape myrtle and other summer-blooming
In lawns, watch for diseases. Mow
regularly, and water as needed.
Keep roses healthy and actively growing.
Apply fertilizer as needed. Wash off foliage
to prevent burning if any fertilizer falls on
Water annuals and perennials as needed to
keep plants active.
Iris and spider lily bulbs may be planted
late this month.
Keeping flowers, shrubs, trees, and lawns
healthy is the major task this month. This
demands close observation for insects and
diseases, and frequent watering.
Plant beans, field peas, rutabagas,
squash, New Zealand spinach, and Irish
potatoes. Plant cabbage, collards, broccoli,
cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and celery for
the fall crop.
Plant tomatoes in Central and North
Cut out old blackberry canes after fruiting
and then fertilize and cultivate for
replacement canes. Remember to order
new catalogs for fruit selection.
Layer branches of hydrangea.
Hybrid teas and floribundas may need
slight pruning to prevent scraggly
Water annuals and perennials as needed to
keep plants active.
Plant perennials and biennials.
Divide old iris plantings and add new
Keeping flowers, shrubs, trees, and lawns
healthy is the major task during this
month. This means close observation for
insects and diseases.
Plant turnips, rutabagas, beans, and peas
in South Alabama.
Plant cabbage, collards, cauliflower,
Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and celery.
Courtesy of
For more information,
see or
call the Plant Hotline at
Ian Hazelhoff
Rotary Club of Shades
Valley Summer Intern
The Birmingham Botanical Gardens
welcomes Ian Hazelhoff as its 2013
summer intern funded by the Rotary
Club of Shades Valley. Selected from
six finalists representing five colleges
and universities, Ian has an impressive
background in biology that includes
physiology. In his senior year at the
University of the South, Sewanee, Ian
participated in studies involving invasive
species, forest structure dynamics and
constructed wetlands. His interests
include urban forestry, green space development, ecosystem management
and self-sustaining agriculture.
Ian has chosen a special project to work on that is part of The Gardens’
educational program, involving community tree planting. In addition, Ian
will participate in any of the summer educational programs and staff
activities that he chooses. Ian is not new to The Gardens. In 2010 and
2011, he was a head counselor with the summer nature camps conducted
in partnership with Fresh Air Family, Inc. Ian was recommended for the
internship by Sewanee professor, Dr. David Haskell, nominated for a 2013
Pulitzer Prize for his book, The Forest Unseen. Dr. Haskell will be the keynote
speaker for the Central South Native Plant Conference at Birmingham
Botanical Gardens this fall.
Reid Pearlman
High School Summer
Reid Pearlman, rising senior at
Vestavia Hills High School, is the
first high school summer intern
serving at The Gardens. Reid has
volunteered at The Gardens for
a number of years, assisting with
plant sales and education programs.
He will be assisting 2013 college
summer interns, Ian Hazelhoff and Caroline Rowan, with their special
projects as well as participating in the activities of The Gardens’ staff.
Following the completion of his ten-week internship, Reid will receive a
$500 scholarship.
To learn more about the summer internship program contact Henry Hughes,
director of education, at [email protected] or 205.414.3953.
E d u cat i o n
Meet Our 2013 Summer Interns
Caroline Rowan
College Summer Intern
The Birmingham Botanical Gardens
is pleased to host its first intern from
the Urban Environmental Studies
program at Birmingham-Southern
College. Caroline Rowan is a rising
junior majoring in biology with minors
in urban environmental studies and
psychology. After graduation she plans
to pursue a career in field biology. A
long-time visitor of The Gardens,
she credits it as one of the first places
to spark her interest in the natural
world. Her passion for nature and
learning makes The Gardens a great
environment for her ten-week summer
Caroline will be participating with
staff, volunteers and other interns
in a wide variety of activities at The
Gardens. Her special project will be
to evaluate the success of planting
native tree seedlings and establishing
natural vegetation over the last five
years in a forested section of George
Ward Park in Birmingham. Half of the
stipend that Caroline receives is funded
by Birmingham-Southern and half is
funded by the Little Garden Club and
the Red Mountain Garden Club, who
provided funding for the park planting
E d u cat i o n
Summer Wonder in
The Gardens: Put us
on your Map!
Ellen Hardy, Education Program Coordinator
Adult &
Family Classes
To register visit
or call 205.414.3950.
Yoga In The Gardens
Summer at The Gardens offers many opportunities for children and
families, whether planning ahead or last minute.
