a spirited game - Netball New Zealand
a spirited game - Netball New Zealand
A S PI R I T E D G A M E a n n u a l rep o rt NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 1 CONTENTS 4 6 9 13 14 16 20 Mihi From the Chair From the Chief Executive Mission, Vision and Values From the President Netball New Zealand People Our Regions CORPORATE PARTNERS 24 New World: Elite Sponsor 25 Corporate Support 29 SPARC: Our Strategic Partner 31 NetballSmart 33 Talent Development and CoachForce HIGH PERFORMANCE 37 National Squads 39 High Performance 42 Silver Ferns 44 Silver Fern Tribute EVENTS 2009 46 Netball Development and Operations 49 Umpires 51 53 55 56 58 59 60 63 75 77 79 80 83 85 New World International Netball Series: Silver Ferns v World 7 New World International Netball Series: Silver Ferns v Australia Holden Netball Test Series: Silver Ferns v Australia 2009 World Netball Series Silver Ferns v England Silver Ferns v Jamaica World Youth Netball Championships ANZ Championship Trans-Tasman Secondary Schools Netball Tournament NZ Secondary Schools Championships Perry Foundation National Netball Champs NZ Age Group Netball Championships Lois Muir Challenge NNZ Council 2009 / Youth Council 86 87 Maori Netball and Oceania Netball New Zealand Service Award Holders FINANCIALS 90 Revenue and Expenses 9 1 Audit Report 95 Notes to the Financial Statements Photography: Michael Bradley photography / www.mbphoto.co.nz Graphic Design: URBAN_i / www.urban-i.co.nz Printed by: RED_i / www.red-i.co.nz 85th Annual Report and Financial Statements for the 12 months 1 December 2008 – 30 November 2009. This Annual Report and Financial Statements will be presented at the 83rd Council Meeting of Netball New Zealand to be held in Auckland on 27 – 28 February 2010. 2 NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 3 Mihi DE velopment and growth were the key driving forces in 2009 as Netball within New Zealand and abroad progressed to the next level in the continuously expanding era of our sport. Netball New Zealand (NNZ) introduced it’s new exciting Strategic Plan which will take the sport of Netball to a new dimension over the next four years. Off the back of a fantastic first year, the ANZ Championship once again provided New Zealand and Australian Netball fans with week-in, week-out displays of exciting high-calibre Netball. A new look Silver Ferns team competed in 11 international tests in what was a challenging yet encouraging season. New on-court combinations were linked and a strong squad of determined players strive towards a place in the 2010 Commonwealth Games and 2011 World Netball Championship teams. Other highlights included the Silver Ferns winning the inaugural FastNet World Netball Series in Manchester. The NZU21 team won silver at the 2009 World Youth Netball Championships held in the Cook Islands and the NZ Secondary School Team won gold at the Trans-Tasman Secondary Schools Tournament. Auckland Waitakere teams dominated the Regional competitions, winning both first and second grade at the Perry Foundation National Netball Champs, winning the NZ Age Group U17 Netball Championships in Wellington and also taking out the NZ Age Group U19 Netball Championships in Auckland. The NZ Age Group U21 Netball Championships title was won by Western who beat a determined Waikato team in the final. Corporate support from all sponsors and partners has been phenomenal and has enabled the production of high-quality events throughout the nation. Netball New Zealand’s Elite Sponsor, New World, has embraced all aspects of Netball and is constantly going above and beyond to endorse Netball at Centre, Regional and National levels. Thanks to the Netball community – players, volunteers, officials, media and fans who have all assisted in continuing to grow Netball’s profile and, in turn, maintained player numbers at a high level across all 12 Regions. NNZ is proud to share with you the 2009 Annual Report. 4 KO te whanaketanga me te whakatupuranga nga ainga matua i te tau 2009 no te ekenga o te Poitarawhiti o roto o Aotearoa me tawahi ki tetahi taumata o runga ake i runga ano i te whakatlpa haere o tenei hakinakina i te hauroa o te wa nei. He mea whakarewa e Poitarawhiti Aotearoa ta ratou mahere rautaki nanawe, ka mutu, ma konei e eke tangaroa ai te Poitarawhiti ki tetahi korahi hou i roto i te wha tau e haere ake nei. Mai i te hurihanga ake nei o te tau tuatahi, tetahi tau mutunga ke mai nei o te pai, nana, na te Tauwhainga ANZ nga kaiwhaiwhai o Aotearoa me Ahitereiria i whakaatu atu, ia wiki, ia wiki, te taumata hiranga o te takaro Poitarawhiti. Tekau ma tahi nga pahu kua oti i te Kapa Rarauhe Hiriwa hou nei te tauwhainga atu i nga whakataetae o te ao, i runga ano i te mohio he tau whakapatari, he tau whakatltina te tau. He mea hono atu hoki he rautaki hou mo runga i te papa takaro, a, he kapa manawaroa e whakapau kaha ana kia whai wahi ki roto i nga whakataetae 2010 o te Commonwealth Games me te Whakataetae Poitarawhiti o te Ao mo te tau 2011. Ko etahi atu mea whakahirahira, i toa te Kapa Rarauhe Hiriwa i te whakataetae tuatahi mo te FastNet World Netball Series i tu ki Manchester. I riro i te kapa NZU21 te hiriwa i te World Youth Netball Championships 2009 i tu ki Cook Islands. Me te aha, i whiwhi koura te Kapa Kura Tuarua o Aotearoa i te whakataetae Trans-Tasman mo Nga Kura Tuarua. Murua nuitia e nga kapa o Akarana Waitakere nga whakataetae a-rohe, i toa ai ratou i roto i nga taumata tuatahi, tuarua hoki i te whakataetae Perry Foundation National Netball Champs, ara i toa i te whakataetae NZ Age Group U17 Netball Championships i tu ki Wellington. Ko ratou hoki nga toa o te whakataetae U19 Age Groups i tu ki Akarana. I te whiringa toa, i riro i te kapa o Western te taitara mo te NZU21 Age Groups. I hinga a Waikato i a ratou, ahakoa to ratou manawanui. Ina hoki te tautoko a-Rangatopu, tae noa ki nga kaituku putea me nga kaitautoko, he inati ta ratou tautoko mai. Na runga i tenei ahuatanga kua ahei te whakahaere me te whakatu whakataetae eke panuku puta noa i Aotearoa. Ko te kaitautoko matua o Poitarawhiti Aotearoa, ko Te Ao Hou (New World), a, kua tauawhitia e ratou nga mahi katoa o te Poitarawhiti. Ka mutu, he rite tonu ta ratou kokiri whakamua ki te tautoko i te Poitarawhiti, i te taumata a Waenga, a Rohe, a Motu. Na konei ka mihi kau atu ki te hapori Poitarawhiti, ara, nga kaitakaro, nga kaituao, nga katipa, te papaho me nga kaiwhaiwhai. Na ratou katoa i whai kia whanake ake te hakinakina Poitarawhiti i pumau ai te tokopae o nga kaitakaro ki tetahi taumata teitei horapa nei nga rohe tekau ma rua. Tenei ra te harakoa o Poitarawhiti Aotearoa ki te tuari ki a koutou i te Purongo a-Tau 2009. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 5 from the chair Mai I Te Manukura DE livery and implementation of Netball New Zealand’s Strategic Plan and Vision, presented at Council early in 2009, was at the forefront of another busy and challenging year for the Board. From a high-level strategic perspective, the key focus for the Board has been Netball’s structures. We have started examining how Netball works from Board through to Centre level, where all the relationships fit and whether or not they’re working effectively to deliver the sport at its optimum. To help define what these structures should look like, Regions and Centres have agreed to take part in the information-gathering process. They will be strongly involved in the SPARC-supported Organisational Development Tool exercise which will help assess our capabilities at all levels, from NNZ to Regions, Franchises and Centres. What we have planned to do is get our groundwork right so that we can use factual information on which to make our decisions. With the emphasis on a thorough and wellinformed review, the task at hand is a large one. The process is ongoing with more definitive outcomes to be known by about mid-2010. I would like to thank the Chairs, Regional Managers and Franchise CEOs across the Netball 6 Community, who have given their time to engage with NNZ throughout the year. The opportunity to meet face to face on a number of occasions and get an understanding of their issues has been invaluable. In terms of the quality of the game, where it is going and the numbers involved, Netball is in a strong state of health. From the grassroots level, where there is strong support between NNZ and SPARC, Netball’s participation figures continue to show growth. In coverage terms, Netball enjoyed unprecedented popularity in 2009. On freeto-air viewing, via ONE Sport on Television New Zealand, all 11 tests played by the Silver Ferns in 2009 were screened, the most ever outside a Commonwealth Games or World Championship year. The Perry Foundation National Netball Champs continues to grow and establish itself as an important component in the elite pathway. SKY Sport once again screened all 69 ANZ Championship matches across the 17-week competition live. We are thrilled with the growing response generated by the ANZ Championship where viewing figures across New Zealand and Australia jumped by 52 percent in 2009. However, because it is in its infancy, we are all still learning about the ANZ Championship. The teams are learning about the competition, how to deliver it and how to play consistently at an intense level while those responsible for the management of the ANZ Championship are learning about how to keep it sustainable and positive for everybody who participates. The public success of the ANZ Championship does not diminish the behind-the-scenes effort that goes into operating a Franchise. It remains a tough business to be in because of the economic climate. The exceptional level of commitment delivered by those running the Franchises remains the catalyst behind the quality of Netball we watch on a weekly basis throughout a demanding season. I would like to thank outgoing TTNL Board Chair Noeleen Dix for her leadership during the tough set-up phase of the jump into the semiprofessional era via the ANZ Championship. Noeleen has done a great job during her twoyear term and, as I assume the role of Chair, I look forward to continuing the growth of this outstanding competition. FastNet, the World Netball Series, a new concept for a shortened version of the sport, launched by the International Federation of Netball Associations (IFNA) in Manchester in October, was a great initiative. Anything that profiles Netball on the international stage and that involves teams beyond New Zealand and Australia has got to be good for the game and good for us. IFNA is to be applauded for the initiative of adding another world event, with a difference, to the international calendar. Netball New Zealand is keen to continue to explore the variables associated with the concept as an opportunity for developing the game. I would like to acknowledge IFNA vicepresident Kereyn Smith, who continues to put in a huge effort towards the betterment of the game at international level. Kereyn has made great inroads with the establishment of the committee structure within IFNA. We thank Kereyn for her drive and continued efforts to help develop the game globally and the initiatives that come with it. Chief Executive Raelene Castle has continued to do a tremendous job in building a strong rapport with the wider Netball community and introducing initiatives which involve and promote a broad sector of that community. Raelene also continued to grow the commercial side of the business securing some very important new sponsor partners which means the sport can continue to invest in growing the game. A positive and open relationship continues to grow between NNZ and SPARC at all levels. Raelene is to be acknowledged for the time and huge effort she has put in at SPARC and at ministerial level to make sure that Netball has a voice. There is no doubt the NNZ staff would be the envy of any Netball organisation around the world, in terms of their abilities across the board. The quality of what they produce at every level is of the highest standard. Their dedication, hard work and professionalism are to be commended. Silver Ferns coach Ruth Aitken, assistant coach Waimarama Taumaunu and the Silver Ferns continue to do us proud. It was a mixed year in terms of results but there are bigger goals they were working towards with the Commonwealth Games next year and the World Championships in 2011. As part of a planned development of the team, they tried some new things during their 11-test campaign this year. governance • Netball New Zealand’s governance reflects the culture set by the Board on behalf of stakeholders. It encompasses the organisation’s decision-making structures and mechanisms to manage the organisation. • Netball New Zealand’s practices comply with the statutory and other external requirements and aim to achieve sound administrative and financial management. They are designed to ensure efficient, effective and ethical use of NNZ's resources. • The Board continues to monitor best practice recommendations and developments as they occur to ensure that governance is consistent with international best practice. • The Board currently comprises of seven Board Members and one Executive. Of the Board Members, four are appointed and three are elected. A clear separation is maintained between the responsibilities of the President (who acts in an ambassadorial capacity) and the responsibilities of the Chair (who is concerned with the running of the Board and the executive management who are responsible for the running of NNZ). • During the 2008 financial year, the Board met 12 times. The Finance and Audit Committee met four times. • The disclosure of existing interests is an ongoing responsibility of each Board Member. Where a conflict of interest arises (or where a potential conflict of interest may arise), each Board Member must formally advise the organisation about any matter relating to that conflict (or potential conflict) of interest. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 7 They took some risks in looking for the longerterm benefit which was their goal for the year. From a Board perspective we are very happy with what they have delivered. We continue to admire the Silver Ferns for the sheer determination they show, their sportsmanship and their ability to retain their sense of humour. I would like to pay tribute to retired Silver Ferns captain Julie Seymour who has been an invaluable part of the Silver Ferns team over the years and also welcome aboard Casey Williams as our new Silver Ferns captain. I would like to thank Noeline Ward for her five years of contribution to the Netball New Zealand Board and, in particular, as the Oceania delegate. We welcome Shirley Hooper as a new Board Member and look forward to her participation at this level. David Jackson, who came to us off the back of the 2007 World Netball Championships, has been a delight to have on the Board. David has made a strong contribution through his commercial business background but unfortunately had to resign this year because of relocating to Australia with his work. However, there has been a silver lining in being able to replace him with an equally astute businessman, John Bongard. We welcome John, who is not unfamiliar with Netball, as former chief executive of long-time NNZ sponsor Fisher & Paykel. In one of my personal highlights of the year, I was delighted to attend Dame Lois Muir’s investiture in Dunedin. It was a fantastic celebration for a most deserving person who was honoured in front of a gathering of some of the people who have played pivotal roles in her great Netball journey. To be in a room full of people who could not have been more proud of Lois, was a special moment and I felt very privileged to have been invited. So, in conclusion, it has been another big year for Netball; we don’t have little years in Netball. Consolidation is not a word we use, we are always looking forward and we will also continue to push ourselves to be the very best we can be. Raewyn Lovett NNZ Board Chair NNZ BOARD CHAIR RAEWYN LOVETT WITH NNZ PRESIDENT DAME LOIS MUIR AND IFNA VICE PRESIDENT KEREYN SMITH AT DAME LOIS’ INVESTITURE IN DUNEDIN. 8 from the chief executive Mai I Te tumu whakarae NE tball’s increased profile, it's growing participation figures and the increased respect for elite Netball from a wider group of fans made 2009 an excellent year. This year saw the first 12 months of Netball New Zealand’s Strategic Plan. New initiatives to note in the areas of High Performance alignment, Courts and Facilities and the Netball Delivery Model were begun and will allow us to deliver on these aspects of the Strategic Plan over the next four years. Another significant piece of work was the launch of the new NNZ website MyNetball. MyNetball allows us a more sophisticated engagement with our Netball fans and our wider Netball community. It also enabled our sponsors to have better lines of communication with our fan base. The Silver Ferns faced a long and challenging test and touring schedule, with the emphasis on building a strong foundation, they had a strong year. There was excellent progress towards making sure all the ‘building blocks’ are in place ahead of delivering the optimum performance at next year’s Commonwealth Games. The Silver Ferns produced some excellent performances in front of sell-out crowds in the five test matches played throughout New Zealand. It is always very satisfying for NNZ to see the fans have such a fantastic close encounter with the Silver Ferns. The Silver Ferns really enjoy that personal engagement with the public, including the traditional autograph signings after the games; this is an integral part of the team keeping in touch with their fan base. All of these matches were screened live on ONE Sport and drew outstanding viewing audience numbers. Our continued excellent relationship with ONE Sport allowed us to present a new look and feel to the viewing public which extended our growing engagement with increasing numbers of viewers. The demanding season of 11 test matches and the World Netball Series, tested the resilience of the players and the coaching staff but we believe this was the best possible preparation moving into another tough year in 2010. I continue to be proud to have Ruth Aitken as our coach and would like to thank her for the professional manner in which she handles all aspects of Netball. Ruth works tirelessly for the promotion of Netball and always presents a calm, personable demeanour. Congratulations to Casey Williams in her first year as Silver Ferns captain; it was an excellent debut year. Her playing style allows her to lead from the front, show excellent leadership on court and, after a great start, I can continue to see the opportunity for Casey to grow and develop in this role. Casey collected the baton from another outstanding international player and captain in Julie Seymour. The ultimate professional both on and off the court, she will be missed by the Silver Ferns but, as one of the longest-serving Silver Ferns, she is a true legend of our game. It was a personal highlight for me to be able to award Irene van Dyk her 100th test cap in front of an 8,000-strong crowd at Vector Arena. Most of that crowd stayed on after the match to see the presentation to Irene and her thank-you speech brought a tear to many. She continues to show what an outstanding New Zealander she is. This year we also had a new innovation on the international calendar with the World Netball Series of FastNet, a new form of the game designed to complete a tournament in three days and introduce some innovative new rules. This is a new concept for international Netball and a chance to develop a slightly different style of game and, potentially, a slightly different style of athlete who will be able to compete on the international stage. The tournament, held in Manchester, was hugely successful with good crowds attending. New Zealand audiences were able to keep up with the action and watch the Silver Ferns NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 9 win the inaugural competition courtesy of live screenings of all the games by ONE Sport. After a slow start, the Silver Ferns showed complete composure on the final day to beat Australia convincingly in the semi-finals and Jamaica in a hard-fought final. It was great to see Netball New Zealand bring home the 12kg trophy, which required me to buy a suitcase and ask Air New Zealand for special dispensation to get it home. While attending the World Netball Series, there was a chance for the CEOs of the six countries competing – Australia, New Zealand, England, Jamaica, Malawi and Samoa – to meet and discuss the future opportunities for Netball on the world stage. The meetings with the President, Vicepresident and CEO of IFNA (International Federation of Netball Associations) proved valuable and have meant there is now an international calendar confirmed for two years. It is clear recognition of a closer working relationship between the top six nations. One of the positives to emerge from the international season was real evidence of a much more competitive level between the top four countries in the world. Jamaica and England are quickly closing the gap on New Zealand and Australia, from an international Netball and commercial perspective, that is a great story. The Silver Ferns are working hard to 10 ensure that while those close matches are great entertainment, they still come out on top. The ANZ Championship built on the platform laid in 2008 to produce another successful competition this year. Television and live audiences showed heartening growth in 2009 with the Australian sporting fan base starting to adopt Netball with the same passion and enthusiasm that the New Zealand market has. Anthony Everard, the new General Manager of the ANZ Championship, did a fantastic job in developing the competition in his first 12 months in the role. We would like to thank him and we appreciate the seamless working relationship fostered between the NNZ and ANZ Championship staff in delivering a quality product. The New Zealand teams performed creditably in a competition that couldn’t have been any more even as Australian teams finished one, three, five, seven and nine and New Zealand teams two, four, six, eight and ten. While it was disappointing that a New Zealand team didn’t make the final, we certainly have high hopes a New Zealand team will win the competition in 2010. We are confident the competition will continue to prosper and grow heading into its third season and will become critical viewing for the sporting public in 2010. At a domestic level, the Perry Foundation National Netball Champs continued in their new format. The Champs successfully continue to provide players the opportunity to represent their Regions, experiencing the home and away clashes in the round-robin stages in front of local crowds. The three days of the finals weekend were a resounding success with Auckland Waitakere showing they were the best side when it came to the business end of the season. The Perry Foundation National Champs recognise the great achievement they offer players in reaching Regional representation. This is significant not only for the Netball career pathways they present but also the impact they have on individuals at community level. We also moved the NZU19 and NZU21 National Age Group Championships indoors for the first time this year which had a definite impact on the quality of the netball. Moving indoors also replicates, more closely, the Perry Foundation National Netball Champs in which these girls will be competing over the coming years. This is an innovation we would like to see continued because we believe it presents the game in the best possible way for our players of the future. It is a significant financial investment for Netball New Zealand to move these championships indoors but we do believe it is important for the presentation of the game and the quality of play. NNZ offered a new National U17 competition in 2009 which enabled a fresh group of players to represent their Regions or Centres. This was a hugely successful tournament during which legendary coach Dame Lois Muir said she had spied lots of up-and-coming talent. We look forward to seeing that talent developing over the coming years. The NZU21 team travelled to the Cook Islands to compete in the World Youth Netball Championships. An outstanding group of young women, the team wore the silver fern with immense pride and represented NNZ and their country with great honour. They beat Jamaica in the semi-finals in what many believed was an upset, with their opponents including the 1.96m Romelda Aiken at goalshoot. The Australian U21’s presented a tough challenge in the final but the NZU21s put up a fantastic fight and if it had not been for a bad first quarter, the game would have been much closer. This competition really does give athletes an early experience of what competing in a World Netball Champs would be like and already eight of the team have been picked up by ANZ Championship squads for the 2010 season. I would like to thank Yvette McCauslandDurie and Janine Southby for all the hard work they put in to developing the team and the three players from the U21 squad – Camilla Lees, Charlotte Kight and Grace Rasmussen – who were selected as training partners for the Silver Ferns team to tour the UK and Jamaica. The financial performance of NNZ has been strong again in 2009 and continues to build year on year. The opportunities to package the sport in innovative ways and to meet sponsors’ return on investment requirements has continued to allow Netball to grow its sponsor family. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 11 The growth of commercial partnerships was enhanced this year with McCain coming on board as a new Gold Sponsor of the Silver Ferns and launching the new playing dress with adidas, which received lots of positive feedback from both the players and fans alike. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our major sponsors, especially New World, which continues to be an outstanding elite partner. Thanks also go to Fisher & Paykel, who have maintained their long-running support of Netball at all levels. Netball New Zealand has also taken its Strategic Partnership with SPARC to new levels. It is now a fully integrated relationship, and SPARC continues to work closely with us in the areas of High Performance and Sport Development. I would like to thank the NNZ Board. They have offered fantastic strategic support to me, and especially to Chair Raewyn Lovett. We have an outstanding working relationship and her support has been invaluable. In finishing, I would like to thank the wider Netball community for their continued hard work whether they be umpires, coaches or volunteers. They do make this sport really special in New Zealand and Netball would not happen in 91 Netball Centres around the country without the dedication and passion of all those really hardworking people. Also, I pay tribute to our Regional Chairs for their governance role and also the 12 Regional Managers, who continue to support the netball community by delivering strong development programmes and remaining an ongoing source for many new initiatives. Finally, I would like to thank the wonderful NNZ staff whose passion, enthusiasm, drive, dedication and good humour continue to make Netball New Zealand a great place to work. I have more trouble getting them to stop working that I ever do getting them to start. Raelene Castle NNZ Chief Executive DAME Lois Muir Tribute Dame Lois is a universally popular figure, and a fitting tribute was paid to this spirited figurehead of Netball during 2009. Awarded the Distinguished Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for her Services to Sport and Netball in 2004, Lois was offered the opportunity to become a Dame when National returned to Government in 2008. Unsurprisingly, Lois was not on hand when other recipients gathered in Wellington to receive their knighthoods. Instead she was at the coalface, as she has been for most of her life, representing New Zealand at the World Youth Netball Championships in the Cook Islands. In one of the highlights of her long and distinguished sporting life, Lois was offered a private investiture in her home city of Dunedin where the ceremony was held at the Dunedin Club. Allowed to invite 20 guests – most people get three – Lois gathered an intimate group of people who have been pivotal throughout her career, including 92-year-old Edna George who selected Lois to play for Otago in 1950. It was also a tribute from Lois to a range of people, who pitched in behind the scenes and supported her family when she was away touring with various teams. Lois has covered every imaginable position in Netball but is probably best remembered for her coaching exploits with the Silver Ferns during a 14-year career as head coach. 12 Playing both Netball and basketball for New Zealand, Lois went on to forge a glittering coaching career as well as being a champion for not just Netball but all women’s sports, long before it was fashionable. Lois has long been a mover and shaker in the world of sport as a board member of the New Zealand Sports Foundation and Hillary Commission (fore-runners to SPARC) for 12 years and Chair of the Southern Academy for seven years. Her fighting spirit, sense of fairness and determination to get a better deal for female athletes helped propel Netball to where it sits today as a widely respected and integral part of New Zealand society. It is highly appropriate that this muchloved figure and first lady of Netball has been honoured as Dame Lois Muir. Mission To lead the sustainable growth of netball and its people. Vision New Zealand’s leading sport by 2020. We will know we have achieved this when we: 1. have won three back-to-back World Championships and Commonwealth Games 2. have a fully professional ANZ Championship 3. are the biggest participation sport and we offer opportunities for anyone who wants to participate 4. are viewed by the Netball community as adding value by being innovative, smart and professional 5. provide career opportunities, pathways and development so individuals have their own unique experience 6. ensure we have the physical infrastructure to meet the current and future needs of the game 7. have honest and effective communication channels at all levels of the game 8. are financially viable at all levels of the game and have strong and enduring commercial partnerships 9. have a consistently high and positive media profile 10. are maximising the benefits to Netball New Zealand of all versions of the game 11. are the number one spectator sport 12. are utilising new media opportunities to meet the future needs of Netball fans 13. have high-calibre and effective Boards through the Netball community 14. are engaging with IFNA in ways that enable us to influence the global growth of the game 15. have a desirable brand that retains the mana and heritage of the game Values These values reflect the best of who we already are and challenge us to become the kind of organisation we know we are capable of being. Our values are supported by the behaviours we strive to demonstrate day to day. Courageous We: • are prepared to lead, even if that means that sometimes we are unpopular • innovate and are open to change • are not averse to challenging the status quo • think things through, take calculated risks and keep each other informed Committed We: • deliver high quality work but are ‘low maintenance’ to work with • take responsibility for managing ourselves and our energy levels • are self-motivating – not looking to others to take the initiative • are ‘in it’ rather than being passengers Passionate We: • strive to be the best we can be • go above and beyond, always acting for the greater good of Netball • maintain our self-belief and trust in each other • take opportunities to have fun along the way Respectful We: • respect ourselves by being open and honest and saying what we need to say • respect the organisation by embracing challenge and being open to well-intentioned feedback • respect our mission by continuously developing ourselves and each other NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 13 From the President Mai i te perehitini IN what has been another incredibly busy and diverse year, I would like to pay tribute to the hard-working Netball New Zealand Board. Running a sport today is undertaken in a very competitive market and as such, I congratulate Board Chair Raewyn Lovett and Chief Executive Raelene Castle for the impressive results they continue to forge. Under the stewardship of this high-performing duo is an equally dedicated and supportive staff, whose attitude and work ethics are paramount to an efficiently run organisation. To this end, CoachForce, under the guidance of Leigh Gibbs must also be congratulated. The CoachForce personnel work very hard and I admire the way they keep evolving and introducing new programmes to encourage people into coaching. Right across the Netball community, from the Centres and Regions to the international stage, 2009 has proved a challenging and demanding year for all involved. A change in format to the NNZ Council meeting, held in February in Wellington, proved very successful. With the AGM being held on the Saturday morning, people had more opportunity to network and catch up which is an important component of these gatherings. A ‘Netball Going Forward’ presentation on 14 the Sunday morning rounded off an extremely successful weekend. This presentation, which included all facets of Netball, has continued to generate positive feedback from all quarters. At Council, Shirley Hooper was elected to the NNZ Board. I would like to thank outgoing NNZ Board member Noeline Ward for her contribution, in particular, her many achievements and hard work as Oceania delegate. I enjoy being a link with the Life Members and do take time to keep in touch with these valuable contributors to our game. It is great for me when I go round the country to see how many of them still attend events and are connected to the game. A special thank you must also be extended to the Life Membership and Service Award Committee for the dedicated work you put in each year. Congratulations to Casey Williams for her leadership of the Silver Ferns, taking over from the legendary Julie Seymour who retired last year. Since being appointed as the captain this year, Casey has carried the mantle so well. People love her up front style and commitment. She is admired for her play but is also a very genuine person. I would also like to say “well done” to Silver Ferns coaches Ruth and Wai. It was a year where player development and suffering had to take place. It takes courage to grow players against top competition but this was a must if we wish to be competitive at the Commonwealth Games 2010 and World Netball Championships 2011. In August, I was privileged to attend the World Youth Netball Championships held in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, where I was a representative for New Zealand at the IFNA Congress meeting. I would like to pay tribute to the incredible hospitality of the Cook Islands Netball officials, who not only held a fantastic event but were very generous hosts to all who attended the event and in particular to our NZU21 team. I was very proud of our NZU21 team and management for the efforts they put in to win the silver medal. During my many travels to events around New Zealand, I can vouch for heartland Netball being very much alive and well. I ventured to the NZ Secondary Schools National Championships in Timaru and it was a pleasure to be there and see all the young talent that is coming through. It was also exciting to see so many New Zealand Service Award holders and Life Members from that Region. Former Silver Fern captain, Julie Seymour, with Prime Minister John Key and Dame Lois Muir. A gathering was held for the volunteers one day after the games had finished and it was great to catch up with many people who have been around Netball for a long time and are still there supporting it. There was fantastic support from the Regions for the test matches played in New Zealand this year with Invercargill, Wellington and Rotorua being sell-outs. It is great to see all events being spread around the country. I cannot say enough about our volunteers, who keep the game going. I was lucky enough to be invited to lunch with the winners of the New World Volunteer Awards where winners from four categories – Youth, Official, Administrator, Coach – were selected from around the Regions. Volunteer recognition is vital for the progress of Netball and we sincerely appreciate your huge contribution. The Perry Foundation National Netball Champs, held in Invercargill, was a fantastic spectacle. Without the Silver Ferns playing, these championships offer more players the opportunity to play at a higher level. The bar is being lifted and it will take time but the signs are promising. The new format for the Perry Foundation Netball Champs, introduced last year, is gaining momentum and round-robin games are starting to attract strong audiences. People are realising quality games are coming to their Regions; that’s a big plus and it can only grow. I would like to thank the Regions and the Centres for their support and the work they do. These are the areas where the game grows and that role is vital in sustaining Netball. The history project ‘Sterling Silver’, compiled on DVD, of 20 leading Netball personalities from the past 30 years, is a testament to the legacy of the game in New Zealand. We must look after our history and it is important we do have it on record. This year we have had three Netballers who received the Queen’s Birthday Honours awards (MNZM) for their services to Netball: Margaret Foster, Belinda Charteris and Irene van Dyk. I would also to acknowledge the passing of Dunedin Life Member Nancy Whittleston and Christchurch Life Member Flo Gough; our thoughts are with you and other valued Netballers throughout the country who this year have passed away. It is also with regret we make special mention to the passing of Ivy Pratt (Betty Steffensen’s mother), who remained a special Netball supporter throughout her long life. Dame Lois Muir NNZ President NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 15 NETBALL NEW ZEALAND PEOPLE NETBALL NEW ZEALAND BOARD BACK Row from Left: Carole Maddix, Suri Bartlett, Lee Piper, John Bongard, Karen Brown. FRONT Row from Left: Shirley Hooper, Raewyn Lovett, Dame Lois Muir, Raelene Castle. RAEWYN LOVETT / Appointed – NNZ Chair, High Performance Advisory Group Chair, Board Chair TTNL Raewyn Lovett is a lawyer specialising in commercial, corporate and employment law in Auckland. She is a partner and past Chair of national law firm Duncan Cotterill and is currently a member of the firm’s Board. She has served as an independent Director with several other organisations. She is the Chair of the Netball New Zealand Board, Chair of the High Performance Advisory Group and, from 2009, also chairs the Board of the Trans-Tasman Netball League (TTNL), which owns the ANZ Championship. of Netball Southland and has extensive event and venue management experience of provincial, national and international sporting, cultural and entertainment events. SHIRLEY HOOPER / Elected Shirley Hooper runs her own marketing strategy company and Netball has woven its way into her life in various guises during that time. She was once a New Zealand-level umpire. Senior Marketing roles at then major sponsor (Bendon) and broadcaster (TVNZ) continued her Netball involvement at a different level as she helped build the sport’s profile in the early days of commercialism. In 2004, Shirley became involved at Regional level, joining the Board of Netball Auckland Waitakere and moving into the Chair’s role the following year. Shirley’s commercial experience as a Director of Bendon, and through work on a number of strategic projects for a diverse range of clients, including Whitcoulls, Oceania Group, Auckland Cricket and Pumpkin Patch, stood her in good stead for the roles of Director and Chair of both the Diamonds and the LG Mystics Franchises. SURI BARTLETT / Appointed Finance and Audit Committee Chair Suri Bartlett is a Director and co-owner of Tenzing Ltd, formerly KPMG Consulting, a management and technology consulting firm. His firm offers a wide range of consulting services from business strategy to systems implementations. Suri was a former partner of KPMG and has worked extensively in the UK, Switzerland and New Zealand. He is a Chartered Accountant. CAROLE MADDIX / Elected Finance and Audit Committee, Chair of the Maori and Pasifika Advisory Group and as from 2009, Oceania Representative. Carole Maddix is a Director and Shareholder in family businesses. She has been involved in Netball as a Player, Coach, Umpire and Administrator. Carole has served on the boards of Netball North Harbour and Netball North KAREN BROWN / Elected Karen Brown is employed by the Radio Network. She has been involved with Netball for over 20 years in a variety of roles from Player, Team Manager and Administrator at Club, Centre, Regional Entity and Franchise Board level. She was the first Chairperson 16 LEE PIPER / Appointed Lee Piper is the General Manager – Southern for the Radio Network and has been in the radio industry for 20 years. Lee has been involved in Netball for the past 10 years, firstly, as a member of Netball Southland Country and then as an inaugural member of Southern TeamCo. Lee is currently a Director of Rugby Southland. JOHN BONGARD / Appointed John Bongard, appointed to the NNZ Board in October 2009, is the former Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Fisher & Paykel. John first joined Fisher & Paykel in 1973, became Managing Director of the company in 2001, and then was appointed Managing Director and Chief Executive, roles he held from 2004 to 2009. RAELENE CASTLE / NNZ Chief Executive, Board Member TTNL, High Performance Advisory Group Chief Executive Raelene Castle came to NNZ in June 2007 from Telecom, where she was Head of Business Marketing. Raelene has worked in the marketing, sales and communications arenas for a number of leading New Zealand companies. She also has extensive event management and sponsorship experience with involvement in the sponsorship of the Rugby World Cup 1995 and 1999, and the Olympics and NZOCGA 1992, 1996 and 2000. She project managed the Fuji Xerox sponsorship of the America’s Cup 2000 whilst being a member of the Marketing Committee for the America’s Cup Event. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND Staff Back row (Left to Right): Chris Tennant (Event Manager), Kerry Manders (Communications Manager), Briar Martindale (Netball Development Manager), Leigh Gibbs (Talent Development Manager), Tracey Fear (High Performance Director), Claire Lister (Accountant), Ruth Aitken (Silver Ferns Coach), Esther Melville (Silver Ferns Operations Manager), Noeline Scott (CoachForce), Rachel Dainty (Marketing Manager), Ivy Topping (CoachForce), Roseanne Murray (Event Manager), Jennifer Alesich (Executive Assistant) Front row (Left to Right): Jenifer Hunt (Business Development Manager), Jennie Fraser (Financial Director), Jessica Perillo (National Squads Administrator), Alexandra Spence (Communications Executive), Jacqui Godfrey (Event Manager), Raelene Castle (Chief Executive), Rochelle Ellmers (Event Manager), Megan Crockett (NetballSmart Co-ordinator), Kate Agnew (Operations Director), Sue Harris (CoachForce), Jan Skilton (National Umpire Squads Co-ordinator), Adrienne Morrin (CoachForce) Absent: Alexis Hunter (Receptionist) NETBALL NEW ZEALAND life members Dame Lois Muir DNZM, OBE Netball New Zealand President In order of being made a Life Member Mrs R S McInnes 1932* / Miss M E Armstrong 1949* / Mrs H D Muir 1949* / Mrs E O Schnack 1965* / Miss S E Foster 1966* / Miss M A Mackenzie 1967* / Miss C Vautier 1967* / Mrs E Lane 1968* / Miss E V Bell 1969* / Mrs M S McAughtrie 1969* / Mrs L M. Coatsworth 1975* / Edna Yates QSM 1975 / Mrs J C Lodge 1977* / K E (Joyce) McCann MBE 1978 / Mrs M Jenden 1981* / Anne Taylor OBE 1987 / Dame Lois Muir D.N.Z.M., OBE 1989 / Betty Steffensen QSM 1991 / Judy Russell 1991 / Dawn Jones OBE 1993** / Dal Knuckey 1994* / Joyce Ellis 1994 / Monica Leggat MNZM 1997 / Christine Archer 1999 / Fay Freeman ONZM 2002 / Sheryl Dawson 2003 / Sheryl Wells CNZM 2006 / Robyn Broughton 2008 * Now Deceased ** Life Member Netball New Zealand and NUNZ (Netball Umpires of New Zealand) Life Member NUNZ only NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 17 regional CHAIRS BACK Row from Left: Debbie Hodges (Southland), Lyn Pellow (Auckland Waitakere), Peter Shannon (Western), Adrienne Ensor (Otago), Adri Isbister (Waikato), Shirley Baker (Bay of Plenty), Doug Milne (Tasman). FRONT Row from Left: Ann Hay (Wellington), Kay Matheson (Eastern), Karen Thompson (North), Adrianne Hayes (Canterbury). Absent: David Ronaldson (Counties Manukau). regional managers BACK Row from Left: Kate Polson (Western), Delwyn McCarroll (Waikato), Nicola Waite (Counties Manukau), Raewyn Clarke (Wellington), Glenda Emery (North), Lynette Brady (Auckland Waitakere), Robert Bull (Eastern). FRONT Row from Left: Bek Sherp (Tasman), Nicki Patterson (Otago), Kay Norris (Canterbury), Jan Heath (Tasman). Absent: Sheryl Dawson (BAY OF PLENTY), Rosie De Goldi (Southland). Perry Foundation Regional Managers The Regional Managers programme, generously backed by the Perry Foundation, continues to be an important part of Netball New Zealand’s support to the Regions. The workings of this programme provide the foundation for a solid administrative network across the country and is a key two-way communication channel for NNZ through to the Regions and onto Centres and vice versa. There have been several changes of personnel in the role of Regional Manager over the last 12 months with Kate Polson taking the reigns in Western, Raewyn Clarke coming on board in Wellington, Kay Norris taking up the role in Canterbury, Robert Bull in Eastern, Nicola Waite in Counties Manukau and Adele Lendich starting with North in November. Former North Regional Manager Tim Hamilton has moved on to take up the role as Chief Executive of Basketball New Zealand. 18 North Auckland Waitakere Counties Manukau Bay of Plenty Waikato Netball New Zealand Regional Boundary Map Eastern Western Wellington Tasman Canterbury Otago Southland NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 19 OUR Regions The 12 Regions play a pivotal role in the ongoing development of netball and provide the link between Netball New Zealand and the Centres. Identifying and implementing programmes and plans specific to their region is the main focus of the Regional Managers. During 2009 all Regions had success stories for the hard work that goes on behind the scenes in the continuing evolvement of the sport. Waikato Waikato forged a major sponsorship with Wintec this year. In the High Performance programme, the major focus in 2009 was on coaches while five very successful Netball Discovery Days were held. Around the Country North There was an encouraging increase this year in North coaches and umpires attending Regional workshops. The Performance Centre Network was in operation in seven of nine Netball Centres with the remaining two Centres coming on board in 2010. The Region’s Leadership programme was also initiated this year. The very successful annual Netball North tournaments held at the beginning and end of each season continue to be a rewarding day for all. Auckland Waitakere Auckland Waitakere teams had a very successful 2009 after winning both Division 1 and 2 of the Perry Foundation National Champs, coming third at the National U21 championships and taking out the U19 and U17 titles. The Region also had a CoachForce Officer in place this year and coaching resources proved to be well stocked with 16 applicants applying for six coaching positions for 2010. Counties Manukau The moving of Counties Manukau’s Regional Premier competition indoors for 2009 proved a great success. The Region also had its best result at the Perry Foundation National Champs for many years finishing third in 2nd Division. Counties Manukau has restructured its Talent Development Programme to include U15 and U17 in High Performance and align with NNZ’s programmes. 20 Bay of Plenty Bay of Plenty’s Regional Awards Dinner proved a huge success with 365 members attending. The coaches' database reached over 700 this year with all being individual members of Netball BOP. The Region achieved its best-ever Perry Foundation National Champs result of Division 2: 2nd place. Eastern Eastern held pre-season fitness training sessions aimed primarily at umpires but which were also opened up to players. The Annual College Day Netball Tournament for Years 9 and 10 was held where a tournament team was picked to attend a development workshop. Five Netball Discovery Days were held across the Region targeting Year 5 and 6 players and each day included a coaching course for new coaches. Western Western were winners of the National U21 Championships while at U19, Centre teams Manawatu and Taranaki finished 4th and 7th respectively. A successful Awards Event was held with great support from around the Region. The Annual Western Junior tournament was hugely successful with Year 9 and 10 school teams travelling from around the lower North Island to compete. Wellington Wellington marked a successful season with a return to Division 1 of the Perry Foundation National Champs. Umpires and bench officials were named in National tournament finals while one bench official will attend the Commonwealth Games. Two players from the Region were named in the NZU21 squad. The High Performance programme is under the guidance of Silver Ferns assistant coach Wai Taumaunu. The Regional League is run in conjunction with the Centre competition. Tasman In the Tasman Region, the Nelson/Malborough inter-Region premier league was launched and is known as the Tasman Trophy. Umpires and officials from the Region have achieved huge success in 2009 with one umpire named in the New Zealand squad and one bench official named to officiate at the Commonwealth Games. Tasman has a huge group of accredited and committed volunteers achieving success at Regional and local level. The employment of a Netball Tasman CoachForce coach is now entering its fourth year. Canterbury Canterbury finished third in the Perry Foundation National Champs Division 1 after moving up from Division 2 last year. A new CEO has been appointed to oversee the Canterbury Tactix and the Region. A Region-wide pre-season Netball league was also introduced this year. Otago Otago introduced a High Performance Academy as part of a Certificate in High Performance, a two-year course with 18 players in total. Retaining a stable staff, the Region also introduced ‘toddler time’ for pre-schoolers while two Otago players were named in the Steel Franchise squad. Southland Southland completed a successful year after winning the Lois Muir Challenge and finishing runners-up in Perry Foundation National Champs. Positive results were achieved through the Umpire Programme and the Region held an Awards night for first time. Membership Numbers 2009 Region Southland Otago Senior Secondary Teams Teams Year 7-8 Teams Future Ferns Teams Fun Ferns Teams Social Teams Summer League Total Teams 102 132 103 126 27 36 0 526 111 200 129 155 54 0 115 764 1,618 Canterbury 342 417 338 303 31 73 114 Tasman 108 132 102 117 25 4 52 540 Wellington 234 329 318 435 24 0 140 1,480 Eastern 193 171 174 262 3 40 33 876 Western 228 272 185 397 26 27 56 1,191 Bay of Plenty 128 152 161 268 29 0 92 830 Waikato 298 303 267 413 67 22 69 1,439 Counties Manukau 184 221 217 193 107 110 108 1,140 Auckland/Waitakere 169 427 234 298 96 198 199 1,621 North Total Teams 261 363 303 424 8 40 40 1,439 2,358 3,119 2,531 3,391 496 550 1,018 13,463 * 1 team = 10 players NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 21 Netball New Zealand SponsorS Tournament Netball New Zealand’s Silver Scrubbers team Air New Zealand performs their warm up. coached by Dame Lois Muir. The Silver Ferns watch the action from the sideline. mccain foods show off their innovative uniforms. NNZ SPONSORS TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS NEW WORLD CELEBRATE WITH THEIR TROPHY. 22 CORPORATE PARTNERS New World Elite Sponsor Elite Sponsor New World, the fully New Zealand -owned-and-operated national supermarket chain, was involved with extensive leverage activity during a second successful year of partnership with Netball New Zealand. New World’s support provides wide-ranging benefits across a variety of teams and events, including the Silver Ferns, the international home test series and National age group representative teams, involving NZU21, NZU19 and NZ Secondary Schools. New World is also a support sponsor of the Perry Foundation National Champs. In 2009, New World’s activities extended into the wider Netball community with three major new initiatives: Volunteer Awards This was a local Netball programme rewarding volunteers at Centre and Club level. New World vouchers were given out to deserving volunteers each week with a total of $50,000 in vouchers awarded to the Netball community. National Volunteer Awards Programme The winners from the four categories – Youth, Official, Administrator and Coach – were chosen from entries submitted by all 12 Regions. New World flew the lucky winners to Auckland to attend this year’s final test between the Silver Ferns and Australia at Vector Arena. The winners also attended the Silver Ferns walk-through, lunched with Dame Lois Muir and attended the official pre-match function. Get Sponsored like the Silver Ferns This initiative involved teams collecting New World dockets to enter into a ‘longest docket competition’. Twelve teams won the opportunity to be ‘Sponsored like the Silver Ferns’ with prizes including a training session with members of the Silver Ferns, VIP treatment at a test match, personalised gear from adidas, a NetballSmart physio kit, training equipment and New World pamper and nutritional packs. Now well established in its partnership as Elite Sponsor, New World has reached out to many sectors of the Netball community with its innovative promotions. New World staff cheerfully support Netball in-store with novel ideas such as wearing Netball bibs on test match day. 24 Corporate Support Netball New Zealand would like to formally thank its family of sponsors and suppliers for the valuable assistance they have provided over the past year. This ongoing support helps to reinforce the positive brand values Netball and the Silver Ferns represent and the place they hold in New Zealand society. We would like to welcome several new sponsor partners this year and acknowledge the loyalty of others that continue to keep Netball in good heart with the quality of their brands. sampling was on tap at all five test match venues which involved a lot of mileage as the McCain truck was driven from Invercargill to Auckland and to locations in between. Laura Langman, who features in the McCain Foods television advertisement, is the company’s Silver Ferns Ambassador. Fisher & Paykel / Gold Sponsor Media partner Fisher & Paykel, New Zealand’s leading whiteware company, has strong and long links with Netball. This year marked the Gold Sponsor’s 14th year of involvement with New Zealand’s premier female sport. Fisher & Paykel continued its support of the ANZ Championship, leveraging its backing of elite Netball on both sides of the Tasman. The company ran another successful competition during the international season, with the winners receiving tickets to a Silver Ferns test match and Fisher & Paykel products. Silver Ferns team members continued to be involved in store appearances and in-house promotions giving members of the public the opportunity to get up close with the Silver Ferns. The Silver Ferns’ Official Broadcaster, TVNZ continued its longstanding involvement with the sport during the 2009 international programme. In a blockbuster season, TVNZ provided quality coverage of a record 11 Silver Ferns test matches. Ten were shown live and staged from a variety of venues around the world including New Zealand, Australia, England and Jamaica. It also provided comprehensive live coverage and highlights packages of the inaugural World Netball Series held in Manchester. The new shortened version of the game proved a popular drawcard as viewers had their first taste of the non-stop action. The late-night viewings for Kiwi supporters had a silver lining with the Silver Ferns going on to win the final. ONE Sport also showed delayed coverage on free-to-air television of selected Saturday-staged ANZ Championship matches. McCain foods / Gold Sponsor McCain Foods was welcomed as a new Gold Sponsor of Netball New Zealand and the Silver Ferns during 2009. McCain Foods is a strong supporter of community involvement in sports, healthy foods and active lifestyles, values they acknowledge are synonymous with the Silver Ferns. The company launched its partnership with Netball in July with a ‘cook-off’ between Silver Ferns trio Maree Bowden, Anna Thompson and Julie Seymour as an opportunity to promote its new Purely Potato product. The competition to create the best potato and leek soup aroused plenty of public and media attention. McCain undertook product sampling at Netball Centres in the build-up to the five test matches held in New Zealand this year. And in a logistically challenging exercise, product Television New Zealand The Radio Network Media partner Netball New Zealand is grateful to its Official Radio Broadcaster, The Radio Network (TRN) for its ongoing editorial and promotional support. TRN continued to provide excellent coverage of the sport during 2009. Netball featured prominently on the airwaves as TRN delivered live commentaries of test matches, regular updates and selected commentaries from the ANZ Championship and updates from the Perry Foundation National Netball Champs. Interviews with coaches, players and Netball personalities aired regularly via Radio Sport, NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 25 Classic Hits, ZM and Newstalk ZB while Radio Sport featured a weekly Netball show throughout the year. adidas APPAREL partner This year marked the start of an exciting venture with adidas becoming the Official Apparel Provider to Netball New Zealand and all NNZ squads. The feature involvement of adidas this year was the design of a stylish new Silver Ferns playing dress. Designed and trialled in consultation with the team, the dress incorporates the use of silver in the adidas trademark three stripes. There was universal approval from the players on all aspects of the new dress which was launched at a combined function with the new All Blacks jersey. The dress is made from a merino/polyester mix, designed to maximise the performance potential of the wearer by promoting the balanced regulation of core body temperature and providing protection and comfort in competitive, extreme conditions. All NNZ squads have been provided with adidas apparel, including training and casual gear. Holden VEHICLE partner In its second year as the Official Vehicle Provider to NNZ and the Silver Ferns, Holden provided vehicles this year for Casey Williams, Laura Langman, Temepara George and Irene van Dyk. All four were handed the keys to Holden Cruze cars; The Cruze was launched this year. Holden has a strong affinity with Netball as a major sponsor of the ANZ Championship and also the Holden Netball Test Series in Australia between the Silver Ferns and Australian Netball Diamonds. Vodafone SPONSOR Vodafone also joined the family of sponsors in 2009 as Netball New Zealand’s Official Communications Partner. Vodafone has launched ‘Netball Tribe’, an