Population lecture - Center for Bioinformatics
Population lecture - Center for Bioinformatics
Resolving Global Overpopulation Chris Bystroff Biology / Computer Science save Overpopulation: 1. Discussing overpopulation is like putting a turd in the punchbowl ! Why we tend to avoid the issue. 2. Are we smarter than a yeast? ! Equations for population growth and decline. 3. Sustainability versus compassion. ! Lifeboat ethics. 4. The road ahead. ! Technologies and choices. 1. Discussing overpopulation is like putting a turd in the punchbowl Why we tend to avoid the issue. 3 Human population, the last 700 years 7 6 billions 5 4 3 2 1 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 overcrowding extinctions Wilson, Edward O. The diversity of Life, The Belknap Press of Harvard university press, Cambridge, Mass.1992. loss of biodiversity degradation of arable land invasive species What will come of this? Disease 10 War! 11 Famine! 12 Typical reaction at this point 13 How would you react? Choose 1 1. Continue eating and ignore him/her. 2. Look at watch. Make excuse. Get out of there as fast as possible. 3. Engage in an animated conversation about the end of life as we know it. 4. Reassure them that population is not a problem. 14 Cognitive dissonance Cognitive Dissonance -- an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding conflicting ideas simultaneously. reactions to varying degrees of dissonance Level of Dissonance example:Music example: Science Human reaction low twinkle twinkle little star basic arithmetic Boring. Pay no attention. medium J.S. Bach physics or biology Stimulating. Pay attention. high Anton Schönberg overpopulation Irritating. Flee!!! 16 reproductive instincts se s leads to ea cr guilt trip Your brain on overpopulation inhibits ith co nfl personal time investment other time investments s ict sw demands tes s wa ie reproductive austerity irresolvable conflicts with pe perceived as ed rci ev ibit s implies as inh ved political issue de personal isolation pl cei outside of the mainstream im per as Discussing population How will overpopulation be resolved? Choose one. (A) War. (B) Disease. (C) Famine. ✓(D) Other. 18 Are we smarter than a yeast? Equations for population growth and decline. 19 Human population, the last 2000 years 7 6 billions 5 4 3 2 1 0 ... 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Exponential growth dN = ! 0 N ! "0 N = #0 N dt #$%#!" &$%!&" !"!#$%&"'( -$%!&" ,$%!&" +$%!&" *$%!&" )$%!&" ($%!&" '$%!&" #$%!&" !" !" *!!" #!!!" #*!!" '!!!" '*!!" (!!!" &)*( Population growth is proportional to population. This is a normal growth curve for no predation, no food/space limitations. 21 Malthus "It is an obvious truth, which has been taken notice of by many writers, that population must always be kept down to the level of the means of subsistence; but no writer that the Author recollects has inquired particularly into the means by which this level is effected..." -- Thomas Malthus, 1798 An Essay on the Principle of Population 22 Death rate > birth rate lead to exponential population decline dN = ! 0 N ! "0 N = #0 N dt α0 < 0 N time 23 boom/bust of isolated species Yeast in 10% sugar solution Large mammal with no predators 24 Michael Mills, Dept of Psychology, LMU ECOME - a simulated evolving consumption web 2 CO 2 CO life Bystroff C, DeLuca S, & McDaniel CN (2005) ECOME: A simple model for an evolving consumption web. IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference - Workshops 8-11 Aug. 2005 pp 260 - 261 • Species are measured in units of “biomass” • Species can be autotrophs (green) or heterotrophs (red) • Plants catalyze CO2 --> CH Plants grow proportional to biomass. • The sun's maximum total input to the food web is fixed. All plants stop growing when the sum total biomass ≥ sun limit • Primary consumers (herbivores) get biomass from plants Secondary consumers (carnivores) get biomass from other animals. etc. • All species also catalyze CH --> CO2. i.e. All species lose biomass to respiration and natural death, at a constant rate. • Predator species collapse when prey is scarce. plant mass that is left new mass needed to survive = current mass * k. • ...along with the prey species. endangered species • Fed fraction grows fed fraction • Unfed fraction dies. unfed fraction • ...becomes CO2. unfed