Instructor: Suzanne Graham
Every Wednesday | 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens
$72 Yoga Package (4 classes of your choice)
$20 Drop-In
Join us any day for Meet The Gardens: A Treasure Map. You may
download the map activity by visiting
Search for treasures in our living museum including pollinators,
summer vegetables, fragrant herbs; even Japanese Garden elements
such as the torii, Moon Bridge and Japanese maples with leaves
which may remind you of stars.
To dig deeper, make sure to reserve a Discovery Backpack. New
this summer, you can explore the many gardens on your map, but
our backpack will have you prepared to take a cool summer stop
to wonder at water lilies. Search for a summer starburst of colorful
floating flowers as you are inspired by the story of The Magical
Garden of Claude Monet by Lawrence Anholt to create your own
water lily in water color.
To reserve your Discovery
Backpack contact Ellen
Hardy, education program
coordinator, at ehardy@ or 205.414.3953.
We look forward to helping
you make The Gardens a fun,
interactive and educational
part of your summer. Make
sure to put us on your map remember, we’re free!
Kids n’ Cameras
Instructor: Hank Siegel
Saturday, July 27 9-1 p.m.
$50 General Admission
Junior Board presents:
From the Garden to the Grill
Instructor: TBD
Thursday, August 15 | 6 - 8 p.m.
Location: Arrington Plant Adventure Zone
$20 before August 1 | $25 after August 1
Classes/Field Trips/Volunteer Opportunities
Introduction to Mycology (elective)
Registration & further information about the program, including course descriptions & certificate
requirements, can be found at or call 205.414.3950.
Native Ferns & Their Relatives (elective)
Instructor: Dan Jones, Ph.D.
Saturday, July 13 | 8:30 - 12:30 p.m.
$40 Members | $45 Non-Members
Bats and Plants (field trip)
Trip Leaders: Michael Gilbert & John Manion
Saturday, July 27 | 1:30 - 8 p.m.
Location: Scottsboro, AL
$50 Members | $60 Non-Members
The Fascinating World of Moths (elective)
Instructor: Peter Van Zandt, Ph.D.
Saturday, August 3 | 5 - 7 p.m. & 8 - 10 p.m.
Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens
$40 Members | $45 Non-Members
Summer Identification of Native Woody
Plants (elective)
Instructor: Fred Spicer
Saturday, August 10 | 8:30-12:30 p.m.
$40 Members | $45 Non-Members
Introduction to Botany(core)
Plant-Animal Interactions (elective)
Instructor: Bob Boyd, Ph.D.
Saturday, August 24 | 9 - 1 p.m.
$40 Members | $45 Non-Members
Instructor: Juan Luis Mata, Ph.D.
Saturday, September 7 | 8:30 - 12:30 p.m.
Location: Birmingham Botanical Garden
$40 Members | $45 Non-Members
Instructor: Tom Diggs
Saturday, September 14 | 8:30-4:30 p.m.
$80 Members | $90 Non-Members
Alabama’s Geological History (elective)
Native Grasses & Grass-like
Instructor: Jim Lacefield, Ph.D.
Saturday, September 21 | 12:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens
$40 Members | $45 Non-Members
Instructor: Dan Spaulding
Saturday, August 31 | 8:30-12:30 p.m.
$40 Members | $45 Non-Members
Central South Native
Plant Conference
N at i v e P l a n t s
Certificate in Native Plant Studies
Save the Date
November 1-2, 2013
Native Plants - Looking Back
and Moving Forward
The Southeast’s native plants and their habitats
from a historical perspective.
Featuring Dr. David Haskell
& C. Colston Burrell
Visit or call
205.414.3950 for more information.
photo courtesy A.L. Gibson
G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s
Chairman Level
Mr. & Mrs. John Israel, III
Louise D. Johnson
Director Level
Mrs. Claire H. Fairley
Advisor Level
Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Pursell
Benefactor Level
Boatright Companies
Ms. Elna Brendel
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goodrich
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III
Southern Progress Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stukes
As of April 2, 2013
Patron Level
Mrs. Frances D. Blount
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Brock
Mr. & Mrs. W. Frank Cobb, III
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Bob de Buys
Mr. & Mrs. J.S.M. French
Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich
The Hill-Allison Charitable Lead Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr.
James L. Newsome
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Northen, III
Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III
Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Ray, Jr.