extension of its popular OneTribe website offering Netball promotions and communications. Vodafone supports the New Zealand 26 ANZ Championship Franchises and is also working with the Regions to offer improved communications services to the Netball community. Handsets and airtime have been readily offered by Vodafone as prizes for competitions and promotions. Southern Cross SPONSOR Southern Cross Healthcare also became a NNZ sponsor and the Official Health Insurance Partner of the Silver Ferns in 2009, during which they launched ‘Health Zone’ on NNZ’s revamped website www.mynetball.co.nz. Silver Ferns captain Casey Williams was signed up as the Ambassador for Southern Cross, fronting the video content on the site which offers tips and examples on training, stretching and general health and well-being. A television advertisement promoting Health Zone on the MyNetball site was also introduced during the year. Southern Cross has plans to be involved with Netball at local level in the future. Sky Sport SKY Sport continued to attract a strong viewing audience during the second season of the ANZ Championship. Netball’s venture into semi-professionalism via the trans-Tasman competition has proved a real winner with SKY Sport playing a prominent role in showcasing the 17-week, 69-game competition. Silver Ferns Club Partners Launched this year, the Silver Ferns Club is a commercial marketing initiative enabling Club partners to conduct specific promotional activity in association with Netball New Zealand squads and events. Panasonic A ‘Panasonic Battery’ fund-raiser campaign was trialled in Netball Centres and Clubs this year and will move into full swing in 2010. The concept behind this partnership is that Clubs, Centres and Regions have direct access to Panasonic product (battery packs) to sell within their Netball communities as a fundraising opportunity. Wrigley’s Another Club partner is Wrigley’s, which had visible presence at a number of events in its first year of Netball involvement. Wrigley’s supported the New Zealand Secondary Schools Championships (at Regional and National level) as well as the Perry Foundation National Netball Champs. Promoting the healthy benefits of chewing gum through its ‘Extra’ brand, Wrigley’s held product-sampling promotions at the test matches held in New Zealand this year. Silver Fern Katrina Grant was signed as the Wrigley’s Ambassador and helped roll out a promotion involving all teams competing in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Championships. Laura Langman and Casey Williams receive their Holden Cruze’s from Holdens’ Marnie-Jane Samphier. COMMERCIAL Partners Air New Zealand Official Airline of Netball New Zealand and the Silver Ferns, Air New Zealand flew the Silver Ferns and management to their Australian and English destinations during the 2009 international season. Air New Zealand ensured that all NNZ’s associated domestic travel needs were well taken care of and also looked after the transTasman and New Zealand travel for the ANZ Championship teams. ANZ ANZ is the Official Bank of NNZ and naming rights sponsor of the trans-Tasman competition, the ANZ Championship. This year ANZ became more involved at a community level with Netball in New Zealand by conducting three events – the ANZ Skills Sessions. These events were held in the Auckland Region and targeted the 9-11 year-old age group. Northern Mystics players took part in these successful sessions which were aimed at promoting Netball skills and participation. Gilbert Gilbert is Netball’s Official Ball Supplier, providing all the official match balls for NNZ competitions. Y&R Y&R is the official advertising agency of NNZ and support the creative and brand development of the organisation. Maree Bowden, Julie Seymour and Anna Thompson cook off during the McCain sponsorship launch. SUPPLIERS AND FUNDERS Netball New Zealand Funders ACC see page 31 SPARC profiled on page 29 Perry Foundation profiled on page 18 and page 79 Lion Foundation see page 77 NEW ZEALAND Community Trust profiled on page 33 Netball New Zealand Suppliers USL Medical Sports Distributors NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 27 28 sparc / our strategic partner The continued successful relationship between SPARC (Sport & Recreation New Zealand) and Netball New Zealand reached new heights in 2009 with all sectors across the netball community benefiting from the two-way partnership. SPARC is a pivotal strategic partner to Netball New Zealand and NNZ supports SPARC’s mission to provide opportunities for New Zealanders to participate in recreation every day and to get more New Zealanders winning on the world stage. SPARC’s investment in Netball New Zealand has helped with the continued development of all areas of the sport – from a community level to world-class competition. SPARC is instrumental in providing a focus and an understanding of the importance of developing talent and ensuring players have the opportunity to reach their potential. Its High Performance network, The New Zealand Academy of Sport (NZAS), aims to develop athletes, coaches and organisations that can win at an international level. The NZAS is pivotal in offering support to Netball’s elite athletes by providing facilities and comprehensive services to benefit athletes in both in their sporting and non-sporting lives. This year, New Zealand’s top Netballers have accessed medical and sport science services from the two Academies throughout the country, and accredited providers in the Regions. Many of these Netballers were also given financial support through SPARC-initiated Performance Enhancement Grants (PEG) and/or Prime Minister’s (PM) Scholarships, allowing athletes to focus more on their training. There were a number of PM Scholarships granted to High Performance personnel in 2009 with Silver Ferns coach Ruth Aitken and Silver Ferns physiotherapist Sharon Kearney awarded scholarships to attend the final week of the European Handball Championships in Denmark and link in with the National Team personnel as they prepared for this event. This exercise provided valuable insight into a sport which has similar skills to those of Netball which is very popular and played by large numbers in Europe. The lessons learned from this scholarship have been put to good use already within the National programme and will be shared with Franchises and Regional High Performance personnel over the coming year. The value of PM Scholarships has opened new doors in allowing for far greater contact and interaction with overseas coaches. As well as the group Prime Minister’s Scholarships offered by SPARC, NZU21 coach Yvette McCauslandDurie was selected for the Coach Accelerator programme, a notable achievement as there were only six recipients across a number of codes. The NZAS also offers an Athlete Career and Education programme, which helps athletes to effectively manage their lives in order to achieve sporting excellence. National squad coaches have also received direct coach-specific support from the Academy and Franchise coaches have benefited from the NZAS through financial support, performance analysis and the development of coaching initiatives. In recent years, SPARC has worked closely with NNZ to implement the CoachForce programme. This includes four full-time CoachForce coordinators spread across the Regions who work with volunteer and High Performance coaches to improve their skills, and, ultimately, pass them on to others and their respective teams. CoachForce, initiated by SPARC four years ago, has been embraced by Netball as the flagship for a new coaching structure across all aspects of the sport. There is an expectation that coach development is a lifelong progression, the ongoing delivery of new material ensuring coaches at all levels have the opportunity of adding to their skill base. There will be greater flexibility in the new framework and a progression path is also available for coaches wanting to advance through the levels. Netball New Zealand is grateful for the ongoing support and initiatives provided by SPARC which ensure continued growth and development across all facets of the game. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 29 30 NETBALLSMART 2009 has proved TO BE a busy year for NetballSmart as the delivery of the programme in conjunction with ACC has further grown throughout our Netball Regions and communities. Strategically, there has been a focus on developing practical and educational resources for Netball players, umpires and coaches. This has led to the development of NetballSmart products including: a ‘hydration control bottle’ and the ‘sideline helper hot and cold packs’. Each of these products has practical information that provides on-the-spot, inthe-moment guidelines for hydration or injury management. These products have been a hit among all Netballers and have found favour with rugby, league and soccer players. They are in high demand and 3,500 have been distributed New Zealand wide through all Netball communities. is designed to be adaptable to all levels of delivery as well as sport specific in application. Vital, key relationships have been established with USL Medical and LifeCare Consultants to ensure high quality and consistency in the programme delivery. Sport Medic and Primary Care Modules that have been offered throughout the year are: 1. SportSmart and Role and Responsibility of the Sports Medic 2. Sport-specific First Aid and CPR (includes full first aid and CPR certification) 3. Basic Principles of Sports Strapping NetballSmart Research Areas of specific development and interest for NetballSmart in 2009: NetballSmart within Our Netball Communities The promotion of NetballSmart has continued, reinforcing the principles and practices of enhancing performance and injury prevention. NetballSmart workshops and presentations have increased in number in 2009, with a reach just topping 10,000 players, coaches and umpires. This is up from 8,000 the previous year, across Netball Regions, Centres and schools. In addition, NetballSmart has been included at Regional and National tournaments and forums, providing practical advice and ideas for coaches, umpires, players, managers and sports medics (primary carers) among others, with a 13% increase in resource distribution throughout 2009. A focus on the areas of stability and core conditioning, match preparation, recovery strategies and jumping and landing techniques has been key this year. Sports Medic and Primary Care Programme The combined Sports Medic and Primary Care programme in association with New Zealand Rugby League has completed a very successful first year throughout New Zealand. The levels of participation and feedback have been hugely positive. Participation in the programme within Netball has been split between coaches of all levels (including junior and parent coaches) and conditioners at higher levels. The programme AUT’s Daniel Lavipour completed his thesis study with NetballSmart this year on the ‘Development of a Netball Specific Dynamic Balance Assessment’. The background work of the study highlighted the need for a valid and reliable Netball dynamic balance test. Upon video analysis and looking at game movements of Netballers, a specific and valid movement test was developed. The new dynamic movement and balance assessment was carried out on a wide range of Netballers to assess its reliability. The results enabled the identification of exercises and movements that will improve Netballers’ movement and efficiency on the court and are designed to progressively improve: proprioception, balance, core stability and strength of Netballers at all levels of the game. These will be included in future NetballSmart resources. Key practical applications for conditioning and injury prevention, identified at the end of this thesis were: • Static (stationary) balance assessments are not difficult enough to assess varied sportspeople. Balance should be assessed in an active task or sport-specific context. • Training for forward and sideways (lateral) jumps is at least as important if not more important than vertical jump training, based on how often each happens in Netball. • How a player’s knee moves in a single leg squat shows what will happen when they do a forward jump. Therefore it is a good tool to use in the assessment of players. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 31 32 Talent Development and CoachForce Supported by NZ Community Trust The scope of Netball New Zealand’s Talent Development programmes is broad – with a ‘whole of sport’ overview which includes the development of coaching, umpiring and playing. Across the development areas, there has been an emphasis on the ongoing process of fostering strong relationships with the Regions and with offering help and support to their High Performance programmes. At Regional level this work starts at U15 for players and involves representative teams, coaches and umpires that are involved at national tournament level. The SPARC-initiated CoachForce programme, supported by NZ Community Trust, is the delivery mechanism for coach development. Now into its fourth year, CoachForce continues to roll out new initiatives in this vital area. This year there was a focus on facilitator training, conducted by the CoachForce staff. The Region facilitators assembled for a two-day workshop during the year, helping broaden the base of experienced and skilled people able to take charge of implementing Coach Development modules back in their respective Regions. With only four NNZ CoachForce personnel available to cover the whole country and in big demand, this concept was well received. It was a win-win situation with a strong desire shown by the Regions to be self-sufficient and to cut down on delays in delivering these modules. With the constant development of new modules, this is an ongoing project, as is the need to keep facilitators updated with the evolving content. The NNZ CoachForce team works closely alongside the Regions’ coaches with each member being assigned designated Regions with which to work. The key emphasis is providing support, filling in the gaps and helping them establish programmes so that everyone is working towards having more coaches of higher quality. Each year there is a conscious effort to identify something that needs to be strengthened in the game at a national level and provide coach development in that area. This year the focus was on developing ‘elevation’ primarily in intermediate and secondary school-aged players – at a time when they are starting to get serious about the game. It provided an opportunity to put in place some solid training and conditioning techniques. A programme for coaches designed by the Silver Ferns strength and conditioning adviser was delivered to all the Regions. Another initiative was the ‘Stepping Up’ workshop. This was a fill-up for coaches past the “developing coach’’ stage but needing the encouragement of a broader perspective as the old coaching accreditation scheme is phased out. Assisted by funding from SPARC, a National Framework review took place this year. Undertaken by Canterbury University, this major scrutiny of the framework, which has been NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 33 developing over the last couple of years, came under the microscope. Overall, the results were very positive. It is important we keep striving to be the best we can be and the comprehensive analysis delivered of what is working and what can be improved on is crucial for the continued delivery of quality programmes. ‘Taking off into Netball’, developed in conjunction with SPARC, is an online induction programme. Coaches can go to the coaching link on Netball New Zealand’s website – www.mynetball.co.nz – and go through a series of generic coaching questions. The main thrust is that by working through it, coaches will gain an understanding of the direction and style of coaching NNZ is now promoting. Embracing self-responsibility and self-learning, the programme involves fun activities; each subscriber can go at their own pace and fill out a certificate at the end. The other on-line facility is the Coaching Toolkit which was launched last year but is updated on an annual basis. Coaches can download activities and ideas from this programme. The continued financial support from the NZ Community Trust and our close working relationship with SPARC are major components in the delivery of our ever-evolving development and coaching programmes. As part of NNZ’s continued involvement in aiding Oceania’s development, Upper South Island CoachForce staff member Sue Harris went to the Cook Islands in September. The visit coincided with the South Pacific Mini Games, and Sue conducted several workshops for Oceania personnel in the area of coach development. 34 In late November/early December Ivy Topping and Jan Skilton travelled to the Solomon Islands where they carried out similar roles for local coaches and umpires. Talent Development Manager Leigh Gibbs assumed the Coach Support and video analyst roles for NZU21 coach Yvette McCausland-Durie at the World Youth Championships in the Cook Islands in August. Leigh also has dual roles on the International Federation of Netball Associations’ (IFNA) Rules Panel and Coaching Advisory Panel. The Rules Panel was charged with writing the rules for the new shortened version of the game – FastNet – which had its international launch in Manchester in October. Mandy Nottingham is also on this Panel. This proved a challenging exercise in ensuring the rules around the new format, including rolling substitutions, power plays and shooting from outside the circle, worked. The inaugural World Netball Series proved to be a great success for this new-look concept and, while there might be some minor tweaking in the future, the IFNA Coaching Panel (New Zealand representatives Leigh Gibbs and Lyn Gunson) had a day-long meeting in Manchester, setting out plans for the future and, in particular, looking at ways of developing and strengthening the game globally despite limited funding. For players, their pathway comes through the New Zealand Talent Development programme (NZTD) where each Region identifies its top 12 players. These players came together in a series of clusters for specific workshops held in November and December and will reunite in February-March for part B of the programme. Of the (up to) 144 NZTD players selected by their Regions for the programme, the ‘best’ up to 24 of the players chosen by the New Zealand Emerging Talent selectors will then assemble in Christchurch in April 2010 at which time the 2010 New Zealand Secondary Schools team will be chosen. HIGH PERFORMANCE 36 NATIONAL SQUADS Silver Ferns Squad 09/10 Casey Williams (Captain) Temepara George (Vice-captain) Liana Barrett-Chase Maree Bowden Katrina Grant Paula Griffin Joline Henry Charlotte Kight Laura Langman Camilla Lees Sheryl Scanlan Wendy Telfer Anna Thompson Maria Tutaia Irene van Dyk Larrissa Willcox Grace Rasmussen* *Grace was promoted into the Silver Ferns squad on 15 October 2009 Silver Ferns Management Team: Ruth Aitken – Coach Waimarama Taumaunu – Assistant Coach Esther Melville – Silver Ferns Operations Manager Sharon Kearney – Physiotherapist (all tests except those against Australia) Marion Meates – Physiotherapist (Australian tests only) Dr Jude Goulden – Team Doctor Bobby Willcox – Silver Ferns Performance Analyst NZU21 Squad 09/10 Te Amo Amaru-Tibble Wellington 1 Jodi Beaumont Western Carli Botes* North 1 Alanah Cassidy Western Under 21s Emily Close Otago Under 21s Kayla Cullen Auckland Waitakere Under 19s Shannon Francois* Otago Under 19s Ellen Halpenny Canterbury Kendall McMinn* Southland B Jessica Moulds Otago Under 21s Hayley Saunders Otago A Te Huinga Reo Selby-Rickit Southland Elias Shadrock Waikato Ashleigh Smith* Southland Sulu Tone-Fitzpatrick Auckland Waitakere Under 19s Joanna Trip* Canterbury Red Emma Weenink* Wellington 2 2009 Accelerant