fraction dies ...collapse follows on the next cycle. • Hollings functions modify predator/prey relationship. Predators can starve while prey still exists, but is scarce. Too small. Predator can't find it. • Speciation. http://www.bioinfo.rpi.edu/bystrc/ecome/local.mpeg 39 Populations are inherently unstable ECOME log(biomass) vs time. 40 Boom/bust oscillations are natural 41 http://io.uwinnipeg.ca/~simmons/16cm05/1116/16popbio.htm Conclusions from ECOME experiment • Plant populations grow to a limit and stabilize. • Animal populations boom and bust. • Animal species collapse if – They are eaten – They eat too much • Ecosystems collapse if – They are too small – They don’t evolve, or evolve too slowly 42 Can humans survive by evolving faster? Cultural evolution is faster than evolution Cultural evolution is Lamarckian + + Disuse Use 45 Prediction for humans? pop time 46 Collapses in past human societies A short list Mashkan-shapir 2300 BCE Rome 400 Maya 800 Angkor 1220 Anasazi 1300 Ghana/Mali/Songhai 1300-1500 Europe 1348 Greenland Norse 1450 Easter Island 1860 Rwanda 1994 47 Logistic growth dN = (! 0 ! !1 N ) N dt Carrying capacity K=α0/α1 #$%#!" &$%!&" !"!#$%&"'( -$%!&" ,$%!&" +$%!&" *$%!&" )$%!&" ($%!&" '$%!&" #$%!&" !" !" *!!" #!!!" #*!!" '!!!" '*!!" (!!!" &)*( Death rate increases and/or birth rate decreases with population until the birth rate matches the death rate, at which point the population plateaus. 48 Logistic growth models are used, carrying capacity unknown. 49 population (consumption) Overshooting the carrying capacity degrades the carrying capacity carrying ca theoretical upper limit to carrying capacity pacity overshoot degraded carrying capacity Carrying capacity is the amount of food (and other resources) available to support human life sustainably. If resources (such as wild fish) are overused, they do not recover as quckly, degrading the carrying capacity. time 50 Peak Oil http://www.peakoil.net/ Food production, heat, transportation all depend largely on oil, a non-renewable resource. Are we spending our savings? 51 Non-renewable water NASA ASTER image of an approx. 557 mi² area of fields (1443 km²) in Kansas which are watered from the Ogallala aquifer with center pivot irrigation systems. The Ogallala aquifer is being depleted due to irrigation. ...while food depends directly on water and oil. 53 I = Environmental impact I = P*A*T Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology C = Carrying capacity, which is a function of (food supply, water supply, climate) C has a theoretic maximum. C is a function of the time. C is degraded by I. C (t ) = C! (1" I (t )) Creating a negative feedback loop. dP dI dC dP ! !" !" dt dt dt dt 54 Demographic pyramid.Baby booms and busts, oscillating trends. 55 Scenarios for logistic growth Constant carrying capacity pop pop cycles of degraded/ recovering carrying capacity time 56 Von Foerster equation: Doomsday growth 1 dN = !0 N k N dt ( ) growth rate is a monotonically increasing function of N Integrating yields #$%#!" &$%!&" " t0 ! t1 % N t = N1 $ ' # to ! t & !"!#$%&"'( -$%!&" ,$%!&" +$%!&" *$%!&" k )$%!&" ($%!&" '$%!&" #$%!&" !" !" *!!" #!!!" #*!!" &)*( '!!!" t0 '*!!" t0 is doomsday. People behave increasingly as one unit. Life gets easier. Less competition for resources within the species. Birth rate increases and/or death rate decreases with population. H. von Foerster, PM Mora, LW Amiot (1960) “Doomsday: Friday 13 Novermber, A.D. 2026” Science132:1291-95. 57 Log-log plot of historical human population versus time (lower x-axis) and doomstime (upper x-axis). The fit is hyperbolic. H. von Foerster, PM Mora, LW Amiot (1960) “Doomsday: Friday 13 November, A.D. 2026” Science132:1291-95. 58 Adding oscillating behavior makes the fit even better. 59 Doomsday scenario pop time enough said? 60 ,7 1 1 20 n llio i b ,6 9 9 19 n llio i b ,5 8 8 19 Log-log plot of historical human population versus time. n li lio b ,4 6 7 19 n li lio b ,3 0 6 19 Are we at “regime shift1” 1Johansen n li lio b Population data since 1960 H. von Foerster, PM Mora, LW Amiot (1960) “Doomsday: Friday 13 November, A.D. 2026” Science132:1291-95. & Somette (2001) Finite-time singularity in the dynamics of world population, economic and financial indeces. Physica A, 294(3):465-502. 