Rucker & Margaret Agee Fund
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rushton, III
Mr. & Mrs. B. Hanson Slaughter
Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II
Mrs. Lucille R. Thompson
Gifts to
The Library at
Birmingham Botanical Gardens
March- May 2013
Birmingham Fern Society
– in memory of Bert Olshan
Gary Walker
– in honor of James. T.(Jay) Eubanks
Ann Warren Katholi
Barbara Lampkin
Susan Jackson
Sandra Oden
Barbara Simpson
Frances Wheelock
As of June 15, 2013
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge
Mrs. Ruby S. Ansley*
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet
Mrs. Camille A. Becker
Mrs. Lucille S. Beeson
Peggy Bonfield & Orrin Ford
Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown*
D. Joseph & Ida C. Burns*
Mary Carolyn Gibbs Cleveland
Ms. Suzanne G. Clisby
Mrs. Martha Stone Cobb Daniel*
The Daniel Foundation of Alabama
The Dunn-French Family
Mr. F. Lewter Ferrell, Jr.*
Mr. R.R. Herbst*
Mr. J. Ernest Hill & Mrs. Ora Lee Hill*
Mrs. Fay B. Ireland
Mr. George L. Jenkins
Hugh & Bobbe Kaul*
Ms. Pamela Kaul
Fran Lawlor
Dr. Bodil Lindin-Lamon*
Ms. Hope Long
Dr. Michael E. Malone
Ms. Louise T. McAvoy*
Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz
Mr. Philip Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr.*
James L. Newsome
Dr. & Mrs. A. I. Perley*
Steve & LeAnne Porter
Mrs. Carol P. Poynor
Mrs. Dorothy L. Renneker*
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer, III*
Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr.
Mr. Douglas Arant Stockham
Dr. Wendell H. Taylor, Sr.*
Mrs. Barbara D. Thorne*
Mrs. Carolyn D. Tynes*
Mrs. Ann H. “Nancy” Warren*
Mrs. Robert Wells
3. 1. 13-4. 30. 13
Sara E. Alford
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr.
James W. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet
Meg Baker
Country Garden Club
Elizabeth Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. George Simpson
Elsie M. Clotfelter
Linda & Benjamin Cohen
William B. Deal
Ms. Wagnon Bonner & Mr. Jim Donald
Harriette Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. B. Hanson Slaughter
Marvin R. Engel
The Honorable & Mrs. Melford O. Cleveland
William W. Featheringill
Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. B. Hanson Slaughter
Paula S. Ford
Mrs. William N. Culp, Jr.
Mary P. Forman
Mr. & Mrs. John Abele
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Anthony
Ms. Maggie Baggett
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Bainbridge, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet
Mr. & Mrs. George Bargeron
Ms. Alice Marie Bastar
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Beeler, Jr.
Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Botsford
Ms. Elna R. Brendel
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr.
Brookleigh Townhouses
Mr. & Mrs. Borden H. Burr II
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Cantrell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Chisolm
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Clayton, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. William Costenbader
Mr. & Mrs. Dan R. Cullum
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Curry
Dr. & Mrs. James A. Davis, III
Ms. Josephine C. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Dixon
Christina & Chris Durovich
Mr. & Mrs. J. Hagood Ellison, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr.
Ms. Kimberly A. Fretti & Mr. Graham Beene
Mrs. Chita S. Gaskin
Mrs. Leslie Geller
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gewin
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert W. Goings, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Hackney
Dr. & Mrs. Rex Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Holman Head
Mr. & Mrs. Merrill T. Head, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Heard
Mrs. Martha Hiden
Mrs. S. Richardson Hill, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J.T. Houston
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hydinger
Mr. & Mrs. J. Fredric Ingram
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Johnson
Mr. Joseph H. Johnson, Jr.
Ms. Virginia M. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. King
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Knight, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Liles
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lines
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Livingston, Jr.
Ms. Monica Long
Mr. & Mrs. Milton M. Magnus
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Mahoney
Mrs. David H. Marbury, III
Mr. & Mrs. C. Caldwell Marks
Mr. & Mrs. John N. McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCulley
Mrs. William W. McTyeire, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Middleton
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Millhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Temp Millsap
Ms. Lauren Murray
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Nading, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bryce North
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Oliver
Ms. Rena Pederson
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pritchard
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Pritchard, Jr.