Group Jess Tuki Cushla Lichtwark Phillipa Finch Jess McCormack Camilla Lees* *Camilla was promoted into the Silver Ferns squad on 27 July 2009 National Emerging Talent Accelerant Group Sheridan Bignall Manawatu Under 19s Sophia Fenwick Canterbury A Greer Patterson Taranaki Under 19s Storm Purvis Auckland Centre Under 17s NZ Secondary Schools (NZSS) Team Sheridan Bignall (Captain) Amy Christophers Kayla Cullen Sophia Fenwick Anderley Gordon Natasha Hunkin Kirsten Hurley Greer Patterson Te Paea Selby-Rickit Ashleigh Smith Sulu Tone-Fitzpatrick Emma Weenink NZSS Management Team Adrienne Morrin – Coach Helene Wilson – Assistant Coach Clare Kissick – Manager *New inclusion to squad NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 37 38 HIGH PERFORMANCE 2009 was a challenging year for High Performance (HP) as the NZU21 Team’s four-year preparation for the World Youth netball Championships cAme to an end with a hard-fought battle for the silver medal in the Cook Islands in August. At the same time, within the Silver Ferns programme, it was a year of changes and challenges with a significant emphasis on raising the bar as we prepare to win gold at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi in October 2010. International Netball took a step up this year with the emergence of both England and Jamaica who are now consistently showing that the gap is closing between the top four countries. The ANZ Championship has been credited with helping to close the gap with a number of English and Jamaican players performing well in this competition. Changes made across the board in High Performance will ensure we will be well placed to lift our game to another level in 2010. The Silver Ferns management team was restructured to provide more coaching support on and off the bench. Performance Analyst, Bobby Willcox, now sits courtside with the Coaches. Bobby’s role with Netball New Zealand has increased to three days a week and she is in her 3rd year of a PM Scholarship to complete her PhD. Bobby’s extended role within HP has huge potential for Netball at the elite level in future years. As the Ferns look to take their performances to another level over the next two years, the Silver Ferns coaches have brought in additional specialist coaching expertise in Lyn Gunson and Belinda Colling. Both are recognised as astute thinkers of the game: Lyn provides a wealth of experience which includes captaining and coaching the Silver Ferns and coaching England while Belinda is a former Silver Ferns captain and a clever world-class goal attack who is now excelling as a specialist coach for the Silver Ferns. Wai Taumaunu’s role as assistant coach was also extended to a permanent position, building on the strong association she formed with coach Ruth Aitken last year. The coaching partnership, along with the specialist coaches, continues to leave no stone unturned as they plot the campaign for back-to-back gold medals at next year’s Commonwealth Games and the World Championships in 2011. With the retirement of legendary Silver Fern captain Julie Seymour, Casey Williams was installed as the new Silver Ferns captain ahead of this year’s international season. Leading from the front, Casey continues to develop her leadership NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 39 skills with clearly no adverse affect on her own game. She was well supported by vice-captain Temepara George, the experienced midcourter making a welcome return to the Silver Ferns in 2009 after a two-year absence. We would like to take this opportunity to recognise the wonderful contribution of Jackie Barron, Silver Ferns Manager since 2005 who resigned to take up the Principal’s role at Woodford House. With Jackie’s departure this year, Esther Melville’s role was extended to include a touring role and she is now the Silver Ferns Operations Manager, expertly managing all the team logistics behind the scenes. She is based at Netball New Zealand’s Head Office when not away with the Silver Ferns. There have also been a number of changes in the High Performance support services area but talented personnel continue to deliver the vital ingredients towards the continued development of our National squad programme. Support Services Manager Tracey Paterson is now on board for four days a week in total for Netball. Lead Conditioner Matt Kritz was introduced to Netball earlier this year along with Lead Nutritionist Daniel Healy. Their involvement has already seen significant development of the Silver Ferns from the start of the international campaign and we are excited at what could be achieved with even longer in the programme. We also acknowledge the contribution of Katrina Darry, our former Lead Nutritionist, who is now with the All Blacks. We are well supported by our medical team led by Silver Ferns Physiotherapist and Medical Coordinator Sharon Kearney, Doctors Deb Robinson (Medical Advisor), Jude Goulden (touring doctor) and Marion Meates – also physiotherapist for the Silver Ferns. We acknowledge also the work done by the Franchise physios, conditioners and other support staff who help support and develop our elite and developing elite players. A key objective of the 2009 international campaign was to develop depth across the national squad. As a result, three additional players, who performed well at the World Youth Championships – Grace Rasmussen, Charlotte Kight and Camilla Lees – toured England and Jamaica with the Silver Ferns. While on tour, Grace was added to the Silver Ferns squad, joining Charlotte and Camilla who were selected in the squad for the first time after strong performances in the ANZ Championship in 2009. We want to make sure that, when the time comes to select the Silver Ferns team for the Commonwealth Games and World Netball Championships, there are 16 to 18 players fiercely contesting the 12 positions. 40 Another aim from our international campaign was to develop a third shooting combination and this year saw the emergence of Paula Griffin at test level. Building resilience was another key strategy and for the team to come back from two losses against Australia and England in the World Netball Series (FastNet) to eventually go on to win it was thrilling. The campaign itself tested players mentally and physically with no game an easy win; and players and management required to back up time and time again in a diverse range of challenging environments. This all helped to build the mental toughness needed to win backto-back pinnacle events over the next two years. This year provided the opportunity to set the scene for next year’s Commonwealth Games and the World Championships in 2011. It was great to see the Silver Ferns continue to improve and develop throughout this year’s 11-test campaign. As they now move back to their Franchises, National coaches and support services personnel will assist them to continue to develop their resilience and fine tune their skills within their franchise teams. This year we also welcomed Don Tricker, SPARC performance consultant, onto the HP team. Being able to tap into his considerable experience and expertise in elite-level sport has been invaluable in moving ahead with our new High Performance plan. We farewelled Chris Bullen who had been in this role with Netball since 2003 and who has contributed to Netball's High Performance programme over the last six years. We would like to also acknowledge the support of NZ Academy of Sport Coach Support Manager Graeme Robson. Netball received an additional boost through further talent development funding from SPARC part way through the year. This funding is targeted at success in 2015 and enables us to fund a number of new initiatives identified in our High Performance Plan, including additional personnel and the three training partners on tour with the Silver Ferns. The funding also assisted us to provide further preparation opportunities to the NZU21 campaign and we were thrilled with the performance of the team at the World Youth Netball Championships in the Cook Islands. Despite a disappointing first quarter against Australia in the final, they showed, in the following three quarters, how far they had come as individuals and as a team since playing Australia in 2008. The team showed their class with a superb semi-final performance against Jamaica to make the final. With Romelda Aiken in their line-up, Jamaica had been a real threat throughout the tournament. We would like to acknowledge the contribution of Yvette McCausland-Durie, who now moves on from the NZU21 programme and Emerging Talent Selection Panel, to take up a full-time role as head coach of the Pulse. We congratulate Yvette on her success with the NZU21 team along with her support team of assistant coach Janine Southby (newly appointed NZU21 coach), Chris Tennant (manager), Helene Barron and Fiona Goddard (physiotherapists), Sarah Harris and Greg Thompson (NZAS). The Adrienne Morrin-coached New Zealand Secondary Schools team had a successful year, beating Australia in the final, after going through the annual Trans-Tasman Secondary Schools Netball Tournament, in Auckland, unbeaten. The New Zealand Development Umpire squad attended this tournament; it was a great opportunity to see our best up-and-coming umpires in action. The Trans-Tasman Secondary Schools Netball Tournament continues to be a relevant pathway for each country’s national players with five from the New Zealand team – Carli Botes, Kayla Cullen, Ashleigh Smith, Sulu ToneFitzpatrick and Emma Weenink – moving up to the NZU21 squad. Young players now have a further opportunity to impress the selectors and be selected in a new Talent Development initiative, the Emerging Talent Accelerant group. This National programme is aimed at players with the potential to move into the NZU21 squad or higher within the next two to three years. This group was selected for the first time this year and announced following the Perry Foundation National Champs. These players will join the NZU21 squad for a training camp in January 2010. The restructure of the National Selection Panel last year with the formation of two panels has proved successful in spreading the selection load and ensuring greater consistency in selections. The Emerging Talent Selection Panel, responsible for the selection of the NZU21 squad and Emerging Talent group consists of Leigh Gibbs, Adrianne Hayes, Yvette McCauslandDurie, Janine Southby and Adrienne Morrin. The National Selection Panel, responsible for the selection of the Silver Ferns squad and the National Accelerant group, is made up of Ruth Aitken, Waimarama Taumaunu, Leigh Gibbs, Robyn Broughton and Adrianne Hayes. This was a busy and demanding year but we are excited and ready for the challenges ahead in 2010 and beyond. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 41 Silver Ferns In probably the fullest international schedule undertaken by a New Zealand team, the Silver Ferns played 11 tests against a variety of opponents in four different countries and across both hemispheres during a busy 10-week international window. As one of the top six teams in the world, the Silver Ferns also took part and went on to win the World Netball Series in Manchester, which highlighted the launch of FastNet, an exciting new shortened format of the game. The end result was a five-win six-loss test record, but the overall progress made by the team from start to finish was significant. The long test season provided the Silver Ferns real opportunities to build depth, experience and a number of viable playing combinations ahead of next year’s Commonwealth Games and the World Championships in 2011. Defender Casey Williams was named the 23rd captain of the Silver Ferns in July as the team prepared for their first challenge of the season – a three-test series against a well-credentialed World 7 in August. With nothing to lose, the World 7 line-up of experienced internationals from Australia, England, Jamaica and Samoa prevailed in the first test in Wellington 48-44. The second test in Rotorua provided Anna Thompson and Larrissa Willcox with their Silver Ferns debuts but it was the World 7 who 42 won on the day and the New World International Netball series with a 53-44 win. The Silver Ferns held their resolve in an exciting third test in Auckland where Paula Griffin made her first start in an international. In a match of swinging momentum, a strong final quarter propelled the Silver Ferns to a 46-41 win. The Silver Ferns and world champions Australia provided the action during September as the old foes squared off in five encounters, with three played in Australia and two in New Zealand. Showing real signs of improvement, the Silver Ferns made the best of starts to win the opening test in Sydney 53-50. Australia turned the tables in the second showdown in Melbourne. Trailing by as many as 12 goals, the Silver Ferns produced a stirring fight back but, with such a gaping margin, had left their run too late as the Diamonds took the spoils 48-44. Both teams were well primed to get the upper hand in Brisbane. In a real battle of attrition, there was action aplenty in a gripping third test. Defensive prowess won the day in another tight encounter as the team went goal-for-goal down to the final whistle with Australia winning 36-33 in the low-scoring encounter. The test in Invercargill was another thriller between the two great rivals with a mere turnover being the decider. After 60 minutes of high-impact Netball, Australia claimed a 47-46 win and a series win over the five tests. In the final test in Auckland, the Silver Ferns fittingly paid tribute to shooting great Irene van Dyk, in her 100th test for New Zealand, with a dazzling display. Van Dyk was masterful as the Silver Ferns strode to a 52-36 win. The Silver Ferns then headed to the Northern Hemisphere in October to play in the inaugural World Netball Series. After a slow start, the Silver Ferns emerged triumphant with efficient wins over Australia in the semi-finals, and Jamaica in the final to become the champions of the World Netball Series. FastNet is a shortened faster version of the game where innovative rule changes including rolling substitutions, shooting from outside the goal circle and power plays test the fitness, technical ability and tactical awareness of teams. The Silver Ferns then headed to Bath for the one-off test against England, which proved to be another thrilling game with the match going into extra time when the teams were locked 51-all at the end of regular time. However, the Silver Ferns made no race of it as they moved up a gear to dominate both periods of extra time, closing out the match with a comfortable 65-59 win. Jamaica provided the final stop-off for the Silver Ferns of 2009, their long campaign finishing with a two-test series in Kingston. Irene van Dyk and Maria Tutaia were prominent performers in the Silver Ferns 61-56 first test win against a competitive and committed Jamaica. Despite a strong fightback in the 2nd test from the Silver Ferns, the resurgent Sunshine Girls went on to score their second win over New Zealand in 44 meetings with a 53-50 win. During the international season, it became evident that England and Jamaica, in particular, have made huge strides in assembling worldclass teams and the customary two-horse race between the Silver Ferns and Australia is now a thing of the past. Silver Ferns coach Ruth Aitken and her assistant coach Waimarama Taumaunu made the best possible use of an intense and highly demanding season to lay the groundwork for the bigger challenges ahead. From that perspective, the year has been a success with improvement evident from beginning to end. Tactics, formulas and combinations have gone ahead in leaps and bounds. Building and consolidating on that progress is now the ultimate challenge for the team and coaching staff heading into next year’s Commonwealth Games. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 43 Silver Fern Tribute 44 Julie Seymour Irene van Dyk This year marked the end of a special era when Julie Seymour drew the curtain on an extraordinary Netball career. The mother of three – Harrison, Hannah and Josie – Seymour fittingly played her final match at home, in Canterbury, leading the Tactix to a win over the Mystics in the last round of this year’s ANZ Championship. Soon after the match, Seymour revealed she was expecting her fourth child. High fitness levels, speed, accuracy and loyalty became the Seymour hallmarks over a long and illustrious career during which she captained her country in two different eras. During an international career spanning 14 years and 92 caps, Seymour played in three World Championships and two Commonwealth Games as well as 9 seasons of the 10-year-long National Bank Cup, and both years of the ANZ Championship. An outstanding leader and always demanding of high levels of excellence, Seymour is an inspiring figure who has left an indelible legacy. Outstanding Silver Fern shooter Irene van Dyk achieved another remarkable feat in a glittering career when she played her 100th test for New Zealand this year. Perhaps fittingly, it happened against arch-rivals Australia, the Silver Ferns rallying as one to pay tribute to the player who has contributed so much to Netball in New Zealand to deliver a resounding win. Van Dyk has long reigned as the world’s premier shooter and, in her 100 tests for the Silver Ferns, she has averaged a 90 percent accuracy rate. In 2005, she became the world’s most capped Netballer after previously amassing 72 caps for South Africa. Immigrating to New Zealand in 2000, van Dyk has taken the Netball world by storm. Sure hands, perfect positioning under the hoop and uncanny accuracy are the hallmarks of this super-talented player. Van Dyk has received unstinting support from husband Christie and daughter Bianca during an outstanding career for the Silver Ferns which has won her a World Championship title and a Commonwealth Games gold medal. She has also won the New Zealand Sportswoman of the Year title and this year was made a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for her services to Netball. events 2009 NETBALL DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONS Netball New Zealand’s continued mission is to lead the sustainable growth of the sport and its people. The development of all areas of netball is a key component to the overall Strategic Plan for the game as it seeks to retain a dominant foothold in the New Zealand sporting arena. Facility Strategy A Facility Strategy also began this year with the specific goal of reviewing the physical infrastructure of Netball throughout the country. The particular emphasis of this programme is looking ahead and ensuring the game is ready for whatever the future holds. These are ongoing projects NNZ has begun this year and they will be completed in 2010. Event Overview To ensure the sport keeps evolving and reaching new boundaries, specific initiatives and programmes were introduced last year to take Netball through until 2012. SPARC’s contribution in this area is appreciated, where a significant portion of its funding is dedicated to the development and grassroots level of Netball. Three key plans put into action this year, and which will continue through 2010, are vital steps in taking the game forward. They include: Organisational Development Tool (ODT) This tool has been developed by SPARC to assist sport organisations to audit their capability, identify gaps and provide recommendations and solutions to identified areas requiring improvement. The need for the ODT within Netball in New Zealand has been driven from NNZ’s Strategic Plan and the desire to ensure the optimum structure for the delivery of Netball nationwide. NNZ, along with the five ANZ Championship Netball Franchises, 12 Netball Regions and selected Netball Centres will undertake the ODT process commencing in November 2009. Volunteer Strategy This is another initiative to come out of NNZ’s Strategic Plan and is focused on the goal of attracting and retaining quality people in our game. Volunteers play a prominent role in the efficient running of the sport and it is vital their expertise and value is further enhanced, retained and recognised accordingly. 