61 What is happening? (a) People are getting smarter, seeing the writing on the wall, and having fewer children. (b) Nature is fighting back and the carrying capacity is making itself felt. 62 Trend in Total fertility rate = children per woman von Foerster estimated we would have to cut fertility by a factor of two from 1960 levels. 63 Drought helped cause Syria’s war. Will climate change bring more like it? • By Brad Plumer Washington Post September 10, 2013 at 9:34 am “We looked at the period between 2006 and 2011 that preceded the outbreak of the revolt that started in Daraa. During that time, up to 60 percent of Syria's land experienced one of the worst long-term droughts in modern history. This drought — combined with the mismanagement of natural resources by [Syrian President Bashar] Assad, who subsidized waterintensive crops like wheat and cotton farming and promoted bad irrigation techniques — led to significant devastation. According to updated numbers, the drought displaced 1.5 million people within Syria.” Reds and oranges highlight lands around the Mediterranean that experienced significantly drier winters during 1971-2010 than the comparison period of 1902-2010. Werrell, C., Femia, F., & Slaughter, A. M. (2013). The Arab spring and climate change. A climate and security correlations series. Center for American Progress et The Center for Climate and Security. 64 Civil unrest correlates with food prices. FIG. 1: Time dependence of FAO Food Price Index from January 2004 to May 2011. Red dashed vertical lines correspond to beginning dates of \food riots" and protests associated with the major recent unrest in North Africa and the Middle East. The overall death toll is reported in parentheses [26{55]. Blue vertical line indicates the date, December 13, 2010, on which we submitted a report to the U.S. government, warning of the link between food prices, social unrest and political instability [56]. Inset shows FAO Food Price Index from 1990 to 2011. The Food Crises and Political Instability in North Africa and the Middle East Marco Lagi, Karla Z. Bertrand and Yaneer Bar-Yam New England Complex Systems Institute 65 Q: Are we smarter than a yeast? A: As individuals, Yes. As a species, maybe not. You decide. “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.” --Tommy Lee Jones character “K” in “Men in Black” 66 3. Sustainability versus compassion. Lifeboat ethics. 67 Conflicting ethics bad good death unsustainable life sustainable 68 bad is good, good is bad we are here life e a bl n i sta u s un ble a n ai ust s ble a n tai s u uns death 69 Lifeboat Ethics Carrying capacity = number of people the boat (The Earth) can hold safely. 72 73 4. The road ahead. Possible futures 74 7,190, 000, 000 ppl a growing chorus a growing chorus "global warming, the stunning rise of middle classes all over the world, and rapid population growth have converged in a way that could make our planet dangerously unstable." Thomas Friedman, NY Times columnist, author of “Hot, Flat and Crowded” 77 Statue of Norman Borlaug installed at US Capitol, April 1, 2014 “Most people still fail to comprehend the magnitude and menace of the 'Population Monster'" --Norman Borlaug, father of the “Green Revolution” © 2009 Population Reference Bureau. All rights reserved. www.prb.org © 2009 Population Reference Bureau. All rights reserved. www.prb.org decrease the birth rate! 80 Unintended pregnancy in the US, 1994 In 1994, 49% of pregnancies were unintended 54% of these ended in abortion 48% of women have had ≥1 unplanned pregnancy 28% of women have had ≥1 unplanned birth Highest unintended pregnancy rate among women 18-24, unmarried, low-income, minority. Stanley K. Henshaw. Unintended Pregnancy in the United States. Family Planning Perspectives 30(1), January/February 1998 81 Fertility correlates with poverty From the UN, Economic and Social Council Commission on Population and Development 3 April 2009 82 Fertility Rate vs GDP replacement rate 83 CIA World Fact Book Education and healthcare = lower fertility 84 Total number of grant opportunities listed on Grants.gov which include the word “overpopulation” anywhere in the full announcement. ✴ 2 http://www.grants.gov/search 21-Feb-2010 ✴Agencies: 1. 