Mr. William S. Pritchard III
Mr. & Mrs. E. Mabry Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Rutledge, III
Mr. Henry E. Simpson
Mrs. Peter G. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sprague
Ms. Cynnie Shook Sproull
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Stewart
Ms. Kate Stockham
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Taliaferro, Jr.
The Thompson Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gray Thuston
Dr. Bayard S. Tynes
Dr. & Mrs. Marshall Urist
Mr. Kitty S. Urquhart
Mrs. A. Brand Walton
Mr. & Mrs. Meade Whitaker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Willings
Mrs. Sarah Young Sampson
Lillian A. Gardner
The Foundry Rescue Mission & Recovery Center, Inc.
Patsy Gaskin
Perky Planters Garden Club
Winter F. Gilmore
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Cook
Gerald F. Gingras, Sr.
Mr. Gerald Gingras, Jr.
Lillian Groover
Mr. & Mrs. Keith B. Arendall
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Brigham, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks G. Knapp & Family
Jimmie S. Hess
Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Mr. & Mrs. B. Hanson Slaughter
Basil Hirschowitz
Mrs. James H. Emack
Mrs. Adeline F. Kahn
Bedell Holder
Mrs. James H. Emack
Dolly G. Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet
Leo M. Karpeles
Rockbrook Garden Club
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Townsend
Sid & Bur Weatherly
Joseph Kimerling
Mr. & Mrs. B. Hanson Slaughter
Ruth Langley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet
William H. McNiel
Sid & Bur Weatherly
Mitsuko Miyagawa
Mr. Michael Huebner & Mrs. Ritsuko Asano
Tsunenobu & Atsuko Tamura
G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s
Ms. Carolyne F. Martin
Mrs. Katie P. Metheny
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Nichols
Mrs. Polly Owen
Mr. Fred G. Owen III
Mr. William S. Pritchard III
Dr. & Mrs. Courtenay Renneker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Simmons, III
Kay T. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Trafton
Phil H. Neal
The Honorable & Mrs. Melford O. Cleveland
Burt Olshan
Birmingham Fern Society
Samuel Partridge
Mrs. William F. Edmonds
David A. Perrin
Mrs. J. M. Morgan, Jr.
Carlton Pinkerton
Mr. & Mrs. C. Eugene Boles
Adele A. Stockham
The Honorable & Mrs. Melford O. Cleveland
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Stockham
Sara S. Waddell
Sid & Bur Weatherly
John Windhorst
Mrs. Louis G. Mason
Mary Belle Yardley
Lilies Of The Valley Garden Club
G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s
3. 1. 13-4. 30. 13
Olivia Alison
Mr. William Baskett
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Boles
Mr. & Mrs. William Brooke
Brooke Family Foundation
Mrs. Roxann Burkey-Shalliesk
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Chauvin
Dr. & Mrs. M. Clagett Collins, M.D.
The Community Foundation of
Greater Birmingham
Mrs. Anita Dark
Ms. Margaret Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert de Buys
Ms. Annette H. Drummonds
Ms. Deborah Elliott
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gewin
Mrs. Sula Gillespie
Dr. Butch Goldblatt
Mrs. Lynn D. Grimsley
Mrs. Carmen B. Habeeb
Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher D. Harvey III
Dr. & Mrs. Joe Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Israel III
Dr. Susan Jackson
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Jander
Jemison Investment Company Advised
Fund of CFGB
Mrs. Crawford T. Johnson, III
Dr. & Mrs. James Johnston, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II
Ann Bunn
Mrs. Minnie H. Rast
Jason Kirby
First United Methodist Church Garden Club
The Little Garden Club
New Horizons - UAB
John Manion
Ms. Suzanne G. Clisby
W GA Chapter of the GA Native Plant Society
Edna L. McCune
Camellia Garden Club
Lawrence G. Michalove
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Kuniansky
Mike Rushing
Dogwood Garden Club
Frederick R. Spicer
Cherokee Rose Garden Club
Ms. Katherine Pearson
Taylor Steele
Lorol Roden Bowron Rediker Rucker
Mr. George F. Maynard
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mayne
Ms. Lucy McCown
Ms. Bettie Morales
Munford Recycling, Inc. DBA Calhoun
County Recycling
My Scoop Media
Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. Naughton
Dr. James L. Newsome
Ms. Carol Ogle
Ms. Lori Oswald & Mr. Hans Paul
Mrs. Suzanne Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rushton, III
Mr. & Mrs. B. Hanson Slaughter
Snippers Garden Club
Southern Progress Corporation
Ms. Mary Frances Stayton
Sterne Agee
Ms. Katherine Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stukes
Mrs. Hall W. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Vevle
William Colclough Thomas - Fine Art
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Williams
Mr. Edward Hanz & Mrs. Virginia Yates
& renewing
new & renewing
Withering Heights Garden Club
President $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Bissell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Briggs
Mrs. Donie N. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rosse
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Slaughter
Ambassador $500-999
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Bainbridge, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Boehm
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Cobb
Mrs. Megan Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Clarke H. Gillespy
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hulsey
Dr. Susan Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Murray W. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Willie, III
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin M. Zivitz
Oak $250-499
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Burdette
Ms. Pat Cosgrove
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Curtin, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Dillard
Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Doody
Mr. Richard Dorman
Dr. & Mrs. John D. Elmore
Mr. James V. Fairley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Glenn
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Hoyt
Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Katholi
Ms. Janet Lyman & Mr. Hank Siegel
Mrs. Lynette A. McCary
Mr. Mark McColl
Mr. & Mrs. Leon A. Nolen, III
Dr. & Mrs. Joe R. Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Rand, Jr.