46 There were a number of key highlights to come out of events held across New Zealand this year. Two quality New World International Netball Series involving the World 7 and Australia against the Silver Ferns attracted a strong public response. Test matches held in Wellington and Rotorua between the Silver Ferns and the World 7 were sold out, as was the Silver Ferns’ clash with Australia in Invercargill. There was also a high attendance at the larger-capacity Vector Arena in Auckland, for the test against Australia. The national U19 and U21 Age Group Championships moved indoors for the first time this year and were hosted at The Trust Stadium Arena in Auckland. This proved to be a resounding success. The movement indoors had positive effects on the performance of players while umpires and bench officials also benefited and relished the more consistent environment. In another first, the U21s moved to hour-long games. It is expected both these initiatives will see an increase in numbers for future participation. The NZU17 Championship was hosted by Wellington Netball Centre in its inaugural year. The event, which attracted 26 teams, proved an outstanding success. The U17s represent a large group of players and the positive response to this new national-run event can only bode well for its future. The Finals week of the Perry Foundation National Netball Champs was held in Invercargill. SKY again televised five of these matches live which generated positive interest. The introduction of a double/promotion relegation in the First Grade went down well with Western retaining their Division 1 place and Wellington downing North to gain the final spot for 2010. The final domestic event of the year was the NZ Secondary Schools Championships held in Timaru. Tu Toa and Mt Albert Grammar fought out an epic battle for the trophy with Tu Toa prevailing by one goal in the final moments of the match. Bench Officials This year has seen the greatest progress made in training Bench Officials in any year since the new National qualification framework was introduced in 2004. Thirty-five current national bench officials have been revalidated until 2012, a process which must be achieved every three years, while a further 17 new Bench Officials have been awarded National Accreditation. Lisa Aull and Trina Sheridan represented Netball New Zealand Bench Officials superbly with their work in the Cook Islands to ensure the delivery of the World Youth Championships. Bench Officials are now recognised in the presentation ceremonies of all NNZ national events through medals and/or certificates to acknowledge their appointment to the Finals. The standard and assessment of Bench officiating continues to rise and the acceptance by the International Federation of Netball Associations (IFNA) of the NNZ processes and procedures as a benchmark in the development of an international system is a further mark of approval. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 47 48 Umpires Umpire Development The New Zealand Umpire Panel supported development in the Regions throughout the year. Each of the six-strong panel was responsible for liaising with two particular Regions. The U17, U19 and U21 Age Group Championship Event Umpire Panels were led by two members of the New Zealand Umpire Panel and assisted by four Regional personnel, giving more people the opportunity to gain experience in tournament conditions. Theory exams continued to attract good numbers with the two New Zealand exams held in June and September having 19 out of 21 and 19 out of 23 successful candidates respectively. At Regional level, 54 of 70 candidates were successful while later in the year 61 from 117 entrants passed. The highest score recorded in the New Zealand Theory exam was 99% achieved by Kate Smith, from Nelson, while three Regional candidates achieved 49.5 out of 50 to top the Regional exams. David Pala’amo has announced his retirement for 2010; his experience and skill both on and off the court will be greatly missed. National Umpire Squads Working on the future course of the National Umpire squads programme, Netball New Zealand has contracted a part-time National Umpires Coordinator in Jan Skilton. For two days a week, Jan organises the components supporting the umpire squads High Performance programmes. These structures and programmes are still evolving with the aim of moving towards a ‘whole of sport’ approach that will see umpire development aligning with their playing and coaching counterparts NNZ has three National umpire squads – the ANZ Championship Umpires squad, which in 2010 will change to two tiers, the National A Umpires squad and National Development Umpires squad. In an attempt to increase the number of IUA-qualified umpires, each squad will have a coach and camps, and will receive support and monitoring throughout the year. Umpires have been added to the New Zealand Talent Development programme on a similar basis to the players’ programme. Each Region can forward up to four U19 umpires with the idea of encouraging more of the younger set into the umpiring ranks. They will attend the workshop with the players and, while it will have specific umpiring facets, the thrust of the talent development programme can be seen as encompassing all facets of the sport whether for a player, coach or umpire. Expanding on her roles with the ANZ Championship umpires and the IFNA Match Officials Panel, Dawn Jones also works as an adviser to the development of High Performance as well as game development. Dawn is an astute judge of the game and her input is highly valued. ANZ Championship Squad Liz Boon, Bobbi Brown, Paula Ferguson, Bronwyn Meek, Mandy Nottingham, Fay Meiklejohn, David Pala’amo, Pauline Sciascia National A Squad Jonathan Bredin, Kristie Broad, Ann Hay, Lisa McPhail, Yvonne Morgan, Kim Sinclair National Development Squad Angela Armstrong-Lush, Tania Law, Danielle Maulder, Kylie Morgan, Lisa Paterson, Marise Stuart, Penny Tallentire-Jackson International Umpire Appointments 1. England v Jamaica Bronwyn Meek 2. Pacific Games – Samoa Anne Hay, Lisa McPhail, Yvonne Morgan, Jonathan Bredin and David Pala’amo 3. World Youth Netball Championships – Rarotonga Jonathan Bredin and Fay Meiklejohn 4. World 7 v Australia – Adelaide Bronwyn Meek, Pauline Sciascia and Bobbi Brown 5. Mini Pacific Games – Rarotonga Bobbi Brown and David Pala’amo 6. Silver Ferns v Australia – New World International Netball Series Reserve Umpires Mandy Nottingham and Bronwyn Meek 7. Cosana Championships – Africa Jonathan Bredin 8. World Netball Series – Manchester Mandy Nottingham 9. Jamaica/Australia/Silver Ferns Series – Jamaica Bronwyn Meek NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 49 50 New World International Netball Series SILVER FERNS v World 7 Monday 24 August 2009 Saturday 29 August 2009 TSB Bank Arena, Wellington World 7 48 def Silver Ferns 44 The Trusts Stadium Arena, Waitakere, Auckland Silver Ferns 46 def World 7 41 Silver Ferns Team Casey Williams (Captain) Temepara George (Vice-captain) Liana Barrett-Chase Maree Bowden Katrina Grant Paula Griffin Joline Henry Laura Langman Anna Thompson Maria Tutaia Irene van Dyk Larrissa Willcox Silver Ferns Team Casey Williams (Captain) Temepara George (Vice-captain) Liana Barrett-Chase Maree Bowden Katrina Grant Paula Griffin Joline Henry Laura Langman Anna Thompson Maria Tutaia Irene van Dyk Larrissa Willcox Silver FernS Management Coach: Ruth Aitken Assistant Coach: Waimarama Taumaunu Silver Ferns Operations Manager: Esther Melville Silver Ferns Performance Analyst: Bobby Willcox Physiotherapist: Sharon Kearney Doctor: Dr Jude Goulden Dr Deb Robinson (Rotorua test only) Wednesday 26 August 2009 Energy Events Centre, Rotorua World 7 53 def Silver Ferns 44 Silver Ferns Team Casey Williams (Captain) Temepara George (Vice-captain) Liana Barrett-Chase Maree Bowden Katrina Grant Paula Griffin Joline Henry Laura Langman Anna Thompson (debut) Maria Tutaia Irene van Dyk Larrissa Willcox (debut) NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 51 52 New World International Netball Series SILVER FERNS v Australia The New World International Netball Series v Australia combined with the Holden Netball Test Series to create a five-test competition for 2009. The Australian Netball Diamonds won the series overall three games to two. Sunday 20 September 2009 Stadium Southland, Invercargill Australian Diamonds 47 def Silver Ferns 46 Silver Ferns Team Casey Williams (Captain) Temepara George (Vice-captain) Katrina Grant Paula Griffin Joline Henry Laura Langman Sheryl Scanlan Wendy Telfer Anna Thompson Maria Tutaia Irene van Dyk Larrissa Willcox Wednesday 23 September 2009 Vector Arena, Auckland Silver Ferns 52 def Australian Diamonds 36 Silver Ferns Team Casey Williams (Captain) Temepara George (Vice-captain) Katrina Grant Paula Griffin Joline Henry Laura Langman Sheryl Scanlan Wendy Telfer Anna Thompson Maria Tutaia Irene van Dyk (100th Test Cap for the Silver Ferns) Larrissa Willcox Silver Ferns Management Coach: Ruth Aitken Assistant Coach: Waimarama Taumaunu Silver Ferns Operations Manager: Esther Melville Silver Ferns Performance Analyst: Bobby Willcox Physiotherapist: Marion Meates Doctor: Dr Jude Goulden NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 53 54 Holden Netball test Series SILVER FERNS v Australia Sunday 6 September 2009 Sunday 13 September 2009 ACER Arena, Sydney Silver Ferns 53 def Australian Diamonds 50 Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane Australian Diamonds 36 def Silver Ferns 33 Silver Ferns Team Casey Williams (Captain) Temepara George (Vice-captain) Maree Bowden Katrina Grant Paula Griffin Joline Henry Laura Langman Wendy Telfer Anna Thompson Maria Tutaia Irene van Dyk Larrissa Willcox Silver FernS Management Coach: Ruth Aitken Assistant Coach: Waimarama Taumaunu Silver Ferns Operations Manager: Esther Melville Silver Ferns Performance Analyst: Bobby Willcox Physiotherapist: Marion Meates Doctor: Dr Jude Goulden Silver Ferns Team Casey Williams (Captain) Temepara George (Vice-captain) Liana Barrett-Chase* Maree Bowden Katrina Grant Paula Griffin Joline Henry Laura Langman Anna Thompson Maria Tutaia Irene van Dyk Larrissa Willcox * Due to a calf injury, Liana Barrett-Chase had to withdraw from further tests in the Holden Netball Test Series Wednesday 9 September 2009 Hisense Arena, Melbourne Australian Diamonds 48 def Silver Ferns 44 Silver Ferns Team Casey Williams (Captain) Temepara George (Vice-captain) Maree Bowden Katrina Grant Paula Griffin Joline Henry Laura Langman Wendy Telfer Anna Thompson Maria Tutaia Irene van Dyk Larrissa Willcox NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 55 2009 WORLD NETBALL SERIES Manchester, England, 9 – 11 October 2009 The inaugural World Netball Series was a threeday international event held in Manchester, England, which included the top six Netballing nations in the world playing a new variation of Netball known as ‘FastNet’. With a number of innovative rule changes the new game provided a high-energy spectacle of Netball and a festival-like atmosphere for the fans. After finishing third in Pool Play, the Silver Ferns defeated Australia in their semi-final, and then delivered a powerful performance in the final to beat Jamaica and become the eventual champions of the World Netball Series. FINAL PLACINGS 56 1st New Zealand 2nd Jamaica 3rd Australia 4th England 5th Malawi 6th Samoa Silver Ferns Team Casey Williams (Captain) Temepara George (Vice-captain) Liana Barrett-Chase Katrina Grant Paula Griffin Joline Henry Laura Langman Wendy Telfer Anna Thompson Maria Tutaia Irene van Dyk Larrissa Willcox Silver Ferns Training Partners Charlotte Kight, Camilla Lees, Grace Rasmussen Silver Ferns Management Coach: Ruth Aitken Assistant Coach: Waimarama Taumaunu Silver Ferns Operations Manager: Esther Melville Silver Ferns Performance Analyst: Bobby Willcox Physiotherapist: Sharon Kearney Doctor: Dr Jude Goulden The major rule changes for FastNet: Day 1 GAMES • Matches are 4 x 6 minutes, with 3 x 2-minute breaks. Australia 31 def Jamaica 26 • Rolling Substitutions: Unlimited number of Rolling Substitutions per team per quarter. There is a designated Substitution Box at each transverse line, located next to the Coaching Area, where Rolling Substitute/s shall wait holding up a Substitution Paddle indicating the player/s to be substituted. England 36 def Samoa 16 New Zealand 27 def Malawi 22 England 24 def New Zealand 21 Jamaica 30 def Samoa 22 Australia 31 def Malawi 19 New Zealand 37 def Jamaica 28 Day 2 GAMES Australia 25 def New Zealand 22 • No Umpire whistle after a goal is scored. Malawi 33 def Samoa 16 • After a goal is scored, the game restarts from a Centre Pass taken by the team that conceded the last goal. England 27 def Jamaica 24 • Coaches are allowed to coach from the team bench or coaching area, located in front of their team bench. The coaching area will be marked on the floor. New Zealand 34 def Samoa 14 • Each team can elect one quarter as a Power Play when any goals scored will be doubled. FINALS GAMES • Shooters may shoot from inside or outside the Goal Circle. All successful goals from outside the Goal Circle will be worth double i.e. two Goal Points. New Zealand 27 def Australia 17 • In a Power Play, one Goal can be worth two Goal Points or four Goal Points. Australia 37 def Samoa 18 England 33 def Malawi 22 Jamaica 30 def Malawi 25 England 25 def Australia 19 Jamaica 33 def England 22 Malawi 28 def Samoa 20 3rd/4th Australia 23 def England 18 GRAND FINAL New Zealand 32 def Jamaica 27 NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 57 Silver Ferns v England Thursday 15 October 2009 University of Bath, Bath, England Silver Ferns 65 def England 59 (in extra time) Silver Ferns Team Casey Williams (Captain) Temepara George (Vice-captain) Liana Barrett-Chase Katrina Grant Paula Griffin Joline Henry Laura Langman Wendy Telfer Anna Thompson Maria Tutaia Irene van Dyk Larrissa Willcox Silver Ferns Training Partners Charlotte Kight Camilla Lees Grace Rasmussen Silver Ferns Management Coach: Ruth Aitken Assistant Coach: Waimarama Taumaunu Silver Ferns Operations Manager: Esther Melville Silver Ferns Performance Analyst: Bobby Willcox Physiotherapist: Sharon Kearney Doctor: Dr Jude Goulden 58 Silver Ferns v Jamaica Tuesday 20 October 2009 National Sports Centre, Kingston, Jamaica Silver Ferns 61 def Jamaica 56 Thursday 22 October 2009 National Sports Centre, Kingston, Jamaica Jamaica 53 def Silver Ferns 50 Silver Ferns Team Casey Williams (Captain) Temepara George (Vice-captain) Liana Barrett-Chase Katrina Grant Paula Griffin Joline Henry Laura Langman Wendy Telfer Anna Thompson Maria Tutaia Irene van Dyk Larrissa Willcox Silver Ferns Training Partners Charlotte Kight Camilla Lees Grace Rasmussen Silver Ferns Management Coach: Ruth Aitken Assistant Coach: Waimarama Taumaunu Silver Ferns Operations Manager: Esther Melville Silver Ferns Performance Analyst: Bobby Willcox Physiotherapist: Sharon Kearney Doctor: Dr Jude Goulden NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 59 60 WORLD YOUTH NETBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS Cook Islands, 10 – 20 August 2009 The NZU21 team finished second at the 2009 World Youth Netball Championships in the Cook Islands, 10–20 August, after losing the final 46-64 to the Australian 21/U team. 2009 World Youth netball Championships NZU21 Team Hannah Broederlow Alanah Cassidy Emily Close Hayley Crofts Kayla Cullen Paula Griffin Claire Kersten Charlotte Kight Camilla Lees Jessica Moulds Grace Rasmussen Te Huinga Reo Selby-Rickit NZU21 RESULTS 2009 World Youth netball Championships NZU21 Management Coach: Yvette McCausland-Durie Assistant Coach: Janine Southby Manager: Chris Tennant Physiotherapist: Fiona Goddard NZU21 102 def Barbados 24 NZU21 89 def Trinidad & Tobago 31 NZU21 78 def Scotland 24 NZU21 97 def Northern Ireland 25 NZU21 63 def Malawi 38 (quarter-final) NZU21 57 def Jamaica 45 (semi-final) Australia 64 def NZU21 46 (final) 2009 WORLD YOUTH netball CHAMPIONSHIPS final placings 1st Australia 11th Samoa 2nd New Zealand 12th Barbados 3rd England 13th Wales 4th Jamaica 14th Singapore 5th Malawi 15th Malaysia 6th Cook Islands 16th Papua New Guinea 7th South Africa 17th Scotland 8th Northern Ireland 18th Botswana 9th Fiji 19th USA 10th Trinidad & Tobago 20th Vanuatu IFNA Technical Delegate Kate Agnew (Netball New Zealand Operations Director) NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 61 62 ANZ CHAMPIONSHIP Building on its first successful steps in the semi-professional era, the second year of the ANZ Championship threw up new key highlights for the increasingly popular trans-Tasman competition. The ANZ Championship has rightfully etched its place on the sporting calendar and added another chapter in the great spectacle that is trans-Tasman sporting rivalry. The 17-week competition, featuring 69 games, had a touch of everything but it was the quality of Netball and high levels of athleticism that left the biggest imprint every Saturday, Sunday and Monday as the games played out over the winter months. More aware of the demanding nature of the competition, the 10 Franchises involving five teams each from New Zealand and Australia, continued to take the game to new levels in 2009. There was a significant increase in public interest in the competition with a huge 52 percent growth in the television audience which went up from 5.8 million to 8.8 million this year across New Zealand and Australia. Televised live, the exciting and entertaining nature of the competition continued to pull new audiences via SKY Sport in New Zealand and the move to commercial free-to-air television in Australia, via the partnership with Network TEN. TVNZ also provided delayed coverage of the Saturday afternoon games free to air on ONE Sport. Attendance figures showed a healthy increase, up 12 percent from 2008 while visitors to the ANZ Championship website were up 59 percent on last year’s figures. The intensity and quality of the on-court action continued to bring fans through the gates, with the 2009 season recording more goals scored (up from 48 to 52 on average per game) and more close matches (43 percent of games were decided by a margin of five goals or less, compared to 36 percent in 2008). There was a fitting finish to a compelling season with two new teams – the Melbourne Vixens and the Adelaide Thunderbirds – competing for the Premiership in a finals series that was not decided until the last round of the last home and away match. New Zealand was buoyed by having two teams in the finals this year after the Waikato/ Bay of Plenty Magic finished second at the end of the regular season while a strong late season run propelled the Southern Steel into fourth. However, it was the Vixens and Thunderbirds who fought out the final, the Melbourne team backing up a super-consistent season to run out as deserved 54-46 winners. Other season highlights included: • Central Pulse notched their first success of the competition with a pulsating win over last year’s premiers, the NSW Swifts. • Waikato/Bay of Plenty Magic became the first New Zealand team to win in Australia. • There was an even spread of Australian and New Zealand teams across the competition – Australian teams finishing in ladder positions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and New Zealand teams finishing in ladder positions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 at the completion of 14 rounds. As it evolves the ANZ Championship is continuing to grow from strength to strength. 2009 anz championship grand final winners, the melbourne vixens celebrate their win. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 63 64 ANZ Championship Colourplus Waikato/Bay of Plenty Magic Region: Waikato and Bay of Plenty Final Placing 2009: 3rd Games won: 11/15 Goals for/Goals against after Preliminary Round: 673/562 Colourplus Waikato/Bay of Plenty Magic Management Team 2009 Coach: Noeline Taurua Assistant Coach: Hikitia Gallagher Manager: Belinda Muller-Jack Physiotherapist: Fiona Goddard Colourplus Waikato/Bay of Plenty Magic Team 2009 Leana de Bruin Joline Henry (Co-captain) Laura Langman Halana Leith Nicola Pettit Elias Shadrock Frances Solia Jodi Tod Jess Tuki Maria Tutaia Irene van Dyk (Co-captain) Casey Williams Colourplus Waikato/Bay of Plenty Magic Full Results 2009 ROUND OPPOSITION SCORE WIN/LOSS Round 1 v Mystics 51 to 38 WIN Round 2 v Steel 54 to 47 WIN Round 3 v Swifts 63 to 45 WIN Round 4 v Firebirds 42 to 53 LOSS Round 5 v Tactix 50 to 48 WIN Round 6 v Pulse 59 to 36 WIN Round 7 v Mystics 50 to 35 WIN Round 8 v Steel 48 to 39 WIN Round 9 Bye Round 10 v Vixens 55 to 48 WIN Round 11 v Pulse 67 to 35 WIN Round 12 v Tactix 50 to 46 WIN Round 13 v Fever 49 to 38 WIN Round 14 v Thunderbirds 35 to 54 LOSS Semi-Final v Vixens 43 to 58 LOSS Preliminary Final v Thunderbirds 37 to 51 LOSS NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 65 66 ANZ Championship Ascot Park Hotel Southern Steel Region: Otago and Southland Final Placing 2009: 4th Games won: 8/14 Goals for/Goals against after Preliminary Round: 662/645 Ascot Park Hotel Southern Steel Management Team 2009 Coach: Robyn Broughton Assistant Coach: Margaret Foster Manager: Gail McLauchlan Physiotherapist: Jenny Ferguson Ascot Park Hotel Southern Steel Team 2009 Liana Barrett-Chase Erika Burgess Megan Dehn (Late inclusion to replace Daneka Wipiiti) Katrina Grant Megan Hutton Julianna Naoupu Sheryl Scanlan Te Huinga Reo Selby-Rickit Leah Shoard Wendy Telfer (Vice-captain) Donna Wilkins Adine Wilson (Captain) Daneka Wipiiti (withdrew from team due to pregnancy post round 11) Ascot Park Hotel Southern Steel Full Results 2009 ROUND OPPOSITION SCORE WIN/LOSS Round 1 v Pulse 55 to 46 WIN Round 2 v Magic 47 to 54 LOSS Round 3 v Tactix 52 to 48 WIN Round 4 v Vixens 31 to 48 LOSS Round 5 Bye Round 6 v Mystics 61 to 52 WIN Round 7 v Tactix 48 to 47 WIN Round 8 v Magic 39 to 48 LOSS Round 9 v Pulse 66 to 44 WIN Round 10 v Fever 48 to 59 LOSS Round 11 v Mystics 52 to 50 WIN Round 12 v Firebirds 50 to 52 LOSS Round 13 v Thunderbirds 58 to 49 WIN Round 14 v Swifts 55 to 48 WIN Semi-Final v Thunderbirds 45 to 51 LOSS NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 67 68 ANZ Championship Mercury Energy Canterbury Tactix Region: Canterbury Final Placing 2009: 6th Games won: 5/13 Goals for/Goals against after Preliminary Round: 639/662 Mercury Energy Tactix Management Team 2009 Coach: Helen Mahon-Stroud Manager: Chris Dwan Physiotherapist: Marion Meates Mercury Energy Tactix Team 2009 Maree Bowden Jodi Brown Phillipa Finch Ellen Halpenny Charlotte Kight Angela Mitchell Sonia Mkoloma Julie Seymour (Captain) Victoria Smith Anna Thompson Kahurangi Waititi Larrissa Willcox Mercury Energy Tactix Results 2009 ROUND OPPOSITION SCORE WIN/LOSS Round 1 v Swifts 45 to 62 LOSS Round 2 v Fever 52 to 44 WIN Round 3 v Steel 48 to 52 LOSS Round 4 v Thunderbirds 48 to 53 LOSS Round 5 v Magic 48 to 50 LOSS Round 6 Bye Round 7 v Steel 47 to 48 LOSS Round 8 v Pulse 49 to 46 WIN Round 9 v Mystics 46 to 47 LOSS Round 10 v Pulse 59 to 45 WIN Round 11 v Firebirds 53 to 46 WIN Round 12 v Magic 46 to 50 LOSS Round 13 v Vixens 35 to 63 LOSS Round 14 v Mystics 63 to 56 WIN NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 69 70 ANZ Championship LG Northern Mystics Region: North, Auckland Waitakere and Counties Manukau Final Placing 2009: 8th Games won: 3/13 Goals for/Goals against after Preliminary Round: 642/727 LG Mystics Management Team 2009 Coach: Te Aroha Keenan Assistant Coach: Deborah Fuller Manager: Tash Osborne Physiotherapist: Tawhai Whitewood LG Mystics Team 2009 Stephanie Bond Pamela Cookey Vilimaina Davu Rawinia Everitt Temepara George (Captain) Keshia Grant Cathrine Latu Finau Pulu Grace Rasmussen Rachel Rasmussen Jade Topia Debbie White LG Mystics Full Results 2009 ROUND OPPOSITION SCORE WIN/LOSS Round 1 v Magic 38 to 51 LOSS Round 2 v Pulse 54 to 50 WIN Round 3 v Fever 46 to 57 LOSS Round 4 v Swifts 55 to 59 LOSS Round 5 v Pulse 61 to 60 WIN Round 6 v Steel 52 to 61 LOSS Round 7 v Magic 35 to 50 LOSS Round 8 Bye Round 9 v Tactix 47 to 46 WIN Round 10 v Thunderbirds 34 to 58 LOSS Round 11 v Steel 50 to 52 LOSS Round 12 v Vixens 57 to 61 LOSS Round 13 v Firebirds 57 to 59 LOSS Round 14 v Tactix 56 to 63 LOSS NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 71 72 ANZ Championship Central Pulse Region: Eastern, Western, Wellington and Tasman Final Placing 2009: 10th Games won: 1/13 Goals for/Goals against after Preliminary Round: 594/790 Central Pulse Management Team 2009 Coach: Yvette McCausland-Durie Manager: Sarah Harris Physiotherapist: Rachel Owen Central Pulse Team 2009 Te Amo Amaru-Tibble Hannah Broederlow Althea Byfield Paula Griffin Jamilah Gupwell Larrissa Harrison Katie King Camilla Lees Cushla Lichtwark (Captain) Elizabeth Manu Ngarama Milner-Olsen Neesha Wieser Central Pulse Results 2009 ROUND OPPOSITION SCORE WIN/LOSS Round 1 v Steel 46 to 55 LOSS Round 2 v Mystics 50 to 54 LOSS Round 3 v Firebirds 46 to 58 LOSS Round 4 v Fever 54 to 60 LOSS Round 5 v Mystics 60 to 61 LOSS Round 6 v Magic 36 to 59 LOSS Round 7 Bye Round 8 v Tactix 46 to 49 LOSS Round 9 v Steel 44 to 66 LOSS Round 10 v Tactix 45 to 59 LOSS Round 11 v Magic 35 to 67 LOSS Round 12 v Thunderbirds 40 to 70 LOSS Round 13 v Swifts 53 to 52 WIN Round 14 v Vixens 39 to 80 LOSS NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 73 74 Trans-Tasman Secondary Schools Netball Tournament Any time New Zealand players get out and play an Australian side and win, is a confidence boost for the future of Netball within New Zealand. There is no doubt that some of the girls in this New Zealand Secondary Schools Team have a promising future ahead of them. TRANS-TASMAN SECONDARY SCHOOLS NETBALL TOURNAMENT RESULTS 5 – 7 June 2009, AUT North Shore GRAND FINAL New Zealand Secondary Schools Team Sheridan Bignall Amy Christophers Kayla Cullen Sophia Fenwick Anderley Gorgon Natasha Hunkin Kirsten Hurley Greer Patterson Te Paea Selby-Rickit Ashleigh Smith Sulu Tone-Fitzpatrick Emma Weenink Teams entered Aotearoa Maori Netball (AMN) Indigenous School Sport Australia (ISSA) Netball North Invitational Team (NNI) New Zealand Secondary Schools (NZSS) Team Pasifika (PAS) School Sport Australia (SSA) New Zealand Secondary Schools (30) def School Sport Australia (28) FINAL PLACINGS 1st New Zealand Secondary Schools 2nd School Sport Australia 3rd Team Pasifika 4th Aotearoa Maori Netball 5th Indigenous School Sport Australia 6th Netball North Invitational Team PLAYERS OF THE TOURNAMENT Defensive Player Sulu Tone-Fitzpatrick (NZSS) Attacking Player Kayla Cullen (NZSS) Midcourt Player Emily Chapple (SSA) Overall Player Kayla Cullen (NZSS) NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 75 76 NZ Secondary Schools Championships 6 – 9 October, SBS Events Centre, Timaru SUPPORTED by the Lion Foundation 2009 Final Placings 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Tu Toa, Palmerston North Mt Albert Grammar School, Auckland Palmerston North Girls’ High School, Palmerston North Wellington Girls’ College, Wellington Auckland Girls’ Grammar School, Auckland Westlake Girls High School, North Shore City St Mary’s College, Wellington St Peter’s College, Gore Verdon College, Invercargill Marian College, Christchurch Saint Kentigern College, Auckland Craighead Diocesan School, Timaru PLAYERS OF THE TOURNAMENT Defensive Player Tuaine Keenan – Mt Albert Grammar School Attacking Player Renee Matoe – Tu Toa Midcourt Player Portia Woodman – Mt Albert Grammar School Overall Player Portia Woodman – Mt Albert Grammar School NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 77 78 Perry Foundation National Netball Champs FINALS: 28 SEPTEMBER – 3 OCTOBER, Stadium Southland, Invercargill FINALS DAY RESULTS SECOND GRADE FINAL PLACINGS GRAND FINAL RESULT Auckland Waitakere 47 def Southland 33 1st Auckland Waitakere 2 (Presidents Shield) 2nd PAK’nSAVE Wellington 2 (Hayhurst Cup) 3rd Waikato Red 4th Southland B 5th Otago B 6th Canterbury Red 7th North 2 8th Bay of Plenty Blue THIRD/FOURTH PLAYOFF Canterbury 66 def Otago 39 PROMOTION/RELEGATION 1 Wellington 65 def North 44 PROMOTION/RELEGATION 2 Western 58 def Bay of Plenty 42 SECOND GRADE FINAL Auckland Waitakere 63 def Wellington 44 FIRST GRADE FINAL PLACINGS First Division 1st Auckland Waitakere (New Zealand Cup) 2nd Ascot Park Hotel Southland (Annie Brown Cup) 3rd Mainland Foundation Canterbury 4th Otago A 5th Western 6th North 1* Second Division 1st PAK’nSAVE Wellington* (Netball New Zealand Trophy) 2nd Bay of Plenty Gold 3rd PIC Insurance Brokers Counties Manukau 4th Trust Waikato 5th Plus Rehab Eastern 6th Tasman *Due to Wellington winning the Promotion/Relegation match between Wellington and North, Wellington will now be in First Division in 2010 and North in Second Division Violet Gilmour Trophy (for lowest number of goals scored against) PAK’nSAVE Wellington Lady Jane Blundell Trophy (for highest number of goals scored) PAK’nSAVE Wellington Gisborne Cup (for standard of playing uniform) Otago A FIRST GRADE TOURNAMENT TEAM Te Amo Amaru-Tibble Maree Bowden Erika Burgess Ellen Halpenny Cathrine Latu Bessie Manu Emma Moynihan Chantelle Ngaia Daya Pritchard Hayley Saunders Anna Scarlett Victoria Smith Wellington Canterbury Southland Canterbury Auckland Waitakere Wellington Otago Western Wellington Otago Auckland Waitakere Canterbury PLAYER OF THE TOURNAMENT/First Grade Cathrine Latu Auckland Waitakere SECOND GRADE TOURNAMENT TEAM Whitney Areaiiti Southland B Kirsten Craig Otago B Chyna Hohepa Waikato Premier Frances Jackways Auckland Waitakere 2 Kayla McAlister Auckland Waitakere 2 Kendall McMinn Southland B Lisa Scott Wellington 2 Stephanie Simmons Wellington 2 Joanna Trip Canterbury Red Emma Winter Auckland Waitakere PLAYER OF THE TOURNAMENT/Second Grade Frances Jackways Auckland Waitakere 2 NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 79 NZ Age Group U19/U21 Netball Championships 6 – 9 July, The trusts stadium arena, waitakere 80 U21 FINAL RESULTS U19 RESULTS 1st Western 2nd Waikato 3rd Auckland Waitakere 4th Otago 5th Wellington 6th North 7th Canterbury 8th Counties Manukau U21 Players of the Tournament Jodi Beaumont Western Carli Botes North Hannah Broederlow Western Samantha Burkhart Western Alanah Cassidy Western Sam Durie-Aranga Western Rachael Fabling Waikato Larrissa Harrison Waikato Taylor Kells Waikato Stacey McFeeters Wellington Bailey Mes Auckland Waitakere U21 Attacking Player Larrissa Harrison Waikato U21 MidCourt Player Taylor Kells Waikato U21 Defensive Player Jodi Beaumont Western U21 OVERALL PLAYER Larrissa Harrison Waikato 1st Auckland Waitakere 1 2nd Southland 3rd North 4th Manawatu 5th Otago 6th Christchurch 7th Taranaki 8th Wellington 9th Tasman 10th Auckland Waitakere 2 11th Waikato Red 12th Bay of Plenty 13th South Canterbury 14th Eastern South 15th Waikato Black 16th Eastern North 17th Counties Manukau Players of the Tournament Whitney Areaiiti Southland Sheridan Bignall Manawatu Whitney Cassidy Manawatu Kayla Cullen Auckland Waitakere Shannon Francois Otago Kirby Heath Tasman Darrell Leota Auckland Waitakere Stacey Martin North Kendall McMinn Southland Tamsin Moala Taranaki Stacey Peeters Southland Ashleigh Smith Southland Sulu Tone-Fitzpatrick Auckland Waitakere Lavinia Vaitohi Auckland Waitakere Portia Woodman Auckland Waitakere U19 Attacking Player Lavinia Vaitohi Auckland Waitakere U19 MidCourt Player Sheridan Bignall Manawatu U19 Defensive Player Kendall McMinn Southland U19 OVERALL PLAYER Lavinia Vaitohi Auckland Waitakere 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NZ Age Group U17 Netball Championships 14 – 17 July, Hataitai Courts, Wellington The NZ Age Group U17 Netball Championships, a four-day event and the first Netball New Zealand championships held for this age group, attracted 26 Regional and Centre-based teams and was deemed a resounding success by everyone involved. Auckland Waitakere was the winner of the inaugural Anna Rowberry Cup when they beat Wellington Black 31-25 in the final. NNZ was very pleased with the standard on show during the four days and the new talent that has emerged from it. U17 results 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th Auckland Waitakere Wellington Centre Black Hamilton City North Taranaki Auckland Centre Counties Manukau Hastings Manawatu Hutt Valley Christchurch Mid-Canterbury Dunedin Southland Nelson Wairarapa Wellington Gold Bay of Plenty Wanganui Marlborough Gisborne Kapi-Mana Waitakere Centre Horowhenua Thames Valley Kapiti Players of the Tournament Alisha Akavi Wellington Centre Black Tera Maria Amani Auckland Waitakere Kelsey Ashworth Mid-Canterbury Anna Cleland Taranaki Aleesha Coulter Auckland Waitakere Olivia Dunn Wellington Centre Black Rhiarna Ferris Manawatu Chonaire Huriwai Auckland Waitakere Melissa Kerr North Emma Kirkpatrick Wellington Centre Black Hayley McKenzie Wellington Centre Black Storm Purvis Auckland Centre Terai Sadler Taranaki Laura Schnuriger Hamilton City Te Hapai Selby-Law Manawatu Amelia Smith North Geneva Tavita Auckland Waitakere Alisha van Dyk Hamilton City Emma Weenink Wellington Centre Black Bryony Wilson Hamilton City Attacking player Olivia Dunn Wellington Centre Black Midcourt player Laura Schnuriger Hamilton City Defensive player Emma Weenink Wellington Centre Black Player of the Tournament Emma Weenink Wellington Centre Black NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 81 82 Lois Muir Challenge The success of the Lois Muir Challenge has provided a vital link for Regions to keep in step with Netball’s move into the semi-professional era. With the advent of the ANZ Championship, the Lois Muir Challenge was introduced in 2008 to help fill the gap. Many of these players are often also part of Franchise’s wider training groups. The Lois Muir Challenge aims to meet a range of needs, including to provide an end point for players in Regional High Performance Academies. It offers a connection with Franchises for bench players to have court time and the ongoing development of young talented players. Played over four weekends, the Lois Muir Challenge allows Regions to carry a squad for the duration of the competition. The draw is designed to be cost effective, including opening and closing weekend and two weekends where teams play their neighbours. Nine teams out of 12 Regions entered in the first year while 10 teams were involved in 2009. The challenge is played in the early part of the season in March and April and the opening weekend in 2008 took place in Christchurch while this year it was in Wellington. In both years, the closing weekends have been held in Rotorua with a dinner featuring the competition’s namesake Dame Lois Muir DNZM, OBE as guest speaker being a highlight. The Lois Muir Challenge has proved a popular and closely fought competition with goal ratios determining final placings in the first two years of the event. Each year has also thrown up a different mix of winners with Otago prevailing in the inaugural event and Bay of Plenty coming home in the runner-up spot. The 2009 winner was Southland with Cook Strait the runner-up. Final Placings 1st Southland 2nd Cook Strait 3rd Western 4th Waikato 5th Otago 6th Auckland Waitakere 7th Canterbury 8th Counties Manukau 9th Bay of Plenty 10th North Waikato Auckland Waitakere 4 46-39 4 43-37 4 47-46 0 40-46 1 42-43 4 52-44 1 4 51-53 60-45 0 52-60 4 66-57 0 42-53 4 53-41 4 53-51 Photography by Dianne Manson 4 50-47 32 1st 4 56-33 4 67-32 4 58-43 23 5th 0 49-62 4 49-38 4 52-38 0 53-62 17 7th 0 35-41 4 67-34 4 56-54 4 43-42 28 2nd 0 0 37-57 50-65 1 44-47 4 57-55 1 55-57 6 9th 4 52-47 4 49-31 4 61-57 0 52-74 25 4th 4 50-41 4 63-56 0 55-62 22 6th 4 52-48 0 34-77 8 8th 0 52-74 5 10th 26 3rd Otago 1 39-43 Canterbury 1 4 42-46 46-40 Cook Strait 0 39-54 4 43-42 4 60-52 Bay of Plenty 0 39-46 0 44-52 0 57-66 0 41-53 Waikato 0 37-43 4 53-51 4 53-42 1 51-53 Auckland Waitakere 1 0 46-47 45-60 4 62-49 4 4 41-35 65-50 1 47-52 Counties Manukau 0 25-62 0 33-56 0 38-49 0 34-67 4 47-44 0 31-49 0 41-50 North 1 46-49 0 32-67 0 38-52 1 54-56 1 55-57 1 57-61 0 56-63 1 48-52 Western 1 47-50 0 43-58 4 62-53 1 42-43 4 57-55 4 74-52 4 62-55 4 77-34 4 57-37 4 74-52 Place 4 4 62-25 49-46 Total Western Bay of Plenty 4 54-39 North Cook Strait 4 4 43-39 46-42 Counties Manukau Canterbury Southland Otago Southland Lois Muir Challenge Points 2009 Win – 4pts, Loss – 0 pts, Bonus – 1pt (if within 5 goals) NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 83 84 NNZ COUNCIL 2009 Netball New Zealand held its annual Council meeting – the 82nd edition – at the Intercontinental Hotel in Wellington on 21 – 22 February. One hundred and ninety-three people attended the two-day event including 157 delegates and observers. This year the Annual General Meeting was held on the Saturday morning, followed by two rotations of workshops in the afternoon. A dinner was held on Saturday evening with the inspiring Kevin Biggar as guest speaker. Kevin and Jamie Fitzgerald were the only New Zealanders to walk to the South Pole in January 2007 and in 2003 they won the trans-Atlantic rowing race, setting a new world record. Well-received presentations from Netball New Zealand Senior Management took place on the Sunday morning. Nine Netball New Zealand Service Awards were presented to: Margaret Bennie (Netball Otago), Monica Burns (Netball Southland), Robin Harding (Netball Auckland Waitakere), Nancy Lewin (Netball Kapiti Centre unable to attend Council), Susan Miller (Netball Counties Manukau), Theresa Strachan (Netball Taranaki Centre), Waimarama Taumaunu (Netball Wellington), Patricia Wyatt (Netball Bay of Plenty), Diane Yorke (Netball Bay of Plenty). Youth Council The seventh annual Youth Council was held in Auckland in June. This concept, where each of the 12 Regions send a representative to provide a ‘youth voice’ to a range of topics, continues to flourish. The future key decision-makers in the sport show real enthusiasm and responsibility in their roles as important contributors to the wider picture of Netball across the community. This year’s guest speaker was Silver Fern Laura Langman. NetballSmart and New Zealand CoachForce presented and gained feedback for initiatives they were looking at for next year. There was some good positive feedback on merchandise, in particular, and some interesting ideas which will be taken forward. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 85 Maori Netball and OCEANIA Maori Netball There is current movement on translation of a game skills resource which will be available by December to aid Maori Netball development. Thirteen Maori coaches attended a Netball Hui programme hosted by Counties Manukau in February. It is the third year that Counties Manukau has hosted this popular programme and this year’s agenda included NetballSmart – an overview of Sport Trainer/Primary Care courses available, a Netball New Zealand Playercentred Coaching Module and a NNZ Planning Coaching Module. There were four finalists at the Maori Sports Awards in 2009 with Tu Toa taking out the title of the Team of the Year. Finalists were: • Briar Martindale – Administrator of the Year • Temepara George – Senior Sportswoman • Tu Toa – Team of the Year – Winners • Yvette McCausland-Durie – Coach of the Year Oceania The three key areas of development work undertaken in the Oceania Region during the year were centred on Bench Officials, Coach development and Umpiring. Two NNZ Bench official trainers – Lisa Aull and Trina Sheridan – travelled to the Cook Islands to facilitate training and supervision of local Bench Officials. This resulted in 25 Cook Islands Bench Officials receiving further training and supervision at the World Youth Netball Championships held in the Cook Islands in August. Other Oceania Bench Officials from Samoa and Fiji also received training and development opportunities at the Pacific Mini Games (PMG) also held in Cook Islands in September. The Coach development training of Oceania coaches was facilitated by Sue Harris, NNZ CoachForce Canterbury, in the Cook Islands. 