2. Bangladesh USAID-Dhaka Pakistan USAID-Islamabad same search in 2012 ✴ 0 http://www.grants.gov/search 30-Nov-2012 85 Contraception is the greenest technology Cost per ton of CO2 abatement Family planning wind solar clean coal plug-in hybrids electric vehicles $7 $24 $51 $57 - 83 $92 $131 86 Contraceptive vaccines Besides the availability of the present methods of birth control, the population explosion and unintended pregnancies continue to pose major public health issues worldwide. The world population has exceeded 6.43x109 (World POPClock projection, 2005) and increasing by 1x109 every 12 years. Ninety-five percent of this growth is in the developing nations. In the USA, half of all pregnancies are unintended, which result in >1x106 elective abortions annually (Henshaw, 1998; Grow and Ahmed, 2000). This calls for a better method of contraception that is acceptable, effective and available both in the developed and developing nations. An ideal contraceptive method should be highly effective and safe, inexpensive, have a prolonged duration of action, be rapidly reversible and easily accessible, require infrequent administration, and be capable of private use (Contraception Online, 2004). A contraceptive vaccine (CV) has been proposed as a valuable alternative that can fulfill most, if not all, of the properties of an ideal contraceptive. Since the developed and most of the developing nations have an infrastructure for mass immunization, the development of vaccines for contraception is an exciting proposition. Rajesh K.Naz,4, Satish K.Gupta, Jagdish C.Gupta3, Hemant K.Vyas3 and G.P.Talwar3 Recent advances in contraceptive vaccine development: a minireview. Human Reproduction Vol.20, No.12 pp. 3271–3283, 2005 A contraceptive vaccine • • • Family planning provides the greatest decrease in environmental impact per dollar spent. (Cost per ton of CO2 abatement. Optimum Population Trust, Aug 2009.) Non-barrier, non-hormonal, non-device, long-lasting, quickly reversible, inexpensive. Roughly 1/2 of all pregnancies are un-planned. 1/2 of those lead to un-wanted children. vaccination Ca2+ TxDxW motif catsper Ca2+ + carrier (flagellin or human papilloma virus) 89 Bystroff Lab www.bioinfo.rpi.edu/bystrc/ ECOME: Carl McDaniel, Sam DeLuca Catsper vaccine: Raz Naz, Danielle Basore Think Globally, Act Locally. Limits to food production • • Arable land -- finite, decreasing yields • • Fisheries -- predicted to collapse by 2050 (R. Water -- surface, aquifer, fossil water irrigation Ellis, “Empty Ocean”) Climate change -- high temperatures lead to crop failure. (failed pollination, insect dependence) Three scenarios that would each reduce carbon emissions by 29% by 2050 1 Decrease population growth from two billion to one billion by 2050 2 Double fuel efficiency of 2 billion cars from 30 mpg to 60 mpg 3 Replace coal with 700-fold increase in solar power Upper limit to carrying capacity • Maximum total production rate = Total sunlight hitting the Earth * Maximum efficiency in conversion to food • Total consumption rate = total population * individual consumption rate • Total consumption rate ≤ Total production rate (obviously!) Eric Pianka, Denton A. Cooley Centennial Professor of Zoology, UT Austin. The Ebola Solution Ebola zaire with a 90% mortality rate in humans, is spread only by direct contact between people. Ebola reston infects only non-human primates but is airborne transmissable. It is only a matter of time before the more pathogenic strain E. zaire gains the ability to be airborne transmissible, like its homolog E. reston. From The Vanishing Book of Life on Earth Eric Pianka, Denton A. Cooley Centennial Professor of Zoology, UT Austin. The Johnny Anti-Appleseed Solution 1. Design a molecule that could that could bind DNA make people sterile. 2. Design another molecule that would unmask the first and make the person fertile, just for a short time. 3. Make people work for the second pill*. You’d get responsible parenthood. No more unwanted children, no juvenile delinquents... *Married couples only? “First...bless everyone with infertility.” --E.P. World Population Growth Is Almost Entirely Concentrated in the World's Poorer Countries. World Population (in Billions): 1950-2050 Source: United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects, The 2008 Revision. © 2009 Population Reference Bureau. All rights reserved. www.prb.org
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