Mrs. Elberta G. Reid
Mr. & Mrs. John Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rooney
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Russell
Dr. Merle M. Salter & Dr. Paul P. Salter
Mrs. Myra Smith
Dr. & Mrs. David L. Tharpe
Magnolia $125-249
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Abele
Ms. Rebecca Adams
Ms. Cindi S. Akins
Ms. Sallie S. Aman
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson B. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Bean
Dr. & Mrs. Austen L. Bennett, III
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis H. Booker, Jr.
LaRue Carter
Ms. Judith Clasen
Mrs. Hope Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cooper
Mrs. Anita Mazer Cord
Mrs. John Cowin
Mrs. Jane Cusick
Michael D. Davis
Ms. Marilyn Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Duckworth
Mike & Carolyn Edwards
Dr. & Mrs. James O. Finney, Jr.
Ms. Jackie Fitts
Mrs. Linda Grissom
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Harmon
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Hartline
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory H. Hawley
Dr. & Mrs. Guy M. Hicks, Jr.
Ms. Lucy Hicks
Mrs. Jane B. Hodges
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Jones
Ms. Elaine Kassouf
Mrs. Mavis Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Larsen
Mrs. Anita LeMay
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Lineberry, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. S. Robert Lister
Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Long, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Luckie, III
Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Mann
Stanford & Nicole Massie
Mrs. Cecelia C. Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mayne
Ms. Kim McBride
Ms. Jane H. McPherson
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Miles
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Moore, Jr.
Mrs. J. M. Morgan, Jr.
Mrs. Jane Mullins
Mr. & Mrs. Lee B. Murray
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Nading, Jr.
Mrs. Linda Nowak
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Oden
Steve & Mary Phillips
Sally & Gene T. Price
Ms. Suzanne Respess
Mrs. Mel Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Scott, Jr.
Mrs. Vicki Smith
Mrs. Lamar Smith, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sprague
Ms. Rosemary Strouss
Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. Stutts, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George N. Tobia
Mr. Steve Todd & Mr. Ben Henry
Ms. Kate Tremblay & Mr. John
Ms. Vivian Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks Vaughan
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Warren
Mrs. Leila Watson
Ms. Marjorie L. White
Ms. Holly Whitmire
Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Whitney
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde E. Wills
Ms. Margery J. Wirth
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Womack
Alan & Harriet Word
LBYD, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Able, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia B. Alley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Alosi
Ms. Gail Andrews & Dr. Richard
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Atkinson
Dr. & Mrs. Alvin L. Atlas
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Atwood
Dr. Jack M. Averett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bailey
Dr. & Mrs. William C. Bailey
Ms. Anita S. Baker
Mr. Tom Baker & Dr. Carol Leitner
Mr. & Mrs. John Barelare
Mrs. Richard G. Bastar, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Benjamin, Jr.