86 Eight Oceania coaches attended two coach development workshops held by Sue. She also assisted Oceania Coaches in the Cook Islands for the PMG, with game analysis and training plans. Umpire development included three Fiji and three Cook Islands Umpires officiating at the Upper North Island Secondary Schools competition. Oceania Umpires also officiated at the PMG held in September. New Zealand umpires David Pala’amo and Bobbi Brown were also in attendance at the Pacific Mini Games where they held workshops and provided ongoing assessment and mentoring of Oceania Umpires. NNZ Regions also donated ‘Pre-Loved’ uniforms which were distributed in August to the Oceania member countries with the assistance of Air New Zealand. Carole Maddix and Briar Martindale attended the Oceania AGM in September in the Cook Islands and contributed to the development of a Strategic Plan looking ahead to 2017. Netball New Zealand service award holders 1967 1977 1984 Joan Durbin Auckland Y A Atkins Hawkes Bay D Delamare Eastern BOP Joyce Ellis Auckland Violet Byers Otago D Fathers Thames Valley Jean Roundtree Auckland M E Lee Hawkes Bay N Harris Kaikoura E Moon Waikato Nita Shannon Eastern BOP E A Taylor Waikato D Simpson North Canterbury 1968 A Turnbull Thames Valley V Rainey Waikato E Yates Canterbury 1978 Sonia Deeble King Country 1985 1969 Pam McCloy Otago Edith Findlay Southland P Bithell Taranaki Margaret McDougall Auckland Lois Muir Otago 1986 1970 Judy Russell Auckland B Harding Hawke’s Bay R McCarthy Hawkes Bay Ann Temple Wellington Norma Peggs West Auckland 1971 1979 M Denniston Western BOP E Hansen Manawatu 1987 T Jamison Rotorua Dale O’Neil Wellington M Donovan King Country B Marchant Wellington N Read Canterbury J Williams Howick Pakuranga N Ford South Canterbury J Selby Manawatu B Wood Taranaki 1973 Oonah Shannahan Canterbury 1988 B M Steffensen Manawatu Heather Brewer West Auckland F Freeman North Shore Alice Gemming Western BOP H M V Wickens Te Kawau 1980 Mavis Kennedy South Canterbury M Beattie Te Kawau 1974 1989 M K George North Shore B Ditford Canterbury C Archer Wellington Lorraine Duffy Hutt Valley 1981 M Leggat Waikato O Husband Ashburton L Collins Hawkes Bay J Murray Canterbury M Pierson Hutt Valley Val Fletcher West Auckland Elizabeth Robinson H Yates Canterbury B Fryer Poverty Bay South Canterbury Dawn Jones Auckland 1975 Joyce Prankerd Wellington 1990 A Elder Canterbury S Sanderson Matamata Ruby Aberhart Nelson F Gough Canterbury Jean Skelsey Wanganui B A McIntosh Mid-Canterbury Eileen Hoglund Ashburton A Sutton Hawkes Bay E A Vernon Manawatu NNZ Umpires Association Annie Tippet Southland Betty Wells Auckland A Nichol Canterbury 1982 1991 S M J Peacock North Shore N Burns North Otago B Armstrong Canterbury J Prevett Matamata Pat Cleland Wellington A Carnie North Shore S Ramsey Matamata D Madgwick North Shore S Cooper North Shore Anne Taylor Hutt Valley Nita McLean Western BOP S Mackle Temuka and Districts K E J McCann Wellington I Reeves South Waikato 1976 B Woodham Marlborough 1992 Edna George Otago Molly Wright South Waikato Elaine Collett Waimate Doreen Hes Southland Sheryl Dawson BOP Coast Lena McTaggart Otago 1983 Lois Fowler Auckland Y M Sycamore South Waikato J Blissett Temuka and Districts Frances Howard Western Districts C E Williamson Poverty Bay Margaret Herron Otago Noeline Ryder Waimate Nancy Whittleson Otago Audrey Thurlow Otago Nancy Toomer Kapi-Mana NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 87 1993 2000 2006 Rita Cosgrove South Canterbury Kathy Doyle Wellington Norma Bates North Marlene Flavell Auckland Kate Leebody Southland Maree Bernasconi Pukekohe Valerie Fowler Howick Pakuranga Beryl O’Sullivan Manawatu Annette Parkinson Manawatu Nita Hornbrook Nelson Beverley Raine Taranaki Noeline Ramsey Pukekohe Audrey Leath Ashburton Rebecca Tukukino BOP Patricia Maddocks Wellington 2001 Marilyn Munro Wellington Sheena Armishaw Wanganui 2007 Lyn Parker Waikato Colleen Bond Southland Anne Bloomfield Western Jill Shanley Waikato Hazel Burrowes Southland Tina Karaitiana Gisborne Lorraine Stowell Ashburton Dorothy Fitzpatrick Marlborough Te Aroha Keenan Auckland Jean Gillett South Canterbury Waitakere 1994 Pat James Howick Pakuranga Violet Lynch Eastern Southland Edna Balle Pukekohe Kay McIntyre North Harbour Margaret Nicholson Waikato Carole Craighead Auckland Maureen Russell Thames Valley Susanne Irving Trim Manawatu Audrey Hinton Pukekohe Georgina Salter Otago Lyn Miles Canterbury Beverley Tibbles West Coast Kathleen Thomas Sunrise Coast 2008 Annette Bradley Whangarei Sheryl Wells Auckland 2002 Jan Castle Howick Pakuranga Heather Williamson Midland Robyn Broughton Southland Suzzanne Driscoll Hutt Valley Mary Meek Rangitikei Anne Marie Leech Mid-Canterbury 1995 Margaret Perry Wellington Julie McDonald Howick Pakuranga Lois Bush Auckland Carolyn Sengelow Diane McTigue Mid-Canterbury Jean Hansen Northland South Canterbury Kay Norris Christchurch Christine Rodda Christchurch Beverley Harrison Howick Pakuranga 2003 Margaret Sheppard Pukekohe Lyn Bailey Howick Pakuranga Sheena Tyrell Mid-Canterbury Annette Lewis Horowhenua 2009 1997 Lyndsay Meads Katikati Margaret Bennie Otago Janet Hefford Canterbury Doreen Neil Rotorua Monica Burns Southland Jessie Thompson Canterbury Hiraina Hilda Ross Habourside Robin Harding Valerie Winder Wanganui Mary Thompson Rotorua Auckland Waitakere 1998 2004 Susan Miller Counties Manukau Flora Beynon Buller/Westland Irene Collins North Harbour Theresa Strachan Taranaki Centre Kathleen Farrell Waikato Joanna Paora Hutt Valley Waimarama Taumaunu Wellington Shona Foxcroft Temuka Elaine Tollen Manurewa Patricia Wyatt Bay of Plenty Alwyn Stiven West Otago Doreen Tucker Dunedin Diane Yorke Bay of Plenty Joyce Wallace Waimate Mirth Soloman Rotorua Yvonne Willering North Harbour Noeline Ward Canterbury Nancy Lewin Kapiti Centre Isobel Whyte Hurunui 1999 Margaret Burgess North Harbour 2005 Shirley Davis Auckland Marjorie Carr Waikato Wilma Hendry Otago Eileen Margaret Crowe May Laws Otago Christchurch Gay Netton Horowhenua Maureen Flannagan Western Ann O’Brien Otago Kereyn Smith Rose Williams BOP Coast Netball New Zealand Sylvia Smith Waikato Margaret Spencer Auckland Waitakere 88 FINANCIALS Revenue and expenses for the year ended 30 November 2009 REVENUE nSponsorship n SPARC n Grants n Event Takings n Coaching Seminars and Camps nInterest/Other Revenue 2009 2008 $000 $000 4,038 52% 2,777 42% SPARC 1,582 20% 1,326 20% Grants 1,111 14% 1,280 20% Event Takings 538 7% 541 8% 73 1% 81 1% 504 6% 610 9% Sponsorship Coaching Seminars and Camps Interest/Other 7,846 6,615 Expenses n High Performance n Game Development n Events n Tours n International Initiatives n Marketing n Administration n Depreciation and Loss on Disposal EXPENSES 2009 2008 $000 1,869 24% 1,711 22% Game Development 1,396 18% 1,494 20% Events 1,481 19% 1,484 19% 284 4% 189 2% 47 1% 56 1% Marketing 1,249 16% 676 9% Administration 1,326 17% 1,337 18% 79 1% 66 1% Unrealised Loss on Investments – 0% 157 2% Doubtful Debt (TTNL) – 0% 489 6% Tours International Initiatives Depreciation and Loss on Disposal 7,731 90 $000 High Performance 7,659 Audit report for the year ended 30 November 2009 To the readers of the financial report of Netball New Zealand Incorporated. We have audited the financial report on pages 92 to 98. The financial report provides information about the past financial performance of the Incorporation and Group and its financial position as at 30 November 2009. This information is stated in accordance with the accounting policies set out in Note 1 to the financial report. THE BOARD’s Responsibilities The Board is responsible for the preparation of a financial report which gives a true and fair view of the financial position of the Incorporation and Group as at 30 November 2009 and the results of operations for the year ended on that date. Auditor’s Responsibilities It is our responsibility to express to you an independent opinion on the financial report presented by the Board. BASIS OF OPINION An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. It also includes assessing: • the significant estimates and judgements made by the Board in the preparation of the financial • report, and • whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the Incorporation’s and Group’s circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. We conducted our audit in accordance with New Zealand auditing standards. We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary to provide us with sufficient evidence to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial report is free from material misstatements, whether caused by fraud or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial report. Other than in our capacity as auditor, we have no relationship with, or interests in, the Incorporation, its Subsidiary or the Joint Venture with TTNL Limited. UNQUALIFIED OPINION We have obtained all the information and explanations we have required. In • • our opinion: proper accounting records have been kept by the Incorporation as far as appears from our examination of those records; and the financial report on pages 92 to 98: – complies with generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand; – gives a true and fair view of the financial position of the Incorporation and Group as at 30 November 2009 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. Our audit was completed on 18 December 2009 and our unqualified opinion is expressed at that date. Christmas Gouwland & co AUCKLAND NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 91 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE for the year ended 30 November 2009 NNZ NNZ Group Group 2009 2008 2009 2008 $000 $000 $000 $000 Note Operating Revenue 3 7,846 6,615 12,716 11,244 Operating Expenses 3 7,731 7,659 12,292 12,288 Operating Surplus/(Deficit) 115 (1,044) 424 (1,044) Extraordinary Items Surplus from WNC – IFNA Net Surplus/(Deficit) for the Year – 115 725 (319) – 424 The notes on pages 95 to 98 form part of, and should be read in conjunction with, these financial statements. 92 725 (319) Statement of Movements in Equity for the year ended 30 November 2009 NNZ Members’ Equity at Beginning of Year Operating Surplus/(Deficit) for Year NNZ Group Group 2009 2008 2009 2008 $000 $000 $000 $000 1,865 2,242 1,865 2,242 115 (319) 424 (319) 115 (319) 424 (319) 536 (58) 47 (58) Total Recognised Revenues and Expenses for the period (Less)/Plus Transfers (to)/from Revaluation Reserve Investments Members’ Equity at End of Year 2,516 1,865 2,336 1,865 The notes on pages 95 to 98 form part of, and should be read in conjunction with, these financial statements. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 93 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 November 2009 NNZ NNZ Group 2009 2008 2009 2008 $000 $000 $000 $000 Cash and Short-term Deposits 476 940 716 1,101 Accounts Receivable 259 557 425 584 26 24 25 25 – 56 Note Group Assets Prepayments Due from Related Parties – – Licensing Distribution – – 761 1,521 1,141 1,766 78 99 93 115 400 400 – – Total Current Assets Plant and Equipment 5 Loan to/(from) TTNL Ltd Loans to/(from) Regions/Franchises Investments – 9 716 432 716 432 12 1,860 1,560 1,860 1,560 3,054 2,491 2,669 2,107 3,815 4,012 3,810 3,873 11 2,516 1,865 2,336 1,865 4 866 1,216 1,091 1,392 – 31 433 412 433 412 Total Non-Current Assets Total Assets Members’ Equity (25) Liabilities Creditors and Accruals GST due Income Received in Advance (50) 5 Owing to Related Party – – – 193 Provision for Doubtful Debt (TTNL) – 488 – 6 1,299 2,147 1,474 2,008 3,815 4,012 3,810 3,873 Total Equity and Liabilities ON BEHALF OF THE NETBALL NEW ZEALAND BOARD Raewyn Lovett, NNZ ChairSuri Bartlett, NNZ Finance and Audit Committee Chair 18 December 2009 18 December 2009 The notes on pages 95 to 98 form part of, and should be read in conjunction with, these financial statements. 94 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 November 2009 1/ Accounting Policies Basis of Reporting Netball New Zealand Incorporated (NNZ) is an Incorporated Society in New Zealand. NNZ is a Public Benefit Entity. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with NZ GAAP and s23(i) of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908. NNZ is not publicly accountable and is not large as defined by NZICA Framework for Differential Reporting. The Incorporation has claimed the following reporting exemptions: (a) FRS10 Statement of Cashflows (b) FRS3 Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment These financial statements have been prepared on the basis of historical cost with the exception of certain items which are detailed below. Goods and Services Tax Figures shown in these financial statements are exclusive of GST, with the exception of accounts receivable and accounts payable. Revenue Recognition The revenue from Sponsorship contracts is allocated over the term of the contract. Where the Sponsorship relates to a specific event the revenue is recognised when the event occurs. The revenue from Grants that are project specific is recognised when the project occurs. Contra Contra received is recognised as Sponsorship revenue when amounts are quantifiable in terms of the Sponsorship contract. Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable are shown at an amount which represents their estimated realisable value. Investments Investments have been valued at market value as at 30 November 2009. Plant, Equipment and Depreciation Plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Plant and equipment have been written off over their estimated useful lives on a straight-line basis to calculate the depreciation charge for the period as follows: Office alterations 10 years Office equipment Two to five years Furniture and fittings Two to 15 years Other equipment Two to five years Uniforms Uniforms are expensed at the time of purchase. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 95 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 November 2009 Interest in Joint Venture The joint venture is a joint arrangement with other parties in which NNZ has several liability in respect of costs and liabilities, and shares in any resulting output. NNZ’s share of the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the joint venture are incorporated into the financial statements on a line-by-line basis. Taxation NNZ is a non-profit body for taxation purposes under section CW 46 of the Income Tax Act 2007 and, as such, no taxation is payable on the profit for the year. Changes in Accounting Policies NNZ's interest in the joint venture of TTNL has been accounted for on a proportionate basis in 2009 whereas this was accounted for on an equity basis in 2008. This change in accounting policy has no impact on the reported 2008 deficit or equity. The comparative figures were amended to reflect the same presentation. All other accounting policies were applied on a consistent basis with the previous year. 2/ Contingent Liabilities and Commitments As at 30 November 2009, should NNZ be unable to stage certain Netball events as scheduled in the agreement with TVNZ Limited, there will be an equitable adjustment in the amount payable to NNZ. Commitments under non-cancellable operating leases Current Non-current Total operating lease commitments Group 2008 $000 NNZ 2008 $000 Group 2009 $000 149 132 153 132 76 165 80 165 225 297 233 297 NNZ 2009 $000 NNZ 2008 $000 Group 2009 $000 Group 2008 $000 6,623 NNZ 2009 $000 3/ OPERATING SURPLUS Operating surplus includes: Income 4,038 2,777 8,364 SPARC 1,582 1,326 1,582 1,326 Grants 1 ,1 1 1 1,280 1 ,1 1 1 1,280 16 12 18 15 Sponsorship Expenses Audit Fees - 488 - - Depreciation 29 66 40 71 Rental and operating lease expenses 116 109 125 129 – 157 – 157 49 – 49 – Doubtful debts Unrealised loss on investments Loss on disposal of fixed assets 96 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 November 2009 4/ CREDITORS AND ACCRUALS Group 2009 $000 Group 2008 $000 NNZ 2009 $000 NNZ 2008 $000 Trade Creditors 135 306 232 294 Accruals 731 910 859 1,098 866 1,216 1,091 1,392 5/ PLANT AND EQUIPMENT NNZ 2009 $000 Cost NNZ 2008 $000 Depn Accum Depn Book Value Cost Depn Accum Depn Book Value Office alterations 18 – 18 – 173 16 133 40 Office equipment 344 24 278 66 301 32 257 44 Furniture and fittings 65 – 64 1 77 2 71 6 Other equipment 70 5 59 11 64 16 55 9 497 29 419 78 615 66 516 99 Group 2009 $000 Cost Group 2008 $000 Depn Accum Depn Book Value Cost Depn Accum Depn Book Value Office alterations 29 4 24 5 181 18 135 46 Office equipment 364 31 288 76 314 35 260 54 Furniture & fittings 65 – 64 1 77 2 71 6 Other equipment 70 5 59 11 64 16 55 9 528 40 435 93 636 71 521 115 6/ Acquisition of Companies NNZ acquired 100% of the shares in NLNZ Ltd (National Bank Cup) on 16 February 1998. NLNZ Ltd has not operated in the 2009 financial year. During 2007, and on behalf of IFNA, NNZ acquired an 100% interest in WNC 2007 Ltd. WNC Ltd was deregistered in June 2009. 7/ Joint Venture NNZ has a 50% interest in TTNL Ltd. TTNL provides Netball services. The operating results to the 12 months ended 31 October 2009 (which is different from the NNZ’s balance date) have been included in these financial statements. Operating results, assets and liabilities are proportionately consolidated within these financial statements. NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 97 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 November 2009 8/ Overdraft Facilities NNZ and All Australia Netball Association Ltd have undertaken to underwrite TTNL Ltd’s overdraft facility with the ANZ Banking Group Ltd. This overdraft facility is to NZD $700,000 of which NNZ will cover 50%. NNZ has undertaken to underwrite Central Netball Regions Ltd overdraft facility with the ANZ Banking Group Ltd. This overdraft facility is to NZD $90,000. 9/ Loans to Regions/Franchises Loan – Netball Otago Inc NNZ and Netball Otago have a three-year loan agreement in place. This agreement has an 18-month interest-free period associated with it and any interest applied will be capitalised against the loan and repaid at the time of the final loan repayment. Loan – Central Netball Regions Ltd NNZ and Central Netball Regions have a loan agreement in place. This agreement allows for interest to be paid if the lender requests an interest payment. This interest will be repayable on demand within three months of written notice at the end of each anniversary date. No interest has been demanded to date. 10/ Board Honoraria An honoraria payment was made to Board members for the year as follows: President $10,500; Board Chair $25,000; Finance and Audit Committee Chair $13,500; all other Board members $10,500. The CEO does not receive an honoraria payment. 11/ Members’ Equity General Funds Revaluation Reserve Special Initiatives Fund Depreciation Fund Total Members’ Equity NNZ 2009 $000 NNZ 2008 $000 Group 2009 $000 Group 2008 $000 1,545 1,380 1,476 1,380 535 49 424 49 311 311 311 311 125 125 125 125 2,516 1,865 2,336 1,865 NNZ 2009 $000 NNZ 2008 $000 Group 2009 $000 Group 2008 $000 12/ Investments 39 497 39 497 Fixed Interest 1,998 1,914 1,998 1,914 Total Investments 2,037 2,411 2,037 2,411 Cash 13/ Subsequent Events A lease commitment of $200,000 per annum for premises has been entered into subsequent to balance date. 14/ Related Party Transactions NNZ had no related party transactions during the 2009 financial year. 98 NOTES NETBALL NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2009 99 100 Netball new zealand / Poitarawhiti Aotearoa PO Box 99710, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand Email: [email protected] Website: www.mynetball.co.nz