Mrs. Mindy Bennett
Dr. & Mrs. Neal R. Berte
Dr. Jill Billions
Mr. & Mrs. Archie Bisset, III
Mr. & Mrs. Brody Black
Mrs. J. W. Bledsoe, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lucian F. Bloodworth
Ms. Polly Borasino
Ms. Connie Bostany
Mrs. Lindsey H. Branyon
Connie & C. Michael Buchanan
Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bugg
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Burgess
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Camp
Mrs. Anne G. Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Carlisle
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Carns
Augusta & Ralph Cash
Mr. & Mrs. A. P. Christenson
Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Clements
Mr. & Mrs. Archie Cobbs
Mrs. Glenda Cochran
Linda & Benjamin Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cole
Bess Collias
Mrs. Jennafer Collins
Mrs. Rhonda Cooper
Ms. Amy Cottrill
Ms. Miriam Cowan
Ms. Janet Cox
Mr. Samuel Cox
Mr. R. N. Craig & Mrs. Carol M. Craig
Ms. Nelda Creel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Crook
Dr. & Mrs. James Cullinan
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Cunningham
Michelle & Michael Danley
Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Davies, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia Davis
Ms. Molleen Desai
Mr. & Mrs. James DeWilde
Mr. John Dewitt & Mr. Wayne Odom
Ms. Eva Dillard
Mrs. Mary I. Dillon
Mr. & Mrs. David Donahue
Mrs. Lisa Downing
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Drennen
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Drinkard
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Dunbar, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Dye
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Eastwood, II
Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Edmiston
Mr. Paul Eggert
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Eldridge
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Elliott
Ms. Kathy English
Mr. & Mrs. Sid Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Evans, Jr.
Mrs. Jeri Finchum
Mr. & Mrs. Joe M. Finkel
Ms. Susan Finley
Ms. Rebecca Flynn
Mr. Marlon Ford
Ms. Anita Franklin
Mrs. Lyn Froning
Mr. & Mrs. James Garrison
Mr. & Mrs. George Garzon
Mr. & Mrs. Maury Gaston
Megan & Ben Gerace
Dr. & Mrs. G. Y. Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Graves
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gray III
Mrs. Beverly Green
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Gregory
Mrs. Catherine Gregory
Ms. Carol Hagood
Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Hambaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Harris
Mrs. Ann G. Harvey & Mr. Thomas
W. Schultz
Ms. Lynn Headley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Helfand
Mr. & Mrs. James Hewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Hoffman, III
Mr. Don Holley
Mr. & Mrs. Elam Holley
Mrs. Dany Hollingsworth
Mrs. Mona Holmes
Mrs. Cathy Horton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Howard
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Huddle
Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Hudspeth
Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Hulsey
Mr. Peter Humphries
Dr. & Mrs. John C. Hurst, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Hyde
Mr. & Mrs. David Israel
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Jackson
Ms. Teresa Jang
Ms. Ellen C. Johnson
Mary & Jan Jones
Ms. Lynn Joseph
Drs. Gina & Gerald Karcher
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Kimberly
Mrs. Cass Klimcak
Mr. & Mrs. John Kuklinski, Jr.
Ms. Tabitha Lacy
Bill & Mindy Lalor
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Lambert
Mrs. Mary Lyn LaRussa
Mr. & Mrs. Reed Lawrence
Ms. Susan Levine
Sally Lewis
Maurice & Marcella Little
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Livingston, Jr.
Ms. Donna M. Lummus
Ms. Rhonda Lusco
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Mackin
Ms. Maryann Manning
Mrs. Jennifer Marbutt
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Matthews V
Ms. Kim McClafferty
Mr. & Mrs. Gene McElroy
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. McFadden
Dr. & Mrs. David McGiffin
Mrs. Lynne McTyre
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Medley
Ms. Jan A. Midgley & Mr. Dean Clark
Mrs. Sandra Miller
Mr. Matthew Miller & Mrs. Suzanne
Charles & Elizabeth Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Mills, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mollengarden
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Monaghan
Ms. Cathleen Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Moore
Ms. Jean E. Mosley
Ms. Sylvie Mrug
Dr. Charles Murray
Mr. Drew Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, Jr.
Mr. Jim North, Jr.
Dr. John E. Norton
Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ogard
Mrs. Nelda Osment
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Owings
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Parker
Mr. Jason E. Patrick
Ms. Pam Paustian
Ms. Mary Scott Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pearson
Mr. Glenn Peoples, Sr.
Joey & Adele Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Petras
Mr. & Mrs. David Philpot
Mrs. Jane Cobb Pickering
Mr. Chris Pinke
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Poerschke
Ms. Patsy Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Prescott
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Prestwood
Ms. Susan Pretnar
Mr. & Mrs. James Purnell
Mr. & Mrs. William Rabel
Mr. & Mrs. Milton C. Ragsdale, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Erskine Ramsay, II
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney B. Ramsay
Mr. James H. Raynes
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Reames
Mr. Robert Reiche & Mrs. Ellen J. Schmidt
Ms. Su Reid-St. John
Dr. & Mrs. Courtenay Renneker
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. David Roberson
Mr. & Mrs. David Romanoff
Mrs. Sara M. Roseman
Ms. Kathy Rowe
Jim & Emily Rowland
Ms. Rebecca Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Russell, Jr.
Pearl & Don Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. William Sandlin
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Sandner
Ms Karen Scott
Ms. Tammy Searcy
Dr. Gloria Sellman
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Shackelford
Mrs. Robert G. Sherrill
Mr. & Mrs. Perry G. Shuttlesworth
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Siegal
Toby & Bert Siegel
Ms. Wendy Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. A. Page Sloss, Jr.
Ms. Donna Slovensky
Dr. Carol Smith
Mr. William E. Smith III
Mr. & Mrs. Joey Smith
Dr. Shirley Steele
Larry & Joalice Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. David Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Stoddard
Dr. J. Michael Straughn
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Strickland
Mrs. Mary K. Stringfellow
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Sulzby, III
Mrs. Katherine Thrower
Mr. & Mrs. Gray Thuston
Ms. Katherine Tipton
Mrs. Helen V. Titus
Mr. & Mrs. Brock Tompkins
Mr. & Mrs. Dan G. Trawick
Ms. Fannie Turner
Ms. Lara Vickery
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Vitalis
Judy & Ralph Wackenhut
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wallace
Dr. & Mrs. Phillip C. Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Weatherford, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Warren E. Weed
Terry N. Weems & Terry Sutherland
Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds D. Whatley
Mr. & Mrs. H. P. Whiteside
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Widner
Herb & Carol Wilbanks
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Withrow
Mr. William Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Woodworth
Mrs. Cheryl H. Wooten
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Yester
Mr. & Mrs. Jobey York
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Youngblood
Mr. & Mrs. John Yow
Trillium $45-59
Ms. Amy E. Adkins
Ms. Ardis Albany
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Alderman
Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson
Ms. Betty D. Anderson
Mr. J.R. Andrews
Mrs. Dorothy T. Ashby
Mr. Scott Barfoot
Ms. Debra Bartoletti
Ms. Caroline Bates
Ms. Cathy Beasley
Ms. Barbara Bell
Ms. Michelle Blackwood
Mrs. Mary S. Bowman
Mr. Benjamin Jack Bryan
Mrs. Wallace Bunn
Mrs. Cathy Canant
Dr. Richard Carroll
Dr. & Ms. Robert B. Chadband
Ms. Lyn Chappelle
Mr. & Mrs. Rusty Chastain
Mrs. Dorothy Clark
Mrs. Judith M. Cloe
Rita C. Constantine
Ms. Kathleen Cooper & Mr. Kenny
Mrs. Belton Cooper
Ms. Margaret Davis
Mrs. Sandra S. Dean
Mrs. Judy DeWitt
Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr.
Ms. Tonya Drake
Mr. W.B. Dumas
Ms. Leza Duncan
Ms. Mary Edwards Mueller
Ms. Joanne Englebert
Ms. Jean Folsom
Mrs. Joann Fox
Ms. Rita Freeman
Mrs. Bette Fritz
Ms. Kathleen Gard
Mrs. Michael Gilliam
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Glaub
Mrs. Eve Graham
Mrs. Becky Greenlee
Ms. Gwendolyn Griffin
Ms. Rebecca R. Griffith
Dr. Ward Haarbauer
Mrs. Judy Hager
Mr. Jeffery L. Hannah
Ms. Theresa Harrison
Mr. Tom Hart
Mrs. Mary Hawkins
Ms. Jeremy B. Hayden
Mr. Richard Healy
Ms. Yvette Heath
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Hiller, III
Ms. Joan Hilner
Dr. Kathryn Hoar & Mr. Wayne Hoar
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Holcombe
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Howell
Ms. Cindy Huesman
Ms. Kim Huey
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Hurley
Ms. Dolores Hydock
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Igou
Mr. John E. Jefferies, Jr.
Mr. Raymond Jourdan
Mr. & Mrs. J. Terrence Joyce
Mr. Rodney Kornegay
Ms. Polly Kratt
Mrs. Barbara B. Lampkin
Mrs. Ann Lee
Mrs. R. Edward Leslie
Mrs. & Mr. Judy M. Lewis
Dr. Walter Little
Mrs. Jobie Lynch
Mrs. Joy Magruder
Mrs. Rebecca Mason
Ms. Cecile L. Mason
Mrs. Louis G. Mason
Mrs. Kate Mather
Mrs. Luverne Mattil
Mrs. Kay B. McCarty
Mr. & Mrs. Philip I. McGrath
Miss Virginia McLean
Mrs. E.J. Meriwether
Ms. Patricia Miller
Ms. Margaret R. Monaghan
Mr. Frank Monge
Ms. Kathryn Morgan
Ms. Margaret Newton
Mr. Jason Noah
Mrs. Martha Norville
Dr. Eddie P. Ort III
Mrs. Marjorie C. Paden
Ms. Cherrye Fincher Parker
Ms. Anne Parrish
Jennifer Patterson
Ms. Martha Pezrow
Ms. Cynthia Pinger
Ms. Mary Rhodes
Mr. Clayton Richard
Mrs. Judith Rives
Reverend Melvin Rodgers
Ms. Nancy Roepke
Ms. Kit Samford
Mr. Terry Shaneyfelt
Ms. Dale Sherer
Mrs. Nola A. Shiflett
Mrs. Anne Shiller
Ms. Dorothy Smitherman
Mrs. Sue Solomon
Mrs. Donna Speegle
Ms. Louella L. Stinson
Ms. Denyse Thornley-Brown
Mr. Ron Thrasher
Mrs. Ethel Wade
Ms. Connie Wade
Ms. Cynthia V. Walters
Mrs. Betty Warren
Ms. Shelley Watkins
Mrs. Betty C. Welden
Mrs. June Wheelock
Mrs. Suzanne B. Wright
Ms. Eleanor F. Wright
Ms. Carolyn R. Wynn
Ms. Charlotte C. Zarzaur
G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s
Hydrangea $60-124
Young Professional
MaryBeth & Coleman Barnes
Ms. Tiffany Blasingame
Ms. Holly Chesnut
Mrs. Laura Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Gregory
Mrs. Karon Harmon
Mr. Sim Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. S.B. Pinkerton
Mrs. Emily Vanlandingham
Mr. & Mrs. Hale White
Mr. Robert White
Ms. Angela K. Adams
Ms. Teresa Boody
Ms. Neill Crook
Mr. Michael Crump
Ms. Sarah Glover
Miss Katie Kimbrell
Ms. Sharon Lewis
Mr. Elliot J. Lowe
Mr. Rusty McHan
Ms. Laura Payne
Ms. Cameron Perry
Ms. Susan Putnam
Ms. Meredith Robbins
Mr. Carlos Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schor
Mr. Daniel Singler
Non-Profit Org.
US Postage
Birmingham, AL
Permit No. 2513
Bi rm i n g h am Botani ca l Ga rdens
enhancing life with plants
2612 Lane Park Road
Birmingham, Alabama 35223
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Don’t miss
Member Day
Will Be Hosted At The Following Attractions:
Birmingham History Center special exhibition, 1963
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
L O C AT I O N : Birmingham Museum of Art
Birmingham Museum of Art activity
10:00 AM – 10:45 AM
L O C AT I O N : Railroad Park
Alabama Ballet performance
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM
L O C AT I O N : Birmingham History Center
Red Mountain Theatre Company performs selections from
42nd Street and Beauty and the Beast Jr.
11:00 AM – 11:45 AM
L O C AT I O N : McWane Science Center
ETC improv troupe presents Vulcan’s Underpants
11:30 AM – 12:15 PM
L O C AT I O N : Vulcan Park & Museum
Embellishments Handbell Ensemble performance
12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
L O C AT I O N : Birmingham Botanical Gardens
July 20, 2013
Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival’s Children’s Short Film Festival
12:30 PM – 1:15 PM
L O C AT I O N : Birmingham Public Library
McWane Science Center presents
RACE: Are We So Different? activity
1:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Birmingham Children's Theatre performance
1:30 PM – 2:15 PM
Look for your postcard in the mail.
L O C AT I O N : Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
L O C AT I O N : Alabama Sports Hall of Fame
Scrollworks performance
2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
L O C AT I O N : Southern Museum of Flight
Birmingham Botanical Gardens activity
2:30 PM – 3:15 PM
L O C AT I O N : Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum
en ha n cin g lif e with p la n ts
As a member of one of these participating organizations, enjoy FREE admission
and special activities at all of these cultural venues on Saturday, July 20, 2013.